HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-05, Page 5Eu EDO OE Ir E211:1001u EtdElEtzt 5 .1903 roctE. ret requieeter ante shoe. A st b light, It hega kin ee it impose givee the ball .combination of -13 ezeoe jr uie have th oIe the De W `orth e for women-. id Wilson were wila be pretty &see. ahnoat the haene. It wee kiod their ever esidents are nee on. of it. :t on) the quail- nd lane ourtaires, Ise that ftelis on eaured that what int, end ,thab the eryin and careful Ise. We welcome iat the'y can get varieties, lciwest )., Seaforth. - 1851-1 M u o It regret Saturday on its John T. Roger- . had died that - had given birth inuely and was nal Friday even- • teeulting in 'hat weakness, Mrs. Roger - Jewel's Lowrie. late 4Vm.Lowrieo yeers a age. WO eitildren, thse She wits eted by all who deetdy regretted eD ivaid, who T. N.: dle for some eme:et Kinburn. McDonald were et .S1,,Inday.—The etrepnes of the ethodiet ehurch, • great success. witir bread and :ied ia the base - upstairs to the 11 prepared and nue given. The ieseree a. larger hoped that the 5 future :will be arreill is turning aw buggies this es reedy sale. A on the market. 'home and friends o go to Chicago, :le good wiahes rer te the Windy isitieg with her re. it Hothens, of Aylmer, was e. George Man- resicents passed n the person of el al4tained his ling only a shoe ce or Thursdaye D.. ef Ottawa, h feet Sabbath sornel yeara ago Hill elm rchee, ware in Clods- turday.—Wo. J.. ridey evening. d a fine black eel itoree flesh. briCk residence, ornemental ad -- La -moue have rk. —On Mon- Etiolcs, claugh- wee trierried , by Rev. Mr. d by Rev. Dr. Silk D. D. S., gr aorn left ort () and eastern, ey popular in ed from church reeicla appre- eet Methodist aotly as we r G9c urday ONE -59 1903 t EXCURSION! Niagara Falls, Ont., Friday, June June 12 Under the auspiees of the Canedian Order of Foresters. -- Te alove named Society will run a mon- ster exeursion to Niagara on the above date, inoluding all stations between Goderioh and Stratford, ab the following reduced rates: Station Adirlte Children Time of Leaving Goderich $2 15 a 10 6:35 a. m. Holmesville 2 OS 1 06 6:61 Clinton ' 2 05 1 05 700 Seaforth • 205 105 7;20 se, ColutioNin 206 . ` 1 06 7:28 Dublin 2 OS 1 05 7;83 7:43 7:66 8:16 Mitchell 2 00 1 00 Sobringville 1 80 90 Watford 105 85 Tickta good goingoil special train Friday morn- ing, and return on special train Friday evening, with she privilege of remaining over and returning on any regulat tram on Saturday. Spooled train will arrive atNiegars at 11:20 a. nL on Friday, and leave at 8 p. mthe same evening, giving eight hours' time to view the sights of one of the greateat wonders of the world. Speetial arrangements have been made with =the a. T. R. for ample accommodation and good coaches. Everybody come, and make thie the event • of the eeason. Serum your tickets before Friday Morning, and avoid crowding and delay. At all of theabove named stations, except Seaforth, tickets must be prooured from the G. T. R. ticket agent, .and at Seeforth from the members of the Committee. Tickets also on sale at Aberhart's drug store, Sea, forth. Committee—Wm.. Solater. treasurer; H. Speen, Secretary ; John McIntosh, chief ranger. 1849-3 Brussels. Berees.—On Tuesday morning of last week, before_ daylight, Charles Agar, who .bas been in the employ of Joseph Qaerin, of the Queen's_ hotel, for the paet few menthe, left, taking with hirn a satetheL and clock that did not belong to him. He was after- wards located in Luoknow, and on Saturday Mr. Queen- swore out a warrant for his arrest. , On Saturday afternoon he was broughb to town and arraigned before Magis- trate Kerr, who committed him to Goderioh to stand his trial. He was taken to Gode- rich on Barclay, but returned here on Tues. day:night, having been let off on suspended sentence. The stolen articles were returned. —R. Leatherdale is having a new front put in hisistere, as well as making other im- provementso—A large delivery of McCor- mick farm implements was made on Friday of last week, by Agent Long. When the vehicles were all in line there was quite a prooession.—On Friday ot last week, Dr. Graham's furniture was brought here from Cline:eland stored in his large block here, over A. Strachan's store. The doctor and Mrs. Graham will make an extended,trip to the Pacific. Co-att.—Bina are cut anrouncing two excursions along this line in the near futuee. The first will be to Owen Sound, on Friday, 12th inst. A special train -will be run, beginning at Wingham. The other Is the Union Farmers' Institute exceseion to Guelph, which will take place on Friday, June 26.—An entertainment, called "The Spinsters' Convention," will be held here on Wednesday evening next. It will be under the direotion of the ladies of the Young People's Society of St. John's (Thumb, and will no doabt draw a large audi enee.—Rus- eel Wheeler, who has been in th,e employ of R. Leatherdale for the past three years, has taken a situation in an upholstering estab- lishment in Wingham.—The :Independent Order of Foresters held a veity successful " at home," in the town hall, on Thursday evening of kat week. A very lengl hy pro- gramme of speeches, vocal and inetrumental music, recitations, etc., was given, after which a splendid lunch was partaken of. A couple of hours dancing brought a very pleasant evening's entertiinment t a eon- dusion.—Mrs. B. Driver, of Rocheeter, New York, is a weloome visitor among old friends in town this week.— W. H. Kerr is attending county council this week at Goderich, and from there he goes to Wingham, to attend the Methodist conference.—Mrs. A. Currie is able to be out again; after a two weeks' illnese.—Mrs. L. O'Connor, of Thorold, is visiting her father, Poatmaster Farrow.—Mre. C. R. Vanseene, of Southampton, is visiting with Mrs. A. Good and other friends in town. Methodist Ministers. The London conference of the Methodist church opened at Wingham on Thursday. The stationing committee submitted their .first draft of stations. The following is the list for this diatriot, "although some changes maybe made before the report 'is &laity adopted : Stratford District,—Stratford Central, Alike Langford ; Waterloo street, Arthur a. Going. St. Marys, Thomas Manning. Mitchell, Charles W. Brown. Listowel, -Joseph H. Oliver. Milverton, Robert H. 13arnby. Trowbridge, W. M. Pomeroy. 'Wallace, Leonard Bartlett. Atwood, Wm. "Penhall. Monk ton, Henry E. Curry. .8taffa, John Henderson. Fullerton, John • A. Fergu-oa. Harmony, George H. John- sen. &Aro", U. J. Wren. Wellburn, 'Humphrey A. Graham. Kintore, Rufus L. 'Wilson. Wingham District—Wingham, J. R. Gun - day; Kincardine, Joseph Philip ; Lucknow, Alex. G. Harris ; Bruceele, T. Wesley (Int- ents ; Teeswater, George J. Kerr ; Ethel, Charles P. Wells; Fordwich, David Rogers; Gerrie Joseph Cook; Wroxeter, Irving A. MoKeivey ; Bluevale Franeis Swann; Arh- 'field, Frederick J. :Oaten ; Salem, Peter Meyers ; Bethel, Simon V. R. Pentland ; Ripley, Robert L Hosking ; Bervie, Wm.R. Vance; Tiverton, Edwin W. Edwards; .Whitechuroh, Christopher C. Keine ; Bel- -grave, Allan H. Brown. God e rich District. —God erich, North Street, George Daniel ; Victoria, Street, W. H. Graham. Clinton, Wesley church, Henry M. Manning • Ontai be Street, R. Millyard. Seaforth, 1. B. WalIwin„ Holmes - vale, James Hessen Blyth, J( ha Holmes. Dungattnon, Thomas R. McNair. Nile, Martha J. Wilson. Benmiller, Edward A. Shaw. - Auburn. Thomas B. , Coupland. • Waltanr W. H. Taylor. Lonclesboro, John Kennedy. Bayfield, John G. Yellend. Varna, Robert A. Miller. Exeter Dietrich—Exeter, Main Street, Wm. Godwin; James street, James Han- non. Parkhill, Walter Rigsby. Elimville, William H.Cooper. Centralia, Benito min. L. lIntton. Hensall, Emmanuel Medd. Kippen, Frederick E. Malice:. Crediton, Richard W. Knowles. Grand Bend, Alex- ander Thibadeau. Sylvan, John W. An- drews. Adria Craig, A. McKibben. Birr, Thomas 0. Sanderson. .Lucan, John A. Ayearst. Granton, James E. Holmes. Woodham, John Hart. Kirkton, Shelbourne A. Andersson. News Notes. —Farmera in the vicieity of Kingston and throughout Eastern Ontario say that if the present. droutle continues for another week -crops wili be entirely ruined. As ib is hay is alraoet a failure. Root crops', fruit, etc., have suffered severely and farmers will sus- tain great loss in coneequence. Rain cannot save the oropet now. —The C. P. R. Toronto express, due at Ottawa about 6 a. m., Friday morning, col- lided at Cle.rleton Junction with a freight train on a siding. Seeing that a collision was inevitable'the engineer, named Lange. lien and the fireman, named Clendinnine, after reversing ths engine, jumped to save themselves. The engineer sustained a triple fracture of his leg and the fireman escaped with e. sprained. ankle. The engine was haelly wrecked. The passengers on the expresa escaped after a rade awakening. Much sympathyls expressed for Mr. Lange - lien the injured engineer, who has been Saie.o Suits, Hats and Shirts ON FRIDAY AN SATURDAY6----p-maft- 4-epee++4.÷„....4-eto-e-e-e-e-e-efeeeieeb We are going to sell 50 Men's Suits, regular $10,00, on Saturday 87.50: f 38 Boys' Suite, regular $5.00, Saturday $3.75. 36 drily Men's Hats, finest of felt, now $2,50, Saturday 81,48'. Wearing Shirts,regular 60c, Saturday 45c. B. B. GUNN Seaforth. long on the road, and has the reputation of being one of the Most eabable men. He has been running in hard luelt lately. His home and contents were burned in the fire of May 10, while he lost all in tile great fire of Ap- ril, 1900. —A Racial gathering was held in the Bloor Street Presbyterian church, Toronto, a few evenings ago, in celebration ofthe fiftieth anniversary of thenrdination of Rev. Wm. MaeLaren, a D.,rofessot ot,System- 1, atie Theology in Knorr 'ellege, and special services were held on S day lest in corn mernoration of the event. Dr. MaeLaren is 75 yeare of age, but he is still hale and hearty. 1 —The county counoil of Wentworth have decided upon a systeni of roads of 170 miles in extent, and have applied for their portiOn of the Provincial GovernMent grant, amount- ing to about $33,000.1 Arrangements are now being made by w lich the work will be undertaken at once: The county will spend about $66,000 in addlion to the Govern. ment grant. —The Harmswort the London, England, licatione, are credited mith the intention of investing $10,000,000 in the produotion ef eviffoun land spruce, t and on the islet:id by them. A god et of head is available. 1,006 tons of paper pee, will all be used ne. seffered by the stereo he occupants of the t 'Barr had a narrow escape. Daughters c)- -Rev. Mr. Sande -nod were rendered unoon ions for a short time by a bolt which strnck the chimney and went down to the cell r=witboat killing ling - 1 one or sett.:yrig the how however, as burned. bank barn belonging Laughlin, oti the 5th .0 s, he proprietora of TiMes, and other pub pulp and paper from a miliion aores of fore having been acquire waterpower with 85 f and the output will b per week. This p in their own publicati —London towneld the other evening. Methodist parsonage, e on fire. One place, That waa a large to Mr. Daniel Mao- onoesstion. IVIAF KBel2S. . , . i , nAF0.11.TH. June 4, 19031 30 69 to $0 169 - -i - - - 0 00 tO os ...}........ 0 00 to o 66 Fall Wheat (new), Standar cats per bnehel_ - Peas per buetiel Bar:ey per bnehel__ _ Butter, No. 1, loose_ _ Butler, tub- Eggs per doz- Flour, per 100 _ _ Hey per ton new Elides per 100 It)s- sheep Skins • **** •• - • • tv • 1 . Potatoes per .:1).u-sh- (mow), Salt (retail) per barrel- - ...• Wood per core (long).. --.. Wrod per cord, (short) _ Apple' per bag 1004M Olo ver Seed- -.Timothy Seed...-. Pork, per 100 —• rallow, per lb,- — - • - -.... 0 40.to _ - 0 16' to o 16 to [ 0 10 to _ 1 2 00 to 7 00 to 6 OD to 0 30 to 0 16 to 0 65 to 1,16 to 400 to 2 00 to 0 26 to 7 00 to 1 26 to 7 60 to - 04 to 0 40 0 16 0 16 O 12 2 1,5 700 6 25 O 85 0 10 0 76 126 4 43 2 40 O 50 8 00 2 00 8 00 o 05 Dairy ark ts. TORONTO,. June 2 Butter—Supplies of good grass butter are timing in fairly free- ly,and marked quotati as keep about steady all round. Packers are but beginning to lay by for the winter, and flip impression seems to be that prises have almut reached the bottom : Creamery pri ts, 20 to 210 ; solids, 18i to 19c ; choices arge dairy rolla, 14 to 15e ; .ohoioe dairy po LOd rolls, 15 to 15-; good to choice d iry tt ba,, 14 to 15c. °heel:le—In !sympathy with he further de - aline reported, from British. narketc, cheese here is quoted lower at llio per pound for large and .12c for twins, Eggs—Continue very steady i at) 13o er , d zen. There is heavy purchasing, andi the d mend is some- what) improyed. . Tierce, June 2—A he Utica Dairy Board of Trade th toffe lags of cheese were 86 iota of 6,140 bexe ; large cheese sold at Ned; and sin 11 at 10its. Batter - 321 peckages ; bulk s id at23e. CAMPDF.TX,FORD. Jun 3 -Ab the meeting ; 356 3 of the Oheese Boar he e, 1,500 were boarded. !Bales were s loll we : Hodgson Bros., 350 McGrath, ; Alexander, 10; ld Brenton, 3q0; Cook, 60. all soat 10io. IND -MS° , June 3 Offerings 500 boxes, first three cleye June make. Bids ranged from 91,4 to 10io ; no s es. Salesmen asking 10i to lOic Market quiet. May cheese all sold and about all toved. Grain, (30. TORONTO, June 2—Wheat, white, 741c ; red, 74i to 75ic ; spr nr{ 72c ; goons, 67o ; barley, 46io • peas, 7 io ; oats, 36c. Hay —T ' imothy, 12 to $11 ; clover, mixed, $6,50 to $9 ; etre ,loose,$5 0 ;isheaf,$8. Millfeed —Is steedy at $17 for card of shorts, and 4 $15 dor ran in hulk past or middle freights. anitoba iil1feed is steady at, $19 for cats of _shor s, and $17 for brarto sacks incluc ed, Toron o eeights. .; Pot o E4 TORONTO,,June 2— iarkob easy at Si to $1.10 per big for ear lots Of potatoes an track at Toronto. I Wool. TORONTO, June 3 0 log to the cool weather the new clip frill probedly be some- what slow io coming forward. There has been little or no u asi ed offering{ yet, and not a great deal af nn as ed. The demaricl for pulled wcols is fair rises are steady. Fleece—Thei offerings o Unwashed have been fair thIs week, b t practically no neer washed clip has been corning 'forward. It is expected if the pres nt fine weather con- tinues the receipts wil becomequite large in the near future. . ices are steady at 15 to 15ec fhr washed, and 8- to 90 for un- washed. Pelled Woe s—Extre is quoted at 19 to 20o, and super at 16c. 1 Live Stoo .Markets. LONDON, England, Rine 2 -1 -Live cattle [ easier at 11 rto lite per pou.nd for American steere, drew ed weight ; Canadian steers, 10 to 110 per pound '• re igerator beef, 8-i to 820 per poupd. Sher , 11 to 1.30 per pound. TORONT4:4 June 3— attle--Export--Clhice ago prices are firmer a iddealsrs are belying more stook here, and a they have more space to fillthe dem nd, for export cattle here is much more nerve thani it was last week. Priem] have advanced accordingly, choice cattle selling a high as K70 to $5.10 per ewe, and thediun4 cattle brought about .30 to $4.50. A fe lets of , extra choice cattle add ab $5.15. Bothers' Cattle—There was also an increased lotiand in this line of cattle, while the run wae only moderately heavy. The brisk bt siness, however, wes not heavy enough to affect quotations to any extent, and ther is little change in figures. A; few iota o Eixtra choice picked cattle ,old es high as 4.85 per owt., and :in: one or two instances ight exportere, whioh were bought as hutch re,' brought) $5. The -I general run of Picked cattle sold at $4,50 to $4.80 and °holt° brought $4,60 t� $4.70. The ifair to goal cattle brought about $e 20 to $4.50. Stockers and Feeders—Wore in -fairly good demand and prices were well maietained. There is a continued good de- mand for short,keep cattle. Mitch Cows— Thenun was fairly heavy,. but most of the cow g were of rather pcor quality. The range of pricesleontinue steady at $35 to $50 each, Calties--Trade was good with a fairly heavy run. Prices are unchanged and pros eote are eteady. She and Lambs— The market all rou ntinuee about steady. Tradewas go d 'aid everything was *old. Quotetions oogtinue unchanged ard Prospects a e steady. tJogs—The run, was fairly heav , but the demand was good' and pricesereme'n unehanged. MONTREAL. June 2—The butohere were , oat strong and trade was fair, with prices about the semi as on last market days. Prime beeves ;sold at from 5 to ho per pound, pretty geed (settle at from 3i to ,410, and the oommoe stook at from 2i to no per pound. Ala df ten good calves were sold for 80;$other pelves Hold at from $1.50 to $7 (tech, Sheep sold at from at to 4to per pound. Lambe usually sell at from $3 to $4.56 each, with choice lambs up to $5, and an °etre lamb, iiveighing 73peunds, was sold tonlay for $6. 'Fab hogs (old at from 6 to 6io per pound., Weighed off the oars. . &WEAL% Jeme 2---Cattlee-Aotive ; high, grades strong ; 10 to 15o higher ; others 15 to 25o higher e prime steers, $5.20 to 85.30; shipping steers, $4 90 to 85.10; but- chers' steers, 84.60 to $5.10 ; heifers'$3 75 to $4.90 ; cows,, $3.25 to $4 ; bulls, $3.50 to $4.25 ; feedters, $4 25 to$1L50; stockers, $4 to $4.65 ;itook heifers, 25 to $3.85; good fresh co s and sprin ere, steady ; common, $3 to 3 per head lower ; good to choice, $45 to 855; medium to good, $23 to $40; corn on, $15 to $25. Veale— Steady; tops, 8 50 to $6.75!; common to good, $4.50 to 35. Hoge Actice ; pigs, scarce), 25 to 30e higher ; oth es, 10 to 150 higher; heavy $6 40 to 6 50; mixed, $6.25 to $6.35 . Yorkers, 88.15 to $6.20 ; pigs, $6,25 to $6 35; roughs, $5 40 to $5.5; stags, .25 to $4.50. Sleep and Lambs—Active , mixed sheep, 25o lower; lamb' s 50: low r ; top lambs,$6 50 to $6 85; culls to good, $ to $6 40; yearlings, $4 50 to $5 ; ewes, to $4.25 ; sheep, top, mixed, $4 to .2.5; culla to good, $2 to $390.' . H rse Market. TORONTO, Jmie 3—The dernand for gen- eral purpose ho sea, draught' horses, and in faot all classes, ar exceeded the supply at Harland Smith s Repositor g this week. Every animal o ared brought e fairly good price, and in sone oases especially high prices were realihed. The follewing is a list of the prevailini, prices: Readsters,15 to 16 hands, $125 to $850 ; oarr:age horses and cobs, 15-1 to 16-1 hands, $i150 to 8325; matched plies, 15-1 to 16 1 ha cis, $4.00 to 8700; delivery borse8,1,100 te 1,300 pounds, $100,b $110 ; general purpose and exprees, 1 200 to 1,3501 pounds, $15 te $320; drsuolit horses, l,350.to 1,650 pounds, $150 to $275 ; servic a,ble second-hand workers, $40 to $Q0; ser1cioeable sesoiad-hand driv- ers, $50 to $100 This i6 the Season to have your Horne PHOTOGRA H ED All kinds ofPhofo Work PROMPTLY DONE Picture Frames rnade white you wait JACKS° 1E48 00S., Seaforth. ROLLINS—In Step . Arm. Rollins, a STODDART—In 01 Mr R. F. Std EOUSE—In East ot.Mr. Charles WIG EiThi AN—In wile of Mr Jo GREEN—On May 2 the Lake Road THOMPSON—In 8 Mr. J. B. Then GRIEVE—In Tuck Mr. Thomas M. PENNINGTON—In Mr. Walter Pe RAMSAY—In Mor Devid Ramsay, BLrt1113. en, lon May 26th, the wife of Mr. a soo. " nton, on May 22pd, the wife of net, of a son. awanbah, on nay 22nd, the wife ouee„ of a son. aet Wawariosh en May 22nd, the n Wightman, of ila daughter. Eh, tbe wife of Mr. F. Green, of Hay, of a so. aforth, on June 4th, the wife of peon, of a daughter. renaltb, on May 171h, the wife ef C Grieve, of a aughter. Grey. on May 8 st, the wife of nington of a ado P, Cii May 27, the Rlf a ot Mr. of a daughter. amazes. SCRUTOS—MENN the reSidence cf the bride's brother 376 Eva Street, London, on May 271h, liy Rev. C non Richardeon, M. A. recbor of St. John's cher h, London, Mr. John doraton, to Miee Hannah 1 lone], lx,th of Clinton: BROWNLEE-CO SINS—On May 271h, at the reel: deuce of the b de's parnits, bsee line, by Rev: J. C. Dunlop, r. George E. Brownlee, of Tuck- ersmitb, to Mi Llz1e COUSill3, oldest datighter of Mr. Thomas Coming, of Hallett. TABB—WITMER In Clinton, on May 27th, by Rev, J. C. Dunlop, r. Charles Frederick Tabb, of Colborne, to M es Ettie Witmer, of Hullett. PATTERSON—LA ONT—At the Mamie, Cranbrook, on May 20th, b Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Wm. .J. Paterson, to M s Manic Lamont, both of Grey. RICHMOND—WE STER—At the testdenoe of the bride's brother Mr. James Webster, of Hulled, on May 201h, b Rev. J. L. Small, Mr. Mertin Richmond, of 1 orris, to mi IS Jennfe Webster, of Hullett. e Deaths. ROGERSON—In /I l'ett, on May 301h,Jessie Lowrie, wife of Mr. John T. Rogereon, aged 32 years, 9 months and 16 days. IdcINTOSIL—In ThwIck, on May 23rd, William Ar- mand McIntos , aged 18 years. KING—In Blueval , on May 26111, George- Sehordes King, infant soi of Mr. and Mrs; J. A. Hing,aged cum month. HASSELWOOD—I Hullett, on May 25th, Matthew- Haeselwood, aped 83 yearr and $ months. ROGERS—At Rog rville, on May 22nd, Martha Mc- Mahon, relict al the late Ma ,thew Rogers, aged 90 years and 9 nonthe. BIRD—In Cranbr ok, on May 301h, Mary Hayes, relict of the lale James Bird, in her 79th year. McDONALD—In Voodatook, bn May 25th, Janet Murrayewidoial of the late Donald McDonald and mother of Mrs. R. A. Scott, Seaforth, aged 84 . years and 21 dips. KING—In Blnevale, on may 25th, George Shorties King, infant soO of .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King, aged I month and 1. day. IMPORTANT NOTICES. WANTED.—A teacher holding second clean ear- tifloate, for echool section No. 9, Morris, Huron County, On ado. Apply pereonally if pos- sible or state ealari desired. Duties to commence after the holidays of 3903. GEORGE R. STUBBS, Secretary, Brunetti P. 0., Ontario. , 1851-4 STRAY H0G.- Jj 7, McKillop, Yorkshire boar. recovery will be harbering him wit not be responsible mal after this date forth • -Strayed from Leit 20, Coneeesion on May 14th,1 a thoroughbred Any information leading to his ewarded and any Deleon found be proseeuted. 1 The owner will for any damage done by this ani - JOHN WYATTI Box 481 8es- 1851x4 HURON EXPOSITOR,. m6Ki N'ON 1.1"17 -Mi Fou GreatSpecials. Commercial travellers kriow we are always open for bargains, if the goods and prices are right, and wh4 they have any snap S to offer, we always get the first chime to buy. OUr tra e is rapidLy increasing, and we can handle large lines of go ds that the- Other eJJows would not dare to touch. We have just closed a eal for four tdifferen travellers' samples,, which are now ready for inspection. PIM-VV"M.A..1=Z Two sets of travellers' aamples of ladies' fine whitewear in night dresses, skirt, corset covers, dra ere, etc. Thee are some very high class, geode in this lot, and such a, variety.. Our space ill not allow u to dea ribe the dtffeitent garments, suffice ib to say it is the finest stook of whitewear e'ever showed, and if you get here in time you can save from 25 to 40 -per cent. on each urohasa. W _A- ID S IV 1:.) 13io 1:7 A mani facturer's samples and overmakes in wrappers and blouses, in black mercerized sateen, pens les and printsq Yon can buy. a good wrapper, well made, fast colors, good value at $1. 5, for 75o ;. and blaok sateen or percale waists, worth 500 to 75o, for 35o. "NiV,A2VM.1 PELCDOP CO.A.TS, A treve lera' samples of ladies' and gents' rainproof coats, in a great variety of styles and colors, hich you can buy at 25 per cent. below regular. prices. - 3V1 pia INT M A trave lees samples of late t styles in fine American millinery, in untrimmed and ready -to -we r hate. Some aped& lines for the June' trade, which we are offering at from 25 to 40 per cent, below regular p ie8S. KINN() GREAT TIIE I) 01TM P'EtIOM & CO./ BLYTII. CASH STORE Wo. anticipated a big trade in the m ed.it was one of the.best month's S Blyth. . The question may be asked, why b find -here tie right good at the right pri And hat about Ji ne ? Wehave and prices hat will come end 1hemse1ve Just t4 hand a corpegnme t of Men' ieweeeleriee onth of May, and were not disappoint - ring business that we have had in sineesj o good? Because you will e. repared for big business with goods to the buying public. ate proof Coats. You should see them, thy are excellent value. Some special prices in Boys' Suits,izes 31,,32 and 33. Algo some good value in Men' S Overalls and Pants. The vIlue we have in Ladies' W appers is simply marvellous. Ladies needing anything in tha line, would fini it to their advantage tO see these before buyikig. For June millinery call and see w at We can do for you before purchasing elsewhere. Any quantity of e gs taken in excl ange for goods. L (OVUM D. M. McBE 2 ' TORIA 1BLYTH. BLOCK, Grand Trunk Rail ay System Ho! for the Mosel Farm Big Excursion t A Big Excursion will b run t the Agricultural Cal). e, quelph Under e auspices of he Huron armers' Instit tes, On, Satur4lay, June 20th elph 1903, The fare from the diffe ant stains . is as follows : Station Au ult child 125 :65 125 .66 20 .60 120 .ao 115 .60 15 .60 110 .65 120 .60 1.26 .65 20 .60 125 .66 125 .66 25 .115 120 .60 Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Seaforth 8t. Columban Dublin Holmeeville Goderloh Brneefield Kippen Hensel' Exeter Centralia Arriving in Ch elph at 10:23 a. iji. Tickets will be good only on one train, valid to rejturn on any train J.ip to and including Monday, Jun 22nd.i1A special train will leave Centralia at 6:30 . m. ; eter, 842; Hensall, 6.57e Hippen, 7.06, and rucefiel 7 13, con- neoting with th regular train at Clinton. Paseeng- ere from other stations will use regular morning train. Returni et, a spe51a1 train will leave Clinton at 10.36 p. m. fr Centralia, and intermediate points. One will also lellveOlinton at 10.4 p in, kir Belgrave and intermediate points. This e ill be th enly ex- cursion from th 0 county to the A ricultu 1 College this semen, and every person elm Id take advantage of it. Ample a commodation wil be. pr vided. A substantial lune will be served t the ollege by the Governmen . D. MoINNI , 'Preeic ent, South Huron; THOS. McMILLAN, Pre Went E t Huron; E. C. ELFORD, Secretary West uron ; 8 SMILLIE, Secretary. 1851-3 Owing to t leadiug watc the purchase Co., of Toron' to watches will likel price shortly.! If you need cue y save moneybr buying as EOM as y ARNI G! reoent om1b:natioi of the a companies ef Am rice and of the American Webb Case riso in u might u can. JOHN BULGE Jeweler, . e Seafor.h Notice. 1 The Connell of McKillop, will t Municipal Drains, to be opened Beenhwood, at 1 o'clock afterno work in drains is 81,633,and 8773. high over estimete the council re tcraccept, otherwise lowest tend Recurity oan be furnished. 825 dere until seen ty is given. Pia to be seen at my office. 1851-3 JOHN C. M ke tenders for two on Julestimate Jute 30th, at n. Th If ten ere are too erve the right not r will be token if to limo', pany tee. s and s ecifications RRISO Clerk. Excur ion To nia. Grand Trunk IRs1lway System. I. 0. • 1'. exour- sten on Saturda , June 13. Min rva En air -Talent, No. 47, I. 0. F.,- Wingham, has conipleted ar- rangements wit the G. T. R. to run its annual ex- cursion toSarn a via Hydr Park, from the fallowing placeohSatuMay.Juoe 1310, 1903, at he follow. Ing fares: Lea Whiteohurch, 6188, fare $2 06; Wingham 6.50, fare Limier:tow at 6 20 a. m. are $2 05 ; $2 05; Wingha Junction, 6.68 ;1B 1 , 7.01 fare, $1 85; Myth, .14, fare 81 75; Lond i • ro, 7.22, hire, 01 65; CI nton, 7.47, fare$1. 60; Brueefield, 8.06, fare, $1 45; Kippen, 8.16, e 81 85; Hensel', 8.22, fare $1 35 Exeter, 8.35, Inc 111. 35. Children under 12, half re. Returning special in leaves Sarnia at 10 010 lock p. m. on onday, nne lath, running throng to Lnoknow. erybo y come on the biggeat and best excursion of the ye An op - porton will e afforded excu lonists spending it ocuple of day in Detroit as a dal r e to that city and return from Sarnia by bat has en secured and on the mai al of the train t Sarni those de - airing may leav for Detroit by oat or trolley, re- turning Monde evening in tim ; for th excursion train which do not leave tittle p. m. . A. MOR- TON, Chslrma ot Committee. 1861x1 WANTE A. number of smart girls and y too Batton Fa tory. Highest w once by letter r calt &tour oftio ltIOTT&RD R08011 1861,8 ung bo ges pal 's in Water- . Apply at B O., aterloo, Ontario. GRAND TRUNKRsVsTea Excursion to the Can- adian Northwest AT THE FOLLOWING RETURN FARES Winnipeg, Man.; Arcola, Assn.; Bins - earth, Man,; Elgin, Man.; Estevan, Assa,; GrancleView, Manitoba, $28.00. Miniota, Aerie.; Moosonun, Atari.; Swan River, Men.;: Waskada, Man.; Wawanesa, Man.; Meosa Jaw, Asea; Regina, Assa.e York ton, :Agars., $30.00. Prince AlbOrt, Sask.; Macleod, Alberta; Calgary, Alberta, $35.00. Red Deer, Alberta ; Strathcona, Alberta, $40.00. Good goingelane 4th, June 18th, return- ing within 60 days from date of issue. Good going July 411), valid to return until Sep- tember 8th, 1903.: WHERE TO SPEND THE SUMMER. The famous Muskoka lakes, Lake of Bays, Lake Nipissing, Kawartha Lakes and the Magnetewan River are reached only by the Grand Trunk Railway System. Excellent hotel accoMmodation, healthy climate, fish- ing, eta. Descriptive literature and all in- formation from Agents. W SOMERVILLE, agent, - - Seaforth. Or by addressing J. D. MoDONALD, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto. L. McTaggart, North End Store Exeter. We have a nice clean stock of fresh Grocerieg, which we are selling at very low prices. See our Ready Made Clothing, Ask for our Floor. Oil Cloths and Carpets. We quote a few , prices: 10 Ibis Cornmeal for 25o. 10 lbe Oatmeal for 25o. 8 lbslof tspioca for 25o. 13 We,Eleotrio soap for 25o. 4 lbs fifrst class currants for 25o. First dass Coal oil 180. Also Linseed, Machine and Cylinder Oil always on hand. Flor Oil Cloths. Two yards wielee good material at 508 a yard. One yard wide at 25c. Carpets. We halve a number of different de- signs in Carpets ranging in price from 17c up to 9cic. Ready Made Suits at very low prices. L. IMcTaggart, North End Store, Exeter. 1861-4 Death To Bugs. That is the result when you spray your potato pateh with our Paris Green, We keep only one grade and that is the best we could procure. Oar Hellebore and Insect Powder will do all that is claimed for them. Give us a trial and be convinced we keep pure fresh drugs et reasonable prices. , wffigmEgligimagiac C.ABERHART, DRUGGIST, . 0,A.RDIWS - - BLOCK. 1E3M4...POT0113a.. - I Corner Main and Market Smelts Seaforth, Ontario. The Largest Dry Goads and Clothing frConoarn In Four Court al PRICE. The life-giving principle lof advertising is tr4t fulness. You wouldn't heed us if you didn't believe us. The trade mark fea- ture of our 4tore this week is price. Eve rj article advertised for this week's selli g is truthfully described ; every price is special. You will not find a Word of exag eration in what vve say, neither will you find a price that is not lower than the usual one. ress Goods Department Ceating a Sensation. That's what we are doing on the prices we are quoting on our Hamilton stock.i A pile of dress goods, regular price 50c, in a good range of colors, for 25c a yard. One piece of 56 inch worsted serge, in Navy blue, worth 81 a yard, this week for 55c. , Two pieces of all -wool delaine, worth 35c 6, yard, for 1.2ic., Brush. b Two piec 75c, this wee A pile of week for 7c. ridings in colors of black, blue, brown and. grey, for lc a yard. s all -wool homespun, 56 inehes wide, in grey and brown, regular for 35c. linings,in browns and greys, regular price 100 and 12A -c, this Ladies' Department The purc1iasing power of your dollar will be a happy surprise to you, as you step- thro gh the different departments for giant valuei at dwarf prices, are greatly in ievidence. Ribbon Sale this week.—Ribbons worth from 5c to 10c. a yard, on emle this week for 3c a yard. Ribbons worth from Sc to 15c a yard, on. sale this week for 5c a yard. Fancy trilniming laces, oriental North 12A -c and 15c a yard, en . sale this week at 5e a yard. A new lot of embroideries to clear this week at 5c and 100 per yard. Also a n w lot of embroidery ends of 41- yard lengths, to be cleared at special prices_ this week. Special line of cotton hose to clear this week, two pair, for. 25c.. Comet coVers, worth from ‘.15c to 40c, on sale at 19e. Special prices in white night dresses this week. taple Department. Again it will be demonstrated how we manipulate the prices, and allow you opportunLies for big savings. The specials', below are m culled from the any in stock. - I , A . 93.-5. . i., SPEOIA S IN TABLE LINENS. -30e for 1.9e, 35o for 25e, 40e for 30c, -50c for c, 65c for 49c. SPEOIS IN WHITE QIJILT.S—$1 for 8c, $17for $1 00, $2.00 for $1.25. . es Print, worth 10c a yard, to clear this week at 5c. es of Ticking to clear this week for 5c a yard. s of Shirting,,regulai price 13c, for 71.c., es of Prints and Sateene, regular price 12-12--c to 20e, to clear. at 1 double fold unbleached Sheeting, regular prize 20e,, to clear at e of linen Towels, regular price 22c per pair, to .clear:at 18e per is for 19c, clearing line of Levelling 8e for 50 3, 81-c gloss i -O ; 10c towelling for 71c. Fifty pie Three pie Ten piec Fifty pie 101c a yard. Six piece ltic a yard. Special li pair; 30c tow towelling for ~AAAMINN ANAWAA A A Air C othing Department. If you'd jingle in your that can give shrewd cash it if you are power of you like to enjoy the good old snmmer time, and have dollars to pockets, make your Spring and Summer purchases from a house you good honest bargains. We are clothing the majority of the uyers around Seaforth, andwe want to clothe you. We an do judge of clothing, and consider for a moment the purchasing dollars. We consider -there is nothing too good. tor our custom- ers. For this reason, we have arranged with the leading clothing manufac- turers of Canada for the exclusive sale of their clothing in this vicinity. As a matter of cefosity, perhaps, you would like to look at a. suit which is made better and fit better than any clothing ever shown itt this vicinity? Also see our special c ring prices in clothing for this week AAAAAWAAAAAAAAMAAAWA Men's Furnishings. The- mot extensive 'stock, always growing, always -clanging, keeping right to the front, howling the brightest, newest and most stylish productions of the best manufac rers. Highe Wee(DO_eggiAlltagetealeigigedgelielgigellagegeg prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. • 0 l'r11. PICKA.111)//k COD'RE'r - .6 IMPORTERS Oppoi4te Tema Butding, Ocrin.ar Mth and Market, Sts.leokfortii.