The Huron Expositor, 1903-05-01, Page 8�e and tvr() , Childre at jau 1114 Ouis. Finding thera., � to, Di nver. Black OY and had Cora. and � look f �;r wor2i,. 4 --red man it,-]AoMLt- Way the -girl ex� Kt a new ,d leased by I the old Toronto destroyed by fire. It isexpected tlim�_ for - occal-panay h., will have ths� f ny theatre itt Iked that U66d ,key PMS. dW8 Kidney pillw, r neightorhood :He tells of it him corrob��r&te his Disease' tot-, a Mr. Hamel 1 sp, so, or three days, " inuallYsick a old man. I joev d. -me icne thstonly- Aduey Pills-. Three, Y_ ,care all Etaget at t�_V cured. drums. the c illy ate inaudible. like a sailor ,a like an apple 1�- �Oont J the fall, of kieg 1b has many a, seett'. SealiDg- like & d4licate per-" 'Weekly. .m man marry At a of erq-airy like a - port. - alar paper at a, sum. 1wi;h 11tv buttons aild rgestive of kissing?, t�,an prevence ot Absence of 41 give a! cold, curo� ; ra bill A dra& neitber flesh nor- vr!gera? Aglove. .tie Mos faorita 4- ,anes, dotliey com- �.1 they maks(four�. �L 'In One. Day. Ta_blets. VL aey if it faila to pnr&.. is on each box. ?4:y 3way G-impany, of Cow railed by M on- leas(d tho� 400 t mes, in, Havana - nbase at tha (ni of i� ive bet n taking in, ,ler and the in- to the standard five ant. iri, the earning Canadians now con - bit iiness; of the oh.Y. the United Mine ifood out 80 boldir Xnited States and raga �of the recent. ,;Xt Toront.) to ad- mtration iia M-asley rhe p I plasses of the coun- �d and explained hYT' V- I-Vea is ill a gro&� Iabcr PIC,,- VT-RITIOUS C -oa oe witL all its. na- ftted to alutaim robust i ter's ex- 3- EPPS & CO thic Chemists. 0 AND VfGO-R-. suddenly by, pa.- - inful te, Dr. Ff?vr- r,3 P [ways, be, kerol _AY it 1903, Sim 'AMM T T all YURNI'tuftju —ANLD— RICO UNDERTAXIm Furaiture bougb� with care is 6R$il� Eold. anyears, f xperien3a enables me to select tjIty de,09118 with good constraotion and vDarlor U0811, and sold at right prices, M;ked buduess matually pleasant and pro. uph-ol-st.oring receives special attentiom ;Upholgtorycaveringsan-1 material kept in piature; Framing done promptly. Pic. tu e j and frames for sale. Also Window t,qhados, Cu-tala Polea, Cottage Reds, Pillow, .8hain Folders ant many othar such things bojongin� to h uie furuiehing. ler, RaVyGarriagesin. tie verylat(st sy and awa dov� it in pri ca. T &hn Sell the vet t ical feed Daris. sewing gisoblues, than whith th(ra is Do betterin the country, Ths vertical feed on these vachillse makes it a pAeasure to sew any fsbjic, and puckering is impossible. The ,yIes puts them within easy reach of any sairing a firat-claes UNDERTAKING And Fmbalming carefully at(l property (lone, Ucocding. to the latest mothode - i. Night ,C,%ilganswerrect at my reeldence, 'South ea8b -oorver of James and VVIlliam stret. t j. V. K N E. C H T 1F. L Slj�-CESSOR TO Joa.,T LAwDs-BaitouGH, SEAFORTEL 1807 You" Are Losing ME OT E Money WiLhout a MELOTTE Grem Separator. 103,0001ndatly-use. The only eprator built wtbh a b3atifully enamaled:bawl caging, more durable than tinware. IS diffneut sizes A great many other I kinds of Separators are taken out and htelottes p t In pliee of tbem. A few points of i excellence in this Separator not fou;id in any other kind are tnk lower down, heay. lertiaware, tu-tis eas'ar, skims cleaner, bowl hangs pldrnb� self bal tumip.-, has a break for stopping it . geazingidlenclosEdt.haa a concbearing�rhlkch ad- justaltself to the wear, alluminum disc, will not rust 4he handle taken c ff and put on, all wearing ,pinfa. of eagehard 'ed Steel, I al -OL bandl. farm im- .plements ar-.d jr,act incry inc-Iticting Xcxon, Wilkin. ,pn,Tchou, and White Eu�i-:e4, Sepmtors, and Vindmills. All goids at A. Campbell's Warereome, $eaforth, DUX�CN 2RCALLUS1. 1841-tt W.&T.Tov, March lzth, 1903. This it0certifythat lha.No. lMelobcaCresln Seprator I bough.t from 7.our agent, Duncan MaCaKum, gives Zoo B-.0isfae- tionineverynspect. EaBilyturued, �asilycltaucd, and a, dean skimmer. 11ave ru a it over two ye:trs, and see -no aparent wear on it yet ; and in my opin- lou, the pr. fits from ItA use with 10 c,;w3 would pay lorit in one Beasia, Aftcu4pr, RaNVIND, WaROV,Ont. SzAPoR.Ta, March 1.70h, 1903. To whom it -mayocricern: Havingporehased-a hiclottereani flapaxat:r one year ago from Mr. D. McCallum, I tAkepl�easurain.recoa.mend'.t,lgib to baagoodma. chine, It is ca, y operaiedt and I thlrik It can coffa. .pefe with auv machine cn- the market tj-daiy. Yours- -trily, Joiw HAY, Seatoxtb, Clio- LEADumy, February 10 It 102. Dear Sira,-I am vell gatiatlei wUh tht� telotte that I bo"gbt. I Iiink V, would pay for ASE If in. a short timd with 10 cows, and the Skim milk is good for the clv,. s. It is �parfcctiv safe, arid I cannot elpeak to:) highly in U6 ,praise.. 'YoUrS trUly,' W.M. HACKWELL. LxApBuity, February fth, 190-3. D�ar Sirs. -This ils:to certify that the size 2, Melotto Cream Separ- Oar� which I purchased from; Sour agen 5. J. A Wal- kerja entirely satiefact,-.rS, in evety rasipect. We find that %ve, can make far more. bixtt� r thn, in any oather wa, sud am quite aatiAied that wich 8 cows *self in about 6 months. ,the Separator would pay fr i. ,The skim milk is excellent for the calves. It is a r;.ory easy running machine, and perfectly safe. I Ahit.kitthebesk Cream Serarator on the market. Aours truly,. S. Me-11herson. .7- Grand Trunk RailvVay system. Railway Tilmel Tabie. 'Trains leave Seaforth as follows : , S.w A. W. For 011iftv, Goderiol�Wiugham and �Hlncardine. 12 40 p� m. For Clinton and Goderloh. 6.j5, p. in. For Cliu0n, Wlughnn and Klncar- dine. 10.13 p. m. For Clinton and Goderich. '7.63 a. al. For Stratford, G:ue!ph, Toronto, Orillia, No;.th Bay and pointa west ; 'Belleville and Peterboro and points C�Ft. &11 P, M. For Stratford, Gualpb, Toronto, Mon - treat and points east. M0 p� rn� For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. Palmerston and Kincardine. GOLIG XORIU. pa". Mixed. Mixed 'Palmerston 7,30. p,m. 12.20 p.m. 8.4 5 a. w-. F,thel.. 8.07 I.,07 9140 Brusecia .... ...... 8.17 1.10 1000 Blitovale' 827 1.80 10.20 Wlaghag:: 8-.38 1.36 10.30 Gome; SOUTI1. pass. Mixed. Pass. wingham.. 6 6!) a.m, 9 a.m. 3.05 P.M L92 9,17 3.13 7.18 10.01) 25 ........ 7.28 10�16 3.35 Paltuarston ....... 8.20 11.30 4.20 London, Eluron and Bruod. Psaftenger. London, 8.16 A.X� 4.60 P�V 9.18 5.56 9.80- 607 9.44 6.18 9.60 6.25 Bruceflold- ........... 9-58 6.38 Minion. 10.16 6.65 Londeeborct 10.80 7.12 Elyth.- 10.38 7.20 Belgrave--... 10.50 7.F3 Wingliam, 11.Qo 7.55 loma Bourn- Wingliam, depart.. 6.60 A X. 8.10 P. V Ralgrxve.. _. _... .. 7,01 &23 Blyth .. . ........... 7.1.4 8.95 Londesboro ........ 7.22 3.45 C!Intorr 11.47 4.16 8.06 4.410 4.60 8.16, 8..22 . 4.65 Ceatralla. 8.40 5.20 9.45 A. X. 6 -YO 'London, Fire arlsurarwe 00-mPally FARM AND ISOLATED TOWf1d PIRGPERTY ONUIr INSURED 1. R. McLean, Preeldont, Kippen P. 0. ; T61nXt -'Zraaer, vice-president, Brucefleld F. 0. ; Thomas X. frays, SeoywTreae. Scalorth P. O.. DIRROT0318. William Chesney Realorhh; John G. Gxleve, Win * George Date, Seaforth, John. Bennowels 'ayop' -Dubilu Jamea, Rvans, Beachwood, John Watt, Ifulock 1, Thomas Fraxqpr, Bmaeflold John B. Me Mq, Rippea ; anice Co rnolly, 01lixton. ft�%. grclth� Fi. HInckliloy, Seaforbli 41kn1ca Cumlu;r Ezmondv -0,' J. W. Y90, Holmes, SGwrge'Alurdio and John (). Morrison 411diltort pArtiep 6e-thr-tls t�,, ettot basurAneAl, or iyl�nj '40%e, will 'no prolarvy 4911ded to - P01,10aiton to t th�l 00% a alu;jefe, 1.44renxed t. for 1903. 311011AXI, MURRIE� Recve, Wi-ithrop P. 0. J0EIWS.ML01VN* Couuc1lor,Seaf�rthl?.O. CHARLES LIT�Lb Courcilt,)r, Win-throp P. 0, JOHN MURRY 6ouneillir 'Beachwood P. 0. JOHN M. GOVEkLOCK &nelllor, Winthrop P.0� 0. MORRISON Cierk t= Winthrop Y, 0. M ROSS, Trel-gurer, Winthrop P.. 0. $0LOMON'J. SHAXXo.V, 3, P., Sanitary Irspector Winthrop p. 0� ai lLnown as the Lainonb drain by-law, was or, WOMAN provision& —000 o'cloo Stallions For 1903 RC NIMY—BA LFOUIR of the fairest About two o'cloo in the morning he gave o, 6 Wife Av Old E:antern Legend _a�ibbert. ed to him and he enb to bed feeling easi toad first and secoid tlm� and adopted. On motion of' Messes. Tainlin I the daughters of this town. three or four S arp , breaths. Hi That Telln g read throo and Work, by-law No. 202 wa ship tvas carri)d'a*ay to grace a home in shook him, but ailing to awake him she How She Wax C�eated. ti -nes x0d finally passed, After Pa ' '301139 a the far-himed West. The young lady was went to Mr. W es cott`� and he went for the number of moo-unts, the c The last section "Of a Finger of the ouncil mdjourned und life extinct� and Miss !Franoes Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and dootor. The do. -tor f �o meetKou May 110 at, 10 a. M. Aloon Reddened by the Setting Sun" In Harr Balfour, end the lucky man is Aft. Eaid he had dit*d frim heart failure. the Sanscrit -work calle(i tilLi. Sul -ging -nuy, son of Mr. Henry ;Z-OaSunday, there passed awayat ths iclin on 0. Rc he following W-11 known -will travol Man� young ladies who were supposed to RoneV. Thecereniony, which un:ted theze of the Occan of Time" contains ale,, n.%.l dul.T stalliona rewd -nee of his soL-112-46w, at lot 6. Coiner,- ing the seat on of I=, As foilowe - be going into decline hav been ' restored to sion 6' Downie 1�1r. Vk illiam Jobn Kloph -two f oir life, took p�ace on Wednesday at the 61, WOmftii's ereation. 'which 1.,q health and vi;or by the u, 66 lyeara. � Mr. Klophel had been' all- col 0AIRNBROGI.F, PRIDE e of A�iller`s Com- home of the b ido's. parents. About seventy aged ninonly credited througliolit India, ing forz loag time and his demise was, not J. X McIatosh, roprittor. wrre Ound Iron Pills. guest 3 ssen!ibled, ani the cereMony nd wbicli runs sonwiYlitt s rollolvs: At I. V. Fear's 1�rug 8 re, 8 aforth. MondaT, 4 Lb, will leavwbis ,Own 8tabe, was p:-rform d 13Y Rev, A. McAuley, of unexpected. D460ased was a native of the Lot 8, mcxill P, atd Proefed o Williwn M the beginning of ti'mc, Tvi ,i ri, t , ;;;; � I Tt 3 bri no.-th. of Ireland, havi g been born there in Concessicn 12, e wore a very a I . M in of HhAlloo jr.,'Io*h vcneesaiop, for noon; then to ty L ooBtune of white and carried a ouqua of 1808,'during the reign Ill� ' He . Shannon's. 12thcorce:%Ion.i forthe night Tues- Olorbotb. wbiEe roses. of h.%s thus seen five cha ages c n the throne of the world. But when 130 tO fty—West t i win. Mille, flu)jw, for noln; then tor Mis� Emily Fitzpatrie SAD I)EATIL.— 16 burg Mason's hot( -1 3131b, for n'gh�. Wlcdxietday�LWest Odr iitt i hag been Sobrboro, made a Charming bridesmaid, klis Enlawl. In 1850 he Come to Canad te a ivoinan lie foun he had Cili- a, Aet. cre.1 to J. Prtffet$a, ')r moon to . Bigglabottonile t1ing in TorontQ. 7 then I aaddea�d this week by the de th of M ise being 6irnilarI7 at�irtd and also -carried a Af1tr some, time he re- pioyea an ms it, ne creation for night. Tb Arafty-TO R� V. McUOWAn, wt�i LaurA, -daughter � of Rev. A. Thibaudeau,, haudc=6 bolqaet of pink roses. The moved toBr&nttcrJ, wherehe livedjfbr a of -7or It lo ulghL Friday—To Wnh. 8hcIdj--e,jj, marria. for uoon then he popialar pastor Pf Gran Bend Methodist There did not remain one Wawanosh, noon ; then to. W. Pliclan's, lo great number of years. Mr. Klophal held' tupported by his rother, Mr. Th(In Tivaslitri, I)tr- to James Roml on!s Icr night. to Does if not seeva mot� effecd Ve to 4xictli., Corbel t. That 0118 E0_ young and A. Rone Mrs. Roney. is admired and be- the uniqus honoi of be ng probably thq old- fell Into I�rvfonlid llieditatio'll his own stable, where be vial re"in uitij the iol- br'imtlie in a remedy, to cUn�� discise of 41ever should be suddenly callel- away by loved by a wile circle of friends sh est living maton, ha6ving joined the order in lowi� g Monday morning. the Angel of Daatb� a6eme almost in elf to do as Ibbeit-with the sinwr 11 e rolised Iiiiii, the breathing organs, th, to take credible, leivewHi hes 0 f all Ireland. filie ead- event takijiR� place on Wednesday, for her f'iature, Afttr the ceremony iwals -The death occurred at an early� 'ho light.ticss- of.the Iciif nd reluctly , ii , Ito the stomaca the e wis ur Re tcok LECTRIC B. April, XZ, at the �gs of 24 3ears. Misel perf(raild aiid o6ngratulations ext(nU4 on Saturda 11th iast,,l of in old the of the, fawu, thr of Y morrill), gj Wil iam. Barry, Proprietor,, Thibaulleau Was aeiz�sdwhh an attack of tl a company rapaired to t'ie dinin and highly riespected resident of Nort It the fain's ray.q and ters or the ii-t:st, Xonday-Wi I leave his own stable. j uIllevouth,or EAsthope, in thq person of MrL,. Jan� Ham. Ohat d�ngerous disease$ peritonitis, some 4 , ,ncy of t1le -%V1, �oom M. re the tables were lad(.n B ucef6ld, by vay of the 11111 road to DidW,3! oteL �en day.a ago, but was apvarently recover- juxudes,�: mai taining f..)r Mr. and Mrs. itton, relict of the lat Matthew Hamiltou. t;luiklity Of tl](1 lj*�,!J-p t"L% \-,111fty of il Beiftrtb, for j) ion ; then by w iy of the Hurr 4 road ing rapidly until Sunday night, when ihe BAlfour their envitible reputation as, hof Deceased Was 73 years of age and death was to the Almon Imtel, ClintoD� . the nigbt. Taesday iid the of the. down -By way of Qe Lvndoinj ro to his own :stable, gu&rea a relapse,, an due to gen(ral debil!ty, She war, born in d from that moment iind I o'Ltass. After supper an inepac�ion Ireland and Came to inada in 1851. Aboat o -.i the throat of the the where he will: remain uDtil 'edniaay morning. little hope was en4rtained for her recovery. Was madei of the tridal gifts, which were Z) Via na for no and return'to his fifty years ago she was married I o Mat�hew har,oiliness of the the siveet owfitiblefor g t. Thued. -At his owal stable Established x Decsased was A, gr duate of Al College, declai ad U be prob�bly as costly, nvmo ous 'Frida, -By way of 2ad conces6in of Hamilton, who died ia 1871. , She ha� ra- flaver of hon-oy, the of tho t1ger, all day. St. Thoniap, in bat elocution a d domestic and uief4l tirmy as I was ever - bestowfe on Cures While Yot� Sleep. Stanley, to He oall, at T� J. try's ealb Aod ,ex- soicnce,l and bad m ny friends a d comppn ro YDU�g eldcd coatintionaly on lot 43, concession It cu� W pt ople !at the advmb of their of fire, t5e el.ill of si)ow, chatge stable and rema�n ere until Sa�tnrday res bec�use the irrendlered stiongly I age, at- mcming. Sat2rday-Bywayofth toad to iRnp. She was'-un,veraally like and ad- mayri�dlife, Mr. and Mrd. R�,nqy left this North Easthope, Since her mVrri the ellafter of the y lld the Co0i"I't". a ,to n I n antiseptic is carric his own btwble, vibere be will om& iint'D 101- d over the diseased sur- mircd, and. deep so ro Vail at hot un- week ForToront) and Montreal, then to t li-ir though her death took place at the rei-i- Ired w preva Of 1110 tUrtle lie 11WIted all this Iming i4onday morning.. face with every brcath, givingprolon t,.me)y (Lnd. 8 adehcr home with Yr. home at tcubmu, Uani!oba, about 60 miles dence of her daugh enry K�rb he to , M ra, and c6n�tant treatment. It -is filvalu- Y' and M-r,,. A. W. Humphdes, of Parkhill, this s deiof Winuipeg. We wish the happy Shakespeare road, where she had gone�on-a 'Carp( able to mothers will-, sniall children. escilt of her to pter's Trotting Horksev, And during her Ets, Ahere was well krown couple a lorg and uteful life and con ilj,L)tls vitit a few weeks ago. Is a boon to; th atics in.1 m(-kt highly es eamed by all, hitor the inan canie-to and HONDURAS and CHIEV. ASE M especially prosperity, ani we' aie only echaing t 115 so by lb-- -vouug pe pple* who ku w her beat. fervent N%' Lliss of a host of friends. HEART DISBASE. Weighing 1,875 younds udl,2-00 pquudso, -c r -FOR- 21!y lord, ibc ervaturo ou ne Will make Stands thii se MCGOW1011 DeAr As an 61denob of e deoeased's, popularity WhOoPing Cough Bronchi 3"SLOT I at and ability, to state 11)y existence. I e el Blytbj Wedne9day night; Thursday at ib is �ujy neoesaar� A .8dy's Reform6tion altOU4 CroUlp Coughs,� ths t she was a te w years ago choseii as one A Trouble Much More Coluluon noon ; Dan Rigle'Y's, MeHillf p, Thnreday ilght CatWh, Colds Grii,,,e d Hay0ever of t -ie. delegat!p Nom Westera: Ontario to .11 �Ve have LO loy of tviFelve in the jil Than is Generdlly Supposed Ntjtlj().t7jtL rt%t, she takes l] my thno, then to XcLi�zhlln*s atid Brodbag-en, 'I lin, F Iday rghl n ticec 1wood, here, oonvicted of stealiag, vvh!kt A oald oii !.be lmeiiis for iloth, - t all a nd is and Dub -er Ind 1,amp'-," e.ttend great Oonventlon at No,thfield, the The Vaporiz ich �h,jld last Kinburn and 0 �nton for 1'V1;_Ybt Soundneo, k ndness L ;olcn .: pc chiratt n Iifet6e, together witli .1 to"t -was Lhe message 41 re the and compactne are the a �!,i ion of e of Cr home of the late �wight L, 1Y oody. ad visi iv;;d b T $x.5o. xtra supplies of C: e 25 C I td She ec 11 A healthy person does not feel th bearb Bt Qjglj' resol' from no of cur county judges. na wee q L 1.jfej theae �o-cents. Write for descriptive leavesbcaldes her�arrrowirg )%rents,two k ! descri tiv- ooklet c�ntain- sent ck wail, " Delay acton &ad ' rite at all. If the'heir� mxkes itielf felt it is ing highest testimony a- aisters, three bic6(rj and a lics J Of friiends,. & gain to the god 0,11(l s to its v Ue. Ca who have ilia he aympa hy of ili-i pbrtuioulire." The �particulars ins in due BVIra sign of some of the mauy pb�siee of lord, my life is solitary The ClydeEtlsle Stallion VAPO-CRFSOLENE 1�5 q LI) By j heart trcuble. Some of ilia sympLomis of t; e, and fro a police standpoint he Im DRUGGizjTS LVERylyk ERE. community. DUNRAG'IT were serious erough to warmat eik long erip heart trouble are Rhorbness ofbreat,�, tromb. illU roturned this, Vapo-Cresolene Co. in thi it r The julge, h c v eii, b -v my illgfii- at il th e Shire 3-tallion A omg ill-Ige, how ling of the handa, Violt ab throbbing or idut. '111Q131 FOR internal or ex�ornal use 11AUTRD'S YEL. -Reforni lo y. z8o Fulton Street a tie js n is hiait, thirT spaEm3 of' Pain, 1: reeqll how she g1micv.d a x6p Nc tre Dme Street LOW 014 cannot be eXcelled as a psirk! relieving and' had been studid g mo tering of t I t ine lontreal; soothing remedy for, all pain. rn m thods i obild. 'WARF] ELD FI�Z_HAROLWJ GaViDly w tnini- oliPrdsdOn on the ciest, dizziness ; and the corner of her eye, th, �N' r ork, ani readily consented t r prietor. for tle guardi mship-of the lud to the SllpGV- clammy eweaj�ieg, irregular pulse, and! the nlv� chirig lo me." An,,! IRecommended and sold by 1. V. Fea�, -The D,Oring: Harvester Company have alarming PAI ion that is often felt inoari will atand f(r the season Ist Z J� Biarr.17x -nge le intendant of b eglected Children,'tere be- the Woman to liffil. TI Exe * Stab' H druggist, Seaforth. jus A b lat'oon'racto fi r $250,000 worth of new 113g-L00hildr(n's Aid 14_03iety orgarliz in in the h3ad at the wrists. Of cou.sespeo- only pased nd T)vashtri sa AY lihe bu'ldings at Ham'ilton, and ni�y Epend a pie anffdring from beur) trouble havenIt all the distiLt. rhe �oy came to 1h3 cioy un, 111,11) comill"'r to 111W agaill quwter,of a milUG13 more for tli.3! same pur- -df r die close i urvillance of i h -j !oaal 3r6_ these symp'orns, but �f you have any of 'them it is a sign of heart tr:)uble, andsh,buld &ald he, "I do 110t milln lqu r License 6 AM114 pose stable, and was dulj h-inded over. Woly, L Act. Or V;�g Z V C I A '-proteat has be ted for a moment. sjond e,xact] bovs� but I'm -,iire 11, j on filed at Odg()Odo hr. was ask(d, wh ra (10 3 011 til, not be neglec Hall, Tbrooio, against the election of Mr. y g n w The Reform'. Most of the troubl a affecting tilie heart i�owan me more Take Notice that I bivia al pli&� to the 141censo -1. - ­ - ou are � goin P DISTRIOT 1! George D. Granl� for the Commode for atoty," be ri plied, without a smile, hA are caused by atimmia, indigest' ' ou or. erv- pleasure. I be- of yoti relleve 11;,e Commissioners for the District of South Hrzn for North Otario. !The depcet was also- being the only pu;ishment he cosild pe ii vu3ness, and when any of these Causes I e at of permission to transfermy hotel liveniie to Tbomas I PitkneyofLoddou. Any objectiorse to said, tran made. ceveof. lle*was 'an enlightened, anahe therootofthe troubI3 it can bo,s rely s. -wa �Tas in I itended - ! a— 4.0 3 ink but Twalitri cried, "Go N�our -ay fer must be mape to the Liccnqe Inspector not later [The following I t d the ideal the more th a h 8 curad by I he me of Dr. 'Williamb'! than Monday, Afay 4th next, 1903. ocal ne LIVE& TROUBL93,� biliousness, sallow complex 0. aild do Your best!' eyes, jau-idice, eto. yield to the cura- 13 mon JAMES W for lasteek, but cameto h ah cl too oLp, yello do Meeded it Tho pat t t � be arn- P1118-- Y01 must 't triffs with C' U�e powe a of 0 P And the ihan cried,- "l caunot ive late.1 LAXA-LIVEa'PILLS. They areaure pletOy forgotten 'or the -future, fat ne life medi,.-in.,s, and abov al, you rhouldn't fur- a. cure. _t6 e trust A, respectcd, aided aud er--' ther weaken our hear, � bV using Furgat vee. w! tb li er!" In! the Surrogate Court �-of tha Count inaRthat was woitiyent om- You n -just. cura your hlsru disease t-hybugh IN eltb er can you live with -The 103to -at Ar3O,a,iAssiniboa, the blood iLh Dr. ' illiamg' Pink Pills. replied Twaslitri. County of Huron Xorris. on InEnd ble. After a'month's trial, free rom Couzzon, Doi,.zas -The council ftiet 4 . . I Ytu can eaa �47as ent-3red by bh.rll�lats 6ii-3 n'ght last week. any al ratraint, he --ecemed wi ling UX. see Why this is the only way f�r the pur ose of hivtng the I April 13ib p ne WiLilipeg a I sg was Gilt open an 1 a xious tc d j �ight, and a far me to save yo Tb :And the m In. went sorrowfu In 'the Etitate of James Forsyth, dte�-ased. engineer's rej oi t on Vie Lamc nb dr4vn read Dil in urself. e hEarb drives your I I Y a N� .1 i niurmuring, ','Woe is me; I en newl-or 02 000 akcn. fro 0 1 % ml, register( I letters. als was s curad for him, far rdmoved from hi� blood to all pBrt3 Oi tho body. Every. 1:op I ljotlea Is hereby given that all persons and for the tceniaotiozi-of any oth�r busi- W live with lick nor without her." wig any (ther p pers Tnere of your blood flo.vs th#u h. your beart. If claim againBt the ebtate of JaheA Fori3 to t l valua of 86.000. "10 P. One day he fo g6.1 � 9 , late uf. ness. The eaA report was read and1tho by- I i1orme - onvi amen tho village of Egmandville, in, ibe Vnurrn, is no cl. to tire 4-rglars as y b.: his good resolutiona, took, some mone be- our blood is thin or 0npure ycuz heart is law bmed, on it, and on motion sa 1 _0n of the a d1dest even s 4hich ha,, weak anc�. diseased ; if, 5oar geotleman, d eces6d, who O*el on or abon ps 24th wap provisionally adopt d, an th IL11giVg to hia employer's; son and bo ght oun to be d,gy, of March, 1903,, at the sal, I villalr,.e o' 'a ccu �re in Ayr,;VVv;tetIoo cc u3ty, in many 'The y-(u-ig an blocd is jure,lrich (I healthy, io,will vil!�, are riquircd on c.r betzralh-e Ilth da v, of M . ay. erk in- ucted to 1have by_l&� ted Lin igarAf6s and tob�cco. S-ure of Ap�irwnxe. sti the W ri. 19 0, to send or deliver.to lie 6derl&ned, the are -w�s the d4th of Mr, an I Mrs. Robert -i trout h4aLi t sound and st�( n -1. That the theatrical claque Is not' oil- Folleit3r forthe exeeutor3 of mid estate. till pamphlet form and a copy Oerved o � Gach 63 81-14 the litter 6 s(on Iiiscovend hi loze au ed the naturally make year , r iateredted party, required by': the M nicipal amps he forinet aged culpri � 0'a dowilvi�shb good ti-raahin'g. Ube .Dr. Williams' Pink 0ills actually � mXe fined to pla:yhouses was demonstra)�Ced Wars of their claim and te see it if-, Uri Yj- held by r I j p passel a w8y jus.t 6 hours befora ew, riah,'red blood. nd thLt new,� fiah, thf I duly vereflej by affidaviL And 10 &eir- tire Draiiiage A&,. On motion,of Taylor and inaidmit was uadoubtfdly disecuragingt but, in I 1�#- , - -- e d�a�h of his ij e. * He h A reti.lad on b�yond all shadow of doubt. to4he nol ce that aftc r Me said 11th 0ay of Y Igpi, the Cole, a. gran� of $25 was made for ae por- thfra ias, beE;r' no nore �tealing, repor dd lel blocd etrengthena your stoma0h, o6niu. te t he homert3ad ear Ayk ft - the prat 51 and ttcher who was drilling the pupils �or Lrxozut ra will przeeed to 016bibu a I �tate pose of iravelling opposite lot 10; conce's-7 and in otier d reelvil ns st ady progrehe has Istes your livir, Eojtb�s your nerves',. the parties evt tld'tbeketo, bavil rdi eren2e dimorders t e exercis-es in one of -the public been made. Tbe s, rong ikelill od is hat drives out of your system all the only to claims of which they eb;kll have re- aion 9. A bll was presented b Mr. T.� Hemphill of Wroxetcr, claiminy 'di this rationa'l ti eatm mt an, chaDge of e one thit helped to disturb ypur heart. "Chia schools. ceited notice and after Such diAribution the � execum Lever's V -Z Wise Head Disinfectant tors,will tot be responsiVe for, any ,claim � of hlelh Hfor loss of thr unt of will I rove ef eativ i. Tho boy, irlatea of has been pro Ved iti the i muds of oases The unrespoiwlve bit of fem! ty the te on acco the oap Powder is efter than o -.her powders, + I I, is a case in point. Me &delard L i , of f - � Imll not have rweived ooticio. Th1s notice is impassable state of the road 'near Bluev being an Exp nae ty the i commuoity, : At '!LVO over whom the amateur "coach' -work- givi n8puzinato thesci-Autz in thatIbebal 4 f. station during the time of thq ppring th "N, -Qae., lay's For _n �'s it i both so�r and disir. fectant rfoi cert. 33, is, liviag amid normai sur- St. . PacOmL r 1 Y ed reJoiced In the name of Sari is 34 h. R. S. HAYS, Solicibers for the Z$ccttors, W) t'a a On motion of Jackson r6undiogs and is an indoitrial unit ii a three years I as greatly tr(ublcd Dated at SeMorth, this -20t'h day of A:prij, 3903� and - Colo,, cumil I I When Sa'rah began t talk, all her decided to take no action. On motion rof -General �B.Adeu-Powell, the hero the drying need is for ma 3al weak haart, and in cot kt-int fear Lhut, my of coun'try wber( vocal,organs took joyful holiday aud Taylor and Sha, $25 was granta& 6wakde hi &fek ing during ti e recent � ;oui It African Jabor and u;eful, I sAf-r_-Iiant citfz.�ns ip, end would come at anyl time ; the least. ex� 0 1 uttir)g hill at Iota 10 sni 11, �concoi sion 2, Far, ia au presen b on a visit to Canada. He The e me p6li !y had been enecesafully t ied ei tion would overcamelme ;-my heart would retired in favor of her nolle. In vaill 1pitutg violently amd� I would sometimes the teacher begged 4-0, be under supervisioa of Reeve I It wenty pa and impl4ed. inoton, to wit PIR G U-0. 1i �biater. il Came I ram Was UnUed States Aber 'lad.; dnri4 ,,he as t $," T 0, Messrs., Clegg and Wilkinsoii , appe d )n'.] Toronto on Mor ard after - remain- year i 'pi-dsr to di�cnstra-te ths poe8i i - have a feeling Of euffoc4tion. , I was un d r Sarah still clung to her monotone. re 'Ay lass of wo atcrl-h I i, did h, i i tiig a few hours 'a 0 behalf of: the Metfi �jt 1hura nt the card of a (1) not �et rilief. Then the teacher threatei�ed. Sunshine t at city, went on to ic this 0 rk, v�n -radreds could be (19aft w j try X1 hArX04i say i at It ith in a and eventuallymy con0ibion became 4� bad, askinar permuston to have thd chur, h flied 3 he jvas the gut t of the Gov- "Saah," she said, "if you don't h i tiwa, vklier( M simili r manner. T�e so-called bpd bo is that I had to discontiniie woA. While at projem five feet on side roa, nor-Gerierali 1t1isfauppoee( he is on pri- t � L% to do better you will fall utterly, knd Code and Taylor, that the council I�ye no uEuial y the product of unconge ial 611r. my worst a n�.ighbor a Vised me to ih III. the SpAng a goa vAte business. ifi 9,��nd Williams' Pidk Pill-. did so, ani e . Y then how will you feel?" objection, providing it does f roun iogs an unayjnp&tb(t._ tboughts tuTn naturally- to riot ii;LLtr ere -Judge Rcrgi,v� of Toron, o. bas deliver I ill I "'Ob, they'll pplaud IV,. 14168 r, 13 L 0, Co:1fineMeat nder in my care. ed with public travel.- Onmotiodofg4aw lid t d judgment decla�ing Alfred McDoUgAll in WLhat be peeds 33 , , in a in- 81riply workeid wonder ig hGuse. At Code, $8 was g stitu ion but a com'lete change of pceiiel e na only half a dozen bo-xe.h when I was able to Brown," returned, Sa-rah eastly. imy rantcd. t words buildW` g' wire v 'auffi-itn"Lly Fien) mentil con lition to stand Stitu fenae north of Mr. Jam a Wrij! hVe gote on ll�s trial on the c i%rge of embi zzlement from free i:eope forlils A R4 a Ute riturn'to my 'work, itr�ng aud heahhy� and mother Is gQijil to give my little otb- of east t o ar d Lry, fence n - t b8joss than 80 h he was so- --.more co-operal,.ola 6tween magistr-Ates and I h%ve not tjInce. hadl' R13Y sigii th. old -c 0 � reatu�y, for whi I - ay 16 cents, and If be don't eglu Pe Oatalio t u All Js SI.- the Childre feet in length. Afte pasOing a few ac- libit)e, Tha ccCsa prubatly w 11 come before ..Sjo?s Aid Society, many �uh lad5 �1�ppjp the mindte I Sit dowA he'b to, the council adj rned t mec t at Lbe.' County Adg heater. The mi, rully ha�dled under 'the 'We wQuld ngain imy eas upon those who 0 Win, P -,j be eucce3kJ coun bow goin' to be sti*pped wit'41p an Inc of are ailing that t:iey mu gel) the go uin5 -P call of the reeve, ount of Mr.� uaallls defaloDt'oa i.- E06t-3 �-home ar. - J. J. KELSO, Toi 0 n t D. I : . �n , - 0 9 "Dr. Will ams' STO I - pills With the fall na M, his life," DRUG 0 This is but . saniple of, wbbt migb i be id to be $30, done in almes ever�y'town or township in Piok Pillv for FiklQ F,@1 on th4 Vr'l" �Pper ration. 11ad Nervous Prost' ()nt, -io, and it is a part of the work the aroud ev6ry box. go d by all dealeo 6F A Measure of Dixfwnce. T S-EAFORTH Ont., a t,:s , IL -I got 1 :New life ior I ordi . - ! a._ Mrs. S. NV. Wst, Drayton, iijet's 0 of Huren will be glad by mail at 50c a box,o[r six boxes for $2.50- 'A ndfhehi sportsman went alligittor Vrdbly run. down, and finally bee4w. a victim of, und Iron Pills. ail� ren's Alc Its, i �cmed . to! I At I V. Fe r s D� - 'a" in whe're Cases aid tro-ight writing to The DrJ Willi -Ams' Medicine You can got eveYythi'n for norvous.prntration, Thad no ap a ug Store, Seaforth. to ae! 11 U huntingtr Plorlda, kxid, as often hap- g anA o scaicelyding notic i. The offid6ra of the mociety in Gode- ens wi the ftnifiltiated, h t I st the purpose at reasona--�le pfice,$L No- Imic iaterwt and anibltiwT. F.) Brockville, Ontario. Inyself abdu I Hearing o� br. -ise ery 3 Food, 1� rich invibe coreesporidence and jac4operation used three boxes with irreit b b, alnirf eleven, 1: --Dr, Grahamlims disposed of his medical' Thi h6hr night, 4Lnd he was at a losi tio'e a few pounda. lb made woof ronow anzi el., an- I had� every pal each an appetite tint I wanted t� be tathr- half thei 1).-Lctice in Clinti ii, to Dr. Hamilton, who from friends a�d children in 't of HOW DOGS FINO THEIR WAY N�-Ijhat to do Presently he met a m4kA 16 oz. bottle household airmunia foir 150' pme from 1k v unty. bell, orf Dr, Grahwin this ccu3ty. Address James Mit, 00ing a Co says the Indianapollo Furniture Polish 350 take well earned reit and w atends* to W, ill -presilent, or Ara. James Clark, s6creary. Evidence That rx�'Y P,Xse.48 pecui- I I LT 1. Sb_�nol oap, for cleaning vodw the Pao fie comt. ourna I - orkl il-, J o�tly take a-trlp to lar Powr lo pld Tl,eux. ailverwar3, tfn, bratm, etc., 1.0ar Can you tell me how far it Is to Grey. -Mrs. EdwarO Ststiley diF d in Saii,lb'sta Dow A 'Vith ithe Cigarett" In the old days 6f the lanivs 1111'er Popd Borax -per lb. 100 COUNCI At the last meeting of 018 arie, -giebigan on March 2 ioh. Decessei Tb it g(.o I old raliable journal, the 'I, 'I fin -er yas by his Washing gods, 3 lbs, for no it was movcd by Adam Tura� as a 4a �f the late Ai drew Duncan, Gray uRhter rm- jet L N Waal I �reckon it's about two 110 Llla,,,er on lboat w1ileh so Whiting, 3 libs. or El!d� Advuc.-Ate, says,: by�John Gr;Amt, ti at the f CI;n'(n, and Oefore jony to -Michigan, man answered. plit To. EducationisO, 'Medical men of repute. Crowded tht the o' in the protect; caTpets fro ore on the Look ngi: he rehided in and ftinley town- agrbemaL the contract a6d i dl who have the moral and pft�sical to I little ]pure imect powder uudor the )(3 out of the iyay, and Krau r rain , as executed,ibe & iceptod hipp. emed to tako this as ebod- edges, and to get, i -e b uy it, b welllpe ng of the'rising generation at h0art, and that t e eeve be authorized tosiku thell sys the '-\-(-,AV Yoi'k-Mail nd ress. 00k, cigariAte. same on beh 0 a corporation ind thd' WILBURN'S STEgLING IlEkil)) CHE POWDERS unite id coiidemnina, the me -of th lenging his veracity, for he I ed ROL is owner reae wd reeuy 0 take, haon less- in action andsuretocure questioningly at the palmttos and so WU6 orperate 6dybea Schein obi tokoll , c -Be attached - thereto, o nd onJ inve iile crim nals 6verywhere arotonail by erts fr, 5 to 20 minullas. priooi authorities to be addiefeld to' the " '111" 11: prickly pears beside the path, thi!n bew Copy of said on.traot filed with clerk.-Carli Wille by that Mum t itit be habit, nd* lirge rumbers of 'prema gan to scrateli his head. ried. Moved, by Win. Work, siconied bil -Mt. 0. Con i ce, who his be( ii em- John Graut, har, Robert Bell be 'appolut4: deatlis arise therefrom. It invariably oc- it the boat, and tip one ren I "PIrlaps hit may be a smitch fur- oyed with the Jackson anufactaring casions physidal weakness and 11 is sel ter. to run the'gr der for the ear 1903, at $1.'7,' ompa ly. Clinton hs becn compelled to ircovocably der," he adm1tte4, "but I IloW hit ain't Cement 8idew-­k:Ncfico. e . epnrititution. Next nionihip- th.Q captain took the per day, and that the grader be �ired t, undai mines t!i This esp ive up fli.3 ro i4an on acccui Lt of ill healtb, morn' two whoops an' a. holler." Ruy one Want ing same ab $1.50� per &iy, and 6n eaoib be unlerstood. Not only are t hi� 0 d ba g0fi $t Btf,)re having lig wail All property owr(ra W16 m 8 we . iotime constantly smoking, but inh wRIks.put down in ibe Fesoon of :9.03 must Ole pe- the to P31,y t a man running it, who is t,) bi )resent d with a' I old watch by his fellow v . - lie -would jullup off to t1le to -"V- y the !rroko hito th-i luuga, the Otis A titiono vt ith the Town Clerk o or befoe the 11-th Mr. Bell. -�C rried. Movc (I by Ada -n Turn Im joy �es. [)Ptb nd try to retu d Led �y of Way next. otherwise their pet1tions *411 be p etects o�, the r, ri) f lin t ad so I have bore," said the long haired aid ovcr until the Year bull, second by Wm� Fraser, that th Th 3 bank b on the arm of John co.ino ara directly impar r SIT liandsoine an -%yould have bec,l) fi am the Sawyer & Ma ey CO. to tb 3 blood ; as stuAent s or workers of any 1 . . thco�ist as he"was ushered Into the Seaforth, A WI 1. V LLIOTT, clerk -oide� �:itz, 0 F 8 teplic n,, , as destro Ed by fire one ill of being Stolen. pni mth, 1903.1 11644 Am a new bott )rr blade for the gradqr, to :bi night r cently. 'How the fire occuri-Fd Is a kind, 1119Y E00n be?ome absolutely neflese. f the railway magnate, delivered lab Ethel station. -Carriep. Air mystery, as there ad been ri � person in the Ti olev4nd vitalit are alike sapped. Carlo, however, 14y perfectly quiet, me, rr y plans for -a device that will warn -the a buildin', for I, om 6 ours befor he fire broke reformatoriea ar bat at- Collin made application for aid to build R Jaile, asylums and e full of but ))Iitli -an ir of' listening i -encyineer when any- one is crossing ithe and ccilen �6wlvgt6lh3 destructive i!uftu�' trcted notice. Toward noon be beard Z� t were in. the victims, CENTRAL wire fence'on S. R. 5, opposit3 let3 25 and out. q,he buildiii ts track." 5.. Moved by Work. aecondi cri.30 UfOa the mental and moral nature. the sound of the horn of a packet coln- 26, rwices vu�ed in the Hay company. ."Can't use it," replJed the busylot- ft to I -f Doi ed by Gralito' jiat Mr. Fraser atter � to th4A The eti2gesbil"o, irdscent, pic(uras ing from the oliposite way, aj)d s the found in cigar�V 'boxes, have &lad h* ficial. "What we want Is somi eame.-Carri3d. Moved by Adair Tur'711. a e ad . Hardwa P-0 Couts, colds,!hParseness. hd other threat boats passed each otber he made a leap bull, seoctideld by Win. Fraser, ti at thiE aillnen:s.are, quicKy relieve(� by Cresoleno demoralizing cffecf,'and, Lo dobt, are in il from as having that will warn the person wlio is e.rbss- a measura rasbonaible for the grossly im- n r he eDgit)er 11ap- :or Bast t ecuricil ask, Pr. McDonald, M. jiblets ten cents,pbr box. All druggists got off at the place where his master Huron, and Peptity Speaker of t -of Hous( moral tenden�'es that are creeping int( thq pens along that -way." lives of yoath in cities, towns aLd vith ges, and a�g having gone at to assist Mr. Cowan Vo secur( iust., J ohn. H yy bli of Oommo�s, -On Sunda Wat and from the will Eo)n spraad into the once to the hoube cwhere he was a Coil Spring WIM. at B-6ttOm the paesag� cf the act to place raiWay com But Soon to Be. Son$ a Popular 1young.. man of Goderloh, rural districts, TNJ any of our pf ople appear guest� panies. c ii 'ite same level. with other propne p�.ssed iway. De0eased had !been working .1 Aliss Ascum-Wasn't that Mr. Bqnd;.,s to be in blissful i e of the moral rot- bore of Ian 3 itinder ilia M-Qnicipal rainage Could human int�lllgence have sur- to munity., F 2 I 1% ine(l his 00�stitutlon, nd two weeks passed that? o 9 1 Suffalo and 004e attentio i to buainess tenn sq that isginfoocatreig the com I saw y' u* walking with last evenjD' ? Act of Onta,r alsc� to have effioie t oattle u 4erncl guards at qlI their orossings,-Car d. Or L. pi�eviou�s to Iiis r1PAtb be was' (o,.npellod to and ne -of t mpsb, potent influeneds in This same dog lay on his master's bliss Coy -Yes. m I ant and Fraser, by -la o.201 that directio is bh� aigaretts. a kb Miss Ascum�He's a landed free- rp�tu*nhome, Re�was335_yea6ofage. and refused food until be died Agents for Lo'ndon Fence Ma- 'Vill otion of that in Oa rio, against the 0 rave holder of the co-unty, isn't be? )fjlt aonB!Iair, an cola resident of Hatt t �o baccc to mi )-s halve been found t be tarvation. Bu� I do not give this tl�e tov6nrltip Of H�wiok,who left tli%t town- .0 Aliss Coy (blushing)-Well-er--he chines—We se14 the m at a. in Canada, in �%O, Is alnear'se in point. sh1p in 1884and 4en b 6 Sal tliSpriugs, Mis- prActically inoperativ -nded yet. 000,000 nigarebtes, ' A gentleman wh isn't qi:lite la LOW Lbere were C-0 0 lived a hundred sopri, w ere he has sinee r il�l, Maker's Prices. h es , has. 121,0)0,000 it 1901, &ad 134,000,000 in miles from a city moved there wit4 all Is atint tier eh4 e. %a ]DOW moved U. mat He li L1 4 �l 1902, Eo that the habit is increasing with P�,- L, ZIP, W�th.hiis faini V! Olemenis, 0alifoinia. frightful rapidity. Produotiveof evil and his possessions, -inoludin,& a bulldog riatiner Skinflint (reading 61g] Port land Cem nt, S -es itrid W B14ir will, u6 onb�, be r6mpmbered by which had been ral�ed'at his athee-a g 61g, -pad, alyevil, and without a single redeeming 111E yesiglit Tested Free of Charl 0 SoTe ofour old re�ders in the nopth. bome, where he hat' hitherto resided. Shove futum, the manufacture, im ortition and Gracious! Mandy, In I go W find ve r ever i V ,r .5 y,_ari h1a sale fibould be absolutely prohibited by the He was locked,up 1; the car with the e- adioB and gentlemen u ho ta6 Miller's lf It's hurtin! my- eyesight tew read Canadian- Pailiameni., and a Go�ernment furniture and in the bustle of unloading -1�ansts MY1 Co 1poand Iron Pi Is always grow younger paper. measure to th it effect shoul.d be brought disppeamd, and t*o days afterwa'rd Ifturd'i e- ew goln' teW feel trong and' in b6ppepranee ard pirits. Mand3"-Aif If it Is re y Is Drug Store, Seaforth. down at the present :session. It' ought to lie reached his formor.home, coming by cvery ay AtI.,V. Fear: squander good money on specta h -we the unan mons support of bothepolit- iklyn u Inland route, as N�ras known by par Farmer SkJnfllnt No; tew HARDw%REt ical r1sibies." On �Suaday m(rning, 12th inst., Eliza- ties who recognized �im, so that he i�vl- give up, -be paper. i�l - i bi-ItR,,gan, daughter of JM r. Ja M'es Ragan, dently marked out 4�is own path with- TIC11 b I :Ierth N otes. 01 and Bend, departed this lifg, aged 21 out reference to tbeIrkiroad on wb�clk y 11 for sev- -1a Adam Sttvenson, of Av.qnban Id. I G� afty. eara. �The,decea§ed had been arjer k ay. Only For ROY L'o e*Vpq he had been carried end rnouthe with Oropsy. iuAcaeded in t iking Nurtfi place In the ma It Is a notable fact that In AbYSS Ala 'Cornpatitiol 0 the McDonald seed grain 'none but those who are related to t44 P TH OU4 I the b o dy. �TG ATI ind Alfrad Mountain took Millet's WC rM �owders ara vro:xderful 'cOmPt"'on, Dictiouni-T. monarch Is permitted to wear goR i7c AA fifth. The fcurth prize is $25, and the 6 d. medicine for ailme' to of children Cd ary, !fifth S15. A copy of the first diction made any form, They may deck themselves er predloi�p At L V. Fear's Drug Store, Se�forth. I be �f two very popular 'by Chinese scholarf 111 the Year " with diamonds and oth $ ��,Chlorodyne Cou he, marnage o V-1 -wels je be Be# ong the stones, but the must not Yotin g people ook place, in St. On B. C., Is still pre4erved am -does what is cimmed for it that the Wed aesday evening archives of the CQle�tlals. so 140MY tottleB i f - A �of last weeh, when in gold. Th e penalty for infringe]310d reason we have sold Lockridgo woolen mW, Bru3selat ha nov� from 15 to 18 hands e4lo Miss Lottie Floaers, the eldesb daugbt, r of of this law is death by deenpitatlob. thin winter. goOd working I. of J 6rnes� wi�l soo13 hAve evcrthing in Mr. nd Mrs. Thomas Rogerp trial, 25e a bottle. Vore�ts- Give A a V.; T. A. C6s- shape. Fiva or six families have been stree), was married )by Re 9 thot totim by this ente Forests cover one -tent of the surfIC0 Thanked. rprise. of Avcn- qn)ve to Mr. J o3eph R. A. Laing, brdught t t6ni' Ripley, livis -sold hi 8 b of the world and one-quarter of IMU- She -Yes, 1 told you I'd alwaye �e ig J. T. link. 131ster to you, and 1111. be glad to heair co�tsge on Is -lac , street, Clinton, to W. Wiliikn-i At�l'�iiison,' of St. M ry9j rope. ABE, Gr�.ham Torun!o 4ormerly reeve: of Stauley'l last anything you have to Say to me. 0 ZRHAIM Led Euddenly on Tups(lay morning o go you told me 304 UGGIIST, oa' t oace and vox Soldiers' for $925' He sect�res pomees. weel;. For sous few dUys he had beei � ail Re -Six months a DA it himWf. 'r t 3 his The first of 1ned.111S to r -,,0,11!h- thank. you some day -for refusft - U14L B1400 j, . will 0041p ing and had 6t%yed ai home attending z 1.is ad -vii to and NO garden instead ' of going to work at &ax- as in 1043 �T CbDrICS L- Let me do- so. at -once. You C" tr I I I trpor)s W, 't tiold- ()ARD S r Co mass. WORMS cannot exi�t either in child n or adults night he complained of a ell'si Mond to b:n DR� LOWI WORM SYRUP is u ad. 25c. AU W y a candle to the girl I'm euKaj �ed pain hl side, but Lis wife at wle re. ere in a f IV in b k 1112L e C 0 P� Y -oke Vn or al 31119- 4 the kidnaysi. bladder .�t cur.e backaches,. WOOk alid &--I. other dine!"S' of - the kidaeYe avd! nervcs CODY, ad 6-d and '"I" tbt ra I "t.r. rf, t ha for Blood Bitters otm. and remOlyes that, knd, takes &WAY ht la the eprlvgw lj rinalp's-1 of the -ping ft1y Separated and' 16" h1a oof a[tookers aLl,sojeor aboat the Pole, b. of ptlee-brod. o,he as.!, � to. Camd Eir fa-milY, om Toronto to a f 1&t boat- I i0oiling.W004 t�4 0 " _AY it 1903, Sim 'AMM T T all YURNI'tuftju —ANLD— RICO UNDERTAXIm Furaiture bougb� with care is 6R$il� Eold. anyears, f xperien3a enables me to select tjIty de,09118 with good constraotion and vDarlor U0811, and sold at right prices, M;ked buduess matually pleasant and pro. uph-ol-st.oring receives special attentiom ;Upholgtorycaveringsan-1 material kept in piature; Framing done promptly. Pic. tu e j and frames for sale. Also Window t,qhados, Cu-tala Polea, Cottage Reds, Pillow, .8hain Folders ant many othar such things bojongin� to h uie furuiehing. ler, RaVyGarriagesin. tie verylat(st sy and awa dov� it in pri ca. T &hn Sell the vet t ical feed Daris. sewing gisoblues, than whith th(ra is Do betterin the country, Ths vertical feed on these vachillse makes it a pAeasure to sew any fsbjic, and puckering is impossible. The ,yIes puts them within easy reach of any sairing a firat-claes UNDERTAKING And Fmbalming carefully at(l property (lone, Ucocding. to the latest mothode - i. Night ,C,%ilganswerrect at my reeldence, 'South ea8b -oorver of James and VVIlliam stret. t j. V. K N E. C H T 1F. L Slj�-CESSOR TO Joa.,T LAwDs-BaitouGH, SEAFORTEL 1807 You" Are Losing ME OT E Money WiLhout a MELOTTE Grem Separator. 103,0001ndatly-use. The only eprator built wtbh a b3atifully enamaled:bawl caging, more durable than tinware. IS diffneut sizes A great many other I kinds of Separators are taken out and htelottes p t In pliee of tbem. A few points of i excellence in this Separator not fou;id in any other kind are tnk lower down, heay. lertiaware, tu-tis eas'ar, skims cleaner, bowl hangs pldrnb� self bal tumip.-, has a break for stopping it . geazingidlenclosEdt.haa a concbearing�rhlkch ad- justaltself to the wear, alluminum disc, will not rust 4he handle taken c ff and put on, all wearing ,pinfa. of eagehard 'ed Steel, I al -OL bandl. farm im- .plements ar-.d jr,act incry inc-Iticting Xcxon, Wilkin. ,pn,Tchou, and White Eu�i-:e4, Sepmtors, and Vindmills. All goids at A. Campbell's Warereome, $eaforth, DUX�CN 2RCALLUS1. 1841-tt W.&T.Tov, March lzth, 1903. This it0certifythat lha.No. lMelobcaCresln Seprator I bough.t from 7.our agent, Duncan MaCaKum, gives Zoo B-.0isfae- tionineverynspect. EaBilyturued, �asilycltaucd, and a, dean skimmer. 11ave ru a it over two ye:trs, and see -no aparent wear on it yet ; and in my opin- lou, the pr. fits from ItA use with 10 c,;w3 would pay lorit in one Beasia, Aftcu4pr, RaNVIND, WaROV,Ont. SzAPoR.Ta, March 1.70h, 1903. To whom it -mayocricern: Havingporehased-a hiclottereani flapaxat:r one year ago from Mr. D. McCallum, I tAkepl�easurain.recoa.mend'.t,lgib to baagoodma. chine, It is ca, y operaiedt and I thlrik It can coffa. .pefe with auv machine cn- the market tj-daiy. Yours- -trily, Joiw HAY, Seatoxtb, Clio- LEADumy, February 10 It 102. Dear Sira,-I am vell gatiatlei wUh tht� telotte that I bo"gbt. I Iiink V, would pay for ASE If in. a short timd with 10 cows, and the Skim milk is good for the clv,. s. It is �parfcctiv safe, arid I cannot elpeak to:) highly in U6 ,praise.. 'YoUrS trUly,' W.M. HACKWELL. LxApBuity, February fth, 190-3. D�ar Sirs. -This ils:to certify that the size 2, Melotto Cream Separ- Oar� which I purchased from; Sour agen 5. J. A Wal- kerja entirely satiefact,-.rS, in evety rasipect. We find that %ve, can make far more. bixtt� r thn, in any oather wa, sud am quite aatiAied that wich 8 cows *self in about 6 months. ,the Separator would pay fr i. ,The skim milk is excellent for the calves. It is a r;.ory easy running machine, and perfectly safe. I Ahit.kitthebesk Cream Serarator on the market. Aours truly,. S. Me-11herson. .7- Grand Trunk RailvVay system. Railway Tilmel Tabie. 'Trains leave Seaforth as follows : , S.w A. W. For 011iftv, Goderiol�Wiugham and �Hlncardine. 12 40 p� m. For Clinton and Goderloh. 6.j5, p. in. For Cliu0n, Wlughnn and Klncar- dine. 10.13 p. m. For Clinton and Goderich. '7.63 a. al. For Stratford, G:ue!ph, Toronto, Orillia, No;.th Bay and pointa west ; 'Belleville and Peterboro and points C�Ft. &11 P, M. For Stratford, Gualpb, Toronto, Mon - treat and points east. M0 p� rn� For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. Palmerston and Kincardine. GOLIG XORIU. pa". Mixed. Mixed 'Palmerston 7,30. p,m. 12.20 p.m. 8.4 5 a. w-. F,thel.. 8.07 I.,07 9140 Brusecia .... ...... 8.17 1.10 1000 Blitovale' 827 1.80 10.20 Wlaghag:: 8-.38 1.36 10.30 Gome; SOUTI1. pass. Mixed. Pass. wingham.. 6 6!) a.m, 9 a.m. 3.05 P.M L92 9,17 3.13 7.18 10.01) 25 ........ 7.28 10�16 3.35 Paltuarston ....... 8.20 11.30 4.20 London, Eluron and Bruod. Psaftenger. London, 8.16 A.X� 4.60 P�V 9.18 5.56 9.80- 607 9.44 6.18 9.60 6.25 Bruceflold- ........... 9-58 6.38 Minion. 10.16 6.65 Londeeborct 10.80 7.12 Elyth.- 10.38 7.20 Belgrave--... 10.50 7.F3 Wingliam, 11.Qo 7.55 loma Bourn- Wingliam, depart.. 6.60 A X. 8.10 P. V Ralgrxve.. _. _... .. 7,01 &23 Blyth .. . ........... 7.1.4 8.95 Londesboro ........ 7.22 3.45 C!Intorr 11.47 4.16 8.06 4.410 4.60 8.16, 8..22 . 4.65 Ceatralla. 8.40 5.20 9.45 A. X. 6 -YO 'London, Fire arlsurarwe 00-mPally FARM AND ISOLATED TOWf1d PIRGPERTY ONUIr INSURED 1. R. McLean, Preeldont, Kippen P. 0. ; T61nXt -'Zraaer, vice-president, Brucefleld F. 0. ; Thomas X. frays, SeoywTreae. Scalorth P. O.. DIRROT0318. William Chesney Realorhh; John G. Gxleve, Win * George Date, Seaforth, John. Bennowels 'ayop' -Dubilu Jamea, Rvans, Beachwood, John Watt, Ifulock 1, Thomas Fraxqpr, Bmaeflold John B. Me Mq, Rippea ; anice Co rnolly, 01lixton. ft�%. grclth� Fi. HInckliloy, Seaforbli 41kn1ca Cumlu;r Ezmondv -0,' J. W. Y90, Holmes, SGwrge'Alurdio and John (). Morrison 411diltort pArtiep 6e-thr-tls t�,, ettot basurAneAl, or iyl�nj '40%e, will 'no prolarvy 4911ded to - P01,10aiton to t th�l 00% a alu;jefe, 1.44renxed t. for 1903. 311011AXI, MURRIE� Recve, Wi-ithrop P. 0. J0EIWS.ML01VN* Couuc1lor,Seaf�rthl?.O. CHARLES LIT�Lb Courcilt,)r, Win-throp P. 0, JOHN MURRY 6ouneillir 'Beachwood P. 0. JOHN M. GOVEkLOCK &nelllor, Winthrop P.0� 0. MORRISON Cierk t= Winthrop Y, 0. M ROSS, Trel-gurer, Winthrop P.. 0. $0LOMON'J. SHAXXo.V, 3, P., Sanitary Irspector Winthrop p. 0� ai lLnown as the Lainonb drain by-law, was or, WOMAN provision& —000 o'cloo Stallions For 1903 RC NIMY—BA LFOUIR of the fairest About two o'cloo in the morning he gave o, 6 Wife Av Old E:antern Legend _a�ibbert. ed to him and he enb to bed feeling easi toad first and secoid tlm� and adopted. On motion of' Messes. Tainlin I the daughters of this town. three or four S arp , breaths. Hi That Telln g read throo and Work, by-law No. 202 wa ship tvas carri)d'a*ay to grace a home in shook him, but ailing to awake him she How She Wax C�eated. ti -nes x0d finally passed, After Pa ' '301139 a the far-himed West. The young lady was went to Mr. W es cott`� and he went for the number of moo-unts, the c The last section "Of a Finger of the ouncil mdjourned und life extinct� and Miss !Franoes Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and dootor. The do. -tor f �o meetKou May 110 at, 10 a. M. Aloon Reddened by the Setting Sun" In Harr Balfour, end the lucky man is Aft. Eaid he had dit*d frim heart failure. the Sanscrit -work calle(i tilLi. Sul -ging -nuy, son of Mr. Henry ;Z-OaSunday, there passed awayat ths iclin on 0. Rc he following W-11 known -will travol Man� young ladies who were supposed to RoneV. Thecereniony, which un:ted theze of the Occan of Time" contains ale,, n.%.l dul.T stalliona rewd -nee of his soL-112-46w, at lot 6. Coiner,- ing the seat on of I=, As foilowe - be going into decline hav been ' restored to sion 6' Downie 1�1r. Vk illiam Jobn Kloph -two f oir life, took p�ace on Wednesday at the 61, WOmftii's ereation. 'which 1.,q health and vi;or by the u, 66 lyeara. � Mr. Klophel had been' all- col 0AIRNBROGI.F, PRIDE e of A�iller`s Com- home of the b ido's. parents. About seventy aged ninonly credited througliolit India, ing forz loag time and his demise was, not J. X McIatosh, roprittor. wrre Ound Iron Pills. guest 3 ssen!ibled, ani the cereMony nd wbicli runs sonwiYlitt s rollolvs: At I. V. Fear's 1�rug 8 re, 8 aforth. MondaT, 4 Lb, will leavwbis ,Own 8tabe, was p:-rform d 13Y Rev, A. McAuley, of unexpected. D460ased was a native of the Lot 8, mcxill P, atd Proefed o Williwn M the beginning of ti'mc, Tvi ,i ri, t , ;;;; � I Tt 3 bri no.-th. of Ireland, havi g been born there in Concessicn 12, e wore a very a I . M in of HhAlloo jr.,'Io*h vcneesaiop, for noon; then to ty L ooBtune of white and carried a ouqua of 1808,'during the reign Ill� ' He . Shannon's. 12thcorce:%Ion.i forthe night Tues- Olorbotb. wbiEe roses. of h.%s thus seen five cha ages c n the throne of the world. But when 130 tO fty—West t i win. Mille, flu)jw, for noln; then tor Mis� Emily Fitzpatrie SAD I)EATIL.— 16 burg Mason's hot( -1 3131b, for n'gh�. Wlcdxietday�LWest Odr iitt i hag been Sobrboro, made a Charming bridesmaid, klis Enlawl. In 1850 he Come to Canad te a ivoinan lie foun he had Cili- a, Aet. cre.1 to J. Prtffet$a, ')r moon to . Bigglabottonile t1ing in TorontQ. 7 then I aaddea�d this week by the de th of M ise being 6irnilarI7 at�irtd and also -carried a Af1tr some, time he re- pioyea an ms it, ne creation for night. Tb Arafty-TO R� V. McUOWAn, wt�i LaurA, -daughter � of Rev. A. Thibaudeau,, haudc=6 bolqaet of pink roses. The moved toBr&nttcrJ, wherehe livedjfbr a of -7or It lo ulghL Friday—To Wnh. 8hcIdj--e,jj, marria. for uoon then he popialar pastor Pf Gran Bend Methodist There did not remain one Wawanosh, noon ; then to. W. Pliclan's, lo great number of years. Mr. Klophal held' tupported by his rother, Mr. Th(In Tivaslitri, I)tr- to James Roml on!s Icr night. to Does if not seeva mot� effecd Ve to 4xictli., Corbel t. That 0118 E0_ young and A. Rone Mrs. Roney. is admired and be- the uniqus honoi of be ng probably thq old- fell Into I�rvfonlid llieditatio'll his own stable, where be vial re"in uitij the iol- br'imtlie in a remedy, to cUn�� discise of 41ever should be suddenly callel- away by loved by a wile circle of friends sh est living maton, ha6ving joined the order in lowi� g Monday morning. the Angel of Daatb� a6eme almost in elf to do as Ibbeit-with the sinwr 11 e rolised Iiiiii, the breathing organs, th, to take credible, leivewHi hes 0 f all Ireland. filie ead- event takijiR� place on Wednesday, for her f'iature, Afttr the ceremony iwals -The death occurred at an early� 'ho light.ticss- of.the Iciif nd reluctly , ii , Ito the stomaca the e wis ur Re tcok LECTRIC B. April, XZ, at the �gs of 24 3ears. Misel perf(raild aiid o6ngratulations ext(nU4 on Saturda 11th iast,,l of in old the of the, fawu, thr of Y morrill), gj Wil iam. Barry, Proprietor,, Thibaulleau Was aeiz�sdwhh an attack of tl a company rapaired to t'ie dinin and highly riespected resident of Nort It the fain's ray.q and ters or the ii-t:st, Xonday-Wi I leave his own stable. j uIllevouth,or EAsthope, in thq person of MrL,. Jan� Ham. Ohat d�ngerous disease$ peritonitis, some 4 , ,ncy of t1le -%V1, �oom M. re the tables were lad(.n B ucef6ld, by vay of the 11111 road to DidW,3! oteL �en day.a ago, but was apvarently recover- juxudes,�: mai taining f..)r Mr. and Mrs. itton, relict of the lat Matthew Hamiltou. t;luiklity Of tl](1 lj*�,!J-p t"L% \-,111fty of il Beiftrtb, for j) ion ; then by w iy of the Hurr 4 road ing rapidly until Sunday night, when ihe BAlfour their envitible reputation as, hof Deceased Was 73 years of age and death was to the Almon Imtel, ClintoD� . the nigbt. Taesday iid the of the. down -By way of Qe Lvndoinj ro to his own :stable, gu&rea a relapse,, an due to gen(ral debil!ty, She war, born in d from that moment iind I o'Ltass. After supper an inepac�ion Ireland and Came to inada in 1851. Aboat o -.i the throat of the the where he will: remain uDtil 'edniaay morning. little hope was en4rtained for her recovery. Was madei of the tridal gifts, which were Z) Via na for no and return'to his fifty years ago she was married I o Mat�hew har,oiliness of the the siveet owfitiblefor g t. Thued. -At his owal stable Established x Decsased was A, gr duate of Al College, declai ad U be prob�bly as costly, nvmo ous 'Frida, -By way of 2ad conces6in of Hamilton, who died ia 1871. , She ha� ra- flaver of hon-oy, the of tho t1ger, all day. St. Thoniap, in bat elocution a d domestic and uief4l tirmy as I was ever - bestowfe on Cures While Yot� Sleep. Stanley, to He oall, at T� J. try's ealb Aod ,ex- soicnce,l and bad m ny friends a d comppn ro YDU�g eldcd coatintionaly on lot 43, concession It cu� W pt ople !at the advmb of their of fire, t5e el.ill of si)ow, chatge stable and rema�n ere until Sa�tnrday res bec�use the irrendlered stiongly I age, at- mcming. Sat2rday-Bywayofth toad to iRnp. She was'-un,veraally like and ad- mayri�dlife, Mr. and Mrd. R�,nqy left this North Easthope, Since her mVrri the ellafter of the y lld the Co0i"I't". a ,to n I n antiseptic is carric his own btwble, vibere be will om& iint'D 101- d over the diseased sur- mircd, and. deep so ro Vail at hot un- week ForToront) and Montreal, then to t li-ir though her death took place at the rei-i- Ired w preva Of 1110 tUrtle lie 11WIted all this Iming i4onday morning.. face with every brcath, givingprolon t,.me)y (Lnd. 8 adehcr home with Yr. home at tcubmu, Uani!oba, about 60 miles dence of her daugh enry K�rb he to , M ra, and c6n�tant treatment. It -is filvalu- Y' and M-r,,. A. W. Humphdes, of Parkhill, this s deiof Winuipeg. We wish the happy Shakespeare road, where she had gone�on-a 'Carp( able to mothers will-, sniall children. escilt of her to pter's Trotting Horksev, And during her Ets, Ahere was well krown couple a lorg and uteful life and con ilj,L)tls vitit a few weeks ago. Is a boon to; th atics in.1 m(-kt highly es eamed by all, hitor the inan canie-to and HONDURAS and CHIEV. ASE M especially prosperity, ani we' aie only echaing t 115 so by lb-- -vouug pe pple* who ku w her beat. fervent N%' Lliss of a host of friends. HEART DISBASE. Weighing 1,875 younds udl,2-00 pquudso, -c r -FOR- 21!y lord, ibc ervaturo ou ne Will make Stands thii se MCGOW1011 DeAr As an 61denob of e deoeased's, popularity WhOoPing Cough Bronchi 3"SLOT I at and ability, to state 11)y existence. I e el Blytbj Wedne9day night; Thursday at ib is �ujy neoesaar� A .8dy's Reform6tion altOU4 CroUlp Coughs,� ths t she was a te w years ago choseii as one A Trouble Much More Coluluon noon ; Dan Rigle'Y's, MeHillf p, Thnreday ilght CatWh, Colds Grii,,,e d Hay0ever of t -ie. delegat!p Nom Westera: Ontario to .11 �Ve have LO loy of tviFelve in the jil Than is Generdlly Supposed Ntjtlj().t7jtL rt%t, she takes l] my thno, then to XcLi�zhlln*s atid Brodbag-en, 'I lin, F Iday rghl n ticec 1wood, here, oonvicted of stealiag, vvh!kt A oald oii !.be lmeiiis for iloth, - t all a nd is and Dub -er Ind 1,amp'-," e.ttend great Oonventlon at No,thfield, the The Vaporiz ich �h,jld last Kinburn and 0 �nton for 1'V1;_Ybt Soundneo, k ndness L ;olcn .: pc chiratt n Iifet6e, together witli .1 to"t -was Lhe message 41 re the and compactne are the a �!,i ion of e of Cr home of the late �wight L, 1Y oody. ad visi iv;;d b T $x.5o. xtra supplies of C: e 25 C I td She ec 11 A healthy person does not feel th bearb Bt Qjglj' resol' from no of cur county judges. na wee q L 1.jfej theae �o-cents. Write for descriptive leavesbcaldes her�arrrowirg )%rents,two k ! descri tiv- ooklet c�ntain- sent ck wail, " Delay acton &ad ' rite at all. If the'heir� mxkes itielf felt it is ing highest testimony a- aisters, three bic6(rj and a lics J Of friiends,. & gain to the god 0,11(l s to its v Ue. Ca who have ilia he aympa hy of ili-i pbrtuioulire." The �particulars ins in due BVIra sign of some of the mauy pb�siee of lord, my life is solitary The ClydeEtlsle Stallion VAPO-CRFSOLENE 1�5 q LI) By j heart trcuble. Some of ilia sympLomis of t; e, and fro a police standpoint he Im DRUGGizjTS LVERylyk ERE. community. DUNRAG'IT were serious erough to warmat eik long erip heart trouble are Rhorbness ofbreat,�, tromb. illU roturned this, Vapo-Cresolene Co. in thi it r The julge, h c v eii, b -v my illgfii- at il th e Shire 3-tallion A omg ill-Ige, how ling of the handa, Violt ab throbbing or idut. '111Q131 FOR internal or ex�ornal use 11AUTRD'S YEL. -Reforni lo y. z8o Fulton Street a tie js n is hiait, thirT spaEm3 of' Pain, 1: reeqll how she g1micv.d a x6p Nc tre Dme Street LOW 014 cannot be eXcelled as a psirk! relieving and' had been studid g mo tering of t I t ine lontreal; soothing remedy for, all pain. rn m thods i obild. 'WARF] ELD FI�Z_HAROLWJ GaViDly w tnini- oliPrdsdOn on the ciest, dizziness ; and the corner of her eye, th, �N' r ork, ani readily consented t r prietor. for tle guardi mship-of the lud to the SllpGV- clammy eweaj�ieg, irregular pulse, and! the nlv� chirig lo me." An,,! IRecommended and sold by 1. V. Fea�, -The D,Oring: Harvester Company have alarming PAI ion that is often felt inoari will atand f(r the season Ist Z J� Biarr.17x -nge le intendant of b eglected Children,'tere be- the Woman to liffil. TI Exe * Stab' H druggist, Seaforth. jus A b lat'oon'racto fi r $250,000 worth of new 113g-L00hildr(n's Aid 14_03iety orgarliz in in the h3ad at the wrists. Of cou.sespeo- only pased nd T)vashtri sa AY lihe bu'ldings at Ham'ilton, and ni�y Epend a pie anffdring from beur) trouble havenIt all the distiLt. rhe �oy came to 1h3 cioy un, 111,11) comill"'r to 111W agaill quwter,of a milUG13 more for tli.3! same pur- -df r die close i urvillance of i h -j !oaal 3r6_ these symp'orns, but �f you have any of 'them it is a sign of heart tr:)uble, andsh,buld &ald he, "I do 110t milln lqu r License 6 AM114 pose stable, and was dulj h-inded over. Woly, L Act. Or V;�g Z V C I A '-proteat has be ted for a moment. sjond e,xact] bovs� but I'm -,iire 11, j on filed at Odg()Odo hr. was ask(d, wh ra (10 3 011 til, not be neglec Hall, Tbrooio, against the election of Mr. y g n w The Reform'. Most of the troubl a affecting tilie heart i�owan me more Take Notice that I bivia al pli&� to the 141censo -1. - ­ - ou are � goin P DISTRIOT 1! George D. Granl� for the Commode for atoty," be ri plied, without a smile, hA are caused by atimmia, indigest' ' ou or. erv- pleasure. I be- of yoti relleve 11;,e Commissioners for the District of South Hrzn for North Otario. !The depcet was also- being the only pu;ishment he cosild pe ii vu3ness, and when any of these Causes I e at of permission to transfermy hotel liveniie to Tbomas I PitkneyofLoddou. Any objectiorse to said, tran made. ceveof. lle*was 'an enlightened, anahe therootofthe troubI3 it can bo,s rely s. -wa �Tas in I itended - ! a— 4.0 3 ink but Twalitri cried, "Go N�our -ay fer must be mape to the Liccnqe Inspector not later [The following I t d the ideal the more th a h 8 curad by I he me of Dr. 'Williamb'! than Monday, Afay 4th next, 1903. ocal ne LIVE& TROUBL93,� biliousness, sallow complex 0. aild do Your best!' eyes, jau-idice, eto. yield to the cura- 13 mon JAMES W for lasteek, but cameto h ah cl too oLp, yello do Meeded it Tho pat t t � be arn- P1118-- Y01 must 't triffs with C' U�e powe a of 0 P And the ihan cried,- "l caunot ive late.1 LAXA-LIVEa'PILLS. They areaure pletOy forgotten 'or the -future, fat ne life medi,.-in.,s, and abov al, you rhouldn't fur- a. cure. _t6 e trust A, respectcd, aided aud er--' ther weaken our hear, � bV using Furgat vee. w! tb li er!" In! the Surrogate Court �-of tha Count inaRthat was woitiyent om- You n -just. cura your hlsru disease t-hybugh IN eltb er can you live with -The 103to -at Ar3O,a,iAssiniboa, the blood iLh Dr. ' illiamg' Pink Pills. replied Twaslitri. County of Huron Xorris. on InEnd ble. After a'month's trial, free rom Couzzon, Doi,.zas -The council ftiet 4 . . I Ytu can eaa �47as ent-3red by bh.rll�lats 6ii-3 n'ght last week. any al ratraint, he --ecemed wi ling UX. see Why this is the only way f�r the pur ose of hivtng the I April 13ib p ne WiLilipeg a I sg was Gilt open an 1 a xious tc d j �ight, and a far me to save yo Tb :And the m In. went sorrowfu In 'the Etitate of James Forsyth, dte�-ased. engineer's rej oi t on Vie Lamc nb dr4vn read Dil in urself. e hEarb drives your I I Y a N� .1 i niurmuring, ','Woe is me; I en newl-or 02 000 akcn. fro 0 1 % ml, register( I letters. als was s curad for him, far rdmoved from hi� blood to all pBrt3 Oi tho body. Every. 1:op I ljotlea Is hereby given that all persons and for the tceniaotiozi-of any oth�r busi- W live with lick nor without her." wig any (ther p pers Tnere of your blood flo.vs th#u h. your beart. If claim againBt the ebtate of JaheA Fori3 to t l valua of 86.000. "10 P. One day he fo g6.1 � 9 , late uf. ness. The eaA report was read and1tho by- I i1orme - onvi amen tho village of Egmandville, in, ibe Vnurrn, is no cl. to tire 4-rglars as y b.: his good resolutiona, took, some mone be- our blood is thin or 0npure ycuz heart is law bmed, on it, and on motion sa 1 _0n of the a d1dest even s 4hich ha,, weak anc�. diseased ; if, 5oar geotleman, d eces6d, who O*el on or abon ps 24th wap provisionally adopt d, an th IL11giVg to hia employer's; son and bo ght oun to be d,gy, of March, 1903,, at the sal, I villalr,.e o' 'a ccu �re in Ayr,;VVv;tetIoo cc u3ty, in many 'The y-(u-ig an blocd is jure,lrich (I healthy, io,will vil!�, are riquircd on c.r betzralh-e Ilth da v, of M . ay. erk in- ucted to 1have by_l&� ted Lin igarAf6s and tob�cco. S-ure of Ap�irwnxe. sti the W ri. 19 0, to send or deliver.to lie 6derl&ned, the are -w�s the d4th of Mr, an I Mrs. Robert -i trout h4aLi t sound and st�( n -1. That the theatrical claque Is not' oil- Folleit3r forthe exeeutor3 of mid estate. till pamphlet form and a copy Oerved o � Gach 63 81-14 the litter 6 s(on Iiiscovend hi loze au ed the naturally make year , r iateredted party, required by': the M nicipal amps he forinet aged culpri � 0'a dowilvi�shb good ti-raahin'g. Ube .Dr. Williams' Pink 0ills actually � mXe fined to pla:yhouses was demonstra)�Ced Wars of their claim and te see it if-, Uri Yj- held by r I j p passel a w8y jus.t 6 hours befora ew, riah,'red blood. nd thLt new,� fiah, thf I duly vereflej by affidaviL And 10 &eir- tire Draiiiage A&,. On motion,of Taylor and inaidmit was uadoubtfdly disecuragingt but, in I 1�#- , - -- e d�a�h of his ij e. * He h A reti.lad on b�yond all shadow of doubt. to4he nol ce that aftc r Me said 11th 0ay of Y Igpi, the Cole, a. gran� of $25 was made for ae por- thfra ias, beE;r' no nore �tealing, repor dd lel blocd etrengthena your stoma0h, o6niu. te t he homert3ad ear Ayk ft - the prat 51 and ttcher who was drilling the pupils �or Lrxozut ra will przeeed to 016bibu a I �tate pose of iravelling opposite lot 10; conce's-7 and in otier d reelvil ns st ady progrehe has Istes your livir, Eojtb�s your nerves',. the parties evt tld'tbeketo, bavil rdi eren2e dimorders t e exercis-es in one of -the public been made. Tbe s, rong ikelill od is hat drives out of your system all the only to claims of which they eb;kll have re- aion 9. A bll was presented b Mr. T.� Hemphill of Wroxetcr, claiminy 'di this rationa'l ti eatm mt an, chaDge of e one thit helped to disturb ypur heart. "Chia schools. ceited notice and after Such diAribution the � execum Lever's V -Z Wise Head Disinfectant tors,will tot be responsiVe for, any ,claim � of hlelh Hfor loss of thr unt of will I rove ef eativ i. Tho boy, irlatea of has been pro Ved iti the i muds of oases The unrespoiwlve bit of fem! ty the te on acco the oap Powder is efter than o -.her powders, + I I, is a case in point. Me &delard L i , of f - � Imll not have rweived ooticio. Th1s notice is impassable state of the road 'near Bluev being an Exp nae ty the i commuoity, : At '!LVO over whom the amateur "coach' -work- givi n8puzinato thesci-Autz in thatIbebal 4 f. station during the time of thq ppring th "N, -Qae., lay's For _n �'s it i both so�r and disir. fectant rfoi cert. 33, is, liviag amid normai sur- St. . PacOmL r 1 Y ed reJoiced In the name of Sari is 34 h. R. S. HAYS, Solicibers for the Z$ccttors, W) t'a a On motion of Jackson r6undiogs and is an indoitrial unit ii a three years I as greatly tr(ublcd Dated at SeMorth, this -20t'h day of A:prij, 3903� and - Colo,, cumil I I When Sa'rah began t talk, all her decided to take no action. On motion rof -General �B.Adeu-Powell, the hero the drying need is for ma 3al weak haart, and in cot kt-int fear Lhut, my of coun'try wber( vocal,organs took joyful holiday aud Taylor and Sha, $25 was granta& 6wakde hi &fek ing during ti e recent � ;oui It African Jabor and u;eful, I sAf-r_-Iiant citfz.�ns ip, end would come at anyl time ; the least. ex� 0 1 uttir)g hill at Iota 10 sni 11, �concoi sion 2, Far, ia au presen b on a visit to Canada. He The e me p6li !y had been enecesafully t ied ei tion would overcamelme ;-my heart would retired in favor of her nolle. In vaill 1pitutg violently amd� I would sometimes the teacher begged 4-0, be under supervisioa of Reeve I It wenty pa and impl4ed. inoton, to wit PIR G U-0. 1i �biater. il Came I ram Was UnUed States Aber 'lad.; dnri4 ,,he as t $," T 0, Messrs., Clegg and Wilkinsoii , appe d )n'.] Toronto on Mor ard after - remain- year i 'pi-dsr to di�cnstra-te ths poe8i i - have a feeling Of euffoc4tion. , I was un d r Sarah still clung to her monotone. re 'Ay lass of wo atcrl-h I i, did h, i i tiig a few hours 'a 0 behalf of: the Metfi �jt 1hura nt the card of a (1) not �et rilief. Then the teacher threatei�ed. Sunshine t at city, went on to ic this 0 rk, v�n -radreds could be (19aft w j try X1 hArX04i say i at It ith in a and eventuallymy con0ibion became 4� bad, askinar permuston to have thd chur, h flied 3 he jvas the gut t of the Gov- "Saah," she said, "if you don't h i tiwa, vklier( M simili r manner. T�e so-called bpd bo is that I had to discontiniie woA. While at projem five feet on side roa, nor-Gerierali 1t1isfauppoee( he is on pri- t � L% to do better you will fall utterly, knd Code and Taylor, that the council I�ye no uEuial y the product of unconge ial 611r. my worst a n�.ighbor a Vised me to ih III. the SpAng a goa vAte business. ifi 9,��nd Williams' Pidk Pill-. did so, ani e . Y then how will you feel?" objection, providing it does f roun iogs an unayjnp&tb(t._ tboughts tuTn naturally- to riot ii;LLtr ere -Judge Rcrgi,v� of Toron, o. bas deliver I ill I "'Ob, they'll pplaud IV,. 14168 r, 13 L 0, Co:1fineMeat nder in my care. ed with public travel.- Onmotiodofg4aw lid t d judgment decla�ing Alfred McDoUgAll in WLhat be peeds 33 , , in a in- 81riply workeid wonder ig hGuse. At Code, $8 was g stitu ion but a com'lete change of pceiiel e na only half a dozen bo-xe.h when I was able to Brown," returned, Sa-rah eastly. imy rantcd. t words buildW` g' wire v 'auffi-itn"Lly Fien) mentil con lition to stand Stitu fenae north of Mr. Jam a Wrij! hVe gote on ll�s trial on the c i%rge of embi zzlement from free i:eope forlils A R4 a Ute riturn'to my 'work, itr�ng aud heahhy� and mother Is gQijil to give my little otb- of east t o ar d Lry, fence n - t b8joss than 80 h he was so- --.more co-operal,.ola 6tween magistr-Ates and I h%ve not tjInce. hadl' R13Y sigii th. old -c 0 � reatu�y, for whi I - ay 16 cents, and If be don't eglu Pe Oatalio t u All Js SI.- the Childre feet in length. Afte pasOing a few ac- libit)e, Tha ccCsa prubatly w 11 come before ..Sjo?s Aid Society, many �uh lad5 �1�ppjp the mindte I Sit dowA he'b to, the council adj rned t mec t at Lbe.' County Adg heater. The mi, rully ha�dled under 'the 'We wQuld ngain imy eas upon those who 0 Win, P -,j be eucce3kJ coun bow goin' to be sti*pped wit'41p an Inc of are ailing that t:iey mu gel) the go uin5 -P call of the reeve, ount of Mr.� uaallls defaloDt'oa i.- E06t-3 �-home ar. - J. J. KELSO, Toi 0 n t D. I : . �n , - 0 9 "Dr. Will ams' STO I - pills With the fall na M, his life," DRUG 0 This is but . saniple of, wbbt migb i be id to be $30, done in almes ever�y'town or township in Piok Pillv for FiklQ F,@1 on th4 Vr'l" �Pper ration. 11ad Nervous Prost' ()nt, -io, and it is a part of the work the aroud ev6ry box. go d by all dealeo 6F A Measure of Dixfwnce. T S-EAFORTH Ont., a t,:s , IL -I got 1 :New life ior I ordi . - ! a._ Mrs. S. NV. Wst, Drayton, iijet's 0 of Huren will be glad by mail at 50c a box,o[r six boxes for $2.50- 'A ndfhehi sportsman went alligittor Vrdbly run. down, and finally bee4w. a victim of, und Iron Pills. ail� ren's Alc Its, i �cmed . to! I At I V. Fe r s D� - 'a" in whe're Cases aid tro-ight writing to The DrJ Willi -Ams' Medicine You can got eveYythi'n for norvous.prntration, Thad no ap a ug Store, Seaforth. to ae! 11 U huntingtr Plorlda, kxid, as often hap- g anA o scaicelyding notic i. The offid6ra of the mociety in Gode- ens wi the ftnifiltiated, h t I st the purpose at reasona--�le pfice,$L No- Imic iaterwt and anibltiwT. F.) Brockville, Ontario. Inyself abdu I Hearing o� br. -ise ery 3 Food, 1� rich invibe coreesporidence and jac4operation used three boxes with irreit b b, alnirf eleven, 1: --Dr, Grahamlims disposed of his medical' Thi h6hr night, 4Lnd he was at a losi tio'e a few pounda. lb made woof ronow anzi el., an- I had� every pal each an appetite tint I wanted t� be tathr- half thei 1).-Lctice in Clinti ii, to Dr. Hamilton, who from friends a�d children in 't of HOW DOGS FINO THEIR WAY N�-Ijhat to do Presently he met a m4kA 16 oz. bottle household airmunia foir 150' pme from 1k v unty. bell, orf Dr, Grahwin this ccu3ty. Address James Mit, 00ing a Co says the Indianapollo Furniture Polish 350 take well earned reit and w atends* to W, ill -presilent, or Ara. James Clark, s6creary. Evidence That rx�'Y P,Xse.48 pecui- I I LT 1. Sb_�nol oap, for cleaning vodw the Pao fie comt. ourna I - orkl il-, J o�tly take a-trlp to lar Powr lo pld Tl,eux. ailverwar3, tfn, bratm, etc., 1.0ar Can you tell me how far it Is to Grey. -Mrs. EdwarO Ststiley diF d in Saii,lb'sta Dow A 'Vith ithe Cigarett" In the old days 6f the lanivs 1111'er Popd Borax -per lb. 100 COUNCI At the last meeting of 018 arie, -giebigan on March 2 ioh. Decessei Tb it g(.o I old raliable journal, the 'I, 'I fin -er yas by his Washing gods, 3 lbs, for no it was movcd by Adam Tura� as a 4a �f the late Ai drew Duncan, Gray uRhter rm- jet L N Waal I �reckon it's about two 110 Llla,,,er on lboat w1ileh so Whiting, 3 libs. or El!d� Advuc.-Ate, says,: by�John Gr;Amt, ti at the f CI;n'(n, and Oefore jony to -Michigan, man answered. plit To. EducationisO, 'Medical men of repute. Crowded tht the o' in the protect; caTpets fro ore on the Look ngi: he rehided in and ftinley town- agrbemaL the contract a6d i dl who have the moral and pft�sical to I little ]pure imect powder uudor the )(3 out of the iyay, and Krau r rain , as executed,ibe & iceptod hipp. emed to tako this as ebod- edges, and to get, i -e b uy it, b welllpe ng of the'rising generation at h0art, and that t e eeve be authorized tosiku thell sys the '-\-(-,AV Yoi'k-Mail nd ress. 00k, cigariAte. same on beh 0 a corporation ind thd' WILBURN'S STEgLING IlEkil)) CHE POWDERS unite id coiidemnina, the me -of th lenging his veracity, for he I ed ROL is owner reae wd reeuy 0 take, haon less- in action andsuretocure questioningly at the palmttos and so WU6 orperate 6dybea Schein obi tokoll , c -Be attached - thereto, o nd onJ inve iile crim nals 6verywhere arotonail by erts fr, 5 to 20 minullas. priooi authorities to be addiefeld to' the " '111" 11: prickly pears beside the path, thi!n bew Copy of said on.traot filed with clerk.-Carli Wille by that Mum t itit be habit, nd* lirge rumbers of 'prema gan to scrateli his head. ried. Moved, by Win. Work, siconied bil -Mt. 0. Con i ce, who his be( ii em- John Graut, har, Robert Bell be 'appolut4: deatlis arise therefrom. It invariably oc- it the boat, and tip one ren I "PIrlaps hit may be a smitch fur- oyed with the Jackson anufactaring casions physidal weakness and 11 is sel ter. to run the'gr der for the ear 1903, at $1.'7,' ompa ly. Clinton hs becn compelled to ircovocably der," he adm1tte4, "but I IloW hit ain't Cement 8idew-­k:Ncfico. e . epnrititution. Next nionihip- th.Q captain took the per day, and that the grader be �ired t, undai mines t!i This esp ive up fli.3 ro i4an on acccui Lt of ill healtb, morn' two whoops an' a. holler." Ruy one Want ing same ab $1.50� per &iy, and 6n eaoib be unlerstood. Not only are t hi� 0 d ba g0fi $t Btf,)re having lig wail All property owr(ra W16 m 8 we . iotime constantly smoking, but inh wRIks.put down in ibe Fesoon of :9.03 must Ole pe- the to P31,y t a man running it, who is t,) bi )resent d with a' I old watch by his fellow v . - lie -would jullup off to t1le to -"V- y the !rroko hito th-i luuga, the Otis A titiono vt ith the Town Clerk o or befoe the 11-th Mr. Bell. -�C rried. Movc (I by Ada -n Turn Im joy �es. [)Ptb nd try to retu d Led �y of Way next. otherwise their pet1tions *411 be p etects o�, the r, ri) f lin t ad so I have bore," said the long haired aid ovcr until the Year bull, second by Wm� Fraser, that th Th 3 bank b on the arm of John co.ino ara directly impar r SIT liandsoine an -%yould have bec,l) fi am the Sawyer & Ma ey CO. to tb 3 blood ; as stuAent s or workers of any 1 . . thco�ist as he"was ushered Into the Seaforth, A WI 1. V LLIOTT, clerk -oide� �:itz, 0 F 8 teplic n,, , as destro Ed by fire one ill of being Stolen. pni mth, 1903.1 11644 Am a new bott )rr blade for the gradqr, to :bi night r cently. 'How the fire occuri-Fd Is a kind, 1119Y E00n be?ome absolutely neflese. f the railway magnate, delivered lab Ethel station. -Carriep. Air mystery, as there ad been ri � person in the Ti olev4nd vitalit are alike sapped. Carlo, however, 14y perfectly quiet, me, rr y plans for -a device that will warn -the a buildin', for I, om 6 ours befor he fire broke reformatoriea ar bat at- Collin made application for aid to build R Jaile, asylums and e full of but ))Iitli -an ir of' listening i -encyineer when any- one is crossing ithe and ccilen �6wlvgt6lh3 destructive i!uftu�' trcted notice. Toward noon be beard Z� t were in. the victims, CENTRAL wire fence'on S. R. 5, opposit3 let3 25 and out. q,he buildiii ts track." 5.. Moved by Work. aecondi cri.30 UfOa the mental and moral nature. the sound of the horn of a packet coln- 26, rwices vu�ed in the Hay company. ."Can't use it," replJed the busylot- ft to I -f Doi ed by Gralito' jiat Mr. Fraser atter � to th4A The eti2gesbil"o, irdscent, pic(uras ing from the oliposite way, aj)d s the found in cigar�V 'boxes, have &lad h* ficial. "What we want Is somi eame.-Carri3d. Moved by Adair Tur'711. a e ad . Hardwa P-0 Couts, colds,!hParseness. hd other threat boats passed each otber he made a leap bull, seoctideld by Win. Fraser, ti at thiE aillnen:s.are, quicKy relieve(� by Cresoleno demoralizing cffecf,'and, Lo dobt, are in il from as having that will warn the person wlio is e.rbss- a measura rasbonaible for the grossly im- n r he eDgit)er 11ap- :or Bast t ecuricil ask, Pr. McDonald, M. jiblets ten cents,pbr box. All druggists got off at the place where his master Huron, and Peptity Speaker of t -of Hous( moral tenden�'es that are creeping int( thq pens along that -way." lives of yoath in cities, towns aLd vith ges, and a�g having gone at to assist Mr. Cowan Vo secur( iust., J ohn. H yy bli of Oommo�s, -On Sunda Wat and from the will Eo)n spraad into the once to the hoube cwhere he was a Coil Spring WIM. at B-6ttOm the paesag� cf the act to place raiWay com But Soon to Be. Son$ a Popular 1young.. man of Goderloh, rural districts, TNJ any of our pf ople appear guest� panies. c ii 'ite same level. with other propne p�.ssed iway. De0eased had !been working .1 Aliss Ascum-Wasn't that Mr. Bqnd;.,s to be in blissful i e of the moral rot- bore of Ian 3 itinder ilia M-Qnicipal rainage Could human int�lllgence have sur- to munity., F 2 I 1% ine(l his 00�stitutlon, nd two weeks passed that? o 9 1 Suffalo and 004e attentio i to buainess tenn sq that isginfoocatreig the com I saw y' u* walking with last evenjD' ? Act of Onta,r alsc� to have effioie t oattle u 4erncl guards at qlI their orossings,-Car d. Or L. pi�eviou�s to Iiis r1PAtb be was' (o,.npellod to and ne -of t mpsb, potent influeneds in This same dog lay on his master's bliss Coy -Yes. m I ant and Fraser, by -la o.201 that directio is bh� aigaretts. a kb Miss Ascum�He's a landed free- rp�tu*nhome, Re�was335_yea6ofage. and refused food until be died Agents for Lo'ndon Fence Ma- 'Vill otion of that in Oa rio, against the 0 rave holder of the co-unty, isn't be? )fjlt aonB!Iair, an cola resident of Hatt t �o baccc to mi )-s halve been found t be tarvation. Bu� I do not give this tl�e tov6nrltip Of H�wiok,who left tli%t town- .0 Aliss Coy (blushing)-Well-er--he chines—We se14 the m at a. in Canada, in �%O, Is alnear'se in point. sh1p in 1884and 4en b 6 Sal tliSpriugs, Mis- prActically inoperativ -nded yet. 000,000 nigarebtes, ' A gentleman wh isn't qi:lite la LOW Lbere were C-0 0 lived a hundred sopri, w ere he has sinee r il�l, Maker's Prices. h es , has. 121,0)0,000 it 1901, &ad 134,000,000 in miles from a city moved there wit4 all Is atint tier eh4 e. %a ]DOW moved U. mat He li L1 4 �l 1902, Eo that the habit is increasing with P�,- L, ZIP, W�th.hiis faini V! Olemenis, 0alifoinia. frightful rapidity. Produotiveof evil and his possessions, -inoludin,& a bulldog riatiner Skinflint (reading 61g] Port land Cem nt, S -es itrid W B14ir will, u6 onb�, be r6mpmbered by which had been ral�ed'at his athee-a g 61g, -pad, alyevil, and without a single redeeming 111E yesiglit Tested Free of Charl 0 SoTe ofour old re�ders in the nopth. bome, where he hat' hitherto resided. Shove futum, the manufacture, im ortition and Gracious! Mandy, In I go W find ve r ever i V ,r .5 y,_ari h1a sale fibould be absolutely prohibited by the He was locked,up 1; the car with the e- adioB and gentlemen u ho ta6 Miller's lf It's hurtin! my- eyesight tew read Canadian- Pailiameni., and a Go�ernment furniture and in the bustle of unloading -1�ansts MY1 Co 1poand Iron Pi Is always grow younger paper. measure to th it effect shoul.d be brought disppeamd, and t*o days afterwa'rd Ifturd'i e- ew goln' teW feel trong and' in b6ppepranee ard pirits. Mand3"-Aif If it Is re y Is Drug Store, Seaforth. down at the present :session. It' ought to lie reached his formor.home, coming by cvery ay AtI.,V. Fear: squander good money on specta h -we the unan mons support of bothepolit- iklyn u Inland route, as N�ras known by par Farmer SkJnfllnt No; tew HARDw%REt ical r1sibies." On �Suaday m(rning, 12th inst., Eliza- ties who recognized �im, so that he i�vl- give up, -be paper. i�l - i bi-ItR,,gan, daughter of JM r. Ja M'es Ragan, dently marked out 4�is own path with- TIC11 b I :Ierth N otes. 01 and Bend, departed this lifg, aged 21 out reference to tbeIrkiroad on wb�clk y 11 for sev- -1a Adam Sttvenson, of Av.qnban Id. I G� afty. eara. �The,decea§ed had been arjer k ay. Only For ROY L'o e*Vpq he had been carried end rnouthe with Oropsy. iuAcaeded in t iking Nurtfi place In the ma It Is a notable fact that In AbYSS Ala 'Cornpatitiol 0 the McDonald seed grain 'none but those who are related to t44 P TH OU4 I the b o dy. �TG ATI ind Alfrad Mountain took Millet's WC rM �owders ara vro:xderful 'cOmPt"'on, Dictiouni-T. monarch Is permitted to wear goR i7c AA fifth. The fcurth prize is $25, and the 6 d. medicine for ailme' to of children Cd ary, !fifth S15. A copy of the first diction made any form, They may deck themselves er predloi�p At L V. Fear's Drug Store, Se�forth. I be �f two very popular 'by Chinese scholarf 111 the Year " with diamonds and oth $ ��,Chlorodyne Cou he, marnage o V-1 -wels je be Be# ong the stones, but the must not Yotin g people ook place, in St. On B. C., Is still pre4erved am -does what is cimmed for it that the Wed aesday evening archives of the CQle�tlals. so 140MY tottleB i f - A �of last weeh, when in gold. Th e penalty for infringe]310d reason we have sold Lockridgo woolen mW, Bru3selat ha nov� from 15 to 18 hands e4lo Miss Lottie Floaers, the eldesb daugbt, r of of this law is death by deenpitatlob. thin winter. goOd working I. of J 6rnes� wi�l soo13 hAve evcrthing in Mr. nd Mrs. Thomas Rogerp trial, 25e a bottle. Vore�ts- Give A a V.; T. A. C6s- shape. Fiva or six families have been stree), was married )by Re 9 thot totim by this ente Forests cover one -tent of the surfIC0 Thanked. rprise. of Avcn- qn)ve to Mr. J o3eph R. A. Laing, brdught t t6ni' Ripley, livis -sold hi 8 b of the world and one-quarter of IMU- She -Yes, 1 told you I'd alwaye �e ig J. T. link. 131ster to you, and 1111. be glad to heair co�tsge on Is -lac , street, Clinton, to W. Wiliikn-i At�l'�iiison,' of St. M ry9j rope. ABE, Gr�.ham Torun!o 4ormerly reeve: of Stauley'l last anything you have to Say to me. 0 ZRHAIM Led Euddenly on Tups(lay morning o go you told me 304 UGGIIST, oa' t oace and vox Soldiers' for $925' He sect�res pomees. weel;. For sous few dUys he had beei � ail Re -Six months a DA it himWf. 'r t 3 his The first of 1ned.111S to r -,,0,11!h- thank. you some day -for refusft - U14L B1400 j, . will 0041p ing and had 6t%yed ai home attending z 1.is ad -vii to and NO garden instead ' of going to work at &ax- as in 1043 �T CbDrICS L- Let me do- so. at -once. You C" tr I I I trpor)s W, 't tiold- ()ARD S r Co mass. WORMS cannot exi�t either in child n or adults night he complained of a ell'si Mond to b:n DR� LOWI WORM SYRUP is u ad. 25c. AU W y a candle to the girl I'm euKaj �ed pain hl side, but Lis wife at wle re. ere in a f IV in b k 1112L e C 0 P� Y