HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-23, Page 51903 STORE. "nde. on the market, npan.y's goods. The :d splendid wearing race for popularity.. lay), or " America " wr your money. The Jest ruble r fire in -date. n stock. or toed value. For .l 35c a pair, Misses' al 650 a pair, lien's <sb a pair; Children's. II to 2, for $1.90 ; orth t mous who fell ilI at the y, woe in such a tad to be remov- e at time of "v,:rit- eay a., could -be .expeet- Mr. 81m. McSpadden: !v Mitchell this week.-. e • returned from an -ea- ienda at Woodstock. - son oodstock.- son of Geo. }lender. -:n O nen ounc , where t couple of months .oma.. Ei e Alberta storms swept over this ry Piet week, causing I cordage and other s intend holding their solay evening of next it their hall in this `te .= hcne at present.- reeurned to St. Marys . C. Hawkins' is visiting ie. -The farmers of t.hia only the lose of the fiat= s place, which was en - fire a couple of weeks - et.aiaeci that the prop 11-.1z, will r-e1uild in the Adie Deake returned to :n Tees ay, afterspend- e home of Mr. and. Mrs. er III t : kine, teacher ab .dry at hie home here. ..t left. for Detroit last b&r ire . 7.R.Vit'Es. --- The anriver- .t•it.n :=i :tic Themes urch will be hcld on ,. and en the follow - the annual tea-meeting anniversary services of are alway �as lookyed. ;root deal .'.-h F "letkeurS:Aand :a exception,. 4 as the ser` Ell be of a particularly letrnetive nature, while -rtregetion will spare no '' cttday evening meeting .r they are concerned. l I bear in mind theae ser- : b"f ert. .z is thinning out rapidly of greatly reduced prices. favor more of " giving" s profit is a thin of an bargain tree offers you in Fur Coats, 0aperinee, ttlets, Caps, eto.. The E. tfr. 1832 1 lr. Walton Kierelake, of has the medal for rads- He delivered at Dab - era -year -aid sow„ which is. It was tate biggest in Dublin. Mr. Kers.- s neighborhood of $?b for h as could be got for; a a of . this kind ought to iimmemumeaszot toms, FATHERS. THERS. — The cotmcflr eurrean year, nntnely, eeve, and Messrs. Code, `ackaert, councillors,; met y statute and formally o Clark was reappointed If $130 ; Jahn Watson r.snr at $70 ; M. Bieck Fero appointed auditors gorge Hood was appoint- € board of health, to act Laidlaw and Johnston appeintted Medical ne clerk was instructed to f the Muci ipal World eat -lei -there. The sum of c t ed. for supplies to Jas. ie in charge of Cauneillor sawing a number of ac- adj• urned to meet again ory. cher, barrister at law,• dieters of meningitis, at on laniary 7tli. i>uirnher of years prae- . ha,, having s` udied his ed, with Mr. J. Iding- ,st number of years he alonth. ay uick SeiI ng. worth 12.t.c to 15c, :trtl. go. on Bale for -e 5c a yard weirth leading styles. e, .worth $I.2 3 : they ds to ga at 1 cent i g Sale. qqyy r u©ea 00, 1 R ....LA2=2.22, 1:903 Weak arorses Made strong -strong in -their buying powev-strong enough anyway to bay beauty, comfort 'and durability m all classes of good Furs. Come and see what that word " Bargaia meana here, The E. Mond Co., Seaforth. 1832-1 CONCERT, -Messrs. George Walker and Wm. Ashmore will, give a gramaphone con. cert Dixon's hall, on Thursday evening next, whieh- ahead draw a good crowd. The gramaphone is an excellent one, render- ang the different eeleations taith more than tordinarydprecision and diatinetneen This is novel entertainment for this plaoe, and with the long and *wind programme, elon- gating of songs barta seleetiona, mandolin soloe, the clash'an roar of the battle field, etc., will give a bi night's amusement. SUDDEN DEAT Out residents were greatly attacked and sorely grieved on Tues. day, when it was learned that one of our townsinere, tho cram. of Mr. John Wynn, had passed audde ly away ehertly before 1100n. Deceased, while not enjoying the -best of health of I te, had been around as usual. Tuesda.y caning he seemed a little worse and a phys cian was called in, when it was found that he was M the last stages hough not thinking the of heart disease, end woe so near. r. Wynn, who waa in hie 70th yean bad been a reeident of Brus- sels for over 40 ye re and sat at the council board for quite a n mbor of terms. He was a Conservative in elitias and honorable and upright in all his ealings. Deceased had followed the occu &don of carriage braider awned only rent ed from businese about a. year ago. He leaves, bsaieles hire. Wynn, ono daughter, hire F. J. &beak, of Toron- to, wad one son, bert W., of Detroit, to mourn the lees of a devoted huaband and father. The fune al took ellace on Thure- day afternoon. and was concluded by Rev. T. Wesley Cozens. NOTES -Proper y is still on the move in town. This week John Hewitt disposed. of his house and lot, n Turnberry street, to I. C. Richards for th stun of $825, Mr, Rich- ards will gat posse don iu Apeil and it is his irttention to remo el it and meke an up-to- date dwelling. e hope this' does not mean that Mr, Hewitt s ill leave our town, as he has also dieposed of his house and lot, on John street, reeen ly purchafted from George Olver, to Thome Tines, of Grey. The price received ia said t be $560 -The assembly held in the hall, n Tuesday night, was a success in every particular. About 130 gueste were preae t. Musie was furnished by the London ha ern -Miss Lizzie Carter, of Constance, is e joying a visit here this week with Miss Dora Shaw and other frieada.-Tony Sa pie is home from Sault Ste. Marie for a e ort visit. -The Farmers' Institute meeting held here on Wednesday of this week drew large and ienoes. NOTES, -0. Eaglestrome, of Toronto, the well known piano tuner. spent several days hero last week.- iss Kate Hazlewood has returned from a v sit with relatives in Clif. ford„ -W. Fronts shipped a car load of hoga and one of We from this station on Monday. -Mr. a d Mrs. Baxter returned to their home in °Heine on Monday, hav- mether, Mrs. A. Lulu Hemp- hill is at present Visiting friends in Hensel'. -A number from! here attended the as- sembly given in B uase/s Teeeday evening. pulpit of the piscopal church Sunday afternoon, in the abeence of the reator, Rev. E. D. HaI .-Auetin Morrison has gone to Peterbore where he has seeured a situation. -A hoc ay team from here goes to Kincardine on Weduceday, to play a team of that town.-hlre. Stokes, of Klein - burg, is the gueat (Adler daughter, Mrs. 3. a few weeks with her brother near Zurtoh. -Mines M. Tayl r awl B. McDanald, of - Grey, were gum of the latter's dieter, 1 GATHERINGe.-Laet Friday evetairg, the directors of the tiiiie library held a meet. kg at the librar at which the fellowing officers, for the year 1903, were eleeted : President, Mr. Ferry Holmes ; treasurer, Jackson ; book committee, Messrs. A. Elder, Dr. Lindatty and A. Robinson. It is the intention of the alptcere to boom the library this year, by adding the latest books as they come out, and. they ho'pe by these-, this size ought tO have- double the read in it thet it hos. Coneidering that t membership is lonly 50 cents per annum, nearly every fair ilv in Blyth end vioinity ought to belong. -Mr. John Cummings, a respected citizen f Hullett, and well known here, who was st icken ssitth paralysis on New Years Day, passed aviny Iast Thurs- day and was b ried on Monday. Being a very stormy d y, a great many friends who wouldhave I ked to attended the funer- al, were unable to do so.-Asaietant In- spector Hooper, f the Bank of Hamilton, accompanied by Messrs. Knex, Doyle, Rat- tetaleury and Aar re of the . bank etaff at anniversary servi es, held in St. Andrew's church last Sun ay and Monday, were a semen in ever way. Although tt was etormy, there w a e. large attendance at both services, to he;.o: Rev. J. S. Hardie, of Liatowel, preach two splendid sermons. In the evening the lethodists, as usual, closed their church, in onsequence the most of the congregation a tended the Presbyterian church, and ell Whom were there speak very highly of Rev. Mr. Hardie. On Monday evening, the large otaireh was filled to the doors. Rev. M . McLean acted as chair- man, and called n Rove. Messrs. Holmes, Edmonds and H rdie tor addre/ see. ,All re. aponded by givi g speeches that were well received by the large congregation. The choir rendered !some eplendid selections, Tueeday, a large number attended the remains were rought to the Methodist church, where service was held, after which they wer conveyed to the Union cernetery.-Ano her of Blyth's young men is coming t the front in Uncle Sarp'a country. This ime it is Mr. Geo. Phillips, who a number a yeare ago was assistant post -neater here, and now he has been are pointed aesistant secretary in the Sun Stove Works in Detroit, one of the largest indus. tries of ita kind n Michigan. George was riee to the top. A load from here attended the assembly at russets on Tuesday night, and report havi g a good time. -Mr. Rollie Edmunds, who recently joined the bank staff at Listowel, vatted his parents here over Sunday.-liir. John Jackson, B. A..i visited at hie ho me in Egmondville,Tuesday. -We are sorry to report that Mr. Elam Livingstone, wh has been sick for the past Jeunie Relines, f Clitston, is visiting her 11 feW weeks, is not improving, but, if any - friend, Miss Annie Taylor. --Mr. John kit. tiefair, of Courtright, is at present viatting ' his parents in town. -The young people of the Episcopallari church heId a very suc- cessful at home in the temperance hall on Wednesday eve ing. Rev. Mr. Edmonds occupfed the ch in Miss Grundy, of Luck - now, rendered a couple of solos. Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingh m, gave a splendid address on Ireland and i s custom. After the good, programme, the young ladies passed around a nice lunch. We have just returned from New York, and consuite some of the hest coffee and. tea men in the city. You can buy at Gann's th same Coffee, polpg and Ceylon teas that are served at the best liptiels an restaurants New Yorit. # FON SPECIALS : Ripe Toniatoes, Mushrooms, 'Grape Fruit, Pine Apple Clothing EAtirely Separate. We are Showing Hats, Shirts, Ties and Ciollars that are worn by dressed young men in New York. We visited the leading stores, and c you the very newest things. If you are not a customer of Gunn's, yeti living up to yout oppoitunities. B. B. GUNN, Seforth. he belt n show seeeorroe Jeri. 22, 1908 Fall Wheat (new), Standard.... e 80 6810 tb3 68 Hee per tan Wool . W sod per eord (Short) 63 te 0 68 0 10S.0 0 17 0 16 to 0 18 0 18 to 0 20 P 00 to 2 16 6 60 to 6 50 6 03 to 6 25 0 30 to 0 86 0 14 to 0 16 60 to 0 65 1 Mete 1 16 4 00 to 4 43 oo to 2 40 Applee per bag-.. 0 26 Ur 0 50 Clover Seed- 7 00 to 8 00 Timothy f3aed- 3. 25 to 2 00 Livei Stook Markets. e LIVERPOOL, 0-anuary 20 -To day choice Canadian cattle sold at 62d. T ade slow. LONDON, England, January 2 -Live cat- tle steady at r 12i to 13to tter pound for ateere, 111 to. ).2to 'per pound, • refrigerator beef, He per pouncL l' • Motehrtrao, !January 20e -The aevere cold seemed to havc. a depressing effect on trade, and prices had a downward tendency. Prime from 5i to 50 per pound ; at from 2i old at from per pound, ng at 61 to -heavy, 15 tateers,$1 75 ead higher; beeves sold at large fat coWs, to 30, and id - to no per 'poll and Jambe at from 4a to 40 fat, hogs are atilt advanciug, sell 60 per pound, weighed off the to 25c lower ; others about Eit canners, $1.751to 82'25 ; bulls, fresh cows strong, $2 to $3 per common early ;•springers, dui unless ex - $30. Veal -iteoeipts, 523 head, steady ; bett Ye 56 70 to ere eaeier , others steady to $5.25. Sleep and Lombse- Tenonnd, January 21 Ghat e -Ex - $C75 to $4.85 Export' Bulls-Ohoice heavy export bulls sold at $4 to $4.40 ;' ex. ohers' Oattle-Choiee picked' lag of butchers' cattle, equal in toielity to the best exportern 1,025' to 1,160 [Pounds each, sold at 54.25 to $4 60 per etet ; loade of medium butcherah $3 60 to $3180 ; loads of good butchers' -sold at $3 85 to $4 25 h common butchers', $3 to 1340 ; roughs, porters and Butchers' Mixed -Loads of mixed butahers and exporters sold at $4 40 to $C75. Fiedere-Feedere weighing from 1,000 to 1,100 pounde each, are worth 14 to 14.25, and light feeders : SOO to 000 pounds each, tad at $3.50 'to $3 85 per cwt. Stockers-HStockers, 500 to 700 pounds each, of gOod quality, are worth $3 to $3.25 per cwt. ; off -colors and pooil quality of the same weights are worth! $2.25 to $3 cows and to $58 eaoh. 12 eaoh, or ing Lambs - Spring lambs Bold ab $1.50 to $5 per cwt. SheepPrices 53 50 to 11 per cwt. Hogs -Beat seleat bacon hogs, eot less than 160 pounds, nor more than 200 pounds each, off cars, sold at $6 per cwt. ; cwt., and stags ot $3 per owt. 4-1 to 5c ; rnedio e common stook nd. The calves` per cwt. Mich Cowri-Milo springers are worth from $34 •Calves -Calves sold at $4 to aYais--aoweas -In the Brussele Roma church, on Ja uary 12th, Miter Mine MICHEL--SPEI AN -At the 'Methodiet Bleed, to Miss Metilde J., d Mrs. Hartwell Seeker:1i all f to Mrs, Ellen YOUNG- 'NM Jaouar 8th, Youog, of Ni brothe -in la of the bride, by Rove ohn Res • Dutton of T•ronto, daughter cif the late Jo Dutton sl 8 ?Word. - ROOK -MI OBE L -At the residence of the bride parent on J mune 8th, by Rev. D. Marta , church mans , Niagara Fells, on JB ulry 7t , by Rev john Crawford. Mr. Jamoe angiey, f Mr. an ON -At the home of th deride, on January 711 ay, Mr. Jsmee Horton, (Arbon, of Leeburn. Y -At the rectory, ‘'V gare Falls, Ont., to Mi . Cattle persona es r. ray. Caroli e offiaiati by Re r. Reba t ry 7th, TORONTO, January 20-B tter-Quota- ea,sier tone is. evident in the m rket. Offer- ings of the :poorer grade s eff continue plentiful, while the dealers ar already well supplied. The demand for go a stock con- tin.ues aotive, with the supply rather limit- ed. We quote : Creamery 'Huts, 23 to 24o ; new Isalids, 22 to 23e ; old solids, 20 to 21e ; eh ice dairy tube and pails, 13 to 11c j po nd rolls, 17 to 18a ; large roils, 16 t 17 . Cheese -Ti de is quiet: Quotations re ain u change at 13o for atrengthen tbe egg mar et, b t as yet the general feeliog i8 weak and prices remain about stea.do. Fresh gatheird stock is quoted at. 15 t 16c per dezem , Cold star- ge sell at 16 o 17c ; splits ht 9 to 10o, nd aeconda at 11 to 12.. The bes class of imed stock sells at 16, to i.7e per dozen, while smaller limed eggs sell at 15c per market is very firm, and in the absence of business priose aro nominally 0.,31e. 'Butter -Thera is h good demand fot finest fresh creamery at ,22.4o, but other grades are dull at 20 to 24. Dairy sells at 16,to 18c. Eggs The market !is quiet 1.1.1t unclhanged.. We quots :-Sliected, 26 to 27o ; aendled stock, 20 to 200 ; Montreal limed, lac in a lob- bing way - straight reoeipts, 181 to 19a ; Montreal limed, 170 cold otorage aback, 170, and western li ed, lit to 17c per dozen in round lots. , 8 • MARTIN- n Ogden, on January 16th, Elizabet Martin, relict cif the late Thomas M rtin, ag 70 year mel., intent eon of Edwin ond Alice ith, ag d 9 years and 19 daye. Cr/mitre% aged 96 years. BENINETT-In Grey, on January 18th, W oBennet aged 8e yeara. , aged 69 years. 1 Bonthron, aged 89 years and 5 Reath . ine McGregor, relict of the late tregor M Gregor aged 78 years. ADAMS -In Hnliett, on December fat, the wife of Mr. Miller Adams, of a daughte ' 10th. the wife of Mr. N rman Hill, of a son. McLEAN-In Goderich, on January 8.1th, the wife of WHITE -In Wroxeter on January 161h, the wife of THROWER -Io Clinton, on Jeunarei ,14th, the wife of Mr. Louts Threiver, f a daughter. HALL -In Morria, on Joao ryelOth„the wife of ltiri wife of Ur. Frei Ford, of a sem ' COOPER -In ()Upton, on january lOth, the wife of ir LINDSAY -In Constance, rt .Tanuary 10th, the wife bALE REGISTER. o'clock p. m., ab the Rattenbu y 1:10118 Clintan, 97 acre farm, Lot 38 and 39, Ma't• land Concession, Coderieh triwnshi Tho Brown, anctioneer. noon, on ot 33, Conceeeion 11, cKillo Farm Sto k awl Implements. m. e- Iatosh, pr prietor ; Thos. Brown, audio eer. one mile weat of Winthrop, Far Stoo nuar There is an enth you. see it in the c it our incthasing mean? Simply this, in this store, in its and prove thatl our J Ladies' Black Opposimm Muffs, full dot le capes, worth up O $4 50, for 98 and raavere, sizes f, ore o to 42, regula g od pattern's, reg lar price 121e, eel° Mitt , Da lining, ith strap ,and buck" k a look through! ou Millinery Dep Balt. g • chances. All! our Trimmed. Hats , as ow olu eth nu or Sale Snap s of shoppers e of business f hopping poblic ds and weekly ' ry Sale is as we urther proof se uary Sale th much '43 lib ;daily visit the store. , om day to day. What of "Myth and aicinity haye nnouncementS. They co say, an occasion for big these Januar Sale offe furred, well 1 our liking. oe e aint s :431 gs or this ed and w rm, worth black, brow and grey,. som. with price 60c, sal price 450 Bu if yoa izes Special izes for larg men at $1, tolsee our Wide Soft Fiti ed Prints, e 45c. pribe 61e at wrist, wo rtir_ent. Yo t half price t IcKI • ON en's Hely will find m Dollars sed extensively by ew horse out of yo ! The most satis They pile the They are squall nded. act° •y results follow their use in every cas • Tiley are ar rs who know their sterling v hie. You ✓ ol one in a very short time. sh n, and make your horse lively sleek andl e 1. go d for Cattle Aga aind Sheep. poonful of these poWders in heir feed ‘once a day, ar round. - - makes 200 doses, 'Buy it at Hens fed with tea Three pounds. fir 60 EA 'S, d s Just clothe put y an od in an rug Store,1Se a d Ow • t any SOO t may be that you rough until warme or pants, underclothing, secka, or odd kind, our stbre is he -right-Place to g,e e riser Main' "the Largest Dry- Goods afid Clothlrig -Concern in Four Counties; re hard* prepared to buy spripg ds and otos of he vy clothing o ieces Of clot MILERS, SEJ_FORTH. e) the county Qt Buren. Sales attend part of the moray at moderate rates, mini guarauteed. Orders left at the Seafort or at Lot 11 C neession 2, Bullett,' There are 80 ao es cleared and eel e frame barn on the farm and a enae'l orile is plenty of water and lb ie web fence . will be renteel for pasture, For term JANE DALE, Censtarme P. p. 1 tiorteer d to in a satisfaoti post OBI '1832 tf eine Lob 12, 100 aer Thera is a If not so d 10ARNI FOR SALE. -The undersig e offers is 18-,Grov There is a good bank 'bun, a b eft hoti e a r leo etre farm for sale beiog Lot, Coneel n never failing creek, a geed hardwood b le• escl n sores Of fall wheat% The piece is emu- Disney a t• uatede being only throe milee from, greets a d one Milo feam school. The proprietor will eell n easy term as he is giving up farming. For forth r portleolar apely to the proprietor PATRI IC BLAKE, ruese!s. EtAltbe FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 3 nd the ea t LI half ef Lott 4, Conceesion 13, Roll tt, the pr • peaty of the lath Lanetiot Tasker, co taining 2 5 good hard wood bush. The land 13 of tae very be t is well drainel and well fenced and is 11 seeded o grate wit the exception of 30 scree. Thera is 11 the pretnieee a large frame house and tw good bar s 40x60 fe.t, with steno stabling under one, and a frame sheep and pig house under the ol ier. The e are three ecres of good orchari and pie '.y cf• trate , there beir•g a good well at this house nd a epri g create running across the oentre cf the farm. Ib is i of a milifrom flarlook, where there is a echo 1, from Blyt and 10 miles from Seaforth. Thie is n excellent term either for grazhrg or gra n. Will a Posn-essio ern 1 e had At any time. Po further p r• sold on rerronable terms. If not sold w I be renta tioulars apply to the executors. -JOH MoGAVI TASKER, 'Clinton. 1882-t UCTION SALE OF_ FARld STOCK -Mr. Armee Ross to sell by public auction. on Lot,8 . Conceesi n 8, Melfillop, one mile west of Winthrop on Wedn e• voiding. riging 4 years old got by Ra toe -field, o e heavy drought gelding rising 3 years o d got by AI. lothian, ligelding rising 8 yeers old go by Prime of bred Durham heifer rising 3 years old supposed to ham heifer 18 months old, 1 thorough red Dorh m heifer 6 months old. Grade Cattle One ne ly calved ooW, 2 milking cows supposed to be in cal .3 yourg calves, 4 steers rising 1 year cid, 1 hei er steees rising 8 years old weighing betw en 3,160 ad 1200 pounde, 4 heifers rieingi 8 years eild, weigh ung between 1000 and 1100 pouirds ; thee eteera heifers wOuld do for shorb keepera or \mild do to go out on grecs, also 1 sow with litter ati, foot and 30 pigs weighing from 60 to 90 pounds each. This e ok has been principally ell, raised by the p oprietoi° nd nothing will be sold until day of vele. The tborou h - health. Terme-All sums of 36 and 'ender, ea la ; over thee amount 9 months' credit wig to give on furnishing approved joint notes. A dilsoount f 4 ref Ont. 'will be allowed for cash on credit seem a Lot 35, Conoessicn 8, MeKillop, eill be pot up to rent for V1388 for one year, terms Aod comfit one will be made koown on day of sole. HUGH R SS, Proprietor ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1882 1 Notice to Creditors. Notice le hereby given, pursuant to the statut in -el Aims against be estate of Ma-garet Carned an, that behalf, thlt all creditors and others ng Huron, Widow, deceased, are required on or bef re the 10th day of February, 1908, to seer or:delive to Lendsborough, So orth P. 0., execut re of last ill of said deeeessd, f II particulars of tbei claim an of the tee rity (if an ) held by them, d ly verified by affidavit. After t. e said date the exec tors will re- ceed to distribute he assets of the es te among he parties eetitied t ereto, having reset only to he claims ot whioh th y shall then have r ceived not ee, and after, snoh distribution the exeaut rs will no be accountable for any part of the estate o any per on of whose claim they eball not have re eived not oe. r, Sealed 1882 8 1J. L. IIILLORAN, Solicit Deted January 14th, 1903. he e are clean In. many eaees they room for Spiing go ust a few Me are s Fur Coata, which be cleared out regar eavy Rubber an Overshoes *ill be 61eared outi at 13argai EAT inter goods at sw old at less than ma SEE StOit • remendnus relluctions it all lines of dloliiina 1 ee (nit heavy iwed Blankets, they are !the best quo in the IINIen's heavy int r Shirts at 25 per c nt. under the usual See the bargairrs in our Carpet and Lac MII,LI ERY AT ;Don't forget that t ese reductions aro for January, before 7 take stock Certain department Shirts. ALF PRIO t we tfeed t less of cost. trade. rices. pREToRiac., BLINTO R E TTL .Clondition Po dere Dig's! Lump Java Clare, :We call special "att atbd insect powder P. t, quassia chips, &c. edici rthual Stock CleariJlg On Monday,January 5th, 1903, we itart a sale that w put all our past efforts in. the shade. his te the _season sive give all the profit and part of the cost to oar ustomers—cut prices. all over the store. We are determined that all Winter wearableq must go. Customers who trade here are never 'afraid. of trickery. iThey know it is never tolerated in this store in any form.; they -knov if we advertise one quarter off, it means one quarter off. Our godds are all marked in plain figures. Below is a partial list of the Urgains offered—many of the best are not mentioned, Pr 111 FUR DEPART Twenty-five Canadian Coon Coats to be cleared at special prices. Twenty-five Black Calf Coats made speciallyt to out order, bargain ces. Also special prices on walla' by, wombat, blaek dog, etc.. Five only Black Calf Coats. to clear at $16 each. Six only Black Bear Coats to clear at $14 eachi. Three only Wallaby Coats to clear at $13.50 each, Special prices on ali Sleigh Robes. • Fifteen per cent off all Fur Caps, Collars, Gaulntlets, e Special prices on fur lined Overcoats. 1..ADIES' FUR DEPARTMENT Special clearing priees on ad ladies' fur goods. , Below are a few specials: TWO Only Astrachan Capes, regular $9 for $5. Gauntlets in Astrachan, Electric Seal, Grey Lamb and Pereian Lanit a 1 per cent. discount. Special clearing.prices on. all Far Jackets. Four Sable Muffs, regular price $9,65, sale pri4e $7.25, Three Alaska Sable Ruffs, re -eller price $11, sale price $8.25. Black Coney Collarette, ref Jar price $3, sal price $2.25. Black Astrachan Collarette :egular price 54.6 sale price $3,45. • Black Astrachan Collar, tr .nmed. -with thibe , [regular price 56.25 Thibet Muff, regular price $7, sale price $5.25i Astrachan Ruff, regular price $8.50, sale price $6.40. LADIES' DEPART EiNT One dozen only Ladies' Black Sateen Waists, egillar 51, to -clear at 5 A line of Black Roman Satin Waists, regular price 51.45, to clear at 7 ; 11 other Roman Satin Waists, lined and unlined, tat 20 per tent. off. A job lot of Flannelette Waists, regular 68e mid 78e, to clear at 35; Colored Roman Satin, Vel et and Flannel Waists, regular 52,101 0.90 A line of Black Serge Waists regular $2.50, -0 cleat at $1, All other Colored Waists at 15 per cent: off One dozen black glaria Sil Waists, regular $4 35, to -clear at $1.50, Heavy Worsted Hose in al sizes at 25 per ee t. off, A job lot of children's wo hose to clear up a 10c a pair, or three pair All ladies', misses' and. chi dien's 'Underwear t 15 per tent off., All Flannelette Wrappers t 20 per cent. off, Purgative Bails., Hoof Ointment, Spaylin Cure, Fl m- alts, Sulphur, ke. Ption to our variou insect clestrbyers, stitch as the c le - D. & 00. brand, he lebore, Little's sheep dip, tune 'o. t - RATT7S FOOD. 1We are agents for this well known English animal regulato • d which is very highly spoken. of. FIRST DOOR NORTH• IL SEAFoRTH OF PICKs?,D'S, - a and poultry 01\ ockrnen. Notic to Orrditora. In the matter 'of the estate of Martin - Taggart, late of the townsldp of Usbornse in the county of Huron, farm r, deceased. I otice is hereby given pure aht to the re ised sta tes of Ontario, chapter 1 , that all cred tore , all others having claims agai st the estate o the Having had a go d pr ctical experience 21s day of Deceimber, 1902,-. a e required on' o be. in the feeding of far stock, I claim to for the 20th dayOf Febrbaey,1003, tb send by at or paid or deliver to FL j. D; Oodke, of the villa e of be in a position t pu up a oondition Be sail, in the county of Hut, solicitor for the powder that will be a money saver to ex utters of the last will and te tament of tho said' all stook feeders. Try a package of my de eased, their phrtstian and !surnames, ad es ownsmake, and b convinced. If you an deacriptions,,the full particiultrs of their el 8, statement (4 their amount and the nature of have a receipt of your own, bring it to tb securitiee, if any, held by t em. And notice is me and have it ompeunded with re in ber given that after such la Mentioped date the sae executors- wi 1 proceed. to di trOute -he asse of th deceased among the part! lentil ed the eto, h they hall fresh drugs. I u e on y the best. also' sell Hellebore I aeot Powder, Creolin ha ing regard only to the claim olt /hi i Hoof Ointment, th n have notice. and that th slat e ecutors will eav? Powder, Spavin cure, Salts, Sul hur, etc. Give me a no be liable for the said aseets or any set thereof call. Our prices are right. • to ny person or persons of who e !claim notice @hall no have been reeeived by the aii the time of such dietribution. E. J. D. COOK e Soli tor for ex - 4,._ eel:tors of MARTIN MeTAGGA T1 elece sad. O. ABEi:1141ART, Dated the 20thiday of January, 11903. 1832-3 DRU GIST ARM FOR ISALE.--A be Ifni orne io the - BLOCK g od state of cultivaVon, good neldin well veeter- Townrhip of Ueborne, con leg 00 acres', in a CA IIE B.ON, Farquhar. milat be sold to close an estate. App y te THOS. Dress Go ds artment ISeven pieces. Suiting °loth regular price S7c, ale prioe 27e. _Nine pieces al -wool homespun, 56 inch wi e, regular 650 to $ , for 50c. Two pieces only h mespun, 56 inch wide, sale p ice 35; Fifteen pieces Opera Flannel, a p 108' 50; sale prize 38; Two pieces black dtess 'goods, -Sm.all figure, r a p Ice 25c, sale price 19; A pi e of black and coloied dres goods, regular price 5 c to $1, sale price 35c. One piece black gooda, figured, regular 38c, able p ice 25; Three -pieces Zibile e, regular price 40e, sale price 30e. 25 per c nt. off the already reduced pri e of dress remnants, Ten pieces f3iik, all eolors, r gular 65e to $1, sale price 40 n yard. 25 per cent. off all plaid golf &awls ; ls per cent. off all wool shawls A few ladies' tailor-made its to clear at $5 each ; all other tail° mad s its at 25 per cent off, A ba aain table of ladies' CO81% also se quantity lsters at half price ; 15 per c off our Overcoats and shirts ; 25 por cent, csi fur lined Capes and Mantle Cloths. Clothin Department. Five hundred men's suits f ons -1 to 1 half regular price. children's suits ; special prices f all kinds, sizes and. patterns, to be told at - Also clearing prices on all youths', boye! and n men's odd coats, pants and vests, MEN' This whole stock must be cleared regardless of cost. Many special lines of verco-ats you know will be so d. at ha,lf the regular price. Special prices on oys' and children' Overcoats ; 15 per cent off all raen'soniderwear, everything eluded ; 15 per cent. oft' line gloves, mitts, etc. Staple Department. All Flannelettes wrapper ent. off grey and wi:ite Plaint ieces Print, special at 8e, for ool sheetings, grey and Whit 1.3tIVIL X‘42 ttes, &c, 15 per cent. off regular price ; 15 per lette Blankets ; 20 per cent. off all Prints; 50 1e ; 20 per cent off all Fancy Flannels ; 15 per per cent. off -winter skirtings ; 121 per cent. off • special prices on all wool blankets. 3. It neteet et It Je_e_eg,,,jeljeeet 3r CARPE DEPARTMENT 1217per cent, of all Tap stry and Brussels Carpets ; 10 pea tee aff ool and union carpets. Six pietereesguelanlrypArieexm5inlitsitoerr 705adt. pet, regular $1, for 5c. Two yaEds wide Linole ghest prices Raid for t and Wool. WM. Pit "II IMP 0 RTERti Oppoelte Town Building, Corner Main aid Market Ste., Beeforth.