HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-04-03, Page 3a. 1903 The ten tity any quantity benefit. best good; Rea S. T. HoImee Ti Fence table for front 1s,etc Retails „ Just about full particular& e, Ontario, t you will have epared for the are yout last orae in. Cou- nt you evili be 'finances. Our ieapest—quality aimed out by us iI word with us. South Africa. cat.ra, Felons,SI 'tat itees, Piles, Cuts, ',awe a :Me to have this- !? If so, send ua -Qua past curd atie doz, large,: ages a sweet „ Sell them at it.;...2a, and we wilt 'Fb11 the most roil have ever Viand fashionably Ttylish hat, un- th Iace, stockings pers ornamented She has lovely .s.;rly teeth, beau- & body. r. B t., aid: "1 re- rAnTITT much pleased Ltpand far sxceeded ray VT1n.. said : received P:tgUUfl. it tho ta, Pay, Newfoundian.f, )r, ray beautiful Doll. 1 atad think what bargain we are r teu can get r, big 1) 911 dressed for -ONE. DOZEN r Sweet Pea paokage ia beau - fin 12 colors and e tares t, prettiest mart varieties in color. They la genera. aldia.a the seeds in a few tater:ler opened my par. Li 'package. Glee, a..1. Dolly -NM be &gat. 4s2 'Torok:AC/ Led. Flse, Exr0earen, an i myself ts.te...d the pieture Legal and gentle - or, The day y alone, which advice in the : me that day. being that , to make up . I foolishly unjust affair • OWIt aS his. C., about it, d2aci, 1902. between you }tea by taking 411ed a misde- ted the Beaver tilde you ware e registered the se, he could not Mg- the Beaver rt was worth /$is solicitor to in the • delivered up - lave signed it, eel before, I aii ict by the Act. seer. failed, and the ',1.15e a. pound at TH. 1 works, in the hi puresad- APRIL 3,1903 CENTRAL Hardware Store. We carry a complete stock of Builders' Hardware. Can give estimates for Furnace Work, Eavetrough- ing and Plumbing. Parties contemplating building will find our prices right and our work satisfactory. TO FARMERS. If you purpose making maple syrup, leave your order early for a Sap Pan and Sap Pails. See our New Century and Knoll Washers Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, p m-A-M'CDIVTIEC DR. MeGAREY'S Df°k"'t'Dincled Etoraes. Cures heaves, eave Cure gig:2 Teitanonds *11 of the throat and lungs. The only medicine in the world that will. cure the above dis- ease, making the animal sound in wind and useful to hie owner. Price, #1.60 THE Da. licOASZT MItInctrnt Xernytvills. On*. licelahey,s Condition Blood Tabt,ta and Powders for sick Cattle and Horses, 25o. Sc I 1 byJ. S. Rot. Druggist, Seaforth. 1842 62 The Seaforth Tea Store Ittlit lo tl-e front, well equipped with ail kinds of choice groceries, provisions; Lhina, crockery and glassware, all of shich .will be gold cheaprr than the cheapest. New maple syrup at 253 a quart, onez2 gallon: pail best American sugar housessyrup at $L10 a pail; alto all grades of syrups and molasses ; hest honey 103 a lb., best fall cream cheese, September make, at 15o a lb.; 3 lbs. of new raiens for 25e, 4 lbs. new itarents for 25o, 5 llea. new prunes for 25o, 5 lbs. new dater for 25o, 6 lbs. new figs for 253; 6 lbe rice for 25e, 6 lbs. tapioca for 25o, 10 lbs. eproat salts, for 25o, 10 113e. rulphur for 25; 10 lbs. globur salts for 25o, 5 lbs. boneless fi.h for 25o, freeh perk sausage 10.: a 1h., head cheese 10,t a lb.. fruit Ilk° herring, Lake Su- perior herring by the half barrel at $2.25, aleo half barrels at $4 25; also salmon trent by the half barrel, also by the pound ; all kinds of cured meats, both plain tied emoked ; corn meal, oat meal, flour, short., bran, salt by the barrel, coal -oil, all kinds of garden eeedv, Dutch set onions, clover and timothy seed, mangold and turnip seed. Wanted, drat h butter and cps, for which the higheat market pr:ce will be paid. A. G. AULT SEAFORTH.• You Are Losing Money Without a MELOTTE Cream Separator. loc000 in daily use. The only Separator built with a beautafully enameled ;bawl casing, more durable than tinware. 13 diffarent adzes A great many other kinds of Separatots are taken out and ateasatee p. t in place of them. A few points of exceller ce in this Separatar not fouad in any other kind are tank lower down, heav- ier tinware, crane easter, ekims cleantr, bowl hangs planals, self balateiug has a break for stopping it, gutting *II enclose d, has a cone bearing which ad - juste itself to the wear, Ediuminum diac, will not rust, the handle easily taken c if and put on, all wearing points of eseehardered steel. 1 alio handle farm im- plements aad Enact- inery ineinding NOXOD, Wilkin- son, T, Ion, and White Enginea, Separators, and Wiadre Ile All go -de at A. Campbell's Warerooms, Sealorth. DUNCAN McCAGLUM. 1841-tt Wanrox, March lasth. 1903. This itt) certify that th t No. 1 Melolae Cretin Separator I bought from yorr agt at, Duncan McCallum, gives good satisfac- tion .n are -y r spect. Easily tuned, :easily cleaned, An a cicala akitamer. Rave IUD it over two 3 CITV, and see no *patent wear on it let; and in my opin- ion,the r mats (rem its use with 10 cewe would pay for it in one eeasen.MIellAIL ROWLAND, Walton,Oat. RWORTII, March 17th, 1903. To whom it tnaa concern t Haring purcbaaed a Melotte Cream Sepayat• r °Le 3 ear ago from Mr. D. McCallum, I take pleasure in reeornmending it to be a good ma- chine, It is ea -y operated, and I think it can cornpete With any machine ca the market to -day. Teure trala, JOHN Seatorth, 0111. LRADRUSTY, February 10111, Pan. Dear Sirs,—I am w 11 aatislei with the Melotte that I bought. I tL ink it Rould pay for Itself in a short time with 10 0.W8, and the skim rank is good for the calves. It is pet fectly safe, and I cannot speak too highly la Ha praise. Yours truly, Wa. RACKW8LL Leamanar, February btla, 1902. Dear Sirs,—This is to certify that the aize 2, Melotta Cream Separ- ator, v. hich I purchased from your agent, J. D. Wel- keras Entirely satisfactory in every respect. We find that wecanmake far more butter then ha any other way, and am quite eatisffed that with 1 sows the Separator wculd pay fcr itself in about 6 months. The skim milk is ixce1l4bi for the °elves. It is a very early rcnnina machine, and perfectly safe. I thiak it the best Cream Sol arator an the fiaarket. Youre truly, S. Mahereroa. Public Notice All persons haying Black Knot on 1s1 eir trees are hereby notified to have the same thorougbly cut out and burned on tn. before April 20th, 1908, and atter that date all partite on whore treats Weak knat Nlay be found :will positively be pros-ecuted as the law directs, a ithont respect of per -acme. Parties should ex mane tin ir trces eloeely. both spring and fall, and 11 is kept eat away, it will disappear altogether. All black knot must be bursted, and not put on rubbish hep e r dumping I. round. The fine for non-com- pliance with the Jaw is Va. Parties knowing of black knot will oblige by notifying the Inspector, and their ramee will not be made known. 1841 a W. COPP, Inspector. Notice to Contractors. Tenders for Drain, Sealed tenders addreesed to the undersigned and endorsed " Tendera for drain township of talbbert," will be received at the office of the clerk until 12 oarlock noon, on Monday, April 201h, tor the non- etruction ot the Scott Muniolpal drain, in the town- ship ot Ribbed. Plane and speeifications can be seen, and any other information required, obtained at the office of the Reeye, Lot 6, Concession 12, Hib- bert. Perilous tendering- are notified that tenders will not be considered unless signal with their ac- tual sigraturea and the names of two responsible peraone given as sureties. Each tender must be ate- companied by a deposit of sixty dollars, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into con- tract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to eom- plots the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the deposit will be returned. The council doe e not bind itself to coopt the lowest or any tender. UP MONEY.—Private funds to loan at JAMES JORDAN, Clerk. NAL on good security. Apply to B. Township of Hilbert, March 28111,1808. 1841-3 „ 0 NO, Brimfield. 1 Chekin Bronchi Madame Gauthier Suffered for Tw Before She Any Re of MentteaJ, Long Years r' btained iFf. Then She Tried Po ley's Liquified Ozone—The DI ease Germ, Were Speedily estroyed and Shp Was Better.; She Is NowCompl telyCured nd Pronounces Oz ne a Truly Marvelous Femedy. POWLEY'S LIQUIFIED OZONE CURES DISEASE BY DESTROYING DISEASE OERMS WHEREVER LOCATED. rejoice tct ab e to state that ailter two long yetrs of great ma- ing from bron- ch.tis, in which w s the victim 0 a nost distressing choking tend sirothering sense* ti n. I have been co pletely cured byl Powley's Liqur ift d Ozone. consider i.t tr ly marveloue re edy and warm- ly recommend it to ail (Signed) 3134-E. T. - 701 St, Paul St., GAUTHIER, Montreal, P.Q. MADAME GAT. THIER. The following are lbrief extracts from the letters of a f w of the many, hundreds of persons ho have been1 cured of bronchial affe tions by Pow- ley's Liquified Ozone: JOHN M. SI4ITHJ 225 Wellington street, ILondon, says: "I suffered from clew io bronchitis from childhood. I tried every remedy I could hear of, but go4 no relief until ' got Ozone. I consider it a great boon to humanity, and hope he public, soon learns to appreciate it. ' MRS. B. HIEN REN, 52 St. Clarens ave., "For four or five yam ribly from bronchitts tried all kinds of reme better. Ozone hetped Since commencing to t gained 20 pounds in much greaterevitali y a didly, something I Coal fore." oronto, says: suffered ter. rid asthma. 1, ies but got no me at once, ; ke it I have " Weight, have d sleep Went never do be. W. K 781 St. Urbain street, lontreaj, says, "I had taken but two bottles of Pow- ley's Liquified Ozone w en I was cured of a very Serious attack of bronchitis, and to -day I am entirely free frora this treub e. 1 consid r this remedy the greatest discovery f the age /or (raring disease." Ozone Is a Healer and. Cannot Injure. Many drug preparations used to alle- viate the symptoms in 3,u1monary and bronchial affections g ve a certain amount of temporary relief, but at the same time prove in'urious to dif- ferent organs of theody. This is etepecially true in the c e of persons with weak stomachs. P wley's Liqui- fied Ozone contains no 4rugs, and in- stead of irritating a delicate stomach soothes and heals it. In fent it te im- possible for Ozone to wove anything but beneficial to every 'organ of the body. It simply cures disease by destroying the disease germs that cause It. Powley's Liquified Qzone is sold only by reliable .deal s—never by diem Price 50 oent and $1- 00 Per ttle. Our free book on reoeipt Of name and address. 1 THE OZONE CO., Limited, Toronto, Out. 4 "----ara- THE CANADA BUSIN SS COLLEGE, OH ATH Re -opens alter the I Easter vacation ors Tuesday, April 14th. The spring monehs are among the but of the year: fer making a start. Write for the reason, why. 20 tes 30 calls for help at wagee froth P5 to $60 per month had to be refused lattiolie; No grade - ate* left. We teach Bookiikeeping, Short- hand and Penmanship by Write for catalogue of either departm ut. D. MoLACHL- & CO., 1838 5 hathasiaOnta 1 Red Cedar, SOinglels. ;[ Lots of them now onl' hand. Vol best make. (Jail and se0 them. N. CLUFF & SON. Planing Mill • Se 1orth. 1889-1f 4t per lnue- ean Of Interest to Farmers. (Written for Tam ExPornaon The members of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union are plerteed td tate that for 1903 Hoy are prepared to dietrbuie into every townk isip of Ontario materia for experiments with ladder' c•ops, roets,Ar ins, grassee clovers and fertilizers. Upwards of 1,400 varieties of farm crops have een tested in the eaperimental departme t of the Ontario Agr cultural College, Gu lph, for at least five y ars in suceeekh n. These consitt of nearly 11 the Canadian sorts, and several hundred new varieties, seam of which have don exceedingly well in the carefully conduce d experienents at the col - leg., and are now being distributed fr e of charge, for co oper tive experiments thro gh-, out Onterio. Th following is the lis of so -operative expe iments for 1903: Testing three v rieties of oats. Testing three ir 'ditties of six -rowed ley. Testing two vs 'sties of haiku barley Testing Balmer (Spelt) veld two vari ties of spring wheat. • Testing two var eties of buokwheat. Testing to varieties of field peas for Northern Onterio. Testing two vatietiee of bug -proof peas. Testing cow puls and two varieties ofl Sev, Soja or Jape ese beanie Testing three var1etiea of husking corn. Testing three v rieties of mangolds., Testing two vs, leti3s of sugar beets for feeding purpoaee. Testing three arieties of Swedishtur- nips. Testing Kohl R bi and two varieties of turnips. Testing parsnips and two varieties of ear - trete Testing thiee vatieties of fodder or silage corn: Testing three va ieties of sorehum. Testing three yin:ties of mill, t. Tetting grass p as ard two varietie o vetches. Testing two vari ties of rape. Testing three va, ietiee of clover. Testirg Sainfo'zil Lucerne and Burnet. Testing five vari ties of grimes. Testing three va0eties of field beans. Testing three varieties of sweet corn. Tettnglert;lizer with corn. Testing fertilizer ,with Swedish turn' s. Growing pcteto a on the level and in Testing two vari ties of po' tatoes. Planting out po atoes which lieve and which have not be n coated over with laud plaster. Planting corn in ows and in iguane. An excellent variety of early corn will be us d. The size of each lot in each of the first 26 exinriments is to be two rods long by one rod wide; in Nos. 27, 28 and 29, one OA equare ; and in No. 30, ftur reds square— one tenth of an acre. EAch person in Ontario who wishes to join in the work may ohco3e any one of the experiments frr 1903, and apply for the same. The meterial will be fureished in the order in which the applications are re- ceived until the supply is exhausted. It might he well for each applicant to make a second choice, for fear the first would not be granted. All material will be furnished n- tirely free of ohargc to each applicant, a d the produce of the piotis will, of couree, e - come the property if th3 person who ccn- ducto the experime t. . A. ZAVITZ, Director. Ontario Agricult ral College, Guelp March 23rd, 1903. Good He th for Capital. Maintiaitting good bee th le to the majority of p a- ple the ihaost vit.' quest on in the world, and nature affords no ;more e fficien trrengtnener fir the syst4m endrestcrative for tir neves than Dr, Obas 'e Nerve Fond. Natural y gradually and certainly it forms nen red corpuscl s in the blood, creates ne v, healthy nerve °ells_ and puts into the system tbs enap, energy and "'twit that dates disease. • Devotion ha Misfortune. A touching instance of the loyalty and devotion of the past gentretien of servan is shown in the case when a mere girl en small Perth -hire led •he married a yews in leas then a year leaving her child to parents, course of and went Meant f Elizabeth Soett, wh ered the servite of d. When about gardener, who di afterward, and sh e breught up by h taenterect the laird's service. time her boy grew up to .manho abroad to seak his fortune. me the laird had fallen into fina cial diffioulties, and things getting wore and worse, every aore of his patrimony was 8 mortgaged, atd ruin stared him in the Inc Whea the, oraeh came, and the family, wit a small ramnant saved from the wreck their frv:une, removed from their old hom to a humble flat in Edinburgh, Elspet im46ted rn accompa " Ye could never she said in answer t " I'll make things h bite'll neer be mime seek nane." So she toiled and ying them. manage by yersere,," their remonstrances. melike for ye, an' my , an' as for wages, I'll inched, and spared and ,denied herself all but the bare neCessaries of life in order to make things oomfotteble for `• the auld laird and !eddy." When in course of time her son returned fr en abroed, laden with wealth and d; termined to "make 'eddy " of hie rir&.-,h r in her old age, Elis ale, while fondly r - jeioing in his success steadfastly refused o leave her beloved m titer and mistresa, 1 the service of whose amily she lived unt I full of years and let it be -reverently adde full of honors, she ntered into her lon reit. Family 1 Quarrels. I "How many serious gamily quarrels, marriagas out cf epite, and alterati na of wills, might have bean prevented by a gentle doNo of pilla." With the liv r and kidneys sluggieh, an torpid digestion iv impel. ed and ternRer ruined. 1ui Dr.Chase'a Kidney -Liv r Pills, by invigorating the action of their) organs, n sure good digestion and ound health. One pill ia dose, Ili ce te a box. • a , —Very Satisfactory reports were Present- ed by Grtd Ledge officers, at the recent meeting ( the Grand Lodge of United Workme ,I held ia Toronto. Daring 19 there we e,4,405 applicants for memberehi Oa December 31, there were in good stsn ing andtemporarily suipended, 45,404 members and 4153 lodges. The average age of new mlembsrs was 28 years, 5 months and 17 days. iThers ware in the year 304 death. There wee 3,913 benefidary certificates 1- sued, the oesh receipts from all source. b - log $794,F, 06.34. Sixteen new lodges iiverr:1 organized,. Sinee the order was establishe ig in Ontario, 3.858 death claims, amountin to $7,5C0,000 have beea paid. ADE HIM SIT UR Wm. oig's iferrible Suffering* Permanently Cured by Doders Kidney Pills. i— STIND11 DGE, Ont, Al arch 3-(Special).--. Twe yea s ago all Sundridge rang with the wonderfu3l cure of William Doig. For fottr 13 years h suffered mansion pain. Dodds Kidney Itilia oured him, and now street end healthy he often recalls those days cif agony anI eu'ogizeis the remedy that caused hie °ere. , f "Tho m rouble comensed in mytbaok,e Mr. DO!, says, "and so intense was the pain that I could not lie down to takes rest, but had to sib night and day in a chew. ; "Doors treatd me for Rheumatism with no rneflt, and I was almost in despair *hen 1 e arted to pee Dodd's Kidney Pills. I soon folind they i,rere doing me good, and X kept o till I *as entirely cured. And better thn all, I have had no return of the trouble." THE H !WIN Eating a Prickly Plena , My first sad experience .of the Af- rican -prickly pear wits 4iumi on a visit to the market place of Algiers. The fruit was handed to Us, politely peeled by the Arab dealer, and i thus as we made acquaintance with its de- ghtful coolness no suspicion of its evil utilities entered our Minds., A few days later, adding the exeite- , ent of a litfie trespassing to the ore legitimate pleasures of a country amble, we camel upon a we laden roup of prickly pear bushes a could ot resist the temptation'to h lp our - elves to some of the fruit. T e result , as woeful. Concentrated essence of stin - g net - e seemed all at once to be assailing ands, lips and tongue, and + skin, herever it had come in contact with lfhe ill natured fruit, was covered with thick =crop of minutee bristly hairs, pparently growink from it, and ven- mous and irritating to the last degree. Our silk gloves, trensformed itudden- 1 into miniature robes of Nessus, had be thrown away, perfectly iiinwear- ble, and the inadvertent use, of our ocket handkerchiefs before we had lly realized the extent of our misfor- t ne caused fresh agonies, in which ose as well as lips participate . For any a day did the retribution of that eft haunt us in the form of thyriads o tiny stings.—"Home Life on an Os - t ich Farm." 4' The 'Invention of the Flap°. The honor of inventing the Oiano is c aimed by the English, the French and stl e Germans. Father Wood, qr Eng - h monk at Rollie, is said lb have b en the real inventor in 1711 and to h ve manufactured One, which e sold t Samuel' Crispi, the author o "Vir- g nla," from Whom it was pu chased- • Falke Greville, though Coun Cern cI ims the credit for Barthol mmeo C iristiforic of Padua during h s stay in Florence some three year is later (1714). The French attribute the in - ✓ ntion to a Parisian named Marius, w o, they alleged, produced in 1716 e. rpsichord in which hammers had b en substituted for the old pletrunes o quills. The Germans are the last in t e field with J. 0, Schroder of Dreis- d n, who claimed (1717), when eighteen y ars of age, to have "constructed aft - e much consideration the mod41 of a n w clavier with hammers, upon (which h could play loudly or softly." The Most Remarkable Suici c. 'he most curious suicide in the an - n is of self destruction occurred at Chi- en ete, N. B., in the spring of 1890. Be- fore committing the deed the self mur- d rer, who was named W. R. T. Jones, d g his own grave and placed a rough c [lin of his OWIl handiwork at the bot- tom. The dirt from the opening was k pt from rolling back into the excava- ti n by boards held in place by a trig - g i to which a string was attached. 01 T erything in readiness, the deli r. Jones, as subsequent develop vealed, got in the coffin, took erate ents dose poison and then pulled the string, rying himself beneath" tons of earth. is has been put down as one f the ost unique and successful ca es lof If destruction on record. The Persian Army. he Persian army, according td Eate- ✓ Savage Landor, the trave1e4 is a " ainful sight," although there tine s me good Cossack cavalry whi6h has b en drilled by Russian officers. The i fautry, however, is a ragged, lazy, s iftless lot. He asked permiss on to se the army drill. "We do no drill ie summer; it's too hot," said th gen- e al. "Do you drill in winter?" "No; it s too cOld." "Are the troops, then, oily drilled in the autumn and sp •ing?" " ometimes. They are prin ipally d illed a few days before/ the Shah's rthday, so that they may look- well o the parade day before Ins majesty." 0 here Horse Destinies Are Shuffled. sales stable is a place where horse d stinies are shuffled by reckleSs and u thinking hands; also its door 8 open o the four corners of the World's c ossed highways. You might gn from t ere to find your work waiting be- t een the shafts of a baker's cart just • ound the corner-, or you might be s nt across seas to die miserably of t etse stings on the South Alfrican ✓ Idt.—Seevell Ford in "Horses Nine." She Thought of Him. Coarnley—I didn't know you were an - tainted with Miss Lovett. She asked • e last night if I knew you. Hoamley—That was nice of her. 'hat led her to ask you that, I won- er? • Coantley—Why—er—I had juat asked her if she could imagine any one uglier that Bill Thompson. I e ar Analogy. The Investigator—When a man is go - g to do a mean thing and knows he i going to do it, why does he approach i by degrees? The Casuist—On the sane principle, suppose, by which a singer slides own the whole gamut before he at - t cks his lowest note. t - - ". A Shock. Chollie—I went down to a rather In- orraal affair last evening, deal] boy, nd, gwacious, I was compelled to evil- est; a dreadful sight! "Horrors! What was mu, "A fellow without evenieg aleas eat- ing breakfast food for supper!" Better Than a Hen. Customer (in grocery)—Are those eggs fresh? Grocer's Boy — Yes, ma'am. 'Tain't been a hour since I laid 'ern in that box. People differ as to jokes, but here is a rule that may be depended upon: A, joke you tell yourself is alwaySit good one.—Atchison Globe. A Skillful Advertiser. Many years ago. Sir Thomas Lipton was a passenger on an East Indian ateamer bound for Ceylon. While in the Red sea the bOat was disabled, and It became necessary to throw over- board a part of her cargo. Lipton was an interested spectator of the prepara- tions for lightenin he bolted the sce dollar dicker wit secured a paint the ship. Suddenly e and by a twenty the chief engineer rush- and a pot of black paint. Then, to the astonish- ment of the captain and passengers, he cheerfully labeled' each box and bale thrown overbOard "Use Lipton's Teas." The cargo, of course, floated ashore, and for miles in Araby and other lands the natives saw that legend. • Subse- quently the passengers on the injured steamer were compelled to abandon It and take to small boats. On reaching land Sir Thomas was the first to make a cable office and wire the destruction of the boat and safety of the travelers to London. The message was signed "Lipton." Of course , his name was in every English newsipaper the next morning, signed to that message, and he was the -best advertised man in the kingdom. UnapPreciat ed. The shrewdness of one of the found ers of a famous estate in Maine gave rise to many amusing stories, one of ;which has recently been retold. One day the man, who was a large lumber operator, was ,superintending a crew which was breaking Up a log jam in the river. Suddenly the spruce on which he was standing slipped. The lumberman dropped opt of sight in the water, and the logs clOsed over him. The nearest Frenchtnan saw the ac- cident. Hopping briskly over the slip- pery logs, he helped the "boss" to land. Nothing was said about the accident. After an hour or so the Frenchman' be- gan to get anxious betause the reward ;which he considered due was not forth- coming. He approached the lumber- man and, pulling clumsily at his cap, stammered: "I see you fall in, na'sieur, an' I run queek to pull you out 'fore you drown- ed." "Prob'ly," snapped the lumberman— "prob'ly if you'd been 'tending to busi- ness as you'd oughter, you wouldn't have seen me fall in!" Manx Cats. The peculiar breed of cats found an the Isle of Man differs from others only in that they have no tails, and the lack thereof, is the insoluble puzzle to nat- uralists. Since it has become the fash- ion to explain everything by the prin- ciples of evolution, two theories have been offered—one that, owing to the limited range and lack of dense forests, the original cats had no use /for tails, and consequently they (the tails, not the cats) gradually atrophied—for lack of use and became rudimentarY; -anoth- er that the primitive Manx cut off all their cats' tails and in the course of time developed a tailless breed. One thing is certain—the cats are there, and they have no tails. An Old Legacy. A Wednesbury (England) resident in the sixteenth century left $1,000 to pro- vide annually on St. Thomas' day three gowns and three coats to indigent per- sons of the parish. Following the cus- tom of the times, the money was in- vested in land (in this case in miner- als), and the original legacy has in- creased in value to $30,000. Instead of the three gowns and three coats the claarity commissioners who administer the funds are able to present 200 gowns and sixty coats. Castor ont. A simple method of taking castor oil, according to Medical News, without producing any nauseating effects is to instruct the patient to wash out the mouth with water as hot as, can be borne, swallow a little of it, then swal- low the oil and follow this by rinsing out the mouth well, with hot water. The first swallow of the water cleanses the mouth, makes the membranes hot, so that the oil does not stick, and con- sequently slips down easily. Bard to Please. Brown—You don't look very happy, D um ley. Duntley—I have just lost a fiver on a bet. , Brown—That's bad. Dumley—Yes. I had an awful attack of rheumatism this morning, and that young squirt of a doctor, Tipsalve, bet me a fiver be could cure it before night, and I'll he hanged if he didn't win the money! From the Courts. High above the buzz of factories, the clang of trolley gongs and the clatter of traffic rose a crash that terrified the visitor to America. "I hear that noise wherever I go," said he. "What is it?" "Don't be alarmed," we replied. "That's only somebody's relatives breaking his will.". The Trouble With the Clock. "What time is it?" asked his wife suspiciously as he came in. "About 1." Just then the clock struck 3. "Gracious! When did the clock tem- naeace to stutter?" be said, with a fee- ble attempt at justification and a joke. A 'Prentice Hand. "That man you had doing some car- penter work is a fraud." "How do yeu know? He did good work." "That may be, but he's no carpenter. He cleared up the mess he made." -- Judge. He Wipes His Forehead. She—Don't you - anvays shiver when you pass the cemetery? He—Not I. I'm going to be cremat- ed. Columbia Jester. • 4 6 A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other 'articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. AUCTIONEERS. rpHON AS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1 Counties of Huron and Pailt. Orders left M k. Campbell's implement warsroosis, Sealer*, or Tim Turrostrol Mike, veil/rem/vs prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or so sharre. 1715-W, -I" AIMS G. licitICHABL, lice*, --4 meet. latest for • the county of Hures. Seles attended to in any part of the musty at moderate rates, and satisfaetion guaranteed. Ord... s left at the liegorth poet dike or at Lot 2, Coseeseion Huildt, will receive prompt attention. 18224 UCTIONZ11. RRING.—S. PLi hillip*, censed hijAuctioneer for tho counties of Karoo and rth. Beat a practioal farmer and thoroughly undemanding ths value of farm stock and imple- ment'', places pie in a better poon to realise good mieee. Chargu moderato. Satisfaction guaranteed .1r DO pay. All orders left at Honsall post Aloe or • Lot 58, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. 170041 A WARM GTO BACKACHE S FFERERS. Backache may st ike you at any time. Comes when you least ex- pect it. Comes as warning from the kidneys. A sudden twitch, a sudden pain. The Kidneys cause it all. If you don't heel the warning, serious Kidney T •ubles are sure to follow. Cure your Backae o by taking DOAN'S KIM] I( PILLS. There is not a Ki from Backache to Br that Doan's Kidne relieve promptly a quickly than any remedy. 50e. per box or 3 for $1 Or THE DOAN KIDNEY P On fa ney Trouble, ght's Disease, Pills will not d cure rnore ther ,kidney 25. All dealers or., Co., Torten* Any sum from $1,000 to $7,000 minion Batik MONE both pie funds, a rates of terms of to R. S. Block, Seafo TO LOAN ate° and company LOWBST current interest, and easy riyment. Apply HAYS, the Do- th. 1881-18 United Typew pany Li . Underwood; Empi 1 ensderf i Arby emwritingont, rar i f) oib other eli tninikes of typewrit - at v for sale. Apply to L. G. VAN EG SEAFORTH . - iter Com- ited, e, and Blick - r. hines, for sale or one, eto., and all re, second hand, OND, Agent.I - ONTARIO - 1823 45 1 BRITI 11 TROOP OI LINIME TOR Sprains, Strains, Cuta Wounds, Ulcers, ints, Bites and IslieContracted la, Bronchitis, Whocilthtli Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Stings of Insects, Coughs, Cords, Rheumatism, Croup, Sore Throat, Cough and AI Painful Sw A LARGE BOTT . 23e. Have your Clothes RENEWED. Ne seeessity of getting sew Spring clothes: if yow will mad your last year's wit to the SEAFORTH DYE WORKS Old clothes made to leoh litre sew. Dyeis and Meaning of ladies' and gontleasen'e clothes 'anpeeaalty.: and saidsfactiOn gusrauteed. All woof goo mofr mateed to give good satisfaction on shortest 111101/Ci Shawls, CUTIMilik ate., at =edema prices. apse do not tail to give me_a call. Butter and eggs men la subsagi ter 'rift HENRY NICHOL, 1702 Oppoeite th Laundry, North Nein Street. To Cure a Cold hi Otte Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. [Seven Minn bones sold In past12 snanths. This signature, . air k o Days. me( at every box: 2,50. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to oure disease of the brea.tlag organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? Established .r79. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air render -ed strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseasedsur- face with every breath, giving -prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. Is a boon to asthmatics. --FOR— W1100Ping Cough Bronchitis Croup Coughs Catarrh, Cads Grippe air Ha7rever The Vaporizer and Lamp which should last a lifetime, together with a bottle ofCresolene, Us°. Extra supplies of Cresotene 25 cents and p cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain. tog highest testimony as to its value. VAPO-CRFSOLENE TS SOLD DIT DRUGGISTS tranyvantan. Vapo-Cresolens Co. x80 Fulton Street x651 Notre Dame Street New York :Xontreal Recommended and sold by I. V. Fear druggist, St- aforth. A Brave Soldier, but a Weak Man. A epeeist despatch from London, England, dated March 25th, says : The brilliant career of MajoeGeneral Sir Hector Mao. donald has come to a sad endirtg. Few stories of army life have appealed so vividly to the imaginatien of the Britith people as that of tbe career of "Fighting Mae," as he was popularly called, and the Pewit of his suicide at Paris has created a painful ten - satiate A press deipateli from Perils, France, dated March 25th, says: Major General Sir Hector Macdonald, commanding the British ftreee in Ceylon, and ne of the foremost officers in the Britieli arney.e.gainst whom charges hived on irrim, rel mite were filed some time ago, committed suicide to. dey at the Hotel Regina here He shot himself in the right temple st tartly after noon, ard expired a few minutes later. The gent ral was alone in his email hamber 011 the Id Ezzenine floor of the hotel at ree time cf the tragedy. One of the female at.. tendants heard the pistol ihot, ard opening the door, saw the general's figure out- stretch( d on the floor with the be o I gush- ing from a bullet wetted in the head. She ran ecreatnip4 to i he balcony overheeking the lobby orth'3 hotel, where many guests, incluling a Lumber of ladies, were Assem- bled. The praprietor of the ho wear firet to reach the expiring raan, Medical help was immedietely summoned, but wati foun4 to be useless, death ensuing qutokly. he commissary of police was petrified, and, accompanied by a doe: or, proeeeded to a preliminary investigatit n. No mi nay or papers of any kind were found in Sir Heettr's baggage. Two notes, written in English, were found lying on a table in his roorn, ard hese were taken peettaiou of by the authorities ; but it is nu& rst ad their omits nos have to bearing en the euicide. In the general's coat, lying oa the bed, were found some photogr,phs. The British Embarsy and Consulate were a ot,fied later, and Consul -General Inglis vieiteo the hotel atd took charge of the body, which Waa placed on the bed. Tbe do, r was than locked, the Censul-General taking the key. The French officials tolk pOilhfSSIOD of the revolver. Sir Heater &lacdonald arrived it; Paris last Friday evening, from Leudon, on his way hack to Ceylon, where is was under- Etocd an immediate com tatter -tied would be held to °leer up the °bargee mane agallut him. On reaehieg the Intel at 11 tthilock at night, be Wa8 tall that only a small an 1 in- different nom was available. II 3 replied that that was quite Pull:idea, tie was not accompanied by any aide-de-camp er a valet He said he only ietended to stay a day or two in Paris. Little was seen of hou since his arrival. He was, however, in hi hotel lobby abut n-oa to -day, and'it in helievetd that a newspaper printed in Engle la -cou- nting a resume of the grave ehargss relight against hisn end embellished with he gen- erai's portrait in full uniform, came under his attention. He lot tho lobby, going to his room, and the pietol abet followed soon after. SOME HISTORY. General Sir Hector Maedtnald WW1 sep- arated from hie wife many years ago, and before he got his eeminiesion. He has not lived with her since. He leaves a on, who is being educated in an English publie school. The official anneuneemeut mettle by the governor of Ceylov, in the Legielas ture, Monday, that Major-General Mao- donald would be court-martialled, wild the publicity given to the affair were evidently the determining motives for the suieide. His friends attribute the tirsiortetrunt busi- ness to his broken health end ehattered nerves, the outcome of several eampaigns itt the Soudan and South Africa. An attsck ,of dysentery and a touch of sunstroke at Paardeberg during the South African cam- paign left aerious results, and a wound he received in the leg healed badly. It is atsted that he had often complained of pains in the head, and in -Ceylon hie health and the depresaion from which he was sluf. feting grew worse to sueh an extent thee there was talk of invaliding him from the Nervice. —A sad accident occurred, on the -Taylor farm, at Yellow Gran, Manitoba, reeently, resulting in the death of youpg Alvin Tay- lor, aged 24 years. A deep well bad been - sunk on the farm, hut without greet re- sult,. A vein of saud had been stinek at '- about 15 feat, and this had been eriebed for 12 feet. While removing the crib young Taylor was caught 'and entoombed in stile fins sand. Immediately steps were taken for rescue, bub despite tremendeur exer- tions, it way four hours before he could be extricated. The sand filled la almost as rspldly as it could be removed, arid it took the united efforta of nine men to draw ihe body from its position. Mr. Taylor re- moval, with his father, from Calgary four years ago. NO IIPAVIN, esTlegworetnersible114*_ean he sanotiln 11471711 412' minutes.- al tow -set IteNes ust as •trick. ot ahd novellas, taile4 rinatiou a ikepei t this uns te hotees, Writeteden Ash far Demob* Ift, inswing SeemsChenisikilitlfreatet.oWoreiTerest4Old.