HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-03-13, Page 6k.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature er
See Pae-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
TimA.7 IMAM and As essr -
to take as sugar..
f, A n.rrdc, 'FOR RFACACIIr
- ,Gaironcamm IjATUt.
Purely iregetable.
TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario
ea Veterinary College. A -Ilisereses of Domeetl
antra/de treated. Calls promptly attended to an
caierges moderate. Veterinary Dentatry a specialty.
Moe and residence on Goderioh street, one door
of Dr Socitt's office, Seaforth. 111241
artiste Sollettoe. Conveyanoer and Notary
Public. Mosey to loan. Offloe over Plakard's Store
Main Street, Seaforth. 1528
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public.
Solioitor for the Dominion Rank. Office -in rear of
Dominion Bank, Soaforth. Money to loan. 1236
JM. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer.
• Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over C. W
Papat's bookstore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario.
ITENRY BEATTIE, Berristee, Solicitor, dm
I Money te loan. Ofhoe-Cady's Block, Sea
orb. 167941
'GI HOLMES-ZED, a-ucoessor to the late firm of
r MoCaughey es liolmested, Barrister, Solicitor
Conveyancer, and Notate,- Solicitor for the (Ian
adian Bank of Commerce,. Money to lend. Farm
fez sale. Offloe 1 Scott il Blook, Main Street
IyCEMSON AND GA.RROW, Berristers, Solicit:-
ore, ete., Ooderich, Ontario.
1833-tf ellIARLES GARROW, L. L. B.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On
*aria, post graduete mire° in crown and bridge work
at Haskellar Sehoef, Chicago. Looal anasthetiea for
painless extraotion of teeth. Office -Over A. Young's
grocery store, Seaforth. 1764
LR, A. SRLLERY, Dentist, grsduate of the
f Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also
honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto
University. Office in the Petty blook, Herman.
Will vieit Zurich every Monday, commencing Mon -
June lsb. 1687
DR. R. R. ROSS, L. D. S., Dentist, graduate of
R. C. D. 'a., of Ontario, first class Honor
graduate of Toronto University. Highest standiog-
in order of merit in the largest class ever graduated
from t' e aollege. Modern and up-to-date dent stry
in ell its varioue forme. Painleas extraction cf teeth
by Local Anaeetheties and without any bad after
effects. Gar adminiatered and all operations came
fully performed. (Mee over MIN Stere, Seaforth.
1834 -if
Dr, John McGinnis,
Hon. Graduate London Western University, member
at Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Moe and Residence -Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm.
Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church
Nit -Night calls attended promptly. 1458x12
Office over Greig & Stewart's Store,
Night calls attended to at the office.
mete resident Physioten and Surgeon, Toronto Gen
STA IlIospital. Honor graduate Trinity University,
Limber of f.the College of Physicians and Surgeon
Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron.
!Mae and Restdenee-Goderieh Street, East of the
stethodiati Church. Telephone
secterich street, opposite Mothodiet oburch,Seaforth
.G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member Ontario College of Physiolans and
Burgeons. Coroner for County of Huron.
C. MaoKAY. honor graduate Trinity University,
gold medallist Trinity Medical Collage. Member
College a Plivetelane and Surgeon', Ontario.
The undersiened wales to aunounce to the public)
that ha% ing hOught a lerge quantity Q f the three best
brands ot rtd cedar shingles, and ay getting a liberal
discount for er1511, IS prepared to sell them to cus-
toluene at prices that defy earnpetition.
S. LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth.
Having in steel: at the Seaforth Lumber Yard a
very !area quantity of all tho different lengths and
idtio; is prep -red ta fill any bill that la presented
ithe very best quality of Hemlock.
S. LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth.
Having torogl.t a largo (et/antler of pine from a
Dago firm in Muskoka, I in getting pine dressed
ooth sides cr (die eide, for siding, flooring, ceiling;
wide plank ter water troughs; spruce and balearn
for gravel bo‘es, light and durable. Also white
cedar shingles a XXX and XXX and XX of best make
in Muekokta Large stock always on hand.
S. LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth.
'DIG FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep
on Lot 21.1-, Concession 11, Hibbert, a Thorough-
bred Yorkshire boar to which he will admit a
limited numl.er of sows. Terms. -$1 at the time of
snviee. JOHN ELGIE, Chise!hurst, Ont. 177141
BULL FOR SERYICE.-Tlie Undersigned will
keep for strvice on Lot 12, Concession 8, Mc-
Killop, the tacroughbred Durham bulls, Lord
Roberts and Clan Campbell's Stamp. Terms -For
Lard Roberts, ,$1..flO and for Clan Campbell's Stamp,
payable January lse 194. JERRY O'HARA.
BicEillop Directory for 1903.
MICHAEL MURDIE, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0.
JOHN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seaferth, P. 0.
CHARLES LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0.'
JOHN MURRAY, Councillor, Beeohwood P. 0.
GEORGE SMITH, Counoillor, Wiiitbrop P.O.
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P0.
SOLOMON J. SIL4NNON, J. P., Sanitary Iaspeolor
Winthrop P.. O.
If thsre is power in ,me to elp,
It goeth forth beyond the present will,
Clothing itself in very common deeds
Of any humble day's necessity.
" Mothers are only too glad to tak
trouble for their ohildren," ehe fetid kindly
" Arne, has been behaving badly, Malcolm
ehe fainted at church oa Suday, and had
one -ot her worst sick headaches -afters
Twas unmistakable anxiety in Mat
colm's eyes when he heardthis, but Anne
only laughed it oT The chnrch was Foti
she said, &DV one might have fahited. But
the sea breezes would soon Set her up ; the'
had beau iful Toms quite rime to the seai
with a wide balcony where they could spend
their evenings.
"1 hope you will come doWn to us fer
week or two," observed his mother Present,
ly. Malcolm felt rather a twinge of cone
science as he replied tint he feared this weer
imp-air:de ; he had Etome literary work on
hand, which he intended to do ab Staple
grove.. Mre. Keaton was able te spare him
a nice room, which he cou'd um as a study ;
and so he had made his arrangements. And
then he added rather regretfully that, as hp
was going to the Manor Hone the next af.
temoon, he feared he should not see them
again. Mes. Herrick said no ; mere, she wail
not a woman to waste words unnecessarily
but she was undoubtedly much dieappointe
and even a little hurt, and for the momen
Anna looked grave. At dinner time she
made an effort to reoovereher spirits, ant
quentioned Malcolm about hie new acquint-
anoes at the Wood House ;! and on this oc-
casion he was leas reticent.
But it was not until his mother had left
them alone together that he told Anne of
Elizabeth's kind invitaticn.
A surprised flush came to the girl's hose.
"DJ you think you could possibly mane
age it, dear ?" he asked with brotherly soli,
citude. 'But hedwas sorry to see how her
lips trembled.
"Oh no -no, you must net tempt me,"
very hurriedly ; "it is quite -quite impoe-
Bible. I must net tIdoekof it for a moment,
Malcolm, trying to epeak calmly. "1 am
so grateful to for to speaking of this. before
!nether ; it would trouble her so, and quite
spoil her pleasure ; mother is so sharp, she
always finds out tillage, and she would
know at once that I should like to go to the
Wood House.
"Then I was right when 1 told: Miaei
Elizebeth so," retura«1 Malo'-tn. " It ie
lust the place you would 1i-.', Anea ; I
know yon wou'd be happy wi 11 those kind
I do not doabt it for a moment," and
Anna'tt. voice was rather 'melancholy. "1
should so love to know your friends, Mal-
colm ; it all so tl lea so lovely, and you would
be near, and -it was so dear of Mise Eliza-
bsth to think of it. Will you thank her for
me, Malcolm, and tell her that rr o her
needa me so much, and that she has n3 enee
" Did you mean that for a , hit on me,
Anna, dear ?' and M alcolm's voice was
rather reproachful.
" For you," looking at him tenderly,
"oh no -no, Malcolm ;" aed,' then to his
dismay rha suddenly burst luta tearst I
"Don't mind me, I am silly to -night," she
said,atruggling to reg lin her composure.
"Mother is right, and 1 am not quite well,
and -and things will go crooked in this,
world." But though Malcolm peted her.
and called her a foli.h child and his dear
little sister, Anne did not regain her former
cheer:a-anew,. And ev hen M r I. Herrick
joined them she she said her bead had be-,
gun aching again and that shewould go to
" M alcolm wi1l3d her good -night at the.
foot of the etair-case, and watched her until
she was cut of sight. His mother looked at
him a little keenly when he rejoin3d her.
" What have you and Anna been talking
abut ?" she asked rather abruptly ; " the
child does not look quite happy."
" We wore only telking- abont the ladies
of the Wood House," he returned quietly.
"Anna thinks she would like to make their
acquadn'ance some day." But Mrs. Her-
rick made no reply to this; she was regard-
ing her son thoughtfully, and hr strong, I
sensible facie wore an expression almost of
sadness. Bat she gave him no clue .to her
feelings, and when the time came for him to
take hie leave her manner was mi. re affection.
at) than usu I.
She Ives still on the balcony as he passed
Loss of
When you can't eat break-
fast, take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eat bread
-and butter, taKe Scott's
Emulsion. When you have
been living 9n a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott's
Emulsion. ,
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener, ' a great
strength giver.
Those who ha e lbst flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not only t Scott's
Emulsion increase them all,
bone, flesh, 11ood and
For invalids,
valescents, for co
for weak childr
who need fles
Emulsion is a ric
fortable food, an
for con-
n, for all
and com-
a natural
Scott's Emulsiop for bone
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample.
Be sure that this picture
in the form of a label is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and ; all druggists.
'The healthy
woman need not
fear the change --
which comes as the
beginining of life's
ututtm.. It is the
womaneWho is worn
out, rhi' down and
a ni suifferer from
olily) diseases
ho naturally
read the change
life. This i's the
pritical period of
Woman's life, and
the prevalence of
Womanly diseases
Snakes it the duty
of every woman
`who wouldavoid
unnecessary suffer-
ing to take especial
imre of herself at this titne.
i The ills which yex so many women at
the change- of life are entirely avoided
elsr cured by the use of Dia Pierce's Fa-
itorite Prescription; It makes weak
Women strong, and enables the weakest
to pass through thisryini change with
*he tranquility of, per ect health.
o ei have been a very he4ilthy woman, andihis
ie has been very iliarwith thee' writes Mrs.,
Maggie Morris, of 141uneon Stdtion, Clearfield
Co„ Pa., Box x6. el aml come to the time of
aliange of life, and I, haver been sick a great deal
Or and on. Wheu Mrs. alenimis moved beside
e I was sick in bed; arid when she came to see
e and we were talking- ever our sickness, Mrs.
minis told me td try' Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery,'
also 'Pellets.' I got her to briug me a bottle of
a'ach from the drug stcire and I used them.
The' did me a g-reat !deal of good, and I got two
ore bottles of' Fav rite Prescription.' I never
aw such a woude ful Cure: Before I com-
enced your reined es I was good for nothing;
-as in such misery I hardly knew what to do
ith myself, now I an da, all my work myself
nd feei well." 1
' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy
tod pleasant to lake. i
oat,and a eheety "God -night, my ED),"
fl at3d down to him. But as she stood lied
t ning to his depar *rig !footsteps the aaid to
h nal, "Fie is eh nod somehow, t e is not
11 mself and Anna haa no aced. it. 1 woner,"
--I an,' hare che sighed eatlisr heavily-" I
wionder what sort of woman this Miss Eliza -
b th Templeton or i be.'
SO calm !-If thou
; light
Fr some wild thee
were kept
F.tom cut eny soul.
iTo every living soul that seam He sait'a
l" Be faithful; vehatisoever else we be,
1Let us be faithfu , eh 'llengieg his faith.
iThe Manor Ho*, where the Ge ifreys
lite cl, was a fine old red brick Eizebethaa
Muse, etsnding ab ut quarter of a mile
frnm the river.
IA delightful gat lan 'surrounded it, but
the chief point of a traoilion to visitors was a
terrace walk, shaded by I old cheEtnut trees,
which formed its I extrisme boundery, and
whioh, on the hottest rummer's city, offered
a cool and shady retreat
The terrace was br3ad, aril at one eni
was a sort of -loggia or !cove built of gray -
hit white Et me, w'th a -.wide stone bench
rennin?, round it. Fro this potnt there
was a cherming v the jiver between
tho trees, on -1 it ere that Malcolm
fofind his hostess oq rrival at the Man -
roil House.
ra. Gadfrey wa reading in the loggia,
with her husband's
lyfing at her feet.
and welcomed her
and cordility that
St1-engers who ea
firiit time were , ge
that she was one
they bad ever seen
Thou 'art so good,
hon deb wear a brow less
ght whicE, bub for me,
from a skored star !
W 0
She 1
ifieent deer.bounds
id staid) her book
r with a warmth
evidently sincere.
Mrs'. Godfrey for the
erally apt b remark
f thfe plainest women
; an they would add in
a parenthesis,
" It is s ch a pity, for the
the Colonel is so han some," But even
this most ciritical pgrect that no woman
could be more ohartning She had spent a
great deal of her lif ab11 oad, and her easy,
lit e
well had manns , her eavoir-foiee and
bnloed, sagacious viewe on every Subject,
1 been gained i thworld'a aoademy.
In spite of her goo nese of heart and real
uneelfishnees, the w s es entially a woman
of the world. : Littl as Malcolm guessed it
at that time, he wa6 El zetieth Templeton'a
greatest friend ; indeed, both the sisters'
were devote d to her, and some of Elizabeth's
he pieat and gayest hourts had been vent in
th tvlsner House. .
° I certainly never h ped to find yes
al ne," were Malcolm's re t ,werds. Mrs.
Godfrey smiled. 1
'1'It is ahnost an u pre edenied fact in the
-Meter House motel ," et e returned gaily ;
" tut we eliall be absolutely alone until
Tueeday, and then eirerylroom will be filled
If ou had donsented to Stay ler a week, I
co Id have promised [you, a big affair on a
step.rn hunch, a ,pionrc, arid a :tennis tourna-
ment • but no our eolitery fie ectiop will be
a ger den pse.,y on M brday. '
- it Please do net speak in Euch an apolo-
getie tone," replied Ivaloolin, " If you
knew how my soul abhor4> picnics and water
parities ! It is really too delightdul to knew
that I may enjoy your society in peace for
three whole days. By the by, where is the
Colonel ?"
° Oh, Alick has gone tO Henley to Eee an
old churn of his, but he vvilhhe back in Fp- od
thrill) kr dinner. Is it eof lovely down here,
Mr Herrick? I thought it wduld be such a
pit to go indoors that 1. told Deacon, we
wo ld have tea here." Then, as Malcolm
aigaified his approvel of this arrangement,
they sauntered , slowly own ; the terrace,
that Malcolm might take ;in all points of the
extensive view. When they retraced their
atela to the loggia, the tattler and footman
were setting out a rustic tea -table.
' And so you have been staying at the
Wolcd House ?' began Meta Godfrey as she
hailded Malcolm hie tea. 1 " Elizabeth Tem-
pleton's letter this morning almo_t took my
hreath away. 'What a Small world it is,
aftdr all, Mr. Herrick !"
"Lite treads on life," raurmurecIlMalcohn,
" and heart on heart." _
14We press too cleee in church our mart
To keep a dreerni or graVe apart."
How true !" was the quiet rejoinder.
re. Browning said that. Well, do you
kn w, I was quite (hildishly surprised
wh n I heard you had been a guest at the
Wotd House. ' Mr. Her ick has cnly ju3t
eft ue,' were Eliziheth's worda ; ' Cedric is
dri ing him to the ttetien ; we have greatly
enjc yed his visit,' do.,
Tien a slight flush came to Maloolm's
dar face.
"I had a very plearsant timne,"khoe3priettaburien:
he most charming
ed ; " they are moat kin
Misii Templet oa is one of
woneen I have ever met."
"iDear Dinah -yes, eh is very sweet. I
do not think I have ever seen her ruffled.
Shelia just lovely. But it is Idizshetli who
is mny friend."
"Judeed !"
" iOur friendship is a veey real one," con-
tinuLd Mre. Gzdfrey thonghtfully ; " and
next' to my husband,therais no one whom I
could trust as I could Elilabeth Templeton.
She is very strong."
"Oh, yes, me is very atrong," in a re-
rn u aera tive manner.
"Have sou founl thatjout already 7" in
a surprised tone. "But I remember you
are a student of human nature, Mr. Her. '
rick, and rather a keen observer. Most ;
peop e would not be able to diagnose Eliza- 1
besth Templeton'a character correctly at thed:
end 4f one short week. When T was firetd
duced to her, thirteen or foarteen years I
ago, I told Aliok that I should never get on !
with any one who was so reserved 1
and so stand-offish, but I soc
oha gad ray opinion. I found out that
grea deal of her reserve was in reality ehy
nese and that her frankness and openness o
disp sition were her chief charms.'
"And then you became friende ?"
es ; but not for a long tinier. We ar
neit er of ns at all guehing, and I was a
old arried woman, you knew. But ther
cam a time when she needed my help-
whe ehe was in anxiety -and a woman'
cou self and woman's sympathy wear a corn
fort to her." Here Mre. Godfrey pause(
as e e became aware of the concentrate
kee tress in Pdalcolm's eyes, ardladded haat
ily "The trouble was not her own ; but Wier
Elizabeth'nature to take the burdenidof
legion. The bok is imitated,
1 the outside coating and shape of the
f pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's
I Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations areal
e ' dangerous. The original IS safe. Dodd's
n Kidney Pills have a reputation. Imita.
ell tors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
8,1 . Kidney Pills. Do not be deeeived. There
I is only one DODD'S. Dodd's' is the
d original. Dodd's is the narne to be cars.
fui about -
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
a r
apo -
h. r
re on her shoulders. I never knew any
apable ofisuch intense sympathy. Iteie
re gift, .Mr. Herrick, but it brings, ktO
estor great suffering."
You are right," in a low tone. 1
I knew then she was a woman in ;s&
sand, and we have been close and dear
de ever since. Not that we often meet.
is a busy woman and F o am; 1, but we
railYstay at the Wood Hotline, once a
,:and Elizabeth comes to me for a .few
" rest and refreshment whenever she
spare the time. Aliok teasea me soma-
s about my liecly-love, but I ssure sou
he is very fond of her, andds always
hted to hear she is coming to the Manor
alcolm listened to this with deep inter -
It seemed to him thet every oere [who
e to him of Elizabeth Templeton praised
ithoat stint or limit ;-she Wall evident-
uch beloved, and tlett very fact that a
person like Mrs. Godfrey should choose her
for er most truated '.triend was no mean
tit! of hor or ; never lvas there a woman
mor fattidious and discriminatlng in her
ide s of female friendship:
aloolm would willingly have heard more,
bat parlours sort of embarrasernent and a
fear of betraying oa deep an interest made
him speak of her sister.
"Mia Templeton Boerne- to have a happy
nature," he said aelittle abruptly. "I never
saw any one so perfectly peaceful and se -
ren;; it, makes one better only to lcok at
her. Her hair is gray, end yet when she
smil s ono is reminded of an innoeeet child,
it is such a,perfectly radiant expression."
" Yee, I knew. Dear Dinah, sr has the
seer.t of perpetual you h. She ,is one of
th little ones '-you know what I mean.
Wh n I talk to her. as I tell' Elizabeth
tom times, I feel EU h a worldly friVoloul
crea ure. Her sister perfectly realizes this,
for he has the prettiest, names for her.
Th t angel -woman,' I have heard ber say
that ; vets, often she calls her 4aa Engel.
kind;" and without exaggeration she has a
rare and beautiful nature."
M holm assented to this, the i he said
low y,' Has it ever at ruolr_, you that the ra
re no lines on Miss Templeton' face ? I
hou d think her life story must be a happy
one. I mean that she has not known any
very great trouble." Then rathed a peculiar
bxpr esiOn crossed Mrs. GodHey's face.
1.41 A , I see I have made a mistake," ob
serve Malcolm quickly. .
" ee, you have made a mistake," she re.
Heel a little sadly. " Did yeti really think
hat ;ven Dinah Tempreton could have her
;arty year in the wilderness wittormt her
har of pain and difficulty? Well, it is
Dole t hiFtory, and tle:ra is td. harm in
tea g yeti whet every one knows, that in
he loom of her fresh young wionianhood
he had a sore trial and a grekt sorrow."
." ou say every one knows about it," re-
turn d Malcolm eagerly.
if 4 'es, -every one iri Staplegrove and
arl field. Oh, I can read your face ; you
oul 1 like to hoar about it. Well, there is
ho h rm in my telling sou. When Dinah
'em leton was abbut three or .four and
wenty she was engaged. to Douglas Fraser,
do tcr just beginning erectice in Earls-
eld. .
Ir, Templeton was living at that time,
nd approved of the engagement. Dr,
ras r was devoted to hie professhoa. He
Was ming man, and people predicted that
before many years were over he would make
hiei ark.
" ouglas Fraser, the great authority on
treur tie diseases in Harley Street I" ex-
ed Malcolm in a tone of intense slur.
prise/. Mrs. Godfrey nodded.
" 85 young marnI have 'been told that
he w a perfectly irresistible. Even no v he
113 grand lcsokieg man of command ng
sbres rice with a fine intellectual head and
ace. Axil as for Dinah, she mn.,,t have
een one of the sweetest lcokoag 'ciaatures
n G d's earth.
4 ell, they were engaged, ani if ever a
Your) pair of human lovers walked in the
(1;1-ard .n of Eden, Dinah ani 'Douglas Fraser
were that) oe uple-until the hs ohnid came
Oat as to eclipse their happiness in this
orl . There is ne need for me to elver
ite the matter very fully, though I know
rpr !Idris,. One unhappy day Dinah die -
cover d that Dr. Fraser Was an agnostic -
that or eomo time he had had grave deubts
on th tubject of revealed religion, whioh he
had ape to himself for fear of distressing
bier '• but now a ecnee of horor Compelle&
him t tell her the truth. He hid lost his
faith, and he eo longer belieVed in anything
but a ienoe.?: 1
cod heavens, what a shock ejecul-
PU may well say to," returned -Mre.
°cif y Badly. 'f It was no light arose that
ins had to bear. Even ini her sicu h ahe
as i teneely religious. Religioa . was not
a por ion of her life, it was her life iteelf.
o en h a nature the idea of Marrying an,ag-
nbstio was practically impossible. If I
arr Douglas I shall be committing a
g eat in,' she eaid to her sic* ; I shall be
deny' g my Lord and Mesta ; ' end in the
ehrium in the illness that ens tetal.
Eliza eth could hear her say, over and over
again,Whoso loveth fathe and mother
ore ban Me is not wally f Med, "
111, en the Bowels
are Constirated
, It s a serious matter to neglect, consti-
patio . You may do so for a time, only
to fine that your health has been; undet-
Minet by bodily derangements of the mot
fatal ind. You should have a movement
of th bowels every day. To accomplish
his, void concentrated foods, use vegci
bles and fruits freely, and take one of D
has 's Kidney -Liver Pills before retirin
wor three times a week, or oftener ,
in ed. ' ' - .
Dr Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are no
in o dinary cathartic. They have ,
speci e and combined action on the kid-
neys, liver and bowels, and consequently
cure constipation and the accompanying --
dere • gements thoroughly and well, by-
emo ing the causes.
Fo the information of those who arei
ot y t familiar with the peculiar inerite
f D . Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills,, we
' rnigh add that they are purely vegetable
in c mposition, pleasant and naturalain,
nctio , and remarkably prompt and far-,
rleac sing in effect, even in the mostsserious
4nd hronic cases of constipation, kidney
eind iver diseases and stomach troubles.
One pill a dose, es cents a box. '
Or. Chase's
neptiver Pills
"Anil she actually gave htm up?"
"Yes, she gave him up, t ough it broke
letr heart and his to do 10. I believe that)
he Buffered terribly, and that he used every
argument in his power to shake her resolu-
tion, but in vain.
"She had a long illness after that. Eliza-
beth took her abroad. It was at Rome
that I met them, and after a time we became
intimate. Pear Dinah had relapse, and I
misted Elizabeth in nursing her. Well,
Mr. Herriok, I can read a gneStion in your
" Yee, there is one thing I want to know
-has not Dr. Fraser marrieid ?"
"To be sure he has; bue he did nob
marry for some yeera. He left Ee.rlsfield
and took a London practice, end hie career
has been a brilliant; oae.
" I believe Mrs. Fraser is a lovely woman
and they have three beautiful children. But
the staingest part of my stcey is still te be
told --Douglas Fraser is no longer an agnos-
colm looked at her silently ; but Mrs.
Godfrey said no more, and Uot for worlds
would he have &eked another' queation. He
could see that she was deeply moved, her
lip quivered a little. He rose from the
benoh and paced up and down the terrace,
listening to the faint eoughieg of the dark
chestnut leaves and looking at the cool,
silvery gleam -of the river betWeen the tree -
Malcolnawas a man of inttinsely imagina-
tive and Ftympathetio nature His mother
had cnce to:d him that he lied something of
, the woman io him. And certainly no one
was more capable of filling up the outlines
of the story he had just heard and giving it
life and coloring.
"I admired her before," he said to him-
self, "but I shall look upon her as a "saint
now. She has had her rnartydorn, if ever
woman had, and has fought her fight no-
bly ; " and then, with that clear insight
that seemed natural to _him, he added,
"She knows that he has cone right, and
this is the seciat of her serenity," which was
indeed the truth, though nbt the whole
truth ; for Dinah Templeton had indeed
realized her Master's words,l, that through
moch tribulation we muat enter the King -
done of Heaven.
When Mr:. Godfrey rejoined Malcolm her
husband Was with her. Malcolm always
declared that Colonel Godfrey was Ms typi-
cal and ideal Englishman. Be was a well
built, soldierly looking man rof unusually
fine presence. As he was Meer fifty, his
golden -brown muttache was slightly grizzled
and the hair had worn off hie Iforehead ; but
he was still strikingly handsome. He and
his wife were alone. Both their sone were in
the Indian army, atcl their only daughter
was married and lived in Yorkshire.
" We are just an old Darby and Joan,"
Mrs. Godfrey would say; but though he
was oaly a year or two younger than her
husband, she wore eremarka ly well, and
still looked a comparatively oung woman.
Colonel Godfrey and Ma1coin were excel-
lent friend's, and in a few ninutea they
were strolling through the fie ds toward the
river bank, talking on various topics of
social and political interest, while Mrs.
Godfrey returned to the house to write let-
ters and drosses for dinner.
It was not until the followitig afternoon
that Malco'm found an opportunity of
sounding Mrs. Godfrey efi the subject of the
Jar obis.
They were sitting in the loggia again, and
the row of dark chestnut trees looked almost
black against the intense blue of the sky.
A faint breeze was just stirring the leaves
and every now and then a Bei t of ripple of
sunlight seemed to streak the Sombre foliage
with gold. On the terrace there was a
wealth of sunshine, and the stones felt hot
to the feet. Only under the chestnuts; tiny
flickering shadows seemed to dance in and
out among the tree -boles. -
Colonel Godfrey had just been announced
to a busineas interview, and for the firstr
Lime that day Malcolm found himself alone
with his hostess.
"Oh, by the bye" he observed> rather
abruptly,", " there is something I want to
ask you. There are some people of the
name of Jacobi who have taken a house at
Henley. I wonder if youhave come across
them."' -
" To be sure I have," in tether a sur-
prieed tone. " Miss Jacobi called here on
Tuesday. Mre. Sinclair drove 'her over."
". Well, I wantyou to tell me what you
t 'rink of them,, " asked Malcolm. An
'amused look came into Mrs. Godfrey's eyes,
and she held up her finger in chiding
"Oh, fie, for shame, Mr. Herrick ! You
are deep -deep. So the handsome siren I eel
at trusted you tco."
" Randomise siren," repeated Malcorm
with unneeeesary energy. "Why, what
nonsense you are talking, my dear lady. I
never saw Miss Jacobi in my life. It is
Miss Templetoe who desires information,
and I promised her that I would sound you
on the subject." Then the mischievcus
apark died cut of Mrs. GcdrraY's eyes.
"Miss Templetoa ! Da you mean Dinah?
Whit on earth can be the connecton be-
tween her and the Jacobis. They were cer-
tainly not cn hers or Elizebeth'a visiting -
het when I was last at the Wood House."
. 1" No, they ore complete i trangera to
t .
:em," was Malcolm's reply ; " but Cedric
come 'across them and seems rather
t ink. with them. He is !going to stay at
'Beechcroft -is that not ;the name of the
:place they have taken for I he section ?" -
, i" Yes' I believe so," retarnec Mrs. Ged-
, i -
frey in rather& perturbed! tonif. " Cedric,
tirlat boy, going to stay with thp Jacobi' !"
'And then she brdke off and said abruptly,
;" I am sorry to hear it. Ilehoulld not care
-fcr one of my boys to be tbroten much into
;the society of Saul Jacobi 4nd his sister."
Here comes the lady : 0,
Will re er wear cut the everleeting flint.
When you deubt, abstained-Zo °ASTER.
Malcolm gave a slight 41311 of dismay,
Mrs. Godfrey's manner cenVeye more than
her words ; iD epite of his aecre prejudice,
he was not prepared for so s rong an ex
Ix. -
sc light a foot
:MARCH 134 1903
pression of disapproval. 8 e was a woman
of sound judgment, and very charitable in
her esti ate of people, an he knew that he
could rely on her opinion. Her intuitions
were sel4omqat fault. Wh ther she blamed
or praise0 it was always wi h rare discrim-
ination tnd pbrfect justi e, and she was
never impulsive or rash in et verdicts.
There was a moment's si ence. A black-
bird, evi ently attracted by Mrs. Godfrey's
clear, re onant voice, had perched ' on the
stone p rapet beside thane and watched
them in bright-eyed cur osity. Then, as
Malcolm moved hit arm, it flew off, with
clucking notes of warni g, to rejoin its
mate. t
" q ani rather troubled to hear you say
this," began Malcolm. ""ill you tell me
all you kin° w about these p ople ?'
"That is just the di h oulty," returned
Mrs. Godfrey slowly. " o one seems to
know mIh about them. ven Mrs. Sin-
eonlateir: w o has taken th m up so lately,
knows searcely anything o their anteeede
far as I remem r, .Mrs. Sinclair
asked m one day if I were not going to °all
on the J ()obis. 'They are perfectly charm-
ing,' weeje her words. ' T ey are a brother
and a sis er, who have_take Beechoroft for
the sewer . They seem we lthy people and
live in good style, and Mia Jacobi is one
of the handsomest) wome I have ever
13ee'l?..'And this was all ? " as Mrs. Godfrey
"It was all I could gathe Mr. Sinclair
certainly told Aliok that he understood that
Mr. Jacobi had made his • oney in buai-
Dees -soniething connected with a mining
company, he believed. But eo one seemed
to know meetly, and the Jaiobis ate rather
reticent ebout their own ioncerns. They
seem to have a large 'vied ing-list, and to
know Borne big people."
" And Miss Jacobi called here ?"
"Yes, Mrs. Sinclair brcught her; but I
confess I Was somewhat embarrassed by the
visit -it has placed me in an awkward pre-
dicamentli I have no wish to make their
acquaintance, but I cannot Well be unneigh-
borly • one meets them everywhere, eo Allele
tells the that I must get rid of my insular
prejudicee and leave cur car& at Beech-
croft." 1
"It mast be an awful nuisance," replied
Malcolm liaympathetically. •
_ (To be Continu d.)
Thousands:of mothers in 11 parte of Can-
ada have !written to say th t) Baby's Own
Tablets are the beet medicin4 they have ever
uted for the mire of ihe littl ills that afflict
all children. It is imposs:b1 to pablish all
these lettere, for they would more than fill
a newepaPer, but the followilng extracts are
a fair samle of what all mothers say about
this medi ine :
Mt*. Jas. Hopkins, Tobesmory, Ont.,-
"The Ta lets are a bleesing o both mother
and child"
MIT. 3 hn Debbie, St. Andrews East,
Quo,-" conaid r it my duty to recom-
mend Bab 's Own Tablets to all my friends
who have children."
Mre. A. Barna, Miniton s, Man -6‘ I
have foun Baby's Own Tabl te do all you
claim for them.
Mre. F i J. Cornea New B andon N. B.,
-" The Tablets are juet the tieing for
children, they make them well, cheereful
and happy."
MIT. Hi H. Pitts, Ashmol , B. C.,-" I
have funthe Tablets a m at eatisfactory
medicine or children. I ak aye keep them
in the ho7e."
Mre. A. W. Higgins, Nerl; River, N. S.,
"1 canno praise the Tabh to too much.
They are tlhe beat medicine or children I
rhave eve used."
You car take the words of these methere
with evrrj confidence, and ytu have -a posi-
tive guara tee that the Tabl4lts contain no
opiate or harmful drug. No other medioine
gives a similar guarantee. old by drug-
gists or sent by mail at 25a a box by writing
direct to the Dr. Williame' Medicine Co.,
Breekvillel, Ontario.
Tae Oor Wee JoIhnnie.
By John Imrie, TOronto.
Wp had a happy time,
When hame came ohnine ;
W a face like angel wee ,
St oor kisses neat
Crtepin' rolfa' on hands n' feet,
Did oor wee Johnn e !
Lengeet day mann nae it
Alas puir Johnn'
Death cam' in eae grim a
C 'llad the 'animus in the
Taen the young an' left t
An' oor wee Johnn
Tan awe' in life's spring
Ocr wee Johnnie;
Mi her's heart in anguis
Feether grudges s ir his
Yet tae God baith recone
We'll gang tae Joh
e auld,
hild ;
eli4ce the light o' a' oor •oose, "
ir - Oar am wee Johnni -
No the light is teen awe,
Da knees eeems to cover ',
Na e can comfort us ava
Since loet's wee Jo nnie. ;
1 'N ath the souchan will.w tree,
1 Lies oor wee Johan e ;
1 Ju t beneath a hillock gr en, .
W aur the daisies mey be eeen,
Wi the butteroupe bete e n,
Sleeps oar wee Job nie.
' Aft we ehed the bitter te
, For cox. wee Johnni ; .
Then look rap wi' faith ab ne,
Whaur nee- sorrow oreepe le in -
There, secure free death a' ein ;
Bides oor wee John le !
"Another Ye
Another year is dawning
Dear Master, let it be
In lvorking or in waiting,
wither yen', with The
Anther year of leaning
Upon Tby loving breast
Of ever deepening trustf lness,
Of quiet, happy rest.
At ther year of mercies,
Cf faithfulness and grac
Another year of gladness
ih the shining of Thy fa e.
AniAber year of progress,
Another year of paise ;
An ther year of proving
y Presence all the
Another year -of eervice,
Of witness for Thy love
An ther year of training
For holier work- above.
Anclither year is dawnirg
ear Master, let it be, '
On artb, or else in heave
nother year for Thee !
--Frances RI.ley Havergal.
Health and Ho
" He who his health has lave ;
hope has evertything." But hope
proach of kidi ey disesere, with! the
which trecomeny it. With the flee
ing, the ?.ek aching and t
which often mixes to many of the
ailment, only the use of Dr. Chase
Pills will restoae hope, confidence
pill a dore, 26 cents a box.
nd he who has
ees at the ap-
dreadful paine
gradually fail -
e sad despair
vietims of this
sr Kidney -Liver
d health. One
Womsn and Card
The Dominion Presbyterian
are bodies of Christians, and
ans, tco, who prchibit, or att
hibit card playing, theatre -go
etc. The a erage attitude, we
say, of mini tars of the Presby
is a little different. In general
is to lay dollen what they co
general prinniples on the bubje
merits, thro*ing the responsi o
sonal appreciaticn in detail
vidnal. The resultaat effects
to be less deeirable than wit
method to Which we have refer
Thera is one frequent coma
ever, of card -playing where t
woman in society ham feel toler
duty. We ailude to card-playi
aye : There
ood Christi-
nipt to pro-
ng, dancing,
need hardly
erian church
heir method
eider sound,
b of amuse -
Hite, of per -
n the indi-
o not seem
the other
itant, bow-
ie Christian
ebly sure of
g for money, I
"One of my 'daughters had a
tz.srrible case of asthnia. We tried
almost everything, but without re-
lief. 'We then tried Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral and three and 'one-half
bottles cured her..." Jano
Entsminger, Langsville, "
Ayer's Cherry Pectora
certainly cures manycases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping -cough, croup;
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
Three elees: 26e., enough for an ordinary
cold; 50c., just right for bronchitis, Loarse.
pees. hard colds, etc.; f31, ta,..,st economical
Lor chronic cases:Ind to keep on hard.
J. O. AYER CO., Lowell, Meas.
which there is reason to believe is much im
vogue even among Ns -omen in Canadian
society who are members, yea, and com4
enticus members, too,of Chrietian ehurebes.
Is is not without information we say that
card -playing by women for money, or ita
equivalent, has alermingly increased among
society circles in almoat every Canadian
city and town. Many women have become
so addicted to card -playing -as may be seen
by society notes in newspapera-they find
any other kind of arnueement slew and in-
eipld ; and now tbe ex:ace:tent of playing
for money is far to often added. As in an
earlier paragraph we decline to argue the
question as to whether Christian women la
society sheuld give encourageneent to the
addition, of gambling to card -playing. Ta
ask the question is to answer it.
Ontario Minerals.
The report of T. Gibeoe, director of the
bureau of mines, for the year 1902, --is full of
interest for the ,student of Ontario's develops
merit. The mineral products of Ontsrio for
the year considerably sarpassed in volume
and value the output of any previous year..
The tetel of production was $13,577,44o.
an increase of $1,746,354, or 19 per cent
over 1901. Metillie pro:Amite contributed
$6,285,259, and non-metallic $7,292,181,both
classes showing an excess as compared with
last year's figures.
Tbe chief increases were as follows :
1901 1902
Copper....,...... $ 589,080 $ 686,043'
Iron ore.... ... . . 174,428 518,445.
Nickel.......... 1,859,970 2,210 961
Steel.... .. . .. 347,280 1,610,031
Stone........... 850,000 1,020,000
Cement.. .. . .. 670,880 967,016
Lime.. ..... . 550,000 617,000
Petroleum pro-
ducts .. .. . 1,467,940 1,600,000 -
Mica. ..... 39,780 101,600
The principle derireases were:
1901 1902
Carbide or calcium $ 168,792 $ 89,420 -
Brick, tommon... 1,530,460 1,411,000
Natural gas...... 342,183 189,238-
draM....... 231,374 199,000
The very decided increase in quantity of
steel produced -from 14,471 tons, worth
$347,280, in 1901, to 68,802 tone, worth $1,--
610,031 in 1902 ---was mainly due to the
starting up of the Clergue works at Sault
Ste. Marie.
Building and construction materials in the
dmain'show an increase, particularly atone,
'which includes also crushed stone for pave-
ment use, and cen.ent. The Portland ce-
ment industry is being firmly planted in this
province, where immense supplies of the
raw materiala for its manufacture exist.
Eight planta were ab work Ira 1902, and.
since the begihieg of the present year an-
other large factory hes come into operation.
Three or four others are under construction.
In addition, natural rock cement is being_
made at four different establishments.
Durham Brown Nailed Barrels,
After Doda's Kidney Pills
Cured His Rheumatism.
maffirii.ielBterwdoit.wn,_,. and
be=t news that can be carried to the -
story of Durham Brea n, eithis place, is the
are the days when Lame Beck and Rheuma-
tism are almost epidemic and when the
VERNON, Ont.,Maroh 9 —(Special).---Thesa,
was with Lame Back," says
had Rheumatism ha my
right leg eni hip E 0 that I _suffered agoniz-
ing pains while at work I worked at
cheese box making. After taking one tox
of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found an improve-
rnent, and by the time I had finished eik
boxes my Lame Back and Rhetnutisin were
gone and 1 was working at nay oki speed
driving 500 ne and one-quarter inch nails,
'Doddney Pills ate all and
than is claimed for theme'
Dis Man Foster.
Some amusing stories are told in conneo-
tion with the North Ontario campaign. A
French-Canadian here° buyer from Mentreel
who is known from end to end of Canade,
tells of this embarreasing experience as a
Cannington hotel :
At ze table dere was a vair intsIligent
looking man, and I title I get some informa-
tion from him. so I say:
" Dere is going to be an election here
soon; die man Fo der, it seems lak he going
to have a bad tam for get in."
Da man he make no reply, so I go for
mak frens with him and I pass him de bred
and de butter and den I say again :
" Dia man Foster, it seems lak he goIe
to have a turble tam fcr get it."
Den he don't make any reply ag.1
ain and
go for mak frets wid him again an,I pats
him de peekle and de bun aid de cheese se
den I ray : "Da man Foster, it -seems lak
he going' to have a deville of a tam for gib
in. Dat man he is-,
livDe eina leioa leitpmepoarts,:neleyeey " Ycn (NA
"No, 1 live in Montreal," and he say :
daia yn
yolumn,.% litre in dose parte, Fester,
Den by gar I look lak thirty omits.
Inflamed NOBS and Throat
And such diseases of the respiratory organs.
as Bronchitia, Weak Lunge, Cold in the
Head, and Naeal Caterrh, are treated with
marvelous selectman on etrictly scientifio.
principles by Catarrhozone. The medicated
vapor of Catarrhozene quickly traverses
every sir passage possible to be reached by
any treatment. All sorenees, pain, :conges-
tion and inflemmation are at once diepelled,
end by means of the healing powers of
Cat arrhozone the vitdated tissues are quick-
ly restored. Where Catarrhozone is nee&
colds lad only ten minutes, coughs half au
hour, end Catarrh, Consumption Asthma
and Bronchitis flee as from fire, A! trial will
convince 'any one of the startling merits of
Catarrhozone. Costs $L00; small size,t25e,t
at Druggists, or Polson & Co,, Kingston,
ton's pine care
on Loe 21.
as tad. Twi
,TrtratI-cm. A.
etpeseetilae* TIE°
8. wtaffain.SIE28.1) Ec,0"0:fnFclesStranaoltel:i,
'3riiilla ;tepure*i.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _rb etry as:BP s rP it : -!fe; e8a1:esefleY:19:31:11::
151---------'—:111j3,0.stijailimobar aesar ii35:01
;2-,AjninumMis:t43811i1.1.1115r/M(413"fbiltberD; 00irti
44M:en:dm sin. cullAu_gusiti:;
ported Stock, fro]
J a Durham bull
hull 2 years old, rE
mitt oalf at foot.
All the right low d
-24 Conceee've
-ClIAPMAK, Bruer
number et y
eowaand heifers '
Breetch and Seetch
any auction sale, a
see on your .own
seleet from. Sp
JD on Lot 29, Ci
bred Durham bull,.
Registered petigrei
Thomas Cudinure. =
ziair of heavy dram
'TAYLOR. Chiselhe
three Scotch
DoSedtOhO safely
flown bull, New
teem. Come and
It 18., Tuckers.
.Grand 1
Trains leave SEM
0P0a.na. For
12,40 p. m. For 1
0.15 p. in, For
p. na; Perk
-71.Z3e. ni. For
Fat -I
Z13- 1).
4,40 p. m.
Etrbrefil• Sels.:
B „.
WLiuttesvsltlelse„.;::: ..
London, elePer
HExeteirLoieint: et7elvela ei1771011'
WInglussii an
40 Itte BOUTH—
eyiiiirghl—vi .74,7
Shades, Curt
ture Frames a
Repairing -
attention giv
Stered goods.
Tow, moss an
Furniture -1
home or at
Win receive A
-cans ans_were
01 Donj
Z. B. McLean,
a'ratien vice -peel
trirop; George X
bublha ; James
Uarlock ; -Thomas
Lezzli Eat'Pon
Robt. Smith. I
Jamas Cumming
Parties desirene
eo Othet. let:einem'
10941011 SC any?
t0tp&rJ7s p3