HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-05-08, Page 31903 LiTsitseie_t_mss.w rbe I11181ktity 33,Y (111tMtity betielat. pods, T.. ,110-1 Mee 4Thdrtars -., with have for the -Ora last ifl Gem ( Still he. :tee. ()tiro te-s•julity by us with us. ers tiers, aad k. Os at 7-, „EQ. 12 ts:S _ friSi pe- ea- - llth a at he rk. - A-4 the . were • Eich . rent con - ii -MAY 8, 1903 DIPORTAXii NOTION.. flag AP MONU.-Private funds to loan at 4} per itto cent. on grid eeenrity. Apply to B. R. 1110. GUNS, Brucetle.d. 1836-tf NOTICE TO PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 32, Comeeesion 9, sexillop, the thoroughbred English Berkshire boar, Lord Clinton. Terms $1. at the time of servioe with gre privilege of returning it necessary. JAMES A. SMITH. 1845 -if ---e-- reASTURE TO RENT. -I am prepared topasture a number of cattle. My pasture farm contains out 7a acres of good grass with ranniag water all the year round. Charges moderate. HENRY COOPER, Let 9, Concession 8, Mullett. 1845x4 (MOE TO DEBTORS. -As I have disposed of my business to Mr. John G. Rook, of MItoholl, rWill give debtors until May 15th„ to settle their acounts. After that date they will be placel in other hubs for collection. A. H. BORMAN, Dublin. 1845x3 ••••••••• Rat TO RENT. -A good 1C0 acre farm in Stan ley to rent for a term of years. Within two Mike of Brucefield sta.,14-. Good buildings and about 76 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cut ivation. A good orchard and plenty of water.. Apply to W. SCOTT, Brucefield. 1836-tt ME BRICK AND TILE.-11av1ng enlarged our pieta with a lime kiln, we are now In a position to supply all in the building line with lime and ithe white. lett*. We have always in stook a large sup- pla4ef tiles frcm* to 12 inobes and 14 Inches in length. REUSE BROS., Contractors and Manufac- turers Egmondville. 1846x3 mo CEMENT CONTRA,CTORS.-Tcniers will be I receited by the undersigned on behalf ef the isoutal of the township of Tackeremith, until 1 teetoek p. to. on Morday, May 11, for the construe. tion of concrete abutments for three new, steel btidges, and one concrete arch culvert. Plans and specifications may be seen at my office on or after May 4th. Contractors to state price per cubic yard. Contacts will be let at town hall, Seaforth, on above date. A. G. MILLIE; Clerk of Tuokersreith, Dated April 28th, 1903. 1846-2 FOR, SALE. OUSE TO RENT. -Mrs. James Sleeth's comfor- table dwelling situate co Ord street, Seaforth. entices in good cenditicn and will be rented reason - Aptly to JAS. WATSON, Agent, Seaforth. 1846 -ti II FOR SALE. -The only licensed hotel ir.z- n twee!' Seatorth and Brussels. In good repair. Terms reasonable. Apply to W. BLASEtILL, Wan ttn or to J. RANKIN, treaforth. 1845-tf Tstoduien BULL FOR SALE. -For sale, a there- at/ bred Durham bull, rising 2 yearn old, sure get- ter. Price 4360 if taken at once. Also a heavy draught filly, 2 years old and a 12 horse power threshing engine lately over hauled and in good working order. Apply to the undersigned at Zurich P.O. SAMUEL RANNIE. 1845-6 TEERS AND BULL FOR SALE. -For, sale 16 stack steers, two and three years old, ready for erase. Also a. thotouehbred two year old Du -ham bun Apply to Wal. BUBOLZ, Grieve -at Bridge, Meliiiirp. 1848 -ti 131:LYS FOR SALE -For sale two thoroughbred Durham bull, aged 16 and 17 month., both red in color. Bred frosn first clam stock. HERBERT MUCH, Let 25, Con .ession 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Sesaorth P. O. 1810 tf FOR Sete. -Four good, straight 'bred Shorthorn bulls tram imperted steck of good milking strain. Also a few good cows apd heifers in calf or with call at foot. DAVID MILNE & SON, Ethel, Ontario. 1840-tf riARMS FOR SALE. -Rare bargains in farms in J the Townships of Hullett, Morris, and Wawa - nosh, County of Huron. Inquire at °nee. WM CAMPBELL, Blyth, Ont. 1774 -If et.n LORE AND DWELLING FOR SALE CiR TO 0 RENT.- The etc re of the undersigned, near the railway station in Seaforth, will be sold cheap or will be rented on easy terms. It is admirably adapt- ed for a grocery and provision store read is favorably situated for business. There is a comfortable dwel- ling attached and a pod stable. It will be put in first class repair for a good tenant. Possession at any time. Apply to WM. MATERS, Seaforth. 1838-1f Tel OUSE A -ND LOT FOR SALE OR .TO RENT.- ell For eale or to rant the oomfortable residence on North Main etreet, Seaforth, lately occupied by James Crozier, The house contains 4 bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitchee, hard and soft water. Also a pod garden. This is a most comfortable resi- dence and is conveniently located. Well be sold cheap or rented. Apply to ROBERT THOM PS0N, Brussels. 1836-11 OOD:FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 32, Conoursion 3, McKillop, containing 105 acre., all cleared, well fenced, uederdrained and in a good state of cultivation. Trere is a two story brick dwelling, a large bank barn with ret class stone stabling under- neath and other outbuildings. There is jienty of never failing water and three acres of an orchard. It Is within two mires and a half of Seat:nth and is one of the nicest situated and best farms in the township. It will be sold on easy terms. Apply on the premiss or address Serif% rth P. 0. JOHN McMILLAN. 1844-11 1CIARM FOR SALE. -Estate of the late John Scott, ..12 containing 92 acres, being Lots 16 and 17, Oen- ceesien 15, Howick. Good frame house, bank barn, pig pens, wells at house and barn, also sever failing spring. Convenient to church, school and post cifiae. Crowfeet° Mitee-Steam and Water power, water priviltge, 9x18 King B. chopper, 18 inch plate in good repair; also one years wood. ISLAND - Containing 40 acreand several smaller islands. Fishing and beath g. Fitted up world make an ideal summer resort. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to W. T. and C. L. SCOTT, Lakelet P. 0. 1815 x4 VALUAOLE PROPERTY TO RENT. -Mrs. Wm. McCulloeh desiree to rent her property situ- ated on Nerth Main street, &forth, which comprises seven ace' of hied, a comfortable frame dwelling house and frame stable. The dwelling is in first ,ciaos cord.tioe, ce, veniently laid out with stone oeller under the kite hen. Hard and soft water on the or, wises, also a good orchard of young bearing fruit trees. This property is nicely located and is suitable for a rstired person or some one who wishes to engage in market gardening. Apply to MRS. MoCULLOCH, over W. N. Watson's office. • 1842 -If STOCK VOR SERVICE. IG FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep on Lot 29, Concession 11, Hibbert, a Thorough- bred Yorkshire boar to -Which he will admit a 'Mated number of sows. Terms. -41 at the time of Bert ICE:. JOHN ELGIE, Chleelhurst, Ont. 1771 -ti :.• n-tri,Wed LI,- , . ,•r.o. .*J. tie '7 77' ."7-• : •.11 • "Y'it OC th* I 14:.nitt i..• 41,0 in t: u, rid that will e.ut Co- at-rce dir- e t s ter.: the animal aomid. in wind &TA useful t 0 1.1 i a (Avner. Price, _$1.50 Tar DR. MCC:AI:MY MRDICINZ CO.. Kemptyilla, Ont. ItteGahey„s Condition Blond Tablets and Powders for sick Cattle and Horses, 26o. Sold by ,J. S. Rob erte, Druggist, Seaforth. 1842-62 Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Perfection." The property of Edgar Roe. Will star d at his awn rtable, Lot 13, Concession 14, hieKillop, during the season. Perfection is bred flour imported 'deck and is an exceptionally fine Terms -$7, payable January :at, 1904. 1843x8 CENTRAL Hardware Store, Coil Spring Wire a Ottom Prices. Agents for London Fence" Ma- chines—We sell them at Maker's Prices. Portland Cement, Spades and Shovels .•••=1•111••• Sills & Murdie • HARDWARE, SMA.PORTIEE Victor Huge No Dram'an The ilaShing brilliIIancy of me's; v r- it t' sification blinded malty spiedgehiS or a brief Season and prevented ;dost of` , them from seeing what w?.$ ihade plain at last by an analysts, ef; the playa in prose, Mary Tudor, for eaa0- pie. When no gorgeously eMbreidertel garment draped the meager skeleton it was not -difficult to discover that Victor 'Hugo wes not a great dramatic pect "of the ' race and lineage of Shake- speare."k A groat poet he was beyond all quest on, perhaps the greateet poet of the century, but his gift was lyric and not Idramatic. He was a lerist of incomparable Vigor, variety and Sono- rity, and as a lyric he had often, an al- most epic amplitude of vision. As a dramatist his outlook was naeroW, and petty. He could not conceive beldly. a I lofty theme, treating it with the i un- failing simplicity of the masters. , His subjects • 'were lacking in nobility, in dignity, in stateliness. His ptota were violent and extravagant, and his oh r- acters were as forced as his situatio s. The poetry tobe found in his plays is external rather than internal. It isal- most an afterthought. Under the!1 rr- ical dra erytwhich is So deceptive at first there is no more than a , me °- drama.- render Matthews in Afl n - tic. 1 . MIMIN•1111•11••••••11 , • , Fat eople and Perspiration. Fat p ple are less able to resist the attacks �f disease or the shtick lot to - juries a d opetations than the lined- erately t in. In ordinary everydey: life they ar at a decided dieadvaIntage. Their r spiratory muscles cannot so easily act Their heart is often 'handi- capped ly the deposit on it, and the least ex tion throws them late a per- spiration This last fact ,is cuif1os1y misunde tood. It is almost ani ersel- ly looke4 upon as an actual "melting" of the stibcutaneous fat and is eonsid- ered to be nature's method Of gettliv rid, of the superfluity. •. 1 But th s is not eorrect, for in spite of its greas appear,rance sweat only Icon - tains a trace of ffatty matter, rarely more than .01. per cent, and this cegnes of coursq from the cells of the Odor- ipareus lands and primarily frerMeer- tain con tituents in the bleed. A r)(isr- • son whoie limbs and body are cOvered with adi ose tissue is in the phsitima iot a man arrying a heavy bueden 'mad too wai ly clothed. -London H0sp1tel. Don't Be Too Exacti Don't e forever setting people rig There is household fiend with 4 the ory for dates and details who cen nev- er sit sti 1 and hear papa say that he went down town on Monday at 8 with- out corr cting the statement with the remark tat the hour was half past. If mamma happens to allude to !Cousin Jenny's 'visit as having occatrred last Thursday, this wasplike inapersnnation of accuracy interposes with the state- ment that it was Friday, not Thursday, which brought Cousin Jane. , A dozea times a day exasperating frictionsare caused by -neecileSs cor- rections pf this sort, referring te pet- ters wheee exactness is not really im- perative,' the affairs in question being unimportant and no violation of tenth being for an instant intended. . ' Labor Saving Soup. "Soup ,00 hot? Well, it's this said the waiter at the table d'hateres- taurant as he grew confidentiah "The chef found that he was running shy, and, as he didn't want' to make any more, he threw in a lot of pepper so the guests would be satisfied with smaller portions. You see, if he hadn't, the hungry ran who comes in late would be comp aining, about the smallnees of the portiOn served to him. A man will be satisfied with a few spoonfills of consomme when it's as hot as Wiese° sauce." There are tricks even in the ehef's trade. ! Algonquin Verbal Heirloorus. There are 131 words of Algonquin derivation in the English lauenage. The Algonquins occupied a eonsidera- ble section of this country before they were asked to move on, and softie of the verbel heirlooms they lett up are: Chipmuair, hickory, hominy, ntenba- den, moccasin, moose, mugn-unapi mus- quash, pemmican, persimmon4 papoose, pone, pergy, possum, powwow, rac- coon, samp, skunk, squash, equaw, succotash, Tammany, tautog, terrapin, toboggan, tomahawk, totem, wigwam and woodchuck. Had Done Hie Best'. • "I don't know why it is." said the In- dignant taxpayer who had beep teying in vain to have his assessment reduced, "but I can't even get a hearing!! "Perhaps," Suggested his friend, "you don't stand in with the officeholders." "I stand in line an hour or two every day, if that's what you meanj and it doesn't do a bit of good:" • A Tea Legend. One ancient legend says that the vir- tues of tea were learned by achident by a Chinese monarch, i King Shen Nung, "the diVine husbandman," who floar- !shed forty centuries ago and who ,in boiling Water over a fire made froth the, tea branches on which the latter' still; hung allowed some of the latter to fail into the pot. The Polyglot Menu. La Alontt-It is quite an innovatIonl for that cafe proprietor to have Wei menu in English, French and 'Latin. La Meyne-It's economy. When ,an English dish is left over, he gives it a French name and if it is still aroundi on the third day he changes it to Latins , • A Safe Tibiae to Creme. 1 ,"Well, well," said the old lady living inland, When she heard that her favor- ite grandson was going to Eueope,d`it'S been a dry summer, and the iiea Won't be so deep as common." IVIARfilAGE LIQgNsK ISSUED AT THE HORN EXPOSITCH OFFICE, BEiFORTH, ONTA0I01 NO WITNESSES REOUIRED, • NORWAY Stops es flamed bronch1al quick cases chills, Throat elonsum Mrs. wri mending I had night my bottle and the tissues and of Asthma, Norma As : "I Dr. a very for the chest and of Dr was pe Prl PIN irritating phlegm, soo of th tubes, an permane Coughs, lipids, lb and the . tion. 1 Svvansto take Oreat pl Wood's Nor bad bold, c coughing a twigs. I Wood's No ectl i well a_ it 251oents SYRUP ough, bog - hes the in- lungs and produces a ;It cure in all Bron - t,eness, &me stages of Cargill, Ont., ure in recom- ay Pine Syrup. rd not sleep at d bad pains in nip wed -half a ay Pine Syrup in." a bottle. • .'+ 1.111PIIIIMMIIIIIMI •• '...--....,-,11—...-...— __...........c„,_ -E--- i • a• vir-- - Iris :um Alta Noi .4.____Ir _,_ . - , .-.meg.-Jito,-,-.4:wique t od , Atoilitzt - _ :,:-..---.44-. *-:.=:::: _,_ .--— Tarimati, 3---------z_rn Lateral Bteel, one Sold OHESPIEY uprights .piece, by - 1 Wires, heavy 14 to SEAPORT _ 11 high hard the roll. & SUMS embon wire SMILEY, . 1 '..-......Z.;-.......' spr;ng all 1845-10 ..------ in 0 Red eder Si tingles. Lots of tilem bestlmake. now or Call and s band. -Very them. N. Planing Mill 1 I CLUFF & - ! SON.- Seaforth. 1838-tf ; SIGN OF THE ,SON 1 ,. s - .,... OlfietiLt4 . Fen( ►burg , The Origins. DOAN'S KIDN The oritinal kidney s cure of ackache, Dia Disease an all Urin Don't adept some good. See you get th They ure 'when suil Not a Cu MI, but pure 60e, per box, or 3 for $1 ,Trn Do.a# KIDNEY PILL I ef Y PILLS, seine for the etes, Bright's y Troubles. hing just as genuine S others fail. y Kidney PilL .• All dealers or . Toronto, Out. SPeoial Attention ro Horsehhoeing and Oner4 Jobbing:- obert Overeux I CKSMITH and RRIACE opp. KER Goderich etreet, • • • Seaforth Bona for th confide Violet the it signal. favorit guishe iii ena parattr pear tt became landed Women kets fi pureha withou It was, thus de violett When, it wasI ctinfede "Eh bi adhere "Elle r HE HURON _EXPOSITOR. ti er parte and the Violet., te having' on his departhre - land of Elba promised his 1 friends to- return in the son, his adherents adopted ye simple flower as a rallying "Corporal Violet" became their oast, and each was distin- a gold ring with a violet and the motto, "Elle re - u printemps!" (It will toi- let spring.) As soon as it nerally known that he had Frejus a multitude of the. Paris were seen with bee- f these flowers, which were and worn by his friends xciting the least suspicion. ternary on meeting any one 'ated to ask, "Aimez vous la (Do you like the violet?) ey answered, "Oui" (yes), rtain the party was not a e. But if the reply was (well) they recognized an nd completed the sentence, raitra an printemps!" a at oi II ed ?" a is Pat I reaker For Lightning. In tha nnalen der Physik" there is a papel b Herr Walter on the geneeis of ligh ni g in which be shows that lightning ashes are preceded by minor flashes, w ich, as it were, feel the way and m ri the course .for the major flash 01 fl shes. Something of the kind Is also ib erved in, electric sparks. The path, o c marked, is utilized for fur- ther di charges; hence ptiotographslof lightni g taken .with a moving, camera may sl ew more than one flash. One picture bows three main flashes at in- tervals of .0177 and .0489- parts of a second ettveen. Of course to the eye they mamed one "flash. Another pic- ture she Wed five .flashes lasting alto- gether quarter of a second. Although signs o ap alternating,discharge were seen o teie. picture, it may be. taken for gras to that aa a rule lightning is a series f continuous discharges from cloud tc e trth. "I w Once," ‘ia, viromidi pl a IltS Slaioked Strolle(!l came Way, I iditin - Str,Od 4 aged t co nt to bur what 11 aroundi came if said, I day.'" i a No Money to Burn. rred for John D. Rockefeller a3 a Boston landscape garden - le morning I, was out in the tieing some work among the flowers, and as I worked I Pretty soon the old man I that way and when he where I was said in a quiet never had any money to burn.' t imble for a second, and -he era lookingatme." 'I have man- ut away a fe-w dollars,' he 'but I never had any money It camel to me all at once leant, and I threw the /cigar -t morning when he came ere I wasn't smoking. He ith a. smile on his face and T.e 1, the stove isn't going to - in a, •' Ne Hard to Answer. A Chic, go dentist tells this story:- . "Some i 'e irs ago e young woman re- ce tly ro the Emerald. Isle calledat m . off e to have ' some dental wOrk done. e amined her teeth and found 1 that at 101 g them :. was one so badly wastedh t it was not worth filling. I told, he this. `Hew long,' she asked, `do you, t ink it would last if it wire filled?' , have ho Idea,' I replied. '1$ot very loll anyway."Well, how I ng do you , ti ink?' she persisted. .`I c n - not saY ' I returned: `I would itot guarani it for may length of tine.' Still a us and, determined to Se- cure a Torable and definite answ r, she ask d, 'Will it last logger than y u think it 11?' " Here tion of pupils • subject was ask order t white?" reply. them?"1 "What "With ,Have rIlas y "No, s about sell the; xi a eory and Practice. good story from the coll c - email school inspector. The • re being examined on t e o personal hygiene. A bey , "What have you to do in e-eep your teeth sound and .\l Clean them," was the prompt v hen might you to clean 'Morning, noon and night." re they to be cleaned with?" toothbrush." "Very god. 1.1 a toothbrush?" "No, sir." ' father a toothbrush?" "No, your mother a toothbrusn?" "But how do you know use of toothbrushes?" "We a strology and War. It h ben stated on what is said to be goo I a ithority that a rePresentative of the ssian government askedeef a Frene a trologer the proper time to pick ¶ quarrel with France. Mter caret Ily comparing horoscopes of high offlc1at he answered that any bout in the af ernoon as pear as possible mid- way b twleen the 9th and 14th of July, 1870. On the 11th of July, William snub d lEtenedetti, the French emis- sary, rid on the 12th friendly relations cease i. eege "you I icy eel Can you wat time Overmatched. ,• witness," said the lawyer, ay at your bearing is good?" w god?.Give me an illustration. ou lear my watch tick?" , , sir it's three days since II saw oine into the pawnshop, and the must have run down by this 11.111 • Bright Stndent. At a m ical college some students wer bein questioned in anatomy, and one if them was asked, "What muscles .hav thielr origin in the popliteal spa ?" he bright student promptly replied, 'Well, there's that one with the durn d long name, and I don't re- member e other two." It was In a Oath the Use o year1(339 It does e oscillation of a chandelier dral that suggested to G-alilei the pendulum, and abont the he applied it to clocks.' 1 . , Isn't what a man has, but what he with it, that counts.-ComfOrt. 1 -1. Pitt as a ' Spendthrift. • How did Pitt spend his income and get into debt? Diiiring the greater part of his life, after he had come to mans ' estate, he was in pi:ace, and his income was about £10,04d per annum. " He did not entertain, he, did_ not gamble, he neither hunted hor shot, and yet at the end of seventeen years of this in- come of £10,000 per annum he was hopelessly in debt. That he was care- less is very possible. Still, considering that his income Was equal to 120,000 per annum now, how in the name of wonder did he spend it? This is all the more mysterious, as he appears never to have paid his tradesmen. I haVe often seen it stated that England ought to be proud of one of her greatest statesmen having died poor. Neither Pitt nor England had reason to be proud of a statesman, en- joying an ample Official income, dying heavily in debt and making the pay- ment of his trad smen's bills depend- ent on parliame; t voting a slim to meet the liability -London Truth. How Sheridnn Paid a Debt. No one knew better the power pos- sessed by a really polished compliment than Sheridan, aud on innumerable cm- casioOs during that rather stormy, the- atrical management of his did he ex- tricate himself from a difficulty by means of one. A good instance is the following: An English nobleman who, after the manner of other of his peers, had married a beautiful actress once applied with much dignity in the greenroom to Mr. Sheridan for the ar- rears of her salary and vowed that he would not stir till they were paid. "My dear lord," said the impecunious man- ager, "this is too had. You have taken from us the brightest jewel in the world, and you isow quarrel with us for the little dust she has left behind her." The nobleman immediately burst out laughing, and over a bottle of wine the debt was canceled. ---London Stand- ard. • The Marine Engine Is Alive. All good old chiefs love their engines and come to believe in them. To all of us assistants and 'prentices they were not the mere machines that they ap- pear to the outsider, but quite human. * Every noise they f made, every motion, every trick they had we knew and had - the' reason for it. Kipling speaks of the marine engine aa the most sensitive thing man ever invented. There's a sort of cold, lifeless, though admirable, precision in a teleeeepe and a fine re- gard for details in a phonograph, but the marine engine is alive; it strains and labors desperately, agroans with rheumatism in its joints, screarias with the pain of tight bearings, staggers and plunges against the oncoming seas, gets out of breath and runs away with itself, trembling like a frightened horse. -Benjamin 'Brooks in Scribner's. Glaring Effrontery. Uncle Absalom Ashby was much • given to retailing old and hackneyed jokes. An acquaintance of his, think- ing to cure him of his practice, one day gave hint a copy of "Joe Miller's Jest Book," with the remark that he "might find something neW in it." The next time he met the old gentle- man he asked him, "Well, uncle, what do you think of that book I gave you the other elay?" "T don't know Who that 'ere Joe Mil- _ler is," indignently responded IUncle Absalom, "but I do know he's a thief. He's got hold of a lot of my befit sto- ries and printed 'em, consarn hind!" First Census Ways. The original schedules of the first census are now contained in twenty- six bound volumes, preserved in the interior department. For the most part the headings of the schedules were written in by hand. Indeed, um to ad including. 1820 the assistant ;marshals generally used such paper as they happened to have, ruling it, writ- ing in the headings and binding the sheets , together themselves. In some cases merchants' account paper was used, and now and then the schedules were bouni inside of a newspaper. - 11. Merriam in Century. Use Your Opportunities. ; Today IS the dime to pursue fortune. The hour at hand is tire one to make - use of and the 'chances within our grasp -those we should seize. "To- morrow" is never here, and putting off the good we may have for a question- able future is not the best WiSa0711. Therefore, use today. Do the kindness 1,1 before you, the d ity nearest you, and tomorrow will ta e care of itself. Turning Rust t Good Advantage. A Hessian lieu Ludwig von Sieg of the dew upon nant of the name of n noticed the effect is gun barrel, which had become rusted from the dampness. Some time after he experimented upon the discovery and obtained what is now known as mezzotint°. In the year 1643 he engraved a portrait of Princess Amelia of IIesse hy its application. Tfien the Chase Began. "Please let me pass," said the tramp, "so that I may speak to your mistress. I'm hungry, my trousers are beginning to fray, and I'm eager to get a little help." "And I," interrupted the bulldog, get- ting into action, "am hungry and eager for the tray.". Loud Professions, Uncle Reuben says: "I want to grow old widout growin' cynical,ebut I neb- ber hear a man begba to talk 'bout his conscience an' his duty widout lookba' to see how much cotton he hes mixed wid de wool." The average man is so helpless in picking out what belongs to him that it is a constant surprise to his wife that mon to lose t he doesn't appear in her clothes.- ty. Apply to J Atchison Globe. orth •" Pure soa " You've heard the word In Sunlight Soap yqu have the fact. KED UCES 3EXPENSX Ask re the Octagon Bar. vas AUCTIONEERS: • rilHOMAS BROWIN, Licensed Auctioneer for the ,l_ Corvettes of won and Perth. Orders left at • A M. larimpbears implement warerooms, Seaforth, or TEI1 Exeostroa Office, will receive prompt attention. iatisteetion guaran1teed or no charge. 1708-tt TAMES G Moan FUEL, licensed auctioneer for J the county of urcn. Sales attended to In an1 pert of the county 4.t moderate rates, and satisfacticn guaraeteed. drde'3 left at the Seaforth post attire or at Lot 2, Parthenon 2, Mullett, will receive prompt attentian. • 1832 -ti A UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillips, Liceased Auctioneer or the counties of moron 1 and Perth. Being a ;Tactical farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stook and iniple- Inente, places me id a better position to realize good prices. Charges mOderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All o • ereleft at Ffensall post aloe or at Lot 28, Con on 2, Hay, will be prolociptly ttended to. 17094f Make Make Weak Hearts Strong. Shaky Nerves Firm. • They ere a Sure Cure for Nervthusness, Sleeplessness, Loss of Energy, Prain Fag, After Ef- fects of La Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart, Armnia, General De- bility and all troubles arising from a run down ystern. The reg-t4ate the heart's action and in\ i,gorate the nerves. This is what they have done for others! They will do the same for you • GREAT RELIEF. I hav taken- Milburn's Heart and • Nerve Pills for palpitaiikui of the heart an dshat cred nerves, and for both troubles have found great relief. -Mrs. W. Ackert, • Ing,erson, Out. FEELS SPLENDID NOW. Before' taking Milburn's Heart) Oel Nerve Pills I was all run down, could not elecri at bight nd was terribly .troubled 1 with my heart. Since taking them I feel splendid. I slep well at night and my heart does not trouble me at all. They have done me a world of good. -Jas. D. TvpaLeild, Hartsviie. P.E.I. THE d RIP HOTEL JONATHAN MILLER (Forracrly of the Hotel Bedford, Goderich. PROPRIETOR 1840-13 United Typewriter Com- pany Limited. Underwood, Empire, and Buick- ensderfer. All visible writing machines, for sale or to rent by the month, ribbons, etc., and all other makes of typewriters, second hand, for sale. Apply; L. G. VN EGMOND, Agent. SEAFORTH • - - ONTARIO. 1828 45 OH MY HEAD! HOW IT ACHES! HICILVOVS nimbus SICK PER.IoDICAL SPASBIODIC HEADACHES. Headache is not of Itself a disease. but is gneallycansed b some disorder at the *tom- ach, jiver or bo, Befere you ca the cause. 015. he cured you must remove • Burdock B ood, Jitters will do ib for you. It regnlatee the stomach, liver and bow rtern to the blood and tones up the whole to toll health and vigor. Noice ,-.)f Dissolution. Notice, is hereby given, that the partnership here- toiore odains between the undersigned as thresh- ers, under the frui name of idolIsy as McGregor, has been this day dissolved by mutual ecnserst. All debts due to the said partnership are to 'be paid to John McGregor, &Ivey, and all partnership debts to be paid by him. The business will be conducted by Jo ri McGregor. Witness, -1). "-j ROBERT McICAT (JOHN McGREGOR Kippen, April Sth, 1903. 1843x4 MONY TO LOAN ati per cent on good farm seem i. L. KILI.ORAN, Barrister, Sea 111241 To Cure 4, cold i,n One Oa* Tace Laxative Bromo Quinine Tamets.• se'i4n Men bops sold in past 12 months. This' signature, 470. Cove Grip b Tao Days. V/4 004( OR every box. 25c. Sicilia Graves. I In Sicily there 11; a wild grriss which, hen ripe el' i he eml of s mmer, is ather el by die : am ears-, It.l4d in bun - lee an.1 sec on lire,, not, ho ever, te. ,ie -consumed. but for a mere Ocorchink- pl'he flame flies rapidly through the light husks and beard of the plant and leaves the seeds slightly reested, in Which state they ' are eaten With Wn. eitidreatiapoblepuriaetiliso. relish by number of the r • i I The botanical name of this Sicilian Gree ite a reme- ;grass is aigilops, or goateye, the eks having believd it to fdy for a disease that appears in one corner of the eye.There etre three or Fleur species growing ali around the Mediterranean as Well as in the is. 1nds, chiefly on the hot, dry, sand.y, ptlains near the sea. They touristi en on the scorch.etI volearde Solis, in ange contrast, to their arid and bar - r n surroundingS, showing that the vi- td principle in thena is unusually ener- tie and proof against extrenies of eat. A Homely "Do not bite off a: bigger piece than You can chew," Is a horo.ely axiom that it is safe, to heed 1 and which exPresses In language more forcible perhaps than elegant a vital triithi But although we all know the misery Of undertaking too ,much, of having, More care ubon us ithan we know how to manage, why is that we, over and over again, place ourselves in this uncomfortable posi- ton? How easy it Would be to gauge our powers and :our purses at their iTolilgdhtstory. values aind. act accordingly if we th Only would -let it IS forever; e same We stupidly pile up burden 4 upon our shoulders that are absolutely 'senseless, ibut that after a time weigh is heavily, as Sind -bad the Sailor's Old Man of the Sea. In nine cages I out of --en people ilive beyond their strength and beyond I their income and what a waste of vital Hp -Lower that -means, what depression 'end carking care! Mosquitoes and Sounds. A doethr, writing from Port te Spain, rinidail, to a medical journal, tells of s experiments With mosquitoes. HO eays that one of his elnhliqh amuses !ntents when playing with hie compan- 'Ions in the early evening was to strike note that would attract the Insects. he remembers, the most alluring ound was a continnous "oo," sung in medium key, wbich wat; quickly - hanged to "ah" in a lower tone and welt on in the saMe wayhe effect is the mosquitoes Was magleal. Their In ging would quickly increaae in vol - me, and they would Immediately at- ck the faces of the children, who, trange to say, enjoyed the sport. But be mosquitoes did not enjoy it longs .or their love of music afforded an ex- cellent opportunity of killing them.: He Knew Himself. A friend once took a reformed gam'. bier to a religious meeting. The preach!! er devoted a large part of his diecourSe °to remarks reflecting upon the past life of the gambler. The mar4 who had escorted the gainbler to th4 meeting thought it incumbent on him to apolo- gize for introducing him into a place where he would hear himself abused. "I didn't know that was the way this preacher was going to talk,'he said; "or I wouldn't have asked you to come." "Oh, don't worry about that," was the reply. "There never was a sermon worth a cuss that didn't hit is some- where." An Odd itelveritisent nt. The sudden popularity some years ago of Mr. Shortlionse's bo k, "John Inglesant," is attributed to 4n odd in- eident i/"Mr. Gladstone," says the London Express,' "was siting to a photographer and holding In his hand a copy of 'John Inglesant! -The gold lettering on the cover caught the fight, • and the title showed clearly in the pho- tograph. The likeness of the great statesman proved a very popular one, and its circulation broadcas over the country led to a. widesprea4 demand for the book." Church Node. "Didn't the minister feel It when fle many in the congregation fell, asleep during the sermon?" "Oh, no. It encouraged hint to keep on." • "How so?" "Why, he was egotistical _hough to think theysivvere nodding approval at ,what he -said." Tante Treat. , An English gentleman had some trout in a piece of water clOse to his Front door. On one occasion be held 11 Worm near the surface of the water. Ai Urge trout jumped at the *01131 auk !seizing hold of his fingers, cnt them to the bone with its teeth by its own Weight. Ells Strenuous Watt. Spavin -Hello, Cantle! Vierelsing your horse this morning? , Cantle (mounted) -That was my tentioia when I started out, bat it seems to me the horse has been exercising me. Apt:recitation. . "You have great admiration for yous wife's judgment," said the felend. I "I have," answered Mr. meektod. 1"She's the only Woman who ever Said' 'Yes' when 1 proPosed to her.". Rather Dense. Wigg-Ile's rather dense,ISn't Wel Wagg-Yes. e wouldn't reeegrdInt the point of a joke If he sat idwa On a • Keep doing, always doing. Wisbblifp dreaming, intending, murmuring, talk- ing, sighing and repining site ail 101 and profitless employments. ; aseseesesesese 11111111131ae. IifierainesPiateisasaPollilvilOonal is 0 new, selentifienvertala remedyi! NO COOT IF iT FAILS. Writetetayrerisperrast skeane r.s. tie FLEMING BROOse Oriontlatel, 38 FrendSt.,Weet. TorinItti. Oa