HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-16, Page 5a 113 4:3 - 713/134Bel:ii:34.11aFtr-41:0-11N:, SE44:1Ei41142iBlit=a3CiatatieTtlatte 16 1903 STORE,: y 1st large for this time of time—lst. week of the store for the bal- me and. you will cer- advantage of.our re - unbroken. shoes, socks and rub - prices right. 'eaforth machinery. --Mr. W. ker, recently dosed ' of his businesseto Mr. it one eime, a his trade Petty, a Toronto, re- deye with her mother, Dar council will have a g the coining year to fer the geed and pro- ia the way of in- n aud drainage, the two tem that caa engage the encil.-Mr. and Mrs. J. rth, were in the village eek, visiting Mr. and , Mrs. Wright's parents. 610019900111201ORMI, RaY- following is a statement. in this township for Censit, division No. 1, ; 5, 24; 6, 40; 7, 346. ',Intent, No. 1, ; 4, 78, 5, 71' • 6. -total, 609. MoMordie, 10 ; 4.,8 ; 5, 2 ; 6, 15 ; 91. MeNeuehtan, No. 11, 13; 5 26; 6, 84; , 282. borne. ouncil met at the town- ileh, pursuant to statute. all present and made ueeeesaryedeciarations on. except Councillor J. g,officer e were appeiated iea named : F. Morley, eirace for postage; pe.ta ; Wm. Miners, aeses. ate colleetor, 50;5,Thos. lien, $5; Joshua Johns aucliters. Board o e, clerk, Peter MeTag- 'eel, ; 11. K. azalth effi7er, and Jemes ueOectoe. Yallf e View - A. Cale, P. Moir, K. tiDe and James 14iL ..orge Reoke R. Hunter, alcDonald, Wm. Taylor, Thomson and Fletcher, treasureea bond was .rrent yes.r and endorsed elerk was instructed to irming the appeintment :he seleriee earned. A Is greeted towards the S:ek Childrenhe Hospital, was instructed to order alunic!pal World, for the a Accounts amounting ted and orders issued in adjourned to meet Feb- Monotv, Clerk. of public school trustee ielr up section 19, sub - Schools' Act, and comply Don't forget section ONIVOINIMME11911010111 Lrkt on. o-ar pretty wedding was Ilage on New Year's eve, 'Ellen Tufts, fifth daugh- Tufta. one of the most. ,s of Kirkten.betoame the Moon, of Londesboro. performed by the Rev.' happy couple standing • bunting, trimmed with lone of flawers. Misaea Letbie Tufts, sisters of rtiea, were bridesmaids, Tufta, of Winnipeg, imp - Two tittle niecee, Miss leaboro, and Miss Kath- rkton, were the flower dons accompanied with e sent from Belleville, , Lindsay, Petrone, St. enderbero, Varna, Staffa, L., Woodham, Farquhar, ity. After the ceremony Crnber of about loa sat pa repeat. A very pleas- rnt in magic, singing and ahe Friday evening after e large crowd assembled of the Methodist church a to Mra, George Moon. s read by Mr. Hugh ooze was presented with atuable silvertea set. ng bean an active mem- tion, choir and league. Ling reply by Mr. Nor- py company separated, narried couple all tem - good. On the Monday fra. Moon left for their and it is not too much ry the beat wishee, of the ith them. PRICES riEts SAL , - L. yard. Lt ;:t71,c each. wide-, 50c a yard. , double fronts and at actual cost. away down. before stack taking duce. 00 FORTH JANIT IIY 16 i9031 orris. NOTES. -The a 1 Total meeting of Knox church, Belgrave, '11 be held on January 20th, commeneing,at 2 o'clook.-Mrs. MilleI and Mist! Edith, of Bark's Fall, Muskoka, are visiting the formar's brother, Mr. 8. \ Jordan, of the 5th line, Morris. -Mise Mary 6th line,L M ' orris who hae been spending some mothe &t the home of her unde TurnberIry, has returned home.- At the annual 801431 meeting, held in school section No. 5, Moria, Mr. W. H. Ferguson was deleted trustee ta take the place of Mr. Henry Johnson, *hose terra has expired. Mr. Ferguson will also be the secretary - treasurer. The weed contract was also let to Mr. S. t the rate of Pper cord. -Mr. John Young, who epent the Christ- mas holidays with friends on the 6th line, haa returned ta 130 Mills, Michigan, where be has been engaged in buainess during the last ane menthe. Mr. Frank Garnies, of New Ontarioais it ending a few days visiting his niece, Mies NI' ucl Bell, 5th line. -Mrs. Robert Sterliug ;1 as returned from Mani - lobe; to speed the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mr. W in, Geddes, 3rd line, and gives glowing rep rts of the weet. DOINGS. -The tomes which have passed ()cr this lecality he past week have got their work in wel by making a complete blookado.-The a ippers of live stook did not get many fa mere to go to town this week. -No doubt there will be a good turn out of farmers at muds, on Wednesday of neat week, at the Institute meeting. - Morris council we t in easy. No opposition like what some ownehips Miohie has rented the 100 were farm, on 6th line, from Mr. ills, of West Wewa.uoeh, for a term of five rears, -Wood is a scarce artioleghere, as ell as coal. -.1I. Gosman had a hard job getting his traction engine moved to Adam Iliday's, a few days ago. The anew is too d ep for either traction or plain enginea no ; even those on skids have a lot of trou le in getting along. -Wm. Miohie, jr., visit d in Halton county at - New Year's. -Al x. Clark, 5th line, had a bee drawing brick from Henfryn, and got home 12,000. T e rest will came frem Blyth. 111111111001MMINNIONO Ailitchell. HAPPILY Wen.1-A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hardill, at Mitchell, on New Year's day, when their d ughter Josie was waited in marriage to 4r. Wm. Janee, proprietor of the brick and tile works here. The ceremony was perlformed by Rev. Mr. Mc- Auley, in the preeenoe of about 70 friends and relatives. At the hour of two o'clock the wedding march was played by Mies James, of Londondwlien the bride, leaning on the arm of her lather, entered the room and took her place under an arch of holly and evergreens, were the groom had pre- ceded her. The bride was dressed in white silk organdie, trimmed with silk and chiffon, and carried white roses. She was supported by her cousin, Mies Rachel Mal- colna, of Hibhert, Who was dressed in white organdie and carried pink roses. Little Gladys Wilson, cif Galt, acted as flower girl. She carried a basket of carnations, in which was cone aled the ring. The groom was eapported by Archie, Hardin, of Tor- onto, brother of he bride. The groom's w gift to the bride as a beautiful gold watch and chain, to tie bridesmaid . a gold chain, and to the flower girl a beautiful gold ring set with pearls. After the ceree mony and (toner tulationa were over, the guests were invited to the dining -room, which was beautifilly decorated with bunt- ing and flowers, mid where the tables were tastefully decorld and laden with au& appetizing viand and confections as de- lighted the eyes as, well as the Appetites of every one present. The happy couple left on the afternoon teethe amidst showers of rice for the east, here they will visit in Stratford, London Torouto and Brantford, and when they rot rn they will settle down to the sterner roan ies of life, in their beau- tiful new brick res dence in Mitchell. The wedding presents ere numerous, costly and well selected. The bride la a mice of Mrs. George Murdie, ofiSeaforth. ez,K SEAFORTY. San. 15, 1903 Fan Wheat (neve), Standard.......... $0 68 to $0 68 Gott per bushel— _.-0 29 tO 0 29 Peas per bushel- - — 0 63 to 063 Barley per bushel0 43 to 043 Butter, No. 1, reiose— -.....0 16 to 0 17 Butter, tub-. ----------0 16 to 0 17 Reg& nor doz-- _ -___..- 0 17 to 0 18 Flour, per 100 !he 2 Co to 21 Hey per ton, new- - 6 50 to 6 50 Hides per 100 Ma...-. -..... 5 00 to 525 Woo -- - 0 14 to 0 18 Potatoes per fourth ....— 0 50 to 0 60 Salt (retail) per bar el- -.. .... 1 10 to I 10 Wood per cord(long)4. _ 4 00 to 4 43 Wood per oord .. 2 00 to 2 40 Clover Seed_ _.._. _.... 4 60 to 6 60 Apples per bag__. -........ 0 26 to 0 60 Timothy Seed- - - I 25 to 2 00 Pork, per I00 ' a-- - 7 60 is 860 Tallovt. per 04 to 0 06 Live Sock Markets. LIVERPOOL, January 13 -Canadian cat- tle, 6td. To -day's market firm. LONDON, Engle d January 13 -Live cat- tle steady at 12 t 14o per pound for Ameri- can steere, dreese4 weight ; Canadian steers, 12 to 140 per pound ; refrigerator beef, 90 per pound. MONTREAL, Ja uary 13 -There were more prime cattle on t a market than on any market day since Christmas, and these were rather lower in pride, but all other tato* brought firm rates. Prime animals sold at from 5 to 5.tc per pound ; medium beasts at frora 31 to 4gc. and -the common stock at from 1 to no per pound. The calves were small, and sold at from $3 to $5 each. Sheep eel at from 3 to 'no, and lambs at from 4 to 4e per pound. Good lots of 1a3 hogs sold at trome 6 to 6to per pound, weighed off the cars. Bleeeeeo, January 13 -Cattle -Handy butcher grades opened 15 to 25e higher; b.eavy cattle slew ; prime and shipping steers slow and lower ; butchera' steers, 54 25 to $5; heilfers, $3.50 to $5; cows, $2.75 to $4.60; canners, 51.75 to 52 50; bulls, 53 to $4.50; feeders, $3.75 to $4.50; stockers, $3.25 t4 54 ; stock heifers, 52.50 to 53.25 ; fresh sows and springers steady; good to choice, $5 be 555; medium to good, 535 to1545 ; corn on, 525 to $33. Veale - 25o higher; tops, 59 to 59.75; common to good, 55.50 to 58.75. -Hogs-Active, 5 to 10o higher; hea=vy, $6.30 to 56.85; mixed, 56.75 to 56.80 Yorkers, 56.70;. pigs, 56.75; roughs, 75 to 56; stage, 54.75 to $5.25. Sleep a d Lambs -Strong; 25o higher ; top lam s, 56.60 to 56.75 '• culls to good, 54.25 t 56.50 • yearlings, 55 to 55.50; ewes, 54 50 to 14.75 ; sheep, top mixed, 54.25 to 4.50 ; culla to good, 52 to 54.15. Tonneero, Jai uary 14--Cattle-But- chore' Cattle- loaee picked_ lots of butchers' cattle, equal in quality to the beat exporters, 1, 75 to 1,150 pounds each, sold at 54.75 to .50 per owt ; choice picked lots of butchers' heifers and ateers, 980 to 1,055 pounds each, sold at $4.50 to $4.75 per cwt. ; loads 6f medium butchera'„e3 85 co $4,30; loads of good butcher' sold at $4.40 to 54 85 ; common butchers', 53.25 to 53.60 per ewt,I and roughs, 52.80 to 53; canners, at 52 t 52.25. Exporters and Butchers' Mixed Loads of mixed butchers and exporters sotld at $4,25 to 54.60 per cwt. Feeders-Feedere weighing from 1.000 to 1,100 pounds:each, are worth $4 to 54.50, and light feeders, 800 to 900 pounds each, sold at, 53.50 to '54 per cwt. Stockers- letookere, 500 to 700 pounds each, of good quality, are worth 53 to 53.25 per owt ; off -colors and poor quedity of the same • weights ere worth $2.25 to 53 per cwt. Mitch Cows-Mileh cows and springers are worth from ' 530 to 550 each. Calves - Calves sold 53 to 510 eaoh, or from We have just reranea from Ne* York and consulte some of the best coffee ankte men in the city. You can buy at Gunn's (th -same Coffee, Oolong and OitYlon •teas that are served at the best hotels an restaurants in New York, A FEW SPECIA4 ro..19 Ripe Toatoes, • aushroonis, Grapei Fruit, Pine 04ery, Lettice, e . Clothing: Entirely We Are showing Hats, hirts, Ties and Ocilla s dressed young men in NeweYork. We visited th you the Very newest' thinge. ;If you are not a cus .o livling up' to your 'opportur4ties. B. B.Q1U.NN prate. that eadi er are worn b g stores, an of Gunn's, y Seaforth. Apples the bes can sho u are no $450 to SO per cwt. Spain Lambs: - Spring lambs sold at 54.50 to 55.25 Per cwt. Sheep -Prices 53.50 to 41 per cwt. for ewes, and, bucks 'at $2.50j to 52.75; Hogs -Best select bacon hogs, not less thari 160 pounds, nor more than' 200 pound eenh, off oats, sold st $6.14 per owt. ; lights at $5.87i, ; Sows, 54.50 to $5 per cwt., and stags at $3 per owte Dairy Market's. - TORONTO, January 13-Butter--Receipt8 'Oetitinue fan and about equi4 to the de. --Mend, with prices generall There is still cOnsiderable prevenient in, the quality of th ing. The turnipy taste whioh seems to charaoterize most of the stuff Is the worst feature of the butter market, aad is respon- sible for the low prices which letr1 of other - wire fair batters biting. Seme "day butter. makers will see the moral of ttis off -repeat- ed tale. We quote: Creamery prints, 23 to 24o; new solids, 22 to 23 e old solids, • 20 to 21o; Choice dairy tube, and. pails, 16 to 17o; Median), 14 to 115a ; common, 13 to 14o; Pound rolls, 17 to 19e; large rolls, 16 to 180. Eggs -The weak feeling in the market is still evident, bat prices continue unchanged, 17 to 150 ia offered for fresh gathered; aptits are tiquioted at 10 to 12o, seconds at 14o, and holed ab 17 to 18o per dozen. MONTREAL, January 13-Ch4ee-There is very little buemese, and t cheese is firm at 133 and ov The market it'? rather dull, bu creamery is firth ab 22io. Eg ket was quiet and steady. Selected 26 to 27o; candled nobanged,, for im- took offer - remaining ea Butter - nest fresh al -The mar - re quote, :-- teok, 20 to 20o; Montread limed,183 in a fobbing way; straight recedate, 18i to 19; Montreal limed, 17o; °aid storage eta k, 17o and western limed, 16i to 17c per dozen in rourid lots. SALE REGISTE On Saturday, January 31t at 2.30 o'olook p. m, at the Rattan)) ry hou e, Clinten, 97 e.ore farm. Lot 38 n1 39, Mait- land Concession, Coderich tow 13 ip. Th s. Brown'auctibneer. On Saturday, January 17, at 9n0 o'clock, in the Strong block, Seafort , Househeld Furniture and other articles. 1ILos. Brown, auctioneer. ' On Wedneeday, January 26th, at one o'clock p. m., on Lot 30, Cono b4lon 8, Mc- Killop. Farm Stock. Hugh Eosa, prop- rietor. On Thuredity, January 29bh, at 12 o'cleck noon, on Lot,33, Concese lea 11, MoKillitp. Farm Stock and Impiemente Wm. Mc- Intosh, preprietor ; Thoe. Brort, auction- eer. Births. POCOCK-In Ternberry, on Januar 3rd, the Wife of Mr. Richard Pocock, of a son. MORRIS -In Bellett, on January 5$l*, the wife of Mr. Joeeph Morris, of a daughter r MANNING -In Hullett, on Janue.ry 1s4, the wife of , Mr. Joseph Manning, of a son. 1 HUPPER-In Turnberry, on Dece her aeth, the wife of Mr. Roberb Hupper, cf a 511. , BURGESS -In 1usse1s, on January Dl1, the wife of Mr. James Burgess, of a daughter. MURRAY-In algoma, Laird township, on Decem- ber 17th, the,wife of Mr. Robt. filiartay, of a son. eL.ismaccsawn..;.=Irsemosines MiSHTER GROGAN On Municipal Affa`r "Bow is it ye niver jinod t ' council-. lors ?" says Mary Ellen to me 11' other day. o. "How did I niver jine thi dki" I says. • " D'ye t'ink th' Council is rkoindivs a Lodge or &moiety, where I'd tiave to be balloted fur at th' nixt reg'l r tnatein' or what ?" "Well I dinnaw," sh op, 4' but I don't t'ink it requoiree rnuol brains to be an Mclennan, an' I can't) s e whoy ye wudn't do as well as anny of th ra. All ye'tte got to do is to attind th' matei 'S an' sioond th' motion mince in a whoile. At laete it seems to me that's what th' oat iv thim does. Surely ye moight man ge to move that an order be drawn on tilrisurer to pay Jimmy Anderson bis wak ly pittance an' it don't requoire a great a omit iv in- tilligince to move thab we do n w adjourto It seems to me ye have nieiighb tittle ambi- tion about ye. Ye flirter` ave jined the ,Sehool Truslateee. Wild ye I- th' th' job iv pound kaper av ye had it 8 irk at ye ?" " Ye're jrimpin' roight I wud njt," I says. "1 wuddn't meind bein' Doeni irin Food In- spietor fur SaYfort an' vioinit er Gmeral Manager iv tie Grand Trunk, hitt Pm not lOsin/ anny fiish beca'se ,j'm not pound. kaper." " Well," says Mary Ellen, " I wud loike to see ye have some ffice av it was only fur a, day. I'd bike o be riven wid Minus Clancy. Hur oult man • was School Trushtee wance whin t y lived in Mitchell, an' ehe's'always ass t n' it up. It's" Whin Pat was School rushtee in Mitchell," or "Th' year that et ould man was on th' School Boord," au' 1 can't even say, " Whin Dinnis was Inshp dor iv oath. nrpillars in Cromarty, 3' or "blh' year that me hooaband was Provincial $ ooperintind- int iv petaty bugs." "That's( 1,1 viry well Mary Ellen," I says, "bat 1 h Ve me rams - ens fur not asbpoirin' fur mutti ipal honors. In tie' furst place they niver axle me, so I Wuddn't wonder bat I'm not aated, sAn' hi,ii 1 moighte't gib elicited a I did run. n' I wud moat mortally hate t git lifb. I , uddn't leike to rade me name eanongst th' also rens.' An' thin agin th' salary doesn't Oorroborate wid th' priaint pr the iv fuel. 4n' besoides it moight become habit wid e., An' whin ye wance git at . municipal aver it's hard to git rid iv it. I Yo want to e at it all WI' toime an' give nehody ilse a °hence until at last th' elictore edvoises ye to 'go away back an' sit downi' I An' thin, bedad ! how wad I know thatI ond hould tne job? How do I know 1301 what th' Great an' onlyl Infallible Knowtit all in his daily search fur loose tichnioalities moight foind some little flaw in me qua i cations or some little miahtake somewher that eome-° body,who ehud have known beta r,shuddn't have made, aa' thin good-bye pory ! No, Mary Ellen, ye're not sure Dv, annyt'ing these days. So I'll kape on la th' aven Uncle iv me way, wetchin' fur A raisonahle totally shtray wood, an' singinl th' praises iv Richardson an' McInnis' bargain counter. Quantum suffioib. OROGAN. Any peraon desiring to securegood pay- ing boot and, shoe business would do well to communicate with the above fik as we are ositively retiring from busineini. ithardson & *Innis /-- Marriages. -At she resid nee of *r onsin of the bride Toronto,ton Rev. S. Carruthe s, 'Mr. Chas. to Mips Sadie, dau hter of Mr Blyth. RN -At the wane, Fordwioh, , by Rev. A. B. obson, Mr to Mies Margare Littlejohn, Mr. Alex. Littl John, all of AN -In Xnekerami h, on Janu tome of the bril's father, by les Jennie, yinest daughter an, to Mr. Albeit Colwell, of N -In Bayfield, Ion January of the bride's Parents, Miss Clinton, to Mr. 0 W. Rhynas, UM -At the home f the bride's ber 81.et, by Rey. J. J. Hastie, dgar Vincent, o Springfield, ghter of Reeve 1 c0alluxn, o At the meld noe of the nts, Mr. and Mrs John Bur January lat, by Rev. Wm. m, Mr. Wm. J. Gillespie, to liver, eldest daughter of mr. th of Toronto. December 81st, t 101 o'rolok ewe of the brib a father, by B. A., M183 Ebb I J.'second Alex. Gleio, to ' M. Arthur E. borne township. Wingham, at the reotory, o v Rev. W. Lowe, Mr. George le, youngest dau hter of Mr. , of Wingham. At the reeidence cjf the br:do' a January 7th, b Rev. T. W ge Barrows, of l4cffilI,p, to glater of Mr. and 1ts. Georg -On January 7th, at th ride's parents, by Rev. P. Mus. A. Hillen, to hese Margare FRASER-STE ART I George Ste art; I December 31s1, Fraser, of 1Iyth, Junes Ste art, MoLEOD--IZT LEJ on Deoemb r 81e . J811368 Ido eod, eldest daughter 1 Howick. ,COLWELL-0 ary let, at • Rev. E. Sa, of Mr. W. Tuekersmit RRYNAS-FE Yth, at the Ferguson, 1 of London. VINCENT -Mc pra-ents, on of Belgrave to Miss Sus East Wawa osh. GILLESPI LIVE bride's g cispa goes, Blu le, Lowe, of ingh - Miss Lillis. May Thenaas OiIver, JricISTEIL-GLE -0 a. m., at't e reel . Rev. J. L. mall, daughter' o Mr. MoNell, all of Co IRWIN-SMA Deeembe Irwin, to and Mrs. L BARROWS -10 parents, • Cosens, Mies Sar HILLEN-D • resideno grave, M hf. David AP the era, hap ems • OrD8 te o IAL Deoe Mr. e, da a ev L -I r 20th, 188 Ne Smal IGO fade, ri Geo da 1 1 p eat hs. . •LEWIS-In G cilerichl on January 131h Ira Lewia ' Crown A torney of Huron, aged 2 years, months and 8 da s. 1 EOWAED-1n Bru els, on January , 9th, Simo Howard, a ed 90 years. DENNY-In 1 ordw oh, on January l6th, Emeli Brown, w eofel. Amos Denny, aged 26 ,ear and 14- d - BARBER-Iowic , on January 510,, lIsabella,wif of Mr. Jo1 Bar or, aged 44 yea,ra add 9 rnonthe ROADHOUS In °wick, on January410, Ethe Gladys, . ,ughte of Mr. and Mrs. C arias Road i house, age. 5 ye re and 2 montlas. THORNTON In M rids, on January 7th, Mary Thornton, aged _ years, 3 months and 3 days. KERR-In G derio , on January 4th,1Chrietophe Wilcaot, 3. unge b son of John and Isabella Kerr Hurnio,R d, ag d 7 years and 1 month. LOWERY-I 'Leder ch township, on January 710, Samuel L wery, tged 60 years. SAGE -In 01' ton, o January 7th, C yde Couch only chil4tof Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S ge, aged months m1 14 d ye. HOLt.AND-Ip God rich township, on January 3rd Elizabeth wife c Mr. Jeptha Bollard, aged 7 years. ? WALLAOE-Th God rich, on New Ye er Day, Alex Wallace, a ed, 80 years. , JOHNSTON--n As field, on January 710, Jamul, Johnston ged 1 years and 6 wont . F0RSER-bol Win ham, on Januar 6111, John Fotester, ged 6 years. CRAIG -At thle real once of his daugh er, Mrs. Me Lachlin, No. 9 hi da street, St. Tho ari, Ont„ o DegeMber IlOtb, Iugh Craig, late o the town- ship of T$kerar ith, aged 78 years. MoLEAN-In Grey, on January 710, Mary Ella daughter 4f Archibald and Mrs. Me ean, aged 9 years, 3 in Tithe and 8 days. IDSO o the alvi n, all a IMP RTANT NOTICE!. CORN FOR SALE. -Lots of the best Anierioaf yellow C3 n always on hand for aale-cash o titne, to arran ed. Drive right to warehouee, oppo site ralway eenger station. W. Gs PERRIN Clint on. .1831x4 WOOD WAI TED -Tenders will be receited un til hien ay, February 1610, 1903, for 12 cord Of firet-cltes b ech and maple wood, 22 inches, de livered at No. &heel, Tuokersmitb, before April 1 next. Tender to be addressed to the undersigned a Brunefield P.r E. PAPPLE, Secretary 1831x4 MEACHED ,WANTED. -Teacher hold ing cattle j. cote 01 uallfioit1on for the Norti west Terri toriee,twantedait on . New and up -to • ate school pleasant and W 11 settiled community. P obably nin or ten monthe ohool in the year. Stat experienoe class of cortifi te, ware and whether le y or gentle man. Aildree WM.HIRSK, Wetaska in, Alberta N. W.- T. 1831x4 ik,UCTION PLEME instructions Ir lie &notion d SALE IOF FARM STOC TS. -Mr. Thomas Brown m Mr. Wm. MoIntoeh to Lot 83, Conoessien 11 Thursday, Jan ary 291h, at 12 o'olook lowing valaab a proptrty : 1 span world and 6 years o d, 1 *stern pony rising 1 thoroughbr Durham heifer with ca thoroughbred Durh thoroughbred calf to a thcT Arena risl. g 11. calves, 6 Lis binder, t rake, 1 sed 41 pair trucks; 1. rack, 2 welkin I disc herrow sleighs, 1 pair 1 set scales, 2 ler, 1 Cotentin ushb bull, I 3 ears Gerber sey-HsJrris mower, 1 Ma 1 umbtr wagon near emoc at wagon, 1 road plover, 2 gang plows, 3 1 sou -flier, 1 turnip drill, now; _ new magnet area 000 ponnde, 1 fanning mil mush r I pulper, quan ii bull 2 yeare ol Id bull, 3 heifers ftrrom C077i 1 fat Id, 4 heifers risin ewes, 9 store hogs, poste, a pile 0 lamb r, 2 set harness, 80 la oats, a quart iby of angel& and a.= 1 foils, chain and o her articles too n mention. T me - 11 sums of $5 and u over that am unt 10 cnithe' c, edit will be given o furnishing proved joint- notes. A di count of eente on the ollsr w 11 be allowed for o sh on credi amounts. hi. M INTOSH, Propriet r ; THOS BROWN, Atultioneer 1831-2 AND 111 has receive sell by pub oKillop, o oon, the fol ng horses, 2 years old at foot, , 7 cows i in calf to heifrr, el • 2 years old 1 Maxwel well ete y new, OD cart, 1 ha t harrow 2 pair bo • separator ity cf oediriJr , I land ro bushels o hay, ale morons t der, cash Any suM from $1,000 to $7,000, minion Bank Bloc MONEY TO LOAN both private and oompan funds, at LOWES curren rlatee of interest, and eas thrills of payment Appl o R. S. HAYS the I) k, Seaforth. 1881-13 Meeting Of the Huron County Council The Comm of the Corporation of the County ct Huron will ioet in the Council Chem er, in th Town of Go erich, oa Tu sday, the 270 day of th present month, at 8 o'clock p. m. W. LA E, Clerk. Dated at Onderieh, this 1311 day of Je•fury, 1905 1831.2 To Threshermen. For sale, o.e White 'Traction Engin power ; also pne White Challenge eepara oylinder and 114 inch body. Also witte wagon, Thi1 a firet class outfit, havin one season, ill be told cheap as propel going west Apply on Lot 33, Conces3 Killen, or adotress Winthrop P. 0. H. ail Seafortis Saw and ta0GS WANTE.D. The undersigned. is prepared to pay the highe t cash price for an •unlimited quantity o firstad Soft Elm, ROok Elm, Basewood, Maple, flsceh, As Hemlock an Oak Logs, delivered at the Seafortj Saw and Stavb Mill. Logs to be out an elven 1engtz except Soft Eim. Soft Elm to be out .11 18 an eet. Will bu' 1,000 Col! -els Basswood Headi g Bolt 40 inches ion, at $31 per cord delivered Will al, buy timber b meastirement arty bulk bush. Special attentlon paid to Custom rawlng!, a 10 eatisfaotion gUarante • WILLIAM A ENT. 1824-tf a , tla7nkhoan e orly it3n6l: •r te • run OD on 11, M cINTOS 1831x3 Stave Mill Great earing Sal. • I Our great cleart g sale is now in fuji blast—goods in every d+partment = must be cleared out be ore stock -taking. We never carry goods over from one season to another. e would rather take less than wholesale prices than carry them over. Bel s w we give a few prices to show the terrific reductions in prices we are raaliting i every departm.ent Wool Blanhete, full sze, sea, lofty finish, worth $2, sale price $1.45. a,vy, All. woof Blankets, large s'Ze,- (ay; finish, fancy pink and blue borders, good value at $3.75, sale price $2.95. Fine Eo 'fish Prints, 32 inohe Wide, in good patterns, about 265 yards left over. regular price 12-e, sale price 6.10. §a ens and Fine Prints, 30 to 32 inohes wide, good patterns, Wort up to 15o per yard, sale prioe 8e.. Homespun Drs Goods, 40 to 42 Welles wide, in g ey, Oxford and mixt res, worth 35e to 40e, sale price 25o. Black brocaded dress goods 40 inohee wide, w rth 25o for no. Wrapperet s in red and black and fancy colors:bought below regula prices, a great snap at 5io. lanneletts in fancy pink stripes, wide width, during oni gr at sale we will run them at 5.. Ladies' Ready-to,wear Hato worth 50c, 75o and $1, for $o. Ladies' New UP-to.date Trimmed Hats, half price. den's heavy frieze *rioters, in i*ht and dark colors, high at in collar, well lined, worth $6, for $3.95. Ladies' Astraoh in Jackets, Caperines, Ruffs, nEfs and Fur Caps will bo sold at voiy low prices to clear. Ladies' 01 th Coats, a few left ovor from last year, in blaok, grey, fawn and brown, orth $4, $5 and $6, for $1. O. Grey Cotton, good weight, wide width, a great snap a Sor I P I ;.1 XreKITNON i6C CO., 341,1"Y ds and s, , , , . , Jut mkt it. m.ay be that yott are harelip. prepared to b y spring 1 , , clothes buIt you need a few [odds and etids • of heavY,c1 thing to put yoi through untir armper weather comes. Whether it be 1 e I a, dia o d pair of pants, nattered thing, soclt, or odd:plows of cloth- , , .ing of any kind, our store]. the right race to get them. Call 1" in 'and see us. 1 1 IGHT . BROS., ffbritJVISIIERAS, SE.41FOATEL 1 OtEAT We are clearine Winter Roods at sweeping reductions diming TanuarY. In many calees they ate sold at less than manufacturers prices, buti we need the room for Spring goclels. Just a few Mel 'S Fur Coats, which will be cleared out regardless cif cost. Heavy Rubbers and Overshoes will be cleared out at bargain price. Tremendous redictions in all lines of Clothing. See our heavy yrioo Blankets, they are the best va ue in the trade Men's heavy' Wlita' ter Shirts at 25 per cent. under the usual priced. See the bargains in our Carpet and Lace Curtain departments. Some great value in Ladies' readymade hirts. I MILLINERY AT ALF PRICE. ur Don't forget tha, these reductions, arefor January before we tak stock. kikoossAAAAiorNAmosEwioy§itAl%A PRETORZ.w BLY H. D. M. McBEATH; For We will gil'af 0,96 • * All Boots and Sho s; excepting those bought for the Spring, will b it discount of 25 per cen off marked price. I Underwear and he We have a few Di Do not fail to call 30 Days SpeciaVBargains in s Boots and Shoes. I . R. ,W. •JE vy Winter goods sold at 15 per cent. discount. hes left, which we will sell at prices to suit an nd take advantage of this offer at .Dry e sold at one. WETT'S Constance. HORSE CATTLE nd Medicin Condition Powders ing's Lump Jaw Cure, S We call speeial atte stion fa our various brated insect powder P. D. & Co. brand, hel meat, quassia chips, &c. Purgative Balls, rt oof Ointraent, Spavin Cure, Flem- lts, Sulphur, &c. insect destroyers, such as he cele- ebore, Little's sheep dip, b ue oint- t P NTT'S FOOD. We are agents for t a is well known Engliah animal regulator and poultry -food, which is very high y spoken of. ° AL • FIRST DO0 OF PIOKAII ReNORTH s AFORTI-1. " When In Doubt, Tell The Truth." Was the witty advice of Mark Twain at a dinner ia London. He might have addEd a word or two about Aberhart but he didn't. Nevertheless When in doubt about what to get for that cough, tell Aberhart and he willhelp you. His Chlorodyne Cough Cure is excel- lent ankle guaranteed. to cure. 0-. ABERHART, . DRUGGIST OARDNO'S — - BLOCK M Mr QIT PE • -DAUM FOR , SALE. -A beautiful home in the .j12 Township of Usborne, containing 100 acres, in a good state of cultivation,. goad bnildinge, well ;water- ed, first class orchard, conven ent to sehobl and clhurchea and post office, four miles from &crater ; must be sold to oloee an estate. Apply to THOS. CAMERON, Fatquhar. 12=4 S 11,1, They Come. , Fr sh Goods Arriving every week at the new sitore -• I in Winthrop. Friends and Citizens, we are determined tioseoonorde your good will and patronage, and by 1s ungg goods at lowest prices we hope to secure Ithe lion's share of it. We invite inapeetion of our goods anti mparison of o r prices with others, and will to Sur beat to supp y your wants tnd cater to your taste in every h.ne1,,our busine Small profits and qui k returns, wro gs made right • Call and be convinoed of what see) base upon the sh eystem, is our; otto. All 1 i ALEX. A. OUTHILL. 1820. I Us orne and Hibbert Fanners' Mutual Fire Insura0e Company. • 1 Th 2710 annual meeting of the Ueloorn and Hib- bert Farreerie Mutual Fire Insurance COM ny will be held in the public hall, Farquhar, on Mo day, Feb - roar 2nd, 1.908, at 1 o'clock to. m. Bee ness.-Re- ceivi g the directors', Secretary -Trees refs and midi ore' reports. Eleotion of two direct re and two audi ore and the discussion of other ba eeir in the inte tsta of the company. The retiring di eaters are J. E sery and Thos. Ryan, who are. elegi le for re. elee •on. All members are requested tci a tend. J. ESSERY, ident. 1831-3 THOS. CAMERON, Secretary. Salaforth, Corner Main Markst Sreeta Pickard and - Ontario. The Lamest Dry Gonda ant 0/lathing Concern in Four Countimil Annual Stock Clearing Sale. On Monday, January 5th, 1903, we start a sale that will put all our past efforta in the shade. This is the season we give tail the profit and part of the cost to our eustoniers-eut priepU all carer the store. We are determinecl that all Winter wearables must tie. Customers who trade here are never afraid of trickery. 'they know it is never tolerated in this store in any form; they know if we advertise one quartestoff, it means one quarter off. Our goods are all marked in plain figures. Below is a partial list of the bargains offered—many of the best are not mentioned. FUR DEPARTMENT. Twenty-five Canadian. Coon Coats to be cleared at special prices. Twenty-five Black Calf Coats, made specially to ourl order, at bargain ' ices. Also special prices on wallaby, wombat, blaik dog, ;tc. Five only Black Calf Coats to clear at $16 each. Six only Black Bear Coats to clear at $14 each. Three only Wallaby Coats to clear at $13,50 each.. Special prices on all Sleigh Robes. Fifteen per cent. off all Fur Caps, Collars, Gatintl,tts, e Special prices on fur lined Overcoats. ************pese*******“ sioADIES° FUR DEPill MENT Special dearing prices on all ladies' fur goods. Below` are a few specials: Two only Astrachan Capes, regular $9 for 5. Gauntlets in Astrachan, Electric Seal, Grey La b and Persian Lamb at 5 per cent. discount •ePpecial clearing prices on all Fur Jackets. Your Sable Mike regular price $9,65, sale pike ! Three Alaska Sable Ruffs, re -fakir price $11, sal price 8.25. Black Coney Collarette, ref Aar price $3, sale piice $2.25. Black Astrachan Collarette :egular price $1,60, sale price $3.15. Black Astrachan Collar, tr aimed with thibet, tregular price $1,25, sa.ie rice $1,75. •i • Thibet Muff, regular price $7, sale price $5.25, Astrachan Ruff, regular price $8.50, eale price $6.40. LADIES' DEPARtMENT. One dozen only Ladies' Black Sateen Waists,. regular $1, to clear at 50c. A line of Black Roman Satin Waists, regular price $1.45, to -clear at 75e. 11 other Roman Satin Waists, lined and unlined, at 20 per cent, off. A job lot of Flannelette Waists, regular 68c and 78; to dear at 35e. • Colored Roman Satin; Velvet and Flannel Waits, regular $2.10, $2.90 nd. $3.50, to clear at $1 each. • A line of -Brack §eree Waists, regular $2.50, to dear at $1. All other Colored Waists at 25 per cent. off. - One dozen black gloria Silk Waists, regular $1 36, to clear at $1..50. Heavy Worsted Hose in all sizes at 25 per cent Off. A job lot of children's woel hose to clear up at 10c a pair,' or three pair for 25c. All ladies', misses' and clieldren's Underwear at .1.5 per cent. off„ All Flannelette Wrappers at 20 per cent. off. ; Dress GoOds Departments Seven pieces Suiting Cloth, regalar price 37c, sali price 27c; Nine pieces aJll.wool homespun, 56 inch wide regular 650 to $1, for 50c, Two pieces only omespun, 56 inch wide, sale price 35e. Fifteen pieces Opera Flannel, regular ice 50; sale prize 38; Two pieces black dress gods, small figure, regular rice 25c'sale price 19c, A pile of black and colored dress goods, regular price 500 to $1, sale price 35; One piece black goods, figured, regular 38et sale price 25; Three pieces Zibilene, regular price 40c, 'sale price 30e. 25 per centoff the already reduced price of dress remnants. ;Ten pieces silk, all colors. regular 65c to $1, sale price 40e a yard. 25 per cent. off all plaid golf ehatvls ; 15 per cent. off all wool shawls, #4.4www..votwovvvvAAMAN Manti Departrtient. A few ladies' tailor-made uits to clear at $5 each; all other tailor-made snits at 25 per cent. off; A ba gain table of ladies' Coats, also a quantity of Ulsters at half price, 15 per cent, off our Overcoats and shirts 25 per, cent off fur lined Capes and Mantle Clloths. • Clothing Department Five hundred men's suits Of all kinds, sizes and patterns, tte be sold at from to half regular price. Also clearing prices on all youths', boys' and_ children's suits; special prices on men's odd coats, pants and vests. MEN'S OVERCOATS. This whole stock must be cleared regardless of cost. Many special lines of 0 ercoats you know will be solil at half the regular price. Special prices on beys' and children' Overcoats ; 5 per -cent. off all men's underwear, everything inIcluded ; 15 per cent. off lined gloves, mitts, etc. Staple Department. All Flannelettes; wrapeerettes, esc., 15 per cenL off regular price; 15 per- cent. off grey and white Flannelette Blankets; 20 per cent. off all Prints /• 50 pieces Print, special at 8e, for file ; 20 per cent. off all Fancy Flannels ; 15per centoff all Blue Flannels, 20 Per centoff winter skirtings ; 12,1 per tentoff wool sheetings, grey and white ; special prices on all wool blankets. CARPET • DEPARTIVIENT. 12Eper cent. of all Tape wool and. union carpets. Six p 85c, Two yards wide Linoleu try and Brussels Oarpets ; 10 per cent. o eces only Axminister Carpet, regular $1 regular price V,. for 75e, x-reurseet n for 4Ighest prices paid for Butter Eggs nd Wool. DIRECT M. PICr 11111) & CO • IMPORTERS Opposite Town BtdIding Corner Main and Market Ste., Sesfortla. eke..