HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-05-08, Page 7N
t,ly could
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I hen I tried
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Irolazd debates on these, votes w. ere. take
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MAY 8,1903*
.8 ape nivem in ore part of 1b to Sb. James to preseat their poiltion it was s Y xxg , ear ungers cub the weeds from " either e, of the root noticed that most' of those perons who "The poor hayq hearts as well as Comphicated Process. Stcdflons For 19,03
ITURE drilZ, while the tbinning t is done by a wantod t v wigs stornachs" said the proprietor of a Bciaton people4ho h1ave seen a long line 0 a] Y I Fompel other people to we rota Y knife, differen sizq and styles being wore no wigs themselves. This striking the -flovver store the 6ther day. "Most of of hurrying people held up oa the steps us, it Is -true, are of the well -AND- use for diffarent varletie of roAs. By London moo as very inconsistent, they seiz- leading dowii to the e�b' patrW way stAtion w He
AM act al test the machine h been pi oven to ad the proo6sionisto some woma& extractied a' nickel from a and forcibly cutoff all to do chiss," he clontinued, "but quite be . rfeotl accurate. A ublic domon-Ara- their hair. Lu a pocket book: in her underakirt., UNDERTAKINGN i of toll I e,ll flower4: to those -%vhose ofit will appreciate t46 humor of what a tion -of its erits will ba 1 iven as Soon as, writer the oat crop has atbained ufficieLt growth. ward appearances are lond in Proclaim- in the,Brooklyn Eagle saw �The fpI ug well knom eMloug Viii tx&vel Good M ket bir-Toads in exas. uring the Fornitufa bought with care is easily Eold. Ropkins purpotes orming a joint Ing, thein oil of 1909, so fOIIOW4 ty �triclien- One day an I saw a woman in a straeb car open a Experience enables me to select I StOO compAny to bui!d a Notary and pro- Cheroke Banner "Toads at 25 cents old nc,-ro, clad in 1wbat gave f ain't evi- satabel and . tak oub a purse, close the TAREtTUM 211tay Years2 a tax.ty. designs with good construation and cee with the manufacture of this machine apiece I TMt is what Eome of our enter. donce of once beell ,- khaki suit, satchel and ope4-th3 purse, take out a dime A.I'CharleewortO, Propriston alou with:others which ho has invented, priaing trut kers have been known - to pay s Mond superior finish, and fsold at right prices, with, hoes down at the becis all and Owe the pu0se,. open the satchel and tal !Mon Mloxt zlels, Tuckersiliftli, for d hat but as not yet pa put in the purse clos6'tbo satchel and look 2oot; to BIRke fo I ht ncbL _makes business mutually pleasalab and pro- tented. He is confiderib for them, so great 13 the demand and scarce in wIll'cli the crown ha&loug outlived r Or noon Crediton, for nigit! Vved'no t1haCheill have no trouj�e in interesting the supply during the coldframe fleaao3 both ends. Than she gave tha dime -to the - r, I the rial, stolllwd� lOre long (niough to conduotcr an I or noon; Farquhar, fjr ni lit Thurads , t; Up�,o!stering receives special attention. auffipient capital, especisilly among* the A few t,)ad turned loase in & plant to.)k a nickel in e=hangfe. "WAY bad f Stafra t.) Dublin hr 0001�" & ere. Theii she opp Egnidindville. For ex, laded jjphalatery cov,t.rings an -1 material kept in with a shal ow vessel of water to drink from buy -a twenty-r"-�-cl Cent bullell of 'vio- -n9d1bho "'
t�,hal and took fxib Athle owl, stable d and -L�A IbAs Mr.! Hopkin-'preee it worm lets. Ol)P-,Of I the intention that are said to mocessfully Eettle the alit ily patron,4 -who puree, e!oisdi the satchel and opened the psrticiiiara Apply to A: Charles.
#ftick. . I Orth, Egnuadviile, dntariq. ra, Framing done prom the taotory and cther,: mrs6, put in th�s nickel and closed the Sod ad next WV01C. alhll be locate at S1r&tford. inect problems. No telling, no doubt- s 1�.novvll waiit sald 'Piatu ptly. Pie-' sale. ins, libtle while toad culture itself may be ilen lie saw this urde, .U�ej and frames for Also Window purehaso: opened tbo sat-chel &nJ put in the Do S' it it not see a go3d buoinses. 8, than closed the S&tch�l and looked SUNLIC�HT H -ShAdes, Curt?drx Poles, Cottage Reds, Pillow m more eff�ctivci to� i Thel Blind Man'3 Friendd; "'The od fooL . He'; needs breadl at -ends. Tli�-n sham Folders, and. many other such things se of Not a day has passed in fruit and truck bre c h in a rem6dy, to cure disew �Outrisl: she 4t to see -if her back- W.A J. MeGavia, Propriet-oze. T4e LorRon Adverti6er iays : In -larger t rig -lit. hc to air w&i all right, and ust; as sweet Thab belougin to houis furnishing. the b athing orgals, than to t4kc the cities the �Ig culture in eiet Texas that something mcra Monday wi I leave his ow a stable,- Lot 22�, Conece- bt may nGt be in un nual, one, e- remed into' hits not been learned In regarJ to it. Th of the old was a woma lop,.and proo 8arriages in the very latt at stylee, the stomach ? but i�early everone it, t slon 13, MCK It d to John Watirs, a city tkes a ralnily froill 'tile l0ek, for noo i - then to rge Steph firatthindwas learning �ow to railso cr y G tl ro, for n Tue�da And away da, it in ptice. somaid look at an old bli nd man and a (log isther plan i ; the next thing was how to I contend tht .1 se di(.1 more bu ii!it hDowello," I al�o sell the vex tical feed Davis sewill AV 1 11 i , TH.L' -MOST" "UT ITIOUS MaKillop, fol i0000n; to D! Is kotel, Seg -41, rth, for g whidil leads hiln about -11 9 L-trect on- a market ; u( w ib is the protection of the to banis.11 tile feclin -erty tp,th,til,whielithera In no betterin -g of pox froin night- tf 'to sell shoa lacel,. Tt(e Inin it; crops. 'EA-ing ascertained that toads will h13 flreslt.1�,, Ihan ll tile food lie could Roid ma0him f MQHI:I)P, f. -)r noon ; I on to his own Atable for Machines makea it a pleaeure to Saw any predible that this blin� fr;ht with the (Imarte.r. There is 'ght. 7 huAday-To N Ili iam Tellt-epl vonc-s 1-1 i . n ; t;hmte to uent;�, hotel 1h% coaktry. Tha vertical fecd on these 'vb-o'ued'60 years of age. Ib seeme, scarcely prcttet plp t beds, toad raisers will Boon be hari! bou i
malt goes an W�Illro E ps's Cip Plan Ia. Grey for nuo
y numeroul� I attlentarly if toads are worth fabria, and puekcriL�g la Impossible. The P Bruitsels, f r Opt. Friday-ftnth to aine a luvart litingov that f,�vds only on senti- it Ut
Donald's, gr.,wel r ad, foroon; ce put% them mithin e"y reach of any an(al verywhere with the a d of a dog and a 25 cents etwh- As the fruit business made thmica o:his rL heav stick. invilt; and its is not al-",,ays at An admirable food with all its rta- Rslablishe4 1,979- 00 it 1r) box- inaking business po3rdible ar d profit stable where is will rQnain 14nill the ioiIoving Nion- esiring a fir. t-olasa nX Ichif e. T d intelligence is i turat qui�lAles i 2tact, fitted to dsy morning othing th,nt of able, the tcuck businep may make the toad the broast of t I I o wellprovided ivith Y011 Sleep 14"
build up i and r iaintaia robust �ures While rems, kuZe. It will tak its matiter to and�otberbiisinesa profitable. this worlWs UNDERTAXING feach store it comes, It cure� because the air rendered stron�glyl to, if t a store is occu- booth, and ret is', winter's ex- IDLECTI�'IC B. picd,� but it always avrid vacant stores. And Eirtbahning caref uIll ALJ properly done antise 'tic is carried over the diseased 4ur. trome cold. �,Sold In quarter -pound Wi accotding to the latest methoda., Night face -with every In or�.qdng streets or railro d Irkqk;i it ex. Illustrious Suicides. TIIL4-- lliam Barry, jProprietor. breath, 9,iviyigprol tins� labelled JAM, 8 EPPS & Co., orige Monday -ill leave hi 1i 6 sculplor, once nlet U lited, Hoinceopithct Chem 13�uce&ld, b wuy ct the 'roa o- DIck's hotel. an, oo er of Jan -ea and n#. illtutrious sidaides, and -it will coht%in some n England. Saxfcrth, forhoon; then by ivayoftbc IHI.0 on road 6tr.Anj'3 to Say this (I g has a atr)n illipi'v�,.t,thl by :tll(, V nton, tot the night. - nesday )alla answered at my recide-abe, south east and c hibit� the grea,teub care, an; will nvt take p J. E. Boollill,
VVilliam strecti. ab �nitant treatment. It i nvaju4 the gian across if thtra is t] e slightezt dan- 00mabody will write a brok some dAy of olle . ntry liou-io ii d Nvas rn fe mothers with suiallchildre Lo
gi r. n ; . 9 a boo -.1 to asthtnattcs -immortl np mes. Nct rocra than a few -n gt
the Lcndon roa nioral nature, L%nd catnotl be enticed t.) -By Way of d to his cAN able, I go 6. Prime Minitt r in Europe took ere he w)l remain untO Veduts-lay *omirig. yeara a enttr, hotels or oigar stores, nor the (,ffiooa hia owl, life, H -ro*—t i i S Cocoa onI 0 and be is not the first man at ),I his (-Onversaftion. ediiesday-oVa,nAfor nonn and Yetw4 to h, V WhoopJng Cougil pron of hvi�yers or ineurnce agei its. It, Ica-eps a Epps wn Et%ble foi night. ThursdAy-At -his own stkble e head of a Ststq to Pnd Lie own ctiraer. -%V1r Nil of the 'subject day, Frld.Ly-Byway of1he 2ad concession ol careful eye ou small boys md- on p3rsons S-awEssojt To.Joax LkZTDrMolt0UGR, Croup Coughs A -OfB�ayt, a Xing- of Bbvaria, - art 1100111;ilIg irrivc-d for Carl le's GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOR. tanley, to H4 lisall, at T. J. 13,trry,s We oud �ox- who ' 0 making cash tran-actions with its Y Cat&rfll, Colds Orippe and Erpy �a,4 f bytinia,'a Prosi&nb ange stab), � and remain there until 8 rday r R r
re ruslatir.i 1pero , I of Cbilis ctting, f .1 -and 110 philoso- 1.819.126 orning. 8 turday- aThe a Crown P'lace of Austria, a Prin BRY wan of the LGndort roadto -pro erljy of ihablind ce of the Feulptor forill his a own un' 1807 V-,tporizer nnd tamp, hich should last Tb do the stabi where be wil rf maAn 41 the fol- -1 lifetime, togetlier a bottle of Cresoldne Japan-th � a a and more among the notabili- — - g has been g hicndr. i, morning. 1845-10 $1.50. 14;xtra SuPplies of Cresolene d ni var once has Suddenly ttacked. 5 cents 4md -I' " ac he lisa of th6 world have- to- be numbered rol. Iman for mtkuy years, an e �Q cents., Write or descriptivebook2let cont4in* mialtd. him. Children are often attack( d suddenly by painful X st te amologthelsalf-debttoyed. A d(z-.n peers, s so far part You: Are Loling tnz high stimony as to its-Que.. and dan Diarrhoea, Dysentery, 0k, rpenter's Trot! ing He d ger �c, 'reck.. Carlyle ljs� Choi s u' Cram'". VAPO-CRFSOLENU and "10 ' Cc a MD.tES3, an earl's datigbter Morbu ahtuni. etc. Dr. Pow- ELOTT 19 SOLD UY DRUGGISTS Evtlty�VAERp THE POOR DYIPEPTIC' uke's daugbtai can eaa HONDLTRAS and -CHIEF.- a olor'e ratt of Wild St2t 3rry pt- SUJ ily ba recalled in totted for a thlic ,I e our own coaatry, and half a6mu admirals t1lell lie d d 110 S,11-1 h:)u80. to t J4 the 'Weighing 4,375 pounds(and 1,200 Mon slire curei' which ehould i tways b: Prom Vap4d-Cresolene CO. I - -p , - pL.runds. - V
x8orulton&reet Iat�e Most Mis.erab] E) of Mortals and generala: well known in Europe have alJoll t 4y - 3) f L [ "Arill make a. and W4 seis at mear Without a blEi-OTTE TC.5i Notre DAme StrFet our "Oil, .4 Blytill Wedn edwy nibt ; alton Thur�day at New York committed, Suicide yvithin living memory. no -w �an- The Lki rite. noon I gl(�V'S, medi P. Au-eaky night IQ-- -Mme t ughlin's and 3peia's, Brodhagen. Un4erstand Hi�, Hours oil ex Under Sentiry for India, and m(ri iivulptire.11 "Of L8'xa-LiverPiIl8aretheI&&es' favorite medicine. andDu I n, riday nigh.t. a urday�--L-ceohod -.Cnly. Similar Suf rers Can Said , "I, Ii -es, �avo c
Orea, Separator. Recommended and. sold by 1. V. Rear A great judge, an ex -Lord of the treasury, le doesn't k Tbey cure Conittipation, Stal � Headache, Biliousness, Kinburl h.,n linton for nigh ourdnes, 1�indne;sl d of Agon-9,- than two or three M. P.'e have created a of he 100,000 In daily use. The rugist, Seaforth. and Dyspapsiv. withmt gripix g purging or sickeningl an 'eiA characteristics of d compactaws are Ube sp Zq only Separator built with a paiuftil Sensation in England by,tiking their howed lits bout ihiligs namaled:bowl, berutifully e I these horses. St, James' Gazette. miserall own lives. -DOAN my rims mob the kidneys, bladder ore. duenbla than There is no mortal more Is than tlu ou flidn't No dobt ecul'ari ies of Grejit tiolar 13 dia1reat sizes P Men the p9or dyspeptic. He is n9ver healthy, if on asked 131aekle he'd Ithat And urinary orRans only. Th cure backitches, , weak A gror6t many other kinds The Iron Duke (and it may �ba rematked never heippy �al ways ailing! always cub of What b4sk, rheiniatism, diabetes, congestion, itflahima. DUNRAG IT of Separators are taken out 'Idr. Bolger Thinks of Gjadstone knew bou in passing. at Lord Roberti of our bw.n Sorts. Every mout�hfulof f ad brings hours tiou, grive 1, Bright's disease, and a'l, other diseases P t in place Gamey. and Mclotted wl tile gardener ould tell you that arlaing fr(m, wroug�actlon of the kWneys and a;4d the Shire'Stalliou of them, A, few points of day has a similar aversion) would of diatresa-every momentl of the day- is gr JW if shut upin 116 knew ilothing --'-hatever of gardeil- bladder. excelarce In this Separator it Ep SITOR,-I have read in Tim -HAROLD the same rooba spoiled and soured. DRA W ELD FITZ qutto- u= any other kind not fou -id In with ou are a dyspeptic nw O41TOR 0 April 10th a letter1frorn o dog. if y'ur T.,J. Berry, Proprietor. a -e tink lower down, heav- mally PC oplo Bay they 6 "all nerves," easily Dr Aberpethy, a man proverbially inf-ol- gigns for tinware, tuini eas'er, skima cleaner,., bowl hangs the co&t--d tongue., the dall head- East Miron (orrespond(n% which I fir -d is s�,artled or upset, easily worried Rpd irritated. Mil- Will stand for the eeaejn� at, T. J. Rerr3 Is Sorne F acts About Kid Gloven. planib, self balp&ing, hoe a break for Stopping it, lerant of me're fade at:d craliets, had YE't a schep, the heart,bura, the iliouiness, the v�ery rank %vi �h abusive expraceicn-i against turn's He& rt and Nerve Pil s are- J u8t the remedy ill enclosed, halt a cone bearing which. ad psrs!�nal obj-!c�ion to sletpnig� On Is, the hopsless Mr. Gamey'� Al. P. P. With your Of cioursp the wonlen tbink that kid giioh pcopI6 r� quire. �Theyrpstoreperfecb h-atmony ExchangerStablefs, Rensall. strong, persistent torment af bar me, permm- and gh e new liadaitsolf to tha waar, altuminuai disc, will not rust* nerve force to W, haindle,%stly taken cff and put on, all wearing amp. shett,i. 3 Of I to Sion I wculd e to sample some of the sabi loveg are nlade out of the tanil sme signs PO)n 64,ittered nervous eyistems; to iudigestion. The one Bur i cure for indi of,, the nerve centre d 3 nsvor� desp-meenoy. Any cn e He starts out by sayin�, I of kids. 'Manufacturers hai-6 their se- ,91ints of caliellaraerted steel. I al -o hwndl-i farin, im- Satiller N�0111 if lie coul& voO it xpreesionvi �lemonts and inclituding Noxon, Wilkin- W. PRIN,,CE OF HURLFORD. rite with � broken u1b. geWoa is Dr, Williams! k Pills. They h%V-0 rea Our editorial on Gamey and I do crets, and three orl four names suffice 'Telton., a*)d White Enzirc% Separators, and Sprin ME dicine, Smillia Bros.,, Pfoprietors, miLs the t�) d Wiadmilla. All go -da at A. Campbell's. Warerooms, Carlyle ti�ver liked being villuded to fq:s A" make new, blood-thats th3 whole secret.. not agree ith it ari all. He ad esignate all finished gloves, yet 1 s a spring medictin Bard3ok Blood Biters bag llon&ay, MA� 4tb -Will h1a own Aable,! IJ Reaforth. WN-G.&N Yea.&I'Lum. IU-1-tt bliblit-ring id!L t Through the b!o)d they will brace up 3 o,ir Goverri,meripmay, have dine wxcng, and Ke&La those who know sl that if all the ani- wc WjkLTo\, March Isth, 1%303. Thia I'. t,) cortif that woiald go cub of -his way to avai'll S'rengLb, waketa YoJr live; and set your 11vit Mr. % iey may convict them, but no� oetiri-al Ittoneguly,ithe stem and removes all I iflea eoutb of ruceffeld, and,,*oceed .3t to f4f ,u t� hr t,.p a from the lool, d takes away that I iine, to Relp htfnson�s �or noon; theoce' by al$ -whicli conftri ute st-dils could be the No. I blelotte. Cream Separator I boughb from. lunatic with a knife. i sporriaohiight. If yLlUaski your neighbors thing can s�va him ftom just contempt by i Vred, weary Liounw lv� prr-.3vw tinthespring. VaPua to John Aeld's �Treasuqr), Bayfleld 134�d, for your�'&gcnt, Duncan McCallum, gives good &%tisfac- 51nearnated it would b th Most re- I i � - lfonineve-yr:spect. Easbyturaed, easilycleaned Farsd-vy,'the griat abomiat,' ditillkdd �tho yOu will find proof of this ji ht at your own all thinkinA t oaor,ibla men -then calls Mr. q ilght. Tuesdity-Soutti on Goshen Line $.o Xc- sc niat*oa o-� iltric, acid Gn h:a hands. -hbmt e le e er exmft and a clean skim-ater. Havo run it over two ye -Ar Mr. Charles Wo - d 1 dare, Ot., one Gam6y a mpari, low, Is-ing aeoundel, unfit nitakkable' menag ed, liolicy'a corer, then wast to Robe �!be casertlal luqpliealing rincipal of the pice I romon Line, for neo it] SQUth 2 MON% tbe� and sco no ttpaicnt we%K on it yet ; �ad in my opin- 14acready, had a great disrelish for 4, the tholleandS of dyspeD a toassociate"with ht)rorable menj that he t-�c has ffinally. baen ibleessf fly and re, ti a cured by th and ifew known anilluals �ould be miss- I I f m4troa- 9,--Goohun Line, for cc a u m -or )I perfume or ef bad edgo.L u4c -A these pillf, says 'or up wards of was instig%ba', by, Beelzabub and � aidt(I by ht Weanesday-WEI pr3cead Soutib, to Ion, the � r:rfits from 0a u -3e with 10 cows would psy either ilia fl%v floed WO a perf b m h cine Dr.Wood's Nrr- .eat, to Rob A Ar m.' N ate r I
Jorlt in one seaer. i ficukall Ptowt.,LNo, wal �oe,ont. walve years I was a grest S iffirer from in- the devil. �B a says all the water in Lake Ing. �,,Eveh the w � nasopueen searched way Pine Syrup. Soid yal ealiols on a guarantee 0, Me.-adelea(An did. nGt like, the twli I o t de Se at b nil alon hotel, forrnn; tleave ZMrloh At SRAFORTIT, March 17th, 1903. To whom - it a d � n attem' Of. ratisfaeffilon. Frlco'25 con pt Int n .4 �olclock and p,j,;ceed e. -s) to jP.a-r Line, to 4.Ameg may erncera : Having parz-hased a Melotte Cream finger -nail bein-p, drawn atfos a State. digesioa and nervon3ness, Everything I Otaterib could not wakh Gamey into respect- C*6e's for I h ColtskIDs from Buanos yres, sheep- ur, then north �o Andrew Lovols for Sepamt-.r one year ago from Mr. D. McCallum, I thumb nail paused him similar disq;�iet. !ate t)rtu.rod me, I do.-tcrid almost C�n- ability. T4,en he conch0c by Aaying w) _J night. Thured ty-By Town Vne -and Londogi XLead I
a good wa- taker p'easulre in recommending it, to be ItiAluonaly, and used almost' e, 'matter wbM may have occurred, he iS'L a skins from the Capil� of G od Hope, ox t4 his own stab e for the aftOrnoon. Frlda*+Frc- chice. It is oa�y operated, and I think it cAn com- Disraeli Would walk about or staod rat�er ve thing* r udicial Sale. concession of I -aver got, contonlP pete -with anv ma�cbtino cu the market, to -day. Yours than sit upon a fraebly-pairitcd benoli. coinmended for this tronble,' but n tibloL wretch. These are Fome of hides from Calcutta, a te1ppe �kina d,4ed by the 2n fJ Mqx. 81 aciaiea, Rip n Road m3n` then no On py. Wily, Jolts RAY. Scatotth, ow. Dr. Joh,�oa hat. d to have anyb'lie IUD Road ill Actad, at Sumes ore than tempor. ry relief � abil I begin the his choice mb�sels hurled at Mr. Gamey ; frointhe Rocky moluntal and Mocha 8 0,1 House sn I Lot in the Town -of Sea- K PPen ItOad LEADIJURY, February 10 h, 1532. DA%r Sirs,—Iam and but im in th waistcoat. 6ab of Dr. Williamitt' Pint Pills. Words in fact, he h43 a(;t,,d both inige and jury. sheepskins *from Al'en on the Red sea, Re nlIlLht. 8 urday-By 11i11 Road sad iio,'-Od forth -In Mic, Vigh ourt of Justice. cc a ess on to, fs own stible, where he will in well satisfied. with the Alelobte that r bought. I c thirk lb would pa for itst If In a short time With 10 Sir Walter R%leigh had a marked 0 3anuot exprc as the good t ese pills have Now, Sir, I fE irly imagine tiat li-3 triL�s to are perhaps the sitaples, but moose, 9� $Yo.k.x vs McDOUGALL.-Pu raustut to the judgment ui MI. the following Monday morain 1646 cows, and the ekim, milk is good for the calwa. Ibis tion t 3 p ri�on life ar1dLcwJ Burleigh 'his ,)fie me. I am in better hei Ith than I have pose as a pioui chtirch goor, and yet ap- I 9 musk oxf llama, kangaroo, peccary, of this Honorable Cburt dated the 23r,d day of perfeeth, safe, and I cannot op.-ak to:) highly Ili. its great ooritemporar never liked to slip 60A bjoyaA in years; before, and I have proved perantly he is filled with bigotry and ill will D , 1903, sod wLh the approbation of the under- A r ho, othe lose their PfAiSe. YOUrSttaly, W.N. HACKWELb. wate and 'inaoy . I XIN,G ATHUR II curb Ftme with is tongue botweeh fhi3 �bat Dr. Williams' Pio:k, Pills cure when against a felic w being. Mr. Editor, it ap. W-kned, Master of ltbls� courb at Goderich, there will 'RY, February 6W, 1902. Dmr Sirs,-Thls L%WBL teeth., 11fr medicines fail, pears that h not identity when they -.he glove, be offerel for aslo by public auction at the Com. Is -to coTtify that the afzs 2, Melotto :)t b fias twice admonished you Cream Separ- McConnell & MeTsivigb, Proprietors. ator, which I purchased f rom your ngen�, J, D. Wal- Bad blord is the moLher 0 fifty diseaefs, to let b's letter cu% he wartad ycu to keep m6rclat hotel, in the town 0 Beaforth, on Saturday,' tl�3161hdayof May,!1903,M So'clockp. m- the' onday, May 4zbh�Will leave blet own -stabie kerja entirely satisfact�ry In eveyy respeo' . We L5-pgll TROUBLES billousnese, sallow COMPI ird Dr. Williams' Pink Pills �rill cure them ib all for ymirBelf ; now thatoortainly Sows Saved b341 a Jol re. followirg property vIZ: L(tnumber76,in James 13i ceficid, and go by wav Of second conaesdon,
find that we can make far mora butle r th;.n in any on yellow eyou, jauniice, etc . y1old to the our&*. ill because they conwrl, bad blood into th%t he has slome melhod in his head, bil, it patt of th i said town of Seatorh. other way, and am quite ffat6fled that with 8 cows , ' I Students of Ed nburgh university Beattie's survey of ' ' 'Tit kerarnith, to Robftt W-cKay's, Ub concession for They are eAre: Upon the I)t Is erected a cn � and a half story frame 'nC Dn; then byway of I F.Zad to D. MeTavilffWa live powers of L&X A -L IVEEt PILLS. gooe which there
the Separator would pay for 6self in about 6 months. 0 cu; rich, red blooJ, withO'Lt must have bean hard on you to have Such a P Who could not spell fell on evil days dwelling house 26xl6 And 2tw, and summer kit- f 6, VILy pf 2ad -coacesdon to The Aim milk is' excell-3tit for the calves. It is a ,an be neii-iber health nor a renoth. D,)n'b stroug dose fired at you. Ito
. v easy running machine, awl perfectly safe. W Aittleld Ur f for noon ; thqu by,
vor 0 . when Professor Tr4fllj ed r of a for- cben and woodshed I8x19. * so a f fame stable 17x i's Wost End'IL e porou f 87, and adiVon thsr0o 1Ix12. Terms of Sale. -The wi of Crieb's eide -road and Huron roid to Louis Laded t,) try somett ing else -take Now-, Mr. I East Huron, be reasonable, mer edition of the I E ncyclopoedia Brl- purchwer at the timse ot W4 will be required to pay Pe ock's, Lob 16, Coneewdon 2, ffulltt�, fir tgbt.
thir-kitthe best Cream. Serarptor on the market. Just Hi6 Job. I x ours truly, S. MePher4ou. Simeon F4i d, aurhor of "Sallie RLbnl%rks,�� othinr but ths gannine, Dr. Williams' and let us Odeon for a Short time. Don't tannica was anex iner a depw-ir, . in I be pmp-irfigu 810 for eveiy $100 of W� nesday-By viay cf eemnj eoneession aud -tells in his bo-ok' what 1his firat �mployer: ink Pills. Sold by all in -dicine dealers ycu know that Mr. Gamey was elected a a 'r r � KnI ht's' lills pur,�hase Money to, tho Y ll -:Ws solicitor and the JR11 old's corner to T. Arcbe0o, lol. 28. tconceseen )r sent pott paid at 50o a bi x. or six boxes According to� Pr fes,7,� s boanco of his 1-urchase Mon y into mutt W"thly' 80 6. r nor: Ili,= by of Bso U-ne to Grahaws said W him. when h10 expressed -a desire to ptraight Conisarvativo, and wben you heard .9 bo Cllbton,� f.7 to E�gu an Lgreemont for tha e:,nl. Tri phone Road t,) dedilaine Co., *oekville,,.Oj bat io. "Recollections," Professor Traill one Of
He Ap- I or 82..50, by addretsirig Th Dr. Williams' and dayp frr in the d:de of f ale, ewillal,,obe rrquircd r leesbion 10, G,ode
learn 11 tvie busine�s thoroughly." believed Lhat he had deceived and de- abthe tbuo of asle G X11 e:lj
serted hii pdi ty did you blame him and call day objected to a can(udate for gradu- r1( it To -1 'Tbe,4 hy Telophone
plied for- work In a hotel, and o i I lcoking. pIetion of big purtll180. Up n mywent of his pur- P Jor ticon ,
i" in tb u 6th -nces- him over ard taki full �etails; of: him nasty nkmes' ? ko, but instead, if yo ation, who was a nixtive of Ceylon, OU (-base mos,el the purchassr w I to, entitled to & con. rold al WnChl
ithic style of archi teature, " the m' 1 ing. had met hirri. ou would likely have said, the gr vopneean posipessionof t eproperty. Thecou.. si; nfor night. , FriJ3-yj7I1y *AY Of BRyfleld my cc ound of false diffieng of 1he sale will be the standing conditions of sint I to P. Cole's, lot 62, , ,,On ; then by way of
I 'Well, Bob'6 you left yr-ur party and came agar said One of the Auitralian C tholic prelates i "Why, -he , actufla: ex e ig cour o us - cc, w I 0, Ug I& % 0138. sevoildooncessiptito ia own io le W-bere be I
. r � I; over to belp'the Govcrament ; y(u, are wel- I ff y Spe The pu rebaser shall search tie title at his own ex- eiewalnntji on a niicrnlng.� 1 on -2 't Xatuie has n been very to on' ias h,een pnb1ely protestil g against the with one lel said te. ra nd Trunk RailwaLy in the matter of tahly chirms, -but hol* 'opnpularity into which tho good old names come for yo I weie badly necded, You ara -pc1nse, and the veodors shell uot be bound to prow e.vldeutly intended ycu lo: a purp a fine fellow; and I will extend to' you the "Well," Instantly': replied Professor duce any documents or evidence of title not Ili their Poe, rid )f"N'trickand Bridget have fallen' among I pospe;sion. There will be a reserved bid fixed by the
System. 13ORDER MACGREGOR in my opinion that purpuse, is. to Perfe(tly -he IrWi. parents of the cam nonwealth. He right hand of fellowship." You say that Henderson, who filled the chair of water. For further pirtioulare apily to F. HOUKE. 'go adapt you to going up a step-lad(lir, crtwt -59 tin d of hearing Hibernian fatheri -asking Mr. Gamey bmegetcd a plan to e6duce the pathology in the unWersity, "you should STED, barrister, SeaM�rlb ; 1 L. ILLORAN, bar- D -ale & S,^ Proprut M the and 6iter, SF&tortb, and F. W. HARCOURT, Cfficial I Ave ble own stable, Lot �0, Huron
nb' Now come - off, that is t�;o remember that he c6mes f..,o Guardian, Toronto. Rcidj Tuclieremltb� and probeed north, ]I miles
Raftway Time Table. Ing th-oagh a trans�om and OpdaiDgIthe d0q, I h 01 heir sons should be ohr stened I I Kc ii t- Governme bnday�wlll Is Tisins loxvo, Senforth as follows orency," 11 Sydney "' cr. 11 Douglae," and of the Slngal-ese."- th: i west 31 :miles 0 RickistrA Billev's. for noon - in. qase 05 Euicide.."' tin ; it w b work. What an idea 'to B. L. bOYLlti MasWr at Godench, i 'f April A. D., 1903. 1846-3 th i west 111miles then north 11 t 3-1 4.20 a.m. - For Clinton,, Godedch Wingliam, and ibernian mothers clamotinj � for 11 Glaaya," think tbata't6a4g man newly elected to Dated the 29th day 9 miles then v. a& Ktacardine. Ladies Take ctivad Iioo Gwendolen " tnd 1,1 Maud." He has even offloo oul I'duep an old and rit li firta do. in! ke to R plirlaw ButVs taw tine, Collherl3e. for Too Mitch For flie D Stan e., -14ill po6ced South to Inton to
12.0 p. m. For Clinton and Goderich. Pills if you wou,Vller's Comp log b .1 over 30 years -you: donb nil, Tuesday
9415 P. M. For Clinton, ffloghaou arid Kin.car- have nice, ole4r, com- ad to listen to tuch ecceni ric &w7gestion Racing men tell IL Sto concerning Cc i iniercial hotel for norn.; tLc!i e"Afist � No �own dine. plexion. Feem to be op the right track, for according In the Surrogate Court of the a " Irouback " it rid Bit eguin 11 (c ollo- sti e for the n1ght. Wcdhes4ay-Will. ocead -east 10 -la P. m. For Clinton and Gederich. At 1. V. Fear's Drug Store, Seafo'rth. uial nAmes of Au*tralian trates) at the to Air. Game, F's stat�ments, he was 6r3t ap. an overa niJous horf e own r and apar- 2i nIle3 then South 11 mileia to James M 08, for 7.63 a. For Stratford,, Guelph, Toronto, County of,*Huron nc in; then cast 81- miles th6 roxth 3 miles to at - I preached from the Goveinment side and ticuIarly consclentjd�luq rid The horse goab. Hasayshe canco� uaderetand *hy Orillta.North Bay andpoints west; a even callad Out of his bed bEtween JA aes;Caillnls, for might.: Thureda-W 11 proeecd
I ddy and i
Belleville and Poterboro and points Origin of I I Budget", Biddy shoald n9t be considered w` 10 owner had issued fall or s as to
the In the Ectate cf Jimes iFormyth, deceased. -an 31 mllqs west t) Robort 'Goven-
11 nilce north.tt
O'st. uite as goad ard euphon,ous as Billy and 11 o'clozk at nigbb. Now I -hope you was to be ri Ten in & com- let: t'e, for nood; then prodeed along second conce8- It is diffieltilb to i realize that t e 4r. I I way a horse H
B-11 P� ni� For, Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- will remembe a r. . H. McGregor, Nctloo Ia hereby given that sill p-qrsoin.d having any slic i 0 his own stable f r the nighk Friday -Wilt .Y1 enny or Peggy. But it a a kine is 0 be a n�egro $oj, th only claim against the eetAte James Forytb, late of treaL and points east. budget," n,)w so oft -n in eve 0 1, Ing race to a small of I i iscretary of tie Conservative Association 0 'PTA c3ed li milc3 west tbcii6 2� mileg south to Ell P, M. For Stratford, Gue ph anid Toronto. mouth, is a �erm less than 200 1 0 istinat ive mark, a whole i iation of Pt- ok the village of Ngniondiville, in the Ccubty of Huron, y re Old rlder he could secure, TbO orlginbd or br 2ha, for noon.; then 11 n3l'as east then north icks would make for co:ifas on. Gore Bay, fnlaims the responsibility f 5entEman, deceased, who died cn or About the 24tb MI the earliest mention of the word d ting �,-n as tAle own Btablo wtera he Y�ill rtbi4 until I g tho trap oa the Goveinment - he ders then were ad, led to, I with provi- py of March, 1908, %f, the said. village rf Egiiian& th fOI13wi-rgMCn-3ay1nCrhjug� Palmerston and Kinctardine. further ba�k than 1733, We boi a rl;
owed! it ville, are rcquired an Or bcfarv� the 11th day- of May, -lp!- honadvis' d Mr. Gamey to keep the slons1or all sorts of emergencies, until
QQWQ KORTU. Pass. Mixed, Mixed from the old Franch language- ouge o?, Perth NotE iend or deliver far they would go, get the jockey became I ewild d. cret and s6i how eol. ;tjr for the executoia of ld estate lu I id c. 01 a sma I the i e WILDER LEE. ; -It coat $2,892.45 t,) take the us in a "Look yerel, boss,'.th eJoy broke in ulars of their claim and the
Palmerston.. 7-30p.m. 12.20p,m 8.45a.m. meanin 11 bag, in whieh i for et a the a a Bvideiiae hil could get., and when the e ec. ri If eid by 8.07 L07 940 times iC was the c u �tom tg put the 4stimaite, I I 6 tb,;m duly verefled by i affida- t. Ia or' JiL RruedeI3,.., $or ouse would; me t to make the expoe'ure take 8.17 L10 10.00. of receipts ard expenditures wh(n I praso'nt� th Pertb, and $2,469.30 i a Sou. erth. at last. ','Dis yere ri ce Isotly one mile. not ice that Rftr r tfie said I it J f av I 0 , the �nea Betry & J. Livi. -11.luovale.. . ....... L4. S7 1.30 10.20 I -Thomas Coppin has purah se the then.. Mr. NlcGr gor said he remembered JM9t Excaut, rs will pvceed to 1: d itri to - a ottate Manday-Will leave his- owb sfablei taffs, and
8,38 1.36 10.80 ed to Parliament. Hence the Cha.licellof, of �roperty in Mitchell, lately own -d by R. the case of Mr. titherjand, M. P. P.-;- of I kaln't do ;all you done tol me In awong the parties mt tied th I Oreto, h r6feren2e prt ceed. to Jacob Webefre's ot �,u or noon; p,ss. the Exchcqi.-Lar, in making his annual pa
GoRm SGLTu. Pass. Mixed. 't"e� tabb, for $1,200. Scu'h Oxford, whl-) had amted publicly that 'One MIlle.i on�ly to claims of w h they shall atVii'llubave re- ibt u byway �,of the H I'D Is hotel. Wingbam. . . .... a 5,q a,in 9 a.w. 3.05 p in meat, was ferinerly said to open hia budget SeE forth, for the nigbb. e day --By ay of the
-LMIlry0l.to, of Paria' be was approi%che� by Liberal agents, but ceiv6d ntice and afte such distribution the exced- Hu rcn Road, 0 Reuben pr oWs bote- i b3ton,, Bluavale ...... .. 7.92 9.17 8.18 In time the term passed from the rccbpt� al; hi a, leastil Eby ters will not be reepo sible f r an), chim. of which . .. .... 10.00 925 to the contents, and' hotel, Sha speare, and get i poseession o:1 could pr--"ent no proofs to substaLtiate bi '4 they shjill not b&LVe Ived otice. This notice is formoon: then� by wy of the ondon Roll d to the 5 ay Isk Ing of bail falls," remarked givf n purtuij�t to the atatute'in that behalf. . , curiously, this new ht, ednesday
Ethel ....... ...... . 7.28 10.16 8.3 assertions and wai thetn branded as -a liar. "8peak D13 on Home, l3iru0e6*
'a. for he Dig_ 4 rsilmeraton.... 8,2,a 11.30 signification was r6turaed from tll;i cou D try I y way of Klopen to Hills Green, 0 13�b ort Mve s -L. 0. Lewis, B. A.,'of M;t3hell high YOU admit t e Gqvarnnicilt may have (lone oggers, "I fell Out of a window once, Ri 9� HAY, Solicit6ra for thd Exreutors. hote to France, wliera it was first u3ed io'! an lot- t ti foroon ; thence to Z,.Wr b at JcbnWn' ' -1 for Dided af Seaforth, thl 20sh d4y of April, 1903. the night. Thurida-By t1io, Goshen school, has resigned his pos tion to gi) into wrong, and r. Stratton may have done ala tion! was terrible. Pur- Ll )e to Hill's ficial manner in the early part of Vile ri'�ne- 1845-3
London, wrong, ani A. r. Gamey may cenvict bolol. Crediton, for noon; then to Ontriois, at Ruron. and Bruce t "Im, ing my transit th�augh the air I really - Mo TatVs hrt,-1 ft. r the nig t. teeiv-h cant4ry. lae ineurned bu. -in ns. : 1ING 'HORTU- I I �A successful fair of or) ire stock was still you 'call dr. Gamey ilia grastesti orim- "hotel Londqu, depart.. 8.16 *X. 4,60 F.0 belie-v.e I thought 90 every mean act I the London Road to HawkAbaw's Yxctcr for 9.18 6.b5 Miller's (?,mpr u t: d Iron Pills,ion)yi2'0 I old ia St. - Mar.YF, o -i Thu�cdiy. of last iD11. Why, ' �ccording to your theory bo v r itted in rby !1�e- no n . then to olackfill's hbtel, ITOneall, by wy cf I - i 11 Vrack. There was a goodzoh)w of horeas. commit a cri ke isof ro C011SCqu,nce, LM the, Londn Road for the niglih. Satti'Lday-By'way
9.80 0 07 Exe4a ............ "You Inust
cents for 501 case. -The Elma oheese company bag' a,)Id 150 the person w q 9 of Uppen to Sfr�njs hotel, Ttickersuiltb, f3t noo;
9.44 6.18 o d !tects ard exposes that growled J Ig'
At 1. V., Fear's V, ug S!ote,. StalForth. a vil ve �fallen an. ai) ful di tance!11- thin east to. bid- ownstat,le, *ffa, for the ni-alit. ....... .. 9.60 6-26 11 boxes of April di3ose to lyl.cdaren Bros., of criulle is Mn *bom all the water in ha 9.68 6�33 !istowEl, fl, Lake Oataric L r 12,1 car, t i per I und. not wash to reOpect- ...... 10.16 6.66 Tippi�g the Lord Prov6st. Loudeaboro 10.so T 12 W. J, Henry, of Stcat!ord, was ability. Ev;dentl� you are hard on doteeb. ivee, still the country c.uld nob do very B—falces 11, FrDnmlb. the Kind Blytb,. ........... 10.33 7.20 T-heL9idProvoat of Glaerow, 003e of- bladly po'scuad by, eating'Pa Ifneu oub of a Sa fice ccreeopc uds xvith that of mayoLi in this c at hat had 10.50 7. --hout What! ) ou are,' out e-Vlery 1I.Go i bscn opemd for eome time.' well wit bheml You gave us a nice Nodd -
7.55 or-untry, toli st a &nner eacently,, how' h is hoped for. i illw4tration in re t d t he two ff%milles, sonm SOUTE- Fh43eUgrT. r night �, 'until 3! fi�rn't mitlnig,ht late ost inore�ylelld rj(;rr,. was " tippe I " by an Am i can " h�iftr� -Mr. Simen Rupert, o 4 Milverbon, g:�,M�ixed.- You SAid " HUP- ro!d by all dea!ers. er sig a but you got Q�io, Wingbar, der -art.. 6.50 A.M. S. I 0 r. u A party of tcurista froi United St,4t6 woan about 40 yeari old, It inged herself the enogh? 69 e o d --A a a v p- the in posag th3ro were two families iivaL-, 7.01 128 AT tm- wero I Po3tvld t. -e -e to L.11 .... 7.14 88 riewing, th-3 epleiadid riamicip I ob fam' a a 4igher llp� than ben �1 get home Be"'rave .. Sile h rl been 111 the Ono a littl Ills otberr-per- Todd -I find that� w ........ 6 ix ra re espee ally leil room in hcr hcuie. )ine tim. -nidnlgbt my w1fe can!talk to me, in Glapiow and we L- ion mylumfor soine tim. and was olil h%P9 YOU meo & Co., toudesb 7.22 846 tt tb� upper ton with mfl- at I
Maton ....... 7.47 4:ir, YX y -s ho ?. few weeL a da The Lord Provos .1 Afor tl U 14164tiCt #,')LU 1 01at gCORt mrble i tircase� 1110 is, 4 higber, or upper ten family but when I get boi e at ords. fall
BrunefIcid ................ 8.05 4AO 10he Pe th t happened to p %sa, ana Mr..John 1). Co'e, 'of Ruaselda!e iR a beautiful diugl�ter, in ihe otber a s,)n. 8.16 4.60 her. -Life.: .......... .. 8.22 466 offerE d t de them aimb. Wii le �dqiug undqwetlb a difficult operati)n on Now ths soni aided by the davil, lays a is so he am somo info matiori qbour, � 1 I Exeter. .... 8.S6 6:10 o[ l6it week, for tuberculosiE of the bone in (jeep scheme itrd 6nds his wy into the I 8.46 6.20 till Ed-ucatlou' 11sity id. t rise and grawth of th: interesting city, kqa right arm. 'The op(rati 3 was perforni- cOmPally of t is yo�ng lay i It m gain -A her London, (arrive),, 9.46 6.0 "Was- It �worth hile t send your As lie wav leaving. one 0. tile meria�w. dfoot, of Fill I ElffCCHO138, be irj:yed her, then weilt) around ed by Dre. Prou, arton ; Silh, aietly alipo of 0 tat four ffaughters t that fashionable q1 d'a half -dollar into 418 habd� Milvbrtoo and Wm. Hae ney king The provd3b, had not recoverEd from InG 0 1 J 5ta,*& bad c her en I her family, thon school;911 cnera.1 Hoap'it imagine a nu riber 'pf pnople g-it.hi-red to All kintlo of fial�, alrid glLfil- a Beads- amused aet fnishment when ilia Imericans -4Joeeph IVAcKoy has sold ii8 grocery and harg iliat yo- t'ng m4l, to the nearitat tree. - Su'c. ne e o 6ed, yel-
.tu'l - V q r
I Mammoih long r�d 0 I ink it no - i I lnsgold gijmt Eugar The ilp d-whi, she was -he Isoverelign Shoe
left thalui0ina. Well, I am,r0b III3 udge, bub I U rs cam home en- I low iat�rinediatel
donfectionery businesu, in Atwood, to there,,and the otht . ba�mtoeaythaflif heydid not hang thA <Yaged." beet, also gient loing red inau old tur- lichael Ballantyne. who i� ri)w in poises- Miller's� 6rip Powdtra Care. s,!i6ni Mr. McKoy purpoevs going west to Y011119 m813i t4ey at least should give him a For" 1901 nlps-B.wt, Lstbi4g, pitrplo to Bwtder. FARM, AND ISOLATED TOVV?- At 1. V. gc.al's Drug Store, Sea'forth. Aelgona, vear Regina, wlif �e het intends bad &care. The GoWuses. and Gat tar�s impetialiputple ItA 11 swedes, PROPERTY ONLY t� king up lani in company V ith Wm.Kelly, ebampion purple fo.4 Awe4wt, V 1�ow by th :way f a change, we Will re- We !are not in f a or Wh4t the Farimers W4nt. ,already owns land ia tb tt section. verae the caek, and. PP0,30 the, y Graystone vuraip, 4tildeu m,Ax beaup, oung lady e, It will Mean i -The liorse show opened i ri�, t�e armories, geniuses. If this is don The Sovereign shoas for nien aLd butt r beans p?rs, 'whie be.�n% seed Me'Leau Prcta:iczo, Kippea P. 0. Thoums The SbriRVord Beacon says rattiraril wais tha aggrwecr, who by her wirining a deathblow to tbei wspapers, for all-- 7J
Inc T,.r.:into, on W(Anesday. "'heir Excellen- ways and proinisrs, aided by her itbonsanis, men at $2, $3, $3.60 and U corn, Dut,ch set onioni and Charlotte ew in I us try if Mr. G. 0 the newspaper men' will q work and WO i V.ca- roin "nt, n. ricoflold P. 0. Thom�? E. will hwe p Rop� e,ics.t.he Governor-General ar I L%dy Mint:) tried t) sedup lh3 oung mau from the onions" and )a otoking on . oas, I y k -ini & McEach4l: 3 ar'e the. be A values at the -Wte&i�. ins, of the 6rin of Hop� Nted in hie opening It straihtpat'i )f duty -thin 8uppoee he al. live on th(!Ir pensbDns*. for 190 VA both Ale- proce dinge and wi L, have fou r rit aof potatpeje.,
0 nt,41io *�tf�r at, kuaceEda in interesting qal Willam Chean, ohn 1D. Griere Win. b )n att(hianea during the Ytek. The ex- lowed her to al on to sec 1113dium an lite-tibe 0 ital in this icirdy to carry on the in - 1.3ad h how far alle early, Lrly r0lle,, OfinWc J) "73r` pried ever produced by a Cana(lion jeweie I Pliar Ile, Soaforth; John Bc White are much:more namemus than ever would go, whAU Ella had got to tJe crid of the mill -ion d 111,3beauty of ture Qk; Thcn rse P e 0 7JrA irl St 0 Dublin, T!=ca Evara, ?eeobwood; Johu Watt, fal- mmobialawhi-thlis �&3 reoel,'tiy* liefore ani eMbtabs five car ])ads of ho.'scs time to make VMat He�'Thovglkt. Y -ly .;r, 11ru -0 teld ; Joho B. ife n d 41341 parfect-d s*nd now haft pattqnt� her tether he PU nIanufacturer. Th qualit of ma- bebr n and lba p eai Levi, i iTeL te f )m the Boston ehow. lie hdr*reduati�va ways -now wold nct L-baf; Toln�D ; p 'in the peas an4 btaric-, kinds of aarden, Kippon, : j-,raiesq Cozzi -wily, Clintn. tedals and the workwanabi ed in Cau*da,, while tha pate -rib 'fc.r i h,,, o, you thbak your comin u, seeds. llei�bert Cooke, the 16-j ear -old Son of be it caeo o! 11 cl-at-t:on agaiw-t tbro 3 oung Ila would marry m6 if I asked her.? Seaforth, United Stilt -s has been applied for ijor Cooke' Strafft Hi wa i 'killed &vc-rai,,n shoes' reTresent the very 01IMob aJ. W. Yf�o, I-101wwr The fu4,ctiou of Cis machine is 0e, w d. by a lady, tben m liat - r,uni�,hment al o aid you I alway4 considered 0 -- )e pare ohn 0. -Vo7riaon - I Ive con , , - vWOP.()- I IV the McL-agan furnitt re . factory cii ipete out t) bqr fc I, you ara the jcdge ? Of gie; owl, sh6 best that money alad brarns -can pro� t 1i0z lb, ing &IIJ th'�* iog out of the coh. al I E-daqtseaY. He attempt(d to go uP tile :�otl 8 truly, her a sen ble j�o4 quart,, and honey,a have v.7, Irar ich ' 0 i I * - Y. I
&E of wh work is now don with. the hm etwatot wben it, was in MOM n, but mi*ed JA-.%iL;s BOLG.Ea. might. duce, an(l they possch s style� so witirely Some filnet spy applts, an the fillefit am, b ill h.-- a -Iw�tly %hendets 4a This occupl�s a great deal of time [and em'- riddr 7i. i t a Y recog-
h113 hold and fall thret! store t1b the d!)or. Apiil 1;6-.h, 903. �rn Huril"try. heese----Sept or j�ake-&t xper�se f(.r labo6 A different that they are e -mil tails conside 9 0 E rce. li�ed aboiit five minutes. P undvi� tbe-a,,,-e of forty
ITIE11, it ia sliinattd, will weei oat an a r' F 0 , IL nizable` from oLher inay �ot be eniploged in cates or res- -freah butter a13.1 eggs, $or wllic]k of loat, crnp in about four days, w�ile 11 --Mr. Milt U. Oil T, who represents the 9 anted 1�ough on the Wigrinaker. fe -903. Hopkins clixims fcr his. machine a capacit 11ulign W ii, r,, �Et paid. Parry Souild '( istrie 5 in the Oatario Legisla. taurallts in li L;ahe Our" nev� styles ju8t ree(Jved,-dont
of five acre per clay, �and that ;t�e wor A oeesRid�n. f the imemp oyed thgLb took turs, gave iville int7eating paiticulara con- I p fail to see them.' IRCRAEL �ru i: r%D1113, Pe(ve, Winthrop P. 0. can be d04esmuch bettir than by h4nd. pi 6ce i 1764'(1 id not meet i rith any great ce)ning t,hat 0 nt'y Ia a speech in the in an a stibecas ozp other day. He said Parry CHARLES LITTLE, 0,u-cil1w, Winthrop P. 0. Pillo�lvs of f eaffief: s- are ob ectioliable. J01IN Mv ford BrIdge and leon v 4rks. I w,cga ant ou�', of fashion and the wigmakers Sound has g b ation in a few RFLAY, Coun,Jllor, Beechwood G, Govine'llor, Seatorth P. 0. A model of the 'aobine Ili,,; be ' !made AR6 sympathy. In tli%t yea;r Legislature tl I -
the 81 While,they furnish the nee ed. support RichardSon Winnis AUU s very simple in. constractioin and can b u Lon -in weie thrown olat i f ()OVENLOCIC Councillor, wint �p P.O. i work and, re years from. 1,� Wn 42D5 por'111 00 to , 000. There are 1,500 Cicrlkl Winthrop P. 0, turned out. V b a poFular prla�, whiA feat r d i -ed to distiesi. They . et �,tioned Ge g res ii the . 4istrict, and ' dur:n(y the for the head, they are too heatinik, as, i Trewrer, Winthrop P 0. or eaforth.. DAVID bl. R08' -eab difficulty e self-binde ock ,they imaj kable dipacitY for Sole Agents 8 � ff; UIDLO-moN T. obviates a 9: Wfiichoi�e Ifi. to compel gentlemen to ear wige . by past year ove $25,0 worth of live at have a r,c AFORE SHANIJONk J. P., Sminitar; respeoior SF a POA la' As t wigmakers wet b in proveosion Wi%s'vhipped1 i Tor to. ligidink an4 accum �atillj t�eat, ufacturers, ne Winthrop R. 0. et With. Two a6mewba he'� Iel f
FURN 0 d
P- 0 0 --- --- ---- - --- ----
J -1
.8 ape nivem in ore part of 1b to Sb. James to preseat their poiltion it was s Y xxg , ear ungers cub the weeds from " either e, of the root noticed that most' of those perons who "The poor hayq hearts as well as Comphicated Process. Stcdflons For 19,03
ITURE drilZ, while the tbinning t is done by a wantod t v wigs stornachs" said the proprietor of a Bciaton people4ho h1ave seen a long line 0 a] Y I Fompel other people to we rota Y knife, differen sizq and styles being wore no wigs themselves. This striking the -flovver store the 6ther day. "Most of of hurrying people held up oa the steps us, it Is -true, are of the well -AND- use for diffarent varletie of roAs. By London moo as very inconsistent, they seiz- leading dowii to the e�b' patrW way stAtion w He
AM act al test the machine h been pi oven to ad the proo6sionisto some woma& extractied a' nickel from a and forcibly cutoff all to do chiss," he clontinued, "but quite be . rfeotl accurate. A ublic domon-Ara- their hair. Lu a pocket book: in her underakirt., UNDERTAKINGN i of toll I e,ll flower4: to those -%vhose ofit will appreciate t46 humor of what a tion -of its erits will ba 1 iven as Soon as, writer the oat crop has atbained ufficieLt growth. ward appearances are lond in Proclaim- in the,Brooklyn Eagle saw �The fpI ug well knom eMloug Viii tx&vel Good M ket bir-Toads in exas. uring the Fornitufa bought with care is easily Eold. Ropkins purpotes orming a joint Ing, thein oil of 1909, so fOIIOW4 ty �triclien- One day an I saw a woman in a straeb car open a Experience enables me to select I StOO compAny to bui!d a Notary and pro- Cheroke Banner "Toads at 25 cents old nc,-ro, clad in 1wbat gave f ain't evi- satabel and . tak oub a purse, close the TAREtTUM 211tay Years2 a tax.ty. designs with good construation and cee with the manufacture of this machine apiece I TMt is what Eome of our enter. donce of once beell ,- khaki suit, satchel and ope4-th3 purse, take out a dime A.I'CharleewortO, Propriston alou with:others which ho has invented, priaing trut kers have been known - to pay s Mond superior finish, and fsold at right prices, with, hoes down at the becis all and Owe the pu0se,. open the satchel and tal !Mon Mloxt zlels, Tuckersiliftli, for d hat but as not yet pa put in the purse clos6'tbo satchel and look 2oot; to BIRke fo I ht ncbL _makes business mutually pleasalab and pro- tented. He is confiderib for them, so great 13 the demand and scarce in wIll'cli the crown ha&loug outlived r Or noon Crediton, for nigit! Vved'no t1haCheill have no trouj�e in interesting the supply during the coldframe fleaao3 both ends. Than she gave tha dime -to the - r, I the rial, stolllwd� lOre long (niough to conduotcr an I or noon; Farquhar, fjr ni lit Thurads , t; Up�,o!stering receives special attention. auffipient capital, especisilly among* the A few t,)ad turned loase in & plant to.)k a nickel in e=hangfe. "WAY bad f Stafra t.) Dublin hr 0001�" & ere. Theii she opp Egnidindville. For ex, laded jjphalatery cov,t.rings an -1 material kept in with a shal ow vessel of water to drink from buy -a twenty-r"-�-cl Cent bullell of 'vio- -n9d1bho "'
t�,hal and took fxib Athle owl, stable d and -L�A IbAs Mr.! Hopkin-'preee it worm lets. Ol)P-,Of I the intention that are said to mocessfully Eettle the alit ily patron,4 -who puree, e!oisdi the satchel and opened the psrticiiiara Apply to A: Charles.
#ftick. . I Orth, Egnuadviile, dntariq. ra, Framing done prom the taotory and cther,: mrs6, put in th�s nickel and closed the Sod ad next WV01C. alhll be locate at S1r&tford. inect problems. No telling, no doubt- s 1�.novvll waiit sald 'Piatu ptly. Pie-' sale. ins, libtle while toad culture itself may be ilen lie saw this urde, .U�ej and frames for Also Window purehaso: opened tbo sat-chel &nJ put in the Do S' it it not see a go3d buoinses. 8, than closed the S&tch�l and looked SUNLIC�HT H -ShAdes, Curt?drx Poles, Cottage Reds, Pillow m more eff�ctivci to� i Thel Blind Man'3 Friendd; "'The od fooL . He'; needs breadl at -ends. Tli�-n sham Folders, and. many other such things se of Not a day has passed in fruit and truck bre c h in a rem6dy, to cure disew �Outrisl: she 4t to see -if her back- W.A J. MeGavia, Propriet-oze. T4e LorRon Adverti6er iays : In -larger t rig -lit. hc to air w&i all right, and ust; as sweet Thab belougin to houis furnishing. the b athing orgals, than to t4kc the cities the �Ig culture in eiet Texas that something mcra Monday wi I leave his ow a stable,- Lot 22�, Conece- bt may nGt be in un nual, one, e- remed into' hits not been learned In regarJ to it. Th of the old was a woma lop,.and proo 8arriages in the very latt at stylee, the stomach ? but i�early everone it, t slon 13, MCK It d to John Watirs, a city tkes a ralnily froill 'tile l0ek, for noo i - then to rge Steph firatthindwas learning �ow to railso cr y G tl ro, for n Tue�da And away da, it in ptice. somaid look at an old bli nd man and a (log isther plan i ; the next thing was how to I contend tht .1 se di(.1 more bu ii!it hDowello," I al�o sell the vex tical feed Davis sewill AV 1 11 i , TH.L' -MOST" "UT ITIOUS MaKillop, fol i0000n; to D! Is kotel, Seg -41, rth, for g whidil leads hiln about -11 9 L-trect on- a market ; u( w ib is the protection of the to banis.11 tile feclin -erty tp,th,til,whielithera In no betterin -g of pox froin night- tf 'to sell shoa lacel,. Tt(e Inin it; crops. 'EA-ing ascertained that toads will h13 flreslt.1�,, Ihan ll tile food lie could Roid ma0him f MQHI:I)P, f. -)r noon ; I on to his own Atable for Machines makea it a pleaeure to Saw any predible that this blin� fr;ht with the (Imarte.r. There is 'ght. 7 huAday-To N Ili iam Tellt-epl vonc-s 1-1 i . n ; t;hmte to uent;�, hotel 1h% coaktry. Tha vertical fecd on these 'vb-o'ued'60 years of age. Ib seeme, scarcely prcttet plp t beds, toad raisers will Boon be hari! bou i
malt goes an W�Illro E ps's Cip Plan Ia. Grey for nuo
y numeroul� I attlentarly if toads are worth fabria, and puekcriL�g la Impossible. The P Bruitsels, f r Opt. Friday-ftnth to aine a luvart litingov that f,�vds only on senti- it Ut
Donald's, gr.,wel r ad, foroon; ce put% them mithin e"y reach of any an(al verywhere with the a d of a dog and a 25 cents etwh- As the fruit business made thmica o:his rL heav stick. invilt; and its is not al-",,ays at An admirable food with all its rta- Rslablishe4 1,979- 00 it 1r) box- inaking business po3rdible ar d profit stable where is will rQnain 14nill the ioiIoving Nion- esiring a fir. t-olasa nX Ichif e. T d intelligence is i turat qui�lAles i 2tact, fitted to dsy morning othing th,nt of able, the tcuck businep may make the toad the broast of t I I o wellprovided ivith Y011 Sleep 14"
build up i and r iaintaia robust �ures While rems, kuZe. It will tak its matiter to and�otberbiisinesa profitable. this worlWs UNDERTAXING feach store it comes, It cure� because the air rendered stron�glyl to, if t a store is occu- booth, and ret is', winter's ex- IDLECTI�'IC B. picd,� but it always avrid vacant stores. And Eirtbahning caref uIll ALJ properly done antise 'tic is carried over the diseased 4ur. trome cold. �,Sold In quarter -pound Wi accotding to the latest methoda., Night face -with every In or�.qdng streets or railro d Irkqk;i it ex. Illustrious Suicides. TIIL4-- lliam Barry, jProprietor. breath, 9,iviyigprol tins� labelled JAM, 8 EPPS & Co., orige Monday -ill leave hi 1i 6 sculplor, once nlet U lited, Hoinceopithct Chem 13�uce&ld, b wuy ct the 'roa o- DIck's hotel. an, oo er of Jan -ea and n#. illtutrious sidaides, and -it will coht%in some n England. Saxfcrth, forhoon; then by ivayoftbc IHI.0 on road 6tr.Anj'3 to Say this (I g has a atr)n illipi'v�,.t,thl by :tll(, V nton, tot the night. - nesday )alla answered at my recide-abe, south east and c hibit� the grea,teub care, an; will nvt take p J. E. Boollill,
VVilliam strecti. ab �nitant treatment. It i nvaju4 the gian across if thtra is t] e slightezt dan- 00mabody will write a brok some dAy of olle . ntry liou-io ii d Nvas rn fe mothers with suiallchildre Lo
gi r. n ; . 9 a boo -.1 to asthtnattcs -immortl np mes. Nct rocra than a few -n gt
the Lcndon roa nioral nature, L%nd catnotl be enticed t.) -By Way of d to his cAN able, I go 6. Prime Minitt r in Europe took ere he w)l remain untO Veduts-lay *omirig. yeara a enttr, hotels or oigar stores, nor the (,ffiooa hia owl, life, H -ro*—t i i S Cocoa onI 0 and be is not the first man at ),I his (-Onversaftion. ediiesday-oVa,nAfor nonn and Yetw4 to h, V WhoopJng Cougil pron of hvi�yers or ineurnce agei its. It, Ica-eps a Epps wn Et%ble foi night. ThursdAy-At -his own stkble e head of a Ststq to Pnd Lie own ctiraer. -%V1r Nil of the 'subject day, Frld.Ly-Byway of1he 2ad concession ol careful eye ou small boys md- on p3rsons S-awEssojt To.Joax LkZTDrMolt0UGR, Croup Coughs A -OfB�ayt, a Xing- of Bbvaria, - art 1100111;ilIg irrivc-d for Carl le's GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOR. tanley, to H4 lisall, at T. J. 13,trry,s We oud �ox- who ' 0 making cash tran-actions with its Y Cat&rfll, Colds Orippe and Erpy �a,4 f bytinia,'a Prosi&nb ange stab), � and remain there until 8 rday r R r
re ruslatir.i 1pero , I of Cbilis ctting, f .1 -and 110 philoso- 1.819.126 orning. 8 turday- aThe a Crown P'lace of Austria, a Prin BRY wan of the LGndort roadto -pro erljy of ihablind ce of the Feulptor forill his a own un' 1807 V-,tporizer nnd tamp, hich should last Tb do the stabi where be wil rf maAn 41 the fol- -1 lifetime, togetlier a bottle of Cresoldne Japan-th � a a and more among the notabili- — - g has been g hicndr. i, morning. 1845-10 $1.50. 14;xtra SuPplies of Cresolene d ni var once has Suddenly ttacked. 5 cents 4md -I' " ac he lisa of th6 world have- to- be numbered rol. Iman for mtkuy years, an e �Q cents., Write or descriptivebook2let cont4in* mialtd. him. Children are often attack( d suddenly by painful X st te amologthelsalf-debttoyed. A d(z-.n peers, s so far part You: Are Loling tnz high stimony as to its-Que.. and dan Diarrhoea, Dysentery, 0k, rpenter's Trot! ing He d ger �c, 'reck.. Carlyle ljs� Choi s u' Cram'". VAPO-CRFSOLENU and "10 ' Cc a MD.tES3, an earl's datigbter Morbu ahtuni. etc. Dr. Pow- ELOTT 19 SOLD UY DRUGGISTS Evtlty�VAERp THE POOR DYIPEPTIC' uke's daugbtai can eaa HONDLTRAS and -CHIEF.- a olor'e ratt of Wild St2t 3rry pt- SUJ ily ba recalled in totted for a thlic ,I e our own coaatry, and half a6mu admirals t1lell lie d d 110 S,11-1 h:)u80. to t J4 the 'Weighing 4,375 pounds(and 1,200 Mon slire curei' which ehould i tways b: Prom Vap4d-Cresolene CO. I - -p , - pL.runds. - V
x8orulton&reet Iat�e Most Mis.erab] E) of Mortals and generala: well known in Europe have alJoll t 4y - 3) f L [ "Arill make a. and W4 seis at mear Without a blEi-OTTE TC.5i Notre DAme StrFet our "Oil, .4 Blytill Wedn edwy nibt ; alton Thur�day at New York committed, Suicide yvithin living memory. no -w �an- The Lki rite. noon I gl(�V'S, medi P. Au-eaky night IQ-- -Mme t ughlin's and 3peia's, Brodhagen. Un4erstand Hi�, Hours oil ex Under Sentiry for India, and m(ri iivulptire.11 "Of L8'xa-LiverPiIl8aretheI&&es' favorite medicine. andDu I n, riday nigh.t. a urday�--L-ceohod -.Cnly. Similar Suf rers Can Said , "I, Ii -es, �avo c
Orea, Separator. Recommended and. sold by 1. V. Rear A great judge, an ex -Lord of the treasury, le doesn't k Tbey cure Conittipation, Stal � Headache, Biliousness, Kinburl h.,n linton for nigh ourdnes, 1�indne;sl d of Agon-9,- than two or three M. P.'e have created a of he 100,000 In daily use. The rugist, Seaforth. and Dyspapsiv. withmt gripix g purging or sickeningl an 'eiA characteristics of d compactaws are Ube sp Zq only Separator built with a paiuftil Sensation in England by,tiking their howed lits bout ihiligs namaled:bowl, berutifully e I these horses. St, James' Gazette. miserall own lives. -DOAN my rims mob the kidneys, bladder ore. duenbla than There is no mortal more Is than tlu ou flidn't No dobt ecul'ari ies of Grejit tiolar 13 dia1reat sizes P Men the p9or dyspeptic. He is n9ver healthy, if on asked 131aekle he'd Ithat And urinary orRans only. Th cure backitches, , weak A gror6t many other kinds The Iron Duke (and it may �ba rematked never heippy �al ways ailing! always cub of What b4sk, rheiniatism, diabetes, congestion, itflahima. DUNRAG IT of Separators are taken out 'Idr. Bolger Thinks of Gjadstone knew bou in passing. at Lord Roberti of our bw.n Sorts. Every mout�hfulof f ad brings hours tiou, grive 1, Bright's disease, and a'l, other diseases P t in place Gamey. and Mclotted wl tile gardener ould tell you that arlaing fr(m, wroug�actlon of the kWneys and a;4d the Shire'Stalliou of them, A, few points of day has a similar aversion) would of diatresa-every momentl of the day- is gr JW if shut upin 116 knew ilothing --'-hatever of gardeil- bladder. excelarce In this Separator it Ep SITOR,-I have read in Tim -HAROLD the same rooba spoiled and soured. DRA W ELD FITZ qutto- u= any other kind not fou -id In with ou are a dyspeptic nw O41TOR 0 April 10th a letter1frorn o dog. if y'ur T.,J. Berry, Proprietor. a -e tink lower down, heav- mally PC oplo Bay they 6 "all nerves," easily Dr Aberpethy, a man proverbially inf-ol- gigns for tinware, tuini eas'er, skima cleaner,., bowl hangs the co&t--d tongue., the dall head- East Miron (orrespond(n% which I fir -d is s�,artled or upset, easily worried Rpd irritated. Mil- Will stand for the eeaejn� at, T. J. Rerr3 Is Sorne F acts About Kid Gloven. planib, self balp&ing, hoe a break for Stopping it, lerant of me're fade at:d craliets, had YE't a schep, the heart,bura, the iliouiness, the v�ery rank %vi �h abusive expraceicn-i against turn's He& rt and Nerve Pil s are- J u8t the remedy ill enclosed, halt a cone bearing which. ad psrs!�nal obj-!c�ion to sletpnig� On Is, the hopsless Mr. Gamey'� Al. P. P. With your Of cioursp the wonlen tbink that kid giioh pcopI6 r� quire. �Theyrpstoreperfecb h-atmony ExchangerStablefs, Rensall. strong, persistent torment af bar me, permm- and gh e new liadaitsolf to tha waar, altuminuai disc, will not rust* nerve force to W, haindle,%stly taken cff and put on, all wearing amp. shett,i. 3 Of I to Sion I wculd e to sample some of the sabi loveg are nlade out of the tanil sme signs PO)n 64,ittered nervous eyistems; to iudigestion. The one Bur i cure for indi of,, the nerve centre d 3 nsvor� desp-meenoy. Any cn e He starts out by sayin�, I of kids. 'Manufacturers hai-6 their se- ,91ints of caliellaraerted steel. I al -o hwndl-i farin, im- Satiller N�0111 if lie coul& voO it xpreesionvi �lemonts and inclituding Noxon, Wilkin- W. PRIN,,CE OF HURLFORD. rite with � broken u1b. geWoa is Dr, Williams! k Pills. They h%V-0 rea Our editorial on Gamey and I do crets, and three orl four names suffice 'Telton., a*)d White Enzirc% Separators, and Sprin ME dicine, Smillia Bros.,, Pfoprietors, miLs the t�) d Wiadmilla. All go -da at A. Campbell's. Warerooms, Carlyle ti�ver liked being villuded to fq:s A" make new, blood-thats th3 whole secret.. not agree ith it ari all. He ad esignate all finished gloves, yet 1 s a spring medictin Bard3ok Blood Biters bag llon&ay, MA� 4tb -Will h1a own Aable,! IJ Reaforth. WN-G.&N Yea.&I'Lum. IU-1-tt bliblit-ring id!L t Through the b!o)d they will brace up 3 o,ir Goverri,meripmay, have dine wxcng, and Ke&La those who know sl that if all the ani- wc WjkLTo\, March Isth, 1%303. Thia I'. t,) cortif that woiald go cub of -his way to avai'll S'rengLb, waketa YoJr live; and set your 11vit Mr. % iey may convict them, but no� oetiri-al Ittoneguly,ithe stem and removes all I iflea eoutb of ruceffeld, and,,*oceed .3t to f4f ,u t� hr t,.p a from the lool, d takes away that I iine, to Relp htfnson�s �or noon; theoce' by al$ -whicli conftri ute st-dils could be the No. I blelotte. Cream Separator I boughb from. lunatic with a knife. i sporriaohiight. If yLlUaski your neighbors thing can s�va him ftom just contempt by i Vred, weary Liounw lv� prr-.3vw tinthespring. VaPua to John Aeld's �Treasuqr), Bayfleld 134�d, for your�'&gcnt, Duncan McCallum, gives good &%tisfac- 51nearnated it would b th Most re- I i � - lfonineve-yr:spect. Easbyturaed, easilycleaned Farsd-vy,'the griat abomiat,' ditillkdd �tho yOu will find proof of this ji ht at your own all thinkinA t oaor,ibla men -then calls Mr. q ilght. Tuesdity-Soutti on Goshen Line $.o Xc- sc niat*oa o-� iltric, acid Gn h:a hands. -hbmt e le e er exmft and a clean skim-ater. Havo run it over two ye -Ar Mr. Charles Wo - d 1 dare, Ot., one Gam6y a mpari, low, Is-ing aeoundel, unfit nitakkable' menag ed, liolicy'a corer, then wast to Robe �!be casertlal luqpliealing rincipal of the pice I romon Line, for neo it] SQUth 2 MON% tbe� and sco no ttpaicnt we%K on it yet ; �ad in my opin- 14acready, had a great disrelish for 4, the tholleandS of dyspeD a toassociate"with ht)rorable menj that he t-�c has ffinally. baen ibleessf fly and re, ti a cured by th and ifew known anilluals �ould be miss- I I f m4troa- 9,--Goohun Line, for cc a u m -or )I perfume or ef bad edgo.L u4c -A these pillf, says 'or up wards of was instig%ba', by, Beelzabub and � aidt(I by ht Weanesday-WEI pr3cead Soutib, to Ion, the � r:rfits from 0a u -3e with 10 cows would psy either ilia fl%v floed WO a perf b m h cine Dr.Wood's Nrr- .eat, to Rob A Ar m.' N ate r I
Jorlt in one seaer. i ficukall Ptowt.,LNo, wal �oe,ont. walve years I was a grest S iffirer from in- the devil. �B a says all the water in Lake Ing. �,,Eveh the w � nasopueen searched way Pine Syrup. Soid yal ealiols on a guarantee 0, Me.-adelea(An did. nGt like, the twli I o t de Se at b nil alon hotel, forrnn; tleave ZMrloh At SRAFORTIT, March 17th, 1903. To whom - it a d � n attem' Of. ratisfaeffilon. Frlco'25 con pt Int n .4 �olclock and p,j,;ceed e. -s) to jP.a-r Line, to 4.Ameg may erncera : Having parz-hased a Melotte Cream finger -nail bein-p, drawn atfos a State. digesioa and nervon3ness, Everything I Otaterib could not wakh Gamey into respect- C*6e's for I h ColtskIDs from Buanos yres, sheep- ur, then north �o Andrew Lovols for Sepamt-.r one year ago from Mr. D. McCallum, I thumb nail paused him similar disq;�iet. !ate t)rtu.rod me, I do.-tcrid almost C�n- ability. T4,en he conch0c by Aaying w) _J night. Thured ty-By Town Vne -and Londogi XLead I
a good wa- taker p'easulre in recommending it, to be ItiAluonaly, and used almost' e, 'matter wbM may have occurred, he iS'L a skins from the Capil� of G od Hope, ox t4 his own stab e for the aftOrnoon. Frlda*+Frc- chice. It is oa�y operated, and I think it cAn com- Disraeli Would walk about or staod rat�er ve thing* r udicial Sale. concession of I -aver got, contonlP pete -with anv ma�cbtino cu the market, to -day. Yours than sit upon a fraebly-pairitcd benoli. coinmended for this tronble,' but n tibloL wretch. These are Fome of hides from Calcutta, a te1ppe �kina d,4ed by the 2n fJ Mqx. 81 aciaiea, Rip n Road m3n` then no On py. Wily, Jolts RAY. Scatotth, ow. Dr. Joh,�oa hat. d to have anyb'lie IUD Road ill Actad, at Sumes ore than tempor. ry relief � abil I begin the his choice mb�sels hurled at Mr. Gamey ; frointhe Rocky moluntal and Mocha 8 0,1 House sn I Lot in the Town -of Sea- K PPen ItOad LEADIJURY, February 10 h, 1532. DA%r Sirs,—Iam and but im in th waistcoat. 6ab of Dr. Williamitt' Pint Pills. Words in fact, he h43 a(;t,,d both inige and jury. sheepskins *from Al'en on the Red sea, Re nlIlLht. 8 urday-By 11i11 Road sad iio,'-Od forth -In Mic, Vigh ourt of Justice. cc a ess on to, fs own stible, where he will in well satisfied. with the Alelobte that r bought. I c thirk lb would pa for itst If In a short time With 10 Sir Walter R%leigh had a marked 0 3anuot exprc as the good t ese pills have Now, Sir, I fE irly imagine tiat li-3 triL�s to are perhaps the sitaples, but moose, 9� $Yo.k.x vs McDOUGALL.-Pu raustut to the judgment ui MI. the following Monday morain 1646 cows, and the ekim, milk is good for the calwa. Ibis tion t 3 p ri�on life ar1dLcwJ Burleigh 'his ,)fie me. I am in better hei Ith than I have pose as a pioui chtirch goor, and yet ap- I 9 musk oxf llama, kangaroo, peccary, of this Honorable Cburt dated the 23r,d day of perfeeth, safe, and I cannot op.-ak to:) highly Ili. its great ooritemporar never liked to slip 60A bjoyaA in years; before, and I have proved perantly he is filled with bigotry and ill will D , 1903, sod wLh the approbation of the under- A r ho, othe lose their PfAiSe. YOUrSttaly, W.N. HACKWELb. wate and 'inaoy . I XIN,G ATHUR II curb Ftme with is tongue botweeh fhi3 �bat Dr. Williams' Pio:k, Pills cure when against a felic w being. Mr. Editor, it ap. W-kned, Master of ltbls� courb at Goderich, there will 'RY, February 6W, 1902. Dmr Sirs,-Thls L%WBL teeth., 11fr medicines fail, pears that h not identity when they -.he glove, be offerel for aslo by public auction at the Com. Is -to coTtify that the afzs 2, Melotto :)t b fias twice admonished you Cream Separ- McConnell & MeTsivigb, Proprietors. ator, which I purchased f rom your ngen�, J, D. Wal- Bad blord is the moLher 0 fifty diseaefs, to let b's letter cu% he wartad ycu to keep m6rclat hotel, in the town 0 Beaforth, on Saturday,' tl�3161hdayof May,!1903,M So'clockp. m- the' onday, May 4zbh�Will leave blet own -stabie kerja entirely satisfact�ry In eveyy respeo' . We L5-pgll TROUBLES billousnese, sallow COMPI ird Dr. Williams' Pink Pills �rill cure them ib all for ymirBelf ; now thatoortainly Sows Saved b341 a Jol re. followirg property vIZ: L(tnumber76,in James 13i ceficid, and go by wav Of second conaesdon,
find that we can make far mora butle r th;.n in any on yellow eyou, jauniice, etc . y1old to the our&*. ill because they conwrl, bad blood into th%t he has slome melhod in his head, bil, it patt of th i said town of Seatorh. other way, and am quite ffat6fled that with 8 cows , ' I Students of Ed nburgh university Beattie's survey of ' ' 'Tit kerarnith, to Robftt W-cKay's, Ub concession for They are eAre: Upon the I)t Is erected a cn � and a half story frame 'nC Dn; then byway of I F.Zad to D. MeTavilffWa live powers of L&X A -L IVEEt PILLS. gooe which there
the Separator would pay for 6self in about 6 months. 0 cu; rich, red blooJ, withO'Lt must have bean hard on you to have Such a P Who could not spell fell on evil days dwelling house 26xl6 And 2tw, and summer kit- f 6, VILy pf 2ad -coacesdon to The Aim milk is' excell-3tit for the calves. It is a ,an be neii-iber health nor a renoth. D,)n'b stroug dose fired at you. Ito
. v easy running machine, awl perfectly safe. W Aittleld Ur f for noon ; thqu by,
vor 0 . when Professor Tr4fllj ed r of a for- cben and woodshed I8x19. * so a f fame stable 17x i's Wost End'IL e porou f 87, and adiVon thsr0o 1Ix12. Terms of Sale. -The wi of Crieb's eide -road and Huron roid to Louis Laded t,) try somett ing else -take Now-, Mr. I East Huron, be reasonable, mer edition of the I E ncyclopoedia Brl- purchwer at the timse ot W4 will be required to pay Pe ock's, Lob 16, Coneewdon 2, ffulltt�, fir tgbt.
thir-kitthe best Cream. Serarptor on the market. Just Hi6 Job. I x ours truly, S. MePher4ou. Simeon F4i d, aurhor of "Sallie RLbnl%rks,�� othinr but ths gannine, Dr. Williams' and let us Odeon for a Short time. Don't tannica was anex iner a depw-ir, . in I be pmp-irfigu 810 for eveiy $100 of W� nesday-By viay cf eemnj eoneession aud -tells in his bo-ok' what 1his firat �mployer: ink Pills. Sold by all in -dicine dealers ycu know that Mr. Gamey was elected a a 'r r � KnI ht's' lills pur,�hase Money to, tho Y ll -:Ws solicitor and the JR11 old's corner to T. Arcbe0o, lol. 28. tconceseen )r sent pott paid at 50o a bi x. or six boxes According to� Pr fes,7,� s boanco of his 1-urchase Mon y into mutt W"thly' 80 6. r nor: Ili,= by of Bso U-ne to Grahaws said W him. when h10 expressed -a desire to ptraight Conisarvativo, and wben you heard .9 bo Cllbton,� f.7 to E�gu an Lgreemont for tha e:,nl. Tri phone Road t,) dedilaine Co., *oekville,,.Oj bat io. "Recollections," Professor Traill one Of
He Ap- I or 82..50, by addretsirig Th Dr. Williams' and dayp frr in the d:de of f ale, ewillal,,obe rrquircd r leesbion 10, G,ode
learn 11 tvie busine�s thoroughly." believed Lhat he had deceived and de- abthe tbuo of asle G X11 e:lj
serted hii pdi ty did you blame him and call day objected to a can(udate for gradu- r1( it To -1 'Tbe,4 hy Telophone
plied for- work In a hotel, and o i I lcoking. pIetion of big purtll180. Up n mywent of his pur- P Jor ticon ,
i" in tb u 6th -nces- him over ard taki full �etails; of: him nasty nkmes' ? ko, but instead, if yo ation, who was a nixtive of Ceylon, OU (-base mos,el the purchassr w I to, entitled to & con. rold al WnChl
ithic style of archi teature, " the m' 1 ing. had met hirri. ou would likely have said, the gr vopneean posipessionof t eproperty. Thecou.. si; nfor night. , FriJ3-yj7I1y *AY Of BRyfleld my cc ound of false diffieng of 1he sale will be the standing conditions of sint I to P. Cole's, lot 62, , ,,On ; then by way of
I 'Well, Bob'6 you left yr-ur party and came agar said One of the Auitralian C tholic prelates i "Why, -he , actufla: ex e ig cour o us - cc, w I 0, Ug I& % 0138. sevoildooncessiptito ia own io le W-bere be I
. r � I; over to belp'the Govcrament ; y(u, are wel- I ff y Spe The pu rebaser shall search tie title at his own ex- eiewalnntji on a niicrnlng.� 1 on -2 't Xatuie has n been very to on' ias h,een pnb1ely protestil g against the with one lel said te. ra nd Trunk RailwaLy in the matter of tahly chirms, -but hol* 'opnpularity into which tho good old names come for yo I weie badly necded, You ara -pc1nse, and the veodors shell uot be bound to prow e.vldeutly intended ycu lo: a purp a fine fellow; and I will extend to' you the "Well," Instantly': replied Professor duce any documents or evidence of title not Ili their Poe, rid )f"N'trickand Bridget have fallen' among I pospe;sion. There will be a reserved bid fixed by the
System. 13ORDER MACGREGOR in my opinion that purpuse, is. to Perfe(tly -he IrWi. parents of the cam nonwealth. He right hand of fellowship." You say that Henderson, who filled the chair of water. For further pirtioulare apily to F. HOUKE. 'go adapt you to going up a step-lad(lir, crtwt -59 tin d of hearing Hibernian fatheri -asking Mr. Gamey bmegetcd a plan to e6duce the pathology in the unWersity, "you should STED, barrister, SeaM�rlb ; 1 L. ILLORAN, bar- D -ale & S,^ Proprut M the and 6iter, SF&tortb, and F. W. HARCOURT, Cfficial I Ave ble own stable, Lot �0, Huron
nb' Now come - off, that is t�;o remember that he c6mes f..,o Guardian, Toronto. Rcidj Tuclieremltb� and probeed north, ]I miles
Raftway Time Table. Ing th-oagh a trans�om and OpdaiDgIthe d0q, I h 01 heir sons should be ohr stened I I Kc ii t- Governme bnday�wlll Is Tisins loxvo, Senforth as follows orency," 11 Sydney "' cr. 11 Douglae," and of the Slngal-ese."- th: i west 31 :miles 0 RickistrA Billev's. for noon - in. qase 05 Euicide.."' tin ; it w b work. What an idea 'to B. L. bOYLlti MasWr at Godench, i 'f April A. D., 1903. 1846-3 th i west 111miles then north 11 t 3-1 4.20 a.m. - For Clinton,, Godedch Wingliam, and ibernian mothers clamotinj � for 11 Glaaya," think tbata't6a4g man newly elected to Dated the 29th day 9 miles then v. a& Ktacardine. Ladies Take ctivad Iioo Gwendolen " tnd 1,1 Maud." He has even offloo oul I'duep an old and rit li firta do. in! ke to R plirlaw ButVs taw tine, Collherl3e. for Too Mitch For flie D Stan e., -14ill po6ced South to Inton to
12.0 p. m. For Clinton and Goderich. Pills if you wou,Vller's Comp log b .1 over 30 years -you: donb nil, Tuesday
9415 P. M. For Clinton, ffloghaou arid Kin.car- have nice, ole4r, com- ad to listen to tuch ecceni ric &w7gestion Racing men tell IL Sto concerning Cc i iniercial hotel for norn.; tLc!i e"Afist � No �own dine. plexion. Feem to be op the right track, for according In the Surrogate Court of the a " Irouback " it rid Bit eguin 11 (c ollo- sti e for the n1ght. Wcdhes4ay-Will. ocead -east 10 -la P. m. For Clinton and Gederich. At 1. V. Fear's Drug Store, Seafo'rth. uial nAmes of Au*tralian trates) at the to Air. Game, F's stat�ments, he was 6r3t ap. an overa niJous horf e own r and apar- 2i nIle3 then South 11 mileia to James M 08, for 7.63 a. For Stratford,, Guelph, Toronto, County of,*Huron nc in; then cast 81- miles th6 roxth 3 miles to at - I preached from the Goveinment side and ticuIarly consclentjd�luq rid The horse goab. Hasayshe canco� uaderetand *hy Orillta.North Bay andpoints west; a even callad Out of his bed bEtween JA aes;Caillnls, for might.: Thureda-W 11 proeecd
I ddy and i
Belleville and Poterboro and points Origin of I I Budget", Biddy shoald n9t be considered w` 10 owner had issued fall or s as to
the In the Ectate cf Jimes iFormyth, deceased. -an 31 mllqs west t) Robort 'Goven-
11 nilce north.tt
O'st. uite as goad ard euphon,ous as Billy and 11 o'clozk at nigbb. Now I -hope you was to be ri Ten in & com- let: t'e, for nood; then prodeed along second conce8- It is diffieltilb to i realize that t e 4r. I I way a horse H
B-11 P� ni� For, Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- will remembe a r. . H. McGregor, Nctloo Ia hereby given that sill p-qrsoin.d having any slic i 0 his own stable f r the nighk Friday -Wilt .Y1 enny or Peggy. But it a a kine is 0 be a n�egro $oj, th only claim against the eetAte James Forytb, late of treaL and points east. budget," n,)w so oft -n in eve 0 1, Ing race to a small of I i iscretary of tie Conservative Association 0 'PTA c3ed li milc3 west tbcii6 2� mileg south to Ell P, M. For Stratford, Gue ph anid Toronto. mouth, is a �erm less than 200 1 0 istinat ive mark, a whole i iation of Pt- ok the village of Ngniondiville, in the Ccubty of Huron, y re Old rlder he could secure, TbO orlginbd or br 2ha, for noon.; then 11 n3l'as east then north icks would make for co:ifas on. Gore Bay, fnlaims the responsibility f 5entEman, deceased, who died cn or About the 24tb MI the earliest mention of the word d ting �,-n as tAle own Btablo wtera he Y�ill rtbi4 until I g tho trap oa the Goveinment - he ders then were ad, led to, I with provi- py of March, 1908, %f, the said. village rf Egiiian& th fOI13wi-rgMCn-3ay1nCrhjug� Palmerston and Kinctardine. further ba�k than 1733, We boi a rl;
owed! it ville, are rcquired an Or bcfarv� the 11th day- of May, -lp!- honadvis' d Mr. Gamey to keep the slons1or all sorts of emergencies, until
QQWQ KORTU. Pass. Mixed, Mixed from the old Franch language- ouge o?, Perth NotE iend or deliver far they would go, get the jockey became I ewild d. cret and s6i how eol. ;tjr for the executoia of ld estate lu I id c. 01 a sma I the i e WILDER LEE. ; -It coat $2,892.45 t,) take the us in a "Look yerel, boss,'.th eJoy broke in ulars of their claim and the
Palmerston.. 7-30p.m. 12.20p,m 8.45a.m. meanin 11 bag, in whieh i for et a the a a Bvideiiae hil could get., and when the e ec. ri If eid by 8.07 L07 940 times iC was the c u �tom tg put the 4stimaite, I I 6 tb,;m duly verefled by i affida- t. Ia or' JiL RruedeI3,.., $or ouse would; me t to make the expoe'ure take 8.17 L10 10.00. of receipts ard expenditures wh(n I praso'nt� th Pertb, and $2,469.30 i a Sou. erth. at last. ','Dis yere ri ce Isotly one mile. not ice that Rftr r tfie said I it J f av I 0 , the �nea Betry & J. Livi. -11.luovale.. . ....... L4. S7 1.30 10.20 I -Thomas Coppin has purah se the then.. Mr. NlcGr gor said he remembered JM9t Excaut, rs will pvceed to 1: d itri to - a ottate Manday-Will leave his- owb sfablei taffs, and
8,38 1.36 10.80 ed to Parliament. Hence the Cha.licellof, of �roperty in Mitchell, lately own -d by R. the case of Mr. titherjand, M. P. P.-;- of I kaln't do ;all you done tol me In awong the parties mt tied th I Oreto, h r6feren2e prt ceed. to Jacob Webefre's ot �,u or noon; p,ss. the Exchcqi.-Lar, in making his annual pa
GoRm SGLTu. Pass. Mixed. 't"e� tabb, for $1,200. Scu'h Oxford, whl-) had amted publicly that 'One MIlle.i on�ly to claims of w h they shall atVii'llubave re- ibt u byway �,of the H I'D Is hotel. Wingbam. . . .... a 5,q a,in 9 a.w. 3.05 p in meat, was ferinerly said to open hia budget SeE forth, for the nigbb. e day --By ay of the
-LMIlry0l.to, of Paria' be was approi%che� by Liberal agents, but ceiv6d ntice and afte such distribution the exced- Hu rcn Road, 0 Reuben pr oWs bote- i b3ton,, Bluavale ...... .. 7.92 9.17 8.18 In time the term passed from the rccbpt� al; hi a, leastil Eby ters will not be reepo sible f r an), chim. of which . .. .... 10.00 925 to the contents, and' hotel, Sha speare, and get i poseession o:1 could pr--"ent no proofs to substaLtiate bi '4 they shjill not b&LVe Ived otice. This notice is formoon: then� by wy of the ondon Roll d to the 5 ay Isk Ing of bail falls," remarked givf n purtuij�t to the atatute'in that behalf. . , curiously, this new ht, ednesday
Ethel ....... ...... . 7.28 10.16 8.3 assertions and wai thetn branded as -a liar. "8peak D13 on Home, l3iru0e6*
'a. for he Dig_ 4 rsilmeraton.... 8,2,a 11.30 signification was r6turaed from tll;i cou D try I y way of Klopen to Hills Green, 0 13�b ort Mve s -L. 0. Lewis, B. A.,'of M;t3hell high YOU admit t e Gqvarnnicilt may have (lone oggers, "I fell Out of a window once, Ri 9� HAY, Solicit6ra for thd Exreutors. hote to France, wliera it was first u3ed io'! an lot- t ti foroon ; thence to Z,.Wr b at JcbnWn' ' -1 for Dided af Seaforth, thl 20sh d4y of April, 1903. the night. Thurida-By t1io, Goshen school, has resigned his pos tion to gi) into wrong, and r. Stratton may have done ala tion! was terrible. Pur- Ll )e to Hill's ficial manner in the early part of Vile ri'�ne- 1845-3
London, wrong, ani A. r. Gamey may cenvict bolol. Crediton, for noon; then to Ontriois, at Ruron. and Bruce t "Im, ing my transit th�augh the air I really - Mo TatVs hrt,-1 ft. r the nig t. teeiv-h cant4ry. lae ineurned bu. -in ns. : 1ING 'HORTU- I I �A successful fair of or) ire stock was still you 'call dr. Gamey ilia grastesti orim- "hotel Londqu, depart.. 8.16 *X. 4,60 F.0 belie-v.e I thought 90 every mean act I the London Road to HawkAbaw's Yxctcr for 9.18 6.b5 Miller's (?,mpr u t: d Iron Pills,ion)yi2'0 I old ia St. - Mar.YF, o -i Thu�cdiy. of last iD11. Why, ' �ccording to your theory bo v r itted in rby !1�e- no n . then to olackfill's hbtel, ITOneall, by wy cf I - i 11 Vrack. There was a goodzoh)w of horeas. commit a cri ke isof ro C011SCqu,nce, LM the, Londn Road for the niglih. Satti'Lday-By'way
9.80 0 07 Exe4a ............ "You Inust
cents for 501 case. -The Elma oheese company bag' a,)Id 150 the person w q 9 of Uppen to Sfr�njs hotel, Ttickersuiltb, f3t noo;
9.44 6.18 o d !tects ard exposes that growled J Ig'
At 1. V., Fear's V, ug S!ote,. StalForth. a vil ve �fallen an. ai) ful di tance!11- thin east to. bid- ownstat,le, *ffa, for the ni-alit. ....... .. 9.60 6-26 11 boxes of April di3ose to lyl.cdaren Bros., of criulle is Mn *bom all the water in ha 9.68 6�33 !istowEl, fl, Lake Oataric L r 12,1 car, t i per I und. not wash to reOpect- ...... 10.16 6.66 Tippi�g the Lord Prov6st. Loudeaboro 10.so T 12 W. J, Henry, of Stcat!ord, was ability. Ev;dentl� you are hard on doteeb. ivee, still the country c.uld nob do very B—falces 11, FrDnmlb. the Kind Blytb,. ........... 10.33 7.20 T-heL9idProvoat of Glaerow, 003e of- bladly po'scuad by, eating'Pa Ifneu oub of a Sa fice ccreeopc uds xvith that of mayoLi in this c at hat had 10.50 7. --hout What! ) ou are,' out e-Vlery 1I.Go i bscn opemd for eome time.' well wit bheml You gave us a nice Nodd -
7.55 or-untry, toli st a &nner eacently,, how' h is hoped for. i illw4tration in re t d t he two ff%milles, sonm SOUTE- Fh43eUgrT. r night �, 'until 3! fi�rn't mitlnig,ht late ost inore�ylelld rj(;rr,. was " tippe I " by an Am i can " h�iftr� -Mr. Simen Rupert, o 4 Milverbon, g:�,M�ixed.- You SAid " HUP- ro!d by all dea!ers. er sig a but you got Q�io, Wingbar, der -art.. 6.50 A.M. S. I 0 r. u A party of tcurista froi United St,4t6 woan about 40 yeari old, It inged herself the enogh? 69 e o d --A a a v p- the in posag th3ro were two families iivaL-, 7.01 128 AT tm- wero I Po3tvld t. -e -e to L.11 .... 7.14 88 riewing, th-3 epleiadid riamicip I ob fam' a a 4igher llp� than ben �1 get home Be"'rave .. Sile h rl been 111 the Ono a littl Ills otberr-per- Todd -I find that� w ........ 6 ix ra re espee ally leil room in hcr hcuie. )ine tim. -nidnlgbt my w1fe can!talk to me, in Glapiow and we L- ion mylumfor soine tim. and was olil h%P9 YOU meo & Co., toudesb 7.22 846 tt tb� upper ton with mfl- at I
Maton ....... 7.47 4:ir, YX y -s ho ?. few weeL a da The Lord Provos .1 Afor tl U 14164tiCt #,')LU 1 01at gCORt mrble i tircase� 1110 is, 4 higber, or upper ten family but when I get boi e at ords. fall
BrunefIcid ................ 8.05 4AO 10he Pe th t happened to p %sa, ana Mr..John 1). Co'e, 'of Ruaselda!e iR a beautiful diugl�ter, in ihe otber a s,)n. 8.16 4.60 her. -Life.: .......... .. 8.22 466 offerE d t de them aimb. Wii le �dqiug undqwetlb a difficult operati)n on Now ths soni aided by the davil, lays a is so he am somo info matiori qbour, � 1 I Exeter. .... 8.S6 6:10 o[ l6it week, for tuberculosiE of the bone in (jeep scheme itrd 6nds his wy into the I 8.46 6.20 till Ed-ucatlou' 11sity id. t rise and grawth of th: interesting city, kqa right arm. 'The op(rati 3 was perforni- cOmPally of t is yo�ng lay i It m gain -A her London, (arrive),, 9.46 6.0 "Was- It �worth hile t send your As lie wav leaving. one 0. tile meria�w. dfoot, of Fill I ElffCCHO138, be irj:yed her, then weilt) around ed by Dre. Prou, arton ; Silh, aietly alipo of 0 tat four ffaughters t that fashionable q1 d'a half -dollar into 418 habd� Milvbrtoo and Wm. Hae ney king The provd3b, had not recoverEd from InG 0 1 J 5ta,*& bad c her en I her family, thon school;911 cnera.1 Hoap'it imagine a nu riber 'pf pnople g-it.hi-red to All kintlo of fial�, alrid glLfil- a Beads- amused aet fnishment when ilia Imericans -4Joeeph IVAcKoy has sold ii8 grocery and harg iliat yo- t'ng m4l, to the nearitat tree. - Su'c. ne e o 6ed, yel-
.tu'l - V q r
I Mammoih long r�d 0 I ink it no - i I lnsgold gijmt Eugar The ilp d-whi, she was -he Isoverelign Shoe
left thalui0ina. Well, I am,r0b III3 udge, bub I U rs cam home en- I low iat�rinediatel
donfectionery businesu, in Atwood, to there,,and the otht . ba�mtoeaythaflif heydid not hang thA <Yaged." beet, also gient loing red inau old tur- lichael Ballantyne. who i� ri)w in poises- Miller's� 6rip Powdtra Care. s,!i6ni Mr. McKoy purpoevs going west to Y011119 m813i t4ey at least should give him a For" 1901 nlps-B.wt, Lstbi4g, pitrplo to Bwtder. FARM, AND ISOLATED TOVV?- At 1. V. gc.al's Drug Store, Sea'forth. Aelgona, vear Regina, wlif �e het intends bad &care. The GoWuses. and Gat tar�s impetialiputple ItA 11 swedes, PROPERTY ONLY t� king up lani in company V ith Wm.Kelly, ebampion purple fo.4 Awe4wt, V 1�ow by th :way f a change, we Will re- We !are not in f a or Wh4t the Farimers W4nt. ,already owns land ia tb tt section. verae the caek, and. PP0,30 the, y Graystone vuraip, 4tildeu m,Ax beaup, oung lady e, It will Mean i -The liorse show opened i ri�, t�e armories, geniuses. If this is don The Sovereign shoas for nien aLd butt r beans p?rs, 'whie be.�n% seed Me'Leau Prcta:iczo, Kippea P. 0. Thoums The SbriRVord Beacon says rattiraril wais tha aggrwecr, who by her wirining a deathblow to tbei wspapers, for all-- 7J
Inc T,.r.:into, on W(Anesday. "'heir Excellen- ways and proinisrs, aided by her itbonsanis, men at $2, $3, $3.60 and U corn, Dut,ch set onioni and Charlotte ew in I us try if Mr. G. 0 the newspaper men' will q work and WO i V.ca- roin "nt, n. ricoflold P. 0. Thom�? E. will hwe p Rop� e,ics.t.he Governor-General ar I L%dy Mint:) tried t) sedup lh3 oung mau from the onions" and )a otoking on . oas, I y k -ini & McEach4l: 3 ar'e the. be A values at the -Wte&i�. ins, of the 6rin of Hop� Nted in hie opening It straihtpat'i )f duty -thin 8uppoee he al. live on th(!Ir pensbDns*. for 190 VA both Ale- proce dinge and wi L, have fou r rit aof potatpeje.,
0 nt,41io *�tf�r at, kuaceEda in interesting qal Willam Chean, ohn 1D. Griere Win. b )n att(hianea during the Ytek. The ex- lowed her to al on to sec 1113dium an lite-tibe 0 ital in this icirdy to carry on the in - 1.3ad h how far alle early, Lrly r0lle,, OfinWc J) "73r` pried ever produced by a Cana(lion jeweie I Pliar Ile, Soaforth; John Bc White are much:more namemus than ever would go, whAU Ella had got to tJe crid of the mill -ion d 111,3beauty of ture Qk; Thcn rse P e 0 7JrA irl St 0 Dublin, T!=ca Evara, ?eeobwood; Johu Watt, fal- mmobialawhi-thlis �&3 reoel,'tiy* liefore ani eMbtabs five car ])ads of ho.'scs time to make VMat He�'Thovglkt. Y -ly .;r, 11ru -0 teld ; Joho B. ife n d 41341 parfect-d s*nd now haft pattqnt� her tether he PU nIanufacturer. Th qualit of ma- bebr n and lba p eai Levi, i iTeL te f )m the Boston ehow. lie hdr*reduati�va ways -now wold nct L-baf; Toln�D ; p 'in the peas an4 btaric-, kinds of aarden, Kippon, : j-,raiesq Cozzi -wily, Clintn. tedals and the workwanabi ed in Cau*da,, while tha pate -rib 'fc.r i h,,, o, you thbak your comin u, seeds. llei�bert Cooke, the 16-j ear -old Son of be it caeo o! 11 cl-at-t:on agaiw-t tbro 3 oung Ila would marry m6 if I asked her.? Seaforth, United Stilt -s has been applied for ijor Cooke' Strafft Hi wa i 'killed &vc-rai,,n shoes' reTresent the very 01IMob aJ. W. Yf�o, I-101wwr The fu4,ctiou of Cis machine is 0e, w d. by a lady, tben m liat - r,uni�,hment al o aid you I alway4 considered 0 -- )e pare ohn 0. -Vo7riaon - I Ive con , , - vWOP.()- I IV the McL-agan furnitt re . factory cii ipete out t) bqr fc I, you ara the jcdge ? Of gie; owl, sh6 best that money alad brarns -can pro� t 1i0z lb, ing &IIJ th'�* iog out of the coh. al I E-daqtseaY. He attempt(d to go uP tile :�otl 8 truly, her a sen ble j�o4 quart,, and honey,a have v.7, Irar ich ' 0 i I * - Y. I
&E of wh work is now don with. the hm etwatot wben it, was in MOM n, but mi*ed JA-.%iL;s BOLG.Ea. might. duce, an(l they possch s style� so witirely Some filnet spy applts, an the fillefit am, b ill h.-- a -Iw�tly %hendets 4a This occupl�s a great deal of time [and em'- riddr 7i. i t a Y recog-
h113 hold and fall thret! store t1b the d!)or. Apiil 1;6-.h, 903. �rn Huril"try. heese----Sept or j�ake-&t xper�se f(.r labo6 A different that they are e -mil tails conside 9 0 E rce. li�ed aboiit five minutes. P undvi� tbe-a,,,-e of forty
ITIE11, it ia sliinattd, will weei oat an a r' F 0 , IL nizable` from oLher inay �ot be eniploged in cates or res- -freah butter a13.1 eggs, $or wllic]k of loat, crnp in about four days, w�ile 11 --Mr. Milt U. Oil T, who represents the 9 anted 1�ough on the Wigrinaker. fe -903. Hopkins clixims fcr his. machine a capacit 11ulign W ii, r,, �Et paid. Parry Souild '( istrie 5 in the Oatario Legisla. taurallts in li L;ahe Our" nev� styles ju8t ree(Jved,-dont
of five acre per clay, �and that ;t�e wor A oeesRid�n. f the imemp oyed thgLb took turs, gave iville int7eating paiticulara con- I p fail to see them.' IRCRAEL �ru i: r%D1113, Pe(ve, Winthrop P. 0. can be d04esmuch bettir than by h4nd. pi 6ce i 1764'(1 id not meet i rith any great ce)ning t,hat 0 nt'y Ia a speech in the in an a stibecas ozp other day. He said Parry CHARLES LITTLE, 0,u-cil1w, Winthrop P. 0. Pillo�lvs of f eaffief: s- are ob ectioliable. J01IN Mv ford BrIdge and leon v 4rks. I w,cga ant ou�', of fashion and the wigmakers Sound has g b ation in a few RFLAY, Coun,Jllor, Beechwood G, Govine'llor, Seatorth P. 0. A model of the 'aobine Ili,,; be ' !made AR6 sympathy. In tli%t yea;r Legislature tl I -
the 81 While,they furnish the nee ed. support RichardSon Winnis AUU s very simple in. constractioin and can b u Lon -in weie thrown olat i f ()OVENLOCIC Councillor, wint �p P.O. i work and, re years from. 1,� Wn 42D5 por'111 00 to , 000. There are 1,500 Cicrlkl Winthrop P. 0, turned out. V b a poFular prla�, whiA feat r d i -ed to distiesi. They . et �,tioned Ge g res ii the . 4istrict, and ' dur:n(y the for the head, they are too heatinik, as, i Trewrer, Winthrop P 0. or eaforth.. DAVID bl. R08' -eab difficulty e self-binde ock ,they imaj kable dipacitY for Sole Agents 8 � ff; UIDLO-moN T. obviates a 9: Wfiichoi�e Ifi. to compel gentlemen to ear wige . by past year ove $25,0 worth of live at have a r,c AFORE SHANIJONk J. P., Sminitar; respeoior SF a POA la' As t wigmakers wet b in proveosion Wi%s'vhipped1 i Tor to. ligidink an4 accum �atillj t�eat, ufacturers, ne Winthrop R. 0. et With. Two a6mewba he'� Iel f
FURN 0 d
P- 0 0 --- --- ---- - --- ----