The Huron Expositor, 1903-01-23, Page 81� . I . � I : - I - - ___ - __ - I � -1 I , � � ; I I . : : � � V _W,- � - . � - � ,I i , - : - __ 11 - �'. . I . I i i i - - - "' - 6- . � -,-T- I -_ 7'" ­­ - - - � ____ , - -,.,-- " , . .. . , 1 � - . , I . I ; ! i I . � 1 -7- 1 1 - �, ;, _.. ­_�� ; I _. � . I - — _­-, --'I- ___­_ . - I I _­_� -_ -i _� � . �j . I . . - : , , I 1� . I . I I '1_--____- , 1 _­ . �__­_­­­ -,7r�--��-------,�-��-,�-,��-�--- _____­_. - - � � � . � � I 11 - � . �, - - , .,_� , . I ! ­ - � - - - " . � 1. I - I ; � . � 1. c I _ .. - , � r , , I - � 1: _: I I . ,� * - - __ I— - � 11 � i . � . ­ . -- I � - I - I I I 1 ,� � I .1 I . � I , I : -1 7 - . — . I I . � - , I %� - I .. . ,- - � . I I : - I .1 . . I . . - I . �� Z - � i I . I - : � 4 1 , , I I , � � . � I - I - � � � i , . I - � � � ,� � I - . , I . . . I . I I . . � . . I � . . : Z . - ( . . .- 7 .. I . i � � . .� . . . ; � � I . - I . . , I ! , - I ­_�_ . -1 - -_ ___,____, - � " � I - .. _� - I - � I I . � I I - . — , . � � � . � � i I I I r I . . � �. -1 � � . - _. , � I - * � I ,� ..� . I ! 1 . . i . i , # , . . , , . - � - . I i ; I - - . � � I , . � . � I . . � - - � , I i � . I -, _- - - � � � � I . ; - �- , . I - i � . I . . � i � � � ! p � , - I i I I . - � . . - � i i � I I - - � I : � � . I I - i , - I � , I ; I - � . I I . � 1. � . . I - r I ; I , � . I I I . � I , I - I . . -1 � ji � : 1: � - __ I ! t i � : . I i I I - , . i . � I � I . � ­ . . i . 1� .� I � . I I . � I - : I . 1 , I . i . I I I I � _- I - . - � 1 I , ; I I I � I �i I � . I- - - � - . I - 1 : � . . . i I . I I - ! . I - I - . . . . � . 11 i - . I , � . . � I . . I . . I 1! I I � � a ,� ; � ! I : � I I I . � I . N I � � t. . . . 7 � � a ; I - i � � , 1� , . I I - . I - � I I ;, , i - � . ! I - . I - L . � I � . . I i I , I I i . I ! - I A � . i I . : . i I , � ; I r I . I - I . I I � - - I 1 � � : � �� . . I - I i I i � � -` � . L � .. i � � I . , I ! . - . , i - . I _. . - � I I i I . I . I � 7 . i ! . � . i .1 t .- - � I . � I ; "-' " . I . I � k � � I I L � I . �� � � I . . -%t : Z - < . i , � - . I : . I i � : 1, : ; . I I I � I I � . - I � � - : , . t � - - I : I � - . I i i i I � -, . �: I I , . - - I I I � I . - � : ;t' . I _. 1. 1 8. i - . 1k; ! I I I TH I HURON POSITPR , I � � it, � . � . , IRY � 23. 190a, I ­­ I ! I I I JANUA - 11 � � . I ......... ........ I I i I - 3 1 .. ,I - ___ ____ . - , � - � = sw� . � ..1. � � � � ­ I . - I != I - . � � ---;- . ,. . - I � I . � I - � ' : �� . . I — , I . ­ L ' � 1" L . I . , i I . . i I _____ - . . - I I I . I - ­ : , - i r 0 faTilior and Irominent figure of tb official ; ! �GOOD� �'RH' ADI XG. later , , Kemp and Mrs. D. J. M. P. P., -for East Huron, &eking hii I I ,� � "I I � ) Mrs. T. — I I I - - , ,� :- 1 k9 AN__V16 (6 $j ,� e . i ; I 11 91 ,in _... ­ ;-_ � am - 19 X _ ift =tte tha I graced th norith stel is of the I . � 110C Ilum.-The;,annual- meeting of the baveoh4p.ter240, relatingto snow I I - � ��, I i, Stoves Itedneed 9 11W J 01 Ho I . ioncle: AboLit the - � k, . Ube nsftrnmerday�' Will be Eeen 1�o� the ' W e, rided, no that any peraun fences I ­ 111 I our wn subscrib- ]lure a Presbyterial om 4's Mil I having , . conve , I * �. , ji . I nar "in � � . ;� 1. t � = there no mor . He was an entl usi�itic � ors who wish more an one -paper, we can .Socie i was beld in Goderic on esda,yy alo 3g roads that cause accumulittions oflanow ; I , I'll . . . � i - I .� � . . I .Y. I .11 I I - i� �, i - DISTR�OT MATTEAS. Mason in ear life, and' hen iti 3reasing i anoply them with the J:utls mentioned I�sb. The meeting was well atto ad., in- itiffioient to impede public travel, must . __ �_, � . I � I - ,I �, i � i I 1 . age to attendance at all meeinge, he below, and at the followi _. . I Wa I of Its 11� � . I � � ices, in con-, tereding andin every way B�tigfact )ry. . - A have them removed or be required to keep � - I , 9 I I I � . � . q i �. . - i . 1: s : more e given next � - - . I We have a xLumber of -Coal and TRAYEuLEas.. -The following wore ticket WA regularly present -at spa is[ one. a. He junction with THE ExPoS401! � . � extend -!A .report will b I the inside Fie affected, clear for - tr%N �el and y - - - I � � ed to distatib points this. week by W, wa 3 mem a Ex rd, of i **#A#*~*"11" __ � . . I . : bei of Maitland lodge over 43 Th E positor and Week'� r Gobs $1 65 week -Alias Oi. wfo Sb. Marys, is faifingtodosothework may-beiloneby ­ � l � I I - � . ' I 11 I i . I .9ec Somerville, railway and steamship agent.- years, And th a -members of t ,at lod e bon- �x 5 visitffig Mrs. W. Ament.-*s. W. Somer. th( council and the cost of ti�e work added I � � - ,. , Wood. Ile"atm, bDth new and ' ond- The positor and Week" W, tness 1 6 � � I Ji . I ; ored the long.inervice of Bro her Ir Lewis I � After havWg reaa many advorti,somen . � I - - � . Miss Beanie Devereux, to'*DePr§it ; - Mine The ,xpoeitor and Nor=rn �Aeeseu- villo eave!i toAai on a visit ?f some weeks I on the collebtor'o roll And collected i4 that . ta . - � o � .. I . hand, that must 1�e disposed of�,at a . by making him an honorar memb r some - - ger : I I 25 with rionds in Toronto'. -M as F. ill, of wa . The council adjourned1o, meet again by merohalaut doing businen in to - I _,''W", I I � Lizzie Kenned , to Ionia, Michi gn ; Anth I W111 � illcm= . I I .. I - � i I I years since. His Often expr seed 11 . emote firlin Seafortb, were ' - -_ , . . � ! I . -- Carrillos, Nov ,': M exi I sh Was TheExpositor and Westlern Adver. Mital ell, visited -Miss Mabel Thom .-)n and at r. Whitels, Leadbury,fon Wednesday, r 0 . we eftra- . . I - , 7 i ony Weis, to Loa ito ; ,.hat him funsipil might be cc ducted by the 7 �iser � i I other friepda ; I . i . palled to t�i nk about as follow -A . -11 . I � in town this wpek-.- r. and th 18th of February. at one o'clock, to re- I I I - Miss Kate .Devereux, to Ohioago�; Miss B. ' I . . '_ I � � W_ _� � - . I Boole, Miss Alice Waugh -'a Crp6fb, and �1� wiml�was com ied wi h." I The Expositor and Weekl� N il 1 75 Mrs. Arthur F�rbee visite,d wit their cei e the auditors' report. The township is Pity, isn�t it, that as *a grow older we be- - I . WHO , . 1. ; Big D scounts ; . - __ rid Miss Hartryo 11 . lieve lose in fairy� twle.s ? -, ____� I to Toronto. . . I i I The Expositor and Farm)es? I an 1 80 friends, Mr. and Mrs.. John' Torr nee, on for unate ; it ,.has $4,000 to loan a 5 per-, I . Yet, judging — - , � i 1. � - � , . I I I . - -c--* � THE SOUT11 HUROx AaAl ULT L.L So- I The Expositor and Farm og I orld from the general run of advarti . 1 75 Wednesday, at �heir beautiful' home, near oerib. interest. isements . I I . .\ . . �c ' � - � R I - . Tim CumErw,-Two rinks of our curlers GIETY.—The ,annual meeth g'of th,� South 1 The R XP03itor and Farmers'Advocate 2,00 Clinton.-Jast at. 12 o'clock on Wedneeda� . you'd think the ownera of 'some jtc�k - - - I � - 11 I , � � . I The Expositor and The I'hmi ly Herald 2 00 r1i ke out in stable at Mr. " thought the grown up public :still reQ __ _.; a i . I � "I . 1. . - . . % ,. Winter is not +rly over, and it will will go to Stratford cu. Tues� ay next to Huron Agri6ultural Societ was held 'In ' �ghtl, fire bro � an 04 I Grey. . I -_ -_ . _� . � ,x pate in the rimary contest f r the On- W;13oh�a h0j, Brucefield, on Wednesday The.gxpositor and Th' V49b inster 2 25 JameO Anderson�s, place, fairy tales�, or, worse than that, beli -I_ � . � - -1 � I c p e I I . *arket, street. NOTES. -A quiet wedding took place at I evea __ - pay purchase y6t at our present om The voiou' 225 The finilding wasie I � in them. I .. � 'q yon to tario, tankard. The rinks will be as follows: last. fire ort sho' th� sooieby � The Expositor and The Presbyteriian ,nure y o amed, but' no, -1. P41- --- . . � i I . . , the Methodist parsonage, Ethel' on Wedn iffere � ce between th e - ­ 1W I I � n Beattie, as. - Dick, W cap ltlon,i � � . I da, r of last week, when Rev. C' n mouth bld � - I ­ - Job . I toDougall, to bettill in " prosperous. di i There 'The Expositor and The Westipinater further damage was done The cause 0 ep* � IVs the d � - year) in pi - en yrjtery.�-Toe first ' I hat b I a in . B. A., B. D., united in marriage William . 'giveft I . - i : .. prim. � W. Ament, eki 3 ; F. W, Tweddle, T. Rich- was paid out ast . iz the sum of - and Priabyterian � ! 1 3.25 the fi I is seems to be . P. Wells, egg and the egg of to -day, t . . - . 1-00 ft. -1 I ., 1 4 � - ;.-. ardson, W. Violrard and W. ,U. Bright.' $1,005, he year was o)[osed with a . I N �1108. meetIng of the ,public school boa�d was A. Michel, a well known young far - or of _ the latter Its vAlue. IIN -the difference ,� . - � : I � McLl�'A I . . . � I I I between those I I windy," ou :_ I skip. The Scotch curlers, who are just now balance 4 in the treasury� Mr. Robert held Ion Wednesday evening. Mr. A. P. - t_of__8e&forW_ - � � I . I � I I I � Grey, to Miss Matilda J., youngest daugh- , , I . � I I tourinR Canada, will be in Stratford on the McAllister, o Hay, wan proposed as-pres' J. .- was elected eltairrhan, and Mr. John advertisements that we have tOW.Vad .1 . --- .- MI lot nt i � . I : � - - I I . � � . I - men's Foreign ion Societies tyukin, i. � newly -.married couple will commence, house. - I I . � CHESNEY & SMILEY) following day And our cuil, re 'ari looking dent for the current year, b lb., much to th ' the , Wo ter of.Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Speirap, The those that'we place before the Publi% . , . � . � . 0 ! *Witrhia their bounds, and the! r gratitude to : - . ;� 11 I forward to getting a crack a then). regret of the memberm, Mr M oAllistdr de. � , i — - I . ke(ping on the 12oh concession, amid the that makeO -oursi the more dedrib](5- 1-11 �__ - � l ­ i � Godfor the success which':ha� " crowned their 1: Tim's ESCAP oney, who has I tion in" - ­ � ­ __6 clined the ho�or, on accoun 5 of his ad,Vana. I%bors during the I . ADS,.­iiM I Ma, there is fai mor.e:truth than fie . I I . SEAVORTH, i - goc d wishes of a large circle of frie 12�dv.- all our talks. Advertised low prices, �­ - I ]rTJ,-,-.ESS OF A FORMER - SIDENT.—The Ing years ano- his 0onsequ at Inabillity to Past Ye "' ! 7hey especially been running a cheap rest& rant in town Th a. Strachan, -1 I - � � . record their satisfaction - 91ith the increase of 11 jr., has purchased thel 100 , - Z � . I . porting beams of . v 61 - 11 - or . months, a- aw a farm from John Smith, lot 8i cone! - . �, --- . I � . following parag aph, taken rom the Wing attend to the . aties of the Position. i Mr. contributions, th6 amo, 1 t f whi��h f ' rome �has be�a playing a pra � lession without the sup . A I ­­ 8, I I and quality, are meaningless, when -- I - Baocessora eo S. Mullett & Co. ham Times of I at week, tells of : one well hItAllister h '_ been a dir c -or b" tical joke' on the goA peoplo of Mitchell. 6, Grey, paying the sum -of " �­ . � ''. I � - go' I I -M . . � f � � - been oonsiderabl� in exoeks of that of $6,000 for it. .- . � 1: . � known to many in town, who will'be sorry ciety for 21 years, and on hi expressing his y i As the story goes, he billed thr town about w I now, wenian's knowledge of both U - t - I � I Mr. Smith will probably move to Br 1 sele. - ' �4 . . . � . - - t �L Indeed to learn of the lady's illnest.: 4 the � preceding year. "'ley also express Oil ­ I Hardware, Stoves, Etc. 'Mrs. determinatio to retire 'a resoluition w week ago for a grand eiii.ortainment by Jessie almost intuitive. Lsige type #Md � - - � I I I � � I I I I le their! belief that the gr 3 Fvin g interest in -A in. Bennett, an old resident of the 17th ' - I � I � F. G. Sparling was taken to the hospital at unanimously 1 assed � acknoNv ledgiag him long Maclachis flowery epx6ts of eloquence erg . - oelebroteo New- York . us. I . - n and a uoth_ . . . " : . I I I forei ' ig n* missions through at the church in concession, died on 8unday last at the age jag for w.0'rth, Wear � or fashion. I" . . - .__ � � London on Pe day of last -week. Mrs. and faithful servio6s, ex�resain et at i star, the britertainment to toke place last � � .. . I . . g reg I& ly Aue to the r effort . . lof 84 years. � . i Be . . � I Sperling returned home a few , weeks ago big retirement, and the hope that rigs an pray that the - -With youi home town- - - - ! . be may Monday night. 'E%rTy Monday forenoon I .. I � satisfied ; i I .. from Lusk, Wy,bming, where she had been still long be so I *1 'And friends. I fut - , a town livery I SeafOrth-tor shopping purposes, T,he: - � , I . . &red to hi a UE"' divine blessing may richly at �end all thOic Tim was- driven to M i t)hell by,, - i Stanley. . � � ' y . ure efforts to promote :his �greab 'work." . . I ! - I � tl�_ I �. -as hen &D t d I � man, so as 11 advertisements may not tell -as wonder_ a I - . DOMINION BANK. visiting her-dwighter for some weeks, and Mr. John X;tchea w' to be i' �ime to look after busi-i : NOT QUALWIED.-WO underetandi that . . P n e Dr. Fletiller, of H%milto 1, V ae Dominated . � i - . I r � . I I was thought to be much improved in health. president ; Mir. Thoma I Mont an to receivw I a you think they sho ". i . I a F4ser, I's t Vice- ness for the entertain 'Mr. John MoNaughton, one of the county ful stories ' " I - � � i � I Moderator of next Anne bly. ' Mr. MoKen- the celebr ted f i I I . . . � . I Last week she took a decided turn for the president, and Mr. Thoma� Russell, 2ad . in I I a per or r hen the tim 1 but there '146 much of worth in th I . �_ - � � . CAPITAL (Paid !Up), - $2 500,000 I zie,.ieturned missionary on ,being balled, � '� 1councillors- elect for division No. 3, co�.I?011- stores that doesn't get Into print -and', � - I t A start, people A of Stault-y, Hay, 4ensall, and Bayfield', is I ,- REST, - Z . $2,500,ObO . i addkeased the court -wit'li al t his wonted . . , �, , I T � , to, � cars is one of the stores. LOIN worse, &Ad -it was thought beat to have . her vioe.president� -The following directors came for.the ente4ain t . � ;1 I � --t i taken to the hospit@kl. Mrs. ,Sparling is were appointeid : - P, McGrekor, BrucefitIJ ; zeal: And eloquence. The next ordinary came pouring in JrEean the surrounding iot qualified to hold the position to which � �, � I . - I � � .. 1. SEAFORTH. BRA OH suffering from some imervous trouble' We John Murdoch, Stanley ; Robert McMo'rdia, I meeting of Presbytery is t . be held ja Kip- country, and with a I large �attenJance of, ie has been elected, if proceeded against, on � . I I �­ I I I . I � ' Muslin Undervirear 7 . I . . i hope, with her �osb of fri6nds, that she may Bay; H.' S ith,' Stephen ristie, I ' . - � I � - . 1; E d. C h , pen, on the f M ,,, at '110 A. in. townspeople, the Jar& hall ,9fas soon filled' � . I soon be restored to good health." Eireter ;' W ' Dixon, Uabo,rne ; R.V�hart- I .- I : to overflowi g. Tim manifested a burning kccount of being a school trustee at the - - - - - I - I : I I . � - -ime of his election. , If this is th - I : Street, Seaforth. , . � . . ; e case, Good Buyin g� Time Now. , I I . . I . i - I . ' S., � .. .. a _ . I I I ' Results of I I .. .� � 13 ra arl'king Business tra�s- T4r. McKiLLOP IxsuRAN,m CompANy.— Brucefield ; illiam, A lister, He4eall. and take in the cash, but the proprietor of - - � 11 . � i , � erg, ,.Tuckerstith; A ntot.h, esire to attend io the; ticketloffice' himsplf � here may be another election in this di- :� 6 1 CGLLr&cI4TE INSTrruTE I � x&,) . � � I A Gene I B I C�A I '_ er gen I Too much 1 finery never aiorris mufil .. - kies -f � . 11 - ., acted. Farmers' 18ale Notes collected, The annual meeting of the members of the Messrs. A. Scotb an J. M CI 't h - Christmas examinabione, ,ield at Beaforth 181011. int I . � .0 'I I I �r d the hall and a few oth flemen of the hat. But how I .. . Institute. 1. [&as � I. includes 6 Pad underwear ,cu know t . e ucefield, i�are appoints audit( ell town, who had be king Tim's measure - often there'i jug', enough to detract the. Me )rol,' Oan d Collegiate en ta . -S me to .. and advances made on same at low"t , NOTES -Mr. Win. Collins, of th I . I � - ehe I . I I I those who obtain 66 joir cent. ; IL, oncession, met- with'a, very painful accident Am I : � f was hold in the toWn hall,'l Se'aforth, on John Murd and Thomas Russell, ipapre � - 11 . I - rates. i . . - and watching operations, became suspicions, buyer'Batt(ntion from, -teri T1 I .- i 11 L Ile - between 50 and 66 per ceiat.; JIL, between I few days ago- He wa3 working with a wrong ma ld I , Drafts sold on �a points in Cana as Friday last. There was a fair- attendaiine sentativea cu he Western . air Board.� Ab ad their suspicions 'were increased when' and rbaking, Deception is pracUeedto. _' vice I . - � . 33 an 50 per cent.; IV., U �der! 33 per cent. a I ack and getting'his �'band caugh-ti in the I than- I I I ; � I he United States.'and Europe. � I � I . of the members and all seemed to ba wall 6 meeting'of t a new�i board 6f directors eub- N - there' was no Jessie: Maola?hlan or Newl ensure sales. . I - I . I i . I I-- pleased with the statements of the direotora SeqU613tly hel , M. Y. MoL an wa .4._ap. &Mee are given in order f merit: York star arrived,by the even�ing train, and I ogs he had three fingers so lacerated that Now, our way U -quality first, frills after. � - � .1 Mort, we � � SAVINGS DEOARTMENT.-Inter� _� , Form I., -Class I. R avi �, H. Roberts . hey had to be amputated. -Mrs. Oatharine � - . . , . �st and the manner in which the affairs of th wa`� re- . so as to protect �the public "inj case of diffi- 1 . I ason A I . � -allowed on t . e pointed sccr�tari-treasuren It, �,'E Petrie, F. , . . . � oGregor, reliob of �the late Mr. George ward. Folks get what they pay for. . - v Ee �� - � depos� s of One Dollar and _ . :F. Ebarbart, t. Wau'R Wei I � . I a ' ' 0 b , .1, "i 1 ,1 , TH ,7�� i LPo, ,, ,�4 al q , , I I �:Suio Id i rid )11t I -- � )Ir ,11 w q 1� * a ,rii vi� - n irfue, ' an of 4 0 our' re 'Ack a t' - 1+ CE t ES &ken ron I 0 1 _� 11 r I , I 11 ,I I - - I � upwards. I i company had been conducted for the past solved to holdl a �prinq fair 'at BrucbfiO, d as 11 land,�E. Gottschalk, Ell . culties, they insisted On running the tickW all the weail aad satisfaction the v, ': � - 40 it. R� I i I I Us ' ff R. Hai cGregor, didd at the residence oV eq I . I n her son, at - _� I ws�ln - I I � � I year. The retiring directors this year were usual, the date of'wbich will- b n I" d t � office themsel-ies and i bandlipg the cash.' the 2a! best of gari4ients give, and do say -th � t to kk � - , -R. 8. HAYS, ; W. K. AROE� 8 ahm ' a tr R,ua)t, latl%eVer, K. I I n I d ooncessie'n, IaFt. ' , . r . I PE Alessra. Thomae Fraser, Stanley, and J. B. the next' meo't,11' Mob will be e ?-,, b y, A. Henry, L. Tim did not like this arrangement, but on Tuesday - __ I � ; � g, W 11 I p I tbeelaboration of our lingeriewasnot �, So-lioitor Manager� it� wa Fear;'A. Petrie. Class � 11 I �: Pickard, B.' ra. McGregor had ieached the age of 18 � unless V -0i .1 - � alter storming and ple�ldlng byl turns, he was I - - I I : McLean and Wm. Broadfoot, Tuckeramith. Hensall, early lin IMarchi aiydl when ill I Smith, A. Wilson,v , fore t ears. She was one d.f the e tt � ,,,k!mpod .We have now, at low tidi .- - , ; ! I . Paba -) N i, - Hawthorne, arly me lers'lof prices, � - - - . 0a a ballot being taken MeEsrs. J. B. Mo. ,also be decidod* where the nex� fall .how ed to give in �to a, inevi�table. When' 11 6e wanted things in fSkirtis � Ut the oril 11 i I I I . . ; G. Abell, M. Dickson, 1. ', �epbenson, J. I 10 I tapley, and was gre�'tl I I _. � I .Uvau and Win. Chesney were elected direct. will be held., � I the crowd became so impationt th � . y beloved by all who I - �� I A . � . � . atthey, Chemises, Xight, Gownp, Corset Covers, in zome im . . f Purcell, G. Kale, - Ethel ab I nd*her. The r6midus were laid to ro�t` i0overs, - - IL -0 C W I fQ ,---% kA A r% u i Pq = Q - ore for Tuckersmith. Mr. Thomas Fra- . . 0- � aiffy, E. Jones ere likely to tear I � in rawers a-�%d A-- Ju -1 I . I I ril I- I w down the! 13 . I .9 I I .raird a ce er Y, avovLws . i I I # . mer was re-elected for Stanley by aecla. nave,,.your carriage fitted with unlop ` . naba le, a. Do eyt . orodefioir, J5. entertainment w4 I R being fur ishe.d thern,; I ,or . on-�_hursaay. meiLt also. I ; 5 1 - solid rubber tir 8. Ideans morel comfort for: you, Stewirt, W. Murray, M. Jones, W. MoIn. I 8 . q � f I mation. At a stibsequent meeting of except suih as piper John M ' a! i . I ­ � easier work for our horso find eavc3 the wear anci cDonald wa ' i . I � tosh, 1 L. Gillespie, I Sgott. Class III., E. 0, Is to g i 1 1 Londesboro. . _. � W. N. WATSOX North Main Street, directors Mr. � J. B. McLean wa ge. Can befitteltoanyythio b ive t Not too lato for Bargains 9 " 8 re-' te-Ar on your car ia 10- Box, B. Warwick. '' I I . I hem On the bagpipes, and � - ... BE appointed president ,- Mr. Thomas F Tires are nianufa tured and guaran � . 1 ITEMS 'Dr. La Whitley, who has been . . I I OORTH. I raser; teed bv thE Dun* Although this wag. very aemptable for a' , - I � , - I lop Tire'do., Li ited, 17 and 21 lempersoce Erfreet t, a I., E., keen, M.".Gil- � I I � -1 - I have on ' they ulbimat�ely Ured Of I . ng in Sudbury- for the Fas six urs. --- -_ I etary Toronto. Equi ped and, sold by R. Devereux, car' lespiej E. Robb, R. MoL- n. Class II., B onthe, is home at to the larg vice. president ;j Mr. T. E. Hays, seer , Fo'm 11.,-Clas I Good hand a arge and well assorted I Jac , time, t, and - Tim' I aotici -t - in Good F . 3 and treasurer ; �and Messrs. George Murdie ri I Was at leugth4or L �, present, bult will ! stock of firab class �eewlng machines . !!Le maker,,Seaf 1831-2 cod to mount Ithe stage and . I � Ray and John C. Morrison, auditors.. The direqt 1. � IL emp, K. Roberts, D. 'Ison, N. Garden: give explanations, He ave in the near future for Texas where But you -must come soon. The assort. � .. - _11911ars. ___ , . inorld, White or Goc1drieh, in Cabinet. Drop - 11 Three feeds for one cent. Internab�onal . Gillespie, G. Love, I fr- omervillej 0. expressed his very, - . � r . I e intends to practim -Mr. J. " mentswill Oct much longer be as good� - . . . ore-' atatement'shows that duri:13 9' the year great regrets to the audience on - accou n 6 of . J mieson - . . � � I - 1.� �. - . i Head and covered aebines prices ranging atookfood,101! EILICAt Hamilton & Keralake'al Boa. iviaxi, E. Somerville, I . Govenlock, J. as they are now. We canfit-you no , t I . 3� L I I i 551 policies ha& been. issued and at the forth. I ; c ntertained a iiumber of his friends t - W, from 25 u wards, �a o a few good as d . 18�2�1 the disappointme: t, a' d assured them that - . . o . , ' � I I J�q Fri e Use will be brokon. We, `_ - -i � i � � I 1, Love,', J. Aitobeeoh, 0, Little. Class III., n n (I late# th b i there Were 2,244 policies -Our annual sale of Dry ( 0 were t, . W. q has - . e year , - hand machines whic will be sold che close of th )ods, It . the parties wh furni h the enter-, day evening last. -Mrs. Boyd, . - - . � 1��_, - - � ; ea L Ly0ob, W. Daley, R, Wiel. i spent her vacation with her parent'61 I here, - i I oing to� ­ . � io�r -in force. The !aaaessments for the year an I ov(r,,oats i. 1,ow on 76c. and ?t.25 [hoine W11nient had miss�d I train t some cast- want to E ell: a garment that in g ' . - , a� a, . Form III. A, -Class I, '�. H rtry, . please you, and are desirous that 'you 1: I I I 0 spuns, a, 60c, 63a and 76a, Fro )ch flannels elrn station, and 'would favo tlitern with .1 I instruction given free of , 6 $ , Zle I P. An - cash. All machine fully guarantef d vt proper 4 amounted to 6,�00 and the losses paid, t rid suitin returned to her home '1131 Ch'csg(i On �atur- I - - har e. 350. 13 all %yool � Fre" � $6,483 * The ye4r. wall commenced with t3 llhh Raglan ov ercoati wort� 810, erson, W. emall. P, QbWaD, .L. Burke, day last. -Mise Rose �Itile note what a nice dist,inction there is ­ - - � ' . � � Dealer in needles, 6 ,I, sewing machine At- * a for $5.60. � 0. E. King, Wingbam. . � , 1, C.'A �xa r der, M. De- their presence at some future time. With I y left for L ndon between cheip fur garments ana fur 1. I A - � W31-tf . Smith. - Class I - 0� I I . � Wednesday last, where, she has secure - - taohment ad parls, Bi I i baltince of $8,301 in the treasury and closed ; WANTED, -Butter, dried ?lee, eggd and r - W. Turner, M. PeE ale, G. Wat this Tim made his exit and . _�Ias not sinee , d - � I a a eyoleii . and Cream with a balance o� $7,489. On the whole the � 11 p] atiol I gcod position. -Mr. 1. Brigh I - garments cheap. The former is fibe - . z Separators. Genera Fire and L I i 8011, been ceen in public. The jupposition im� a . . am als� lef b ' � - . ' J. �Foi -- es, J. Rob- . i on Wednesday to resume his sbudiea at the .economy, the latter tr4e. Don't forget,* I � n - ife Instir. showing is a most satisfactory one ai I 3d the poultry. we'pay cash. Beattle Bros, Seafo - 9_04t, M. Hod4ins, . Risks, aiffeoted,on all kinds lof I . "' - J that the parties had never be I � . All e &nee, avent. 1 1812-1 en engaged and . - � company is in a 1 aplendid condition fiaan- . I X I rts, B. Archibald, H. Sparks, ,". Spark I 11 there's us -much evil in p � , . - property at lowest rates. Houses for sale � I 1 '91 P- that Tim's scheme� London Medical College. -Mr. Moon, of aying tow - , cially. It is well.managed ; it is doing a All parties having buggies or- carriages eyk-.i Class III, M. G'au me I er, L. Reid, I was to ecoo; p in the door Clinton epent SuAday with friends he little as p-�yirg too mu,bh. What you - , I Rubstantial; ' � I - and to rent. Office i next door to Queeo-'s safe business and is saving in that recluli e pain Ing, would d��ell to bring thbn- in- . JohnBov, R. Dorsey,'M, Sil Is, C. Rich- receipts and then leave for ps I rts unknown . , .re.- want is a fur garment �,ully guaranteed. ' � right and f I � e 1 pas I � � epring opens up. We will guararil cc a firat . ! I I YhOn do. � Class IV E.� Di V. not his fault. : a. Colo. --Mrs. N"Reill . I . � oney for its D-3winordor o have'thorn ready f,)ru8e t job And pastures new.' T1 at it in'iscarric Hotel., i I t � id was 'Miss McDonald, of Blytb, spent th t - . 3 ;T "�V r members every year. -cla 3 - P �_C I ok C n, � . Garrov i � � vO,eek at the home of,AIr You wan6 now to get the very best 0 - � - - I i i . . _� -w_. M _ _ . . I I and our prices * � ralerate. Deve:eux'a ca lr , age Form III. B, lass 1, J, K- �ght, A. Me. the price of thb modc;,� __ . I �, 'I , _ _A�TS(:):r�[.J , I '. ___6_ � . been spendind,,�' this i I Nyorks, Seaforth. . 1811-1 2 enzin, . ' 7 of Stratford, who has , a earlier in tbe - I NaRTH MAIX ST.' SEAFORTH. � . . I A. Sleeth. : Olars ft, I . Murdie, F. . past two weeks at the ome of Mrs. Whit, - . � . I 3 I Tow.N Cou-Ncit -At the regular meeting : Tuc�rerT'mith.,i , h Faeason, or you want to get a inodlkrath __ . . � D.- Wright, M. Best, M. Howell, N.' -Dickson, pric ", - � i 1630 of the town council held on Mond! . BLACKSM='s� APPRENTIC WANTE . JE ,! has returned home. -Mrs. W. � L. ed fur for the Aame money as -tte I - . � ' I - � ( - I . lay evening Steady young fell)w to learn blaclismithing. '�how. M. Willison, G. Dowpon, 13. S); Gee. A. Slater sboe3 for men are the beat 0 , cheap fur woold h ave formerly cost liou. I I I- � last Mr. Wm. I Elliott wa d Hills, Egrnondvill) � . tt, V.'� M ur- ever. They need no breahibw in and are perfeeb In i ette is viiiting friends in' London this And just no*, wh�n you need the lumm - : , r6 appoints I !� . 1839X4 i 1ass 111, A. w�e r.-Mosars. Hulmes and Morells have . � . . I treasurer at the alaine salary as last year. I I . ie, M.. Jordan, W. Horton. material and fit. W. III . Jillis sole: agent for se%_ . , - CUTTER. -Pc rtland cutter for sale, chl ap. oMfinn, B. O'Connor, Al K Ily, R. Me- forLh. I i . Xoney-Xak�*Ing Education. Accounts to the 4mount of . were pass- . 1 1832-1 com nenced their duties in the store '4'ere, - . I- i the most, - we will- gladly meet you . ' � - I edi Mr. F. Ga teridge Was Robert B01, Seatc ith Foundry. 183�tf isughlin, S. Purcell, H., Wil on, . E. M c- WEST Eim .Llqv.�rm-, Al roads running whii h has been occupied by Mr.Ouimett'lB for demands andLgive 'you. bargains extra- . , I � ; t . N . One box of Worthington's anadian 8�ock Gr a;0i n I � .1 I I �, the past 26 years. We wish them every sue' ordinary. : --' - I This I � I north and sou h are filled 1with snow and - I . i � I .. : 1 4 on Ibis drain con act; extra3 on dral*Dag8 Tonle will make your hories do bet;er on one ha�it the rM IV.,_Class I, H.'Brownell, F.L%w. I Will not we . � ca, � so�ne are blocked altogAh ' ' owell, CEOs. Mr. Ottimette and y will i . . �. beaforth. ' I . Keys# A. ! IeXv4 Your Money !Has a Power. - � � usual grant was voted to � 18W1 ran ,1G. Hamilton, 0. Wfite of!Bluevale,-is visiting f -T il,P-Mrs, � - � r-ea-sonable. " . .." wo�ka to� the a�m unt of $911 were ordered quantity of gralu� Hamiltoa & Kerclake, agbDts, famil t I - � . . t d. h , �. QX , m r eii t- a �h .- � the coming week for their home i the ... - 'a McLeod. Class II, C. 6'11s, ;L, Beat, A. west. They will be much BTRATFORD, ONTARIO. . toRfirPean'ien- and 4hief. $.10 was 'also voted FumuTvRili POP. SALE. -'"be I Shipley bas� been 'visiting her daughter, � missed byl their . Iff Borne th, - � articlea to be follo*lng A augb, R. Carter, E. 1 Mumav, H. Me. 1 friends here. -Mr Opportunities for; economy are lh*- � . to he sick childr�n's hospital of Toronto. eol privately : Cc& a ove, i e car , M r�s. G. Turner, or a p f, . John Ta6blin � I � aw wee R.- . � I Trains young men and women for business A extension table centre tab c, I ichapO, H. Kelly, R. Sail )"llass 111, A. ' plentiful and pronounced. Don�t let ' "Orle three,'; � . . . ' go ve a party to a number, I I . Mr. Gillespie, th 'a policemain. waa instrnot- . sofa. 2 dressers bb. : M Lloyd and Charles La�y on IfIft last week of big f;ienos, on ; life, and places many, in good paying posi- �bedq, I cupboard nd a number of chaira. Applyl ott,,H. Darr'ance, J. Richard on. - - , I time pas3 without coming to this store, __ .. I eld to keep the time for snow ] dowing and to Mrs. Ferguson, Eg ondville. . � � tions every � I for Durand, Michigan, whe *0 6ey expected Tqes iay ev�ning. -Mr. Thomas Ta 1blin I � . I 1. I year. � This is the school that certify the accouli ts to the cot acil. It wag 1834-2 Commercial Class,-Clsks I, ..'I. Friel, M. to enter the emploi of the Glrand Trunk and .1 dr. James Moddlin, of Manitob 'are .1 . ; . I with your spire ca6h to see bow far -we , ' I ' 0 � . I � can mi you on each tempt- � .1 i possestes a great, reputation for first class decided that 'applications foi the � various Use our flour and ,you will always� be orad, H. Raid. ,Qlass ll� A R-)utledge, Railway as brakesmen. 'They did ' ing -a visit to their friends here. ike it 4. for I - - work. Write for catalogue. Students ad- pleased wi4h. the ccoic. Hamilton & cralake. ',Sea- R. Sproat, H. Smith. 011se I I, j. Ossep I not P Mr. ing values as We're offering 'in sh ti � � towitoffices, axcppt oler-k., treasurer and fot,tb. i . � succeed.and have ieturne& ho�ne. fjo�dflliu Wtends taking a ar load of orses I so logo, I ; I I . . ' . � 9 ; � 183�4 A 1. Morrison. 4 . [ _ - c - Tickings, Coitrono, Linem, Flannels, I rnitted at anv time. � . ­ I -Mr. J -N , - auditors, be receive'a',until the next council PIE socmi.- The � ;1 E. Balfig getting material re�dy for the Wok wibh'him. - , - I W. J. ULLIOTT, Principal. - Ladies Aid of 1he I —0 I I I I- � Dress Goodt-,!Under wear, Men's Suits, - . - I - - � me�ting. The, report of the a 3lecting com- Methociit church, Seaforth, will 'I in � , is barn next 13U , I . I I . Wd a ple socia .� tamer. . . � LOCAL BRIEFS. -By Boys, Suits, eitc. � I . I . "44-52 mittees was read find accepted and the fol- the Sunday school room of the church', thiB.(Frida) . U, over -sight Mr. vwroivillrai a it and,! put a stonj foundation � 0onstance. . I . � - evenivg at 8 o1cloc t. PiC3 Of all I:inqs and a goo I q an auctioneer, a ; i We would name pltber'goodis, and give A- � i lo*lng are the standing comm.ttees for the � J %mea IG. MoMiohal s card, � under it. I I � Tus FouESTERS.-The followink officers I ... we hwc I . i ProgrriumebesideE,. Adin !salon 1.5c or Itwo for 25c. h%s been- admitted from Tim EsPOSITOP. for I .1 : description of difff-rent things bere, and, � ; year : Streets, -councillors McLean, Ham. - I � I &_ , � � I I I . i . , I w, elected in the Canadian Order of ice list had we room, . -your while � � 1832� 1 1 1 1 perhaps, quo0e a pri � a few weeks, leading som I Zurich. i I � I i . ilton and7 Archiba-ld ; finance, -councillors i I e� �:6 believe that he I Rrreei ters. lodge herefor the present year : but then . . - I � Geo. A. Slater shoos.for mi n are the bcst b Y.a abandoned the busln'OFS. : This is not NOTR,�.-Last weak we I advertently C.! R. � it Inakeel little difference, M this time of Reliable �r Harness. Beat, Willis and .$tewart ; f14, water and e�ver. They neec . I j�o breaking in an ate perfect in 'a in ,till in th a fiel and ) � ed, the I 1. . Jamem Hinchley ; V. O. R., Cl arles you have to gee, andexamine the mer- , *. I . - - - I I light,—councillorl Stewart, I [amilton and material and fit. �r. H. Willis, so! a 0!gent for Sea. I 'ready Omxtt . name of M r. J hn Diacker R�' son ; R. S.,, Charles McGregor ; F. . . --- � 2 e W n - fi f t v. ': 5LIE: E)t:-�WM_79_Z_1E111 1�1 Lean ; propert,y,—M.essrs. Beef, Willis forth. . . t Za' I oba,ndise be0re buying anyway. I , � , 'il% . 0 � � � � 18324 tit'tak all 2rders intrusted; to Jim and in. from thi list of directors of the agricultural S. surge Stephenson; T.. Richard Ander- 4 1 , � I I We strivo to give the beat values to be and Archibald ; 1 charity, — the Mayor. A trade win�ler I Many ai ount bas I I � I � _ .1. + 1 � , a�c ,nds to continue in the b6ain'ek—We re. society. 1 Mr. Decker has beep a valued a G., n *V S. B., Richard Hotham ; J.B., Robert ++++_I -1-1-14 ----- � A . . . . . . � � �. r ore the - 4 . I - I had, Our -own make' are neat and etylish, M. , James McGin"Ais appeared bef been turned prominently our way by .,he meriti, of ', t to -learn that Mrs. John' MK aade,had to momberi of the board of direotgro for 801118 me �rong ; S. W-. Wm. Clark ; J. W.1 I . they keep coming lback thl' urn i r � 1 The .. . - Would 11 be a * t4 - and for wear unequalled. council, asking foi damages wl ich be claims our 28c ten. We never neglect the quality. I 0 London ho8pitAl thi wook, for years a.zi his services could notyary w�l t. Thompson ; C., Wm-. Lindsay ; P. I i - � Horse Blankets all sizes, all shapes, all. to have sustained 6 uk you il cu r goods w,'ero f rther- treatment there.1�1 Mi. Lancelot dispense with.—Mr. Henry Deitz, of North Q R., John Smith ; auditor, John Brit , 9 Am or . . a account o�,watbr from Rob the very best. I We solicit your tri ide for 19,03. � � . prices. Reer our Burlington Stay on Blank. the main street drain flooding bis celf,ar dur- Beattie Bros., Seaf�rbh. : 11832.1 teker� of Harpurhey, is laid i p with an Dakota, is here ona vieit to Nis 'father and CI De:)uty. Win.. Dunlop � on .... I 1003b@- r . i - eta. ing the fre�het Iasi spring. matter has Gco. A. Slater sboes f ' I a. tack of typhoid fever.— r. Benry Dietz, other fri 3nds. —Mr. I Fred Fuss, �f Michigan, A U - . � Rabes—Galloway 'Robfs, Saskatchewan been before the coo'noil for '. time, but or ad' the a � old Hay township b , was a town on is here on a viol I t to his �*nothe iLoc&L -BRiEm—fhe 'Constance Ladies' E� ,V!cFA_ UL I _ . T r es"'e" a r n ' : I .. .- 8. 7Aea h,ra , rjiour . C, x age I 4i". -, ' - I , '�, a , t I I I Ja ", � h . 13 - Ir , i � I � I 31 I I - 11), best ever. They incid u6 breaking f=daare per- oy . . r I and Aid ir tend holdring a honey social at Jimes r . es and the Bishop Rohe, stylish so far they have n; b eeen t � feet In material and fit. � W. H. I Villis, sole azent I I - - Bhffe,lo Rob .ir I I Saturday, vhiting his 1 ber, Miss L;zzie brothers —Mr. John Geiger left thih week - i G I YO11111- � 0 .hE ay clear to for Scalorth. I 1i H�inchlev's residence, on Tuesday, Jan ary Dry I oods Co. � - - " and comforta,ble, and tba price right., to take any dt-finite action thou 1 1832-1. - eltz. , Mr. Dietz has belil 20 years' injoristrip to Michigan.—A lot!of ' ' i : -d-- r gh the ' . I wool is '27tb. A good crowd should attend.— iss " Ore CaSh - 10reasing 0OUrloil I complainan Ecem to be � 1 Pour hen r8b isit to the , ' ' � I ,tV8 '0 _ 'te 4 . 1. anito�s, and this is hie ' being br( ne t into the village fforn lthb big P isle�i, of Toronto, and Mr., McLaug lin, Xj 'St . - vance the -p-- Inspect our goods b6fore buying., ,and the i Now is the time to have a lay. h I , �� . - like mind. Po�iltry food will g1veyo goodresuts. lHaimllton& o i home. He has a farm tith n 20 miles swamp. --Mr. J. A,' Willi%me bais iec ived � I I drawing nearer to a I The coun- Keksl.%ke, SeMotth . . 0 McIcAllop, Sundrayed at Mr. and ' rp. would be hi � - i I - I - L 7 1 18�2.1 o Winnipeg and hat prosp6ed there. He another car of soft co'al.—Mr. Ypnghlu R�bert - Armstrong'e. —A number of the , . ; pil adjourned to , meet at the call of the r � � I � righlu t, of 3 ' - Mayor. � I . � t, of Go lerjoh, will be i bends' going back in QL P I ' . � � il -fore. - .. buy this ,se& n_n1:D1n1/1C% . . on lkf� A r .4- : 11 I ung I . Mr, George 8tewar F�Aru ' but will Hensall,.Vaid our village a visit,one eve Ing I DI'y Good,5 84U . . Q 0 At Aborbart's dru store ; I y eople of the vieinitv had a mos en- , I . ,. � : Al . 1. . . I . I -1, nuary i s aterS LU Indiana a4 : 111i a is before un13 Wee � - � . I a � - I . I - * - rrr � u-ith rams, earn I - . . I I . . ]o � - ____ ___1 . - Bame . r at*ong, vi hto, Illy of th I , et ** � 6 — � )1V6 a b 1, time at Mr. and Mrs, J ,eph ___4 — .. , r , . C va leVu"c'. b" goes home. -Al any frieu 4a of the family 1 . I . r Po I . - iwers Fho�L'd leire Itheir order h � r i I ro I . to the Goderich S�ar for t ad early. : I : . re will regret to 1). i 1� sition to. I TnE LATE IRA LEWIS.-We are indebted - Those de8ir:ng 8 cc ? t . _ � 1892-1 1 in : I ; . B" wn's, on Friday evening la b. J .18 111� he following � � learn (if Lh 3 death * i MCK-illo i I he these eervices thriougbout, tbatwas unbeco .. - . �- ing totbe House bf God ani we are sure . - prices. '� Harness Shop Cady's Block ioodatook : 1. one wl to knows how to entert - - . ditional particulars concerning the of George Du ican, son-- I NOTES.� Mr. William Me � but' late Mr. Oat dust aud� oat so ed alwai �g oln bai)"d at � I Int�sh having iss J'Aaggie Bell has returned Tollhcr'b�-_ I � i I Lewis-: " It wae with.themost sincei lowe!t prices at th I 0 Sea'o th Oatme . . 0, Mr. George Dutican, formerly diapo t 18 the Le dbu me that from a socla , as well as from a finaticial chang-ed Jor L . r .re eor- I r I M '. 1832.1 a vi im 0 consump- sed f hi fine farm, on ry in Ba .ding the past mc�iith a t& t W ff a suecoss. The proceedr- - at the people of Goderich he4rd on All those indebted! to Us, k' call! and ; urchased a rEsidence i1i W n 1.4, rop with ber. comin, -Miss Ida Ad 1h nted to $10 . � � i0f any for- V SEAFORTH. row th . - I ind�y o this t6wn. He wag line, ba3 .�rie, after 8per rid point, I .1. - a I v, and had been ill for so a mmths. held - ' ' 'on �. I -a— - , Tuead y that Ira �ewis, The ve ,,ttle at once, as we must hav U n t He and willi reside there -when he Is vealthe .1 teran and ,? nu r acco nts 4ii i E )vl7or�h League meeting will be ams' �an- I " m firat will bA__ patriarch of the Oohrt Hour.e, bad auc!cumb- , ,,h ,� son:& mc�nnis, a about 21 years of age. JBefore ,jeaving farm� �revious to that, however, he in- ' r I r before February ist. 19034' � Seaforth. ! ! I . . d4y night next on ac--ount ot - the so ial I f - . � ! 1812-1 1 ere he,was employed with 1Mr. dds an auotio 1EXeter. t0ty. � \ e.d to an illness which attacked him orily on I ohn Do tends ha Ing n sale on ilie �, 9bb of T4eaday night. -Mins Magpie MoDo ald � . . � 'ETING -�-The arntia�. _ .- some yeara.-Misa MoAan, of Helena, 8 ha�8 returned to the village after vititin at . � Friday of last week. - On the last named I _ANxu,1L MI. I weeting f I i this monl�h when he will dispose of h' ' 0 � DEATH.—The �eath of r JAmles Bonthroa,, ' Co I I of the sharebolderb Gf th6 Seaforth Tuv� Club will ,ntans, and Mrs. Flah�d , of Port Hur- Et, oil Go - NEW TERM day he was at his office &a muai 1P y Dek an i1plements, Mr. MoIntosh h I 4 I , but nor be hell at Dick's Hotel, on Afouday, Febtuary 12hd, I f I as her ho�le in Srtaff%. which occurred !at the recideripe ol his 11 . . I I .� I . feeling well at noon was driven ho 'a and -1c,in elevown ii, are visiting their aisiteri Mrk Burke. -' some ver superior stock, erspecially n eat- i I � � As � 1903, at 8 o'cloc th g. -hr. �BRODERICH, �i, i I - daughter, Mrs, Ri H. Collins, on Friday -tfl Secretary. . - r .. ,ls3r@-. Archibald & Cud'm6ee al ipped Is and ,hose desiring to ge ' � . From January 5th in all. did not come out on Saturday. On - priday I _ . I' - %_.:� 18*�2 two t i b much bhc�jld : last, rdmovea one �of the oldeab settlers in , I I I 0 80. i I 1. his symptoms became alarming 'an r Drs. Allr my accounts' ar now e . rloads of fine horses� 6 Ma:iitoba, on make it al point to attend his � sale Cluselhurst. I I I I dy. ' Calliand I I this part of the county. Mr. Bonthron wag . � an � . � � t re summone , but settle before Februar) 18i at th r aplo;, Le f e, P fe 90TES -Miss Jennie Hagith and Misp 89 years and 5 mo the old, and up to a few r i ' r - ! despite their skill and the most unrel�ittin ­ .---" ­'_�_­_ r '­ ­­ _ � � ia' tov a on Tues- Mr. Richard Barrie, on the Huron R ad. Li a Hi3ka, ofICeDtralia, are visiting IV is3 day's before his de ith enjoyed a remarkable - � I Seaforth. P. DiLTA. � I A 51 or thi House of Refuge, wa� ' * ri � Departments of the Taylor and Turnbull we r e : ms: _tf deaday.-Mr. Robert i4re6ch, � ianager of Jo4D. FI nery has purchased th r 51A : _UNTLLT LOST,--4Loab on Satu (lay It is a good farm of 75 acres and' Mr. F an- . - care, the patient continued to gr' g gGA ci ay. Himself and Mr. John Toi ance were' I � ow 'eaker I � I I Brims Kinsman. -Mr. John Deeber and aegree of health � �or one of his years. He- . I afteruoon ),Let on h1arketistreet, 8 &forth, bet cen , . I use at, t . Central Business College, his advanced age telling against him in the E ere looking for a horse t y 0 lie nery is to be congratulated on hil pruch se. At -. Ge rge CampbAl of the Babyoln line, � � Louiva and Main �streets, �a � I was a native of Swtlund, but had lived in -1 C_ I" 1436nk s alettg gaur bIet, Ittfuge. Mr. French' 4d, been sufferi WEDDING Bnirms.-A very prettv w d. Hi�y, were guesta of Mr G. r Pubrin %-- this-o"T%tv +I'A ]--I- #4_ 9 -L-1 11U_ I TOROtTO, struggle, and stirorbl� after noon on oadav The fludox will obl:f,j b .;" ;11 A rr 11 - rig . i J 5 -9 XPOI ITOR f cc in an acute attack of .. . . . ; .7 6 � & L4,vx " %J a � � - I hfLart failure terminated hie earthly areer. office. . � i � 183. CIP stag ror Reveral dinR took place at. the residence (if Mr. Sa�urd y evening - and Sunday last.. For years I . � . I . -Mr. many c I -_ Write for The late Ira Lewis, M . A., B I I months, and at one ntage o I the disease he Thomas Davidson, on January 7th, wl en D nald McKinnon, of Manitoba, son of N -Jr. store at Rodgervi e. then a busy villa, on I general catalogu'e. Ou , 0, L., as for ---------- i I ill . . . let " Back to the farni " will interest 43 years Crown At4orney cd Huron�. and t ought it was al' P Zh 1111, but we are his eldest daughter, Mine Maggio 1, . The 25 �, far- PRES)MnRY O.�,-HU'� . I - W., , inci D paid McKinnon, of this place, accom ' the London Road, but of late he hat been I I Ao,,�.-T e Presbytery Fleased ab he43 ; v. of the in t'popular young ladies of , . mere soxis Especially. A postal will bring Clerk of the Peace d66 1875. Fe w to oee th a u no nearly reco 0 pani- I . e- in of Huron raet in Goderich on January 20,,b. ered.-The memblers of Br6anni% Masonic i he ed I bytbr000f1iischildren,is spending the reEiding with his daughter in Exeter. He early datte, ." f I ' his paren " it. Address the Huron District were better kn t -Th a n Mr. Larkin app,,inted Moderator for � township,lwas United in marriage t3 I Ir. winter with ta. It, is 19 years ,was a Presbyt rian in religion and a staunch -_ lined- We ' Mr. Lewis, and none more highly estil - i Eodge hav6 i,3sued invi�atcna far an ". at Calvin A. Hillen, a prc . . I he - e W. H. :AW, Principal. Berned the ensuing 8 months. Ellerd . � . sperous Younglarmer. rema left, these parta and no doubt iie Libefal in -polities Thefuneral took place h xmo," in their lodge rooms, on t lie evening I the 10L, concession. The ceremony -Was � iy changes during that time.- r. on Monday to Rodgerville cemetery, where � Yonge and GerrArd sta., To ded. Altho x 00"T's 0 _ � Ube& , agree to , 0. or more kindly regar' ughin. iiis sions were oallIed for, and thq . - . :'en Tep . I ,-� roll for ,the o' February ,405.-Mi8s LottU Brodie, performs atsix o'clock, by Rev' P. MuF. Th mas Pybus, of Manitou, Manitoba, is' his wife was slrea� 1, � 1686-52 , , . � I I ex. d vighter of Mr. Obarles 'Brodie I 6 a ting friends in - 14P - impaired, and was aR alert an& I dang z , '2! Lo 83rd year, he retained all his fao It , un- year made up.! Session recoid-a were y buried. t , u ies I ! _ aoti,Ve 0 e gra% in he presence of about 1�6 guei to. vi � -%a amined and attenfed. It was agrobd to Ask o 1�ly ill with i i ' r. , this vicinity. Mr.Py us I. 0. 0. F. -On -Tuesday evening, 13th ,�, blood poisoning. - William While the w6dding march 'was being Ma3 ad ha been in the weat upwards --- of ten yearn inst.,DistrietDapity Grand Maste' �: � � i mcsb men in their sixties. At the last Gen- the Assembly's �augurnentati:)a com - tee ]Le 0 r Gib- * eral Sessions he attended the whole � court � rh ill' Dakota, cousin of Dr. . H. Rose, by Mrs. & Miller, of Staffi, th 0 3n- an speake very highly of the Prairie Pro- son, of Lucan, paii .;n official -visit to Exit* - oys, -V . ' hill town, is in th I 1 4 ' for supplement's'l aa folloM : For Grand . I - a bri - � I (". �i present tered the room, leaning on the vin ,- 11 fbiDg -friends. -Man agai [ M arm c f lier i�eg We are much pleased to learn tl at ter lodge, No. 67�, Inxlapen3ent Or4r- of --- . Band and Corbett, $100 ; for Leebarn and el ougall. of father, and took her place under � bei utiful M . � 6ggie Drover, who has been serious] Oddfellows, and i#etalled the officers for . - himself, and the bu:alnoes of his offices was 8 ia vio'u'ty I The Canadian, Bank always conducted with the utmost prompt- Union church, $100, It was also decide,"i. v i 7 � ! � neso and regularity. ' e skating rink, -has armngO fo[ the ficat arch. Ttiei bride was ta ' � t The late . ewis apply for $50 foe each of the cho,rga3 I stefully gowmA in illf iie slowly improving. We are alaosor the term. N , nd ma-cluera .. I ry He 1vaq -accompanied by Brotber was a one time achoM mat of g de c&rnival i of 1ke season, white org4ndie, trimmed with lace ai id in- to learn of the illness of Mr. il. Carter, of Lucan, *he avainted in the core- . -91% I � . , e and life, long Varna and Blake,tRnd 11�yfielcl I ye w ich will be held on Friday eve tng next, Be r, c th, ,ng the initation c N OMMERCE. and Bethap Walter 8h . . I � � and begin his !visit the 3C t h inst.: A liberal list 6f prizts is offared, was attended by her sister, Miss Mand, Vy ho CYSTER SUPPER -The anniversary ser. waslexemplified, atid the viefting brothers- -- _U ; I _____�_ friend of Sir Oliver Mowat, the p esent and Mr. Sawers Was appointed to rtion. and carried white carnations. She linglaw, and hope for. a speedy.recov ry. mony. During 0 e. ea. Lieut, Or vernor of 0 1 atario, I ,7 t� I 7 HEAD OFFICE, former charge, an'd Mr. MeLEnna4 the lat- a'r d a good time may be expe( ad. -The was drossed in *hite and blue, and carried vicosof he Chis-31hurs . - - �- - TORONTO. legal stuadies in the office of the then 1�rem- ter, for the purp�Re -Of inducina t Methodist churih were loud in their,1'raiseef the manner in ; I .- - i - . . . . � . win,,.and afterwards studied make such an increase in the, rilin* t ) . � a] d I . I /_ ier, Robert Bald ,., thcrn� to batil vi ill be a', the riak �h6 (Fift ay) even. pink carnaiions. The groom was supl orted were he d on Sunday and Monday last which the wo.rk we s put :on.' The-,,officars : capital tpaj is r a inpr,-Th - i I I P $ 8,000,000." law w th Hume Blake. In 1859 he WE a ap- stipends as will ra�se them to the minim M, 3 e'first meeting of t�e 11: w pounty by his brother Albert. T e' roo '8 g if t to to e,ay t lat they were a success is but a id Installed were Ks fo, low -a : J. P. 0�., J. G, - . I ' - - - ' A U -7 Vto the Senato: of Toronto cc uncil wi.11 behold in Go the bride v�as a beautiful p ar ill . MI '. Davis - V, G , d. I . ,P) r Pointe' Univarsity including the su ri I in'and )o the expHseion. Despite the heavy snow fa I �a Stanbury - N G., Reserve Fimd. -,I $ 2 rp 11to be asked from the 11s. Prich on, Tuesday - 1 7 1 9 ; E I I : ,500,000. by Sir B dmund He�aO, and. the same year sambly cominittei�. R�v. Mr. McKenzie, of nelkb.-Ra,v. Mr. Wallivin iis praaching a brideaniaici a handsome brooc . ftei con- Suniday, two fairly large congregations als, Dignan ; W , J. Hind; R. S., W. ,Johns; , � � �_ -A � I was appointed Crow' ab rt s�rips of three serrnons ot 11 Man. gratulation's were over, - nests a -to k ae � A gregate Resources n Attohney for Huron Ronan, China, beibg prbsent, w , As .. 41ed to liaten to two moet elo neat _44 F. S., A. E Fak e ; � treasurer, W. H. Trott ;: � I- . -, 9 A. Macdonald. I aq invited to ho I d." Next Sunday eveniho, th ) subject of am excellent wadding su' P . . rown, I e ; R. 8,, A� Evans ,** I I . - ­ er, and tb 3 i e- upli �tin� sermons by R3v. Mr chaplain, R, N. R+ 11 . I � and Bruce by the I to Right Hon. Sir John sit and deliberate� The following mot on wi be " Manhood, How Attaink d." -,51r. 'mainder of the evening was oat pleas u3i ly Mit �hell. Tfie music on Sunday was fur:t- L. S. N. G, Geor Jewell ; S. � . 7 over $72000,000 � G . � - - ) H�,Nvas married in 1849 to was unanimously passed, with regard to 1�ihe an Mrs. Peter Daley spent oJew days la,st spent in music, games, etc. The, weddi ig ishe I by the home choir, ably asBiated I �y and Rendle ; J. G., J. Jewell ; R, S. V. L, . I __L . S., .Makin H o n. G. A. C P ' 'dent. Mies Jullm Dwight, �ai monaber of one of the I presew. ecudition of tho tempirance ques- wa k . G �� � . I visiting their daughter, Mi, 3. Samuel p�esents were numerous and bandeorne the 'ollo wing members of the Hensall Atut i. E. - J. Spackmaxi ; L. 8, V. G., ,Nelson .� I _' bistoric families, of New Haven, Conn, and Lion : " Inasmuch an the Pre3bytery, in a Cu mor - � . 13, E. Walker, 0&nerrrl' Manager. . t;be very few old re idents left will ' ,e, of Usborne. -.Mr. J Chad an Sand t wishes of a large ch-cle of frie a odis i ohoir, Mr. and Al iis Stoneman, Mi is TaMor. - - - _ ___L � ra0a,ll former resolution, urgad, upon the people to � e , "' 0 -1. . � his sbar:e,i of the' h%rdships of the v)-yage suppol Act aubmittedi on P.3. erd; of Huron Col(t-ge, Loii0o'n, occupied g,�e,li�,ri th� young couple to t 6eir new h o e. Andie Wren, and Mr. Thos. Kelly �dand - * NOTES. -Rev. R. 4. M� Perkins, M. A- I ice, wbil I th( pulpit,in St. Thorrias' churc of . - London, EnglInd, Off' a on his way WOodericli with his bride t the Liquor I I THE I � cember 4th last, it would no ,iji, du�lvig the I h, On Sun T ivkTsHip OFFICERS. --Tho fi at mus c was very nibich appreciat', I ( In Lindsay, tho,newl, rector of Trivitt -Me I F I on ay evening an oyster supp _V - - - w'- n rd da, absence of the rector. -The in of 1 the MoKillop council: for ti ,is Mon . -0 and ho. w pub ol recci . J t � 60 LOMBARD StREET, E. C. , well both ivere treated by the late its pleasure at the very lar Lting er was ser, - morial church, will t-ar uponbia duties cu 1; I Mr. an A -Ira. R%tteOury, of'C ' i o��rch of I:Englandi in Canida hai sent out y r was hold atChristoplibrIWhite'a, teEd. ed it, the basement - n I L . L � I . li&ov, then favor of the Aot. I The Pres vote I I of th& ahurch' and �o February 13t.-Joaf. h Davis bat ret-uMed, - ' . . . %ey I e r y i . c`58 t 1 i n an eal for $75,000 for' �he F rpose of be y, on Monday, thq 12,,h iln"t. I _. I I known as Rattenbu Y's Cornere. � He died I the � z . ; , ' I SEAFORTH � BRAN CH. , opinion thait the IGovern eat 3 Zr � All' t is tab!( a groarling with othef ta,ity eatabi a from Gravenburst,:rqueh improved in bealtk- I � _ � ! harness, as he att O'Neirs � I - , ' ' era were prcsont, and after the net al upwards of 300 people sat, and jud ing from r,umpd hi positiou fa 01-NaiPs : I end6d to big , m il DOW juEbi- ch extin ion in the NorthwE it. Rev. rnbmb' ' in Ohl 'M I fied in ,re -in trod uoing a offic, . on p � the week prqceding� hia death. 0 all . nd )or �ting the L. N. Tucker, of Vancouver! has been a - foi;mal pro6eedings,the a . 9 - .and has re . - I � . . I - A gerteral Banking, 9 4 1� p . alaries for the ei r. the I iau er in which they ook was in Stratford this . I the deceased, gen0q' T u h Act, and at any rilo thi lation be poi4ted 6 ,look after this fund, an I is just re�t year were fixed an follows : Clerk,$2(0; tain] 7 at joyed thelmselves an& many wb) 114 . ============. business train- I . I . 40 i6tsuch I gis � part r- Bank. -J. A. Stews, I nacted. man attended to his enacted as wPl cl)8e the bar, a d do a in - noi� making a tourtbe Ise' I week, on bug' ess.".Mr2. 0'Neil. of Lucan, - dutie,q to .the last, e had been failin for with the tre4ingy I . Veral diooesae. treasurer, $80 ; assessor,$80 , colleotor,18ft here ofo,eJ houghb oysters a dish not palat- has been visitinc, herl son. B, S. UNAL - - � will Farmors' and Grailers' Notes'dis- some weeks, and th �ailuro was par system ;, and meanwh He I meet the clergy oi the d �auery of au�lit6rs, $$ each. � . . t�' �lar- thlit license cAimissioner . Williams Evan's was' &p. able von b away with changed ideas. The young men of !town entertai counted, ancl specia sittention iven ly noticeable t - a b urged Hu on at Olinton, on Tae3ciay, , February pointed maseseor, Obarlea Dodds, I After . ned their .... � M . collset:w satia �yin 3, the inner mani all repaired to the friends to a akating1party on Wedneadi.- . . � ... 9 o the Qourt House 0 oiaIL4 materially ' reduce the um�erl 3rd, a meeti 31 11 my _11 � to the collection of Sale Notes, etc. When told of his ap:hareat loss of ng -having been 'calls I by the a Adam Dickson and John Aannon, audiforit in, which was filled to evening, with an o ' .. I � SAVINGS tA N -K. Stre g6h, licenses. ,And 4he Presby ery I � I 11 __ udi- . ?verflowing. yvlex Pupper afterwxrdir. �� I - . . r I he merely smiled, and continued � ho�es R I D an for that purposo.-A r, James to I anley, John MeElroyji d A I I ent programme of music and aR. -R. S, Lang was at!Ne*bury last wesic, ca - - - big I at all ,the � friends of tempe'ra cc u'a "' � i a. : Daniel M n exce . I Interast allow d * deposits of $1 which till the last he'did without the aid of will give sue carleful c nalderati n G. oMichael shipped a 6u�le-de 3k o*ar of Be rnard O'Connell were appointed mem, be, a - dresses Ilas given. Addresses were deliv+ businerss.-Mr. and Ors. A, Young, of Be*- ' I . - I* st ts credited to spectacles. 'i, �� and vpwards nter: Hia hearing w � I the Davies Co., Toronto, on Alonday. of ,he Board of Health, and S. J. Shanno ed by the Revs. Miller, Martin, Han - melF . . , � " also good',' and to tile m%tLer as wid secure the ull banefib to n I � n n forth, attended the f�neral­,Df` the late JA tb, and very few, men 0 AH .. accounts on the 31si of May and the his stop that of a yod �-�FjJoh O'Keefe, shipped good- load of sat itary inspector. Accounts for vario ,,, ato I lill 7,ard i The music of the even Bonthron, on Mond � -Mrs. Spicer,of EX -e- , - ki� 30th of November i each year � reach the age of th of the vote and make for the � urther ad. oat As to Toronto, on the iate do y I , g ay, , - . . a 11ate Mr. Lewis 1with vanoement of ttia cause." M ' .-Mrs. - pu -poses wem passed to the amount was f ainlshed'by the Beaforth Choral Co - ter South, whose death has been looked for . . - , � � of I . 0 _ - f0rudshed.. ' faculbies and bodily 1�trength so little � -he annual Wr I. Kers'lake, of Cromarty, i,s vis ting her 81' utation waited on the co I - Pany, wl coo fame has already travelled f4r Jor some months, pas ed away on Mo I The Bank has 81 branches Extending through im- report of the Prelb terfal Women's Foreign � .12 88. A d ep upt- . Afaultoba North,6 ,pairs . � 0 asking � to have wire: fence I a erected on wide n - - . ,Ontario, Quebec, "t' ' d His memor' I y q5 son Mr. Wrn. Keralake.-Th: Maccabees of oil and and needs no fulther sound �o * Pik I -vest Territorlei, . . like his sight and ear- Missionary Spdiety was Bubmitt( - at the age of 76 yeark.-Mr, and MT#. . . . British Columbia, �, �, d, showi ig thit town Iniend having an- 6 in m,,eting in side road 10 and- 11. - � � Yukon 1�latrict, 3faritime, pro. . ing, was untmpaire&�� His long occup�_,bion . P Councillors, Murray spreal it . - The music was of a high order Knight pleasxntiv entertained a largo mural : I I vinces and the United States. � af the office of Count� Attorney and 91erk gratifying increases in both -cc ntributions the r ball, on Wednesday a*! citing i ext, at 8 anti Smith were instructed to have � the rilil an� wa well rendered by the exeeller't ber of friends . on Thursday ev�niag pf / ­ QREJ. G. E.1 PARKE of the Pei i 06 . - , I P knOwn to most of the following U voice . We are only sorry that w last week.-Weltmu Tayldr, of Seattl ' - _q, Manager. %ce made bi� and membership, a; 0. was ('igp3sed of by , o'ol)ok. Progressive ouchrib @6nd other fen es ! long said road laid. down during the � F. 110LU citor, of Hurcip. in town hi mbt�on : 1 The Preabytery e do not I �� 01 - � - Ir -t � . ESTED, Soli the residents amusements will take p 0 attention of winteriseason. The clerk was also instrue-b- havethe opportunity of listening to ,such Washington Territo . , is home at preseut� lc-*. A If a %Mable I hereby express their big1h appreciation �f the guests of th a - �, � � - I r, 162A good day " will be. missed, and the a ev ning. , r. Alex. Old- ed )Y the eouncil,st the request of th rjL4- talented i inging a little more frequently. on a visit -M uis B_ tbron is recoveriiii; � - I � * , - . I - , i plost J the melf denial arid ork �f the members rf ban, of London, ape Is 0 hing in tthe moral tone f., -from her recent illne o.' . . � I . I , I � . I . � . � I I , ­ �� here with his pa) ers,.to communicate with Mr. i Himlo� There -was not � � I , 1 i I i � � i . - : i I I '! � I . . � � I . 1- I . I : .1 I . I � ­ � � . � ! � i I - . i I . i I � I- I . 1 : - I . ; , � i I � . I - I � I . � I I . � I I I � - � I - � i .1 -7 1 . . . i I � I . :: . - i , _� �� __ � It i . I - I . - ; . I . . � 4 - . I t : - � . � � I - . I . � , � , f _1� - - — - - - - � , - ,:� I k , . I . 1. I V I I — — ­-, .__ ­ - , -, _-_,_1__" � � ��' ` , , " . , W--7 _�­-­­­­ _1�_, � r- I . � , .. - — _­­_____ _ _ _ _ ­­ 1-1 --- --- --1. I—— - � . -_ - -, . I ___­_­__ I __T_ - � I— - ._1___-_ ­_ - __ - r-- !__­­ T i I I i . - . � � � � . . I -, I I I : I � I I I I I I I � � . � , . � I I � ! I � . � I ! � : . I I I 1 I I � � I � I � . I I _. . � . ?�Z__� I , � ! ; . I I - . I I . i !� ! [ I i I , ! I : i i . i � i : � i i I - � I ! ! ; i - i � - � I . I I I � I I I I . 4 � ; i . i i i I � . I t ; I . � . � - ! � ! i I I � I i � � I i I . I i � � i � ! I I ; - I . i I I . I . � I : - I - - ___ - __ - I � -1 I , � � ; I I . : : � � V _W,- � - . � - � ,I i , - : - __ 11 - �'. . I . I i i i - - - "' - 6- . � -,-T- I -_ 7'" ­­ - - - � ____ , - -,.,-- " , . .. . , 1 � - . , I . I ; ! i I . � 1 -7- 1 1 - �, ;, _.. ­_�� ; I _. � . I - — _­-, --'I- ___­_ . - I I _­_� -_ -i _� � . �j . I . . - : , , I 1� . I . I I '1_--____- , 1 _­ . �__­_­­­ -,7r�--��-------,�-��-,�-,��-�--- _____­_. - - � � � . � � I 11 - � . �, - - , .,_� , . I ! ­ - � - - - " . � 1. I - I ; � . � 1. c I _ .. - , � r , , I - � 1: _: I I . ,� * - - __ I— - � 11 � i . � . ­ . -- I � - I - I I I 1 ,� � I .1 I . � I , I : -1 7 - . — . I I . � - , I %� - I .. . ,- - � . I I : - I .1 . . I . . - I . �� Z - � i I . I - : � 4 1 , , I I , � � . � I - I - � � � i , . I - � � � ,� � I - . , I . . . I . I I . . � . . I � . . : Z . - ( . . .- 7 .. I . i � � . .� . . . ; � � I . - I . . , I ! , - I ­_�_ . -1 - -_ ___,____, - � " � I - .. _� - I - � I I . � I I - . — , . � � � . � � i I I I r I . . � �. -1 � � . - _. , � I - * � I ,� ..� . I ! 1 . . i . i , # , . . , , . - � - . I i ; I - - . � � I , . � . � I . . � - - � , I i � . I -, _- - - � � � � I . ; - �- , . I - i � . I . . � i � � � ! p � , - I i I I . - � . . - � i i � I I - - � I : � � . I I - i , - I � , I ; I - � . I I . � 1. � . . I - r I ; I , � . I I I . � I , I - I . . -1 � ji � : 1: � - __ I ! t i � : . I i I I - , . i . � I � I . � ­ . . i . 1� .� I � . I I . � I - : I . 1 , I . i . I I I I � _- I - . - � 1 I , ; I I I � I �i I � . I- - - � - . I - 1 : � . . . i I . I I - ! . I - I - . . . . � . 11 i - . I , � . . � I . . I . . I 1! I I � � a ,� ; � ! I : � I I I . � I . N I � � t. . . . 7 � � a ; I - i � � , 1� , . I I - . I - � I I ;, , i - � . ! I - . I - L . � I � . . I i I , I I i . I ! - I A � . i I . : . i I , � ; I r I . I - I . I I � - - I 1 � � : � �� . . I - I i I i � � -` � . L � .. i � � I . , I ! . - . , i - . I _. . - � I I i I . I . I � 7 . i ! . � . i .1 t .- - � I . � I ; "-' " . I . I � k � � I I L � I . �� � � I . . -%t : Z - < . i , � - . I : . I i � : 1, : ; . I I I � I I � . - I � � - : , . t � - - I : I � - . I i i i I � -, . �: I I , . - - I I I � I . - � : ;t' . I _. 1. 1 8. i - . 1k; ! I I I TH I HURON POSITPR , I � � it, � . � . , IRY � 23. 190a, I ­­ I ! I I I JANUA - 11 � � . I ......... ........ I I i I - 3 1 .. ,I - ___ ____ . - , � - � = sw� . � ..1. � � � � ­ I . - I != I - . � � ---;- . ,. . - I � I . � I - � ' : �� . . I — , I . ­ L ' � 1" L . I . , i I . . i I _____ - . . - I I I . I - ­ : , - i r 0 faTilior and Irominent figure of tb official ; ! �GOOD� �'RH' ADI XG. later , , Kemp and Mrs. D. J. M. P. P., -for East Huron, &eking hii I I ,� � "I I � ) Mrs. T. — I I I - - , ,� :- 1 k9 AN__V16 (6 $j ,� e . i ; I 11 91 ,in _... ­ ;-_ � am - 19 X _ ift =tte tha I graced th norith stel is of the I . � 110C Ilum.-The;,annual- meeting of the baveoh4p.ter240, relatingto snow I I - � ��, I i, Stoves Itedneed 9 11W J 01 Ho I . ioncle: AboLit the - � k, . Ube nsftrnmerday�' Will be Eeen 1�o� the ' W e, rided, no that any peraun fences I ­ 111 I our wn subscrib- ]lure a Presbyterial om 4's Mil I having , . conve , I * �. , ji . I nar "in � � . ;� 1. t � = there no mor . He was an entl usi�itic � ors who wish more an one -paper, we can .Socie i was beld in Goderic on esda,yy alo 3g roads that cause accumulittions oflanow ; I , I'll . . . � i - I .� � . . I .Y. I .11 I I - i� �, i - DISTR�OT MATTEAS. Mason in ear life, and' hen iti 3reasing i anoply them with the J:utls mentioned I�sb. The meeting was well atto ad., in- itiffioient to impede public travel, must . __ �_, � . I � I - ,I �, i � i I 1 . age to attendance at all meeinge, he below, and at the followi _. . I Wa I of Its 11� � . I � � ices, in con-, tereding andin every way B�tigfact )ry. . - A have them removed or be required to keep � - I , 9 I I I � . � . q i �. . - i . 1: s : more e given next � - - . I We have a xLumber of -Coal and TRAYEuLEas.. -The following wore ticket WA regularly present -at spa is[ one. a. He junction with THE ExPoS401! � . � extend -!A .report will b I the inside Fie affected, clear for - tr%N �el and y - - - I � � ed to distatib points this. week by W, wa 3 mem a Ex rd, of i **#A#*~*"11" __ � . . I . : bei of Maitland lodge over 43 Th E positor and Week'� r Gobs $1 65 week -Alias Oi. wfo Sb. Marys, is faifingtodosothework may-beiloneby ­ � l � I I - � . ' I 11 I i . I .9ec Somerville, railway and steamship agent.- years, And th a -members of t ,at lod e bon- �x 5 visitffig Mrs. W. Ament.-*s. W. Somer. th( council and the cost of ti�e work added I � � - ,. , Wood. Ile"atm, bDth new and ' ond- The positor and Week" W, tness 1 6 � � I Ji . I ; ored the long.inervice of Bro her Ir Lewis I � After havWg reaa many advorti,somen . � I - - � . Miss Beanie Devereux, to'*DePr§it ; - Mine The ,xpoeitor and Nor=rn �Aeeseu- villo eave!i toAai on a visit ?f some weeks I on the collebtor'o roll And collected i4 that . ta . - � o � .. I . hand, that must 1�e disposed of�,at a . by making him an honorar memb r some - - ger : I I 25 with rionds in Toronto'. -M as F. ill, of wa . The council adjourned1o, meet again by merohalaut doing businen in to - I _,''W", I I � Lizzie Kenned , to Ionia, Michi gn ; Anth I W111 � illcm= . I I .. I - � i I I years since. His Often expr seed 11 . emote firlin Seafortb, were ' - -_ , . . � ! I . -- Carrillos, Nov ,': M exi I sh Was TheExpositor and Westlern Adver. Mital ell, visited -Miss Mabel Thom .-)n and at r. Whitels, Leadbury,fon Wednesday, r 0 . we eftra- . . I - , 7 i ony Weis, to Loa ito ; ,.hat him funsipil might be cc ducted by the 7 �iser � i I other friepda ; I . i . palled to t�i nk about as follow -A . -11 . I � in town this wpek-.- r. and th 18th of February. at one o'clock, to re- I I I - Miss Kate .Devereux, to Ohioago�; Miss B. ' I . . '_ I � � W_ _� � - . I Boole, Miss Alice Waugh -'a Crp6fb, and �1� wiml�was com ied wi h." I The Expositor and Weekl� N il 1 75 Mrs. Arthur F�rbee visite,d wit their cei e the auditors' report. The township is Pity, isn�t it, that as *a grow older we be- - I . WHO , . 1. ; Big D scounts ; . - __ rid Miss Hartryo 11 . lieve lose in fairy� twle.s ? -, ____� I to Toronto. . . I i I The Expositor and Farm)es? I an 1 80 friends, Mr. and Mrs.. John' Torr nee, on for unate ; it ,.has $4,000 to loan a 5 per-, I . Yet, judging — - , � i 1. � - � , . I I I . - -c--* � THE SOUT11 HUROx AaAl ULT L.L So- I The Expositor and Farm og I orld from the general run of advarti . 1 75 Wednesday, at �heir beautiful' home, near oerib. interest. isements . I I . .\ . . �c ' � - � R I - . Tim CumErw,-Two rinks of our curlers GIETY.—The ,annual meeth g'of th,� South 1 The R XP03itor and Farmers'Advocate 2,00 Clinton.-Jast at. 12 o'clock on Wedneeda� . you'd think the ownera of 'some jtc�k - - - I � - 11 I , � � . I The Expositor and The I'hmi ly Herald 2 00 r1i ke out in stable at Mr. " thought the grown up public :still reQ __ _.; a i . I � "I . 1. . - . . % ,. Winter is not +rly over, and it will will go to Stratford cu. Tues� ay next to Huron Agri6ultural Societ was held 'In ' �ghtl, fire bro � an 04 I Grey. . I -_ -_ . _� . � ,x pate in the rimary contest f r the On- W;13oh�a h0j, Brucefield, on Wednesday The.gxpositor and Th' V49b inster 2 25 JameO Anderson�s, place, fairy tales�, or, worse than that, beli -I_ � . � - -1 � I c p e I I . *arket, street. NOTES. -A quiet wedding took place at I evea __ - pay purchase y6t at our present om The voiou' 225 The finilding wasie I � in them. I .. � 'q yon to tario, tankard. The rinks will be as follows: last. fire ort sho' th� sooieby � The Expositor and The Presbyteriian ,nure y o amed, but' no, -1. P41- --- . . � i I . . , the Methodist parsonage, Ethel' on Wedn iffere � ce between th e - ­ 1W I I � n Beattie, as. - Dick, W cap ltlon,i � � . I da, r of last week, when Rev. C' n mouth bld � - I ­ - Job . I toDougall, to bettill in " prosperous. di i There 'The Expositor and The Westipinater further damage was done The cause 0 ep* � IVs the d � - year) in pi - en yrjtery.�-Toe first ' I hat b I a in . B. A., B. D., united in marriage William . 'giveft I . - i : .. prim. � W. Ament, eki 3 ; F. W, Tweddle, T. Rich- was paid out ast . iz the sum of - and Priabyterian � ! 1 3.25 the fi I is seems to be . P. Wells, egg and the egg of to -day, t . . - . 1-00 ft. -1 I ., 1 4 � - ;.-. ardson, W. Violrard and W. ,U. Bright.' $1,005, he year was o)[osed with a . I N �1108. meetIng of the ,public school boa�d was A. Michel, a well known young far - or of _ the latter Its vAlue. IIN -the difference ,� . - � : I � McLl�'A I . . . � I I I between those I I windy," ou :_ I skip. The Scotch curlers, who are just now balance 4 in the treasury� Mr. Robert held Ion Wednesday evening. Mr. A. P. - t_of__8e&forW_ - � � I . I � I I I � Grey, to Miss Matilda J., youngest daugh- , , I . � I I tourinR Canada, will be in Stratford on the McAllister, o Hay, wan proposed as-pres' J. .- was elected eltairrhan, and Mr. John advertisements that we have tOW.Vad .1 . --- .- MI lot nt i � . I : � - - I I . � � . I - men's Foreign ion Societies tyukin, i. � newly -.married couple will commence, house. - I I . � CHESNEY & SMILEY) following day And our cuil, re 'ari looking dent for the current year, b lb., much to th ' the , Wo ter of.Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Speirap, The those that'we place before the Publi% . , . � . � . 0 ! *Witrhia their bounds, and the! r gratitude to : - . ;� 11 I forward to getting a crack a then). regret of the memberm, Mr M oAllistdr de. � , i — - I . ke(ping on the 12oh concession, amid the that makeO -oursi the more dedrib](5- 1-11 �__ - � l ­ i � Godfor the success which':ha� " crowned their 1: Tim's ESCAP oney, who has I tion in" - ­ � ­ __6 clined the ho�or, on accoun 5 of his ad,Vana. I%bors during the I . ADS,.­iiM I Ma, there is fai mor.e:truth than fie . I I . SEAVORTH, i - goc d wishes of a large circle of frie 12�dv.- all our talks. Advertised low prices, �­ - I ]rTJ,-,-.ESS OF A FORMER - SIDENT.—The Ing years ano- his 0onsequ at Inabillity to Past Ye "' ! 7hey especially been running a cheap rest& rant in town Th a. Strachan, -1 I - � � . record their satisfaction - 91ith the increase of 11 jr., has purchased thel 100 , - Z � . I . porting beams of . v 61 - 11 - or . months, a- aw a farm from John Smith, lot 8i cone! - . �, --- . I � . following parag aph, taken rom the Wing attend to the . aties of the Position. i Mr. contributions, th6 amo, 1 t f whi��h f ' rome �has be�a playing a pra � lession without the sup . A I ­­ 8, I I and quality, are meaningless, when -- I - Baocessora eo S. Mullett & Co. ham Times of I at week, tells of : one well hItAllister h '_ been a dir c -or b" tical joke' on the goA peoplo of Mitchell. 6, Grey, paying the sum -of " �­ . � ''. I � - go' I I -M . . � f � � - been oonsiderabl� in exoeks of that of $6,000 for it. .- . � 1: . � known to many in town, who will'be sorry ciety for 21 years, and on hi expressing his y i As the story goes, he billed thr town about w I now, wenian's knowledge of both U - t - I � I Mr. Smith will probably move to Br 1 sele. - ' �4 . . . � . - - t �L Indeed to learn of the lady's illnest.: 4 the � preceding year. "'ley also express Oil ­ I Hardware, Stoves, Etc. 'Mrs. determinatio to retire 'a resoluition w week ago for a grand eiii.ortainment by Jessie almost intuitive. Lsige type #Md � - - � I I I � � I I I I le their! belief that the gr 3 Fvin g interest in -A in. Bennett, an old resident of the 17th ' - I � I � F. G. Sparling was taken to the hospital at unanimously 1 assed � acknoNv ledgiag him long Maclachis flowery epx6ts of eloquence erg . - oelebroteo New- York . us. I . - n and a uoth_ . . . " : . I I I forei ' ig n* missions through at the church in concession, died on 8unday last at the age jag for w.0'rth, Wear � or fashion. I" . . - .__ � � London on Pe day of last -week. Mrs. and faithful servio6s, ex�resain et at i star, the britertainment to toke place last � � .. . I . . g reg I& ly Aue to the r effort . . lof 84 years. � . i Be . . � I Sperling returned home a few , weeks ago big retirement, and the hope that rigs an pray that the - -With youi home town- - - - ! . be may Monday night. 'E%rTy Monday forenoon I .. I � satisfied ; i I .. from Lusk, Wy,bming, where she had been still long be so I *1 'And friends. I fut - , a town livery I SeafOrth-tor shopping purposes, T,he: - � , I . . &red to hi a UE"' divine blessing may richly at �end all thOic Tim was- driven to M i t)hell by,, - i Stanley. . � � ' y . ure efforts to promote :his �greab 'work." . . I ! - I � tl�_ I �. -as hen &D t d I � man, so as 11 advertisements may not tell -as wonder_ a I - . DOMINION BANK. visiting her-dwighter for some weeks, and Mr. John X;tchea w' to be i' �ime to look after busi-i : NOT QUALWIED.-WO underetandi that . . P n e Dr. Fletiller, of H%milto 1, V ae Dominated . � i - . I r � . I I was thought to be much improved in health. president ; Mir. Thoma I Mont an to receivw I a you think they sho ". i . I a F4ser, I's t Vice- ness for the entertain 'Mr. John MoNaughton, one of the county ful stories ' " I - � � i � I Moderator of next Anne bly. ' Mr. MoKen- the celebr ted f i I I . . . � . I Last week she took a decided turn for the president, and Mr. Thoma� Russell, 2ad . in I I a per or r hen the tim 1 but there '146 much of worth in th I . �_ - � � . CAPITAL (Paid !Up), - $2 500,000 I zie,.ieturned missionary on ,being balled, � '� 1councillors- elect for division No. 3, co�.I?011- stores that doesn't get Into print -and', � - I t A start, people A of Stault-y, Hay, 4ensall, and Bayfield', is I ,- REST, - Z . $2,500,ObO . i addkeased the court -wit'li al t his wonted . . , �, , I T � , to, � cars is one of the stores. LOIN worse, &Ad -it was thought beat to have . her vioe.president� -The following directors came for.the ente4ain t . � ;1 I � --t i taken to the hospit@kl. Mrs. ,Sparling is were appointeid : - P, McGrekor, BrucefitIJ ; zeal: And eloquence. The next ordinary came pouring in JrEean the surrounding iot qualified to hold the position to which � �, � I . - I � � .. 1. SEAFORTH. BRA OH suffering from some imervous trouble' We John Murdoch, Stanley ; Robert McMo'rdia, I meeting of Presbytery is t . be held ja Kip- country, and with a I large �attenJance of, ie has been elected, if proceeded against, on � . I I �­ I I I . I � ' Muslin Undervirear 7 . I . . i hope, with her �osb of fri6nds, that she may Bay; H.' S ith,' Stephen ristie, I ' . - � I � - . 1; E d. C h , pen, on the f M ,,, at '110 A. in. townspeople, the Jar& hall ,9fas soon filled' � . I soon be restored to good health." Eireter ;' W ' Dixon, Uabo,rne ; R.V�hart- I .- I : to overflowi g. Tim manifested a burning kccount of being a school trustee at the - - - - - I - I : I I . � - -ime of his election. , If this is th - I : Street, Seaforth. , . � . . ; e case, Good Buyin g� Time Now. , I I . . I . i - I . ' S., � .. .. a _ . I I I ' Results of I I .. .� � 13 ra arl'king Business tra�s- T4r. McKiLLOP IxsuRAN,m CompANy.— Brucefield ; illiam, A lister, He4eall. and take in the cash, but the proprietor of - - � 11 . � i , � erg, ,.Tuckerstith; A ntot.h, esire to attend io the; ticketloffice' himsplf � here may be another election in this di- :� 6 1 CGLLr&cI4TE INSTrruTE I � x&,) . � � I A Gene I B I C�A I '_ er gen I Too much 1 finery never aiorris mufil .. - kies -f � . 11 - ., acted. Farmers' 18ale Notes collected, The annual meeting of the members of the Messrs. A. Scotb an J. M CI 't h - Christmas examinabione, ,ield at Beaforth 181011. int I . � .0 'I I I �r d the hall and a few oth flemen of the hat. But how I .. . Institute. 1. [&as � I. includes 6 Pad underwear ,cu know t . e ucefield, i�are appoints audit( ell town, who had be king Tim's measure - often there'i jug', enough to detract the. Me )rol,' Oan d Collegiate en ta . -S me to .. and advances made on same at low"t , NOTES -Mr. Win. Collins, of th I . I � - ehe I . I I I those who obtain 66 joir cent. ; IL, oncession, met- with'a, very painful accident Am I : � f was hold in the toWn hall,'l Se'aforth, on John Murd and Thomas Russell, ipapre � - 11 . I - rates. i . . - and watching operations, became suspicions, buyer'Batt(ntion from, -teri T1 I .- i 11 L Ile - between 50 and 66 per ceiat.; JIL, between I few days ago- He wa3 working with a wrong ma ld I , Drafts sold on �a points in Cana as Friday last. There was a fair- attendaiine sentativea cu he Western . air Board.� Ab ad their suspicions 'were increased when' and rbaking, Deception is pracUeedto. _' vice I . - � . 33 an 50 per cent.; IV., U �der! 33 per cent. a I ack and getting'his �'band caugh-ti in the I than- I I I ; � I he United States.'and Europe. � I � I . of the members and all seemed to ba wall 6 meeting'of t a new�i board 6f directors eub- N - there' was no Jessie: Maola?hlan or Newl ensure sales. . I - I . I i . I I-- pleased with the statements of the direotora SeqU613tly hel , M. Y. MoL an wa .4._ap. &Mee are given in order f merit: York star arrived,by the even�ing train, and I ogs he had three fingers so lacerated that Now, our way U -quality first, frills after. � - � .1 Mort, we � � SAVINGS DEOARTMENT.-Inter� _� , Form I., -Class I. R avi �, H. Roberts . hey had to be amputated. -Mrs. Oatharine � - . . , . �st and the manner in which the affairs of th wa`� re- . so as to protect �the public "inj case of diffi- 1 . I ason A I . � -allowed on t . e pointed sccr�tari-treasuren It, �,'E Petrie, F. , . . . � oGregor, reliob of �the late Mr. George ward. Folks get what they pay for. . - v Ee �� - � depos� s of One Dollar and _ . :F. Ebarbart, t. Wau'R Wei I � . I a ' ' 0 b , .1, "i 1 ,1 , TH ,7�� i LPo, ,, ,�4 al q , , I I �:Suio Id i rid )11t I -- � )Ir ,11 w q 1� * a ,rii vi� - n irfue, ' an of 4 0 our' re 'Ack a t' - 1+ CE t ES &ken ron I 0 1 _� 11 r I , I 11 ,I I - - I � upwards. I i company had been conducted for the past solved to holdl a �prinq fair 'at BrucbfiO, d as 11 land,�E. Gottschalk, Ell . culties, they insisted On running the tickW all the weail aad satisfaction the v, ': � - 40 it. R� I i I I Us ' ff R. Hai cGregor, didd at the residence oV eq I . I n her son, at - _� I ws�ln - I I � � I year. The retiring directors this year were usual, the date of'wbich will- b n I" d t � office themsel-ies and i bandlipg the cash.' the 2a! best of gari4ients give, and do say -th � t to kk � - , -R. 8. HAYS, ; W. K. AROE� 8 ahm ' a tr R,ua)t, latl%eVer, K. I I n I d ooncessie'n, IaFt. ' , . r . I PE Alessra. Thomae Fraser, Stanley, and J. B. the next' meo't,11' Mob will be e ?-,, b y, A. Henry, L. Tim did not like this arrangement, but on Tuesday - __ I � ; � g, W 11 I p I tbeelaboration of our lingeriewasnot �, So-lioitor Manager� it� wa Fear;'A. Petrie. Class � 11 I �: Pickard, B.' ra. McGregor had ieached the age of 18 � unless V -0i .1 - � alter storming and ple�ldlng byl turns, he was I - - I I : McLean and Wm. Broadfoot, Tuckeramith. Hensall, early lin IMarchi aiydl when ill I Smith, A. Wilson,v , fore t ears. She was one d.f the e tt � ,,,k!mpod .We have now, at low tidi .- - , ; ! I . Paba -) N i, - Hawthorne, arly me lers'lof prices, � - - - . 0a a ballot being taken MeEsrs. J. B. Mo. ,also be decidod* where the nex� fall .how ed to give in �to a, inevi�table. When' 11 6e wanted things in fSkirtis � Ut the oril 11 i I I I . . ; G. Abell, M. Dickson, 1. ', �epbenson, J. I 10 I tapley, and was gre�'tl I I _. � I .Uvau and Win. Chesney were elected direct. will be held., � I the crowd became so impationt th � . y beloved by all who I - �� I A . � . � . atthey, Chemises, Xight, Gownp, Corset Covers, in zome im . . f Purcell, G. Kale, - Ethel ab I nd*her. The r6midus were laid to ro�t` i0overs, - - IL -0 C W I fQ ,---% kA A r% u i Pq = Q - ore for Tuckersmith. Mr. Thomas Fra- . . 0- � aiffy, E. Jones ere likely to tear I � in rawers a-�%d A-- Ju -1 I . I I ril I- I w down the! 13 . I .9 I I .raird a ce er Y, avovLws . i I I # . mer was re-elected for Stanley by aecla. nave,,.your carriage fitted with unlop ` . naba le, a. Do eyt . orodefioir, J5. entertainment w4 I R being fur ishe.d thern,; I ,or . on-�_hursaay. meiLt also. I ; 5 1 - solid rubber tir 8. Ideans morel comfort for: you, Stewirt, W. Murray, M. Jones, W. MoIn. I 8 . q � f I mation. At a stibsequent meeting of except suih as piper John M ' a! i . I ­ � easier work for our horso find eavc3 the wear anci cDonald wa ' i . I � tosh, 1 L. Gillespie, I Sgott. Class III., E. 0, Is to g i 1 1 Londesboro. . _. � W. N. WATSOX North Main Street, directors Mr. � J. B. McLean wa ge. Can befitteltoanyythio b ive t Not too lato for Bargains 9 " 8 re-' te-Ar on your car ia 10- Box, B. Warwick. '' I I . I hem On the bagpipes, and � - ... BE appointed president ,- Mr. Thomas F Tires are nianufa tured and guaran � . 1 ITEMS 'Dr. La Whitley, who has been . . I I OORTH. I raser; teed bv thE Dun* Although this wag. very aemptable for a' , - I � , - I lop Tire'do., Li ited, 17 and 21 lempersoce Erfreet t, a I., E., keen, M.".Gil- � I I � -1 - I have on ' they ulbimat�ely Ured Of I . ng in Sudbury- for the Fas six urs. --- -_ I etary Toronto. Equi ped and, sold by R. Devereux, car' lespiej E. Robb, R. MoL- n. Class II., B onthe, is home at to the larg vice. president ;j Mr. T. E. Hays, seer , Fo'm 11.,-Clas I Good hand a arge and well assorted I Jac , time, t, and - Tim' I aotici -t - in Good F . 3 and treasurer ; �and Messrs. George Murdie ri I Was at leugth4or L �, present, bult will ! stock of firab class �eewlng machines . !!Le maker,,Seaf 1831-2 cod to mount Ithe stage and . I � Ray and John C. Morrison, auditors.. The direqt 1. � IL emp, K. Roberts, D. 'Ison, N. Garden: give explanations, He ave in the near future for Texas where But you -must come soon. The assort. � .. - _11911ars. ___ , . inorld, White or Goc1drieh, in Cabinet. Drop - 11 Three feeds for one cent. Internab�onal . Gillespie, G. Love, I fr- omervillej 0. expressed his very, - . � r . I e intends to practim -Mr. J. " mentswill Oct much longer be as good� - . . . ore-' atatement'shows that duri:13 9' the year great regrets to the audience on - accou n 6 of . J mieson - . . � � I - 1.� �. - . i Head and covered aebines prices ranging atookfood,101! EILICAt Hamilton & Keralake'al Boa. iviaxi, E. Somerville, I . Govenlock, J. as they are now. We canfit-you no , t I . 3� L I I i 551 policies ha& been. issued and at the forth. I ; c ntertained a iiumber of his friends t - W, from 25 u wards, �a o a few good as d . 18�2�1 the disappointme: t, a' d assured them that - . . o . , ' � I I J�q Fri e Use will be brokon. We, `_ - -i � i � � I 1, Love,', J. Aitobeeoh, 0, Little. Class III., n n (I late# th b i there Were 2,244 policies -Our annual sale of Dry ( 0 were t, . W. q has - . e year , - hand machines whic will be sold che close of th )ods, It . the parties wh furni h the enter-, day evening last. -Mrs. Boyd, . - - . � 1��_, - - � ; ea L Ly0ob, W. Daley, R, Wiel. i spent her vacation with her parent'61 I here, - i I oing to� ­ . � io�r -in force. The !aaaessments for the year an I ov(r,,oats i. 1,ow on 76c. and ?t.25 [hoine W11nient had miss�d I train t some cast- want to E ell: a garment that in g ' . - , a� a, . Form III. A, -Class I, '�. H rtry, . please you, and are desirous that 'you 1: I I I 0 spuns, a, 60c, 63a and 76a, Fro )ch flannels elrn station, and 'would favo tlitern with .1 I instruction given free of , 6 $ , Zle I P. An - cash. All machine fully guarantef d vt proper 4 amounted to 6,�00 and the losses paid, t rid suitin returned to her home '1131 Ch'csg(i On �atur- I - - har e. 350. 13 all %yool � Fre" � $6,483 * The ye4r. wall commenced with t3 llhh Raglan ov ercoati wort� 810, erson, W. emall. P, QbWaD, .L. Burke, day last. -Mise Rose �Itile note what a nice dist,inction there is ­ - - � ' . � � Dealer in needles, 6 ,I, sewing machine At- * a for $5.60. � 0. E. King, Wingbam. . � , 1, C.'A �xa r der, M. De- their presence at some future time. With I y left for L ndon between cheip fur garments ana fur 1. I A - � W31-tf . Smith. - Class I - 0� I I . � Wednesday last, where, she has secure - - taohment ad parls, Bi I i baltince of $8,301 in the treasury and closed ; WANTED, -Butter, dried ?lee, eggd and r - W. Turner, M. PeE ale, G. Wat this Tim made his exit and . _�Ias not sinee , d - � I a a eyoleii . and Cream with a balance o� $7,489. On the whole the � 11 p] atiol I gcod position. -Mr. 1. Brigh I - garments cheap. The former is fibe - . z Separators. Genera Fire and L I i 8011, been ceen in public. The jupposition im� a . . am als� lef b ' � - . ' J. �Foi -- es, J. Rob- . i on Wednesday to resume his sbudiea at the .economy, the latter tr4e. Don't forget,* I � n - ife Instir. showing is a most satisfactory one ai I 3d the poultry. we'pay cash. Beattle Bros, Seafo - 9_04t, M. Hod4ins, . Risks, aiffeoted,on all kinds lof I . "' - J that the parties had never be I � . All e &nee, avent. 1 1812-1 en engaged and . - � company is in a 1 aplendid condition fiaan- . I X I rts, B. Archibald, H. Sparks, ,". Spark I 11 there's us -much evil in p � , . - property at lowest rates. Houses for sale � I 1 '91 P- that Tim's scheme� London Medical College. -Mr. Moon, of aying tow - , cially. It is well.managed ; it is doing a All parties having buggies or- carriages eyk-.i Class III, M. G'au me I er, L. Reid, I was to ecoo; p in the door Clinton epent SuAday with friends he little as p-�yirg too mu,bh. What you - , I Rubstantial; ' � I - and to rent. Office i next door to Queeo-'s safe business and is saving in that recluli e pain Ing, would d��ell to bring thbn- in- . JohnBov, R. Dorsey,'M, Sil Is, C. Rich- receipts and then leave for ps I rts unknown . , .re.- want is a fur garment �,ully guaranteed. ' � right and f I � e 1 pas I � � epring opens up. We will guararil cc a firat . ! I I YhOn do. � Class IV E.� Di V. not his fault. : a. Colo. --Mrs. N"Reill . I . � oney for its D-3winordor o have'thorn ready f,)ru8e t job And pastures new.' T1 at it in'iscarric Hotel., i I t � id was 'Miss McDonald, of Blytb, spent th t - . 3 ;T "�V r members every year. -cla 3 - P �_C I ok C n, � . Garrov i � � vO,eek at the home of,AIr You wan6 now to get the very best 0 - � - - I i i . . _� -w_. M _ _ . . I I and our prices * � ralerate. Deve:eux'a ca lr , age Form III. B, lass 1, J, K- �ght, A. Me. the price of thb modc;,� __ . I �, 'I , _ _A�TS(:):r�[.J , I '. ___6_ � . been spendind,,�' this i I Nyorks, Seaforth. . 1811-1 2 enzin, . ' 7 of Stratford, who has , a earlier in tbe - I NaRTH MAIX ST.' SEAFORTH. � . . I A. Sleeth. : Olars ft, I . Murdie, F. . past two weeks at the ome of Mrs. Whit, - . � . I 3 I Tow.N Cou-Ncit -At the regular meeting : Tuc�rerT'mith.,i , h Faeason, or you want to get a inodlkrath __ . . � D.- Wright, M. Best, M. Howell, N.' -Dickson, pric ", - � i 1630 of the town council held on Mond! . BLACKSM='s� APPRENTIC WANTE . JE ,! has returned home. -Mrs. W. � L. ed fur for the Aame money as -tte I - . � ' I - � ( - I . lay evening Steady young fell)w to learn blaclismithing. '�how. M. Willison, G. Dowpon, 13. S); Gee. A. Slater sboe3 for men are the beat 0 , cheap fur woold h ave formerly cost liou. I I I- � last Mr. Wm. I Elliott wa d Hills, Egrnondvill) � . tt, V.'� M ur- ever. They need no breahibw in and are perfeeb In i ette is viiiting friends in' London this And just no*, wh�n you need the lumm - : , r6 appoints I !� . 1839X4 i 1ass 111, A. w�e r.-Mosars. Hulmes and Morells have . � . . I treasurer at the alaine salary as last year. I I . ie, M.. Jordan, W. Horton. material and fit. W. III . Jillis sole: agent for se%_ . , - CUTTER. -Pc rtland cutter for sale, chl ap. oMfinn, B. O'Connor, Al K Ily, R. Me- forLh. I i . Xoney-Xak�*Ing Education. Accounts to the 4mount of . were pass- . 1 1832-1 com nenced their duties in the store '4'ere, - . I- i the most, - we will- gladly meet you . ' � - I edi Mr. F. Ga teridge Was Robert B01, Seatc ith Foundry. 183�tf isughlin, S. Purcell, H., Wil on, . E. M c- WEST Eim .Llqv.�rm-, Al roads running whii h has been occupied by Mr.Ouimett'lB for demands andLgive 'you. bargains extra- . , I � ; t . N . One box of Worthington's anadian 8�ock Gr a;0i n I � .1 I I �, the past 26 years. We wish them every sue' ordinary. : --' - I This I � I north and sou h are filled 1with snow and - I . i � I .. : 1 4 on Ibis drain con act; extra3 on dral*Dag8 Tonle will make your hories do bet;er on one ha�it the rM IV.,_Class I, H.'Brownell, F.L%w. I Will not we . � ca, � so�ne are blocked altogAh ' ' owell, CEOs. Mr. Ottimette and y will i . . �. beaforth. ' I . Keys# A. ! IeXv4 Your Money !Has a Power. - � � usual grant was voted to � 18W1 ran ,1G. Hamilton, 0. Wfite of!Bluevale,-is visiting f -T il,P-Mrs, � - � r-ea-sonable. " . .." wo�ka to� the a�m unt of $911 were ordered quantity of gralu� Hamiltoa & Kerclake, agbDts, famil t I - � . . t d. h , �. QX , m r eii t- a �h .- � the coming week for their home i the ... - 'a McLeod. Class II, C. 6'11s, ;L, Beat, A. west. They will be much BTRATFORD, ONTARIO. . toRfirPean'ien- and 4hief. $.10 was 'also voted FumuTvRili POP. SALE. -'"be I Shipley bas� been 'visiting her daughter, � missed byl their . Iff Borne th, - � articlea to be follo*lng A augb, R. Carter, E. 1 Mumav, H. Me. 1 friends here. -Mr Opportunities for; economy are lh*- � . to he sick childr�n's hospital of Toronto. eol privately : Cc& a ove, i e car , M r�s. G. Turner, or a p f, . John Ta6blin � I � aw wee R.- . � I Trains young men and women for business A extension table centre tab c, I ichapO, H. Kelly, R. Sail )"llass 111, A. ' plentiful and pronounced. Don�t let ' "Orle three,'; � . . . ' go ve a party to a number, I I . Mr. Gillespie, th 'a policemain. waa instrnot- . sofa. 2 dressers bb. : M Lloyd and Charles La�y on IfIft last week of big f;ienos, on ; life, and places many, in good paying posi- �bedq, I cupboard nd a number of chaira. Applyl ott,,H. Darr'ance, J. Richard on. - - , I time pas3 without coming to this store, __ .. I eld to keep the time for snow ] dowing and to Mrs. Ferguson, Eg ondville. . � � tions every � I for Durand, Michigan, whe *0 6ey expected Tqes iay ev�ning. -Mr. Thomas Ta 1blin I � . I 1. I year. � This is the school that certify the accouli ts to the cot acil. It wag 1834-2 Commercial Class,-Clsks I, ..'I. Friel, M. to enter the emploi of the Glrand Trunk and .1 dr. James Moddlin, of Manitob 'are .1 . ; . I with your spire ca6h to see bow far -we , ' I ' 0 � . I � can mi you on each tempt- � .1 i possestes a great, reputation for first class decided that 'applications foi the � various Use our flour and ,you will always� be orad, H. Raid. ,Qlass ll� A R-)utledge, Railway as brakesmen. 'They did ' ing -a visit to their friends here. ike it 4. for I - - work. Write for catalogue. Students ad- pleased wi4h. the ccoic. Hamilton & cralake. ',Sea- R. Sproat, H. Smith. 011se I I, j. Ossep I not P Mr. ing values as We're offering 'in sh ti � � towitoffices, axcppt oler-k., treasurer and fot,tb. i . � succeed.and have ieturne& ho�ne. fjo�dflliu Wtends taking a ar load of orses I so logo, I ; I I . . ' . � 9 ; � 183�4 A 1. Morrison. 4 . [ _ - c - Tickings, Coitrono, Linem, Flannels, I rnitted at anv time. � . ­ I -Mr. J -N , - auditors, be receive'a',until the next council PIE socmi.- The � ;1 E. Balfig getting material re�dy for the Wok wibh'him. - , - I W. J. ULLIOTT, Principal. - Ladies Aid of 1he I —0 I I I I- � Dress Goodt-,!Under wear, Men's Suits, - . - I - - � me�ting. The, report of the a 3lecting com- Methociit church, Seaforth, will 'I in � , is barn next 13U , I . I I . Wd a ple socia .� tamer. . . � LOCAL BRIEFS. -By Boys, Suits, eitc. � I . I . "44-52 mittees was read find accepted and the fol- the Sunday school room of the church', thiB.(Frida) . U, over -sight Mr. vwroivillrai a it and,! put a stonj foundation � 0onstance. . I . � - evenivg at 8 o1cloc t. PiC3 Of all I:inqs and a goo I q an auctioneer, a ; i We would name pltber'goodis, and give A- � i lo*lng are the standing comm.ttees for the � J %mea IG. MoMiohal s card, � under it. I I � Tus FouESTERS.-The followink officers I ... we hwc I . i ProgrriumebesideE,. Adin !salon 1.5c or Itwo for 25c. h%s been- admitted from Tim EsPOSITOP. for I .1 : description of difff-rent things bere, and, � ; year : Streets, -councillors McLean, Ham. - I � I &_ , � � I I I . i . , I w, elected in the Canadian Order of ice list had we room, . -your while � � 1832� 1 1 1 1 perhaps, quo0e a pri � a few weeks, leading som I Zurich. i I � I i . ilton and7 Archiba-ld ; finance, -councillors i I e� �:6 believe that he I Rrreei ters. lodge herefor the present year : but then . . - I � Geo. A. Slater shoos.for mi n are the bcst b Y.a abandoned the busln'OFS. : This is not NOTR,�.-Last weak we I advertently C.! R. � it Inakeel little difference, M this time of Reliable �r Harness. Beat, Willis and .$tewart ; f14, water and e�ver. They neec . I j�o breaking in an ate perfect in 'a in ,till in th a fiel and ) � ed, the I 1. . Jamem Hinchley ; V. O. R., Cl arles you have to gee, andexamine the mer- , *. I . - - - I I light,—councillorl Stewart, I [amilton and material and fit. �r. H. Willis, so! a 0!gent for Sea. I 'ready Omxtt . name of M r. J hn Diacker R�' son ; R. S.,, Charles McGregor ; F. . . --- � 2 e W n - fi f t v. ': 5LIE: E)t:-�WM_79_Z_1E111 1�1 Lean ; propert,y,—M.essrs. Beef, Willis forth. . . t Za' I oba,ndise be0re buying anyway. I , � , 'il% . 0 � � � � 18324 tit'tak all 2rders intrusted; to Jim and in. from thi list of directors of the agricultural S. surge Stephenson; T.. Richard Ander- 4 1 , � I I We strivo to give the beat values to be and Archibald ; 1 charity, — the Mayor. A trade win�ler I Many ai ount bas I I � I � _ .1. + 1 � , a�c ,nds to continue in the b6ain'ek—We re. society. 1 Mr. Decker has beep a valued a G., n *V S. B., Richard Hotham ; J.B., Robert ++++_I -1-1-14 ----- � A . . . . . . � � �. r ore the - 4 . I - I had, Our -own make' are neat and etylish, M. , James McGin"Ais appeared bef been turned prominently our way by .,he meriti, of ', t to -learn that Mrs. John' MK aade,had to momberi of the board of direotgro for 801118 me �rong ; S. W-. Wm. Clark ; J. W.1 I . they keep coming lback thl' urn i r � 1 The .. . - Would 11 be a * t4 - and for wear unequalled. council, asking foi damages wl ich be claims our 28c ten. We never neglect the quality. I 0 London ho8pitAl thi wook, for years a.zi his services could notyary w�l t. Thompson ; C., Wm-. Lindsay ; P. I i - � Horse Blankets all sizes, all shapes, all. to have sustained 6 uk you il cu r goods w,'ero f rther- treatment there.1�1 Mi. Lancelot dispense with.—Mr. Henry Deitz, of North Q R., John Smith ; auditor, John Brit , 9 Am or . . a account o�,watbr from Rob the very best. I We solicit your tri ide for 19,03. � � . prices. Reer our Burlington Stay on Blank. the main street drain flooding bis celf,ar dur- Beattie Bros., Seaf�rbh. : 11832.1 teker� of Harpurhey, is laid i p with an Dakota, is here ona vieit to Nis 'father and CI De:)uty. Win.. Dunlop � on .... I 1003b@- r . i - eta. ing the fre�het Iasi spring. matter has Gco. A. Slater sboes f ' I a. tack of typhoid fever.— r. Benry Dietz, other fri 3nds. —Mr. I Fred Fuss, �f Michigan, A U - . � Rabes—Galloway 'Robfs, Saskatchewan been before the coo'noil for '. time, but or ad' the a � old Hay township b , was a town on is here on a viol I t to his �*nothe iLoc&L -BRiEm—fhe 'Constance Ladies' E� ,V!cFA_ UL I _ . T r es"'e" a r n ' : I .. .- 8. 7Aea h,ra , rjiour . C, x age I 4i". -, ' - I , '�, a , t I I I Ja ", � h . 13 - Ir , i � I � I 31 I I - 11), best ever. They incid u6 breaking f=daare per- oy . . r I and Aid ir tend holdring a honey social at Jimes r . es and the Bishop Rohe, stylish so far they have n; b eeen t � feet In material and fit. � W. H. I Villis, sole azent I I - - Bhffe,lo Rob .ir I I Saturday, vhiting his 1 ber, Miss L;zzie brothers —Mr. John Geiger left thih week - i G I YO11111- � 0 .hE ay clear to for Scalorth. I 1i H�inchlev's residence, on Tuesday, Jan ary Dry I oods Co. � - - " and comforta,ble, and tba price right., to take any dt-finite action thou 1 1832-1. - eltz. , Mr. Dietz has belil 20 years' injoristrip to Michigan.—A lot!of ' ' i : -d-- r gh the ' . I wool is '27tb. A good crowd should attend.— iss " Ore CaSh - 10reasing 0OUrloil I complainan Ecem to be � 1 Pour hen r8b isit to the , ' ' � I ,tV8 '0 _ 'te 4 . 1. anito�s, and this is hie ' being br( ne t into the village fforn lthb big P isle�i, of Toronto, and Mr., McLaug lin, Xj 'St . - vance the -p-- Inspect our goods b6fore buying., ,and the i Now is the time to have a lay. h I , �� . - like mind. Po�iltry food will g1veyo goodresuts. lHaimllton& o i home. He has a farm tith n 20 miles swamp. --Mr. J. A,' Willi%me bais iec ived � I I drawing nearer to a I The coun- Keksl.%ke, SeMotth . . 0 McIcAllop, Sundrayed at Mr. and ' rp. would be hi � - i I - I - L 7 1 18�2.1 o Winnipeg and hat prosp6ed there. He another car of soft co'al.—Mr. Ypnghlu R�bert - Armstrong'e. —A number of the , . ; pil adjourned to , meet at the call of the r � � I � righlu t, of 3 ' - Mayor. � I . � t, of Go lerjoh, will be i bends' going back in QL P I ' . � � il -fore. - .. buy this ,se& n_n1:D1n1/1C% . . on lkf� A r .4- : 11 I ung I . Mr, George 8tewar F�Aru ' but will Hensall,.Vaid our village a visit,one eve Ing I DI'y Good,5 84U . . Q 0 At Aborbart's dru store ; I y eople of the vieinitv had a mos en- , I . ,. � : Al . 1. . . I . I -1, nuary i s aterS LU Indiana a4 : 111i a is before un13 Wee � - � . I a � - I . I - * - rrr � u-ith rams, earn I - . . I I . . ]o � - ____ ___1 . - Bame . r at*ong, vi hto, Illy of th I , et ** � 6 — � )1V6 a b 1, time at Mr. and Mrs, J ,eph ___4 — .. , r , . C va leVu"c'. b" goes home. -Al any frieu 4a of the family 1 . I . r Po I . - iwers Fho�L'd leire Itheir order h � r i I ro I . to the Goderich S�ar for t ad early. : I : . re will regret to 1). i 1� sition to. I TnE LATE IRA LEWIS.-We are indebted - Those de8ir:ng 8 cc ? t . _ � 1892-1 1 in : I ; . B" wn's, on Friday evening la b. J .18 111� he following � � learn (if Lh 3 death * i MCK-illo i I he these eervices thriougbout, tbatwas unbeco .. - . �- ing totbe House bf God ani we are sure . - prices. '� Harness Shop Cady's Block ioodatook : 1. one wl to knows how to entert - - . ditional particulars concerning the of George Du ican, son-- I NOTES.� Mr. William Me � but' late Mr. Oat dust aud� oat so ed alwai �g oln bai)"d at � I Int�sh having iss J'Aaggie Bell has returned Tollhcr'b�-_ I � i I Lewis-: " It wae with.themost sincei lowe!t prices at th I 0 Sea'o th Oatme . . 0, Mr. George Dutican, formerly diapo t 18 the Le dbu me that from a socla , as well as from a finaticial chang-ed Jor L . r .re eor- I r I M '. 1832.1 a vi im 0 consump- sed f hi fine farm, on ry in Ba .ding the past mc�iith a t& t W ff a suecoss. The proceedr- - at the people of Goderich he4rd on All those indebted! to Us, k' call! and ; urchased a rEsidence i1i W n 1.4, rop with ber. comin, -Miss Ida Ad 1h nted to $10 . � � i0f any for- V SEAFORTH. row th . - I ind�y o this t6wn. He wag line, ba3 .�rie, after 8per rid point, I .1. - a I v, and had been ill for so a mmths. held - ' ' 'on �. I -a— - , Tuead y that Ira �ewis, The ve ,,ttle at once, as we must hav U n t He and willi reside there -when he Is vealthe .1 teran and ,? nu r acco nts 4ii i E )vl7or�h League meeting will be ams' �an- I " m firat will bA__ patriarch of the Oohrt Hour.e, bad auc!cumb- , ,,h ,� son:& mc�nnis, a about 21 years of age. JBefore ,jeaving farm� �revious to that, however, he in- ' r I r before February ist. 19034' � Seaforth. ! ! I . . d4y night next on ac--ount ot - the so ial I f - . � ! 1812-1 1 ere he,was employed with 1Mr. dds an auotio 1EXeter. t0ty. � \ e.d to an illness which attacked him orily on I ohn Do tends ha Ing n sale on ilie �, 9bb of T4eaday night. -Mins Magpie MoDo ald � . . � 'ETING -�-The arntia�. _ .- some yeara.-Misa MoAan, of Helena, 8 ha�8 returned to the village after vititin at . � Friday of last week. - On the last named I _ANxu,1L MI. I weeting f I i this monl�h when he will dispose of h' ' 0 � DEATH.—The �eath of r JAmles Bonthroa,, ' Co I I of the sharebolderb Gf th6 Seaforth Tuv� Club will ,ntans, and Mrs. Flah�d , of Port Hur- Et, oil Go - NEW TERM day he was at his office &a muai 1P y Dek an i1plements, Mr. MoIntosh h I 4 I , but nor be hell at Dick's Hotel, on Afouday, Febtuary 12hd, I f I as her ho�le in Srtaff%. which occurred !at the recideripe ol his 11 . . I I .� I . feeling well at noon was driven ho 'a and -1c,in elevown ii, are visiting their aisiteri Mrk Burke. -' some ver superior stock, erspecially n eat- i I � � As � 1903, at 8 o'cloc th g. -hr. �BRODERICH, �i, i I - daughter, Mrs, Ri H. Collins, on Friday -tfl Secretary. . - r .. ,ls3r@-. Archibald & Cud'm6ee al ipped Is and ,hose desiring to ge ' � . From January 5th in all. did not come out on Saturday. On - priday I _ . I' - %_.:� 18*�2 two t i b much bhc�jld : last, rdmovea one �of the oldeab settlers in , I I I 0 80. i I 1. his symptoms became alarming 'an r Drs. Allr my accounts' ar now e . rloads of fine horses� 6 Ma:iitoba, on make it al point to attend his � sale Cluselhurst. I I I I dy. ' Calliand I I this part of the county. Mr. Bonthron wag . � an � . � � t re summone , but settle before Februar) 18i at th r aplo;, Le f e, P fe 90TES -Miss Jennie Hagith and Misp 89 years and 5 mo the old, and up to a few r i ' r - ! despite their skill and the most unrel�ittin ­ .---" ­'_�_­_ r '­ ­­ _ � � ia' tov a on Tues- Mr. Richard Barrie, on the Huron R ad. Li a Hi3ka, ofICeDtralia, are visiting IV is3 day's before his de ith enjoyed a remarkable - � I Seaforth. P. DiLTA. � I A 51 or thi House of Refuge, wa� ' * ri � Departments of the Taylor and Turnbull we r e : ms: _tf deaday.-Mr. Robert i4re6ch, � ianager of Jo4D. FI nery has purchased th r 51A : _UNTLLT LOST,--4Loab on Satu (lay It is a good farm of 75 acres and' Mr. F an- . - care, the patient continued to gr' g gGA ci ay. Himself and Mr. John Toi ance were' I � ow 'eaker I � I I Brims Kinsman. -Mr. John Deeber and aegree of health � �or one of his years. He- . I afteruoon ),Let on h1arketistreet, 8 &forth, bet cen , . I use at, t . Central Business College, his advanced age telling against him in the E ere looking for a horse t y 0 lie nery is to be congratulated on hil pruch se. At -. Ge rge CampbAl of the Babyoln line, � � Louiva and Main �streets, �a � I was a native of Swtlund, but had lived in -1 C_ I" 1436nk s alettg gaur bIet, Ittfuge. Mr. French' 4d, been sufferi WEDDING Bnirms.-A very prettv w d. Hi�y, were guesta of Mr G. r Pubrin %-- this-o"T%tv +I'A ]--I- #4_ 9 -L-1 11U_ I TOROtTO, struggle, and stirorbl� after noon on oadav The fludox will obl:f,j b .;" ;11 A rr 11 - rig . i J 5 -9 XPOI ITOR f cc in an acute attack of .. . . . ; .7 6 � & L4,vx " %J a � � - I hfLart failure terminated hie earthly areer. office. . � i � 183. CIP stag ror Reveral dinR took place at. the residence (if Mr. Sa�urd y evening - and Sunday last.. For years I . � . I . -Mr. many c I -_ Write for The late Ira Lewis, M . A., B I I months, and at one ntage o I the disease he Thomas Davidson, on January 7th, wl en D nald McKinnon, of Manitoba, son of N -Jr. store at Rodgervi e. then a busy villa, on I general catalogu'e. Ou , 0, L., as for ---------- i I ill . . . let " Back to the farni " will interest 43 years Crown At4orney cd Huron�. and t ought it was al' P Zh 1111, but we are his eldest daughter, Mine Maggio 1, . The 25 �, far- PRES)MnRY O.�,-HU'� . I - W., , inci D paid McKinnon, of this place, accom ' the London Road, but of late he hat been I I Ao,,�.-T e Presbytery Fleased ab he43 ; v. of the in t'popular young ladies of , . mere soxis Especially. A postal will bring Clerk of the Peace d66 1875. Fe w to oee th a u no nearly reco 0 pani- I . e- in of Huron raet in Goderich on January 20,,b. ered.-The memblers of Br6anni% Masonic i he ed I bytbr000f1iischildren,is spending the reEiding with his daughter in Exeter. He early datte, ." f I ' his paren " it. Address the Huron District were better kn t -Th a n Mr. Larkin app,,inted Moderator for � township,lwas United in marriage t3 I Ir. winter with ta. It, is 19 years ,was a Presbyt rian in religion and a staunch -_ lined- We ' Mr. Lewis, and none more highly estil - i Eodge hav6 i,3sued invi�atcna far an ". at Calvin A. Hillen, a prc . . I he - e W. H. :AW, Principal. Berned the ensuing 8 months. Ellerd . � . sperous Younglarmer. rema left, these parta and no doubt iie Libefal in -polities Thefuneral took place h xmo," in their lodge rooms, on t lie evening I the 10L, concession. The ceremony -Was � iy changes during that time.- r. on Monday to Rodgerville cemetery, where � Yonge and GerrArd sta., To ded. Altho x 00"T's 0 _ � Ube& , agree to , 0. or more kindly regar' ughin. iiis sions were oallIed for, and thq . - . :'en Tep . I ,-� roll for ,the o' February ,405.-Mi8s LottU Brodie, performs atsix o'clock, by Rev' P. MuF. Th mas Pybus, of Manitou, Manitoba, is' his wife was slrea� 1, � 1686-52 , , . � I I ex. d vighter of Mr. Obarles 'Brodie I 6 a ting friends in - 14P - impaired, and was aR alert an& I dang z , '2! Lo 83rd year, he retained all his fao It , un- year made up.! Session recoid-a were y buried. t , u ies I ! _ aoti,Ve 0 e gra% in he presence of about 1�6 guei to. vi � -%a amined and attenfed. It was agrobd to Ask o 1�ly ill with i i ' r. , this vicinity. Mr.Py us I. 0. 0. F. -On -Tuesday evening, 13th ,�, blood poisoning. - William While the w6dding march 'was being Ma3 ad ha been in the weat upwards --- of ten yearn inst.,DistrietDapity Grand Maste' �: � � i mcsb men in their sixties. At the last Gen- the Assembly's �augurnentati:)a com - tee ]Le 0 r Gib- * eral Sessions he attended the whole � court � rh ill' Dakota, cousin of Dr. . H. Rose, by Mrs. & Miller, of Staffi, th 0 3n- an speake very highly of the Prairie Pro- son, of Lucan, paii .;n official -visit to Exit* - oys, -V . ' hill town, is in th I 1 4 ' for supplement's'l aa folloM : For Grand . I - a bri - � I (". �i present tered the room, leaning on the vin ,- 11 fbiDg -friends. -Man agai [ M arm c f lier i�eg We are much pleased to learn tl at ter lodge, No. 67�, Inxlapen3ent Or4r- of --- . Band and Corbett, $100 ; for Leebarn and el ougall. of father, and took her place under � bei utiful M . � 6ggie Drover, who has been serious] Oddfellows, and i#etalled the officers for . - himself, and the bu:alnoes of his offices was 8 ia vio'u'ty I The Canadian, Bank always conducted with the utmost prompt- Union church, $100, It was also decide,"i. v i 7 � ! � neso and regularity. ' e skating rink, -has armngO fo[ the ficat arch. Ttiei bride was ta ' � t The late . ewis apply for $50 foe each of the cho,rga3 I stefully gowmA in illf iie slowly improving. We are alaosor the term. N , nd ma-cluera .. I ry He 1vaq -accompanied by Brotber was a one time achoM mat of g de c&rnival i of 1ke season, white org4ndie, trimmed with lace ai id in- to learn of the illness of Mr. il. Carter, of Lucan, *he avainted in the core- . -91% I � . , e and life, long Varna and Blake,tRnd 11�yfielcl I ye w ich will be held on Friday eve tng next, Be r, c th, ,ng the initation c N OMMERCE. and Bethap Walter 8h . . I � � and begin his !visit the 3C t h inst.: A liberal list 6f prizts is offared, was attended by her sister, Miss Mand, Vy ho CYSTER SUPPER -The anniversary ser. waslexemplified, atid the viefting brothers- -- _U ; I _____�_ friend of Sir Oliver Mowat, the p esent and Mr. Sawers Was appointed to rtion. and carried white carnations. She linglaw, and hope for. a speedy.recov ry. mony. During 0 e. ea. Lieut, Or vernor of 0 1 atario, I ,7 t� I 7 HEAD OFFICE, former charge, an'd Mr. MeLEnna4 the lat- a'r d a good time may be expe( ad. -The was drossed in *hite and blue, and carried vicosof he Chis-31hurs . - - �- - TORONTO. legal stuadies in the office of the then 1�rem- ter, for the purp�Re -Of inducina t Methodist churih were loud in their,1'raiseef the manner in ; I .- - i - . . . . � . win,,.and afterwards studied make such an increase in the, rilin* t ) . � a] d I . I /_ ier, Robert Bald ,., thcrn� to batil vi ill be a', the riak �h6 (Fift ay) even. pink carnaiions. The groom was supl orted were he d on Sunday and Monday last which the wo.rk we s put :on.' The-,,officars : capital tpaj is r a inpr,-Th - i I I P $ 8,000,000." law w th Hume Blake. In 1859 he WE a ap- stipends as will ra�se them to the minim M, 3 e'first meeting of t�e 11: w pounty by his brother Albert. T e' roo '8 g if t to to e,ay t lat they were a success is but a id Installed were Ks fo, low -a : J. P. 0�., J. G, - . I ' - - - ' A U -7 Vto the Senato: of Toronto cc uncil wi.11 behold in Go the bride v�as a beautiful p ar ill . MI '. Davis - V, G , d. I . ,P) r Pointe' Univarsity including the su ri I in'and )o the expHseion. Despite the heavy snow fa I �a Stanbury - N G., Reserve Fimd. -,I $ 2 rp 11to be asked from the 11s. Prich on, Tuesday - 1 7 1 9 ; E I I : ,500,000. by Sir B dmund He�aO, and. the same year sambly cominittei�. R�v. Mr. McKenzie, of nelkb.-Ra,v. Mr. Wallivin iis praaching a brideaniaici a handsome brooc . ftei con- Suniday, two fairly large congregations als, Dignan ; W , J. Hind; R. S., W. ,Johns; , � � �_ -A � I was appointed Crow' ab rt s�rips of three serrnons ot 11 Man. gratulation's were over, - nests a -to k ae � A gregate Resources n Attohney for Huron Ronan, China, beibg prbsent, w , As .. 41ed to liaten to two moet elo neat _44 F. S., A. E Fak e ; � treasurer, W. H. Trott ;: � I- . -, 9 A. Macdonald. I aq invited to ho I d." Next Sunday eveniho, th ) subject of am excellent wadding su' P . . rown, I e ; R. 8,, A� Evans ,** I I . - ­ er, and tb 3 i e- upli �tin� sermons by R3v. Mr chaplain, R, N. R+ 11 . I � and Bruce by the I to Right Hon. Sir John sit and deliberate� The following mot on wi be " Manhood, How Attaink d." -,51r. 'mainder of the evening was oat pleas u3i ly Mit �hell. Tfie music on Sunday was fur:t- L. S. N. G, Geor Jewell ; S. � . 7 over $72000,000 � G . � - - ) H�,Nvas married in 1849 to was unanimously passed, with regard to 1�ihe an Mrs. Peter Daley spent oJew days la,st spent in music, games, etc. The, weddi ig ishe I by the home choir, ably asBiated I �y and Rendle ; J. G., J. Jewell ; R, S. V. L, . I __L . S., .Makin H o n. G. A. C P ' 'dent. Mies Jullm Dwight, �ai monaber of one of the I presew. ecudition of tho tempirance ques- wa k . G �� � . I visiting their daughter, Mi, 3. Samuel p�esents were numerous and bandeorne the 'ollo wing members of the Hensall Atut i. E. - J. Spackmaxi ; L. 8, V. G., ,Nelson .� I _' bistoric families, of New Haven, Conn, and Lion : " Inasmuch an the Pre3bytery, in a Cu mor - � . 13, E. Walker, 0&nerrrl' Manager. . t;be very few old re idents left will ' ,e, of Usborne. -.Mr. J Chad an Sand t wishes of a large ch-cle of frie a odis i ohoir, Mr. and Al iis Stoneman, Mi is TaMor. - - - _ ___L � ra0a,ll former resolution, urgad, upon the people to � e , "' 0 -1. . � his sbar:e,i of the' h%rdships of the v)-yage suppol Act aubmittedi on P.3. erd; of Huron Col(t-ge, Loii0o'n, occupied g,�e,li�,ri th� young couple to t 6eir new h o e. Andie Wren, and Mr. Thos. Kelly �dand - * NOTES. -Rev. R. 4. M� Perkins, M. A- I ice, wbil I th( pulpit,in St. Thorrias' churc of . - London, EnglInd, Off' a on his way WOodericli with his bride t the Liquor I I THE I � cember 4th last, it would no ,iji, du�lvig the I h, On Sun T ivkTsHip OFFICERS. --Tho fi at mus c was very nibich appreciat', I ( In Lindsay, tho,newl, rector of Trivitt -Me I F I on ay evening an oyster supp _V - - - w'- n rd da, absence of the rector. -The in of 1 the MoKillop council: for ti ,is Mon . -0 and ho. w pub ol recci . J t � 60 LOMBARD StREET, E. C. , well both ivere treated by the late its pleasure at the very lar Lting er was ser, - morial church, will t-ar uponbia duties cu 1; I Mr. an A -Ira. R%tteOury, of'C ' i o��rch of I:Englandi in Canida hai sent out y r was hold atChristoplibrIWhite'a, teEd. ed it, the basement - n I L . L � I . li&ov, then favor of the Aot. I The Pres vote I I of th& ahurch' and �o February 13t.-Joaf. h Davis bat ret-uMed, - ' . . . %ey I e r y i . c`58 t 1 i n an eal for $75,000 for' �he F rpose of be y, on Monday, thq 12,,h iln"t. I _. I I known as Rattenbu Y's Cornere. � He died I the � z . ; , ' I SEAFORTH � BRAN CH. , opinion thait the IGovern eat 3 Zr � All' t is tab!( a groarling with othef ta,ity eatabi a from Gravenburst,:rqueh improved in bealtk- I � _ � ! harness, as he att O'Neirs � I - , ' ' era were prcsont, and after the net al upwards of 300 people sat, and jud ing from r,umpd hi positiou fa 01-NaiPs : I end6d to big , m il DOW juEbi- ch extin ion in the NorthwE it. Rev. rnbmb' ' in Ohl 'M I fied in ,re -in trod uoing a offic, . on p � the week prqceding� hia death. 0 all . nd )or �ting the L. N. Tucker, of Vancouver! has been a - foi;mal pro6eedings,the a . 9 - .and has re . - I � . . I - A gerteral Banking, 9 4 1� p . alaries for the ei r. the I iau er in which they ook was in Stratford this . I the deceased, gen0q' T u h Act, and at any rilo thi lation be poi4ted 6 ,look after this fund, an I is just re�t year were fixed an follows : Clerk,$2(0; tain] 7 at joyed thelmselves an& many wb) 114 . ============. business train- I . I . 40 i6tsuch I gis � part r- Bank. -J. A. Stews, I nacted. man attended to his enacted as wPl cl)8e the bar, a d do a in - noi� making a tourtbe Ise' I week, on bug' ess.".Mr2. 0'Neil. of Lucan, - dutie,q to .the last, e had been failin for with the tre4ingy I . Veral diooesae. treasurer, $80 ; assessor,$80 , colleotor,18ft here ofo,eJ houghb oysters a dish not palat- has been visitinc, herl son. B, S. UNAL - - � will Farmors' and Grailers' Notes'dis- some weeks, and th �ailuro was par system ;, and meanwh He I meet the clergy oi the d �auery of au�lit6rs, $$ each. � . . t�' �lar- thlit license cAimissioner . Williams Evan's was' &p. able von b away with changed ideas. The young men of !town entertai counted, ancl specia sittention iven ly noticeable t - a b urged Hu on at Olinton, on Tae3ciay, , February pointed maseseor, Obarlea Dodds, I After . ned their .... � M . collset:w satia �yin 3, the inner mani all repaired to the friends to a akating1party on Wedneadi.- . . � ... 9 o the Qourt House 0 oiaIL4 materially ' reduce the um�erl 3rd, a meeti 31 11 my _11 � to the collection of Sale Notes, etc. When told of his ap:hareat loss of ng -having been 'calls I by the a Adam Dickson and John Aannon, audiforit in, which was filled to evening, with an o ' .. I � SAVINGS tA N -K. Stre g6h, licenses. ,And 4he Presby ery I � I 11 __ udi- . ?verflowing. yvlex Pupper afterwxrdir. �� I - . . r I he merely smiled, and continued � ho�es R I D an for that purposo.-A r, James to I anley, John MeElroyji d A I I ent programme of music and aR. -R. S, Lang was at!Ne*bury last wesic, ca - - - big I at all ,the � friends of tempe'ra cc u'a "' � i a. : Daniel M n exce . I Interast allow d * deposits of $1 which till the last he'did without the aid of will give sue carleful c nalderati n G. oMichael shipped a 6u�le-de 3k o*ar of Be rnard O'Connell were appointed mem, be, a - dresses Ilas given. Addresses were deliv+ businerss.-Mr. and Ors. A, Young, of Be*- ' I . - I* st ts credited to spectacles. 'i, �� and vpwards nter: Hia hearing w � I the Davies Co., Toronto, on Alonday. of ,he Board of Health, and S. J. Shanno ed by the Revs. Miller, Martin, Han - melF . . , � " also good',' and to tile m%tLer as wid secure the ull banefib to n I � n n forth, attended the f�neral­,Df` the late JA tb, and very few, men 0 AH .. accounts on the 31si of May and the his stop that of a yod �-�FjJoh O'Keefe, shipped good- load of sat itary inspector. Accounts for vario ,,, ato I lill 7,ard i The music of the even Bonthron, on Mond � -Mrs. Spicer,of EX -e- , - ki� 30th of November i each year � reach the age of th of the vote and make for the � urther ad. oat As to Toronto, on the iate do y I , g ay, , - . . a 11ate Mr. Lewis 1with vanoement of ttia cause." M ' .-Mrs. - pu -poses wem passed to the amount was f ainlshed'by the Beaforth Choral Co - ter South, whose death has been looked for . . - , � � of I . 0 _ - f0rudshed.. ' faculbies and bodily 1�trength so little � -he annual Wr I. Kers'lake, of Cromarty, i,s vis ting her 81' utation waited on the co I - Pany, wl coo fame has already travelled f4r Jor some months, pas ed away on Mo I The Bank has 81 branches Extending through im- report of the Prelb terfal Women's Foreign � .12 88. A d ep upt- . Afaultoba North,6 ,pairs . � 0 asking � to have wire: fence I a erected on wide n - - . ,Ontario, Quebec, "t' ' d His memor' I y q5 son Mr. Wrn. Keralake.-Th: Maccabees of oil and and needs no fulther sound �o * Pik I -vest Territorlei, . . like his sight and ear- Missionary Spdiety was Bubmitt( - at the age of 76 yeark.-Mr, and MT#. . . . British Columbia, �, �, d, showi ig thit town Iniend having an- 6 in m,,eting in side road 10 and- 11. - � � Yukon 1�latrict, 3faritime, pro. . ing, was untmpaire&�� His long occup�_,bion . P Councillors, Murray spreal it . - The music was of a high order Knight pleasxntiv entertained a largo mural : I I vinces and the United States. � af the office of Count� Attorney and 91erk gratifying increases in both -cc ntributions the r ball, on Wednesday a*! citing i ext, at 8 anti Smith were instructed to have � the rilil an� wa well rendered by the exeeller't ber of friends . on Thursday ev�niag pf / ­ QREJ. G. E.1 PARKE of the Pei i 06 . - , I P knOwn to most of the following U voice . We are only sorry that w last week.-Weltmu Tayldr, of Seattl ' - _q, Manager. %ce made bi� and membership, a; 0. was ('igp3sed of by , o'ol)ok. Progressive ouchrib @6nd other fen es ! long said road laid. down during the � F. 110LU citor, of Hurcip. in town hi mbt�on : 1 The Preabytery e do not I �� 01 - � - Ir -t � . ESTED, Soli the residents amusements will take p 0 attention of winteriseason. The clerk was also instrue-b- havethe opportunity of listening to ,such Washington Territo . , is home at preseut� lc-*. A If a %Mable I hereby express their big1h appreciation �f the guests of th a - �, � � - I r, 162A good day " will be. missed, and the a ev ning. , r. Alex. Old- ed )Y the eouncil,st the request of th rjL4- talented i inging a little more frequently. on a visit -M uis B_ tbron is recoveriiii; � - I � * , - . I - , i plost J the melf denial arid ork �f the members rf ban, of London, ape Is 0 hing in tthe moral tone f., -from her recent illne o.' . . � I . I , I � . I . � . � I I , ­ �� here with his pa) ers,.to communicate with Mr. i Himlo� There -was not � � I , 1 i I i � � i . - : i I I '! � I . . � � I . 1- I . I : .1 I . I � ­ � � . � ! � i I - . i I . i I � I- I . 1 : - I . ; , � i I � . I - I � I . � I I . � I I I � - � I - � i .1 -7 1 . . . i I � I . :: . - i , _� �� __ � It i . I - I . - ; . I . . � 4 - . I t : - � . � � I - . I . � , � , f _1� - - — - - - - � , - ,:� I k , . I . 1. I V I I