The Huron Expositor, 1903-05-01, Page 2T A MAI I 1U.0 T NSITOR mrner &soti t,� 1It as this w a arink 0 e and vo*o e, 3teact llo4ht upon mc, t�y tlif� the& eaminatin. ON T IT WIRD ING. �__SRE PATIENn.Y XWE )f aNTIf ul nighl Whiell )v 1_�,assed in Grim the secod boys who go -to p bro io C N 1.1 ft Ordeal of indescribable hoxrors. A col lege tp prepare for ruigle; his go near and dehr rela;tiii of d to BORE DISGRACE i nfe's 1S A NOTHING SHOULD OB$10UREW ONEIS �lis int.. boys who study hard, an aimate associate for many c4i; arid the prayer meetl4g, es- rch 9 -4- -6 Now RATIONAL JUDGMENT THEN yea, Tha3? were to each other as BliOnch'tis I pec, tally tho prayer meeting. Sue- flitiniate as' brothers. They ofided A Sad lette -rom a lady whose ces,,-. 'Thera that honor me, I will W1n._'j D� on, each other everything, r1r]tie pAss- ho or. And they that desp Syr,% 6f MO Que.,- otatesT:-L sh- Me season for the looking aout for FuTnititre is at �The 411�jMtity H;JsV&rvd was Dissipated. �d o4, an 'there was a rupt4re. The -1y esteem. pe Ine has d cured me THE FOLLY OF QUICK SI�31NING 11 be 11, Tht ad.* hat ha#d. Linseed- and T, frindship was broken. WhiLt didthat wr an of bronchitis. wa3 all he wrote, but those, Itave, without sue- relatIve do? Ila immediately �took ua i y is everything. WA can sel �6u, -any qUan-ty all wo 7ds, fa� more tba p ken cess, tried m&nY r6 e4iem for the,past d n any Is oseWt matter, but the t4o lbtters which my father had rit- %I Sic 0 Now She Cured Him with a When WrItIng I& Made and, Sic lit rn- six years. Last w nter when I had 11 but only one quality, an� that is the best. eii and handed t n r1l OTIC wo �ds my father ever uttqrp severe attack a nd an unable to iwork hem ova to the ad themsel s into i nne be- ChAsWo An inspection of 0�,r stock would prove a mutual pleasure and bene�l. vory� Diniouit, if Wot impos sibl"t. to I procured a t oftl of D Vill ews0apors for publication. hs ing. That letter of s lay. D me d M e r ted d Turpeltine, and S he despic- am happy to a, tb at C lit father heard of raw Back wlien 311stoke Bus lBeen h4t piritual pen leld- ot- Thus. Committed-Her.D In Lble M, as he has often t,�ld me, ed in -a,'Chidstian ho tle made me a well man." qmentgi�q�*Agl X of a: 0 e ? Halifax, P a insurance agent, life. Ag th moat awful night of hi But why circumscribe this thoilght Mr. W. R. Ir used ]Qr. kJ U I;tna!w that ho hold done ng� wrong, i ithin the four seed and Turpen- walls Chase's Syrup of Lin AS Entered &ecordJngtaA6tofP4r1Iame can- an I confi- tt he was afraid that i: 'Th- spiritual PONFOr Of-�j,'OSPC h �tack of bronchitis. ada, in the Year 1903� 1 i tine for a severe a -tion Of entia;1 correspondence This department isl complete with a larga sele I jggbout 70 1 Of! many wr ting is seen everywhere hat o' splendid Permit me to extIfy to it crriculture, Odii arO he might have writteril some- from the ye#,r. ronLo. at the Dep'r. of Ax t obliging attention given to this branch of the busn' rss. t 6 bvoftull Chicago Ing whi0h� in the eyes of tho world f idertaker, Xr. S. T. #olmft A �Tight calls proin�tly 4ttended t6 by our Un 11 1 h&: been tried. To what 6o IJd I%Ialt- cura ive proper Ies. I got be pril, 26.-I.a this �-rer- bie Babcock's Wonderful sp tual in- the time of takng the first dose. igh be imprudent. All that ,night Ing a familY c f young children, my Pr =on the preacher shows by a�gu_ -Te fifience be. mos l. E�ttrjbu ad? I Ah, oppos the Methodistt ohurg6h. doctors' bills have an-nually come'to a odq.ieh street, Seafo ite -ration the to ly a tr4iPed the floor. When the first -oft t�ie x Mont ktad illust if and wa 3 with 0 t d U)t one lost I win gm danger 'of writ' letters, WILon the f daylight old that tb6 dawn i considerable sum. I believe a bottle -of ihiiste�s in the -Ainericiiii p decasionally will aid Ing Dr. Chas as i�ear, he went out to mind is, influenced by an or other - gar T nIng newspaper which 3's Styl 1 &1 , C., pulpit at t a timle of -his d6a0l. r vie Ifireduing thern verk materially." wise so excited and disturbed to Dr cgintalned Rv0_*'ADF00 BOX, ;The --obsctqa. the ratio te published private corresponden'ce. his arvelous and yet al Id' 25 cents a Do tie, all dealers. pal j dgment. qi�dnco, which Sunday, after BuAfty F establish the Ili -at famous Dr es 7oll and s No, gn the U., text is Dani 1. 1 0 returned, 3"a in the j a tU 11e, r Lid. these pu lished lette "Now, 0 �ing, crowded th ick cliturch of the decreo, lVien h city tio th q? DUP 11irl-I i . 11 about he said to motieli were: No, v York a door. writing, that it be not changed.- word.$ n TO N. sweet , a4d 'win-' 0 i f'Thahk God, there ' nothilrg com- King Dari of Unsleed lus Was about: to;, be some pers ality� in Personal con- Maur. iwomishig is caught in a trap. that I have written! tac t� No noti principall� The i The jealous state officors,s who had 'long been A - Than God! Thank God! frhat is ing -t of his lee wI -d TU Ing plotti gre atst 7 has -e T n -ir grain. ti, one 6e16i ne n a L wi, ting. C Ile Of his old el ates ey n Way 11 could dest,oy 1914 be given where a -ati n! which against' tho ou pripi 13.i not !the only illusti at, found a they thought tli(iyi tu d Upon a friend. Ten, ng niStul , , -Sonal Nvoi by the power of pel had at la bro and most hitimate friends t1old ipe does not feed ic bailic at ea`ch'fe0d- "Alia! they chu�klod. ,,e -or f6c will I Lr,, to either friend alike, I ing the horses oil ve t -g Ji id for years patiently borne t1he disgrace, that Dr. 13 ibcock nover lot a i h ' I (I ha, --he la, ri y n n write anythilig h may I privad,cras due %Q my hits- 9 1 UP- -ongrogation get out bf tire make the let W C est amount at night when flivy' start's death w, 1 9OWe 4ay not be able to �t`aiid -Lhe i bei. of his Ele ill �notl -'his reach. -d -est. I way s. ant. bti(M driking hib. I lermg of your r.k.r axx going to have, a Jon I vertous remedv for the cure of drunkennes, -\vh.cli know that"he is doing, it. ie�t of the public print. ITo ]kept a, book fill( about q ving e sall s of his seem OvOr-caut�oUs wat wil h dates. On �he birthda), Never write a letter with ai Venge- I h.�band seeretly, I decided to play upon our raYal mUster' vdnity i er but the hors -c wants plLnity Or it try it a r c bol �s at College d a package and mi.;ed it ihis and ask him to send forth ptiblic i Jul pOn,, dipped into an in - w�ll fill ir aatinie. If You oid has been un- nd cporrof�ele. and, as tile remedv w -as odortes eac Ii a S lVith 1atred. When one lio, �t letter, telling them o only not too h latter and sign it, so that V _%V y a de- ill watch horiscs in the ard youi and lie did not kno�v what it Nvs that op ortunities arid Jig, crue c so quickly rolievei his craving for liquor. Ile annot be, changed" I ilistlY attacked, it is very edsy for -c.n and will see thn o an -d -drink oft their paret" s and pastor we�e 11 man to say: "I iwish I soon began to pick up flesh, hisappetite &-i-solid This public letter, or procl �L injured am- 'thi aking and pr� Ing for� them. On taka a litt a time. In ft�eding -ork regulariv,and 'Itioll, Was a singular docunie dould see that man. I wj!�h could I foocl r,,turned, lie stuck to his Nk lt.� It f -the death of horses one cpho�ld watch each aninial, ,ivo him a good piece of my f , sad a iiversqry o -as com 0 davi mind. I he sad a 1 It Nve nmv hvea, happ�r holic. After-lic v. was dexter usly sed to e�alt' the' t- as the same ri�le will i3ot pply to nt chi dren lie would drop a syilipathe ad dore, L-Ing's Supremacy all plekely cured I told hini v ht I In d w as ll.cal- ish I could tell him in plal b u all. dgcd thaL it had Leen hii him and ic note to the broken heartcd 'par- -at he cknmvla e What I think of I an I ff of h' ordileirt d spot. Afuch can b he had not the resolution to break c' a donc. to 1�eep the horse �to i Ids, aetions. As I cannot Seal him, I ;ents,- tellir- thern. how thankful . I heartily dvise all -women, icted as r by making him appea cpl a Sub- j., v 7 IPI accor, 11 jst sit down and w -ite him 6, �ihvy ought to I)e that their Uttle in health b3l careful feeding and 0! - J, r jects as the exclusive a ure 0 of all', changing the f�ud. I was to give your remedy a trial. good. �It prohibited every suliject Then he hastily sit� (i o w n ont, s have aow been able to, spoi d r :%lid pamphlet Eqvir,,- full One can do his liorses, much r�ood 4na writes a Denlost enian pl��ilippic. ond or two years in heaven, telli g 4 r Man, F R E L E p-wticulars, testimoilials making any request -of 4od with wheat br n. There seclils'' 16 -Vitup;orations an -itions, thqu how happy they ought to. )a in a!ed Corres- Save to 'the king only,. -for period and price sent in. -p!a- , se d dent neiii be something i it that just fits the B -Dai. e sacredly Qon5dent-al. of thirty.days. .ri epiptuous excoriation tinging lee plott �Ont '11 -tot ihe purtings would not be ponderic �s knew ssful zed in ebl 1dr. sllcce� le Atter epigrams a whole norso. most lon,;�- Whon the -inniversaxy of 'a One of out for re Addrers V_ h 1), d! SezVorth : ironips, I was in the hhblt� Of,* they of inve tiVe are 23jo�6n, Street Toron- Canada. young gixl's advnt into tlie.chiimh feetlers mixed corn, oats and barley Lo, !, - . to God every day, and easure and ground, _-, equal parts by J gathered toget er he letter fcaLIO, he �vould drop her a le'Ler, A )on suro that be. would continu� to I th-en fed to h1F work lle�said S) lhoping Ilia,: her year at the pod's t Itch. Tt�en he in of fajith do so in spite of the king's J; roe] am- each -driver fed his tean), ati-cl e�very bull, . . . . . . �u�ffio-S aay to! the post ffi4e and Christ had been A happy year. 1 11 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ation. lIe would thus bq�eome an few days they had a case of colic. - way Ir. Da)cock reached .0 t specia1l eli y at MI), Ila A -Til 'A JB77 drxd. would, �uya �a Special Offender against the law Finally he niiAed a bag of bran ith 3v 920 A-r,%-E,F&RX TOR SALE.—In best wheat belt rywht-re and IA)und his people. incur 0 the penalty, which. war to be;: ounds I n 0 0 0 1 :with a d each bag of ni(al an, told �110 I)ON's, I low that sound� lik a f ouildry in steel. By Ills wheatinext year; 69 acres bay. Good, now stablo cast into the don of the lions. to give the lipi-sc-s all they' would and grazitry. Twelve dollars per acre. Several they would say flall blast. Then he goes home, say- iSys�0111 of cilliple gospol hen the _8101,61e C4tb2 Irr Sou%ern hlanitoba. Ninety sres, ready for 1hi i with links ef !t eat. Ila had' no more. Chesney nos -Pon other haprovdd and prairle, farnis for sale. Writta !inq the Jete pi trouble. in to Iii self: Th(ro, I have to stor of the Bri k ng igned the paper, "we qhall� de- 0HAS. Z� SHAW, Bax U, Botesavain, Untiftboba. Bright cloyer hay is good f6r hor.ses. lieved myself of 1that matter.i I have 'church �vas able o make his Chris- 1767-tf ilt that ust, what Oink of �e fLI all over StrOY that prime minister. NVe . Most people seem to th I tian infloen, not do it by the sword, but �Vo $hall told that man i sho-ulcl My brother and my sister, you and I timotby hay iq best and foi driving bulb d his act�ois. if h6 ARK is MaKILLOP FOR LE -For sah, th,%t do it by the king's impulsiv',e pg�n.vv hiti n horses I think it is, but if they can the 1-4 a F veey desimble fmrro, the old homeato id, Lot 27, Their plot oper&tdd as they eic o a, I 3hiill not iha,%e waste([ man,, a-glorlous; oppor- BID illop,-coataininir 100 nores, aft pected, bave hay with.inst a. little' cured Conceseion S� McKi 1he 0 T. and Dartiel. was thrown into ly write to hh�i another letter, but �Omity for gospel letter writi ig. 11 cleared and it, w. good et%te of cultivetio a. Be Aulful he den' On clover, they ar�v ii!iore aily lwpt I shaill expose I is actions ` to his I! not liciV vild i�ow cotsecrate home, splendid1rutt onbatd, pieDtlf Of watoi and Of lions. We know how. the king la.- thrifty. One slkoulg�l ])a careful and ver loyor, his w fe, children arid I o v pon t do ior Jesus w4at you Iinilt tb -iay for, Most horses, for if ything rcquized. -only one mils no-thot Sca. mented signing the lett0r,' b4t how � ('-111p i 10-tih Post e I ;hi's !Sig- i the public at lar forth. Appl on ttio pranitsei er to SeM you &)t consecrate the poerless ho, was to recall (Mee.. BUSIRGOVENWCK 1809x4tf allowal all they. will eat, they take a' I Now,' my friend, in On- elISC It Ili D as 1v e I as the voice nature. Ad the Appro"Ieftess entirely too much. for their own �gwitb s eel a re- of twich? 'Remember, Paul's your mind to wi fult uley forsale Lot m gobd. UIA= FGR SAU.-Farm in Sts How many ave had al Mar iiay ease -people, b29 C.-noession 2, containing 100 1 �O, Paul s All cause for rogret! How oft ugeful letter, but what - 6d does pAtIVS W re O� ly gospel an words c' lVien given some. horses -udwood buab. -3 in a good wril ten ib his absent friunds. e -eat but 16, acres of h it i writter�, under a hasty impulse bave rei engeful letter do? Does it statei of cultivation, well fenced and underdratned. will not eat not] I to keap their Olt SA ree itke your onemy feel any kinder or ilVe 1)y - t JIL I There Is on the farm two birns, with stabUng, and OUC04 oil the writer! Spokenword )OXV Of gospel I digestive organs in goo -d order . and IS is h 1 e, and it wid not b long befoi& you will have largedwellIng bouse. 14; is convaniently situated, in V, gocd �may be forgotten is jitiore g'on'tle'to you? Does stch a 'writing can �iccoi plish on a, �m they will sootn get out of condition, x, but myritten -Wol.( i miles from Clinton, Evid J mile from RArd's sello:)I. do to cast -aside you hf-avy clothes. Are you repaTed f�r the r I no change. They may be used letter! ever 'make a, man fdel any Ise �p what the i red "is- Linseed oil c il�e meal is a great chancPS Ure Y04,1. last Addre,-s all inquiries to JOP;IN hicGRE013, on the buildhig,14 onowision tQ COTIdeMn the writ i lo I I der or inor a great o gentle to th' :Sio iry by his ptn (lid oil S�ring 7 Examine your wardrobe, the is or MRS D. McGREGOP, 26d 0 or n yWs up , hors Al gger%sith, Sesio;th, OnA, 1758-tt after- they were. -written; aye,,: hell) to buildin, or� for Spring suit is not prc-sentable. Tha is where -We come in. i Con - T world. at large? IIave you made him scale, Afte fatteniner and 111 -Ing the coat. 1) 01 ade himself is dead. bef lie luan'> I -lave fini-te. influence of a sult iiis,- and we can give you a ou� t for Stptin­g -be Jn feedin - ;-I'll . -TORE g, W each 110196 closely YOU so'? bestl VARM FOR-SAMR.—In. the township of htforrie, �o f a betterl TnIrIllite ever write an import nt letter. un- man .. al !111 fact, nproud of, and that will not tie a k lot in, N Our U being Loh. 12, roDoession 9, containVi- IC -3 and do not let him get too 14ch. our fina-11 av had plant of time Jo in nhit*y-nibe ct�ses out ol hund- �Uine! acrest, aituated abont 2.1 milea from Blyth, and is a -.a- dc of bava.. wed ferA 11-lille a, single handful is enough k`3priDg sitiiigs are t1le late8t, the best, an the �hfe apest—i piality thera venlegib to chur,-has and schoob, It is in % g-iod think it over. Foolism would � be r�d does not Stich a letter �-amago written upon, tile for soine horses, others will' eat conside shte of otilt[vation, haq a spring creek at the back that lawyor who would red. fhe fit and fini's on al Menal tur�acd oui by us ; quickly givo y�)ur hiid also dol more �slabs of 1)urnt 1) ick 1 iticn. A z gar and has to never f a ling %vells. Ib is, well f,,naed, )y 1)('11s t11OU§- inore than EL quart. -h larg- i and sm5,11 f, ut2. a decision upon any important m to the Isende than it, does ands upon tholig is in kee Drpp in and -ha" word w1h -us. bas 21 adreff of orobard of bot inds of' ow ago. at ping with the goods. -0bom lit is seAtl IN o ItIve See, There ilt a large lbank barn with shed attached,a ter. After hearing all thel sttlte- t inan10 leW 10S Of i's ILI gloor I wiGh sq, driving r, -e frame lipuse i -ealiz Ir C1 o "Red lo 0i Newr ut!i - wlikh the kitchen attached. For p2r.'ieulars apply o th I Tn Guatenialk, race of Indiana,. F RrC1111eg 4) says: ".1vait -until to -41 ing that in. it you have thalmight- the 1, shel and also a la monts of his client the � wise lawyer write a Idtter witligi :6 raddressElyth P. 0. G9090E ATE0.1 ws, and he sh to JSlues, the Nahuilas, numbering 30,-000 est fyi6g for of a deao pubfi Proprietor, 1813-bt next wook, and I will t�ll you, wlla�t it-st Opportuni ties Of test gigaxitie� caldron ouls, I! vo in GH -.T B.R1 eiv ht to do. I do not I Cbrit. we Ila 11 studied :whirh the An tcient Urge Ato ARK FOR SALE. -For sale, west f'd t o s�,00ped out of thel 111OL111tftin, as it balf of Lot 12 L t.10 �art-cachiig effect in. a iterary poet -y. lie sid(.s 1110 were, in the 113:dstlof tile Cordillera, wish to answer you without consid- ]Brvp !,U and east halt of Lot. 13, on the lith 1 eance-Ision of Moll 111op, containing 76 acras, in. od 5tate of eration- I �wish to think this mater sense. of letter writi rivate T� p Q )01 rw ian isk� at tile tilli-o of -70 cultivAtion, well fenced and underd ill' ','our T T_ 8' There over very carefully." (-I rresf)oridence between itidilviduals 1hicloglyllIvics of the t 1 0 4� house,flK.t clambankbakrawlth stone af.ab- The the conquest. they 11'iet Alv- I orchayd and a never failing :;oilie of the, Aest and most "utside of e e good beirinS. r, 1.91: 1)' Wielded' by h it, ro, ky DO YOU StIpPose King Darius would fl 1. brigl a spring, It 19 within 9 wilas. of &afarth sind o-jn� sent forth that deorce; 61- pub- teresting book.q! of literstuilre' The and the fir' st leaf wJis nt It asiD and trave it battle foji Vonle to'sehool and obhor coaveniona 9. This lie letter, which -conde ined h1i's Pro- I 've letters 'of riizabLth D rp.tt and :zliel't of d roc -a day,.a0fter: which both the nA farm will Ife s -Ad cheap in order to. Wind up the mier, Daniel, to the lions' don! it he rds such writin' k. Dut, �110-ugh tit ndre been rented, A or liaa Only stopped, to S�PPOS- x%ihiclt were sent cast cross y0tus, yet they will not last eslong xvilJin to trea' for peace, and terin eshate. If not. sold by tbb 10th of April, wN be Iliobort rowning, the te er'l wo q may last hu d o f the '-,pauiards appear to have r ply to ARGEEIS IdENZIES, Winthr and mes� -RUGH-GORDON, S.eaforth. 1828-tf ing the King tifter he had wiitten 9 --ORE JOT tha p Ile Atlanti-e- Ocean :when rl"homas s iho gospR worils w ri t t ly 111) On't Ket were agrood u oil by Which 'i�he Na- tiblic decree had placed it, tin- iigl licar gospci pen. -"ARMS FOR SALX AL150 BRICK RE31D der his the! rJaighty sage (if )D ish L by li�s. -to rccogi�ize the V 1101 builas pillow and slept upon it, will to o IN REAYORTH ONT-4,1RIO.-The uwlersr�npd and Ralph Waldo Fnerson, W6 r ds bal last long this Spanish gn, Ithe Spaniards on dlcrai' has forsale, a� number of choice f A�ms in this vlowity va been � the result ? il A PERFECT HOM E R M IDY. what -t would Ila Concoy a llead and oin, sotils have t ei it a the In- - gentle sage of d, 1corres vi s9 all first claw huds with vrying improvemeats. Oce Would he not naturallyh ifreein to le altuattilt, agre iscented 1 pollclet,1, th6jetters of 11obertl Louis CYC11is Of ternity in. h�atcn- dians alone in th 8 ppliedto' r1tighUldle th 8 h,.Afd t atti a good 22.0 acre gnas izini. Plenty of money can be. UnJorse;1-by bust Esirilrob I-ledical Journals. U a fatal conspiracy in that .a future. And they re out made out of thi and with little, troublo, simply bu son, to his friends, sc6ttered fnfi in to wonders ae- have been piletty well left alone. r-or.'all Throat and Wand Troubles, Pleurisy., :Lumps, Anylfit y ing cit 0 In the sprinr,, grazinic them br the sugn. And, my brother, if you had 0 Abaco nly 01 over the' world;, the lettqrs of OD In our nationdl Jrlu_ 9 Old lor4s, selling in tbe f.11. before yo 8 Me, jBndseq, In lAob this place his. aited one or two d They do not llow apy strai4er from Diseasoo, Eozerna, Pimples, Stiff Jointis, Rheumairism, Luinhi ige pra a3rs u Cicero and' of Is 801110 of is bave s(,�en! j. ions the.outside world to' -reside 'in their Sora Feet. rnagle nioney in this way, year for the p:st Set that the younger 11 Pliny, Abo a, fine r everyloe In SeaOrth with of Julius Caesar to t Em- X-ollth a tbousand thirty yearv., sidn important letter which �did 1,,� h times more t !ian abwit 4 acres of orchard, gardens and pleasure You so much harm wou citY Santa Catalia, ld you have Z 0: LD BY DRVQWSTS� 260A T ON peror Constantino and letters of 111inir weighi, in gold. JLJL V CIL grounds to be had at %. bLA They ate the which is at the' bottom of the bowl- rgain. Terms reasoo&ble. sont it? Would you not have des - For p-irticultritapply to W. GOVENLOCK, 1vatorth, Sitionius Apollinarls-th6so letters ju,n3 that ]lave been hold In the troyed it? like country, alid they loo).: with 311- 1826.1f inating,,, ecause, Ihall(!S of Presidents and kings -pen spicio Never write an impqtant letter n-- upon any one PaSSIDg like the mountain! streams they �Of mace of, 'Of Wir, pens of lib -LAD-excellont farm for p I which you would not bei willing for. lai-We under the overhangin ever- J 'OR a- through their �ojiia'in. Tbey govern -al. VARM FORSALE a e on or ens" avenient, pens which de- -1i the Guatemlil- U easy ternisi being.- north hall of Lott, Conce,sion the whole world io see. Xany state- al I. ioug f. the affections. The§ Ot Tuckeramith, reellq 0 were advancement and in good fl:y 'proper an an Governinen pretend. confidilln, 46 acres cleared or 50, more fitate of on tivation, balance in good ments that' are perfec. d oto exerdse Goolo: inurniuring for ibe Most I)ait into ions. put ille batdWOD4buah, 16 Is, well fenced, and there ap 20 rightly understood� by those who; Sa- jurisdfetioll ov& them. They do hot h a i7s of only one nlghting,�le and 1crV( Ven. f 90s[)Cl letter wri ing acres seeded to grass. Thereto& comfortabie frame t K'11Ow us will not be rightly con_ intel-111arry With any o ple lniaNr he even 91-caLor in its farreach- r -house in good repair with stooe c.11ar, good bam.< uioistg�ning the throat of bdt one i strued if i vt 11 fer.1 �placvd I?erare tlle'eyes of theL: rounding 00i drlving��hzd and other otth. buildings, a never ++ World a large. There are ongster or songstress. rosults. It May be the means failhig well, and orte acre good bearing orchard. The many thO7Llg1itS that I n' Many have studied the efin Tor tile Iihe�atioll. of ininiorta, souls ti' of let- i larva Is 6 nifles f rout Sealorbli an good ro*d, and, con- light 'te to, a How Liqx�id Fuel ls,Used- 1(�r writing in a p I am always on the look out for vouienitasobool and chufolies. Thlaptoperty olitical se�se. We "I"'m i ,;in, for their coronation in the o3d for the farmeT§ and may friend or.a brother which would bo- Those Nvho h had no practical 9 bahadglaeWtorms. Apply -to Miss Vary K&AT know r think I have a good one now in the power of Sainual 4dams' Vi it Thus, in losin 1-.IqG,,724.Spadi,niL-Ave.rkue.Toronto.ortoi, L. Klr,- entirely misinterpreted if r ad by n experienoo hiAlle use of liquid fuel L.0%kN, Beaforih,, or will be rented. 1834-tt enemy or a Stranger. -It is -very pen in fomenting Rovolutionary would Impress are often surprised ECt the elaborixte~ i strife. George lVashington bY11 letter 1 'You all the influence of 'a con portant that one should never write: ness of SOM,6 of! tl�e methods employ- rement fr the pwriting aftt-r. hisireti learn' Ou a e OUSE FOR S&LE.-For sale the rasWnce on a letter which would b capable f . Way you cient combustion of H ss" ROM Food -for :01, �Wq & Sir for ("'rod right tiat pe H NorthMain, Street Seltotth,owned a a. k0e, nd ca- i presidential chair Practically direct- n whic, as a the oil. Ono shoilld. copied by M 0 . The houge h a comf r. E Ltitim r' misconstruction If that letter If the latest is tile ou Ublefrmaone,in goodrepsir, withal as tjunti&_ ever fall into the h 1 ed national 'legislation. W know ou ce hold in I your Orde s- for T 4. 0.1 .0 ands of a bitterL stem, w1lich! is employeid ae contains three foe. ai of the tion under the killzhen. Tho, hou how the famous "Letters of Jiinius tchubby fln- rs when it would 6 ri i:.St, For cows, it increases the quii-gtity and (I �Ll bedrooms, par.l,)r, ..Putter steamships. th oil must bo dining ro.oal, large kitchen an I written arain It increases the quantity of 'butter 25 per) t. For Pertinent St the Dritish mi!nistry, 1 and twist tuid. try to squirm but of,. freed as perfectly a's possible from A Summer kitchen, ttion: some years 1 n wash room and al wetq. a-ves, it Ifard and Bolt wgiter In the house- Thare I, Wro an admiral, Or tile Tinited iStatt�s 1 'llf ch reac n upon �oiw hands. Use Etright that makE them grow and develop, -in fine style.- We Wat an 9 Pen by Water. This is done *by preliminary you to ;CAI acre and a h -df of; lan,d. w.p.11 planted with all kinds of navy was b ing bitterly The pages of English hi And whirli as -a young man you -used -to settlin"g i a t4 ak. i From the tank aassailed 1) test if. frutt. There is; a larvo ItAble, gocd hen houso. and y� study the In', his (41clmies, who took from th if we are. able to influence 1, eccrd the. secrets A your heart when the oil is purnpeid-under a pressure Piz houoe� Thi; ploasap il.'Mted property, 0 pri-, kfiowq writing in a lit( und bs sold ca ratisotlable ar files A, certain letter. -In' as. the L e, P 0 f tly of 1(,tter rary and. Old story of love became -a of sixty po s to _iligs- inch into the r �Y. Iba for $1, -a that letter lie bad do LATI&I&R, Sedorth. () the springtime. burners. On its w-tLy it is heated to AL Urgus T � I - T)Olitidal sense can I we not,studY its llcw story t St u in Oc per poun 7 IN. �.pply to WA N discussed ille Price -1 W-. T. A principles which, in his 'Opinion 1 influei�co in, a spirituhl. sone? Lea -a to UFC aright for; Christ that a temperature just �eiow its boiling S spiri Vcni'w th which you have aga i oq einergi —FGrgale in the township of that L 94S , DRUG _VARX FOR SALV� should goveril promotion in Let s first see the u al influ- tile i in point, and t ng from X TuaReranthb, Zot I Concession 8, con' aiiing h ge! enee 0 riting t. own in oLa a name the inner tube f th burner it I l6tter w -FEAR E. FO navy ind d insisted ura s met ed and in a good stato of alone did life. Strange to say, Ot I -e- black J)orderetl envelope. Use aright by -steam and a 600 de- STORE *ted n 100, acrei, nokrlY all clear ot (1xialifY a ,,an t6 be�aj YOU 0 .11 r heated to cult"tion,L ne_Wly underdmixted, Well tiLnoe(!, tWo CoInInittiding oflicor. Ileminding, j�le 1 member much about your ther?s 111ai pl-n w:(h. which you can win grees or more .arid thus is entirely mb good wel1g. There is on bhe plaw a ruod comfortable, mean,as you sit therq, h6w often, You imlyOftl qctlls to Jesus Ohrist in convert s form. ------ frame houge, farste iew bank barn, with brick base- �e ead into 'yapor. In thi ment,-dr-tving house, hog,. pen and large hert haua6, c a -Prarteo-Prussian hae fogotten exactly how ishe look- it War of; iliv ation of private cor- it' is sprayed ii ito the flanies and about an more of youag orobar just beglaning to L,(3 ed 70, an act of discourtesy had, 1)re�- nd 'the tone of her voice. he consumd. PaLgewovenwi the pr bear. The f Tin i& Vearly 111!peeded to g-rass, and is I - - has bg�en dead' ma an Ith 1t9 colitinu IT -nit, U9 in excellent Condition for either grain gro.% ciitatod, a� conflict, lie pointed Out ny years. Th I a t�.,y -not cri Th ving cr ous coil( Ptock raising; .16 aeres of fall whe�t in, and. fall wari� 4LIaT, a brav(� officer laci, Oduca- YOU have forgotten to a gre.It ex- IT s Cousin Tom's boy (from Now Thd MICr4dion of RAlmon. best stock -holding. fence made. ing nearl-vedmPleted. This exc�llentfargil 1sweq sit ed 7 wiro stands a 3,000 pounds' strain�c, Immon gial tion, training and diplomatic: tact tent liar words of advice, in Yorz)-Yncle Abn(r, wiU you please The Filgshelrv. oard of Scotland has, hbelvitwO miles from a sch;ol, Post offiv, tore and t - -No. 7 wire only IjOO pouds. Common wirb 1111ght in -V( IVLk J110 nation in 1twictus home, but you have never :for blacksmith shop Ind six trdle3 from Seaferh. Good gotten I puL a point. on these arrows'� We're e xiperimented. on migration of vill not 6oil­744 straightens- Oil Apply oi thL, pr,tnisea or (I It was therefore in -h(,r Somehow, aft ifficult ies, a sprmff tentper-Page- wif h or �Iou left ilit.N in' bulfalo, untin' an' they salmon to date min If the fish re- The NNWOVIre 3rence ca., m. address Segifarth post offitee, SAMUEr, OLUFF, or nial-drig prol.notions to consid r' home, tbo, words which, she.' wl-ote to 11 won't stick into U14a cow this way. turn year af same Weak to HEN9.4 BATTIE$ Barrister, Seaforn. istltt ter to the Orville ont. o� the you j. -and a f r gr beari Wontroalt, 1p.gao, and ht. jobn, z a on river. A metal taE ng a num- Th,, admiral's advic(I he 10 GOOD F ­&R9 FOR S&LE.-For We. Lot I was' than the ards which s :spoke. If ber is attdche -4 lo s?ecfmens that are GoricessionlS. Tuckerewith, containirtiF 97' sound, but his 1(,ft(Ir was I should go into your h-omO alid ask --HE HORSES. subsequently fre ad. ' The last P report bred acrep, of wbich 89 are eleared, well widel lratn6d. -it a time whell there were other for yopr most valuable coltectlion of fenced. and ill X ht9h State Of C1.11tivati011. Thero aro Notes on keefling and Watering by One of the board re(.ites that twenty-four salmon so ere caught dur- f apfandid haVdw I RUOIAS lalating to his own a-ecord papc�rst you would in all Probhbil ty 17 acres o ood bush, unculled �.d in lr,nves tile Animals. first elsm-condition. - Thera 1s, a oointorbabje. boulge under dise ssion, and it created A show nie a collection of.old Vallow-.1 ing the next se,�siol.. Of these twen- and one of the best- in IhB county. rbis7ex16 1�11- THE GREAT CAS _ST RE Oudice him which c6riduc- -lettors. They w(ire written 14y her In caring or wo ty-four, ninetecA were take in tha feet, with stone st&bling underne%th. horoes, ed to the I remature terminatidu Ofa, and t�verythigig fialqUed up in first el%83 style. Tho lind You have rg: d them o',er and to give thein- a, dr nk of water the same river in hich they had lien reer. large 19- well w4ered with living springs atkd is suit. r over '90me of those letters first Lhing 4 the' nt)rning, t e, at free duri' hu weiceding seaf3ion; able for or 00iog,. It is conenient to .1 pome a ng o.hurohgjs!81tV01ire1. Poo nNrthorinore, you should not, write re as lhou-h the cl ildren hay, and,finally thair.grain tile' last four werei caught in waters closo to t offtee and blacksm . Ith ohert a -,d Wbat is it this week.1 It is a big barain i only a, few mues- rtom a milway stmbion. Itisoneor a letter Which cannot be rightly, read had sl)att(-red water �them. i thinj r befoise goi.19 their bi4hplace, to. blZlfast, a nd only the beat and beat equipp?d farms in the County and by tho whole world'at large one 'in bb-ciaU40 W. IV. 3101 -ii istant waters. This latter sp They are stained'with son, in a Or- d eel - will be sold 6haip and on eiay temist, as the pioprie- you do n, t know, how soon the oaxs angg: J udd F armer. Dy letti] Ig on. the t1rewlsea or 8 Perhaps with hers. Tile gos- JAXES CO.N%�oft whom you hVe writte, 'd S hi address Chiselhurat P. 0. to your t s an t0rift'lixioustaratiro, Apply ell a' them, nien was tak&n 500 miles awayfrom ats, Go As for I I eat my be fore feed n g tile B in t1lose letters you the place where it e may- bocol#o your enemy. Ohl: ho grain, they Are not quite SO h1116gry, Norway. ' Salmon remember, then, Were al)le to read in tbe quiet,,'lide of all It -will be to your ad -vantage to drop�'Ija if you ai it is )Io imp the ties of friend- d will not eat a:) fast. It tbQre -and have an acute sense of direction;; ne ding inythingr that e �o-day the weet- is a -be east Vour VAI�R POP. SAZY.-Fcr Lob a an t own room is chip wbiclk bind human heart , lin We have a splendid ranae at astonisbingly lo-.N� prices. to half of Lot 4, Conceesion J,3, 1ju let4, i oinething in the stomach the �rain as weV11 as refereA�es of a marked tile P C, est lv&son th mother perty of Larimlot Tasker, sr- contmirar g 225 acre%. whO once e- v e r seern!, to dig?st better. The hotse (haracter. t4je We havp asD�p in Boys'Boots for every diay..w�ar. T to will 4111 cleared except aaut 16 acr�N%, Nvilic-li ig good lk'llt in ill atne cradle and i)layed What has been 1true in ref- 'will do morg: -and remain. ir, t ack nursery and word this, ('rence to your life is al. b truo in coiid,.tio and well -sewn, just what is needed for the Spri g hardwood bu4f, The land i tha very beit_e we I in th(. on -if wor (I sta, w As She Reme ther, ana' are goibg 30. drained and well fene �-d� and is oll %�r de to grass. subj(%cts of the Santo pi�ayers erm niint�. !rhe greate dily th bered Him. V ea at lessol that with tbe oxception, of So acres, 3 acre i of whicil be- Illy 1 short stops, than, he will if -h rried per cent. below the regular pric f Alin Sirnmen*4iorn (as the partici e. f4wheat. T-heretioiat'ao'pretuisega.i%.rizetraiiii V-07)lo o bilti�r in their hatred; that -taht me y t�ie lip, was nol and bouseand wood houite� a barns..one 40x6l) witli to stand still long !at: a pants in the debate `b�ecama personal but with the pen.' . "I'lioui 11 I - �11 Som'excellent value i I -tIf hour I L 11 had time. 'The I *t lit in those good wasIling pri ats. sheep ban" and pl�jto.gise, and the other 68.x6 before lct4t­ --I --,vas a, thundering fool when wm they will even fight a mortafcom_ lived with him for eightelin years lie ting time, he should )lave short tops stone stabling, ttuderne0h. Th. -re is about 6 acres at over their' li�rents', graves; �t never lie overwhelmingly. sked you to marry-inel See the nice range _Df Dres Goods an-d-Trimmix-gs.. of orchard, apd plenty ot water. There is a good affee ad me often, then when he gets to the ANT r§. kinimerhoin- Well, Fou well at the house, and P. spring eraek running.- aoroas Friends, who once loved ga� & Jona- as on the day I 10t. for Colleffe. He ati wit thecontreofthafarm. It Is three quart re able he can h some w. ater. looked it. dear.-LIx change. aie kept very busy. Examine f0k yUrelf ave a of a than and a David May come to hate Placed:in m d or. 17 c told At Our milliner out stock !and nille frckm flarlock, where there-, I.e. a a.,hool,. store, 110011 give haY while the driver gttts each other as Cain hated his brother -me to �Xead it in the trail Prices, which will prove more than satisfactory. -ksmith shjp, ind ig 7. ralles. from Abel. this his -d inner ater and feed t, a HOUSE AND ACRE,0F L poet office gi,�d h1w. t) en myth, 71mil,,a frGni- Londesboro, and 10 inilge. from T on the frimid who has 'now letter, on one half shet�. of )aper, grain, Gi little water when'they AND FOR SALE_ Sestfori;14 Tixia lstvt excellent farm f6rgraln or graz. be Si-itiated in the Vulag of 41pondville. The ERXI TOM come the enemy will ne he write. these w (011ege go out to wcrk if t - a story and a half tracture oontalniuK ing, lan�- will reasonable Wrm& hey want it. . bouse 13 te kold on arly always ords: venion ban be had at any time. For furbhor Pat deuce You Will find two rcoms and Poo- try to destroy you by the evi groups Gro the At.night the horses. should have clothes cleset. T iere are on the ticulars, apply to the- propfietor, I. L. TASKER Sr Of the ungu ELrded letters. : whlcl� you f#st, boys wh' a, number, of pie' nd 'Pll in'trees besides other Then stua) ere Harpurhoy, or to, Seatorth P. O� I have written i imes of, lo -also a never filing well AtIbe O'go to coll4ge bivause some water when they come ini 119 as PRETORIA tlieir fet;tbers send them. -1bere. Bovs give 'a, I fru3s. T 0 M McBEATH rT V and afterward more wat! kitchen door. For furthe - particulara applir to BLOC] DONALD McKAY, Scatorth 0. .1845: A k130WJ H* --------------- a fid 41ok r n os;u at a w h AL .. ....... ..