HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-05, Page 7- .. a . � . �,
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..... JUNE 52 19030 1 i . [ 1. : - P
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* 1904 . � ! : I , I � I __
- , 1,
_0� �� the association see e a ia-- avor o eay. I . -
- (Continued from.Page 6.) - . to ma a trip over Sir Williams - Arhe4ale of a irall. , - -
A - I I - I . � .. a new -
. 1� I I I - - ; the age limit-a� it is. - : - I , Central %%ilroad, whi "" a has re , duced the A er in tracing. ..*06- ancestry O
I : W ,v- . . � taken part in by the Misses Gill, Walrond, 11he,prapoaal to 11 ngthin the Model term time frou�� avanna to", an 'from days the dog to'wolf an ia:cka l,notices 1 -yr
- -
. , . -
, I I
- 14 to eight months di notmeEt with the ap. �� . 1.
!m Z.- Clark and Wiggios. I I to boars.', On this tr p8l'a%rmiam will ....
i � . 11 ir .
r f " proval of the m , for ichl differences in the' *. ase of thel
,rn the abeen3e df Miss Sharman, Inspector set lig, - . endeavor to complete t a negot,iations I . I
I . . __ 4
. .
I -iz,V � _. , , . ome pois Tlie- clause res acting the 4eeridame of ths. carcell in Havanna,- n he it . of wb joh eyes, their body colors and markingE
- 1: . . air � I- I . mom gave a talk on F. . . t a
� �
_ .
-i-- : . - rs., This talk ,-'raw out number of Model � hoola was oarkie'd by the lie purposIes to build th fin t - I tal in the the habit of turning around before ly
- � 11 to fe r ea Ou -
�, __lA - - _ - � : ions, to which Mr. Tom re. meeting. ' ; I
" � several quest . , �1 : f wor'.d. 4a will return Ito Montreal early in in- down and other� interesting pecu
The regulation regafding the e�clusion of - I I .
,A,"'�:r's HaIrVig6r plied. June, accomp%nied by Ma. son, Mr. Riclit rd larities, but he do s- not.mention-th
. ' ' -
- 1-3 -kept � - --OOX SESSIOX- -neimtNan Home,' i 0 . t ng and infallible *R'y of-dis
- It has AFTARV Normal College atuoents from �saehing in BE who ha recently most f, riki '
, . I I
' .
rc.7'1 d,4ndrttf I F 411d � In..the discussion on the pro�osed regula- public schools was defeated. : i _; purchageol an immOne anbdtion 'Dear - tingul hing . them -namely, by tho fash
� ", . g . Pi
I essrs. Baird aind Hoggarth hold that Teachers? Union'�Jause Was' e doraed by Havauna., I � I
41;1'rL fz'Gm turil, . tiondi M � 1 I$ �
I i ! I 11 Ion in which they carry their fills,
�Isll F' A, SOule I it was unwire to have eubject3 on the meetin I � -Pd111 �'
: � I - 9- , [ ! Voust, (ML -ax U'Rell,) the author,
. rogramme io -which trio examination is pro- Provincial system of iuperanndat�on was died in Nria, France., Met week. He had Wolves and coyo es ha,ve a sneakin
. .p .r, . I . :
�14 - . . not indorsed by mosting, Mr. Lough and been ailiii4 for several months,, and, in fact, way c f carrying their tall low, - alir os
� �
I � IV I . I I
. ided.. . ' . �
Mr. Tigert thought history and n e'prL1l6iplG of had neveii been really 11 since �e was o7perii : dragg-ug on the ,-,-round while idDg
. ' � "I, � 5 i
I - . ' ature Mr. Houston-Fpokbi against th T _ -
1111S necu superannuation by� state in any profession or' p6ted on New York t year for appendi. '
: X liar ' - ,study should-- not be aubjact3 for examin- � I . 64 1418 carry their tails up, and the fart er re
-I . I I 1. ,, .. �4
Pk�er S H -ir . ation. - civil service. � r� . � I I Citie. I I � -
. V. I I I -11 . . moved they are from the, feral type h
� : ro was movEd by Inspectoir Tom, second,:d The question of !�'ublia school, inipect6rW I .
' i ,,- _T . I : The 11ongynto-on. .higher they carry them Shepherd
� a htair. f0od - by Mr. MoNaughton, that in history the standing ret;irniak o '11897 wale ried- t � It Is � rn
. limit should be the Stuirb and Guelp - h The - � . � , aid b so� authorities that and collies, which ietain inany ,of thei
question reg4rding the r I I I I
OPIr hair does' . - r Pr sent *ork � ' the - ho ii u, 0 It onth after mar- racial characteristics, carry their tail
. - iois and all of the Canadian history.- on history was enjoreed, and � a I ne, W -bobk noymoo I .�
-1 �� I Per . I i � I I I
� : - %
11 Will black . recommended. _. 1-lage, ,'kes its sw et sounding title lowes o a ; se e
w I o I 11 Ustried. � I I r s and ointero a* de
. I � - from a 11ractice of We a I
It was moved by Mr. Bluett, seconded by 1he Bible sh I I not be introduao-d ' as ai ncleiit� Teutons, gree or two I
I . I ; 4 1
A , . I'dgher, i lZening u
- text book, bu e bions from it rn� who drrA,'nk hone:k ,Wine (bydr'omel) for 'er
ftd�, Iffeless. . . - - t OSUI iglit be, I
V t I �e 01(i Color - . _. Mr. Maivtoa, that all subjects in the pre taken for the teac I ag of. morMs. ! - . straight when drawing on game* t
. scribed course for Entrance be also subjects I _. thirty daYs -after a wedding. 1: riers rid hounds elevate their tailS f
I ,' .
. i The convention declared itself in favor of A -11 . i
-�all the ' A far More simple iand direct deriva- the spinal line; St. Berna s and New
� - rich I ,of examination, with the exception Of g the curricql m on arithmQtie remain i . I I ,
- � I
I . , ) �_ I . Nature Study,and Drawing, on the under. havib ' i tion"is iound Li as ociations: common found . - a cui Ve over
! � � I � . � � lands affect .
1�ed to ha I standing that t ha coursea in literature be as it As. ; .
I � � Ve. I Avery entertaini g,1nd ir0tructive address � to many" times and people. The word.94 back, while pugs lictually come t
- - - - ,raodifi(d am suggested by -this meeting ; bia. - I �
s fallin% too. - - ks giveii by�Rev.!� � . mouth and moon bave come to us from
: . I . tory as in the forego-iog resolution3, and in wl . I . R. Guane,, a formex I I full twist. - An old plainsman co, 11
� All drnzw& � source -Saxon mona, tell a wolf or coyote as far as he coik
- . I literature, that the course consist of 10 or 12 tea,oher, ,on the sub- set of reading. Re said z One . the, Ariglo i
., �. � aelections from the reader. that our ideam of 4�od reading depend On which ]$.tormed from an old root, ua'a, : see hi
scllmo� , . I - . - m, and In buffalo days this ra
111��`;;�, Z� I xpr . ---- Mr. Baird road an excellent paper on tljd our own imaginatip a. Speech I the con-, to ihea%jre. The indon thus measures ! a mo 3t useful I ]i ti of buff
, I&P y You,
I . I L e 'hools: of Hur6a during the� lak t fifty years, veyance.of thought of one permori to - Ill ca Oil .�l
esi I vo thel time apd Dryden
q *ud,�Mfetb,e z,i,,,, �� e piled
eaii . in which he described the school houses, mind of another. i YlVe do not express our, I I links it with its i herds being not far away.. Thes
11 '
, cl�� 1;,ekdk1r0XX*AL 0 -1ndred:1no.utb when M16
0 1, he speaks of "one atorycreatures always followed
, <X) �' 11 , , I , a v
. . �
. al. teaching, inspection, public examinations, selves in the sarne;:: ay .twice. :1 Gcoi ex-'
� "i. � 1. . . I y S -in
� .. I- revolving moon." Home I . obvious Ing herd.-Fores 12. .
I . � he certificates of the early day@. He pression in speaki g ,or. realdiog depends . I t & id Str ai I ,
. I - . ,and t equivalent for- anytb Ing enjoyablo and . I I I
� of, I then compared the methods of teaching in On proper bre 1144 . Starnmetink in speech i - L -
I our Teaeber,e . ti_ - I can be overorme, by� dividing'thb a , ttention 1 sweet, 4ljO Sbakes)eard ,attaches it �
the schools forlty years ago with those in ,� , " Crabs and EartheiaLal.-ex.
. t4t tha_eu leo die. use In the preoent. and by spe%kiuK!sl6wly. 'Reading and, closely i10 -the tende� p�sslon when, he For some time r reviou i to the day
24,tioa shoul, I be do ' ,I -t was moved by Mr.' Straing, seconded by speaking should b� Aone exactly in the same 1 says, '11b,'�oljeylng al1q. making love.".
, I I � I I i tl� I Jupon which -the g. -eat C 3ilean - earth
: a leasr, -one way� Sp6aking is � the expression i of our �
I - ses-9104 . - Mr. Torn -2 and adopted, th-*t a hearty vote i . ; Anthogiy Trollope 11 has used honey- lquake of August, i857, occurred greai
b9b, the, paiblic,!,wechool - own thoughts, reading the expre�ssio� of th,61 * ' -
I of thanks be tendered Mr. Baird for his ex . . moon as'a verb -"Some decent sort of ,va.
x, -td to att�snd.aid di�-- �. published in thoughts of- othe�s. We must- &T*ulate� � - . swar s of crabs Of an inknown -
, I I
;1 . , V_ callent paper, and that it be �� . ! i
r.ea-t to our . � . I i i
; � clearly.� I : I I 1 me ty were seen in� th b
, Z. pablic, I Joualpapers, and one of our Educational � VOIUI06 � L
.- l4ike a lively . - r Mr. E. M. MoL 'an, of the Cliaton� Collegi- � and in J,in 'old of the LondOu They 9,11 appearedto be
, parb. in. .. Journals. % - I . 6 . . 4reatly exeit-
� t4l't all should ,pa,-� - ;- I I ' e ic, Tatler t3iere is all terestin- sentence ed and were lite Ily c Imblug o1rer
Inipector Tom took up the st�bjeob. ate Institute, gave an address onflil M tr : . 1�
oble membera 0 "' I � ,%, Vhat should b� taught in ariblimetic.') System. - � I ii which clinches the connection between
I I . f the, . . - - . I I each,cther in their efforts to escape tile
I I . . Iffe would maU,e the subject interesting by - *T HOME. . ! . � Moon and mouth-11kometilues the par- Impen ng calamity. I . �
, -
giving! simple'lueations., and e . re- , i I _�ven in the'midst of
Aid by Messrs. Toln... also mom' 'The visiting taap'hers were entertained ab' ties' fly asundei , How they knew 4hat thb earthquake
- et 1 -
I l* t- Jo`hustOn P -Ad, � labing to ever�dwy transactions. He would an At Home in the imseembly room of the i courtship'and sometimes grow cool in was collecting Its strength to dl�Mlate
. I Uve a mental Jarithmetio pa;per at the En- Clinton Collegiate Trit-titute, by the Clinton 1 the very' h6ney mon�h." . the coast Is more -than man can say,
� 1 . t
irls in White,, from the- Is. The i4ddrees was intere6ting and teachers, in the ei e�ing, when a most enjoy- � . �
,� ' . tranc I . I . I . w x
Irtud's clazoes, s&nX , ' I . but that they kne . sometibing UL uslial
- I tile discussion, I was continued by Messrs. abletime wag spent. The rogramme.!
� _ P curlox6i Nathe' aticall. V act.
� , "" Break the - as,,". . I -Delgaty, Tebabb, Hoggarth and- other@. which was muiical and literary�;, was well , �n was about to happen the .is no doubt
� � � . ! - There. Is a certain popular young whatever. "
Mr. - Strang took" tip 11 Difficulties in st6sz4nd in 1 1 j
� � . � . )I 1. � sustained, "d waaalike intere , - _�
In' Presented tb Fub_ and explaine,&. many � i lawyer in Atlapta w o when in college That there were millions of them
I I eL - .analysis and parsing, . structive. - I �. .1 l I ;
I - ,
�� public, aahools,,, S'D4 . I -difficti'tiea with his usual clearness. � . ; - i was known as the best mathematlehin 'may te inferred from the report of Dr.
grt-at importance. Ite i ' THE SECOND .DAY�. i . I in his clinss. He is still much interest- Forbes, who says that "t n days after
I o The resolution commi4ea-,,brought in the .� . .
J_ -
!� ,_, .
I a! Special lesson, �UV I following retolutions -, Mu , I . After ths openiog e�xercisea by Mr. D. i ed in knotty questions of figures, and ' the eartl�quake the dead crabs were
. � - f this Association, Robb, the treasurer read the firianolal state-' I
cc't1-ePtiOr1 of out-gqab I 1, That in th % mbnt, showing a balance on hand of -11, propounded a query on the street thrown upon the beach in a wall-like
attg1o:i0l.1% Past.-- ifile, - $18.64. �
. ,I � -the Publio School L-3��virig ex%minations . I yesterday that iion� of a dozen men . line tl�ree or four feet wide along the
L abd empire and Jile should be re-eab%bliahed in two parta,includ- The report was aftptpd. � I - �
. elected � could ar3si'ver I
wl�itcra along this 1� - Ing all subjects of the course a,nd that the -The followi4 s I * I : whole extent of.tbe-bay."
iatiawag'sand � , 0 i "Take any two ,ponsecutive num- 11
410- iftation papera be pre
[>& �-, � � exam, ,pared by the Edu- for 1903.4 : President, Mr. John 111ouiton, I -
Xet I - cational Departmerib, and the answer of the, Clinton ; 1st vie e'- resident, Mr. IL Bailey,, bers," be saI4, "say four and five; .. What the Dickens!
. , ontherwallaof �he, I .
blift' areat(d muchin. I square t,hem '�nd sipbtract the lesser
U . Blyth ; 2ad vice� esident, Miss Aitcheson, �
, .4canlidites readliy the Bogod of Examiners, P . The Lojidon Chronicle Jeclares ft at
ito fullY dis' I Seafoith ,-, secretary- treasurer$ Mr. J. Hart. I � .
� . cusied'by___-_ Fomiating of the,: high, school principal, the i result from the grenter, and the num- t, hat .the dickens!" ha3 nothing to
xat.4-yn. Tom., Delgaty.. . -inspector and five teachers,- elected by the leyT Wroxetler ;' � executive committee, � W
,law and! ber, you havels the same as tile suln - do wi the novelist. It is as old as
%U4 Khett. . 1. (reachers'Inatitate of the infipactor-ate, and Messrs. Wiffatt, $Qotf�. Shiliing mbers you started with -In
NAlrond's, classes: gang Mrs. Coulter and Miss Wiseman ; auditors, 1 of�-_the �111 Shakespeare, who in the I Merry Wii es
- secretary of the Weet Eluroa Teach- . � o 7 ur and
. saocia�lon eore Messrs. A. Munroe and W. Wilson - , fl e, their suin being. . of Windsor" makes Mrs. Page say to
that the ; p, - I this case fo 12-
tve-,�,Ly �one, � era' A * ' c6ni-municate with the i - � . ,
e �eparta of the O -s- taryof the dther Associations in the Prov. vinoial delegate,.Mr. T. Murch. � nine. I Ford, "I cannot tell wha the dickEns
4&ttou were gj.7aa by, I ino . e, aakin�� &-- I 7theii co operation. . . POI$TS OF VIEW, I I I "This will 'work out every time, no his name Is." And so the word -a pa.1-
� ' 'tter what two consecutive uunibers
40 P- Gowan& for the 2. Thq.t in the opinion of thi3 AsEo3lation . *Xr. Robb inspoctof', gave sA address on; ma � pable diminutive of Dick, like Wilkins
1; A. Huston tor the. the topics for Entrance Campoeition should "I Point of View.)�. He undertook his work� you take. The rule Ils well known, but , and Bo(T,c,-klns and Watkiis-came into
I .
Inkepector Tom for the ,_ - be given on the paper. . n as impec � I have 4ever I ble to find ail ex- .
� tor from a teacher's point of view. � been � use as A substitute for another and
I 1�
. . � . I Ths Association accepbed the first rezolu- He thinks pupil are becoming more court -1 planation of it. W14y is this. alw,ays more important D� As to "play the
I .
ok up'geography for I tiont but rejected the second. � I eous and the teachers to strive to! true, aud can any lone explain 't to dickers,'� one thinks of Omollett. and
. I
'y clearly explainedin, -0 . i I
I -Xl� I I I . oultivate the habit, Teachera should take me?" I I phr�y Clinker: and the immortal
A k4shetea,haain that � - part intliepa',stim�os of -the play ground. � ; Hum
. . 11 I - GOOD HEALTH. His hearers figurod long, but none scene in which th: lion Illwo,uld rcar
, I __ , Pupils should not snap while another pupil was able to tell wily the'sun.i. of the e - ns I ," and in
ia �iscussEd saverA ol� ' .� Rt anSWeriDg, nor should they draw dotted and tear and play �he dic'
MA. . . H W I bers is equal to
anal Associaticii r ow it Can be Obt ned and How lines' Children should not have the habit two cousecutive nuip comparatively late , - ,es Thomas
300' ad to raising the age . it Can be Preserved. of going � Teachers the difference of their squares. Aloore could write:' I
. I - � I .1 . ou.t.duri4g the sessions. . 1 ..
e teaching profession,, I . 1 ___ . should make a rev!iew of lessons for them.' i ! � i
� ". ; Like the Goths who playe4 the dickens
ro,odel term to eighi- selves , before tel%ohing them. Teaphers � -
lo r . o Th�d._ health of the whole body depends I With Rome and all her�saqred chickens.
*-.(I by Mr. J. VV.,. � ., upon the b1col and nerves. The blood must should put trust in their pupils. Mr. Robb WVLn1c1nd1m Progress. - i I �
iiiieurieed Gthere teachers to keep the I .
- us strongly urged the '� Institotions way crumble find g6v- . . I
1. t.;�E'810_N. . . be fieh ard pura and the nerves vigoro school premises tidy, -and to strive to keep . 1 A French Pog Story.
�j and strong.' Therefore, a, medicine that � ernments fall, but it is only that they .
Very successful 144 , . makes njw blood aii-I z Etrangthens Ahe the apparatus in repakr. -ew A arisian lady, went out recently
J% I .. . I � may rep, a better Vouth. The petals
Lhoi Oddfallows" Hall-, a - nerves reaohei the roo�, of many serioue dis- I PUBLIC S0,11001: 1,111-R21,111ES. ; � of the 'flower with�r that the fruit for a walk in the Avenue de I
iadlera and their f6ends, eaaes. Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills will do , Mr. Musgrove, of -� Wiugham, read the may form. The de�lre of perfection, taking with, her a toy terrier, wh'c
Jr was occupied 1�y tb& this, and this is the secrEt of their wbuder- regulations of the Edu.qational Dapartment �she held by a string. While she was
, � - always fiforn moral power, � I
* ful p3wer to, --onquor disease. P 0 *1 lookin K
W,awa, uho, delivereaan, - Thousands of and then said that one-, of the ob"cts of, springin , Into a shop window two mis-
- . cases -many of them in your own neighbor- blic ach libraries should be to encoue rules ,even the sword and escapes un-
" character. or essen ' "" 0"' I - . chlevous boys substituted a bone for
� prctesaion," � . nk P pupil -ri harmed from the field of carnage, giv- 1.
I hood -have proved that Dr. Williams' PI age a to carry on their reading aft, the do . rea Dane taen appealed
" � - ' leaving so 1. The speaker claimed thaL on the scene and, seeir g tile bone,
�a , well diliverad ad. Pills will cure iligumaligm, sciatica, partial boo ing to bo.ttles all that they can have of
Jvi�ly the desi 11 paralysis, St. ViL43' (lance, nervous,ani as tbQ cifriculum of atudiea was changing zo luster aad to warriors their only glory, '
rability . . ; I made a dash and s'wallowed it, string
libra-r- biliouff headache, heart trouble and the ail- much 4 library vvAs absolutely nece�sary in survivin martyrdoms and safe amid �
� iee. , ments that rend3r tli3 lives ot so many wo. order that each achrol may keep abreast of' .9 Included. The lady' turned round and
I Dra. Anderson ani rhen a Eource of misery. Mr. James Ad I I Jhe wreek of states. On the banks of In d pair cried out tbqt tb G t
ams;4 the times. He strongly recornmend( d the - i _ e r,atI
h�Gill Davidson and � the stream of t1ind not a monument littl "_,
' - . Branion, Man.,. says : " Before I began ting ion h library of such books as Dane ad eaten herl pet. The i e qo,,
� t e - ! ,
3rown and Marti- as put i bas beea raised to a hero or a nation .
ut6d much to thee,n the use of Dr. W�illiams' Pink Pills my would -Ra in nature Etudy. pe was. f und later on,1 much � to the joy of
ig, - by their excelle , nt' I health was much ihatterad with rhEama- Presifent Hcuitoa, the presidant- elect, but tells, .the tale and renews the ho his mistress, who carried i him off iE a
: tism, nervous �deprassioa and sleepleasness. gave a paper on "I The Pass lig of Latin." of improvement. Each people that has 1, I .
I I � ; ca 1. I I I
' For fully a year I rarely got a good night)a He explained that by O' the paseing of disappeixred, every institution that has I
Uwrlirig was well re- � . . !
I . slAep. I gave the Pills a thorough trial, and tatin "he meant ithe atrikiog out of L%tini passed away; has been a step in the i
B xn�arckPx ]Fq;ed of 1 Oysters,
caii nou truthfully say I could not wish for friom the obl',gat-py subjects. The speikor, ! i
i's, clarionet solo pleas. ladder�'-by which huinanity ascends to- . Blarck on one occas I Ion told S d-
. . better health,�," hoped that the Minister of Education would ard the p�erfectioii of its nature.- ney hitman of is well known f at
mo the dainty lunch er What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done yet withdra* the removal of L%tin and rr-_- � w . . I
for others they will surely do for you, but instate it among the obligatory e-nbject3. - in oy�ster eating. He i once �In
mrionade, provided by .1vas
e , you should be careful to get the genuine The high schools h%ve fitted and prepared Liege, where he ordered some Oyst rs
Exater teachers and with t lie full name, 11 Dr. Williams' Pink themselves for the tsaching of Latin, and Two DefinItIons of a Gentleman. .
. I In a estaurant-fl f ty tol begin wi h.
I I 1, Pills for Pale Pfople," on the wrapper now ib'wonld be very unfair to them to have To be a gentleman "is to be honest, He ,saw the lady behin4l the coun er
'IX:DAY. :around reach box. Sold by all medicine it afraok from -obligatory subjects after be- to be gentle, to be generous, to be
. , I 1. . I look tip in surpris .; so, Jvhen he blad
100, discussed several ddalers or sent lay mail at 50 cents a box, Ing there only a few yeara. � Latin Is UTI brave, to be wise, and, possessed of all '
tt'14d.oaal Associatiol& - or -six boxes. for V_ 50 by writing LO the Dr- equalled in mental discipline and in lai3gu- these qiJalItIes, to exercise them in the eaten them, wishing t/6 se.b wha. t eff ct
I r,vht the arithmetic .. &. W,illiama` Medicine Co., Brookville, Orit. age trainingr. The order and; discipline of I most graceful manner," says the great it might have on her, W orde �11_
I -
. emot, and therefora I I . 0- the outward man correspond to the order . other fifty, and s) on iintil he had
n , . - novelist Thackeray. ' I I
ucd P-tteatioa as i hat ard man ; for EX- .
t Past Huron Teacliers in C(yUneil. and discipline'of the inw . eaten 170 oysters. Mr. Whitman a4ds
I �
- I
; I A diner In a certain hotel became so
I �1�1. I The regalar annual meeting of the East ample, Lord Duffdkin, a Governor, Genaral that "it Is only fair to romember t4at
o�,ae,lnued the discus- . of Canada, studied and could converse in nolsy that -the proprietor directed S in all probability ttley w
. Huron Teachers' Instir,uts was held in the . !
e0tutions, I both Latin and Graek. The ebudy of Latin removal: The waiter who successfurly Ostend variety." �
. I � I
Clint4 Collegiate Institute-, on Friday and - !
T�poaed regalationi. M gives us great as8istance in the teaching of accomplIshed this, on returning to the. - � ;
I mmented I Saturday, May 22ad and 23rd. Firso see- . .
�ax-.-..a, and oo 'English, The thoughts and works of many
� . Sion opened on Friday, at 10 a. in., the room, expressed his regret at having.
�, I .� president, Mr. Da-vid Weir, In the chair. of our great Engli-3h aii'liors are interwoven � NgLyAl D
�, _e1goussed them., and,� . y with the thought of Latin wrAhers and writ_ been o1ofted'to put the Individual out, cipline. is
he committee to whom - I Opening exercises were conducted b Mr. or, said he, with emphasIsp "be's a.
Latin helps you to gain a knowledge f I I . shown in this true Story 4f the capt�fti
. � . Whomas hituch. The following commilliteas ill,911 4 perfect !gentleman," adding I
o 1�e referred for con- -1 I Of ae finer diEtiaotiona in the meaning of i who, fatally smitten with! cholera, -Nvas
�: d6cu%ion from the xiei�e appointed : wordi. The old study of L%tin anff Grbek pause, a's if to explain how he arriviad being taken ashore to the �lospltal. ,he
. ' i
I - I Programme— M esk rs, Robb, Lough,Houston . I
�ati-ans, fal guidance. 1, roots was a good due, He closed his paper at so decided a conclusion, "He give V. it
11, - and McLean. Resolutions -Messrs. Bailey, � . s told' in "Sport I�i the NaV.
- with the foll wino motion : � me lalf CL crown."' -Notes and queries. . �
il _c` J. H, Houston, geoondcd by I captain's me -Ing as
" -
praceeded Scott and Moffat. Reporters-Messre. 0 . Tho 1-i we�e row
i. rt!,, =t-', : Pred- I Downey and H%rtley. Xoved by A. slowly, and gently as pos! I dble In order
';7b president, - Mies Aitcheson read an excellent paper on H. Musgrove : I That, in the 'opinion 'of I Burmexe GIrIx. .
a ' ce'' the association LaIin should not be removed not to disturb him. The dyin,g cdptdin
,:ersasvuirer,' Mr. W, nature stad . Nature study teaches how to I The Bull X,
L ly from the'obligatory subjects of the junior I mese. girl beging .smoklng, beeL ned thenlidshipman in.pharge of
�oraOx.P. 8, HOW-- live. The laws of nature should be studied. leaving examinations. � . . when sheqs about three ye'ars of, age. '. . d xvIdspered these I.Lst
- - ' . 'tho boat an . �
��'. H. Tiger4 It is an interesting study and arouses sym- 2 -That for 6atriculatioi�l and junior A group of school-Irls in Mandalay,. I
' - "'r- . . - 0 .
, 'atterson. . athy beLweEii teacher and pupil. An out- � I . �Iudino, translation words: -
,�, - leaving one paper inc. 0 will sit in a cIrcI6 passing around the "Ten days'. black list tor the crew
,ed- present eighty4qll- Soor ramble with, naf ure iitudy in view edu- f I -
I I I I grammar Vnd prooe composition should be .- elgapefte, just as American girls would 'JP - i
I cates a person on all lineF. Miss Aitcheson's for nc t giving way I i
� - given in. Latin, French, Garm4n and Gr?ek, � I
I sind boys from. this- . pasg round the bag of -caramels. It I
method of teaching is as follows : A certain respectively, and that the Oose Compost- i� I
. ola$fiem I ' 0 Isn't a weedy little thing- Anches i
- Idecallum's _ bird or plant is assigned as the lesson for tion should consist, as the rogulations de- . � . t�vo, , . Sleep 31qthod�.
. - �
. 4ong ia a pisa"al - Z the followiii�q,- week, Pupils are required to mand, of easy a(at(nces to be. tranqlat�d.- .long and no thickness that the Bur- - It Is said that b urs of! sleep can N
I . 80b - I of f . supply bhemaelv-as with a specimen of the Carried. . . :I mese giT'I smokes. It Is -,a whacking big regulated by two slm�le me . tho s
ok- lip the' F-ubi I L. �, plant and to secure all th,3 knowledge they - and welgh-
. The nextMeetiog will be hold at Seaforth- cheroot, nearly a foot Ion, First, never allow Yoursel, to be awak
,a .
. -importance beesn" can eon the subiect. Pttpila should be- led to about three-quarters of a pound.
: � I - at the call of the executive. ing
elharacter. An aids- . diaco',ver th6'knowledge for themselves 'and � : ened, but Insist or being undisturled
I hods, . ba told as, little as possible, I -0 � - . - until you awaken natural)y; secolid
. eid iudiraot met - .
.liar. 01000 -Miller's Grip Powders Care, � . Nine National,clipita". -"rak .
w the teac I I Discussion followed by Messrs. Rorbb, get up the minute 3 ou are a 0 Tb(
; I t3
. .
� -e contev�A�J thab- � At 1. V. Fear'sDvng Store, Seaforth. How many readers-, could tall offkand ,
- 11 . � LQugh, We'ir, Miller and Hai tley. � I I - - ada )t
� �� 0 1 . � � I hours of sleep will ,soon come -
..'a- instincts and t0o" I � -A-good paper on school tactics was next the numbef of national capitals this ' �
, lio proper diraotlollo� - - He -A ve T thunderstorm passed over country's con.-ress has sat in and give ed to the requirem3nts your con'ti
. read[ by S. J. Bailey, of Bly th. said : I 0
10. es he does What I& Alan it a social being and delights in social, Watford TueEdj6y evening of last week the naihes? Not many probablyi Well, tution I ,
t P intercourse. Mar;,. however, is naturally George Westgate, on the 4th line of ,War' . nin I �- of them--�Wa-sh- I -
� __ � wick had h;s bars� 6truck by lightlIJ13j, and th'ere have been I . Gory.
� . t -he misse's, cirliSIP selfish, and he,must be brought to respect I ' ington; I Baltimore and Annapolis, in ,,
� burned. 'James Maher, two, miles, West of d�luglng every
� nq�ther kindergartem- - . the rights of others, an& -here lies the work aru by lightning. Maryland; Trenton and Princeton, In What do you gain by t�
, I
I since. - of the t6%cher, INI r. Bailey t8pri gave some Watford, also lost his b - street of Parls'with blool !'I declaimed
I � . good devices by which the Love of order can Three other barns north-weat of Watford Npw "Jersey; Philadelphia, Lancaster drippipg Danton., I
(�TIOIN. :be Inatilled into, pupils, the chief of which were also burned. . and York, in Pennsylvania, and -New I � ly
cipline was aQnduot- � -9 . "At least I will make 4 great all,
I 11 were the marching of pupilt in calliog and York clt�,. ! . -Robespi 'rre gland ig
- raag,De1gA1,r,. Bluetti dismi8sing and to and from classes, by sig- The best cure for Ec7.6ma is Miller's Com- i _i_ gory," reasoned
o I
nals pound Iron Pills. 50 dome@ 25 oenta. : down ithe Rue Royale a� & reeki 3g
� � -,ra1m,)P and: . � - The fire practice is also an excellent At I. V. Fear'sDfug Store, Seaforth. Woolgathering, guillo ne. i
U "-(I 4, M . drill for'pupils in urban schools. "For one's -%N-it§. to -0 woolgather- i
. 0 . . i
ing and other' evllj6' I Mr. Robb stated that methods of dismis- : 0 � � I
On the influence Of' ; � In-" is ail'allusion to a pitiful industry �
� . and Blug, etc., on the whole were very satisfac� -A legacy of. $10,000, raceived. two 1_� I In I Iffer Firpit Que+y., - .
ar," ter � . � ds
the teach _V in his Inape'etorate, months ago from Wales, by Abednegoi E;Onletiines seen Ili older countries.
- I
� a iihifting th� rat .08 The afterno,n session opened by a pape'r Lewis, living one � mile south of Hartfo-d parts of France, Germally and Spain "Afy dear," said NIr. Cubbage to I
. ,
3ir 2 II, I � wif e, 0 agerous0y Ill, "M *s
, i.bing of thg 1 7 . on literature prepared by -Miss L. John- City, Indiana, li%sl. canoed the old man to go, very Aill peu,ple are sometimes employ- 111. 1�
ula, ra W thwe of ther - atmeandread by Mr. Dunlop, English insane. He is 70 �earo ,old, and,, was noti-t pd in np.thering wool from bushes in Kicks'law is downstaIrs ind wants tc
, ' Z, I I
� literature is the most important Eubjeat on fled last year that!, he and his 99ster weib , �,hcpp IvIstures where it has been pluck. , see you." ,
, al�ake an a .. mber, the curriculum. It is the expression of the beirs.to money inWales. ; . I I "What has she Ot 0
. . ed fr(mi.the fleece as the animals pass L I i
M -we teseltzra- best. thoughts of the noblest minds. 'Liters- -A few days ago a narriage. in which I - . dying woman feelol . . i
� too �cl.osc to the branches. � � �
(.,trXO__SZ. ture trains the intellect, imagination and Capt. John Gaskh!l, of Kingat,m, was rid-: - __ .:
__ (1-1 Inernory, and develops the powers of expres- iogs collided with A atraet car. C:qat. das- , I
jog Clark, ocelaPle ! . I She Agreed. -A man Is young a great, deal 1011ger
dith. Wiggins a4tea . 131011, It is a character builder. In studying kin wag thrown oati hurled some 18 feet � - - than he Is old, but It'doesn't seem c
.. a selection take up - let, the author ; 2ad, and had three ribs in,his left Bide broken.. .S11ink.% What made him so mad? I
I I �
I tLe d;ifficlimaion 001 . . the mood of the author ; 3rd, the topics of He was also injured internally.' while badly. NN,illi,<z-11(� told his wife she bad no long.-AtchIsou Globe.
I y wittv the selec q .
I tiozL--, The teacher Ehould be well bruised.about the body and limbe. � i Jud-niont, an(l she just looked bhu over
especiall I �: . I 2r, HiS own Exclusive rivilege.
I I I .
n was -by- I I read and should kilow one other. language,' . I critiendly from head to foot and said J� rAin calls himself a fooll a bundree
Yeart, Clark aU& . the be6t. being Latin. Milleea Compound Iron Pills, only 25, Ehe was beginuin,,, to realize ft. thues a day, but it for soi a
. isn't-
, Mr. Dobson gave a very concise and full cents for 50 doses.: � � a e
- . : I- .7
- account of thq meeting of the Ontario Edu ! � olic, else to do it just on,". -San Fran
ery interesting Paper - At 1. V, Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. � �
. , . . I - ; 11ow They Would Sound. Cisco Bulletin. I - �
, ., i h was followed A -T ca,tional Associationj held in University . - 1, I - . . �
I i
1i t�,'
� I
m -- - -
I I I P i- I ,Tilt
'A I
� i I"
4 1 1
h i� � Building, Toronto., on April 14th, 15th and � Sir William Van Horne; lef 6 for Cnba�: '�\frs, Caley (iuusiu-1 e I
t- y)-Suppos
I - �
� � ., I&I h. , ' I . SI -1311, lish your . love letters? 11-'Medulm ]Fcr So](11ers.
j,pers 00 last week. On his last trip Sir William was i 10 I 1111,11,
ery able P1 walpt .Ths�. propsed changes in the regulation ied by Lady Van - Horne d hi Air. (;311,Vy-N1rl1y not simply" make a The first' issue of med"Is to Brillsl
. 1. �which sha . - were briefly discussed, led by Mr. Robb. clever daugbter, i who has ini an' ': � public _Lk'l - troopc w s in 1C43 by Cb r1es L _.
I in which �erited, hi -.nowledgment that,you mar a
nit of ways it � � . . 1 -2 . .
11 '40 much along. th , � I The age limit -question was discussed and braini and physio'guoinf, and who wished I r -t, -,d an idiot? . " 1�
- � 1� � I . . I - I:
. ,
. :�__' 4-.1a,Z. naner Ws# . I I . I I I I I -
r - I
, *
a. - I � � as oPaid :
i � . . �$ 1 009000 � I
.- i �: J
I- ., � :
- ,� - � W I !
e � i . I � I I -
I I . 7
- 1� 1. For -the Rights to Powley'l LiqufflO Ozbne fori the United States .
. . I . . �p . 1 __ ��
� .
- I . I I -
. .
�,.T e Liquid Ozone Co. of Chic -ago ' - All diseases that begin withfever-allinftm-
9 . K�Ils Ins-id4f, Germs ma t4cn-all catarrh fri any partof the bo�d7-aU
pji� us $100,000 forthe rights to Ozone
t ; Z> glous diseases --#ll the results Of impure
Ozone� is the only col] ta ;
s fq t - U nited States. b d w -� 3,y known to kill or Poisoned blood. I I -
. I ,erms io the o y w thout killing the ,
- � . e X��,etell this fact to prove the faith 9, - . I
tissues t�o. Any drug hat kills germs is � 50C. Bottle free
e those who know Ozone have in it. a poison,to you, and it cannot be taken . -
I 1 � . � f
s I The4; dhicago concern is composed of busi- internally. I If 3'ou suffier f�om a germ trouble, and
i . . . I
r nes�, professional and medical men of the Ozone� goes directly �o -the eause of a have never tried Ozone, please fill out this
8 highest ability. Before-makino" the pur- germ trouble and destr4s it. The results coupoll : we will then mail you an,orderon
. � t. � tinva ing-absolutely inevitable. ypur druggist ,for a� full-size bottle free.
chase they investigated hundreds'of th� Ozone is a germicide so certain that we We will also send �-au letters from those
t r I . 1.
. cures made in Canada. Then they tested publish in all of our parnphlets an offer of . w'h:) have been cured of similar troubles- - :.
- . � -
. the �roduct themselve's for two years, in I ) or a germ a i canno i . oy.(rw ie rning evi, nee .o w zone I
0 � . I ri - ,
. . -inost difficult germ ' - � 7 wil do. 1. ..
. Ae diseas'es. 11 '
� 11 ,W hen men of that class sba - ke their for- - I ��is is not a niert� sample boltile, but our -
e - Oerm Dis.eam!* - rc�ular 50c. size, and we shall pay your --
I turiels and reputations on Ozone, you can i . %'IN drqggist bis pr1c6 for it. We do that to
I 11
I welVI believe that it does what we claim. These i� are some of the known gerill convince you -to help you -to prove to
I diseases.i Ozone has ctl�red each of these
. I yod that Ozone bffers you a certain way to
I 'i � diseases'lat least several hundred times, get well.
Ell 71 1 Jast. Oxygen 11 and sornql of them thotisands of times. In
i 11 . Powley's Liquifie4 10zone4 is sold by all
) - t any dise4se in this list ' -ewe gladly offer CO dru$�glsts in two sizes -50c. and $1.00.
Powley's Liquifie,d Ozone is nothing bu s a f ir I
- r anv natfimt who mak a test an I
oxy�en-no drugs, no alcohol. in it. . 3
. � � It absolute guarantee of cure.
get§i. 9 �
I �xygen Jn staple form into the Asthma: � I �
I � . jkguro Blood
blo�d-l�uch an excess of oxygen a ,
. � I e ' sen -11 - scess ne iseases
. �
blod I d b6comes an absolute germicide. No Bronchitis L& Gr Pe �
'.!I . - Blood Poison , IA*er oubles,
germ can escapp it, none can resist it. Bright's Disease 1,eucorrhcea
- 1 � � Bowel Troubles Malaria. -Neuralgia
No gerni can exist where that blood goes. , Coughs-CO)ds . Ppeurhania
. - I 1;1 Consunipt on Piles.'_
09,iygen, as you know, is the vital part Colic --Cr , p Plourisy-Quinsy
� . i
' Const n Rheumatism
of ailir., It is the source of all vitality -the a ,
. Catarr ancer � Skin Diseases
mo4 6ssential eleffient of life. Its effects Dys&1e -Diarrhoea Scrofula --Syphilis
. . . Dan W -Dropsy Stomach Troubles
, re �4hilaratin .. parifying, vitalizing. Dyspepsia I Tuberculosis
.. I -
Buf�germs are V, . egetables, and an excess Rezenia- 'rysipelas Throat Troubles
� , Fevers -211 kinds Tumors -Ulcers
of oxylgen-the very life, of an animal ---4s Gonorrhea, -Gleet Varicocele '
dea4 to vegetable -matter. . Gall Stones-Goub Women's Diseases
. . Influenza i - Weak Eyes
I . . . I _%
! . - - 0 1 -_
I . - . �
. I � 4
-Mi, . iRiuelile, oha`Ucel'(?r of the Exch�q- .
w3r, infoinied a queationcr in the Englith . .
House I Con � - .
� ,).�nons a few days ago, that the FURNITUkE
Govern � ent did not propose to modify the ., i . 1: L - I
. I
�niuce bill Eo as to afford preftrantial duties - _., -A*16�_ I
in the C 0"of colonial-prodt I icts. - 1-
i � 0 . I
Leve�',s Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap , UNDERTAKING., .
, �
Vowdo�js a boon to,any home. It disin- J - - .
. .feqte an � .
, cleans at the same time. 20 Furniturb bought with care fis easily sold.
I -4- _____ . .
Many years' experic nee enables me to select
- The dead body of Eli Holmes, 0. well tasty designs with good -construction and
known I j6'ontractor, ot Collingwood, was = fi#isb- and sold at right prices,
found alew dayR ago hanging by a strap to- usihess" mutually pleasant and pro-
,pne of the rafters in his stable. .* * The deed fitable. ;
had evidently been planncd, as his hat was - I
placEd,on a shelf and a frame. had been car- . Upho!sterink receives special attention.
. � Upholatery� coverings and material kept in
ried from the other end of the stable and Ftock.
need tolihpport him while pr6paring the Picture Framing done promptly. Pie -
noose, rliich was a balter strap. The cauee ture3 and frames for sale. Also Window
of n� ' B's raEh act is euppoeed to be from Shadqs, Cur Wn Poles, Cottage Rods -Pillow
worry over family troubles, as be and 'his Sham Folders and many other suZ things
wife ba1A not lived I onrether for some time, I
A lettei from his wife and a businesa letter , belotiging to liouse1nrnishing.
. Baby Cmli'riages in the very latest fitylev,
were fopfid in -his � pooket. He had'. con- and away lo-wn in price. � il
tracts f'�.k the oonstructien 'of several large I .
residene . 6s and othcr buildings, some of I also Bel thevettical feed -. Davla-sewing
which lw�re partially completed, machines, �ti%n which th&Q, is no better in
11 the country. The vertical feed on these ,
� machines Makes %�t a' pleasure to sew any
I . THE MOST NUTRITI(JUS Jabric, anj puckering is impoesible. The
. �
. priceputathem within easy reach of any
� desiring a firet-class machine.
.., I I
Epps's Cocoa - � I -
An admirable food, with all Its na- I
tural qualiti,es intact, fitted to - And Embalming carefully ar d properly done
build up and ,maintain robust according 6 the latest methods. Night
heaith, and bo iesist winter's ex- calls answeted at my residence, south east
. treme cold. Sold in quarter -pound . corner of J��ires and William streets.
I - -
. tinp, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., - 1 1
. I _____ I
Lio.ited, Homcoopathic Chemists, I � I
I Lon'don, gngl�nd. - I I
� . I - � N` CHe""
9 ic V. 1�1. xj I -T.M-.U)
. i
E ,ips s , ocoa !
I . MESWR TO -�ous LA.xD,.9BonoUGH,
. .
I .
� �, �
: .
! 1819-26 :
! - 1 1807
1 �* -
� C�et Rid ot That, Cough. - !
Before �he Sunimer comes. pr. Wood's Norway "i - You Are Uosing
PlneSyrt corquers Coughs, Colde, Sore Throat, 1-1 I- I
. d�
? I
,Hvaraen�v, Bronchitis, and all Diseases of the __
. -
�" -
'Throat a�o Lungs. 11 � 7
- : Money
. I � -0660- � I -
It's not Ithe weather that'eat fault.' it's your aya I Without a MELOTTE
tem, c lo ed witb poisonous materials, that makes '
you feel, 11, drowsy, weak and miserable. L,it Bur- Cream Separator.
danlrB16D Bitters clear awsy all the poisons, urif . .
and enripp your blood, woke you feel btigh? 16n� ----- I . i 100,000 In daily use. The
vigorous: � I only Separator built with a
� ,
I do 0 1 � so I . beautifully enamaled:bowl
There 1 no form of kidney troublej rom a backache . % . casing, more durable than
down to � tight's disease, that Doan's Kidney Pills tinware. 18 different sizes.
will not lieve or cure. .- - - A gremb many other kinds
If Y�U!ale troubled wHh any kind of kidney com, I of separators arp taken out
aint, glve�Doan's Kldn9y Pills a trial. �_ - � and Melottes pA inplaeo
1,1.�;� ,. .jph�, of them. A few points of
I 4 1. -�*, 0 --sw I . �'.... k..._ ,_1 � I - _�, *,� excellence In this Soparmtor
I, �.--, -
. .� not fouad In any other kilid
i Found at Last. t , - - -,. IiUILI�
I I J "
., " ... �, . are tink lower down, heay-
A liver ill that !a small and eure, that actagAen. Le inware, �urns easier, Alms cleaner, 4owl bRnb4
tly, q6to y and thoroughly, that does not pe pl mb, self balaucipg has a, �raak for hio ' �j
Laxa fli I are a gearing Ing I .
.Ll, I P1118pousesi th-se qualities, and all encloo, d, `has a cone -bearing %Ych ads
sure eui�e for Liver Compaint, Constipation, 8101i ' sts itself to tho wear, BlIuminu m disc, will not rust,
. � . Ju
Ileadacbe, etg, bbe bandle'essily taken c-ff and put on, all weari
I I . -0:6 01. points ot caeehardenea steel. I alao handle farm in'!
Wberevier there are sickly people -with weak hearts plements apd machinery incInding Noxon, Wilkin -
and der4�ged nerves, Milburn'tj Hearb and Nerve son$ Tolbon, D.-nd White Engioes, separApra, and
Pills willbe found an eff ectual medicine. They re- Windmills. All goods at A. ()Smpbell's Wakeroome,
fitore enqlabled, eneivited, �xbausteJ, devitalized or Seaforth. DUNCAN MoCIALLUK. ;_ 1$11-tt
over-woii�pd men and womeik to vigorous health. WALTON, March 18th, -1908. This It to cerbify that
- 1 -00410
1 . the No. 1 Melptte Creani Separator I ht from
For C611era Morbus, Choiera Intantuni, Cramps r agent, DunsaR McCallum,_gives ttut astisfac-
Colic, 1)1�rrhoes, Dyeentery and Suninier Oontplaiut, 600U. in evev espeat. Easily turned, eaally cleaned,
. Pr. Fowic r's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompb, an -_ I . =mer._ Have run it over two years,
Bate and zure cure that has been a popular favorite and see no apoent wear on it yet; and in my opin-
for neaT do years. . lou, the pr- 11ti froni Its use with 10 cows would pay
, 1,� .. for'At in ond iasob.' MICITAHL ROWLAND, WS1606,0fit.
� 1. I - SBAFoRni, March 17th, 1903. To whom it
01% may aAc_�rn �: Having purohaedd a Melotte Cream
ara�d Trunk Railway Separator one year ago from Mr. D. McCAlurn, I'
,11 take pleaBUTOIn recommendhigib to bea-goodma.
. ohine. - It Is �msy opera' ted, and I think it eAn coin-
. ; � %System,
1, _ pet c with any maebine ( ,n the market to -day. Yours
� truly, JoiLN HAY, Seaforth, Ont.
] - LFADBURY, February 10Lh. 190�. Dear Sirej-1 am
- ` � Railway -Time Table. well satlofle," wUh tht, Melotte that J bought. .1
Trainalleave Seafortb as followiY' for itself in a short tima with 10
- I bbink ib woulalay
9.20 a. n�J For Clinton, Godaich Wingham and cows, and the skim milk is good for the calves. it is
I perfectly eafe' and I cannot speak too highly in itr,
: I Kineardine. I praise. 'You4 truly, WN. HACK -WELL. , -
- 12.40 p. ��a. For Clinton and Goderich. Lx"Etmy, Yebruary 6th, 1902. Dear Hire, -This
6.16 P. W� For Clintoni Wlugham and Kinear- Is to certify that the olie 2, Melottg Cream Separ-
. dine.
I I ator, which I purchased from.your agent, J. D. Wal -
1 10.13 p.,ih. For Clinton and Goderich, I kerje entirel� sati8factiry to every reapecti We
1.63 a. nh, For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Ind that we can inake far more buttvr th . an in any
r I Orillia, I North Bay and pointe Weat -
; '
- I Belleville and Peterboro and point13 other way, a�d am quite sathfied that with 8 cows
. the Separabot Would pay I r oelf In about 6 mopths,
- I C )St. The skim Mil to -excellent for the calves. It is a
31 p. M', For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- Land perfectly safe. I
, very easy !p ning machine,
- i treal and points emb.
p. iii. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. � think it the peb Cream - Separator on the market,
, � 0 - - ),ours trul , S. McPherson. .
� t .
� .. -_ t
Palmerston and Kincardine. I i . .
, - I ,
Goma ft.�Tll. Pass. 311xed. Mixed 1%6 McKfflop MUtULaj Firt
Palmerston ........ 7.30 p. M. 12.20p.m 8.46a.m.
Ethel.. 4 .. .. ...... 8.07 1.07 9.40 Inslurance Oompany.
Brussels j i _. .. . ... 8.17 1.10 10.00 I �
Bluevale,� ......... .8-217 1.80 10.20 W -ISOLATED- TOWN I
winghan�'i. .. .. .. '8138 1.36 10.80- , .. FARM AND
GOI-NG S - Mixed. . �,
Winghan . .. .. .. 6 63 a.m 9 a.m. 8.05 P.M - i .
3luavale ....... .. .. 7.92 9.17 3.13 � 07110IMS. I
Bruse0e; . - - . .. L .. .. 7.18 10.00 3 26 J. B. Me" riesl4ent. Kippen P. 0. ; Thomae -
Ethel.'..� ........... . 7.28 10.15 3.35 Jrr"e'r,,v1Ce-PX82dent, Bruceffeld P. 0. ; Thomas X.
Nlwere�on ........ 8.20 11.30 6.20 qayo. ftcy.Toehe. Reaforth P. 0-
� '
IL 0 I I DMUMM. ' _
. � . willialn Chisney Sesforth; John 0. Gdeve, Win-
. L ndon, Huron and Briqce. Geor�e D c, .
0 1 1 , , " al sehforth ; John Benneweik
1ING N�RTH- P. ngee-P' =U; J&1pe@ IKVSM,L Beechwood ; John Watt,
Lon . o , depart_-- 8.15 A.M. 4.60 P.M Hax1ock ; Tb4mas FrWr, Bracefield ; John B. me
Con " * .... 9.18 5.55 Lean. Kippeni; Jamm Conn011Y. ClintOD. .�
E"fi., _.::-_-� - 9.80 6.07 ; �
� A919M.
Hen" -_1*11_11 9.46 6.18 Robt. swith. Harlock; E. .Hinohley, Seaforth ;
Kippe ............... � : 9.50 6.25 , James Cumming Egm0ndy-'e; J. W-� YeO, H01M64
Bruce; ld-....--..:.:. 9.68 6.98 Ville P. O.; �eorge Murdie and John 0. Morrison
ounto _ __....... 10.15 6.65 suditorg . .
Londet oro - - - - - - 10-80 - 7.12 Fartles d a to affect Ingurma" ON if -in)
Blyt4 ___.._...._.. 10.38 7.20 ' ,c -i othe. b eve wM be prompVy SUAnded to,
Be ave__ - . .. - 10.50 � 7183 reepilgatfor toll any of fte above offten, addiamd I?
WID h1m arrNe.... -, �. 11.00 7M 1 eIr reep"Ovot god Oman.
90fKa a b*H- - Pamenger. I I � I
,;,. I I .1 I . -
WiaFh�m, depart.. - .. - 6.N A.M. &10 P. V �L -
, .
Bek�1570........ - . - - - - - 7.01 8.23 190MOOP DirectorY for 1903-
�' L � . � M
B1 - I _....__..._..,.. 7.14 8.35 I ,
- Lond, oro ........ - -... 7.22 8.46 � NaOHAJEL M Dli-j Reeve, Winthrop P. O.
. n I r I k- _.... - - .. .- - 7.47 4.15 JOHN 8 . BROWti uncillor, Seatorth P. O.
� ..... 8.06 4.40 CERIARLEA.8 e uocillor Winthrop 1�1 0.
. Bru- eld....-..-- L 00,
KJ L . ........ --'- " 8.16 4.60 jo-HN MUR- &Y, Councillor, 16obwood P. 0.
Hen _.... - - .. - EL22 4.65 1 . JOHN M. G VENLOCK, Counefflor, Winthrop P.O.
Exe 'r.. -.,. _ - . _. - - 8.86 'k , 5. . - JOHN , 0. xo$RMON, 01ark, WInthrop P. 0,-
_ _
I 18 .1 AVED IL ROsS Tmwmr, WInthrop P. 0.
cen T .... .. -....-- &46 5.20 D
. t,on. t', (,%rrtVe) _:.... _ 9.46 A. K. 6.20 BOWKON J.Isaiwos, J. F., S"Awy b4mclop
.. Wintbrop P. Q., I
. I .
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out the laft a an 1 M . zone
Co., Limited, 48 Coltorne St., Toronto.
: � .
1 am troubled with- .
1 ........ � ............... I .
_� a wley's Liquifled -
Ozone, bit t if you will supply me a 50c. bottle ,
free I will take it. . �
....... I ............................. v ...........
Write your mune plainly. * . -
..... I .......... � ........... � I .. .. I I
Street, and number. .
140 ) .... .. 1: ......... I .... * ...... . �
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Stallions For 1903
I .
The followIng w.11 known afiallfons will travel
during the season of 19080 as followt :
. �
- I William Berry, Proprietor.
X-onday-Wlil leave hil �own stable, J mile south of
Brucelleld, by way of the kill road to DiWe hobel,
Sol 3.fortb, for noon; then; by way 61 the Huron road
to the blagon hotel, Clinthn, for the night. Tuf sday
-pyway of the Londoh rz�nd to his own idable,
whLre be will remain �untll NVednesday Moping.
WeJaesday-To Varas fo I X noon aud return to his
own atable for nigbt. Tbursday-At bis awn sUble
all day. Friday -By way. of the 0.nd ooncession of
Stanley, to Hensaill, at T.. J. Barry'S LeSle and ex.
change Stable and re0aln -there until Saturday
morning. Saturdiky-Byway of the T,ondon road to
bi8 own stsble, where bs�, will remain until the fol-
lawing 'Monday morning -1 IM -40 .
Owen Geiger &Co., 1?roprietors.
. . .
7hlauday-Will leave his own xUble, tfensLll, and
'eed east to Chiselhufst, and north to William
�n e man's ' loth concession, Tuckeromith, for jioon ; I
th n west and north to, ftrong'o hotel for n4ht
T6esdxy�To James Dlck�e holel Seaforbb, for noon
a4d remain there over nilght. Widnesday-By way
of, the Kill road to Bruaefleld� to Wilson's hotel for
moon; then south to He�ry 13hafOr'Al bOtel, KI �
, nig ' -1rooeed wed to Zra
f'or. noon _
L�Jve% Hills 'Green, ; _. then west to:Mr.&
N cholson'a hotel, Blake, $-or nigh Lt. 'Priday South
to John Geiger's - 10r nOOO - then to Robert John -
Man's hotel, ZUrloh, Lfor Rjht. -ftturdxy�East to
hfa own stable, HerW1,Wbere be Will remx1n until
the following Monday morning. 1847 -if
. � - Carpenter'n Trotting Hornet, -
VVeighing ,1,375 pounds and. I," "Undf.
: Will make standis this Oemon at NeGowat"A, V"v
B ytb, WeduesUy nigot; Walton Thursday At
noon ; Dan Rigley'si XcKillap, Thunday night ,,
tten to KoLsughlin'o *n4 �R-3006'6, Brodhagen,
and Dublin, Friday vigh,t. Satorday�Beecbwood,
K�uburn,mndCllnton lornight. Soundnes, k1ndnem
aid compactness are tbo special charActeristles Of
thege horem 1 1845-8
1 1
. The Clyd4dale Stallion
� , I
� I an the ire , I pn
: I
. ; T. J. Berry, PfOpriet0r.
Will stand for the -seMOU at T. J. BetryN
; .
. � Exchauge,151�sbles, Reuea,11.
� L
� � ISI*Q
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