HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-05-15, Page 4opted a circle of friend 1 who will g eatly regret' her two years he sold again and urohaseci ther. tion before it can be �d Anothev, ffig4s di act lose on the year a transaetio� SEAFORTH'S LEA01 Cx 5MOE STORE., feature is a p!:ovisiou that everT, question'. of., $51 0 6, of which $41,146 Ni as lose on the early, and unt� nely demise. She leaves a farm where he resided till he as caudiA to' arising in a county council constit ated unlerl' ( OmAdia business. and $6,008 i in old coantry husband and �� iree little girls to mou.n the give an. ao-.ount of the talent" endow d to the new method and involving an expendVi t O's - inosq. This is not a ver3 encouraging loss of a, dev�;ed wife and mother. Mra. him. When 22 years of age h w*o ma rie this Brantf ord establishment Ducker was � daughter of Maloolm Rod to Mies Annie � De%titiie, of 14 i and arkham. To I . 1: !owl0i for H ture of over five thousan4 dollar i for par. a poses other d;ian current 6 t resillt.1 il � oue ;Q the beat of the oo-o orvitivo 9rdQr,, Detay L%moo p of *4911613w, ra'!kiario. Her them wereiborn12 ebildren,six lipya'and Oxford $hoes Weather, shall be decided b t�)g 1hebui oftheato3kin altt ass was con. motihbr was ith her during her last ill- six girls. In politics deceased was a staunch y ad (ling let er, the . . . . . . . -4th A equalized asap'serneut] of 1the municipalities t 4but0id, by far-nere and othe 4 who are not ness. Liberal. His children are : Mrs. George whose repreaentatives vote for sua-h expen4i�'; c ver' burdened with capital, 'a d on this a'a- Rev. J. McLean, B. A., has acoept.A Davis, 1 Clinton ; Mrs. William Cudniore, geafl, tare ani against it respectively. The bOl count heir failure is to be rea, ett9d. a call to becotpe pastor of Wingbam Baptist Kippeti; Mrs. William Dinsaide, Parkhall A woril to �h­a Ladies Oxford low q4oe$ Will:ibQ All the �age this sr, was read a second time, 0-d was referred 1 church. He�illentdk onhia now duties John and, Harvey, North Dakota; William, Dame Fashloa,having pt her siamp 5f &pprO d uP()jl th�m, is orte, reasoD iAnoltlier member of the old guard who next �Su day. I Rev. Mr. Patterson, the late Vancouver, Bribiell Columbia; Charles,:Chi- why they U y worn, but the to the Municipal Committee. It is not i in�- I I I n W I bel extensivel bost reason lis -that t6y are Tuesda probable. that It will beqpme law. The f reA.promiaen-tly In Canadl an politics i pastor, preaot3d: his �. farewell sermon on bago, Illinois ; Mrs. Melvin Walker, ar- n the coolest and 08 00M 0 able shoe made foi- hot weat6r. Our Oxfo Pre ier snoke very Ftml��Iv I its fav(lr On " nil a IAL+ : TTQ lit n +n 11"Fraln +.n 1,,*. arati P%,& "All 1TAinve LInA e or a of lor- _rdo gone by has been r of beauty and daintiaess, and,must be Se ;a b wil 7 I and if it survives tne cod�mivte tal i anio ad from this side. ence, the labter four be ng nou on the me- shoes are models GAbe fullyap- likely pass the House. ueen Qu tyy Ifel Mr. A. H. Dymond pAndpal of the —A quiet me ce at the stead." p i(� pat -eat k3ld * 191 we'diding took pla reciated, We have the famou,3 Oxf a (0) tarto luatitute n NEW ADVERTISEMENTS for tL �Mnd, died .'at home of Mrb,,I. Sa Iderson, of Gorrie, at and kibo'kid, with the new military leels at $3. 00 a ir. The 4-i d Hibbe.-Lt. high noon on NVeduesday of last week, when .8 The Dominion 1�arliament' I anbtord, on Mondpy last. Mr. Dymon' press," wit oles, at �,2.00, $2,25 t or kid toe caps, flexible I'weon the parentheseafter each her only dau liter, Mies Merle, was united pata Mr The figurabo, SUICIDE. -A sad case of sui ide occurred ne, d6notes tho pzge ot the p&per on which the Our Dominion legislatote are haste Ppointed tollis recent osition abolat $2.50 a pair. The 11 Imperial Oxfords at 8.2 00 a pair, 'and hosts ,Of in marriage Ito Mr.,Kenneth Trimble, of in this township'on Fr day lat t. It tieems idertisement will be ',found with remarkabi'le deliberaiion. ''Thera seeips: *ant' y �ears ago. Previous o that he Cub Glenboro, Ma others as low as �1.00 a pair bitoba and son of Mr. John ths,t He' Our Businels—Grolz & 9teW%rt_,1 actor, son of Mr. Robert Johnston, to be a dispotlition on both sides of the he �ae i6 a �igura in politics. H was for solb'e 'Trimble, of Gortie. Ilmself in Prices Talk—lffw, Pickard & CD -5 of the 2rd concession," hanged his —D. McB th V not uch as po inember of the editori I staff of the A very prietty bu quiet wedding took STRAP SUPPE S INow Millisery to (10 as 1�11' ible, but to do as ears, t father's barn. For sev �ral ye; 6re -the y ung PR( Saturday Sale —Lmroyd CO -4 1 G.obe, and he repre ented No4h place at the � residpnae of Mr. and Mrs. o d 3 — M (it o Eo'n- little all possible. In act,- me�nbers :��TVJ man"a mind'had been affected, and for two Underpriced G and Co --5 ! I I I inI the Dcininion Parliainient. He as Gramm, of C ranbro6k, at four 0 clock, 'an confined in n -hen years he had be the London Aie equally as CODI and comfortable, and are eve' lighter' in wiaht �vl han 2.50 Pace Oxford Shoes -R. Wil:isnd 8=-4 simply m&rki ng time unti 1. thd nl� as lum. In the spring of 1902 he retained rernpotIt a igoreus writer and one of on Wednesda� aftern '-)n of last week, w For sale -C. H%miltm-S t a ablest fill It 0 Houee to Rent -W. N. Watson -15 ant Government mea4tll Plakers of his day, an y lo* shoes. We ave many lines of k trap slipl iers with iigh t turrll 861e� 9 teS are I submittIP& f drin a 13 there w re �heir daughtil, Miss M�rgaret, was united h "old .40 TrDb Notice to Contraotors-F, Hegs�5 ome apparently oured,, but of latq the� for considera�ion, and th�re doa� n6 0 9,D?d men in political life in th ae -oina returned, &nd orran ements were h U0 -aloe Shoes-Riebard.!on apd Holnuis-5 t anew in marriage to! John Ri4oie, hardwarG Efier wit or wit4out buckle and bow, at 8 5 sympt 81;50, and 7Z19 P Victoria Day-Wra. Som arvifle-5 any great dispositicil to 'even rush! them. AIT The ceremony was per- being made to return' pair. ilYa ng these were Hen. George eh%nb, of Eth�!). hirn' to the asylum 2.14 pace -Thomas Prioe-5 n, on. Won. MoDouga I Ron. Ale formed by Bey, D. M cOrae. Card of Thanks It would, perhap?, be well if the. ste 4e_� I I - when bhe sad -event occurred. Much �Ym- 8 1. 50 and $1.75,Oxfords and Strap Slippeis for a pair. Farm for Sale--�Thomas Kc�ye;-5 ! I ?ri t -The follo* ingara the game wardens for der McKenzie, Sir Riohai I Otbrtm felt in the community .0 liberate pace were obser pathy is for thel be Cour� of Revia'69-A- G. Smill! i-5 vad later )n. iwax&s pSce amd 2 -4 I 'a the county o! Huron 'J. A. Anderson the Ooae of the session. The only rn�tter of I , 09 i nd eth�ers. On being defea-1 ed in NqFth Thirty pairs Ladies' 0 f6rds'and Strap Sli3pers, new, up to -date styles iti-11 Shop tdRent�G. K. MAI u,1-5 reaved Parents and friendi. 'reg i %kk, he was a, !in Seaf x I ular ce and 2 1 day in pri i 'd Saturday for fl,,) Sale of (;Alve"� 0 Parsonz-5 importaDoe up during thle, past we�k w ppointod to tie position orth Ja�lea Creech, Exeter John DiED! ix CALrFoRNIA. t -There died at 'Elk ce $1.50 and �1'1 75 a pair -on sale Fri All Wahted-G.. R_ Kiag-8 h. he continue o fill with Currie, h ; -John Gill, Exeter John River, California, on April 196h,- a pair. Seafonh Broderie-6 o �e i Graill� the bill granting a ch%Aer t antfoid, whic t God-er De�nis marked', ability uatil his deat Hewitt, Bruse Is Peber McKay, Chisel- SpringThouzhtg-J. S. R,;berts-5 Tiunk acifio Railway, P Company. Carlin, 'eldest eon of Th mas Cirlin, H�ber, Samples in n th w o *. n8th. Ihurat 0. J. S. NafbaJ, Goderich to or in It, Paya-C. Httlelb-8 wnship That matter has I�Ieen I ef �e tbel nia Rtr4t, Stratford, and a ni Live of Rib- fted-ticad rates 9n Girl Wanted -Mrs. M_ Y_ XcL �an-3 I Rof �rring to the results of 4he anafflan Jo3eph Rider,; Clinton ; John Sands, Salt- bert, where the family formei ly resided on R%ilway Committee. T6 cilly di&,ul�y 1 n 31 9 9 it", n tug n 11 Now Stock -4-:-W. H. Willie -8 ford ; Alex. &ott, Westfield. =Xn For Sale-kxposi tor Offtce-li- digoriiminati iff again b IGermany, he A in the way i3 th-3' cout.futihn by� Ing ta� lot 26, concession 1. He was 47 years :and -E. B. Tilt� son of Thomas Tilt, of the 19 days: -250. some of the emt3rn mernbEr3 thixt V �e ch 'r. R ctor Times says Barbara ISeed and Feed-Harhilton and Kerslake-& xchai ge, God ter should contain a pro4aiori. tht b t ie east- ard, 9. BROD4,91M a ccuhtry and! Germany, while all he his course in ini LLAS & Seaforth 'i a Broa-�, Th: aide betw an Britikh E eribb, has con,pleted of age, and leaves a I Vifoo Carlin and six children Thou as,, Bern R W Potatoes for S� ed-B.eat'ic, Bros -8 ng engineering ab McGill Frank, Williami, Aurea and ary Carlin. ern terminus Of c road should Breed tio the Best -A. Obaleiworth-5 I titteal, ud has taken Ilia de- The obsequies of the de eased were largely Sole Avents for the Slater Shoe for nien and the Seeds, ��te­2-J. S. ftoberta--S be at some Canadian port t*qftt 1116re an� object o,,T,- nursing iecan3e of its Un,*vor ity, M.( a gree of B. So., sts,nding third on the liab. Grain for sale-seafnith Milling Co --9 I preference abould alw llne�s, is not o necessary; to us that a atterided. The Hum ays giv�n a bo t, Calilornia, Times Notice -1:4. C. Horrison-5 fie has been a�)poirited assietgnb demonstra- says The ceramonyl of burial consisted Wedding Ring,3-2�J. W. Bulger 8 to Can%diau trade. Tn other ords, tbat! oannob get along ibbout it, beoauw we can tor in metallurgy at the :college, and was of a solemn requieurn ass at St. Bernard's was born in the lyl v1siting Mr, and- Mrs. Sadlier.-Mr. and _.T rel I S25, - at Woodmei the road should ba, enuiral Ctuaffian, The, bv y the �goods fro. those wh do not dis- the recipient A another,, -honor in being r he cong Ina4a agairst us. And a a providing, as they hint, the! aill t a ivenby: 6 lin, a b we Must 0 ye g t:) Germany Mr. Tilt's dut� an will occupy most of his Walter Hanson i1who pre-deceas the couatty is propot tionate to t 0 sorrowing cortege, which followed the, re- ed her and Mrs. Wol [a were in, Mitchell on W,e& nnell,-Mr. he additional � f6 , we ave the­cornfortin reflection that Txpo% time during th�,a holidays. ould there be ObOLeli a valcdi6torian of his class. 47 years ago, together with her husband, guests of company, do no') aeriouily objec W thtFi" or ini church, and the sacred. difice as ere ded' near Hull, an& in ated to this country Mrs. James 1) Connell, of Goderiell, are'the tolioll ave ra owith old-time friends 0�, ttie de'deased. The M . and Mrie. i g place, w he ne gday im, expense tuoh an ol)ligation will mains to their last rest about nine mon1el ago. Corning to t t �] I! bu. as inany dAin enUill upon, th a extr;a price v0hieh we h ve to Ply 18 -The follOwiDg factis concerning the - �8. ur on t-omsfir Win&01 tract, they took up. farming on the Dilaney, of I ompany.' In fai-t, thb companj Ship of G. sor blocks in length, perhaps one ol the largest 4 -it h 11 in town Siinday, O� t -C willing to undertake alm '4b [Anythin if tile t6 our rqpre seen in the city during the recent Month ati ending tl�,: ie he town line, a short distance west of Kippen, �c "'I w ornmons for c see�n 1 posed' by onrAelves, and t .at according town layare taken from Asses 11anleara oi MrsaGivensi-W SEAFORTIT, FRIDAY, May 15th, 1903 sentation in- Parlis ant a great Rayrnanu's 'roll : Children' between 5 and where they contin 811 ions wen' t country will bear the brub� -pensp. 1 rn jo The Pall bearers were Masers Peter D:. tied to reBide until about o Toronto last week toine in W11140' rit� of u 3 ohiserish that ex bra priep- as a on had. b f th 9 0 6, 767 ; child' an bet 15, 2 wean 8 and X-cGregr in 87 16 years ago, -when they moved into Hen- nea.-Many fromi tow. And, if this conteLtion of 'a canalia t Idney, William Wate -a, John -Tully, D. u �tt,3nded thefo g sendi Repriaa rty The Taxing of Railways. ls;thatij3j are oneself as much I a re clear, 48,590; MoDo n_9'61d, James Pier -a and E. O'Neill, sall to enjoy a well earn d rest, having sold he ire devoti, in St. Columban churchW-t And, 'has lost his total acres, 64,�,759 ; totA 0 a in3d and other like coaditi�ns are i ish ted o6, i as the-Ict-her fellow, m%y command themselves value of real ]pro erty, $1,774,225 value of Most their farm to Mr. John Jarrett. Mrs. Hen- Su:kd ay even t�, Ing. p of whom will be Unlemb red as ban- 'g. -Mr. Win. Givins diedw The fo"lowing apeared editorially in the it is feared it will be uLed- siniply as an x, tltbe en of ul opf rib ; but hen bhey are personal propai-ty, $8,100 ; number of male th -she 9 ::-Th ton war, highly respected for her many e long Toronto St%r on Tuosd&y cuse to obtain an abnormadly large P-rn r adians from this parb o! 0 province. Fr day last, y6iter a lingering i'lless"i Her t th 10 delibcr&te act' of Parliam ab, they dis parse 'n 21 and 60 years, 752 total cellent qualities, and a] though of a very funeral took ne betwe� h -m -been zettled3l P: ace 8uridal ex Tha repr booma and oter cancessiod-3 of a a ibq tan.ti4l cr�dib uomewhat the civilizi tion of the populabion, 3,2�`01 ; number of cattl 7 morning to. the sort xtivea of F t* -e r_0way com- nd low e L 14 0 + a, 8,988 ; - ell never Dt blin cernet ry and was; largely attended. nature, while tile b,n-fi�s to b3 derive[dj tVentieth century." quiretand retiring disposition a unlos-aed a panies witl be heard bafore a. committ3e of number of sheep, 2,432 ; hogs, 3,590; horses, Blyth. f ailed to,rn ke I wentwas the eve rLendsof hose with whom W 3 offer OUT sincere syrnp 'With from the terminal p,)iut arb Inore sei timen' I. &thy to the be. the ura cn . Friday, in cotuection 1,999 ; births,' 48 deaths, 20 ; acres of BRiEFs.-The Cliuta� Colle3,,iate Hough a -.t kind W strike, 1 she became azzqusinted, and"Was mo d famf ted �hau substantial. l�'­ how The special cornmit.eeof t ie Diminiqn wooi laiA, Z721 acres of swamp and cup f Oob ball team played on boys here rei ive r. Puttypiece"I bi'll to t%X railways, m%tter whi.,h w ill come up�, fur con --id,ral 01n arliamont appointed _�to area ge the divis- waste. land, 1-1, 448 acres of orcha arid generous t.) all ter neighbore and I building OPer-ati anditisa fo:egoue conclusion that Lli,y P rd' 581 last Wednesday evenin on the park, and friends. Sin -le the death of Mr. Hanson i later. Tile special commitibee oa tha R. dto-_ standatilL will oppose it in prineiphi aLd i rwery de- ion'purider the RMistributioal bill h%ve got acres of f6ll whe'ab, 3,264, number of -steam were defeated by I kos to 0. d she had always mournpd the loss of her 'Perth Notes; -Two J et t. ibutio-i bill he% as yet sc4rcaly com6ionced 611111le to.Wo :St Xtiford p he tb: urch tall.. -It is understood that & call has gone boilers, 18. team- if!our fo)tball pl yers we�b to operat'oas, and- it is now hioted that redig- do �n k ani have dete.,minid up(.n W, ing- compisinion in life, and for some mout --The bes'albers of a r c barn on Thursday to ph y the t am of that forth for representatives, of townsbip ccua- tribution may be d6fLrr -, d Ifo--anoi h3r ye'�r. esontAion of the re I pective P -Wcrd has �een ra' 6ved of th43 serious previous to her death her lose seemed to af- set col have Fraser, D. ., f I ked for a� tEn per Cent. in. oils throughon the province to gather in pla,ceandweradefeate(.-The oungpeople Mr. Blir'a Riilway Ocnimiaaioa bi�l alA he, 18pr 0 �0_ 1038 sustained by Mr. Fred Knighb, of York* feet her more and I more, and never very crease in th salare Mhompson, D. D.. the city on Tuesday ncxt and apear before vinc3s.. A9 our re;6ders are ly in'-prested too, As3inibo ka of the Episcopal church held suc- robust in health, she began to declio� very --Mrs. 0 r Hodge, of Mitcheli bas tut- ia who lef b Exeber some wee -1 had an airing, but i b has not yet it Ll to ths I ver ink in Hamiltran the committee, t�) present the case of the i cessful iientcraainment in t�a tompycrance in �be arrangement of Ontario we E-11AII 0 ly 9,go for that -place with a 'carload of mar- rapidly at the last.� The funeral, to the Thompson wt I I I par ic stroke,'and is no w� in -a committee stage, and aoona �need bestii-pr:rel fer3d a t municipalities. There shculd be a wide chandiae, household effects, etc. Mr. hall, oaWednesday ev ning. The low ate, if it, too, is staved over for anoth r qegsion. rafei t:) this Province. Under' the nsw bill Bre,,,Tere Znlon cemetery, at Rodgerville, was ve)ry' veiy :a. Fraser 65. Mrs. Be,@ response to this for if the townships ions of. a use- Knight, in company with Mr. James 'Beer, g uite a number from Clint oa and her largely attended, tgktifyi'g to the respect While p aying a foot ball match With - It looks now as if the expectat it 6 P went, the railways to bg taxed, they should as beau determined to give Toronto fiv's was busily elIgaged in building his new store pert h vi'l OY felt for the deceased. ful seesicn aic, not to b3 realized. If fhi5 Re- present,! and all re a f enjI ad Milvcrton o Weellesday of last week late Hen. Alexani 12a Mid- at that place, and had meanwhile stored lits L ChArcsZillitx, ot Liztoiiv -nd L I only (14 1,136 �0 eg rise lip t Be -Lorda -m 0 -and -say so. The question is ilDw mef�bErj. This is an ine thew -selves. -Bishop Baldwin oadon, diatribution bill passes, is aboat d h: before, the Legislature and the country for dleex, inoludin J.,r)ndon I conduatcd confirmatio)i services in this 9 wl have four. sto�k of gro�eries and other effects in Mr beenaking -A to -1 measure of any importa6ce, exce�Z the blicken belovv the knee. Y Ing, tt's- building. While ab work on ondesb:)ro. consideratErx, and all the facts and argu- Sin�ooe, o�kj'*Grey, Algoma, Wout.vvmh, Herb Ellie Episco,)A ohuroh last Thurad!ay eve 8! anting aid to the Grvn4 Trunk 'acific,: --The cuttom return -i fcr the pt the province tbi gr Hamil ced Of ment3 should be tirrilAt forwarl. The in udin$ too, a oil in,l d, !-he new builai 3g a fire was noti' orifirming -a class of ov -r 20, which ep aks. NOT�S­11r.' and M -s. Neil, Of St, -ritford doring the mo-aill of April wAra: r -is I ft. out,: Olitawa,Jluron, Leeds well for the rector. - I ev. M Vj'hich mus' conic whabeve; elae ' : to have e- called. at Guelpt railways v�Ul tak.o care of their side of the g hroken oub in Mr. Elliott's house, and in a owe, of Thomas,' who have bee3 that u ill materialize thi!3 s visit-ir!g -frierd, '.59,910 ; dutiable goods,: Wondayight lesion. Webb, of B Fri a gocde, acase, and the people sh -ii'd pitch in and har i; and 'North urribc rland, will h%ve th6�e �-1 Wingliarn, and Revi M _ v�rlu time tli.31)uilding was a mass of flames rua iels, here during the past week, left on WedaeE- 2H ; daty collected, $40,842 4& -tid clied at 41 make a goed ai.oiv ing each. Essex, Kent, Elgin, Lambton, B.ujo, ind evervthingLwent up in smoke. The lose also aseisted in the se ices.=. Ourtis day morning for obher'pxrts.�� The League -While wal'king oa' mained ,overigbi a PLn'k tThe C+amey Invastigati Wellington, Parbh, L -%nark, Renfrew, Hust- to Ale. Knight is sovera, and will amount intitnis holding a Locial 0 t, Wha do we send. representatives 0 the and her mollisr, Mrs. ie, %re at pr!�Ient n the evening of 'M� quietuight's rest.' rAtford omey biscuit building �in 8 sufferieg: frorn� a eevere tack of Is. 21 After an interval of several lays, the ingo, Pet�rboro, Waterlao, O.�for, Brant, to upwards of $2,000. Mr. Beer will lose t gri pe. the 25 h. All are welco ne; A goad time Legislature fQr ? Wby',_ahould the rapre- h10 aday of last wpek Me Wni. Robim6i was _xrun bwk to'� Gamey Comniisai(�n restiniEd their labo On�ario,� and Frontsnao, in3lhding Kiuo,- everything hub his tcols, while Mr. Elliott .-Measra. J. Ball and W ­Smit are assist- iaexpectxI. QuitcaliuInber f!o.n hare at- aouldmanfromiL London, where a I ra on! inwoodi wLo was viewing sent%tives of township councils be called to sto will each o embers. Noor- is also a heavy oser. Ing Wingliam jimicir I ot ball team this t6nded the funeral of Mrs. Pike, of Clinto,- the building, fell and broke his ankle herehe pa Tuesday morning. The ';pi o3ecution hadil fol From t Toronto to appear before a, committee ol the ol IEWAimall-1, Welland, Lincoln, Mus- -The weath m en Suadby, 3rd in6t , was season. Miss Clara M, ffatt I day on :�anday last. -On 6 a ur T�-ursday niorving of h -via Woodstock -an onserv�ati a per-� ko a,, --During Tais m-onth of of the 6 ering a, sani. last *eek, th I I IN! a r -o- Legislature to look after their intarests ? several witnesses, ­Piarry Souni, Peel, Dufferin, Halton, -very disagreeal4e for, the ceremony in con- for Ingersoll, where she is ent a infant child of Mr. Charles pounds of bubter 6 aSt. could not have za aNi I sing, fog wer made at th gllagi0l), from Manitoulint exam 1, and P cott, Glengarry, Sornicilb, naction with tEe laying of the corner atone tarium to practice the profession. Crawford passed trorn this life to the life m, ampry, which Was - Fold for $3,_ oo][111try ooks bett It seems to be a very ttran.ge prozeeiling. iei ala3age- Ru3sell,:Dundas, 4nnox and Addin bon, of the new Catholic eTburch Clara is 'careful, kind ai d genbl and livell be all of whern awore- that I yond. The fan the�y had' attended. 9. ab St. Augug. oral w a held on Friday 769 -As a retult ,of It will oacur to Most P30ple Lhat it is the Z, orrearl average pribe of 22.02 cents Prince Edward and yiet ill each have tine, but notwithstanding the unfavorable fibbed for the work, and we have no doubt afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have per po several meetings a dreas�d� by' Gamey dur- -on Sunday afterna on�mamber. T ditty of tha representatives to look after tile he riiings of'Brookville, Bo�h- weather,- there:was a large attendance The but that: she will make a success of i-,.- the sympa!hy of the c6mmunity. -homeleai �eaving 8b. Alary rendered. ing Ilia election campaign, and t at th�y vve�l, Cardwell and WeEt Oatar�io are blotted co, nor ston a wa's laid by Right Rev.* F. P. Mr. Dane, of Gorrie flot r mi -Prior to on 4 rip to interests of their conatitu-3ilte ia'thia as in Ile, %id a I isit Rev,. area -in the Pit Bs� -rests of!his lielh., y;et other matters. If they do not do this what had not heard him make au;y declamt�on3 of , out� Daffetin abtorbing Card all and L -n- cEvoy, D. D.i Bishop of Loadon. Rev. to town on Saturday.- �Sst Su day ea �ra- in Ili,, in 1, J -cres. The loss I 110�1�an: -Addington being unilt�d: Algoma D. ?. MoN Farquh� Taylor rector of 80. James' ebutich political Jndep!-ndenoo or aLy that he woul .1 enamin, - of Lucan, preached a ment was administerled -in Sb Andri We d thing over half pesented with a par" of morney Iiiy the upe- are they It is the business of these gaip3 tw'o new members. an� Kent, Ter- sermon appro riate to the ocom church. FKidav, at 'tie.. prep ry Ber- LADIES (-Why mar the appearance o inert I9uppott the Roes Government in bh3eveot on. Ad- f E befs of He congregatii linsared. represent%tives to ascertain the views, on� -Brant one each, w W - r. ma h shows th6 and of his election. This evidence was to offs4t- t and a Norfolk. dresses were delivered by Ravdai Fathere vices, Rev M S 11 f Aubura, preached your home with a carpetl t at -Mr. H. I red Sharpe bas left -St. ]�Iarys 43011liets of r48141 -6-10 wishes of th�ie eonititua40, includiiag the the evidence pr a splendid sermo evening wear of time 0 evioue]V Eubmitted by t�e Mi (Ilesex, Bruc�, Wellingtoa, Elasi-agi and West, of Goderich, and McCormick, of Clin- n, aul a Sunday We dis0ay a line of new for oato n, where h3 has secured a' Rev. Dr.! McLean and 'good lumber. Neatly h members of the town3hip coanoila, and if defense, and which went", to sho t a Du&%m-Ioae'oa each. ton. The wbolp service was very Euccessful iv. Mr. Holmies,� of Carpits and Rugs that v�jould be difficult to po3ition.in a railwa office. MT. Sharpe turned. The fism an( the Methodist oblurch, g pulpits, surpsm in qusiliCy, style �r pri y Gamey had made professions of ind I many larg � donations to the building ice. You have has attended to the saile o tickets at r aix hourB, VV nly showed u3ly in as when !be was ewiduct- fund wera rew ived. Mr. S. S. Cooper, of which certai the brotherly feel- rooms that require[ Linoleum, others that Gra: Railway toivn station office bursting.- XcWtr they ao net do, this, they fail seric once even so early epeud- ww� �i I , the 71, : Eluron trctor,prasen -A Trunk their duty. The pass'age of a measue such Clinton, the co ted the Bishop Ing existing between these tw congriega- requira rn atting : we have a splendldrange thel a for man y y eaTd. -fird is -suppoed U ing his campaign and befo te he was elected. 'The! farmers in tlila n3ighborbood of withaver ha dsomesilver troweL Rev. tions. Although tbere has b an no �ex- of Linoleurne ani MattinkO. Prices were Gmey he d not - -Accordin a, to the assessor's rct urns, the origin, and a _mAT as- this should'n3t, dep&nd upon the attend- At the time of wr ting y Zur ch a Ira agitating for O' creaui�ry in tbab Fther Hanlon,'tbe pastor of the church, ance of the members of the t:)wnahip coun, again been placed in the witness box" but it vi,14 is -change for a -gcod numbe ears, we. ;are never lower. The McFaul Co., Se0orth. po lation of Mitchell is a fraction v been arrested on -4 ge. It' be congratulated on the succes of this it will be me a fr2quenb. 1848-1 was expected lie w(. uld be before the -ence sure in the future uder ie�id Real pr6p oils befor Weaterii Foundry Of service. There Ilia been a sbag aation , 613,' r a a committe, of te Lsgirilakuce or il�'Iikely exL�±p 0 erty, tPanIt­n4;4ary I a shipping is closed. If tbia is the case, be vi OUR ENIGRA2 homas Cameron, perk onal, 853-925 ta,_-cabb incGrna� $7.,3M- ar aWingham, inten ng :%,didi- -Tile Aubu�n mills, owned by Cullis circles of.late on accou I _y, IS95, for inei their repreaeritation there. Surely the men I maki a th( strike. at has be n interesting 0 U&et of leave hi bion� him. horses, 209 cattle, 187 hogal 11-4 abeep; be t lie last witness, and t4e � inve tigat'00 r of this place, wh to their present wo ka. Brothers. went p in smoke at an early hour Montr6al. Messrs. Watson & Emigh our whom the people send to the Legislature will then closeutitil the 211t ol M when self ia getting hired' help for the farmer -4 of 2 ogs, 125. Jamp3, Maxw 99 M -to bavv a craze ol; ell haa'rentcd ]his farm, on on TueEday Mo ning of last week, the fire cattle dealers, have had ca the vicinity and al 4?' the 0ornmiesion will reasser�blei to e,r Llia tfle boughF,for in g tting goad pli, lea 18 finepected -,of il are competent to decide for themselves as to argument of con tile l3luevale road, near, t�i:gh in, to h is makieg a compiete clean oub. The miller, quite a while, but have flad - to. keep them for the new co pl! the old con -,Mr. Geol ge Ratz, who Is in the etoploy ,rise], which', h is expected, ak 8, mers! from il I, ry, of A lesors, Davis & Eizernian, of Mtobel whether or not the municipalities should brokher William', and wi'i 611 eainsd back. -Co'ancillor Sloan was n Torotti3 has been very suceesof ul i i be bb, ways. will t,.ke lip, the remainder, of' that week. Mr. Tome, had )can working night and day, I_r taxes oa rail- After that, the only thing r�emaining will be 6ing to look a succeeeed in placing About 30 good men have power to levy highi) resb to overtake a ril-h, and on g last week and raturned with a couple of Ila He bad one of hi i hands badll� mangled in a iss Ethel Rhynas, ditighte of Mrs. shaper IaEt w aek. One finger was taken.an'. wa property th"an they now have. Tiig is the report of the Commissie')1eils. after a choke inthe elevator with a lantern car loads of young cattle, which he iut�ndi and everal girls. He sa, �s the men he has ti.rejy off an W. I - Uhynas, of Golerich, was in 11 had o do with ai three others were badly man all that is required of them in this instance, To use a vulgaridm, the invbEtig tion hag the returned from aiiother �part to find the spot pubting on the, grass. t a aisplendid class of pEople. towh of Frnk at the time of the recent gled. pretty nearly petered o40' With the in -flames. The �fire is thought to have ori- Although they all came fr in England, some W-heik�new_)"St They should, also, be strang enoug� to re- disalster,'�but isecaped injury. -The man -7 friends of Mr. fehOl King, closing of Mr �t'ratt-n's eViblefic'e ithe'pub- glnfktgd from t�e lantern, whether by ex. of them are of diffe' A0at3per buabLai_ ­4A� U. Todd, of Goderich, was recently pl rent r itionalities. Most of ]yfitchell sist the blandishment of the railway repre- lie intereaLt 11%" will be sorry to learn that -he Tews -per busbal-_ a dropped to z,r�. ' Moab peo- oaion or what ineans is not known. The of them are, comparativ(ly, young, strong, had 'a slight paralytic stroke abo.ab' two 13seley -per bush4l_.] pre� I an BARGAIN Ix DWELI ING PyPERTYJ — ted witbr-a handsome gold locket by mill wa ler electric a - Why pay rent from five to synart and very IButter, No. 1, 100613- entatives without being fortified by the ple are tired and a often lib by a� smal p tei dollar@ month en. intelligent, and some of them 0,01ick one morning ofAast weak. His disgu ated with the whole the �nem6re of the Royal Black Order of paratus th n th,j village �Iant, but this was 11 educated. A g(ol many of the ic(lings. The most prominent! feature o utteri tub__ procE a an urchase on easy ter ns a neat Ili-..Ia dwel in even we rangemen of Huron and Perth. not in use at thel time. Mr. Tome succeeded d good vi a] of the investigation is the �00 P stable, garden, f ru it trees a M voic 3 and one side are �ffiected, but no doz-: presence of large numbers of their coaetitu - youc d F were mechallica in the old coun'ry, but de. amount of false : __� f wit I 00. Su arland, -eal seriously, au� his early r1covery is looked FE r 140 Abs eats. This being the case, what neceasi ty Miss� Jean Calder, of Grey township for $4 age Apply quickly to 1. J. u e. is is re hol h%I a been traiaing for a nurse in Sarnia difficulty and is 4 heavy loser. Cullis Bros. Hay T swearing bbat has been do! Thi in getting his books cut only alid,thab Witt' estate nt at Hen6alI,Offl3e at t a Poe sire to learn farming bere4l Most of them for. or wRidesper 100 U_ is there for. cal4ing the representatives of' grattable and di2gusting, end sho�ls th 1844,11 are young, iilugle men, b0 some of them are One who has been In poor health for hog ital,'atood firt with honors in her re- Vill also lose he ily. The' flour mill has NOTES. r township councils, to Toronti ? It looks there is some person laonniected vi it: i the -M', Me onell raturined married with families. a ohe whole, they man years, passed away:on Sunday: May affair who should h5ve a �,asting place in lination. She R now a full fladged ge Mull exam been an limport �nb industry of the villa home this: week from L adon, where he �ad are a very - superior class of people, and are as if the representatives were anxiou i to nur a., 3rd, in the pe�rson of Mi. `Gec�,rge Robinson, r3tstoas per bush i for between -30 i 6 d 40 years, an be been combining buainei's with iVyisib likely to make 0 an([ useful citizens. e of Blanshard township, and Exit (retail) per bi the penitentiary. The 06mmieeioui have 3 li h i of late t am go'd - t a recent meeting of the official board 9 shift responsibility which shou'd root upon not succeeded in unearthing !the Eoure from water p6wer -lit it run the village electric his relatives. -Mrs. Casf and chilgren, v 0 Thus far he has had no complaints from 'his i fe was op Z2�,Per card--flon f the Biursel et church, a unani- lighting sy their own -shoulders on to the shouldars of r a Mathodi stem� enb there, on the farm. Hie W iod - pereord liho-1 whence Gamey got the mcna The loss will be a great were here on a visit, returned Z Torol ito either side. The employers have been well wift wh3 sur dves him� w4s a Miss Taylor, Ube d61103ited mous invitat�on was extended ti) Rev. T. W. last week, accompanied by Mr. Win. M4 ir, pleased with the go r -i men and the men well in the bank and with hie ''pohical I�ade one to the oomnl4nity. , A I others. Mr. Pettypieoe's bill is in the owna to remain their pestar for the ensu- of A din&. Therere po �chidren. It proposes to da when he made hie declaration in the Legie� -The spirit (if Neil McDonald, Job 16, Mrs..Casela fathOr.-We are pleased to we pleased with their places. right directio-a. what rig Year, which was accepted. conoession 10, orris,took i I - .: l7he corn )r sto Tim -)thy Reed__�� lature, and we very much fear tha i the t is to flight from that !'Mr. F. Ruse,- preoentoi-ir f Carmtel 118 Of th9 new MletlaDdillb, Pvrh.per loo jba�_., should have been done long ago and in the destined to remain one of the myotakf a. -Cha�Qes Milne, of the Qaeen's hol- 1, the earthly tenarrient, on Wednesday of last chtir6, who was confin d for near chu � ch at Bethel will be lild on May. 24h, par 1b ly we event of failur the -repraBentatives, cannot )Iinton, has �ientsd it for� five !.years to J. week. He had been P�oorly for the past weeks to his room, is able to be out agam�- Dublin. by Mr. Thom a Greenw,eid. M. P. P,, of shirk, responsibility n the"Way.ouggested by Perkins, the former lanilord of the Claren- year,nervous lonration bei g the cause Mr. B. Thornscn has retu raed froin Seafoith -carpebs sill Linoleurns--Ther's every ad- Maiktoba. - ra. T. S. Tq,rd, of Mitchell, I a hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Milne will go and viciniby,'whare hehi Editorial Notes and Comments. .' and for about a 'lit weeks was oonflued to %d been for tbr'ee vantage in coming to our store for will ay t lie corner atone or the the Star. 'Neat .1 what you Tbno.vTo, May bed. Deceased Ivas bo. -n in Argyle, Soot- weeks putting in flax for Mr.McEwen.-Mr. want. I Aid, and Mr. Henry Heal ithe one for the minenieqtocks and varieties. from tiwaa fairly I Thedeath of Dr. Bridg 4and, M. P.*P.l -TheMission Band,in connection with land, and o%ine 0 Canada with his father's GJ, M. -Ewen, M. P., has been home for the. which to, choose, And decidedly as low rices ound my schoo for mu'skokaj causes another, vacancy n the "'Will a Presbyteriani church, Clinton, recent- p caQaotati� The Ontario Lggilature, family in 1847, 6.catiog in Elgin county for pasb week, -Rev. Mr. B Ilantynel, of L�h- as i-4 krown on equally aE good gools -and J � pleasan b ev a at the b6me ateady. ' esetitcd Mrs, (Dr,) Graham with a ant took lac M the 0 )varn- y nd then moved to the farm in don, cond�u,Aed service Ili Carmel; church: on ogetber with Carpets and L:ilole- 12 to 20c -choto Legislature. This will, reduce seven years a kinds,_T Of A, r. Asro:i Ireland, -in �rga on -Wed- While nothing of a specially o�xoiting na- Erri st)o3n and a beautiful arb clock. Mrs. ture has occurred ill the Legislature during ra h Morris, in 1854: �!on which he died, the old Sabbath laet, Morning and in ard will umsyou-buy L%oe curbiin3. We have neadey everilag of last Week, wb ell Miff 16le s choice po, ment's majority to four, aildi is the a1econd 36M ia le�aving Clinto homestead. Of 1"ate yea'rs he had not farm. do so for the following S! 6 even g, re. Carrl,- Harris, daligbter of "the late Charial seat rendered vacant by death wi hin the dr. Henry Thompson has sold his 150 ba h orso.-Nfi bta4tiful new cutt%ins thet appeal bo your -18 Plentiful i H. Doan, o:f Zuriell, Was i u t 9 villa I P � the past week, a good deal of busineas has year. There are now three -vacancies in the ere �arm in East Waiwanbah, oA the bound. ad to any extent,"as the place, was seeded h ge I�sb atti�tic sense� your good judgment-, your Harr a) was unitEd in marr,�age to Mr. W.J, .12ic per pona� been transacted. Several private bills have ;o R down and oattlelgrazing was eubstituted. week, cn bar way to and from 116dgervillo, economical purse. The P',. McFaal Co., H01ir ev, of S )ebringville. ! mony been re0 aiii got int Legislature to be filled, North Renfrew, ry, Isaiah Shaw, of the 4th conce8- Mr. McDon%ld -?�as unmarried, two eisters where shb bad been viii�iog her Jbtirier,, Mr. Seafor*tb. was I erformed by Rev. E. �V; Brown. twins.. - Egge-T f Calross. T residing with hiM He was 56 yaars of age. H. Doau.-Rev. Dr. field NOTES -Miss TkIcKenna visited friends in -31r. Thomas Coppin has sold his aplen- no greab a! -n of-. ,o shape, to be dealt �sion he price paid was $5,500 1848-1 steady, -and thai by the death of Mr. Munro ;� Sault f&e. The subj(3 t of il which waa vacated ahorbly after the election "and I In Sbaw will gbb possession iii JaLuary' Medl was in Bay with by the reepectiVe committees, f 0 Lls notice was a Liberal in on Fdday last. -The ant rtainment, held in ext.. pa which most of them will rievcr emerge. Mitch3ll this week. 'Miss Doyle was & via- did ohe hundred acre farm,, in Logan, ohl# steady at 13o The Marie, which was vacated by the unses:t.-lig -D. M,' Gordon's stora, in Wingliarn, had politics, a Preaby,terlari in religion, and a Carmel Presbyterian dl,ch, under the aur- itor in Seaforth M9nd%yj-Mrs. J. O'Con. neigh bar, Mr. Roy, for �: the :suva oP K- UTICA, May- legis,lature, also, are wrestling wi.11 the of Mr. Miscanipbell by the -election court, niin of high moral typ�, who was held in Pioes of tb(') Guild,, en Mc nday- eve!uing la t, nell wall to take off this crop a narrow escape frorn destruction a co-rimuni6yat large. H6was- waswell attcnicdand mn-�h enljo- avi8itOr ill'Seafoirth last week.- 000., Mr. Cop?in is UtIca Dairy Bon' new assessment bill, and it is likely to prove and nov - Musko teem- by the ,ani ka, by the d -h of iDf. �g . vied :)y Mies 'V7illiama spent ' riday last Uh -give p farm in th_e�fallw 54 -lot's of 3,491, eat n b. wi possesi ion of the: uesday of . last week. The chi ney took an elder in the chbrah �t Blyth, and thoss prese Ties, was served in'! t�e base- P. difficult matt!r 0 deal with. As it bears Bridgeland. Muskoka and 'Renfrew J�ere n�d:the fire was amoulderiug friends in Stratfora. ra Mr. u',oy has n-�e disposed of the #or' h sold At 11Z., -a-ad -ome represented by Reformers and the Soo by aL r- visitor, on Sunday lact atl the residence of half 'c f lot 14, crinebasion 8, contain-ilig 50 butter, 19z pat, somewhat heavily on the railway and L re a for some also a school trut se in the section in which ment, afte� which a very intere -M� - or,ia was a Cqnservative. If the Government get Mrs. M. Doyle. -Mrs. acrej, to Henry Hunkin� fox $2.900. other large corporations, in 8(> lnll�ll as it t me.; T4,e fire brigade had to a called hie'farin-was locf.5. Oatof the seven Me- a ry and musical progranir lie was carried ot Lit. �Xie4b, of - Bffalo, is will require them to contribit'.e a reasonably th'rough the Gainey invebtigatioa Donald '.brother who came to Huron there The choir (if James street chur h, unscattlisd, fair share of the taxo3 of the country, it -Qhmlrlle Jobb, of Wingham, was injured are only tvyo Bur ivia ohn and Exet9r, wo,re present, find rendezecl I a as prasent appearance@ seem to indlo5t will , 9 now, viz., J i Wtel. He Alexander, hot well known residents of number of excellent selecLiong Inuously opposed be the case, they will win the t!lree v also Tbnos�To, Ma will, consequently, be Str, I W drisoday forenoon of last Carib t as 2 V b,y these corport%tions, and the result will i irig.,,Beattie's dray, and when going Grey township. Nfre. G. F� crii,Lituenaies, and that will Scott, of Chithani, formery pf wic,; red, 74,c give th in a d:)wn!into'the shed, he fell off the dray, be. 'in the i illage pa t of last furnish a fair index as to the extent the majirity that will make their tenure of Thameavillis, was Legislaure is eighed down by tw.een� the wheals and the wall.. He was bBTIey, 41 considerably 13ta week and ibis, visiting ier sister, Mrs. othy,$12 to $15 -such in- office secure for the present term at lea -t. A -ley. ft.ciencee. crushed and bruised, Saturd Nir. H. J. Pattypiece, of E%bt Fortune favors the brave, ana a so' 8 u therland. -Alex. L-3wi i has rented the a a e. sheaf straw, no p r Ca-N1rs..;QharI1ea Wolfe, of Crediton, died on You spend monay in this store without L%mbtoa, seems to be one me.mber who has say that Premier Ru3s has not made E6 rave welling Mr. Rae and fa nily bAd been dc- feed -Is Tatead -ilway aompanies before fight under very discouraging Circurnstan . I .1 i not the foa of the. ra Sx-turday, 2od int., after a few days' ill. any waste ; we rr ike your every cent count, cupying, Mr. Rae, sinne Urp. Rae's dest�, 'and $15 f *r br.a his eyes. Mr. Pettypiece very correctly ces. Oess, !at the 'age of !40 years.. Deceased we know that vi hen our goods and prices having decided to rn ve fl oul here, -Xia8tar 1ralght leaveo' a husband, three children, of whom leave this store i ey Ftgrt o:i a journey of a. ldauiz contends tha the railway companies of this A few yeE66 ago there wa3:9, great rage 0 Jame8 Bonthron son of J inles' Boi ithi on, of 119 for cars of, country have obtained maiiy and val ie is! a baby a few days old, and eight atep. adverbising for u3L In your thinking of uable house.,cleanin tir�e and the goods ycu ra. Hay, is leirniag railroad[ ig and lelegrap Special Pric 1.1s. will be ive� o aturd for the establishment of joint etook or co. hildrono g n Backs included, franchises and aklvantage's from the people, ing at the station here. Mr.and Mrs quire, link ui to bur thou and that, �notwi'thstanding this fact,thy are operative gork ouring eking a tah- raI , $amuel Pike, of Clinton, died on - New Car- were and P�a ghts. Dent, of M in the vi. lage this Sever T�uraday of last week, ed 54 years, after pets, Linoleumis, Cui tAins and the other all d i not now rziclaired to contribute their proper lishmente. &I hew eatablishmen week, visiting r?latives.--Gcorge oynt ra- Proportioa of the coat of municipal. and this khid were started and were operated & Yearl's illness from' tuterculo3is. The de. goods- too, are her in their beauty and their cently purchasA a . ery filne neumatl�o QdasodI v�ali a daughter of the late John low pricedness, he E. McFaul Co., Sea her -a -are quted. State Government. Although their frlght tired buggy. -he Oddfellows of- H(n4alf forth. tatoeg -Gilt of for some time, but for some reason or o%er 8.urdy, of Goderichtownship. Her husband 1848 1 A Few Leaders that are X Po and passenger charges are higher hithis lodge intend putting innewsetteef inthGir cept nal1v Law n )3 survive her. U-25 -per bag. country than in the neighboring Republic, one of them seem' to have reulted au(coEs- ai d c a so- DEATH oF A FORMER RESIDENT.—We lodge rcom and making other impr:)vement3 -A. L. Bertrand, for many years a prom. take the following from �he Florance Quill : One hundred ends �able linen, 2J yai ds i ri� each they do not contribute nearly so large a pro. fully. Although the old established a 3tab- in the near future. -R)bert Bell of Sea-' h ad, while they last 50 inerib mer.ch.ant of Credition, passed over to " Mr. Wrn. Simon Phillipo, who paed forth, was in the villag,- on busi ass latt cents an encl. i- portion of municipal and State taxation as lisliments, tuch as the Davis packing h ii -e, ti a- they are required to do in the Statev. He TORO �o of Toronto, and some others, seem to liave ilent ajori.ty on Tuesday of last, week, away on April 226d, aged 52 years, 3 months week. -Ralph Drysdale h a returi ,ad from Fivo hundrL yardsifine lace and embroi eries, �orth 10c and 15c, -for were, eold at Gr, a 6 ve4ra. Deceased was a native of and 9 days, was hi Illy esteemed and a most his home at Drysdale ani eon' ad iis situa- 5c a yard. has,, therefore, introduced a bill t to remedy made money for all connected with them G -rmany, having come to this country about progressive citizen -The deceased was born Lion with J. Wiesmiller. mm ot. -vvo this state of a;.ffair�, and provides- machinery the.smaller co -o erative ventur a oas havA en ims I'visou, of by which the muDici�alities can obtain a a diaappointmenb. One w ' ' S &' yea raako. Ile is survived by his wife, July 19th, 1820, co Talbot street, township Kippen, was in the villa T See, our table of iN.14slins, -exints and Ginghams &� 4c a yard. 460 to �81-40, Ati- 69 starte at uesda: r visit* Ing much higher and mora proportioilite tax Palraer8ton,and if not entirely! discoatin ued, tv o so no afid two daughters., of Malahide, cou ity of Elgin, being the friendi.-Mr.' Joseph *Upshall lias very A lot of 'Men's Flat nelette Shirts to be 8 d, at 10c each delivery horses �veek, D. from these companes. This bill is pretty it is in deep waier, and the' 1038eS of op. Cantelon, of Clinton, third eon of Godff Phillips. When quite much improved the apt)eai anee of his dw6l- See our table of fan y silk ends, four y s in each end, shipped 181 hogs from Londeaboro, 184 from young he w 59c an end. much along the lines of the Government's orating a the end of the first!ye,'Ar amQll-.nt- Cl n ith h parents moved to the ling, �n the London Ro , which he pur. Another big lot of I lain silks to be sold � 25c a yard. now assessment bill, and it was referred to ad 042,737. -Another wastarted at Stcuff.* re into' ana 63, at Seaforth. The lot rap- township of MarL lam, in which municipal- chased from George Joy it, by h ving it Twenty-five�pure L,,cer Curtains to be sold at 69c a pa�jr._ entod about S55,000. ' - or Lbe largest numb ity lis spent his b: yhood � days. At the age nicely painted. -Our band:enlivened our -to -6id, the sapie special committee. villa, and now 'some of the - shareboldera are I were peli'vored by George Sparke, of the of 177 li'a went to Totonti, where he servtd village again o3Saturday evening set, The county councils got quite an alrLug a bein- sued for their unpaid stock. A very i scin I ine, ran- -.Big redaztions on al Lace Curtains. LO DON E 13 Bt Oil 'I'" Staiiley,J7 in all, f:r which Iiii apprenticeship aq wagon ai 'S a pair. few (lays acro. A bill iutrc(lucd by Mr. large one wag started at B :ntford a few he $204. 0 nd oarriage dering a number of excellent sele3tiono.- Thirty pairs Lace C4rtains $1.9 rA worth $3, foi Ittle; bet'Per l re ive maker. From To�ro I .0 W. H. Taylor, of North Middlesex, was re. years a -go. Th7e buildings Were nto 4e weLt to Head- Oliver Geiger, who has been in th� Molsons Oome to our Big Cu� Price Sale on Saturc, ELY. sponaible for this. Mr. Taylor's bill pro- equipment, waa. Jq, . If, extensive T ie )ani eg Telegram, of April 29bb, ford, whera be ked at his trad-3 for a Bank here for the past tw o years, and of the beat, and the p wor in spei king, of Mrs. W., A. Ducker,formarly numbet of ye%rs,' bat owing to ill health he P aerl. a. Pound refri I The courr3il is now comroaed o represent- seemed to be most encouragincr, but i to ge poses to amend the Cuunty 0ounoil's Act. evcry resp, � p -date, and its prospect M ea I ie,� Lamont, 'of! Ethel saya'-- " The gave up his trade ind took upfarmiug. For at Loudon, and left on M:)nda g ti ;sheep ect u -to, promot d to a position in tbe'Molsons Bank 6AA y mormil were qo' _t atives elected every two years from districts. 6, mi ny rionds of Mrso W, A. EZir will be a number of yeara e su3qessfully farmed in engage in hit duties. We wish hi Highes Prices Paid for Produce. x4ressed -weight. is also in a bad way. The directors are ,now 0; O.Ved to Learn that she passed aw�y at her the township of ' arkham, then an Mr. Taylor's bill proposes t1lat the count, seeking power to boriow rnf?re iloneyl to he moved -The auction sale of the household effect M I �6111: ; Argenfine a rehideiice, 144 8 ith street, at�:i9:30 last to the township of IDni8field, Simooe county, of the late Mr. Walter Hanson, W ich council shall be coqtpos�d of the reeyes of carry on the business. List year the fini4hed ev: miq, :aft was OaTg or a painful illness of seven where he bought a hand -al town-ahip.3 and villages, and the mayors of red acre farm. In held here on, Tuesday afternoon lost, was co product, of this establisbmenb � amoun I weak by internal "nae. Al. three -jyeore he so towns. But his bill is permissive. Iaorder l )t �1, caiised Id and bought again in well attended, and fair pri 3es were obtaini. TOUONTon, the large sum of $650,339, and: the sum paid ill, ig a-gliaat sufferier.- she bore' it, all nith Stanley township, county of Huron, where ed.-W� have it - I I r ! Al -to change from the present system a major- for live hogs amorint�d to $586,' a this week to ohrotle the LE A Cattle��� I 848, lea -vi i a cheeeti sq and Chrhtian fortitude. Mrs. he rei-ided for 20 y are and cleared up a 100 deaf h of M ra, Walter Hant a -1 I in i loyi) ity of thellocal mu oici pali ties in the co.unby gross profh of $63,491. Bub 'the working Ducker, by1er cheerful and kindly manner acre farm. In 187 he sold out and came to on, whic v, occur. -35A0 $5-20 I)er must &ppro-ve of the new method by resolu- expenses amounted to $115,33.1, thus I ad -at her home here on thf - 30bh April. $C%- ay- and dii daftion, eneared herself to a, large Florence a d boug t a 120 acre farm. In The deceased was a native of Engla d. Sh 1p n GARDNO 13360GRX a SMAPOUT bulls siold-at IIIIIIll 6n ord a h e, It it IA v u 5 r III MAY7 1903 S : M T W T F ig ... ...... ........ 7 1 8 2 9 10 1 1 11 12 113 11 J& I I 8 I 19, M ni .15 21) 23 24: 06 27 28 29 30 31 opted a circle of friend 1 who will g eatly regret' her two years he sold again and urohaseci ther. tion before it can be �d Anothev, ffig4s di act lose on the year a transaetio� SEAFORTH'S LEA01 Cx 5MOE STORE., feature is a p!:ovisiou that everT, question'. of., $51 0 6, of which $41,146 Ni as lose on the early, and unt� nely demise. She leaves a farm where he resided till he as caudiA to' arising in a county council constit ated unlerl' ( OmAdia business. and $6,008 i in old coantry husband and �� iree little girls to mou.n the give an. ao-.ount of the talent" endow d to the new method and involving an expendVi t O's - inosq. This is not a ver3 encouraging loss of a, dev�;ed wife and mother. Mra. him. When 22 years of age h w*o ma rie this Brantf ord establishment Ducker was � daughter of Maloolm Rod to Mies Annie � De%titiie, of 14 i and arkham. To I . 1: !owl0i for H ture of over five thousan4 dollar i for par. a poses other d;ian current 6 t resillt.1 il � oue ;Q the beat of the oo-o orvitivo 9rdQr,, Detay L%moo p of *4911613w, ra'!kiario. Her them wereiborn12 ebildren,six lipya'and Oxford $hoes Weather, shall be decided b t�)g 1hebui oftheato3kin altt ass was con. motihbr was ith her during her last ill- six girls. In politics deceased was a staunch y ad (ling let er, the . . . . . . . -4th A equalized asap'serneut] of 1the municipalities t 4but0id, by far-nere and othe 4 who are not ness. Liberal. His children are : Mrs. George whose repreaentatives vote for sua-h expen4i�'; c ver' burdened with capital, 'a d on this a'a- Rev. J. McLean, B. A., has acoept.A Davis, 1 Clinton ; Mrs. William Cudniore, geafl, tare ani against it respectively. The bOl count heir failure is to be rea, ett9d. a call to becotpe pastor of Wingbam Baptist Kippeti; Mrs. William Dinsaide, Parkhall A woril to �h­a Ladies Oxford low q4oe$ Will:ibQ All the �age this sr, was read a second time, 0-d was referred 1 church. He�illentdk onhia now duties John and, Harvey, North Dakota; William, Dame Fashloa,having pt her siamp 5f &pprO d uP()jl th�m, is orte, reasoD iAnoltlier member of the old guard who next �Su day. I Rev. Mr. Patterson, the late Vancouver, Bribiell Columbia; Charles,:Chi- why they U y worn, but the to the Municipal Committee. It is not i in�- I I I n W I bel extensivel bost reason lis -that t6y are Tuesda probable. that It will beqpme law. The f reA.promiaen-tly In Canadl an politics i pastor, preaot3d: his �. farewell sermon on bago, Illinois ; Mrs. Melvin Walker, ar- n the coolest and 08 00M 0 able shoe made foi- hot weat6r. Our Oxfo Pre ier snoke very Ftml��Iv I its fav(lr On " nil a IAL+ : TTQ lit n +n 11"Fraln +.n 1,,*. arati P%,& "All 1TAinve LInA e or a of lor- _rdo gone by has been r of beauty and daintiaess, and,must be Se ;a b wil 7 I and if it survives tne cod�mivte tal i anio ad from this side. ence, the labter four be ng nou on the me- shoes are models GAbe fullyap- likely pass the House. ueen Qu tyy Ifel Mr. A. H. Dymond pAndpal of the —A quiet me ce at the stead." p i(� pat -eat k3ld * 191 we'diding took pla reciated, We have the famou,3 Oxf a (0) tarto luatitute n NEW ADVERTISEMENTS for tL �Mnd, died .'at home of Mrb,,I. Sa Iderson, of Gorrie, at and kibo'kid, with the new military leels at $3. 00 a ir. The 4-i d Hibbe.-Lt. high noon on NVeduesday of last week, when .8 The Dominion 1�arliament' I anbtord, on Mondpy last. Mr. Dymon' press," wit oles, at �,2.00, $2,25 t or kid toe caps, flexible I'weon the parentheseafter each her only dau liter, Mies Merle, was united pata Mr The figurabo, SUICIDE. -A sad case of sui ide occurred ne, d6notes tho pzge ot the p&per on which the Our Dominion legislatote are haste Ppointed tollis recent osition abolat $2.50 a pair. The 11 Imperial Oxfords at 8.2 00 a pair, 'and hosts ,Of in marriage Ito Mr.,Kenneth Trimble, of in this township'on Fr day lat t. It tieems idertisement will be ',found with remarkabi'le deliberaiion. ''Thera seeips: *ant' y �ears ago. Previous o that he Cub Glenboro, Ma others as low as �1.00 a pair bitoba and son of Mr. John ths,t He' Our Businels—Grolz & 9teW%rt_,1 actor, son of Mr. Robert Johnston, to be a dispotlition on both sides of the he �ae i6 a �igura in politics. H was for solb'e 'Trimble, of Gortie. Ilmself in Prices Talk—lffw, Pickard & CD -5 of the 2rd concession," hanged his —D. McB th V not uch as po inember of the editori I staff of the A very prietty bu quiet wedding took STRAP SUPPE S INow Millisery to (10 as 1�11' ible, but to do as ears, t father's barn. For sev �ral ye; 6re -the y ung PR( Saturday Sale —Lmroyd CO -4 1 G.obe, and he repre ented No4h place at the � residpnae of Mr. and Mrs. o d 3 — M (it o Eo'n- little all possible. In act,- me�nbers :��TVJ man"a mind'had been affected, and for two Underpriced G and Co --5 ! I I I inI the Dcininion Parliainient. He as Gramm, of C ranbro6k, at four 0 clock, 'an confined in n -hen years he had be the London Aie equally as CODI and comfortable, and are eve' lighter' in wiaht �vl han 2.50 Pace Oxford Shoes -R. Wil:isnd 8=-4 simply m&rki ng time unti 1. thd nl� as lum. In the spring of 1902 he retained rernpotIt a igoreus writer and one of on Wednesda� aftern '-)n of last week, w For sale -C. H%miltm-S t a ablest fill It 0 Houee to Rent -W. N. Watson -15 ant Government mea4tll Plakers of his day, an y lo* shoes. We ave many lines of k trap slipl iers with iigh t turrll 861e� 9 teS are I submittIP& f drin a 13 there w re �heir daughtil, Miss M�rgaret, was united h "old .40 TrDb Notice to Contraotors-F, Hegs�5 ome apparently oured,, but of latq the� for considera�ion, and th�re doa� n6 0 9,D?d men in political life in th ae -oina returned, &nd orran ements were h U0 -aloe Shoes-Riebard.!on apd Holnuis-5 t anew in marriage to! John Ri4oie, hardwarG Efier wit or wit4out buckle and bow, at 8 5 sympt 81;50, and 7Z19 P Victoria Day-Wra. Som arvifle-5 any great dispositicil to 'even rush! them. AIT The ceremony was per- being made to return' pair. ilYa ng these were Hen. George eh%nb, of Eth�!). hirn' to the asylum 2.14 pace -Thomas Prioe-5 n, on. Won. MoDouga I Ron. Ale formed by Bey, D. M cOrae. Card of Thanks It would, perhap?, be well if the. ste 4e_� I I - when bhe sad -event occurred. Much �Ym- 8 1. 50 and $1.75,Oxfords and Strap Slippeis for a pair. Farm for Sale--�Thomas Kc�ye;-5 ! I ?ri t -The follo* ingara the game wardens for der McKenzie, Sir Riohai I Otbrtm felt in the community .0 liberate pace were obser pathy is for thel be Cour� of Revia'69-A- G. Smill! i-5 vad later )n. iwax&s pSce amd 2 -4 I 'a the county o! Huron 'J. A. Anderson the Ooae of the session. The only rn�tter of I , 09 i nd eth�ers. On being defea-1 ed in NqFth Thirty pairs Ladies' 0 f6rds'and Strap Sli3pers, new, up to -date styles iti-11 Shop tdRent�G. K. MAI u,1-5 reaved Parents and friendi. 'reg i %kk, he was a, !in Seaf x I ular ce and 2 1 day in pri i 'd Saturday for fl,,) Sale of (;Alve"� 0 Parsonz-5 importaDoe up during thle, past we�k w ppointod to tie position orth Ja�lea Creech, Exeter John DiED! ix CALrFoRNIA. t -There died at 'Elk ce $1.50 and �1'1 75 a pair -on sale Fri All Wahted-G.. R_ Kiag-8 h. he continue o fill with Currie, h ; -John Gill, Exeter John River, California, on April 196h,- a pair. Seafonh Broderie-6 o �e i Graill� the bill granting a ch%Aer t antfoid, whic t God-er De�nis marked', ability uatil his deat Hewitt, Bruse Is Peber McKay, Chisel- SpringThouzhtg-J. S. R,;berts-5 Tiunk acifio Railway, P Company. Carlin, 'eldest eon of Th mas Cirlin, H�ber, Samples in n th w o *. n8th. Ihurat 0. J. S. NafbaJ, Goderich to or in It, Paya-C. Httlelb-8 wnship That matter has I�Ieen I ef �e tbel nia Rtr4t, Stratford, and a ni Live of Rib- fted-ticad rates 9n Girl Wanted -Mrs. M_ Y_ XcL �an-3 I Rof �rring to the results of 4he anafflan Jo3eph Rider,; Clinton ; John Sands, Salt- bert, where the family formei ly resided on R%ilway Committee. T6 cilly di&,ul�y 1 n 31 9 9 it", n tug n 11 Now Stock -4-:-W. H. Willie -8 ford ; Alex. &ott, Westfield. =Xn For Sale-kxposi tor Offtce-li- digoriiminati iff again b IGermany, he A in the way i3 th-3' cout.futihn by� Ing ta� lot 26, concession 1. He was 47 years :and -E. B. Tilt� son of Thomas Tilt, of the 19 days: -250. some of the emt3rn mernbEr3 thixt V �e ch 'r. R ctor Times says Barbara ISeed and Feed-Harhilton and Kerslake-& xchai ge, God ter should contain a pro4aiori. tht b t ie east- ard, 9. BROD4,91M a ccuhtry and! Germany, while all he his course in ini LLAS & Seaforth 'i a Broa-�, Th: aide betw an Britikh E eribb, has con,pleted of age, and leaves a I Vifoo Carlin and six children Thou as,, Bern R W Potatoes for S� ed-B.eat'ic, Bros -8 ng engineering ab McGill Frank, Williami, Aurea and ary Carlin. ern terminus Of c road should Breed tio the Best -A. Obaleiworth-5 I titteal, ud has taken Ilia de- The obsequies of the de eased were largely Sole Avents for the Slater Shoe for nien and the Seeds, ��te­2-J. S. ftoberta--S be at some Canadian port t*qftt 1116re an� object o,,T,- nursing iecan3e of its Un,*vor ity, M.( a gree of B. So., sts,nding third on the liab. Grain for sale-seafnith Milling Co --9 I preference abould alw llne�s, is not o necessary; to us that a atterided. The Hum ays giv�n a bo t, Calilornia, Times Notice -1:4. C. Horrison-5 fie has been a�)poirited assietgnb demonstra- says The ceramonyl of burial consisted Wedding Ring,3-2�J. W. Bulger 8 to Can%diau trade. Tn other ords, tbat! oannob get along ibbout it, beoauw we can tor in metallurgy at the :college, and was of a solemn requieurn ass at St. Bernard's was born in the lyl v1siting Mr, and- Mrs. Sadlier.-Mr. and _.T rel I S25, - at Woodmei the road should ba, enuiral Ctuaffian, The, bv y the �goods fro. those wh do not dis- the recipient A another,, -honor in being r he cong Ina4a agairst us. And a a providing, as they hint, the! aill t a ivenby: 6 lin, a b we Must 0 ye g t:) Germany Mr. Tilt's dut� an will occupy most of his Walter Hanson i1who pre-deceas the couatty is propot tionate to t 0 sorrowing cortege, which followed the, re- ed her and Mrs. Wol [a were in, Mitchell on W,e& nnell,-Mr. he additional � f6 , we ave the­cornfortin reflection that Txpo% time during th�,a holidays. ould there be ObOLeli a valcdi6torian of his class. 47 years ago, together with her husband, guests of company, do no') aeriouily objec W thtFi" or ini church, and the sacred. difice as ere ded' near Hull, an& in ated to this country Mrs. James 1) Connell, of Goderiell, are'the tolioll ave ra owith old-time friends 0�, ttie de'deased. The M . and Mrie. i g place, w he ne gday im, expense tuoh an ol)ligation will mains to their last rest about nine mon1el ago. Corning to t t �] I! bu. as inany dAin enUill upon, th a extr;a price v0hieh we h ve to Ply 18 -The follOwiDg factis concerning the - �8. ur on t-omsfir Win&01 tract, they took up. farming on the Dilaney, of I ompany.' In fai-t, thb companj Ship of G. sor blocks in length, perhaps one ol the largest 4 -it h 11 in town Siinday, O� t -C willing to undertake alm '4b [Anythin if tile t6 our rqpre seen in the city during the recent Month ati ending tl�,: ie he town line, a short distance west of Kippen, �c "'I w ornmons for c see�n 1 posed' by onrAelves, and t .at according town layare taken from Asses 11anleara oi MrsaGivensi-W SEAFORTIT, FRIDAY, May 15th, 1903 sentation in- Parlis ant a great Rayrnanu's 'roll : Children' between 5 and where they contin 811 ions wen' t country will bear the brub� -pensp. 1 rn jo The Pall bearers were Masers Peter D:. tied to reBide until about o Toronto last week toine in W11140' rit� of u 3 ohiserish that ex bra priep- as a on had. b f th 9 0 6, 767 ; child' an bet 15, 2 wean 8 and X-cGregr in 87 16 years ago, -when they moved into Hen- nea.-Many fromi tow. And, if this conteLtion of 'a canalia t Idney, William Wate -a, John -Tully, D. u �tt,3nded thefo g sendi Repriaa rty The Taxing of Railways. ls;thatij3j are oneself as much I a re clear, 48,590; MoDo n_9'61d, James Pier -a and E. O'Neill, sall to enjoy a well earn d rest, having sold he ire devoti, in St. Columban churchW-t And, 'has lost his total acres, 64,�,759 ; totA 0 a in3d and other like coaditi�ns are i ish ted o6, i as the-Ict-her fellow, m%y command themselves value of real ]pro erty, $1,774,225 value of Most their farm to Mr. John Jarrett. Mrs. Hen- Su:kd ay even t�, Ing. p of whom will be Unlemb red as ban- 'g. -Mr. Win. Givins diedw The fo"lowing apeared editorially in the it is feared it will be uLed- siniply as an x, tltbe en of ul opf rib ; but hen bhey are personal propai-ty, $8,100 ; number of male th -she 9 ::-Th ton war, highly respected for her many e long Toronto St%r on Tuosd&y cuse to obtain an abnormadly large P-rn r adians from this parb o! 0 province. Fr day last, y6iter a lingering i'lless"i Her t th 10 delibcr&te act' of Parliam ab, they dis parse 'n 21 and 60 years, 752 total cellent qualities, and a] though of a very funeral took ne betwe� h -m -been zettled3l P: ace 8uridal ex Tha repr booma and oter cancessiod-3 of a a ibq tan.ti4l cr�dib uomewhat the civilizi tion of the populabion, 3,2�`01 ; number of cattl 7 morning to. the sort xtivea of F t* -e r_0way com- nd low e L 14 0 + a, 8,988 ; - ell never Dt blin cernet ry and was; largely attended. nature, while tile b,n-fi�s to b3 derive[dj tVentieth century." quiretand retiring disposition a unlos-aed a panies witl be heard bafore a. committ3e of number of sheep, 2,432 ; hogs, 3,590; horses, Blyth. f ailed to,rn ke I wentwas the eve rLendsof hose with whom W 3 offer OUT sincere syrnp 'With from the terminal p,)iut arb Inore sei timen' I. &thy to the be. the ura cn . Friday, in cotuection 1,999 ; births,' 48 deaths, 20 ; acres of BRiEFs.-The Cliuta� Colle3,,iate Hough a -.t kind W strike, 1 she became azzqusinted, and"Was mo d famf ted �hau substantial. l�'­ how The special cornmit.eeof t ie Diminiqn wooi laiA, Z721 acres of swamp and cup f Oob ball team played on boys here rei ive r. Puttypiece"I bi'll to t%X railways, m%tter whi.,h w ill come up�, fur con --id,ral 01n arliamont appointed _�to area ge the divis- waste. land, 1-1, 448 acres of orcha arid generous t.) all ter neighbore and I building OPer-ati anditisa fo:egoue conclusion that Lli,y P rd' 581 last Wednesday evenin on the park, and friends. Sin -le the death of Mr. Hanson i later. Tile special commitibee oa tha R. dto-_ standatilL will oppose it in prineiphi aLd i rwery de- ion'purider the RMistributioal bill h%ve got acres of f6ll whe'ab, 3,264, number of -steam were defeated by I kos to 0. d she had always mournpd the loss of her 'Perth Notes; -Two J et t. ibutio-i bill he% as yet sc4rcaly com6ionced 611111le to.Wo :St Xtiford p he tb: urch tall.. -It is understood that & call has gone boilers, 18. team- if!our fo)tball pl yers we�b to operat'oas, and- it is now hioted that redig- do �n k ani have dete.,minid up(.n W, ing- compisinion in life, and for some mout --The bes'albers of a r c barn on Thursday to ph y the t am of that forth for representatives, of townsbip ccua- tribution may be d6fLrr -, d Ifo--anoi h3r ye'�r. esontAion of the re I pective P -Wcrd has �een ra' 6ved of th43 serious previous to her death her lose seemed to af- set col have Fraser, D. ., f I ked for a� tEn per Cent. in. oils throughon the province to gather in pla,ceandweradefeate(.-The oungpeople Mr. Blir'a Riilway Ocnimiaaioa bi�l alA he, 18pr 0 �0_ 1038 sustained by Mr. Fred Knighb, of York* feet her more and I more, and never very crease in th salare Mhompson, D. D.. the city on Tuesday ncxt and apear before vinc3s.. A9 our re;6ders are ly in'-prested too, As3inibo ka of the Episcopal church held suc- robust in health, she began to declio� very --Mrs. 0 r Hodge, of Mitcheli bas tut- ia who lef b Exeber some wee -1 had an airing, but i b has not yet it Ll to ths I ver ink in Hamiltran the committee, t�) present the case of the i cessful iientcraainment in t�a tompycrance in �be arrangement of Ontario we E-11AII 0 ly 9,go for that -place with a 'carload of mar- rapidly at the last.� The funeral, to the Thompson wt I I I par ic stroke,'and is no w� in -a committee stage, and aoona �need bestii-pr:rel fer3d a t municipalities. There shculd be a wide chandiae, household effects, etc. Mr. hall, oaWednesday ev ning. The low ate, if it, too, is staved over for anoth r qegsion. rafei t:) this Province. Under' the nsw bill Bre,,,Tere Znlon cemetery, at Rodgerville, was ve)ry' veiy :a. Fraser 65. Mrs. Be,@ response to this for if the townships ions of. a use- Knight, in company with Mr. James 'Beer, g uite a number from Clint oa and her largely attended, tgktifyi'g to the respect While p aying a foot ball match With - It looks now as if the expectat it 6 P went, the railways to bg taxed, they should as beau determined to give Toronto fiv's was busily elIgaged in building his new store pert h vi'l OY felt for the deceased. ful seesicn aic, not to b3 realized. If fhi5 Re- present,! and all re a f enjI ad Milvcrton o Weellesday of last week late Hen. Alexani 12a Mid- at that place, and had meanwhile stored lits L ChArcsZillitx, ot Liztoiiv -nd L I only (14 1,136 �0 eg rise lip t Be -Lorda -m 0 -and -say so. The question is ilDw mef�bErj. This is an ine thew -selves. -Bishop Baldwin oadon, diatribution bill passes, is aboat d h: before, the Legislature and the country for dleex, inoludin J.,r)ndon I conduatcd confirmatio)i services in this 9 wl have four. sto�k of gro�eries and other effects in Mr beenaking -A to -1 measure of any importa6ce, exce�Z the blicken belovv the knee. Y Ing, tt's- building. While ab work on ondesb:)ro. consideratErx, and all the facts and argu- Sin�ooe, o�kj'*Grey, Algoma, Wout.vvmh, Herb Ellie Episco,)A ohuroh last Thurad!ay eve 8! anting aid to the Grvn4 Trunk 'acific,: --The cuttom return -i fcr the pt the province tbi gr Hamil ced Of ment3 should be tirrilAt forwarl. The in udin$ too, a oil in,l d, !-he new builai 3g a fire was noti' orifirming -a class of ov -r 20, which ep aks. NOT�S­11r.' and M -s. Neil, Of St, -ritford doring the mo-aill of April wAra: r -is I ft. out,: Olitawa,Jluron, Leeds well for the rector. - I ev. M Vj'hich mus' conic whabeve; elae ' : to have e- called. at Guelpt railways v�Ul tak.o care of their side of the g hroken oub in Mr. Elliott's house, and in a owe, of Thomas,' who have bee3 that u ill materialize thi!3 s visit-ir!g -frierd, '.59,910 ; dutiable goods,: Wondayight lesion. Webb, of B Fri a gocde, acase, and the people sh -ii'd pitch in and har i; and 'North urribc rland, will h%ve th6�e �-1 Wingliarn, and Revi M _ v�rlu time tli.31)uilding was a mass of flames rua iels, here during the past week, left on WedaeE- 2H ; daty collected, $40,842 4& -tid clied at 41 make a goed ai.oiv ing each. Essex, Kent, Elgin, Lambton, B.ujo, ind evervthingLwent up in smoke. The lose also aseisted in the se ices.=. Ourtis day morning for obher'pxrts.�� The League -While wal'king oa' mained ,overigbi a PLn'k tThe C+amey Invastigati Wellington, Parbh, L -%nark, Renfrew, Hust- to Ale. Knight is sovera, and will amount intitnis holding a Locial 0 t, Wha do we send. representatives 0 the and her mollisr, Mrs. ie, %re at pr!�Ient n the evening of 'M� quietuight's rest.' rAtford omey biscuit building �in 8 sufferieg: frorn� a eevere tack of Is. 21 After an interval of several lays, the ingo, Pet�rboro, Waterlao, O.�for, Brant, to upwards of $2,000. Mr. Beer will lose t gri pe. the 25 h. All are welco ne; A goad time Legislature fQr ? Wby',_ahould the rapre- h10 aday of last wpek Me Wni. Robim6i was _xrun bwk to'� Gamey Comniisai(�n restiniEd their labo On�ario,� and Frontsnao, in3lhding Kiuo,- everything hub his tcols, while Mr. Elliott .-Measra. J. Ball and W ­Smit are assist- iaexpectxI. QuitcaliuInber f!o.n hare at- aouldmanfromiL London, where a I ra on! inwoodi wLo was viewing sent%tives of township councils be called to sto will each o embers. Noor- is also a heavy oser. Ing Wingliam jimicir I ot ball team this t6nded the funeral of Mrs. Pike, of Clinto,- the building, fell and broke his ankle herehe pa Tuesday morning. The ';pi o3ecution hadil fol From t Toronto to appear before a, committee ol the ol IEWAimall-1, Welland, Lincoln, Mus- -The weath m en Suadby, 3rd in6t , was season. Miss Clara M, ffatt I day on :�anday last. -On 6 a ur T�-ursday niorving of h -via Woodstock -an onserv�ati a per-� ko a,, --During Tais m-onth of of the 6 ering a, sani. last *eek, th I I IN! a r -o- Legislature to look after their intarests ? several witnesses, ­Piarry Souni, Peel, Dufferin, Halton, -very disagreeal4e for, the ceremony in con- for Ingersoll, where she is ent a infant child of Mr. Charles pounds of bubter 6 aSt. could not have za aNi I sing, fog wer made at th gllagi0l), from Manitoulint exam 1, and P cott, Glengarry, Sornicilb, naction with tEe laying of the corner atone tarium to practice the profession. Crawford passed trorn this life to the life m, ampry, which Was - Fold for $3,_ oo][111try ooks bett It seems to be a very ttran.ge prozeeiling. iei ala3age- Ru3sell,:Dundas, 4nnox and Addin bon, of the new Catholic eTburch Clara is 'careful, kind ai d genbl and livell be all of whern awore- that I yond. The fan the�y had' attended. 9. ab St. Augug. oral w a held on Friday 769 -As a retult ,of It will oacur to Most P30ple Lhat it is the Z, orrearl average pribe of 22.02 cents Prince Edward and yiet ill each have tine, but notwithstanding the unfavorable fibbed for the work, and we have no doubt afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have per po several meetings a dreas�d� by' Gamey dur- -on Sunday afterna on�mamber. T ditty of tha representatives to look after tile he riiings of'Brookville, Bo�h- weather,- there:was a large attendance The but that: she will make a success of i-,.- the sympa!hy of the c6mmunity. -homeleai �eaving 8b. Alary rendered. ing Ilia election campaign, and t at th�y vve�l, Cardwell and WeEt Oatar�io are blotted co, nor ston a wa's laid by Right Rev.* F. P. Mr. Dane, of Gorrie flot r mi -Prior to on 4 rip to interests of their conatitu-3ilte ia'thia as in Ile, %id a I isit Rev,. area -in the Pit Bs� -rests of!his lielh., y;et other matters. If they do not do this what had not heard him make au;y declamt�on3 of , out� Daffetin abtorbing Card all and L -n- cEvoy, D. D.i Bishop of Loadon. Rev. to town on Saturday.- �Sst Su day ea �ra- in Ili,, in 1, J -cres. The loss I 110�1�an: -Addington being unilt�d: Algoma D. ?. MoN Farquh� Taylor rector of 80. James' ebutich political Jndep!-ndenoo or aLy that he woul .1 enamin, - of Lucan, preached a ment was administerled -in Sb Andri We d thing over half pesented with a par" of morney Iiiy the upe- are they It is the business of these gaip3 tw'o new members. an� Kent, Ter- sermon appro riate to the ocom church. FKidav, at 'tie.. prep ry Ber- LADIES (-Why mar the appearance o inert I9uppott the Roes Government in bh3eveot on. Ad- f E befs of He congregatii linsared. represent%tives to ascertain the views, on� -Brant one each, w W - r. ma h shows th6 and of his election. This evidence was to offs4t- t and a Norfolk. dresses were delivered by Ravdai Fathere vices, Rev M S 11 f Aubura, preached your home with a carpetl t at -Mr. H. I red Sharpe bas left -St. ]�Iarys 43011liets of r48141 -6-10 wishes of th�ie eonititua40, includiiag the the evidence pr a splendid sermo evening wear of time 0 evioue]V Eubmitted by t�e Mi (Ilesex, Bruc�, Wellingtoa, Elasi-agi and West, of Goderich, and McCormick, of Clin- n, aul a Sunday We dis0ay a line of new for oato n, where h3 has secured a' Rev. Dr.! McLean and 'good lumber. Neatly h members of the town3hip coanoila, and if defense, and which went", to sho t a Du&%m-Ioae'oa each. ton. The wbolp service was very Euccessful iv. Mr. Holmies,� of Carpits and Rugs that v�jould be difficult to po3ition.in a railwa office. MT. Sharpe turned. The fism an( the Methodist oblurch, g pulpits, surpsm in qusiliCy, style �r pri y Gamey had made professions of ind I many larg � donations to the building ice. You have has attended to the saile o tickets at r aix hourB, VV nly showed u3ly in as when !be was ewiduct- fund wera rew ived. Mr. S. S. Cooper, of which certai the brotherly feel- rooms that require[ Linoleum, others that Gra: Railway toivn station office bursting.- XcWtr they ao net do, this, they fail seric once even so early epeud- ww� �i I , the 71, : Eluron trctor,prasen -A Trunk their duty. The pass'age of a measue such Clinton, the co ted the Bishop Ing existing between these tw congriega- requira rn atting : we have a splendldrange thel a for man y y eaTd. -fird is -suppoed U ing his campaign and befo te he was elected. 'The! farmers in tlila n3ighborbood of withaver ha dsomesilver troweL Rev. tions. Although tbere has b an no �ex- of Linoleurne ani MattinkO. Prices were Gmey he d not - -Accordin a, to the assessor's rct urns, the origin, and a _mAT as- this should'n3t, dep&nd upon the attend- At the time of wr ting y Zur ch a Ira agitating for O' creaui�ry in tbab Fther Hanlon,'tbe pastor of the church, ance of the members of the t:)wnahip coun, again been placed in the witness box" but it vi,14 is -change for a -gcod numbe ears, we. ;are never lower. The McFaul Co., Se0orth. po lation of Mitchell is a fraction v been arrested on -4 ge. It' be congratulated on the succes of this it will be me a fr2quenb. 1848-1 was expected lie w(. uld be before the -ence sure in the future uder ie�id Real pr6p oils befor Weaterii Foundry Of service. There Ilia been a sbag aation , 613,' r a a committe, of te Lsgirilakuce or il�'Iikely exL�±p 0 erty, tPanIt­n4;4ary I a shipping is closed. If tbia is the case, be vi OUR ENIGRA2 homas Cameron, perk onal, 853-925 ta,_-cabb incGrna� $7.,3M- ar aWingham, inten ng :%,didi- -Tile Aubu�n mills, owned by Cullis circles of.late on accou I _y, IS95, for inei their repreaeritation there. Surely the men I maki a th( strike. at has be n interesting 0 U&et of leave hi bion� him. horses, 209 cattle, 187 hogal 11-4 abeep; be t lie last witness, and t4e � inve tigat'00 r of this place, wh to their present wo ka. Brothers. went p in smoke at an early hour Montr6al. Messrs. Watson & Emigh our whom the people send to the Legislature will then closeutitil the 211t ol M when self ia getting hired' help for the farmer -4 of 2 ogs, 125. Jamp3, Maxw 99 M -to bavv a craze ol; ell haa'rentcd ]his farm, on on TueEday Mo ning of last week, the fire cattle dealers, have had ca the vicinity and al 4?' the 0ornmiesion will reasser�blei to e,r Llia tfle boughF,for in g tting goad pli, lea 18 finepected -,of il are competent to decide for themselves as to argument of con tile l3luevale road, near, t�i:gh in, to h is makieg a compiete clean oub. The miller, quite a while, but have flad - to. keep them for the new co pl! the old con -,Mr. Geol ge Ratz, who Is in the etoploy ,rise], which', h is expected, ak 8, mers! from il I, ry, of A lesors, Davis & Eizernian, of Mtobel whether or not the municipalities should brokher William', and wi'i 611 eainsd back. -Co'ancillor Sloan was n Torotti3 has been very suceesof ul i i be bb, ways. will t,.ke lip, the remainder, of' that week. Mr. Tome, had )can working night and day, I_r taxes oa rail- After that, the only thing r�emaining will be 6ing to look a succeeeed in placing About 30 good men have power to levy highi) resb to overtake a ril-h, and on g last week and raturned with a couple of Ila He bad one of hi i hands badll� mangled in a iss Ethel Rhynas, ditighte of Mrs. shaper IaEt w aek. One finger was taken.an'. wa property th"an they now have. Tiig is the report of the Commissie')1eils. after a choke inthe elevator with a lantern car loads of young cattle, which he iut�ndi and everal girls. He sa, �s the men he has ti.rejy off an W. I - Uhynas, of Golerich, was in 11 had o do with ai three others were badly man all that is required of them in this instance, To use a vulgaridm, the invbEtig tion hag the returned from aiiother �part to find the spot pubting on the, grass. t a aisplendid class of pEople. towh of Frnk at the time of the recent gled. pretty nearly petered o40' With the in -flames. The �fire is thought to have ori- Although they all came fr in England, some W-heik�new_)"St They should, also, be strang enoug� to re- disalster,'�but isecaped injury. -The man -7 friends of Mr. fehOl King, closing of Mr �t'ratt-n's eViblefic'e ithe'pub- glnfktgd from t�e lantern, whether by ex. of them are of diffe' A0at3per buabLai_ ­4A� U. Todd, of Goderich, was recently pl rent r itionalities. Most of ]yfitchell sist the blandishment of the railway repre- lie intereaLt 11%" will be sorry to learn that -he Tews -per busbal-_ a dropped to z,r�. ' Moab peo- oaion or what ineans is not known. The of them are, comparativ(ly, young, strong, had 'a slight paralytic stroke abo.ab' two 13seley -per bush4l_.] pre� I an BARGAIN Ix DWELI ING PyPERTYJ — ted witbr-a handsome gold locket by mill wa ler electric a - Why pay rent from five to synart and very IButter, No. 1, 100613- entatives without being fortified by the ple are tired and a often lib by a� smal p tei dollar@ month en. intelligent, and some of them 0,01ick one morning ofAast weak. His disgu ated with the whole the �nem6re of the Royal Black Order of paratus th n th,j village �Iant, but this was 11 educated. A g(ol many of the ic(lings. The most prominent! feature o utteri tub__ procE a an urchase on easy ter ns a neat Ili-..Ia dwel in even we rangemen of Huron and Perth. not in use at thel time. Mr. Tome succeeded d good vi a] of the investigation is the �00 P stable, garden, f ru it trees a M voic 3 and one side are �ffiected, but no doz-: presence of large numbers of their coaetitu - youc d F were mechallica in the old coun'ry, but de. amount of false : __� f wit I 00. Su arland, -eal seriously, au� his early r1covery is looked FE r 140 Abs eats. This being the case, what neceasi ty Miss� Jean Calder, of Grey township for $4 age Apply quickly to 1. J. u e. is is re hol h%I a been traiaing for a nurse in Sarnia difficulty and is 4 heavy loser. Cullis Bros. Hay T swearing bbat has been do! Thi in getting his books cut only alid,thab Witt' estate nt at Hen6alI,Offl3e at t a Poe sire to learn farming bere4l Most of them for. or wRidesper 100 U_ is there for. cal4ing the representatives of' grattable and di2gusting, end sho�ls th 1844,11 are young, iilugle men, b0 some of them are One who has been In poor health for hog ital,'atood firt with honors in her re- Vill also lose he ily. The' flour mill has NOTES. r township councils, to Toronti ? It looks there is some person laonniected vi it: i the -M', Me onell raturined married with families. a ohe whole, they man years, passed away:on Sunday: May affair who should h5ve a �,asting place in lination. She R now a full fladged ge Mull exam been an limport �nb industry of the villa home this: week from L adon, where he �ad are a very - superior class of people, and are as if the representatives were anxiou i to nur a., 3rd, in the pe�rson of Mi. `Gec�,rge Robinson, r3tstoas per bush i for between -30 i 6 d 40 years, an be been combining buainei's with iVyisib likely to make 0 an([ useful citizens. e of Blanshard township, and Exit (retail) per bi the penitentiary. The 06mmieeioui have 3 li h i of late t am go'd - t a recent meeting of the official board 9 shift responsibility which shou'd root upon not succeeded in unearthing !the Eoure from water p6wer -lit it run the village electric his relatives. -Mrs. Casf and chilgren, v 0 Thus far he has had no complaints from 'his i fe was op Z2�,Per card--flon f the Biursel et church, a unani- lighting sy their own -shoulders on to the shouldars of r a Mathodi stem� enb there, on the farm. Hie W iod - pereord liho-1 whence Gamey got the mcna The loss will be a great were here on a visit, returned Z Torol ito either side. The employers have been well wift wh3 sur dves him� w4s a Miss Taylor, Ube d61103ited mous invitat�on was extended ti) Rev. T. W. last week, accompanied by Mr. Win. M4 ir, pleased with the go r -i men and the men well in the bank and with hie ''pohical I�ade one to the oomnl4nity. , A I others. Mr. Pettypieoe's bill is in the owna to remain their pestar for the ensu- of A din&. Therere po �chidren. It proposes to da when he made hie declaration in the Legie� -The spirit (if Neil McDonald, Job 16, Mrs..Casela fathOr.-We are pleased to we pleased with their places. right directio-a. what rig Year, which was accepted. conoession 10, orris,took i I - .: l7he corn )r sto Tim -)thy Reed__�� lature, and we very much fear tha i the t is to flight from that !'Mr. F. Ruse,- preoentoi-ir f Carmtel 118 Of th9 new MletlaDdillb, Pvrh.per loo jba�_., should have been done long ago and in the destined to remain one of the myotakf a. -Cha�Qes Milne, of the Qaeen's hol- 1, the earthly tenarrient, on Wednesday of last chtir6, who was confin d for near chu � ch at Bethel will be lild on May. 24h, par 1b ly we event of failur the -repraBentatives, cannot )Iinton, has �ientsd it for� five !.years to J. week. He had been P�oorly for the past weeks to his room, is able to be out agam�- Dublin. by Mr. Thom a Greenw,eid. M. P. P,, of shirk, responsibility n the"Way.ouggested by Perkins, the former lanilord of the Claren- year,nervous lonration bei g the cause Mr. B. Thornscn has retu raed froin Seafoith -carpebs sill Linoleurns--Ther's every ad- Maiktoba. - ra. T. S. Tq,rd, of Mitchell, I a hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Milne will go and viciniby,'whare hehi Editorial Notes and Comments. .' and for about a 'lit weeks was oonflued to %d been for tbr'ee vantage in coming to our store for will ay t lie corner atone or the the Star. 'Neat .1 what you Tbno.vTo, May bed. Deceased Ivas bo. -n in Argyle, Soot- weeks putting in flax for Mr.McEwen.-Mr. want. I Aid, and Mr. Henry Heal ithe one for the minenieqtocks and varieties. from tiwaa fairly I Thedeath of Dr. Bridg 4and, M. P.*P.l -TheMission Band,in connection with land, and o%ine 0 Canada with his father's GJ, M. -Ewen, M. P., has been home for the. which to, choose, And decidedly as low rices ound my schoo for mu'skokaj causes another, vacancy n the "'Will a Presbyteriani church, Clinton, recent- p caQaotati� The Ontario Lggilature, family in 1847, 6.catiog in Elgin county for pasb week, -Rev. Mr. B Ilantynel, of L�h- as i-4 krown on equally aE good gools -and J � pleasan b ev a at the b6me ateady. ' esetitcd Mrs, (Dr,) Graham with a ant took lac M the 0 )varn- y nd then moved to the farm in don, cond�u,Aed service Ili Carmel; church: on ogetber with Carpets and L:ilole- 12 to 20c -choto Legislature. This will, reduce seven years a kinds,_T Of A, r. Asro:i Ireland, -in �rga on -Wed- While nothing of a specially o�xoiting na- Erri st)o3n and a beautiful arb clock. Mrs. ture has occurred ill the Legislature during ra h Morris, in 1854: �!on which he died, the old Sabbath laet, Morning and in ard will umsyou-buy L%oe curbiin3. We have neadey everilag of last Week, wb ell Miff 16le s choice po, ment's majority to four, aildi is the a1econd 36M ia le�aving Clinto homestead. Of 1"ate yea'rs he had not farm. do so for the following S! 6 even g, re. Carrl,- Harris, daligbter of "the late Charial seat rendered vacant by death wi hin the dr. Henry Thompson has sold his 150 ba h orso.-Nfi bta4tiful new cutt%ins thet appeal bo your -18 Plentiful i H. Doan, o:f Zuriell, Was i u t 9 villa I P � the past week, a good deal of busineas has year. There are now three -vacancies in the ere �arm in East Waiwanbah, oA the bound. ad to any extent,"as the place, was seeded h ge I�sb atti�tic sense� your good judgment-, your Harr a) was unitEd in marr,�age to Mr. W.J, .12ic per pona� been transacted. Several private bills have ;o R down and oattlelgrazing was eubstituted. week, cn bar way to and from 116dgervillo, economical purse. The P',. McFaal Co., H01ir ev, of S )ebringville. ! mony been re0 aiii got int Legislature to be filled, North Renfrew, ry, Isaiah Shaw, of the 4th conce8- Mr. McDon%ld -?�as unmarried, two eisters where shb bad been viii�iog her Jbtirier,, Mr. Seafor*tb. was I erformed by Rev. E. �V; Brown. twins.. - Egge-T f Calross. T residing with hiM He was 56 yaars of age. H. Doau.-Rev. Dr. field NOTES -Miss TkIcKenna visited friends in -31r. Thomas Coppin has sold his aplen- no greab a! -n of-. ,o shape, to be dealt �sion he price paid was $5,500 1848-1 steady, -and thai by the death of Mr. Munro ;� Sault f&e. The subj(3 t of il which waa vacated ahorbly after the election "and I In Sbaw will gbb possession iii JaLuary' Medl was in Bay with by the reepectiVe committees, f 0 Lls notice was a Liberal in on Fdday last. -The ant rtainment, held in ext.. pa which most of them will rievcr emerge. Mitch3ll this week. 'Miss Doyle was & via- did ohe hundred acre farm,, in Logan, ohl# steady at 13o The Marie, which was vacated by the unses:t.-lig -D. M,' Gordon's stora, in Wingliarn, had politics, a Preaby,terlari in religion, and a Carmel Presbyterian dl,ch, under the aur- itor in Seaforth M9nd%yj-Mrs. J. O'Con. neigh bar, Mr. Roy, for �: the :suva oP K- UTICA, May- legis,lature, also, are wrestling wi.11 the of Mr. Miscanipbell by the -election court, niin of high moral typ�, who was held in Pioes of tb(') Guild,, en Mc nday- eve!uing la t, nell wall to take off this crop a narrow escape frorn destruction a co-rimuni6yat large. H6was- waswell attcnicdand mn-�h enljo- avi8itOr ill'Seafoirth last week.- 000., Mr. Cop?in is UtIca Dairy Bon' new assessment bill, and it is likely to prove and nov - Musko teem- by the ,ani ka, by the d -h of iDf. �g . vied :)y Mies 'V7illiama spent ' riday last Uh -give p farm in th_e�fallw 54 -lot's of 3,491, eat n b. wi possesi ion of the: uesday of . last week. The chi ney took an elder in the chbrah �t Blyth, and thoss prese Ties, was served in'! t�e base- P. difficult matt!r 0 deal with. As it bears Bridgeland. Muskoka and 'Renfrew J�ere n�d:the fire was amoulderiug friends in Stratfora. ra Mr. u',oy has n-�e disposed of the #or' h sold At 11Z., -a-ad -ome represented by Reformers and the Soo by aL r- visitor, on Sunday lact atl the residence of half 'c f lot 14, crinebasion 8, contain-ilig 50 butter, 19z pat, somewhat heavily on the railway and L re a for some also a school trut se in the section in which ment, afte� which a very intere -M� - or,ia was a Cqnservative. If the Government get Mrs. M. Doyle. -Mrs. acrej, to Henry Hunkin� fox $2.900. other large corporations, in 8(> lnll�ll as it t me.; T4,e fire brigade had to a called hie'farin-was locf.5. Oatof the seven Me- a ry and musical progranir lie was carried ot Lit. �Xie4b, of - Bffalo, is will require them to contribit'.e a reasonably th'rough the Gainey invebtigatioa Donald '.brother who came to Huron there The choir (if James street chur h, unscattlisd, fair share of the taxo3 of the country, it -Qhmlrlle Jobb, of Wingham, was injured are only tvyo Bur ivia ohn and Exet9r, wo,re present, find rendezecl I a as prasent appearance@ seem to indlo5t will , 9 now, viz., J i Wtel. He Alexander, hot well known residents of number of excellent selecLiong Inuously opposed be the case, they will win the t!lree v also Tbnos�To, Ma will, consequently, be Str, I W drisoday forenoon of last Carib t as 2 V b,y these corport%tions, and the result will i irig.,,Beattie's dray, and when going Grey township. Nfre. G. F� crii,Lituenaies, and that will Scott, of Chithani, formery pf wic,; red, 74,c give th in a d:)wn!into'the shed, he fell off the dray, be. 'in the i illage pa t of last furnish a fair index as to the extent the majirity that will make their tenure of Thameavillis, was Legislaure is eighed down by tw.een� the wheals and the wall.. He was bBTIey, 41 considerably 13ta week and ibis, visiting ier sister, Mrs. othy,$12 to $15 -such in- office secure for the present term at lea -t. A -ley. ft.ciencee. crushed and bruised, Saturd Nir. H. J. Pattypiece, of E%bt Fortune favors the brave, ana a so' 8 u therland. -Alex. L-3wi i has rented the a a e. sheaf straw, no p r Ca-N1rs..;QharI1ea Wolfe, of Crediton, died on You spend monay in this store without L%mbtoa, seems to be one me.mber who has say that Premier Ru3s has not made E6 rave welling Mr. Rae and fa nily bAd been dc- feed -Is Tatead -ilway aompanies before fight under very discouraging Circurnstan . I .1 i not the foa of the. ra Sx-turday, 2od int., after a few days' ill. any waste ; we rr ike your every cent count, cupying, Mr. Rae, sinne Urp. Rae's dest�, 'and $15 f *r br.a his eyes. Mr. Pettypiece very correctly ces. Oess, !at the 'age of !40 years.. Deceased we know that vi hen our goods and prices having decided to rn ve fl oul here, -Xia8tar 1ralght leaveo' a husband, three children, of whom leave this store i ey Ftgrt o:i a journey of a. ldauiz contends tha the railway companies of this A few yeE66 ago there wa3:9, great rage 0 Jame8 Bonthron son of J inles' Boi ithi on, of 119 for cars of, country have obtained maiiy and val ie is! a baby a few days old, and eight atep. adverbising for u3L In your thinking of uable house.,cleanin tir�e and the goods ycu ra. Hay, is leirniag railroad[ ig and lelegrap Special Pric 1.1s. will be ive� o aturd for the establishment of joint etook or co. hildrono g n Backs included, franchises and aklvantage's from the people, ing at the station here. Mr.and Mrs quire, link ui to bur thou and that, �notwi'thstanding this fact,thy are operative gork ouring eking a tah- raI , $amuel Pike, of Clinton, died on - New Car- were and P�a ghts. Dent, of M in the vi. lage this Sever T�uraday of last week, ed 54 years, after pets, Linoleumis, Cui tAins and the other all d i not now rziclaired to contribute their proper lishmente. &I hew eatablishmen week, visiting r?latives.--Gcorge oynt ra- Proportioa of the coat of municipal. and this khid were started and were operated & Yearl's illness from' tuterculo3is. The de. goods- too, are her in their beauty and their cently purchasA a . ery filne neumatl�o QdasodI v�ali a daughter of the late John low pricedness, he E. McFaul Co., Sea her -a -are quted. State Government. Although their frlght tired buggy. -he Oddfellows of- H(n4alf forth. tatoeg -Gilt of for some time, but for some reason or o%er 8.urdy, of Goderichtownship. Her husband 1848 1 A Few Leaders that are X Po and passenger charges are higher hithis lodge intend putting innewsetteef inthGir cept nal1v Law n )3 survive her. U-25 -per bag. country than in the neighboring Republic, one of them seem' to have reulted au(coEs- ai d c a so- DEATH oF A FORMER RESIDENT.—We lodge rcom and making other impr:)vement3 -A. L. Bertrand, for many years a prom. take the following from �he Florance Quill : One hundred ends �able linen, 2J yai ds i ri� each they do not contribute nearly so large a pro. fully. Although the old established a 3tab- in the near future. -R)bert Bell of Sea-' h ad, while they last 50 inerib mer.ch.ant of Credition, passed over to " Mr. Wrn. Simon Phillipo, who paed forth, was in the villag,- on busi ass latt cents an encl. i- portion of municipal and State taxation as lisliments, tuch as the Davis packing h ii -e, ti a- they are required to do in the Statev. He TORO �o of Toronto, and some others, seem to liave ilent ajori.ty on Tuesday of last, week, away on April 226d, aged 52 years, 3 months week. -Ralph Drysdale h a returi ,ad from Fivo hundrL yardsifine lace and embroi eries, �orth 10c and 15c, -for were, eold at Gr, a 6 ve4ra. Deceased was a native of and 9 days, was hi Illy esteemed and a most his home at Drysdale ani eon' ad iis situa- 5c a yard. has,, therefore, introduced a bill t to remedy made money for all connected with them G -rmany, having come to this country about progressive citizen -The deceased was born Lion with J. Wiesmiller. mm ot. -vvo this state of a;.ffair�, and provides- machinery the.smaller co -o erative ventur a oas havA en ims I'visou, of by which the muDici�alities can obtain a a diaappointmenb. One w ' ' S &' yea raako. Ile is survived by his wife, July 19th, 1820, co Talbot street, township Kippen, was in the villa T See, our table of iN.14slins, -exints and Ginghams &� 4c a yard. 460 to �81-40, Ati- 69 starte at uesda: r visit* Ing much higher and mora proportioilite tax Palraer8ton,and if not entirely! discoatin ued, tv o so no afid two daughters., of Malahide, cou ity of Elgin, being the friendi.-Mr.' Joseph *Upshall lias very A lot of 'Men's Flat nelette Shirts to be 8 d, at 10c each delivery horses �veek, D. from these companes. This bill is pretty it is in deep waier, and the' 1038eS of op. Cantelon, of Clinton, third eon of Godff Phillips. When quite much improved the apt)eai anee of his dw6l- See our table of fan y silk ends, four y s in each end, shipped 181 hogs from Londeaboro, 184 from young he w 59c an end. much along the lines of the Government's orating a the end of the first!ye,'Ar amQll-.nt- Cl n ith h parents moved to the ling, �n the London Ro , which he pur. Another big lot of I lain silks to be sold � 25c a yard. now assessment bill, and it was referred to ad 042,737. -Another wastarted at Stcuff.* re into' ana 63, at Seaforth. The lot rap- township of MarL lam, in which municipal- chased from George Joy it, by h ving it Twenty-five�pure L,,cer Curtains to be sold at 69c a pa�jr._ entod about S55,000. ' - or Lbe largest numb ity lis spent his b: yhood � days. At the age nicely painted. -Our band:enlivened our -to -6id, the sapie special committee. villa, and now 'some of the - shareboldera are I were peli'vored by George Sparke, of the of 177 li'a went to Totonti, where he servtd village again o3Saturday evening set, The county councils got quite an alrLug a bein- sued for their unpaid stock. A very i scin I ine, ran- -.Big redaztions on al Lace Curtains. LO DON E 13 Bt Oil 'I'" Staiiley,J7 in all, f:r which Iiii apprenticeship aq wagon ai 'S a pair. few (lays acro. A bill iutrc(lucd by Mr. large one wag started at B :ntford a few he $204. 0 nd oarriage dering a number of excellent sele3tiono.- Thirty pairs Lace C4rtains $1.9 rA worth $3, foi Ittle; bet'Per l re ive maker. From To�ro I .0 W. H. Taylor, of North Middlesex, was re. years a -go. Th7e buildings Were nto 4e weLt to Head- Oliver Geiger, who has been in th� Molsons Oome to our Big Cu� Price Sale on Saturc, ELY. sponaible for this. Mr. Taylor's bill pro- equipment, waa. Jq, . If, extensive T ie )ani eg Telegram, of April 29bb, ford, whera be ked at his trad-3 for a Bank here for the past tw o years, and of the beat, and the p wor in spei king, of Mrs. W., A. Ducker,formarly numbet of ye%rs,' bat owing to ill health he P aerl. a. Pound refri I The courr3il is now comroaed o represent- seemed to be most encouragincr, but i to ge poses to amend the Cuunty 0ounoil's Act. evcry resp, � p -date, and its prospect M ea I ie,� Lamont, 'of! Ethel saya'-- " The gave up his trade ind took upfarmiug. For at Loudon, and left on M:)nda g ti ;sheep ect u -to, promot d to a position in tbe'Molsons Bank 6AA y mormil were qo' _t atives elected every two years from districts. 6, mi ny rionds of Mrso W, A. EZir will be a number of yeara e su3qessfully farmed in engage in hit duties. We wish hi Highes Prices Paid for Produce. x4ressed -weight. is also in a bad way. The directors are ,now 0; O.Ved to Learn that she passed aw�y at her the township of ' arkham, then an Mr. Taylor's bill proposes t1lat the count, seeking power to boriow rnf?re iloneyl to he moved -The auction sale of the household effect M I �6111: ; Argenfine a rehideiice, 144 8 ith street, at�:i9:30 last to the township of IDni8field, Simooe county, of the late Mr. Walter Hanson, W ich council shall be coqtpos�d of the reeyes of carry on the business. List year the fini4hed ev: miq, :aft was OaTg or a painful illness of seven where he bought a hand -al town-ahip.3 and villages, and the mayors of red acre farm. In held here on, Tuesday afternoon lost, was co product, of this establisbmenb � amoun I weak by internal "nae. Al. three -jyeore he so towns. But his bill is permissive. Iaorder l )t �1, caiised Id and bought again in well attended, and fair pri 3es were obtaini. TOUONTon, the large sum of $650,339, and: the sum paid ill, ig a-gliaat sufferier.- she bore' it, all nith Stanley township, county of Huron, where ed.-W� have it - I I r ! Al -to change from the present system a major- for live hogs amorint�d to $586,' a this week to ohrotle the LE A Cattle��� I 848, lea -vi i a cheeeti sq and Chrhtian fortitude. Mrs. he rei-ided for 20 y are and cleared up a 100 deaf h of M ra, Walter Hant a -1 I in i loyi) ity of thellocal mu oici pali ties in the co.unby gross profh of $63,491. Bub 'the working Ducker, by1er cheerful and kindly manner acre farm. In 187 he sold out and came to on, whic v, occur. -35A0 $5-20 I)er must &ppro-ve of the new method by resolu- expenses amounted to $115,33.1, thus I ad -at her home here on thf - 30bh April. $C%- ay- and dii daftion, eneared herself to a, large Florence a d boug t a 120 acre farm. In The deceased was a native of Engla d. Sh 1p n GARDNO 13360GRX a SMAPOUT bulls siold-at IIIIIIll 6n ord a h e, It it IA v u 5 r III