HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-02-06, Page 7zy 6, 1903
5 kept as lortg as poeeiblta
tapir of such restoratives.
been finished with shel-
ther in glossy or dull
r be cleaned vrith eottp or
ide to out oil tatbstancee,
mince of the service for
eats the oil out of the
snacked surface it touches
eta appear on poliehed
eipping of liquids or from
e applicetion of raw, lint
lly restore the color. !Me
n the affected spot for
night. Alcohol will per -
applied 41} once to roes-
shedlinahogany. , In each
color has returned, the
lished with a piece of
tied with turpentiae.---
[baby could only talk,if
tffney, L'Amable, Ont.,
ee Baby's Own Tablets
ven better remits than
I have ever used for
ie the verliot of all
teed Baby's Own Tableta,
est proof that no other
them for the speedy re -
e common ailnaents of
Tablets- mire collo, con-
aoh, diarrhoea and situ-
eak up colde, prevent
irritation accompsny.
th, and are positively
tean no opiate. Alk
readily, and for very
y on be mashed to a
get Baby'is Own Tablets
t 2.5 cents e, box,or they
stage paid, by writing
Wilhelm' Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, W. Y.
the care of infants and
'very mother ehould
efls & story of an anxious
t her daughter to see 8,
ysician. The girl was
t some peeple call " gen-
re was nothing much the
wapale and liet
re about doing anything,
t she s -
due consideration, prei
ottle of soft claret tliree
Eer meals. The mother
f, but apparently heard
ere off Ler daughter, dee•
out the prescription to
waa back with the girl, '
ng and the picture of
Lally congrateled himself
Ed, cordially: f
ie that your daughter is
E. docter," exclaimed _ the
' She hae WI what you
eaten carrota three times
res oftener -and once or
uneookeire and now look
of the truth ot the old
is and the doctor takest
a_ Economize
°me Bright. Cozy
ieerfuI With
meny ways open to wile
ia la the home, none are
rofitable than the use of
erre matahleas dyes, while
restore old garments to
Imes, also renew faded
ns, portiere, afghans and
ing them bright and ar-
ial will convitice you that
home friends. Send your -
a de RiohardeonCon.Limit- -
t., Meares', F. Q., and
post paid, a new Dye
Ef Dyed cloth and full
I Dye Mat and Rug:
• known to say that it ie -
)k than to find a title for
d so far as to declare.
itle is given only by in -
ems to have been in a
tide% newspaper.
Mg near Beaton had a.
line horse which he had
semen, by great good
ait excellent- mate for
at once.
...arose what to caIl it.
• abeet finding a "IBM&
isfaetory till after a day
the stable, the gentle --
hired man had solved
the old family favorite
ne, Ajax, and over that
a hostler had printed in
a Man's Stomach.
rellous and Happy
in buainess or in the
irgely on the condition
tereneed and rebellions
ret enemy.
r mother who touches a
delicious and health
it Food at the morning
eply of energy and vine
Ltd sender him off to his
and well. Try Mahe
roar haaband and sons -
sults. Your Grocer is
ly yen.
Ega the coal operators.
diapoaition to get in
the ocinsaerace fund.
e -
Ps mea to revile;
Ley vainly nurse,
tittle while,
eel gate worse.
nt tight shoes is that
about all your other-
ence That Make-
k_RDSON &00S
'erfect Color.
Co.'s Improved But-
e reddish or brioky
by it always retains
e tint.
that is chemically pure-
ich for ite wholesome"
1. twee or smell.
e are perfect; jt never
,!alor made, therefore,.
t Coda improved Butt
alt reasons, because'
ty or quality.
Ft BRUARY 6, 1903.
Grand Trunk Railway.
_his leave Seaforth and Clinton station -e ae
Oast f
risearar- -
gotta neer-
texeseeero -
12.40 r. At.
10.18 P. M.
9.20 A., M.
6.15? M.
7.53 A. M.
8.11 P. Id.
4.40 P. M
1245 r. X.
10.27 P. M,
10.16 A. M.
2.56 P.
4.15 P.
• Palmerston and Kincardine.
Pass. Mixed. Mixed
12;srisae:tara n' 730pail. /2.20 p.rn 8.45 a.m.
3.07 e.„ j.07 9.40
8.17 .dq1 9-W1, 10.00
SIttevale...... 8.27 1.30 10.20
Winghani.. - - 8.5a 1,35 10.30
wapiZaaara°77, ..., „ . 6191.t.in . )40t:e.:!.. 3.064131}8.;
Memel° .. . . .. .. .. 742 9.17 8.13
S.nrhusseie.l.e..........::::...... 77..1288 110005
8.85 .
Pelmeretort. . - . 8.20 11.30 4.20
London, Huron and Brace.
8.15 a.m. 4.50 P.M
9.18 15.55
9.80 6.07
9,14 6.18
9.50 6.25
Brucelield-..-.......... 9.58 8.33
Clinton. _ _ 10.15 6.55
Londeaboro - 10.80 7.12
10.38 7.20
10.50 7.88
11.00 745
6.50 A.M. 8.10 r. w
7,01 8.23
7.14 3.85
7.22 3.45
7.47 4.16
8.05 4.40
8.15 4.50
8.22 4.55
846 6.10
8.46 6.20
9.45 A. it. 6.20
nrtui NORPP-. -
Lood0B, depart.- **
Centralia- -
Beigreve- _
'laugh= arrive-.
OMB /5011111-
WIngh8m, depart.. _ _
Myth-- . .. a.. -
Clinton-. ..
Kippen- ...... ........
ete,r . .. -
Centralia....... e ae
London, (arrive)._ .
IMO- • •
Beautiful Flowers
What mark of respeet eau there b3 given to a. 'tying
or departed friend greater than the presentation of
dive flawere. Whet 13 more refining far the family
table? What well make us think and see the great
works ot the Creator more clearly than the beautiful
Rose and Carnation? We supply
Funeral Designs, such as Cremes, Anchors, Wreathe,
Hearts. Pill me, Gates Ajer, in fact all new and up--
to-date emblems that cannot be eurpassed by any
city estabilehment, and pries much less. Full line
.0f lettering also done. You can can see samples be•
tore ordering. Give ua e trial for Your Christmas
-Flee-ens. Please semi order in early so that they
ratty be kept for you. Mall ordere paomptly filled.
1826-13 a Mitchell, Ont,
110 PIG BREEDERS. -The undererigned will keep
on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuokerandth,
a thoroughbred Temwonrn Pin, ()Aso a thorough-
bred Forma/MIS P10. A limited number of sows will
be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time
Of service, or *1.60 1! charged. JAMES GEMM1LL.
'DIG FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep
I on Lot 29, Concession 11, Hibbert, n Thorough.
tired Yorkshire Fear to which he will admit a
limited number ot sows. Terme.--21 at the titre of
sezvice. 501111 ELGIE. Chiselhurst, Ont. 17714f
pIG FOR StaliVICE.-The undersigned has on
Lot 28, Coneeesion 11, McKillop, a thorough.
bred Yorkehire Boar, to which he will admit a. limit-
ed number of sows. Terms -75c, payable at the
time of service, with the privilege of returning if
necessary. HUGH T. GRIEVE. 17824!
DULL FOR SERVICE. -Homestead Rex, 49797,
...1) the pure bredrAngus bull. w ill stand for service
on Lot 19, Conceasicn 2, MeKillop, for the year
1903. -Terms. -81.25 for each CIONV, to be paid Jan -
nary after service. not so paid 25c per cow will
be added. JAMES MeINTOSH & SONS. 1830x4
pCA iior.-1-i-iwr nil Es
IJR\E 1- Li rk_,
Opinions of Leading Physicians.
I have examined Strong'Pilekone and have pre -
ascribed it in my practice with satia.factory results.
J..M. PIPPER, M. D., SON, M. D., Comer, London
Price, 81.00. For sale by druggistei, or by mail, on
receipt of price.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, London,
Ontario. 1796-52
The_ McKillop Mutual Fir
Insurance Company.
J. B. McLean, Proaident, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas
Fraser, vice-president, Brucefield F. 0. ; Thomas E.
Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. 0..
Wiliaru Chesnee- Sea:orth ; John G. Grieve, Win.
tarop ; George Dale, Eteaforth ; John Benneweie,
Dublin ; Jatnett Evans, Beechwood; John Watt,
He.dock ; Thomas Fraser, Bruoefield• John B. Mo
Leen, Kippen ; JRD188. Connolly, Clint'on.
Firnith. Harlock ; E. Hinchlev, Seaforth;
James Cumming Egutotedv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes
ville P. Q.; George Idurdie and John 0. Morrison
Pattie, desirous to effect Insurances or trans
rot othee heathen will be promptly attended to OR
pplicatioe io any of tha above officers, addressed tt
heir resneottve post ofenea
• Good Quality, Fair Prices, Cour-
teous Treatment and Straight
Furniture of all kinds, Window
Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures, Pic-
ture Frames and Framing.
Repairing done pronaptly. Special
'attention given to recovering uphol-
stered goods.
Upholstery coverings and material.
*Tow, moss and curleShair.
Furniture packed either at your
home or at tuy store.
Will receive special attention. Night
•calls answered at my residence in rear
of DominionBank,
Does it net saeiri are effective to;
breathe ifra remedy, o cure disease of
the breathing organs, than to take the
remedy into the sto ach ?
Cures While
It cures because the al
antiseptic is carried ov
face" with every breath
and constant treatme
able to mothers wit
ou Sleep'
rendered strongly
the diseased sur -
giving prolonged
t. It is invaltt-
small children.
Is a boon to thinatios.
Whooping Cough Bro chitis
Croup COU
Catarrh, Colds Gri 0 and Hay Fever
The Vaporizer and Lain.a lifetime, together -with 'b
, bottleof
Sz.5o. Extra supplies of Caceolene 25 cents and
ao cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain -
mg highest testimony as to its value.
Vapo-Cresoiene Co.
z8o Fulton Street 165 Notre Dame Steeet
New York • Mon treat
Recommended and sold by I. V. ' Fe
druggist, Seaforth.
Origin of L
In all countries and in
addressing doge, have
different from those whi
when addressing other a
they have always addre
language which they use
each other.
For every domestic an
special langaage. and it
that each of these 'magus
either to the ficet settlers
which it is now used, or
the other end of the glob
Aimed all Europeans
to stop a horse say, "11
In like manner, the old
said " Ohi !" and the Hi
as three tbausand
".You," whidh is a
means " stop." An
when she starts to milk a
and in Sansci it the word
perativo of the verb " to
lish shepherds, when the
cry " Caday 1" and in the
tongue " Cade " signified
Finally, English farme
or " bosey," and " boa "
for an ox. These far
even a more exbraordin
cry °oboe" to their oat
them to lie down, and th
" boss" and of the San
means " stretch yourself
ell ages men, Wit
aged words ;quit
h they have use
iamls. Dogs alone
sed in the • saline
when addressin
mal ,they have
is a notable fanh
es nen be traced
of the country
o somenountry at
'when they wis
1" or " Whoa II',
reeks and Remand
does, as Jar back
ears ago, said
nscrit word and
foglieh milkmak
cow, says "Soh fl'
" Sah" is the i
keep still." En
call their flock
old Anglo Dants
" latrib." I
a call a calf "boat"
s the Latin natrie
ere, however, use
ret word, for theY
le when they wish[
o ,word is oomposed
crit " gou," whio
at at full length.
Dodd's Kidney ills Making
Friends by the ork They are
(Special)-" If the Kidneys are the cause,
Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it." This it
the conclusion al rived at by numerous peta
ple in this neighborhood itt talking of die-
kacho, Heart Didi
peen readily cured
. Ooe of the sufi
dney Pills id Denise
ys :
ern malady of the
the loins and gave
fort. I took taro
ills, and am per•
dd's Kidney Pale
ar testimony, and
t that Dodd's Kid.
rowing in popu-
ease. Rheumatism, Ba
ease, even Catareb, have
by this wonderful remed
ferers cured by Dodd's K
Joseph Millette. She s
"1 suffered • much f
Kidneys. It eettled ,in
me great pain' and disco
boxes of Dodd's Kidney
fectly well. I give D
my certificate from a big
Many others give simi
it is not to be wondered
ney Pills are steadily'
At the Root of
added Bliss:
The startling • discover' that the gentl
art of dishwaehing is at . be root of wedde
bliss has been made ty a Chicag club
woman, Mts. Clemmance Ellis. Her hoary
is that if all boys we taught to wash
dishes well there woul be no un ivable
husbands and the dam stio wheels would
run smoothly., Mrs. Elli ' underlyin ide&
in all this seems to be th t the you g mars,
whose brilliant intellect can master he art
of dishwashing will also, by his method of
training, be able to mast r the intrio cies of
the great financial world which he is to en
ter later, and will, the fore, be a modei
husband in a business a well as a home
sense ; that the aum tot:l of such • brain
knowledge of dishwashin., and its att ndan
duties -bed -making, a eeping, ete -wiI
beget a meek and lowly spirit, whieh wil
make a man a desirable elpmate f r an
woman. • .
If Mrs. Ellis is right dishwashi g wil
effect a reform in the sou of man w joie i
has not yet been able to ork in the breast
of woman. Most wom n have to wash
dishes at some period n their liv re an
women, as a olass, have «aahed dish a fo
centuries; but it would take more han 4
Chicago club woman to discover tha sue
occupation has brought either li ht o
sweetness into the souls of women so lar.
Wanted: '
A would like to ask, through the coh
umns of your paper, if there is any parson
who has used Green'sAugust Flower for the
cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Liver
Troubles that has not been cured -and we
also mean their results, such as sour stom-
ach, fermentation of food, habitual costive
ness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, des-
pondent feelings, sleeplesenees,-in fact,any
trouble connected wit la the Stomach or liver?
This medicine has been sold for mainy years
in all eivilived countries, and we wish to
correspond with you and send you one of
our books free of cost. If you never- tried
August Flower, try one b ttle firat. We
have never known of its failing. If so,
something more serious is the matter with
you. Ask vier oldest druggist.
G. pr. GREEN, WoOdbury, N. J.
Nels6r_ and the leoxswain.
Just before the battle of Trafalgar a mail
was sent from the English 1eet to Englaad,
and word waa passed that i - might be the
last °bailee to mite before the expested en-
gagement. The letters ha been collected
from the shijps, the letter 1ags were on the
vessel which was to take them, and she had,
got some di tance on her way, under full
sail, when L rd Nelson ea* a midshipman
approach aid speak to pisco, the signal
officer, Th. n Nelson allowed the side of
histature which BO often won t
Paseo uttered ate exolamation
and stamped his Not in evident
The admiral called hine and asked
the matter.'
"Nothing whits
ship," was the aep
• You are not t
per for nothing" r
It ?"
Well, if yen m
tell you. You see
ing to one of the
offueers. " We he.
e sailors
of disgust
what was
need trouble your lord -
y. •
e man to lose your tem -
plied Nelaon. " What is
set know, my lord, I will
that coxswain ?" point-
ed active of the petty
e nie't a better man on
the Victory, and t eemessage which putt me
out wee this I eves told that he was ,so
busy receiving and getting off hi mail bags "
that be fiergot tO put his own letter to hie
wife into one of them ; and he ba just die -
covered it in his !pocket."
"Hoist a signal to bring h r back !"
was Nelsort's iestant command. " Who
knows that he nay not fall in totion to -
Morrow? Rio let r shall go with the
The despatch ve sel was bro ght baok
for that alone. Captain Mahe.t tells the
story on the authority of the so of Lieu-
tenant PASCO, who ised to say th t the sail-
oreidolized Nelsen. Evidently i was with
Why Smog e aud Sne ze 9
Don't suffer airy more with a o Id in the
head, just wry a Catarrhtzone Inhaler in
your vest pocket, nee it now and again and
you veon'e have gold. Catarrhoz ne knocks
oat a cold in ten minutes, kills a headache
in five minutes, and hard rackin coughs in
half an hour. Inhale the pleasant Catarrh -
ozone vapor five minutes four times daily,
and it will ewe Broachitis, Lung Trouble,
Deafnese, Asthma, and Oatarrh in any part
of the systeen. Qatadrhozone is the most di-
rect, modern, and eel ntifio method, and is
guaraoteed to give ettiifaetion. • Complete
two menthe' treatm nt costs $1.00 •, trial
size, 25o., at Drugg ats, or N. C. Poleon
& Co., Kingetoni Ont rio.
Hamilton's Pills Cu e Constipati n.
Strangers Now.
Horner-" So you and Mrs. liex
not on speaking terfne ? I tho
were bosom friends."
Mrs. Horner-" So we
changed clorneetita"
SICK HEADACHE, however annoyins
tressine is poeitively cured by LAXA-LIV
They are easy to take and, never gripe.
were unt
door are
ght you
1 we ex -
and dis
Just What She Wanted.
"Them are some spectacles," r marked
the man who bad teavelled, tab can
'never be forgotten." ,
" Dear me ' exciti.imed the abeent-
minded old lady; '1 wish, I had a pair of
FIAGYARD 8 YaLOW0 IL is prompt t • relieve
and sure to mire coughs, to 1Ids, sore throat pain in
the ohest, hob.raenees; quiMisy, etc. Price 26
I , • :
His Choice.
"Young rnan," said the minister, ravely,
" yoa Meat °home between; the narr w path
and the broad road." '
" Guese I'll take the broad ro d," re-
plied the rich men's son. "I owna' auto-
mobile." •I . • -,ef
in so pleasant tt take thet childrea er
but it's death to worms of all kinds, DR.
WORM SYRUP. price 26o. All dealers.
-On Friday of laat week there was a
threshing at Edward Blum's, in Sou h East -
hope. A new stack of straw was bali t) part-
ly over an old !stack. In the after oon it
was. remarked that ' a valuable so was
missing, Next morning when M Bluth
went to the barn he heard the squeal of the
animal, The noliae mime from the e aok all
right., but just here was the query. When
the men arrived on the scene to onutinne
the threshing, Mr. Blum offered a I keg of
, .
for I
beer for the release of the animal.
to eay, the beer was earned, the
being fOund on the edge ef the old
On Tuesday morning the sow gave
a litter of seven edge
INSTA,NT RELIEF guaranteed by us
depressing after-effect.
adi in al
irth to
ng MIL -
RS. No
-Wm. ;tines, a G. T. R. brakem n, met
with an accident near Gad's Hill, T ursday
night, Which requited in his death. No one
saw the ecoldent, but; the train brok loose,
and on backing up Lines Was found tangled
up in the brake geare bedly injure about
the head and body. II t is supposed that he
was in the act of ateping from on oar to
another when the- tr in broke, and he fell
between. He wes br ught to the ospital
at Stri4ford, bubdia4 in a couple of hours.
Deceas a lived near uoan, was a out 22
years o age, and un ardor].
1 1
; 1
Despaired of' Being- Our d.
tire. Vt. E. Jeffries, 44 Kicks Ave., Kings n, Ont.,
states: 1" I Buffered agony with itching lea. Ito
fact, I deln't believe that tiny person who has not
had piles' can tealiza what I endured. The tint ap-
plication of Dr. Chese's Oljltrnenb brought r lief, and
it has since entirely cured me. I hope hat this
teatimon ial will be the means of bringing tnfort to
other su eters by making known the great power of
this 0111010A." '
-Death Claimed one of Elma's ol • est and
most respected pioneers in the p mon of
Wm. Loohhead, on Thursday inerni g. Mr.
Locbhead bad been i ' poor health f +is some
years, but seemed to take rallyin spells
and woeld be in fairl goad -health f r some
time. )le had been s nking fast bus last
week oV so, being an onscions part of the
titne tilt seemed quite bright on Wed eaday.
Thi was evidently the last feeble ffort of
nat re etruggling against the inevita le, and
on hursday morning he passed pe cefally
Weary Brain Worker
All fagged out, idea's flow slowly as mo-
lasses, snap and energy gone ! Th buoy-
ancy that made work -a pleasure, th t gone
also. ea doctor would say you re run
down, enervated, neither eating or d gesting
enough. Ida Ferrozone you need to brace
up thatfitful appetitedand improve assimil-
ation arid digestion po that lots of pure
atrong blood will be termed to nour'sh the
broken down system. , Ferrozone wi I drive
away the tired feeling, restore your spirits
and energy, revive I your . ambiti n and
strength for work. No tonio or r builder
like Ferrozone-try it. Price 50c., er box,
or six boxes for $2450, at druggi t's, Or
N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, theta io.
Hamilton's Pills 0e Conatipatio
Saving ,he Child.
If a pezson swallews poison, by ecident
or purposely, instead! of tireaking •ut into
incoherent and rnultitudiuous excla
despatch emneone for the doctor."
"That sounds sensible," AMA Jon Es as he
read the above advice alottato his fie one
Then he read:
" Meanwhile run o the kitchen, geb half
a glass of water, put into it la teaspoonful of
salt and as ranch mu Gard, eatch a rm hold
of the persoe's nose, and then do « n with
the mixture,"
" There, my dee," (add Jones to his
wife. "You'd better bear that in mind in
case one of the children, should a oidently
get hold of poison 4nd I shouldn't be at
home. Bnt, you women fly right I off the
handle at the very time you ought to be
;self-possessed and have all your wits about
you. 1
The very next day the rier-dant) came run-
ning upstaire and gatmed'.oub :
"Ob., ma'am ! Oh, 'Mr. Jones ! The
baby 1 ,Hedieswallovred half a Lott'e of led..
dypim and-"
41 Gsiod gracious shOuted Jon s, jump.
log hree feet into the air and yellin
• heel gan. 8! The child% be' dead
ro htoe,
• o oWhat
you going
f the dnt
•in •Dav I take it, are we all going
here and iee the child die? We mu
hel Help ! Murder ! Can't yo
s meth rig, to do? Here, what'd
the .ther day? I told you to reme
It s id h If a glass of salt to a teas
f w ter lid a cup of mustard, dirt
y ord 1 ha e the child got to di
we :11 sit here doling nothing Giv
*aru we, er and sled& ! Run your
dow h throe I Do something
you hea out of the window and y
, d while he was doing eci himself,
ore d wale collecting in front of the
Mrs. Jones, who had said not a
diee.vered three the 'child had swa
nb, th ng but a teaspoonful of vanil
like a
in ten
? Run
to sit
t have
ber it.
'13 it ?
11 for
and a
• ones,
a ex-
HadNervous Prostratio
afre. s. ,:Wast, Drayton, Ont., states :
terribly rurt down, and finally becetne a vie
nervous proistration. I had no appetite, 890
lope interest and ambition, an I could scarce
myself abo t. Hearing of D. Chase's Nerve
used three
pounds. I
retch a
twee with g reit btnefit, gaining
made me strong and well, and
etite that I wanted to be eating h
sband's Commandm
1. 1 thn thy husband, whom, thou
vow t 14e, honor and obey, for I
thee f on old maidism and the tor
single e sednese.
2. T ou shall not look upon a
man t 1 ve or admire him ; for
husbau am a jealous husband, who
visit t e in of the wife upon her followers,
Overdo e,l keep thou faithfully to th mar-
riage v ve.
3. T on shall not backbite thy hue aud,
ner ape k lightly of him ; neither shill thou
enteciee faults to thy neighber be 1 he
should e r of it, and punish thy p rficly.
by a d p ivation of sundry Herne, s oh as
bennete relates, etc.
I 4. 1 ou shalt purchase cigars fo thy
h4isban. ether than ribbons for thysel .
5. tou shelt not go to the op ra or
e ening parbies without thy has and ;
n ither sihalt thou dance too free ently
with t y " cousin " or thy "bus and's
! 6. tou shalt not listen to flitter , nor
aeoept .ifa or trinkets from any man save
thy hus nd.
'7. Th.i4 shalt not rifle thy hue and's
pockets foe money when he is asleep; nItither'
shalt th 'read any letters thou .nays fled
terein for it is his business ,101 look
after hi 4wn affair's, and thine to1 lea his
im of
ed to-
y drag
ood, 1
I had
lf tha
or of
8. h
. 9.
tin of h
thy wa d
10, •
foir iti i
e peat
No n
can be
Ben's N
than any
t e ties
dives o
think i
goes s
EIow a
a shalt conceal nothing fro • thy
h• pu shall make no false repro ente•
state of thy pantry, thy pa se or
obe. ,
ember te ris3 early ia the orn-
be prepared with becoming good
101 welcome thy haehand a the
4k for no 'jewellery from th hue -
the anniversary of the we ding,
ritten-" Blessed are = the who
. '
ot ing, for they shall not be uieap.
di •
Lime Back or Lumbag ?
ed of that noW. That sort of
n eked out in short order, fo
rv line, which is five times et
ther, penetrates- at once th
est reaches the source of euff
I and three gives relief atm
ot magic, butetrength that
erviline this power. You
m gio, however, if you try it
quickly. Sold by dealers
in 1 rge 25o bottles.
t Gets Away With
Juicy Oyster.
The ys er bar at the Ottawa rest
hs ha s me new fixtures attached
longs de aoh pile of Malpeques ha
paced w re netting made in the f
a , Nue e. At night it is placed ov
" An
at in -
very -
u rant
to it,
rin of
r thee
hat's that for ?" said a Sti r re.
tat to the expert babied the lcoun-
" RA s," was the reply.
The or was not uttered with that pro
cutler nto ation Which expresses dielbelief
o cent mp . It was spoken in a vet i mat-
t r -of -b et ay.
" A d w at have the rats to do wi h the
O se ?" sk d the newspaper man.
"Th.w re netting is placed OVO the
oyster ile at night to keep the rat from
eating he oysters," explained the mat with
the knie as he smoothed out the wr nkles
of a lar e and juicy Prinee Edward 1 1 slan-
t t W
- 1" Ye
°Pen a
',la w
f re we
b from
b the
a le to
" Ids
t e oye
t e floo
the shel
t 'e juic
o ene
ttlea's a
• A t Ra
p rasiti
of an
o er, g
t p to b
w atnu
a is pao
j nap o
A out t
fo that
at rats eat °viten; ?"
e !
- at how? Explain how a r t can
oy ter."
11, hey do it. Every mornie , be -
go these cages, there were fo nd to
t o to three dozen oysters ea n by
at each night. Now they re e nOb
et at them.
t is way - First, Mr. Rd pulls
,er out of the pile and it dr pe to
ften as not -accompanied b the
ie. Then he gnaws et the es d of
Rate' teeth are the hardest ever
n'e he gnaws enough off the end,
he weter-the oyster's life blood
u onithe floor. Then the, shell
p Tie rat eats the oyster: and
1 here is to it.
a re ale° very fond of the little
E shell Ash which cling to th shell
yster. They will, if opport nity
ohmr°,uagndha rbeamrorevleo fbaorny:
el oa
ter: f rnd
5, no matter how tightly the). o dere
ekes a fellow nervous to have a rat
1 of a barrel of oysters at him.
et last place in the world to look
k nd of an animal, ain't it?"
-In the death of Mlle Switzer, wid w of
tije lat lfr. Richard 'Switzer, Blau hard
t wnsh p loses an esteemed pioneer rat:Silent.
Se hd been in poor health for some
nifonths, euffering from an affection f the
heart. Mrs. Switzer, whode maiden name
wise A n Spearin, was 66 years of age, and
a ive of Ireland. Her husban died
seral ars since. She leaves a fa ly of
ome so Mr. R. W. Switz5rwith «ham
she li on the old homestead, ani two
daugh er
Use ever's Dry Soap (a powde
wash w olens and fiannels,-you'l
-A other old eettler permed to hi
restin place, last Week,in the per
Mr. D vid Meehan, of Mitchell, iu hi
year. Mr. Meehan was a. farmer in
tain u tO laboub sevein years ago, w)i
reitire film active life and came tol
ell to ivel. He was a mernber of the
b teri n church. He leaves bead
our his leas a wife, one son, froneD
a d & daughter.
f acili
is no
1 1
) to
on of
irk -
n ho
d to
he, colds, hoarseness, and other hroat
ts are quickly relieved. by Cr •olene
srfere cents per box. All druggiSt
ratiorclewith 'ite exceptional k- ilway
es, a likely, in the -near fate e, to
e a important railway centre., There
a 1 revement bn foot to estab Leh a
all able iron works in that cit with
tal f $250,000. Those itlitteresting
elve in the project are Messrs J. P.
K C., and Geo. Wettlaufer, of that
oityeatnd W. E. Rade and Richard Copier -
an of 1Porti Eiuron, Michigan, experta in
that industry.
-4. F. M Lareni M. P., is ati the head
of a company whitehpurpose building a fine
new hotel in Stratford.
(being some repairs at hie barn
the other day, Mr. J. M. Cameron. of An-
dersen, fell and broke his wrist.
-Mr. R. M. Crewels, for some years
Grand Trunintioket agent at Stratford, has
been engaged, as manager of the, Stratford
Clothing 100.'1 retail store.
-Mr. Gfolge Leenhardt, of Brodhagan,
has dispoped of his wagon and blacksmith
business'with all buildings and ten aores of
landi to ma August Hilderbricht.
-Mr. Thomas .E. Hay, the 'well known
enotioneeEr, 011Listowel, has been appointed
postthaster ab Listowel. Mr. Hay is a ROD -
in -law of the tete postmaster, W. IL Hack-
-The North Perth Agricultural Society
has a balance of $900 to the good. The old
grounds have been disposed of and the
directors are DOW on the lookout for new
premises on whioh to hold their show next
fall. '
Fifteen Years Ago.
I wandered to the grogehop, Tom ; I stood beside
And deanlrebebaorval of lemenade and smoked a bad
The sanceigollr;
ikega' and jugs were there, the ones we
When 'e were tok °
wereonthe round up, Toni, some fifteen
years ag
The barkeeper is it new one, Tom, the one who used
, to sell
Corrofive tanglefoot to us, is meeting now in -
The othewrehlia;s a pletegiess front, his hair 18 combed
And loocilitliteaj1,
38171ike the one we knew some
fifteen yeara ago.
Old Soak came up and called for booze, he had the
Banes old grin,
Th9 Bamoefolnifacial whisky signs, the sam3 old signs
And women 'stood beside the dor, their feces seam-
ed With woe,
And Wept just as they usad to weep, some fifteen
years ago.
I asked abant our old-tiam friend, time cherish ed
sporty mei, ,
And seine were in the peorhow,e, Tone and some
• were in the pen '• e'
Andone, the one we liked the best, the hengmen
laid him low ; imY5
The worlydeaiticia anozu:h the same, dear Tem, as fifteen
I asked abo4l thet stately chap, that pride marked
He used to ay that he could drink, or let the siuff
afolor (:8own. ;_
He perished of the James H. Jams, out in the cold
and snow -
Ah, few survive, eho used to booze some fifteen
yea s ago.
Now erowdsline up against the her, and call for
crin son ink
t ;
New hands re trembling as they pour the stuff they
ehoirdn't drink ;
But atilt e same old watehwork, rings, " this
rour'a to me, ou know 1"
The me o d cry of doOm we heard some fifteen
yea ago.
I wandered o the churchyard, Tono, and them I sew
tbe raves
Of these wh used to drown themoelves in red fer
roe ted wavee ;
And there era women sleeping there where grass
and daisies grow,
Who sepyt
a dadio.d nf broken hearts some fifteen
And t ere nere gravewhere children elept, have
slept for many a year,
Forge fel of the woes that marked the'r fitful so -
j un hem •,
And 'neath t tall white monument, in death there
1ieti low
The man w used ta sell the booze mine fifteen
yeas ago.
the Secret of Health, Vigor
and Happiness,
Good bltod-rich, red blood -is the lgreat-
est ee emy that disease can have. It atiano
Iateeevery organ to throw off any ailment
that nay ttaek it, ' Good blood is the only
posit ve ure' for such complaints as
anaemia, ervonaness, neuralgia, skin ernp-
dente indi estion, rheumatism, eto,, because
these dise see cannot exist where the blood
is geed. 'he secret) of good blood -rich,
red, life -g ving blood -is Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. W ere these pills are used it means
life, healt and vigor. Mr. Roberti Lee, a
well -know resident of New Westminster,
B. Ca say :-" Before I began using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, my blood was he a
very imp re condition, and,, as a reedit,
itchpim les brokelout all over my body.
My appe ite was fickle and I was easily
tired, I e ied severe' medicines, bat they
did dot hep me. Then my wife urged me
to try Dr. fWilliams !ink Pills. I gat half a
dozen box re and by the time. I had used
them I w s fully restored to health, and my
akin 'Was s ooth and clear. . The pine tare
the best n4edioine I know of for purifying
the blood ' Sold by all medicine dealers or
sent post aid, at 50 cents a box, or six
boxeis for $2 50, by writing direct to The
Dr. Will ams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
Oat. Do not take la substitute, or some -
thin saidl to be "just as good." The "just
as good" nedicinea never oared anyone.
• The H ghest alariedWorkers
It costs the Unit d States Steel Corpora-
tion ever $5,000,00 to pay to less than
2,000 men holding e eautive positions in its
empley. The presi ent of the corporation
gets $100, 0 of thee. He is probably the
hieheat ae aried man in the United States.
The state ant reoently made that the oor-
poration ha not' more than twelve men in
its employ, receiving more than $20,000 a
year, has directed attention to the compen-
satioa peici heads of street railways and
large banks as affording an interesting basis
of comparison..
‘ '
Although the railrogf o and banks pay
somehigh salaritita. very few men are cad=
pensated ae $50,000 or more a year. A care-
ful canvas4 of the railway and high salery
list among frieeds of officers who know
whatithey are paid, developed some inter-
esting fact. One railroad president, A. J.
°asset, of the Pennsylvania, is generally
credited veth receiving $75,000 a year. The
presidents who reeeived $50,000 a year or
near it, are faw in number. Some of the
younger men brought east within the last
few years are amo g these and are paid
about' this amount f r the hard work they
have ahown themsel ea capable of.
Sarrenel Spencer, lresidenb of the South-
ern Reilway, which , has epent millions in
develciping the. Beath, receives $50,000 a
year, E. P. Richardson, president of the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, since its or-
ganizetion, whose policy has practically
built up the sYstern o ite present strength,
from Chicago to San Franck°, receives $50,-
000 a year, it is un erstood generally. Mar-
vin Heghitt, president of the Chicago and
Northwestern Rail ay since 1887, receives
$505000 a year, and . J. Earling, president
of the Chicago, Mil aukee & St. Paul Rail-
road, receives near that figure. Wm. H.
Newnian, president f the New York Cen-
tral, probably recei es $50,000 since he suc-
ceeded S. R. Callaw y, who received $40,-
000, it was rinderateod, and acceptedyamzte ho
larger, sum, said to be $100, ayear,
become the head nf the Ameri an Locorno-
tive Company. resident Burt, of the
Union Pacific, was �ffereFa flattering salary
to leaye the Northwesi4rn, and is under-
stood to receive abo t $35,000 a year, while
no estimate can be pieced on the several
salaries of E. H. lllarriman in hie official
ospaldties in Unier Pacific and Southern
1 ,
PaGeiefloorgeeystBem. Hs.
arrie, president of the Bur-
lington Road, is understoo to receive
about $35,000 a year, and C. 5. Mellen, of -
the Northern Pacific, a similar sum. James
J. Hill, who is president of tbe Northern
Securities Company, is understood 'to draw
$50,000 a year, and al nomlual salary NI
I i ,
presidetnt f the Great Northern Railway.
A.B . Stio ney, who heads the Chicago and
GreatWest rn, probably draws a salary of
$35,000 a ear. He is the father of his own
road, Ss fe . other railway prasidette are in
the chant y. B. F. Yoakum, preeident of
the St. L uis and San' Franoisco system,
which•hse een branching out so widely the
past year, is understood to receive $35,000 a
year. 1 Siri Wm. Van Horn, the head
of th C nedian Paeige, probably re-
ceives sal ry of $35,000 a year since be-
cornin ohs rraan of the board. Charles M.
Hays, 'aloe- resident and general manager of
the Grand Trunk Road, - Was reported to
have been offered $40,000 a year to return
to that syst m when he left - the Southern
Pecifial Joseph Ramsey, jr., pfeeident of
She Wbash Road, is eredited. vi ith drawing
et salard of $40,000 a year. George Gould is
president o many roads, and through his
control tend ; hat of the Gould family prob-
ably dews nany salaries, which aggregate a
very laiige sum, chiefly made up of his sal-
ary as ; pre ideat of the Missouri Pacific
Road. .
Lean gr at " one-man " power system
which Prey& Is generally on the railways of
America an in the great systems here,
the number p1 very large ealaried offices is
comparative y small. So small, indeed,
that with ai etpenditure for labor by the
railways bat year of $610,000,000, the 9,700
offioeminol ding all officers of the railways,
received an average pay of $8.26 per day
(45,3001 en ineers getting an average of
$3.78 per dajy, the highest average next to
officers, or nig about 3.6 per cent. of the
pay roll of tae railways. ,
While it i not known what alt New York
banks pay t eir chief officers, ibis believed
that $50,00 a year represents the highest
salary paid ny bank president in that city.
The $10,000 000 banks naturally pay the
highest sale lea but their presidents are in
moat eases s wealth„ydthat the $20,000 or
$36,000 whi h they .reoeive is a compare -
barely email consideration. la other ,words,
they are wh Ily independent of their sal-
aries, being n receipt of total incomes aver-
aging Ave o ten times more than the sum
the banks al ow them. While the duties of
a bank prom ent are usually ntt exacting
and do not onetime very much time, ev-ery
now anl the Wall Street encounters an
ordeal ¶hab inakes a bank president -grow
old in a Ring e day.
T14earl in a Pound of Cotton.
Out of a single pound of cotton 4,770
miles of t read have been spun.
• watertnetors.
In husin watermelons see that the
rind is m re or less peppered with
small blec e spots, often a little raised,
• like bliste -s. A melon so marked is
ripe, With lack seeds.
PI h Have No Eyelids.
Fishes -e with ou; eyelids, properly
so called, nd, as. the eye is at all tinaes
washed by the surrounding water, that
gland whi .h suliplies moisture to the
eye is not required and therefore does
not eXist. 1.
B ths For 'Workmen..
A 1 rge factory in Jena, Germany,
utilize its surplus hot water in such a
way 4s to afford the laborers nearly
1,000 lath per week.
rrested a Fox.
Obs rvin a young fox chasing cats
in a Ousel populated part of Halifax,
England, De of -the local Constables
seized rey ard and took him to the
police stati n. -
•B g Gas Company-.
The larg st gas company in the world
is thaof aris. It uses 1,200,000 tons
of coa a ye r.
• The prin
tory birds,
natural his
graphlical i
their longe
In sime
damage is
in lar.ge n1.
inrettory Birds.
ipal routes taken by migra-
as registered in books of
(47, show a wonderful geo-
stinct on the part of the
ipeds, as they -fah% for the
he seas and oceans at their
and the river valleys at
minding Baboons.
arts of South Africa much
one by baboon, whicb g;
rauding parties to rob gar -
F tted For -Polities.
"Wl at makes you think he would be
a greet su cess ill politics?"
"He1 can ay more things that sound
well aind n ean nothing than any other
man II evei knew."
1 N poed fa the 13nd.
"01.1 Alfied! Isn't it too had! Just as
we had Or
for _War e
and Sftlet.
Few thi
wants of t
finite num
'of OD Ion.
rything so nicely ari•anged
()Dement, father has gone
ned the 'hatch."
s are necessary for the
xis life, but It takes an in-
er to satisfy the demands
An admi able food, with all its na-
tur ualities intact, fitted to
bui d u and maintain robust
health, nd to resist winter's ex.
tre e col d. Sold in quarter -pound
tin, lab lied JAMES EPPS &CO.,
Linlxited, Homeopathic Chemists,
Lo don, England.
Et)' Cocoa,
s s
Mra. Tblomas
h storm
Yellow 011 in t
for doctoring u
did." Pr oe 26
Laxa-Lit•er P
ache, Biletuan
stomach and li
weaken nor etc
"1 had bee
Neuralgia, wh
natio P1l1. T
eine I ever. use
Mrs. J. D.11
worms, ad at
relief, we prae
acted pro pti
tor the Horses.
Thompson, Boland, Man., writes :-
would not be without Hagyard's
e house, as he uses it a good deal
the horses and considers 11 Alden-
lis are a positive cure for Sick Heed-
. 'Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all
er complaints. They 1 neither gripe,
en. Price 25o at all dealers.
suffering about six months with
n I started taking Milbura's Rheu-
ey did me more good than any medi-
. Mrs. Anna Ryan, Sand Point,N, S.
4 II .6.------
ck - With Wornis.
yo, South Stukely, P. Q., wrote the
One of my children tor* sick with
r trying everything without getting
red Dr. Low's Wont Syrup, which
and effectually"
. After al nig
remedy to el
than Mil urn'
ltko and 25e a
t with " the boys " there 18 no *better
&I the head and Bettie the stomach
Sterling Headache Powders. Price
all deslere.
le • lir
All kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Whoop.
1 leg Cough, P ins in the Chest, Wheezing, Hoaree-
neon Sore Th at, and Actiuns, yield to the Lung -
belittle propertiei of Dr. W0001 Norway Pine
!Syrup. Price 25e.
DULL FOR SALE. -The underaleaaed has fer sale
I, on Lot 16. Conceesion 2, Heya.a troroughlarei
Durhato bull, 19 months oltd, roan ID ertior. and an
extra animal; the etre, and dam, ani pedigree en
hand to be fespected. Will keep a pure-bred. Berk-
shire Hog for service. 1301411 ELDER, Hensel].
P. O.
TIMBER FOR SALE.-illavIng diaoceed of sew
_Ife mill machinery, we see now offering for axle the •
timber rf snare. The butiding is 60x6 foot; there
are 18 pieces 9xI2 inchee, ,t6 feet long. Lidependent
of frame; would sell this teparate if deeired; neee-
ly all timber is rock elnai GOVENLOCK BROS.,
Winthrop. 1782-tf
"DULLS AND PIGS FOR1 SALE. --The undereigued
j_..) has for sale one thorcauehbred Durham bud, 16
menthe, roan; 1 eight muolths and torte five r•onths,
Also a numbrr cf heifers Oslo yearand under. Mao
a number of thoroughbred erkehire riga and sows,
littered in August. Sire nd dans both from im- '
ported stock, ir ..m f latt's herd. For particulars
addreas S. CUDMORE, Ifu ndale P. O. 1816-11
BULLS FOR SALE. -Fc ir sale two thoroughbred
Durham bulls, 15 months old, red in color, ono
buil 2 years old, red. Also' two 3 e ear old heifers
witet calf at foot. Calves got by NOW Year's Gift.
All the right low down blocky kind. Apply on Lot
24, Canceas on 3, L. 11. S, Tnekersmith. WILL/Att
CHAPMAN, Brucefield. 1 18264f
0 number of young Scotch Shorthorn boll, Mao
cows and heifers of the Most fashionable straight
Scotch and Scetch topped reeding. Don't wait for
any auction sale, as you cai buy here reach theaper
and en your 04V11 terms si d you Wive 70 head to
select from. Special ba gains to eatly buyers..
DAVID fdILNE 11. SON, Ethel 1828 tf
tro be awarded at the Frotlincial Winter Fair 1903,
for the best pair of fat nettle fed with
Worthington's danadian Stock
The sweepstake fat eattlelet Cbie.go and Guelph
winter fairs, 1932, woe fed tvith WeeRTHINGTON'S
CANADIAN STOCK TONI . Au eeklence of the
TrecoaNi: a genuine *tack fa d, not an Ameriean fart.
Horses look better, feed te ler. de ve trta r aril ,eell
better when fed a ith WORTHiNGION'S SIOUX
good e•esults Miners and Laden would r btain by
, I
TONIC Lr one year and have been feedirg it to all
my stook. Found it to gill!. good setisfaction, and. advise all farmczel and feeders of atock
tri use it.
Youts faithfielar,L. mom
December 29, 1903. i
10 lb. box 200 feedi3.1503 ; 504‘ute
Manufactured by UGr TH ; WORMINGTON
DRCO,, Guelph, at.
For sale and guarant ed by
HAMILTON & KE stAKE, Seaforth
P. MAITLAND, Cilliion.
J., LEVY, Mitchelj. \..
• 1826-16
MHOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at
A. M. Campbell's Implement wareroores, Sortforth, or
TBB ExPOStrOR Office, will *motive prompt stteratien.
fiatisfeotion guaranteed or 10 charge. , I708-tf
:FAMES G. MetlICHAEL,1 licensed auctioneer for
't.) the county of Moran, Sales attended to In any
part of the eounty at _moderate rates, tad satisfaction
guaranteed. Ord° s left at', the Seaterth poet office
Or at Lot 2, Conceseion g, Mullett, rec.eive
prompt attention.
A UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillips, Licensed
Auctioneer for the , counties of Huron and
Perth. Being arraractiord farmer anti thoroughly
understanding the value of farm stock and imple-
ments, places me in a better position to realize good
pricee. Charges Moderate. Satiefaetron guaranteed
or no pay. All ordersieft a Hensall post office or
At Lot 23, Concession 2,'Hay, will be promptly
_ ttended to,
ile PLEMENTS,-Mr. James Jrmes has received
instructions from Mr. Andreae McLellan, sr- to sell
by public auction, on Lot 19, Coneeasien 4, Ribbed,
on Tuesday, February 10th, the following ; Horses -
One working horee 3 years ,old, I well bred 'brood
mare, heavy draught, rising 6 yearn old supposed
to be in -foal, with foal at foot. This lose is five
months old and got by PA e of Glasnick. 1 driv-
ing mare. Cattle -Two dowa auppoecd to be in
calf, 1 newly calved cow with calf at foot, I farrow
cow, 4 fat steers rising 3 years old if not sold before
day of sale, 2 steers and 1 *eller over two years old,
4 steers ring 2 years old, heifetre rirs
sing two yea
old, 4 steers 1 year old, 7 Ives. This stook us ell
well bred and in good con ition. 6 bogs b months
old. Implements -1 Bain wagon with hex and ecat,
Only run last season, 1 two eeated democrat with
pole and shafts. 1 spring teeth milt:Water, nearly
new, 1 oombined teed drill; 1 mower, 1 hay rack, 1 -
pea harvester, I walking pow, 1 two furrow plow,
1 fob diamond harrows, 1 so bob sleighs, I wheel-
barrow, new, 1 vice and bench, 1 tetteatn Mullen, 1
rt single hatness, several ocliare, neck yoke,
Whifiletrees and a lot of othrr articles too numer-
ous to mention. Also sono household furniture.
Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms - I sums of 25 and under,
cash ; oe3r that amonut 10 Mouths' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis-
count of 4 per cent per annum. No reserve as the
proprietor Is tetiring from fannivg. ANDREW Mc-
LBLIAN, Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Anctioneer.