HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-04-10, Page 7� - � � I � 5W. - � � : . - I . I . t ,;. &� -.- - - I � I �. � - �,� � � I I � i "I � , � I I � � - I z � � . �_ - -, " � � ��_ F . . - 11 - I .- I - � - � . - , � � . . . . . - . 10i 19103 , - � APRIL M 1903a 1 - ___ - ___ 'I M��� — , ______ _____ I - - _-N-UNNOMM" I ___ --w - .f .0wQk , . -, �p � j4rir � . � ., , , 1�_-� a , a � I . � ! z � I - '11, - - , I - . -ZAMXCVS� � , � � . :Kf'�y and uwas,�-Z. � . 12 v.cars. Tij,a . ,,, . 4:� - �� .)d W,as alyl�l I gk t I,- S t I t r;, e4 � . " , - ,is EGO ­ I amj vv� P _. -)3, . - � I . I . "I U. " aahrm- ct i I J � 1, ­ . - � , k � 30 —..- lan,gyou - , I I 11," nor homr ! I i taY be tod,--� f i- P, � p-rifla. i,k th ' . � ta� you car'L � - I yf-ag and e.q., � rM.-T. �,,_. � j I', , ;) put YGII,Ur - , I � ;___ i ri itj� thr �W[ , i ,_ i � 41, c3se. I .> f, I � .1 �*rr-,7,i�',. I � I 1_�_= � 1""�z;nics of Aiar-& - _­ '.'l.thjaFrMT%,J : ­ ,1, . I '.1-!1,4Vrl1;"kSLt1v!e0xU%-J . . I . I . --� . ,,_.L0V_-5!L=-Q.4r. �� - � t- - Itz*VOD. Our lawni. TtPiz-r to maintair, td� manure, is. koud I I _id� bar, in many cases I A b* use of in - . , anure ow Ireim. BY' sprinkling rid. then, givirm it a, I � liquia, manura. the, -eawa of life 811,1 iu- ut�_�UtY OU thLe firm. 1 41, ed t,) any fieut . aitili every garden I&' , MA of them, . L ____­_ - .. brX Fire. . I I , h0sof burning. it�,hlagl Alt,demicribe their sufr,,- ; iWu tat all on fire. The , m% iwak quenched by the � �- --The first few �Pplica_ 3sl4e-44. but (*ure ,a sure he4�ed Without EQ.jr or i . I ,� I . . I � L Ldidates Busy%. I ;e ,. ,Wwa' tClub, ir, 11 - �_ - pol; Wes. say& �, � -, I let for politior," be, . I ts 'of men t It ixt did I a, WY I knew two" C*Ieb BkowUL , that- . (1y, and epopl. -Initing f,,r sheriff- . eh��Dri th% other�--and � M 011%t they put 11p_ �O two "lea would0k - :.. 1. I L� i Of elec�,iGn, hprried - hohel �hat was, il-Lq, - , III ' tw­ in fr�nt of the- � mc� wrestling with &� �w �. pulled ang wa,y., Aittg, and grawling, I L �, I 4L B, . .Z;' I do you want. I ! U you can go inaidw : � I � ­ � I ' m0h, iF ycii'd b3. E4> 3wAred, and �Bob_` a '11orns, and braced . 4 9ti-I the cow, for �irii about at a, lively 1 14P and down thew I : m� I one sidawalk to . ea# a lot of laughiDg- - :)-- �* pretty big crow('F � e`:'ruirlg a vote. r rr-tum5d: rallevF_d' 1-nked him.' ` You�re' '7R-Obl' and then he, . . -lippose ycu haven't . .1 alappoteyou havca"t avi.al,round here thi& L � . I . farmer, anawere(r L , , lal the bara holding - I I . I �L �, � , � Cara. . Stpre, Seafturth. , . M L — . I - - aismg. . t �017-';Ty, ONTARIO;. '1' res four diatinob. iraLUght,' Cairlage, � ad huntem. Th a L I a �tat �gory, becauso ��� E4 profit Able. He- ' 361 time he is three 0�9&t blemi lod, is. ` �'-br market. ThOL - rd article on the - L ' a O' horse, ean be � I I 4nd is worth from tbg t) weight, an(V- I � . C, �� weig s - . .11.9 thia price mnat�- _ . . N�Itarns, clean, flab - I .taXauc-a atoat the � . I . I � � fgOod s'roug back i I . , - "The moreL SeliOUL i , I i L aluable,he fa. 1b : . i 10geta like, in hc r4e­ , 1 , .� . I ; therd&i7a, -Lm- i I i Id c n no ecount, I 11 �. being Used ty the . I ) : siroa and wculdi - .� FArmers cur,1A to- ' I a7tc(L" T6era is I 11 I mpc rted he. In A. I .,_rt,e�d horses trav- I many parts � of , id ered very poor- , impottsi,t lt,pra& - �: p%rticuls:r nctlw I *; ffeet.of tire# an& � - . . iand straigh� on- - ; I - , � eXpele ,� tad 0 go . � ral-iii-ble qualifica- - I They must go - . Ill go, strsightL is , I . �paddles cr rolls, I I worth, only $125 ; . I . i1ras may be either - I - 11 4 Ler. A hot, fi-lry- -be mated w-' .th a . � I - ossee of slappo"d � - . cured by AM- . - , -1 a, Seaforth. I - e Pope. ,()-It of an inter- � to bar -found in a . 6' Thirty yelera � iK oald hardly, be I I Ing of. that sort. . lography of the a wrot-a a 'Hand- o- of Murray i, n1 book* of esister" to Anstrxli& BB iland. He -WAS *tort& and- &1auri- , P t tan ' It I r( r1b . _,3 t'L &t. Oxford. and L d I ps'. He was re- . 'It . the Vatican- - had excelit nt ra-' I tr&lian Bishops, $7 rres3 &T,d' k'lld' . . rtsinitig to the lonlisa, Daring L the hani of Sir . ,ile he vivacicu-1- ira. Sir George 11 1�1 opela, tharin- ip, and atate3- . - . � I - - ,A P.2 FL '\ t 1\V_% _*4Z19 - , _._. . . L .. # ,� .. ,if I L . II-) � tt 1,7 ; - . � . - Does it not seem more effective to I breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of . � the breathing organs, than to take the � remedy into the stomach � . I � L . I . I 11 11 I . I ` I 1 1 11 ­ . � . LL EKO-ablir4,ed -r879, I L Cures While You Sleep L I c . It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- I I face with every breath, giving prolonged - and constant treatment. rt is invalu- . I �able to mothers with small children. . Is a boon to asthmatics. —FOR - 1 Whooping Cough Bronchitis L Croup Coughs . I � I Catarrh, Colds Grippe -and RayFever ' The'Vaporizer and 1,amp which should last . a -lifetime, together with a 1_.�:tle of Cresolene $z,So. Extra, supplies of Cresolene 25 cents ana p, cents. 11'rite for descriptive booklet contain. , Ing, highest testimony as to its value. I .. ZZ . VAPO-CRFSOLEN M SOLD By . . . . . DRUGGES-TS EVERVW1JXr,E. 1. I . - Vapo-Cresolene Co. I .. . x8o Fulton Street � 1651 __NTotre Dame Street I . New York- Af . iontreal Recommended and sold by I. V. Few . druggist, Seaforth. I � - I . . . Ight Nun (EXP65hor. . — __ - i),18TRIOT MATTB14b. Walton. XoTm -Win. Pollard has been qu:ts ill but we truE-t the artival of bettt r weathei I will pi ove helpful to him and tend to hii . mrpee3y rettoratioti.—Oa Friday afternoon April 17th, Jamea Campb0l, of MeKillop will hold an aucVo-i sale of h(-u3eh-)Id furni- . ture, implements, etc , at McKim'd LcLt3l I ' " here.—We are sorry ti report the seiioul . . � aild extended illn%s oL'k?dr. Swallow, an ol� . and well kwiwn resident of this lo-.ality, Hismany friends hope a better condition o' I health will ensue ere 14- no, —Miss Lee(h hal ..,. , come from Toronto this week and will pre L side over the household affairs of the Metho di3t parsonage for her fa -,h -)r, Rev. W. W - Leech. We- welcome Miss Lsech to thi, , L . commurlity.—Win. Knechtel, mh-) wen 7 west from here recently, will take charge a I I thq fin -3 farm at Sliuris, owned by his broth er, Dr. Kneclitel, of Winnipeg, a formci � act o -)I teacher in Vila locality, wh -) his nov I a large pra,etice ' in Winnipag.�James Me . Danald and wife are here oa a visit frorr Manitoba and D.ikota, where they h.%vi L � been for the past year. Their son id in thi I hot il lusinesys in Mabi. oba. Mr. MoDonaR talks of selling hii tarm in Grey and wil � go we -at again in all probability. —There is i I propos;tlon on tootito move the M(thc(li@, I ohn-chhom. its p-,cser,t looation to thisvil L lage and if proposed plans are zarried out i : . baeemt nt will be Put unier it and o' lvii . modern iMpT o vements made. Many 1&oo( reasous could be advanced as. to vliy thi! should be a popuhr undertakiDg, from i I MathodiEtic standpoint at least. ' � I I I A COMMON MISTAKE. . L . Many People Weaken Their Sys " tem by Taking Purgative � Iffedicines. I - - , � People vilio use a purgative medicine ii I -the spring inake a serious mistake. Moe L _ _ pe?ple do need a medicine at this samcn,bu ; it ia a tonic that is required to give health I vigor and V'M. Purgatives, irritate arli L . weaken—a tonic medicine invigorates aw I strengthens. Dr. Willlams'Pink Pills ar L , absolutelv the be*t tcn*.o medicine in th wodd. These pills do not gallop througl the bowela—they are gc nbly absorbed int, . the syst6m, filling the voins with the pure " I , rich red blood that carries heal.ing, healt] , and strmgth ta every part of the body. Dr I � WillismB'Pink Pills cure skin eruptions, in I digettion, he& d.%ahes, nervonaness, nf-u-algia i backache, rheumatism, continued wearines Iand all other blood tioublea. They an i L Just the tonic you need for thia spring. Mr I A. Campeatt,'Alexandria, Out., says :-11 ; I received great bt n; --fit from the usa of Dr I I Williarays' Pink Pills, and t %ke pleasure i; F; ;� recommending them to all %h -i suffer fror. w . - . t troubles a rising out of a poL r cond ition c : I *the blood. I think there is no bEtter toni p medicine," I - � If you need a meeicine this Epring giv 1-1 -these pills a trial—they will not disappoila I .You. Do not be perhuaded to Like a a -tit atitute or any of the " just as go,d " med', L cines which some dealers, wto care only fc . I profit, offc r their (it'itomers. See t'aat i h I . -full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal I 'Ptoplo, is on the wrappEr around every bo3 I - It in doubt .en4 die'e'ct to the Dr. Williami r I . I Medicine Co., Brockville, Of,t , arid, th pills will be sent by mail, �ost paid, at 5 cents a"box, or six boxes. for $2 50. - McKiabl�- , ' . SCHOOL REPCIRT.: _T�� following is th I report of the standing of the pupils of sohoi � tootion, No. 4, McKi ' flop, t for the month ( March. It is based � a regulai i ty 6 n i gow coiliuct and general �rufiaiency : Senior 11v L —May Lookh%rU, R�'iisel Dorranca, Ver Dorcance, Ghao. Di'cksbv. Junior IV.- Adi Habkirk, Alice Wyalz, Eva Lockhart I Ivy Headerson, Alexander Dicksor Senicr III.—ROV Darrance. Junic III.—Minnie Habkirk, Eliz% Rilej JunicrIj_,Mary Riley, Arahie Dioksor Cheater 11, uderson, Emma Lockhart, Joh Renderson, Willie Riley. Class L—ffi-j b8rt Wyarr, Winnie Molutoth, Georg Uckh%rt, Chas. Riley. I . SCHOOL SE, CTION No. 9.—The following i I the standing of the pupils In school eectio. INO. 9 for the month of March : Fourt olaBs'—Maggie Smith, 765 ; Beaale Smitt '�55- Senior 3rd class, --Daniel Knechte' .6,13 ; Milton Y(,ung, 593 ; Samuel David ton, 573; Edwin Davidson, 566 ; Lilli .8tafford, 543 ; Clara D.tvidson,396 ; Thoma Leeming. 210. Junior 3rd class,—Cor Forbes, 750 ; Nelson DavidEon, 727 ; Edn Love, 688 ; James Hulley, 325 ; Harol Young, 2tO. Secoid class,—Maggie Lov4 *630, Wesley Hackwell, 469 ; Cecil Rol 456 ; George Kne6htel. 428 ; Hattie Youni 415 ; Lorne Dennis, 328 ; Maggie Hu1163 .214, ISABEL MONAD, Teacher. � � I . *_ IIA-GYA.RD'S YELLOW OIL cures sprains, bruisi sores, wounds cuts. frostbites, chilblains, att a i Meets. burna,'soalds, coatuslow, etc. Price WIG, _.__ —Thb eigbt�year-Dld son of Mr. Tomlii eon, of St. Marys, wto caused such exoit Inent in that tOWD, on Monday night of I& week, through being lost, was, found atoi a � ­ __ ­ ___ - V - __ � "t � - -, � ­ - - � I I - I _� — -:- - . .. 2 - I I., i � I - N_ i - I - - ­ - I � _. 7 . . 11 - 7 � ,� , - - , . - . ! . - �. - � -_ . . -1 � � � I eign-a o-ciocK -une nexz morning, lDv PL isection 'Xne peggar Wat Wandered in Mearob of his to be happy in matrimony, far % THE k0ft NUIRITIOUS . i ! ! bread, I t likely a - . mov, a mile and a half below - thoradtle. i . =rs likely ,than, say, foe.instanee, the I a- - � I � I � T�e have faded away like �he grass thst, tellec usla. 'Who are ever in seareh, of the, I I I t . The Roh ' &ff Engihe and The little fellow was lying asl"�, is th" a 16� ditch beside a tel ph role = almoib . y : . I . egml , , , i we tread. . I path i6y t bib leads to the higher walks of , I I I . I I Epps's Cocoa - ..FW,f , f 01f if perieUd nith the damp and co!�, t:) 44y � life'l -ho have ambitions to satisfy atid me iy .. � I nothing of the Vourteen mile walk, Forbolft- The lilaint that enjoyed the �0111muuiQu Of indw ementi to divert their minds from t �is � . i .1 11resher Company, Imam. ate he had his little,overooat on him, but It, - ; i peac(ful waye of contentmenb and hap )y An admirable food, with all its na- � wa's drenched with the heavy spi0h 9f f*ht Th�, is . Inner who dared to: temain unlor- matr Mon' Little things please livie tural qua I lities intact, fitted to I i 1� . y; ,J I about ten o'clook that night. Ife: wall down J� givEn, i mind i, and bhoas coaples, whom we heive all build up -'and maintaial robust � : viewing the wraok ar-d did rot loave with - The �vise and the foolish,, t4e guilty and met 1P lif who kL.ow nothing, who dras In health, and w resist winter's ex- . . - �CAPILIAL, $200,06.00, . .1 I i I of . .. �1 ll�' gob, w 20 . � i ; his comirades, and made the mistake � " � just, ' of D hijn�ahovewhat they have treme cold.' gold in quart�r-pound atar.ing down the wrong track. i � H ve quietly mingled their bones in the tins, lehbelldd JAMES EPP, 8 & CO., . _ I 1 4 ors p4rfeet mutual admirat-o-i societies, are DiWd�ld into 4,000 Shams at $50. 00 ea,lh. � - % . . I , I -Mrb. Melglign, mother of Mr. jose'ph , dult. the b� bjecte for matrimony. Thesepio- Limited, Romosopathic Qhentists, . � ace So t , � . st su - i I - _ �e'egrhen, of St. Marys, died at the reside norini London, England. All s en per cent. Preference! Stock. � f I ple, g under the same curtain, eatil Ig . , - � - - h daughter, Mrs. W. U. Gilpin, Tor- 40 multitu(je gce3, like tha flower and O�Ut �f the a line plate, as it were, haviug,tie i - If �V. I - - I the weed . � ' $50,000 --now, offer�d for subscription at par. Ten per�l cent, payable on I ` sam� tastes pertu d.sd that no one is blessed _ . . i Friday, March 20th,� aged �91 � onu, on I Th�:%t withers away, to let o here succeed ; *;thlauch dii1dren as -t�ey have,. satieflid application ; balauce a�s ea.Ued for by the Company, in smils n6t to execed 15 years. -She had been ill for BEverol mout4v. Epps's Cocoa monthly, until all is paid up. . The whole aniount can be paid at auy So the multitude comes, even hose we� be.- I � . I M rs. M eighen, whose maiden name was lea- � withi all thc y do, sure that the religion y .1 ptieleceantt-option of subscriber and dividends will date from paynient of fill ! hold, . . � . bell& Irwin, was a native of Derry, Irelar',d. : follolw.ia tb � only true one in I he wcrld, . � . TO: r ipeat every tale that he Vi of ten been , . K GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOR. amOullt- ' i � � ­ . i � On coming t) Canada she first liv�.d in Lan- npr ii�d a pea aeful and happy life in the e - . The dividends Will be payable yearly, on M-4-rch 15th. , I ark county, where Elie mairied th� late �Ir. �, tuld. . chalge of familitrities which, for them, con- .. 1819-26 . The remaining profits, .in each and every -year, over- .und above tile, & .� Gordcn Meighen. About 56 yea,r;a ago Mirs. For *e a ra the same thab our fathem have t*t t I They respset and enjoy eacir _* amo lgi,d in dividefids-, shall be set aside to form a' reserve' fund, iiLntil slich �-t band be -a "all rese�T I I . . 14 - "" 1-'t'h'e'y' ho, each other's sentifrienta,aid Many people say they a easily e �deighcn came to St. Marys,her.hi k been, . I oth , ec! starffid or upset, eaelly worried and =d". Mil- shall rea,c4 $�95,000.00. . .­ I . .L l I � Ing the first t�acher in the stone sehoolho I � - ' - beiiDgs are coupled together tritting . I I me W� see the same a-ghts that cur fathers Wei I I , burn's Heart and Nerve Pil*s are 'u" the remedy There is no debe�ture or bond issue and nonk- can be created without the, , on Queen a! raet. Af ter three years re'gi- , have seen ; Mon Z like t wo, dogs well looked aften The ir such people rr quire, They restor, perfect liftniony consent of at least t,,vo�,thirds- of the shareholders prqsent ot represented at a I I I dence in St. Mar�s, they iroved �lto . '�rink-th3 same stream, a disc lesions A house are never on any higher f of the nerve contrei, and give now nerve force t3 gen-eral meeting specia y c I . I we d we feel -the 11 onvened, Blanshard township, taking a larm noor qu il tions tl an whether green peas ara bi t- . shattered nervow systems. . Z-1 I � � . � . � In 1859 Mr. Meiih3n died, and � same sun, t(rwith'dtick than Biu,sels sp,w5tg. � Th)y I . I - '0 * O" . _. � "_ I I., Anderson. " Azid we run the same co rae that our I SPROCOISIONAL DIRMORSi# after some vears on the farm,'Mrq. Meighon � fathers have run. I ai e �h -)(Ou', smiling. She calls him Smi A I Suddenly Attacked. I ,, i � � . . � L. again move'd to St. Marys. k . . or I own, i nd h9 never speaks of her but as I Children are often attacked auddenly by painful . � I ' -0 - � The �houghts we ere think our fabhe a 09 Lood Ady." B. f,.ra the children th ly 11 dangerous Colitc, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Se4rfh, Ontaffb* call each ther 11 Futhsr ani moth(r." Cholem Morbus, Obolers Infantum, � etc. Dr. Fow- Iran in the blo3d is necessary. Hillet's t would think, ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is �a protupt, and John H. Broa�foot, - � Seat9r1h, Ontatig. Compound Iron Pills contain that element Fr6m the death we are shrinkffi4 they, Th 2 1� I don't care Bare cure, which- should always be kept in the � � � , 1ho may a grocer . f . itt refs, � 0 � . - . . I I in the most assimilable form. . I : t(o, would shrink ; W he t they re, i It -3y are %appy, perfect F I C. Gre1g, , .11 b. h3use. - " Seaforth.0 Ontario. - � � I .� , I I -0040. i � . At I. V. Fear's Ding Stoce, Seafortk. ! To the life we are clinging they, too, would jaciti foe mi trimony. I - . . Georye McEwlett, M. P. I Hei7�aflp olltalio, I . . - - I I Spring Medicine. I I eaf 0,4f " 1, 119d . .0 i �, i cling, I .5 .,a ' ' Money Makes the Mare Go. � B i t it speeds from the cart like a bird One LAXA-LIVER PILL evety night for fhl4y Aaas medicloo Burdock. Blood Bitters has ChaOes McKay!, M. D., MO. Orin . 4 days makcaaaampletocura of billouaress and eqn. Uoequ atonesup,the syetein and removes all ' G , I Knowledge is a power. YES, but what F Cli the V�iol_ � atipo tion. T1 tit ls-j ust 26 cents to be cured. Impuritlea from the blool, and takes -away that M. Jy. McLe�tz�, � Seaf�A, Ontario. � : I � . � sort of knowledge 9., The Finderstanding ot '_ I 9 - . tired, wexr3� Neling s3 prevalent In the spring. . , Plato or the market ? John J. Ingalls Said Thei lov�.d-but their biitor:y we cannot MILBURNIS STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS - , -000- W. K. .Tearce, ManVer Dominion Bank, Seaforth, Ontario. that If he could live over &�ain his life -he k u - cure the wont headache in from five to twenty win- The essential lungThealing pTinelpal- of the pire . A. YOU12g, . Seaforth T � e � scorued--but the eart, of the' utes and lew a no bad after-effecta. One'powder. 5P, trce has finally been mwessfully separated and re- , 7 1 . I onlario. would devots his talfnt3 t) the iacquisition 1 hougUyis co!d ; � 8 po Ndera 10d, 10 0owders 26o. fined int,3 4 perfeeb cough medidne-Dr.Wood'a Nor - of money. Hundreds of men, humiliated in . . way Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee ; : � I The� grieved-�ut no wail from their alum- : Bankers - - 2he,,Dominion Bank. i li:3 preser cc o' the rich, sac rned � by porter p DR. LOW'd WORK SYRk]? i3 iL Fate, sure and re of 8atlefwAirn. Prlce25 cents. I I . 11 - I I I . - : � . I I '� bera may' come; I Rob) e worm (xpe'ler. Acts equAly well on child en - - - I and mistreated by landlord, have thou . ,.�� - - - - �, I ght ,I - __1 -_ __)�_._ W 'VIN - - They j)yed-bub bhe voioec f their triumph or adults. Be sure ycu get Low's. . ; � � - thesameilling. But that money. Is all ' , . � . f I FOR SALE. ' - ' is dumb. — T 2 he 01)ject. . I I Money *as bon P;.�w I I erful is no n3w idea. a p w: t_ I I erfitil. . Learning was a humble birth, The " died -aye, they died, and wa who are Profitable Pig Raising. . ULLS FOR 8 ALE­F� r sale two th-noughbred This, Company is forined to acquire and take over the-, business aud goo(l _. M( I I IV 1� Lr. Rot art Clark, of Ottawa ccual. Durham bulls, oged 15 an(I 17 nionth-, both WiU Of ROBERT BELL, Seaforth, Ontario, known as T.uE Srs ; ExGINE nay ia the lion. of life.; learning, �the I 11,)w, I . Y' B XFORTH . � . f . ;es to th-e FALineria'- Advoobt3 as f D1. red in color. Bred from Jar.t f-lma stock. HERBERT - I wri AND M.kcHr,N-E WoRKs, including buildings, landsl ivachin,ery, Ifools .and pat - lamb. I . i 'V�h.) walk on the grass th,�b grows ov(r iow 0 I CRICH. Lr t 25, Comession 1, H. R. S., Tuckcramith Z� . But there is no greater trulth ithan l6tn- i their brow, , 1 3 : . Sea!orth P. 0. 1840 tf ' terus, manufacturing traction and portable engines, high speed a-atontatia ing and no greater lie Th%n money. MaIluey � , I have now betri An the hog bu-in 88 . I... stationary engines, saiv mills, flax-mil.ls aud threshing machi*ery. The�objectjs i WhP make in their . dwelliD 9' a transient i . pt omisea happiness and is a c h 3at. L ra, seven year , aiDd afOrga-even years' experl. OUSE FOR SALF-Up to date linuse, In good to enlarge and increase the present business and go into the manufacture of in- H i ] i abodb, ' � eno, , I have come to the oonclu;ion that locZty, modein convenience-, on East wil- boilers, direshing mitchines, self feeders, -wind. stcackers' and other atttwli- . . t - ini promisas to her Lumble servants, I hat Meet the changes they me cn their pil- ilimetreet, seatorth, not five 'minute3 walk from ­ - she will bring to th-3m a deep pl*asurb end l ord ir to make money out of the hrg busi- . I . � - I gr'mage road. Main street. Will be sold reaoonably. _kppiy _at ments. I � I nes , it all depends on five points, viz. : : never fails ti keep h3r word. In the evil- � THE FXPOSITOR OFFICE. U40-4 This business ha� grown up �uriiig the last' -ten years from a smalil repair ' I I I . ized m or'd the masses are intelligent, the For� hope ard despohdoncyl, pleasure and I it. -TE e kind o' It ig you select f or a .-- I shop to a well known maii�ufacturing concern. The. outp-Lit for last year was a - � � hog. I EREFORD BULL FOR SALE. -The undersigned triffe over $70,000 an&was laxg composed of saw mill madhineryand station- � 2 .-Of he time you Btarb the hog. 0erefor sole the registered 113reford bull, 4ry�engine �ly. Aramingled together like sunshin . e and" gra a 11 s on which the niargin is very inuch less- tbati on tntetion engin�es few intellectual, anJ it is not to � be expect- . ed thit the few should be so powerful a � the pain ,a � I I - I : � . . many- � � 3 -d.-T !e time vou sell the hog. Kruger, No. 106981 American herd book and NO. and separator work. I I :1 - � rain ; 1 1786 Canadian herd book. Ele is 2 3,ei,re ohl aud a -r amounted to 21 per cent. � on thLe Capital ill_ - of ordinar milat are An! d the tear lar.d. the song Ub. -T is weiglit you make -t h,3 hog. The profits for the past yea . . I the smile an . good animal. E. L. FARNHAM, Lot 11, Concession . graster than one man of en rior.mind, 14 y I Eli] the dirge, I 1 5 h. -How you produce it. , HuIlett,Constanae P. 0. I 1841-tt vested. 11ad the entire output been traction engines and separators the profits believe ; but 50.000 men ossm�sd of 20'. - �hey follow each other li I ke surge upon SELECTION OF THE HOG. . I I - would have been fully double the amount. � I - I � � I hat I eurge. I MBEWFOR �qALE.-Havilig disposed of saw A large number of orders had to be refused On account of the caipadty of I -think 11 . '. I After trying all k*nis of h6gs on CIO er T" miii m . 'of QOO a piece do not presume to i t ; . achinery, we are now offering for sale the I i . . the wctrks not being sufficient to supply theiii. The eutire �Iant, conSiSting they are as grab t as one man who has 1 ,ac- I � and grAss, I found in my -exp,rLence thwe timber cf saire. The building is 6Ox36 feet; there , . - cumulated $50,000,000. We niay welilbe- -'Tii the wink of an e e, 'ti t adraughb of -a was rone so go)d for that purpose as the .dependent buildings, lands, niacliinery., tools, patterns, dra-wings, patents and hceul4es, y a It wl� 18 p,eces 9xl 2 Inches, .06 feet long, ir L . - C f frame; would sell this separate if desired ; nea!- 6,nd the good will of the busi-ness will be transferred to the new Company �or lie,/e in the kincerity of the old negra pr �ch- .�' breath, I I Cbe Aer Whibe, and you can feed and gr)w ly all timber is rock elm. GOVENLOCK BROS,, � er, who, after failing to persuad' I From the blossom of neaiLp r,3 the. tale- � $40,000 worth of stoc�,. There will be no cash withd dollar now in - e his a lary him to be a select bacon hog, if y(ii fell Winthrop. � 1782-tf vested will be left in the business, which plainly ,shows th-e Qon-fidence the pres- fiom ili-3 T Eg% ion, I n 3se of death, - My experience n : � .o3kets of a cool congr F 4 t wh(n be is riRht. ' *1 � L lifL(.(l hi's hands and pra.yed : " LAwd,ai � ne gilded saloen to th bier and the The"' ' iore in fesdinA tor a g( od bacon - ULL3L ANZI) PIGS FOR SALE. -The undersigned ent proprietors ha�ve �n the new venture. � pep e I' a � � . . abroad, . has fcr gale one thoroughbred Durham bull, 16 . I I . - . inter do everlastin's3a o"blivioo every d ol- ­ tha here in in breeding, because you mon the, roan; 1 eight nimthe &ad one five r-onths. ' I ; L I :- a . %piri 9 I lar in die cu a -d, wo:ld-eider d? daf,,L%' d, Th, why should the u , � of mortal L,be 3poi B (Wers Ahead. w I . Can I the bekt bacon heg (n earth by Alto sk numbcrcf heifers one yeer and under. AJEO ­ I 1; or give tir yo' old Parvalit a few�wpgin loads - . i , proud ? � I feeding. a number of thoroughb-ed Yorkehire pigs and sows, I . � � At th6 present date of writing, Afarch 18th, 19 W, there are orders ahead � of vk hat money dar is."' � 11 k 0— I iohl (6 t'�e George Matthews Cornpaily littered in A,ugust. Sire and daw, both from im- - . � - i 'OHN BALL'S LUMBAGO. I ported atook, ,rrz)m Flatt's herd. For particularB for about $55,000 worth of goods for delivery in 1903. Besides this the firm r MORN'S TO .R�1" M, J . of -B ull, 100 hogs out of the field, in ne address S. cuDmoRE, Hurondale P. O. 18i6-tt have a three years' contract with a large firin in Winnip, eg f or $5*2 (W worth of �. - I �� I , � I . _'� ) I �, ? I — i cat. Thtra w(r3 100 select hogs in Vie r, -_ y When a m&n fiads thati� in buslnefio ll,f is a i ' . cl engines.for delivery in 1901 and $70,000 worth for deliver ib 1905. Thus a very _11 , I failure, he decides against rroney'- T�i' 'has Cc �ul�ftt Stand Before - Doda's I and I n3ceived $7.25 ptr owt. live weig 2b. ULLS FOR SALE. -For sale two thoroughbrel la�ge portion of the Output is sold for three years. There could be no better �. . I .r BDurham bulls, 15 months old, red In eolor ; one ; Thit wa 3 1 he firt t car of select bogs t! iat e of the worl-wi�tnship on goods turned out and the' superiority of the -my decit-ion. I hut3 all mo y- , �4e II 2 years old, red. Also two 3.3 -ear old heifers evidenc � influenced y Pflls-lfe Can 'Work .1 but Z5 : - I I I ever went into their yardi from one m ku. with calf at f(mi. Calves got by New Yeu'o Gift. Bell engines over other makes. � . I � I i I 11 � that I do rot possess, and thbt x ean i I nt � and Sleep N6W. - Fou Its later, out -of the same he �df All the right 11w down blocity kind. Apply on 1,nt � � I The patents, includiug the self cleaning driving -whee), speeder. reverAe, - all. Moaey umilly comes td' late and 1 . ]=� Z3 *' � _. ther i 25 more selects and ,25 JiR It, 24, Conceps'on 3, b. R. S., Tuckeremith. WILLIAM � always goes too soon. And ro',4 until : t' is I . A�6-tf gearlock, and loco cab,are, very valuable and insnre Sales and good prices wbere- I � I 11 .0 hogs in the' one field, all brcd by OHAPMAN,.Biucetiold. ever these e,ugines ari�- introdi-iced. ., I -1 I gone do k one of us realizq that H we � ne aded 61uEBEct P. Q , Ar.r,l 6 -(Special). -J 6h� in'" .. . I - . � - I j: t, myfi I started in iide of five days. - . � i . . it. I � B%11 1, bricklayer,of 57 Little Chaplain 81 rae c \ � 0 i� � I . RICK HoUiE IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE OR ' � . . - I . ,� thii city, tuffered from Ltimbegn, one of T�E TIME TO START FOR BACON. BTO RENT. -The residence oil Ann street, in 0- I - � .1 The Engine and �, 2 hresher Business. L � ; ' Day. � - The liouse is I - Seaforth, o,wned by Mrs. DAv.d Thom. L . rill - � ' To Cure a Cold in Ono 1 thc mo it painful forms of Kidney Cdmpaint, I ireed my sows twice a year ; first Iii er, a bilck one, near:y new, with stone' foundation. There is not another manufactu . _ ILille iLJJ Canada tq-day of which t1wre. . 0. I Take Laxaiive Bromo Quinine T�;�blete. !AjI for two years. His urioiry organs were com �s it Maioh. As they are all ragiste ed Th -,re are five bedrooms, parlor, drawing room, din- are So f( iianufact-tirers, when you lrjl� an ,op .; 11 I ale affected, so that he had frequently to h,igi , I all them for breeding purposes. I Ing roow, kitchen and summer kitchen, clothes �W I coxisider the openvin ' d portunitie, druggists refund the money if it fails to 6re. that Otre offered. ThE market is iwactically unl4lifted. A�Out seven -eights of I ' j ariie at night. Now he volike all day and sele, it fr m one a -)w to another so as to closets, pantq and hard and soft water In the house. the threshing eugines ,and se arators used in 31anitolmand the Northwest are, � E. W. Grove'a signaiture is on"eabh box. 25o. ale(ps- all night. Dodd's Kidney This property is pleasantly Eituated in the rorth- . tn 70 '! � I . toeach o',herfLr breeding, un 111 lit, it of the towin, just one block west of Amierican niammiifac ure w ich aTe imported and sold there in the face of � I Pills nit kki ti we ern , �U, � I : - � -1) ; �� - 4 0-1 � did ib. - mahemy n-doweep. Three days af6r. of Mr. D. b, Wiloon's residence. Tbis'desirable pro- 25%duty. I I - Oh Why Should the S'piri �, �peaking of his cure, Mr. Ball says : " I warla my sows ani 'all mattd again for .,ny erty will be sold cheap and on easy terms, or It will . I e I - - I putollae(d a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills, ard . Ee leased at a low rent -,I. For particulara apply to Canad,t has to -day more wheat growing la.pd than th � United StAtes, aud , . �of Mortal be Proud?" � own field Logo ; they -come in Angusb or J. M. BEST, Barrister, Seafcrbh. I . � I 1841-4 each acre of this land will produce from 15 per cept. to 40 peir cexit�- larger yield af t'r I It id n led them I' began t) see and . - � I . The late President Liaboln v6r,y muchilad- I -_ � fir�t of St-p'ember. - � I . than the land in the United States. I I P fee a chauge. I used three boxes, and was . . mired this poem, and Mr. F. B.i arpenter, I : Tais Etarts the hog for lb.3 lilgheqb pink ALUABLU'PROPERTY TO RENT.-Mro. Wm. With the preser t rate of inimigration a bbl.ge percertia-ie of -this whe.vt - - 4 bor iplately cured. You . can , tell any one. days in the year. Having no use for " he McCulloch drelres to rent. her pro orty situ- I 0 � the well krown painter of Thif Emancipa. i , V land will soon be under cultivAtion and the number of engillies an ds sepawators yoi � like I said so." . I . the Yea,r,- I leave 9 r1a," tion Proclamation br.fore t�e Cabin. t," bells kowl at tbia season of on North Main btrzet, Seforth,, whic comp i that will be required to handle these crops .will nereasewith the acreo,ge. At � I .1 the followin I g an-cdoto; regarding io. The Eumbago is only one fo-m of Kidn.ey you �Ig- F;g I on t he eowe ft r' tight wat k S, eeven acreg of laz!.d, a comfortable frawe dwelling are only seven or eight illanufaeturdrs of tracit �. - � houseand frarne fitAble. The dwelliDg is in fimt. b�ie P�eseilt tilne ther , ion en- , - t " - ' Dit eaae. Dodd's Kidney Pi lit cura Kidney t3n monilis t) gr,)w my I aneodct3, wiuh the poeny lappeared in the leawnz me nine or " I . class condition, convenicntiv laid' out with 'stone nes in Canada and 10 or 11 manufacturers of sc parators. The 3output of these . - . - Di see in any form. They don't clainj to baoonli)g, IL is an easy mat -or to grow a collar under the kitchen. Hard and soft -Aater on �kntx - . . Caledonian Mercury of May 13th, 1865, 'and filletories is sometbing! ike 65U e. ines trtnd SW separators .p4r year. Tl�ese Ula I . I 2 I t") I � on anything 61se. I the premises, also a good orchard of young bearing are nearlv all r.Ontario use I D fact the. demand for. Ontario I am indebted to a friend for the ext Oct. .CheRter White hog in gool ord(r from 180 chines � ieqiiired fo I , � . - I frul): tree?.. This propetty Is nicely located and is _ n:, I . � I , —a- .1 11)o, able to siip ' 6k �,� tol9oioundein9mnt,t�s. Iwaimerice-to e- uior� than these- factories wil I -,Mri Catperittr says : ),- , I was With flial I " suitable* for a r tired person or s6nie" one who will'very soon b - , )�Iy, Nvltll�,'Out take � .. � a. feed. toc s as soon as I tak . . . I * � I 0 1 9 � ing the requirements of the Nortliwest into eon$�ideration t%l & L The ir * Pres,.dent alone one evening, iu, his r )'�)1111 Pr� fessionalisminEn'lishSchool ethO098 Off -bhc ,iehestocngsge inmarket gardening. Apply to t� equire- i ':� � � I , I sow, aniall win�ter, ani as Foon as the MRS. McCULLOCH, over W. N. Watson'sVilce. . � dari�g th3 time I Wall painting my .�rge�, . . ments of the Northw6st for this season are SO111(thing like 500 threshnig Outfits ' . ictureat the White House, la-,,� year. Me Ib way not be generally known . th-it the clover is alout three in(h_9 high I iing � . . I . 1842.tf . . hich is ready foi wheat. T his does p . . Weket a(holarribip is already an accomplish. I I � .1 — to handle the crop on new broken. pradrie, w - I 11 ed fact in Euglikli_schoolp. ;The evidence of . not take into accoiu)t the regular acreage which,produced 1:27,000,000 b,4shels of presently threw aside his pengud pal6ers thein ani ful them out in the field, wbcKe _ a . bd began t-) talk to me of hakcsp5are. I . their. get one feed a day of dry grain, bai ley STOOK FOP. SERVIOR. wheat last year, and the total number of threlhig outfits req�ulred for the, ' I I thi fact is to be founi in tho' advertisement 1. I � � I .Northw*est this seawso I I He sent liLt-le ' Tad..' hi i son, tol Ube li�rary . _. or'ju,xe I orn and barley,fiqd on the ground. I . ' L rL will be about 3000. 1 - bel w, from a Devonshire pq per : , le, 7 - ' � I j . 11 . - to bring a copy of t lie plays, a then lr�',Ica,d, .1 To parents of boys able to play cricket. and good sweet clov(r will in %ke IG FOR SERVIO.E.-The undersigned will keep � I i - � I to me eeveral o! his hAvorite pAsagea, a baron all sweet a�s a -(Iilcktn, and if icia P Ion Lot 29, Concemion 11, Hibbert, a Thorogli. . -_ . I I I . ing gendine appreciation of tu I I . Headmaster of bigh-class boarding school, thii k y! u require a little more fat a ter bred Yorkshire boat to which he will admi a Profits. I � . healthy Lo:don suburb,wis :itcr ta strangth- limited numberef sows. Terrns.--41 at the time bf . T'hat engines and separators can be inanuf�ctured in $eaf-orth aS cheaply Relapsing in'o a sadder s', -rain, I e laid it e .3 feei ing one feed a dt%y up to July, juk t give service. JOHN ELGIE, Chiselhurlt, Ont. 1771-tt I en team for coming sesto3, wcu'd take I as It i it place, the Umes ara book asi& and 10aniDg back in his c h'air I six the Chest4ir White the sez-ont feed a ( ay, I I - --- anyw ere in America, is easily undei%tood. -- T,n the flr� I . I bo3 a of 12 years or upward t nominal (half � veiry light, insurau-ce 1 is cheape'r and other expel-ises - are v much less ill a said : I There is a poem. whic-h'has be -X,i a sndlin tw weeks Von have. a Eelect og It URVICS.-The � undersigned his on f DULL FO ory : usu a]) feeF,. Apply 'echo ? care of--. which e)nimandB the highest price in be- 0 Lot 27, Conce,slon 11, Hibbert, a thoroughbred small town than in ,tlarge centre. Labor is che'aper and more -eAsllyobtaibed ! Y�Ilr , : .1 - ill . - reat favorite with me for which ivas x I � I Oxford strect, London. ' . Dvrbarn bull.to which a limited nuniber' of mwe w and there are no laboi troubles to contend with. I . . I grat allown to me when a ycun man, )y a t1t li%o been the practiae forsome time past", market. RoBERz CLARI _ be taken. Terins--$UO rwable Lot of J.inuary Then the outwqrd freights froin Seafortil to the Northwest -are prac- -- friend, aLd Vihich 16fterwards isaw and cut Ottawa County, Ontario. next with the privil- ge of . ieturiiing it 'Becessary. - I at 'rta-*n PrZvate schools I o select aasitant., �­ —0 � ALBERT RYCKMAN. .1 ! 184lx4 tically the same a,ci from London, Galt, Wate�,.Ioo, Toronto, Brantford &nd from a newspaper &t d learned tiy be%l . i, � - I . - � ma erl on the abreftgth of their cricket . .1 I i — Sarnia, where this ela�s of goods is inanufactur - 1111porb -freights on boller � I to 9 give a g�eat d'a W Strange Customs. I - � . I - ., I �i - plate, tubes, pig and har iron are the saine or v it � would,' he contixittee, ' No , we have a prictical attempt 0 Pr I tle differeft than to the .. know who wrote it ; tro, I have'! neve� ee" 'I When 5 o3ng English girls ara anxi. n i to _. - , , - L' . I . ; i : , . i � 4 vi a em wit a class of pupile to whom . . .1 . _ above named places. �_ able to aacert a;in.' Then,- half � 1 closing 1 his . - . . . � � they can do juilice. Do�btless. football, krown if hey will be if%atried (&nd ,%hit - a The approximate profits at present'price :of inaterial and labor,- on 100 ey6s, be repeated to me the folinivii) � A'Is Y%�t anfous to know that ?) .- . I - , '' � . 9 lae,o hookey, hare and hounds an other athletio young gi complete outfits for the western trade, woiild be $120,000. T%e Ontario business (given below ) The tiue author;of the � ;ral of .I ham assemble ei(h wearitig a - I .1 I hlolaii.hips will soon followt seve or r iturns as thi - is ­ o9m so will not yield as bi s, but there it laTge inargin on that also. Ilia never been rightly ascertaihed, th ug '- L- I k . , L IL Ion the g ' � .I rin . I L I arge basket of (o rn ii; bi ongL t ir , 9 - � I . . s- . - � _ -_ � The above %asec �oods being sold to jol)bers.; With a ,wiell or - it is generally at t-ibuted to ii y� ung 8 61.8- � � an eadi girl drops liar ring corafully, i tir- - - I . . I . Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfeckant ' ganized Staff of agencies the profits would be vqy hai-gely jncrea,sed, as tber- man [. I . I I I Tht n a hu gry . I named William Kn-)x -_M1 MATU�%V- , rin up 11-3 corn the while. Grand Trunk Railway would be no J obbers' profits to pay. There is no busiviess NN41tere therels sueh .t I � � � i- So4p Powder dusted in the bath, sof ens . . ' ' , , , 1 13, ill I I f I ink m ile I _'. � � I `1 I i i i we E ". w� 1.4 I f r 4 4 r � � � 4 I A � 'I � '] d ' 4 1 C , P ' P d I sox, Glasgow. � !, , hen! is I 2trcdticed, and whichever, maid n's I ' - i . I . - � � I thi water�aud disitifects. : ; - 8 ring I is firit discovercd will be the finit one . . . large ope-ning, Or where stich good,results can be obtatned, ' . � ' � , 3 Systerp, I . � � Oh, ivby: should the sp rib oC mortal i be i 9 i I I married, . � 1 . I � � , . I . � I — i I proud ? I . �0 f � - i Management I . - '�. I � I Uncontrolul e. In the marelies of the North Sea c)&Ft * � I Like a, awift-fleeting meteor, a fast -flying it was f 3--merly customary -in Gtrmany for �ailway Time Table. The Board of Directors -will-ii-ichide the foniwv prop letors aiid A number I I 1i . ' I � ri cloud '; 11 � -� Dear me," said the g,o -look;ng female Traini leave Seafortb as follows " - -w ' - -_ the bridegroom to -give the bride'on the day . . of well kno 0 b-asine S Me3a. It is ,utended to retahn the serrvi,ces of the fornulr " a sweep V: I vit ,toe to the i uperintendent of .the lanat;o , . � Uke a flash of the lightriingo I 0 1 �the ' 9.20 lk. n3. For Clinton, GoAerich Wingham and -Xployees. . -1 , �_ - I- 44 mhat, a or the U. trothal, inFt ad of a ring, a - va'u- .manager and t - � Uinioll I look that woman �, . At i I I � � � J I rLincar ne. - I � I wave, , I � ,able co'n, called " edile " or genuine, ,%8 a 6 . . --- I— - - - - - - Goderich. . I I o' h: s 'hil the hat we just pasacd in the corr'do: ! Is-abe 1 12 40 p. ra, For Clinton and I . i Man passes fz o m life t 4 rest 4 'compact between them . I - I ! I pledgo that the was 6.16 P. M. For Clint3n, W rglism and Kincar- ­ � � � i dangerous ?" I , .1 � �'.` -- ��:-�.!, li, T - ; binding. 9 his is aleo a remnaut. of the time dine i, � - �11 V1___*11"dF314 I "'; I - �. '. -- - X. _ ­ - , �,-.-, ZRI - - grave. : . . � �� 7� � MIT A , � 114141 CE&W I I �� Yet, E,t times," r,plied the superin'ten- I I X. . W, � - For Clinio d deriob. ,v-- --plll - , , .- _ ur- 10.18 P. ni. su !,.' I I - . , .. -C . - ively. . [ I n PG onto, . 1 ,4 ..t ,I wht;.0 iv as we�b acquired by right of . ,� , ), The leaves of the oak and the illow hall delit, evap 6 7.53 a. m. For Stratford , t ue'phi Torz P-4 � . - � " � �. Ill But why do you allow lim such free chase, ri� the c u it on is still prevalen in � Orillis, North B. y and points wept ; `_ I , 0 �1 , , � 'r, . ,7W;.:. � . . . 4 "_� " f ado, � I is ted laces. Belleville an' ro an points RK*^ I 1�1 I .. .11 I � . .Eome is I I _�r . o IS, _­ __ - � � ... I . Ba scattered arcund, and t -1 bg doin ?" ME Itea 4 I IM -0 � It � . , � ogeth( � I . Aly.0 ,g un-Shristian*zed nations bttmlhal e let. � n . . , -1 laid ; I I 11, Can't ho'p it.)' 11�1 rings 6 ,a For example, a Mo- 3. 11 P. M. For Stratf r elpb, Toronto, Mon- . �i i . I . I , ur ' treal and oln as't. I - A F E: -9 F CZ 0 7 H 110 F.5 E " R Z ffi E.- DY . "And the young at(I the old, and I lie low 'i4 But isiA't eli3 an iumat,e nd un.der yo ` "knowri. i &_ � . I I t 4, . hammE % , instead of ' iving his, bride a 4.40 p. rn. - F,)r Stra for ieloh andiToronto. ! . I - &it I the high I ! Coritrol ?" I .1 . I I 9 1-. -,!orz-"i,rt:er.'Elgir,!,Br,LdicalJcur.im'.3. Su:jp,lic��t3Br'.t'c',)ScildicrainSout!)Afr.loa, 4 -1 I'Viaschkats," or � I I S -, % . 'Xi I rt I -S-1 C4,, L , " , " i � I I Shall moulder to dust and to4el h -.3r hall V No. She is nA un er .my control. ring, estows on her a , . Ent cu I - , 8 . I . ,,-neardine. I" I . .. I -.1 i I �, If 0) .iquare aiyultt of pure gold, which the girl Palnierston and . I ores, Vloers, Ftlons, It'14, lie. i i h9 a my Wi 8. I Fot�v.il Threat and Martz! Traubfe3, Pleurisy, Lumps, Abscesses, Q!d S' . I i baZo Sprafrist 8mises, Pnes, Vu* i I I . ! hangs ro.iud. h(r neck. In Irdia a ainall GOING NORTH. Pass. � i � - i �Mixed. Mixed Diseases, Eczema, Phrollo3, Stiff dointa, Itheuma-b-arn, F I � � I , , I . * - mil' � i , Imerston ........ 7.81 . M. i . I I Tha ma:d. on.whose face, in whose a 9�1 in i &mulct is worn by a woman u a badge of p a p 1 42.20 p.ru 8.46 a.m. Sore Feet. I I i, I � I I The Ladies' FavonTa. - " 8.07 1 1 11 I i i It marriage. It generally con-ists of many Ethel .. .. .. ...... 1 V 9.40 1 1 - . ,By Dpk)G12_lSTS. 2 5c. I . whose eye, - r S 1:) S.D TRY fT� ONCE. � H -T iver Pills are the Mies' favorite niedicine. oolo.-.ed heads, and is about as large around Bruseels... ...... .8.17 . 1Ao 30.00 � ; . Sli-,ii) bellUty and pleaoure, hcr triu 'Phs 4x& ' . 1 � 1. . so 10.20 I J 7 sra by ; I I Thtly cure Constipation, Sick Hes,dache,,.Billousaese, as a braceitt, but there muit be some gold . Bluevale .......... F.27 - i . . �� I 1, and, Dvweipsla whh:ut griping pv rging or sickening. I I I ) Wtngbarn.. .. ..... 8.38 � 1 1'.35 10-30 . ___ . _. . ' ! I in it, however fitt.e. � I I i I - � And the memory of those wEOt loved !her . . — GOING $OUTH. - Pass. mixed. pt". ut,w n , I � . - - 40. I F . WZV!._� X 'r, I , 1. i I � jrhe PA I ; I � I and praised, . An amulet ring of the fifteenth cent ir I . DOAN'S KIDNEY PiLLs act on tha kidneys, blaiddor discov(r� I Y' Wingharn.. .. .. .. 6 63 a.m 1 9�a.m- 3.05 P.M I - i I tid or nary oruans only. They cure b'%ekaches, weak , EO-ne eight years ago in Eogl 6ud, Bluevale ...... .. .. 7.92 i ' 9.17 8.113 . - . I Are alike from ths minds of, Lhe 111iog a I d to guar�ntee its wearerog I inat Brusse!s. .. ...- .. 7.18 i -11 Jusursuce oonVany- I back, rheumatit-m. diabetes, corLyeetion, inflamina- was t ii op T J0.00 326 1� I . I erased. ; I � � I I - � 10.16 8.35 . - I — : � � . U04, gra"l, Bright's diwase, rn� a'I other diGe ises all evi 1. ; In the middle is I hs 6 of Ethel ................ 7.28 i . - I . - � I i I Palmerston ....... I 8.20 1 IIW30 i. 20 1 R � Our youthful compar.ions, whom we tender- 'i og fnni wrong action of the Wdacys and Christ, with, the five holy vt oandiN om I . . FAR I AND - ISOLATED . TOWN : bl der. !.. . - r ] � . I - r ; I ly loved, t whiLh ))z i drops of bloid. The act - . PRiPPERTY ONLY INSURED i ` - *-- rr n I- London, Huron and Brum. � � I - - _� ' Are from our affections forever remo��d ; ` in inEcri:)ti(ii3 are : 11 The well oio�_�. I I : � I t A Curious Legal. Point, 9 . . ! i . I Death numbera-them now witla! the th�ngs 4 lasting life." " The well of pity," e .,�Mq NOILTH— . Pamenger. - I . 0"lam. - - ' b London' depart .......... ! 8.15 A.1d. 4.50 P.M - - , I j Jpp I r A judguif nt o� intcrast- f o rhopkeepers rt.:ITand � _ B, 1,,cL&&u praiddettk y en F. 0. -, Thowat I ; I � -y," 11 The well of ccinfo . I I I . . -_ . . that are past-. I ven by the t ibunal of Baeie, well 01 mi�r� I 0entmifs.'.- *1 9.18 5.55 - I : leraser, vi T rewdalit, Ume4eld P. 0. ; Thomag Z. - I They've fled like t�e anowflike that wh"i'led 'han jukt been gi 11 The weil of grace." ` Exeter_.::.:::::-:. ! 9.80 6-07 ! qlys, Ilea - -ram ScAtodh F. 0. - � � kept & lin gi was Henvall - . .,..........� 9.44 6.18 � Y� - plawrom � in the blast. i S vy it zerland. A woman win en . Air,(, og I he Anglo Saxons the rin ­ � 7 � 950 6.25 � I - ! I I sh(p in the town refused to sell to a custo- * only by the bride. (r wife, on �hO.3e KlPPeneidi _­.*.'.* ... �-.--- -.1 � I WilliarnChesney fleafatilb; John G, Orleve, NVin- - , I worn , Prueell 1 9.68 6.98 I ioorge Dale. 150aforth', JdhnBeull�welb, � � Qflin;1,�jamcs Evans, , I The child that a mother delighted to iee,r me! some handkerebiefil wh ch were on aLow trothal, eiDg 011nion.. - ­ _. ­ * , , * I Al 1.�,rb J ! ' right I ax I it was placed at be ....4 10.15 6.56 Beecliwood ; John W#.tk The mother that nourished i thit illfoLt in 1e window. . r isge � boadeeboro _.... _ .� � 10.So 7.12 __ I . I 1 : [i arlock - Thomas FT"erc, Brooegeld * .Tohu Z. Vo . � ; tranbfl ired to the left hand at the ma -� i 16.38 7.20 � ; L.". Ki U, James cbnaolly,a7nt�Z � with care, i ; "he customer put th,3 matter in tbo'handR Blyth_ - - -...-.... _ � i N . . ceremc ny The ring adorned with d ath's Belgrave_... .... .... 1 10.60 7.88 1 i � A9.0111". The huaband that infan'-, and :mother' had of � solicitar, and the maLt-r came before heLdi'� a a mast(rpiece of thq Italian old. �ffingharu ,iirrive....- ._�` 1 11.00 .4.66 . .11, I . � 3, Hin blay, Seaforth ; I I 3 . Robt. $,with. Mrloci; . I : tlij cou t. The shopkeeper justified her a 't' . 90ING -SOUTH- I � I Passenger. blest, - � ' mi _i'i ai tin the tixteenth centurv. jawas Upwining Zg=oudv .o; J. %. Ytw, 1101mes I ' Each -all ara away to tlitir dwelliij'g� of acqion by saying that she ratused to sell any- � . *_ Wingham, depari.. - .. i! 1 15.60 k%v. 8.10 P. V , ihe origiri^tor of I villo P. Q4 George muraire *md . ,john 01. Morris= I reEt. I � : thi)ng tot lih particular oustomf r, who had - 7 1 7.01 � 8.23 anditorc I I I � - flelglave........ .. .. - a. � ' i , I ins Ited herr. he magle tra �e said he recog- Betier Stf�y. I . - ..,]I. . .7.14 - 3.96 - patgep deetrous to effeet Ingar=00 M 16A, � � : . Blytb.. _... � . i ot!2% blignen wW bo pranipHy a0buded tO - u i � - M of a Londeeboro.:.­.*.* " - ­ , * 1 7.22 8,46 1 -gicattep to any W the,sbove a Muvl% a4dnwwA to . I The hand of the king, tha� the Isceptre, had n ed the right of the defen( ant to refuse to ' A g,iod story is go'n,y the round 00ANIS110NEY PILLS9 .. � I . Is Unton-,..... - 1 7.47 4.15 - Ar yevveCUVA V*6V cfflrl�qe -.-.*,.. - - - - - " I &05 4.40 � ' borne, . 0 ' 1 1301� her gords to any partic, ilar client, but phil aw h r Dpic compa ny of actors who nder. Brucefield .... ...... i_! s. The original kidney speelfte for the — -.-- The brow of the priest, Viat th mitre lieladd(d i liat tu It clients,r iust be notified took to amuse the patients of a I natic Kippen . ...... � 16 4.5,0 — - � I 1. I . ...... - �.: I I had worn, - ; I in i'advanco through the poli)e. �.22 , 4,56 cure of Backache, Diabetes, Bright's i � 1 � . t is had not been done, the Fliopkeep- asyluir. 'The principal comcdian VW3 airy- Heann _-.... _.... - .. " 1 Disease and all MaKiRop DireatorY for 1903. ! he - As ih -before him, shakin tile Exeter ............ .. - _' 1 8.85 16.10 UAnary Troubles. The eye of the sage, and the heart of . ing e%erJt%fng 1 5.20 1 1 - I I h anght9r, and fillivg the e ell of Centra"..,.. ...... L. .8.46 ; . I brave, - ; er�a,s fined 8i and costs. An appeal against h�t'iw ,vii I ; I Don't accept something just as i - � � I . 1 .46 A. U. 6.0 . - ' ' Are hidden and lost in the womb of ,the " i li. d <iaion is to be lodged. 1. his &lie, ie ce with tears. of joyous hilarity, Loudon, � (%7rlvy)___....,- , 9 good' See you, getthe genuine ItTCHAEL XURD14, Reeve, Wintbrop P. M . i I . ' I �. : jo Elw s. BROW -9, Coundnor, lsiisforth R. 0. grave. : . &__ when a voice from the back, breaking — i I - I , Cot I -0 I . . ____ CHARLES M ; I Ay Wu6��ll , Winthrop F. - � �' �ughz._ colds, bear"fless, and other throat through the -laughterr, plungid the whole JOHN MU] . � or Rewhwood F. 0. -ibetuor The warrior who waJed throug' C 9 You'd ' . . �. I I : JoHzN X. GovFaLVOIK" &60-cillor, winthfop P09- � ,h blood f9r ilments 'are quickly reliesed by Cresolene play iE to tragedy. Said the voice : I I , - -_ . . I . . j6y JOHN 0� XORRUK I 1 � a a I � � Robeft "OAN'PS' I W,C!lerk, Winthrop �F. 0, � name, . I ta ,blets, ten cents per box. A 11 druggists better Ptay here 1" �, . DAVID -9. ROSS, Troutimr w1hump F. 0. - I - . . . � � .. I - I I The s,%il(r thab dared every, danger for I — -41, . ..1 I - � others faiL J: P. 88M]AW lurpector . __ - , , - 1 86i;oXo* J. SHANK04, . � , : . I I They cure when i%U "I � fame, I ; I I . ' wintbrall P. 0. � . I VW%01_ . I __ � I I , t . , � r - ) � Max O'Rell on arriage' � Devereux Not . Cure All, bxjt pti ely a Kidney PdL The statesman 'wlizp wielded I a cc ull ry a i I - � - . I I I � I � I -F t I I have manv timos been Leked the queE- , - . � I ' L� 5 , AIN'D LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- � doim, . � . LUMN � . 1 50c. per box. or 3 for'$1.25. All dealers or . 0 . Havi all paused aws . Ube beat an )jeots for Fnatri- . hly . BLACKSMITH vind TnE DoAx. KmNF--y PUL Co. Toronto. OnU R Forsate or to rent the 2onijorUVo iesidesoo . y- ar d are bid in the V011, - W � 0 8 r -' I Iftal I i I on North HiLin f,t(eet, Sezforth4 lately occuAed by tomb. I mony ? I believe (kindly m 6rk that I do not 0 Special Attention I Jamrso .,,,,. The h0me oonWms 4 bed roolus, : " * . ,. low" ... IURRIAG�__ Opp. I I am sure) that the b ist subjects for 1% . ro Horseshoeing and � rIor,,d[Tmu;ng a�i and �atchen,.Urd and sc-ft water- � .. 11 ipa—Y, &�A �&A -'— #.% i I Queen -P, OR SAM -Four good,, stmight bred Shorthorn PAIZ &good garden. This Is a most oomfortable resi- � The peasant whose trade was to s6w ana 1151ttimony are people with a mple tist;68 . - General Jobbing. itaparted stcok of good milking � to m . i I AV it 4AKIR � Houl. _U ' bul:s from - ru�tecure_offlu_ U and heffers in Calf - or dence a6d is ornvenleotly lomW_ Vill be sold '� ' � Wain. Also a few good roars . -, reap, � � eqAal tempere, no very gLeat ampirations, ' you "k for PZ= A 261 ted. Apply to ROBERT THON-rnox-1,� . I � . .. � . with calt at loot. DAVID MILNE & SON, Ethe4 '-heap or Ten . i 11 The herdsman that climbed with his;goats 6d with doin little and being little. . rte=1mBrw&# - . � 1 1836,U - 11 . is ' 9 - " wrist su, West, al , on"& Goderiah street, - j- 1 - � Seaforth Ontario. � IM-tt Brumlep - : - -_ --- . - I - to the steep, , 7�es'e, at all events, are t kind of people *SUL Q0W%iftV%%^0 j � I I -1- � I i I i . - .. -_ -- - - � I �L 1. - . I � ; I i I . . I � I � - . � t . . , i � ,,,;I - - � . ! . . , i - � � �f -_ I I I ; 4 ,I I - � . . � I ! I - � .- 1 - I � - I , I . � . . . I I I . � t I - � I I . � . I . � � I i : . � . .- � . - . i � . . I � - i � I ! � . : I ! � : � I � - - � I I i i . - L: . .1 . I �, ! . 4 I ! . I . I � � - I I ; . � . - � � .. . I � - I I I ­ r - - � � I I ! � � �; � � I i I � ... - . I I � � 1 � 4 I � - �.J . I . . . � - �j f� i I i � . I I . ,� : � � I- - i � . . I _. � � R � - ___ r .1 . - I � '.1 . . . I - � I � � I 11 L I , - � I I . L I . � - . . . I I � , 7 � I 1. I i . � � � . - � I . I . i I ­ � .i - : ; : � I I ; ! � ; ; L : , .. � i . I i � - . .. I . � �, . I I I I . . I t � I : . � !_ � : :, � I I . i T . � , I i * � f I � � . - . . � ­ ­ � _L'1_____._, ,__1-'-_-- ­­­­­ _. 1- I—- _1__._1 _-1____.__. -------i---------,—.,—��—&-L--�� 1. -11 ­ -1_ _-.1.1-1-1-1- _1_.-_-1, ­­­­­�­­­ ��l ­�J­­­­ ­­_­;-_-�