The Huron Expositor, 1903-05-08, Page 2T_
7 77 7,
111011 IF .11 J. $1Ob 130tore a jury to
alter I &I In of the ook
nt:P. HUSBAND A MNIS USE 'OF for. yoO, word utte-red
end, tl i a he. press? kno
You as
woul $eonxl to- echo in my mind thi-9 Nveil as .1 ihat the critical" t a in As a Food Iwo,
sente� be.� you aile pleading for the ng mans I afte e, he
-are 1-a dishon t IF USED LAWFULLY IT IS X G00C �yotr yc ife Is jui far n -S�EASOX" 1E1
;in wW'eh ha,'did
THING FOR THE COMMUN'th-Y. est- X�, has cc mitted that t
A Lady Vo# up the disfi , nj
who cures her husband 0i thouel tlesE ly and withoiitj realiting Powders Thd est 1�%vyer never'uses f 61sa
its hat �ous ver cu a ------
His Drinkin Habits. Writes -s. You knoW, that' it eruptions, but cin t n
meank to pl d for a justifiab
he Is t 0 lea 'convicted and sent to are p ��sjtiely injurio a�, beca s clog
win 3we 1�
the, poes of th� skin,
'he Pe Li er tiary and herdO in ith lip thtb
Of tier Struggle to APOSTLE PAUL AS A 14YER cause' 39c never'produces wit t t 'ase's
nasse� to an alibi, no. jnattbr how Ointment is a fot� for the skin. It is j:;ord Clinton.
a lot Of ld criminals he I will be -
Save her Home. uch,,' he ma believe 1:4 the inno- I id thoroughly cures. 17he season for the looking ab ut fo
readily ibsorbed, 11
L come one of the blackest! of fthe �re is at haudi The IIU
n4ant. Ue
Rev. r. I Talmage Us 4eft
g the
Paul's roublo i
es M to �116 doseVt r4atter, but the quality is ever n :sell Gifts rs the
e iove4 it ho 6 be ishonest or black. Will. ou leave hi skin smooth, soft and clear, y-t4ing W, 3 ca
ace of the never be- each and every skin disea4e, makin xr1g.
A care o one of those legal inconipe- CAR Fo
PATHETIC LETTER, Bunts of I a 1 - t' , 0 atter how but only one quality: and that is etL a numb.
io te�l' a falsehood n M No woman s toilet is complete without
Ut 70
ofossto L&* t,.00d i the cause may b for which Dr. Chase's Ointment for, besides being An inspection of -our stock would prove
ThV Whole Pr n of th, tents yho are found ha-ngjhg about
a mutual
every dourt room, waiting like vul- Pleasp and hen
as been' told. fier obtain- �'Mo Sal
—Another Side to Sir i��.falsehood 1i The most perfe t Skin beauti
Ila* 1 tUreS 10 Pounce upon thd helploss c
But., though tll.his may be all true, able, it can be used i a a score of different
Cny,40�1 C
omment. on a Plou&�, and tIA1. `shdn� Or will vou, in t 1� ways. It
tbp t
tationsi bef6re absolutely cures eczema,� salt
Who rayed For Clients i onest criml-
al 14wyers are eat. Believing front of the legal, Professi�vn illeume- an& the -itching. towhich women w -_v budue
A debIx
I tl* innoceneei' of their clients, they.
�V_e�y gr
tered apording to Act of Parlia s En 91-110 You t me and services, to e are especially subjecf 0 fits. Aft".
men f 0
a 11yat Young man? You know� a's we I I Wheu-the fc
Ig� da, in the Yevr 190, by wintrAm Bai 4nowi as 10, d with . . . . . .
et aro Oro and chafe Ur X
ro lly OfT'l othbr class Df'men h
Ato. atzhe De r, 6f t I
Agricul. wa. as I d that that little child . bo walking -an applicaton dl Dr.,Cbase's This departm
:iianyj 11nocer !victims have been ent is complete- with't large tion of the best
liad7 h6i, log cut off by the er el Ointment takes cut the smartig and 004 ------
;slent al -
the pen1itentiar or the g obliging Attenti; giveu to this -AP
kreh -of ithe budness. m TO RIE
Chicag,4,1 May 3 The tempifi unbrea� able chain Wheels of the electric car' thro allays the -irfl.,mmation in a -surprisingly
a'IS welli s i Olt false c rcu antial evidence. ar Thell - s bd'to �y our '�#deortakoro Mr. S. zzuftl
lo�ws,rhrough at Night call
of the 1 9- profession ins the 0 illeMiess of tho motor short time. for burs, scald 8 promptly attend
higest ?,Vportun1t* 0 f our, lag cities of the vast a will' -go nothing -unless a 1han of and every o_rt of c afing, irritation or Goderich street, i Seaforth, opposite the M�thodistt �hurch, In
Aes are by IVAH
eruption of the skin Dr, Chase's glint,
ad her cause-. You,
wa our , braill
sie in Nvid contrast in thi. is �rou% d one night by a
dis Apply�
with YOUr le�gal ability, coruld ijill ment affords a and ccrtain cura. It
course, which has 1i ise.j With lig ted cani lie and cook- r
an intereq.
bensable in score jug MIMI
revolver, he ides for he, a vurdict of $20,000 ca Ill.. S
cendc. the stairs 0 -fal 0
ba come to be ind1s, _� V �� %
plasses. -cents. a box, AD j D
T th that li
le �,
and N tas sh nVict of thousands.of ho 60
of dead. -An ex -co yoj le ttlo child I L, t plint With
L *1
law is good if a m to 4 cripples' home and pass all bf P t all dr-alers, or E= to supp.
an! -use it! was arrested an� charg(d 'with the Sol] . Bates Co. �w 14wfully. Toronto., white fidek.
to� her 111 1 1 here in pov(
Drime. Ms lawyer believed him Irty because IMM
Paul h44 all the ment
ai You I a successful lawyel
great lawyer. willing I o --I lead her cause*?
I. had for a. long time been thinking of trying the cati.ons bp 116 did all in his pow- t F% 47%
Of, a. aliff iniioceirt.
Tasteless Samaria Prescription ireatment on my e;;: Or to� savoo him.1 lae was hanged. husband for his drinking habits, but Lwas afraid,he stood borer 11 lh d 4s hi ow Shall I ho strong lawyers only lo(Jk-
x an I
n S6me years 4ftor the ex(cution a dy-
would discover that I was givia him medicine, and advoc-ate
tOre into Pieces I the tilarge,; by
the thought unnerved me. I sitated for nearly a .4s that crl& after th strong cl.
Ig convict conf sod to ients and not af-
ay hen he cama home very much alid thus prove# that 1 n innocent ter' the -odk? No no. -That is not
week but one d. made by the prosecuting 9 -Vf ibe
Intoxicated and his weeles salry nearly all spent I rertuijus; wh a lie In. 0111
e argued foro:! man had his -lite" choked Out 'by false what t b A 1UQ__
arning-room, erecT. M.1,11AY,
inco Tne iou of CouertV
threw off all fmr and determined to make an efforl I -Zino Agrippa until the k 4ught _t'o do. 8.urcly
"d to -save our home from Vie ruin I saw comiw, at all + in it- cil cumstantial eidence. I once said lwyers h , Id be just as'selt t with his tie and collar in 1)(ti-fect
ed h *as ti f I a 6 �i,_
in ,.in
most Pers ded�; to the warden of S g g penit�n- order, escorting bi% mother . as tbo-;,ji
hazards. I sent for yoi�r Tasteless Samaria Pre, al ficing in ain- for the 1-rolpless un�
scription, and put it in, his coffee as directed when he Pleaded upon A!ra-s 3 y she had been a princess, and stand- 'arden, 4( ve there fortunat s as their brother profe, mull
next morning and watchc� and p ayed for the the jury Of (xroek schol&rs un� Above Ante
so at -supper, "i'lanocent 0 sioals,
result. At nooa I g ive him piore and ()u ie
re lly this prison the surgeons LLnd �octors. ing u#til not only she but every i dy
Rat -1 28tb
He never suspaoted a thin, 'and I then baldly kept aSt even that central sq Len il 0 ed Apri
eat p 17110 Iliavo been nnt lXielunji�stly by The voo est in our cities can have if Lz%.
I en -
right on giving it �regularjy, as I had discovered 11n- Mltuxe was shak- t at V le was s,eated, we a I I
�0, IV Lots elf avccssar� I thatlobreath of new air had c )'1110
it er something that set every nerve in my body Unglint y stantial evidence?'I 'rVices 01' foun&ation by his procLimat ii -or loci, "'ist, 13AL P"FlOG
with liop3 and happiness, and I could see a brigghl >f, them, he ans*ered. 1, "1 believe best stir Oi- a isi or
future spread out before me—a peaceful, happ3 cry one tbere, I
the "unknown God," w amon�' us and e-, PAIP'f-
highest aevelopment
home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive e fi I the: there are lots h L.V -Now 16n& All a wan: has to think� -siraightened tip a1ittle. ]low -
of :to reusic says the honest awyer, ever, �We looked at one another and _H table dwf4l
loviag, husband, camforts and everything, else deat "1 �believe CIO is to go� to the lio9l)it, 1;
tr Wing and legal acUnien.
to a woman's heart; for my hu*band had told in(
�a �ne ni.�r client is inno ent, a d yet this atid the btst medic -.0 and purgic.E�l nodd6d our heads as much as to
that whiskey as vile staff and he was taking a dis, schooled in the law, Paul' kne : t#e; false ch
AVj1y_tD Ak
-ircums antial evi- skill is t Pus command Can sa, 'g -le on't keep tbis up. long.'
ain of lik3toit. It was only too true, for before I had giver migty and.majestic Power of' the, donce will convict him u less I break �It be th it Ithe lawyer is not ready We wore, strangers :and in the famili-
him, the fall course he had stopped drinlqng allo
law, both spirituaA and
gether, bat I kept giving him the medicine 1111 lEwaf tempor4l. it. -Is it not right to Ifight fraud to sacrif -�e!as much for Ituilianit. 1POR J
fo,a,e, and then sent for another lot, to have lays �the broad by fraud?, Am I n Dt ed f dbw Xdlu4ble FORAIINetal
on banc T, herefore he y arity i of every -day life we Aid not Ell
should relapse, as he had done f using cause as the p1hysician
ram promiset ProPosiLion that law .)r doubt that -it.would soon wear away. Houle
or to J. RAN
bafore. He never I am wri'd aocent geon? �esldes that, iny aillie legal "Dr t it Idid. not. 11ob -was full of V DFrci
Is kOod for flic Mf or IROW RD -OF -5.
ing on ibil n ini
co nity and tl t it
1 is needed,not am. I onestli man?" In such crisis the tempta- AINfA
letter to tell you how �ts iend, ur slc
er ti
bol. y 1.1 k 110 W VO ess ha: TAM:
s to wid ao4tiv-e and busy as , boy
lave it will cure the worst cases." only for the vindication 0' the ri t, tion, is overwhelming to present any hrought,, ou plenty of moiiey. . y
but for the same -time,
o�ndlpamphiet giving full p�r
SAMPLE'Licto ars,tesLimonial wrolng-! eyidence; a* 07U could wo�ll be. At'
sandprict tlie Punishment of vailablel even hRugh it is Ij bred Ddrh�
Ruiow th( reason you do no when I twenty iniuutes before mejis ter. Vol 11
doers, scut in plain sealed envelope. Correspondence sac whethOr MV law� tbat �hey known to be fals He argues hi In-
fl'om pra �tice is sipl bee so you his m'0tbcw blew a silv I istle, no iffll
r�,dly cotifi-lential. Entlose stmp fwr reply. Addres, break are 11 1 Qk w I
-uman or divine. self into this position be ause he be -
cannot ar to be Mle. Tbi m 'why thrabi vnxine
Sarn%rla Remedy Go., 23 Jordan Street But, though the logal� profes: matte where he ws�s or jvhat he was V19
TOrguto, Can-ida. ;!on, licvC8 lie Is jus ified i i doing a -c a Part of your t me to doing, everything- �-as di -lopped, and
ot gi%
OffOrs such wonderful Opp - AW lgfd-' SAW.JEL�
ort�ini iqs rong to win a
to defend the weak IR lPilig tic weak and 4',downt o-dden? be rar, ill to
and ina �e himself ready.
bad, there are some cyn � Punish the 1 But, ully legal. friend, wo wrongs Some I op4e are foolish enough t: And every time he [came to the table ND
o ro- never e EL ri vtc& oteers.
No: lawyer in
0 C1r ICE illed u )on to lie. Also -S 0
RMAL M.31 FOR SALE. st ppose hat a lawyer deineans his with kis clean ace, and smooth hair an h nest law y I�R;city � is office wh( I lic chanipiqns the,igo f
does not exist. spel, and othes - caref L ly arranged pply to
iSir Haxtley or
O�20 ACRE: FARM FOR SAL.—In bett who�t b ft itolsehood is, a asvhoi�d, no mat -
at".Uys de�' chang d, he was liniseli a sermo, CP.
how1t is told� If y§u believe in n
wheat next year-, 60 ares li%y. Good now on ne
stabie Once pessimistically al office lien h0l tucss an'd s(If-respect which
Comm2ted u ustice, $rQur on�j han
*LT.S V40
and gran -try. Twelve dollara per acre. Several ds must 1�13 -rnliwoilod in the bit.tterness- t none of Lis said much about,' 7DU
the fact that there was a grades his spiritu
liams EL celebrated Australi
tj in gou%era Mkroltoba. Ninety aens read f Just LI'S a minister naotheri *ov8d an prair13 farms for ale. Wrise pious I Glean wholm they touch he s, nor must - beCoulvs t hough he ney He'/ Coltho Durhambul
yer iu his c� ire gu us of loci I piolifics. lVh(,n Si'� Tho- we fel� all the same. Then by a, Y9 red J11 edlar. Bit'
CHAS. Sa.&W, 13 -ix 17, Boleaealn, Stanitoba. ircuit who uscd to! a- ou contp-minate your oNjn lips when Vd by
1767-tt larly pray that he might ret cll� t nias* Mord u.�ed to'visit his old home OD6 arc, another began t 20, t.
o respond to.
IL S, Ott wo
uld woo her to protect the
oil the day, lie cmild al- the li 'tl ilver whiistle as well as
'Imagine, said the judge, "the� in- ife of your client.. If a lawyer is
nd one laid-,aaide.- 1.) CIO
n illing to lie �for 4 good,case, the
very desirable form, the 014 _ham�Ae -d, Lat 27, t i WVOR ILLOP FOR SALI-41-For sala, th-it sult to the Almighty eon bained waN's be, found in the Elpiscopalian Rol); icy
he request that God s Olailcel part in: the setvie as dress, another a �'halfinvalid ne- Irtm I
acession 3. McKillop, conmfniug 100 a hould stir n c -es all up lime will not bei very ax distant
A you wol *fMin. Also -a lev
*1th 4001t at 400t
p -d said i r lielled 'it, was
everything rcquired. Only cite rull.) no-ttio! On, just. to �alscll to in to him an�
home, sple.-Actid Pruft orchard !entY of %vaLr nd cord and promote 11tigati -A ho - will b 1 will ig to tell a
ared and ta a goed state of oultivatio.i. Bea 'ifoi strife among the people, fcment Xvhc a I I ;tate ofrjoc�r one glige, ald. hardly have be�
00 bad Ise. y of a
serve W X4 ks bef Ore.
- , . - 11 . '10mas, you think yotj 'ar() c
-,h P.,a us The, righteo s laivyer t ies to keel)
forth. Aply on Eho pramiles or tj Searo the selfish purpose of this pi8 fe
cc M_ �i�q of ga-t n if pos- a A -EMS FOR z
0 manners. U the Tqwmw,
SiLion unA -r ilia' king? 011gl t Dob's voliteness, simple,
ient of the'learned judge i� r0a
SUSIE GVENLOOK i8ogx4tt solicitor?" But that c-onical client out liti _a slor upon your offi ial po- Iva the with
ight That mcas lie do es for his the' unaffected,. sprin and wifailing, at th
ULU FOR S Tarm in Stanley Or mie, Lot been entire aw, the
dl ellor'to purforiij table, on
1 P
ly wrong. The�t 1, rer the
(lient exactly what the ionest doe- use n #01 2, coatmining 100 acre ible C It's of a- lay' rvade&'
'night be innocent of any idesi hun veran&L, upon the beach, wherever
r but 16 acreaoth%rdwood bush. itliainaKo-)d ra to tor would dolfor 1is pv ient. The Yes," you met him; his ii
state. . ot cultividion, welt tonced avid uoilordra*ne I f0mcut strife and eadiness to be L-MUE AND I
only a4ious -t6 f Eanily physic�an, comin to the
ncp to those old P ih-
g is L edside of anAnvaM, do,rs not S'ELY, �ng ZpfbTe -vill bemtjed on
Thure to on the frm two bwag, with atabling, and ov have the opportuni man, "a hclpful� his defere 'iJ is juqt it wili rot be lo
ty of sdrvi c4ancellor always 1 Is arld
large dwell or n house. It is convgliently 81 9
84ho-zil. f r all,
tua6ad, king better when h ughtfulnes was the *do you liav' el Are yu pze V1.111211 17v this
miles from Clintm and � mile from 13�%trd'a fellow men and be able ��o r(rdre long 6an i keep this man his tho to asi y
Addre5s all biqroirles to J-0 q%&T AfcGaEGt) -the wrongs. of some injure best lesson -that of led for agroc
mak buftit .
R, on the erso sick, so I can as mlich moncy trillY S&% ng the King of example. - As a Spring? ExaminQ Your wardrobe, the chanceg' are yci ut latt
premises, or MRS. D. MoGREGOR, 2ad- Concb�,slfjn, consequence the tboi�ghtless began to ottadiod �swd A
Te noble profession of j1hipe Inwycl illio honors Christ above
Tuckeramith, Seafarth, oni. law Is cut of him as po ible?" le says, Spring suit is not pres tablei, That is whei:e repair 1,
often unjustly maligned. ike other 11ow soon call all is the cAwyer who Nvitl lic the remember, and th selfish to feel Wei collie in, CGR-
I ake this man Sul t us, and we can 6 Amy thne. Applyl
pro essions, it has in its tanks tn- well? The sooner the bc 1110St ftlitl Ml to '1jiS ashamed, and tho who had been blve you 014fit for
ARM FOR SALX�-Jn the township of Unrris tter. Bet- .�Lrtbly Clients, SPring You will be,
orthy men who 'r in j (7hristian lawyer is most got fie a knot in yqur�
being Lot 12, r1oneflaslan 9, disgrace it 7,110 1101) soilliply careless rdud of, ad that�
t keelp themselves p will
and U�r fo e; be,�ter or th tient. scres, eibusted about. 21 etlea from Blyth, and is a -,n there- is no profession [n -which S ffi--suiti-Dga ar
strat A an comes aright'his asoc�; t e latest _T70valc AND 1
ractical illu ion, the best, and thel 4eapept-quaity
venwat to chur4hts and anhool i. it is in a g,jod trickery and -rascality reap so iates in a And, so as I sid the. beginnJuig, JLJL Ferl*alomll
riqb 4 t his lawyer and I ays: have -I)iritital and in a temp -or- co idered.' finish on all garment� turned out by us rth Min eft
The fit andl,
etkto Of "lb"Vatio-92 haq & spring creek ab the bae
and has t#o k harvest. But� it has also in less than. � a ihon tho whole at-
nover la ling Irells. -0-ed in iits t(d, an I I want a] sense. Thv?, Ile knows that keeping with the g od's.,
It is well f beon unjustly Ire,
bas Zjaorbs of orchard of both larg) and son ranlcs noble, ho re of that hotel was eb Drop in and h ve a word -V,,.I-,th us.
-.11 L-ul nest, sterl to cioino day a I die There it a latge lbank barn $5,000 damages. wan you acts of his life anged
Abo --A V�
witli ahed attached, a Whos knowledge and tale s by the of one boy, and'the od garael
1) 1 RM Itpon 1)
11 he -Aeuee and is =nj
driving Fhe A and also a lArze tram.e h-twe are de� bring suit rig4t w ay. 1; hat doe's SILl y ille only one there who as utter�v un�-
oted to thp cause or r
kitchen attached. For pirticuhirl; 9*Plv o th d! 1 thkxt liondst la�vyer do? I'e looks all, ()f all suprone courts, -the K3reat zhesp �cr Tented.
rcinisei or acldrasi BlSth P. 0.- GEORGE; ARv. justice.. I want to say t6 ent conscious of this
III -Y'O u 1 d ver t he d N f C i t . A I wals Rob himself.". Brussels:
g, s of �the ca! e. Thei
-TROltG. Proprietor, This S truly a p
- 9 B.RIG, W.
1813 -It , ent ing, that clantious,j he says to his is bdlVaYS MOV0 cai
men 'who are er nincident.
Tfill of a case if
ro is colls T sion that if
they set befo' !V� like to. think of �hig boy vho, lop X
SALE. -For a%le, est hait-if Lo� 12 P�hc qs-' ci ient: "Uy fr eniij yoll ].a ve suffl- lie hInlis VlMt. CIS j. go -, () )( fat LotI8 antte jith conec3aion 'a lofty ideal and holic appealed 6 -L her court. le%e _;dei
and east hal selves I - because he was, at heart a true little
o ej ant grounds or aukage. but, as h ig of MaKillop Tre
containing i5 'acres, in goo I atta�be of Christian principle gentleman, rew .1, �&
they m er, I am going 111isstatement in a .1)1-i(,f ()r t'll what Was kindly
_L _L4. large b&-nk Urb _W
in it, serving God faita-l'
Gultivation,' wi-11 fenced and u here success 3 Tur law -y advise aiid courteous and g�-acious In. those
ig a log housfe, firat class. bank b%ra with stone afnb ypu as I woull my Own s Do riot Of the swo n tesHillony of a XviLm."
=Oath jMd
about him
bling, it Kaod beming orchaii. and fully and keeping their cha to the Stl�face
gpt mixed up in this case unle$syolu 11111y mean t1w rovisll of tile IoWer 7 never rdling as by spring. It is vnthidg stained. Let me -try to give magnet. Al ik 10 miles of Samforth And o -)n- e lna�nuer it is- pos
venleat tosfuha-,wl and other oonveniene s. -f ithe idlekst
�_Ou� irst. The la ers' fees inav in t1le court's decision. Now much inore,
Thiu briefly my conceptio sible for every boy to be so true and
n of t e plin-, thon, hou le
farmwill besald cherpin. order to windup end cost more '.han you w )-uld make. M 11 fact be ever presoilt It *Ill
the ciples of a Christian kindIv and tender, 00 of tbe premi"
e"SPAte. -Ifnob sold by the 10thof:kpni %iTI be law�rer. insolfish Son th*
Tlien there is i o te ling w I q, jury to bial Ilia: 11a will on'e day have to actio -n rented. ApPlY ta-ARC EIM aENZEES, wi;thr-k-1,ar IIe will, never so responsivo o conscience,
ciliampion e ID9 004- 1 fi)i
cause may do. You nig lose E tand lat Itl
V rything. s )ar of
TIUQR GQRDM,, Seatorth. 1828-tt that he knows to be dU;hon:a! that wherever he goeO be shall Mrry
St. ? iI would. compmmis I wo: uld take Some yot n- lawyL-rs ill thc. imPill- an insPiring atmosp 70. ARM SN
Because he would be aiding one 1�t tl Le rest go. ARMS POR kLp, ALgo: BRICK F.E-31D "what I cc,�Ad a �ere an influence
Mo,%'of their youth do not siop
IN 9CF011TH, 01MMO.-The un to deprive axiother of his 11-i g ell t !with hirn; and who5ever be Meets 4 g
'. C r i
F 4craigned t 5. ilt wMI be: di e 1 the �nd. That in, Hantoij,
to consider t1fis. One day sbll, because of
be# for sale, a number of atkojee fj.m-j i Oh, the wrongs that are pel.-P to 61a vio-nity etrke i is my -advice." s, My pril3g. -covorole
Sol aid to wild college lad, '12 be, drawn- to 6etter thoughts y for SOM
all first olaw lands with varying improvemoionts. one by the rich 11 ; I am alwa E; on the look ut
and powerful! Oh, hol V "But, Y. 0 u ay, that not the an, thir)g go3d for thlB _farme�!.$, a-na Cjnorrmir
'ood 220. rare g-vass farm. Plenty of M600Y can be bOY, what y o.u. intend to inal�e i nobler living.� f think I have a g
many there are Wh suffe� one no w in
made out of this and with little trouble. simply buy- th 5i �r way a: yor�.n,u an au b il up a 0 ATW90
tag c-ittle In the spijujr, grazing them for the red the.
lives at the hwidso -of h1o') "Woll," aaiswc n -of unsCrupulqus practice. it s 'w at he ioes
in bov, itill nd to spend four Years Contoduliog 40 At,
in" and selling. in the GIL In Not this pbee his foes! For years in the Prenrah II&E _' Po art, and side' 6 �'.t, that LET VOYAGER� REJOICE.
made nione in thia way, every year for the plai at "What then?" --ri,,hen I 11 j I
tbirt.y. youi. tile *as co"ned a state th prisoner 1wins him fame No to: r the law school and
0out 4 acres of orchs7d; gardens and pleasure I . wn as the 'Aan With tb 0 1, V W 0 W. T_ 111111-d zc. 1. M
Alan otfine. reside In 3eararth wl kno _rolt my I ri md, you intolid. Dr. Hess'"' t k Folod f6jr G ws
rench Naval; Ofileer 339's Devl000e4
ia�n wiOng. Th4 public not as work hard a id make ;my mind a
groundatobehadiktikbar4lin. Term reagoaable�. Mask. Ele died in 1703. A110seasick Boat.
Fcrr2rticu1rr3&ppl rhis pri- �tfipid,as you think. If tRat public great repo 'it )VY of legal I ore.
y to W. GOVKNKLOCK, 9eahyth. saner was RUPPOsed by m writer Ture, a French For cows, increases the quantity land q
V Woullodh 1826 -it whis "Miat th "Oh, then, 1; shall uality of th mil.
ering tiat You naval officb
to have been a twin larother of Loul, 0 k Clie it increase the quantity of butter 2.1 i -on Xvrth JIM
nts out has invented a boat which, he ay
ul and mind, �of lat,
ing rouble instead
an e 13
=qy terms, being north half of Lot 1. Conce ision pishing - them in. into 111v w will neither pltch or roll, an makes "row and develop in fin
to b with ork. I sball force myself 10 - tyle. und Iramo
6. Tackeremith, contain- 50 a 11-0 ma k C ver yo j I will have tb i6ints you therefore will not cause seasickness. test We wai v to
ore4, 0 a -res a' lass cordilior, -1
eared V
-th listory 'Maor yel-s 0 vvilbr uLder The .1
and in good etate of cultivat face lest he should come fo, , �Oafpil in the front ranks of the great law- it.
VATt-M FOR RALF—An excellent farm for �X �Mre ti ing t of throw- niyse.,' body, so s -per cen, FOT Calves, it
ele . � IV. He ws confined in I is liv li, - the
balance in good W E, Study ilhe or As the roll of a wavq,, rarely lasts
od hush. a m
hardwo f my �inie. I shall be known, ionger than tell Seconds in a narrow
evolution. The in
lb is Well fenced and thera ar� !..,o clam tho French throne and jo:ues of Tole o, Q., who has just I hope, as an with eloqpence and a like jho Uediterr lb
J "can and fif-
houee In good repair with stoue a. Ilar, good bar -i re-elected for PONTOr. Ary fees will be large; my �2 No ter a
n 40X concealed' the face be n hi four- L consec-
*creff, seeded to graze. There is a'nomtortabie lram;� ca.use a Pri e 10c Per pound, 7 or 65c, or I n's. for -to tng4
h d and other out. buildings, Fk never because, the 1pri- t g4a
a con seconds in largeo seas like the
tl--andO.riencrag,)odboiLrijagGro�,iard- The 80110r w s supposed to be fahiall t: ve term, I -Te is gonerall y called ciftle of fr1wids greater." "What xOM
fa rm To a as f .. Y ll i � 4V &tlantic his Lvessel *ould have
rom ffeaforth on good road. and c,)n. exact duplicate of the I'C,olderi Rule" Jones. I k-iiow no- I.j then I shall turn G -
vellifflit to onhool and churalkpo. . This ptopeirkV m%y reigni ag ing. thing about Mr. Jones' pr v ate life, I mY have a c'ounte! j�oll 14LStjng -to DRLU;
S 11011tics, I sball stand FEA PS
ba had on easy terms. Applk,to! Mies Afary KEAT. If.thir story be true, it to twenty-
10 hing about, Ws politics, Put this upon
724 Spactina &venue, Toriinto,nr to J. L. Kir, Louis XXV. as one of the m ro. trum. Perha-tYs I sha.11 The- form of' tile -vesW may be de,-�
-116 1 two seconds' : ost sto STORE
ORAN, Se.afdrth,. 0�r will be: retoted. (to know -the e th Pommon be able to I lead in the' United scribobd as a Comination of subma-
1884-tf licarterd Won Pol 0
sters who ever sat wcple Of that ty 'UtLes �enat: or Sit asL
L No matter wha:t jis own el lieve hat Mr. chief jus- IDIG FOR SJMI�
OUSE FOR 8L.,&LE--For sple the raeldence on rights , may hav-o oles is their friend and ii � trying tjc(,,A upon'the "supreme court benc ine. and platform., 0 latter. risiug L 0-n Ut 29, 0
XoXth Mairl -Street Seiforth, b6on, to- pro�ect high above the surfaco� of the sea. lu
owned ar)dL h.
table frame one, in goo repair With. 8'One f'a in (0. %tinier. The houee i3.% eomf-r. us vumbetv
R L 00. Ifar
cupted by Mr. o help' them as I -:Z:,z -bra
L those rights he was not I t s he i 3 able to 1Vhat thon? "Then in my -old age ;the - subm arin 300 fe t long, 75 feet
Practicing a lifeti Every nex�spaper in PA me injust lat citY r0til'( from work. I shall
under tuo kitzhen. ice topoh.a, broad and 12 feet deo: p
Thehou.o eont%ine three Was agaiust. him. During would be
diringroota,larie kitchen an.1 tr
bedroni @, parl brother. 116w many men ar, hy Would not even Le c&m- h ave a Qounl -y and a city home. n1aced the boilers, 6ng, ines 'and steer-,
asummorkitcaca, pautry.wash Won ad 01,6et to 4oprive their brother me rint his sbll be* knol ii� as a sage and live In
Hard ard n rf his, r ipg gear,� which woulc be submer
e The ged Tla is the Pape st in dard eleve
oil ring
80ft Water in' the houRe, Thera ii a- "fghts! The "lawyer who hj�! )s uiet and "llat then?" said In cummer, doel no � become t" tight jn w 1.11t _r wro (Uot crimpocD-takag uptber lack.
To Rqpublican Rj d the n bar 'Ifire fenc
&Ore- and a hilf of land well Planted with all kinds at -them t:) a depth of twelve 13et. Prom the uprightr in one P'leca ]at Its own tension till the tj�wme.
fruit. Tb(-ra is a larzestaNe, goed il� their nefarious attem. a par- �e ocratie. a. 2 atiom, ' were the profossor. 1 "V'ith the Wy you submaxine would rise rtically two stano a streiro, of 8w pounds. 0
pt * IS
ir' him, or*
c Pounds. Pagg n nPrigh-ts sPliced at qach bar brolaAlk:
hen hOuSe and rter 02a h parLy I ad gat". )tnamentaltences multrynettinn standard the worid over.
"qf Jast its
PlEr house, This Ple"antly Pituated'praperty known wi cr - le. I am are living in, sl;a shall your life nev_ foaters 2,00 feet long and ten -feet MID Page Wlreftne6 Co., L-unitea, Walk.e
asibe Lea property, We
is wrong
; spp).rate candid�A.e. Yet 'Golden )ught into review andpassed broad, ing p4rallel at a distance of
will ba sold on ralk'841nabla not here conteadinj that it er be br( ly� 11t, John, IT.E. Xontre4j, P.
lPle" Jones want qui[elly wwad. At iipon by' (11od,? Then the young man s from each other. Com -
for the Itiwyer to dofend
1113x461 ire foet
the -,public ballot bo)les lie 'received 'hung lils for he could say no-
11�very ilia" is enjiled to an overwhelming maj nication would be aintained by
VARM FOR SALE.�-For sale in the town,,hip of *a fair trial. D4 ven the wrA i 'h Czol- C-1 Dri tY, bis vote thin '1-40 1 -day 1 force this truth tliee floaters between the sub
Twkersmith, ellig
X Lob 1. Conceuslan 8, CO&Malro", gosz had hi b 70 per copt. of .111 votes marine
y s rights before �he law. uPoll every o; 16 here present. 1. will and the platform,contbining a cabin
-d tate at Cast. NVIly? The PcbPle, le com- state not onl
zare5, neirl ll cleired and in a goe
cultivation newly Underdrained, well t -need bwo and ustice required that th68 rights hat the noble Chl-is-] a a height.of thirty f�et above the
good wella�'
he we trying j JaWYer Iv, eves, but also what w ter.
There Ia. on th6 PtAce a good contforltable be potected.. Moll people, believed W
c - b!isa' Yet th
houge, larKe 'low bank barn with bri 1, olihtea their 1burdens in,, toad of we 11,e 4111 c() )ellvd to belio v- A -PER
meat, drivink house, lacg pan ere are a great manY. law- ve 'This crAft would h�Ve a displ -for
v tt
bout an aare of hOu�0, yers who IgIr them. irxt-o � eeper I ro ble. er -a VAN, D1099K 361
young- orchnri 0 be . that, they ha-�c noth- ing
ju8b bezinnin to il�lped, every hope. and ment of 6,300 �tons k 'would be
ANIhat isl true in teferepce to ;politics VIAM-
bear. The farm Is VeadY alVaeedad to iras-i and JR ing to do wjth� the honesty Or dition for (,r dis- exis- -propelled at ii speedl
thor grain grmviuv� cr honestY �f a client. All that i.4 true in the lawyer'.9:' office One of tence must day be pa'g-sed in re- kb-ots an hour :by engii es of 16,000 Pure, Bred)
In excellent eon and. m of our earthly of nineteen
etock rals* - 15 AMS ot fall %vhe%t iu� and fill 1york they.
11teprT 'ted. Thie cxe� 11 Is well ii tuated 4 t So lb�c horsepower.
comPle side the best recomme,
'erittarou, Must do,is to present the J)clt nda ions i lawyer view by. tho Ill.. assiz.e�
being tivo ralles from a schoal, poLit rM �0, store m'n(l Of a civil suit, and thtm thial judge can have is that he always , onscien- that, with I
blaaksmith shop and six milej. from Sejt,�r-h. 'ist as N NT.S
Good cide Aiou,�-4y and faithfully niake, his cli- Mo. NA 11 11 u verdict of everlast- Xn the Superlati-re Iregree.
roada in all d1tections. Apply o -t the pr--wi+-s or whe�thar a 'The
to HIQNRY DEATTIR, Barrister.. Saarort;j. isti"tt or unjust. If e ts' interests bisi own.
e.oldreffaSeaforthyg4office. SA.,4UEf causa is just,or
drunk- ard by his own car(% G laciers , are the la:rgest bodies of
lilssness Tho high prino�ip crystalline structure knawn. -u
a 1110-Ving electric car, they will brihg i t c ct 5 the weak as � well as th( strong. We. h e A d
000D FARM FOR S&G&-por s0e, Lat i, Ilia largest armor -plate ever roll- av Isomimpotted �-W
h. COntiffiloiF i ACQU011119ion 13, 97 suit against the.strect car corpora- younc,,) graduate from v legal W HA NE'80Y DID. ed was made by the flom of XTUPP, ot of to. :0
of which 8o aro cleared, tion for $10,000 nd not have one take a 1Y case al Dusseldorf, last yea�._ It weighed well uad�-rlraiuee :sc)lool is likely :�to Ho a I -011S5 0
fenced, and in a h,,.IZh atae 0! cultivatiou. There ar� qalux of consciLlce. wbi(li com d6 - 17 acre& of spleadid hardwood bush, uticuiled And in a distant re- es in his way. I, is not the. �Jlanners 106 tons. that livott
lative, by a technical flaw 14 1-jotel.
first ClW condition. Thera,iaa cimufortabld boutia break ol much then a questiolj o money
to be the
a ill, the,. cal Strophantidin is said: smatl rooms.' You atit.
Xnd One of the beat barns in the county. it is MX46 y �.yill help him do iit and! Cf getting soia�thing to 10: TTO "-pon't tell Uid, that boys have no mpst deadly 1- buji thew I'tow os
feet, with stone s.tabling underveath, cement flooror divert tho nion'.ey of a )oison on �caxth. � It a
h an into!l Mll spend as mUch Mille oyer saild the dark -eyed lady
ed withlivin, spring er intend- a e of a pot (log which I hasis, frican ant by eth-
farm ia well water.
and everything flai6hed, uD in flxst 13118a Stvle. -,The a chann(4 where, it was nev r than ha prue.
s been
abla for grain a and 4a suit. ed 1) a boy mysellkilaw el. and alcohol. if
o�r �16 is eonveriet to y the testator to go. l) iso'lled in a back yat-d as i of tiNelve HaM
ahurches, sore pnst ofa-�e and h;e will 2LIeTicei The-'largest'negtjtivn ta
blacksmith Rhop a, d is n ing that �not t Years later (in a $ 00.000 Over ken of
old sayi "d the nanners of an entire
a few miles f. -O= a railway it za cnj of I tv change 1 .33
hotel. r 0i.about it? Certainly. Ies c
the best- and beat eclutpped frm in the cle-u-1tv and Ing is ihare 'dt,�CePtiva than ao�olumn y a sitter ks 64 inel PY inclies,
cip and on 0 -63' tOrm9, as the p-loprie. Or " an anothor ol Y1 hotel on 'the sa-
'13 t after young It was 4. faill, 1 ' It Was the
will be ffold w sBu awhill i or practi"lly tor ia aux' _S Or ying d 1114n works his xvay UP the le al la,,d- ast ill sotithqr1l -()rk of a Dublin firm, 1
ioud to rebire, on ttjt� rrmjfj, iN A
s. "Nothing is more unjust qo I Californi 0011 a
3. Pro a, and al- Tbu lar st estate soid last
addregs M.1selhurst P_ 0. jz�gES a jNNTot brain bveollws kee, N
prietor, er, his wOst all the 90 year
Any lawyer, who �)Vl iUnce cri,vater. 9LlV8Ls in'.� the house in the United Kigao
pros- �Xp in the we' in'was that of
brain nd energy ssjoll. ru tbere for. tj inter. 'We I -napp, in Ayrshire. is 8,600
to plead 4 -dint rank�'of 11
RM FOR SALE. -For sale.- LOL 3 ajl the cast thc diS,110111.-St CiVil. Suit of is' Pro at beconio 011 ic Ciainted It
a client h.� 1-jo and -well, ac�-
tmlf of Lot 4, Voncesslan 13, Hu'lat', tbo p o. as a rule, lazy,. .1 g,Ue en. But,the most c1pensive was FIRST D)OR NORTH
ss it, the best word for it.
pextyot Loonedob Taiker Par[3, to the corrupt pur.4 or. cozitainirg -!-5 aore. to' deal Nvith cases it Dvtfle Abbey, in Slisse* MMI
for wllch� I
The law, '01Vint small 8 W9 do�cjmded, fiat it wa OF P101KAR'
Pill dleared eyeept %b),ut 15 aer.1,9. is gz)(,d pose- yer himSelf by that ft.e$_ He is t s -too much FR
hardwo:)-dl buqb. Tue land is thi verv. i-o,t. a w�l trouble to wes paid j;�-"60,000. Agents W
t orn �y or a
advocacy bec()II10S a dishonest
d6ss for nicls, and
malk-- dropp,Lji juto lc��jjabit of c
drained and well fewed. and is all de -1 bi %r-rass Abraham Lincoln won the pell*- Afy aming in Inror
-iththeexception of 30P(res,3acrcj at wlj,,c,,j ij. ap y rnation for .st.,7,�Slentlst. nes-
411 w5eat. There'ia on V -e promise3 a I irze inini I "-Lfonpst 11ow? He� w ould lur op- just as we 61161; d to be froin loung- L i q u o r L�icjn e Act cehi
2 barnico, One )xVb -ith never allow hii)l1;(_-lf to gvt mixod u MOLI know of til. to .,find out, Nvi M
1101�0 1 1 ent Srid,ewalk Not
howeanl wood lwuie, fo�.- herole sel cc. I)o ing in tho ha -ii ock, or fishing off A BostOn's'lentist lias trying %tie and pi hDuee, and the P, )001. the pier, or I)i down the P1 led to the License
sheep h ni
OtT jell I I jdrurtk(m men Take Notice that I ;have PI All prp -,rby wvnera wj6hing to baVe
sto wi h in a dis ke
xtj c a--� 0 at iii. auderrocalh, Th r, is about 6' honeqt stt�t. 13-fany yvan' i see' double. x1orej
7r -S�YS T11CY-Chi- Camnlissionere for the Distei ON 0 so le po-
n of '�7,008 must
era 13 a tro a IM111 NV110 it; pemission to tranefer 1113, hr el lic-ense t3 Tham'as titi one %ir; tha T6wn 3rHand
e t:ie h -vise. aigi,, r1w, -o Record-1-Terald, it h4s been gen Cleflr on cX befare
of orch a. Is menaced NNith i tIsticl I Do bcacll.. Our M too, hoLd be- cai, �O f0l,V, f South Huron fox wnlkio put � dowv in the sea
d. a0d, P!entj at water. Th d a inan wclit. to ws office in -41 - �1 I now. of
be his I -lit ")J -11e abe'llt LAS c r010FS as our dress; Pinkney, of Londo Any ol
or--ek runn-rg field and wanted, him to .1 o C I ho 1� inijc ex -11 supp9se jectipne
f y a that it NI;as the stuff. toa2id t.raps. daY -cf Maj - rext, otbrwil�e thelr� paitiono wjli' bo
is three qtz_tr,--,rj r f will a- good t fer must be made MUe fr" on 11-1 rl c k� whe -e thero -,it? Th6 gj()j.,v h( v drnzk. I to the Llcer,o IOLTeetcr Dot,lat had
in case. Aft(�r r. er rjvLx 11 it!] the year 190
11001, tter, than Monday, May'
pD4 Of -It ea -id ht eh;p, wad ii Lincoln had studied all the Vill iii clialli- little things didn't next, M,
fact 1846-3 WX. ELLIOTT, Cleric.
Ll� ndeabrQ, and it) tter, V�-c StI,
BM14, fr�4 s he III olling his call.t4c Is 1)
turned to this �nan and, said: a JAME' S WEIR. Pill 15th, 1903.,:-
Y fliap Et &L,noo 0(1() olle
technicality W,
0 IIENX-�To tentn:seafortbpne oj�tibs
4forth. Tbihih farin forran r.r gr -z- friend,, by a hel Ia ft,6 The grpat dti rpo cur4l a o6ld in *e Da
a new ar Y.
IDBULL Irror, M The undeTaigned bs
'1�03-atjon and Ile NVOulth"v n, ing fan Mtl le olol on reasonable toemp. Pcft. Wide*, bI t 'RcRffrer09RfoDrDeUa1LeLtho" R E SfAbdo In the tow
�n erk-ed foi- lit-ij. Oil n - �a
aest�1,3il "n tie had at time. For fdr.her you can.wizi tha� case, but i I i jh� t axaiivelBromn Quini �T A fIF t I IfAh ess j-1as b n
fj wgte. es her little ES; tlOul-'Its- RPPIJ tO the Prorrietori L. L. T.k&KER. St -7- 1, 1.- f t'l- and )111�11.,%Ztoung �e r A boall, ueed. for a umberf yeayg
not al-gUe it for. you. Yo a s u d d ui r i3to refa�d the money '0 Kruger, No. 106981 Am for Milliluery far which
u are, qis-! ro! CUL, e d book and N the
npest. brikli t 0 is.& I st el"s -penin'.r.
ok. A10 yb-n�a t- tent
lfarpurha, or to, 3-3atortb P� 6. 18414f _10gal of III( -COU rated lo I ()f twel-,,e e 1716 JiLroadian herd bo a
honest in LS
roves Jgnature.ia ou'ach box. 250 ft. owly Ailed up'%nd in fint Phss o)b-
vour tempts to wild V-� IV4 G )Id atod a ove� store,
0 are ZoijiL,: Often Mrst tim goo(l aulonal. B. FARNH ot 11, 00w
k e he" ca.D4e ditlon� �A Iy to )tPS. J,�Xa
8, RuVett,Cou5tanae P, 0.
ILI 1841-tt
Al N
im In Ar
P 0 01 R C 0 P y