HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-02-20, Page 7- - - - - - - - - � ____ __ - .. � J� __ 'res pradj1`18d j,j, th ­ 1 ��,,,, .;�CqN'�' .� ,<�� ' e "I'll, - ­R'1� ___ - -, ,� � .. - �nt yeara,. haa been in,- .. . . a .. - am .. a bet it goin - It g back . � . � d 8tiktes export traaeI 11 I . -111- . urs has del-ty ,i . 1$ _. �:, . -0 foolish & .1i . A : lag that 'are. - A good brood Iqt valmible i pieces of , irm. One of theae Will 11 __ faina work end r&iS6 ,,,, ,*_ �� � "NJOY PERFECT � . - VE VIGOR ? - - - Dyspeptia Try 11 KFAST FOOD .. . . cious Stomach Of the� - , . I form of nourishment ,_ quickly aujznijstea� trength 10 the body ,- .. . I fully Meets, the neeAs .. - - arnishing element - a of with weak atomache , I 1gruelia a refreah1n; all SUtTering dyspop- aPpetizing gruel fer V , I d btrengthen the stom- AM 7 1 I, after which the i � nee With the regulaj�_ � porridge, which will . �and healthy appetite. - Ln.3 gl&d-',y recommend All Grocers. 4P.— . . I the Horse. - I P&'r Of feet that musti, t�reat regard in their , A c ,� � I 0- m(Irt. inoladiag- "i" 'ee�" wem Prepar. iea me( - ws I I ll!ro w -ting- as no Wav of 1 �� 8 all f113 vehicles were i I � i IV I o' -se over t I I -ar 8 ?'.' 1 - � I : ia t It 1 vro:ld who can I I 11 WE '. I 'rk t I EL carb or a ': t ty c n his back." : I ' 'Viv," I, ii I the deter- ;� isever%f�fien to eatell . 1, led and kicked- . but I - � but Al a. se,&t in. the Ra(I j1p. I � see hirn, da-kh id to the INS lo-ckecl round, say : - .lid walk,-Itj peacefully . . : . ­ ...... I ts between- 0, pair of � : 4— � I I ' ; I I TOIL IT. I � . . — � . RICHARDSON &, . I I I �VED BUTTER . LOITZ, . . � — I i, pure cre&m that you ,termakirg by usinka I buLter co'lur �vhen you, � � .� I � I I I �& Co -'a Improved But- � . - , �nr buttL-r the natural . �L- , I I Z"a time of the year, � �"" th-e. butter, D .. � � wurthle,-s substitutes, - I � UP04 get,Ling Uia kind , L I- r gold by all drag- . , , 'er". - �. - -0— - I her Side. . - I ,,�wa the msra interest - - - - - - - - � .5 greater power iii ��� I th . � trui-3m may be added - . acb, that three-joarths. - I'll . � .... . � , . � of a leading college : � 4 at once. That sotinds - I . _i -3s to think of the im- � I he coadi,i(,a of girls 30 � � �'r i t re I � er rii'ji;, the Congrega- . , . . q � . I - � . -d c a iiZh to -believe I . r, duty i% to her par-- .. . a college, girlf,,, at theb - .e go careering all over __ ' tha sliahtest concern z 1 feel they ara r I , " m � — — — s family ; their I ray from them forfour - .. forward to'her gradu- . - ,uld enjoy her society I I :E . ImNbouh felt that the - � --hich liar home offered I � and she, left home, and, o I q of tuacega Itt her : - ont her paren-t-i are . . . . . . . z � � I I - � to Where the, eldest- . I I . . I - �,t.tller with �heciaro � �n beemise sh�"prefer- .. , Vd.14��r ia� ,agazine .-3 if a girl nivat. be ..J . - ,r a carter, she should � hat i� is not always ���. . - i) c,utside of her own .... � . I ,;)f theact girls: are tak-- � � 1 -1 -It zeed, and that � it-, women who really . 1� . I . - . * -,-he judgment of thal- I . .and the college girl . 'I . - �' U) FRIEND , STE I _1110-N-5. . �-11 of All Ra,nks� � �- Point to I 3,'Y COMPOUNR� 4scuer Prom Lid Death. - - 1-h Am, t ican, .contin- -� a Gelary Compound F(111.yk I povind i'l to -day the , It- xveait'ay and hum- �i��(untiy. The prass WC I k III- prescription ,anti livaiatt tbanhas � W and ,it r remedy, �! prescri4le it daily. � ITA ha,, 1cf-ome popu- ;� 4 ta results exceftl �t orious over sickness I �, hc,,IT(. und cheer to ,�r"blv bv physicians; . :. 1-Y.Vf% 1! is the one . " � r,tl powerful that � i, -v and Oadness to - . � n ,t-ir anxioue relatives [.,­�,'Iliat'one or 190 ,_ I � 'I - '1� and will in ­aial,, tired feelings, n, her, dache, debility, ,�ii ar 1. ad aleepleesneEs, rzin unchecked, give � I , I and diseases. if Y011 - , 7.-(.d, have defective - .1 , atian, you will ob- . a this grand. System- rl-h dose carideff zlevv t I , )rpid organs of Ithe , I � - - - I e Wanted. , Lukey, keep away Ision. Dety'll t.raab I : Dey will, hey' ?� .,teadiu' fer in a bee � (jo joidy frum, dat il-rridgo wid a_ little urp hel' tig.4t in bar -,-Lts, tol, me time . is de, envy of da - - - - , , - � , - __ �:� - -­��_ . 11 TIME TABLE. Grand Trunb-. Railway. -Trains leave Soaforth tnd Clinton stAtions jo -allows : - FORTH, 01inM4. 0INCI WIST-- SRAF P&s"nt:11r-_____-­ 12.40 I,. R. 12.b6 P. x � Passe.nKer.... ,.. .. 1.13.1 3 P. M. 10.27 P. 9, Mjx,)dTraln-... - 9.20 A� M, 1GA5 A. X mixed Train ...... - 6.16 P M. 7�05 P. Coma &kST- pp,fisenger., .. .... T. FS & U. 7.38 paggenger.. _. .... S.V P. St. 2.55 P , jj!j0dTriI1A­-. ­ ­ 4 40 11� U 4.16 P. -..- __ Palmerston and Kineardine. Goy,NG XORTIL pa�sa. Mixot?. Mixed mciston. . ­ l ... 7 30 P.m- 12.!'O p.m 8. 4 5 n. rn. - Pal , Ethat., .. ­ ----.. 807 1.07 9.40 1 Brug;ell ... � .. ..., 8.17 1.10 10.00 I . w.127 1.811 30.20 Bluevale ...... .... win0am.. ­ .- .. 8. V 3, 1. 85 10.36 UOIN�G q . �01:111. pnsq. Mixed, pr-ff�. -wingham.. .. ­ ­ G 6? a.m 0 a. rn. 3,05 P.M 8111ev.11e...... .. _ 7-,12 9.17 .1Z.13 -Br is�e a . .. .... .. 7-18 10.00 325 Lthbl .............. 728 10.15 3.36 ,ralm(,rstou ........ 8-20 11.30 ---------.&--- London, Huron arad Bruce. - nwa NoRvi­ ra"enizetr. Landon� depart _ . . . - - - - � 8.15 A.M. 4.60?.- Centraft...... ....-..... 9.18 5.65 Exatpr.. � ............ .. 980 9(7 11ansall-............ ­ .. 0.44 6A8 Kippen ................ .. O -So 0. *4 Sr��_Ileld ......... ­-.. � 9158 6.33 fjIluton..- _.... -...-... 10.16 6.56 . Loadesboro _.... ­- .. � 10 PO 7112 ,Blvth.-. . .. � ._ ........ 1089 7.20 Belgrave- .... ...-- UFO 7 93 L -h *;;rl�e.... _ .. 11.co 7.66 win, am ,40Lqs Som- Pokagenger. . Wingham, depart.. - .. - 6. 110 A.M. SJO r. U G"Igrave_ 7.01 3.23 l3.1yth._..'.*-_:::-,.,. -,,.-.,.,., 7.14 3 36 �* .. I � :L-ondesboro. � ....... - .... 7. 2W2 3.46 . - I..., ...... * ­* 7.47 4.15 . -11rueefield ..... ­ � ------- 8.06 4.40 '411pipon . .............. .. 8.16 4.60 , I Hensall_..­.---­ ­ 8.22 4.65 . ,� I I Exet"_........... .. .­ B,qs 5.10 - 8.46 6.90 London. (Arrive)-_ .... - 9.46 A. X. 6.�o I STOOK FOR SERVICE - PIG FOR SERVIGF.-Tbe undersigned will keep on Lot 29, Conce;sion 11, Ilibbert, a Thorough. - bred Yorkshire boar to wbi-h he will admit a limited number of sows. Terms. --$1 at the tin e of s.rvice. JOYIN ELGIE, ChiEc burst, Out. 17714f , -1 ]ITG FOR SERVICE. -Tho undersigned has on Lot 2-2, Co � neersion It. MoKillop, a thor" . ed YorkWre Boar, to which he will admit a 112111t", DT ed number of cow?. Terrri&--76e, payable at the ,time of serviccl, with the privilege of returning if necessary. RUGH T., GRIEVE. - 1782 tf ____ ..------- Ontritons ct.�Leading Physicians. . - ,=I bare found the suppnsitwy mide by Mr. NV. T. StronZ of great v.due in bgynorrh tg s. They are the I beat I evrr w4ed. T. V. ij U rCH L -ON, V. D., Uedi- -cal RealGh Officer, London, Ont, . . . . .Price, 9I.G0. For sale by druggists, or by mail, on kreceipt r,f price. . W. T. STRUNG, Manufactuxin1w Chemist, Lonion, Ontario. 1796-52 � The McKillop M-UtU251 Fh;'A�, T__ . Lusurance Comppvny. I FARM, AND (SOLATED TONVIV PROPERTY ONLY RISURED - oyFtG3=. J, B. McLean, Fzeziideat, Kippen P. 0. ; Thomul FraAer, vice-ptesident. Bfuccf1eld P. 0. ; Thontas X. � qsys, Becy-Trean. StRforth P. G.. . , � PlazaToRa. Will'am Che3ney Seitorbil; John 0. Grieve, lVin. .1,,r,,p; oeorge Dale, zlaq_(orth; John Bentieweim, -D-iblln ; J&mog - Evang, Beechwood ; John Watt, 11a,clock, Thowal Fraser. rtruo4field ; John B. 9,3 Le* -t, Kippen ; Jamed Connolly, Clinton. AJlRK7X . Rot,%. Smith. Hairlo�...k; E. Illn2hley, Sealorth - ,,j&wc-6 C-11wralug Egwon4v e. J. W. Yeo, 110twei, Ville P. Q.; George Murdle snd John 0. Morrison sudZtou . Pkrtion des,ro'na to uaecli 1.1-11rk�aea -is tr*06 wO olth�_-. buatnasf% Y�111 ha prr;�)tptliy &&4,3ndad IG 3 % r I `W� lv4ll�avwn $0 &UT 0! -.he aiv,wV, A om. *,64vAzva,1 i. . r-"- III- -�,",* ,_04-. . . MI Dur-M-111TITU UP` E —AND - UNDERTAK,INC, . I — . e4oad Quality, Fair Prices, Cour- - teous Treatment and Straight Dea]ing. - *Furniture of all kinds, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures, Pic- Aure Frames and Framinly. �' Repairing d-)na promptly. Special Z3 attention givez to recovering, npliol- 0 stered goods. . Upholitery cover'nzs and. material. 'Tow, mo3s and curled liair. .It Furniture packed eitlier at your - bome or at my store. � - UNDERTAKING - I-Vill receive special attention. Nio,ht 0 ,allg - , answ(,red at my iesidence in rear of Dominion 11auk. — - . V. 1KN__E1JCHT__PEj'L, S L A,N CUXESSOR TO JOHN NDSBOROUGH, (-1 TI " SEAFk,)�M11I.- , . 1807 N1 Notice to Oreditors. — In the matter of the estate of Wm- Camp - poll, late of the township of Hay, in the County of Haron, farmer, deceased. Noticeis hirebygiv,it liur�uanb to the revised -at-itutesofOntario, 1897,chapterIS9,tbnt Olcredl- tors and offier-i having, 07dii, V zatoFt the es'ate rf I of the s,.td Wiliku., Czaqxpbelt. who d1fd on or about the 22rd day of September, 1902, are r q -ii; cJ on or before the �-.th dav of Ft!,)ru try, 1903, to Gcnd by post T rouaid or dt-iiv, r to If. J. 1). Cooke, c f the V;Ilage of Ilet s 11. s I�clror for Ellen Campbell, the adminigirktr x of tte ef-t -te (,f the said de�eased. their Christian nal furnames, add e4g-s and do- script;ons, t lit; fult Part i�.-ulars of their clvini�, the dtaternent of their accc u-.ts and the nature of the Lzecutities (if any) held I y thew. A rid notice is fue-' ther givvii that after Ruch last ii c-itioned date the said admixiiAratrix will pro e --3d to d1A P tite the ­186tsafthe deCeased amorg the rarties en'titlel thereto, hrwim; Tu,<ardorj1yt;o thCCIliI1I3f-f which ' she slatill then have nAice,*and th�t the Id a d In in - if tratfix w It ro,. bc I al le for tlit 6id as . 3 or any � ' �a so ( r_ part thereor t -i any pers)n or per .�j o u hofe ChOrna noti- e ,hall rot. nave been received by her at the t'lue o' such di�tribution. . ff. J. 1). COOK E, Sol;d. or for Administi t, i -x. Dated the 3rd (lay of February. 1903. 1334-3 . ---,---. � - - -_ - .- ­ - � - -_ - --- The Bell Telephone Company . of Canada. . � A -bow issue of the subscribers' directory, for the district of Western Ontario, includ- I iDg Seaforth Exvhango will be issued early I in September. Orderq'for new connections, changes of address, changes of names, dupli- cate entry of names, &c., should be � placed at once to ensure their appearance. 11;1 . , - , ,�� 1. V. FE AR, Looal Manager . . . I __ . , I - . - � I I - - - I _ . � .. - . I ---.— ­, - 7-- r-; ­­­­ ­ . � ­­ -14— -1 ­ . ; i 1iI I � I I ? i , , i I - I— _, , - -_­­­­77�7­ . I — � � I � i I i � �7_ ­_­­ -9".W . i I F � . i . —,— , �!- , - - -­ .- , ­- , ­ --,,,I-- 7 - _- ­ � �­ - � _71r_ I .. � : . . I I . . - .- ,­ - ,­ �­ , ­­_ - ; I i i ­ , � . - [ �__ - - 11 �- . � I I I I - � . = � - � ___ - ­ _­­ I - __ ___ __ - I , _­ I - ? - . __ 11 I - I I - 1 � ! - ! � ! � ; � . : i � i I i I i * i � I I � � I � . I . : � I .� . ! . i I I 1 i i - . - � i ! . : t ! : . i � I i i : I I i i I ! I - i . . � I I I I . i i I � : I - j . I : i 1-1 - -W - U --�.�, - ­, 11 �.� .- I f I 19 � I ; I �N I � I "-,f � , , .,�� I .4._ I I I � � I . . � ) I :I .. " ; - - . - 4 , V, . � I : CO. I D :�s it hot ,,2 � Clive t'p I , em. morc c ffe ' - 1�6" brdathe in a rclmcd�, to citra diselse Of 11 "th� breathing org,ins, than to takc the I j re4edY i.nto the stomach? 11 � � 11 Established IS79, I � i , C I ure While YOU Sleep ' , It Oures becluse thq air rendcred strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- f � . , , ac_j with every breath, givin&t prolonged an�l constaxit treatrnelit. It is invalu. I abil to niothers w! ith small children'. I � , i ; Is a boon to asthruatics. I , I � ! —,FOR— . � - - z . ' WhOoPing Cough BroneWtis Crotip cau-hs C!XtUrh, Colds . C11i 0 1 PrieandHayFover � Th,!, Vnporizer and T-trnp, which sbould last a lit�ctirnej tog.ether with a bottle of Cresolene $X-5% EXtrasUpplies of Cresolene 2,5 cents an� 5ocents. Write for descriptive booklet contain. ing bighest testimony as to its value. I � � VAPO-CRFSOLENE IS SOLD 13Y 1 DRUGGISTS EVEPYWHEIR11r. � VaPe-Cresoicne Co. x8o Fulton Street x65z Notre Darne Street Now l'urL 1%fontreal . . Recommended and sold by 1. V. � Fear druggist, Seaforth. � I H . - - I - -t I I I i TA - .";# altor*1 ,v 9 ---., 11 urot -*O* I, . �!n � I - ­ .—i DISTRICT MATTERS.W. I - , . I � . - — [The f I oltowino, local news was intended r% for last -week, but came -to hand too, late I . , I � � .; I - 4- .; MCK711101). - I SC110 � oL � Epo-RT.—The fdllowirg is ilis i refort0fachool eeptionNo. 9. McKillop, � It'i Clws.— for the�mort!i of Jar u try : Fif Harvey'. Senior Foarili,—Bessie SmAh, i MaggieiSniith. Junior Fouit'i,—Ella Love,, Voyd i Dennia. Seni(.r Thir I —Daniel' Kue(-Ii�el, Lillie Stiff ird, Milton' Y(tvig.! Senior Second,—C,ri Forbes, Neli oa Dav:d-I son, Edoa L,)ve- I . Junior 83(oad.—George, Kuechtl'el. Maggie Love, Lorbe D,Ounia.—j A, I. MICNAD, Teacher. 1 ; � 2 � _* I I Youri Opportunity'to Get W ell. I You ale effared Dr. Chase's Norve Fjod as the most pelfect restorative, bliod &eator and system builder thAt was e-;er prepared. Tba name of the dificowi a r, Dr. A. W. Chase, Is t)iaugh to guarauttwe this, an besidea, you hive the testicuoDy of sz-ore? and hun reds c f cur -A oncs Id every pwt of CADalg and the nited States. You oan ujo it knowing thil it is bound to do you goid. I I � .0. I Hullett, I COU$CfL MEETING -The. Etillett council � met ia.,'lha tnwaship hall, LontI33btrj, on I , S,ititrdoy, February Th ; members all Trasent�. The t�nders.of R. J. Bout'icomb, 8- M(Clool and M. Sprung Vere aacepted for supplying abcul,, 8,000 fe(t of plank. The tri agurer was instruc-ed to settl6 with Mr. M,&.-alf, the Grand L -Age agent, fo: the payment of the hall. ID was decided I by Oe council to re -build one t r perhapsi , two hr d9ps this year, anJ C,uaty Road� and Bridge Commiesioner Ansley i3 asked! to exa I *ne I he old bridge3 so ag to give X d" pla:is a estiniates for the constitil,tioa .of new ones. the township auditors haud,-d in their' report of the accounts of - h) trear - I urer fjt 1902, whicti shows a balanee in H3 hands of $69.16 and in the bAnk, , including . interest, $2,596.59. After being car(fully I . I examitird by the ectiacil the 34id report -was adopte and copies of the detailed kt),tc- ment were ordered to bet forwarded to the Buraau of Indn�tries and other pal, 138 en- Litled t ior6to. A few small accounts were pa�83d �rd the council adjourned tiil the lUh oflMareh at 10 a. m. I � . JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. I I- � ; AtT OLD -LADY'S PERIL. . I , I Coul Scarcely Walk pr Sleep ---4' I � : ioda's Kidney Pills i I I i i � i I . � Cured Her. 4 . i . � : : I - - i B&,,ul Rix -ER, D.*,gb.v Oo.1 N. S., let). 16,1 . (Special) -One of the most rkmirkabl� curas noted in medical circle.3 is t �at, of Mrs.; Elizabefih Birry, of tbia place. Mrs. Berry,i who i8sixty�fiveyear.iof age, was trouble& i with Chronic Kidney Complaint, and. thq disease )iad reaclied that atage- when fib� cculd nt)t sleep. She could scarcely vlalw. from one room to anotIvir, arid she re4uir,A� assistatuie to dress herself. " Then," to uF61 her own tvord3, 'I I resolved to give Didd'l' Kidvey� Pills a thorough trial. I took fiv� � boxes, jarid they proved such a aucoeeo that I tbok even more. Now I can tilee� much b'tter, and am comphtaly cured of�! ; Kidne Trouble. � Yi I ! ,46 When I started ttking Dcdd's Xidne.V , P�fle,j I � ould o3ly walk from one room tQ . anotborl; now I can walk a mile." r I - . : __ 0 � � , � Restoring !Chiffon. ; � I M.ni't1throw away (Iiiffon, &-s mi.11Y e0.1 whon it!b3come8 soiled. Qu tutities o- thial expensi e and lovely matt rial are wat t A! each yeq r th �t coald be saved and I nmglii I t o d o d14 ty agafii, al rr o it as good as ' new.; It requ4ca cara and a little extra iroible,11 but it is,tcert&,*n1v worth Lo li of I liese. I I , ! - Makei a la, It ar Of good Vi lilt I scap 811 `1 l(ti � it staDdli until nearly (old. Put th4 cli'ffolli ill gkidl, arjuni in the water,,passing i � 111rouphi the fingerp, but iiob rubbin it.1 I Now thike U o it in. clean watEr, changin.., the bF tqFt until tbero i,i Y. o trace of clou.di-': I - I � I ness Ill � lie Watt r. : � Vi ill alcup hj.1f full of watar ; drop in aj� morsel 0 pure gumBrabic, tni let - th-s dis i solve. !Add to it a few- drops ot white! I ' vin3par.' Dip iii. ,th-3 (It ffon. D) i w! I sques za icr wrina, it dry, bur, lay it betwoen, M I vt ry i oet white niuslin bud gt n1y pat. I io�, I with the' haLd. Have Lit irva jii.o lert-taly! � ` Y o -, *andl i r,)n t �e f*bx ic on the wr () Ig side,� . ! It wing fi sue papt r between it ani the ir(n ; Embrcidered ir o jL-seline de I We and ot.heri' � I ffim�ay flEsties c. it be reronted by the sam� I . i ! I . pmaege.7 I � � i � . 5 Levet's Y-7- (Wise I -lead) Disinfectant' � � I Soap Po'wder dusted in t Sof -tis'l , I - Pe bath, - i - � t1te wat-er and disinfects., \ 38 � 0— � � - Roup. I I 3 T11-ral are over eight million of fowl of the domei3t,ic hen variety in OL.t%rio, and i� ntimberis steadily, growing; owing to thE . . invreased demand fpr poul:ry at home Rnd � � Aincrig thiii &scasos to whi(-k these abroad. � I fowl are'� Imble 6 ropp, m hich. is also known I salcankt,r, di-t!rnp!r and fowl diphtheri3. Valuabli) tre%tise on t!ie� character, proven - tion and eura of Toup, by ProfestorT. C. . it;t of the Ontario Ag - Hal rlson,,. Baeteriolog � L . I I . r � � ! � ! � ! ; I I � � � i ; : �' . � I � i � - i � . . i I I . � - - . � r I , ! . I � - I � I . I A i I I i ; ; 1- I - : i I � . � 1� I � I � � [.19 M M . � � I I ! � 'J9ZA_4.JL.AL v*.F 0 � : ,; . . # � __ I I I . � ! � _ AJL 4-4 JLW W . L'I _ I I Nj.ILJL W.ALW I � I I I - _'. I � - .., I -_ I I � _. � --- .1 ill I . = , I - . I - . I .1 I I _�_ - I .. . � � .� - . . . . . - , I - � I I �! � - � � ; - I I - - � ' - I � - I 1 I P I � - 1ricalturaf College, Guelph, has been &b- . elshipW Women's ItistitIltes in 1900 was Recollodtions of George Bro World's Horse Supply, FOR SALE. :� . `rl lishod in -the fortnof a bulletin by the On- j,'"02, ' ith a to�al attiend%mo�' of *31500. ' � , I - I - I I I 0 [goberb G a' 14:er�� I -R. oent at 6tiaticil show, says the Breeders . I I - - ; _�y, in the'Tri'ter and Pub) MIMBER FOR SALE.-Ilming di8vrs;��d of saw - - � -1 11 Iario Dapartment f Agricultur cmexj,i while in 1901 the moa�bership in- i � . I � I I azette, thi t thera are 85,000,000 li,)r8es in ' 7 . 19, I ' . , . d* , G � , . _L ulill map-hinerv,we are now p&tiiig i,reate tho � : : I . - -3 be h -.d frie by all ho voill wl'iDe tnalltheltila�y 'rtasedjo 3,081, and thE stbendance of When I'first triet Georga Brown I was i bhe whole world Of these t�e United - Z�, I timher rf saire. The building 1!5 j5dx.3ij jeet; tberc - ­ 11 partnibut at Tormtoior,'a'co The Wle- omen �o 16,410. Judging by rief fttract9i about'14. I presumje he; was 23 or 24. He I Stmtog Ito!& 18.266,140. Tliis coorilry is .Gx!2 Inches, fo fee t endent A I , y . - � � a, e is p!eCeB . t lonL. if de � - I I - tin is freely illuor ted,IandrgPes ev.,de oe givenfrain reportj of locial Institutes, the w4s then a tall, thin men, His father, I 110% llowev(r, the itrgebt owner of ho- of frame; would sell this aepar-af e if �Iekjrpgf , near- -, , I - � - _ 8'281 ly r-11 tivaberis rockelm. GO'VF,,VL _:1 g of hu- me3tings v in nterett and Peter Brown, was the principal writer on I , 0Cj( B -ROS � �, -,I pf profestor flards n'o v0de readin . . uLh i . th%t poeitici bein-�i h,ld. by Russia, vili4h Winthcrop. ** . 7 i Dhorit'es, while giviag the ratults of hie O' n I ave done mu(h go)d in many �wayy. Tile - th�4L Globe at the time, and Mr. George has at ouni Ij 2.000 000 head, or atout trn to - 1782 -ti . � 4 , ' A . . � - - :,�jl � � r1arefully .eonduqted ipxperimiWa v Lh tWuparbof the repurb, Lc,vevcr, is givan Bedwa atcended to the finainial aldio,of the t lie sgiii, re jy ile, tit h-ilf that wim- ULI AIND PIGS FOR SALF­Th�N underisigned . I . i �, I againat b I - ,:4 � Offi-oted birds. While admittin4 thab th re t ) ' t d chiefly by i Omen who ' pa Kr. I bcr fer the United States. Among the Eu- BhakLar sple one tborcu-zhbred Dutha;m bull, ie ­... I I ; - I Won I I �� is a close resernbla�me betweEn liuman d p-�'�k"3fr'b'mpa'�pp'r'ra'c"-ticaI exptrien e with the " 6athi3deat'i of his .father, Mr. Brown ths, fban ; I eight)u;i3ths utd one fire r,onthe. I I . I I . r6peIn nitions Gir-niiny is ored.t?d with Aho a nun.b(rcf heifers one ye-cr and under. -4 , jec A— � __ I � I - I � theLria and roup 111i �owl, Ih3 avahor alfo �e- flittijeath'in band. Moat of �theE papers are ! todk up the cii4gels burnsAf. He proved owl,,, 7 4,200,000 ljo-res ; Fron2e with 3,_ a number of thoroughbred York,-thire pigi -arid Sows, - . � I. - 1-1 lievesAhat 013 twJ Pisomes arinotidentical,' Cu somo phaFe of hou-nhild pleuca, ani i e U , erior to his 6ther a4 a �writqr, thon*h 5()0,001) ; ih Unitbd X ii-jeo -a willi 3,000 - litt(r.eI In August. Site and do.m. both from irn- � - � , �� ­ I I - � A. and thAt contagior as between bird a"Pd - ard tii6y ri#ge from hints on g (d manners ' t2o la'tter. was rackolied � as'4 clever mbn' . 000 I b:t fir,at two nj�i;oii4 nsrn,�d li,ving ap- rorted doeli, (r m flattla bt.rJ. F -or pfirvruiam . �. � , . - 4 � .. . * t addic.mS. CUDMORE, flurond4leP, n-, Is.()-tf � - il � I man is h ir'dly likelly t)'t4ke place. i W � ir.-oticns regard ng ven �ilaq On, Cooking lle� had the taoulby of employing man Of proxi iat3ly 150 00,10 head cat h in thi mill- � _� - - - : : I ­ - -­ ._1 -.11--i ___ 0 I and other it3me of domestic ecor omy. Some I ex�ra good talents fis writers and this gave - 1 11 tar .service. In a.�rm�ny th r,i sr3 aloub ULL3 -. .-A � flo y � 'FOR SALP. -For sale two tborougtbrea I A , I 1� I Ringing in the Ears. ; a pim is alto given t) the woq en'4 wer I thO Globe. a prestige ci�or all t' -ie ol,ber� 12 horics to ewry i1qatire mile of tcrritory. BDurbam bulls, 15 nionths lold, red in col:) v I . � � r I one - - _- �-_,�4 -1 � bu!] 2 ycars old, red. Also twD 3 i car old h1ciferB ��_­ -A Thia ii An unfaili g? f ign of Catarrh, aLid 8 id vegetAble go6T (1 -in, every artj je -o-a these i papers. Mr. Beaty kp-.-nb a . fortung on the Aust-lia and Hun-,t4ry logyetb(r h%va 4,800,- ,ith ca, � . ,j X_ _1 :, st MCA. Calves got by '_�ew Yeaes IDift- �- 17)l ult,imately racult in t iqt -ios being contri�utod bv wor en, Health : Lqader, its opp ii-nt, but! that pl%per ci'cm4d, 000 hories, t. id of i 4 tt number 280,000 ligad t', :�­ if not checked w . I ! Ali the right low down w�eky kind Apply on Lot 4. , __4 - deafneEs. The simpleab remedy is Catarr�h- a lid oo�mforb are not negle(tid, p.0 r8 bidn 1-0 I 11ex-er keep,,pace wit;h i the Globe. Al r. ara st ted t o be in t h ri service of I h 3 G o - 24, ConOoFs on 3. L. V. S., Tuckeramith. WILLIAM .,t-- � - �,_ -� ozone, which, if ii -b Jel a, few ti'mes da R.VQEI 013 such tvica as 11 Bone � 1`41 ", CIIAPXAN, Biuctifield, - � j ilv. I , Brown wau good W his' 4aployees, aji'aWd Ernm(nt in o �o capacity 0- ancitiv�r. Swedi J1 1826-tt I - - -1, . ,,, I , �-, , ' U.( �ediC�, Ill Eff elt i of Mo atb re:'t'tiiin'13',"' ' wrijOr and a digtinguishoo, man. ­ -_ - -- - __­ ... .- --.--,-- ____ _ ­_ I _-, prevents the ottiarrhal cioudition frq"m' and Ncrway h ve 663000 Innes ; COTCH 8110 r,tTj3oRh-s_ - , � - _� a -n t I, I � --- � -1 - 4 FOR SALM-Forfale..& 1 � � ,__ � spVeading. Catarrliozon; quickly s), q t�e H w 'nd Wh to' Rest," e In f act, When he wrote cn some very important Belgii im, 300,000 ; 711and, 270,000 ; Spain, S number cf YoUngReoteb Sb^rtharn bnll, also -1, - e ,op i . tf:`�­ -41 tinging in the ears, hewl inoises, gives pqr. the repri-I is one that evfry womi ii,whobhtr 'stiblj,uct, su2h ai;; on the sewii'marbyra hi the nearl 400,01)0 ; rtu,ya-1 about half lli�t, cows and bcife-s of the most fwhiormlAe Etraight - .4 I - I Po. � - dianenti rolief t . � r �i ing � in t)wn o,.. et u b -y, will � John A.. Macit-ii.ld Gov6ri3meii �, it created num r ; Stvitz riiald, 110,000 ; Qreeze, Scritch and Be 4ch topped breeding. Don,f; -t-ior t� �.., , Vii 0 a tarrhal deafness. F,�y - - - Val - , I - � I " . 11Y auation see. wi )-cu can buy bere mu,!b cheaper _�� - � - r)ii I wi;liplfaeure SLd 'PlOaD. it is een t a fOrore t1frNghour, the!, cowitry. I� Was __ - ­ - � -:7 Cat%rrh hi i.ny part of tli3 system, Bro 1100 000 ; Italy, 850,000 ; Turkey, 11 11f a Lnd c n your own te! ivi Pnj ycu have 70 head to MT . - . � � � ­12�17� -or - Tf.ro,t Troub] ., . - with in -O ri, P - p , � UP. il� --- - _�; chiti% Afithma, LuLig r., - (I lei to e�ory member,bf a 'Voni An's InEtl- oftitin daylight wh(n be -'!got; through ill n I �Jii Balkan ProvinceR a.�()ijl, F,I*0t troin, S -ejall b&rg-tins to �,,.qtiv bil � I - DAVID MI L,;N E &,�;O_V, Eth-:1. - t it), q twice ih�t, iu-nK.r.- In Solaill America - Catarrhcnne is a specific, and is guarante , d ft is d:slrable Qi it buch Instimtes his'editoii,k1s, and thenI' had 0 sendthe I. I&S tf - .. - � � 'Z fo permanent'y cure a i;u!d be eatiWifibcd in every f;ec tion of the proof up to the ho-iqe ci� Beverley eiree�.z the militio is -for rearing h-�riesll are : . __ - or your money b�ck. � . . I . .whF-r ' 'I- � - - - _ � � - �� Large eizq, $1' ) 1 � IrcVidoe. Thoffeintereated in lotming an So whf n he was ruarl"Ing things the paper little ihorb c! ideal, there aro 6.500,000 ,F . 00 ; trial a;ze, 25,3., abj I rug - t , _­ - � - g4ts, or N. C* Poison & Cio lik'j"tibe' should vommurivAi -with the wamfi-equentlylate. -Ile;eisaninathilm: 1) sK4, MOA 01 vt hich . Are owu,�d Fn I krpt �n a% 's ___ _e_ . , KiDg,ition, 04t. -1 - � ( .� , I ! I , 0 ... �. 4 7 0.1 8 rint6ndent of F,i,rmefj'.[a,.t �u'cs, Tor- Mr. Brown wai a mem �,er of the commit- Arize+ine, Atrica is erct1iied'willi aroinil %1)41 ' I Dr. Hainiltori'd Pils Cure Constipatia I � I t3e!which formed 0enfediration. Die day I I n Oash Free - � 0 5,000,P00-1ior!eH, arid Aul3r,ralia with L800,- . I A . to � - d b . . i i . � . - I . I . I I - !�� I .� _1 I � . i a-- i ib *m pa%,ed-it was; abdut the laslo- day of ()00. . .. ! � . Th -i (n ir i ,3(fit rient, of Asia has per- - -1 A Housos,Wili Yet be Poured. � , CROSS J3ABI EIS i Jade -well, t&t night blo came into the haps IL 0,000;Q00 113-ikep, of M11411 onl-tRii 11 . ­_ a" l : 11 . i . . E Econ ro) long - aao j:r.3dict(d 1hein I ! - — I I offiee and it, was prctty w,pirm. - srjowjaedinBri�ithTtilia. Csnidah-itiiob - I : 1 6 � . . - . - . referring t) ,cement and its coming i6V , � Have yon got any wFtir here?" he monyovera ill-onhead, and New Zeiland ... - - � 11 I . - - I - said : 11 Home -4 w! [I be poured like m Ron 96�v to Make Them f rl t, Good aEke'd me. . - I I . I �, � A'. her. - -- , - �� I . ;_ _'z hidf t! 3i6t nu �__ V� iron." Th -3 large pillars -over Ili3 main ' iNatured and 6 , . " Yes, sir, " I r 3p'ji. d. I wag night - f ore- . I I �� " I 1. . I . � I _ifl.,� � 11 ontrin,eof the nevr sanitarium m Batt�le , I . — I ma..� then, and thTre was some water' In a: , _.� _��,.2� I . , THA MOST NUTRITIOUS I - �:f_�_,_-._ , I �, -- U -i Ilia pri 'Pail. 1welitt-)get Bpi cher, but. before I' 4 , -. �,,,,! A. C.I. . � 1� - - Creek have been co it inted o �Vi�g baby is an un,v% ell friby. The I I - . - s 0 -d iolarad by E lison. could get i -j he had t ii -ken ,the pail right up . I 'or th fun of it, He . - � -1 �_ iplc Huge oircul�; li5bt tlia� is til t cimsEu; 'or th and WIAM awaila�A ing t I he water out of - A i � - �, -`_ _i �- I -_ �- wooden mculds in joints set end to e4d . I � r, I . .. _i,� I olc because that is the onl waf he. has of Probab] v h e d ran k a qtiai t, �- I E �, COCOW � _1.1.-] . - I i . - .. upright and etrf t-,hing to the height ci�' 40 e P the fact t�%t he is either ta. pain _P 11 .-.,--. - _1 froot, have been p so 10 posi 1(11 and Into I ( cr�j. M�.sF, of his little troubles 11hen.fie t)ok off 'his collar, his co.it 'and' 4 admi able f )od, with all its na. - . '___� �, � " . . . . . . . . . ­ I . , ; - them has been pouj ed ttie liquified e to ne disorder o't the �Gtomach ri, ves�. i. - toral q:talitie i intact, fitted to fl'To be awardc,d st ibe Pr6t,inela Winter Fair 103, _ � - � .�aOs a " Wille,ti tl*M,8 Can you 4atih the eastern ir '4 I that4e to hirdon. an form the lofty piliers. b �19, ,and if Baby's Own grablets are . . � . build up aud maintain robust fOr the beat pair of fat cattle fed-wa a : --- � � . 9)) I 1 4 ___ i hly Eolidffird - isLh __ ---, , When they have been I h r U7 Inaill ? How much time dwn you give me . h L n gi � both the t ouble and resulting cross. L alth, aud bo reL; winter's ex. _ -1 1; I � . Wortbington's Canadian Stock _- I by er.?ing the caisr( s w It a removad and n n4ill.diaappear. Yo,.ici t4 h lie "ked. i I t emecold, Sold"inquarter-pound I . ;_ -i- .;;1_1� I � as er a : word. for it, and Mrs. J hu ' a "" . - " Until half-paRt two,"'I answered. I . Tonic. � � �L L, -�2 I __ I . I 1 I � � ­ _. tberi will stand t -ie columns as enducin.. . Su t,her- ti a labelled JAMES RPPS &CO., - .. � - t la jand I WOLt to ul -al� -1 1), t h* Thesweepatake fatf .,Iezt iniwgn - granite and as gratid rin aebi�avemon 0 I He went in o is room , anti Guelpl, -3 I , of Blissfield, N. B., says : (I I think L . y L mited, Hom opathic Chemists, 4"C_�, - I "' At lit I ,vinter faim 1902,wetefed,%ith WoRTtA.jxGTLcN*S - ;, week. LU-pasb two � went to him and _-4 &Pplied chernical Eownee if not as subli .. ely B 1) , sO�va Tablets the be;u medicine ?In � L ndon, Engl d. - CA147"jiji STO,,-K TONIC. An cv1dentm of the z7i- I -��l I t E i - , - A _1 t a; 0 L, i __k I E I . I . N, . I . I � t spect%cular as the pyramids. h torld for little, ones. M5 baby was 9 11 yoodreaulta f,rimrs a!,dfeederA would,chtsin by I . d � i 0 - � I ",Mr. Brown, it's �hal . ast two. We'll . "ji . � -6 � : ve V crose and used to keep i ne , kwake half p . ngagenuine r-tockf-d,notan ,Auierieanud. , 1i -.L . 10SCL t,he eaEtBrn mail." I Horses If)ok bettrr, fe-d I i4er dr ve Vettl r ard seft .1 -.1-1-1 . I � � I OUR OI;D FRIENDS I L th Oighti b�_fore" I got the Tab eta. Now 1) - 'PPS S Comal bettcr when led );Ith WOI,Tfli�NGJ,()� �',­ � I I �� ", P11 be through in a few minute -s, he f _b -S ISTI.;`CK - -----g � - Ever True and Unfailing Are 140 sh deeris soundly, i -i g,)od-n atui.ed and is . . . i I TONIC. I � I - __1 i� ; gr V�iD 'e-rilendidly." You yan give these , -.� GI IING STRE14GTEI AND V1,00R. DEAR SIR,- . - I 9 .. - t three o'cice't I came t) him -again. � I -GTO'N I - I � Taykti with perfe3t Ljafety to ii, .now'born L 1�19-26 . N Have us�d AVORTIJIN , -6 13TOC)K DIAMC ND DYES. � _�.`Mr. Brown, we'll ceiUnly lose the _. I I - t i TOXWfironevenr ani h-lic been feu-.+!�Vjt t,01,11 . � f - ba �e. .They are guarantEeJ to,containDo - ! I 1 a — , - � " -_ i eaklwnmail. It's three u'clock." i � MY St()Ck� F,Dui.d it to g"Ve vc-bd siiliisf-,,vtjou. alld - . I i � . ; � : . op As or puisonous Blee , Sick 'With Worms. would advite all farzat' . py stuff, , nd are a * - rs and fefidera W stock I Old freads, vdi,),*re ever Texdy and able I Through iii a few m* utet", Came the 1-11 au 3 cure f3r all the mincr ailiaents from � ,Mrs. ,T. D, Map, Soutti Stukely, P. Q., wrote the to U63 It. ..,- tio help us in otir time of necd, are in le � d auo�ver. . I � I � . i � 9 w1[ch little ones suffer. Sold L- medidine � followbig; " ne of my children took Blek with Yours falltliffilly, .1 - ., t:ue friends, f I I i wen t in at half - past t ree. I . L. MOSES ��i - ; 'dei lars or sent post paid, at 25 c nt3 a box, : � woring, and fte r trying everything without getting 1) 1� I eo ome frien a "'Of - " Mr, Brown, We ,half psab three ; the rclia, vre pr3outed Dr. Law's Worm Syrup, which ecember 29, 1902. A-vo,iton P. 0. 13t Diamond D . by ritiog direct to The Dr.4illlams' ! 1 �_4 1 - our Oanadian peoph and have proved ble4s. 1, eas6rn mails have gone.3� acted p.-OMPUY And t ffeatually." i � 10 11b. box 200 feeds. 570a ; 50 1b. enek, 01 1 1 1 Wicine Oo., Brockville, Out. , � j . — f 1 $2. t . I : � ings iu� thousands of homes. When t4e . . 1, I . 4'.Throughinafewiminutes. Give me a. I o- . Manufactured by THE WORTHINGTON �� � I . — n 4 � " a rt, bl( e, I k " wm the sole iiaply. ? .1 � A f ier a night 1 boya "" there Is no betier DRUG Mii Guelph, (jnt� ;; . - -heait craved for a new drqss, ski �u� * 'Ontarlio. ,dri . I remedy to clea- the hoad and, iettle thv� stomach I � "I � isekt t, 'jopera shawl, fresh, bri . ght 111030 , 9 Sma-11 Pox in bo�it four o'clock I Nvarned him that we For sale and guarant,eed by - __ � � - than Milburn's iteilin-41 Headache Powders. Price 4 1, the qu-Lrterly meedug ,of tile Provin:, W011 Id lose the weEtern m -its. His on] v a ' : �� or f,3athi3ra Lit times, when ecorloffly I�A . I , n . 10c and 25c at e 1 1 dealero. HAMILTON & KERSLAKE, Seeaforth. ... - be ol,.s orved, ti c � Diamond D ea oq at k1yo 'eta; oard of Health, held ih T�roullo, last swee was 11 Through In a few minutes." I . __ � - . �� , , y I . I - P.- MAITLAND, Clinton. � , - , we. ,-the principal topic of diac BE1012 was . . ,-., 1r.xnsftr.n(d o'd and faded g�r,nents a4d I I . F� u:-thit ty came. � I 1 Ne . .- � .4, thus saving'; a I o . I I � materials int-) new t' I reaent outbreak of smallpox nd iica'rlt t W. J. LEVY, Mitchell. -4o `V. dreiation , I I Mr. Bro,A n," aai d I "' we'll nob be able "I had been, i f�h I . ­:, � � � ,, suffer about six months vu 1 -1826-16 -A large amcurit of moxoy in th- bome. If j ou f 84 , both of which were Pn unusually to , ot2h tie wet t-.rn mail' " Neuralgia, wher� I ft3ided taking Milt)ura'd Rbeu- I . A , - I . - I �.. - � vir I ent type. I:, was the opir oa of bhe i �, P11 be through in a fotw minutEs " I ie more good than any medi- :.-ri would have the bes 5 resulco in your-dyeillig � . in tie FlUs. Th y did r �_ i wn� . is ve o,clock cinelemruscd Mrs konaRy - i I'll � me, i --al frA3rnity that real a alig I �nt sinall- v tj five. I I Mr. Bro : zt * fi an, Sand Point,N. S. z I I - o I .1 I w(,i-k, always uso tha Diamorid Dyes. . . I �� AUCTIOSEERS. - .. I pox a now in Ili) provincia for th . I *so. I �if 83'end your addm a to The Wells'& fj'�ich. - first time T ma:ls are all lost." 1'' - . F! , , t it h �13,i All k ds of C )uk hs w id Colds, B ronchitis, Whoop, 121 in any yebi-4. Alth(uih hi out�r.-iak Th�ouqh in a few- mitjiutes." - HOWAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer jor the - I ardson Co.,Limited'i 200 Mountain St.,N cot- i.1g Cough, Pain I in th( Chest, Wheezing, Hoaree, TCoUnties of Huron and PertlL Orders left at - - - � �­ I Waf ot so geuers.1 its iln Jau6ary. 1902, , j_ _FLL . rea), P. Q . and voi will be supplied w: L. a � At *six o'clock he was till writing. By uess. Sc re Throi t, mud 4Ahma- yield t,) the Lung- A. M. Campbell's Im0ement wareroome, Sealorth,or . .- . -d samples and'a rt a- s2s, i.o,n &r I ,,idte were a oil uple of bun I will.r4celveprompt Attentio -� I" . new Dye Book,'451 Dyc whii th(ra was 650 ca (I wit 11 tb�*' ,ime th dred bej�,Ing pioperlitis of lDr Wood's Norway Pins TIm Exposj,rta Offiee, , u- i _-, . . I - ��P_­_ 0 1 nteed.or no oh"We, I 19E I at JtwL,u ry, the mortality has incress. peo Is ou e waiting fo � � I Satisfaction guara - - In tie designs of the I Diamond Dys Mat a d . I I cr fo the paper. Still Syrup., Price 25o. - : 170841 4 I t I . �-c , i ; I , _ I __ . 'k ri. , � I a . , Mtn, — -**ol- � - d a ormoudy. Oat of 650 cases in 1902, ca o the answer, 11,Through in a few A P -ug Pattorne. I i � � AMR% G. McMlCtIAEL, licensed auctioneer for � � . - � - I onl one proved fatal, mh Is ton deaths uteC" I � . orses. L . I - — . i 100 - or tile 1E1 J thecountyollfurcri. Sales attetd,eaLtoinany 1 j . - �� ... - 11 have a!raady been recorded n the yi;e-lent Wh6n I went to him at� Ceven o'clock he Mre. rhom homps 0'Rolind, Man., wrItes'- part of the county at moderate ra Hen . f iis"bom s Extravagant Decorations. e has b en op. rl.f � . 4A My ausband would ot be withou . tes, andsatisfae .: epiJe io. The di8eas (I in hadAuat finished. I D HugYRIWO guarautaod. Ordes left at the Beef )rthpost of : Tlitr,i seems to ;be no limib to 'th ex- L - a good deal or at Lot 2, Conzession 2 H L P-ce . A !-, . 42 c nte�s, the weiret of vildeb was Galb, . yellow Oil in th 3 hou5e, as he uses It _ ullett, will receive. - t . -1 11� WeIr, t`iere's the last of it,"' Paid ho . - , I - I �� - � � -for doel oring uf the hoi es and conaiders it splen- trompt attentlun. 1882-tf . . I travagoo-e ; in d:co:.-adoi with eleAric wh,(,r they'h5d 63 cases atd five deathe. 11 We've done well." - 11 I � - I � ligh a. � At a dirn r givfn for thi Du lie . did " rice 25c. .. I I � I I '? 88. TbI ther (146ths were, two e t 1061on, one He hai writtf it seven and a half - columji4 � �� - -I - 'UOTIONEERING.--�_B. S. Phillips, TAoenmd z . . I - - - � of Marlto ou",h 0i guests -were seated 96t in ; t Joseph Island and one in Toi-O.,ti. � the M -)Bt elaborate ; ai ti�le ever published , i,,�xa, `L Head- A - - drer 1'.Isares osifive cure for Sick Axictionee,r for the countlee'd kuron and . four a ' Ig a r, 11 opposition of antigac,.inationists ia the oicy of ToroLtg on I a matter of that ache, B 0 Us nr - er .,and thorougbly A mall tables. Love each table hui .- R es , Congtipatlob, Dyspepsia, and all Perth. Being ix practical I& m. I - I li-An leorne Japarlfi,�' umbrallp, fran, 3 du -n erhallpoxecares was broug�t up bY kind. ! . 1. stomaelkandliv complaints. They neither gripe, understwadIng the ralueof farm -stock and imple- .1 � I in �` came weaken nor slok . � Pri 3e 260 at all dealers. s olents, places me ins, better Position. ED TakljZO .g .. � � ood iieh lin gtever*l silver Ila I ��g th( alt Board of Health. Tho, medi When bhe Mackenzie ,Govern e R=534" - _6� prim. 0hargesmoderate. Satlafs,etiong hatidles;of.wl I angil .Cal . n I 114ralateed . I baskets. Hundred' ef ele.-!r1c lights, ve,y me f the place have vaccinated shme 5,000 , into power, Mr. Brown �came to me and - I I \ I or nd pay. All orderelen at Henwat ost office or - I I jL tin v, gav�e i I i -1 rz ffec � u Z th o (1, -(or A,tions k eip 9 pec rity from ' the 'Board of said : - I - I I ! at Lot -28, Conciesislon 2, Hay, will Pbe prom, tly , I . � � I on au -Ii-) I . I � UCTI ' , I -X di moridi. At . . . . li 1) I T� ?N SAL"-*\ '; tt,,d,d to. - . � To dired with a Cali in�r 11 -vili- h -r those � " Come to the lack �!i , . ! .- � I -1 1709 t I Ref It . Ib was iEvired - * I I LF, ING AUCTIO SALF OF RM STOCK . I I I Mis accirtatcl could be I Went with him. -1 e un ers gne as D . eiv, n fo-' s 'No LISE11- sild Regiiiabi . 9. I wli � object-ld obeing. v - - 11 Tnelbonwilding we then LE - Vandeibilt, pr. -ken foliage e6vcrid the wa�ls * C AND IMPLEM - - � -,,.- - 1. - coa lied to submit to, the pl,caitt-, on. Dr. o2c4pied extended 200 fe�tin length and r- �, ..'%_ . -- i and ceiling Of 1113 dli Lligg 1�00,m'. Over e ve�y I . been instructed b-) "Ji ):r publve suetion on Lot 2t, ."; i" . �� " .. *�, , . , I I Br3 ,a read tli3 law o it'ic su:bjei t s�o,,. iag was;four stories high Lorid-in road, r, tanlev, 11 Er il�s n -rth of Brucefield, IG .." 51 "', , 01RCUIUM I I � . � -161-, - � I., . I . ....._X I table was Euipend(d large beehiVA ba�keits tha autbor Ceo o:dj r'ad v i � 26th. at I ol I " M-1 . ��� 1 V�e health . Ac- on Iveinc-sday, Februlk .clo2k p. in.. I *- e ", !­, i - "� Wdeam put up& now bai'ding," be . .�le 9 years c1d, 1 heavy . ,I lJ. ��.._ ; , 11 of Amri':c(n beauty roses, Lni fea,.Ji�tly 61- � - . . the f Ilowiriz : One bea ry mla � � - I It I cina -ji n,'the public had no reobl: CO but to . �." Q. A - . R I .e. . sald exultantly, 'I'aad * another building- horso 4 ye[trq aj� 1 dri, Ing filly 2 -years r Id, I yc�ai- OF I 7 H E " 'f..'fl�'�`,., SAM . a7e. Tl)raugh all, this de(ci-ation we� con 31y with it. De. Bryce ie ninmended . I I "I 11. J h z, . s Euppo;ed to, be in estiri I milking � .- , . , , facing o . lk'r 1, r, ill ! o,t green bt lb F. t1l -, _.5_�&sting of th-3 vacoination �, to m,*ke cow, 2,te3re ris tig thr, �c ye&rj old. 2 steers flAug 2 1 I- � . - myriad eleal ria ligl . n Viot)ria street, and have all the Ang fill v, 8 em, I . , 06 work we can do. Yoa can take ca fifty I � -_ Nino. large ti.blea wEre med. decorAted with 11, 4 stee ra rislD�': 1 year ol 1, I Maspey-Harris ; I � , of flo eve in sepa I I itilmora wri-kable,'and annuun 4 that a V� I ­ . ye%rp 0 'i - I I �� -4 - 0 � hands," , no - centei pieces rate c( I. �*d bihde,. I combi ted drill,,'7 2 oc, Vaspey-Harrid ; I ,-1 ilv r candelabra. 'riv) cot% new bill 'Was under preparation. � , But the next morning h came in like a ellitivat nif W�r 6 P4VOU I horse jxke,one i Cr � A Fk am.ind lt�aavy s , . r, I I ., I i . 't i-. � I - - � T 1E neceaiity of prompt acl ion jin vaccina. W t`b o b,% I -. jg b 'I combined hay and it � SD - I N Oro wtri yello,v, p lik (rimEeiii, whiti la . , . . race horse. He had thought it ever during lumber wagonl I . ,t .L I - V- tii:)n wag emphivii-zed. Ou-, 0 30 ciages in- stock rack. I wt� rwelgh� Fealo, I fanning mill, ripir. : I --% . 1 -- la I I j0k - ender, Am . alluty, red aud w] i tho night. i ly Dew ; I set it n barrows, I gravel box, I cutting ! _% * . � f,#� -_ eric!)II tf, spe t(d in Ga't, 17 I)ad never been 'va'ccinat- L" 1 �, � � j � , - � . 41 Look h I want I . i ­ white, ard one of migroil-ttia. ON01 0 - -9 --- I pink aut ed, nx w(ra vaccinated in infancy afid four are,"- he said box, 1 loot pul er, 1 act JoWe barness, 1 daisy -i The ermile shades matched, adding to t'e , you to. understand the Mackenzie Govern- churn, I stone b air,, I I d rdfler, ' scuffier, I grind- * CD '. . 1 u.4 i I , vact it a ted after exposura t') t',e contagion. stone, kan a] 3 plow, I walking plow, forks, I � r - I :� 2=� � . I - - �� I I - . . - ' # n,, is iu pov er. Not One p6nDV8 work rticle t 0� � � -, fi harmo.q. i not ible trhat MI. of t hosa . , - hovels and o e a 3 o 'numerous to mention. I. I . . . a,I � = fl, I � It v . wl o had M � We'll accept no Gov- ' 11 be sold w'thout resove as the proprietor 0 , -4, , , I will we do for iligm. , All wi 0 P �A: . I it ad ),rgone this simp e operat [ � � vered, ernMOLt Work -not ey; the list of uncalled has rented his f rm. ,rermfi�-All ou-me of7$5 aud . I t " ­;!­ I .en 4 . I 1-1 � - - I - ov r that am0un't 8 will g:� Tqk- . or,4 were urged to be MOV3 careful in in epend . pub- .0 wontbo'credit -I. < - r . Toothache ed in One Min - t6. Dad,� rider, nsh ; ov " :_�!� r,j� Saturbt3 coale I)atting with P,lio4"s their diagnosis many cases li%ving spread for otterpk We're . I ent The begive2on famisbing approved jointriotes. Six . i �r�; -1 � , I M � W_4 �_ li3 I Vill all PPM t US." ,,1C -7�. _, , cents on the do] ir diL,count dn credit amounts. F. . . 1, 7��. of the throu En OX in I 110 � �i �V -, NerNilino and pleye in 'the otivity .211 being F r,mouaced ch; okEn -:' ft r.t. . �: �� � I � . Tiis action Rave his paper a strong iade TOMLINSON, Proprietor ; T - 700� 1, � - 1�1 � toct'i. Rub tie Iiainful part of the fa�e firal i ast,wee. � =" C"I" . 1 11. 7 - 1, I �� , i I � 1835-2 1 - .., � _­ - 11 I ,,,pox pendent tone througho it the country. tioncer. . Cj> _"T - - 5 . I I � , . __ � - � H Nvi�h?Nerviliue, bin. in a h,)t ffitrinel, a d In all there were'2.384 cases of I 11 ­_ -_ - ; ­ - ,g the toothache will hFappeor immediatel . whiol *has cost thq munkoi Pali Jm9ahalf 'a T,ie man who eho' Mr. Brown was i1ii I � - -I � �.A,U�L j . ucrioN g 'L'9 OF! FARV STOCK AND IV- M I , .-- - _�21 - 11 . He S. . co I - _ � -_ " -_ Nerviline is a riplendid honeebold retr e y millicii dollars. ur. Brvee 17.3comniended night enginear. He as 8, ba I man. Gi o rge A, -me mr3. T" Cameron and J. Mil- '.4. aq I - -1 - -F, 3 ps, Indigcf - Brown took a fL iicy o him, and thouglib �rcr h;ve receivel lnstr�ctlunq from Andrew Wood, . r" . ­ , �, - p - The to ac I � - t - - - - , for Crain � im,Summer Complaint, the adopticia of a repoit ny.zina, Oe a 0 .1 , L _. , I ro*,i Lt -neht of county healr a d him! an extra good and clever hind. lll�vpubllo nuetio) on Lot 35, Concession 3, OR -7 . ,� �� .1 � To(.0a ,h (iffiecra, inLt,' northb uodary Df Uab)rne, on Tuesday, rehruary a" (1) , � -, 1, ..7- H R,tieumatipm, Neuralgi.i, and he. I � "" - I 1. msn was very polite to M r. B I o wil'. i n' h *18 24th, 1908, A I delook p. in., sh-rp, the foll.iwing L11110 5 L%D it, ­ �: Powt-Oul, penetrat;6g, safe and pleaSaLt Or of t )I ns'�ip cffiaera. I _ i 4:-.'L. � L - �i- int(raal at:d (xtcrj41 use. Tvy - . prerence and throw off his faults befo-e propirty,viz.: fforFe440n) dmf4 mire jising six r_#_ :,H� TM I Price 25j. 1 -0 - 11 I . years C I a )al, I mare thing four - - , Nerviline. : 1 ____7_ him. � I suppoo _d to b i,j f � -ga driving ,4. CD N I . � i , i C �" ghs, coldsi, hoarseness, i nd ot�er throat leupp.-sAtob n I 1 oarri ; L ­ , I LLLL I I � � L He came near bloiVing tip I h-3 offiae two years Oil , old. Cattle -Four Q0 , . ' e, I earrIage filly (ne 31 r � f� 4- - U.e Dr. Hamilto j'8 Pills for Billioueness. aib� nts� are quieldy relievei,1 .by iCresolene low, mar 1, �. r+ i I or three times by lettit)g the water run Cows svpposed to be in iwf ' 'Iter suppo'sEd to be � �0 :: , il . I . -1-0 - . 1 ts, ton cents per box. Altdrug . ,h bull with reglaterAd V) I . -_ . I tal I I �ists * in calf, I thorcu.7bb;cd Da a :" . ' L� ; I .. Some of the mEn wC,olke to Mr. Biown aboat atears rising 2 year3 old, < I � I I � I . *_� redip(e, 3 fat steers, � I g - I I . : I Oka t u,, Et'oncyly. I said : -Air . : ' � I i � i ri, all I I sp * , V . . : I; To Father. , ,* 3 st(er I rising I ytar ol I 2 h�ifers riernz I year o*d, :::: -__ : Parawgr phs - o io look after o0e Bow. IL13 ,plemects--One Doer ng binder, o -,e - - .. . - �f 0� ... - I ! . I Pointed � Brown, it behooves you . this I br �0 - C J � JV5 , I I o I . 1 7 4__ , Verses in memory If the late J. R. B �ck, � I . i`iII511y, Mr. trown, dlg3huged him. Froet A Wood mbwer, I Masicy-Hatris cultivator 1 �4* . 11 man. JL 9 t L . - L, Vomt n wiohlfor Icng, ]if I minus old age. " 1 top birigg %,,I cutter, 1 sped Ldrill' :3 11 ..i I I of Hensall, of I hoee melaneholy di ath hEll hi drank heavily and wanie'red about lumber wagon, C -D r � -, � I - "he fire of gI-xiius. i� ofte-i *qnable to '77 . niroj,m�'ji nith bagger, I karga; f -t. . .- - . I . I - land rc aer, 1 fan co . - .. . Z - I - 1� 1 we made ment i ,bb:e streets. � Fl�ury.� twin plow, 3. walkine plow. (D LM ". ,,Ion of � laab � week : : ma the pot boil. I . 2-furm,v plow, I I . - Jk . i and I hay rack, 1 set of diaoicni hcrrom!, I ECufflar, and -1 - 6". . � 10,14K. 1 - Some men aahieve jua�dce and some He came into the office one afternom � - < -_ �, 'a I _� - � � I . � __� I . 'I other small articles too numerous to mention, also N � 41 � im wro% out a recomm(niation for Ur. BiOA1 so CD ,, , I le it thruab uprii S I ­_ Gone front bbe b in ani the glidne is, hal oe . He wen�, up to Mr. Broun's ()ffide houBeholdfurnilure. The whole will yogitively be = 0 9 %i - .1 , :'4�4 Gooe from the li.;bt r,nd tbu cheer, ! strriv)m�y ititere,ti a few I ci big,,. 8 ri - le as' the F I - , �, , ­ I but gm- sold without re troprietor a giving up 1�1 i:- . ,� � -i I Go'n, in, h 3 laid , - ��_ Gone from the lovi ithat was closest, I L ]I I Wrapp8d at the 601!- � farming. Term ._Xjj oums of -95 and under, cash ; pol 0 0 � , : :1 ­ trL I my cj.�,cbes the mulbitule. � - t 1 �1 Gone from the li ' I � fore him ani asked him I - � �i_,. js that were deir. over that amount 9 months' cteilt will be given oil - - ­ � �1 . ^ I - 4�� . i - robably the moit unsaa isfactory thing Ih i paper jown be it. furnishing approved Joint notes. A disoount of 5 3 ::�- I :,._, - i I - . tw sqn it. ' Mr. Biown wouldn'b sipn - -1 � .1 f4r. . i Under the @cows w4 have I dd him, . I on e rth I is compulsory love. - , ceot.peranrum will beallowed for cashrin credit aw I(D (D � 01 � - � -1 , I flajowed a charr. per of rest ; - � Th,3 iello w- then made -use of vulgar lantru- Per t � ___ orne wom, n who fihin 3' in society for- i awounts. The fat steers wiil be emb, ANDREW "I- , . - � I *F I ' - I . Shut are the sweet pyci, and folJed I . age eiii Gcorge B oyin started to push h'M WOM rrapriet r; T. CAUEAON stid W. J. MIL- ­ __ I 1 6 - (T3 �, i � 1835,2 1 � __ - i � � . - IRI, " acLionce . ,4 " Th- hands on the 'death Irczen brea3t. gel to ex,bibit their polish at hom'. I out. HE) i hereupon drew out a revo.ver a nd LE :4 - I �;% . I'll I i t)o laz t.) give advice . . � � ohm% :3 CL 9 I " _ _W�Cjj a mail gets - , - 1, I : I . __ � I i F& . . � t It it him. . f . ul I � Gone, and cur ho is so dro%ry, I t�(re is i�,) earthly h -)Pe for im. , I I - - ::I N , I 11 I ran up.stairs irtimed6tely onl Join I �. P - ­_ � ." �.. I G.zina, and our hmi __ fioe or certa,lities :3 ill -- ­ . � z c rtg are so rout, i Illy fools oacri . th of , . I � --f-, � Gone from the pattio that he brighbened I , I h -im � I oldh)g th-3 fellow. -.1 'asked Mr. t'. - � ��!, I � ­ _' �� t, �.;_, Always witla tr�x �luil o3ntent. � I to-.- �N f ,'r the uncertafii�,ies f to-morroW. ; 'tl� . � . I I � irt ?" #1 f,��z, I B.own, ' , Are you lit The : �!P a w , � �­i ; I i if I'm F ho1j. h I (D IN] , i - 16 Yes," he replied, ere, Lit' Oeaf(irth - 1=1 . � �i: � I I I " . �.. N Hc.w shall we live 2 without him ? � IVITANT RELIEF quaraDt" by wilrisr Mlr,- I . i � Cn ---h v �.�. i, " " , � JH o w r ., a cv� t'ho' " J of the dAy ! : P,UE. q's S-rgRLING: 11EADACH POWDE RS. No it's not very bad." �! I �1,3_- Shadows and dirkik .-go have Z thered i der ( a8ing after-effect. � I walkcd to th-1 6'dc- CD 0 W , _'1-1, _. 'i, Thick o'er tha de; I ite way. i i I ­ 0 1 i , L -.ter lie gob up, w.1 was taLen anr. � Teta Sto�e - _� ILI I � i walk, got ini o a cab a . I (D - � : � � - f � . i ts From that li,3 welib to his grave. . Wh ln he 4 1 11 1. ERF'.� , I -After intifn ge off 0113 wit,ty remark - if, well 1equipped with all ­: T � I Right at the fron I o - - . i I 1i,,()!as perform. h f � . . A * 0 ,_ t , cj�__. � I he iii exp'ectod to give a ow r to die lis'said : -0 b� .';-5 - e . t . I so �- - 77 - He has ente,,cd th � I knew he was goin., C =. r ;Ak � - I groceri�s and provisionf', ,;; '14 �_ � ans'ong of glory, . kinds of choice ; � : - Safe in the boBorij of God ; � V11,L I it's God'o will it's all righ', 7- k � � . . . I -41, � � I . .1i I- ,­ -I I I A woman'A idea b ' " Well' if Ve a� little lolio,er to go china, orockety and glaE ware, all of which - - �,, ��i Walking.in the hig 4ways of heaven. I of a 614ppi�rig expedi- W9 0) --. t t_ :: Z�:' -1. T z _ � � UL I would like to li cheapeEt. r.#- 0- _411 "i - _? old - a the ;�_,:_­ � FL e6, wht re the -�nsomed ha.ve trO. : tic i is 6 viRit every kt)re it! to�ll wit'lout will be E cheaper ff - .� I � ; . � to th3 office an I fix up ms,tters." I New maple syrup 253 & Uart ; two gallon eb :T, ��" � 1_1 I _. i 'I i - � -7- ;! 1 � bu I rig an,) Oijl'?. I -*I!-- :, � �' -rl. Fipe from the bligh Ang of sorrow ; �, L Ateteric augairbouse syrup . � =;, . �Z. � ,lT , ; t'iere E'a�o' workers an -1 ac- Pails of the b1st . - I -.i � � . . Yes, Cordelia, can E.pe%k from intimate P . : , 1: � --: -1 -, i-1 ; 7 _ - . 'Pure froui the stdninLl of gin ; I I [11r. Gay and � (D W I � t­� WMta, a:targreit ribul,ition ; L I One class makes �'86 specialty of i () A 11 for $1, 15 a &il ; all gr des of syrup ­ Z - wo: �ers. . quainbance with ill@' Hon. G(o4ge B , VIP% �Ir !,�7,_: i : . , I � - - ; I - --- -1, , Glad, the fair city to wid- . . I ' . , . olaeses, als� beat pure 013ey.at 10c a lb ; L= ;,� ;� wo &lug t to other claqa. EjIll t�e career of 019 To onto Globe. Hs 1111 �: 4.�, - I I � . as =1 :3 _.Izii�:-U�!, I i . - lb. for 253,15 1-b new dates for - ul -, `� Satisfied there with his Saviour.; I -6 I aned I o Mr. Peter B: owil at an new raisins 3 . I I _tii,�.-t 4, I � I was appr(i), 0 8 5 lb. - P M I I _1 -­ Ceated all the toi' arid the care ; � : - -Wh(ji a m,in gets the worst of an E6rgu- ,�5c, 4 lb. n vi, cleaned ei4rrants for 25c, 1 _: - ­ ! early age. aud, as a boy, was.7010 to de. . -_: 30 � � r 25o ; 10 @I*- < . , L-, - I Never Fgain to be 0rdened; i ment he always declares he 7 as only tryin, liver all Ilia copies of the G:obe circulated prunes for 25 6 lb. me figa fo : �- ,`1 I o t - FV .2 aches 41� A! � I L, Neve. a heart ach� to be Lr. i - . 1b., Old figs fo 25c, new vaporated pe = 0 -< E ;.�HJ I He saw the �paper chringre from . - �!�Ik-­ r �� � I I to ( raw the other fallow out.1 M To:cn'o. 0 i 1;17* -How sh.%Il,a e wait � � ill we ineet him ? i -rWhen a min tells you that all wom,n a weekly to a Femi-weekly and t1lon . to 9, 12jo 4 lb., ne;v apri to.] 2jo a lb., 6 lb. rice '-* , �p�IH I I _­ � . - .: �, i ! � for Oljo, 6 lb. tapiodai for 25c, 10 lb, Epsoin C - I -7n ,- �� -17 1 1 � " �, . Vow must we yeain for the d,y ! are Aelusif ii i an i E�ii ires it's doughnuts t) daily. He, himself, became, in time, il',ght _7 �� ­�L­ . . . 88, 1 1 M -C, W non forth f,om th Is gloom and the darkne a, luelon. Perin- salts I or 25c, 10 lb. sulpt ui for 25,3, 10 lb. :� �-­ ! P, W ! fu e he has be it , n Lred by o n, then sui -1, 17 hz Eckoned away. � � . foreman, tben day forema !_ : 1 � We, too 6 ' It be � glnbo 6 -� Lak3 Superior herrings Awt 7� �7;;-, � I __--------�-* . � �To gEt a lon't well, bag i at the 0p eni Intent, and, latter� saltffJor 25 ::E I - - _�;;; . *j . ten,dent of the job dopsru t� � - ilao salw.On trout by the :-. 1 7­� � I ly superintendent of lbe whole mechaniftl I y Lhe half barrel I .� �i . ? I .: ,­ . dig0ovi n. *b =' � . f� �!! j - � � f barrel, 5 lb. bopeless fish for 25c, fresh 1= -,Ti -l! ! � pless. te ri ia all right, if a matt h -i the ititation.-Ed. Printer and h&l I ,� . N ervous 4nd Sloe - a ,@Oak- (D lt ff , ; �Amb-t* end 'Of thi9l ill I L ,) 10a a lb., I .1 z . . . pork I iausage 10 3 a' h., h ad r. ec s =,- W Th(ra is jast 011) �_ura. and thbt is, plenpY en3i!gv to back iC up, Pabli_her`� � � 1W CD ;; �,:. I � ;_ : a bald- . -0- bologna sausage 10d a lb , all kicda cf cured - . i:,T V I of food fir the blom. L,nd ji rvep. which :, is , 4Bewarc of thq hair tonic . 0st ; baist td -11 �,& . ; __.1 !7; i L � I plain s,nd �smoked, I �� __­zff - btrst supplied in' 1 L e -rozone, th .t which no he � � ed barber tries Co sell vill. ; SICK ITEADACEIE, however anuoyintz aud dis meatep both i I - :-pi,,� 1 1 . I A � - - 7 _ 1Z. . . I . flo � i�_ � -1 .1 � �, P V .��_ a� t Ito - - tress* tIN! M , ! 6 inz is p ­,i��: i. . e - " Wood bu-1d obic or otrongth p - isitivelyewel by LAX&.LIVER PILLS - cream cheese, cheap r, corn meal, rolled I' I d never gripe. e fernis, or am of wbeat-, mat- _ � - . I-- . I They are easy to take 'an oatp wheatin I . " - 11i - � �F� , _ , - S sc _,X '7_1 u77 IV I pleasant to tik3 th-it, children Cry - V �;N, dacer is better. ei�rr.zone promoten health! fnr I , I - - - 0 - L owev%ln - � I - but t's death to worms of all k� OW'S . i - , �q--*�wl degeotion, which'iesults in improved nutti . , ndg, DR. . . , I ,egular price, $15, - _-.7 . �, z -. fL _L ,-,� � . IM SYRUP. Price 26c. All 41ealers. dinner sets, r i - I 7 11 fArn- WO . L t aVi t i, forest quaker'ciatff, self rising back Beaut ful R L tion. T .3 blood grows rich and r(d, . -Ida, Ajackenzie, a domestic, who Was whea f1lourf I I � . � I - $10, sets �� I . � . -0 I ,ete worlith _LS] 3, now 07,in:�Ai iElheu stability to the onti e system, and,! the, - I : no 12.r - I _: -1 em I ed a - - ­ - =� I t W. MickleborOugh's, in St.- . 1, - 141 �e��, I I . - '48, now $6 N%,bat D, 1._-, _ . F - toy ttL $12, n w 69,;sel.6 worth v � ''T : �L something b wortfi $12, n ark Of Teppc-_-t cat, thero be given to a llv!W - d� v ­ -- � � - Ill. . may 1ear y Th � 'tar than the presentation of 'i L s ora of,rif r ve fc ree and: energy iner4m-es , You at least on �mas, aied at the Ama i a& Word Ho ipital, L -.1 .1 i ­ - L � , . ' e s at. , grea b-Argains a I � � 'tation new y ij, ti te ridav`afternoon, from -t3 of car- s,so 3) tea a nd Fill or deDarted friend grc,A ,'fln1bg for the family, _; I , -ebui IdiD Y Of the cont t, ach a n old deg new tricks. " theeffec T � �__ U difly. k A i tr olenale live fl,were. Whitt Is Moro rt � ­ _1 spir.ts,'health and i trongth, all come 'I r�rn If ive could see ouraelves as O',,�- bolic oxid. She had been feelitig uuwell for other crockery and glauxe ware at wh 7- .- , , table? What will make us tWnk,and :see the gre" I I f t, " i . ;; An I I toilet Fi �ts worth $5.50,no w z V . autiful �­ ��r�_, tile U�o of Ferio,, ill. : This mar olki i ees see us, mirrors would be7a drug (n the Eo�le time, and it ig oupposed she m4tbok price . 10 p e(e works of the Creator o,ore clearly than the be ., - .1 �Vr I - . I i ­ - , ­ � is sold by DruggiAts for 50c.a dx, mal - iet. I I the to,,tle of carbolie acid. for one of medi- $3.75 fete worth-S4K now $3.00, Pet' Rose and Carnation ? We supplY � � 1� - ;` ­ - :___.I � �_ i ­�� ­ ­ . . I I - in an un- worth$3,now$9_.Z,s8 Wbrth$2.50, now I L � D L: A � rqm adicions dist; and eXjrCib8 will fre T 7_721MA or usix boxes for $2:50, By mail __J [ aine. She was tcuod in her ioo ' M I '' bt tterand eggs. dried W H. )3D:rWC3-S 11-­­ I�T;�--- Poison & Co., Kingston, Ontario. : Ini'li's ppill;G11 Of his JXcia, -The iinfortunata young $1.90 Wan �od fri *h - , -!,T. ;� ` � - � i I . qii(nUy improve a �. conacious 001) i I apples and good so trid p3tatoes, 'clover and �� . -, ­ ... . - - I � - -­­�_ I _. ___.I0-__ : nei.; hbors. woosn was about 23 years of age. SC)j—,T,EjXT_:WS. :­ ­­_jjLL � . I ­­ 11 j I . . . I I timothy seed for w �ich �,he highest pxices �_jll 11 i _Sonie Min remain bacheloIrs because f Alexan,ler I L -- L - _�.j�� n and F rmbra' Inatitultep. -J. Clark Pottmsou, 0 Bay , �- !K-, Wome will Ue paid. A cordial invitation e,itended , Funcral De3lgnss such as Crov.cs, Anchors, Wyeathe, . Lt 1,__I,�,� I i � th are un,kble to choose bet 'een besuty - -mined stfemp; I � 11�1 1 3 1� � ne[Lr Br.)ckvilla, made a d(te all to call ind g t 130 e of the great' bar- nes rts, pill 3wt, tates Ajar, in laeb s1l new *04 UP, m-, !­ Theimp-)rta.c,3cf mo� on's work in eon- � oonful o! 1 to . be turp;lsfi6d 11 1� X F,n ;nitellect. I I , by iiny r- I A— ­ to-dat e omblems that nannot . �,;=­_, I - I ,,t at auicide by drinking a dasEert spi i -oil line " �, , ri� I I nectzon'wit.h Lho Syl tem ,,of Fartners' ill �*- - You may drive 'a borac t 'water, b. ,d the I gfilup ir� aty cetabliabineilt, ,nd prtw.s much jen. F . 1 ,i_-�,,, paris -green. His cdadition attracte. ' -114; - ­ I ritan we mmp�eq be- .ii ingv r.�cognizM, yo x csiiii3t make him drinlr, ,ei (I YOU MRAY one. Tou;Can - �-�!�_.�H ! more 0,13d ill r -) r I mee- '1% trial for yourchristmas I �­ ��LZ tutes isbei ention of rho producc( of lettering also 4 , - L fit, . a relative, ,% foreordelling. Give us & - 111 - and that . I e P. man to drink, but y( n annot mike it deserves to ba encouragadiia the di '1�1 - ical aid,-th6 result being that bin life was Flowers. Fleaweend order In esAy to thi6t 'tbey 4 1 `� � I T, . 1�,j� !­� .. . � ­.. 171 - , - .1'. conclusion one must arrive aft3r raadi � AULT may be kept 10 I:P��!.-�! iig t11-3 hi I take water. � ap, r A. He is now !on a fair way towant' A 0 Ge I � __ - - ryou. MAIlordefSPromikUY-1111611. 1.1 �_' ; - L . .. 'ic �i i excelleqt report of Wometit's Instilut-,s i of I I - . HE JUTOHELL IqUBSICRY .00,, . 2,_,. � I - said the oan;e for his , I T _jz -1 -1: - f roeovery. P&4, t. r;od . Mitchell, 0124 1 --i Z-4 1 - �� t'ae Province of Ontario: for 1901, reaenOy I GYARD'S YELLOW OIL to rompt to relieva . 2g, having 0 DrPH. ins -18 - __�_,��-Mi ,­", L I � aci wag that he'was tired of livil JL%I-L I I .- k�r,.T_lr 4. 1. -,Z��i2�� � colds, a re throat. pain in 1, , -_ _; issued by the Ontat-to Deparubineut of Agri- an(' ure to oure coughs, 'eirs. [ I SW . L�.N.t. I or three y I I � eujture.� Accordin� to t1lis report the fiiep3�, tht hest.'hohrileueas, quinvy, W FAM 250. be�D in polor health f.Or WO I I I L --- , �7 . I . L - .4;lqz� �, I I J� � r _,b_ t - I . . i ; � I I z � 7Q4 -,'r I - _j! . : I . . � . . - ! L 1,iz -I . ; I I I � . I ! . 1, i � j , ; . I . I I � i I � I __ I � I I N t` . � ! . I � I � i . j i I I i I 1i I - .. � i I i �i I L I . 1. 4 . i . ; I . I �e � � I � i . . ; . ! . .1 I I I I � i *1 � � i I i i I - I : . ! � . I . . , I � I .1 I I . I I,v � 6 � I )i I I , - , 1 1 1 ,- � . . 11 � I ! - I I - � I - . - . � I - i I I. � I I . . 1 I 4 L . � . . _e � . , i i 4 I - . I . � I . . I I � I � -1 t . � - I I , I i I ­_ - —_ I I I . i - . I .- . . L, � - - - ­ - - � � , ­ - -1 -- L - -­ ­ , � I . ! I : I 4 - I L � I I I � I ! . I � I . i . � f . - : f . : I . : -1 .- i i I i I � - , . � I � � I - : : - __ - . � � I - i I �L I . --.,-. --- �- - ­­ . - �. � ­.- ­ L-_- ­ _­ --11- I_- I ­- I I L , --I--- - ----.—I-.- I , I ; - , I L_ I- _-1 - ------ 1-1--.1-___1- -..-L--�—,�-I,Ll---�.,�---�---,,,-,—,,—�l-.,�—.I.-i�--..�--L=4--- I ,