HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-03-27, Page 27 7f 7 ITHE #U.KUN-. 0XP 2 MOL ljo(lits tc ti ove the baby's lite. ow it i a xame—and WIll nER HUSBAND SUCH W031EN N EEDEP A titer olle of th� brothers—a noble coi ic —when a competient nurse k rio ws I A Slu gish lad about ten.ye4 'd that her patient Is boing 9 —h 's of age ad ba -.cared for by' ORKS W H defs and chest the surgeon turne r should go octor and I VAS. A DRUM A Dn W_ hyician, then hat Ina,ctive Liver e in o I 11 8 arms and shoul- an icompet6it p Sf,,,', 'AS0 THOSE OF GOOD 0 41 .d to nu to that: d Q6 nurse. and sa. A, 'Nurse, where tell him. plainly what she knows� and to: ' ork Lady who cures her husband of LIEVE THE AFFLI ED**, I got at knif0 the i and there refuse w any I When tt did te liver is clogged by the Jnac- you "Out of tivity ofthe kidneys and bbWels, it becomes His Drinking Habits Writes the alcohol," ,he "T)id longer under his orders.' She s1lould ans ero litute is at han TU
4torpid and fails to -filter tbe bile from the the Be n for t�e 1ooking about for Fan -L place 11 e 0 a bl yoU thei b e in sterile d s- an officor in tho Vnited, States trity 'We of Her Struggle to g to ood, thus producing biliousness and a dosen'b ma4el, but th, quality is everythinn Yon Any. quangty
before ou it
CHEER FOR TRAINE� NURSOS' water me?" army ought to. do As an officor in can 0 a -V general impaiKment of the digestive system, re Save her Home. sh e d, I did not the army I mtkat ob4- my 'ommand- I The tongue is coated, the head aches, but only on�" quality, and that is the best. a ripvi �np you wa atel I meI to o it." or's orders .. If I o 'not, then I am e a �ntul�l PleasUre and b' w digestion is imperfect; there is aching of ion of lour stock woWd prov
An ilispei hen my A, Solf-saqrilloing- Vocat said: t e hava pnished, but if I It' ow that ion:� rhat 31s: one he surgeon,. 11w P the limbs and back, feelings of fullness, incompe- -kizt oil from.this boy's weight and soreness over the stomach and APATIKETIC LETTER, cut all the a commander is� a tl boay for fiothini. Yoq criminal fg- tent or js following fatally wrong Ii the eye becomes y4llow and jaun- -to Noblest and Root to jVh1c, Sex Van Aspire—Noble wome 44 poir- ce Is to blame fo this useless pollqjr then I shoul liave the moral muddy; the an
ver A _T j, and The complexion
di�6 to hand ill my r es i gi i 7tion d 3D_ Iorth to Battle Witlx tiLe r orl4l sull,*Q ing. You 1'should 11ave known urine is pcant� and highly colored, an the, or. -.6 protest to the higher a;4t T ii partment !is complete with a large selectlon ,of enou-Ii. hi 4J.
to place'that kx�ife in stprile the b t goG&, aL.4
Fen Dlsea,s*#-1Dr. *-Talmsge'll 8 els irregu)ar, constipation, and loose- -j
e s to be v, trained Lered accordingto Aot or Pati;iajn 4 water. You pr ties A trained nurse has no moral I ness alternating. There is little use of Obliging attell,ion giv�n to this branch of the bl�sines on: of 04u4 sux�gical nursfe� ittid a gr�duate of a rigI I to work under an. incompetent 1 treating the liver separately, as it can never ada, in the year- 1903, by W. illiam Ball3r, of T, doing so she becomes i be set right until the kidneys and bowels .0 Prom
onto, at the DoWt of Agrioultlar OLtaWa.j Irses, college, phy clan. Dy X-fiffit calls ptly attended to by ourUndertaker, Mr. S. t� Mlmw e. Furi
a,ty to his malpractice. Shi6 are made active in removing the waste mat- Goderich street, Seafofth, opposite the Methodist't church. Thus, you women about to become Chicago, March 22.-Ij tjjjsl� 's. T rined "t 's of -v�tal impor 9ho.i: d not disobey his ol' el wo ter'from the body It is'for this very rea ser ntirses, rs never mon Pr. TaJmage dzipy-Liver Pills give 5 cheer alid ance that you e intelligent 'and wra makc,a right. She son that Dr.!Chasc's lCi 0 raft
encouragement to the t d refuse to work fox, him 1 tit p onderfully trained lxxurs6, ffitient. it i I 1 vital importance sho have always roved s suc- BROARb,"00's BOX & Whose self sacrificing -v cation all. cessful in curing the m6st chronic cases of 0 i he ft- find ot,
hat you ishouldl 1, low the value of liver comp ss and comp.1ca- cri lics as one- of tue laint, biliousne hi0est 1 alid ideal nursd should a y as S 1-taillice that you oby ICin , ics. It k_- I sh air nd ol i p oper diatet an
noblest to which her sexican wol I ii. Ilappy! Wh � ? 13ecause,' ted ailments of the kidneys liver dbowels. spiro of vitar impc ill a dose, 25 cents a box. All The te,xt is I Tinnothy v 10, W�ll olomon wroe, "A inerr One r the- laws . of cl I ness iand not l- y dealers, or Edmanson, Bates- Co., doeh n�ood like a medicine," reported of for good wo -S, your patien t
�ow become infected, lbronto. llalj)y! Why? 13-ecause od(ILIUM- i i mrff T -1 I 5 I I T T T 'ho !-nor; I etent nurses U y
if she have relieved the Ifflicted. -ince c Ill 0 a. �mau be ro-- is ccntagrious -as well as infectious. ta.% sellt many I a paMent to the The hurse's smilo-In the sickroom has "lhadforalong time been thinking ot trying the ported of for go in such a -rave. If "vou VO 4tarily enter your Chase's -kasteless, Samaria Prescription treatment " ad work$ Ur. PAGE. FENCE
On Iny world as ours if he 11E the �ame curatNe qalities as the d ve relieve�d joble prof6ssio �ntell.E etually un- husband for his drinking habits, but I Was Afraid he afflicted. Such w sun bath or all alcoholicirub. And 'Would discover that I was giving him medicine,- and ome, i are� soro- ua'lified, :you e 1collmlitting, a sin yet there are �-oiiie nurs6s who' go P, the P go standar leven Coil. siprin wire (not crimpe a 41m* ever�y- Ina 9 -the n summor,do I a too tight In Winter-reguiatso Its wn thethought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a ly xieuded. There is suffe ring g%-inst the hu n race ust a§ sure bar wire fence the week� but one day when he came home very much bout their tasks with - ,sourect tonsion all the On a. "vIlere--in the rich ma's palace and, L t swi tchi er, eiety year, tahlll.L; LL LQn uprights In one lei �Cotrain of 800 pounds. Connion I lit I ced atadh bar br mk intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I ly 4L.5' is the igno man who isa of all undert�ker's assis�ant nu I r z Pounds Pag3 too, ornamontal fences. Pon st, dgadatTe 1world over, threw oft all fiar and deterratned to make an effort the poor nian's tenexxxont. If any w6-' fhroi i wrong swi averge. ltry netting, are tell and You have in 'this bulihl,zs our hoine from the ruin I saw coming, at all rat,hcr than with the radiant face of Tfthe aqam t0_ Save iiatt d # ires fte Me Fence Oo, Limited, Walkorville, st, John, X.B. Non-treal, P.Q. .12 US r to be well rep a 5,000. to one ell hazardi. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre. ends the passanger train crashing Mice. one ho is trying to clic up those Iscription, and put It in his cofrei as directed nto train c abo lit half depressv,d. morning, and watched and prayed for the ambition in into surer for good works, she can. 'atta'n hdr the fji,eigjit: whi h has been who oe er 'Amon- these. stice pain racked and be tter ' wa�r. �idotracked, a clerk per 'annum (or ten a Th-ey never seem to rbalize that Ult. At nowa I give him more and:a1soatsupper, than in reli&vIn& th 1 e afflic ed. It is year He never suspected a thing* and I then boldly kepi Pli The idea nursl s�ould s) reaches a posiLjon' Nvoi th - ov- )e a Chris� true riurse's facial en,tpresslon sh6uld tight on giving it regularly, as I had discovered glorioUarmission that has b chog- W er X im. This is something that set every nerve in body tingling omdLa� Ittiog the darkrilight, be full'of -sunshine as ivell.as herfin-. pretty good, con, e noble are idering that salar- pri ith hope and happiness. and I coTifd see a bright en, by the, wh, When the, :'�lak- :wilnged ideath angel ell entle and true. P graduating as t gers, tou P
rain nurl-ts aad a future spread out before me -a peaceful, bappj S lioverine" wit �dxxd Wi ng, beside j' Dul, outpi e of her dtity -lie buiness run betwecm S:25 0 aN t i� home, a shace in the good things of life, an attentive -0ing forth in their. striped C, EXF :)zi whv i and L500 a yeax-N�ery few of the unt-, he' white i wing birth angel- or pati0kt, tj�e a is -another 4 's and everything else deai forms, like valiant soldiers, to c loving husband, c;)mtor, i i latter -the I)cill'' L150 to a woman's - heart; for u Oil-, rhon in the In cri i, of pneumonia or the Ideal �iul W,sllould be lit -i 1, J[Ten: 9 IS
prilig is just here, and it will no be long before ono Saqvifice, It is 'You -will have that whiskey Nvas vile stuff Ld he was Wong a dis tend with, fell disease, 1 Nraxi�t t pfloid the life ee )is to be hanging life 11 Daink ol whom t1jere re loh conceptio r22,000,. hak 1y 'a slender t 1,-e d, n o intefligent, life biq er Qolds azahvit liketoit. It was only too true, for before Ihadgivex present to you iny o cast ide you heavy clothes.! Are d for the
him the fall course he had stopped drinking alto hi, # tat s A you prepare
oman should b- w4ethijr have. �only One chance ill- ne you W *u&,e is s:o coin yle ut to bend over �xxes le i4 to are om last gether�, but I kept giving him the imedicine till-itwat *io them, and L Spring 7 i Exami r wardo 'e, the chances she stands by the oPeratj tj s I
gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on ban( -Ag-tab 0- 01 700 apiece f getting even $1,000..a 'tian tPrEsenabe 1-9
0 Or- I hl) bed -a� the ie ib )t�a life; I . 'T t w1lere we 't
11 whol! believes in ('110 11 It comet! God and prayer morvir inaking, year. if he shauld relapse, as he had done from promise.- bends Over the Invalid's, bed oi� the one who can as 1 y - $up- if - heult us aud we can give -you an o V ards & a �l I I I before. He never has and I am- writing you thit walks through the w orSPrinba Yo i-11 -be
letter to tell you how thankfull arn. I honesth OSP9- Lgl--,, for the divi hig when she A Lr tb e Qountin be. ble." vose L trained 11 Urse' �has 9 proud of� and -that will not tie a knot in. your' -ill car tho, worst cascs." tal for contagious disea, out. believe It ses or' stee conici pours out I the m di ine or places the- L3 10s. 'per th !pd,pamphlet giving full par taken out;,her legit+mate ex -)ensesi sh 1�ary in just' be.- led bag o OL k -f , I ! Spririg 8�i ity flizes the surgeon'$ K es I . : ngp, are the latest, the et: an�
FIREE SMIPLEtiou ars, testimonials andprict the fc-Ve,ed brow. A great has li tile money to save, ft is a' life, week, btit only AJ) "it thr(e b sent in plain seated envelope. Correspondence sac d. a
ore the limb is to be ales power self sacr Nar, among till thd coniderod. The fit and finish on -nts tu.rncd out redly confidential. Enclose stamp for reply. Addres., The (leaf. of Flprence T�. of swoct, Oin noble ce'' clerks in eam y� :all garmr Scope of my the-nie n. best bb ovet her I)auen I was d i nt banks in the ki aria Remedy Co., 28 Jordan Street aro' raiwid to th s.
The Sam Oh, the'l tvanscena joy of �s in ke*nry With the goods. -Drop ia and have a wor reall W1 Tgrglito, Canada. d if the hearer is I fact that ille c -lie phy`n I Christ ian iaiurse's sacrificelfor oul 10 partliersbips'or, managerships worl h Q� 1111to the R1 Id tell I nh. sical rill d 11 the W0wen who are aboUt humble hollie of the mo 't b4loved �ly helplesg and I YounE t1,000 a 'ear. Itaffivay clerks- e abo to en- y nt&natiaxxalkN� h, ed 6 f t , xo6d Physician,[ w'.110 was. a.ble to tor th iit,4'se'� profession, if you ittre a mu0l. bigger body, nuillbering 4-6,- VE - A
RNAL ESTATE FO.R, SAL at the pr ome, i living curo the sluffer 4sent ttme s i-ul E a well as to become ideal nu rses, this is 1 to '000, hav'e still bigger odds against Who , is she? I will w4sliver 111aT. lis body. ; be yo ir i9y, You will be happy, Ah eni I Th e I ri n ler 9.200 to one, and on sold s had :-f)e- j -abou 3,110, �I FOR S&LE.-In beat whest, belt questj on fo 2 ACRE PAW
-Lge Ave railway clerhs
by rclatixlg� -a* inciderit a better, chance cat'Se you will know Uiat your 4ac- ian aver� tit Sou�herrk Mnitob%. Ninety acres read), for getting Well ill (or a �lor ce ightin- 0 frZ7 and grantry. Twelve dollars per acre. Sevelcal ford * wa -ald's luere pi es(nce will save ther lives. You will 'incollics of Z;1,00() and o' er, On the i 16 Z V.1jS-UZPfS, SX4FOR w ich, hcwpelled about ithe ye this: worl(l who rifice Luid. �j dootion �;nd f wheatnaxt year; 60 azrea hay. Good now st5ble ar -former railvay clerks) drop inL Lord Strat I I other" rdytid and prairie farms for sac, lVirito at a ade these 17, Bollasevain, Hanitoba London banqu loll the tweet sliess that- ou :other hand, 11)03' a fair clidnee, WAS, et mail �h xxien stop th oir s, earing arid -consciol, X767-tf of thc prominent militIL11V ofrlc6rs 0� i afldenced of tharn. to turn b the *itish rill W110 flad le4 t� thci� 14119 towa I I eaven With -a be -
man hae beeiv. able to lead a sufforer 1,000 to one oi- tberea outs, of
W: baek from the dark- �,ft)ley of 4 -he' �evohtllall jettin-, the, retow ized V Concession 8, township of AlcKillop, cuat3rot (:rjnxe;,n Conflict. r 1comfortaille lincoi- 'VOR SALE -North halt of South h- If of Lot 5, victar - the Queen's soldiers ixi thb I sDeching. . prayer. We know that one- shadow of death, jor, f'you haVe1**to nc-.C300 a year, Ruron,conistingof 25 acres of land m-)ze or le-. A a itiatte clove the eojids of t1ae dvad you jand that isi 0� of the belieficient ta s nurse is ly short sk f -L-.c b First class land, all cleared but 2 aerO3, all seed, d (�Llrli.Osjty, the noble , lor Will kloW that you li� )la .1odd in the liattle of life. to inspire patiolits With ce of- do�m and in good ct:Ltb of cultivaton. Can ba h%d one hd q ca t % � cell al and all, p to pla.,e their. haiTcls lit- the -1 onreagonableterma. Apply to EDWARD H&RT,JR., UeS, 10111 inin(I and [of ilea t. Tiler -e, is not Should You! be a grocer, you hav-e al A I PERFECT HOKE Seafor6h P. O�, at to J. L, KILL Barristir, "111to do 'you think-, tho'.par� Uie 'ideal nurso doubly fc)l hand. cf Jesus. Chr;'Aian wo.then hance.of si�ccess ov- �E Dy. r the noble: Proft'SSion pr the Z1,006 a year, for there are -the late War, t e thi work who art to the Endomed V Post Enilsh Medical jou mals. sup;
ted for her 0. 4,000 to olle. C
Seatorth. 1840.4 ticipar ts of I I abo,ut to elite 11. she caa ln�
"LVQ�u 'honored, of tra'lled ilurses, con-ratula a ra British Soldierain,Souih _yj-01J3K A -KI) LOT r0it SArjE op. To Ru and ever is lfft�rer'si sioul a. I-xiowledge of the Min Souih W, thi t nearly 200,000 more- of you strug" Formall -Th kles, Pleurisy, Lumps, Ahsc�sses, Old. Sores, Ujoem, lcoxiling. gell N.T.- For sale or to r3nt tho 2cinforbable e -i erations? ou., I give to you Me t And QlandTrou e &skeJ his Peac0a that: passetil iiilder�taiiding? aigospel. salLita- gling for the saine, goal, and the wi ri to the n tion. I. Avish you -o& sea, Eake Pimploo"Stiff joint9i Rheumatism, Spmin% DMISM Ion Worth Mala street, Seatorth, lately ocaupled by MINA i" to of tile] IT -Lce is a- keen onc, There is a pret- il lame8orozior. The houv contains 4 bsd'roomi, sore Feet. hris anc lier ileason why 1. h 7ei chosen this .sul)ject of the -ty -steady av choice Upon SUPS of Pape - and 114 Itae !iiurse should be �a Christian wo- parlor, dining roov.1 and kitchen, h%rd tkad soft water. erage of fifty successe.9, 1DRUGAGIST8. 250. TRY IT would reaq tile same and! an 0 for iwo reasons; rirst, year i h r ade among Also a gdod gardon. This is a wo,A comforbable rest n une No young� gli-A whc enters this ONCE.
denc-, and Is cenvouiently looated.. Wilix be eold the rejylt of the ballot. When' tild obl';9 profession ig il T wall, to reillove the prejudice which illat 200,000 though cheap or rented. Apply to RORERT TaORPSON, slips -al. Y and �oi at the same re collectW the yote wa� sPlr is harbored ill inany iii-inds aginst about :700 failures, time there are 1.1 itually safe unless slie, en4ers it -with' hospitldg nd. trained nur.ges. �or this is. a trade that hits the lian, us. lVoixtierful. to state, th' lie ]did irc� th%t n e, peoplu think thatall 11' 9LI'll, 0 f pl�'o tion onei osp�tal 1,; o)fly. vvry hard, lofw�
MaKILLOP FOR SALE. -For sale, m which Lord Stratfolxl an.1, te -1ARXf I* tec
very desirable WO talk about the and it urm, tho. oil homeate3d. Lot 27, notinced was not tile t Mp- kin adjifict to a cmlet6ry ailit that Concegalon a, MoKillop, eoatainin7 - of general Comes second oil the list of - dELDger- hich confront Dl aerage, traillckc, 'IltiQ]qs W 10.0 aeres, all It belonged to an- Lilltitle:j nurse, in. E I G EIT C ff TO 0"L cleared and to a good fjt.%�e of cult ivatiQa, Beititiful "Wo an.1 wto, It ous lrades-d�ngcroiis to th' pocket. - I
r and � actres's. Ali( er a home splendid trult 'orchard, plenty of water and Ker rin, �11 I '3011, noarly as comr, iftike -fat 'lie was Florence Ni I I letent pr faithful ale.1 ce the uncrom as Of these "wi0s," from seven to tell g required, only one mil!i north ot Sea- -every' 'nei queni of the' the inother foi- DRALR. *9
as Lipton is the only f VX1119 girls� against the telliptations. life would haVe beeit saved if the victorles� b 0 S
There.%a who achiev S N over L-7,000 h; fortfi. Arty on bho promises. or to Somforth Po(it Who was Jillorence Nightinr-ral.01-chel. merican re, has ' wrned ilioulit to Office. SUSIE GOVELOCK Was not a Joan of Are or cllfld. The simle:, adt ig mckily
1809x4t I'Tai f3ut Sic Ullom New ods ed ne -who lids passed the L50 URN FOR 9ALE.-Farm in 8 e ]Didwia Booth w0ld'd nev- pat .,000 a V mb "v�.
Actors lik e
XS Wiley for oale, Lot the sw rd. She won her univ i-ont had sent: to , hospitr1l -tr linlit of late ye, 29 O.-nee"on 2 containing 100 acres. All a 0low their daugliCer 2.Nt rs-one does fame t(� follow histe-,td Of cear but 15 aorea of h%rdwood bu5h. b the way ske bound tw', th beh),gr Rept 4t honw- under not c( glens thlo I
It is in P, go,3d I'lloir fo.o kwine f us would )Lint co-bperative companies, of adordrainej, eeding lips of th a Woun( th� ilia parqiiLs' charge. ,onie iiino $tat% of cultivation, well fenced and u er the Ill 0 course. The �verage, taking,the bi(y r See oul uRhters dead than ated., hey, mere golti town grocer .1 and There laon the farm bwo birns, with stabling, and a_ Which J e Surge 1, k' erx_� o see a �,oiiwr -irl ing b ]lad r VIET' large dwell puse. It IS Con'Vanjeab"'y @IbU G1 S Wife ibar that t the little villae I T -JT -4 miles ftom 011ptija and J mile from aard's, sL-hoii ed. 11 caxried in �xer hard* not tbeL "Pon the With pactinion.id. The 1)�Itient ]aV" III rocer, and leaving out the great lervi
Add ag6. But the exil),tations of the a, r i that w 'dainji and told. �!Jlo reia all inquiries to J 9EIN McCURKGO R, on the battle t rn 'Union JaGIC, as but 1, thel t a0 (oliles to L200 per an- Kml-qes o MeGREGDR, 2ad, hav� thel - comil erpax�t in nlother's every actioi -oved she N�jas UR'. D Coneagolon, b,andag!D- 'tdl li.�t Seatorth, Oub. She i, -no- he 1peiril,: more su- tle and no nur. for each mall- that 'runs. a gyo- I -had 1758-tf flanic incoinpetent to care for the invlid.- Juct recei Ullich burst forth ved anothex i4g Prints ton% stop]
fi om the' ess menading, f the nurse 6er's business, lot of thosegood wash Mi Zephyr 3 C 's ca- I - gently told he r SO and lingeo
and east halt of Lot 1.3, should leave the See the new Golf Blousings, they are selling St. V, ARK FORk SALE. -For alle west half of Lot 12 canllO' mouth. She Simp yyr .It. itedi The''breald n'g of hci home that ale send ber daugter to a -it iA
ho- lot 76 W� the 11th conce3sion a little candle, with which she ent' butcher's, trade, alone, fof tbou.gli.it Another 1A of Ladi White- Underwear to han. It
ell wbere she co be f,)roperly will pay y,,c u to see acres. in pod state of f the 8-il ' ce; of the sickroom, roill w d to ward _-W, ell fenL--d and - underdraluel. There in t] -ell [Le !field gives one of the best chances for a what we are-shdwincr.in ;Uf line compare prices an quality before uy is I 0 tvils of the ho,31)ital the- 'tin- �--arcd f:)r. She iiawer�,d that that Ie, f -ed !men were', infortable-A 109 hOu, itat class bank b3rn with ston, tab, 111tals, I >ng after the th C , b ing income -up to L500. a b1sowhere. blinga goodbeating orchardtknd anever failing )liticipled lives of flially, pllysici,_kIjs W What the doctor %V'ant6d. her to th9 ]9Z"#_.
asleep. spring. Itis withi r 110 Ih ILd the per the a11 t necessar- but she. could not wid 'would not
119 M1108of 89aforthand oon ils whick m do,
Air arise in 'Lace Dartains for n venien.t to school and obher convenienoes. This 11 0 was rtlorence Nigllt� Don't forge that we are showing a mgnificem t r.ano, 0j,
farm will be aild cheap in order to wind up the discussion of certain lipr daughter be under n h dN-017, sinall'bi itch er has 10,000- to manufa -
the will tell YOU. � She was the "�� one against him if he hopes to r Spring.. se, estate. it not sold by the loth of Ap 3"a-116 conspire to ovel throw -the care but her own. Withi each 4
f ow wil be TIL117SO who did not 11 a a Dritish 1 iritual lite of oil oI)a,Q,s Z1,06) per ann, Irente(l. Apply toL AjEto'll"ILE want t131 11 - See the ne -d Lirioleum3. ave jin. or Oils an ]RUG11 GORDON. Heikforth. people tc days tj )'Oung gil di0d. I officlaed Winthron.. or e who llay h .1c Flo rear for her a 111o4 For AN'
189s-tf i Oil the other. hand, failures are few Another large coneg ument of Boots to hand. Try a pair,of our specials u1ne t I
�erod ther nurse's profesion with Lit the funelal. They hiLd a beauti- iii est ARMS Fok S&TRL AL'30, RRI cold ma, le, but instead olle oo coulpiLred withl other trades CK RE31DENOF the $25Q,000 which was a! .911 arid noblest oj purposes. ful. casKet aly'd plenty Of W)OLIt in waterproof to and I k tan Soles_ j u8Lt what is needed Jor Spr,-L� I ; free i f flowers, but -and the nunil)er Men's I j , T FIN BF ONTARIO. -The undersigned i pu reilize onl , too well Lhc s g long AU wh ile ,ervice_seem�d to me a on offering d 01 but( oots to cleared at and below 8 MA his for Ule a number of choice f AA!M9 in t121S Vloju_ giVen. by her' coo-ntr 1. s 01 N� a o t, also many other Ines, as ynien, i. tk ELt w, rninjr, which I niockerv. I do not say4hat motiler �hcrs ivi.io, retire yearly Nivit-11 all first olpas liuda with v&ryinz impr6vem and witlL it buil we nanst have' �r'r OM. I W. J.
P eats. Oae t and endowed,: on-' in �nd over ii1conles of from L200 to L500 to A good 220 acre grass farm. iienty .9veak have far- -each 1,R)ed her 01111d, but I I do s y that I made out of thia L of money can be ly a short distance from Njre�txxx- P 0 depend on 'iss Moiri 0 and With little trouble simply bay- abbe, instep weting niauillg� ta �_�uring their declining, is .�gain in charge of the Millin
erefore, if you if had iwen Vaken !to til h ary departmen, ospi
tng c:ittle in the spriniri Irrazinir them i the famous trainfog- school r� going to, entel t alycra es about P�30. ready for the openings I is pr 4,ssion Ili tal alm i.e. ed the - right ind 9 In f Act th[B or nurqes . which now _be: of ney in this, 4trs her yoll bave, 60,000 riv- every yoar for the pia nam is school, I be' s a coster wer aud selling., lit tho- f t1l place has, f I 0 , which will be announced liter.
made mo' A-190 a fine residen2a In Seaf,)rth with. 18C cUr OWn strength g bf you to treatIll(lit t daughter migl t hayel I I A� � A�AAAAAA . thirty yeare. foSte establi�hed in stop before it' is too late. Better OSi and more siecesses among ihem )0 is the s-er grounds to be bad at a b xrgaio Terms easonabla. the Moderi, traini g PRETOR Pcho: for t cp eVel'Y Year turn into I,, about acrea of orche*rd,- gardens &ud ple:tsure mother'j, of Q11 s uV in the kite then YOLL Woll kitc,lier, stanil behind RecoAd, I'�have preached tl�is Id think. A good nuni.- be il clalubEritAid or mon bccaus� thioiv wide 'bel MOO Seaforth. nurses. -len a Wc)maA on' unter, 6 T want to 10 Ifor particultra apply to. w, G6VEX 1A Ivi Lgu I ar B M0 M16BEA1 I 01 orable, however. open a duox' of usefuln Chris In u
so h gred. YtIling that is 4 ti�;Adesnien in fixed shops, mostly B L "M 1826-bf ess W - I by churel'i �nd state as Florence liumbi-le, rather thbui attempt to begL tian. Nurs coiIndealers reen ARIM EGRRALE -An,oxcellent f.%tm for We o Nightinga.le -thinks the'devalop ixlg� is e,ssentially a� g -grrocers, and And Nvom�
n ment t7ained nurse wLillthottt ;L astonishing well, being F easy terms,. bein Jt ib as -d§1 7_y north halt of Lot 1, Conce is' ined 'I s t -k. i very by wonian's woi liluch a I , I ton o he tr. 111.1i'se a work so im- yolur iside. As liess men. ackeismith, muta ning 60 scre3, 45 a, noble, Ch good busi About -a'hund- beavv
devotes iot cultivation, balance in good t sil. i e �cj an. area oleared ristian wonln's as- caring, for'la babLy arid In good state portant t ier M �111EM a: :rrhinel nurse has the is IL10ther's work. Thbr�fore -I Oil all iiial average, do this; 16 is well fenced, and there are 26 0 1110. her conser, t 6 )70 hardwood bush. 4ndest opportunitim for isefulness; want t ) how to YOUJIg 'W.j)me.n a -ild solbethilig like ton per jent. Of your Purs
0 (D acres seed6d to ZrXja. There is, a comfortable frame f I -tulle ener I no 0 n 40x apo.ogy for as' orto who is not divinelN protected rield in. whi ey can not only tl e build 111D really big business 60, dr 0 . I - -1 -� - eh,d and other out. buildings, a Our theme this f' is in w* ixiost successful frulter- arj,.never morning eckly and daily -aye; per- livitik, -Put in -liar, good bar tak, 11; (D house in good rOrair with Mona c giOS; We 'need lilake ch an h6norable ny of the .4nd otte acre good bearing orob The the qualities are.needid i Anil $11414
n e 0 r s In hourly-dEL Ir r of spiritua,l which they do an iiihnito jamount eiis in Lo.ndon avilig stated as falfu IS 6 Milea.froin Seftforbli an good road, and. con- ideal in,�the 0 K- __-N
vOuient to 80hoal vid churches �rthrow. c6sters, Th 'Siters andi aa.�ghtcr e (6dds against the cost- Thlap_jopc�ty Mav of goad. S, ba had on easy term& APPIY to Miss ffary KF The trained in -tile first e' ideal 'nurse sh uld ('11 ri S tiq 11 It j, erl' reaching 41,000 a yeax are 6,- 3 and* ell -V
ti '
724 Spaaina Avenue, Toroat.O,or to J. r Mb f il. 'some ich i_-�better L. KIL- plaC(V, im: st be intelligent. She Is' i IWA%t 11
1834 bf the o man. Tb e battlefeld, with its of -you L6 s�op learning to pty upon 0100 to one, THE CANIA'n 111 Of the pjlys,jCjan.� than the C f. -A BU-SIN0,88 001,L, right ar* (D W, HGE, of &hot and shell, shows 110 ou ve and, in reality, the -good q-011
-B, - dien ba 'no �iusical biAclier's 6han y that the. plano w, we do fjoLt tlj,_�Lt�' tilei traill(ad reater percexxtag� of los,s of llfg talent afid` trying to. paiat upon odds are less �till, because hawkers RATHRMOXT., FOR SALE OR TO nure is to -be a me -o- V RE. -Mr. William Stovens, of the town3hip re ailtoxil;atic m an f you have no 'artistic and peddlers afe inclu'ded in the re- t.te open aound �mmg Ole r the Easter V&cati f 01 Rullett, offers far sale his p. opertv, baing part clilrie ,v1jen, the (D Tueadaj, l4th. The apAug on - n in ou: i learn Physician r cont1aglous hospitals. talent r ii -d to do something turns with thei costers- but do not months Lob 6, Concession 1, toN�-ns 4 0! I1111104t consisting pulls th "' I 3 - ot a comfortable dk%_0jLlijjX1 string- she is to Wove and '1711� soldier who cl ica $ t1l, are among tixe besi of the V.,e&r for aking fr �ar Nes tl ac t al wit$, kibchezt� and wo:)d Nvl L �, e enemy's 0 higher tr %ning compete. In good times &L coster start. Wri 8tablo 29.,K30, drivilig shed '(11' Ile VtOpS pulling shel is. to e -for the reason hy. 2,0 t .30 jltlltes� Yo make as astwork.s is looking deaLh in the 9`11001s 1`0 u will there will M (DI 0
12.vo,aud I acrei of lan S'tand Stjll� Oh, no! S'lle a,s an a :3 calls for help L&Lt WfgLea from $35 to � F6 11 -0 d. The buildings are In 1d find a woln. ly Vocati I. You will week, often mo of which he
01 iD . month had tib be refused late No :gr&L U_
and in a good far more'. We And that to-fday 71 li i good rpar arid the land w01I fea is to be ��e ivith xx A 8WO Of cultivation. The'r is, a good well and a youlls fornied nurse wh; o times the pulse finil her � a tourse of study which can save,. Th' u h there are many orehari of apple and plm- trees on the T ilit'Ali'(1111: trained nut' he 9 &tea left, We teach Book-keeping, 11.8hort, pa Wri-tv for than, the ore physical rigjl� of r rl Who offers to Igo and mot herc if tile fragrance of th coste,s., hough so The above proporty Is ditwkted on tile 114iron Road ox pa1tieat or the Young �tO
is illore the smallp Will fit i N70 U bmome better wives hiindreds ef radesmen who were 0 hand, and timanphip by Mail- eater.1h and otinton and c0nvonloab to with the phy- P and me 6,000 qtalog�e of teither depaitment. 0 ryllysl Ls is y- (is, his ic ant into the qtiar lithied city af- orange blostqollis should evcr� woo you tradesm n f il Oar, it ii ex- school and church, th ian. She j h, It Is well adapted. for a retired e a ever� r y
person or tor any one t3 engage it, mark- i. gar& n. lands, 11 s constant helper.! ii'llat. -to the riarr�ago al.t4r. 01 b,. MOLACHLAN & ACO ilig- Will ba. soll raas,3nahly and ected, with �rellow if rer. Then there tremely rare fdr a tradesman who r.* -+i Apply to th,-,. prppriotor, W9. srEon ea3y tarais. ill(' ilitelligeni trained nursd is ble al -e the dangers-twhich may affect Alay Ccd bless to -day! the: memory staxted as a c Ister to figure among vE:x Chatham� Ont. 0
8, SeVorth to rcj)olt ; in refore 7 ace to t1je t lie pati 'its as -s th e of Ji'lorerice, Nightingale! IA)id may l833x4 pro- ents as .1 a nurse the failures, tbo of the patiell h�ch, result from 0 ot the lyan�dage and the ii, YYOUSF. Fol�L SALLP.-yor sale t to ;a &eat ex- eliritim. Th qrso-'s cool 1p�e chances for an author look the re8ldence an t0it decidLs the physician's diag- Er good at first sIgh, but they CD, it -th Main Street Se orth, awned F, kay I re.-�d hand upou tile fe'vered brow:ever Not od oo. no,sis. an LtCcount of a case be vex�y
cupied by TAr. E Latinler' The house 13, a comf -r- Ile sees the patie4 but i u �vhlch the quick wiltted bravery ol acoillpa I earneqt� Chris- are no ; and if you :hanker af ter The teaforttt e life of i goodropatr, withstOno f)unda in, twenty-four hours x0ille ighe IL #111-jO saved th ng LJaii prayer f the ideal nurse. wealth, choose - ome other line. Out 2. tion under the kltzzhen. The hauge 0 I �s CD: Ontaina thr.(�c is. by bed pr' conullitted: t bodro!)ma, parlor, diainx. acticall.y I :) hei ch arge. ofabout 5,000 �muthbrs who write on 01 Tea 'Sto a auromer ki room. large kitchen and kill Ille out The� more od . - * ; I - RUBY, z
tchon. Pantry, wash ro3m axid clisets 81le can, reeprd the ]I-L�Ing& stepped oi the room for e �ixx G various subjects, thE re are 300 �nov_ Rljht t the froni- 4 with ire an PT-0--t-ess of the disease 1)y th'e flight n- she ! -et .11711cd she found re fai ell
Uard. and sof b water in tfis hQuee. Thero id , well aq -XIM
a little, whe the 1116 they will ha,N�e -in one sts whose books ll�ve been.accept- all kind4 of ehirae gro ac and a halt of land well plaatedwithailknd of t 1patient, st �itli men iia I i a 0, cenes, pro iris' of 1xiinutcs- ITO call only statcly it I)y andin g y his bed with' LLno ther., ed! -The chaneq of ouccess is about ult. There Is a large stable, go. -d hen house and I i . . I china, Crockery artl glalasware, ll 'Of -nife in his hand* ready to cut Vlg� howe- This PltasantlY situated property, kno-_ the morning and the 'eveiii�g" one in every tw1enty 'for these, fifteen v;h:(h Nrill be solf V3o the there -is aa th& Lee Property, will ba sold on reasonable. rnie value of the int(-Ingent 111111SO is hi throat. i1xistea o ird n g o r noelists gettifig over $1, 000 0 New orler4orA
terras PPIY to EDWARD L&TIME a ad R. Selforth. to Ile found ill -3 rnaple syr6p, At 25a
rati,aing awny, st e Cix�d OF SUCCESS. year. 13 the 300, there are c her eye YOUR CKVIC ut besides. Z (n a.quart, e 2 gallon ail best, A, rxerican- 111n1v upon probably at lest 1,000 more W('11 as in AVIlat she is wMin' his as she F aid:. who Q CD. M a ujsoByrup,,&.t aeo
n rpOld not cut m throat ith'slich Odds of o to be A good many ps_r� beab y arid trade 11 gradt s of syj u D -AM FOR SLK -For sale in the township of - E a h1`90fll Css is to be e hauced. b I N L I y Pr peri� a 3k X Tuokoramith, Tot I c0nceWon 8, containing le Jan tell, as well vi� by her 11ull'knife. as tha: if I a Have Made ofl-the W6LIld answer the Sallie hone 100 acres, nearly all clearcd a9d in � good state o i , yoll, =The sl;atls�icli 118 300 y U lb,, beat fall ream cheese, ley
willingness� to obe -y orders. M lilt- h ave i t: I 1:71 0 W W Cal, lal ions on T111s. I)j culdvation, newly underdrainel, wC11- fenced, iwo s arper on. ly r ideqC The v�rage number f Sept =ilea a
m-ight- 0, el 0 Option, CD: -_ 511113 3r make, at 150 a 1b.; 3 lbs.of good welle There is on the p!ace 06 good comfortable rhe de naw rais ne for 25e, 4 lb bout!m
rexxc� ',N p ig liat, you work 1()r olir iso Uraxiw of,
Assum". n v s in MSS, read by the 1�itbl h:- #1
f;a,m,A house,. large, new batik barn with brick bas3' inale once wro.to, "that thei fallacy tifilt liesitated a inonten t h e (D 0: ment, drisinK houae, hog pen and larg-a hen house I . , for 25o, lbs. hew prunes for 25� 5 lbs. living, -and aklin- all trades al eri,' ":readersll in oi*vr 3,500, and should be exploded that, evciry b nPed it to her. Then Site- Callilly abontansoroot young, orobari. just beg! w(j). , not very long ago ni-iiety w re- now datzls for 215e, 6 lb�, ew- for
t bed: and th professiolls ere I
9, altd is 25a, 6 lb�- 'iee for 25a bear�' The tarin Is nevly alljeeed to "'till is able to become & col reW i out of tb e open tbe. OddO ceiN:�ed in One morning,' by the Lon- lbfi.
aga lexcellent condition for either grain gro,wing cr nurse." It is high inst. :� our caj�ping L1,000 t yea: time t4t ih e V, for -25 rztopk rafeing; i5 acres of fail I lilow as e d publishers. The average number 0, 14D lbs. eWorn,s%jt-3 for wheat in, and Nit work are just indgi, �L,271 to one, u aear4- completed. Thla excellent. farm Is well say$ a pt�&d 1plIur for 25;3. 10 lbs. g.lobqr salts standard of our training schools f "Now! go back CD b. F.
r Oct Situated el 16 1 at inconic L - and published Is abo C j CD o- nurses. 11 C-111 f0 help to Answers. ri, ut one . ! IV t, m
being two miles from a school, poo cfd,3e, store and Rhould be raised, thilt u is thb stand- for V - 11- utlovou there, pe 25c, i 5 lbs. boneless firll f 250, Bout Itt
b4oksmith shop and six wX03 from Seaforb. 000d ess. Dpt spe- day -sometimes it runs to ten A , that Was brav- ard of ovdiliary �succ " I ftesh p6r- sausage 10a Is W.1 he d ellseEe
roads fa 0 directiong. Nvorthy institutioxis should�_ b[e crush- or fifteen-orr ' tw, enty-seven per lb, oa the prampies. or ed out and that the quegti0h of � a BA there i cial succe3s isi fixea at aa mop'th; Of these twenty-s��,vezl, less 0 100 a freeh lake herrog, La o Six- 4 , S another way jin which income oj over C50,000, an.4 if youi 0 Perior 1113rring by the half ba � I 0 . . . . . . .
addrmaSeafarth port office. SAMIJEC, CLUFF, or trained nurse' TEAc
than four, or about forty-five, Ver A -e.
BEATTIE, BarriEiter, Seaforth. 1811-tf 9 efficiency sli.O�Ild ll�.t tR idml trained ni rs� mu -It prove hope to out" to. that c ft CD 3 $2.25, als -wale cr Z
be decided by her billtv to! bily', 11 bravery. Tha vear, axe more or, less successful o half barrels stS4 4, also Xtent t is wheal she lit and �tll ' - I GOOD FARM FOR SAW -For gare,.u3t 1, gingham dress and ia th�r salmon trout by rthe half barrol, I b 9 oral courage 1, s you will have to conquel- odds those forty-five not more than si the poun ; all kinds of -cured Vrer, ACiducemlon 13. Tuakersmith. coutsi o reftl*to work of' Of x -AcrMotwhi6h 80 are cleared, well underni'm Incompeta,nt nursibq h 1,750.000 to one. 01. ZeVear Will enjoy reallY big sales. 01 -1 M both plead aEd smoked s :for $111 �i1lc0l11,Petcnt physiciaxi. Solile There!a.,e about 14, corn me 11) *at There are r� 1000,000.. in Bri- fopced, and in tChtgh date of cultivation. y a Ilife :ti o involved the loss of man, and a0l ago One of the training schools tain Who earn nioncy, and o There are no very big'prfzes, I-TEL11 9: fl r, short7, brain, jisit ly the -VG S
acres of I =r! meal, 110 splendid h4rdwood bush, u6culled and in fol !1111rses gave t1lis f these I Cailie and Marie Oorelli leading 0 R - barrel, o0id oil, ll kinds of Oarden
arstolsaseanditlon, Theraiff a oomtortable house caused Many an agoxxizixxx� ([Uesti6ri in an -10,998 ID 9tav
e1 V itination Paper: with -about C 0 And coo of the. best barns In !he colinty. rtl97flx46 pa in 3)uppo8in y e over Z1,600 a year. Z7,000 a yeer each; but _J) eeedi*j D�tch sob onions, clove. and -1 A r -Educt
-90me time ago a dear frioxid Ou There are onl sixteen, by the latest 1 thei C -1 -
feet, withatone ababling underneath, cemout f1jors. of P(citivOly knew th t i QV timothy mi ne, a f YOU obeed ret -e are fifteen novelists andmag- 410 seed, inangold Ewd tu.rni geed. 1; Ilia bu
and every6hing finished up in first class sjylo. brother minister, had his urns, who make over' Z50,000 out i The little five-year-old son nearly�burn�d Wanted, � faElx butte nd ttoell
I o make between r a*, e
fArni is wcll watered with living springg avd Is suit. 11 �c doctor's orders to give it o our of their own businessigs and profea- authors wh I Ud year
able for graia or grasing. PILTient- a certain inedici 41 �(YOO and R,3,000 a -year. whieh th6 highest markzet Fri Ib is oonvenient to to death. The only way to Ile that sions. ce W kill the. patie, I phurchm &'ore, Post offlae and blacksmith shop and ave f You are a business- -not ai paid. 0131y &,few wileafrom araftway station. Itimonsof the childs life was by graftiOg h; It, bank-cl k, you are the beah rind bea$ oquipped farms la the county uld 'You IgIve .it?" one � among! and Man skin upon the little one'# stoni- Most of about 3 To Oure a Cold in One jDay. Cr wil t, e )Rtwe 0,000 -an enormous class.! .10prie- ath nts 4nsvieie -ne, of these, I be sold dheap &ad- on eisy terms, as the P and chest. The fath d Soi ex I d t e,- sixtY are promote CD torloan2doustoreffre Apply on hoprem1w h �� kmsmered Ir d to:1 Tske Laxaiive Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al sail V
(]Wselh t -Af believe ---h address ur .or. child's two brothers voluxi 'Ted .YL partnersthl Ps or pos-itiojis of trust 0 A P, WXES CONORS. Pro. U 0 that, elther dr 4gints refund the money if it fails to care A o G. AULT -A-11 e ahswr rul covered the 01 ly ed fvrA
�d4t�� in. the case. I -1 P let the doctor peel the skin t from worth 21,000 a year, 0�1 I I f they ca Aftwatcd
e hthat eyte*t,. b. me E. W. Grove'� sipature is on eaoh'box.. 25-je* (D y so Wp I 7 ih A
P C 0 R C 0 P, y