HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-03-20, Page 4S, I M' T I ' I — 44 ULLU . I" a w4vi Ai ULM UCMG state, and, judging . . Ima a ' �_I_ 0 — 8 9 I 1 10 , 11 12 : 13 14 15 t 16 1 17 � 18 19 20 21 � . 22 I � 23 I i 21 1� 25 26 27 28 1 29 � 30 31 ',� ...... is e ..... ..... I--.-,I t i I I..... � .. ...... ...... ....... . ...... ... prepazled to deal) with them 040cordingl ' � but if they find they ara i1apocen I they wa �, I t A.1UA& " 91J 7L%JL"LJCN %. " .. i to be inlwi ,Oee : . � ard w frol 44 ULLU . I" a w4vi Ai ULM UCMG state, and, judging L i a, Ima a ' 04r. .M&V&L1 SJULlulau � ., V& %XKCXUU V thkaw.y, ra. Marsh 4nd ohildrcn, of ' r . . Wood- Robcrb Dunqan's. WAL, AA1LR)&,y AVVEN, LUL 13W�WVU&WES 044&A- A ...... - It is reported that Gen. Olver has disposed his butchering business in town'. Win. I - ; � � - � Best Val in should be obtaimd by the metlip i t _. a present a pearan be �, 34a, the session should atrek, are virliting at Mr. of be es . I I to place their detractors out of ,h%rms w y not unduly pr�long 3a. � I 1 I _-Mis [ I Mabel Thomas accompanied ber I I Heffernan, of Tiieawat6r, will the new I I � 0 I fortbe future. The atron I :g probability I �r that this friform'ation can not bel . gob by t. is e � This health R ,the source of mi6apP'rehatiaion . . for 36me time. and Pre mier has been * . in the country 1111111 W111111 bote uleased to ; brothlrei, west San'lay t ip and Allier t tol the North- Phil 0 I Awoekl"Mias Mabel Oliver eper,t � in Brussale.-Mim Hattie Wood, of raprietor, it is said. -On Friday- of last I ,eek the four months' oldchild of Daniel Dupee, Thomas street, ,died after a short ill- I . Trunks aL d Vallse'S. I ! method proposed by Mr. Whi . � ney, but �; lew & that he is . at kesen� I fairly good n 8 watl . ord, is the guest. of Miss Belle Fowler, zoos. The remains were taken -to Bayfield � � I I 4 .. I git D_- It g, D. 9§9 �n 0�5=09 should be obtaimd by the metlip i I proposed ilia 36, his Southern ­ rip having improved �4 � oftbe .8luevale road. - f 5r interment, -Lorne and Hilton Hunter � _n - . , by Mr. Rose, and for this reaso� I - i i t met hod that should be adopted. j I this is tJ16 I . hin ' file I ver mue , � Th � bve -," that lie: a not as wol Ila like hit I to be in so doubt, how- robust 868 his' friends and there is fear that . : r . : Hibbert. I are home on a visit. The latter arrived on Monday from Allisocn, where ha. has been Ird un with neumonia for the past three . If you intend to trav I this Spring,: you will robably need a new Trut-k or � . P Valise. We guarantee to give yo u the best values in Trunks and ValLiseg � I . �_-,!;t_il . P � Betweennow andfishingtime therewill r � . 1. -1 - ­ - NO p8rEon need be surprised ak Mr. Wh t- the 1�resent i eselon 'Rill try h's strength . -Mrs R. W. Matheson,of Lucknow, - in town. We carry a nice assortment, arid are constantly aciding new hues . . _... I -,I'-- I . - . �, 1,N � weeks. - ' � I - I - T �t_-f�=� I . I � bD'any number of days in which you'll - ­ -',i -q I : . - I - ­�4 - ney's opposition to the Ver 7,' averely. � i i here, at present visiting .her parents a6d as they are made in t e factory. , I .a _. �_. 1.41M �� ptopoo, tion of tile . Is I � think you might catch w fish, but if you're � - i L r_ _�.--�ft_! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I � I ., lendo.�Robert and Mrs. McAyter and 'ent are'increasing each Season— � � � � ..--.-- A t -_VU Government, reason),ble-and fair as I , I I not careful you'll find any number of ccol Our sales in this departm I . I � I t - I kll � : I baby, of St. Marys. are making a visit with - I �� � � ,--,, 4 , - ' ' proof positive that . . ­ I ; � I _: VA.— , , , i i -, �' � � - Mr The figure between the pw(entheses after esoh Mr -Whitney is a po!ItWaln ELI] a, he is a IDd itorial � es 6.nd Comments. ia gh and mornings in which you can catch our prices are the low,-st and our values the best. Make a note of Ahese _­ -­- . - _I _ . . I - � , : � - f I i �0� f fiends in town. -Robert McAlpine, of To-. --- - . I I _1 on&, denotes the I)We of the p3+er on which the ai Col. . You cimi.void. catching'& cold and � - ­ � ` - 7- fighter. A windfall hi 6 ' prices an r Valise, come and ,see' . � - ii 11 t -in the - ) � � I- i _; f- i 7 �. drertisament will be found as come "is way- and : The Judges gave lietr decision ronto, spent Suudayin town. -A well known - d wben you are in need of a new Trunk o . _- � 1 �.. . I I � , - -;c ';-' he is anxious to make the greatest- pogai . live t) catcliflih if you come �here and geb f ormer Brueselite, in the person of R. G. I I � f -J! �`, - i US. : . � . - ; - - 't Kw V� When Men Talk -Greig & Stewart -1 8 �Emi t Middlesex ProVi 3�ial election ease, on Eultable uaderclothing and outer garments. . . � i I I _i I -1 ;f. � - __ i 4 � z-_1 - Wilson, of London, was- calling on 'old ! ,�� - � . _­ P-1` . Trunks and Viallses-R. WIIH3 & Son -4 use of it. The longer he can keep the ui dismissed the petition &n ut nbi ella and'a nkin co*b are things you - , 3!t I I --i [-­-� 2- _Wt dheeday last. Thai, I � �� - I L! , " fi � . MARBLEIZED I RON TRUNK -28 inch, 82 25 ; 30 ineb, $2.50 ; 32 incli, $2 75 : -�_ � 1 Whitowear Salo-XpKinaon & Qa-6 . friends here this week. -George Cunning � .- _ I � , � . . t �, ,- � - � Millinery Oper-ing _,'Learoyd & C:)-4 savory morsel da6gling befo,-e the public 01ric �onfirm Dr. Rui edge in his seat. Dr. n8ed on. We li%ve the right kinds. - The . f inch, $3.00. -1 ' - 1 ', . ,� .. � u� ham is home for his vacation from the On- � . - 1,i ; � - i r - � , . :� r � - I �� .A ­ I Spring Hats -E. MoF*ul Co -S o iatdge may consic er himself mighty for-' 1. M 3 ciul Co. Seaforth. - 1840-1 -28 ineb, $3,00 -, � - I 1" - *-4 ,� anti the more he can ba,velb diieucaed aid �11 . I 0 . -ji-14- - I Attotion ' ,ke-le-EWn Butt -5 tario Veterinary College, Toronto. He MARBLEIZED IRON TRUNK, with iron bottom and heavy brass I ck i , __ � tur site. Man s. m kri has been unseatej, i .- ;f - 71 . _� z . . � __ c __�� Lj�j� . PAi;SBD AWAY. -It is our painful. dut,y to 30 inch,,$3 25 ; 32 inch' $3 50 ; 34 inch, $3 75. t� Auotlon, S&Ic-J. T Dannison-5 commentcd upon before any d afinite con- J � � 11 practise with J. D.- Warwick, V. S., -_ , �; - i ; .1 V i 11 . wi ) . : _­ 9: . Wanted -Mrs R C G. wiaty-& I . ome hav�been even diequalified for le a oironiolethedeath of one of the o)deot Trunks, with irion bottom, brass trimmin st, two straps, large box -.30 ineb, i � I � olmion is arrived at, the An( 4 Is during the summer mcnihs. Large Square i -_ U Wanted -2-J � mora p litio&l gri t , . �g I � 4 onathaa Miller�8 tha a.;'was proven against him. ri si nts of Ribbeit, in the per,oa of Mrs. ' 1. 1 ,� � -4 . -I I . I 1 $4.75 ; 32 inch, $5.00 ; I inob, $5.25. . I � ­ Bowleys Attt;ntlon-Jarnes MoMichael-8 it will bring to his mill., Heno Mi desi`e � .� � - . I I . . I � J : -, . , � � I � , I : . J Mt Barry. T�e deceased had been In 1, I I � 11 __� � Gran Seed Bowers -Reid & Wilson -8, . . . . - - I I - t � � - � :9 en' Pro ' R s"remirks in the Legisla- a previou I a to 1 Tuckersmith. rXJM:E,]M' ,5 0 CD:PM _V__A.T_i31SMS, i � � �_ House For SAle-Expositor Offi3a-6 0 have it fought out befora a parliain tary ' I f iling health for Isome month � - __4 . � � I ''� 4 Wall Pa or-A,lex Winter -I t: ure, ":' Th2 m:)ro your new gown of finwt wool . *-rich, $1.:00 ; 24 inch, $1.25 ,- i , _�' I 1�4 p c)mrni',t3e Instead of in' P� th .the day, in! in( roduoing his one- h on � I . I �._ - Teache ves agated In an or- t* I i r d 3ath, which i sad event took place I . � r wantf d -Wm Ruby -5 14 Inch, 50c ; 16 inch, go ; 1.8 inch, 75o ; 20 inch, 90c ; 22 i I . --- - ,� �_ - � .��, -1 ' . !-. , �� Bults For Sa'e-g. Griih-5 derly way bafore two tion It r t e appointment of a . commissic n- 8 rida afteruco'n, the 8bh inat. Af ter r4sambles it fish net or a hammock, the near - ' . I I � t -1 Ohief Jutitices of t4e y ' 1 26 inch, $1.35. ; __ -'*1 .- For Sals-J. f,, KI I -)ran-5 . I to i ayetitigate the Gam�y charges, had the I ng nd loving c& bar kini friends were er you are to the heart of despotic Dame i ' I d � : : �-- � highest court in ths Prov Co. It al, b6gin: iing to hopq thL, t she might be spared Oash:on this season. We can show'Tou - _ � _' ��- i'�-,_ 1� Form3ddebyde-4. V. Fear�5 in so in- HglLt! ring : " Iwan to say to the couutry . � Customers desiring anyLlaingr special in the - line of a Trunk or Valise of any 1-- Preventa Sniut-G. Aborhmi t ­m -8 I _ , o � _� ' .� _1', I * dicates as well that Mr.:W f f r som time, bi�t ,pn Sunda Eh,3 took a some choidle novelties, but aIE0 we excel in kind, we are always pLeased to order he 'anie fox them. - : -1. Farmers—R—W. ]EE. W11liR-8 - hitney has a ear t lig. 0-1 � unless c-ur ohara otbr will btand clear of e , y . t a , I . , � � . � .. ]�­-!,-f . Nothing Better -5-1. V. Fear -8 that there is not as much 'a Air. G' . ch, above suspiA,in, vindicated of all h3morrbage of the longs and passed away stylish dress matorials somewhat heavier in - " I I .- ­ 11 __ . I 1 amey's lrepra% . � 7, -,-,_T i - BaVy Carrlage3_2-V. Knechtel-8 - I i ... �. � � i �. " i. ;insinuations and ofiarges as have been P 3aco ully in a �.ew moments. Althoughi te'xture .and of greater service to the wear- , _* .. oh%rgesas hewould have the nountry be. Flu - 5 I - 4; Y Seed"arnea MeGinnia-8 � I . I .�r death was a lintle sudden, she had bbeni er. All now epring Dress Goods are mosb i,�*­ if R. WILLIS-& SON Seaforth -1 , � I I bro ht againlit us by the honorable mem- h * .1 ,- :.. -. �;o � I - Wall Paper-Janies Graves & Co -8 liev-e there is, and this weakness I I . 3 - I � , . i,� ­­__ - � epairing-T. Rellita- 8 1 would be ber f r MbliitQulin, tl on we do not want any p -epared, and had received the last sacirm- r�asonably' priced. The E. McFaul Co. I ! , ; . % , ;_ �i_ � Plow R I . 'k- , ; ­:_ "._" __ t ; . . 1. �_ � ­ . .­ , Go mission I � i , To Teachers -2-J L. Smith -8 more fully, revealed before a Of .ton eir togovetin this quntr�y. We will izovern 17LBUt of the church a short time before,' and- Saaforth. 1840-1 SLO18 Agents for the Slater Shoe for mept and the Empress Shoe for women. r -1: I �, I k . � I f I ... For sale -john rinI&Y-doa-8 � i .I.... 7 ;P7, vi as f,I LIly resigned to whatever was the 'will I i �1_._ �. 41 . judges and could not be so easily covered u p -WE tbuntry asIbotorableme.n,�vith characters .. I ' FARKSoLD.-Mr.­Narn Butt has sold his I . I .; �,_ Ht 's., Egga For Hatching-Wrn. Copp -6 . ----------# I � z� . � - - 1, ­ �ni n�eaohed, br we a )all iol- govern it at 0 G011. 8he'was a devoted wife, a kind f i rm. on the'lat concession, L. R. S,, to I � . - . . , - - � - 45 1-1 To Farmere-Reid & Wiltaou-S as before a oomraittee of Patlia ent. - i ::--itZ I I -r -,3E­Jf� j Formalclehyde-J. S. Robert," Ive us evEry . M.r. John Moffatt, for $6,100. The farm few more dwellings erected. r I. I lam have been visiting , fid Ic ving mother, and waH all � �­. I I . - relatives -and frien4o' � �i�-� ,'f - But. kp this respect the gr�_ ' �11. ,We ask this He tea to "gi a I beloved b� , , .� mtx,�t i lq­ For Sale -D. Milne and Sort -6 u-sral , ,who linew her. Her de'ath has left in; the . . I nt r. R. G. in the St.t3s during the past week4-Rev. - . I ,�� - I , f, �, i -d � --- I — have little sympathy wi - -who has been -11 4_,� . I - for soine I -, --- --I Whitney. Y' ' give us every facility for the wingfrie.ndt,a iefvvhich e4losion on �he 101h of April and Mr. Butt Simpson's fine general store, cra 'the corner Dr. Medd, . i - .'i i-, t, , -1 - * " - gr ' . � - � . _; - �� ViL �_ I I ! , -, : - i '7��,= oliticians, th(re is ar obara ter and reputation as I ill have a� clearing auction sale of his ef- of Main street, Mr. Beatty-, who is a re- months, intends resuming hie pas torial. duties r 37ANUI!OLT SXF#Z,, 041side of a few ardent p - ljoto is haul to efface. She was 82 yeare of, age, , . - '" jiN lut, c fae lity, and I ask my honorable friend op- � contains 100 acres. Mr. Moffatt gets pos- Bsa��ty, of Varna, has re ed 'M J th� Mr �O' vin, heartE of her sorrb .- ' - -1 t n ef o ( I " i I I 47 � � . , f 1 tF�,,!- � � ,Vvas a -o52 yeare iigo, and I ­ : � Z, - __1. 9 I � , �e�4� � . . f ots on March Mat. liable young man, is one of the hustlers of about the middle of April, if his health will � � -- � ,,� ., , I C i 1 4. � ; L lament." L .1 l5 � r - doing so. The congriegation - - � -. ' � A Hicil,i PRIOBD COLT. -Mr. Herb � I - ­ ; �, .- I ., - f - � .5 yeais later came to Hibbero, 'wherel the I �, - ­ ` ; , P-1-11, _ rs . eit the t1wen'tieth century. For five years lie permit of his � qvht 40T & no desire to make political etLpital out of ti a !I e() of the Govc ariied in Scarboi : _;� I 'L " " , un3avory truth v�i . _ ��.�_ OF;`J affair furt;her than the 11 Tihia following Is but one example of the and her husband'settled cii their farm on rich, of t ie 4-th ocneession, H. R. S-, ra- ran 4 store in Ethel and was very .success- are very anxious to have his -services.-Airs. . ' L �__­ . _1� _�; L_t-,�-i q . � � I �_ - e 4l h concen full Mies Eva Stevenson of I he Parr line, Babcock was here last week. attending to , � � I . � .: jCL3ti . The people wani. to know the rnij! I t ion, where they have lived 61 I �. I ty 4patemento and misrepreasentaCons' t'nat intly told and delivered at Exeter to Mr. I �, ­ " 1',' � . � . - I` SEAFORT-11, FRIDAY, Mtrah 20th, � i _. -­ , -, 1903 ' * or th� past 47 years. She leaves a ,hue- e4d MiEs Lcttie Robinson IaEt Monday, ; �::" � �;,� I truth, and they are anx-oui tht t the ' n oat% f . �__ � I � r �, arelb ing seut Or McPhee, o F Regina, a two-year o!d - colt for visit tome buGiness matttrz for Mr.. Babcock. - �! - i oad. The Torrontb cor' band And a family of five daughters ' and -hich he received the handsome sum of attending the tea meeting. -Sugar and He has engaged in busineso again in Petro� . 1. _­_ _� -91� - , ­ - I ; ,� �_ ;zl 2� t, effective means to obtain thE t sball be re4,0 dent of the Montreal Wit-aets r-aya : . v! . 1 ­ ' - - - ..�` , . I . I I I . ti ;reee 3 f r of whom reside in Eureka. $,NO. As he pi ice -indicates, this was a syrup making is a little quiet on account of list. -Mr. McCaughy, of the Cotrimercial, ­ `lH �T.N . C t �l 'cu 0 , , , � I _: The Two Propositions. adopted. It bhe ohargies of Mr, Gamey a e � ,h astour (I*nk ch rge was made (11 the tl �ears'be:iun'g settled near home; He r p),rtioularl fine animal ani is 'n - _ I �ff I I � � -,-,�:��.V!4 . -- a other the mild weather. was in Clinton cn Tu 4 day last. -We an - I - I - A-1 ,floar of the- Legiolatqe during the resump- - I I es � � ­­ Itis scarcely too mu. -b to Eay th-.t the sustained before a compatoo,t an fairly c3 funeli4l lt3,o,k place on Tuasday morning from V_n - 1. "i�Vt­�_.. . I- I I � lluAratio of the fact that good horses pay- I pleased I o le ' that G. D. Arnold is rome- �, . I t-, �,�-k"-� tion ( f the debate- on th,3 scand%l charges, h St. I Colufnban, wht ra a; re- i — - � � � 711, � . � 11 - - i '-'--, -ii-i L . what improved. -W. R. Ross and daug ter, I—, was ere )f itha& he Governt�nent had offered a member _ . - country seriously ahooked by the oha rgc a stitutcd tribunal, tome emb. 'r , in. ., i�lr.. Cdch to a lover of good atook! and that ; . - V, �� --n � o t�� � I (I ileu high mass was sung by Rav� Father � I Usborne. h � �, �' . he is suacessful in raising the bert �i fully who were here for some time'visiting rela,. - I 1� _,:��i", made by Mr. Garney in the On.t1srio Legisla- the Government, if not all of I them, w 11 !the §peakerahip ,bf the Hc u�-e as ' - a .- i_-i�---��;��, t the piioe N oK on, and thence to Irishtown cieme- I � MiTRIMONIAL.—The marriage of Ali � P E �'; -1,z4� i �, rated by the above. 98 (tives. have rtturned home. -George Me- � I ture last we,ek. No such charges, cr charges have, to retire from pabliclife -�n disgrac), is betrayal of his pwl�ty. Tli,3 Froce(d- t1'ry. It was attended by a large number " "" COIgNOIL.-The TtlekerBinith council Isab�alla C6ttle, ycungek!t daughter of Mr. Ewen, M. P., left for Ottawa last week, tj - . : i- � 4- � . .,; 1 ­ I � ' E -,- . .0_1� . . � � r �, i, -_ � : ings ate Pe � ­:"' �­ * 11 I I -ra outi to be tai Biel - 1�1 � I -- ,­ '8:.h)6rges t em de�ti d to ring all the best ; , . - I- - of-sa serioas a, nature, h %ve ever been m%de and, if tl C 0! 1. -A ho ame to pay their last respect's to' the *' -1 t John Cottle, of the Thames road, to Mr. attsnd to th3 opening of Parliameab. Mr. � , 3 �e�tla Dal�'8 hall, Egmondville, on Monday ­ . tvadi ions of f�eq' government In this prov- d acea cd. Rer bereaved ones hive :! i lie 14et, at tho call of the reeve ; all the mem- Johri Hazelwcod, of Kirktou, took place at . ­. - - ­­� - A . _ , f � =Z= - I .. -,- against a Reform Government (r %ny mc I . . , � - -j-jw', F - :�' � �j . -m- then A;i'r. WhiLney and .his supportcr, bl�- iuc gro.ind.-" Now every sympAby of the entire (ommunit . Arl aY bers prese 't The newly . elect3d councillors McEwen is always very faithful in his at., , , - :­ - � - I., I the � - if, j,-'. ` �- � iiimbliug 6 the ,amily reF-idence on Wednesday, March t3ndance.-T. BaIlantyne's auction -sale last -1. - , I -Government ia"Lb,s ct un- Gamey, will, in all probabih�b , have to perpon. who Mo n following the disous­- y , - I , _­ ber of a Reform y I;ar soul reht ia- I eace. 91quisite declarations of i qqalifica- 4th, at half pabt five. Th3 br,de war, daint. - : �, �, _1 , � r - I- 't 1, _,­ "c , � I � I � , d! i�_ I 4� . made the re week was well attended and .good prices .: I 1:___ , . Jry, This being the case, it is in the int, r- withdraw from the ro 'itioris thli,y now oc- 8100 nows that nd such charge was made. . - � I :, r I Ry dressed in oream. color, wit h veil and or- 'nl leaving for the west � , I , : 4on and ioffice and enterbd ul on their I - 1 - , I . ' Wlia Dr. Reaume J09aidi nd it is he that is I I d:_r 11 N � � f� �­ ,P obtained. He inte I .- �o: � eats of the patty, no less than in the int(r- cupy, if th-3y do not ha - I � � ange blouoms and carring a beautiful buncl . � --bo 4 -1 - I I _!i,__-__ I -laws were passedbonfirming the I the -first part of. next week. His will ; � . veto lee.�e the Leg- I 4uties. By _i I � �;7 � ,,,, 11 raf4rred co, is, that a member of the Legis- I I -Kippen. i � i . I : greatlymissed by a -large cirole of frien , � � " �,f - . eats of the couq,tty, than the charges shou:d ialature. Where reputat-ons ixr� at stake in _latiir' I N. Forsythe and Andrew U, _, of a ruatione. She lookc-d very chermitig as 7 5- L,- - da.- ::� -7 � ­ Dhadaugge�tadtohm that he might D. Hay,.CommigBionerand Conveyancer. � , - � -­� r �: 'a wi lie, I uortgages and doods drawn up. Moneyloaned Hugh M. Che'sney as a she �ntered the room leaning on he Miss Elder and Miss GibEon, nho ivere h : u:, gated, and that by a this way, evcry person will' ad �.it tit -At in . ere � -- s� r- ­­ he given the Spe ker hip if he changed h, " T' � - � ­ - . ppointm? t L a d ir father's. . . i'-5- 4 leott as 0 t i'bore' arm � As Mite McDonald played the wed. , , �, � � ' member he board- of health, land Win. . - �- i ,_­�.� _� tribunal which Is above suspicion. PrF-mier , the public, as well as i Ilei ance. This is juive a dtfferent thin at the lo veot rates of 'interest. 1 1110-tt. . I visitin� friends, returLied to Brucefield Ust I , - - � i -. �;;� �- n priva,6 iLtirests ' ' 9 ' . 9 pheaney. BeSsor, at a salary of $80. The ding' march,tbe bridal pi.rtyto")L thetrplaces wee.k.-Mr. aLd Mr4 B. KaiseT w,ers in _ - � 7 - L 11-�-_-, , , fr*1th,3 GovErnmen: making the offer. It PLOWS A14D FARu IMPLEMENTS RE�,AFR- I � _,:4 ��_� , L - Ross, on behalf of -the Government, has the in 76stig-ition sh'G'tild be aa �air as it _�s is 8�1 auditors' r porb was presented and aft -gr � a undqr an arch of evergreens w'I 1;t a large bell I -their Eon.- .- ,4 1� � � - 1,1- , �1'osb a crime, un, ler the circumstances, Ev.-T. MLIlis always keeps forging aheael, never Bracefiold I.ist week visizing � - 1 "� � -1 _� made, a, prOfJOAtion in the Legislature, that poasible to get: it. ! �_ standi , g still, and keeping an eye opeubd f or the cl're�tl v!overlieq d.. L;ttle A-Jqg.!i;- Clark. a I ,pq ,. w in, 1, 'Polit.ical! con�iidErati adoptadl and the - . !:, :-_,�. . oa.�, to Oe d misleading and Ifals6 statements of careful ex�mivation, was 0 Ha rburn i n t,en aA eiilk F.g ing aT- d im- 11 "I ��­ I r 1. . - fu terei t of his many oustorners. lie woffld r6miDd clerk inst r1ir3ted to have 50 copt � a printed Dier-'6 uf tl;e b.il!, made a deir ]it..Ie rna* ' *1 proving biagreen�oine mthe,ne-T fivure. - � i, �1_ I . � ( 14 . -1 Z_ r - 7 -)sed of two of the four or th er effect, it may have o'n either par , allthabhe is now busy with plows and faint iinple- �, iz� her pretly-white g;,-wn an --i vcil , ,Nlr. 11arburn has a p;rti, ularly fiac (1 -splay � �.­ _i;_ a commiaiioa comp .t� � thio ind broadc Ut t. rou ghout the country. e � , , .!_ ,_ r, ( V L _­ � . I - -- tnenlE of which he always receives more th%6 the Or distribution. Messrs. William Grum- of 11 1� 11 ! � l. - � .. - 7.- Chief Ju.itices of the, Superior Court of the should be lefb Gut of sight in ti LuPILI.� The c�reznoov waa .:: p ,1 ��Iz I �e rnean:%in_�e � � -the C n lion's i hate in this line of work, and everythin� re. Oett and �amuel Cluff were at tb!e meeting Of � p rfornied. by of flowerf,, ineludirg a very larp collection . .1 : - -, % - _'. Many of set votive papers are dis- , e � I 1, i i . R -u- C Fletc!-,er, �',! A., i rriedi,.t�ly � I I . . - �. �, ­ Province be appointed for the purpose ; and the general good o 31y 'considered. It - � aeiveB the best attention. Agood stockbtalliplow 4n ave p6tice that tha 11 big drain," - con th I . , of cainAii-ae.-Mr. and Mrs. Nobert Ifig- �'. 1� a ! � I ' y 0 larges as 1 they had amd gi nx low repairs on hand. Bring y6ur fwple- , . L - �, � on jams con _; � , - - 6ing the ( , I �: , I . ou�cg . afL(F NVE1411 gratulatious were shiwer- -at to the homestead farm, essi jr,111 .. � :- � _'�_­_ that provision be made for counsel on. both does seem tj us, thcreforei that �the method � . a entE anx hilrrows before the buey tln�e so ps to i I , 7 and. 8, H. R. S.�, was �, in . v lzins have moved o - -, � � ; i h 3 bride and grL om 1: ' thf. ho it's of - .- I I lbee� proven and wera absolutely t Tery bad repair' and rcqueEt3d the coua,c ed 011' ­ I . . - il .! � � !� Z_ I -, �, sides ; that Vie scope of the inquiry be such praposed by Mr. Rose is the mciat likely to , rue and Uep '.',)in in good humor duriDgthebusy'timei All , t �_ near Exeter Mrs. Hnmeaton, Airs. Hig- - - U " ,' I . ��, . I 1�on the strength of this assurnption procecd b -ant les of EnAtbing, wagon and buggy �York,lwood )o -take Euah .�ction as may be neclausary' to frieinds and relalives pieeent.. Tbe dining gima' mc,.1h9;, is vi�-ifing ih-�m­--mThe friends . �- I � � z F . , ­ � : " ;�, I �, : . ­�. � as to permit of the most searchirt'a investi- do this, and for that reason it, i4 gratifying 1�to 4ondemn the GoveinmEnt accordingly �vork A �11 kinds otrictly attended to nd thql boot 11, VErV ha,d.cmely f, r - I I ;� ­ t� �ave same 1116paired. The clerk wa's iu� room W e daconatE i - - - . - � of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. B. AI(_L�!aut will be . I " � - ,: I . I � . - c- � , - . , � gation, and that the entire expense be borne that the Legislature has take t the eame Tbi� a not fair f �gli'.ing, and looka as ii altentiontoall work. A goodstookof plo'wd and oted to h%Ve F. W. Farn.combe,engineaer, 0 os 1011 and it i u nptuoii; ropp-8t; wasi plep i,ntel (I V . . i, �; 6 W, .Ee(i to lLearU that t-.hLJ-y I . , "- -L U1 hirrows,alsoixfew secondhand ylow8ata bargain. me, ing � �­� ,-� 4J L -ie gaeau-i. A . I ­ by the PraV'noe'L . Rois ailoo proposes view of the matter and has 'Idoptcd his Ing t re anxijus t UNNillalways findTom rightside up nd ready 1.711ondon,. examine said- drain �and reporb 11� , "e _. Mr tho 51 � � t glL t .Gr tllera b 1: _�� L Q are me ) y � . 'k hi,ro from S_�&foi V,j iu the 11t � r future. . ­11- � r � ,a I 8, I I ,ci�a who are do' - . - L � I 18.0-3 ifoa its condition as soon as possible, A wenc t.vqro�Aehuu( . . - I racommendatioi. � � � . I L, I- - 11 that the Legislatura adjourn for three I a party adyantlge than't) give their f rbuiinets. T. MELLis. � I Srz61prer,enb. 1: ubeo well does -Taa meetina he�A in Coxworth',d hAl Loa ­ I I rEad ni the factE in connection with Vie Dou,-cs OF Tim WF,Lni.-John I Moffatt, ?Et'tion v�as presented asking for the Mr.' Out,,lo's h(u P It i�l ifself 'o t� wv0din,;7, �'Satu day evzning )art, u d r tha auspices of - � -;_,. r . . . . ­ � I - . - o weeks, while the investigation is in pro. I ' on , . . '. ­ But while we say this mw:h in favor - q ca��. regrato v; era li.3.rd 1:1 &'(143 that th r :- , -- �. I , I . It would :)e' much better aLd mcre gMill dealer, of this village, has .0h sed Wpointment of an inspector, under the th"t e Farmers" Aaeocial,ion, waki well attended I 1. . ­ � - . ' ' 11 a ' , - I . I - � - I I . a � ie farm of Elam Butt, on ti ad. ellows and Black Knot Act, for the pur. , - �z i gress, and thalt the ootialderatioa of; the re- the Government an -1 their! scheme for Ill �in a ordance wibh the spirit of fairness not t] le LOD on ro this was the latt daughter. Tire evening and proved a very interestiDg ,'traeeitingl- ? - . . � I I _ t r � 6 �, ' I I I _- . i I 1 $ � - � It � - L I 0 . ta � I I I il t I V I �. all 0 �c � � . I ,t�,, ,�u, I . - �,_ I . - I ttcr ( i I � I o P io - u - - i port of the commission be the first busine8e inivestigatiort of these charAs,.4 must al so the in in this way. ' T�ere n3rtE of this village, payingl for ib tliq sum' ose of aiding 14 the destruction of black was Isperit mcst pleasant.ly in games, dancing Mr. Hume8ton-and Mr. Esa&y, who -were : I �­ I - . . areimanypointe in Mr. Gain %f-ement � and 1 ther amusements, The prestn's were here d-nring the winter mont'lis, left T_ . I I ey's .Et ol S6,100. This will give Mr.' Moffatt not on plum and cherry trees, The P � � I - 1. - il I I , � , The last wee4 for the west again. -The � .. tiblic is 'a . - of the lie isla,ture when it ass.emble-3, If the issue this note of warning. 'The � P 1�1 wl A bave a etron tendene to throw a farm of 150 acres. We do not know what otter was laid over till. next meeting and p.,, rticularly rumerous and h5r JEome . . I 19 � , - I ! y , � � . I - ­ I report is raady, which ib is expected will be no humcr tD be trifled with. T4e Govern- ;�dojb� upon the wholl, � story, hub it is bett(-r do to do, but the people of applications are requested for the position. hime bath schcol, of which Mrs. 1, � A r. Butt inten I entertainment to be' hold in ,M-iller's - � ;.I - .� I ' I . . � - - . � . the case, men' Eli uld understand thab thq eyes of the Tt,j 1eqve these to be � ealtwith by the tri- t iis vicinity will be sorry if Mr. and Mrs. r. Charles Edmunds appeaTed before the Hllz Iwcoi was organist for some yearfil,pre- � _. __­ . v 0 � . . - Hall, this (Friday) evening, under the aus- I uLt hould remove I a orse that 8 c1l an �. .� I- ,,: - Thi,z seems to be, a most reasonable and Province are upon them, and t 119 rank aLd buria' to be aprointi A to inveEt"gate the I from here as a resulb of 10.undil claiming damagres for ' ,h' t ad her with oak secrEtary. Mr. and piece of the Guild Mission Band of the Piles- I . I " . - �.. 1. . . . . I I ehv op. If the -ba ges 1 era Euitairied by t ie s ile of their farm, �s they are bo% li�d broken its leg in a -defective culvert on Mrs. HazeAlwood will take up their residence byt?rian church, promises to be u very in- . , �- � itiat nranoeition An invedti ati- - 1, Ma AF +h. T.1t, 1 4- , . 11 � 11 I ! . b I 1. az .�M ,,at .y'7 espee a y, are this liributial, Ili n e; ponishment fall on highI7 raspected -and popular vii0i all.- t eidcroa betweenlots-20 and -21, con- o at ae homefitead, nearKirk ton, and their teresting one and well attcnded.�Mr. � that proposed could scarooly fail to elicit, the breatbles3ly awaiting theraault ofnis i1,1. thoh i who are provct. guilty, Until -then, 'I he 1 Iowa are already started -in this vicin- dees which had to be many friends join in wishing- them every Charles Chapman has raturned from Ki -, I - m; . A lei , . ion 1, . R. S., and n_ T I I � . a truth and the whole truth, while the finding vestigation and are closely 'wat,,hing every hov�ever, judgmentaliould-be suspended by ity, v ,hich is one of the burest i adication a of killed. A ter considering the matter care- happiness, long life and pfoapf rity. cardine and reEumed his duties at the raila 7.1 . � . eve)ry person vilm bai more regard -for i lis b ilmy spring. -Those who have been try . ing fullv it wai decided to offer Mr. Edmunds A-MEs ROAD NOTES.—The beautiful 4 of the commission, wImtevor it might be, moverneE.t. They de�ire and c7prnand that - . T way kt:ttioo.-A meeting .of the Woman'll I - credit of the country that for partisan ad-' to make maple syrup rerort the seaEOu a- *470 as a eel tlement of his claim which he spri g weather has induced inany of the Institute of South Huron will be -held in . I . : would be accepted by the public _�ith con- the investigation ba thcrJugh an searching, va�t ge. I 11 failure as yet. The weatlicil is too fine; and �ecepted. Acccnnts were passed arrountIng -farmers to tap their trees for maple syrup,* Miller's ,ball, on Sat urday, March 28-ili, at 3 - i : - 6 ; fidence, The gentlemen to be selected as n) matte�whl may get liur�, and 'any at- I . - t ere is not frost enough. Wm. Ivis6n is $85.45. The next be lield o'clock. Alltbe inembereare rr(luestedto - � . � I 0 . - meeting will So far the r a has not been very go)d.- memberl of the commissioa, ara me' I were eK)ecting that M r. hiving his dwelling .house, which was re Strong'slhall on Saturday, March 28Db, Miss L', M. Williams, of London, spent a n of the tempt to limit t�e enquiry to' shield any � 4 1. - �t attend. A oordial invitation is ex,tR.nded to . ' � ; 0ood many � �' . -1 by fire, rapaired. Mr. Coul- t 1 o'clock. I few O&P lait . . I . -y, and have person, or 0 circumscribe the �jurisdiction iStith�rland, . of South xford, and Mr. cl ntlY the ladies of Henaall and vicinity. . highest standing end probit i 4 injure week vioit'ng relitives in this � . . I I t, r, of heneall, is doing the work, which is I I z_- . . com1putaity " been long removed` from the turmoil of and powers oft�e commission, *ill at once �Redu:me, of North Eisex, would. make ex- a: guavantee that ib will be well do.pe. Mr. ' I . She returned on Monday ' , . . - 'I evening�to the Fores-t City. -Mr. Matthew Political life, � P084ii.es in the Legislature of a nature dam- 1 ­ Brucefleld. a,ud,in addition to that, are b 3 taken, as a mark of weakness ��4ncl will be .i I I- If 1. Ir" � I- 11- i. L and Mrs. Wm. McDonald are now gratting l' � Millir is steadily recovering fx om the severe BlYth - � _ L . : ". i �, CR81111 ernmenu U11 L, buese 17 L . � - � 0 1 J,AST OF THE cEASON.— granateameau- Col � . 7 � ' 11 10me.- I , NOTES. -Reeve Simo ani wife enterbained - i . -, - Accustomed to Hift,no, and Weighing evi- looked upon with suspick'n 00111foitable settled in their fine I dlwhifihhashele him prRoner to the I 1�. ; 1�', 0 . I T14e commis.: gerAl men have now ipoken and i! g was held in the cheese factory : .. I I T . ; , . e Lamerous rien er Cameron . - - I 0 080 0 , I I . � I - � tLey have t Id all hey know. NJ r. ay evanin under the direction and � . I � . - , �e it 'a "up- T do of Mr, Pet last Mon- house since the New Year. --Mr. Joseph' : �_'t d nee. Besides this, they ara in no way be. sion must, therefore, be given a 1� free hand, g , a large number of their friends to tea lamb - I- . � Irl 1: - i ; I � - � � _ - � and if the laws of the Provilice ,�ill nor, per- 0 ' Stanley, who has been -so seriously ill - 8uP8r- Vance, of the boundary, is IaR up with the Friday evening, and all raporb having bad I holdtix to the-6overnment or Legislature, ut,h rland Bays that he as api-roaclisd by hion of the ever active ladies of the Metbo, mdnips, which are very prev lent in this I . -11 . k I 11 wibh heart trouble, will be pl�ased i I a most enjoyable time. -Mxa.JsmeB Moffatt. . . I Ref'ofiraers and offere I a I end thing if he �� let oliurch. Tea was served in the factor . : i � _. I their appointments being from the Domin. mit this, as some seem t:) think 1 the ease I to learn that he is now very con of Stratford, was here from Tbursday bill � . - . 'is ) - the .�aideisably y vicioity at present. -Miss Q]ive Cann is �. - - wo4ld desert,hiB own party and join I om six to, eight. After all had satiefied vibiting friends and relatives iri Blanshard.- I � -1 ion and for life. They will, thus have these obstacles must be removeO. No half LibeIz B impro ed, and it is hoped that with.( li 6 fifie. j Monday visiting her father, who. -Was on the : I � I . - - � . " I E - I i � I I 1. � , _: iale in the Legie atura. ut altLo,agh � . mmselveal that, they had done justice to the Mr. Lawraft, ce Aun.kin left t lie ritiabbor- sick list, but is now fully recoierod.-Dr. I . : � I -h measures must be resorted � to. �' The truth he q :)ke for 6vEr an our, he failed to make � 0, hocd . for -London, on Mon last �on a . . . I - ; : -; 210 possible iii3entive to rend;r other than 1 - �J weath r of spring he will soon recover his g)od things prov'ded, they adjourned to the 0, . cmued health and th%t we will soon see. I . Turnbull?s many friends here we . I _�4_n�j, ) � a q, L a just verdic.b, and ona that will. be justified must be brought out. If this is done, thw efinite charge o - to reveil the in ame of w Ic lidrch where a most interektivg ana edify- week a visit. Frem. there he intends going torry to hear of his dilowning at GoderiCh - � I - him o it amongst ui agaia.-Measre. Peter , I 9 . . � i I I . i rty who appr ached him and made Ing progralDme was given a � I I . � . bY the evidence praduced before them. people' will be satisfied. Nothiii the��p I i . Mr. Miller, the to t e far west, which is claiming so many last week. Messrs. �. H. Gidloy, W.. . � � � . g short of him t e offer. 'his being the case, it would Grant and D. Hay, of this village, were in . � 1 . !! ,P � ruest pastor of the Mct�odist cht6ch, oc- ;, - I �1 . 0 ' ' ' - ' 'bt � . If the facts, can be got of our worthy young men. Ile will, in 811 Emigh and Dr. Lindsay, went over to Gode- - . . . and, a fair this will satisfy them. � 0 ,into a on Tuesday. Mr. Granb is now i � . . i i c' pied the chair to the. satisfaction of all. probability. make a home for himself thcra - I I - havie been better for 3im and more to his n � � . . � judgment rendered, it so � I � I - h a 81st year and, with the eleept*on of his : e ms to stand to . � : ioreoiv had he sad no �.hing about it, It is rich on Friday to attend the funeral from . . - .1 f ilirig eye -sight, enjoys go - . , he evenin 'a proceediiagre were commenced in the near future,. � I ." . - 4 I � od health and is 6 a pic e of musio-from the Seaforth � I - reason that-, this is the moat likely means to The Parliamentsi � � not!a� all probat le be had, been approached - that place, and Dr. Lindsay on+J* Jackson, �, I le to get around smartly�-Mria. James . ` � . . . r by 11 III y person hi 6ving out or i ty, or he w - .. . - gfit at both, The Ontariu Legislatuce lias � I e'hodist �Iioir, who furnished muhio for B. A., who were fellow students of Dr. � I I t rionoiq'i ied be I$ub tco ready to lay all ths facts before _S illie and her brother, Xr. Thomis. 8tur- 'I e evenin , to the enjoyment of all present. Hensal.l. Turnbull'o, drove to Millbsnk on Sunday to � � , 4 9' ' I I g on, who iave been visiting among friends I On the other hani, Mr. Whitney, the general attention duringthei pasi week, Liz' a - attend the fttneral there. -Miss Menzies, - � � 1 ; It fheNegialature. This sama may be said of F - he next 'lumber on the programme was a G. 1 J. Sutherland, of Hens 611, has bad - I � . leader of .the Opposition, f uriousiy opposes no new revelat:ons have I I thels atement of his friend from North L%nibton for the paFt three months, have � I of Wingham, is at present v1sithig her � . C01rie t� ,the frent r ... citation y Miss Washington, of Clinton, for Eale, a neat nd well flaishe I I I 11 � � placed in his hands I I I I - . ; � r turn ad home looking well and r6 &rt'hay. I I i � Ess�y. Dr. Rea time says that a mern w ho is a in -at noted reciter. The remaind- I . � this- method of pracc(lure. He proposce since Mr. Gamey, of I iber of ' . wedium Rized frame dw Ring with goo1 stone foun- uncle Mr. George Powell.-Oouncillor Me- I . I � ManitooliD, almost i g hail a moot enjoyable visit.- Mrs'. Smillie ( datiod and cellar, also e . � � . I I I . su wo e c to h I will )a sold cheap as Nally and wife entertaAned the Thimble : I I the A Legislature I im that . stable. �: I of the p .ogramme was made. up of recita- � . f r . , at l the oimer thinks of going out West. Apply to G. J. .thalt a - committee of the Legislature split the political firmament': by.110 charges ' nte� S o visited friends in Cleveland, Ohio, and � Club Monday evening. -The Presbyterians . . I . he ,might be appa if 0 p6aker of th� a o ti no b Mine Holmes,of Clinton; Miss Beat- Sutherland, Conveyancer, Hensall 1831-tf ' � should be appointed to investigate last week, and which bavea or,'eated such Ont�ajio Legiala ure e would with- -,nn rbor, Miohigan.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. bi,� I . had a rather .disagraeable experience San- ; � I the matter,. and to report their find- I The par. draiv his alleg one( fr6m Whitney and ! titer and family, who came from Michigan , . of geaf�rth, and addresses by ills fol- House -for sale cheap. I - A. go:)d frame day evening. During service the electric L I ntenge interest In the country. . . I 1:6VVIng olerpmen, Mr. Mallott, -of Heneall; dwelling house, nearly new with gocd Joellir under- - . . � s0riie months ago, and who 1"Bitnt, the winter lighti fuse burned,cut, leaving fli,o church in � T � '. , . ­ iogw He holdaL that the whole Goverament ticalars of the revelations � madle' by trarisfer it to Rmp. But he also fails to Air. �Sawbre, of Brucefield; Mr. Walters, of neath! Also hard and solt'water. For further par. I _. , I - I . I . Mr. give ny patticulara End to name the mem- with Mrs. Wm. Blair, of this village, Mr,, Clinton, sE�ndwiched in by most exoelltnt t"""s apply to G. J. Sutherland, or to John Finlay. darkness. Mr. McLean bad nearly finiEhed � - - are on trial and, not one pirticular member Gamey we g&Ve last week. '� Tie Go ve Foeter's mother, returned to their home in son, eaforth.� 1810-tf his sermon, so with the aid of a few lamps - I I I . . ' I , hr! y whom .ie was iapproached. The fn�nic by the choir. Nothing was.8aid or ' - ; and th't it is not right that the Governme nt ment acted promptly, and 00 th�: follovs-ing ; 0 : N. ichip an this week, and- vvhera Mr. Fo t3r B IEFS —Win. Colwell, implement they were able to close in the usual order.— pr aq il.ty is that if there is anything at all done &miss in the whole night's proceedings, , 4 � � ! he I � ; . who, a,ra accused should have the rigiit to day proposed to bubmit the ch' rges to a , his purchased a farm of 160 acres ! Djjr,*ng agen -, had I he misfc.r',uae, on Tuesday last, Miss All'ie Doupe entertained -a few of her - . � , lislatory that t me'b as ent away at a late hour of the I I royal commission to be ): �, ti elf stay here they made isnany friande, all when hondli ng some machinery, to slip on friends Thursday evening lakt to a z n b was opl� i all W I compo� d of two he � � vs say, " I 'Thier. Amore not- i j name the court thab is to try the 9 . ni h,t hoping they could dome again t�e - t ch36rges chief justices of the supreme c � t of On- I I It & whom will always be pleased to hear of � the 131(tewall: and in falling ia'ared himself tea.—Mr. William Cr&wfcrdj who has ; . i� ike� I -propositisi ,, 0 a ly- be imagin. 11d,xt! time. J - , I I , . - against them. It will appear, however, at tario, and adjourn the Legislatu 6 for three I their m ell d9ing.—Miss Ella Mellis, during somewhat p iinfully, but not 0 ariously. —O,a been visi-ting relati-ves 111 Luck -now for the - � I f d. i r. Reaumc ne,* member of 1h3 _ I '� RIEFS.—Mra. Murdock, er., is still very - . 11. % a glance that this objection is more ,,senti- weeks awaiting the report 0 I e - comm' I egis ature. He wa ele ted for�the first tb e pat t weak, 'visitEd with her sietere, the 0 a the s4me day, Norman Cook, hile engaged pest, week, returned home Monday.—Wm. I I 11 I nd also Mrs. A. Ro3a and, her d,Aughter, I . 4 4 � 6 z �, � i nd �7,�'hLl Ill L D is , P Sion. Mr. Whitney, the i lead, er of, th,e I Misses [Mellio,-of Clinton.—Mrs. A. Shaffer IV in fiiing ul some belting in his father's Rath, of Wetwanoiab, hwo moved into th ­ . mental then otherwise. Ia the firsv'plaoe, . : 4 Pmo � ast May. ..' e never occupied a seat in M ry, contirAue very ill.—Mra. Wm. Lee, I 0 Opposition, took objection t t - , vi3ited with friends in Clinton: ihis week. � . ,b,�s propos� I he '�] ouse until t e other day He was to- w o 7 has been waiting on her mother and flouring mill, had the misfortu 2e to get hi village, bavitiR rented ,Mrs. Doods'liouse.- - it is 10t the Goveramenb but the Legiala- tion, contending that the m should be ! t ' While ,here she called on her' nephew, Mr, i band! cauglit in the belt, crushing it in sucihs Miss Milly Anderson entertained -a -number . ! all� gnorantof he which govern the 6i I er on th 3 London road, south of Bi um. � - , . tura that appoint the Commiesi ' referred to the committee , tte ' privileges . E ruleel I D3icherb, of Zurich, who ia in the ho3pital, :_ � Ork"i although. , Legis ature and as equal y ignorant of the I I I fteid left for her home in Dakota last week. a manner as not only to bru se hie hand, of her lady friends, on Friday evening, P. a I . . they are, of necessity, suggest e oi I having undergone an operabion,—Air. John I t and elections of t6 House. Th ba:s been� I ' ' but lactobrealchisarm bet eeft-thewrist t9a, it which all bad an enjoyable itime.— . ed by the rooek ure. To a point eu eh a man Speaker � —' r. D. Munroe has gone cii a trip to the I i : the subject of controversy each i day sincO�, �voul farce, . McKay, of Hollyrood, Bruce county, was. f'z weat.We will-rniwa Danny'a smile.—Mrs. and lbow. The fracture was quickly at. Miss Robinson, of Exeter, returned to town 7 . I I Government. In the seccul place, the same and at the time of writing i the�� diactlaslon, e�ev 14 be a and nos ino person would here tfis week, visiting his sisters, Mra. a tenddd t -), a: d, while it will be. some weeks Monday, to take charge of James Anderron!]s . . � would be thg-result with the appointment of had not closed. On Mo , t i i*nk of anything of the kind, inuch Alex. McCaTtney and her son, Robert, left I - f� � I � . ndaj, Mr. M. G. - � Gordon and the Miaaes McKay.—Hirccl men before the injured member can be -used, the rnillhi;ry department for the ,coming season. I � i i ess-oelriou3ly at or recom end it. The or their home, near Moore, Jaw,Aeeinaboia . . . a committee of the Legjalatu�e. They wou'd Cameron, of Weet,,quron, made �is maide I ]1 are itow getting settled in their places for " ' esape from r iuch more serious injury was —Mrs. George Powell enUrtained a number - - n 15PE4ker is in ari%bly an experienced mem- T11 esday. Whilb here, Alre. .McCart�Ley I � .11 firsthaveto be E,uggested by the Govern- speech in the Legislature. The finalresult�, $er,,�mhoisthoroughly versed in the mles the summer in this vicinity. The demand � fortunate, Ue hand escaping Without any ofber lady friends to tea Tuesdayevening, -- . however, will be that the proposition of th � I I . seems 0 be considerably great�,r th n the h .a I to undk rgo an ope ration in Dr. Gunn's I . Is I And i ocedura of the Leg slat tire and mu, t lipipital, Clinton, and now feels quite well. fracture.—J hn G. Troyer has old his neat —Miss Stewarb, of Walkerton, returned to 0'3 ment and afterwards appointed , by the Leg- I Government will prevail, aa� th�y ha � upply, which is good for the hired maen.— dwell�vg to Joseph Hudson, who reeezrtly town lait week, to take charge of McKinnon -_ � � I VO a i be a 13 to give a de it-io , on some of the 6 _� ldr2. Frank O'Neil and obi'd go along on I ! I Islature. So that the Government would sufficiertly large majority In Carry -thei' ' —, C � A) the meetiBg for the election of a true- , F ! �rioo :notty poin is on the spur of -the me- tbf eame I rain( o Moose Jaw. Uncle Bob moved ta ou village from Hills Green. Mr, & Co.'s millinery rco me.—Mili. liarris, of .... have as much Say ill the ap way. The pertounel of 1he 1 pro weed com- � - X I . . pointmero in the te3 in ar-hool secticn No. 2, Tu6keramith, on - Jroyer inte do, 'about the first of next Chatham, is at present viai ting her pareatat . . I in: J men 1. nd off -hand. 1b is vident, therefore, , Alc Car tney �as also gone. -Mr.WilliamRat- i oaecaseasin the other. ssionhasnot yet been ��Rnn(unced nor.; that V�ednesday,tofill the vacancy cait3edby month, leaving for the west, alid if pleased Mr. and Mrs, John Diummond.—Mr. N. B, I - This objecticn, � I I ome perE( a w?ts e ther fooli�g Dr. ubpry has 'a beau'. iful new piano set up in- z , have ilia inktraotions under *hie i ' they will ' . th P ret irem'ent of M r. John - M cNevin,� Mr. t, I with the c. ntry and prospects are good, Gerry has taken the agenc, for the Doering i Pteaom y a home.—The tea meeting in the Metho- y therefore, may be discarded as untenable. conduct the investigation, been given, but - i - e and play ng on hi vanit or else "a R)bert Eigie was elected by; acclamation. �i I. I .. intends I ting there. Mr Troyer has harvesting ma*.nery, amd. ifz at present An inveatiga,tion by a cammittge of the intormation on both poin 3 : is tily Ing to play on the credulity of the dig '� chur.:h here lat:t Monday evening was 1. 11 __ � T� ie seli iction is a goed one, as Mr. Elgie . provedag deitizenthe nia * in i . .. to 1 wa promisEct �ub;-ic in, order to mike himself appear a w,,'t I attinded and a success fin3incially.— I ny years he has busy introducing them to the farmeri ' I L9gletlature would rae,ult in Ek farce and for yesterday and as soon as' thh se matters biggb � man than lie really is. Tbe3e charges w 11 ma re an excelltiit trustee�'—Miss Clar lows gave an elegant supper ia been here, and will not only be missed by a I this vicinity," I I ara eettled, the probabilitie I a a that the I ' � A ichraen h§ts gone to the Clinton fl,espital a Th 3 Oddfel ' . = would not ba satisfacto-ry to any person. A i ora #e Ily childish, ani if Mr. Whitney his I large,cirale 4! relatives and I � - their newly fitted up ball. Mr. GrAvEs, of . firr I do, but also � L division will be taken an'a if tile Govern- the A ad stme we cr(dib 2im with, he will to rece ve treatment for he� eyes.—Rev. &I ff by the Canadian Order of -'.Foresters, of —Mr. D. Linton, of Mvnro, has sold hrx - I least that hAa been the hihtgry of similar ment motion is carried, the Home will ad- _ M ,. Sawerb, of Bruerfield, %nduotead the i yth, d.d the job of paper:ng and'it is which Iodg3 he waa recordi3g secretary fifty acrefarm to his coutia, Mr.G,. Mown - investigations in the Past. The very last journ and the investigation will proceed as I oee �d future that his itibordinatee, like . . ' u we I and beautifully done. Mrs. HiH* also - . � ' . services in St. Andrew's ch re , on Sabbath . I and ,a fait iful and zealoui member.— Mr. Unton intends to remove t3 Msuitob& I Outlie land and Reaurne, re'not pfrmittad de'ierves great praise for thefinespraad Investigation of the kind that tODk place in soon as the judges can be !got to work. I e ev Ming last, and gave a 11103t. helpful and . Edwird Shiffer and sister, I Ire. Manne, in the near future. - � I Eminent counsel have already b to ma ic a show of . the selves and thus - tjil le of delicacies.—, What -lovely weather, I . I the House of Commons at Obtawa, was the on both siden -A L i e4,n engaged I 64 .-idicule not only on themselves but on ab e sermon. The more frequently ,oae n6t for manle avrun we fear.—G H Sim : I I . . . . S-11— at dranatic inci- Rai ra r.bawerathe uptter theylikehim, . . . V . i - __ I— - - . - limiardthosewithw1wrat heyareagEociated _ s6n li%orentEd his itoreberetoa Varna i . .� Weat]Eluron case. On that -occasion Wit- deut occurred on Tuesday. IR will be re� re. &. Monteit'n, who has been in very I � I I 01; t1l, dall�. filim. Geo. H. will lend a helping" .h -nd.- I * nesses were summoned by the ecore and membered that Mr. Gamey, iwhon he com- 11 I I I Po r health for some weeks, is now recover- I a I 4 - � � . I they were kept Licking their heels around I pleted reading his char&a aginat the Gov. � I 1 7 - . . Mr5. (Rev.) 15in,mo,i is expected home eoQn, ! - - . . investigation was so he had, A. noth r IR aili�a� Accident. in nice T. much to the joy of her nurnerous from Staples,; where ahe has spent J the win- I I AS - ---- Obtawa for' -weeks, thei I ernment, handed the docurnerils 6 fri rds.-A good many hom this vicinity I ' X,1i11in,6xy Openings � ; 1. 1, . � he said ae, had got, I , accident took place attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Bishop IC. fi�is place, 10t fr,r Goderich 'cii � , I together with the money Atiother very serio ter with her Eo-), Cecil. -Mr. ohn Mo. - � . . slow and tedious., Every Bittillg of the in- to hie leader, Mr. Whitney. I 00 Tuesday, - on t6e Grand Tru 3k aill 7ay, on Wednes: laftweek.-Onreaw mill is -now daily turn ��enzie, of t . : . - - 04�m . I . 1 wilhall the dramatic effect possible, Mr. I ay.1 A passeuge , tra n on the VV ellington, Ing out a good supply of lumber.�Our vil- th,e !grand jury. . Vllollplm � �� - - - w . ,__ . I- I vestigating comm-ittee was a bear garden - Tuesday. moi hing to attt. i id. . i � ' I . � on the I Whitney handed this packige back to Mr. ! rey *rid Bruce brane es, Nhen about seven la ,a bla iksmiths are now being kept bus� at '30 aye � in de I mani I - exhibition, the Conservatives , . O'ber mindeA men Eire alw ' . whrn there i4' any particular work toldo..- I - earn- ! Gamey, who immediately left tbd Eouse and ilea north of Guelph, e track, tb it anvils getting the farmers fift b I : i 2 -IDA AND SATURDAY, . mittee accusing the Reformers of atifling i took it with hini. It is i rax off th "' ou The weather �a the topic of the day ; evtry . I : 7 1 1 't � I I - amid he has given it e 6aks rolling over an em )ankment fifteen for the Epring campaign. � J ' . . J body is looki g - forward to having cold, I � enquiry and the Reformers accusing 11113 1 to his solicitor. However, it will be forth- -� feet lugh. Two were ki.]!V, and about 30 . I �� 4 � I Atcwch 27th and 28th, Conservatives. of trying to use the co I coming at tile investigation, if nof before. uhe passenger a my weat er yet, and ev6n dreading it. . I mmittee I a were in, � to I I ' - - I � ,�ured, ,and some Brussels.' FQ'Ibw the a vice of Jelin Pllowman and you � . � : . � � � as a fishing ground for the fiehin� In the Dominion Parliament 'things are a � rio'u ` ly. I � i . I 2 I T I NOTEE'.—Orehard Imbitute meetings in wil enjoy th beautiful weather: tt4"#*����� ), for evi- I goingalongvery quietly. The Aebat& on � __ i ! , I we are hav- I I dence. The time was thus taken up for ' the Addvess was completrd in i . . coi inecti on with the 'East Huron Farmers' ink, -Mr. J C. Reid, of Vain%, ship d i ! - . , . cnb-day, crily I ;i ; Eluevale. I pe * I � N TIES —Mre. 9 ur slock is all new and up-to-date, including weeks in wrangling and quarreling, and fin. � the mover and seconder and the fWo leaders Instituty will be held in the town hall, twc car loide of fine cattle from this place -0. I - . I hyme, ol' Morris, has been Briasels, on Friday, April 3rd, both after. on uqeday last to Tcronto._�Miss Kate � � ally a. majority and minority report was ! speaking. The� Government!lave. the busi. ai vi or with her daughter, Mrs. M. Bailey. nom and eve�ing. Addresses will i Ila was in the village last Saturday �nd . I I . 11 � I be given - � . I r. submitted to Parliament and the members ese will in hand, and moat* of the depart- I ! M , Fleming, of Milverton, has been by Mr. Sherrington, of Walk( rbon, and Sm day. Sh always a wele6me visitor. the late;t American novelties. - - . . ­ . � . mental reports have already been isgued,and I isitil her siatri, Mrs. R Maxwell. -Miss mi.. Car y, of Ottawa . . I . �, and the p�iblio were zfjust about as wise ' tlw eatimates for +he current yea!,have also ' I , on pruning, gr.aftinz, -`Mr. Wm. 'Clio8ilins, who bad: his fingers 1 , _,&-�� ___._ _�__.� I I'- . va 8, of Gorri . . . 4 A A A N-- . i -, - zis thev re before the commif-.f.. i, 9 m as i visitor at the -etc. In bhe,aiternoon practical demoDstr�a. er.Uj hed in the horse power is improving %OYWA _`V WW`VW1W1W1W ____ i- been submitted The 01�­ L. I � . W1WW1W1W . . I I � 1, � I i ' UV . , t -Amisn b h ave a1bo an e —Uharlotte Cc mm, �r, the wife of tiona wi I b3 given in the orchard. of Reeve ni`bell� and has started his work again. �Our 1 7 1 1 - . I � I the matter ih hand. T113 result would be introluced Peveral_meosures,�bub � 06a Most r. . 4.)hn Faweeti, depamed this life on Wilton.—Mespra., Ament, & Krauter have people -are beginning to enquire about the � Highest' *r1cces Paid for ProdUrCe. - .. r ar�xioue,ly looked forhave rot yet been Pub. ly morning, Mar -h Oth Mrs. Faw- be b thi veek building a loom across ann ial spring stock show. All are ititerast- ! FrC,—NTA—�—UT,.-�fJkT3-p , I about the same in this instance were Mr. - I v � —_ '3ra . I I Whitney's proposition adopted.. This is bt I ad been a suffe months, th'n '� a the mill dam, the object I 29_1At91W_19JA I mitted, although they are ' ron ised for a 0 E) rer f�ir �nany � rivuer -bo've of edinthegreat event.—Harry Moore, the � I ,r not what the people want. They want t,) tion bill and the bill providing f r the i : . �', r , pOiDt,menb of a railway com. . missi a RP- - Sh � ore all her euff!ring with Christian drve down the river fromtheir bbahupin ageIr �, has been relieving the - operator in I i C 0 i 'r got at the fa,et3 in the Fhorte8b possible 6 86verali fortit de, until finally she was called away Giay.—A moving pl-3ture ent(rtainmeint � Clinbonfor the past week. —If all the stor. � - � � - I - - important private bills havel al ' E p Redistribu. I and ' t times experleiced intense agony. which is Ito catch the logs which �they i I - very early day. These are the I 711 son of J. H� Moore, our former fitation � I I `b ` ! 6 he - 1, A-11ROY11) �& 0 . I een in- - to th'a place wher a th9re ill be, no more will be given in the town hall here lee are true, the pastors of our churches I i � I- time, and they also wont tor know whether tre(laced. Amc.ncr these are M . . re I � In .. 1. Lancas. ', iffe�i g. She was tw,�nt -six ye�rs of age, . I I on Mon� ay evaning of next *eek. ' will be kept busy during the coming year. those in whom they have placed confidence ter's bill w;th reference to I ail " By 3attlo a ad Ile ves a son, Willi�rd, uthe old. Robt.. Taopaon has disposed of h o .13 1A0C;X7 SEAFORTH i I ir � . I is fine It would be to their sdvantage� to have a � . I � . I I . :� � � i I � I � . . . I � I . � I r � � I � to" 'n � I I �. . � . I I . � '. . � I I i � r i I . I I � q I I � r ; . I I � - f � : . I � . I I I - ; . I -1 . I I . � .� � - I I � � . I r I -_ . ­ �. � I I i I r' - I- I � Irl - I ; . . I � I . . - � . rr __,___ - � , I V_ - I A M_ I psrmro­� . , -1 -bsve jtrzived� I - �Iboft Ta low - P ter P#ca. �m .. . boduo0osIo � =on. � . A- GOOD � . -this TA1800, I I I ,ob 7�0 two 1 1 the Baintf I . I W401.1 kluloWn. -no &5oredit �m 10 Pays to T) : . I . � I � I I � � I - � . . � . 1AVO, Just 41'rfil _&W as low At , � . 1. ter rlomff- M DZ ihoe-8 10i men 5600rth' I R�im-4� nr j,. ]Beat' -T 'N Toa&f ,-a -mil marea a valyd . I 0 f I ing, droppe, ,driver, -an- . bionA Vessel � � � WArd left , - . 3fondsy Is . � ,villagerato) in brucefiW . Cb a goc<t .1; Ma,ths � I u.- able to be � 4,00,11 -agrain. i . I A D)TS.-Ol, � T-elvitives Ali - d .has _rttue" � D&koba._T1 family of A-11 .of 1att wvek, , I u CID � mor I being her . j) goo'l time�- � - Mrs.i0hairlel vartof la'lt; -town on 9, -was canea ii ,bedoide ol hi, '11w -ham afm syrAlpathy in zu-inber attei 2,aiidh rf,ma." . I . who was w,11 chaut, for'tb 7positionw-i0 ,H,e,W111 take We wish hin XOTHS.—�) ,Gorrie 6n Tii . . .his uncle, I Parish was V, I - -eels, on Moai � Sud Willie, 'I . . in tbi.t lo3alii e tral! zn Tuesday n - -01 young peo -at 0. 1"Sm .and Mrs. W.11 I -�o_t their frieni I week. -Mr. I -his -sister, At - Brussels. H- , - , .,uess in tha� I earned holido - turmA -tome �. -d&oght,er, M�r � I . I - . � Ei)wAm) - I -1 woraing Edww � I � I r&thar,fuddet -well for Eouie . than utual wl ter breakfamt, 'before hie dai ishortly after . - Ing accountal � Mi. 811-arman - eitizens, and I , I y fifb - 1, - , y4wo y � ling workmal ,ness inau, AU4 leaving a hos parture. 11 , a few montl I - Paflstdikway � - father *1d to -sister, Mrs. 1 death, -Waitir -death of Mr. faimi;j with'I . � of the friendi - go out to flav - �s I ympathy. � 0 - - . A Mr,tAxt __V N of last V urn, AUX that villaget it � water wak V* porilons,one I oevkral pointl be ca,me t-3 -1 `Irrunk Railw -se en . that thle . - -was.holding -i � - 4ed to the ld,k� I ,� and soon- thti 1 -to save him. i. the breakwai - but to firm V it re-quilred- * - ., fingers. He,.� - offee 61 -the � � _ heart wals bo toon dif d fvo cal men in 6 "d though I to restore th 1-ul. Dr. Tul his brotheei of 'hie, profesi -ceed. The 4- tieej� r%ving tention ,of RX � , -tospitats. theme for -io- f 0 one a _lyr I anoft W.d , . I � I I , � I - � - � . Fail Whest tme' 41013 Ver bug posl per buthi Balr:vy poz * )3ut9r. No. 1, Butlwr, . — z . r doz, XLour,L ri-00 Hay ,.per ton n ' , Hides Ver 100 :, , 2hse Skin W rl�'' B. -A - I ,o — ­l._­� V14stoof r'l Bait (retsr) P ,Wlod per cord W,)adporoord: Appl" -per ba Qover $ead_ 'Timothy- Seed rorLk, I I per Ift rallow.perlb I . - - L � L ToRo.nTo, . lues quiet -a 'eu �ead �at �, - b ere, ou� toes -out I ..seems to ba,. , loesil,deman -sold S -t 21 A from isl to The rnark,e IaOne on hw I - Iness at ,17�k L - Jo_ e6ld Sw per dozen. . Top-O.-ITO, I adw no -chi ,as about at good gradcl , Moor ]stuff -L : I � b er, reara "Y 24 ; p held x