HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-16, Page 7$: 16,1903
Pale People," is printed
ound the box. Sold by
t by mail, post paid, at
six boxes for $2 50, by
he Dr. Williams' Medi-
, Oat.
r:rapies, you road hina at the
xpense, hoan alwaye keep
r cheeknonea and his fiery
()Tule or a ezhoolosate every-
eridne, and e drop of moutt
him in, hen maybe take in
sge would make your throat -
6r ft wth three grunts ad
r his head to stake him see,
idemaire the tine_ of other
a the kirk, where Pepper -
wether when Ws only fit for
neautien u.heather Me, he
erne tee playing seeing gou
day to equal the New Year,
"e atest of all poets, that is
when he hears the hagpipen
ances a sword dance and a
Engliehinan's idea. ot -a Seat,
Sone people thirsts We
-Ma Bits.
• Health, Not for
food preparation, that
[coneideration, or deiiber-
be- used is not a safe
health seekers. Life is-
preciene and time too
he, article of diet a food
Food has passed the
does net demand houre
t can be used; the able
Id the moat noted food
t the head of all grain
its health giving and
wilities. It is the food
'etrong, the athlete and
ever this continent the
:fast Food has been es -
qt food. A.II grocers. -
and Crying. .
,pen to us all which it ie
n aboutas ory about,-----
artfortunate eairecidenees,
sea intention and perfor-
;ht are well take them aa a
xtJfa oryear's experiences,
a possible charge them to
t any rete grumbling and
lot going to change them,
re of emotion in those nu-
ke may unfit you for re -
dere. Indeed, it often
unhappy and disagree-
Fich one ia thrown by a
a severer loss than the
he complains. Many a.
as brought into- the home
ee- and a morose temper
sate (=nuance, and has
- atmosphere and sown
between those who should
el anent' together. The
ture has been utterly dig -
a occasion. Probably ib.
toexpect a swain who
e the lady of his heart, or
o has lost a good bargain.
tis been caught in the rain
bonnet, to be exuberantly
in the case of snob
philosophy may come to
eh us not to make a bad.
e Watchman_
Sufferer Cured
[don, of Leede, Ont., wee'
itlaeurnetism by Polson
" I feel my duty is
Nerviline as an Mal-
itimatiem ; it cured roe
effering, and nothing
ite penetrating power.
no equal in quickly
Rherimatism, Neared-
urnhago. A trial will
ptlee 25
For Salt.
[t. from lumping mix one
ielevert parts of salt. - A
-added to the whites of
will make them froth
th wirl be stiffer. In
ittIe salt, helpto make
kled in the oven under
their burning. Salt in
t atick ; in cold or boil-
. a gloss. Reis fiat -irons
them. Salt scattered
eepieg keeps down the
the. Throw salt on ea
A small quantity of salt
e when low will revive
the fire before broiling.
flannel in ealt to clean
handles, ateirted tea
hard water. Salt put on
removes the
Prints soaked in sale
ailing will have the col -
les and Disfiguring
young gide a great
- The only cure is a
Verrrzona. It cleanses
paisone and impurities,
ns ir. and makes lots
mar.ifest their pres-
healthy glow in the
Err z rue iini .kly masters
ailds up broken-down
steee to weak, sickly
of spirits, vitality,
Try Ferree eae, it's all
box, ar 6 boxes for
er N. C. Polon & Co.,
at -
took- piece the other
Se -lea street. Methodist
wnen two Stratford
They were
1 Pewell, a machiniet in
k and Meet Minnie Me -
Dung le,ly, who had
nford for artme time.
elseer ef the Waterloo
errned the ceremony.,
was bridenmaid, and
nied the groorn. The
hilt on the ton train on
to 1,nndon and other
urning will take np
ei , ity.
* -
n an Fire.
- as a! lenetime, itching
their suffer-
- e All: id iHn • n fire. The
• tee (..r q ..-:,ched by the
- t.... The Pee few applies• -
. ,
let- - me as sure
.., _. -.-,;,...ii..t Eear Or
of the Met -lot -Hat
ft. lest week to take up,,
....pen. Mr. Cassidy
realar ) atm in JP."'
me fur the poet nine
JANUARY 16 1903.
_75 _
Grand Trtlink Railway.
Trains leve Seatorth and Clinton stations sa
Passenger -at. -. 12.40 P. m. 12.66 st.
Passenger.... 10.18 P. M. 10.27 P. M.
lazed Train_ 9.20 A. M. 10,M A.
ialixed - 6.15 P M. 7.06 .
Passenger ... 7.68 A. M. 7.88
Paseenger.. ° a.n P. M. 2.66
*fixed Train... - 4.40 P. M 4.15
• Palmerston; and Kincardine.
GOIXO NOBen. Pae. Idixed. Med
Pansers&on ...... .. 7.3 .
Ethel.. .. _ ...... 8071
Brunets.. _. _.. 8.171
Blutvale c- 27' -
Wingham- - .. 8.38
Wingharc_ .. - 6 6 a.m 0 rem.
Bluevale 7.0 9.17
Bres-ele. .. .... .. 7.1. 10.00 8 26
Ethel 7 10.15 8.85
Palmerston 8.2 11.80 4.20
London, Huron and Bruce.
12.20 p.m 8.45
1.07 9.40
1.10 10.00
1.80 10.20
185 10.80
Mixed. Pi.
8.05 „re3.18
atres Noarn-
London, depart -.... ••
Centralia - - • • •• • ••• • •• •
Sietterywor ••• • • 4-4 • • •••
Hens111- • • w ••• •
... . ..
Brumfield- ..... .
Belgrove-.... s. .-
Wiegheeee arrive..
game Sourer-
Winghana, depart- -
Blyth..- .. ..... .
Londesboro . . . .
Brueefield- - ..•
Kippen- . . -
Henson- - •... •
• • 4.4
Exeter . ..... . .
C ila
London, (arrive)- - .4..
8.16 A.m. 4.50
9.18 6,55
9.80 6.07
9.44 6.18
9.60 la%
11.58 6.88
10.16 6.66
10.80 7.12
10.38 7.20
10 60 '7.88
11.CO 7.66
6.60 eel. 8,10 w
7.01 8.23
7.14 8.85
7.22 3.45
7.47 4.16
8.05 4,40
8.15 4.60
8.22 4.56
8.35 5.10
8,46 6.20
9.45 A. R. 6.20
E3eautiful Flowe
What mark of respect can there be- given to a ing
or departed friend greater than the presentation of
live flowers. Whet is more refining for the fa ilv
table? What w-11 make ue think arid see the g eat
works. of the Creator more clearly ths.n the beautiful
Rose atd Carnation? We kupply
Funeral Designs, such as Oroeees. Anchors, Wreaths,
Hearts, Pillews, Gates Ajar, in fact all new and up-
to-date emblems that cannot be surpassed by any
city establishtuent, and prima much lase. line
of lettering alsedone. You can oan see samples he
fare ordenng. Give us al trial for your Christmas
Flowers. Please send ordiar in early so that they
may be kept for you. Mai orders promptly tined.
1826-13 Mitchell, 0n,
/110 PIG BREEDER8.-The undersigned will keep
OD Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuokdramith,
s, thoroughbred Teetwoitatt PIG, also a thorough-
bred YORIOnTER3 PIG. A limited number of sows will
be admitted to eaoh. Terns, 01., payable at the time
of service, or $1.50 if cha jneTES onmxtru,.
-DIG FOR SERVICE.- be undersigned will keep
I: on Lot 29, Concessio 11, Hibbert, a Thorough-
bred Yorkshire boar t which he will admit a
limited number of sows. Terms. -$1. at the time of
service. JOHN ELGIE, Chisel -hut -at, Ont. 1771-U
1DIG FOR SERVICE.- he undersigned has on
I, Lot 28, Concession 11, Meliillop, a thorough-
bred Yorkshire Boar, to w ich he will admit a limit-
ed number of Bowes T rms-75e, payable at the
time of seri ice. with the privilege of returning if
necessary, HUGH T. GR EVE. 1782-tf
MI CIL FOR SERVICE. --Homestead Rex, 49797,
...LY the pure bred Angus bull, will stand for service
onLot ID, Concesden 2, uckeramith, for the year
1603. -Terms. -$1.26 for melt cow, to be paid Jan-
uary after service. If not so paid 25e per oow will
be added. JAMES MeIN OSH & SONS, 1830x1
rros T pill&
Opinions of Leading Physicians.
I have used Strong's Pilo remedy in my practice,
and would cheerfully reemineend it to the general
public as one of the best remedies for piles on the
market ; knowing its composition makes me more -
inclined to rety mmend it as a first -clam remedy ler;
piles. JOHN R. FLOCK,IM. D., Acting Phyeician -
London Jail.
Price, $1.00. For sale by druggists, or by trail, on
receipt of prize.
W. T. STRONG, Manuferturing Chemist, London,
Ontario. 1796-52
The McKillop ifilutual Fire
insurance Company.
J. B. McLean, Fre doh, Irippen P. 0. ; Thomai
Fraser, vice-president, Brdeefield P. 0. ; Thomas E.
Maya ,Secy-Treae. Seefertia P. O. ; W. G. Broad.
?out, Inepeetor of Lessee, 8eaforth, P. 0.
!name -rota%
W. G. Broeelfoot, 80Mo-int ; John G. Grieve, Vai
threes ; George Dale, Seaforth ; John Benneweis,
Dublin; J%11163 Ratans, $efaehwood ; John watt,
Earlock ; Thomaa Fraser, Brumfield ,• John B. Mo
Lean, Kippon ; James Coranolly, Clinton.
R&M, Smith. Harioek F,. Ilinehley, Seaforth ;
James Cumming Esmond's e; J. W. Yeo, Helmet)
vine P. .Q.; George Murdie anti John 0. Morrison
Parties data -tone to effect Izeuranoos or trans
vet °the, bneinees to prowptly attended to 8s
pplinailoP to any of the ebove officers. eddrefesed is
hair rernaa MVP VO4i Ofilnet
Good* Quality, Fair Pikes, Cour-
teous Treatment and Straight
Deal ng.
Furniture of all kinds, Window
Shades, Curtain Pies, Pictures, Pic-
ture Frames and Framing.
Repairing done promptly. Special
attention given to recovering uphol-
stered goods.
Upholstery coverings and material.
Tow, moss and curl d hair.
Furniture paek-e either at
home or at my store.
Will receive sp cial ttention. Night
e!alls answered a n) residence in fear
of Dominion Ban
your -
"My rn...*ther was trouble with
consumption for many year -s. At
last she was given up tp die. Then
she tried Ayer's er Pectoral,
and was speedily cure . '
b., P. Jolly, oca, N. Y.
No matter h w !hard
your cough or ow Iong
vc haNie had i kyer's
C4erry Pectora is. the
4 best thing you an 'take.
It's too risky to ;wait
- until you have consump-
tion. If:you are coughing
today, get a b tt of
Cherry Pectoral at nce.
Three sizes: 25c., erlOttgh for an lorditiary
colds 50c., jus right for bronchitiu, hoarse-
ness, hard co ds, ere.; V, m 3St emipomital
for chronic mem tarot to kee on
J. Q. AYE.R CO., owel I, Masa.
won 0; podia.
[The following local nes Wfi; intended
ifaotre.11ast week, but catae to ;hand too
NOTES. -;-Mr.' LT1hlornmiaesY and, of this
neighborhood, ia visiting r lati ea in and.
around Hemption.-Mrs. ho eS Smallai-
combe, of Kilatney, Mani oba, is visitin
/44u. A. Cole, of this place, also Niends an
relatives around Exeter. M Sthalla-
combe left these parts some 21 years ago
and as this is her first virsies1 horo she will
donbtless Bee many change. - Ote was a
daughter of the late Mr. Wm. perkiras, ot
Exeeter, who 14ved for m ray yleare near
Elimville.-Mn, and Mrs, arcy iLuxon, of
Seuth Bend, Iediana, visi ed heir parents
in Exeter last week,, also Mesi Luxon's
slater, Mrs. George Ethe ington, of the
4th. They sled visited r. Luecen's cous•
ins, Messrs. Matthew and m.l Miller, of
the boundary, *fibbed-.
This is not a ,entle word but When you
think how liable you are not to perchase for
7 ethe only remedy univeles, lly ktiown and
a emedy that, leas had the largeet sale of
ay medicine in the world 11868, for
t e cure and treatment of 0 n ption and
Throat and Idling troubles witheut losing
its great popularity all thes yeare, you will
be thankful we called yo r attention' to
Bbschee's Gerthan Syrup. There are so
many ordinary cough remdie inuidee by
deuggiets and others that are cheap end
ogod for light colds perhaps, but for severe '
oughs, Bronchitis, Croup an especially
for Consumption, where there difficult
expectoration end conghi g during the
nights and moreings, there 's nothing like
German. Syrup. I Sold by 11 druggists in
the civilized wohld.
G. G. GREEN-, Woo▪ ldbury, N. 3.
Dons.--sTameei Stacey recently met With
an accident of a somewhat rim -kale nature.
While mixing oil of vitrol andSiurpentine
in a bottle the oontents explodedp burning
his face and betide very severeliy.-Sodom
has decided to erect a news hool !house on
the farm of Mr. F. Sweet, ho has gener-
misty donated a piece of hen foe that pure
pee. It will be completed y mid-surnaier.
Mins Hogg, of Brussels. ha been engaged
as teacher for the present y .Fed
Green and wife also Mr. an Mee; G. Ford
spent New Yealre day visiting at Jarhes
Green's, of Hay township.+ -Cheater Stan -
lake, who has beim spending the. holideys
with his pare, returned to London Men-
dey.-lidr. E. Harrison, of Petrolia, who
has been visiting at Mr. C. Bo, returned
heme on Thursday. -Miss Maude Isaac is
viaiting her broqher William of :Exalt%
An instant relid and perfec cure for Colds,
, Asthma,Bron-
minutes any
or cold ie. the
:Coughs, Catarrh, Deafnes
chitis, Lung Trouble and
'Inhale Catadrhozone fiv
tithe and it kills a cough
,Inhale Cataerhczene fie
Mines daily, shed ib per
retie Catarina Deaftres
ay Feet r. ,
Inhale Catarrhozone te
hour and it eures Pneumoni
Lung Trouble and prevent
diseatet. Complete eutfi
size, 25,1, ah Druggists,
86 Co., Kingston, Ontario.
mirtutes four
anently °urea
, Asthma end
mioeteri every
, Censumptiona
all contagious
, 81.00 ; trial
r 'C. Polon
Thorncliff .
Dons. -Mr, Robert Delia and bdde have
returned honie Ober an exteided visit with
friends in the east -ahead° i su ar factory
closes this week, They se 00 tons of
beets in 24 hou4s.-Measele are very preve-
lent, old and young are dew, with them. -
One of our best young me, ha* bought a
been, expect a Wedding in 'he near future.
-Mrs. Hannon was laid ,to rest in Bieck
burn's cemetery last week. 8 6 leaves a
husband and gr wn upfamily.--It r. Iloyles,
of the 7th con ession, Chatham townehip,
suffered a heav loss, his barn a a crop_be-
ing hurnt. r e straw stack 0 ught fire
from the thre hing engine. -- Mr. John
Brooks and son, Arthur, are re owing ac-
quaintances here. He has been i Manitoba
for 5 years and epeaks well of Ur country.
, • •
To Increiise Your Weight.
If you are thin, weak and emaciated, and want to
lnoreaee your flesh and weight, you sh old try Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food. Yon can feel it de mg you good
from day to day, as it strikes at the roe of trouble
and creates new rieih blood. You ean aeove that it
builds up new tissnes and adds flesh if you weigh
yourself each week while using it.
Sermon REPOWr -The followieg is the
December monthly report of scheol section
No. 14, Stanley.' Names are in order of
merit : Fifth class, H. F. Johnston, D. 0.
Graesic, M. R. Aiair. Fourth close, Jennie
MoBeath, Mary Johnston, A. VV. John-
ston. Third class, E. Gemmell, are Hood,
E. Alair. Second °leas, Etta Jarrott,
Aggie Gemmell, J. H. Jones. &mond part,
B. Logan, J. Gemmell, Hannah Dinsdale.
First part, John Kehl, A. Jones, Sella
Rathwell. The best spellers in the monthly
spelling matchee were Fifth wad fourth,
Jennie B. MeBeath ; third, Emma R.
Alair ; Second, Murray M. Fishth. ; Second
part, Oda MoBeath.
LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, sallOw complex
on, yellow eyes, jaundice, eto., yield tei the ottra-
iv() powers of LAX A -LIVER PILLS. They are gum
o cure.
MentitioNitt.a.-A 'nose enjoyable time
was epent at the home of Mr. John McCal-
lum, 9th concession, East Wawatiosh, on
the evening of December 31st, ' When his
second eldest daughter, Susie, *as united
in the holy bonds of mArimony tin Mr. Ed.
Vincent, formerly of this village. The cere-
; mony was e form d by the Rev,: J. J. Hs.
1 tio in t)ae p atence • f 100 guests. I Oongrat
Iations being over 11 repaired to the dini g
room where the tables groaned beneet
their load. Afte all had done justice tits
the goad things pr vided, the, tables weie
cleared away and the, "light tentastio '
was tripped till tit: wee smag hours of the•
morn'. The preso te were beth nunzeroijs
in which the I;rid is held. Mr. and Ilfr
and bandsom iteetifying the high estee
Vincent left on he 3:30 tr in, Thursd
. for their future ho e, in Dopoltester tow
ship. Elgin o unt . I
No r. ''alter Allison and : brld.e
have rsturnod fro Toronto end taken u
housekeeping in Mr. Tuff's house.1--M .
Bert Carte of eatfield, but late ' of Pilolt
Mound, Manitob was a visitor at "Spruce
Avenue Fa. re' 1a;t week. -Mr. and Mr,.
Robert Ar. stron , of Dakota, are on an e
tended viat wit friends in the villagn.
Judging frim the r appearance the climat
must be a seelth one. -A now member was
added to the Preibyteriati choir last Sa
bath in the pursoi of Mr. Ed. Wightma ,
to fill the v crane made by the departure c,f
Mr. PREISM ro from the village. -The infant
child of Mr Pete Scott is,ver'y ill and slight
• hopes enter aine I for its recovery.
S Bar
and hearty,
Bplendid sp
Ontario. T
he often tel
"1 was t
I Buffered
back, and w
when urine
Though I
medieirtee, I
Pills in the
them. It w
and lo ked
greet e
young you a
plaint was
Kidne Pill
Dod 's K
yoting again
SAitGi En
s flJ
e lo
almost an Octogenl.
ured of Kid.ney
Dodd's Kidney Pill
Ont., January 12-(Spec-
557!of age, but b.al
Barnes, of this place, is e
a of the pioneers of Ne
• numerous aCquaintance
following story :
d with Kidney Complaint
ely with pains acroes m
soalding burniog sensatio
thet was very painful.
little faith in proprietar
a box of Do d'a Kielne
se and commenced usin
t long befere felt bette
re My friends, started t
Hello, Mr. Bernes, ho
oking r My Kidney Com
pletely cured by Dedd'
Pills make the old fee
Someone nte
how she ma age
grace et Hai men
to a eonapic otos
middle age. She
We may otb
struction g yen
but most of e
The great ben
fresh -air is i e ti
in the habit of
ene day shu iihd
days are al os
indoors for o o
ia really a crine
every day corn
The cause of
Walking on
ercise. .8
does not, of o 'T
but it ia eas ly a
hardly a buy da
she could not, 4
open air.
A walk in the
(Ash of cour e.
oughfare ea not
the wide, op nIfi
air ia freah d
are many op n ,s
out the city, and
them is bett r th
says the Phi ade
If a little alk
were possibl it
energetioall swi
ing one'e sel wh
There are som
swinging th arm
any particul r at
ha,pa,a masc line
not handica ped
or any other snia
will quite n tura
entirely un otic
There are k nu ber of small breathing ex-
ercises which ea be taken while walkine
whieh are orebeneficial. One is to., draw
in the breat slotly until the lungs are fill
ed, then ho in a lone as possible. Hav
ing done thi tw or tau) times, a pleasan
glow id felt n th chest, neck and face.
This littl exe cise is a great complexion,
beautifier, ncl is certainly -quite easy to -
fake. The mo nt of color it can pub into
a pale face urin a short walk is generally
surprising t tho e who have, perhaps, been
skeptical of its b nefite until forced to b
convinced o it.
The short wa king skirt and common
sense aboes, of e urse, indispensable to th
walk bygie io.,
ir a Beautifier,
asked Miss Ellen Terry
to preaerve so much of th
es of youth which is hers
degree even to -day in he
nswered. " D4nOE), dance,
able to carry out this in -
by so good an authority,
n at least walk,walk,walk.
fit of the deity walk in the
table. To any one who is
eking a walk every day,
ors is a misery and two
ntolereble. And to stay
d os.use for a week or over
against hygiene and good
n Some.
al f the poor arm lexions
y is poor eirculati n, and
s often caused by lack of
of the easiest modes of ex-
t the most thorough, and
e, employ all the nitrites,
d readily taken. 'here is
in any woman's 1 fe that
well, take a walkin the
ountry Ili the most benefi-
A city pavement or thor-
ompete for a moment with
lds and woode, where the
holesome. , However, there
nares and iparks through -
a walk or ramble through
n staying in the ' house,
phia Publici Ledger.
in the country every day
ould be well to take it,
ging the arms and enjoy -
le about it. I 1
women who can walk,
a little, withinit attracting
tention to what seems per-
rerogative. Ili the welker is
with purse, ag, embroil&
1 incumbranoe, the arms
ly awing a little, perhapt,
d to the pedeetrain her.
e safeguard
d by
disinfectant -is strongly
the medical profession as
st infectious diseases
Swift and sudd n was the fate tha mot
el'ohn No , of Toronto, Thursday after
noon. Whi e dr ving across the railway
track just c ese t Port Credit, at 4 o'clock
in the after oon, hie rig was struck b the
eastbound •. P. R. flier, on tho rand
Trunk line. The two horses were ins antly
killed, the ago was reduced to I etch -
wood, and 1 orri was thrown , over a hurai
dred feet. he ccident was Svitness d by
several labo ing en, but when they each -
ed the unforturta e young mad they found
him dead. he ody was oared for the
Port Credit tett n, and the news wa sent
to the fa,mil in hat city. ,John orris
was au out. !.to'n driver for the tiesen
City 011 Co pan', and left Ins home on his
regular rout in he vicinity of Port redit.
The heavy rivin snow made it v r dif-
ficult to see any tstanae, and this w s no
doubt the p inoi al cause of the ragedy.
The train, as the time of the collision was
running abo t 40 mites an hour, lin the
force of th i pact caused cons d rable
arnage to t ot. The victim o the
e p
accident was 24- y are of age, and t e only
$ OW
a sin
necessary or
some Cres len
the lamp b ne
icrib. Whil b
in the healing
inflamed em
trouble cea s.
for whoopim g-
Arapo-Cros,-le e is
A Vapo-Cs eole e ou
Lamp, which sh• tild
Cresolene, cern' lete,
leneeecentsan eoc
Ing physicians' t
-Reoommen • ed
;druggist, Se for
he baby
probably it's a old.
es catch cold so e sily
ecover so slowly. Not
y, however, when you
apo-Cresolene. hen
la night is all that is
cure. You just' put
in the vaporize4, light
th, and place ne t the
by sleeps he bre ihes-
apor. Cold lo ens,
branes heal, air. all
It's a perfect sp, ific
ough and croup.
sold by druggists eve Wher8e.
fit, including the Vapo r and
last a life -time, and a battle of-
$r.ao ; extra supplies f Creso-
nts. Illustrated bookie contain-
onials free upon resin a VAPO
Fulton St., New York U.S.A.
and gold by I. V Fistir
ehouliders. .
mar e on the body are about
the head and
A Voice From 41Wilt•
DEAR EXPOSITOR,-Tbie pest season has
been deoidedly an off yeer fo this great and
prosPerous state. The rins opened very
dry with heavy loon' ' ,sh were in some
localities. In June the rain became more
general and frequent until they were of
weekly oecurrenee and man timer) oftener.
Ga aocount of the exceasive moisture the
hay was gableered with much diffieulty and
In poor condition, and for t e same reason
much valuable feed spoiled i the stack and
the threshing of the small rains was ace
oomplished with much less and inconveni-
ence; in fact a good dead of threehing re-
mains still to be done, OA the ponderous
threshing rigs could nob be eyed through
the thud on the roads an4 fie ds.
Cora picking was also lnu hj delayed on
account of the backward eea on, and thone-
ands Of bushels were covered under about a
foot of snow early in Deo* er, The corn
was covered by reason ot the fact that the
frequent storms of -wind and ain levelled, it,
nearly with the ground., T ough the sea-
son, for the most, part, h s been unfavor-
able, hall the farmers h presperedby
reason of the high price o educe. Hogs
for a time eold at nearly ea cents per
pound live weight, and at sent are worth
about five and three
quar ants. Poultry
ndustry, and
year round at
t present are
e er sold for
,Tast summer,
us; exodus from
akota and
in; this fact,
the price of land has rapdly acleanced.
Farms are selling for about
acre more than they did aye
!age farma sell for about $70
!many homesteade sell for mu
1 Tbe Washington govern
Ilishing the free rural de
'throughout this region, se th
living 10 or 12 milea froth po
mail every day without any
The mail distributor is a gov
and is autherized to sell sta
cash money orders. The effi
parcele to and from townt
able rate. The rural tele h
aleo becoming quite getter Is
tricts the farmers build
purchase their instrumen
peruse being, the keeping of t
pair. In other settlemen
buildsthe line, puts iu the in
eharges 50hents per month.
charged 10 cents per meseage
amount for every transfer lov
penys'' lines. Your &
Nevinville, Iowa. 1
raisibg is an important
chickens are marketed alibi'
profitable prices. Eggd
worth about 20 cents and
leas than 10 cents during th
to my knowledge. 1
There has been a tremepd
this State, to the Canadi
Manitoba, North and 8eu
Minnesota, but notwibhatian
ten dollars an
r ego. Aver-
Rtt but
chit is estab-
ivary ;system
t :the farmers
n receive their
6ra expense.
mkt -tent, officer
ps, issue and
mr also carries
very eeason-
ne system is
In some
eir own, line,
the only ex.
line in re -
re Ea company
truments and
Outsiders are
and a similar
er other cone-.
e I
It Strikes Young iJn
Are Physically Wea
disposed to Dis
ortifies the Body.
Blood and Gives
Resist All A t
The mysterioue visitor, "
veiling many homes and sitr
young, and old who are w
osed to disease. It is no
t at the diseeee spread e r
rhious members ot the h
ch it has been introduce
with- the theory of inteotion,
disease has usually attaeke
liable to infecyon. Dr. Rich
is book on " Epidemie I
he disease is almost entirtly
e ti ca n
winter seasons it h e been fully
and happily demoestrated that Paine' s Cel-
ery Compound is a tower of 1 safety when
Grip ,is prevalent. When thiei scientific and
ealth-giving medicine is used, it strength-
ens the nervous centres of all the vital or.
gang ; it purifiac the blood, regulates diges-
tion, gives a healthy tone to he whole sys-
tem, enabling young and old o feel secure
from the ravages of disease Weak, nerv-
us, dyspeptic and ailing peo le will find in
aine's Celery Compound a rue protector
nd shield from the dangers of Grip. A
trial of one bottle will bailie all existing
From the Dominion
0 ME8J
Old Who
and Pre -
eanses the
rength to
rip," i now
ing down the
ak or preclis-
well known
platy to the
useholda into
. ,It accords
Ise, that the
the persons
rd Siaely, in
fiuenza,' says
ropagated by
OTTAWA, Janos.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will re
about the end of this week.
been received from him s
visit to the South has greatly
health, and that he is now ab
restored and able to start vso
Premier arrives,there will be
oision as to the meeting of Pa
general opinion is that the
lbe called not earlier than the
,ary, and not later than t
'March. While there is a la
on hand for the approachin
business before the goverme
ly well advanced not to cams
lay in summoning Canada'
Ottawa for the dispatch of bu
y 6th, 1903,
urn to Ottawa
A letter has
ating that his
benefitted his
k, Un the
nadefinite de-
li:Amelia' The
ouse will not
19th of Febru•
e first week in
go programme
session the
t is sufficient -
any great de.
legislators to
1 Two of the most imposta t governnient
hills are the redistoibution of fleets and the
railway commission. Tao .c4icy of the
government in regard to kedi teibution has
already been decided, and tier only thing
that is necessary is the pep ration of the
measure by the department o justice. The
hill for the railway commissio I has already
heen introduced, but was no put through.
So that there is nothing to c use any seri-
ous delay on account of tb se measures.
There is a batch of railwaY billwhich will
come up for discuesion, and bich will re.
qnire careful, consideration o • the part of
the government, as well as an annceince-
ment of the policy which is to be pursued in
foture with respeot to gove ament assist -
aloe te suolt undertakings as the Grand
Trunk Pacific, 1
The Grand Trunk people in end ,dernand-
irg about as much governme t aid as was
ghren to the Canadian Pacific but the coun-
trly will not agree to that. For instance,
t e Canadian Pacific got 20 0 0,000 acres of
land with it3 main line, but t ere will be no
13.nd grant given to the Grand Trunk. The
aid, must be of a financial character.
Tien there are those who are clamoring for
a overnment road. They are, however'in
te minority. All theee cities -dons will have
tol be discussed by the Government, but
n ne of them can be finally settled- until a
ea ens of the party is milled, lad instead of
de eying Parliament theee measures will
on y tend to hasten the meeting of the
ase. The viewe of the government Rup-
p ters in Parliament must be obtained be-
foire any pronouncement op thdetaill oan
bel made. The estimates are w II advanced,
a good many of the depe tmental re -
have been published and dietributed.
hen the main estimates are completed the
go ernment is always ready to meet the
II use because they will give *efficient) work
to keep buay until sucsh time as the other
8 are prepaied.
At the last general Dominion election in
the Province of British Columhia a natural-
ized Jap demanded the right to vote, and
wan refused by the returning officer. In
fecal the names of naturalized Japanese
wersi nob permitted to be on the voters'
lists, so that thei could not lea,ve a chance
of voting. Torney Homma, such was the
',laths name, ef Vancouver, appeale to the
ehief Justice of the province, who heard the
ciounty court, with the roe* that the late
appeal, ordered teat his name be placed on
the list, notwithstanding that the provincial
act was against it, because, in his opinion,
that act was ultra vires of provincial legisla-
tion. This decision created a atorm through -
but the Province of British Columbia and
the case was ap select to the full court.
The results of bhe pee"' was that the decis-
ion of the chief ju Yee. was upheld by the
ortiurb. There wag an appeal from this judg-
ment to the Imperial privy Council and the
judgment has now been obtained which pre-
vents Japanese', Whether naturalized or not,
from voting. Thi S Betties finally the danger
to which the provipee vvould heve been en-
titled by the presEsInce 9u the voters' lists of
a 'constantly increasing number of /elongo-
liens, who, withoet sympathy with the gen-
ius of -British governmerit, would oonatitute
a constant source ef corruption in politics,
end open fresh aveisuee of abuee in the leg-
islation of the country.
Peter Veregan; the Doukhebor leader,
+vho was nineteen years an exile I in Siberia,
end who has novt reached Yorktown, the
Doukhobor settlement in the Northwest, is
etxpeeted to settle he success or otherwise
of these people as anadian subjects. The
eutlook so far isi go d. One of the prejud-
ices of the Donkho ors is againribl the use of
horses: When Veregan arrived at York.
town he ordered re ays of horses so that he
might reach his m thee's home as soon as
possible, T,heee ere provided for him,
and it fs new said that the prejudice againat
the, use of horses, I seeing the leader used
them, is gradually disappearieg., Time
alone can tell what the result will be.
Fred. Cook, whin is a newspaper man,
was elected -Mayor of Ottawa Jett . year by
declamation. Ora -nomination day he was
egain returned by acclamation. ' Mayor
Cook is the first mayor of Ottawa that has
been returned twice without any opposition.
• :
Changein London. :
Althoughthere his been at variants times
much discussion as to how the Strand re-
ceived its name, it is generally conceded to
have been of Saxon origin, and in proof of
this it is stated that upan " the Strand "
Earl Godwin and hie eon Harold drew uk
theirland forces in the insurrection which
they led against Enward the Confeseon At
e later period the Davereux's the Earls of
Eseme. the Howards, the Cecils, Villiers,
the Duke of Buckingham, Protector ;Somer-
set and a host of others who have ,taken a
prominent part in moulding the destinies of
the country, resided in thia locality.From
the time when Queen Elizabeth rode in
state from Westminster to St. Paul* to re-
turn thanks for tibe victories' over the
Spanish Armada, the Strand has witneseed
all the historic State pageants, down to
that of Queen Victoria, who in 1897 paid a
visit to the famous cathedral on the coca
den of her Diamond Jubilee. ..
1 ,
It must not, however, be aupposed. the
Strand has alvvays been associated either
eeith Court intrigues or with the display of
state ceremonial, for in more peaceful times
it heel alsoxesounded with the mirth of the
poorMtildren of the neighborhood. who on
the spot now occupied by the church of St.
Maryile-Strand have danced around the
famoes May pole, which is thus ,alluded to
in the Dunoiad s
Amidet the area wide they took their stand,
1ere,the tall Maypole once o'erlooked
the Strand ; I
Bat now as Anne and piety ordein, '
A church connects the saints of Drury
Holywell street, which is better known
as Booksellers' Row, is now being demolish
ed in connection with the Strand improve-
ment &theme, and Wynoh stregt, an ad-
joining thoroughfare, will soon ;heifer the
same late Both these streete,vshich are
situated between St. Maryrele- treed and
Se. Clement. Denee, have a emarkable
history. The former is built on the Bite of
the famous Holy Well. It is mid that
penitents and pilgrims uped to visit this
well aa early as the eein of Ethelred, and it
was well known from time immemorial as
"St. Clement's welh Round Urea well, in
the early Christian era, newly baptized con-
verts, clad in white robes, were Wont to as-
semble to commemorate Ascension Day and
Whitsuntide, and in later times, af er the mur-
der of,Thornas A, Beckett made tanterbury
the censtant resort of pilgrims fr m all parts
of England, the Holy Well of Si. Clement
was a favorite halting piece of the pious caval.
oades for rest and retreehtnenta, he street
Wag oncedesoribed as "sweet,who osome and
eleere, and mueli frequented br scholars
and yinithe of the city on summe evenings
veir .o
when they walk forth to take airi.thei
" What.
eer rhight have beep the meritsthe well or the street in bygone tifiiini, its
only cilaim to pultlic notice in the present
generation lay in the fact that it was one
of the few remaining bits of old London.
The thoroughfare in recent years was inhab-
ited by eecond-hand booksellers, and it was
no unusual thing to see well known biblio-
philes endeavoring to discover rare volumes
among the piles of books that were exposed
forsae. lb is said that Gladstone used to
visit these shops in his earlier years ; and I
myself have repeatedly seen Lord Halsbury,
who as I occupied the Woolsack longer
than iny Lord Chancellor during the past
100 y ars, stop in front of one of the - boxes
conta ning books labelled "sixpence each."
As he was short in stature end rather
rotund in figure, few of the regular fre-
quenters of Holywell street reeognized .the
" Ke per of the King's Consthence."-Cbam-
bers' ournal.
. - bile the people of Montreal,are side-
ering ith cold for the lack of ;coal vi LI
which to keep themselves warm, there are
10,00 tons of anthracite on the Wharves of
that e ty, and the dealers cannot get carters
to del vit. 1
-About $6,000 was paid out tlo the pa-
trons1 the German Union CheeseFactory ab
the Iierial hotel- at New Hamburg last
Wedn sday on the laet month's eale of
eheesd. The company had an Iacceptable
seasoe. They paid a high as $1.115 per hun-
dred far milk.
-Owing to the North Perth !previncial
r gular meetings of the Nerth Perth
bye lotion taking place on January 7th,
Farmers' Institute,. which were to have tak-
en pla63 at Atwood and Millbank„ on Janu-
ary 6t and 70, have been postponed until
Wedn sday and Thursday, Jannary 28th
and 20e1ath.evening last week,
while Ma C. E.
Guthrie, of Stratford, Victoria street green'
house man, was up town, he had the mis
fortune to fall and breek the small bone of
hierankle. Mr. Guthrie was crossing Down-
ie street, near the corner of the market
triangle, when he suatained his injury. He
jai doing nicely, and hopes soon to be i
;tenant event took place lab St.
Paul's rectory, Hensel!, last week, when
Miss Millie Drake, daughter of E. J. prake,
of Stella was united in marriage 'with John
MoDottald, of the same place. 'The bride
was supported by her sister, Miele Lticinda, -
and the groom by his brother Hugh.Rev.
Mr. Doherty perforated the cerernonyi atter
whieh the .party partook of a tasty dinner
ab the rectory, and left for the residence of
the bride's father, where some 75 guests as-
sembled to spend •the evening. The couple
will reside at Cromarty.
The following are
unty Clerk Lane:
The County Council Elections.
the full retarni for the cot
/sty council election, as furnished by
ung, Alexander
130 ' • 746
560 , D.I.v..IsIO1N111\To. 3. 12 . ..
728 Divisr4o287No. 2.
307 Ciin348:79tn
261 .
Ashfield Goderich
ruin, T. E. Colborne Total.
ambers, H.
racily, J.
telon, D.
teh, Alex.
La ont, D.
M Mordie, Robert iey 345
Cc Bit, Wm.
MiNanghton, 5.
▪ DentsioN
Patterson, D.
Lockhart, N.
burry, J. T.
Webster, J.
Me4gilleurs,oRn,obse.3rt. 220
Dig, Andrew
. 203
1 The county councillors willbe t
Loakhart takes -the place of Mr. Our
Dnrnin and Young in Division No. 1
in Division No. 5.
S t 3
Hay Hewett Bay field
609 115 1,092
91 100 10 .- ... 346
374 . ., .. 982
. .. 346 117 ... 2133 ..::::: 6,92319
No. 4.-R.
No. 5.-d.
No. 6.-W
W. Wawanos
60 .
Kicke, H. Speakman, by acclamation.
. McLean, B. B. Gunn, by .a.cclamatien
H. Kerr, James Bowmen, by acclamation.
E. W awanosh Bit tit Win g ham
137 805
811 251 870
34 235 515-
- 33 . 109 756
. 286
• 178
.... 186
. 186
Turnberry Hoevick
, 598
. 470
A' • 99
11P4 • • • • • • • • • •• 0'0 It
e same as we gave them last Week, except that ]Cr.
y in Dirision No. 7. The new members are Messrs.
; Mr. McNaughton in Division No. 3, and Mr. Gunn
Farmer Aristocrats.
ales of sudden wealth are quite eiomrnon
in tlhe famous Kansas and Oklahoma wheat
beiji, fine houses, modern in every a point -
Me ti, are the rule; rubber -tired uggies
an4 automobiles are nothing to attr et at -
ten ion. In certain communitiee e en the
far era has grown metropolitan to he ex -
ten of building an opera house on a school
lot and securing some of the best att °Lions t
in he theatrical line. It was not un il the
pre ent winter that Wichitia could afford
a guarantiee for certain notable ingers.
A ong those occupying front seat were
we1l knewn wheat growers. Farmers'
da ghters and farmers' sons form a goodly
par of the Kansas society element, while
pia o salesmen look to them for their quick
dea s. It is nothing uncommon for a farm -
er so come to town and buy two or three
rubber -tired buggies, or even platie an
order for an automobile. Mr. D. W.
Blaine, a rich farmer, of Pratt county, sup-
elintends all his harvesting in an a tomo -
mobile. Many others are equally pinto -
ora ie. .
ne of the richest farmers in the lfansas
what belt is John T. Stewart, who came
to t e State five years ago. He bo rowed
$50 from a friend, rented a quarter 4ection
of lend in Summer county and began work.
To -day he is worth $2,000,000 and ia in -
corn from wheat in 1901.was $64,000. He
is k own as the wheat king of Janaas.
Tee e are 23 millionaires in Karnes, 1.5 of
wh m are farmers living on farms and run-
nin them as an investment. Porhape they
hav nob all of their fortune invested in
Ian , but a goodly portion of it is. i Solo-
mon Bosley, of Wellingeon, placed $ 1,000
in heat land last year and rcsaliz d 30
per bent, on his investment, or ten tithes as
much as he receives from money loaned in
--1John Butler left Woodstock last
for Mitchell in the interest of the 6
Butler Bros., to open up their brano
ber yard in that town. W. C. Butie
a manager. They purpose to
the best and most up-to-date y
ounty of Perth. The firm has pu
e site of their lumber yards an
to stay.
t hs
ed t
na of
Wm -
rd itt
°has -
pps7 s Coe a
An admirable food, with all its n
tural qualities intact, fitted o
build up and maintain robu b
health, andeto reeisb winter's e
treme cold. Sold in quarter-pou d
tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited, Homceopathio Ohemis s,
London, England.
Alt kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Whoop-
ing qougb, Pains in the Chest, Wheezing, ifioarte-
WWIBOIS Timst, and tothali,„5/eid to the Lune.
healing properties of Dr. Weed's Norway Pine
Syruj,. Price 25e.
Sick With Worms.
Mia. J. D. Mayo, South Stukely, P. Q., wr te the
folloWing " One of my children took Ste Witl
wor fe and after trying everything witheut getting
retie , we meured D. Lew's Worm Byrum Which
acted prompt*, and effectually."
--s* • Irne
AAer a night with "the boys" there le n� better
rem dy to clear the head aud settle the stomach
thn1 Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders, Price
100 rnd 25o at all dealers.
for d
Doctor the Horses.
e. Thomas Thompson, Roland, Man., writes :-
husband would not be without Hagyard's
w Oil in the house, as he uses it a grand deal
etoring up the horses and considers iti splen -
Price 26e.
‘• • OP
Lrria-Liver Pills are a positive cure for Sick Head-
ache Biliousness, ',Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all
sto aoh and liver complaints. They neither gripe;
wea en nor sicken. Price 25e at all dealers.
" had been suffering about s'x moat
Neu algia, when I etarted taking Milburn'
mati Pills. They did me more good than an
eine 1 ever used. Mrs. Anna Ryan, Sand Poi
s niLh
t,N. S.
$40 in -Cash Free
To be awarded -at the Provincial Winter Fair 1903,
for the best pair Of fat cattle fed with
Worthingtkm's Canadian Stock
The sweepstake fat rattle at Chicago and Guelph
winter fairs, 1902, were fed' with WORTHINGTON'S
CANADIAN STOCK TONIC. An evidence of the
good results fanners and feeders would obtain by
feeding a genuirnt stock feocl, not an American °fad.
Horses look better, feed betterdrive better and sell
better when fed saith WORTHINGTON'S STOCK
TONIC for one year and have been feeding it to sil
tuy stook. Found it to give good -satisfaction, and
would adviee all farmers and feedere of stock
to use it.
Yours firithfolly'L. MOSES
December 29, 1902. Avonton P. 0.
10 Da. box, 200 feede, 500 ; 50 lb. sack, $2.
Manufactured' by THE WOR THINGTON
DRUG CO., Guelph, Ont,
For sale and guaranteed by
P. MAITLAND, Clinton.
W. J. LEVY,IMitchen.
1826-06 -
fp}10MAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties otl Huron and Perth. Orders left at
A. M. Carnpbell'R implement warerooms, Seaforth, or
TiLE ExPOSMOR *mos, will receive prompteattetion.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. rA.ti
, A UCTIONICERING.-B. 8. Philips, Lieeneed
tt Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and
Perth. Being s practical farmer and thoroughly
Understanding the value of farm -stock and imple-
ments, places mel in a better position to realize good
price.e. Ohargeslmoderate. SatisfactiOn guaranteed
or DO pay. All Order/1101ot Hensel post office or
at Lot 28, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly
ttended to. 1, 1709-41
D.) I
IP 1
get- j
have been growing frenonn in every
kind of eo.U. everywhere. Sold b
alt clefikra. afro8 ICNRI AnuaJ
postpaid free to all applicants.
la IL FERE"2" CO.
Vaiaeser, Ont.
The Bell Telephone Com any
of Canada.
Alnew issue of the subscribers' dlr. otory,
for the district of Western Ontario, chid-
ing Seaforth Exchange, will beissu early
in September. Orders for new eo Vous,
charges of address, changes of names, dupli-
cate entry of names. &c., elsonld be laced
at (+co to ensure their appearance.
I. V. FEAR, Local Mena er.
Special Attention
co Horsershoeing and
General Jol41ng.
MAKER Ite.ef
1 .•••••••••••••••
Goderich itreeia