HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-04-10, Page 2r:. 2 SHE PATIENTLY BORE DAGRACE A Sad Letter frOM a lady whose Husband waSiDisslpated. How She Ctired Him with a Secret Remedy. • "t had f years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privation s due to my hits. band's chinking habits. I -fearing of your mar- -venous remed,for the cure of drunkenness, which 1 could giva. my husband secretly, I decided to try it. 1 procured a package and mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly rerie-ved his craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a happy home. After he was com- pletely cured 1 told him what 1 had done, when be acknowledged that it had been his saving, as be had not theresolution to break offof his own accord. 1 heartily advise all women afflicted as 1 was to give your remedy a trial." FREE SAMPLE pante lars. testimen Eels and pamphlet giving and price sent in Plain seated envelope. Corres- pondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp for reply. Addrees The Snamaria Reedy CO., 23- Jordan Street Torontga Canada. IIIIIMMMINIMMICSINCIENZ34 REAL ESTATE FOB. Sala 020 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -In best wheat belt ej in Scuthern Manitoba. Ninety sores ready lr wheat next year; 60 ,oro s hay. Good new stable and granary. Twelve dollars per acre. Several other 1 nproved and prairie farms for sale. Write CHAS. E. SHAW, Box IT, Boissevain, Manitoba. 1757-tf .1GIOR SALE -North half of South h If of Lot 5, .11 Concession 3, township of, MeKillop, Cu Ay of Yfirron, consisting of 25 acres of ltoci 1U 3(8 or leas. First class land, all cleared but 2 more., all seeded down and in good etate of cultivation. Cao b ) htel On reasonablet. rms. Apply to EDWARD El RT.J R., Seat rth Et. 0., or ta J. L. KILL alt IN, Barristra Seaforth. 1840-4 'LURE IN MANITOBA FOR SALE.-Souldr-East U quieter. 24-20-26. one of the beet (leader sen - tiara] in the Province. Best deep, rich, black soil, purest water, near timber and is improved. A graat opening for a stook farm. Farther pardon's -a can obtained trona the owner, 8151 MURRAY. Brune - fell, Ontario. 1811x3 WARM IN ideltILLOP FOR SAL.. -For sale, thet vety desirable farm, the oil hornesteld, Lob 27. Concererion 3 EeKillop, wet:lining 100 acres, all cleared and In a good eta. e of cultivation. Beautiful home, splendid fruit °tabard, plenty of water and everything required. Only one mile no:th of Sea - forth. Apply on the premises er to Seaforth Poet (file, SUSIE GOVENLOOK 1809x4t1 VARM FOR SALE. -Farm in Stanley far Bele, Lot 29, 0.necstion 2, ocintaining 100 aores. All meat bub -15 acmes of herdwood bush. It is in a gold state of cultivation, well fenced and underdra:nel. There is on the farm two btrne, with stabling', and a largo dwell.ng house. It is conveniently stueted, mile* from Clinton an1 mile front Bird's saholl. Address all inquiries to JOHN McGREGOR, on the premises, or MRS. D. MoGREGOF, 2nd Com:aversion, Tuckeramith, Seaforth, Ont. 1758 tf FARM FOR SALE -For sale, west half of Lot 12 and -east half of Lot 13, on tee ilth concession of McKillop, oontaining 76 acres, int good state of cultivation, .well tenoed and underirained. There ia a log house, fir.t class bank barn with stone stab- bling, a good bearing orchard and a never failing spring. It is withiu 9 miles of Softball and am. venient to 'wheel and other conveniences. Thia faria will be sold oheap in order to wind up the estate. If not eold by the 10th of April, wi.1 be rented. Apply to ARCHIE M.ENZIES, •Winibrea or HUGH GORDON, Seaforth. isseif 1G1ARMS FOR SALE ALSO BRICK RE3IDENCE IN SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. -The undersigned has tor sale a number of choice f sans 1» thia vicinity all lirst claw lauds with varying improvemeats. Oao a good. 22a tore grass term. Plenty of money can be made out of this and with little trouhle, simply buy- ing (tattle in the sprint, grazing them for the sum- mer and selling in the 1.11. In feet this piece has made money in thia way, every year for the put thirty yeare. Also aline reeid.n3e in Seabrth with about 4 acres of orchard, gardens and pleasure grounds to be had at a bargain. Terms reasonable. Far pulicuIrra apply to W. GOVENLOCK, Seaterth, 1826-tf MIAMI FORSALE -An excellent farm for eane on kr easy terms, being north halt of Lot 1, Conceesion Tucicersmith, containing 60 *creak 46 wares cleared and in eood state of cultivatirn, balance in good hardwood bush. It is wen fenced, and there are 20 acres seeded to There is a comfortable frame house in good repair with stone oallsrgood barn 40x CO, driving & d and other out buildings, a never failing well, and one ate good bearing orchard. The farm is 6 railer) from Seater% on good road, and con- venient to sehool and chtneetes This payelly new bo had on easy terms. APply to Miss Mary KEAT MG. 724 Spaeth:tit Avenue, Toronto,or to J. L. K IL- LOR AN, Seatorth. 1834 tf OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale the residence on North Main Street, Sc forth, owned and oc- cupied by Mr. E Latimer. The house 13 a comf r- teble &mite one, in good repair, with stem f mnda- tion under the kitehen. The house contains Vim bedrooms-, parlor, dining room, large kitchen and a summer kitchen, pantry, wash roma and el )eete. Hard Eked soft weter in the house. Thera le an acre and a h %if of land well pleated with all kinds of fruit. There ia a lirge stable, greed hen house and pig house. Tbia pirasantly situated property, known se the Lee property, will he Bold on reasona'31e terma Apply to EDWARD LATIMER, &Worth. 1633x4tf FARM FOR SALE. -For sale in the township of Tuokersmith, Lot 1, Concession 8, containing 100 acre, neerly all cleared and in a good etate of cultivation, newly uneerdrained, well fenced, two good wella. There is on the psare a good oonifortable, frame house, large new bank barn with brick base- n.ent, driving house, hog pen and large hen house, about an acre of young orohar I itiat beginning to bear. The farm is toady alibeeded to gratis, and le In excellent condition for eittur grain growing Cr dock raising; 15 acres of fall wheat in, and fall work nearly completed. This excellent farm is well situated being two &lea from a school, posrofd e), store and blacksmith shop and six miles from Seater h. Go3d roada in all directisns. Apply on the promisee or address Serdwth poet office. SAMUEL CLUFF, or to HENRY BEATTIE, Barrister, &Worth. 18114! A, GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sate. Lot 1, „et Concession 18 Tualtersmith. containieg 97 Korea, of which 80 aro cleared, Well ueder !reined, fenced, aed in a high state of cultivation. There are 17 acres of splendid hardwood baah, unculled and in Sift class condition. Thera :is a ctomfortable homer a and one of the best buns in the county. n is 76x46 Let, with stone ebehling undernesth., cement floors and everything finished up in first class style. The farm is well watered wittt living springe and is &Lift- able for grain or graaing. It is convenient to churches, store, poet °face and blacksmith ehop and only a few nines from a railway station. It is one of the best and best equipped farms in the county arid will be sold cheap and on easy Orme, as the proprie- tor is anxious_ to retire. Apply on the pretniees„ or address Chiselhurst P. 0. JAMES 00NN08S. Pro- prietor. 1800 if "VARY/ FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8 ana tire east X hail of Lot 4, Gonceesion 13, Hulett, the p o petty of Lancelot Tatker, sr., contaieteg 2e5 &ores. nifi cleared except about 16 sores, which is good hardwood. bualo. Thelma is the very het w 1 - &Mud and well fencedand is all set ded to grass with the exception of 30 aeres, 3 moot of whioh • Lill wheat There is on 6%e premises a large tram lemma and wood have, 2 barns. one 40x60, with - Sheep house and pie house, and the °the,- 58x6a, wit t Mono stabling audernew h. Th re is about 6 acres of oreheed and plenty of water. Thant is a good well at the houae, and a spring creek runuirig acresse the centre of the fare". It is three quarters cf a ntUe fretn wheae there is a aahool, store, pest Ofliee and niacksmith shop, and la 7 reties from .13lyth, 7 miles from Londesbcro. and 10 miles from &WorthTba i. al exaelleut farm for grain or graz- ing, and will be gold on reasonable terms. If not Bold, will be rented for crazing. Possession oan be had at any time. For fur111-er particulars, apply to the -proprietor, L L TASKER, Sr, EfarpurInvor to Sala' et P. 0. 181141 PALMS AN 110 ANNA ONE SOLE. PAGEAN4 IN OURILORD •-SAVIOUR'S SAORi7,1. FE. EXECRATION SOONFOLLOIND The Physical Xing They IN"eleemed • Ili , Spiritual Cheat Was 'wet; With Calle* of 4, Crucify Him! Crucify _Hi .11--;, Cause of Apparent Sudden Change lin the Attitude. of the Sluititude. 1 ' Entered according to Aotof liarliarnent of Cans ada, in the year SIM by William Bally, of To.: roam at the Meet of Agriculture, Wales. Chicago, April 5. --In this se4loia appropriate to the day, the preacher. presents a vivid picture of the tree umphal entry of Christ into Jerusa-: lent amid the ae II mations of the common people, w e plaudits rere. So soon. to give Way to execra lop. The text is- John l'scii, 1, `( :Ssok; branches of palm 'trees and 7e4t _ forth to meet him and cried II sar. . This is palm Stmday, in tlf ec- clesiastical. year .it is the -: day on which. we commemorate the str nge scene on the Judeean road hich constituted the one sole pageant of,. our Lord's life. . It is the day that ushers- in leoly week, the beginnirg of_ which saw :hien - Siding into Jerusa- lem in triumph and the end lyi g in: Joseph of Arime„thea's tomb, T is is . the time when the seine ,sur ng crowds which, a few days later, will!, cry: "Crucify him! Crucify hi 1" now make the Judaean hills cho . and re-echo with their exul ant . shouts of "Hosanna to: the Son of David! Hosanna to the King!'l Appropriate, also, is myr subjeat in reference ,to the audience to which I] speak. I know not of any class of - people to whom the significant late sons of Palm_ Sunday Can . be better aplied than to otu•sdvesI. . 01'trist among the waving palms ought tcp have•for us gospel teachings, as wel as Chr;st in Pilate'e judginentehall Christ among the vociferating Mita' tudes should appeal to us suggestdv Iy, as well as, Jesus carrying 1 hi cross, Jesus reSurreeted from 1 th grave, Jesus appearing unto his dis cipiles after '.-the crucifixion o_r_ Jiesu Palm Sunday emphasizes: the t•-u.t1 assending from Mount Olivet. that a false and a selffsh adoratio or Jesus Christ never results in triumphant and a lasting worehip Why did that great concourse of pee ple which came forth to welieone Jesus into the Davidic capital, soo turn upon Christ and become hi taunting executioners? Why • di they one day throw under his I fee the branches of palm, whicn have al ways been the symbol of victory, and within .0. week be eager; to. mock MS dying ,agonies upon Calvery? . They were not welcoming Christ as theie -spiritual Saviour. They were inereI- ly greeting him as a temporal king, who would lead them on to natter -1e victories/ . as 'Napoleon I did the' French, Frederick the ! Great Prussians, Alexander the Greeks, a ' RameseS'' II. the Egyptians Or Sal adin the Saracens when' he totall - defeated the crusaders- near 'Tiberia and captured, their leader, Guy d Lusignan, in 1187. They i Wore no . welcoming a Messiah for alhaeri the must if necessary suffer and :die, bu they were greeting one Whom :the believed to be about to drive th Roman tyrants off -the ';•IIT4hre,w soil one who would restore ehel Sea:onion ie grandeur, when the natibnal trees ury would be fuli ofgekt, an,d th kings and • the queens Of .he iiorth, east, south and west iwduld mak pilgrimages to Jerusalem, as th Queen of Sheba came, ,brieging he • presents of spices and , preciou stones. Thus, - when Chriat allowe himself to be arrested as h commo criminal, the rabble wanted' to d stray him because they had cheris ed in their breasts the :ftilSe hope of a temporal champion. ! ! My friends, is our faith Ire Jesu unsatisfactory? 'Are we, ltoe), woi- shiping Christ from selfish and not from spiritual motives?, Do we a tend the fashionable elmech in ou neighborhood: merely to Win soci41 preatige rather than with ithe desir to fit us to help the trdubIed 1 an the lest? I once had a' family phy- sician bluntly tell me that he joiner:I the church with the sense Purpose for which he joined the club -h0 went to hot'i places so that he coeld be brought into contact. with people and win as many' patients ase 5 °lir the selfish motive. I: o make could. I wonder how manY of 1 s are kind to our friends solely froi friends kind to us. It is possible to even feed the hungry with the most mercenarY of desires. Chris t stated' this when he said, ''When -;.' tho'n makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor they Grethren. or thy kinsmen, nor thy rich noigl. 1101s lest they also- bid thee again and recompense can he made thee.'" In other words, we should not Make our Christian engagelnen t S Merely a ease of reciprocity -you do so much ' for me and ,I will do so miich for you. But when you make a gospel feast ask that young man to yoUr home who has no friends and is alone in a great city. Ask that young girl who has no - chance Of coming in touch with. a refined fam- ily circle unless you give her an in- vitation. "Call the pacer, the mann- e 1, the lame and the blind and thou shalt be blessed, for they caonot re- compense thee." Are we. this Palm Sunday, honoring Christ with the unselfish purpose of his disciples, who were accompanying- him ' from Bethany and who not only threw the paln brancheS- in his Way, but. who were also ready to die for Mtn, or are we worshiping Jesus with the selfish adoration of the great host that came out from Jeruealem to welcome hin'a as a temporal king? . If we are selfishly worshiping Christ for what we can get out of him, may we not here. and now change that purpose,: as did Dr. Bonar, through the influence of an inspired dream which he had in his Edinburgh pa t nonage*? . For many years he had been a popular preach- er, . but his ministry bor.e but little spiritual fruit. He himself had but little spititual faith. One night, as he slept, he thought an angel came and stood by his bed and said:, . "Iroratius, what is troubling thee?" "Oh," answered the minister, "I de not seem to derive any ha,ppinesS a, from ruy Christian belief, end have practically no spiritual re- sults!" "That is easily aceounted c .1 tor, - sant sae angel. et us ana- es-'', ' ney aretflemoStr 01 fiolits. your MiniSterial a.133 itiotta We ere t e common people' who for he t- all may the whole repreeente 10 pi cen.t. How large a p _ centage a ti at repteeents your' selfih -pride in e ef4ing to a big audio ce? Ftlf t a tier cent. . How larg a, perce t a represents the desire to -1fre i 1 c. a, line house? Fifteen per cent., H 1 rpf a percentage repre ents :a, s:re'to bring in a -large ddition y ur church, ' se) that yi ur beeeth ini tees. Will speak I we'll of ' yo F rty per I cent. Vere large WI) e ntege representst- yOur desire b ihtellootual 'and: • to have : t b dirty men of Edinburgh israise yo nu- as? Ten per cent. !Row lar e a percentago represents Your deshe 11 ve your children move in 'goo s clay? I Fifteen per coat. Whet p recintage iof your ambition is le t t seirve, fer Christ's sake, the poo ai d he heIPless? (Wily about 5 pee ,.ce . 1 of .yoUr whole ie." Dr. 'Bon a 'o1e froM the dream horro et tick. In that mi night hour h t en and there ptora ed to give himse I rholly: for Chris 's sake alone , Like I that .Edipburg minister, 7.n. see 'be willing to ho r Jest's not $ nuiele for What he n y de for us a foir yl -hat We' limy do or him, ! *Wm Sunday emp sizeS the reck lees .1/4.nd unreasoning ekleness of th h nisin race. Chris the popula fa ,orlitee. neing X to cr ueitixio within, six :days aftr his triumpha entre* iato Jerusale has hia cbun terprirt all. Over th World. Hume likes' and I dislikes, adulation an denunciation, appro ation and ' pr judice are very al ' to. tread upo et ch l . other's heels. The oscillatin p nclitlum Which ewl s .one way. g t ersi momentum t� s ing' as. far th ot tett way. oW, my brother, a the adoratio of thie human race. i so short lived, it deIes not pay t sacrifice 'ever thing for popular al) lamp°. Canno and 'will I not we Hy' with the nobe let. olnd higher purp .0 of trying t' luive plod I rather -t xi. man thi. wol Tla us?! Would qtat ' we mig t one and alt heed ti e blessed advi e w ieh "Chinese" ( 0 -don .a shim t ti el before his de t I wrote to iftit,iledn:11, tes.0, thing i i . distant En - r`Dear Friend-Whs will you kee ve 3 ca[rita for : what the - rlId say ? 'DIY, i oh; try to ble no - longer slave: to it. You have tittle I ide of l the coenfort of 'eedom :fro it. It is bliss. Ali his ,caring for whatj people. will say is Your prid Heist your: flag an aide by i Thank Cod; I am qui e ell and s happ$T now that 1 res ed the go erihMent of the provip c Ind put al the faults on my `Ft the nd Ve able to bear them an 1411 use e as long as ,he pleases s his mbut • pieel and When he is do e with 0 Ate w 11 put•me.to one Sid . 'Castin all y)ur care on him' las just con• to Mind." ' • Palm Sunday indicat's he city s the i greatest. of all ba tlegreun s Where the Spiritual conlqueSt of la si i. ful wiorld ia to be decided. It is ,t e ' fleld.lof Esdraelon, whfire the &Aar - ic old diviee powers sill make!the'r lust Stand i and. grip at d wrestle i mortalcombat It- combaIt- is the Seda where the demoniac sins ad ws will ih linnilated as a • chemist with a pe tle crushes !a, mthstance in. a morta It is, the Waterloo, till ,Yorkteette , the Agrigentum, the oliferino th 1. Chalons, the Theemopy ae, -where a 1 the flowers and -prin p tlitieS elarkeess shall be foreve verthrow by the prinCipalities and powers., o lighti and Christ shall Iv `Proclaim ed Nene' of kings and Leed of all. Why is the city to bel the :grea field whereon the solrereigrity • o Chritt shall be univers- Ily recOgniz ed? In the city there i a comb -ling ling of all classes. Among' th throngs who came for h on Pan Sunday to greet Jesus I see the! goo! . and the bad, the autocrat and th plebeian, the mip,thty eaPitalist I an, the email shopkeeper:0 the Pharisee the disciple, the curiosi y seeker, al commingling-, • all ell' ling, som cheesting and some cursin 'under theft breath. We are not to ,uppose for a moment that all who el Me forth to see jesue threw branche • 'in his Way. Oh, no! The high prie 'Cs hireling were: in that Crowd, as well EIS' J sus' -clisciples. I am th nkful 1thaturoes you and. I !live in a gre• t city. We live ina city where our influence e t _ good can tell hiost effif ectively we only: use that influencle, • as Jesu would 'have us do. 11We cat p Paris for Christ we capture Frances 'London fey Christ meana England' saved; Berlin for Christemeans Ger- many bowing before the i cross. If we capture. New York and Chieago and our other great cities for Christ we eapture America for Christ. Oh, what a blessed opportunity it is for b 1 us- to e able to fight under the standard of the cross, where the Sa- tanic forces are Unlimbering theit heaviest artilleries and *here : every ble4 struck for Jesus can redoun with the best of all reits! But while I congratulate you be- cause you are able tb ! testify for Jesus in a large city I els° 'Cast my eyes over the hills and send forth, gospel congratulation t& the Chris- tian. farmhouses that ar_ helping u in this Chriseian struggi t. A city i a great human reservoir which coli lects, its streams of life from every -1 where. :gaily of those str elms triek1(1 down from country hills where eatt t le are lowing and horses neighing and sheep 1)leating and lultrvests Wavf ings These country streams of hui man life are the brooks 4hich elavif. the muddy waters of a large metro polis. The country farmer and hi wife- are very apt to fear that thei boys and their girls will be swell° - i e.:(1 up in a 'large city land never heard froni again. But want t le tell you that the majori y of the mightiest workers for elitist in th large cities have been he •n upon 11 most part fill our churches. And Yet 1. they' re the common people who °- day, f they are only roused W th holy enthusiasm, can conquer t is ild do n it as le w. Who lc ra e- Sund be o high e ✓ afraid orld for Christ. They can easily as the common peo me out to meet Jesus on Pa Y made the Pharisees and riest's hirelings at that ti to lift their thfeatening ? gers 'or to do Jesus a y arrn. that religious orga,nizat is inost spiritually influen us is the ehureh Whieh o the employe as Well as OR —day I ic, °er fPtWohealrhee ,ployer, to the Tor. man's as, well as , to- the rieh man's pala to theI artiean anoi the meehanic a the laborer' as Well as to Ithe m chant •Iprince, the capitalist or man dressed in broadeloth.! _ But ;Palm Sunday also,throws to our raptured eyes the sunrise Easter • dawn, as well as it ov : ehadowe our heavens wOth ithe. d clouds of the blackest Of 'Fridays:" Palm Sunday says t._ us: "You may ha ry yoi4r cross and bear dens,tnd suffer your death as Je Christ had to suffer and die; but y may , also, like Christ, h ve y emancipation and resume tion _ ultimate triuinph. Thi S w s the r son why the ancient Chris hens ch eled tillet palm leaf upon th ir to" ston• s This was the rei son w theyl also had the pahn as the sy bol f martyrdOm. It inea t vict -Vi talery in the name of the L Jese tory victc Rev ter mul i her, • • farm. A short time ago thirty-eig-h Prominentbusiness men br New Yor City :sat at a banquet in the Unit) League Club on Fifth aver ue. iro many of them do you siip iose cam fromthe country? Thirte-six out of the thirty-eight. A histo -y of . pro , . !xximent lawyers, minister., doctor and merchants in a large city wa once compiled. Eighty per cent. wer found to eome from the country Thus, ye farmers and farniers' wive do not mourn whenever your stou limbed boys and beloved girls leav you or the great cities. Remembe that you are giving then e to th sez•viee of Jesus Christ. Remembe that your prayers and Christia training are now to bring forth thei ospel results in the place where the re most needed.. Pal* Sunday emphasize the fac hat :the easiest way to capture ity for God isatp go etc,' the as ' 11 "DI ractica -e to c our b CI rt- o - on ial to ut 0," r- he n - of .a. •k ly r- r - us ur nd a- b- n- ry rd Sivictory ovdr this , World, 'clo- ver sin. It meant' the kind of : IV that St. John described in, 1 tion when he %trid out, " f- -his I beheld, and lo, :a gr ude which no man ceuld nu ood before the them e and fore' the -Lambe clothed with wh rebels and palms in their h rata." ceeo described an athlete -who h won a great number of prizes as :gm man of many palms." .So to -day :as we Os the palm branehe '}thro n ( undwe the Teet of Christ e . kn that they I may be futur symbd vvrlihhaelv may semind Us of the palms man heavenly • rewards. WI appy day that will Ibe t greets his loved ones in hew thei ads and gives t� thm I rew •ious pahne-the palms1 of all their past =e la fferiugs te id S. of at a I C lir is • ivicto for an d uncl thC pres sonic ltoh: rt.°, gyre' 1 . guis. tixue Oro' in 1 gate. pUrP o liv : iin \lax. even' the [tweed to e eh one of his suffering ehildt great ef' eo npensation than ever Em- peror CaIi ula gave to the ragged prise "Cr A rrippa. .Jesus will clothe us in White not, only the symbol or victo s'Ll n his PUlUL 110t, N,A, • gtil j ah decor11 t:: v liven that Weet , is ovt Of tF paha the w ( look paha Itt4.1) f(li: it, ni via() symboi. of it in itte tian n torn t ) not It pall hoine s here of y lif your Tor' eflor s wo a for you the palnii •of weal W? !rave they won for yolk the pain bf elitical power or popular- ity? Then, can you cast them doWn ! feet and pledge e•oer- Ns; rvi isaalli W11 h' to ft Je1-11 Sals and sacrifices :which Were r011e ior him! When .Agrim , la andel:in of Herod the Great, x- 1 a Wish that °align] a • mi ' h t sit upon the • Rom iperor Tiberius was threw Agrippa into dungeon. There he 1 .1-: after week and mot 0 monta- but when the passi did lace Caligula' Upon e the the new Emperor w etson and opened the prione . . robed 'Agrippa. in Co, el; he gave him a paice in W11 h had; t. at day En • 1 we 111 n - a n 11- ig he nt al ch tools the heavy chains once manacled the prison - d weighed -them, and for leav r. link of iron he gave to 'y link •of Our Di- • on that happy day- Of ngs in heaven will give nt ha, este ee, In t of purity. lie will make els of otir Crown out of the ellizer -tears we. hate shed in vice and in each one of Our Ihriet will place Itt pahro-tIlte 1 al *tory, the palm Of never joy. Oh, Christian brother, do orry because you have to sof- us! 'It meat* a- palm-sa umphant parrn. , • As Such a suggestive synis Ory that tosclae 1 would v ght have had Ithis Pulpit, tte-d eith palm branches as an ess n. Then after the service el I rould have you, members i4 e ngregation, -each take J a I af lonee, as the. priests allow o ethilhers to, do this day in lee c lychee, . Then, after yoti -11; .. o le o the quietude of your it me •I I would have had you 1011E, and earnestly lit th at leer and decide what you are . * W uld yoU accept the palm s th( , Grecian athlete received e ely• es a symbol of a worldly 0 i would.. you accept it as a heavenly _triumph? Accept ante snitit that the Chris- t' who WaS about to be (Ices in the Roman Colis,..- c -41 it. But, a,s : we have I 'I. leaf here for yon to take e object lesson, I ask you lbw to decide the question e How will .you deal with ly conquests? lave •your • land kali you are and have to eevici? 11 von can do this, you become a spiritual palm tree, b ralie river of life, a. palm -blossom on earth and 1svil il• Some day be traneplarited e het Venter gardens of the New .0ei Tr e weer Th bleu] ('anse4 inn 4.1 rrners' Spring Work. blueing is good outdoor exorable days. of the sitting hen and the rolls round again, pilAT_UR_E yrei eni ion • of Abortion la 4me1it:c Animals. - Abortion is the premature birth of the f Ails due to the rlat,l1r0 of the food tLv&'i to the mother and to other ihflitiences. It varies in t porter cOrding to the stage eregm t cy. It it occurs in the early of stages t iiiy cauge ,no apparent ix"- conve ne to the animal, but later on it n ay cause fever and a consid- erable un asiness, and a yellowish, reds di uha go from the vagina. it is liable to le brought on from injur- ies of varous kinds, by bad food arid 1 y cxcesqve exposure to cold. It ort i r stilts from debility. Thete are enz(Htic forms of abortion cauS-- ed by beet eia developing, in the fo&- tal menthe lie, causing it to break- down.! it is difficult to determine -- New- the b cteria. get there; they ire suppoeed t be i troduced by tlfe bull. 111 Ther'e are sever I forms of blood disease th$ wile ause abortion. Pbe most &mucn eause is feeding preg- nant t S food lacking the eli- 11 n trition, especially ha3', - msttaw and cornstalks affected__ with erzot. lt•us or silent, The erg , Kidner ac a Mr. John Cullom, whei is in the Msh Businese at Port Hope, states :-"In my business I do a great deal of driving over bad roads and the constant jar of the rig along with ee.posure to all sorts of weather brought on kidney _disease. I was in miserable health and suffered a great deal with sharp pains in my beck. I heard of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills and de- cided to try them. Befoeel had used all of the :first box I felt better and three boxes have entirely cured me. I am very glad of an opportunity to recommend Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for I have proven their wonderful control over kid- ney disease." It seems unwise to waste money and TUU the risk of experimenting with new faegIed; untried remedies when you know that Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills cure you. One rill a dope, 25c. a box, at al; dealers, or Eimansen, Dates & Co., Toronto. Dr. Cha Kidney -1.1v se's r Pills rust or &mut win not nedessartly cause abortion if the . 'animal is fed with good, nutritious' tood. "1 have ,stances to cows for s x weeks with ifed large quantities pi these sub- goed food with no bad results.' -• . It is the poor quality of the fodder that causes the mischief. iPlegment aplinals requille • to be fed on food that contains! large ' quantities of phosphate of lime to develop •• a healthy foetus, as the thing .creature reqkiires a large amouot of that sub- stance in early life t ' make bones and nerves'. *!: Tones contain from. )4 to 56 per cent. phosphate Of line, and. 'the other tissues Of the Wetly somewhat less, so .that it will be: seen that there is a. great drain ' n the system . of the mother for 1 hosphate " of tlime. It is founcl t at the bones and other tissites of th body of the mother are. dpficient In this sub- statice during pregnane(. To prevent abOrtion fromthis cause feed clover bay, bran, 11 xseed en al and oats, as these are rich in e hosphate of. lime. Also sic. that t e 'cows and bulls are cle n and :healthy before they are used, so that 1t110 introduc- tion of bacter'a may 1)4 prevented. If an animal should abort, have it removed at o ice, and also all the , portions of th foetal inenibrane. The straw where the animal has been kept should I) collected and b6rned, .and the place disinfec ed,- as the smell or sight seems to have a bad effect on the other coves! We have no medicines t at will neevent abor- tion, and ther are no Medicines that will cause it, unless • given iii doses to endanger ti e life ef he ,Ianimal.--I- D. McIntosh, iniversity of Illinois. - , * The A gressive lle bow: i i • • The angle a which winxian carries her elbow in abortive fforts to lift her 'trailing, clinging ilfirts trans -- forms it into 11 human pincher. With calm. unconscibusness, and as. Often callous indifference, ma d- and mat- ron , punch their way to. their goal, be it at the 1 argain -co nter of the departmental store or jhe crowded shopping stree s. - .None can deny that t • able' annoyan cs of el' wded thor- oughfares to lehich peop e in .large cities axe inueed are su • cient e tat upon patiericel and equanimity, • and why will women trebly inlerease these by tha adoption of an i•nelegane whin" in the carriage of 'their arms? Because women have b4come inlet- tiate;d• with an; inconvenient and;slov- - enlyl mode of dress is no reason' that the eci ehould ybke it to anothc)r which enhances its evil: but the crowning iniquity and absurdity _of the 'street:- cleaping gown. is the enciroaehing ell' bewI which *madame thr4ts or digs intoeery passerby, asj she awk- wardly clutches the elingeng folds of - het' skirt in a • vain effort to lift it froi the disease br-dedin filth of the paver -tient. • , For one originator o any thing therare a thousand imittators, Hu- manity is dike - a flock of sheep and spri gs with the same er gerness to follow its leader. lf you must wear traili g skirts at - tinies and seasons when t ey are out of place, make them as I ttle an of- ' fence as pessible and lift hera grace- fullY. A little practice before. a full- length mirror will 'enable any wo- man to learn the art Of gathering the ;folds of her skirt in one hand and lifting them so that,I with. the - arra' extended; by her side they will be "raised entirely from! the pave- ment. ' In this posrtion the arm not- nier lee acconiplishes the Ipurpose of protecting . the skirt froni the dirt., but, being coMparativelly ree and tene constrained, the tension o the whole hod,' is rellevedi and it is possible to wall4 with some degree of ease and grac , even when handicapped by the neceSsity of : caring for 'a trailing gown. i e unavoid- - Lord 41nt0e5 eigaratlites. Like most Englishmen, ieortd Minto smokes cigarettes a great deal; and, copying the prevailing fashion, • se do the gilded yotth of the Capital- It is. net probab e, however, that they use the same 'brand of "Turkish" as the Governor-lGeneral, whese eigar- ettes: are irnieosing, fat, four-ineh- long affairs, that cost about as muck as a very air cigae. 'They are brought over by Lord Minto him- self, ,and, it 1 sad to relate. the ex- chequer of C nada- gets 'not a cent of revenue from them, says Day by Day in Toronto Nowa: rverything for Its Excel eney s tate comes in; of course, I ty 1 rye.' Which is enough to ca se one to! become a red Republican. fere are We .of the com- monalty payi g big imports on . our imported eig a and tobacco, while Lord Minto p4ys nothing! 'Horrible However, the whole question is ob- scured by smoke, ana, uptil that clears away, annot be judged on its merits. Some men t .yeari or two, treating her her 140.. -eat a giel , nicely for a: - just for the sake of adly all the reit of MARRIA e E LIONSES issu ED T THE UM EXPOS! CRI OFFIg, IllEAFORM. O*RIO. NO WITNESSES i. EQUiRED. • The seas dosen't matte but only one .An inspe a _ APRIL 10 1903 4++++++++++vr+++++44++++ n for the looking about for Furniture is at hand. The 4uant1ty- , but the quality is everything. We can sell you any quantity minty, and that is the beet. - tion of our stopk would prove a mutual pleasure and benefit. :e:edee: e. 1\1-131R.T_A3ECITVG-. This dep rtment is complete with a large selection of the best goods; old obliging atten ion given to his branch of the business. Night c ls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holre Goderich street, Seaforth, o posit° the Methodis' tt church. BROADFO T, BOX & Ce NOTE CLOSE MESE AT 'BOTTOM Page Acme Poultry Netting A bird cannot gy t ivh as amen a hole as It can crawl through, so Page Poultry Netting is made with smallmeshes atbettem and large at top. No. 12 gauge wire top and bottom -no sag. Get Page fences and gates -they're best. , The Page Wire Fence Col limited,walkerrille. Ont. gentreei, P.Q., and St. John. ita Spriolg Approachesi Spring iejust here, and it will tot bp long before you will have to east aside you heavy clothes. Are you prep,ared_ for the. *Spring Examine your wardrobe, the thanees are pout last Spring suit is not presentable. Th a is where we come Con. suit us,. and we can give you an ou fit for Spring you be proud of,, and that will not tie a not in your financke -Otte ,Spring suitings are the latest, the be t, and the cheapest quality considered. The fit and finish on a 1 garm,lats turned out y us is in keeping with the goods. Drop in ad have a word wit us. BRIGHT FURNISBERS, ORM Imitation I horeby aelenewhd hill 'I' ;emetic err toe enity r label i tepreeeat. tent ed tad us. d by hi n te t with the object cf. ra i.f) in I hereby agree to a not to either directly or 'n port'ne to be "Beaver Bre symbol, deaign or mark, be said Alcxander AFORTIT, APRIL 10Tii 1902. 1 (hat:. ki1:1)-1 I -have been leelely wing ei Formal/I. lil d . is an 111 la 1 1 ny ak'ex. W1 u, drubigis', Sealsirth, and t at . h . rid 1 ,4 u pa Weir &inset d ,or It, Wittl an ankle boated -by -myself. 1 a liza.v..,r Ln I, -Lie debigoation **.iiiamer Brand' *Is fit..t _.ecv - nu - di I i Fo eneldeleyde leen to. le 12, That T eepiedele label. once destroy all such labels in,my passeaeioa era b -n A mytelf i:eotly et e, eell, or offer, o: etposa for eAle., FormaIdebydra put - id" (u ]lees it to be the genuhleeartiele) no will 1 ueeeety hind, , I ir ag an imitation or colorable i itation of the trade mark ef the , (810,d) I. V,i FEAR. . The &love rte.& no mount. I wrath' gladly h • Ind not Mr. Fear, in hie al ampt pa -explain why he signe thet r. qu're compel i 03 svi .11 the truth. I regiatered the " B avtr Brand " for the express from leetling ue a weak seri cheap (elution and Belling coating nearly double the price, and I think it was wise expored his im'tetion in 1902 ; he purchased the gernine any other dealer copy my 141:3e1 ? Simply heed:um it had That's the very idea of a copy' ight -mak e a reputation and the iublie from intro iaon. This r t nleo do wit ATV I IR,17G-G- FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKARD'S;.-- S EAFO Rur e refaxined from pte4ah'ng it it, made +to many etetementi tete-lea preventing any pereee En Ilis Merits of an article at I did no. Mr. Fear first •artiele 1201- Why eheuld ad3 a good repetetiert for itielf. ty merit, th protect yourself out :any- bluffing t ie t er DR SSIED 14, yheaanirtni, dressed doll? If so, send fut 'ft will Send you ono doz. l'net CrI LS, would youlike to have this nie anti address on a post cart 4 ' beauti illy colore packages of Swe,et Pitoeca. aetheds,retuPic:n°Plusaisdl..208elltilweem Ilt ill im editttely send you the roost be utiful Doll you have ever se Dolly iiitiliy and fashionably dre ecl, including a stylish hat, -un- der ear trimntedwith lace, stockings and eute little I slippers orniamertboa with silver heckles. She has lovely golden curly hair, pearly teeth, beau- tiful eyes and jointed body. INa Gilley, bliw iVisstudneWr. B1., sald:"Ic 2.4* cell' taytioonnes.p.,rettyD, e7,1 and =Nen, rituall 111 elvfcr:e :et Dili; Iahilat:ire:cyLerbbeauadt:: the nand thlitk it, :Is -a Sap rwaluza. 'tie the le Sproule, Norribile, Kan.. said tistroceltel and tar exceenir eat Il'eTirinuiliacpmayleryd' rartn(171-fsotar InDy'atea*IluetrfulmiDelLn"i ale / ore theupleased with IC' IRIS, 31.1St stop and think what 6 ruoffleYren.wg°11 yaoer.n.fulYbOarligareinavne-greLret this lovely big Doll _completely dressed fitr selling only ONE DOZEN Ipseacedksag. elehetpacSkwageeetis beauPes. !Welly decorated in 12 telors and 1 fete:tilled: a: nenimaginableoss4b2°fatrarne. T.:iv:eta:: lie tr eTi eriny I:are wonderful sell'ermao 'Eve-ybody buys r ii . yWorlter vuearya'boovennceosisanudathhisortirteat urafadime,Dv..,lers,. Ily will b* led Waggle Sinew, 'barn% Ont., mar "I widen the Seeds haSsew relnutea It le a, pl 4ureto sell/hem.- liiary Speeles. moo suns, Ont.. said: "Inoseetter evened nine* Vel than riled all the &old. They went like wildfire. ' A 50e. certifi te free with each pe-ckage. or% Prize Seed, Coo. Dave. ••195 'Tore3346 THE GREAT CA$11 STORE taritt.ttr-ff,rt fuluct-trog A Big Curtain and Oarpet Sale. For the next ten days we will sell Lace Curt reduced prices. This is a grand opportunity, and to get your choice. in the Millinery dOartment,. we have the fin st assortment ever sho n - See the special vallie in th Dress Goods dep etneent. Just received anot4er lot of Hats and Caps for men and boys. We have some bigl snaps in Boots and Shoes. Don't fail t3 call when in the village, as it w I mean a saving of 111 if you need the goods. oat ._•202..aaggiglgitag_ 0. M McBEATHI ins and Q arpets at greatly "11 pay you to drive mile& 2;EPRIABLO BLYT lit* coup eeeenetr - A E 1 Trli_;N Person.: 3111BY, S ARM ley vanes a *hont 70-; abateet c water.. I -TIASTU Pod onmeeic viy to TO ibuth Rit 13 RR?' tailway s w an he TA' .4 for aituatcd 1 lingattac flat class any time borne, ins, 4 mil barn, nom a choice 1 timbre 0. TNRr.1 OF LE -Th evo:d PAT - 14, 1903. Improve Junes rt1 toontlag ti haeer Te4 g Al I (hit 16)17 *h. tp sag) all bon Set ntvo forl new 25e, fort r free] We I Peri tee eau. the betAl Mea hair Wa seed wa i -g reel land *04, 14.1-€ 15 1.4drii 11. Se forth. Wavrof, tilt No, ra.r rgx • tit= 4,% enda IAN and are -ion, the ler it in SwAyOR 0133 0rtn4 &pale, take p te 511150, 11 lest Alia Ytrly, 1. Eating! "'U settt itit.lc it la we, ant perfectly - praise. tato rator, )M1%1441/. arid that other the Sepal, Ite *kiln e y eat., thir k it tare tru Noti nealed: -endorsed w•1' be re °Week 0 ttraction *hip of B SetYl, and at the car heft. Pe • not tuel Agar personsf cempann be icniait tract ashr Vete thi mat skr.e 'earned Al ana tezsi Trowns1