HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-04-10, Page 3Ceres Grip
I -1
r %AY is Two Days. ;
on every
dervveLow bYA•
:The traantity.
,any quantity
ni benefit.
)estgoods aLd
ha, a e can
made with
ge fences and
VOu will have
pared for the
aie you. last
:time in. Con-
' you will be'
finances. Our
rto (I out by us
word. with us.
Id h el e i4 an
t U h • 1-tj t
rtripid the 'label
or myself.
-1,t b ni myteif
II pu-
te any la.bel„
:rade mark of the
.orp pterlielCiag it
'swirly statements
:dug any -pertera
Lis of an article
Mr. Ft.ar first
t Why elixir:Ed
tion for itrelf„
t yourself
t tru t er.
itx, to have this
If so, senci us
n-x1}0.5t card
e dozlarge,
a:.res of Sweet
.ell them at
.9.0 and we wilt
)1 the most
fl have ever
a!id fashionably
:.. tiiih hat, nn -
lice, sto,kings
er-3 ornamented
She has lovely
r:y teeth, beau -
b. ilr,,
..- I IT.'
! T. -y rnivii. rIewii-ti
.4t4'far exec, .teil my
hi : " / received
c Vz reeeura. It= the
I' .r. Naerfaterteltemi,
ee,-z leteettfui Doll. 1
e;77.:. think what
,s„'.....gain we aro
Fil Cali get
big D011
'eSsed ler
Sweet Pea
r-tkage is beau -
in I-2, colors and
ret, prettiest
-t.• varieties in
toior. They
I sellers.
41 the seeda infew
reIner (Trued my par-
package. Girla.
E. Dolly -win be
2. J. OrorktCL
ks • at greatly
{hive miles
14 of if..,.Iney
APRIL 10, 190:3
TpOR SALE OR RENT.—Blacksmith shop end
J tools, excellent stand. Apply immediately.
BOX 3, 13101;:r11, Ont 1842x4
-00R SALE.—Ohniceof three?. Jerrey eows, one new-
• ly calved. One about calving and one to calve
in scouplo of raonthe. J. R. GONENLOCK, North
Streee, Seaforth. 1841x2
-InA,RMS FOR SALK—Rare bargains in farrne in
✓ the Townships of Hullettnblorris, and Wawa -
mash, County of Huron. Inquire at once. WM
CAMPBEL,D, Blyth, Ont. 177441
MEACHER WANTED.—For Schoel Section No, 4,
I Hay, duties to commence a ter Easter holiday,.
Fee -Banal application preferred. Apply to WM. 8.
RIMY, Secretary, Zur:ch, Ontario. ' 1840x4
STORE TO RENT.—To rent in Seaforth ore of the
best busicess s`ands in the town. lite been
ased to' a number cf year for 'Milli erg for which
there % a &et class opening. Also ro ma to rent
aver store, newly fitted up and In flrat class con-
dition. AeplY to MR. JAMES GILLESPIE.
- 1823-tf
WARM TO RENT.—.A geed If 0 ecre farm in Stin
• ley to rer.t for a term ot years. Within tso
miles of Brumfield !dation. Good buildinp and
••bout 70 acres cleared, a e11 fenced and in a eoid
state of cul ivation. A good orchard and plenty of
water. Apply to W. SCOTT, Brucefield. 1e36tt
ernaSTURE FARM TO RENT —To rent the 60 acre
J pasture 1 am. b ing the East half c f Lot 17,
t OnCeSsion 3, Mein'illop, for a tcrm ofyears. Ap-
ply to TOBIAS NASH, care of Turner Lumber Co.
South River. 18394
#,D RENT.—The ;Acre Of the undersigned, neer the
innerly staricn in Seaforth, will be sold cheap or
nen be rernel on easy terms. It is admirably adapt -
for a grocer. aud pr.visicn store and is favorably
eituatcd for busin es. There la a ecnif n.tabie dwel-
ling attachad and a good stable. It will be put in
first-class repair for a good tenant. Posseszioa at
arly 118.8. Ap, ly to WM. MA-TialiS, Seaforth.
TIMM FOR SALE.—A bsautiful heme of 100 eters
U being Lot 12, Concessioe -9, Township of Ca.
borne, mile from echeol and the village of Winehen
sea, 6 milos frtm Exeter, giod orchard, large bank
barn, new b iek house'latest imprevenaents. This is
a choice farm and must he 8 hi. For terms and par-
ticel us apply to TliohlaS CAMERON, Farquhar
1,.0. 1842-4
TLE —The herd of E. C. & E. a. Attrin no Riege.
wend Park Steck Fent', God( rich, cn Tuesday, Ap-il
14. 1903. Teis is a rare opportunity for breede s to
improve their herds with choice aniimis. anat-
omies en applinatim. Conveyanc s will men in-
coming trains for the convenience of latandiug pun
dieser!. E C. & E. C. ATTRILL, Proprietors;
G. JACKSON, Por. Perry; T. GUNDRY, Goderieh,
Auction es. 18424
The Seaforth
Tea Store
R ght to ti e front, well cqu'pped with
all kinds of choice groceries, provisions,
china, oroekery and glaesware, all of
will( h. will be sold cheaper tun the
chiapeat. New maple syrup at 25c
a quart, ore 2 gallon pail beat American
sow: r house ay rap at $1.10 a pail; also
all gradea of syr ups b n 1 molaeses ; beat
honey 10 a lb., best fall cream cheese,
Sett :tuber make. at 15.3 a Ib.; 3 lbs. of
rrlw raisin3 for 25‘7, 4 Yb.. new cu. rows
for 25o, 5 lbs. new prunes for 25o, 5 lbs.
new d t s for 25c, 6 lbs. new fige for
25e. 6 lbi. rice for 25, 6 lbs. tapioca
for 25c, 10 lbs. pp oil salts for 25o, 10
lbs. tuiplur for 25c, 10 lbs. alobur gaits
ft r 25e, 5 lbs. boneless 6 h for 25c,
fresh pc rk asusage 103 a lb., head chlete
10J a lb., fresh lake herring, Lake Su-
perior herring by the half barrel at
also half barrels at $4 25; also
satmcn trout by the half bar r.,1, also by
the pound;.all kinds of cured meats,
both plain and ismoked ; corn meal, oat
meal. El nir, shottl, bran, salt by ths
barr 1, coal oil, all kinds of garden
tousle, Dutch set °lions, 6!over and
timothy seed, rnangold and turnip aeed.
Wanted, fre h butter and egss, for
which the highest market 1 rIce will be__
You Are Losing
Without a MELOTTE
Cream Separator.
100,000 in daily use. The
only Separator built with a
b ut: fully enameled :bowl
easing-, mole durabls than
tioware. 13 cliff:rent cizes.
A great many other kinds
of Separators are taken out
and Me'ottes p t in place
of them. A few points of
exoegenee in this Separator
not fou id in any other kind
a -e tank lower down, heav-
ier tinware, Ili nse.iJor, ekinis clean. r, bowl hangs
ph.rnb, Kit bat inch g har a break for etopping it,
gi atl-g rh entlosr d, has a cone bearing which ad-
justs Itself to the wear, sliuminum disc, will not rust,
the handle tesly taken c ff and put on, all wearing
olo of casehardened dee'. r
Li. 0 hdi_Ann im-
aLd enact ice -y inelnding Noxon, Wilkin-
to-t,1t1-on, and White Exnaicee, Separators, and
%t 1,0 in II, 411 go -di at A. Campbell's Warerootto,
Se forth. DLINLIAN bleCA LLD'S. 1841-tt
WA:Au>. March 18th, 1903. This it t certify that
t ht No. 1 Nelotte Crerm Separator 1 bought front
Lr - ut, Bowan McCallum, gives good esti:Otte-
-tit n tt a r s,act. Easily turned, 'easily cleaned,
and e elean skimreer. Have run it over two y ears,
Dud see no &pa t en t %ear on ib et ; and in my opin-
ion, the I r fits from its use with 10 cows won't pty
tor it in one bestam. Miettast. ROWLAND, Walape,Oot.
Sr ,iRTIL„ March 17th, 1903. To whom it
may orneern : Having purchased a Melotte Cream
&parer r c ne year ago from Mr. D. McCallum, 1
tale p &tore in rt.eod rr ending it to be A t 004 111a -
Wee. is its ea y operated, and I think It asn OM-
) toe with any machine c n the market b -day. Yours
z erly, Jon :\ HAY. SeAtOrth, On.
IMWAY, February le.h 1E2. Dear Sirs, --I aa
- II settatiei with the Melotte that I bought. I
el ielc it would pay tor itself in a short time with 10
e, we, and the skim milk 13 good for the eann s. It is
perfectly tete, and 1 cannot speak I °a highly in ita
praise. Yours truly, Wm. linenvrenn
Laa mum; February bth, )003. Dinar Sins,—This
is to re tify that the &tee 2, Melotta Deem Separ-
ator. r hieb I purchased from your agent, J. D. Wal-
ker.is enshely satisfactory In evety respect. We
find that we ean melte tar more butt., then in any
other r ay, and am {mite seti-fled that with 8 *owe
the Separator we u'd ray ft r Plait in about 0months.
'tFc skim milk is Excel t for the o Ives. It is a
ety easy running machine, and perfectly eafe. I
thir k it tle e brat Creasn Eel arator on the market.
our truly, S. McPherson.
Notice to Contractot-s.
Tenders for Drain.
Sesizd tenders addressed to the undersigned and
encloreed " Tenders for drain tqwnehip of tlibbent,"
tt•I' be reeeivt.el at tbe eMce ct the e'erk untti 12
o'elork noun, on Monday, April 20th, tor the nem-
ttr tet:on ot the Scat Ittpliolp 1 drain, in the town.
ehip ot Bibb( rt. P1 -no and specifications MD he
seen, and any otter inf srmatIon re gutted, of t .ined
at the .e of the Reeve, Lot 8, Conceseion 12, Mb -
beet. Persons te‘dering are notified that t-ndera
a in not be cansidet et unlees sigr el with their ac-
tual etgt attires and ths names of two responsible
perions given sr surettint. Each tender must be ace
companted by a depoait of sixty dollars, which wilt
be tot Lited ir the par.y decline to enter into eon.
tract a hen called upon to do to, or if he fail to cont.
Ifete the work contracted for. It the tender be
not accepted the deposit will be retureed. The
eot-nc.I doee not bind net It to accept the lowest cr
any taucter.
J tMit.R. JORDAN, CI trk.
t,ship of Elibbert. March 20:11. '8=3- 1841-3
DR. Mee -AHEM F" Broktr4ain4e4
Horse,. Cures heaves.
eswe C 5% chronic eough, and all
WI riironte.. affections er
the throat and lungs.
The only medicine in
the world that will
cure the above dia.
• a s e • making !ha
animal sound in wind
and useful to his
owner. Pries. 411.50
Tns Da. McGann
mauxenrs Co..
Kmaptelint, Ont.
McGahlY.5 CanditIon Blood Tablets and Powdere
for sick Cattle and Horses. 25c. Soil by I J. S. Rob
erte, Druggist, Seaforth. 1842.n2
• ChIeroeorest
The great amesthetic ehloroforim was
discovered by Guthrie in 1831 and was
first employed in surgical' opera ons th
Coiled Snakes. 1 .
Snakes cannot and do not strike from -
a coil, and though a portion of the body
remains coiled that portien thrOwn for-
ward from 'a central pint mast cer-
tainly be free from the coll. ,
A Savage Super-k1th:4e4
Among certain /savage tribe§ there is
a belief that on the seventh day after
the birth of a child the woman who
cares for the mother iS in danger of be-
ing transformed 1116 an animal by
some evil spirit if the 'necessary stepr
are not taken to prevent it.
Continent of Europe.
The continent of Europe, which ac-
commodates 360,000,000 peohle, is so
small that there are upon it an aver-
age of ninety-three people to the square
The Lock)aw Microbe.
Kitasto, a sTapaaese microscopist, first
showed that the pin sbaped microlks-of
lockjaw lives in the earth. In order
that It may multiply and polsOn the
blood it must be deep in a Wound so
that air does. not reach it.
Never Too
den With Par lysis at Eihty
Eight Years of tge, Mr. F. 4.
Knapp Comes Very Near
Death's oar.
Wit lout i:ope of a Cure
: Liquified Ozone and
Surprised With En
He Tried Pcwiers
-Was Pleasant y
Nal Results.
roved, Day by
ronger, Until
his Usual -
ase Was
It' is}with great
leasur I add a
w particulars of
e perfect relief
f a somewhat
angerous and
ery d sagreeablo
ilm & nt with
hich have been
illictec for . about
y ars past.
1 The :evera,1 con -
ns I have
ad on the nature
f this complaint
oubtl ssly con-
iaces medic hi.
.n tit I was
u e ing from
aralse is, and the
to giv. under the
keep niet, with-
rfect rradication
it torrou a more
the sual opera -
will eelate how
(led ix' its course.
Gradually He lm
Day Growing' S
Every Trace of
ly Fatal Dis
Rice Cake.
For rice cake beat to a cream five
ounces of white sugar with two ounces
of butter and two of Iard. Mix in five
min* of flour, five ouncee of ground
rice dnd a teaspoonful of baking pow-
der. Beat one egg within quarter of a
pint of milk and mix all well together,. t
Bake slowly for an hour and a quarter!, t
Lightning Strokes.
Where lightning has struck once is
the place in that neighborhood where
it is most likely to strike again,
One of Shakespeare's Slips.
The great -Shakespeare said 'Peace!
Count the clock. The clock has etricken
three." This was in the days of Julius
Caesar, ages before clocks were in use.
Nineveh was fourteen miles bang and
eight miles wide, the whole ctty sur-
rounded by a wall 100 feet high, so ;
thick as to furnish ample room for
three chariots to be drivels abreast
around the top. .
The Great Value of Shellac.
The great value of shellac is its use
in making -varnishes, on account of the
fine, hard polish it imparts to the var-
nish. A fine, thin preparation Made of i
this material constitutes the 'lacquer
with which brass and other metals are
coated to preserve their polish.
Coins are classed, according to their t
state of preservation, as "woof," "un-
circulated," "fine," "good,' "fair" and
For S1eep1esuneiiiu.
A Canadian doctor, when called to
prescribe for inSOInDift, alWiays advises
before drugs are employed a hop pillow
instead of feathers. It is made of, a
thin muslin slip stuffed with hops and
hop leaves and sprayed fresh with al-
cohol every night before the patient
goes to bed.
Oyster Liquor. ,
The liquor from oysters, being salt 1
and water simply, has no autritive
Iron Terms.
When iron is melted, it Is run oft In a
channel called a "sow." The work has
nothing to do with swinebut is de-
rived from the Saxon "sawan"—to scat-
ter. Still, it is owing to the term that
the bars of iron cooled in the latetal
grooves of the "sow". are called '"pigs."
Animal Life In High Altitudes.
Mules stand the climate of high
altitudes better than horses, but re-
quire some weeks for acclimatization,
and if urged to undue exertion at great
altitudes they are liable to drop dead
A quaker Toaat.
A Quaker toast ia thus quaintly
worded; "This is from me and mine
to thee and thine. I wish when thee,
and thine come to see me and mine
that me and mine will treat thee and
thine as kindly as thee and thine have
treated me and mine."
Austrian Royalty.1 :
The father of Count Werner, the,
founder of the reigning heuse of, Aus-
tria, was a robber, and Werner hima
self (allowed that business for ; most of
his life.
A Flying Machine.
Airships are not new, for when a ,
Conestoga wagon -earriedlfreight and,
passengers from New Yoik to India- t
delphia in three; days in the early part'
,of the last century the VelacIe salmi
called a "flying machine,"' so unprece-
dented was its speed.
Pine° ppiej-- Juice.
The juice of the pineapple contains a
proteid digesting substance and Ls also
urnished with a milk curdling fer-
The Coat of a Tulip.
During the tulip mania in Rolland
in 1030 and 1037 a single bulb of a
tulip namedethe Viceroy was sold for
four tons of 'wheat, eight tons of 4e,.
four fat Oxen, eight pigs, twelve sheep,
two hogsheads of -wine, four barrels
of beer, two barrels of butter, a thou-
saud poundsaof cheese, S. bundle of
clothes and a silver pitcher.
The Telegraph.
1 he first electric telegraph line was
laid iu Switzerland by Leeage in 1782.
The Morse transmitter was invented
in MT.
—Mr. Aid in Bucritt hal purchased the
o'd MoDoaald blo3k. in Mite ell. The pre84
ant t-nants are J. Field an T. M. Davis,
The price ai..3, we unierstand, was $31800.
Miller's Worm Powders correct all such
troubles as la* of sppet;te, bilicusness,
drowsiness, sallow complexion, etc. ; nice
to take.
At L V. Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth.
only advice potsible
circumstances was t
out any hopes of a p
of the disease i;eelf.
In order to exhi
detailed synopsis of
tiou of the .disease
the last attack proce
On Mey 14, 1902, eh
day with friends at
the first symptoms
third finger of the
similar to a gen tle sh
In this manner it
reaching the brain,
articulate •sPeech c
toSe state superven
four hours, when se
returned. Since t ha
symptoms of ptylis
nerienced, but at pr
Now, in order to a
den at total cure of
fatal 1 affliction, we
two 'causes, either
counscls of Higher
salt of happilyi havi
tents of a -sma
Liquified Ozou
hope of curing, Aral)
effect on the system.
I have since eeen
from the ate of ti
earnestly recoinnion
to all eufferers
ile s
ck of
hen n
ending the
ion street,
ed in the
hand, very
p the arm,
11 power of
nd. a coma -
d, la ting about
satior4 gradually
time very slight
ha been ex -
sent mb remains
couut for so sad -
such generally
have to refer to
the irerminate
ower or the re -
;g. tak the con -
1 bottle of Powley's
, ts* n, not with the
els, but to try its
Yondeeful results
is re nedy, and
its ipplication
, I am, your sinc
(Signed) F
98 Hu flee'
Toronto, Oct.
Toionto, Ont.
5, 1902,
MR. . A. NAP.
T e Reason Why 6oie Cures,
'How is W.! enqn res a hrrespond-
ent, that Ozone ca es R leurnatinn
ns well as (.3( usuni tion, Asthma AS
well as Kidu y Tro bie, and Cate- rh
a well as Dyr pepsia ? These diseases
a e not)at all inane. , and a medicine
tljat would c re one of them would
p obably be a eless with the other."
The answe to this is: Pewley's
Liquified Ozone is net a medicine. It
cOntains no drugs, but simpIy cures by
destroying di ease I germs- wherever
lohated. Med cal men are Unanimous
in stating tha nine -!tenths of all dis-
ease is cau$l by disease germs in.
some form. has ben c nclusively
proven in hn dredsi of -di ereut cases
that Ozone d strop; these germs and
that when t ey are destroyed the
patient invari blygets well. It is for
this reason t at zone effects cures
that seem alm st impossible and it is
also the reasot it cures so many dif-
ferent disease
Powley's Liquified Ozone is sold
only by reliable druagists—never by
dlers. T14 price is 50 cents and
1.00 per bott Our free booklet on
receipt of yo name and address.
THE OZ *NE ;CO., Limited,
I Toronto, Ont.
For itearly
half a century
bave two i growing famous inevery
kind ofeverywhere. Sold by
All aka ts.' 180:1 Seed Amami
post driesito all applicants.
D. irtiariv .t CO.
li'lnalisetr,, Ont.
Red 0 dar Shingles.
Lota of thein now on hand.
best make. Oail and see them.
N. c
Planing Mill
Oreeediles Is Water.
The crocodiles are thoroughly' aquatic
In their habits, and their pecu ler con-
formation enables them to attack and
seize their prey unawares. T eir nos-
trils, which lead by a long can 1 to the
back part of their throats, ti eir eyes
and their ears are placed on e upper
part 1 the head, so that whe i in the
:veate they can breathe, see a td hear,
whil they are themselves pr ctically
invis ble. When they dive, t eir nos -
this, and ears are closed by lids or
valvts, and. their eyes are covered by a
gran:• arentnictitatingmembral e. They
are 1 rther furnished with an rrange-
men s which prevents the wa er frorn
gettl g down their own throe s when
they are holding large anima s under
the ater 'to drown them.
II% dentition of these reptiles is pe -
culla . The teeth are sharp and con-
ical nd are hollow at the b se, and
each tooth serves as the sheet i of an-
othe , which will in tinie re lace it
The tongue—for ntwithstarn ing the
nue' nt belief the 'crocodile d es pos-
sess tonguel—is fleshy and is •ttached
tolth bottom of the mouth. A id final-
ly t e lower jaw is hinged at he very
back of' the skull, thus giving the pni-
Mal ts extraordinary gape and aleadihe
pecu tar appearance which ea sed the
noti n that it moved its upper jaw. _
Curious Fire Alarms.
In St. Petersburg the arrang ment of
fire larms is rather peculiar and de -
fife ly unique, and the fire alt rm tele -
rap is an unknown thing. 1 istead a
lie an is at all times in the tower of
1i dty hall, and he Watches the sur-
eeun ing city to catch the first glimpse
ef a fire. When a fire is di covered
durix g the day, he runs up bit ck balls
on t le,top of the tower as si nals; at
nigh re1 lanterus are used. The num-
ber sif t e balls or lanterns shows the
distr et or Ward in which the fire is
locat d, Says a writer on "Foreign Fire
Fighters" in Cosmopolitan. 1A.s soon
aS t le signal is seen by the man on.
-duty at the engine house he rings a
ell outside, Which calls together the
ern ers of the company, who may be
catt red °vera couple of blocks. This
net od is not conducive to quick time
la retching the scenev, and froin twenty
nin tes to half an hour is goad work
uple. s the fire happens to be near an
erigh e house. •
, Changed. ,Ilis 3iind.
pit ks, like other men, has t horror
of igfant prodigies as explOited by
bele proud papas.. Itecently Binks met
-ith: .
'Hello, Make'? What do you think
xy irl said this morning? She's the
x igl test four-year-old in to n. She
int ks shied. —"Excuse me, old man!"
lie e_ claimed. "I'm on my waY to keep
an e .gagement. Some other tine"—
'S le said, 'Papa, that Mr. Jinks is
he andsomest man I know.' Haw,
1 w haw! How's that for precocity,
An jinks replied: "Binks, 'I'm a lit -
.1( arly for- my . engagement. That
cu gster certainly is a bright one.
ahn into this toy store and hep me se-
ect, few things that will ple se a girl
f li m taste, and I'll send theii to her,
f y ,u don't mind,!'. . - 1
Good Paste.
isTOt every man caramake a et,hod flour
;tete that can be preserved; without
lecay or mold. When such a paste is
yeeded, try the following: Mix -good,
lean flour with cold Water inte a thick
xaste, and continue mixing elntil the
lOui and water are well blended. Now
idd belling water and stir until it is
hin enough to spreed with a brush.
• (id to this a spoonful or two Of brown
sugar, a ?little corrosive subliniate and
a few &Opp Of oil of lavender and you
will have a paste that will hold with
wonderful tenacity.
In Holland.
Many of the country dames and dam-
sels in Holland look ap if they had been
brought up on soap and water. Their
faces . glisten so preternaturallye their
pots and pans, the red tiles lof their
floors, their tables and benches] all bear
witness so unmistakably to their cleans-
ingcl ardor. I suppose a fly in U. e butter
they were churning er a mire foot on
the boards they havelbut just. crubbed
would be as nearly likely to give them
a fit as -anything could be. i
1 _ .
. A Giant Emperor., '
Maximinus, the giant Rethan em-
peror, cpuld twist coins into corkserews,
powder hard rocks between his fingers
end do other seemingly iMpossible
things. When angered, he often Ibroke
the jaw of a horse oathe skull, of an ox
with his fist His,wife's bracelet served
him for a ring, and every day he ate
sixty pounds of 1 meat and Irank an
amphora of wine' ! .
A Scotchman had two sone, one of
whom was a doctoe and the other a
clergyman, of .vhoeki he Was very
proud. "If I had kent," said he, "that
ane of. ray sonswae to be tt medical
man -and the oth r almeenister, I would
never hae had auld jenny MeCosh for
their neither." ] 1 .
Doctors Make No Mistakes.
Patient—But, doctor, only last 'week
you said 11 woul4 surely die, and today
You see I am as jwelll as I ever was.
Doctor—Sir, I
In a diagnosis.
is only a mat
ever make. A mistake
YoUr ulting'xte demise
er of time.
: • .
Fing Hint.
, old man, 1 believe I
I, I've heard it called a
nut plunks and five
an apology before!
A st
Harduppe Sa
owe you an apo
V, a fiver, a
bones, but neve
Pretty nearly every ninety pound wo-
man has tui a bitien to be Managing
editor of a 240 pound man. 'Pittsburg
Eyeless Fish In Boiling' Water.
One of the most remarkable discover -
les in the shape of a peculiar species of
fish ever made on this continent was
that made at Carson City, Nev., in
1876. At that time both the Hale and
Norcross and the Savage mines were
down to what A known as the "2,200
footlevel." When at that depth, a sub-
terranean lake o boilinge water was
tapped. - This ac ident flooded both
mines to a depth df 400 feet. After this
water had all been pumped out except
that which' had gt th,ered in basins and
in the inaccessi le portions of the
works, and when the water still had
a temperature of, 128 degrees—nearly
scalding hot—manY queer looking little
blood red fish were taken out In ap-
pearance they soneewhet reeembled the
— They seemed lively and sportive
enough when, the were In their native
element—bolling N, ater—notwithstand-
ing the fact that t/ey did not even have
rudimentary eyes. When the fish were
taken out of the hot water and put in-
to buckets of coii water for the pur-
pose of being- transported to the sur-
face, they died as quickly tut a perch or
a bass would if. lunged into a kettle
of water that w s scalding hot; not
only this, but the Skin peeled off exact-
ly as if it had beea boiled.
Eyeless fish are common enough in
all subterranean lakeand rivers, but _
this is the °Ely ease on record of living
fish being found ia boiling water.
Passing a Plate In a Church.
There was a very large _congregation,
and the rector seeing thfit there was
only one alms dish made signs to a rus-
tic from the chancel entrance to come
to him and bade Itini go into the rec-
tory garden throu h a glass door into
the dining rotate frhere there had been
a slight refection before the service,
bring a disis from the table, take it
down one side of the north aisle and
up the other and then bring it to the
clergyman at the place from which he
started. The rustic disappeared, reap-
peared with the dieh, took it as he was
ordered and prested it to the people
op either side of the aisle, and then Ap-
proaching the rector whispered in his
ear: "I've done as yer told me, sir. I've
taken it down pea side of the aisle and
up fother—they'l note of 'ern 'eve
any." No cirder had been given to
empty the dish, and it was full of bis-
cuits!- I
Shellac In Chinese Works of Art.
By softening shellac with heat it
may be drawn out and twisted into al-
most white stickand of a fine silky
luster. ',Extreme. beauty I's 'given to
Chinese ;works of art by the use of
shellac. 'Some of them are very ancient
and of great value. They 1 are chiefly
chowcht boxes, tea basins or other
small objects made of wood or metal.
They ahe covered with a coat of shel-
lac, colored with vermilion, anclawhile
the layer of shellac is soft and Pliable
it is mol ed and shaped into beautiful
patterns Some of these works thus
ornamented are so rare and beautiful
that eve in China they wet fahulous
ft Forgave the Bishop.
A cert in bishop, an ardent advocate
of teetot lism, found one of his flock, to
whom h had preached for years, lean-
ing in leipless drunkenness against a
"Wilk ns!" cried the bishop, inexe
pressibl shocked. "Oh, Wilkins! You
in this tate! I am. sorry; I am sorryg
I am so y!"
As the bishop was passing by on thel
other side Wilkins pulled himself to-
gether and hiccoughed afterhim:
"Bisbee), bishop!"
The biehop hastened back In the hope
of hearipg a resolution of repentance.
"Bishhp, if you are really sorry I for-
give you!"
A Bird Much Like a Fisk.
The "birds 'of a feather" that ,"flock
together' do no belong to the Penguin
family, nsthey are entirely destitute of
feathers, iiaviing for a covering a kind
of stiff down: Another penguin peeul-
iarrity is tharri sAJ swims not en, but un-
der, water, 4evollr keeping- more than its
head out and 'When tiling coming to
the surface at such brief and rare in-
tervals that an ordinary observer
would almost certainly mistake it for a
Dineen ray dear sir," wrote the editor to the
persistent young auther, "in 'order to
simplify matters solneyvhat We are in -
closing a bunch of Or 'declined with
thanks' notices. If you will put orle
of these in an envelope with your man-
-uscript and mall it te yourself, it will
make it easier for all of us, and you
will be saving something .in postage
as well.".
There are some goldfish in Washing-
ton which belonged gi the same family
for the last fifty years, and they seem
no bigger and no leas vivacious today
than they did when they first came in-
to the owner's possession. A. few of
the fish in the RoyII aquarium in St.
Petersburg are kno n to be 150 years
"Were there laughter and cheers dur-
ing your speech?"
"Well," answered the youthful states-
man, "there weren't; many cheers, but
now and then people in the audience
looked at one another and langhed."
A. Case of Necessity.
Mrs. Smith—We Missed you sosnauch
at our party!
Mrs. Jones—And I was so vexed when
I couldn't come! You see, our cook had
company unexpectedly; and she needed
us to fill out the cerd tables.
The eyes of other, people are the eyes
that ruin us.—Franklin.
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
nor' the surface off linens.
Ash for the Octagon Bar. 221
titHoM AS BROWN, Lieeased Auctioneer for the
Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left att
A. M. Campbell's implement wararooms,Seaforels, or
Tits Incrostron Moe, will reesive prompt attention.
natiefaction guaranteed et nO charge. 17084f
TAMES G. MCMICHAEL, linanited auetioceer for
the county of Hueco. Bales attended to in any
part of the county at reoderat• ratonand satisfaelicn
guaresteed. Orde $ left at the Serforth poet offiv
orit Lot 2, Con,ession t Mullett, Hill receive
romp' attention. , —1832 tf
A UCTIONEERING.—B. S. Philips, Licensed
,/j uctioneer for the (mantles of Huron and
Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly
understanding the raids of farm stook and imple-
ments, places me in a better poeition to raalize good
petees. Charnes moderate. ;Satisfaction guaranteed
-I. an pay. All orders left at Heneali pod office or
et Lot 13, Conoeasion 2, Hay, will be promptly
ttendod to. 1709-tt
Make Weak Hearts Strong.
Make Shaky Nerves Firm.
They aro a .Sure Cure for
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Loss
of Energy, Brain Fag, After Ef-
fects of La Grippe, Palpitation of
the Heart, Anmia, General.
bility and all troubles arising from
a run dowli system. -
They regulate the heart's action
and invigorate the nerves.
This is what they have done for
others! They will do the same
for you.
I have taken Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills for palpitatiwn of the hearb
and shattered nerves, and for both troubles
have found great relief.—Mrs. W. Ackert,
Ingersoll, Ont.
Before taking Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills I was all run down, Could not
sleep at night and was terribly troubled
with my heart. Since faking thein I feel
splendid. I sleep ,well ab night and my.
heart does not tronbIe me at all. They
have done roo a world of good. --Jas. D.
liartsvirre. P.E.L
Any sum
minion Bank
bota private and company
funds, at LOWEST ourrent
rates of interest, and 'easy
terms of payment. Apply
to B. S. HAYS, the Do-
United Typewriter Com-
pany !Limited.
, Underwood, Empire, and Blick-
All visible writieg machines, for sale or
to rent by the monib, ribbons, etc., and all
other makes of typeuriters, second hand,
for sale. Apply to
L. G. VAN, EGMOND, Agent
1823 45
Stops the irritating cough, loos-
ens the phlegm, soothes the in-
flamed. tissues of the lungs and
bronchial tubes, and. produces a
quick and perinanenteure in all
eases of Coughs, Colds, Bron -
chit's, Asthma., Hoarseness, Sore
Throat and the first stages of
Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont.,
writes x "1 take great pleasure in recom-
mending »r. Wood!s NorwayPine Syrup.
I had s very bad cold, could not sleep ab
night for the coughing and bad pains in
ray chest and lungs. I only ruled hall a
bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pins Syrup
andwas perfectly well again."
Pries 25 *oats • %AUL
Have, your Clothes
Na necessity of getting sew Spriag clothes if you
will seed yoiar last yeer's suit to the
Old clotheg made to1 look like new. Dyeing and
clearing er Wigs' and gentlemen's clothes aspechaty.
and sathnaction gen rauteed. Ail wool goceis gnat'
arateed to give good satidaation on shortetst notice.
Shawls. curtains, eta; at moderate prices.
e� ro,t t• wive ran call. Butter and eggs
In ssebsrge for work
1792 Opposite th Laundry, North Main Street.
Tio Cure a Cold in
alive Bromo ilia* Tablets.
oages sad nitast 12 months. This swami%
, ..
Historic Conliagratioan.
A list of greatelties burned would be
a list of nearly all the great capitals of
the -world. Persepolie, the splendid res-
idenee of a long e series of tillers w13.0Se
trihritary provinyes extended from the
Ind s
to the Hellespont, was burned,
wi all its padaees and temples; Baby-
lon d Carthage were so utterly de-
stroyed that their very location has be-
conae a matter' of doubt. Ronle WEE
burned eight times, Jerusalem four
times, and, though they rose from their
The second temple Is not illo the first
Atiens, Syracuse, Bagdad, Alexan-
dria j and Antioeh now exhibit only a
shadow of their' former grandeur. The
Phcenielans, like the Spartans and As-
syrians, disappeared with the ruin of
their capitahe hilt the most fateful con-
flagration recorded in the history of
the world is perhaps that of Moseow.
"They talk ae if the fate of Europe
had been - deckled at Waterloo," says
De litairienne In his memoirs of the
first empire. "If Napoleon had beaten
Wellington andiBlucher it dozen times,
it could not haie retrieved the reverses
of the three preeeding years. The truth
is that the French Cresar and his for-
tune were ruined by the burning -a
Moscow. That city was the funeral
pile of the great nation."
Man More Liquid lima solid,
Every fiber and every eell that enters
into the formation of a tieing body is
bathed in Moieture, by which means
alone these ultimate elements are kept
alive and are enabled to tarry out their
duties. Even the bones, -which appear
to be the most solid of all, owe raore
than half their ' weight to the presence
°fTitillatd. our bodies tontain a large
aradunt of fluid is proved In a striking
manner by the blisters which rise after
the infliction of a burn.
Water, in faet, plays a very impor-
tant part in the human anatomy, for it
is through its ; agency that the vital
processes of digestion, absorption and
the . excretion of waste products are
carried out
To reduce the whole matter to figures
and taking 154 pounds to be the total
:weight of an average full grown man,
it is said that water alone IICCOUllti4 for
109 pounds of the whole.
• Wanted `a Chineae 'BMW.
Most of the :policemen in Australia
are Irishmen, Whose genius for humor=
sets blundering loses nothing of its qual-
ity under the Shuthern Cross": Here is
an instance: Many Chinese names are
reminiscent of! a burlesque and are
probably merelY barbariait caricatures
ofe originale. Of these Fong Fat
u and Ah 1Foo are the most cam -
mo .
A .newly appOinted crier in a eounty
court was ordered by the judge in a
easel in whichst' 'Ohlnese was witness
to Gall for Ah Song. The son of Erin
looked puzzled' and darted a look at
the ;,bench to trY to discover if this
was a colonial joke; but, seeing the
judge as grave as an undertaker, he
turned to the audience and blandly in-
quired, "Gintle en, will any of you fa-
vorhis honor "th a song?"
, Why Gratis Grows Hollow. -4
T e stems of ;grass and oats are usu-
ally hollow, and the knots of nodes
whl h occur at intervals and which
hay' a peculiar degree of IirmneSs, de-
riveli, froin the interlaei tg of fibers,
g1yei them a :firmness nd Strength
whi h they weals) other ise lack. If i
the nateria1 of wheat st LW were in a
soll4 form, it would raa 0 but a thin
wir, stem, which 'woul snap with
gre t ease% but in the hollow form,
w1tti the interVening knots, the faeces- -
sar support is, afforded.
Blessed With la Wife,
.4 former vicar of a coma iy parish
not far from Sheffield waS a gentleman
disi nguished for his learning and for
the position he took at Cambridge. One
day a visitor to the village got into con-
ver.jatlon with one of the parishioners.
andi the talk.turned to the vicar.
"your clergyman," said the visitor.
"is !a very able MID. "Why, he is
wr ngler."
never beard that," as the reply
of the villager, "but his missis
London Tit -Bits.
The Law leaf Fa1lin Bodies.
All falling bodies, whether they be
crystal raindrops or meteorites, fall
with what philosophers term "a uni-
forM accelerated motien"—in other
words, if a body be moving at a certain
velocity at the expiration of one second
from the beginning of it fail it will be
plaiting with twice that teloeity at the
expiration of two seem gaining in
spepd at a uniform rate ihrougbout the
course of its fall.
Unappreciat d. -
"He's not what you would call strict-
ly liandsome," said the rajor, beaming
thrpugh his glasses on ja baby a.s be
lay howling in his moth es arms, 'but
It's the kind of face that ows on you:"
t'S not the kind of face that grew'
on you!" was the indignant and unex-
pe ted reply of the fond Mother. "You'd
be better looking If it had!"
A Full Lisa&
"ifohn," said Mrs. Norton as sheieat-
ed herself at the hotel breakfast table,
"dIki you calla waiter?"
"Yes," said Norton, leaking Pp from
bisi paper. "I called him and he had s.
tra full."
Fembstele elsarersattes.
lobbs—Women talk about nothing
bu their dress.
Slobbs—Oh, I don't know. It seems.
to 'me I've heard some of them talk
a sut their hats.
g 1:4
If He Only Ceuta. 1
4Irs. Noorich—Isn't it grand to ride
n our own carriage?
Ir. Noorich—Yes, but I'd enjoy it
in re if I could stand oh the sidewalk
an. see myself ride by.—LBrooklyn Life.
2 -
To Increase Your Weight.
It you ere tbin, weak and en310 .ted, r nd w a 1 t's
Inor 36 your li -eh and wennie, e-nli shout 1 41-$. Pe.
0 a's tlerve od. 'Yon can fe 1 it dig g;o8got1e,
no day to day, 21,3 it strikes at the roat of trout ita
stud rreat,m new rich Heed. Y.t P-211 pr eve that its
bri s rp new themes and AMA ti.:fib il you 30in•
yjueelf evil week while using 14.
P MONEY.—Private funds to loan at
cent. on goed teen ity. A niy10 B. R. 11
Brnoelield. last