The Huron Expositor, 1903-04-17, Page 88 TH H[J ON EXP SITOR, APRI-11 il Music wan furnishel I with stories ',of pioneer W n. Colquhou a, of Mitchell, was in nd amusing 9ee�s__. PA41NTS Sys jokes thrown in, � and ,-Quality McLeod, f rimerly of Brace&ld 'and Olin- *r cqo, 0i THIS ZTO: town o: i Thursday delivering to Mi. Owen bout 5 o$clock ton, was in town on Monday. Mr. and the gatherim ig broke �_ up, I Mrs.. MoLe6d have been residing in Hamil. Geiger, of Heneall,,�six year old Clyden- ishing the aged couple may be spared to The only The Sherwin Williams Paint Co. make DISTRIPT MATT at the ton for so a time' where Mrn. M cLeod was Iyou have 'th dale ilb 11i I I last August by Mr. RB Oelebrate 'their diamond wedding. guarantee .0iffift-ut paints for differefit purposes and (10 -6 -you. buy a relia�le and will grow, is no. Oolquh on, 4:P,,br1e,( Climax " and he O� OURS i underAoingiteeatmenib for oil's oi . her eyes. Ot one mixture for all. ar stock of the he otringth sn� TtIpUtAtion of the concern is &den ted by com etent judges to he one They now iltend to reeide in`�Si oe. Hav- different lines is large and Fif You come to MUSICAT�-On T-uesday eveni�g Is ib, tho" i A DEcisioN GI-VEN,-The Toron' P DO r owbuy from. If you wantqualit Feeds- in of the at horses i the province. The 0 a nos a no incumbranoes.anJ being sonoy free, Us we can give you a pain� suitable for any Orpheus Male Chorus Club, of �eafoi;h, ore 9 announce jud nb in the tods'-full of vitality -seeds that g ow -lux. they can no 'Ime price id was $2- .-]Mrs. R. V. Miles ordinary purpose. i ganized under thel dired,walbip Mr Pass Appeal of he First Natch at. riantly and produce ove around as incliu ition die- 0 Is now in irpring attir,3 ez 15ank, of abundantly, buy from t%tes. and tw daughterii HouthiiiMpton, visited 01 f t 1-3 Toronto varied lie 1 more, of Mitichell,iad elected its offi era is Oez, Misiblisippi, against the decision -Miss Beatrice Sootb, a Some of these lines are en a. They are flowerm of the fl.1 absolutely reliabe. We Congerv&tOry of Magic, Mr. an( Mrs. J. 8, Welsh t1iis week.- ot are to e, in . a risture"s Own'virgin _g0e lv.'�bit; m rniag ono0ry president,- 9 follows 1E[ In favor of Mr. E. 0. Coleman aye all kinds oi gar -den and field needs in Presbyteria church, on 0 0 an D' , former] of Mrs. A asen, of Wi#daor, was a 'guest at On. The S. W. Premier for first coat Bright pre* 1: $eeof rth, at the a iza cour ulk and can sell you any qaan you last, arid M Mr. Joi in McIntosh's this week. -Mr. Win. Few� indeed, are fibs ideas.Df the It, J. S. Roberts vio6' 0 bin Gods ob. t The appeal was ar ued in ion Guesie Pickard gave a solo at president, ickard iseerstary, E. Rj Toronto, ep- sub. departments, that in an Work �ember last, t a i gment bei Oar prices Eire -right. west Camplx 11 ham returned home from Bay City �he styles of yes My *,ss Bright ; treaanre�, P. E. Lannon ; 3xeou'�l the evenin I service. They Are oth a 9 ng 1� st now Ter where I a had been visiting his daughter, teryear, and the a iviEn again n fay, rf Mr. Coleman, an singers, w i ih well t rained voices, and it in The well known S. W. P. for tive committee. Messrs. R. Peck, AV. Til re so full of aterli 1:040, TE Dig novelties ,ollows . Fir atehez Bank v Ooleman,- a Ireab to h aye an opportunity f hearing tba Ha , W. Brightl, F. L. Willis iand G. ls�i [*MlioTON & KERSLAKE. . hs rprise op MRS Hims.-Much ou nnot but admire Outside them, and more especially for hose who DEAT reflective looker ca rate . Judgment on appeal by klaintiffe from J dg- Seed Merehan Seafi and des regret was 16' on its becoming �ronder where they all came -fro- )rbh. have a cult vated musical taste. Mr. Wm. The Special Interior Floor Paint Moat dismissing action on promissory @,a. in AM iow the designers con 'Tho an Hills, of Egmond- teive no A FAVMY RE-V.x1oN.-A v'" plfanom Appeal dismi�eed with �ost-, Hills, book. keeper in Reid & Wil on's hard- known A Mrs.Tho without `pre- lie tughts alid -or inside Floors gathering took place at the residone 'f Mr. J adice to any fntu ie:aation. A. B. A lee. town hall and procure Anot6r, prae. were �tiore, has been confineoi tol his resi- Ville, h died early nday morring. Few Wore. f (&to the W, pretty th a WM. iceroirn. Th bid lea ad of her ill axe and her call came IThepecial Porch Flocr Paint Johnston, Gi6derich streiit,� duri g thi Worth, K. 0. Toronto, and R. 8 Bays, a clerk was instructied to is- denee for at veral days by a save Pick of r t $101for�sdch ze, but we are pleased to, I very an enly. She ad not been enjoying 2 ST01 Easter holidays. IM r. and In In Mra. Jo natox SesiforWil for appel "to ; and E. L' Dickin- a notices offerl a reward of Mugs so�:tthat he for outside Floors' had the pleasure of a visit from their sough. F(on mation as wig lead t the d tion and' is now improving. -Good Frid y psaved h:err MCC stomed healt for months OL r Oarpets wi W f+: Goderich, and J. 4111bran, Sesicirth, ete but she ter, Mine Henriet'A, of Buffalo, o an, for respondents. nylotion of the _person or pore tmn� here was was abl to be aboub -and attended to her d all rim who away very qu-etly in Floril.Ac—a beautiful -stain in evi 3, n you. Oka open a fire alarm box and F Candied a Sb. James' and St. Thomas, househo d duties until about noon n Fri other daughter, tlejohn, of Hc wiek.4T, service in 0 100 ft On Easter theaer� he Alarm of fire a short time' aj ,a. The and 'the ethodigt day )o you realize that the carpet clifferentcolors or Floors. *e;eLjoined b' SUNDAY SCROOL ANwrvE churches in the forenoon, 0 that day she'had betn at the rest. M . an RSARY. ullet� Z I O" 0 abbath school anniverdary enter inment in dence of her son - William, -who was ill and room Affects Yon more +h. Mrs. Beattie, of Mra. iLockh t, o i IFLiday is al rit: waauthorized to advertiie f )r tend- YOW ways sR important day for i the jinY Come and see us about Paint. We are McKillopio and Mr. and M Oil for street watering, at so much I oor hour the evening, The day. in point o weather, who liv a near by in �he village. On coon- to. Sell Y, O� � qhildren of the MlItthodist Sunday act I sob? Itabouldbeee 'headquazters for anything in, this line, 'Also Tuokeramitb. Thd three laidies'of this party�! I�einq th he mouth wad and it was a ples are to be 00" I he collector was allowed anot a delightful, ing hOM, she was suddenly seized with a t ere never will be even .0 Occasion: of their anniver the iViolent I General Hardware, Tinware, Granittowear, -being also datigbiters. lb .waa: inj ad a�. services. It fi ir the collection of arrears of taxei ii, at the out of docr A gcol many took dvantage sin in the bowels. So severe was -and our carpets Are �% is truly a children's day, ab t rleg!v Stoves and Furnaces. charming and pretty family reunion, an arpirstion of which t(me the rall i 2ust !be of the chea railway far to v sit Other it that edical Mi ions. d everything is for them, and they always d w sent for, and it was easing compan returned and the taxes due will' ti ereaf ter Point]. Mra. W. G. Willis wan n Detroib At once een that her came was exceedingly, Now ibesides carpebs, it's -in t -.his wan very h d by sll�. � The. only Orovide the programme, which was an ex- b critical, ad from thai 3MMY one of Mr. Johnston's family who we. n0i optionally good one this year. At six char'ged'againat the property as a lien, this week, visiting her sister and brothers i time she never rallied ant you will find It oil the roo inpresent was Mrs. lBesttie, of Yale, 13 ritia� o'clock tea was served to the children inithe 'u a that cit .-Mr. Nob) drr which it may be sold. in e Cluff and Mr. bub gradually grew w, 3aker until she was re,- !quisiten. It's here you11 -lieved of he- int1t SEAFORTH, Columbia, whb co�ld not -be here Ion &a Oun day and 3unday in suffering by the IaEt I ciest lace curtains, those dainty ,t*- ent ood Fri oundayeichoolroom. Ateight o'clock Ithe Bert Cluff a r,inten3O of being removed much a great- I MARIUMD.-The Clinton Now Era makea WOcditook.--Mr. George-Murdii in ha7ing Mr. Hi In maiden name was i0snol. chair in the audience room wan taken' by t mearenger. v ebby efloo'-8, and also th Hardware, Stoves, Etc. 0 other f ie tollowing reference to an interesting a new roof Fat on his residence, on Goderioh Maria, MoLsirty. Shelwas bom in the town- a Mr. Won. Rartry, the hiiperintgudent of, the 11, , full of rich colorl" THF, Fi,'AST OF AYSI.-The Ion 0 the 80hool. The'progr a fair vhioh took place in - that town streeb.-We understand that r. Ha - ship of Earliug, Lana�...k county, in 18361. In g, ready rry &'mme ("llisiated of chor- last Corn )ur room secluded and inviti hildran and i1hey pected yol MgL Man Edge, coat nictor and builder, has the con. 1840 the re is to see Our carpet room if r4g, sen;or and junior Ladies"Aid So ioties f the it -sag, drills, etc., by� the cl v euk, and in which a res moved. wit1h her parents to the eabyterian church, Seaforth, !intend hav- all did their parts sp�lendidly, h- 'Seaforbh wa one of the principa tract for the erection of a I of townshat, ip of Darliviton, Durha ft e DOMINION BANK. yr and to it a o arge r umber in county, t 3o at ore for nothing eha, If _verythi 4zlight of the large �udience. The oh rch Ming yon ing a bazaar, eatitted " The Fe '&fit of ayp T!ia New Era says A quiet , vedding new houses durillig the cc Fiess in, which !And in 1847 they removed to the township B0, make ycur selections. they W93. in Cardno's hall, cn the af te rno�ono' o iday orchestra also furnished some to� ok place at the home of the bride'i father, plomiee'to be the busiest he has yet had. of E %at securi, OX excel ut d county. In gap- t Wal until Youlre veadY-that is CAPITAL(Paid Up), $2.600,000 and Saturday, Aoril 21th mod t atil musio. On Sii Won. Duncan, Princess atireet, on �Vednes- har. Edge is a hustler and a good, vorkman, tember, 859, Elie w aday special services arried to Mr. Hille, Were aiythibg you may choose in is $2,500,000 whi i they' t' the morm service the emp!oyment to a large staff of, ab St. Maryp, whe R E ST. cl will,haia for sale aulimme 0 ar-1 also held. A d4y, April &h, at noon, when hi second Mud he gives they resided for four car oils, Enoleame, lace ray of ueeful and fancy articles, lauch id�mghter, Letitia Mar , was unite in the workmen to .-Some 822,000 of years. a the fall o are'! 11503oupied! by Ilk �,'ulpib wa Rev. r., Brown� of h)ly bonds y 1863 they came to raperies, or in anything else. t lie he rt 4 Mitchell, and in the to Melville oPhee 'iro Egmond ille, where �RANCH, pleasing t::oi the eye'and dear to of wedlock the 850,OC-To yok oered bythe B 3IIEngine Mr. Hills commenced I - evening by 1he pa�tor. the feminine race, and which ! Ab each service, pe' al music 0 y a any has be as a Pi Ae gilen. en already subscrib- blaoksmith,and where she Main Street, SO�Lfborth. viewed with Pleasure and parch wilf 'Xhe entire at rains 0: f the wedding march, pla ed b ad for and Flower Thoughts froln; TO look al be I Seafortb. They entered the parl r to the Works Como business i sed at services wbre most edifying land tione to ta the co�npany are making prepara- continueo! to reside until her death. She y by the eterper sex. � The hall ip be con -f enjoyable. Miss Parsons, of Senforth, and a- ke over ibe plant -and business was a pei son of remarl table energy, and was O�U Fit A General Zanking Business trans a car Millinery:Bou'qu.-e trimnywsperformedby Rev.Dr. Ow b repairing for the ed with acted. Farmers, Sle Notes collected, veniently Eii,�r.nged nd tastefull deo ated7 from Mr. Bell, a#d are p never so happy as whe busilyengag d advance' foF the occasion, an I should be The happy couple were unattende 7e crown the Canadian girl with an S. made on same at lowest lited y ad 'LACADERMINF,.-Ildakes the skin noft and immediate qecti�n of the now boiler house, with her iousehold du ion and Attending to the to eople, arid all who come to �townl pliable, heals chaps and removes redn0s and ro h. bride Was dressed in her travelling gq�t of the most of be machinery for which hall her famil r. a as Ato that the Market show rates. wneip, She was of a bright, cheerful on those daye, whethe noso. The hardest to please are pleased with it. blue cloth wibh w already been nd h ar line of hats embo,Ji Drafts sold onll.points in Canada, they w hb to� buvt 2$o per bottl�e at Alex. Wilsoua Seaforth. he par- lbasied. Any penou desir- a op ful disposil i hite silk waist. pur? on, and was conse- lea the lesdintp ar swel. yles, the any ot the- nice thin's on view or 18441 lor, where the happy event took place, was ing to subsci -ibe 'for stock in tl fineFt mat he Unted States and Europe. -' mot.,� On' a company, quently, most agreeable and entertaining erialS -and Ibi -wan". a Friday a i We guarantee our h ghest class of workmanship. F-Ma0h Va ing there will be an Interoating, repair work t give ni 3ely decorated wit], flowers. Af�'er the can do no by app ying to any of the direc- companio. , an -interest SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 1 isfaction d with all she was kind t all and am g ent-�bainment, obasistibg of or money refunded, Priqimptnees cu ceremony they eat down 6 a b6untiful tore. -Mrs. L Comens mud Meister Do who eration. illiner-s create,but they eknuot eft_ w�ear, and 131000. Daly, the watchmaker, Beafortb. i84 were deserving i f her consid allowed on deposits of One Dollar and tableaux d an' 1014 Maid's .Convention. lunch with their guests. After partaking Witb Costing, a Bruas6lo, are spending She will lie much mian)d t a], and their original creation, thtt. New Grain Drills.' and long and affec" old aud a three train Mr. o courae, we: cannotil shoedrill, alio the n t the fashions Pace are hurried_-hsr� upwards. Whab this W -r is; f Call and see our iew of the samethey left on th for Easter week wit Mrs. Cosens' father, tionately remembereo! in the community Deering boo! the Ddr own explain, evi drill at, R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCEj all whd. may have a ouri oalty 1 Doming Nvarerooms, j8pafortb. ThOnae B their new home in Seaforth, Than froms, R. Govenlook.-Misses Jean and Photnia where she li%d spent rr oob of her life. She to be duplicated exactly for batM 1�m. Solicitor Maria to know sh uld atte�d at the In It on Fri- A�enl. r�wni diftance were Mr. and '-Miss'Dan an, of Govenlock, who have been teaching at C active member "t Your ell, 18,14: J ape was an er. -of,the Presbyterian ion of their prices. dmynight-rext. Landon ; Mr. and Mi' Croker and cIver' chure If your thoughts of millinery take -For a good honest heel seaour�Clevela do, so DuAga"n, a I aroa - are spending their va- h an I her cheerf and in M- Xpissey- Harris, O' Mt. and Miss McLean. a ion at tbi ir home here. I smile and hopeful ward ycu are going t -O hu you 1111 - Our Motto reacertl Itacyale and nd Mr. a rg. are so- and encouraging word, as well as her more ve a most The Crosby li ies. They are guaradUed tolitand. G.M.Baldw1n&,)o., Mi Iholland, of Hensall Mi- companied bF their hiend, Miss Eve, Ma- substantial assista Cominghat, abounding in fity.le, oox� SADiff -RRREAYED�� -Many ends and M1re. Me- will be missed in Pleasant 1 ce: High Grade Work Only of Mr. Hew y MoIn6osh, who lef Winthrop Na Ir and Mine McNair, of Cranbroo� Mr. Iver. -Mr. End Mrs. Philip Carlir, of Sb oburch as well as in bining utility and beatuy to and givts n sooial and family cir- witli ... in McKillo a few eeks ago, �,o-r Rapid Beat grade No.'9 coiled Bpring Wire,. $2 gather I!ve sce, .75 an( Miss MP)holland and Mr. Bro4ie, of Columban, hive gone to Detroit, wl are i b is cles. They had a inexpensiveness. 9; X=44 per owt, at Chesney & Smiley's, Seafoxth. 1841,1 family of five eons and City, Manimba, to otart life the new Sei forth ; and a number from tow WEre Possible the-. may make their home. in twod%ughters- Three for dres cuntry, wi 1.&eplly�reg �Caw FoRSALE.-For sale good cow, pArb al& to present. rct to I e% tu of h The bride was the r cipient fulllr�a- Mr. and Mrs. Ctirlin have long been ani James are a�ons, Donald, Thomas, t 9 Jer ey. Appl) at 0. Nell's Restaurant, �Seafort dece d, and Fhe leaves a Ne%ovcomers in Wash sad affliction which has befallen h�mself enil s of A large number - of h %ndsomo and, useful residents 'of this neighborh ol, a of 0 Eld their family wo- eons sod two daugbtera,-to Mra. MoInt shin t6iruew hi pre3ents, wbioh,:peaks highly of the good many old friends will regret to- have'thern whom, -as well as to 1her Eadly bereaved Stuffs STRATFORD, ONTARIO. J Will ON'T hli�ss TuE FEAST OF DAYS. t be secii by notice in 1 --J A wil in which a was hold. leave, but will extend to them best husband, the aincer3st sympathy of all will Like the flows cur obit2'- I We �iexten( grand sale of u3etui and ancy articles to be hel Our graduates secure gcorl i.positions be. their two coin , gratulations.11 rs in your garden, thete: catlff.t our high grade ti-AiniDg little boys, one aged i tee.. ears Cardno'8 Hall, Friday &no Saturday, April 24th Ind for their futu a happiness and pro"Ferity.— be ext- ndt d. Mr. Hills went to Toronto on Wash materials don't all blssom 011b -blic school rning,leavi prepares them and the other one year and f der the auepices )f the Ladles' �:Ald of the Mr. W. Baker, ot ilia Mo the,, 254h, un Durham pu Friday Mo his wife in appar- unison. Freghness to render first class services. -Eater now have been taken from them. Moln ,03h Prosbyterlan Church. Ryfreshmants terved during ST. TiaOBTAS C11UR staff, in spending the Easter vacatiDn with eutly, her,, 3u: health. and newness hw cu. —The Easter ear- al for a coure. A' ril 10,1',b, a afternoon of eAch day. I . novel enterwriment tol be On arriving -at his bem added almost daily. Newmuditt I -no lawns, new prints, new chambir Beautiful catalogue free. writes' on laying These prqsented on Friday ev(ning, Tableaux and O!d vices in St. Thomas church cn Suad pas. old friends in Seaforth and vicinity.—Mr. hotel in t ci y a ee gram was awaiting by soarl6t Maids' Convention. Admission to evening's enter- river. In n, of Tor Of him acqua ntin &Y411 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. were both LE ken from us f(vcr. sed off in the usual satisfacto.-y Mi J. E. L. Psnlrma -onto, forderly g him w th Mrs. Hills serious new ginghaing, Eta. Mrs. McIntc sh arrived r )en The � besb menort, 4444-62 here at Rapid 'jitly tAiPment 100, IB-a3i, n the afternoon and spite of the large number who had taken ad. Bank of � Commerc and he too t 113 a staff here!, spent illness$ k the next train for -home- Mont we have ever Phown, axe 0 on the 27th of March and cur children ;Oak ewinihg of each day. 18444 vantage of the excursion 'rates to be out of Sunday with friemdo in town_�Miao Alma arriving he a on Friday ii� us ight. ou in this thread sick shortly oifter. They seemed ll WAW, PAPFMS Ait WINDOW SIIADES.L town, there were good congregations at Dancey, of Godericb, is vi!itin �tj�rs. D. ------- r ght -wor way, See the patterns and prices tat Alex. Wilsows, s6_ but tbeetateme not is truel! Yon fia Farmeria" Attenflon I when they oi me, but were, no doubt, pr�tty i forth. both services, especially in the moiorning, Johnson's. the guest of Miss fois noon, I 411 th as handsome printed at I lfflxet�er. - uffe on the inwell tired ani all that the beAl le4ical 1844*1 when over 90 partook of the sacrament of —Mrs. odgins, of Goderieb, ang Miss skill and goo i nuraiD g' could do I buld �Mot Tea and coffee at Young's, Seafort�h. the rdis Supper B-RiEFs_Miss Nellie froat CCU ttr d just insidethe oor. The choir was a -dig- Harvey and Mise Shepherd, of Alma Col- Young, of Se'siforth, opcni., The Natiaiial Cream Sepairator save them. C)ur other little bay s ly�ing 'Sunday with Mra R. H. and Funi, OrIRL WAL;.TBD. I 44-i adv ntage as some of the memberlal were loge, St. Tho so, L -pent Easter with M re. was accompanie Collins and e ar sick with the same disease." The �dece4sed �4eil Soafortb. —Apply to Mtn. Osc�r awa, and otbera were i d home pring Dess FOR SALE BY 11, but they re6dered (Dr,) Burrowi.—A meeting of the Huron y Miss Reta-young, 3844-�' W. N. WAT90N, North Main Street, are grandchildren of 11M to Univereity, Davidson teen visiting bere.—Mr. Eyes tasted free. eon- county gradua6s of the Toron Louis McIntosh, of Winthrop. r. and I s. WM. Speotaoles at the very the ervice verywell, Mrs. Hodginfli who had Goo; trib S. 80 endid show - ting a nice vo Ilegiate of Marquette, oQeEt price?. Daly, the optican, Femilcrh. 1844.1 Me on a thort A t.—Rev. R, J. SEAFORTIEE. 01 cal solo, which was much will be held ft the Clinton Cc Insti- M ichigan, has iated ho applac been si The rector preached a i the tuts, On Satur Ay, at 3 p. in., and gradu%tes M. Per in FiRE.—On Mo:iday afteinoc�ji fi You can save time and money by riding a subjecti for the day, " The Ri king, M. A., rector of Trivitt Mem- g h6re This sepstator is on re sen Christ," a#, In arts, law, medicine, dentistry and phar- e of the best, manufactured by as A wheel at the price you can got one 're orial churef, will prew Lei� ht weight stuffs—sheer the R discovered at, our Ei�o' both Hervices, A service was also he d for -nt at the amond Sewing Machine Co., whioh has been z th Milli in the shipping room. of I the ea- paccind hand. Good honeSt wheeli fr,',,, 8, up. Macy are requested to be preac h the anniversary fabrics thait in bu Ineas for over 4o years, and a guarantee (I to me IndepEn n meeting, as important matters will come be- fellows, on ng Company'allotkr tiiilll'4nd 0 l X. Baldwin & Co., Sea ilia ohildren in the aft!3rnoo with sermon ent Order of Odd. IJg and flow, that make pretty lines, a -1� a the National Separator is a strictly first-class, up.to- 1814-1 . I ! d - prompt and effective measures 'vente a Iknprove y dress by �he rector. An imp in draping, have the preference. pre 6 getting ortaint feature fore the alumni association f Sunday, Ar) il 26, h, at morning They our stock by getting i orconside stidn. no is hOL ze -Ming Ruth Johnson is visiting frie, d * me from date machine. It is simple, easy to operate, a olose most di8astro Lis fire. bne of t a (m service. — ar -n skimmer, and durable. All machines guaranteed ploy Inning White � Plyniouth rtory in answer to an F the greatest nu 668 f M' eggs from pri Of t1 6 day was thto offe Mies Amy Joh a' at expensive," zes-260 360 oke iatu'ng� 0 76 per cent. batch guaranti�ud. in AlmaLoadie 4' College for the holidays and of dresses being Fold of 'goods rangirig g and manufactured in three different ti noticed Em from th t part of he a. P. Dill at appeal made a few weeks ago in behalf of Toronto. —Re�. J. W. Hodgins. chair nan of le Leaf StGre, Seal)rtb. hurch's rpies I oat acceptably in the 11:1 prices all the way from and 450 lbs. capacity. Prices right, call and'ex- building and � �ave the alarm. T1 to wat er- �,�oo M a p 1844-4 the ion work in this d cese the Collegiate' Board, is in Toront) thin sang a solo Main 75a a yard to amine it., works syste a tth diab church, in conno4otic Pamers and Mee Inics* and lea in the treet M on Sabbath even- n w t tbe - Mill iiip!endid variety of We. have a Northwest -and forei n w4k, attending a meeting of the edubation- _VV, was soon inm iction a;nd! the fire, Wearin ebob& Good� Ing.—Miss armer is home from FLAKED MATERIALS, These wool f goods and fields. The congregation showed their Mists of the Province, ab the Univerei tV Abbey, Tor onto, for the �Eaeter holidays,— andard colors, ! briga d Lairet ts a reasonable prices. w buildings. NORTH MAIN ST., SEA]FoORTH. callfd out, an I the fis ones; were Willis, solo 'agent for hear �y support by placing ries in grounis of the Eit to ad Pqr�thy Dadd shoes for I 'Iesand George A. SlPter oil the lates —Mr. R. . C. CheswrigE b, of bef e the had an oppor 1844-1 n WL Ceperal Fire and Life lusurance Agent, and dealer r to I sprO Ld. Oboes for Mon. exac11y605.—At'tie annual vestry 'meet. Walkerton, Grand Superintenicilt of Royal Peter Baw flaked ovcr with e, givie a ple in Sewing Machines and BiC70103. The e�ipping I cam wa ast as to woi k at his aging: is fu a saa a, WANTED. ---A ton of butter weekly frig on Monday evening a similiarly. gGoi Arch Masionary for Huron diFtriA, paid an trade, brick aying, ffect and cc 1630 ready for shipmenbi, and apart f pin 1113 13c, lln-otby, clover �And Env shovy iDg was also im itoba.—Hon. Thomas Greenway spent say- eithr a dress or tallor ads suit. Itis averly oats for eal ads in the fiv"ce , for Official visit to allojh Chapter an M nd aY eral-days last week witt his sister, destruction a consid,6rable portion of t lis: 1�ing, Wingham. 1842-tf the year. The to'al amount received from He war hospitably cntertai ed by M re. surprising the good quality you can night, Mag eneral ear- all sources was in excess of the expenditure the companioni after the meeting w over. i.—Thomas regory ban so by water, the da done will not b 1 WAINTED.—An expErienced A (Dr.) 4ollin Id at R).3, 75o and $1 the yard. great. 1.8 The Canadian. lank The fij e is au posed to haVe bjen nt., Apply at once U Mrs, 0 Garrow, by $166. -The year began with a deficib of —Mrs. Patrick Courtney and son. a Am- couple of lot, , on Jolla 18 �reost, to William ark ro a aaaa P r caused by a ode�lob. Kellcugh, w ,a purposes building h Busy Corneirs BE 9 100motilve : 1841 -ti $351, which has now been reduced one half, berley, have been the guests of Mrs. a Ouse In oi lodging in the buil in and fa Have you seen my lom" this spriag.--Andrew H.cks, OF COMMERCE. ned, by the �pr'nts. ard whic)0;'is all the de rish. R. Hays for the past week.-7j&t the recen yet? If not call in and WE pect them, bt againob th-W pa of Centralia, Always the best for the least monty- high wind blowing, it was makirig rapid The colors The 14ctor appointed Mr. T. F. Coleman examinstion at Knox College,� Toronto, Mr t has returned from the west and is looking Snap o6nteed fast at tlie I Mali!c Leaf store., P.- Dill, hi8 m, . for a bonne i Exeter.—A. py Special, magnetic values. ial HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. headway whom discov red, 7110 loss will arden and the people elected Mr. F. J. Robinson, of Mckillop, passed his first , Ford is -recover, may match the pricesot- be mostly cov Ib 1844.1 ac Langetrath. -eotnt illneas perhaps r insuran(e. 1 asWe'have a well known and Isa These with Messrs. yekr,, taking a scholarehip. Mr. Roblason ing from his —Rev. R. J M. Val the, Capital however, a nai cow shave from he thoroughly Perkins u:s in the corners where are founilL ,paid up) Pierce , M. I., is in Toronto this week.—� 8 �000,000. 114estrt c- t0ted line of Fewing machi Counter, Holmeated 'and Fox I will wall ab the) same time taking our , eats, gloves, ribbons, lace0 eni-� tion of one o ie3 always in his final (our H. HQoper'sfamily have moved into their f our mcrt tock and form, �he select vek.try. is I nau, in the Univerai y, and the fa 3 important enter- d to do all kinds of repairing on any kind Meears. T - r et that 2e as broi(ieries, trimmings, handkerchisfinot. Reserve Fund - $ 2,500,000 prisep, and we, have 3ve If. Baldwi a & Co., Sealorth, agents Edge� Peter- h:me, Gn William street, and have rente ry rEasori to )e a and Campbell were elected cured a scholarobip at Knox College, di ispi te t ties, bei collara, hosiery, etc, thankful tll%t �t was nc worse. Illama and Sing(r. sidearien, and Messrs heir old rea,d(nce to .J. D. Atkinr Aggregate Resources i . 1101meAted and Cc the fact tb at he was docked 30 per cei ti, o a ion.— Bindweed i l - Mang( Id Seed. Fara�ers­ man E- J Spackro an, Grand Palriarch of the a delegates to, the Synod. Af ter his marks on a count of his, inability + 1 1 over Y 0� ST. JO�F1111._ ccimp,�atn of getting blndwe,d in Mangold Seed, Wq a vot pa&sing O at- own, . paid an cc r- believe they do, an rector,o ladies' respondent of the Toro# d gui 5 r $72,000,000 Tim CIT we have made arrange, e of tiianks to the hoir, tend lectures there while completing his Independent Drder of OddfeIT % U NowE hao'been ba njentli with one of th Id and � teachers of the Sunday' school Otfier courae, speaks n-.o3t Plainly o' his, Official vilit t) Blenhei The to. m Encampment last Ietani that the officias of Hon. G. A, Cox, President. a visit to the , city of 18t. Joseph,i in tj is men in the province to hav( our seed raclean:d and e*m eting adic-urned for two weeks. abilities. Mr. Robinson le indeed A (Is , voti� the Trivitt Memorial church have secured and moat reliable seed. ill week. —We under' irounty, a plaed tha now. *e recomniond it to i he public. A. You young man, and will make his mark i the t has reoeive c�ons:dfir- B. E. Walker, General Manager. S,, ato th. rog, the services of Air. Jones, of St. Thamas, able attention iin parli4ment an I efoewheia 18442 world.—Many riends of Mrs� D. D. Wihon E, A UL in recent year LocL BRir-,FS--MrB. David Sproat., of as organist all L." in u6nday's ssnEi of thiLt TI 9 EmPh'a watch, over 5,000,000 in use. -D 4 choir leader. London, England, Office, e rn that while visiting Mra. ja paper the correoporden elgrave," was in town on Geori Fr" Meg Willis occurred on Monday, in his 6n web vethec-xolusiv,e agetcy for Seafor d will regret to I —The death of rante keep perfect time. A full line alj%,ay9 oil ry Goods Co. gives i � des!e1,ipt.i' th. War. I RY- Somerville, in ondon, she aufferad a i light 74bli- year. D Mrs -Sproat was accompanied by her m0her, [Is was Wo old resident of of what he sa-w in St. oneph knd is 'd stroke of paraly6io. . She is doing an w 6:0 LOMBARD STREET, E. G. i hand4s, prixes tight. Da y, tinder the town clock, Mrs. Hannan, who hae oExeter, a lumber dealer %rid a 'prominent tte �is t pressions of th4 preflentiocindition &11 Soatoith. (,OM8 dOWD to iFtay c6uld be expeotEd, however, and hopes are member of M in Etreet blethodist church. SEAFORTH prospects of the place. 1 T futil is a wh Is with Mrs. James Lawrie. Mrs. entertained that, she will ultimately r )gain C4th 8 GTeatest lCash BRANCH. Ilia I a (a 1314ve you any produce, if so take 16 to the- Hannih ia 93 yeara of age, and her O The funeral, �a Wednesday, was la: �Iit tI long for our columns this week, a le! Leaf Store and you will gtit the highest price Id her bealth.—Mr. Richardson, of the taown�L' rgely A genoral Banking busilness tran- beat of it can be _44,Y friend i hereabouts will be' _D ry Gooi4s gabhero�d from It he ft�l weight. P. Dill, Seaforth. pleased to learn aittgnoled.—D Witb Mil 31;0re. er deliverc(f big that site has recovered ship of Gray, near Ethel, brol h: r of M a. J Fr 1.11 I f the article which from cent excel) ent'lecty re on 11 T 0 we give as iollow I.. W4NTED. —Wanted at once good general her re K. RichardEon, Pont 8unday irk town wit� he usesof ugliness," f 3: Farmsorim" and Graziers' Notes dim- The main heading is : 0 r, t saivan.t. one to do plain c ness and- is quite smart again. —At on Friday eve;�oaing, in the opera house. every week.—John Eoffoitb has The Ho antle, of, ooking preferred. No thal an- Mr. and Mrs. ichardson.—Mrs. Ho 3ton now got e biAtter City )n Paper, counted, and special attention given Joseph, Huronj Count 3y Washin. Apply to Mrs. S. A. MaGimy, 28,9b. Vincent nual convention of the Canadian Lllcrohlse and Misp settled on his new farm oil the London sto�eet,, G6derich, Ontario. Cu ings, who left, here on tO thlo 001:10etion of Salso Nation, etc. and the nab-headinge re(kirl thislyl. if k 1844,1 . Associ ktion, held last week in Toronto 'Mr Tuesda afterno n, rEached tber.. home in road, which he recently purchased'from, Mr. SAVINGS BANK, E,trange story fro y Kippen, if you want !CARETAKER WANTEL A I* tions for H. M. Jackson, of 'Seafolth, was elect�d a' Sacrament9, Cal fornia, on Saturd Butt. 0 ing to the unfavorable' weather - in the ahore3 0 the PC ' Ition of caretal pp lea ay. hey D. E tritoreat all,owed,an deposits of $1 Huron A City ter Of the 8oaforth �Bo,lig menibir of the council.—Ths town er had a v y ple'sa t journey.—Mr. George wills, mortg goo d de ioner And Conve ancer. a lecture on the and upwarctim. I ntirest is credited to " Oae in a1pur until onday, April 20t4, cart made its first appearance on eds dra n up. Money loaned "BritiefiRlag,which was to hi 4ith a Green ill be received by the secretary ot the club ray, Commins y ] b r W t n a on Mond& 7 evenng last, th a Myth, 4nd the I tli% is a I at I o'c,ock. Xin Gaidm, wt'rho 179 been employed at the fur- At the lo *eat rat a of interest. ve been 8 of t Td W. D. Mo- street him sea8oD on Saturday last. it as ry Ora j 17404t I :eV M M. 11 stecounts an the 31st of May and the Impossibility Publlio Lean, $ccretary, EXP08ftor Ofll-e. 1844-1 niture facto ' f good many years, le yen THE LAT J at, in the ketbodle ha�' mone waiated; " given by 30th of November in each ear. Ten thousand dollars ispe b in coristruc For a welcome visitor, as the dust was RON, —We have ery shortly for Clevr-!Iand, where he ha secured- frequently of te referred 40 the illness of tponed untiff Thuroaq even. y n Sale.—Eggs for hatching from prize church, w, ; �Os r* a irog a harbor whcre mat winnin. stook in Boomed troubIc some. —Mrs. James Littlej ing, the 23rd inak, The Bank has 833 branches extendi ure never initended wy Plymouth Rocks, Buff ohn 1 Of a good situationj tad if things aliss tj his Mr P �y.—Johu n throughout St. Goorge's D and Buff Legho toter C. Cameron, nbario, Quebec, Manitoba, Northwi i Territories, one to be." The coireapondent ba�, sizEd Buffa pre.,entso P I ular. a. the beautiful golden Gorrie,.�Lnd Miss Nettie Johnston, of &f- liking there he *ill remove his famil here. I Stanley, near McKay. Ion of George T. McKay udent ritish Columbia, Yukon Diotriot, ggs oaretuily paczed y t is this week cu 0, at up thp place *,iti ent a few da l irlead duty to an. it Detroit Wedioal College, Is mow',home for aritime Pro. Present: conditioii - ijig and-sh5pped In the organ cg box at $2 per setting w The District Del uty Grand Master of H r -on nounce his death, which to k pTace on Satur- the summer vacation.—Josep I h Dick of Sea- or P aeotings for $3. vinues and the United States. future piosp4ete and itO varied days ith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. V 7 industries Will be eased to answer an M. district will pay n official visit to Brita, nia dav and the- reimains were laid -to rest on forth e te beadiags In_ G. E. PARKES, Manager. pretty thoroughly and at 0011rempondence. Robert ( at. -a, 35 Eve y Johnston, of Goderich street.—There wl 9 & Masonic Lolge, on Wednesday evenin .— Tuesday. has been spending few days among ai rgreAn --ription $'iiven an.il n I . a dicata,,.the deac nuait London, Ontario. partia eclipse Of the moon between ei ght The many friend of Mr. Will MoDon Id Stanley for over 35 yea an W." In Sea- W h F. HOLUSTED, Solicitor. 0 1838-8 Mr. Cameron was a r sident of friends here.—R. B. Me,; 1624 p1mions arrived iit are nOt aye 1�ugy for Sale.—Good top buggy for and ni a o'clock last Saturday eveniog, I �ut, re. He bad been forth this week, delivering.mi, lot of fa;b g ir ocatint of the rain-, it was not via years fr m an affectibn of ble sympath;ze with which he had dispoi Batisfa the world renowned citylof Sb, Josepli on a r fl iteiing t cheap. Robort Bell, Soalorth Foundry. son of the late Rev. Dr. McDonald, ili guffiring for some ta e past 1839 here.—Mr. W. Aitcheson, a recent grad him in the death of his the heart and or th year had -been- town. ed of to a dealer of th1f fig moi College, preached very accept I ch ocou to th the time. ing of csitti this year h the filed- I Td FARAIRR.R�AND FEirDERS. on �rad at their home, - - n reports that —Al 4f of K te wife, whi in De- confined house Molt of Mr, Me" Cheap China Tea Sets. GOLDEN follo V5 ingo Vbiob haud, gat duit and Oat seed i at lowest prway" Presbyterian church last trait, on Sund*y' Mr and Mra. McDonald For several Wei ke prlbr 0 his death lie was basins double seat WBDrinw. —The lee, at the in the I not as profitable we take from tho Oaboaeal Mill, Scitforth. Sabb t hadbee most froederm would like Leamihgton P)Et, �Essex 18(36-tf rie less than a yesii.m--Miss unable t -i lie dc wn, and hi grade makef W in, E. Gove or an ss� evening —Mrs. H. Jeffrey, of !Ugha condition was a A SU DEA.TiL—A very old And high- of interest to ma:ky our GIRL W A N -TE 1). bed by oal.7ck waii ticketed to Gretna, M ni- most distreasin one, bub lie bore his suffer. becond spent the Easter hol days here With er tobs, by Greig ew r Black )1h d d D C y h a h �Pe to IV i r ot U a 0 r( f I %r is a u f8 a a 0 jJ Fiat r t 6 UUF ar IL bt 0 f V n I P Ir D 'Jer tjl rea-3ers.. The wort hy couple mendono�d are to �Rs� W� N. CRESS parents, Mr. and S. Barton.—A to. ago with an ull 3OMP AInIng Ortibude which rece, The abov, a. lines were not in time for We0k 14 Mail, a Oil for. houso work. Apply & ly respects resident our Tuokeranilth. —In addition to I lie r)Z?x won by a very mud on call from th! life t a -lid " r I WEL -M Easter trade.- thepareptaof our resp�cted ffiend� Mr.,, worth 8Dw belonging to M Finlay M J. indicated his ai icm trust in bet perftot f t -3r things We have them opened up Willia 7 r. ay M Armstrong, son of Jr. Robert Armstr* heytoo 184SX3 y morn .y morn. near Any, person �avi ong, -beyond, and thi nummom ?f the last mes. y morn' last We re- customer. 09 Winnipeg city proper- the oath of Mr. m. Kyl this week, a d marked at prices that are er -2d, OnMonda Om Kinamam, of Tuckeran ith, I tooh, of the 12th concession of McKill Poo of Constance, in the McDonald need grain senger was to him a Mo t Welcome c worth seeia- Ohiselhurat. The Post aaya�. 41 The golden ty to goll or anyone that WOW like to invost in -last week gave birth to a litter of 23 p� all. town line,, -Ray. near wedding of Mr. d Mrs. � propert or faring in Manitob 1�911- competition, he also won an $8 prize for Fall Mr. Cameron w here, and he an - we hav , an :Richard Kinjornan or the Territories,olty This is A most extraordinary occurrence, n ']a nouncemen of which was Fuch a sad *book & 0,180 Ewme splendid values ill townline, the a a staundl and ti us -in& undomi4ued Is preparod to Uy or sell on the mo�t t i- wheat in the yearly conpetition. this every means of t a tii�rrn he was one of N Dinner an Toilet Setr between Mersei and Tilburyweat: Miss McNaught, of Tofonlo, open _d j. favdrab e terms, Farnis can the E%e- makes a gra &- to the people here. �fully Inspected by my- men -ing ter holda a here with her cousi P1 I. Call And bee them, was celebrated on Tuesday March 1 31st. self �b,efdre buS y the A 4. nd total of $143 won by Master ture's noble ig sense of inte Mr. Kyle hadnot been MI, I and will nc 9 buv for o, an ey ere botin Dorn in Cornwall Eqoland,, I w�uld not buy L Ulm rong in bur �e years in these comptti. rity and moral ectitude wo C5 Ulm ILM111111 )I neAlth for!,some time, but Was for MYSelf. Also oollectiona made I.-Mi8a i able -to get -around and on Mondsy morn. on any line of merchandise an "ar, Misees Renderson,of the Commercia tions, and he is only 15 years of age.- n hbon the Con- Find immigrated to Canada - 53 ears no outlawed ac�*unttl r. fidence and real act of his follows, while hi BEATTIE BROS. Ago.1 Bell Watson was home from Waterloo, And 'Thomas Ward and family, lately of Va�pa g had bee4 at the ham doing somet.horm t ftcc�pwd,for collection. For he present time call Miss B I Ballantyne from Berlin I many noble qt alities of SEAFOBTEr 0 After being married at, BOWMA villb, 50i on or Odrcss John Landdbom gh, Seaforth. a for the, are now oomforta)ly nettled in their new made him a pleasant compik io arI years ago. they re head and he- t He came fqD the! house and Bat down on a- XTARIO aided in the coaa�j Of holidays, -Mr. A H. McLeod, son of Mr 11 Anda true, chair, and although he mae Durham for 13 years, th�n moved 1843-2 - home in Egmondville, which Mr. Ward Va. warm friend. ut fo no complain% tp thel 130Y. WAZ\TED.--�-Good strong boy wanted Roderick McLeod, formerly of Bruoefield, r his an&ssuming non- in & few m autes Afterwards big wife and d !three at Tus EXPOSITOR OX Mr. David Stewer-b has sold his residen a, oacupled a muct Of the family noticed thatr rrs and a half."� They moved to Tilbury r and modest dieposition he might have other membi(ra county of Huron 'where they, remains at once to do chores. Apply has pass)d his final examin%tion at Kin' Gently purchased 'rem Mr. Won. Elliott, - ne For Spring Trade, eat otficio. College, Toronto. Mr. McLeod has insoy more prom t Position in there was a0mething w 33 years ago and May P near the church In Egmondville, to r. the c6mmunitywhere h an rcing with him and in lived fo long country. r th.-us a 1111 wards the spirit h#4 ng the earlt pione a of this wi a few mimitea after I perly be friends tbroughout Huron who will unite Wm. Hudson, of Tuckerem:tb, who and- where he waa so highI3 respected mind tiken its de ature. He passed Away with- numbered &Mo A large, assor truant of Sweat Pads, Carry There was no road cut I Ut to t TuE Towx COUNCIL.- he regula n congratulating him' on his one. tends retirinR frorn farming in the 'fall, d implicitly trusted His death in a severe r meet- oess.-_,Mr� R. B. McLean, of the LODolon will co he ing !of 4he town council w a hold on me to re ide tere.-Mr. Tho out a strag as I falling AsMr. Combs, Harness Dressings, Bruahes, Axle farm. where they now reside, T iey could . and If X _1 f-11 11 . a bereavernant'to his fanaily a d 64-1- Grease, Wool and Rubbe, P * ovehing, all th" - Ohday Roj4d I Tutikerimith near Ki -1; # oua a I arwin, or Tilts town, who is now in*1 is AA - _Myle was a an well advanced In years, ww U1511. A new T Ow une,blaze marks on the tree� and Mr.: Willis, 8 being present. here on Mond distinct lose tic the entire 007 stock of Dusters, Whips, etc. hope for the days to come' , of Mitchel , who was select. I ay last, for muniby. one of the users of this d' 'when tbay would me Old coun shipment to the ninety-fourth year, in able to read all t is BRiEFs. --Frso'k Squires, f Toronto, with istrict And WW ed by t1he council welve stecra which weighed evidence of the G?,Mey investigation, as it - Ol The largest etu3k ot Truuka and Valises be favored. with a hlgbw�i, to the r nearest t3 exam ie and report on 16,250 1 Zu'a hie brot much an ervedly respected by All who Jot at lowest PrIcee. bheoplaht in the woollen I a,- or an verage of 1,355 her J n, of Per Huron, spent knew i market. By thrift and e4norn , aill, reported b is reported in the globe each day. He do as E 1; nab ympathy is -felt for W Y t I f:unds a itch. They wer: fed by Mr. Me- aster with thei , Aged rot Mr. Squires, I:Y mg�ave the iaiA plaub complied wiith the condition'st not mine a line of it, And can dime ed a and Bother members of the, made a comfortable home fa elves a tiger e d an, an I were a very superior lob. Mr. use t e Of Our village. -I fr. and Mr T. MeCtimonb family, r t of Mr.'Dick's agreemen6 with whole came an inte as moist men f spent Easter T Va been so severely and $a. ,,rid family. To them were born t] irea the town. McLean iays that most of the feeders I f w1h their 1 a sons The ren'ort was accepted 6y tile 10 Case has just cc aughter, Mrs. afflicted. BRODERIOWS and nine daughters, one of the Is bter,: de- council afid- 'ateers will lose from six to twelve dollars fifty. -Mr. Ewia'igently rnpleted Grieves, Of Lon on. -Mr. d Mrs. Elam suddenly was�oraered to be filed wi;h the agree a sowing over save 2ty acres of spring graf i, Butt heat a auspicious occasion t ve remov d to thei � new home in Ramess Shop ceased, and all bat two were prellenti on the Acooun ment. head this year on their cattle, on account f d I now waiting for balmy days to brh g Hensall. Mr. a Cadf� Block ',to to the Amotint O! about $600 weirs prices being so low and the animal Mra. Batt will- be much BaYfleld. 0 cOngratulite their paaepd.� The mayor and ilerk were an 8 having it to matvrity.�Mr. J. P. Brine to recove !. missed in this A nity, wher) they have re- BLOWS. 0-1 011 aged parents and offer th ' SEAFORTH. wakagiving to Al. ized to thor- been bought so dear lasti fall. -Mr. R. iDg,and we hope to see hisn down town moo a aided to long, an the people in HODBILII Will ifill"tiltIg frie Mr. Lud Mrs. Jobn Tough art - a�a of unintedupt- to" c0uncil to petition �he Legislature to Milton this week. - mighty God for the 50 ndorse the reach tion of St- Marys Ketchen, son ohn Ketchen, of, Stao�a_ as sprightly as us &I. -Mr. Alex. Kerr, a,. find them good a d useful ci jiz Iye a() married life they wete, per itted to i dim in Rat enjoy. There w Bra r -les Cur ishome for the Easter hall. DO YOU KNOW hildr�n Pass a law requiring all vehicles carrying ley, near a fi Id as though notyet all clenbly recovered to b i neighbors. one and kind ore 392 a anc, I year examins ion Kpassed big second Miss Mary MoMordle, .1 _ grand- over: ou� ton,ol weight to have tires on at diia'. - D r. Mith spent Sunday with frIends children present on the occ nox College, removed to her ho e. is Improving nicely. - - teacher, of Loud 3a, is 8P6vdiDg the Easter in Toronto. Dr. Woods and Wife visited aslon. After a wheals at leamt five inc the has won the Laghrin scholarship. arder of El th, was the guest of th yacation at the loons of Mr. and Mrs. R. friends In Darbam.-Mt. J. Fowlie has bee in width. A by- Ketchen i8 a a's er student, And bids f Misses Y , MeMordie The I Oung. of llyer Creek-, this week. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Balfour, W. improve GPPearanoe of his store b the Magnificent dinner had beet served, at high 11 lavi a� Passed authori the mayor and to make in his chosen professi V11 That iUL our school we employ Twelve no6n, Rev. W. j. Batt act zin Mina C Teachers and use One Hundred type7riting �d matiEt of 1� treasurer to borrow mono his ceremonies and called on o6e oao rl or the payment 0 Mr. John Mullioll nal, of Britikh Columbia, Mcore, Alex. run ev-e- f bh( o to 1; -of eq rreht expenses. A r olut,on was also A brigb t little boy, the youngest Bon f Monteith, D. Elay and Min additio o y i er aI I P.- reason why we: produce the best regal wo one Paaesd uthoriziug t was in town* this ek. Mr. Mulholland is. Hannah I this bur, f a verand".-Mr. Robinsou Machines. It it, a Fact, and that is oils read an addreap, while the r vision, A I of to. presented the a We, cannot begin to supply the demand for rookers, beaut .ged couple wit or and clerk to jr-f.j were in the and Miss Wright, our he Mi )rjun, 101 I- Of this' town, had tl a anold Seaforth boy and was, for many Forest City duri - Uschere, are spoud- a ra tan Petition thet-Lieutenant. a g the Eas and have m graduates. ifully desIgneo. Go ernor in Council day@ 3 to tall'and break his leg a fe ?v years, clerk In Mr. A. Young,@ store her�, Miss Alice Whi ter holidays.- Ing tbeirEs4er holidays at their homes in The address for pernii4sion to use a ago. J- 0. Rome w" in town c n t`1 man sPen' Easter with Seaforth and McKawp.-Miss Floods Stan- E&ch sp catalogue. Enter any time. Write for was couched in the moab Affbotionat a inking fund money, -M He has prospered in the west (Ind in now friends in Detroit, -Sending is now the 00. terms, '�now n 4ahl Good Friiay.;and had a Pleasant shak bury im� home Which expressive of the respect and love cheriaAed itur ri, in the purcha as of town deben. hands with M. DY Of his old - leading capitalist land contractor of th cupstion of ths- our and t is farm ro are Arth for Easter holidays, -Mr,- 'WiLl b li "- Was also resolved that all petitions Roge in no w ]a ted in Guelp friends. M . western i a Gentral Business by all for father and mother, After 0e I Jor new! cement sidewalks be banded into his province.- ur Evans, who has been ill with; pneu- 0011ege, reading of the address and b h, and milthout was the ']Mrs- Laugh. of Clinton not spending mu of their done sitting on monia, in reeo vering nicely FOX all il Mi the fence and gt TORONTO, he pres tation, Ae ccun�oil on or before iwm y &Are ill residing.ju Toronto, guest of he,'sister,M.-I. McDOUE a pin with their neighbors. ofDr. Stanbiry.-D under he o0srs, 9 re a g them to Gii of the mo#ey circulated troit, spent 8 4nday with his family in Bay. OW An petitions coming in aft r that date be he 0 on their trees abou ol bear in mind that it in �418 section of -the Praise God from whonk all � blese 21 t a 11th of May; a here this week. r. Atkinson, of Do - W. H. SHAW, Prinolpal. was sung, prayer was 41fored, cc fl d intends elph Ali Noon am -Al who have black JAE o -As an indicatio QRE1 grmt�la_ �uot allowed till the foHo lug ear. an at a ou table residence in the Royal count ' through the field. -Mr. H anry Atkinson Y011199 &ad G,3�Lrrxrd sla., Toronto. tions extended and a oneral go d time 4or y The City. amust be cub off ano� destroyed before of Montie;ll i Iorrance; in another of th' g business, we i N i friends here got prosept.- 16W-62 spent together. lual grant of $125 to th town band day. next, the 20bh inst. , or Mr. Cc Mon. P1 may say tat our drover, in staying wi Vocal Inetrurneqtal Passed, bD be paid zo a WAS t6sching brigai a who in spending her hoII6 inepeqtor, pp. the Mr. Gilbert Die uring this past week, paid Mrs.'Cowie ie'visiting P. I - home here. Will ImP036 the Penalties of the out in cash for a a shi con As the band Va- ol�ys at the par mtal in Goderloh,__Mrs. R. So� w pmeub $2,200, and James F retur=d home from MW law, hich is a fine lof from $5 to =-Mr. Mr. DIck makes A Pm argue" cut df PiP nearly noah lad week,