HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-09, Page 7-UA
Y 9, 194)3.
given up to die with
irnption. I then began
.r'ss Cherry Pectoral.
at once, and am now i
alth."- Chas. E. }[art-
stown, N.. Y.
oo risky, playing
ar cough.
first thing you
t will be down
your lungs and
will be over: Be-
y with Ayees
Pectoral and stop
enough for an ordenery
t reest or eronehnis, hoarse.
kla, ere.; Si. most economical
Fatal and to keep on hand.
A TER CO.. Lowell, mas3.
lsm that you could see any -
de about seven feet high and
two tons. This scale is so
ed that it can way a grain of
lends of gold. A postage
one of the two weighing
ve the index six inches. If
a upon the se.ale is beyond its
trio bell in set ringing, the
g to execute a task of which
1:113r Quarrels.
Ions family quarrels, marriages
rations of wftE might have been
Pe close of pine' With the liver
la arid torpid digestion is- impair -
Rat Dr.Chare's Kidney -Liver
1g the action of these organa. en
and sound health. One pill a
; Way- to .Blow the
ionsi llindergarten Union
I not long ago in Boston,
L. large crowds that Trinity
ed into service aa a meet-.
to have brought out ()on-
ion, much humor and many
address of President Elliott,
yersity, was highly instrue-
Charlea Parton, of Boston,
fill yesterday. t° He made
ducetion that educates by
Pee,» and illustrated his pleat
ry. A friend had become
• and the president asked
retcause. VMS blowing
friend answered, when
something snap in my ears,
og and dullness. When the
idL hadsplit the eardrum,
did it I told him. that I
had opened your mouth -
Four nose you would not
aaged eardrum," the dootor
re was a man, President
ut, who had lived 70 years,
seri "shown how to blow
story made a deep impres--
ention, and it is tate to say
le kindergarten child will
tie little mouth when he has
to ask, through the coie
per, if there is any person
eentsAtigust Flower for the
ion, Dvepepsia and Liver
s not been cured -and we
results, such as sour atom -
1 of food, habitual costive
yespepsia, headaches, des-
sleeplesanesa-in fact,any
i with the stomach or liver?
a been sold tor many years
entries, and we wish to
eau and send you one of
cost. If you never tried
rry one bottle first. We
,wn of its failing. If so,
erions ia the matter with
Idett druggist.
li,EEN, Woodbury, N. J.
Ly Complimentary.
Milaprop, who Jives in a.
r, is ni-td for her kiii in
Enbarrassing other people
rempina periectly at ease.
0 waa introdaoed to two
dies who had long been
name, though she had
i she said addreseing them
end smile, and regarding
through her glasses, " r
Of tke bright andhandsome
Zone I am so `glad to meeb
ant you to tell ma at once
he bright and which the
eion she was dining with/
in young wife who had
keeping. The dinner did
thly aa the youug people
the coo -king was by no
he hostese unwisely began
oeiea, and her huaband
ghing, in reference to his
ther word, my dear chil-
their kind hearted guest..
Pee eaten a greet deal
7 -
a this- in the eortrae of my
, worse. Yea, ahe added,
4,-ef eaten aome pretty bad '
be entre !".
aino Efabit Starts.
Ueing Catarrh enuffs and'
ng the deadly drug. It is
1- that the only direct
oat arrh it CatarrhOZOney
F ielneation of medicated
art Oa tarrhczane, and it
of Catarrh, Bronclaitie,
7rouhiss, and Deafness.
rn Catarrhozone- Inhaler
d relieve.a. Permanent
,rn though ether remedies
errhozene, price $1.00
• Druzgiete, or N. C.:
"qt,01),. Oatario.
'ilia Cure Biliousness.
rt have dropped through
r." Why„ my dear
kieked at Tommy end
rignal for him not to eat
L didn't pay any atten-
harder." "What hap,
suddenly found out -
king the minieter all the
r. for nearly fifty years
[ard, died on Saturday,
was a native of Soot -
✓ , rthers, BE Wed- in Blare -
was eighty-three years
e, tilt, Allie, the little
Brown, of the firm of
rr, of St. Marys,- was
She was etanding on a
.ed in some --way slipped
Lands an the hot stove.
[The following 1°01 news was intended
for last week but came to hand too
_ Holmesville.
-DOTS.-Mrs. Henry Oke, of Ebentzer, is
the guest of her mother, Mre. Joseph Proc.
tor, at Holmeiville. Qaite a number out
and around the to ship attended the nom-
ination at HoImestille, on Monday. -Mr.
James Harrison sold a fine draught horse
to Charles Wallace last week. -Mise Ada
Rouatb, of Bayfield, is the guest of Mrs. G.
Proctor, on the Cut Line. -Mr. and Mrs.
Geer eetVanderberg I spent Christmas with
frien a in Bervie. .
WORMS cannot exist either in children or adults
when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 26e. AU
Lond esboro.
Warw.-Miss L. ' oung spent a few days
with friends in i orrie.-The blethodist
choir spent an enja able time at the home
of Mr. Richard Car en on Monday evening
of last week. -Mon en. of last week was a
busy day here, as p ople gathered from all
the township, it bei g nomination day -Dr.
re Whitely is, hoire at present. He has
been practising in Stidbury for the past six
months, -Miss N Ilie Valibridger, of
Toronto, who has b en visitiog at the home
of Mr. W. L. Oahe tte for the past two
weeks, returned hoe Monday. -Mrs. Neil,
of Strata:tad, is at jreaent visiting friends
heee-Miss Rose R ley, of AIymer, iss home
for her vaoation, hot leavea on Monday for
London, where we believe she has seoured
better position.-Mr.I Wm. Brogden, who
bar resided in lidarliteba for the past 15
years, is vieitieg his parents here at present.
We beleive that °pantry agrees with him. -
Mr. R. B. Jeffrey a ant Sunday last with
friends in Goderieh.
FOR internal or exte nal use ECA.GYARD'S YEL.
LOW OIL cannot be exc Red as a pain relieving and
soothing remedy for all pada.
' -The people of t e above sohoal gather-
ed at the school on the Net day of the
term for the above resentation, tt which
the teaoher ably repiiecl. After the pree-
erstation a concert was given by the solid -
era. After this the besolier pretreated each
scholar with a hand °me card with Scrip-
ture texts and a bag containing nuts and
can dies.
PRESTA.Tiolia-he following address
was presented to Miss Mary E. Ford, on
the occasion of he severance from the
position of teacher id sohool section No. 10,
Usborne ; " We, t a parents and pupils
of school !section No.I 10, Uaborne, desire to
express briefly our seise of the able man-
ner. m which you ha e for a number of years
-discharged your dut tewards us, and also
to place on record sone. mark of the high
esteem in which you are held in the com-
munity. Through i domitable energy and
untiring efforts on behalf of your pupil, the
etandard of efficiene in all departments
of your school rank among the highest.
Your example, not oijiiy in school, bat out-
side of school, hae 0e3 much to mould
character, and we de ply regret the Revea-
time of your connecti n with us as teach-
er. Before bidding s farewell, please ac-
cept this " eecreta " from our hands,
not on account of its ntrinsie value but as
a token of our appre iation of your unvary-
ing kindness and atte tion to the little bus
and girls who have leen under your care
and instruction so lo e We earnestly hope
0 -
your life may contin e to be useful and
that it will please an always loving Father
to proaper you wears r your lot may be
elst. Signed on 1eha1f of the school,
Matthew Clark, Th teas Pasamore, John
Diarrhoea "Wea ens the System,
and if not cheeked.b cornea a chronic: con-
dition. Noremedy ompares with Nervi
line, which is proper d specially for atomaeh and bowel trould s. As a radical cure
for Cramps, Colio, Ga in the Stomach,Snm-
mer Complaint, Ne mime excels every-
thing in the medical line, is an indispknsible
household staple, and costa only 250.1 Buy
a bottle to. day.
Try Dr. Ilamilton'el Mandrake Pills.
Bruc field.
Mentenete-On Mo day of last week a
very quiet wedding as celebrated in the
manse, when Joseph IGray, our genial sta-
tion master, was mar led to Mise Florence
Chrysler, neje() of 3. R. Higgins, of our
village. The bride is a olever young lady,
who formerly taught °hoed in Egmondville.
The marriage was performed by Rev. E. H.
Sawere. The bride, ho looked her best,
was tastefully abtiredl in a green cloth suite
They left on the 440 rain to visit in Ham-
ilton, Toronto, St. Ca, herines and Staples.
The best wisher of a host of friends follow
them_ as they take up their abode in our vil-
lage. -Dr. Rodgers was married Christmas
Day to a lady from Belmont,. Our villagers
wish them a long and happy life in our
NOTES. -Mr. Hegh Thompsan and Mrs.
James McCartney and daughter, Miss Sadie,
and son, Jame l McCa.etney, accompanied by
Mrs. Tuxford and nen, all of Moosejaw.
Manitoba are visitin at the home of Mr.
Alex. Thompson. -Ms. Emma McIntosh
has returned from ronto.-Mr. Robert
McCartney, of Manitclba, is visiting in our
village. -The Mime 8ea1es, of Londesboro,
were last week the guests of Miss McCully.
-ieev. Mr. Moffat, of' London, delivered a
very interesting illusitrated lecture in the
Preabyterian chureh last week. -Mr. James
Foote preached on Sabbath evening in the
Presbyterian church. -1 --Miss Jessie Granger,
of Clinton, spent Chriatmas at her home. -
N. Baird, of Toronto, is epending his vaca-
tion at home. -Mr. Mereeren and wife, of
Keret county, are visiting at the home of
Aire. D. McEwen. -Oe fueaday of last week
the funeral of Mr. Janeee Brook and daugh-
ter, who were killed ie the terrible railway
accident, took place. It was a sad
Crickets Hear 'With Their Legs.
One of the atrangeat a.nd moat unexpeoted
of uses to which one meld imagine a leg
being put is that of ax organ of hearing.
Lasts a
Lif time.
That is just what they say
of Vapci-CreseIene. The
vaporizer is practically in.
and the Creso•
lene is icertainly not ex-
pensive.! This way of treat-
ing affections of Ole throat is most
economical, and is 4.1se most effective.
Our little picture illustrates how its
used. You put some Creselene in
the vaporizer, light lamp beneath,
and then breathelin the soothing,
healing vapor. For whooping -cough
and croup it's a perfect specific. 6
Vapa 'rs,•• a ta a- 1,1 Iy druggists everywhere.
A Vaivi Cr, s it lie. iiifit, ingit.iiing cite Vaporizer and
Lamp. wincis ,!t -1.11 1st istiiie-tuns., and a bottle of
Crasalene, c.mr tr-, (if Creso-
lem- 25 celt an,i 5 vrents 4r,sted 000klet contain-,
tat ob ysici an a' test unon Is fresupon request. Varca
C%GLENE Co., Ib0 Fultoa St., New York. U.S.A.
- Recommended and sold by I. V. Fear
druggist, Seaforth.
Yet such nem to be one ist ee.et f the
funotiona of the forelegs Of the ricke On
the outer side a a: tihia ta sins' . ov space
may be seen, hi whieht the etre g a . ature
which covers the rest Of the body is reduced,
to a thin sald membraneous con thorn mak-
ing thus a wetf Window oi drumhead.
Communicating ith this, ineWlo tbe leg,
are the end of a nerve and it cth harjdly be
doubtecatherefores that the whole limp mettle
constitutes an auditory organ.
LIVER TROUBLES, bilioU14186Ei1 SA OW ocireplex
ion, yellow eye'
° eau dice, eto , yield to th cura-
tive powers of LeXa- ER mu. They re sure
to cure.
• •
le Winthrop.
PetnsneereTioete On the ec Selma of the
Chreiernas tree enterteinmen ' in Gwen
church, whieh wae mentioned laet week, the
congregation took advantage of t to extend
Christmas greetings to their pa r, Rev. P.
Musgrave, and tto expreets ia etimo tangible
way thief. (esteem tor him, who has labored
so faithfully and untiringly in their midst
for a quarter of a contury. In u half of the
congregation a beautiful fur li Si coat and
driving mites were prasented by Ider James
Hillen, while the address -of ppreolation
was read by Elder Robert Go swim*, and
was as follows : Reif. P. Mas ave, -Dear
Pastor, -We, the mernbers and dhereSats of
your congregation, reptemberi g the feet
that you have now been 25 year our pastor,
feel that we cannot allow the opportunity
to peed without in some mann , giving ex-
pressionito our feeiinge of gratit de andgood
will for the deep' liuterests you ave always
taken in our morel and epirituni. welfare, for
the memy acts oilkindness you have shown
to us as a congregation and .as iudivid.uals,
aud for your untiring zeal in the clause of the
blaster. We have been benefited both di-
rectly and incline ly, by your indaenee and
advice. Your w rds, as well your life,
have inspired man during thea years tote
have been our pastor, to a newness of life,
and you have bead the instrument in God's
hand of leading many tce acee t Christ as
their Saviour. You have ben faithful,
untiring, and eeli-denying in tour labors
amongst us. As a alight token of our
esteem and affection, Pleale tiocept this gift
from ue, and may it remind youmf the good
will of your congregatioci towards you, and
their prayers that' the Divine biessing; may
rest upon youreelf, your Moot esteemed wife
and your family, and that wheo you 'meet
the Muter you !May not only hear the
" Well done good and faithful s rvant," but
that yau may else see the fruEt of your
labors. Signed on behalf cf th congtega
tion of Caven church, Winthropi R. Calder,
J. Hillen, T. Dade's, A. Cattail,' R. Greven-
-- ;
are easy to take, harmless in aotion and euro to euro
any headache in from 5 to 20 Minutes.
Christmas Day at Hudscn.'s Bay.'
Chrietrnas day is welcomed a the north-
een fur poets of the Great Hu ;son's ,Bay
Company by a firing of cannon .from the
'ariow-ranffied bastions, says Leal 's bionth-
.1y. Before the stars have fa ed chapel
s rvioes begin. Frequently,' on either
Chriatrnas or New Year's day, a real) feaBt
ie given the tawny -skinned hal) tuas of the
f rt, who come shuffling, to the !main moss
✓ oat with no other announceme t than the
micas the
over the
barks and
es up in
tfrappera to
Of tightly
wily, to be
nes, just as
rom head
lifting of the latch and bike th
the hospitality of a host theb
turned hungry Indian froni its d
IA great jangling, of bells ann
huskies (dog *ids) searnperin
°rusted anew drifts. A bable o
curses follows„, for the huskte
their arrival by tangling themse
their harness arid enjoying a free
Dogs unharnessed in -troop the
the banqueb hall, flinging packs
roped peltries :down premisce
rted next day, One Indian en
he has hie the bunting field, cla
tet foot in white caribou, with he antlers
loft on the cspote as a decoy. cia equaw
bas togged out for the occation 1 a comical
medley of brass bracelets and fi ger rings,
With a bear's clew necklace and -mine ruff
W,hich no city ; connoisseer could poesibly
ntistahe for a z ebbit. If a daughter yet re-
main unappropriated she will display the
geyest attire -red flannellealorered shawl
red scarf, witheperhapi, n aprenof white
fox skin and mecoaaina garnishedi in colored
g asses. The braves out do seen a vein
young equaw. Whole fee, miuk, or otter
e ins have been braided to the era of their
h ir and hang down in two plaits to the
fl Whiteat of buckskin has been erne -
anted with brightest of; beads and ON er
all hangs the gaudiest of lelanicete ; it may
be a musk-ox skin with -the feats of the
werrior in rude drawings on tite smooth
Of the feat little need be said. Like the
camel, the Indian lays tip store. for the
morrow, judging &prairie oepaoityftiom weeks
of morrows.
A French-Canadian fiddler strikes up a
tuneless jig that sets the 1 Indians poinding
the floor in figureless dances with moocasined
heels sill midday glides into midnight aid
midnight to morning. I eemernber heariug
of one such midday feast in Red .River set-
tlement that prelonged itself till !past four
o'clock the next meriting. ;
' • '
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Heed) Diaiefectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bathe, softens
the water and disinfects. 38
Another !SutTerer.
"1 regree the strike," ternarked the hen
who was in the habit of !making nest of
the bin.
"And why ?" asked the red rooeter.
"Because I won't have the opportunity
of getting off that ald joke ahead laying in
the winter coal.'"
The Temple of SciOce.
The following letter wee written' by Mr.
Jacob McGee, a retired farmer of Egmeed-
viIle, who is now id his 86th year 4
The mote I think of it," saya Ruskin,
"1 :find this conolusion , more impreased
upon me that the gteatest thing la human
soul aces in this world is to tell ! what he
saw, in a plain wayi a few of the things
which science is noW seeing with regard to
the ascent of man.",
However pleasing and interesting, in an
ethcnolegical sense,: it is easier maid than
done, as there is no, living man on earth
could tell it only from history and circum-
stantial evidence, fired like some criminals
can only be traced y footprinta said blood
on hie clothes ai4d other cireernetantial
Now, science, wh eh is the parent and
foster parent` cf the geologist in hie quarry ;
the biologist in his aboratery, th astrono-
mer in his observat ry, the historian in his
library, and the are eologist in hi museum.
They spake to one lanother as thoy have
discovered a law ani that law w " Ev91-
akin." Now if the law of evollution can
be proved to include , man, theology has
many broken cogs in its wheel, and the
theologian, being z alous for thab religion
which seems to hith higher thaz &orange,
they call such reesoning infid14ty, ad
they point to the' Genises stoz4yj of the
creation, and they could de so yet, pot in a
literal sense, or to Bible chronology. The
court being now open, we dell hi a few of
the most renowned philosophers of the
last half of the last century to give their
evidence; men who have travelled rouud
the world, ploughe the ocean, sealed the
mountains,traverse th,e wildernese,and deg
into the earth for fo sil remains.
Hear what Prof. Da,wson, nur Canadian
greatest geologist, has to say in his hook
entitled "The da'in of Wei" t9Age 127.
"The name Eozoon or dawn enithal raises
the question wheth r we !shall! eTer know
any earlier represe tation of anpnal life.
Ittggestdag the na 0 Eozeon for the
earliest foa1 end Eozoi • for the formation
in whioi it i' oontained I had no intention
•to afflrth the i there ay not 'have been
precuts re 01 re dawn nional and so the
dawn a imaki fe May h ve had its gray or
my hr akin:mat a tiro long anterior to
that in which Zezoo bent its marble
reefs." 1 f
Hear again the late Paofeasor Drummond,
of Glee ow University, author of " Natural
law in i.ho lipiritual 'world," "Tho 'ascenb
of man, &o., page 21, "Man has been large-
ly indebted to these 'qualities whit% he
shares with tlhe apeand tiger. For thousands
and thousands of years before the origin of
the oldest known civilization . men were
savages of a I very low type ; they were
born and mnitiPlied without.stint for thout-
an& of gen tations alongside the main -
moth, the tie' a and the hyena, whose lives -
were spent i the same Way, and were no
more to be p Maori or blamed than their
lees ere t and; more hairy compatriots, as
lite was a co tinned free Eght."
Hear again Prof. Huseley in the Encyclo-
paedia .Brit tinica. "The evolution of
many exitingferule o animal life- from
their predee sots is no longer an hypothe
sis, but an h torioal fac , and even to man.
Most tuatara iota agree that man's bodily
structulo vi$h that of the higher mammalia
and his des° nt from some ancestral form
eommon to man, and_t e anthkopoid. ape
appears overwhelming and conclusive."
- Hear again Prof. D &Ace', that world
.renowned G rrnan naturalist, and historian,
" History o Creation,' page 39. "Tho
Bible is no a ientific book, but amulets of
records of th Jewish people." In science
it has no eci mantling iinportanoa, and if
we take a atirdelover mo e than 3,000 years
from the tini of Moses who died about
the year 148 1 before Ohriet, during this
whole period no history of ereation was
brought, for erd of any lasting importance.
Indeed,. du ,rig the laet fifteen hundred i
years, since tiainely gai ed its supremacy,
the Mosaic latery of creation, together
with the do as °cane ted wieh ' it, has
been so • gen eel y prod minant that the
19th center i he firs that has dared
poeitively to Iris against it."
And last but not lead, we .tnrn to Prof, 1
Charles Darvein, Ithegreatest naturalist' the
r known, author of " Descent)
agars of species," " Formation I
ould," " Animals aricipleinta,"!
d the world," &o., yet whored
pie is like throwing a red
only they have the mantle
w over t they would e-
8. " Dalrwin onl
page 205, says :
our eyes we may/
ge, appro irnately
or need we fee
humble rganis
r than the inor,
it And I no on
n. study any liv
humble, without;
am of its marvel
he who
world has ev
of man," "
of vegetable
" Voyage ro
name to most pet
rag to a bull, and
of Agessiz to thro
hum and burn his bon
the descent of I man,"
" Unless we Willelly olos
with our present knowle
recognize our !parentage,
ashamed of it.. The mos
is !something ;Mach high
genic duet un i eel, our fe
with an unbiAliedmind o
ing creature, ; however
being struck with enthusi
bus structure and proper ies, and
has Been a segeege in his ,native lond will
not feel much ehenne if ferced to acknowl
blood of Berme more hamblet
hi his veined'
6 permitted, we might go, if
produce similar teatimonieit
doubt still exists in any un.
prejudiced mine we will gently teke yo
ledge that the
,oreature fiowe
And, if spa
neeesaa.ry, to
by the score.
Yet, if any
by the hand a l lead you
and would in abdirce you
perienced vet. who ean te
a horse by itsteeth, an
woodman to t
rings thereof
you in imag*
time, the "
P " " Crete°
''Silurian "
and " Lauren
to the keologia
first to I the e
I you the age
second to the
11 the age of a tree by th
ed I the geologist can tak
atien to the mosia remot
duaian pe iod," "-Tertiar
s P" " Ju aside a Tresesic
arhonifer es " "Devonian
inbrian " "Labradorian " an
ten" periode, millioes upon
millions of ages, But as ,Dr. Kitts, th
greatest Bibb 'a) soholar of Ithe age, justly
remarke, " th alearned men and antiquar
ians have bee ;laberious bal critical I inveeti
gation for a s letian i of tbe existing diffi
'mitres, but h
any se.tisfact
is a grandeur
is only an out
we do not rev
he thus fax failed of aehin
k rsults. oweve7ther
n, the study of seieno whio
regarment for evolut. 0, and
43 einem shojeld the zsien whoj
eds of
rthy at
Plato, 1
have left bheir footprints on the a
time. Not !oily footprints, jig,
writings also. And if the (mute
and study of the scienceswas w
Copernicus, a Galli* a &Orates,.
a Buffin, a Keplen, a Newton, a aeon, a I
Goethe, a He iehel and a galsey ef other
I philosophers and ,scientietts surely it is
Iworthy of a thought.
enrage ; there appears a new
lit et the f horizon. When
erned noble and fearless D.
an, of Toronto, /tomes to che
dying the Bible," the doctor
ecessary to be cautious, but
also necessary not to be afraid of facts. A
!man who is afraid of truth is -an 'infidel of
the worst speeies, becausetruth can only
do good. It was said that if we were really
pious believers We would not bother with
higher eritioistre but he did nob believe that
God gave us our brains to: sleep, and ven-
tured to predict that in ;25 years thote
vilified studente would be Ihonored by the
church. They had been stumbling along for
years, and now when they begin to find the
true beauty of !the :story of the creation,
they are calleciiinfidels."
And that after the reformation the Pro-
testants were Confronted with the Roman
Catholics' staterciOnt that they had an infal-
lible church, ' they were cornered,
and, like Most men iu that preda
cement, they their: the abort, cut oat, reply-
ing they had an:infallible Bible, "and the
short out," said Dr. Milligan, " is always
wrong. So tEe .idea grew until a , Swiss
Synod actually declare d. the Bible invited."
Now here We part company with the
learned doctor. L For there never was a
Swirls Synod or any ecumenical counoil that
declared the preeent autheriztd version of
the Bible inspired, and we have nothing to
fear that long before the 25 years prophesied
!by the learned doctor, that' the ' temple of
soience " vvial raie its marble spires, being
built on the fo oil reefs of the centuries, and
the ortitt of the earth and Laurentian rooks
of the ages forlits stone and mortar. And
es it was in the beginning, is now and ever
shall be, world without "..Amen."
Egmondville. JACOB MCGEE.
NOWS Notes. °
-Veterinary Ova Frederick Metcalf, of
Kingston,has reached home alter 18 months'
serviee in South Ain ia. While there he
vres attached to the Imperial Light Iufantry
and Scottish Soouts. Capt. Metcalfe
thinks thtra is a bright future in dote for
South Afrioa altec affairs reaurne , their
natural tenor. Caps Town is ab present
the Monte Carlo Of the, world. A lot of
privation existe there, and murders are of
daily oconrrancee It is no place for the
average white Man looking for work unless
he has a little cepital. .
-The latest retirees from the vote on the
Liguor Act. of 1902 as received by Mt. F. S.
Spence, secretary of the Dominion Alliance,
are as follows ; , ' For the ; aote- 194,700 ;
against the ac, 101,234 ;! majority for,
93,466. There are no returns from Fort
William, 1 Manitoulin and I Port Arthur.
Seventy-six constithencies have forwarded
complete returns, and there are yet 21
conatitm encios not o-fficially reported.
-M r . Thom 0 Ballantyne, wife of the
Hon. ThOrnitS • ellantyne, 1 ex -Speaker of
Ontario Logisisture, died suddenly at
Stratford, M�nctay evening, of heart failure.
The whole cormennity is greatly shocked
by the sad ooetiqenee, and as she had been
in fairly good' health and was looking for -
was d to participating in a re -union of ,the
)1 Let us take
lllight breaking
tha great and
.D., Rev. Milli
;rescue. " In s
,said, " it was
family on Nei* Year's day. Deceased was
a Miss Mary Ballantyne andiaa natiee of
Eeebles Scotland.' She was 67 yearn! of
ge and been in delicate health for
ome yearn. She leavek a family of seven
one and one daughter. ,
-W. H. Holden, releaeed from the
lepton penitentiary on' Christmas` eve,,
fter serving foar and three-quarter :years
or the Napanee bank robbery, has started
or his hernia in New Haven, Connectioub.
e looks atouter than before his entey to
risen, and his hair has grown grey. He
eft in good spirits after giving the prison
fficere raps for alleged injustice.
• _.
Virelsh and Enerliaa Lunatics.
There are over 110,000 lunatics in
England and Wales, and the annual
cost of their maintenance is 13,000,000.
London's Mixture.
It is said that there are more Irish-
men in London than there are in Dub-
lin, more Scotchmen th.an in Edin-
burgh, that half of Soho is French and
the svhole of Saffron hill Italian.
Breathing. .-
Persons breathe less when ,they are
concentrating their minds on study. or
work and. also -when 'under the influ-
ence of depressing er !an the oth-
er hand, we breathe Mare ,When exhil-
arated. by pleasure and anussements.
; • The Dog.
The only' animal betid s
all over the world is t e d
man found
Japanese Econ
Japanese economy is
causes of Japanese P •os
the charcoal dust is SI
into balls, with cha
ne of the
rity. Even
and molded
r straw, for
Mother G ose.
"Mother Goose," yho is probably
more familiar to child en than any oth-
er personage in story ool sl was a real
person. Mrs. Goose, tor tint was her
real nam, lived- with la t,apliIy named
Fleet, IT o kept a little re in Pud-
ding lane, Boston.
Nsilt4t/InghL Buenos
Any pei.son caught evil s
street of Buenos'Ayrbs is
arrested. I The police alen
right to w1thist1e.
ling in the
liable to be
3 have the
i -
pconoray In Egqa.
When eggs are exp its' ve, it is well
to reinember that it is not necessary to
boil a whole egg to ge _a yolk for gar-
nishing. Separate whit and yol& with-
out breaking the latt r ar#1 poach- it
hard in Salted water. The white is
saved far glazing or Meriague, etc. ,
A ' Great Bride
In the -Valley of ,Peti ufte, 'in Luxena-
bourg, .Gerinany,', stands ehe largest
single span- of any Masonry bridge ,in
the world, with a lenetL �f 277 feet
and a height of 102 ret. '
A Monster Goir1 Nugget.
There Is a monster gold nugget lying
at the !bettom of the Atla tic. It was
shipped from Santo Do lingo to the
king of Spain 400 years a o as a tangi-
ble proof of the value cf Columbus'
discovery, but was lost ) a storm, to-
gether with 30,000 ounc s of smaller
golden specimens.
A Valuable Ba ge.
The lord _ mayor Of Lo • on 'wears "IS
badge of Office whichl oontains dia-
'mends ivalued at i120,0p0.
, Lemon Extract. ,
In. Sicily machines are used for ex-
acting essence from 1 Mon peels.
Oh machine has a cepa ity of 10,P00
elf peels a day. The *0 gl en and boys
ho do the work get 16 ents for ten
Ours. •
Lions Kill a Pan hr.
At a menagerie in Pari three lions
alleged to make their way into a
eighboring cage, in with a panther
as lodged. A ferribl ght ensued,
lid despite the effortsa of the keepers
he panther was literally t rn to pieces
3t the intruders.
Naplea Lahore a.
Ince 1860 the wages • laborers in
pies have doubled, 1b t the taxes
pave trebled. Even n3wages are
*1y from 10 to 25 cents a lay.
The Earth's Dia
kaAlthough the diameter
s been roughly know
ears, it has only been a
rtalned after thirty yea
S 7,026 miles at the equal
om pOle to pole. -
e earth
for many
curately as-
s'I labor. It
or and. 7,899
Persian Don ers.
It is stated that some of the donkeys
is Persia have their nos Ti s elit almost
ip to their eyes. This i d n to fedi!»
ate their breathing in warni weather.
The Salt Ha 1•
Orientals, who understand the nice
1s of eating . from a hygienic sta.nd-
°lint Much better than We of the occi-
ent, 41ways take at L with . their
beese. After one becon e
'S addicted to
h salt and apple habi he reels that
r pies should never be eaten in any
etaer Way.
, ,
Somewhat of a pitzzle.
Arctic seals are found. le Lake Bal -
!lona in central Asia, 1,561 feet above
tile sea and 2,000 miles distant.
! •
Foaall Coral.
Fossil cotal, found in Fail, i% the best
rinilding stone in the n-orld. It is soft ,
-lhen first 'cut, but hardhne to the don-
; istency. of firebrick after a few
lonthe' wentherine,.
Only For PleOsure4
Jn a frrand old city in !the eouthwest
of England. one so grave so solemn,
that it cannot see its own jokes, may
bb read on IIie notice board of a grassy
i:Lelosure: "Pleasure Grounds. Notice-
qiese grounds are fey,' pleasure only.
i.;(3 ga LneS Gr piny allowed!'
Noavfountliaird'ai Coast.
The ,coast of NewfaUndiand is int
dented by deep and narrow bays, back
of which rise steep and: ru -ged hills.
Spectacles In Geri any.
In e 'planation of the fact that Gert
n any is ti spectacle wearing Country it
poi :fed out that, the Tentonic or
I lack Ietter La much IllOrei t
✓ ad an the Roman charkters, '
1 'System With a liteihed.
"I haye nea.rlY run my les off going
about a depar ent store malting a few,
purchases e'er y wife," s id the man
the bundl s. "1 bel eve that I
:was directed to, six- differ parts of
tlae esta.blishment for each.article I
bought. I waS sent upstairs, down-
stairs, across the shop, along the aisle
and from one pint to another, just as
though nobody iknew whene. anythin' g
was." I
"You evidently don't undierstand. the
system," suggested his friend.
"Indeed I don'. If it Is it system, It
is beyond nix understanding," he an-
,"W'ell, it is a system that Is not with-
out method," replied the other. "Yon
did not realize it, but it was a great
eXhibition of stoek for your beneftt. It
would have been a great deal. of trou-
ble to have seated you on one ef the re-
YOlving stools and broughti 'all of the
goods in the st re and pavaded them
to make sja toul of the establishment
in front of you; o you -were started off
and directed from place to Oace so as
and get a general view of the goods b:1
each department. Do you hee the ad-
vertising schem ?" 1.
"I believe th t you are right, my
hoy, for that is the only rational ex-
planation of t proceeding.'
-- '
• Great Word Building Contest.
See how man words yon can make
out ,Of the letters given beldw. Do not
use any other 1 tters save tIsose given.
You can use p oper name, improper
names, verbs, nouns, adjectives, prepo-
sitions, conjunc s ons and • articles. DO
not use any one letter more than eight
times in one wor • . Use only nice words.
iiere are the le iers: !!
NOPQR Turvw1x1.-z
Here is your hancel Se h Who can
get up the larg st lists of! words by
usin these let ers accordlng to the
rule of the cont+st. For the first largest
• ber of word sent in a Porterhouse
sea - inlaid. with turquoises ill be
aWa ded; to the second larges num-
ber, an elastic gl ss bottle; to th third
a po d of mediated pastry.
E ery guess mist be accorapa iled by
a co pen from a 4 per cent gove nment
The Ancient Hour.
T se early Egyptians divided t
and ilght each • to twelve hours,
tem adopted by llhe Jews or the
swab bly from Ilbe Babylonians
da- is said to have first been
into hours from B. C. 293, when
di 1 was erected In the temple of
tuts rt Rome. Pr vious to the in
of ater clocks, B. O. 158, the ti
edll d at Rome by public crie
earl England ore expedient of
uring time was 1y wax candles
inehes burning an hour. The fir
feet mechanical clock was not
until about A. D. 1250, Day be
_sunrise among xruist of the north
tiOnS, at sunset among the Ath
and Sews, at midnight among t
nian, as with us.
e day
a cus-
a sun-
e Waif
S. In
t per -
an at
rn na-
1! II I
Wtttyj Retorts.
When the hele rated physieis n Sir
Henry Holland -to d Sydney Small that
he had failed to kill either on: of a
brace of pheasant o that had risen1 with-
in easy range near the latter's home,
the witty divine tsked, "Niflay dd you
not prescribe for hem?"
One day 'Sir Unry was enga ed in
a hot argument vith "Bolstis" nsith,
a barrister, concerning the 1 mefits of
their respective Professions., "Ycu will
adMit," said Sir Henry, "hat i your
prefession does not make angels of
men." "No," retorted Smith, "there
yon have the best of it"
Took Her Literally.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton eves once
giving a piece of advice to et roomful
of young men in a little village on the
subject of matrimony. "When you,
marry," she sairl "choose a woman
with a spine and a sound. set of teeth."
"Good gracious, Mrs. Stanton," re-
marked one of her listeners ',in alarm,
"do they ever come without Opines?"
Bad Snelling. , .
One of the causes to whiclx; the prev-
alence of bad spelling amongithe rising
generation is attributed -is th h fact that
the modern Ronan method. of pro-
nouncing Latin giiv
es no direct indica-
tion of the pronunciation of the Eng-
lish derivatives and se no elle to their
spelling, as the E glish sound of Latin
svords did when it was used.
! 1 ,
Overheard In the Garden Of Eden.
"You are ,..n leas y, mean, horrid. old
thing, so there!" e., claimed Eve.
"I suppose next you will threaten to
go home to mamma," taunted Adam.
Then, realizing the bitterness of na-
ture's handicap, EVe burst inko tears: ,
"Suppose I wer
fect Woman," sh
"Do you know wh
'Wife. k
an ,absolletely per.
remarked sharply.
t you'd cici then?"
"No," answered her 7 husband.
"You'd growl because you iiad noth-
ing to growl about."
Very Willing.
"You asked her father for hr hand?"
"And he refused you?"
"No, he didn't. 11e said 1 Could have
both of them."
Th One as Bad as the Other?
"Poverty is no „disgrace," 1 said the
young woman with ideas of h-er own.
"No," said Mrs.! Cumrocks, "it's no
disgrace, but it certainly is extremely,
Damascus is undoubtedly the oldest
existing city in the world. Benar4and
Constrintinople, exclusive of Chinese
towns_ come next in point of age.
, Winter Vegetailes. P
Winter vegetables should 7 be tally
matured when gathered. If: gathered
green, the moisture passes! througli
their skin and they wither. Pry thor-
Otighly, then store in a cool, (47 plans.
Cerro% beets, parsnips and turnips
keep better if packed in dry sand.
Page Metal Ornamental Fence
' Handsome, durable and low-priced. Specially suitable for front
and divisieufeneeS intownlots,c.emeteries, Orobards,ote.B.etalls
for 20 CENTS PER RUNNING OOOT. Suet about
the cheapest fence you can put up. Write, for lull particulars.
Use Page Farm Fence and Poultry Notting.
The Page Wire Fence Co., Liniited„ Wargerville, Ontario.
Montreal, P.Q., and St. John, 2. 7
Lazy l Livers and Sluggish,
When thdie means fail to perform their
proper functions, the blood becomes poison-
ed and suffering aed disease commence.
This can be `evoided by keeping your vital-
ity at high-water mark, the blood rich and
pnre by taking one Ferrczone Tablet after
each meal.
Ferrczone0eas a mild but rapid action on
the liver and3 kidney, and is eintainly the
greatest producer of red vitalizing blood
known to ecience. Morning tiredness,
Lar3goni, Di:zznets, Pain in the Back and
Sick Heedaohe disappear at onee when For-
rozene is used. Get is to-dae, Price 50c,
at druggist's/ or N. C. Poison & Co., King-
ston, Ont. I
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Biliousness.
O -Mr. D. H. Farrowi of -Stratford, general
agent for the Maseey-Harris Company, was
entertained sit the Dominion House, in Lon-
don, on Tuesday of It week, by the local
agents of the district and presented with a
handsome god headed cane.
pp's 'Cocoa
O An admi able food, with all its na-
tural- qjialities intact, fitted to
build uI and maintain robneb
health, aid so resist winter's ex
tine, labe ed JAMES EPPS &CO.,
treme colt Sold in quarter -pound
Limited, Homceopathie Chemists,
London, lEngLand.
Epp's Cocoa
II len Decker, Jordan Ferry, N. S., writes : "A
few months ago had a severe cold in my throat and
che t and heca e quite hoarse. A bottle cf
Wo d's Norway 1ine Syrup soon relieved the Hoarse -
nes and cured tic
-it is ea
stor Oil or o her Cathartic is not needed after
givi g Dr. LINOS Pleasant Worm Syrup. This rem-
edy contains ite n purgative and nat only destroys
but carries off the worms. Price 25c.
in t
Giippe Headache.
e. C. Applettin, cf Whitewood, Northweat Ter2
y, writes: Milburn's Sterling Headaehe Pow.
have given nle great relief tram the terrrible
s of La Gripe in my head :lad through my
" Price 10cand 25c, all dealers.
1 -at • sr
this time of the year, when sore throat, pain
e chest, rheuniatio pains and aches are So prev-
it would befwise to keep on band a bottle of
ard's Yellovf 011. It is a perfect edicine
Price 25c.3
O Si6.1c Headache.
s. Joseph Wordworth, Ohio, U. 8, sa e "
been troub1e0 with sick headache for over a
Lately I started taking Laxa-Liver P lis, and
did me a woild of good, acting withcut pain or
RlcuxnatismS1at1ca, Lumbago, Neural a and
Gcu are all coinp etely cured by Milburn' Rheu-
mstie Pills, the great specific rheumatic eniedy.
Pric 50e a box at 411 dealers.
in Ei
Oasli For Hides.
LLTAM MoDOUGALL is again ou the
aforth purchasing Hides, Skins, Raw
w, for which the highest price in crash
on delivery pa A. Stabie's _Egg Em
ra and
will be
8S5 -t
ve !Our Clothes
end your last
necessity of letting new Spring clothes if you
ear's suit to the
Ole clothes made1 to look like new. Dyeing and
eeaning of ladies' ald gentlemen's clothes &specialty.
and atWaction guaranteed. All wool goods gnar-
ante d to give good satisfaction on shortrst notice.
She le, eurtatne etc., at moderate' prices. Please
do not fail to give Mks call. Butter and eggs taken
In exehange for work.
1732 Opposite th Laundry, North Main Stre t
ii •
Seaforth Saw and Stave Mills.
The undereigned its prem. -eft to pay t'ae highest
cash price for an ithlimitei quanti y of 11-st•c1ase
Soft Elm, Rock Elm. Basswoad, Maple. B. Ash,
Ilemlook and OakLogs, di livered 1.1 the Seaforth
Saw and Stave i1U.3La.ps to to out an eve I 191301
eloept Soft Elm. Soft Elm to be cut 11, 18 and 16
at. Will buy
O 1,000 Cords Basswood Heading Bolts,
40 inches long, at $11 per cord delive-ed. W111 18°
buy timber by measurement or by bulk in hush.
bpecial attention paid to Custom Sawing, and
satisfaction guaranty
1624 -ti
Four Feeds
For One Cent
Be it known o all Fanners and Stock
Feeders that Wohthington's Canadian Stock
Tonic and Feedeir is guaranteed ta be the
greatees animal riegnlator of the age. The
best tonic and feed saver; acts by correct-
ing all disorders Of the bleed, liver and kid-
neys, -and keeping them in a healthy condi-
tion ; wili fattee an animal rapidly, and
save one-third the feed.
10 lb. box, DM feeds. 50e ; 50 lb. seek, $2.
Manufactured b THE WORruINGION
DRUG_ CO., Gaelpla Ont.
For sale and gearanteed by
P.-MAITLAND; Clinton.
W. J. LEVY, Mitchell.
The Bell Telephone Company
of Canada.
k --•
A new issue of the subscribers' directory,
for the district of Western Ontario, hisand-
ing Seaforth Exclhange, will be issued early
in September. Qrders for new connections,
'changes of address, changes of names, dupli-
cate entry of ;lathes. &c., should he placed
at once to ensure their appearance.
I. Ma FEAR,[Looal Manager.
Grand Trunk Railwa
Xraitui leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
MEG Winsr- S2kPou.
Passenger.........-.... 1.4O r. IL
10 18 P. M.
020 A. M.
131.15 1' if.
Mixed Train.... -
attired Train...... -
otos° Haar
A. M.
Passenger_ - &II P. M.
itixed 4.10 P. IL
Palineriston and Kincardine.
Mixed. Mixed
12.55 r. x.
10.27 P. M.
10.15 It. IC
2.55 P.
4.15 1'.
GOni0 Nonni. Pass.
.. .• ..
Brussels.... .
1V1ngham.. .„
Brussels- ..
7.30 pi:if 12.20 p.m 8.45 a.m.
8.07 1.07 9.40
8.17 1.10 10.00
8.27 1.30 10.20
8.38 1.35 10.80
Pass. Mixed. Pass.
6 53 s.ral 92.m. 8.05 p.m
7.82 9.17 3.13
7.18 10.00 3 25
7.28 10.15 3.35
8.20 11.30 4.20
London, Huron
num NoP.TH-
Centrodia.„ ....O. 14 .
Exeter...-. P• .4 OP •• •.;
.H•n••11..• • • • 4-• •*4
•• • •,
Bruceflold..... 09 ••••••••• •
Londesboro an.. ...-
Blyth...... .......•••••••••••••
Wingliaan anive....-
Wlnghaui, depart....
4,11,••• 04.04
ftrtleefiOld• A.‘ • •• ••• .4 • • •
Klippen- "•••••10 •• ILIV•••••
Exeter .
Centralia.. -....--
London, etilive)-
and Brace.
8.15 a..x. 1.50 E•x
2.18 5.65
020 9:07
9.44 6.18
9.50 6.25
9.58 0.38
10.15 6.55
10.50 7.12
10.88 7.20
10.50 788
Mee 7.55
6.60 lax. 2.10?.
7.01 8.28
7.14 8.85
7.22 8.45
7.47 415
e5 4.10
8.15 4.59
8.22 4.65
8.86 5.10
8.46 5.20
0.45 a. IL 6.-20
Beautiful Flowers
What mark of reorient ean there he given to a living
or departed friend gyeater than the presentation of
Jive flowers. What a more refining for the family
table? What will make us think and eee the great
works of the Cheater More clearly than the beautiful.
Rase and Carnation? We supply
- W333131DMITGi-S
Funeral Designs, such as Drosses, AtichOra, Wreaths,
Hearts, Pillows, Gates Ajar, in feet all new and up.
to -date emblems that sonnet be surpassed by -any
eity establishment, and priees touch less. Full line
of letterieg aleadens. You can '.an nee samples be-
fore ordering. Give us a trial for your ohristras.s
Flowers. Please send order in early so that they
may be kept kr you. Mall orders promptly filled.
O 1826-18 0Mitchell, Onk
110 PIG BREEDERS- .-rns undersigned Will keep
1. nu Let 26, Conoeseion 5, L. R. 8., Tuoketim!.tb,
a thoroughbred Tanworau Pm; cia° a thcirongh-
bred YOUSHIRS Pm. A limited nunlber of- sows will
be admitted to each. Terme, 01, nivyaille at the time
of service, or/1.5011charged. JAMES GEIHKEZ.
'DIG FOR SERVICE.-Tte undersigned will keep
L on Lot 29, Concession 11, Ilibberb, a Thorough-
bred Yorkshire boar to whiOlx be will admit a
Malted number of sows. Terina.-431 at the time of
service. JOHN BLOIS, Ch1oe-1)111rd, Ont. 1771 ti
"IWO FOR SERVIOE.---The undersigned has on
J. Lot 28, Concession 11, ifeKillop, a thorough-
bred Yorkshire Boar, to ahich he will admit a limit-
ed number of sows. Terms -75c, payable at the
time of serviee, with the privilege of returning if
necessary. ituG31 T. olUrEvE.
Opinions of Leadini Physicians.
I have examined the composition of Strong'e Pile-
kone, and used it for external and itaaernai piles with
best results. J. D. WILSON, It. D , ex -Mayor, Lou-
don, Ont.
Price, MM. For sale by drOggists, or by resit, On
llanufactuflog Chemist, London,
Ontario. 1796-52
Fhe lifciCillop Mutual Fire
Insurance COmpany.
J.. B. McLean, Presidettt, Klppen P. 0. ; Unmet
Fraser, vice-president, lacteal% d P. 0. ; Thomas E.
Secy-Treas. Seaforth 2.0. Pir. G. Broad -
feat, Inspector I:if Losses, Seaforth 2 0„,
W. G. Brokrifoot, Beiforkh ; John G. Grieve, WI
threp ; George Dale, Seaforth; John Bennesveier
Dublin; James Evans, Hem/wood ; John Watt,
Blalock ; Thomas Fraser, Bruaefield ; John B. /to
Lean, Hippen ; James Connolly, Gluten.
Rat Smith. Blalock ; E. Hinehley, Seaforth;
James Damming Egraondv ..e;J W. Yea, Holmes
vine P. 9.; George liurdie and John G., Morrison
auditory -
Parties desirous to effed insurer:oat or Irma
Potathe burliness will be preniptly attended tact
ppliaaitor to eny of the above officers. addressed is
b.eir respective meet Widnes.
Good Quality, Fair Prizes, Co
teous Treatment and Straight
Furniture of all 1,:ithls, Window
Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures, Pic-
ture Frames and Framitig.
Repairing done promptly. Special
attention given to recovering uphol-
stered goods.
Upholstery coverings and material.
Tow, MOBS and curled hair.
Furniture packed either at your
home or at my store.
Will receive special attention. Night
calls answered at my residence iu rear
of Dominion Bank.
SUCCE:28011 TO Join( LAND8B0110170H,