HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-16, Page 22
A Sad letter from a lady whose
Husband was Dissipated.
flow She gured Him with
Sea t Remedy.
"I had for years
suffaring, mise-ry e.
hand's drinking ha
venous remedy for
could give my h
try it1 procered
food and coffee, an 1, as the renaedy was odorless
and tasteless, he di not know what it was that
so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. He
soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid
food returned, he s uck to his 'work regularly, and
patiently borne 2the disgrace,
d privations due to my ht.:s-
ag. Hearing of your maa
he cure of drunkenness, which
-band secretly, I -decided to
package and mixed it in his
we now have a -hap
pletely cured I told
he acknowledged t
he had not the reso
award. I heartili advise all women aill:cted as
1 was to give your emedy a trial."
y home. After -he was cora-
him what I had done, when
at it had been his. saving, as
ution to break effof his own
FREE SAMPLE apnaddiculanLP-,hleamvicTiiiig
and prise sent in p
pondence sacredly
for reply. Addre;
23 jordaaStreet T
tam sealed envelope. Corres.
confidential. Enclose stamp
Tie Samaria, Resanedy CO.,
ronto, Canada:
VARMS FOR SALE.—Rare bargains in farms In
J the Townshipof Huila% Morris, and Wawa -
nosh, °aunty of ilton. Inquire al mace. WM
CAMPBELL, Blyth, nt. 177441
020 ACME FA= FOR SALE.—In best wheat belt
ta in Southern Manitoba. Ninety acres ready for
wheat next year ; 60 aores hay. Good new stable
and granule Twe ve dollars por acre. Several
other improved and prairie farina for sale. Write
CHAS. E. SHAW, Boix 17, Boissevairt, Manitoba,
AR11 I MeKILII,OP FOR SALE.—For sale, that
very desirable tpm, the old homestead, Lot 27-,
Coneession 3 WIC op, containing 100 mares, all
cleared and in a gooc etee of cultivation. Beautiful
home, splendid 'ruitj orchard, plenty of water and
everything required Only one mile north of Sea -
forth. Apply on the promiees or to Seaforth Post
Office. SUSIE GOV MOCK , 1809x4tf
ARM FOR S LE.—For sale Lot 27, Con-
cession 4, Maintop, containing 100 sores,, all
of which is cleared, well fenced, underdraiasd and
in a high state of loultivation. There la a good
prick house, large bank barn with stone stabling,
plenty of water an a good oroherd. 14 as within
two miles of Seat° and within a mile from a
school. Apply on th premises or to Seaforth P. O.
WM. GRIFIVR. 1767-41
raleset FOR SALE —Farm ia Stanley for sale, Lot
.1; 29, Cenoession 2, containing 100 acres. A11
eau but 16 sores of idwood bush. It is in a good
state of oultivetion, well fancied and, underdrained.
Thereto on the farm two barns, with stabling, and a
large dwelling house. It is conveniently situated,
miles from Clinteni and mile from Baird's Reboot.
Addresa all inquirle: to .10FIN MeGREGOR, on the
premises, or MRS. I Arca-SEGOS, 2nd Concession,
Tuekersmith, Seafo , Oat. 17684!
.12- Road North,
cleared,. underdraine
Inge are all good, th
furnace. Thereale a
good welts. There
This place adjoins t
of the Lootet coveter
ply on the premises
--For sale, Lot 19, Baytield
anley„ containing 46 am% all
and well fenced. The build -
residence being heated by a
ood bearing orchard and two
re eight acres in fall wheat.
e Village of Varna, and is one
hie homes in the oounty. Ap-
r Address Vaunt P. a. THOS.
IN SEeFORT OtiTAR10.—The undersigned
tuts 1rsalenumbe of choice faanis in this vlornity
all first class lands w th varying improvements. One
a. good 220 acre gras farmPlenty of money oan he
mad li out of this and with little trouble, simply buy-
ing cattle In the apri a grazing- them for the sum-
mer and selling in th fen In feet this place his
made nieney.in thi way, every year for the pleb
thirty yeare. Also a fine residence in Seaforth with
about 4 acres of rehard, gardens and pleesure
grounds to be had a a bargain. Terme reasonable,
Far particuirrs apply to W. GOVENLOOK, Seaforth.
STANLEY FOR SALE.—Ceitelsting of the North
ilalf ot Lot 14, and t a South Half of Lot 16, Comes-
elon 8, and 10 aoreel,, part of Loh 14, Concession 7,
in all 110 acres. e farm there are two barns
sheds, eta., frame ouse and geed orchard, well
fenced and cozrventez»ly situated, being about two
miles from Varna and one quarter of a mile from
eahool. There is abundance of good water, an over-
flowing well at the rear of the farm making it suit-
able for eithar grain or graztrne There are about 10
acres of bush. The 'arm will be sold cheap and on
easy terrine If not sPld will rent for 1 year or a term
of years. For furt er particulars apply to B, R.
HIGGINS, Brucefie P. 0., or ta MISS SARAH blo-
INTYRE, Hensel!. 18244!
ARM FOR SALE —For sale in the township of
jj Tuokersmith, Lot 1, Concession 8, containing
100 acres, nearly all Cleared and in a good state of
cuitivatein, newly Underdralued, well fenced, two
good wells. There Is pa the place a good oomfortable,
frame house, large new bank barn with brick baste
went, driving house,I hok pen and large hen house,
about an more ot yoting orchard just beginning to
bear. 2 The farm is trady allseeded to grass, and Is
in excellent conditi n for either grain growing or
stook raising; 16 acres of fall wheat in. and fall work
rtearly corctpIeted. This excellent farm is well situated
being two miles from a school, posh elfin, dere and
blacksmith shop and six miles from Seaforth. Good
roads in all directions, Apply on the pramises or
address Seaforth wet office. SAMUEL CLUFF, or
to HENRY BEATTI , Barrister, Seaforth. 181141
' -
MIAMI FOR SALE.-Ohoice farmitt Rullett town.
ship far sale, being Lot 4, in the 113th Cowles.
(dam containing 76 acres. The farm is all seeded to
grass, except 16 acre. There is a good frarne barn
and large frame stable, and there are fair buildings.
There is a n ,ver -failing spring well at the house, and
a spring creek that never runs dry; them is no
waste land; there is, an acre of orchard of choice
fruit :14 is fint.classi land ; there is a schsol house,
blicksrnith shop, stare and poet ofiloe in Harlock
within a lot from th place ; Or,,t 01489 roada la all
directions.; the farni is suitable for grain growing or
shock raising. For sutioulara apply to the 61138E3
JANE and MARGA ET ROBISON, West Goderioh
street, Seaforth P. 0.- 1319.4!
A GOOD FARM ',FGR SALE.—For gale, Lot 1,
1-1. Concession 18i Tuckeremith. containing 97
e.oree, of whioh 80 fere cleared, well underirained,
fenced, and in &bigl' state of eultivation. There are
17 acres of splendid srdwood bush, unculled and in
first class condition. There la a oomfortable house
and one ot the best b rna in the county. It Is 76x46
fait, with stone stab ing underneeth, cement floors
and everything finished up in first class style. The
farm is well watered With living springs and is suit-
able for grain or rasing. It is convenient to
ohurohe% store, past office and blacksmith shop and
only a few miles froat a railway station. It is one of
the best and best eau pped farms in the county' and
will be sold cheap an on easy terms, as the-paoprie-
tor is anxious to roll e. Apply on the promises, or
address Ohiselhurst •. JAMES CaNNORS, Pro-
prietor. 180641
maasat IN STAHL Y FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot
.11: 9 and the west al! of Lot 8, on the 12th conoes.
.-sion, or Bronson Lin, of Stanley. This farm con-
tains 160 acree, all of birth is cleared, except four
sores. It is in a stet of firet-olass oulivation, wall
fenced and all under rained,mosbly with tile. There
Is a large frame dwell ng house as good as new, with
geed stone foundatio and cellar, large bank barn
stone stabling u derneatb, and numerous other
bUdings, ineluding a large pig house. Two good
0bld of choloa fru 4, also nice shade and orna.
trees. Thera are two spring creeks running
tiweeghtbe farm, and plenty of good water ail the
yegt,rsunel a about p4irnping. It is well situated for
nin'iketh chunshes se cols, post offin, etc., and good
grattel reefs, Leading from 14 10 all directions. It is
wIbizj yiewoof Lake I limo, and the boats oan be
ite.mtiRaiilno up. and d wn from the houf(o. This Is
ona ed farms in the b3unt7, and
atflihseltorr" &Say to ma, as the proprietor wants to
retiiirs.otbatoolitil of ill health. Apply on the proud-
eeffiorilt988 Bbhim O. JOHN DUNN. 1784-tf
JErf al levirte
Not a Caltil, Ellapassionate Arraignment
or Castigntinn, .1/ant Unbridled Fury,
a Pierce, WA14, All-Consunaing, Eiery
Passion Mukraing at thri Heart said
Iffind — ITU Santa Peop, is Do Not
Indulge in tae.
Entered at:cording to Act of Patraent of Can-
ada., in rho yea Itea by Willis Bally, of To-.
Chicago, .J,an. 11.-A. Vligorous .de--
ranee et the Dirt of Jegriounue, 04t,a;WO.,
nunciation of cloirnson and miSchievs
ous disposition, is titteeN. by Rev.;s
F. De Witt Talmage in the following*
sermon on the text Proverbs 'vie 34;
"Jealousy is the rage of a man:" '
What does sage signify? Righteous
indignatiort? A' calm, di passionate
arraignment br eaetigati. ? A
nunciation, j diciously p1i,nned and'
yet o%erwh1Jb11ng1ir and scathingly
delivered, as •hen Edmuu Burke ex-
posed the in -deeds of Weirren Hast4
ings in the 1 121011S trial eit Westmin-
ster? A rob Le Such as Jesus gave
to the Phari ees who hail. dragged a.
poor, helpie , friendless, i sinful tvos
'nail to his , when he .turned and
said to the cQueer,, "Let him that
is without s' cast the ilret stone at
her?" Is rag Merely a -Mild remoa-i
strance, an 'nest- and ret gentle.
expostula.tio , a koita.tdfty adraoni4
tion, a Chri tian :rep'. and .given
with the hol desire to �..ve and re-
deem the per.. on. who ha sinned or
unintentional y done wroi to Oh, not
Rage is not well com osed cen-
sure. Rage e unbridled i ury; rage
is a. fierce, w Id, all consiraing, fiery
passion b g at. the , heart and
mind; rage i a deraon Si abbing at
the vitals el an true loir ; rage is a;
Satanic iconoclast shat ing every
sacred shrine of the in act; rage is
an Insanity, a deraegeme t of moral
sensibilities. It is an uireasonab1e
and unreasoning frenzy, lorying in
absurd hallucinations. Ea 's throne -
room is a madhouse; rage s courtiers
are the inhabitants of a - ohamber of
horroas; rage's only mesio is the
echoing shrieks and sobs of the eter-
,nally lost and of the deStroyed who
can never die_
Maddening 5ea1ousy would destro
every successful rival raw migh
stand in its way. It is the evil. spir
it which made Saul's eye e flash fir
when he gripped a javelin and hurl
ed it at David's head, merely becans
the maidens of the kingdom ha
greeted the returning wax /lore wit
-the song, "Saul has slain file th.citt
sands, but David his ten thciu
sands." It is the spirit which mad.
the French generals betray the shep
herd girl, J o an of Arc, into th
hands of the English, s4 that sh
should be burned at the etake in tilt
streets of Rotten merely because sh
had won victories they could neve
have achieved. It is the evil spiri
*which made i Merles H. Spurgeoi
and Itowland Hill bated by souse o
the London ministers of I their da
arud. which made Harvay *.nd Jenne
and James Y. Simpson : encounte
their .greatest opposition i from Jeal
ous men of their own proil ession. Th
jealous man feels that this success o
another is in some way d robbery 0
Thus no sooner does any man o
woman win Success iniSny depart
raent of life than many je alous, un
successful- rivals- beco e - besid
themselves with rage. A a moue
maniac may fie rationa on. ever
subject but one, so the je alous mai
may be fair and just oii.
tion, but be absolutely i
unjust when the works a:
his successful rivals are a
you are- a jealous man, yo
upon. them all your batteries of
scorn and denunciation. .You will
magnify their faults artd gloat over,
their inmerfections, you *ill loathe
them with an unutterable loathing,
and when, on account of tirour unjust
criticisms, you_ may have !overthrown
a successful rival, you, as a jealous
man, will join in the paIndemonium
of a demoniacal joy in which all the
evil, spirits ef the inferni5 join - in
the chorus. You will gleefully clap
your, hands' and shout: "Alia, we
have 'destroyed hira! We have des-
troyed the man who has dared to
stand in our eva.yl"
But, -though jealous me
inert may try to trip up ti
who they fear may p4
life's race, yet the stran
mains that the surest N
vnen Mr, filo ryay tr lea Iv att.
these 'iS it?D. WOriters , II om Sol
People ie.light have called. )1s rival ,
he advariced himself into tht3 hear s
of sinful .inen and women s well s
into the chief human lea &ship, f
the Oh istian woiid. Many ll content
oearies mat?! have axce11ed iiim in
dividu 1 an parti ular gif s, but,
Mighty, mis isterial leadership, m t a e
fanie 41d eisinence which 11 Call
his na4ie o go down thr ugh the
coring ce turies as a Christian.
Worker in- is infisience ijpoi. the men
of, his c Mr. Moody st ced head
aboee all the Christi -
f his time He Won thie
rtion because he did mit
tele of jealousy in bie
won it because: he tried
lvals instead of to des -
man ever suecessfuliy
le of fame upon the ruin -
es -of la good man's life.
of jealous hate fiae a
dle which is More dead-
vene.mOus tip. It will
destroy the life of a man
s to hurl it than the
val. againet whom it is
m• ing jealot43y, oftensbaseless„
ause of innumerable idomestie
ial i elicities, causing misery-
ictim and its object. It
ile suepect the husband.
g. It- makes, the bus -
n the motive and aer
wife. It is th.4 cause of
quarrelb of lov- rs, which
the happiness of many
e and ,eternity. Al -ashes
frenzy until the raur-
rs are clutchin at the
throat !of ibis innocent wife and the
suicidak knif has made an ed of the
swarthy- Mo r. It was the cause of
the horrors in the last earthly days
of Ivaie th Terrible, who in a fit •
of jertloney ith an iron staff crushed
in the Sleep of his eldest born and
favOrite hi1 . It is the heaving, de-
stractive eat thquake which has rock-
ed to rifins thousands of family al-
tars. It ha shattered many a do-
mestic wall under -the ceaseless -borne
tion and th
ieemorsefull t
. The saddes
flictions, wh
ils ilennedtsi 110,1 east" t
they aise un
Ifrenzied sur
gitimate ea,
the s tre lige
leased intelle
inlay bp , d
!power fm tl
!take thine, t
asyltinis and
of physicia
!rooms flied
'These friend
and laviklt
sible way 1.
weak minde
e -Sr,
and slesidde
art Workers
enviable P0
have a. par
makeup. n
to help his
troy them.
bailt a, tem
ed founciati
The jae-elin
poisoned ha
ly than :its
more snrely
who atterap
life of the r
is .the
and so
alike to its
makes the
of wroisgcloi
tions o !hie
band ii-epu
most oi the
have wreeke
lives feel
Othello into
derous Ijing
pat of these
e men. and w
re upon th
rood oVOr
ood of
nsfin.e af-
men will
ir best
Ii dee, that
rue, ,ie that °liters their
ises are witho
se. They may
t. Their lo
t any le -
only be
fa dis-
ed ones
ing everything, in their
eir sick minds; they may
the most expensive of
have for them, the best
s and nurses; they may
isit them. and have their
with fiewers and have
ays at their disposal.
may stint themselves
ieir money in every poss
✓ the comfort of their
relations, yet these in -
0 sane patient can never be persuaded
e !that their 1 siends 'aro faithful to
• them. Thoi gh husbands and wives
• kuld children may be doiek every -
t !thing that c .n be done for their ha.p-1
1 iiiness, hey will., keep en ie
f teOrai bags and fault findings
Y !and deneinci tions until at last they
✓ 'will dries ti ose who are nearest and
✓ dearest fie t ein from their sides. No
- !impression ill cause a husband to
, despise a w le, quicker than the be-
-;ief that! she distrusts himiand will
fuot credit hat he says; no knowle
.eige on h will send a young woe
r'tittn. to Ides ruction sooner than the
At ought! .th It- the man she married'
tas dro
e hat of
y- Weal f
ions at
mo us
every guess
tisane and
id lives of
isussed. If
U. will turn,
and wo-
e runners,
$s them in
e fact re -
ay of win-
1 f
roache an
lefeat t eir
d ones s
wit nisi in.
th ot tc h
nake's fjang
h ich a
range jL,ss
Fathe itu
• nd tvo
/lent C• 4 a
Illness or b
he woad! o
airs; titt, 1
ou 1l0f
ught te h
time co IR,CS
ther that y
should weei
tind feel tha
011)1 id
lad th
re holt lig
ut you sho
ve. Es ery
o help 1 the
Id phy. cia
is mod
int in he,
twyer bu
d vice
ning the prizes of success t is not by
destroying good men, bet by trying le
to help them along. 7 11
That the philosophy of the Golden'
Rule is sound and that men help1.`
themeelves by helping inetead of.
ing jealous of others is ililustratod in,
the life of Dwight L. Mo y. :What
made Mr.
ade Mr. Moody in so 'ne respect
the greatest religious ouelman power
in the last century? Ire- speaking
ability? Oh, yes! X believe .he was
one of the most convincit g of spirit-
ual orators, but I also elieve thait
there were others of his time just as
greats if not greater. His i orgaitizing
ability? Oh, yes! 1 belieVe he Would
have been a master at the head of
a political campaign or as a mer-
chant or even as a mili ary chief-
tain; but, though Ds L. Oodv may
have been a geeat organ s, I be-
lieve there we've others 0 his i titne
just as great, if not gr ater. 'His
groat big heart, into whiOli he could
gather all his loved ones ?-, Oh, • yes;
Mr. MOOdY had an affect ionate na-
ture! But there are th usands of
men who love their fa Iiilies and
friends just as much as Ir. Moodr
loved his loved 011eS; b e, though
many men have excelled 1 ire in indi-
vidual characteristics; *1 one re-
spect I believe he was t e per, if
not the king of them all , I do not
believe Mr. Moody bad e ii infinitesi-
mal particle of jealousy 1. ; his Make-
up. Instead of trying
the attention of the reli
upon himself he spent rn
life in pushing other reli
ers to the front. The big
ry old
.:11.°01111illgd i
hat yo
-hat gyho
nan to
rom W
o loo
But in
sect per
iTic ttilel the
sanity 1
, ilow.
iwin be i
Ii nation,
'8 oraetii
jes; so 1
rect crut
.an be
ivord of
0: focus all !s
ious World . which t
:St of his (eatery
s i r° u tsh emanWork-brought across the water , Henry Now,
the more anxious Mr. MciOtry Was to ' ay, Ki
rail: public attention to him. i He ' 1 prote
Drummond and John MeNeill and. F. 41 jealou
B. Meyer and G. II. 0. McG regor and not coin
Campbell -Morgan and many others. ing and
He invited to his own pla,i,forma the
mightiest religious workers of, his
He placed thefts by his e 'enatPaiewe
side as he•a
sid: "Brother le Christ,
praying for you. The big et success u there
win. a mighty gospel slit( ry. I am. p wer in
you have the happier I 'will be." ly with
What was the inevitable . result? four th
the role of a lover fori
eak ing detective. Con -1
finding and false accuse-
enziecl. distrust and ven-1
s and multitudinous re -
sulky broodings always
own ends with. our lov-
ealousy also defeats its
our treacherous dealings
ted rive.1S. The rattle -
is a poor receptacle in
store the honey of an
d mothers and older men
I would not for a mo -
slur. on. your past use -
little the respect which
ght to show to gray
onestly and frankly, do
el, that the youngafolks
ve their first lessons of
from you?, When your
o go, would' you not ra-
ur sees and daughters
about ybur clYing bed
they have lost a dear,
than that they shall be
u are dying, because you
ith a selfish grip to all
'e? My aged friend, you
only be willing to live,
uld be willing to let ,
old merchant sbOuld try -
young mercha4t. Every
should be rea y to lend
books to the young phy-
peak a good word for i
neighborhood. Every old!
d be willing to give, his:
e young lawyer, and ev-
inister to encourage the;
iiisjter. Ye older Men, you
nly be proud of the fact
h ve made a success, but
ld i1so be proud of the fact
lirive helped some younger
ii4b the difficult heights
4h you 0,113 now able calmly
Uolwn upon. the thousands
lik ascent far beneath.,
.kldening jealousy has a die
cinal cause, All insanities'
stilt of eomo organic or 1
1f disorder Sometimes in -ay be caused by a fall or;
rt of the skull may . be'
n, and a piece of the bone'
atm& by Jiostmorteni exam -
to presaing on the brain.'
op insanity is the result of
d nerves; Sometimes the dis-
t tee'ited free]. ancestral cause
ddening Jealousy has a di-,
That spiritual diagnosis
el ed in the one fearful
lettere. Its only cauSe
he same kind of sin
ay fills pur jails a.ed refor-
titutions and iits the
aoese is the fiendish,
evil against whist, in his
Solomon lifted is voice
rotherj as the
caused by sin,
o that Christ wh
to take this s
1. the Bible we
nd is able to
DS come put of a
n.d i Christ!
1th1 respe t that
as a Mai a,fflicted
ie,J but with a I
4aid de Ile. Th
will you
is will -
out of
ad that
take the
an. So
tire tells
not on-
gion of
was ad goaded y thla demoniac pos-
session that, thoiigh he was bound in
fetters of chains, lia would snap them
as easily as a 1ioi might brush aside
al spider's web. Ile was so distract-
ed that in his fines,. he would tear
off all his clothe. I3ut when jeans
,oke the word j1 deliverance the.
an who was one Insane immediate-
ly became clothed . aad, in his right
mind. if Christ could do all that
f r the insane ,meri of old,- will you
net let Jesus cure you: also of the
awful insanity of 'jealousy? Oh, any
sinfulilfriend you have hated men
find despised men and, found fault
with Men long enough! Will you
net, here and snoW, by ,Christ's help,
learn Ite love men and try to help
en instead of , tryteg to destroy
By exame
ihe noble le Christ's
led to ex -
of jealousy.
York public
ose oho/ars were
in the slums, ear-
eroom a beautiful
f her pupils was a
t ein?!
. -
like td -day. may We be
t rminate the 'aief 1' sin
S me years ago 4 New
hoot teacher, w
iifoStlj drawn fr
ried into her cla
, white lily. One_
poor Wail of the treet. Her clothes
orn. Her hands
irty. - The teacher
please this poor
her the beautiful'
d of taking it tap.
and ran out of the
er she came back
hands washed and
r, I am clean now.
iful flower." So
1 pollutitin often
from accepting the
in the person of
because '. of that
hat he presses his
Vo cannot cleanse
• can .pray- that he
make ua fit to re -
"the Lily of the
oge thee- lovely."
' were Stilled and
arid fee° were
thought she woul
child by giving
flower. But inste
' yeung girl- turned
reont. A little la
with her face and
then said: "Teach
Give me the beau
the sense of mor
; makes men shrink
gift God is offerin
his Son; but it is
'eery polletion
gift upon us.
ourselves, but we
will eleanSe Us an
ceivei him, who is
Valley,. the One a/
It'enian Fighters d Writers. ,
, fiThreci generations 0 Irish political
prisoriers were ' ile . in Australia, .
and they have ajIl 1 ft literary me- -
mori&ls behind them. I The memoirs
of Gere Holt, one of the leaders of
the rebellion -of 11'98 contain some
of the niost graphic • escriptione ' of
life in the early pe al settlements.
The leaders of the 1848 _rebellion
were mostly authors nd journalists,
and those of them th:t were convict-
ed and transported c ntieued to ply
their pens in Ta. nan a. John Mit-
chell wrote his " ail Journal." Wil-
liam gmith O'Bri n j tted dawn his
"'Meditations in Exile '" and Thomas
Francis Meagher, afterward a gener-
al in I the American ivil War and
Governor . of the State of Montana,
wrote ki. series of pa kling 'letters to
the Duhlin. Nat:for , .a d -published 7 a
book oh "Austral4pia " Of the Fen-,
ian prisoners tranispoi ted to, Western
Australia in the ' ixti s, John Boyle
O'Reilly afterwar e ditor of The
Boston' Pilot, and i a p etical contrib-
utor to the AmeriCan Jtuagazines, was
the most notable. II wrote a West-
ern Australia nivel called "Moon -
dyne," and a dr mat zed version of
IL has just been 1 rod iced at the lo-
cal theatre. It i. t t e .story of an
caped prisoner wh g ined enormous
wealth by discove ing a, great gold
tied in the interi h. o Westert Aus-
tralia, and came to (nation, . with
the notion of -util'zin his riches in
. philanthrophy.--L eil • n. Chronicle. i
/ •
The iadvocateS of
can triumphantly poi
markable athletic fes
p1ihed as proof tiat
flaIi is, not necessary
trained, athlete. este
Wimbledon cyCli, t,
broke all records pr
ride on southern
course, traversin
t tredve- hours, and bu
tures he would iust
a,ccompliehesl 200 mile
Was done without th
aids of peeing by otl
Motor cars. Mr. lle
an, and has been 1.0
A still more not ble
a lady, Miss .1tos
Sythons, who ,is
rode Won& London jto
theece to Land's nd,
back to London j side
the distance bein
the average near110
through all sorts : Of
roads- Clearly,
does net intea•fere wit
ceIlenee-Londofl 1 hil
-egetarian ism
it to two aes
ts just aceona:
the eating _ of
even for the
ay the young
9. A. 011ey,
twelve hours'
8 Over a hilly
98 miles in
!for five punc-
ertainly have
. • This ri'de
er cyclists 'or
is a vegetari-
rom his birth.
eat is that. of
mons. Miss
a vegetarian,
hn O'Groats,
rid afterward
nineteen days,
qo miles, . and
' miles a day
weather and
etarian , diet -
athletic ex -
A Faith 11
1. -
A.At Charenton li es
April 80, 1894, as
,Her grief for her dea
so .strong and it has
a.bated to such at ex
year, When the an ive
husband's death* am
attempts to comn t s
times had . she d e
:times had she be 1 p
'carrying out her bje
30 last she lit er c
the eighth time, at
nei gh b ors rushed nt o
thne to prevent t e r
restored to conscic se
exclaimed.: "My z. arli
lose anything by -wet
til next year ris
Mrs, Blobbs-I 'uit
lied forgotten us, ,Mis
usher ---Well, 1 hiltiVe
for faces as a rule,I bu
he likely- to ferget, yo
lady who on
eft a widow.
, departed. was
ontieued tre-
nt that every
ary of her
round she
icide. Seven
and seven
sevented from
t. On April
afing dish for
again the
he room in
h act. When.
s, the woinan
, You won't.
ng, Wait tin-
thoukht, you
clushidzi Miss
bad memory
sheulci not
s ! -P un.CIst
. I
FirstSafling of Ne+ - Ste
South Afri t S
A. eoPy of The ape
to, hand, contains an i
icle on the arrtha4 of
duce in South Africa.
article says:
'Tuesday last mke
it may be confide ler
ered in a new era t
tWeen South Afeica
sister, Canada. 'iie
tarian, 4,800 tei 's,
and Quebec, entered T
to the hatches- with
duce for the great
market, She is the fir
the new direct
jointly run by the
Dempster and rur
pontra.ct with, the
Ment, who pay the
ef xt
I er
Dempster liner M I, ill
alSo from Mont al
which, sailed on the I
is due to arrive ab ut
will be the last to lee
msbip Liie to
Town Argus,
eresting art-
anadian peo-
In. part, the
reday which,
dieted, ush-
relatioes be -
ed her great
lan litter On-
om Montreal
le Bay filled
nadian pro-
outh African
steamer of
hly seievice,
, the Alder -
lees, under
on Gevern-
otal stibsidy
runen. i The
the pder-
4,391 'ten's,
4 - Quebee,
hint., and
ec. She
these soi4t,s
The Cause of
Woman's Ills
kn- almost every case where women
uffers from ills peculiarly feminine the
dna. and
n. The
laod thin
failed to
ause isto be toned in a wee.
xhausted condition of the s3rst
erves are depleted and the
d watery. If medicines hav
u e, it is because the wrong
beenhas Mrs. Huesned.
ryPe• get,
t tes:-"
1 haveCluasrekd, sPevo itpces of
Chase's Nerve Feed for nervousness and
completely rue down s st in, and can
eavtily recommend it as e wonderfully
effective treatment. Before using this
reiiiedy 1 haepieen in very .poor health for
some months,. I seemed to have no
en rgy or ambition, felt tired and listless
st of the time, and could scarcely drag
layself about. the house. I as weak,
i ritable 1 and nervous, con' not sleep
.011, and felt discouraged bout my
eelth. Die Chase's Nerve Food has
ken away Oese symptems nd given
back my usual health and vigor, conse-
s- aently I eedorse it fully."
, Jea cents a box, at all dealers, or Edman-
oa, Bates& Co., Toronto.
r. Chase.,
Paerve Food
ttii,S- season, 'ae, on a4ount or ., Lee
id.g: the Furness' liner Oriana, which
follows her ! on Dec. 18, will saii
from Halifax and St. John. rl he
On,tarian- alsp calls at Port lElizabet li
a ) Durban; the Melvil e at Caeo
own, East Lionddrt and Bm-ban.
A elesrss Laing, Miller & Co. are Otte
local agents.
'I'lte Ontarian was filled up with a
cargo, a. great propote•ion of wnich
c nsisted - of ;butter; the Melville it
scents is also ftill up. Some part -ha
ulars of the , Ontarian's cargo, tOtals
ling some 4;400 tons, -11 eld prove
of interest to all who r concerned
in the important queati in of the pro -
Motion of. intercolonial trade; In ad-
dition to over 4,000 boes of buttr
she brought a quantityIof machinery
of various lands for J ohannesburg.
Practically the whole �f the butter
was consigned- to Cape Town, in ad-
dition to a quantity of furniture,
timber, flour, pees and bean.s, canned
fruit, etc.- Cape Town's proportion
- of the 4,4:00 tons was 1,290. Port
Elizabeth's was the genie, being of
much the same nature ,(with the ex-
ception of the but(er), 'while Durban
takes the largest share, with -2,000
tons, including flour, oats, apples,
beans, hams :an d o ther or ti cies."
Continuing'ithe article, contained an
mterView with James G., Jardine,
0.tteadia11 Trade Conu is, inner in
that country, in which he expressed
lus delight at the success f the first
sailing of the new. line) al d a pro-
found hope*for ,nicreaseri liracle rela-
tiean! between Canada nd South Af-
Thought -H(3 Was a Bookie.
Since the appearance f W. A. Fra-
sers novel of the racec urse, "Thor-
oughbreds," he has bec me the sub-
ject of many jokes devipd
low sportsmen wheneve he
y appears
at the tracks; at all of which he is
well-known as a horseojvner and rac-
er. - Recently, as he . w -as standing in
the enclosure, a na n, who was
obviously a recent arrival from Eng-
land, approached him a id said, po-
dear sir, I'd like to, place
• .1
11'01, I've; no o-Wect ons," said
MrJ Fraser.
:"11 want to, put a fiver on Getaway
' to Win. What odds do ou offer?"
."I ,don't oiler any od Is," said the
horseman, ..i somewhat surprised,
"What_ you want is a, b okmaker."
Ar en -t you a bookmaker?"
"See here," said the author, be-
ginning to get exasperated, "1. don't
know what you mean by this extra-
ordinary per2ormance, but if you're
trying to be impertinent-="
"illy clear , m
ir! y - dear sir!" cried
the . other i - distress, ! that was
obi iously genuine, "I Meant no of- -
fence. Those gentlemen directed me
to you as the man wh is made the
best book that was ever made about
the track." - 7 7.
tooking in, the direct n indicated,
Mr. Fraser beheld thrc af his friendt
convulsed ,with glee.
,- All right," he said, s dlae "that's
one, more an me."
A Costly perfu
Attar of y
the attar. o
per Limo and
mo o a pound, is the
ASiatic tree that reache
development in the Ph
lands. The
of ixty feet
beg ns beari
flo ers and
ang ylang,
roses as
sells at $4
which rivals
an exquisite
to $50 or
roduct of an
its highest
Llippine 1s -
tree grows to a height
• when threfi years old
g long gr nish yellow
t the age f eight may
cls of these
Month. The
ple distilla-
le with wet -
used. Be -
um e for hair
(Net is priz-
-a medicine,
uce yearly _100 poi
ers, blo °Ming ever
Is obt ined by sit
of the hoicest pet
- no che icals bein
&ides its val
and, toilet w
ed among th
being credite
and numero
A healing
a small cake
an equal qu utity of in
and half as Much cornea
be well,raixe
hands are w
never chap.
Insomnia iS often cams
upsetting th stoinach
sum will infl
the 'brain.
are now pres
nallY and e
to bed the p
put the feet
ject of this
front: the he
e as a per:
ter s the pr
natives az
with car' g toothache
other pah s.
ealth Hints.
oap is mad
of pure toil
and let
shed with
ltd the blo
ribing hot
son so a
nto hot wa
Is to dra
d, for whe
vessels are inflated they
the 'skull, •th result bei
by melting
t soap with
tton tallow
ale It should
ool. Ti the
t they will
d by worry
for indiges-
d 1 vessels of
his, doctors
water inter-
efore going,
icted should2
er. The ob-
the blood'
the blood
ress against
g fears, ap-
prehensions nil wakefulness.
:Absent -Min
you are relat
whom I met
Mee? Miss
I' lam the sa
fessor-Ah, i
accounts for
, a.n, ce.--Sydne
J Urnal.
ed Professor (after the
May I Ask whether
d to the 'Miss Ashton
t the seaside last sum-
shton--Why, professor,
e 14ss Ashton! Pro-
deecIL! That no doubt
he remarkable resembl-
Town and Country
To Cure
:dr egists refund
E. W. Grove's at
Cold in Orie Day.
romo Quinine Tablets. A/I
the money if it fails to cure.
ature is on each box. 25e.
JANUARY 16, 190
The fling of -Ranges— "BUC: IS HAPPY
,One Hdr4 and Fifty Thousand ”Canadia
have decided fo
The "Happy Thought"
Common Ranges were not good enough -why sho
Don't be hnposed on by
just as good" talk. The
construction of The "Happy
Th.ought " is patented, its
design registered, it is totally
different 'in every respect to any
other. There is none like it.
There.eam be none as good. If
you only knew the time, the
trouble, the labor twould save
you, how little fuel it uses, you
wottkl not be one single day without one.
they be for yo
CHESNEY i& stfir
BRANIT atata
The sea, on for the looking about for Furniture is at
.dosen't matter, but the quality is everything. We ean se
but only one quality, and that is the best.
An inspection of our stock would prove a mu ual plea tire and benefit.
hand. The quantity
11 you any quantity
This department is complete with a large sel etion of
obliging attention given to this branch of the busi ess.
Night calls prom.ptly attended to by OUT Undertake
Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church.
Page Acute Pou
A bird cannot fly through as
crawl through, so Pao Poult
smalimeshesatbottoinand larg
wire top and. botto ise Bag -
gates -they're beet. ..
The Page Wire Pen1 Co..:Limi
Montreal, .Q., and 113
the best good; at
Mr. 8. T. Holmet
N Clt
tri' etu
11 a hole as it in
etting is made with
at top. No. n gauge
Get... Age fences and'
d,walhervilie, out.
John, _
The Seaforth
Tea Store
Is now having a great clearing sale be-
fore stecktaking. For It days a great
discount sale for cash; $3,500 worth of
all kinds o& goods is now to be slaugh-
tered. Now is the time to get great
bargains in china, °rookery and glass-
ware, also all kinds of groceries, I have
a very heavy stook, and all new and
fresh, which must be cleared out, come
Mee, come all, and get a good bargain.
12 bars Judd's soap for 25o, 10 lbs. of
Epsom salts for 25c, 10 lbssulphar for
250, 10 Abs. globur salts for 25o, 5 lbs.
boneless fish for 25o, 5 lbs. datesfor 250,
5 lbsnice currants for 25o, 4 ibs. new
seleotedraisins for 25o, 5 lbs. new -prunes
for 25(3' 7 lbs. cooking figs for 25c, 6 lb.
rime for 25c,6 lbtapioca for 25e, Labra-
dor herrings, lake herrings, salmon
trout by the half barrel, also fresh her-
ring by the dozen, fresh pork sausage,
heed cheese, dry salted pork, barreled
hams, smelted roll meat, first class
cheese, best pure lard, potatoes turnips
and coal oil. Weston's Toronto breed
fresh every day. A cordial invitation
extended to all to call and get some ef
the good bargains. Wanted, fresh eggs -
and butter, poultry and dried apples,
for which the highest prices will be
Merton Stock Farm
1....ot 27, ooncession
• Hibbert.
Herd established in 1882., D. Hill, Stella. -
Breeder ef choke Durham cattle and Clydesdale
h hies. Five registered Clydesdale filliea for sale,
prices right. Inspection invited. Visitors on appli-
cation, will be cheerfully met at Ilensall or Seadoith
statiolio. 18284f
McKillop Directory for 1902.
MICHEAL MUBDIE, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0.
Joaw s. BROWN, Councillor, Seaforth P.O..
CHARLES LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0.'
JAMES O'LOUGHLIN, CounOillor, Beechwood P.0,
AROHLBALD MeGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0
JOHN O. MORRLSON, Clerk, Winthrop .0,
DAVID Y. ROSS, 'Treasurer, Winthrop P O. .
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, J. P., Sanitiry Inspseler
Winthrep P.O.
ng of the
ON JAI.;i AIM 5th.
The Oho& is he acknowledged
leader n Busin I es and Shorthand
in Western On 'aria It's meth-
ods at e super]. er, Its facilities
are unapproache and v..its mums
are the DMA e mplete. Areyou
inteaested horthand We
teach the ted Gregg f• ystem.
R. Westervelt,
1810-2-6 PRINCilk&
McKilldp Mutu 1 Fire Insuran
Co pan).
Annual Meeting.
Notice is Lereby give that the twenty-seven
annual meeting of the members of the
Mutual Fire Insorente tepany will be ;held itt .
Town Hall, . eatorlh,
On riday, Jan ary, 16th, 1903,
at 1 o'clock p. an. Busk ess-Receiving the Dim-
Auditt:rs' annual reports,
tors two for the township
3r the township -Of Stanley,
er business for the goW
tors ,1350-TreaFtn ei a and
the election tf Unto dire
of Tuarreinith and one1
and the discussion cf ot
and welteretkIthe comps y. The retiring direstoris
are J. B. McLean. W. , BrIedfLot and Thomas!
Fraser, who are eligible ter re-election.
; J. B. MeLEAN, Prealdent.
T. E. HAYS, Secritary, 18294
Oreeti man -Bros., Type -
w der Company.
lunderwoode,nsEdmeprfieier., and__ Mick -
Ali visi le -writing machines, for sale or
to rent by the month, ribbons, etc., and *11
other ma es, of typewriters, secondha
for sale, 4pply to