HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-23, Page 4r ., I JANUA"Y 23; 1903 __J -4 RON P OSITI OR. Is STORE. L gas Wore Of this us �uro, at �d it loolie 4�� the XADING SH�q Thst Oattl Guard Gon=!.Sslon elk allo wo d the conneol fo to aoQueed to with oream satin, jappliclue find ribbon, and' SEAFORTH R�y J�OL ent time asL if A r hair, After - x. Miseampbell s hia iltyl, to not ore 6ran(ye bloaaX Its in he pros a pleading fro In JANUA." Ottawa deopatch asyll allowed to retain hii oeat aud'all thab, will guilby, A uiy Was then eu panollpd, when e hearty corsgrO i stiol 3B to this pride and we a abe lft of he tri d will of the prDseoution doolitted to, Eubmib�' any evol- ino invited to the Fully three gore railway men In be abig. #11 room, the co b ps sob had ay be titiful re t UY, Doti and thero'being no eviderti6a to go be- iniog room Sa bb to b a : y u e a X T I W T F 9 parts of Canada! us and the. Un �ted $4tea are costs for some Perrin to The ic lonce, 't at fore he jaryi the Judgs, discharged the son pre 8 8 aning ws; spent i2 th witnessing the� cattle guard tsts.. Two� seem to be the on ours g abou p%re The amore guai-As wore tried on Saturd4y and election trim Arg iment v ms heard oi� th( I priso ''or, and he left the nour�, �oorn o, free usic, i6pial - COP roe and a Villiam kands on the market -of the bestr tee r, w MSU. I The -proceedings do ifeem somewbab qots from a dist,� ee Werei r. Ve YOU 4D 010 1 2 . I e of two Alderman SlatC�-ry'qbig 4 :1 ib, reserved oat Qs at T to, on Houdayl, anc de WiJI 9i 4 a 6 7 8 9 111 alleged has beati opeciAll'ay trainedS led the adgraent M ,ill cron piesuma, it i mmell and sistt'Besaie, from Toronto t ds The reser farailo�il to � lay mind, buil , WO� A th adian Rubber Oompany's goo In VIZ.. The Berlin an e Can Mrs. R. _2 13 11 15 guard .41 16 1 w, ay for the Othtor hnimalsi,'O' ver th: all iq� te ineelligible to th 3se Osed in the is.,. J. muston, fr C pson rom Wal- noted for their glove-fittit, -and splendid wearing 19 20 21 0 -the inyentora, 0.10 intricAoiee of the law., Oimpsa4 and Mr.4i0mea Shripson Berlin rubbers are _18 2 '�2213- 2, to te great chigrin of Notice lif s been given I o the AmOricar � I I: i n ; Mr. and Mrpi Ale ander daidiuer,'of a and are r the tront �n th� race for populariti. 27 'All 8 29 30 3 guard invented by Mr. Foat ar, of 1�atlod_ otherdoan play at the galme of 25 26 packers tha, Dthek. rbe prel . were qu litie aidlr coming to (14 quality), or Amerlea,:n consisted of The big alton, and i thet, Daisy " brand tal X e Whether you buy' oplate glass f your wouey. The ipg m combinatiot I W. 8 ringer, prediden' i nd in-- of good -va-1 s�eer looked his own reftection for Job Walton. umbrous, useful d or biand (�nd quah y), YOU 41e 8 n�omenb and thim alid, over th ' I go, the: of the Nab oual LiVe Stock Asmailktion, No Toadof our �young peo- uded several 6h -okst evidences, of the A sleigh t other animals d ifully- h >a sto)kmeu have morel tha, I pie 1 exidi' Fad- steem to which th happy n Rubber 10.0ml any, Of dest vubbier firm in -*rdi Alo winje. fAs coloi ad a party give by goo -Me oouplt ira held. Canad Ire. Gem�liell , vill re o Canada. Their goods 6 always reliable andup-to-date. Beebhwood, and r3po b %� very poleas- r. and h NEW ADLL eA board arr gemput, inyente&.1 by Mr. an� ca zen, SEMENTS $4.000,0' 100 of w6rking capitsl,, a two well-known makes al*ays in stock. 041hans, of cetob, Out., also foifled. 00,1 ant I e. Amondlille. Miss MoFadzjn leaves sh6rtly of thi dr own, kill the� to !.&ig A full asgortment of thes build pokoki ag plan 03 Mr The flnrebet%VCe �_Ue after I sb for atham.-Mr. Angus McQ has sold theses I Su IV it ii high time that this oatile S this -at 6's uequilled for good valuL. Frsne,,donotes the pa-ge t the pi.-�cr on which the 1 Own Istook,markel the PrAttot and 4udei - one o his *iotting horads )o Is Manitob As for pricesi you 'Will always find or -eta' er d Ne a psiii� Miss - dveridsoment wili be to in of H Chi]] ten's ku-bb ea uard commission farce was ge hots5i dealer for a nest sum.- -Dk. Ryan, Promise get ongtome t it's Terform� example, we sell Chi] ntti4 Played' Bell any ps iking h)uoe tr iob. We! hav a -ome Ftb u th Michigan, who has.bisen visiting air, AT.eWa once that eeps ifim. Our doingis A 46c a pa Fum-Grelz & Stcvpat- t k Rubes 40c an cat. We hop there is no person in 6 men outside this # 3harnioi circle ' wh hav e Sagip day in ir Ladiea' Rubber9�45c to 6.5c a p h& Bargain Da:j_Le%rxyd Co. -4 Matter Lrl� anC . energ , and with� those his parenta* hare, 1oft for Friday- d yaa� makes 5 ft to 615oo a ai-r ; 10hildre* 'Out C -f it f0r bhOb money, bra' and day out the vi -holo raun Conditim PqvIi dets-1. 1. Fcar�6 oerninsIXt, O� Rubbers 75c to He a pair, Boys' Rnbbars P US of .4"grion4villel visiru- three alito have hea, to left in thefT -M� a Lou MoMau trade.-- r, preEent we. are U D-) January 'zdo -YEeKinvoi & Co -5 atelligenb d holds our ;_ so foolish to believe that the * the -a laktiWeek.-Mr. Rubber Boots, to 10, $1.50 a Pair to 2, for $Uo Ot. Willis,. ik'S,, n-1 I pbysl latonly Lott) a Pronoun Is gmulj mbgg-:d Rubbers-. 011 a� Sol[- ed W ends hero a few da� eading the followdrs in the race of giving Auction Sale-Rugh Ro:s-5 f armors, of this; co unbry ean be ii �uay hauling ies' Rubber Boots for.$2.925 a pair. dayi, tence that f this ne ed � b L. McDonald has his I ear he greatest brgIaiin values in all ladies' Fur Lad rger i i consumm bysuch ikonse�nse. Ittbere "are til ey a re its $5 Oiodo 0 to the 'mill for e (omling sessoWs call Operab 0 erger bout logo : - all clasodo of Staple towne Notice V) Credith.-c ri. lKilloran-5 I armento. And bo in y this store for yo next pairof Robers they -cattle, wit! ioub all e� ih�'d wit r. Goo. Flannery l3fbIvri Tuesday . . Tr ur Rtov�s Reduced-011wo ay & Smiley -8 to be, pitied, and the aqo2er out he P, for wor and Fancy Dry g?pda. 'rhO g. MXFdol 0o., a aterial n a illirefuse for ratford, where he bas ; 4 Farm for Sale -P Blakd-& ie�pted a posi Av6d. the batt r, This, ocrq we own bh i raw Seaforth, 1832- --- - - - - %to -J. mcosvin-5 rb. undec.' V1 ef a re, orm for 8, tion I on the G. Kline and to sell it to any packing house combine. Accounts Ready -P. DE 1-8 Jagr ion of t�!ogh �Killop, al er i Assioft, has been -'porigrinatiP4 This i4 the way to fix them', even it It is Flau agan,'Of Me ni� Sunday in CHulton NOTES. Thai o� tiet. Lost-Expodftr offi-t-e-8 annual Ling on usual.' Gaur eh held their the country for in an seem be thirikla great deal Burn's ahur in e About the %Vkv-16. U,-'. Ca -8 ha, at no tri tog Orls"t- fi -htl7'g the devil with fir). town, * The boys i Wednesday af WIL Is Seafbfth teradon- tie 14,th iu6t. The & Notice to CredltarA-�(. J. D. Cook" of alton and ViCinity. doing,,ortrying to do,fo.r the rallwayccma ft was I pastor reported arl addition of 6 luriag the Farm forSale­-d Dale, -5 Mo�t Pe iple wil I agree with the' fol OWL] Ig On adly, January the oriltien M LTRIMOMAL. Sole auents for ated Stater Ud. the famous he4T Sccltl­Ladic -a res. den while 'd3ath liad taken away 3 pani(iiwhat they could do l2tb� in spite of tile ort Iy JI;reather and past year, for Avlom Queen Q, aliLy Shoe -end WV Trade, Wlnner�Llc&Vla Rros�8 from ;the Toronto Globt The ��epoi' oa h rem i . and there were other losses thr ov- Butter Wanted-Bea� ti.- Bro­-S more sat�fao�orily for the 3. W badl -oada, a large numb r In friends gather is riot - In prob3,hl tr the Dauklhabara tobal Is Stock Tonto -11amll L n & Ker; ke-8 ustwotthy, that sThe mount raised folr all pur- atar,Shnea-4-W. It. W111s--S poves in 01,721. i �otice that, the South Hur erf, ed a the BrueBels Rom n I' tholic church L902 was 29. L 0 1 this IIQM, ce. of 6 No.-thweit Territ ry have, gc t- over to m ituess. the marriage cer =�ny of as- -a ope�bj n d L-mclun on that Mrp. Ja .11 board Rozes-0. Stewart-& e titute, at their recent meeti BrL building a J120 cloa- M, od, were in -ic]holson, who fel i I au�hter of. D/Ir. $641,75 w. Medd and ra 04' eel -04th 03,twc,.l Mill -S raze so f r as' to infOl M t:13 Min A5 ROwlan, secou field, thoroug4ly ventilated this' que their anatical c in cos olanis--S - Michael Rowlan, 14th coacepiou, MoKillop, llat Bbe had to be remov* uprit ed -in shed. ThisItcommodati n 1was very Taiaiday laett.-Mrs. John Zeufia And chil- home of Mr. thes. M�eElfroy, was in Rueb 4, Settle at Ouco—Rtchard,,wn & 9 abl14itio that" they will her4fter haul an4* is a great 0 edit to all dren, of Harriston, who were El pnd,llig cr,it I cod'tio Anaual Ueeting=M. 81 oderick-S no -plaple and in no gatheiing Could r. Pat. J. Ryan,' *v, prosperous young much needed nL to lv'� mteu-C. Abedlart-t and ith Air. :1 nd Mrs. ed to Qlintoid� ho-Pitl. but jet time -of g, --vicinity. The b To Stock J an au.ali their ow *ith their own ho,aea, I concerned in its Forr i IOUs number of weeks here w :,Out fari volen b a Iss there wag P 8 tifie's parents, retrned log was dain 7 as nicely as -could beexpent. g1tIntl a id b cn3o r. beaqLiful dress of white silft rgaildie. bri intillia -opinion er of this riAe wore a in chem 56-49 B. Kaiser, Mrs. Z reaLissurind b d W rining ag-1 0 -and Zo edL._Mj$o8 Id Xr. Sam, V and '10 was Unanim-mgly agree� w".thean 6 1 thank- of a at p a tar a e latter a is fu �thcr iii dux of suall peijple'stan a me4l wiLh p9airl buckl( I chiffon and $192of tb h Tuesday I& me on are -one a queb I) flowe ra. He -theles- Mr. A. Cal ler has returned from _4nff� aging a 76, the and visimg f 4enda at Mitchell this we Ai - eve, An� U ount raised by the aux a iendg.-Wrp. Win. - McDougall returned r i r he congregation. 6 anitoba, is vipitung Mr. 0. that there ig no ea thly use for ' this com�, offering of t act cart ad a beautiful.bo ssion thp�ttihe railway domp%iiieg cn do good n It adventurous anti no Miss Uzzle Lamb, of eafortb, acted am ill ry he We.- f petout ind vidu&l otnigratits from cenral r cons men;'s Foreign Mission Society,. ''D It me fronv Toronto on Friday last, where tended visit with hiends t 'Xood4tocik-._ ourn, as bridesmaid and lo 'ked rm n 5 $23, the ay 0 fathen &o work a deal.. better ar d eh4aper than, eastern E rop .1 t b "I w e. ; ith silk � lace giving of th- e Sabbath school for, ni, ision pur- ��er of weeks Mr. John Aijuderson, aen -Of 4Gao. Render. a Is had been. spending a num Phe oeminnsion or Governn� ent, cala dji�fi for withoub - U'57 P,,,,,, gollirstance ioo2aot,,,�:a3 white muslin desa, trimmee. Was U n ven whers SVA140RT9i F+AY, Jan. '23�,dl, 1903 a by po3es. - All the treasurers report A a balance 'm ith hier daughter, Mian A. , ho.3 returned from �0, Sound, oiseeary I 'the luLer- coutry, b"thern come 'and- be wiefoome andlehiffan. the groom wa i supports papp, attend. he haii been the past couple of months, bited sum be �n .$194.52." a number from Hens &"i, and all illat is tie .11 . ime C -Anal other, Mr. John Byan, .4this place. on hand, the U all and viLoinit. they wi i t, i�n ci! i- his �r NOT: eats of the farmers, i.4 to reve �Jo the old' drove out �to, the Through- the very'r great ludneaf o the eon- -#f; rn on list, r 1, 'After the ceremony all ei I the funeral, on A.I.onday - aftern town, Zens" if th ir lot is not callit amoug ps6ple of onthron, , Yho was Fro. b onists and the 11 7 er home of tl L50 gLregarion, the -tre.-aeurerl for' stip 3n, shared of the lat I Port Albert. Me law, making therailwav opalpa. les roPprn- their own class. To allow, not 0 say e i- for he brid 3, m 1pro. about-, I ith Ithe past glVing a Mr. James B to ifiettlLp par L t. Ali. J�Ow. his balance of $67 w o ie of the ]pioneer merchants of thi 3 count JotTmGs.4--�8evcre storms swept; over tllb:, oourage,is oh emigrants 10 Do a Sump L how'Ver, the Ii sible for injury. doae on ti� eir where ion',Mare of it I � cora)ing 114 be0ti- the latter, a The temperance :)eop' munities i auto to cause nati6nal looss?, Ian abd who carried on business f 3r sach a S.etiotL ofb country last week, t lor of this provineb ared no pDins in de auaing I educing t e M there4re ef4tive cattle guar 1. 11.8 r fter aa us r whole a6louut on Icngbh of time at Rd-gerville. Forthepai, -_Ile L & nd -.bw disheartened not diev ful ;Iiesideriice for the pleasant vent Feem to be neithe to ex- been living with were dono4te oonlpoani66 oad soon finid Hol. conoratulations were exiend all re Aiired hand to $154.52. The aster es ei x or seven years be bas emlt of the Refereu(Itim, LbI Tarte, apeakng at the, Board f trtr1%-Th10 Fore..tler intend holding thoir -date 0 couraged by tl)e r to he a is beartythanks to the on alio 3 h [a youngest daughter. Mrs. R. H� � Collins, on Tu-siday even Of i1ext 0 1 . thaz- the befit and most effieient mar an they Trade'ban uet at Bra'ntford a fe eveuln 9 1 kindu as - Exeter, from where the remaus were b parlor, Where a r r mine, press b annual -i '31 Date for this act Of bhoght 11 �rteogwardls 2JLth -n vote. Oa the cont -ar, they selem to h re a and inst on at g 'bilet con IsLing of GoDg waek,�the i st.,, III their hal otoo 4 -pecial I M would not req,,Ore tl�e t hc ha he himself. a - t1,e village. -Jo n McGee i bom t ago, said t,'ia d left the C 11 0 enery and S,rendered by t stimulated t iticremed wa he BtUSVI 81 oi'r. The trssurerb, aftditdrs' nd man 11 to the Union cemetery ab Ro Igerville _pr -app d and th -1 and !avorably com bi!- afte�-poon . being anic�so miesion to do it eitl -r. IF: ova had the 6inte a managers Mr. Borithron was wel liss effcorb in the came. In accord With a b2causo he had t ELIked t 3o Muoh, b4f ended, a ery joyable agers were re 164SMItIl. rcturned to St. Matys Jobon a were commissioned to make any re. A. 0. Hawkias is V 81 Mg ear of the Hon. Mlaijtsr cf we aty to d) so. The ev0 ing was spent in - g'i kmei i, dancing,; etc. Ir aown all through this section mi: was- a olver, lution at i bic, 3onvention rei-e t ly hold cause he lit d felt it his i Iaqt wrek rcso a The:� presents were costly an I numerous and the manse tbab might be thou b �ecessary, R lod bu�-iness man and poaaessed t xany ex- reliiiie in IPZ evile.-The farmers of tVa 'L - cu he in' a in Toronto, a I terri-per- Would te" ll eameattics; I to %so great West and AarlLim D Prov n�,i, ,,hou d much to t erost of the Ries, and will be very much amoirig the tap a r d costly of all cellout qua] held A �rg deptitation. i I ' I most handso. The lad;e adde� viclilify-fieel very kkenly the IoEia of the f -our A bu, t ei this fooling'abBout the CAW gua, siaeas n to unde.-Stand- bhat:th n ereals -u 11 p4sented by the meeting presence, by thel interest ads iud rela- be give e b i h n issed by a large circle ot fre: 'p3 tla'08, which Was en. once workers wait4d on the Premier and was, a pla o, which wa',. d Lr en -ra lad an 4sy chair by the they too a the businesa and by e oll fiat Mill Bit th and t? send hii er)mWs�bu V&�k* to their would be r� _eio k t He atiefied the lipe old age of 89 .1 his colleagues on Wednesday of last Week-. Onsidered, but tariff 11 W� 8 to the bride, also an d they so generously provide -tirely dest ed by fire a Courple Of V.,AMU I w BC here'! th-ly eculd groutseli choir in whi(h th bride an ars and 5 months. -Mr.- G. N. Babcock, 01)8- "Ertained that th omes in Ne I , a Mr. Ur ation wqs headed bv Mr. G. F. necessary. It wits his intention te. ounbin L, a many cuggist, has an are -ent a PM This, deut groom took an active 'art.. Their d Id out�bia busineeg to h1r. 861hoeuhalz, ill reb d in tU_ �d -con go. I a* d i b uild in t eaTIL living in, opme more pr tkliie W&Y, thofightfcr higher protection, r prialo. �&a Hopper, -from Port Hope. Mr -Ba cockwas, r, 3.4arter, ex -M.. P. P., who bad with him frie do wi!3h them throu gh t �is life, peace, near Piture. -Mbe � Ad& Dralre returned to w -telt his Opinion that A t7laijotity of. the Liberl ent -.d will ba r �aud happiness. a good many of the leain� tem�rrance men of the 01 drugilat and Q:, izen partyagreeilwiUl his viewe,'thouglh the -v- )03 y her oin.Staffa n Tao8day, after - spen 3e taab nobl D. Hay, Commissioner and C)nveyancer Miesedby his friends. Heliagnotyetful triants 4 did not ea. Is to si iy so as __ openly As. he h d 0*1TUARY.-One by e band I Province, such as Aev. Dr. Carman, Mr. F. Editorial Notes anI�l ;001�" 9,� e ing some tirAeat the boef MT. an& INI". -Ste, 3 y 0 of hardy.,�nd honest pio': teer 3, wills, mortgages and Ileeds diawh up. Money loaned so -he wilt to-eagag -Walter Hawkins, teatherst Stitt who,by cease- d ided as to where in 'w iveg done. Mr Tame's pluck and pers;Ustan y at the lo veeb. rates of intereet. ef. C lab S. Spenoe, and others. The deputation a meeting of Ontar 0 Goilservat 1740-tt- Jamo 01i Ig 1�oersevelring toil, ba� oe r I do this their business.- -I n! nd less LoGs W,&WTBD.'- Wanted, an: r quantity Miss of Wrcxetcr if; Sunda-ya�z 'hisbome hem d are oon abl), although a great ma, y of presented the resolution passed at the con. held in, Toonto on Tuesday if, was ado�wdbounbri;-what it nol v is, are beiDR good aotind logo of: likinde6dall .�ngtbe. Will viaiiing friends here. -Mrs. McCai hey has -Joiieph I -Ion lef, for Detroit last i Will not ag ea wi;h bis conclusions-, and, -e 4c!mi memb,�ra om the 8 nag of t Isir earthIly either buy them In e bfish, or out c ib.-, John Me- r �turned home from- Clintom -P should be orry Q) think uhab his istaterne t week.' voution, which deoliands that." in. view of olded to enter", rotest8 aasinst oallpd aws.V fr toila and cares. Deatt " t1f atern reaper, Nevin, Kippen Mill8. 1830-tf the recent very ptionounced oxpressiGn of elqob �n the Three Nortil F, North Gre scing the a Ltibude of 14 a mrijority of %ad taken from GA.THERING.S.-�I-Mr-. John B Ifour. who North Perth and North N rfolk. and it, io the Liberia is correcti has��gfsin visited our m, dab Leadburv. Usborne. the electors of bile rovince on the Liquor part3," our' umber one of tb b b known and has boen -in the west for thfi past few said the aftm of tive thot sand dollars waia You F-houldbuy them becuse they a -hp, combining business vi %h pleamire, Any Acb ot 1902, effict �e given to eadd. vote by Moe highly. respected c ths, noble; band of men', A%�Nqg vz aubs�ribed on the spot to p�osscuto the pro- The statement is m3do 6hat Hoin. _M r. of this has returned hoth � and looks as' if his trip t,,e best of the 'kind made and a -c- the best sary s��rvieet in con,n,�ctiori iwiili tbe Thainim I abolition of the p4blic bar, the tI;eating tests. More ist for ti I h Pat ots, W 0 on Sun ay evening c r le wyevil. hind. We are talking about giaranteed R,)ai 1prpb­ t�oriai hurell flI a held vn W, Fisher, D� mini Minist6r of -Agrictilbiir), we' K crossed ov r the iler t ri7er to that had ag�eEA wit$ him :1nd the People out e e ffy�tcm and and the impoition of . I a.6 The E. S Und 4S FVc - r -noir ... th, and on the f club�l I I I been i)od to�him.-�Lev, M. C. Fur Garments, aud the klad t� , bllow� ford boti-ne from Whence no traveller returnu. there ba� y ith h' t s3oretary, TF111 leave naiu .w1k. a PfIva a the on0h oth6r reatricti lia on the liquor traffic � The offioiml returns on he �sferendiltn . ILI, McFaul Co., 8eafortb, sell. You mightet g Mjonday�o no matil tea-mliating Items The subject of this sket-t ! Mr. William McLennan" and his eldei, Mr.J.R. P. Be I i. Ve 11 sit they ood som6where lelse, but whaits the use Will h-eldi Th anniersary services of vote are now all in, and there!ihm�ve been mouth on trip to Japan, and thl M�Xw as shall mosb effectually curtail its evils. Bennett, was born in the O)Ulaty of Corn. attended FreTs.by�6ry in I Goder h, on Tues-. 81.9 taking chances e -you are sure, d a I rch are alway 8 Young, of Da 2phini Mani- 0 Bay wher -the TiIams.Rca a looked 0 the Whereacolation.waialaupported by's addresna cast in favor of the Uquor Ast l'of 1902 no will be sbeent stout ten W03119. The object wali , England, in the year : �19, and spent day.-Mis. n A C-nly of good pelts, but of,a jerfect, fit, forWaTd to in 13, e Minister's visit i4 not. �t%tqi, hut tie his1oybood days in Working in the slate toba, is here P1 Ying La Visit 00 1her many a.pTeat deal �of pl sure and by several deputation. 4 103, I as than 109,692 votes, an, ag4mt it ot the ob nP exceptio mamb6a of the qu4!ries In In -tbe yroar friends, who are ill plesaed to E -a bar again. faultlesa.linings and work bip this yisar�w�L�: c n, as tte ser - Wb hill is. These a -d fAvor of the 1843 fille4 with im to -The wood yard j in the villag4 I are bein 482, thus leaving a Majorl likelibood'is that he will dire:)' his eff. 1832.1 particularly. dresses ere of a remarkably a Epi it of ambit vicesen � al, SY vill be of a Act of 96,210. � If Mr. R,3Es or *. Whitney �while there to o�,iening up new channels ol -A -t moderate and. good-natured character, ard maaf for.him2elf a home in a foreign Irnd, filled up NOTES. -Miss M itinic Parker, of Seafrth, interoiitirlg -and iistrucrive nature, while with the ir yearly appoly I of green -no d a, proportionate Majority o ; he mem- no Ila t "'trade between tb a tvo caun4ies and estabo� he jpined himself with bb t tide of emi- wood. -The stolit is of he pa�ob couple of a Viaiting 0 the residevoe of J. J. ther ]&a-icis of the will �qpare -no were, in, this respei it, in marked contrast to bers of the' Lawialaru;e ou theit� side, tbey -Win U. ess in -our d a.success in;so far sis thev r lisbiag u ora f?iendly- relAiGng bebweni gra,�';*on then coming to Cai iada. Bidding weeks has put �mper on b I vine for a� day or two in the isarl part of pains to mae the Xondayevening meeting addresses Made. on former similar would feel to, ably comfortabld occasions. e them. '"'a do n)t know iniwhatf way I h far6�vell to the friends of his youth andV villa'ge. -Tb e andhal congregat; onal meeing t is week. Miss Parker was ace nilmnle z petao� sboul berla min(I these ,,se - Rub although of la porpuasive -and* Mild A bachelor I linistO � of Agriculture can acoora young manhood, accompaui id by his sister, of St. Andrew"a �c hureb, tLanour oed for the her friend, ]Miss Violet.,Irvinei who is Eve d ry u O'.fawa despatch eava :Ons of te ent. Ross, vie I Roborb,--now of 13L.h, has been postponed until ruesday, the r siding in Scaforth at pres nature., they deuotjod firmness and earnest. plish his (biect nore speedil� or effectivel Mary, -and his nephow, J visit-, wt conel Ministers staticd to day Lis understood thanto li)okou5aprebbyJapincsocounL�-ii? Etohel. but at that time a nere child,' set 27th. -Mr. Jaf�.' Oannifig, of Dublin, and Michigan, who was in ness aa well. The� Premier -replied in a I i - . 1. n a pleasant J J Pierpoxxt Morgan vou��d v sit O�tawa or sometting ol that kind,,and bring -1 sail for the new comine it and after a formerly one of o ire t rprisin � merchants. t Is home of Mr. A. Rose, has ret arned to Hlbbl�rt. similarmanner. 4fterindulging in 'n tedious and storm tossed oVage of eight was in the vills ing th past week, FuRs.-O ar atoe4 is thinniug outrapidly, a few I' during the session of P�rliai�erlt." Mr. b%ok to *0 inada La Mre. Fisher. This is th 0 du bar home in the States. -Some of the YounLy t pleasan-trioa and 9'ongratulabing the 1112111- dads, --...kM ra. men from this secti under the P -easure,bf greatly reduced ri- Sam. of overcoming internaLiona weeks, they landed at Co ourg, where he calling. on his nut herous old fr on have gon sMorgan is nob. %yanted at f Ott�wa.. 11. o or tile winter. Tlri6y'll-i be The prices i. ertainl� savor tnoo�,Laf giving -0 bars of the. deputation and Umse whom thev diffict.11 fo T man years organiat in lumber Woods f ritindly ond and remained for four years, I i the year 1847 J. B. McLean, J goes there he b not gaing there ior n ipr of! able rolations between! the 6 ntria-, he directed his footstep3 f3tit-I farther west- Sb. Andrew is chu'reh, haw resigned. and her v�ith us when the - roses bloom again. -Il than aellivgJ,' because -profit is a thing f ag represented on thelir earnestness '!Id hin* ofthe a section the Grits and Toxies are about and his august prozence 1:'l the lebigr and i t. if �oarcel, r too 6 e ward, ooming to� Tuckeram th, making the place- will be takd!n by Miss Jt 3sio' McLean. t�i earlier datel The: bargain treefters you much 6 e ot that # cority as well as their persistency he point- House, 'or closeted wio�h Minierherp, will Inrlo the Canadi-in M n1ster should sac I ce hini- joar.ney all the way fro Cabourig on foot. Miss MoLeart is ', a led musician Tually divided and yet nearly every house- matchless p�nkig in Fur:Goats Uspe n accompliab Rffe, Muffit, Gauntlets, ete. The E, ed oat to them the,11dutiea and racp3neibilies no good for this country. There are too self to this exteA in the interes 9 of is He book up lot 39, con(ess' n 2, abodb three and will no doubb'sustain th a an ar 4older is a -subscriber to, THio Exp dentei I in the loleFaul Co.l,, Seaforth. .183-21 matly imitators . of Morgad h;%0&g abolit MiL d no* stands. of her worthy predeoessor. ra. (Rev. o believe this is unprece country. I a north of where B -uce is] of the Government'. There is, he said, 11 a, V t Ue lobbies during sessions, anit their mark oa nalq of Canadian j9urusrism.­Sri( w drifts, Zi i T61oountrython was pretty much an n- McKibben, of Branston', is hiting her general diaposibiorl to emphaeriza the datV is generally left on the public ab-0ounts. tch holes, cold noEes and sparking parties A Biig�_AoG. -Mr. - Walton Kerslake, --of of the Government rather than the (111ty of The at%' b has been broken forest, But he )6 and cour4ge Were Parente, Mr. andMr. R. Melli .-Mr.. Wfn. i bomer offialwily Inad the 1-0 i h 'coficeasion, b as . the medial. fr rait- a stro ig young arm soon McDonald piirpol e likely to be much in evidence for . the strong, and with sea renovati g big out a Cast Canada has given since Confederme o ing the biggest ho& He diell-vered :at Dub- -the Legialat In a speech rcently made b weeke.-It is re.13(rted that ure. he measure of a govern- Y, �1.3n. R. L con�erted the forest ir to fertile fields of buildings next summer y putt ng ne* stab- r ext six or eight lin recentl a two-year-old aw, which ba' 'willed biz Borden learle� of rhe CVPPO.11tiOIt,: in the Do- the enorm'ous at of $228,539,890 �iri bonu Is waAring grain. - Short y -afber COmi]3g ling under his ba no, aid to th t end is now c ne of o ar McKillop farmers s - 'OJT menVa reapon8ibiT1ty% under our constitu. I to r to'a, Pr . eabyterian chch in Ire- weighed pounds. It waz the biggest E tional system, as it�� minion Parlia, ln�fiat, ha weat oul 'of his wa to railwa 9. Few can really opporecil t Tuckeramith he was united in marriage having brick and ot er, . ateri I laid on the I roperty hog ever i elivered in Dubliu. Mr. Ktu id orked out, is its Y_ with Mise Annie Clark, wh as a- faithful %ground. I -Mr. -in. oat' of the 3rd bf I lud with which he was connected 40 years AO ffitk lake recei, id in the ineighboorhood of "7. 'for majority., Alth4gh the leader of the to highly ealog-ze Sir Charles wbat'thes figni so really mean, they rep e T per. 8 -,mie parit,ner shared his jo3 ,en is e eatin brick. rei- It will be &,good thing for t e cburchi; her,almost as Much as could be got for it t me and that the m'e!Lning of thi i is that an P b SCUlt 00 0010880ol lin 06MOUnt. ly6t ia a lit I a and sorrows for Tuckeramitb, inen Io� would be no great harm- -if the fol pehi governmarib at b the 50 earn. In the year 1880 he sold his' denco during the co, ing r. 7 - -of t T � presen y mmer. young beifq Hogs his kind ought to leader of theiLibera.1 Party, I am. nob the is to be made to gab the old wa 0. horse back over 30 y ars t bis amount has bpcn, tak n farll:l in Tackeramith,- and coming to Grey Sproat is agood: farmer and b ieves in haiv- iller would come along'and Put a end to nehip, purchased lo�s 1 and 2 Able.-' Many hose fellows who think that a far -ong pay well. Liberal party., I' into Parliantent. again as Well ab Mr. Fo3ter. from �he omi:iion, Provincial And mu I- tow 17th con- Ingcv�erythivgtabty and conifer Dr. 1 can Only go as far as my ikely, Irtowever, th# even after tr, in nion, the property ol the labs Mr. John farmers in tbipI vicitfty are now making i istance from town and nlarket ia worth as It is hardly Be uries, and has been' i tim of . pro cp supporters in the'Legislature will enable me hiF batlon,, SLe Charloa would be 'Ven M f rm he resided' good use of the all I hi by- getting home r iuch as one near by. The latter i-9 a a I -0 g c;1adzean, and on th'S e g Ing bonmas t as -flat 'in th.3 consoruction. of T-flt �The to go. yoll, R&Y if'we. had as large'a vote willing to pla third or fourth fiddle in the until his death. His v ife pro. deceased him gravel for statutb! labor. A umber from Rixury in/coinparigon with the former and y railways 'n t s Canada of ou're. B t y tax, d lore elect r the eurrenj -year, mear aa yea have,. we would have something Oppoksition brigade at O.Aawa five r a' years ago, and sinc3 that time be hab this vicinity attended the oys - supper at ft is the Yuxuies which are usual] e There have been in additi n ister, reeveand Misair. od thia is not 11. reeided with hia son Jo epol who, with his Chiselhurat on Monday, evenin -and repoit t he highest.1 William Is this like 77 of a majorit . I am sorry I have to this, 46, 77,t� 31 acres of land given f r Shaw, Tai rand Ia.16ks.on councillors, met .-n .14 A number of county and towitship Conn- estimable partner, has stalled over an aged a good time.-Re'v. Mr'; Sawe , of Brune - not that majority the kame ri arpo a. Is there another country the d fixed by I a to I d' �ioes in the Meth n ndformally eml It woiild aidd very cillors have. bcon disqualified thi parent i.0 his declinirg reais with nder fieldi- con( ucte ;the ser, Wintlirop. SY is year, on in tfie woi Id ith a -population equalling organizied. William Clark W -A, , -�ap Oluted Q re P greatly to my comfort to -nigh, iaoud per conscious care. In Ilh lait Massa$ kind diet church on Shnday last in It e absence of a eB for ladif clerk at a talary Watson, of 81:30 JArs, haps. add to the efficttnoy Of the 1p4gis' account of b-3ibg school tru'stee',,v and a good ours that. )an show anything like 'such a, friends and III vho itad long loved the. pa'stor, Rev. Mr. Mallott. - Mr. Sawells Geo. A, Slater he i are the On& lature. many of tl6m'did not n I urel , it is time we w eighbors, , I eat ever. Thpy need no br.eakinz iii a od pe was SpPoitited assesor at $70 ; M- Blaek' ptice t bir mistake record ? k 4re calling a �and this good and kind old man is an excellent preacher and Ids � Bre axe ri e admired able die- f abb. in material and fit, W. H. W11-115, oole n halt and t at oar Dominion �andl rovincill But whether my majorit,;P�be large. or small, until it wiAs' to'o late to ro Jt 'by.ith- because of his estimable qu lities, were ever courses were listened to with much interost Or seatorth. 1882-1. and R. Jobustn -were appointed ailditoriti U (ar- to the illing and rea is congr gatliort.-Mr. N6TES.-Oa Saturday at SS;oacls,� Mr. George Hood was drawal, and econ%equently the ninni,eipali eo dy to let d a helping hand to and pleasure by Ill afternoot last;Mr. iflam to exist it Must be maintained legislators ��erc t- ming a deal t oily importuniings of thealiolk ralwypr)- EdA metribir of the board of health, to act. Intact, and my da as head of a responsible have been subjected to the make things'as comfort k-ble as possible for Chas. Troyer,Abe genial and blikiDg P08t- Gharles Dolmage had a bee of the neighbors i No P �`Xpense ad moter, no! mati er what the merits of b is along lth'-Alessrs . Lsidlaw and Johnstoo govemilient is to leonsult that vote, and t hitndutingthadayearil nights of patient mMterat Hills Green, was dpinit business iwith their teams to move his house which a Ver., rouble of halving a now elect�.,dn. Several adheme may be And perhaps the most a Y. and Dr. cAsh -was appointed XsdiW 1 3 watching by his sick bed, a d if he Buffered in coiir village during the week W. J. tie purchased from Mr. Perhick, When Vho I that will be done &t the earliest opportunity in this county were caught in t4io way, but gravating eatu e of the �ousineas i's that the pa as he passed down thmugh the vaile McLean, f- L6'ndou, was erend�slg a ew night Health or. The clerk was instruetedto y the� got it moved about half ay, -all _d when the HOUE-e meeb, so faras we k4ow thete were no,riew elections corporations which the people have solibe.- 0 -secure elg�t copies of the M%unicipal. Worl I lie shadow of death, no nu overtook tbmand theyall started for Mr. Ct is. Then I will see of t rmur or corn. days with his old friends here during the Ape ma.de necessary. This amend, nt to the ally aided are rapidly becomin , if thcy c for*the use of the �coitneilloira. The jaum of how far the members are in sympathy with 9 omplaint ever passed his lip -a'. 17he de. past week. -We' 'regret very D�uch �o learn Dolmage"Is to have tea. , After tea a' furious Munitipal Act disqualifying Be, ool trustee five dollaralwas granted for supplies to Joe. a have not alread y become, thp nigsters of. the of tble 4th cone R* storm of snow and windeame up 11 d by this t the force of the vo�e ta I - ceased had long been a consistent' member that Mr. Pcte eron I ken, and how far from acting as municipa coti4cillors was peoploinatead A their servetits, I Beattie and o beiathargeoU.Councillor.,�' e ion, of Swink n poor he+h. He as time the men wete all taking lea v for.the* Will of the Methodist hurch. In politics h ry In i r they Will go to act upon it.y passed at tb last session Johnston. 1 After; passing a number -of so- th�. �.,oglslatur 01. as:a Liberal, althouib he. never took k been confined to -the house f�r �om Morlbbs I: omes, when in some way they - g turned This is t.heiiatcftbe Premier's reply in We are not, Kire that it i a V4ry wise en- The, 0 correspondent of the Globe very actiie interest in political affairs' or with an affection of the hearb. countpli tho conneiladjourned to meet again. iChUv it a We Join round indifferent directions and o8b their actment, as wai t.Mnk the op] a ne pola, on the ftblof February. e form and it -embodies the post. d e e es say n as son a opte, wl, sought publia hanorp, bat lived a quiet and wit s many rien. RL In 718 Ing 1111 a V?ay, yet tit ang to say some oi t 0 men -he id a rir jugesin. such matters and c safely be b b oFb ging the' British farmer in co 1retired life at p4ace ith all men. He- speody recovery. were on their cowri farms and itliere being tiou, of the Government on the subject. The trusted. We have e4rd of atly gre�tly enj6yed the see ty of young people, I both -1 U, although they did abuses Under the old system. closer touch with f aur Mace in the gang one would a U popose -o-Mr. J.� J. �Qonaeher, barrister law,� deputatio, Canada, and affcrding h; rn not got as information of bba kind he need and Illy his refined and erillemanly conver- Hensall. t ey should have been acquainted with the died after 4 thAart illness of meningitill, St a! The plan . : I the Stratford hozp - ry 70. a i - much as they r W -Anted, evidently got as oa4on wa� indeed a fit ing companion for 11ace. However, shortly before un ital, an Janus, Any personj�wbo has bad d(easion t,) -re'.. is to �e worke out by the co:op Frim D. -A lEkrge quantity ot 0a6l,ineal feed -F rsc� thei: much as they e'i pected, and they seemcd to ra If tolifina,and as an ' mble of a temperate and morning theyfound the road and were not; M -r. doa4er for a number of years x e fer to th pores ntative farme 0 a moral life which eaded in. a rj_pe old - age; a e Clinton elevAtor 11134 thei .1, ngall (lit. v M,�Mftoha, aving le bel to-lembly well ,saitisfied. What the e atatutes,' either aonm,10 re' ra of M,aniu meN11 milla. D. U. 41b hart, 183lx2 Much the worse of their nigh"s tr I onI ticed law wi, - �cnaall. - I:1r. Irding!, churl Provincial, h Value of the and the North, ves b Territorie, *1 o type of humanity which we should strive to a feeling exceddingly tired. M to) rofTio J. flaal result tray 40 will not be revealed 11 appreciate t will 6.0 'q. J. Sutherland,'of Heneall. ba ton- follow as a fitting exampIq of truth and up- following a ion by the T his banc6, for fale, a neat and *611 tin! abates that the intoxicating rial a For the last umber of years be 4e uggeat �r Lito World. a - . v It is quite 1 11 in purm W mot got at his place.—We are sor y t r&sid*d in t Ci Until the L-gislat to the old, country, and placed in Dr re Inecte. "Ice of a righ�ness.'The funeral cn.T iesday ' aslarge. rLoJium sized fram d%-ellirig with gcod stone foua- I t evident,, however, tha4t; the referendum has It, says lit w4ld be a p radt etion to the programme wh ioh la b.Aing iIrepm ad by We ly attenddd by -many 0 th3, relatives and aud cel'ar, ilidstable. *i-1 be a Id cheap as doarA public to provide that cv&ry amending Department of the Interior, will vithin s� x frien do, wh o were anxi( us I o pay th a I as b the owner thinks of going out West. JA ply to G J. I r I tribgte of reGpect iacre� to the memory Of it at' mises to be as hot and as a sLatute ser, forth fully' e effect of I trouble. I centre in t heDaitedKin!dom. 9fiese LOCAL Br; Monda nab setled the question by any mea3 and Weeks practica ly visit every al �rioult Buthcaland, Cc;nveyoor, Reusp6ll 1831 -if pro i� t 1 9 mei, the. 4eparted. In the a bseppe of a settled, F.—Oa Monda ev ning a; a the ch3nge. so that it may be; understood who have had �evcral I dri Ing in a some for the politicians, au it ha -i ever been, 'years' experience :)f Methodist cler the funeral service nu ber of our villigers were E D a B 'rgain Day without Warring back to 1c SLE Oman, and we believe it will re�ainSD until some As the laws are U -tute book_" Buccessfulfaroug in the weit, I vieit one was condLicted by Rev. A. JMcN&. In- pleTsure sleigh to attend the tea -n sting at now made and amended, a 'ery, town each dayifor a period of 0, weeks. In terMent was made in tt a Bi assels cerriet Ohiselhurat, they had quite A th Iling fix - firm and decisive policy,,Aither on roipe side 'person may have to refer ack 1,,,n year to this way it is'; hoped t i I to rest alo or the other, is ad pted by the r throu many Volum 8- of e stututes api 2,000 ai placah may be feached during Is kicked -0 hab � per wheoe the'remains were I ng- perience a little east of the post o ce. C ne Mon b y,:,a th period f his beloved pit 'tner, 'who had of the hor6i5s, feeling 9, little, friak Fur the Balance of is n,. th.:. before they c ascertain what t I side'tbose of TV= irrespective of -the resulL such policy will : he eff`ec� Of their visit, at each of wh�_'ch the prospective , so long shared with him b�s joysiand sor- ove'r the poll, when the team 1 sea 0 frigl?t. an amendmen -. is, or what really is or is nr t iane. la'w. Y cases, oil accou y have on govern *ents, parties or politic, In Ma emigrant will be able to learn b i� %person J rows in life. The pall earers were Messrs. ened and started to run. The dri er pulled t of thi§. interview.the facts �which will be Most bell?- David Campbrill, A. Jo nation, ohm'Berry, them off the ricad into.the deeli snow when The policy XIVD.cated a few stop )y elieye, the beat and a Wn ard nd thel a Quic Sel I ing.. weeks ago complexity, it is difffificult, f not impossible, ful to, hini"i" This will bo a fine t ip for tb e Thornas McFadzpan,t Pol! a r run was brought to a su(.dpo for the lay mi3,d to uurae the tang e, and ' ve a jol y H ng' in contact, with a Aegraph p )I Wi I I inake k IL, we firmly b %fest for there is frequently a w western f4rinard, and they Will h enry Lloyd, A fRmily of five ions and comi A Few Le _'"rs I hat 4eD U' a W d difference of L all Partiea and from. every Point of view 8 time. All the Hama, the ide-i see a to be a two daughter t) cherish with with such force asAotbrow all the peeLpantis opinion amon� those vev j. s rtlr,,-iv3 vvho 8 d in law as to good one, and should be produc iv'e of g000. -loving me]mor�� the kin� � nes I -of a considerate oilti into the enow, but being deep A fermod Ithonestly carried out, it would, at any what certain states Mea y f A lot- of Silkellin'e, nearly all colors, beautifut designal--worth 121c to 115co But why collfine -it to Manito i and the. -and loving. parent : Willam, of West a g! od landing ce and* ver post sh 0 unate l rate, remove the question out of politics, 1 f )k 7c a yard. f Northwest ? Why not include atario n -Bra h Michigan ; Them F, of Clinton ; all escaped any inj t Y. 8 9 on as a u9W Qatario Col'188rvaraves are likely to sabore a to I art(Ithat is the firsb. thing desired if a the scheme ? � We wano go emigran be' Sa ul' of Winghain ; John and' Joseph, sleigh could be pl-ire , e p rty wriep Ten pieces of Cretionne, vi, r-th 10c to 121c, f�r 7c a yard. considerable 'otory in tbe SauI4 Ste. Marie here, andthere proper soltion is oi be olatain6d. as good a. field for the m of 611rey township, and Mrp. !Jane- Jameson,,, ena�bled to start o astnin an lafely reae.,J�-, Thirty pieces of Dress Goods,- h 50a, 75,cl all o- on B610 for Wort election trial, which shouTld war� theirn-up as In eith4r Manitoba or the Nort West. of Huron Road, McKillop, %irid-Mrs. Henry- their destination " i,.haW furt 'er ishap lor Since the above was in tyRp, we notice a yard.- thim somewhat aft4r the chill Icf th4 cold blast Wa ilo d, o.1 Wingbam. I a family of three adventure. Their exp--.AenQe gq; lain Towelling, Sold Worm t stj thait a detpatation of promitlent tempera Iterl Herbert, the young man w o ra a d two brothers o thing to talk about al..n the way.�� Tcn,ipiece's checked and from the Thre' Norths,whi g! ndHenryj now livin ja sle was in, oh ovbrtook them Bur iv" es -Carli' 10c a ' ard. men in Toronto, who are not contleated turned Kilag's evidence on. Gerald Bif to _8, Ocegon. M ro. Jam GoIderich on y with any temperat ce corgarliz%tion' an a, couple of weiks ago. Mr. I Miscampbell, one Tuesday attending the annua meeting of had nd confetsed to having aided him. to k if Ten dozen LaffieB' CorsetE for 38c, worth '75e1 all the. informal conforene 3 with Premier Roes a of Mr. Whitney's -first - lie6enal4te, was the his fath the Women's Presbyterial Mi ionary Soc�e. Twenty-eight pairs of Lime Ourtains to be solo at 75p, worth 3.1.295 they eri' Joseph Sif ton, and twice plead d Staf ra. i d eipoindent in;the trial. It was! Visit '4. ARR11 .—A'happv "ve 1 t occurred at same'meeting.�Mr, Richard ppog r 0 few day. 9 agoL and Presented brought to t3. Mrs. (Rev.), Henderson a led are wonders. him guilty to being an accomplice in the murdi r,. OS w P. close on Saturday, after a trial lastiD ED e n I . -d Mr McLel- has; very succes !a Ital resolution urging t beir belief that the re, g for was brought before Justice Mered the home of Mr. an a. Andrew* sfully carried on a 4 u �fivo eays. There were 91 'charges includ itb, at tie t- at cout Livi Cent, Vote Calls fox the CIOEiUg Of the Public i ed. SPECIAL—. in the bill o London siseizeq, a Ian Hibbert, on New Year' �eve whan their bousiness during �he pist ye&Lrn Beverle a Oe lot, Black and Colorod Braids to go f �articiulars. Of till nd ab :the requelst. of t Is I - i f e7W fourth daughter, Jennie, w United inmat. i brick block, has this week less'ed the w at Y&rd. See them. dL un d bars, and for the abolition of the treating reserved b the trial ju, gee foJr considera- Crown was set at liberty. Ifetiberb h riage to e 1MM( a pr forifier4ocou 4 .-n con i nod , iri London jail for &be it young man of Tuckerandth. The ceremony by Mr. G. F. Arnold, and intlondq, moving Wonde'riful reduction,% in ll lines duiing the tock -taking Sale, tion and all tbe-others were eit6,r dismissed bet P* d. system, and the sale of liquor in clubsi and Mr. Jobn G I store of Bell's brick block , It was proven C L !that there that it is in the I)Iic interests that the sale i two years The rown prooecutotis were a was performed by Rev. M�l Cranston, of into it about -the middle of next month. Pu I Was. whiskey 'galore in circulation during somewhat�of a quandary what to do wi;h Ore narty, assieted by Rev. Mr. Shaw, rf Mi . R6bert Carlisle was i4 Clinton thia WV11V1V1W liquor, so far as; permitted, should be the campaign.;� It was al a. his 81) sw6rn to tba- him. IEI bad confessed �to participation. Egi iondville, in the presened of about 'fifty week visiting relatives. —Miss' phill, 'of OL .4 Rem P ce lid under government 11ontrol. This is precisely money in plenty had been paid! for votes. H ig hest s Pat fat the' the murd on -two differient; vocations, bat inv ted guests- re]MtiVCE and friends *Of- the Wroxeter, is visiting her sistei, Mrs. Corn. but these charoes also had to be' abd along ithe same line 3 as we advocated in T . jury a7the trial of Slfton,� by their v(r- brig' e and groom. , The wedding march was le US Cook. —M ri J. Sutherland wah in Lou- forwantof corroborative evidence. When diet. declared that his confession ExrosiTaR a conple of weeks ago, crid to was falte plw -ad by Miss Annie G. Gommell, sister of don'tbieweek spending a-fe* d a with sweart howas p one witneFs iM ald� money or and acquitted the I' on. Tbe the groom, when the br de, IraniDg on the rela�tivee.—Mr. ftobert Bell, man facturer ve. pr oner Sif i which we allude a The deputation, in, I -now eafortb, and, formerly of H�snsal, wait in given whiskey for his vote :_)y a pertain per- ptizzle was how Herbqrt --ould be ac -quitted arm of her father, enter ed tie parlor, where of addit-on be disclaming any connect, son, after h onfeased to guilt, a I - the I groom had . preceded he a on Tuesday and" re. on 'with and that P,;raon comes on th� stand and D Co d as t e The were the -village on businea I he swears he did not pay y LE any social or temperance organization, r %--d the rioney�or give the only p=nt for sue a crime is hangh g attended by Mr. William G �mmell, brother Port ore orders than pan ill at the nd there is no third party ba Id not very well jeanee his execubh n of tKe groom, and Miss Kat B S. McLellan, four a In whiskey, a they appeared simply in'their 6%,Faofty as knowledge of � the �ransa tion, it is no th oil idry. We are always p eased it 3 see X afteratile �Ur had declare people of Liberals and bempe4ance men. oy d his colleague i: I- sister of the bride. T e b ide was be-eom- Bell and only regret that the good safe to make 'a convictior. Moot of the nocen% lIDNO ge, out of the tangle t'he judge ingliy dressed in orearn alb itross, tritlimed Seaforth induced him. to leave �tis -Rev. r. TER a'' gu I r 0 0 U �h t VP1 in Wit 0 mse ve rm r more d $3