HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-23, Page 7� I i . . 1, . . t I t . . _­ " -----I,-, . I I I I � . I % � - ­­ - L._ - � . I , 1_1 I _ I I I ! I ­ I i � - I � 4 - � -_ I - � .... .... � � I . . � I - I . 11 ;1 I - - ! ,I I I � ' 7� 1 , - ­..� jANUARY, '23, 1903 Q L 14-314 1903 - . - : I I I - ­ - I - _1 ­ "� I I .. 6MOMM � -:1 _.. . - - I - � 7 71 .. . �_ - I I . - - � .1 - - -11 - . I Jolvz� . I 111111 . 0 .41 , .- - - I � I �_ , - - - - 9 b. ; , . __ %3 - � . .. 1 I . I I ., . . T 11 ts 4 __ -1 i . I .. - � --- - I—, - ----. � t-1111, � . I � i I Ayer's Hair Vigor - . TABLE. - ' 1 . It is elegant for , - � ,_ TIME . � and for keep � ing the I . . . . . . . 11 I I I e -rand T. -rink * way . in- at the ends.,,�__ . I Tnang leave seaforth and � ton uh�ione at � ft - 1� v: "der, Grantfork, -11. �. � X A ,. __ __ . - 4wwt: SAM14TH. ozemon. __ � - - tw W18-_ "I'll, p �__ L� rilmlgar-... - _ 12.40 t. U. 12.65 r. x. , I passamer..'. - .. 10.18 P. U. 10.27 P. M. litting splits � - -A� �4= 9.20 A. X. 10.16 A. M. I Oil t. In_ - : 191M - 6.16 P M. 7.05 P. - I iftedT ...... � If the hair- � I'-- 40014 E-"?-- o . done on your I .� _. ID803evsSr'.. .. ..". 7.69 A. M. 7.88 - � I . _ gIDr-- - - - 8.11 P. M. 2.55 P. �L loses friends ' - .- I 49'dTiii11--- �:.. ----.* 4-40 P" 'A 4.15 P. . . � every hair of . �� - pfamerston and Kincardine. . s a friend. .. "I , . "Gom G, NORTIr. Pass. - Mixed. - Mixed I � I _�, . pAb3iersjoa.. � ..... 7.30 P.M. 12.20 p.m 8.45 a.m. -T I NigGr in � I 12ir : .� Mal.- .. .- ­... 801 1.07 9Ao 1 ..... _. - 'Brussels'. _ - - - - - 4 8.17 IAO 10-00 � . t %, I vuevale..". . 'I prevent tihm -_ I .- F 27 1.80 10,20 i _� I � %ugham.. .:.... 8.38 1.85 10,30 e spyting I Qo1X% Somn. pass. Mixed. pa". "I it will Ste 11 63 a.m 19 a.m. 3,05 P, _P i t. I �� Wingbam.. .. ­ 4* 6 I In - jBinevale.... _ .. .. 7.9z 'U.1-1 8.13 I :. All drvTS!zl_&, __ � I C 'O.00 326 . � �els. . .. .... .. 7�18 3"~ - � , - . Bruse ........ 7.28 10.15 3.35 - I � Ethel. .... - 11, ,C--Unot suRply 3XM, : . Palmerston. ­__ &20 1.80 4.20 ., andwo,will express 7 ____-*­ - . are and. 7 -re, the name --- . . London, Ruron and Bruce. PM�a�7& a. Address, . I'Llt CO, -Lowell, xjss� : I We NORT-q- , pasaonfrar. � � 0, q "' i OAM .. 111 London, depAd.-­---- 8.16 A.M. i.60 11.X ii� _ "I'll . centrAlia.....- ___... 9.19 - 5.66 - .� Exeter.-.......- .. a. so 6.07 , �Owla­ of Rob, Hitt, th 9., 11 i � I 110mall-­.....­.­ � 9.44 6.18 I I I Ulationa Committee irk ... �. Kipp"n.- .... � ........ .. i 9.60 6.26 � . B�rudofield__ ........... 91.68 6.83 � , a couple gob away the � 1� fj1jnton_ _ - _. �� _ ....... �10.16 6.55 nd the h ' .ead eiDger won . . � Londeaboro - - - .. - .. 0-80 7.12 1 1 - ;to.as 7.20 : . . _sw_ - - - - - - .. - - - - - � some of the Northern - - � W -a grave-_ _­­.. - 50 7-83 re the, tQwn-people tell . � viigbam. Arrlve.... - .. 40 7.56 , � SOUTH -0- rw3en-m le, from by watchinR �� � 9076 - ri, c I I I � , 1 6.60 A. hf. 8. 10 F. if � by observing how W - Wingham, deparl... - .. - te itself in 0, - I Hel�paye__ I ... .. _... 7.01 8.23 . . wagon. Elyth.._........._.. 7.14 8-36 'hem by the Way they . I 7.22 3.45 . naask for geods. I � I CUnton___._... � .. - -7.17 4.16 1 t Brucefield ... _.. _ _... 1 &06 &.40 a to h&-ve some trifling "I'll, ...... loppen. . ...... � ..... .. :9.16 4.50 � - �8.22 4.65 ile the 'Man or.woman, ITenssn-... - _. ­:... .. - ! �" Characteristic gives I . ffXeter._._._._ .. _ �, 8, r.6 5.10 . �8.46 6,20 I ad they are dazea to, 11 CoAttait&­. ..-....-- � . er aay, It W � L�ondon, (arrive)- _.... - '9.45 A. m. 6.20 � , ell, how is, I'll, . I � � 11 these days?"�-Chicago- . i � --- I i I � - -a— I'll � ... I Wisdom. z Beautifu I lowers � . "I . nPsOea wife Is atill the ..... I edd ?"' 11 Gh. no ; not I - What mark of respeot can there :)3 given to a living - nd greiter than bt e present%tion, of 'ed.Y31 i - or departed tric livefl-were. Wh-ti.3more refiniag for the family � considering the way a - t&blo? What wIll malge us think 4ud mro the great . x1realf, a man has very �, works ot the Cre,xt-,tr unoze cl,arlyj th%u the beautiful ia if she deceives him i � ,Rose and Carnation? Wesupply . � i - I 1119- I �- -DT L t W.UID_ L TO -S U emotionCl bachelor 7 A. I � only overhear a newly - . I SC)0T_3M�rf_-W.S :, � �to her dearest frienj - I I I . "I'll AS CrG'3969, 1k . husband. . I Taneral DeAgns, such I nchora, Wreath3, Uiia Fassanfeather m 11 Hearts, Pdl-3wa, Gates Aji-, in fact all ' - to-daf e, emblems that eannot be isurpassed by any again."' He-" Didu'� dty establfshment. and prioes mach lon. Full line . I married, , She-" -She I i -of lettering also done. Youcomeanseemmp:esbe- . I I ,a talking of -*t-ag �, It lore ordering. Give us a trial for your Christmas I 1. I gain.- . � � I -:1 - Flowexa. Please send order in early so tba.6 they then miss, get irk I -1 �may be kept foryou. Mail ordero promptly filled. pto traia is about to .. 11 TEE MITGHELL XUBSERY CO.. _t4 But 1 want to give � 1826-13 � 7 I Mitchell, Ont, I ; "i - , L uard-111 Get in! Geb .. � I . t for you?' - I I . - . � ,(;Xanes. Glasgow man . _. R BE 4 � I I 1 7 - STOCK F01 I�VIOB. tistrate and his wife. - :1 _4 11110,. Bailie, how-" � - PIG BREEDERS. -The und I braigned will keep � reeaht, weeeht, man. , . - 10 on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. . S., Tackezeratth, Nin, incog.." �_ P, thoroughbred TA31WORTH Piq, also a thorough- . MUY Went to preach in . - bredY(jRxsn=,Pio. A limited iRumber of sows v411 � - bo admitted to each. ;Terms, 81,!r-Nyable at the time 11 , - of service, or 01,.60 If charged. �A.1619 GEMITIL I hn. - " YOEL Must do . - � . lr"Voice UP isir," said 1608-62 , Oar church ib very I 11 � . IG FOIt SERVICE. -The und raigned will keep loatio effeata !'-' - . P on Lot 20, ConCe30iOn- 11, H bbert, a Thofough- (Yid woman: at the milk � � bred Yorlwhire -boar to whi2 he will admit a - �9, " hoo, is it that the i _. I �ws. Terml­$l at the tilre of - . limited number of so I I � szervice. JOHN ELGIE, Chitelhurst, Out. 1777141 gger measure thaii.. you, . - I � .. - __ , �3Y kenuir," that," re- IG FOR SERVICE. -The u - on � . __ I Idersigned. has " Ye kea he iiat has, F Lot28,ConcefS1cn 11, MCWHOP, a thorough- iae.l � . bred Yorkshire Boar, to which hi will admit a limit- , � ed number of sows. Terme--760, pays,b'c at the lWaa wont to be very I rivilcke ol returning If time of ser,V lee, with the p I I Old, hypo-chond*aeal necessary-. HUGH T. GRIEVE. � 1782-tf , iv-iou he was stopped I- i -4 . I I the village and thus, I tead Rex, 40797, IDULL FOR SERVICE.-HomelB r. if ye iiat pit yer, ear " the pure bred. Angus bull. vill stand for service - aic a. ajagie.," �on Lot 10, Concession 2, MuKillop, for the yr,ar km%al-" Ma mitl-ees 1M,-Terms­1,,1.2fi for each on w, to be paid Ji5- . I ,-uary after servic,-. If not so pail 26a per cow will . ,,,r morning aboob the I be added. JAMES MoINTOS11 & SONS. IS30xi r- . "" Milkman -1z" Oh. 11 . � ilid it; dee o-' ?" Small 2 � �ter in the haid, after , . , . � v -our m- " Collapne �� I -ulk.- I I - � I � r, I I - � - . ':' I e'laim the release of .1 I ,ad of idioey. He, is 11 - I � ' ,t reep9lasible for auy� ... IT one., - yy Judge-" He 2 1�4i ' to me." Prisoner - : I � . _. � honor, look at the 11 I -d.1-1 ? . . I � Opinions af Lead ing'Physicians. i �ChY town ?" interr�g_ . � I have used Strong's Pilekone �u inte.nal and ex- - r, i ' Healthy aia�t no,, : ternal piles, and find them moft s,ktikifactory than . the native. "Why,L - any other 8uppositcry on the ma,;Tk#jt. G. H. Wlfj- ien );I . 'SON, M. D., Lon Ion. � .1 -ts, ia the 1�ospltal. . Why ' th �e doctor, the Price, $1.00. For sale by drugiists, or by mail,_ on rxecelph of price. I � - a one in.%n. They , . ,nb t . W. T. STRONG, Manufacturintr Chemist, Lender,, � ion. " � -Ontario. I 1796w52 1 1 � � � ll�i : I � . I I i I Yy .- - � I T - - ! R NEURALGIA. Ine MoKillop Kiitual Fire I — �­ 9? -a Uompany. I - Inal rance, , � Testmaony of � � - I o Failed With I FAR.11',i AND isoLxrED T0WIN � . PROPERTY GNL1Y �INSURED I linary Medical I tio'ns. � I'll OPIMM2. �' . � - , I - J. B. McLean, President, Klpppn P. 0. ; Thomae . Fracer, vice�presidant I Brucefleld P. 0. ; Thomas E. sm a,nd a general ' �7 Hayo, Seoy-Treaa. Seatortli P. O.. - - � . reimlb. directly from ; DIMUM110RA. � - Will:an) Chemey Seaforth; Jo�n G. GrIleve, Win. . famished nervou& - - ihro - George Date, goaforth,� John Banneweis, . o. . _. I �: -ood ; � - DubFin; James Evans, Boech%j John Watt, - !1nd quickly corrects .f. Ilarlook ; Thomas Fraae:, U Erncqfleid; John B. Me , lleiz�,g a true nerve .. I Le", Kippon, ; j amee Co nolly,1 Clinton. I ----- I AOUNT? ; � . nilds up the nervous � . RoIA, Smith. IlArlock; F. Rin2hley, Seaforth ; I r � . S it. While Paine& I � ,jamea Gumming Egn-tondv 0; J. W. Yeo, 110huea � - rking a,t the root of 11 I ville P. q.; Georgo. Murdie and John 0. Morrison � I L� . waditorr I . tre,i), bra-ing and i : Partleik deAzou% tu il,Eec; n1lurfmce'l or it2mv , -a-Aneim vrStl. W ;,tl &�iAndad to az ened and irritated � cot obhe. b � Y . I . � � � tpPlicailon to a; -Y allitats a Iff-'Ef'ra. ILddrewed- 14 I blood, neuralgi&, � � �� I heir rozlpeut-,vi�t Uell oiy!nk.� T are expelled forever __ a I ; i Phelps' wonderful I i I � I heaf�h and happi- - - -% 1W -r In �& � �Iomea ; j,t is what I z W ­ __ . IM I MlV I reeeut tr&ublaa , jb � . Im � . "; f C AWNIT UPsE, - and stronty. Mr. T � . i � ,-a, Que.,writes as. T --ANID-1 , - I 1 4 . ttaeks of neuralgia. �� .. hLff 14 a I Ing worse, an - I . 'n"a DE ARUNCs I at -H d I r - U RT 'K . help, and took all - � - � �� — I I gatao at last tha6t I . . � I saw an adver- -Good Quality, Fair Prices, Cour- I �y U.,mpoland, and I - L � e� and it cured me ", � teons Treatment and Straight I � W rest. an well as . � Dealing.: ,-. I w6uld not be , 11 ompound if I had - Furniture of all L-inds, Window .kttle for it.". . Shades, Curtain Poles, �i Pictures, Pic- , � � ture Frarti-s and Framili". Life. - . .0 : r thing than mak- - RepairiDg dane proipptly. SpQ-cial ,n has made a goo4 attention givea to rec�Nrerinrr upljol. I I . r> �� I � - p*or life. Somer Stered goods. - . L� ; I 1wea who ha,ve Upliol.,-tery coverings I and material. 0 1 �1,11 a scanty livinge. . Tow, moss and curled hair. N-8 -ore3mher,, who . . 1� I I Furniture packed elther at your ,1 forty pounds. a, I ';Zea of Germany, 110MO Or at my store. I . I arned hardly three i sit"gle year of his � - UNDERTA41NG lau have, ever had I � 'Lt -lin Lather. lb� � a Will receive special atte'Ation. N i,(,,h t . o �nsider how we I ca , Ils answere4-at my re4idence in rear I a, living the mak- of Dainiaion Bank. I .?,�%- a a living as to. I , �7 enjoying a, liv- - " � T i � . de. i �. - Ira i , we have . ., - to make allo a - C 1_1 L -1 , ci Soul -this W to : IV. ]KNE # T_'Tp_j , , alling : j 7111ving the m ng I � i . � . j - � SUCCES,�Oit TO Jou-N- L*N-DSDOltorall, I t - . I I - . j DiQinf s4ap , .. eatant 1'. -7 - - honle. It dism- , SEAFOR'PH. . . 18P7 � I � 0 time. . 2M I . � - X I I . I _. - I - -1 - - I . ; ­ . ! , . � . � I ; . 3I __ � . � . - i j - . 11. . � � - - I � I � I . - I � I � I I � � - t, � - � - % . I - I - - I'll __ �� . ­ -_ I 3 I i - V_ �,. I . . � , - � I .- I . i - ,. I U 'r ./% . , I -, f41 . . � / k &' . .0 1\ � �� . . I � � . . i '0� F � I i . If I ,�-- , f - : ,.#I, ,.� I � - i , .. je . . ,j 41 I . I . -A-) , I i - (t A � , 1,tr , � , . %, � . - � � . - ' Does it not see�n more effective to bre'athe in a remed" to cure diselse , I of the breathing org' ,Pns than to tak�c 111e: r . emedy into the stom'ach? — Ir i __.=� -1-ft I - i � Establi,-hed ,t'Y79, � � . ; Cures While You Sleep i � I It cures because tbe air rendered strOn �1�y antiseptic is carried over the diseased spr- I face with every br(ath, giving prolorl4ed and constant treai ment. It, is invaIu- able to mothers ,vith small cbildr4ai ' ' I Is, a boort to asthmatics. � : -VOlt , - 1. Whooping Cough i I � I ronchitis I � I Croup Coughs I j I Catarrh, Cqlds Grippe and, Hay re, ror � I The Vaporiier and Lamp wbich should 4st a lifetime, to.gethcr wi h a bottle of Cresoic d(e, , $1.50. Extra supplies �f Cresolene 25 cents: Lud " �o cents. Write for dc;criptive booklet cont in. * - ing highest testimony -4 to its value, I ' I vA.Po:_cr,FS0L�-Z8 11; SOLD BY . �VERVYIREREZ. 9 DRUGGISTS � I 1 Vapo-Cre' olene Co. 11 x8o Fulton Street i x65Y Notre Dame ! . t I New York! I Af ontreal � I __ -------- Rucarnmen� A and, sold by 1. V. I laar ,uggieb, Seaforth. I . . . I __ __ - ...q. . .. OmIne- =� � I Some Things Worth Knowin i. 1 1 # -Cocoanub oil thio�ens a,ud darkens� the ; 11 rebrowa, 1 1 -Brittle nails are r'mcdied if alive �il ia P I � bbed into them. i li� . 11 -When oleaning b6ot,-, instead of adoing iter to the - blackini., mix.with cold �,�teZ iis produces a bi illia nt polish. I � - , -Do not wring the Shetland shavvl,"but uecza it gently in �be hand. Fold ti a I wl until nearly dlry� stretch it out " a W sC eat on the floor, and pin it int I ppe Ltil nearly dry.' I -A blissful rumor has been heard 'hat orb -ball dresses ara to be fashion �le. lie pleasure of' danoing �,would b6 hei; ,3hb- ad tenfold for bDth pier . 1 and girls if this i ere true. . I -Cold feet is a fertile cause of colds. 1, To - I medy this tendancy the feet must be lom- rts,bly shod with ea y foot geaz, inclJlilng iod socks, CDrk- soles, or' aoles out Olt of ,own paper, help to keep the feel cosy4,. , -Apples should be partaken of largely. hey are extremely u3ef � I as a f6od, ' 4 _ 11 - ying the saline constifnents which �.copai Le blood, and in many Oases the act �11 a ; illatle aperient. ; . i =When roAStiDg a cbi�ken in the 4'ven ,ast it in the usual way;until. it is ni�aely own, then turn it ba& � upward -and 14t it ,own and remain so tintill cooked. 10will i found that the j uic� of � the chicken ions � to the breast and Imakes it mois't "and i � ffluious. � Z� -When a bowl of n1ashed potatoes i0eft I rer, . try making mm�s o ' f them for sub?er -breakfast. Add a i little hob milk, �and . -maeh the potatoes, 4dd,: a little more 61t, ien flour enough to! mould the mixture .to flat eskea. Toast! them slowly so they ill not bum, and Ftatlhot with butter. 1 . ; I a—, L i � Fnmistakable -Signs of Cata�rh- If you have a ringin 7 izx: the ears, rop- . .ng in the throat, b d bremth, head4ohe, ,orning wetWOknect, ba t4te in the mbuth -then We catarrb. . 9� Catarrhozon(I In- 1 Aer four times dai yl arlA erradicate-4bis i wful disease from yo, r ;,system. CaWrrh- 1 ' ' ,,,one kills the ger 9, beals the infi�med Lembran.ee, clr:ars noal , - throat and air�pae_ 4gea by one appii tion. I uiokly remedies the fc%d noises and aaaf- � ase,prevents droppitg,,4nd is warrahLe-I ) absolutely cure 1�11 iforms of Catarrh, �ronohit,is, Asthma, � ian4 Lung Troubles. , I .wb months' treatm, nt loosts $1.00 ; ,trial �ze, 25.,., to Drugg stal! or N. 0. Poison i ; Cc,, Kingston, Ono r16 I * . . I br. Hamilton's Pit I 0! ure H6adacb t�', �, I � ! ip I ; - I � Too Gen6rous. � I I . I- What was the t�ou le betweEla ,�Ara- ' , allu. and b�r young! m4n,-that they �gave I p the idea of mairyiAg ?1' asked a f0imer I j esident of Buahby. ;, �� �, ,I % A 11 Arabella was hl�vavq techy," said,� the � oung lady's aunt, x4t4 I impersonal olm. i , .e8s, " and that wagi thei trouble -that' and ,� 1 er being so literal , 1 It I's a urrible reeky ombination o' qualit es. 1 1 I , I " 11 They kept havin�., hi,tches all along$ but ome Chriatmas tim�. ' Iterb asked,,', her ight up and down V�ha� abe -wante , for I . 3ar of making the Wrong choice, andi ehe id. . . ai I You can giv0'rne enougb candy to I 11 rpy slipper, looking at him real coy., - 11 Well her feet aren't " small as E . i , orne, . . ut that wasn't his ille `tiws becaus he'tj I eaerous, and, not liqeral� He sent .�er rk .ve-pound box, poor, dpluded critteri and " he up and broke th�l enkagement ; an�o his .ttle sister ate the:ca�dy-and'enjoyed it, by � _ : � � rhat I Lear." � I I . � ;0— Wa I �jted- � � We would like to 6k, through tba!�' Col- . I imns of your paper, 1,if there is'. any porson vho has used G reen'bAugust Flower for the . ,ure of Indigestion, � Dyspepsia and Ypiver . Proubles that has not" been cured -and we . kl,,�o mean their rcsuj�s, such as sour qt,om- ,ch, farmenttition of itood, habitual cootive , less, nervous dysp� � aia, es, I des. -p � )ondent feelincra, sle6plessness,-in f " , r, acti- any .� rouble connected with thestomach or liver? "his medicine has b6en sold for many years a all civilivod couutr�es,! 1 and we wis4 to 7 iorrespond with you ond i send you, 04' a 0 , f mr books free of cost,' �,f you never iried � � �uguat Flower, try one I bottle first. ,''We Lave never known of its failing. �f so, om,etbing more serious ia the matter iwith I , � 1,ou. Ask your olde4t dl�uggiat, I I I Gi G. GRET,",,-, Woodbury, N, I. � _4' I . I . � . � i He K"new -W)ao�He Meant, A young probationer was called at'one ime to the extreme n6rth of Scotlaod to � )reach a trial discOurse. After seroon, Rured b- the fine a enery, he took a �hort valk, in tile courtie OT`� which he met 04e of � he elders of the conj:�re ti B i . ga ion. olng ��Xi. �Rs to ingratiate hizbself, he stopped.1 and milingly remarked �that lie was enjqing nuoh his walk amid the ac�nery of -th§,old- ' I �rsnativeplace. "Ay,"was-therejoi4der, . , , but you see ta pee��es he�e does nd�, ap- �. ,)rove of walking pn't�Lord',,g day." 11 Why," eplied the olericj; " 11arn. sure we havb the rery highest authority for 4alking o* the I )abbath." 11 Yes, I know 'who yoa *rhieau, kud I was thinking no more of him for #oinp i, I t neither." �. I I --------..J* . , Care of ,the Eyes. . An ocullat points 6ub a t,imple but Var3 wmmou error that w�rks a steady ij %e eye. Persons writing at a desk or.,qork � , ; i 1: . : - . � i 11 i ,� i I � ; � 1! . I ,� � . i I 7 . I I I I i I : - - - __ - - - � J . r i , , . ;i . _. . i � � - 1 � L . . Z � � . I . i I . � ; : i � ii i 1 I � - i � __ . - � -1 - - . - - . . - � - .1 . . - ­ I -1 - : I I - . I � I I . I . i I ; I � -_ . ; � i . . i i ; I I I - '! . I � . i . I � � : . '' I I I . - � I I URON 'EXPOSIT0,R6 . . . � I � . I .1 __ i TOE I . I � - I - jj___ , __ , . 7 � . -_ - -- . . � I . . . I I I I 1. I I - - . I F� I 1� 7 1 1 � . _ � � � H : I i . ! � i - ..--- . - I in �y a window I ho use the ni w) nana,� n 0 ledge t Kidney Pi is cured bub alao have reached an age . surpassed . I . - � - f I - � sei y I - AU - SALES. o � hoc so the Girl -with Brothers. CTION I uld be careful b at the light Is upon! me. I only t wo of his prdeoessors, who excee led 93 ; 4 -- - ' their work frondi he lelt flide a.ffidently. re the Idneys with Dodd'o Kidney mrs, SLAgatho and St. Gregory, The I Ou will be wise. young man, if you d�. ARM FOR'SALN! 13Y PU-SLID AUCV0,X._ direot to re Th girl who gro th plenty of brot FThors -will he cffe,ed 1.)r tale by public suctioa move ny ObAnce of castiug a Pills and your Rheumatism Will oure itself. Pope is almost a vegetarian. His as] ly wrl UP Wi �_ -erelal hoUl. Seafoitb,on Saturday, Fob- , . � i3hadow on the W) k by the mo ement of __ I ers as a great advantage in knowing and at tha Com ' - , - breakfast consists of a or.p of chocolat or df ruary7th,1903, at,lx'clock P.M. bhirp,the foi- . l . I un erzta iding men when she arrives at the hand. A wo�n m sewing will c f.tea ae4t Speedy Oure for Cr%mps . eafe au laib, the milk being -furnish d by ; __ - lowing valuable fe m, p,,operty, viz. .. Lot Wo. I herself by the wi4� ow or lamp in a ich a way � I � some goets presented to 'the Pope o Uke I ye rn of lisoretion. the 4th concession ol t ae township of Reging 24 ou � ana Colic. cle I . a . 'p, con. . . 6 f hat �a more important, such a girl 8 taining it 0 acree. Th 9 farm in In excellent coull- , that the rhadaw 6f her haud falls constant. T4 moEt', reliable cure for 0 100 000aaiozk of his jubilee. Two o'clock is t I i Inu, 11n - tion, having been all s�eded to Rose for some y(An � , upon the point in�4ar work at which she i � I T 8, dinner hone, when the Pope partake of a � �h more companionable to a man. f Past. There is on the I propeyty_4 large brirk h use e Dysekery, sind Summer Cc P1110) is ten . n .yogng men exej 10 asiug the needi�.: A left-hand d ' perRon m I bouillon and b6 couple of 6ggs'cook d ; rciee any thought wh containing 11 rooms, b1slidea hitehon, pantry wAah- " - * 01hould be equall om t he other d f P I u's Nerviline in A 1i tile sweet. I he sing their sweethearts they cannot 0 house, summer hitchop and woodshed. There is ' � � careful fr rops'" 0 Nerviline remo . Bordea�ax wire The Pope rarely tak in c i also a large frame barn Ux4s and a frame stable 2ax . Ride. The Same !!!!! thority says t"b the eLd ra,ter.so ve 3 the pain meaf, but, is very fond * of salad -a di h ' bet er thm select a girl w-th'brothers. � 60 besides.& range of cAttle shf0s. The farm is well I wearing of plain �l 0 0 ot es is aitrain on aud distiesalab onceo insures pr(ml-b relief, which doea not agree with him, b t a ' , iris who sometimes 'feel that brothell4s watered, therebefug ll�axd ,and soft waterat the, . i' and i a spe�dy oure in every case, Nervi. . are troutlesome animale should pause a Sui 1 houseand anever laiOng vie!lat the baLiri vita bhe el0t. Pare� a with weak- �yewlg4t I which he indulges now and then, nog wit x- � - I ii� . I ,Alndmill. T od bearing orelmird of,cholee . � be �e line 9 an ' excellent remedy I or all pain, t a re I!here is a, � juiekly feel this s� -&in and should - a anding medical orders. Supper is served ,�embar th&t they, too, were created fo fruit trees and seven res of Exc(Ilent hardwood , lieved fromit- A )lain black surfalae offers .whetb r internal or external, and should be, at ten, a,ft?r which His Holiness retire3,. a n eful purpese, like all other animals. bush. The farm !a wt -I It wed -a-ad unde,dralned ; . . . " I - in eve y hodsehold.' All druggiatB sell and , he gi .1 who haa lacked brothers in her , fto focus to the ey'n and therefore tires lit and is sftu-6d two mil m from the town ofSeaforth � . . �. i recom end �erviliue. Price 2=n. often working until the early hours ia t �e r very "I 'ured cloth, hbugh ib . � morning, ' ear] life does nub get used to that untranl- and one mile from achl,o) j%nd church, r4asesuion, I � i . 0 , - i � � � ' given on Apri , 1 16t. T, ms. -Ten p t, f pur- may be a I black, si preferable. ii l � I mel ad -at titule toward men which is seeand , er cen c � : I 11 1 —0 chase money an day of Bale, baunce to suit pur. . I I i-- - � !I � nat I ia -_ 1: - I A Pink Candle. : .. An Ob tinate Case of Ebzepla. re w th the girls who are brought up chaser M 5 per cent. *r annuill. if satisf&cterfly ; i � . . b � . a h. usehi dd of boyer. . - , � ' Indeed, tomboyism, FeGured. JAMES LOCRII&RTj proprietor THOS_ - Nervous,i Sleepless and A decoryi but urgent crew of women Mr W. D. J bnson, T118onburg,Ont., writes tI Lat big i I I . - I aco rdinE to a good authority, is in a yourify BROWN, suctimer. I � I&M-3 L � .was ga here round a eoupt r where decor- I i - �. - � � I father was en [rely cured of a long standing mad ob- !O I 111�:hausted. a girl perhips the be8t education wbich she - . � z � - ated c ridl ' where on s%le %b reduced ofinate case of Ecz�ma by the use of Dr. Chase's ' UOTION SALE 0 PJAZU STOCK AND 11(- " Xot.dok enough' o lay up, but you a -a 43 can in the days of her girlhood. )ut of sorts, bloo I priecs, when a piercing voice frDmj the edge Ointiment. Tits leg and foot were a mass of sores AL - omas rown hae rece- " Ived --- : d45 weak,nerVes unstrun z, .. that refused to heel, ard he suffered terribly from T ere is a give and take attitude in a gi I instructions from Mr. 'n. McIntosh to s -11 by ub. i of the rowd, made known a wish. . the itchlw a d otinziag. Though he used a gre it I p - -I u , Ileauction oaU-t 38,concapianii, MeRM - Adneys deranged vitality is, low, Y' #(I ant a pink oandle !" came t a plaint. niany remedi 8 and � was treata,l by first,classdoctors who has. others, something 'more, than a Op, on � I - Thdraday, January 20LI. at 12 o'clock noon, the fol� � . 1hould take For zone at once, it w 11 , , L no permaneni relief was obtained until he us,d Dr. possible comradship, and the certain know . e Pr_0_PrZrLft I- - . . I I ha a to catch a train, Can'j ou show lowing valuabi I- * 1 spun working hordea, I - m � wrich, at-rengthent ud purify t10 blool, 0hase'abintment. :�: ledg that because a man pays her some at* and 6 -" - , L nvigorate and padi y the nerves, and ia- me a pi3k candle ?" I - I . . . years c4l, I wfs "I Polly rj6;jj,_ 2 7 &rs old, i I : tention I I thoiougbbred Durha h-Aftr with calf at foot, I , I -0 t does not follow that he meana a lirease your energ , vitality an([ L At flest the saleswoman paid r o heed., : . . I �L power marflage or has 11 serious intentionso" to th'rbughbred Durham lull 2 ye,%ra -013. 7 coWs in � - but. as the demand was repeat5 again and __ Look Pleasant. _� Lifts& thoroughbred bull,3 helfera lucalf �Uoa I Ferroz)lae will p( tite a . usethe words which old faahioned o q I again, f be finally r:aid.: . � - Cr3 thoroughbrel bull, I fa row cow, I fat belfer, eU 11 . - ligestion,,ma a v aleeo sound13 -in fact ,, ,j . so on - We cannot of course, all be hands3me, dpp] F under such conditions. - The girl, on stf ers risl g 2 3 ears old,! 4 heifers rising 2,yeara old, - � , - I _ so I can I will look, madam. I r I "I will maka you we , Try Farrom is Pri a And it's hard for us all ta be good, the )ther band, who has not had brothers, 11 colve6, 6 Leicerter e.*3, 9 store hogs, 1 Maxwell , � , 50i per box, or 6 oxes for $2.50, 4 drug- think tile pink candles are all gose." I We are sure now and then to be lonely- trandates any civiliby as having an ulterior binder, I Massey-uqrrij mower, I Maxwell steel I " Ob ,'� wailed the woman on thi edge of Arid we don't always do as -we should. ' .- � . . rake, I secd drill 1 lum cr wagon nearly new, one, .. list's or N. 0. 41son & Co., K*ugaton, the mot ve, especially if bhe is - nob quite so rl I 0 . I crowd, 11 are you sure ? I d0la 7 want P. To be patient is not always easy, pair trucks, I Democrat iwagon, 1, road cart, I buy � - I - -.I ng PI) 6, arg plo We, Sal I I �nta'r'lo. � i To be cheerful is touch harder still, : you g as she used to br, and hopea to b! at harrows, �, � I ! wbiLe Ono. I want a pink candl ." I . . , rack, 2 ,� ,W, s! I I disc irro , � turnip 4n1j, 'r bttb : - i . � But at-jeast we can always be pleasant, t ,j . I 1 2 ps-fil . - - I q 0 — married, Eor we know hovv of an " e . � I " Caii'b you find ma'a pink Candle? - I If we make up our minds that we will. " ' 8:e:ghs, 1 , new ; 1 12�,Y, magcet cream separator,- I �; Satan� to Blame. � : i is fa -',her to the thought. Then anxious . : , I have to catch a train," came- t�7o l:ninute's . ; � . � I I set scales, 2,C00 poundi, I fanning mill. I land rel- ., . cc L; � And it pays every time to be kindly, ' 'I that the an should not see that she b%3 ler, I Coleman crushe-, I pu)per, 4 quanti�ty cf ,ceday �1 � ighting knooked the churc i steeplg fatei frorn the voice, which was now !nearer Although you feel wcrridd and blue; � any uch idea, she at once endeavors to hide posts, a lie of lu her, 'X set barneEs, 800' bushels of I r . , lown.', someone s��d to brother I ickey. the o0oter., " Yqu don'b eeein to, have If you smile at the world and look cheerful oats, a qua , ty of mon,rolds an -,l s=3 bay, also - . I 11 Yes ; Satan'sl I eyes alway I . her, houj bt, - To do this she adopt �, a Lah fiFe anyl h, g, bub whi6 one,-." The world will sooa smile back at you. 8 an un'- forks, ch:ii 3 ard other articles too murnerous to i It . �: vhen ha seen a chu'v, , I I I �atural aftitudo, and, so far from conceal- � 11�1 , . -ch steeple gwir up." in a minute," said 'the aaleEw I i Bo try to brace up and ico-k pleasant, ' mention. Terms -All a s of �5 and under, ' citsh ; "I 11 And here'a a cp,;�J red brother killed an- OrO atl Y ' pTo matter how .jovv you are drown, I I ing . ier R �ea, she shows her hand. I over Ord annunt 10 B10 't��hs' ere will be given on .� . i I � )ther at c3mp mee .0 )) and at a'st by vlaua of two women volun- Clo_,j lium.or Is always contagioui, . 1. or a boy, nothing matters," yon are furnishing aVpr**vedj,!11I t inateu. A discount of4 1i , �ing. teering to wait until the insi i But yo.:3 Panieh your f. iends when you: f owl . cents on the doll.r will b � Allowed for cash op credit � I I 11 "Ves ; Satan A10 ter�maeoin' 'long w I ste f, (motomer I I almd,st certain to hear the expression in almounta. WX McIN7'O8Hk Noprietor; .TH03. � I id was s rveO, the appl . le reB' er dem . n luomet-inie � icaut for the, pink I _--W----Q--------�-- , I nearly every house yougoto. - With th BROWN, Auctioneer. i . 1831-2 i , - ) QUO 8 Ond).@ e4chod the oouiater. . I . . girl �.hild an et,erything matters. If a litt I i i - __ - ___ i ' oudeg;.11 � � . An Achiiig Back I . - .1i I I � � I 11 Y umouldn'b wish o.ue of theire white : I girl -18 going out to see a friend she has he . . � I " And a proachler was drownEd in t1T'e ones w I h the pink roses ?" mked the sales- Is the flmt Irdication of kidney disease, find s4oll$ '-, drau and her beat hat put on even - ab week.*" 7 , be taken as a, ignal of danger -a warnIng to ugle D' be- %'410 in Qa I - iver I& women . ' b %b - ,sh Free, 48 O�, . women raminaging in bar boxes. . . - -11 I Chase's Rldn -Liver Nis while yet theTe is ti e � 1-4 yea ; Sata4's in de 'water, too. . � '- jhe I piq begun to know that there ar - , #a . - 64 Is id I wished a pink oau'dil," came in avoid the dre fol paina and ceitain fatality of t 11 such thin Yo fn tt'l, world, as beat bats a . 1. . � , . � � �. -11 _. r cool off." I h many terr - a . .1j . I . I bleege ter go dar t� ; an IDia, ed tone. 11 I don't kno% h ibl d' '* There lis -no guess�work, n 5 ' ., � . - on Satan, do lu lutjz%u�. not eat I ate. ' Then h� eb � � " So you blame levorybhing perimentilair %,hcn you use this preacriptio ., t s i4 491d that I ; times I uee& to say it.-" . . . - . ­. .. I .. I I %rh ime, and be ame must eit like this, and alland Ud this, an - " 0 1 rou 9" t j it W ld thin one do ?" The sallsswoman brings relief in a �amarkabjy Eh�. t I a I � , I . � i 1 ofits combined action of liver and kidneys, uYE 5 do this tl at and, the other, and mii,ft!, b � � I z , las5pi'roduced a pink- candle, admewbat coinpllcated.(,4sea%vhlohoiniiotbe reached by any __ _� 11 Bless God", IV ��, a the reply, 11 ain'ti d�t at I - . r� vhat he'a' for ., --Avlarlta Constitu�� I il I sure to sp 3ak in such and finch -a way an, . I - I I ion. ' jamme at the lower end. ordinary treatment. I I i . � _1 � - ­ . 1� r � tr ! : � . �othto ape %k in such and sueb another way, i _. I I " Tha No, of course not I I I must . ! - a f . 1, 1. � i a i pokei to. All this, repeated �, MALT BR_jAVKiFALST 001) i have a pdrfect one." Ho' a Boy Became a . I . I - ��: ; W hroul h 16 are of growth, naturalIV . . I Ther was an int6rval, during w i ye z, - , , ; Gives For( _ i Commander.' makep the woman take on a different atti � '01 r. ' , Vil lality ! salesw(man was out of sight under the �. ,�: ! tude when she meets men, so that she at ill . _. i . . - and trZ�th, i countan When Eha rose again flup,hed bub There lived in a Scotch village a I - . � ) mo w . I triump liaot, she disclosed a packaga still in Jainie by name, who get hi3 . meta horioally, wears a new hat, starahed -1 _ I I 1; I I � heart on bein , . � , I � . � its wra)pings. It provcd' to be or-,ndle of a sailor. A's inother loved him very dearly, petti oats, and a prim demeanor when Bhz - . I I �, Malt Breakfalit I'Food, rich in m It, gluton 11 is fhr:)wn into soo�ty of the 11 lords of croa, t -1 0 1k, frash and unmarred it efid the thought of giving him up grieved q - 1� .nd phos Palo pi , . By way. I T � a , ; To be awarded at the PrIloyincial Winter tair 1903, . � . . phates st4nd to -day far b ve all 6 i -ad bion." I I �ther breakf I . I Th 3m, madam !" she said, wearily. her exceedingly, but ehe finally consen. . I for the best pair of !at cattle led with ast gr�in foods as a nourisher I Than, again, there is undoubtedly a sort I I :� ` or body and bnxi4. Many emine I t physl- " Pve f lund this one candle that had been A3 the boy lefb home she'8aid to him : of insincefity in the education of a girl. Worthington's Canadian Stock I MBAs �the positive a clara overlooKed. Twenty-five cent , 6118 . . 11 Wherev I or you are, Jamie, whethe Oil I . . , ti0n I She iE told that she must not be this, and TcYntc. hat it is the only �ood which trul f 11 , " Wait !" sail tho woman, imperatively.. sea or land, never forget to ackeowle ge toe t iat, if she wa I uta to " please, until � . I " " Of"' " I your God. Promise me that yotf, will kneel must Thesweepstake fateatl1le-at chicagoand Guelph ,d 06, -1 bbink ,I'd rather have a ivh to one, ,he plans of uatur�'. It is equally goo aft I now that I've seen bo :1. You down every night and morning and say you - in thr e it becomes second nature to her, an ,vibter fairs, 1902, wer6 fe4 with Wohmimwks roung children, aclultii, athleta anTInvalide. "r al,,� never can tell what you don't prayers. no matter whether the sailors IA 3g befor( she does anything she begUis t CANADIAN STOCK TON10. An ,evidence of the . . know O � 1) "all goodresul-Its farmer� an4leedera. would obtain ID � Vs 4elicioug ffivok has made it � f,%vorite . t ' n Amerl I . � . a - I . Want �4til you've" seen it. YeF, I'll take at you or not." - culatc what the result will be. - fee Rog a genuine stork tpod, not a can a I ,vith'tens of thous miirl) used N tie girl who is brought up With Horses look better, fe�d better� drive better And sell I ! � . ,eal foade, I , I leno7l Of better ,w-hea led with Wo1iTHlWG!roN,B Szom I other brands of,cel one of ?a white candles, and plemE hurry, "'Mother,: I -promise you I will," sail I " * I for I h ve to catch'a train." Jamie ; andi soo , a lie was on 6 ship bo lad P I brothers, some older and some TONIC. i - . Malt Breakfast Food is now wi0iin rea6h i Oung I an herself, will have a chunce to � . : �, . a— for India. i . y P i . - I 4 the humblest families. One package will . . DEAR SM,- : . - I 1 4 . � They had A good captain ;' and, as E ch-3rreic th defe6ts of her education. If she I � - m I � 1 7 0.5 a � � I , s ,ive twice meals As other 'foods can anse she will learn to %void these � , as ma MOTAER'S OA E. . of -the - Eilors were religious men, no ne , TONTIC for one year and have been fleeding it to -all � Hord, making iill he most. economical f9od ' . -_ I fauh � mystock. Found ittogf , ve good satisfaction, and � I I . I laughed at the boy when he knelb down t ' " I hat families can use. Your Gr car wi : 11 Ever mobher knows the conlitan) care a pray. � Shsi - t would advlse all fafmei� and Jeeders of stock � . . a will insensibly acquire a, pleasan I I -, 4� ecommend it. � ' I -to use it. . I � little a Id rcquires, and to the Foung and oomp#icla able xnanner with men, and th ; I � . ' But on thereturn voyage, Pome of hA' Yours faithfnlly . I I . 4 � . i a— I i I X'per . enced mother� who is caring for her sailors having run away, their places w n will know that they do' cot like stiff -self- _' I �? I 1. xOSES - I I . . I 1 4 Pictures'In the 11-ome. fifi'retai'Na ,, there is no other period in her coneclo'uB oung women. -WeeklyWelcome, December 29, 11902. . � &vopton P. 0� -I - , = ' supplied by others, one of whom proved t( i - I home amonc, the fir; � 1-0 lb. box, 200 f 0 1 When we enter at life mor trying. In the little ills that are be a ve�y bad fellow. When he ,saw li th I eed �, 50a ; 50 lb. ,saek, $2. 11 hings to attract ut attention aro the pic. certain a -come to all filfanta knd young Jamie kneeling down to say his prayers hl I T .E MOST NUTRITIOUS . 11 Manufactured by TA I E WORMINGTON . . � ""' "' , Guelph, ()at. - I . � . iureF,,- and from t em we canread the taRte children the mother specially the young went up to �bim, and, giving him a soula� 1 . � i � -or lack of ib -of the laay of 'Ll, a house, and inex erienced mother-acarce15 knows box on the 6-1r, said in a decided tone : . � or sale and guaranieed by. 14 or they give us th keynote, of h r charac- what to do. It is to meet, emergri acies of " None of that here, air I" E S's Cocoa 1 - F I I . . i HAMILTON & KEOSLAKE, Seaforth. If we flnct a� :oy ohromes pd chea� this kind, that,Baby's Own Tablets are offpr- Another seaman, who saw this, al - � ier. A g - - P tho 9 P . M41TLAND, Cii1ton. - f . ' dl paintings mad[4 11�y 11 lightaing artista�" ed 'others. Theze Tabl3ts are an be swore sometimee, was indignant that h . A a irable food, with all its na- . � . -1 W a to "I� m tura ve' tno � at onca t ELL refifiement lia-lacking bsolut,- -itire for all the minor siln ents of chil I qualities intact, fitted to W. J. LEVY, Mitcheill. ,I , A should be so cruelly -treated 'and t)l i I - . I � n that home. Pic mred should b� selected little on el, and should certainly be kepb in the bully to oo�pe up on deck and he wol 11 build up and maintaia robust � I _� , 1826-16 1 7 I - u - — � dways with an e i to the surro�anding in every he a where there are young children. give him a 'thrashing. The challenge wa h(alth, and to resist, winter's ex. I I � i : vhich they will be 1 laced, says the Wom- Sickness comes quickly -with Bab- . tr ame cold. Sold in quUter-pound I � ! y3a Own accepted, ano the well deserved beating 17 . X. .il a 1i . AUCTIONEERS. I = I ,U�s Rome ompani � n . If the house is very Tablets t hand the emergency is promptly duly bpatow0d. Both men returned to ;h ti 38, I ibelled JAMES EPPS &CO., . i 11 . � - �, arge and handao�ne� and money of no con- meti. M a. R. H. L -.Rue, Mounl�ai , Ont. ' cabin and t L mited, Homceopathic Chemists, �, t. I sweariug.man said : - HOMAS BROWN, IDA need Auctioneer for the �; � .�: ,ineratiov, then of 0ourse oil pa!ntings by says : I I I can reco L)ndon, England. TCountles of Huron a d Perth. orders left at . _.; I t i 1. - t.nmend B by's Own . "Now, Jamie, say your prayers, and 0 A. M. Campbell's impleme waremoms, Seaforth or I ;be beat artists are� pr9ferable. People of Tablets to all mothers who haN 6 oross or PL z I ; . he dare to touch you I will give him in� 9 TjaB Exrosinl% Office, wiTrecelve prom . AwnFfo;. - � noderate incomes who with taste�ul homes, delicate cibildren. I do not krow how I other dressing,." - I I - � I I � I � Satisfaction guaranteid ar'mp charge. 11708 -ti - -1 - I I I ! . - along without them." Tile Tab+ The next !night it came into the UU11 I . R hould choose water colors, engravings or could gel , S Cocoa - ". I � , - t- itchings if they ca� be afford ' rtiao 7 ruaranteed free from Opiates or P UCTIONEERING.-Bi S. � Z; I , 9 boy's mind tbab it was quite unnecessary fol I - Illips, Licensed i ; ,a " AAuctloneer for thd Goula os of Huron and ;;gned proofs are most desirla Is, but no harmful drugs, and, orushed-to G VIN 30R. * � powder,. him to creat ouch a disvurbance ia'the ship Perth. Being a practic4 Urlmei and thoroughly = )etter than gooi ca ies, with th exception may be Admistered with abeolute safety to a when it could easily be avoided if he we al( - 1 1819-26 . understanding the valu�of Ja stock and Imoe. 1�, � I I � — I ments, places me In a better positlon,& al' I . i )f the signature, wh, ch is supposed to add now bom babe. Sold by all di aggists, or only say hisiprayers ietly in his hammo 3k I --------If .0 r,8 Ize good 3 . I . � I i : ' u ,_ prices. Charges moderAU. Satisfaction guaranteed 1; ralue. - i sent by wail at 25 canto a box, 3y writing eo tliat nobo4 ould observe it. Bub jbi I octor thb Horses. or no pay. All orders lefl!at Ifeniall post office., or . a . i , 7 W . I I . 1 direct to Tile Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., moment that the frienily sailor saw Jamb Mrs. owasThompsioa.�Itcl%nd, Ma . at Lot �23,Concc ; I 6slon 2j !lay, Will be promptly - Coughs, colda, ho2k seness, and*o,ther throat n., writAs - - Brockville, Ont. get into the )aAmmock without first kneelinE -- My usbaud would not be witho . ttended to. � . r. ailments a ield relieved byl Cresolene - � ut Ha I 1709-tt I i -------r-* . gyard'ti, - i - ' " I ; ' . I i . down to praV, he hurried to the spot, and Yellow Oil in the house, as he uses it a good deal t I ' � . I tablets, ten cents per I ox. All druggists � for doctoring up the hones and considers it oplen-1 . I 11 I , Farm Laborers. . dr ng hirn. out by the neck, he said : . -"+* , "".. ,-4;-k.j�, � . � I Price 25c� 8 1 � did." &INDINNUE L I k algi � I The f4mers, especially in Oli Ontario, - neel ��wn ab once, air ! Do vou — ' IGN �'_' i.j1PICULA-1 ' . -n' .An8,.dotaj[. I I . I is 0 so � ..' - t. - C . have be n complaining much of r( ceii t years, tbink I am going to fighb for you, and Oil , Laxa Liver Pills are a positive cure for 8 ck "'t i4 T f!�_ . � I + I I Head !�4 ' - t When somebody once misi � terpreted and wif, good cause, of the- s 3aryity of farm not say You 1 130%1 ?' � ache, Biliou iness, 'Constipation. Dyspepsia, and a r- I I � � _ ' 9 E �-11?';;��110' I 'a a i This scarci ja Ofi stomach and liver complaints. The), neither gripe . . A rhamas B. Reid's refusal to t k a glass of laborers, ty is cause' largely by During t 3 whole voyage back to Lo � whiskey as an endeavor a, b1d the emij �ration of young men to th North- the aailor watched over the boy as if he aA weaken, nor 31oken. Price 26c at all dealers. - - � U f . I .0 � . ! I . % habiu, he remarked, - I, I hope �vou don't west. . "'hey can do so much better there, been his fat ior, and every nijht saw t ia I I i Neuralgia. a" i - think that I ever ue�ded two aid,;walk,Q on Jand is so cheap and so easiiy obtained, that he knelt do i vn and said his prayers. J& flis I r . - ; � � I It sn � " my way home." . I I a young man of steady and industrious 'Was industrl ous, and during big spare t me "I had been suffering about six inonthe w! I � Neuralgia, when I started taking Milb 11 i - i ' ' he studied 4is books. He learned all %b)u urn's Rho -7 . i � - - hahits, though with little capital, oan have t mati, Pills. They did me More good -than any medl. i � I ; I A writer in the��7*�w York �,,imes says a farm f hip own ina f6WY6&s and be ropes and irigging, and,- when he �ecama clue I ever ased. Mrs. Ann& Ryan, Band Polat,N. S, 0 * . � i - 00 I �, that when Mark Twain was a louna, and nearly a comfortably eitqated aE hii father old enough , iabout taking latitude and Imi- --------* 6 .6- - - * I . . � � q . i . � I i . Fl. 6 ' tude. P i All kinds Df Cou2be and Colds, Bronchitl � Btruggliog newapapb, in 'an LFran_ here af r a lifetime of toil. It ill not to be � . 8, Whoop. F � writer ; ing Cc h, Pains in the Chest, Whe"Ing, Hoarse� � _0 ::r I I- ; ,� cisco, a lady of his �cquaintancs !saw him wondero, t�(-rafore, that the yo int � melni_ go Some yers ago the latest steamer ever .�g � -+% I 0 P I � Bess. Sore I hroat, and Asthma, yield tq the Lung . �� - - i one day with a cig b " under I his 'arm, west. y woulJ be foolish if the, r did not built,loalledithe Great Eastern,;was launchel be.ilinK propertivB of rr. Wobd's, Norway Flne I i OX , . , -7 < , i 'al Ow, I I �Ir. Clem- do so. t,while this is to the advantaga on the ocean, and carried- the famous cc - looking in ab a shop! -wind ble Syrup.i Price 26c. � � i I. ! (D - I I V ens," she said, 11 I lways see y�u with a of the U:g men, the mover[ an - �nakes across the Atlantic. A.very reliable, ex- I .00 - V-* � I I 11 - . . t . ��Obuel . " = 11:::.� I - 4-- � " � cigar box under yook arm. I am afraid you ' carce and dear. in t a,'older perienced coptain was chosen for this - irr . I Sick With Worms. . ! i "'bor * . . � I P are smoking too m4oh." " It i4u% that," i-ection.-Ilyror which these younp, neli re- portant undprtaking ; and who should it be 1.0 =" 1 � - � . ' ' . Mrs.J. M%yo, South Stukely, P. Q., wrote th I I � � �� - said Mark ; " I'm moving again."" morre a erly $ear in such latge nt mb-are, and but little J4mi6 ? ,When the Great Haat or 3 followipg; " One of my children took sick wit (D I 11 I I I ned to( England after this succes3ful worms, an after trying everything without gettin (A I I . 1. . __ I just a ub as fast as they grow to young retur ,.+ aq . I . z i I , ' i � relief, we p,oaured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup whic I re to his people, Booker manh d. in order in some meisure to voyage Queon VLctoris bestowed upon hirl 1Y.1) � I � ted prom tty and t ffactual . 11 In a recent lectu . ac :0 51) -1 � � T. Wa3hington toldithem that th Ire is little supply the �acancies caused by the removal the honor of knighthood,. and the world z to � . �._ 0 � � .*G01. ONO 0- (D 1 � I or nothing to be obtained witholub work, of so any of our tc t1 a Nortb - knows him via Sir James Anders3n. I I After M ,� ".tLwi'h 11 the boya " There is no be I . � Usk - � zo I . young men _P) s . : 1 rem acttle the stomacil CD _.t. i , �� . I . adding : I I There vai an old neg'ro, profes- west, �he Oommi;�sioner of OrDwa Lands . I — I — . edy to �lear the head and . . � , _- - � . LE" w I � . than Milbu -a's gteffng Headache PowderB. Pric V . i o. . -7 ,ps whicli it is hoped - Another Daminion senator, in the per- 10c and 26c at all deal ere. 4 - (P i I I , sionally pious, 0 wanted a � luxurious for O a! �ario has taken at,. - _4. (D Chri4tmas dinne and wh,.), ln,�ghb after will, ir sorn� degree, ease'tbe hbo.- market . � U& =- � f � � i3ight, prayed to t a Lo � rd to sond I him a and m tke firm help in 'Old O� tat 10 m0ra soaofSona�orMoCallnm,ofDunville, died __ - - __ - - . � ,+. � tq I ;1 7 on Tuanda morning last. The senatp ... U) I turkey. , The dayu� 'passed, Chr�stm%s ap- pleatif il. For some years quite a number a - � 3 , � � a Oonserva iye. Thi3 makes another vacancy I � < : � proac e okd fellow unliertook to of far,� 14 id, arriving from the British B� to loan at 4j . I - had, and th b rare to fill and wi I increase the Grit majority to Mon farm Seoul - e. i - I f� ra in Old �fou I I I ty. App lent on Zood :io, * .. �O � compromise by asking the L9,4 to send Islas �va 6und places with faime f I 1� W JAB. erKILLORAN, Barrister. Bel - . r- ; him to a turkey. 'He got one ithat very Oatarib. These people, of course, are not as r � I forth . 1712-tf 'A's � I � - :;qnh'art received. a teleg'am . :3 - � : . il � I I - CD I night." � i valaa�waa our own experienoodme . They ' r-4- � ..- � � . � from the mayor of Milwaukee, a few � . . . �___ I - have much to Isarb, but ',knost ol them 'nave . 131 Thel ,Eell Telephone Company (D I � -- - � I ago, askingjif any hard coal �could be pur- i . CD . . I , A few years ago British offi,,e'r married provor, abxious to learn, not only the Wa a e ,ill I , hase ronto to relieve the suffaring I - < .. .. , . ' Y d in TO � of Canada. - . � 00 on� f - t a fortune, arid s ter discoverqd that he of bhe country, bu6 how U be moi t useful poor of tha cit . Coal is $23 a ton' th�.re, = - co . . . I on'Ein ' ) atario farm, and -;Aera p cop rly, used .y I , A new 'seue of the subscribers' directory, SZ 0 -1 . � had heart disease �nd� went on t4e retired and hard to get at that ptice. I I 9 . - list- His little aju is a very recocious and � iven a fair chance h,,ve p�oven . -During 'the season of 1902 tbe'r� ,v rer 6 for tl a district of Western Ontario, indu� - " - 0 0 1 1 � X: t I : . . youngatler, and w an asked the �bher day, -valualleland,pleaaant assistantE. lChe on- shipped froi along t -he Catiada A�,- Ing S)aforth Exchange, will be.issued earl 7 1�1 . .- by a stranger, " Jo-,ck, what -are �ou going * theiefor's, arran iber. Orders for new connection-, ; .' tario authorities are, . to 1 6 9�9 in Septien -3 :� I - I - 9`9 -L e n poin aling� 5 . _ Md Iril I lant, R%ilv�ay, §07 deer, tot (D CD � I to be when you grow up ?" he reolied with with �,hs Commissioner �of Edligi-akion in pounds of venison. ihis .'is the largest changes of address, changea of names., dupl . _% . I � R', � � , - . I L � grave de4iberation - 11 Well, 've been Euglaad, to secure a large number of fa . rm nnmber eviet sbipped in one seupin, and cate ntry of names, &c., should be ,placed � M I 11 � I 1, . . ; L I , - I I - . - thinking of that for some time, auid I thiuk laborers for this Province duripj� th a comlng shows hn idorease of 52 over 1901, when 115 at once t6 ensure their appearance. . = I = � 0- I I L' I I I . � ' . � � � I L that when I'm a m:.xn I'll get'hea, t disease season. 1n order to do this 6110coPefully, it In 1900, 346 were. abilli e, . nager. � , , I -- if were taken out. I. V. FEAR, Local Ma 03 1 4 a.)) ia necessary that the authorities be s.dvised 1� and go on the reti4ed list, just like, pap . , is estinaited that as many more e,e " z I i . L . i � of the probable number of farm hands that kined dur n the seaso I n by the . ped .8 —_ ) � X1 quious parson, who s6eks fees. will ba required to supply the derq4n*d for le' Usborhe and Hibbeft Farmer M CL W i 11 I k, , , 1. Ilers by pret( . along the � Ae. The �Domini6n Expre a re Insurance , I nj � from trave mlling to t�ake them the c)ming semou.. That this,' inffirmation. Mutual Fi P I ,: 191 . Company mports that there were �bijp(d CD _h I , , I f)r noblemen occasionally meets 'One who may be gor,, tho authoritie I s ha've a raDge by express *r0m points between Obtawa at d Comp�ny. CD 0 � % I tv, fe.ils to fall into hiE trap. ' An. Edglish gen- with the' secretaries of - the various ormers ) ' I I ­ _% tleman of somewhr, t imposing personal ap- Institutes to receive I this idfw ma i , on and and Matta a, .0th ice usive) an i the 9 elli- . h annual meeting of the Uaborne and . Hi). A 0 (D � -0 , t i . I iskaming b anch, 49 deer and 57 moo I go' The " c - pearance, had a dopr-,'opened for him at the transinit it to the officer in obarite. F4imere, s r naway took place in St. be ral mutual Fire insurance company will e aria opera - ous � a it ouvr I eur," or - I public hall, Farquhar, on Mond , e : � * , . . P * theraloro, who deiiire help of I kind for . I -0 j usher, who bowet n 11 The the coming season, would do well , ill, 19cs, at I o'clock P. M. Busill ,_ Marys on ' �ear'& morning, M . , Un. It r r1p M h t lie A scri ' held I the 1� I I ind edid : ew . ,.,y .d , :Y C , i I tP , "m; Carney, Noderieb who bad been vial 'ej"i. th. � directors', Secretary -Treasur , a ard door is open pri ce !" The Englishman municate with the I �' g 01 P -3 I . ecretary of I h3 Fiirmer, Gore of di r4f. 0 0 . . his uncle, W P. CLney�, �Ow al, 1, and lo�:, 'r; port,. Ele3ti.n of t9vo directors and tv o su it, glanced affably at him, and without extend- institate of thtdrsdiviEll)n giv ug �.im in- , id. the di.-cussion of other busIne3s In t e I � . ) 11 was driving into St.. Marys to churg'h ft = .41 11 the expected fee, simply said : " Thank formation as to the number t6, d Be -'- intem ts 01 the company. The retiring directors a c I sire, tho th is two cousins, the Missesl)a.-- j. BOB ry and Thos. Ryao,'who are elegible for ­ i I w - vice wi � . - ow � in 1 . . I you very much, viqcount." ; A kind of men they .want, and f" � t pur ney, o In Just as they app�oa(h( d ele-ticn. .&Ilmeuiberzararequeotedtotittend. = CD W I I —9 . : -poses, also as . -to wh(,;ther- they .ye a I Young tLe residenk�le of Mr. Wm. Martin .8 z � j. Essfty, rresident. ,-. j 7-^ W, S ENOU(IEI. : airied a if t ey I uld, if children I . enjosin I themgdVEB THOS. C�MERON, Secretary. 1881-3 = :3 I U1 . - L men or in men, an 0 . - i. h — . I I � — . 1! , ads, andthe horse, .a apiri ,- '(k Any S1 -m MONEY TO LOAN - I .. F's� i� wife. In cases wher� y ung men fright and ,nide a auddeh- race for ,�ibl t- r, . - . d 'r I ble, give employment to bol hj- a man a] I . ted col, , I � 0 SD N I i . . I an , @I*- < j I � 81 Led to learn far g, I L . � , . from � , i.< ! J. J. McDonald Cured by PoWs are dj e � -hain . ) a iquld be and struck ,vOith the conveyance up ; aga n,b $10(0 both private and compa 'y W CD 0 1 1 % . undefat6 ! t,hat t3o much sho I I Kidney Pilis, has- had no . , i)dt uk �not be one of the "legraph pol,11es, thr6wing:out ti �e funds, at .LOWEST currejLt %4D , I I I , , expec ad from such help, and I hof e!seeking rates of interest, and ea y C I . Return ef hi� Rheumatiw��a and them shoul 4 make up their ni . ndt �o treat occupants Of the rig, , The youpg ladius 0 terms of payment. App . -7 i - Dr6psy. � - i I � . were not ir j ured beyon4 a good P'halp.lag ' Y in 4 I I upt but the driver, Mr. Wm.CarneyL suffer- . i ; : I I thern as learners and be lenient w Lb�. th6ln, $7)000 to R. S. HAYS, the D i : . _4___ : i. � else t, a arrangemelab will not b�) sa)ipfactory L. 0 mihion auk Block, Seaforth. * ; I I - I i i i . ad a severc fracture of the left elbo . I - I . I - - � � to eit at party aad consideraWe liarm may I . 1831-13 *k = I .1 WINDSOR, 00t,, �anuary 19-(Sp�cial),,- I _ -The folowing will., were entere at the - __ ____ -- I I Thecase of John J. I McDonald, a well. known be d a., hose desiring help' -91' 14 a" WO Perth Surr � 0gate Court !during bacembe, - . - @E10ft CD I I . � - farmer, now 1* . I 3 Langlois � haVY' leior* ed, either of -the si de t nature For Probate-JohanDai Moriarty, Eili('e,* �Seaforth Saw and Stave W14- ON - CD �' . iviDg 1 0 �avenue, a I - 1 h6re, i g proof that Dodd's or tho mor experienced clasal . - 9 one more at Bin t in. �rder to widow, $2,472 personal 1 $400 real ;I JRe )b LOGS WANTED. i %A� 4 1 4 - - 1. � � . � I I I i I Kidney Pills -will n�ti only cure Rheumatism have 1eir auto supplied, should poulmnlai-, Wilker, South Easthope, gentlem$n, $5,- � ' � . . I R - R_ 113A and Dropsy, but th�vt they will d&e the cate N 71th t a secretary of ibleir I Varmers) i I ' ' 722.60 pe s1nal ; Sohn � Nagle, Blinshar , The uvd rsigned is Fr? jred to piy the highe it . '�_ I Ilia ' I xjr , , diseases clear out of the system a�d keep .institute &�a once, as there is 4 doubb but farmer, 61 ,855.58 PEr 3160b, real-; cash; rice for an ual mi quantity of, first -claw 7 .1 -W� - ; I �onal, 8,( . ,� them out. i I . 17 1 in thi 3 eection, at any. rate, the re will be a b M, Rock Elm. Basswood, Uaple,Btech, Ash, � , I I . I John Leon4ardt, Logan farmer,- $1,157.77 S'f i . - ' For. two yea very a3tiv6 demand, and it is an , Ily the Hemi k j Lnl Oak Logo, delivered at the, Setfor -1h - I rs r. McDonald Buffered . 1 personal ;,!'Richard James Selves, Pqllarton, saw U. d ftave Mill. Lo I h - . , � ,zo to be out an eve a , - D'evereux case I I ma�ters of this kind th t fi 7b app "- farmer, 82,,,875.35 personal, .66,OOP icill ; excep Sot k Elm. Soft Elm to be ant 11, 13 'eill .L6 I I , terribly with Rhou atiam'And Dropsy. His . In. ­ � i legs were swolica a d the pains he suffered canta are rsb and best serve& I ill -buy I I I � I I Thomas allautyne qrsy, .Dlorpin n, est. I . - � - - . I . ITIA I I I � 1 - I were moat acute. a used Dodd's )Kidney i I 0— i I farmer, $21 5 personaL',810,500 real ; Jo n U,0 Cords Basswood Heading Bolts, � 4LOKSMI 111 and -_ ; I I ; . � . I . � 8 ecial A,ttention i I . I I � - I i , ar n �r, 40 in es I Png, at SS -per cord delivered. � 'Suil CM, - AGE opp. - . ' Pills.and was cured � �The Popei's Lilb. ! ; Jacob Sala idt, Milver6pn, retired, I Will algo � 111 . That was five years Ago. Speaking1re- It I he� Pop" hould live I until . PiebrOary, $3,194 86 � perso 4; Jacoh 'FleiEphhe u ,r buy t! robe r by measurement or by bulk in bush. I 170 Wors"hoeing - I .a I NP031,41, attention paid to Custom $3wilag, and General Jobbing, . . i p a guaranteed. ,. I cently be says, 'I I have I had no r�tur�­of 1903, he' will enoet merely have raigned longer Nor1KEa4'hope,nf&rmer',, $2,715 p' r6911i ; eatlefact i MAKER rotme? - . . . the trouble up to the prealarlb, and I am not - tha,n a � other occupant of the Polabifioal Thomas Tucker, MoriiDgton, gentle' 111 01 . , - I � � A � . I UY . 1 � I . I . WILLIAM AIMENIT. , 'i : abuxioue for any. I ia with pleasure I ao ; i � I � Ntreet, U - � k- chair, e I pting Sb. Peter awl Pious, IX., $5,668.25.' . ,Goderlch , - . ­ . 1 UZI V * I . � i 1 1 1 ­ � I . - j . - . i . I . I i I I D - . i I � � . ; . - ! ; I i I j � I 1; I � 4 , I � , - ; I - , , I I - i . , � � i ; � i - . � - I I . i . I I . � I i . - I m - A : i I i I � 11 i . i - - I I � f � -7 � . .1 . I - � i � . � . - I , I I I � - ; � � I ; � . -A � . � � : . ! , - - f i I - � i , � * , - , . . I I I -1 . . A- i . , , , I i I : - 4 �,! .'o Y ' t ' , I , , , I Olt b I I b ,)I- __ (3 t lit; I i 3 I a If," I I i �I I 't - I do I c � I I ! I �� I a t �U e I I de I t , I r .a I � F c - �, ,v � I . _ . a ,4 � i I , . U , I IF, � � -1 , , ' 11 ' V e r I 4 Lj all ' ' "i th (' I . I i � I !�. - � i , . . � - . t I . I . I I : I , � � I . . 1 i - - I i I ; - .. I I � I I - � I . f � I . i t � I - I I . - � . . I I . I I I � � � . - . . . � I , . - I * � � I - , ;,. : ,I: . � . -_ - I I . ­_ I - . ,- ­_ ­ - . - _ I - � - � . li , � , I � I I I I , � I - - - ­ ____ ; I � I- 11 . � - � I � i _­ _ � � I I . . I ., I I -1 � - 7�1 : I � I I . - � 11-1 - I I ! -1 . � ; , : 4 ­ . . - _. , �_ - _ I - : I I . ;7 I I . I . . I . - - i . � � - � ; .. I I . : I I � I i I I -- I I � � II ! � : � � I I i ; I . i I ; . . I I i I � I ! i ; . � I I I � I � I I I � ; . I I i I �- I I � : I - i 7 � I I � � ; I . :� I , : f : . � I . . I I I I I I I I i � 1 : . � � � : : I - - __ -, I � ___ ­ - 1-1 � - -­ -1-1- 1�____ � ­­_ ,J ----,--]-�---�.--,i--�z-L--,,,;--I-i-"�-."�--.I-�,--�""-�..-,-- ---1 1i__--_ ­_.i -11.11. ''­­ 11, - ­ ­­­­ __- *]_­-.­­__ - ......... . -1._.1111-:1-L _._______ -.1--J-1- __ - - - - - .I--,-- , - - _ ..iA� 11