HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-09, Page 51903 ORE. JANE RY 9, 1903 se our big assortment Winter footwear line— Socks Socks ami Rubbers!, Lubbers in the business. are neat shape, good are 65c, 75c and $I 00 nd, of which we are rope duck or canvass The e tub -proof rubbers ni can be easily re- t' :di'n's=, and $1.3 and bhe=r; at. $1.50 a pair forth t ch he has divided up or .. t „ i s. Pis Iti3 cetomers F�=tn eeinn smell cent conies Mrs. A. Dent, of r' e vies e tha first part .Lig Mrs J. Sutherland. ter, Jt bn Drysdale, of -Fleas dnriog the past s e net, Ralph, 'previous :n to att -end the Forest. °else. -Mr. and Mrs. B. fancilyreunion at the v aeenon.T - Mr. Robert his neat and well finish- E`.0 street„ west of the Ir. ['alter Hubkirk, who with iris family from the -,e Mellorrau, of Chicago,. r youngest son. has been "et:nas and New Years fether, Mr. Wm, Bell, €'ic? sizere, r ✓Ctitli'I] ban. hoe s:o'd up in h`-_ sty, and a ter, r ; the winter has come ene, an it lehiu�.wlll soon be .tie to and trent SL .Cclumban. ',i -a. La"y Burke, of Chicago, 1,kiil:.?a. alias Mary Menuade vita,to Toronto. -Miss' Italy. stearate Kee). 1, here, comes s;erreng on No. 2 express. She ti the e.45 p. m. tram. --Thos. terebcr, left here for the Len - 'v4_ S' Express lett Monday.- a prem neat role in the Grime - .zitteed : "Bust that order,' •` Bu t it." ` Rusted," " May would. r should bust. - s t'rrod fou a trip tn. Barrie, dj3.cer.r. D :reel Cronsn was s'ho:l nt etine, Wednesday_ denies ; eddr. t. 'et Stell has it<nple of St. fre•Hunan ani :e, • f 1,'tdlan i, a• d two chit- , oetee eateeeen, on Wedne'e- ho ti:llagner and five chilUFe 1 'hen'orninr, express lass Fri. .-u,kot'f, of Detroit, arrived on e in Detroit on Monday. -Wilt Perm iletertee a:e' Stretford. .;i; is sail free of snow. --Jerry_ and race with No. 2 express last d Monk; so fast that he only :c tie in nix. He caught hie - -e ea`I. Jerry eeys thet Re ve 3 •e 'h was alt Eseipperi. inner and Conveyancer ; da brawn up. Money loaned iaterest. I740 -ti -Wanted, ar.v q'iantity of -.11 kinds and all tend he. will he bush or out cf it. John Me- IS30-tf of Paine, Manitoba is vete': with his friezeis in this tle�sed to see his genial countea- :erdly shako hands with hitn.- rational meeting of St. Andrews' on Tuesday next in the after- ; •lendsof Mr. Joseph i;pehall, of a Iearn that he has bre laid. up -ere attack of Iagrippe, but all near of his full recovery. -Mr. ,he county Haase of Reuse, at tillage this week shedding the aun•enance on his numerous it like to keep on good termer ,nor of the Refuge, lent some of -u some future occasion. -Mr. of Hay, who went Went two led in Southern Manitoba, Is i. Mr. Thoimpeon is greatly -and likes is act well that a free eaion would not tempt him to t David MoNichol. of Farquhar, :en a visit to their old friends, ani put in a rest pleesant and the doings of " Auld Lang su bter of Mr. J. P. Roes, of eek, visit ng at the home of Mr. r -Sir. Dwid olair, telegraph .gid his sister, Mita Mary, of :Y €era at the house of Mr. and he holiday season, which has y elected yourse, has brought reakirrg, with richly spread f friends and family reunion s which bring ley to many, lies where sad hearts are, is: no longer heard, and the upied, but. such is life, and • r spidly passing years which we go a'ong.-Mr. and Mrs-: - week been visiting Mr.. and f Leuze feeld. Mr, and Mre. tins good•t•we to their many , as they ieteed leaving for Northee.Let about the first of Lythe, atthiIpiaCt . hoe enured reacher of the school in No. 2, t goon reco-d for both teacher strew that Mr. Forsythe Li tt the people of the sectictt they have it. -Mr. and Mrs. lenseli, were here this ween Mr. John Balfour. -Our milt l up with logs. -The many it., : , -r., will regret to learn ±. • Jett cf -health. -Rev. Mr. ::Booed the services in St. ,•.ath avenin;;. The people r. eeee to csreeratelve them- e p,s'ir as Mr. Davidion.- : thin vineee, he, un 1 trtake'rt Andrew's s chu'< h. -e. P. Me- t let -tie & McMordie, railway era Faye, (tr.terio, spent the tl.e parental home. --Miss M. u, also ;cent the holidays at tions ''t' Will sell goods some lues nearly cut _.rve:l, all will go at prices for this sale. goads on approval. r our cut price sale, matter BlarsFS .-Rev Dr. Tolling, of Toronto, 000upied the pulpit in the Pr sby terian church last Sabbath.. 'Next Sunday Rev, John Neale, of Weetminater church, Toronto, wit conduit the anniversary ser - 'vices. There will b no tea meeting in oenneotiou • hia year. -Thomas nd tire. Ogling, of nloderleh, were;guests nt Mrs. F. Miller lad- week, -Mise Laurel tioLau..hlin as returned to her home in Brown City, atichig u, atter a month's, visit here, - Mrs. Scott, of veno ver, is the guest of her parente, John and Mrs Roh0rtson.-Mire Mary Miller has gone to Toronto, wb re she will speed several weeks. -Albert weFah, cf ronto, oatled on old friends here on Friday. --T o branch bank of Hamilton opened here on Mon ay. They will visit thin village Three days in the w oke Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. -Robert cderson, of Toronto, was the ^west of his sister, re. R. !dutch, on Saturday.- Win. Sanderson visi ed in Kincardine last week.- Mrs. Charlie Stewart of Arthur is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sanderson h` man Patterson and family, ace c ompanled by J. Mi ler, of Clinton,. spent a week with the former's pa cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. -Mr, and Mrs. J. Baxter, of Jclliette, Michigan, were in the vi laze o their way to a"•ten1 the Tuner= til of the Iatte"ee fat ser. A. Willis, of Howlett, whose death took pia to Nei Year's eve. --John Brawn re- turned to Toronto Monday after a week's visit .with hisrents,Dr. nd Mrs. Brown. -Henry and Mre Allan, of Wingham, enewed acquaintance h• re lest week. -Misses Siang a and Jenny Miller, of Toronto, epent New Yeer's D y at their home, Catntwss Farin. -Alex. Campbell, of London, is the gut et of Mrs. Leckie and other roiatives. hero. -Anes Gotten and wife have returned !from Dakota where they have spent about a year. The folio ring ie the vote polled on Monday lo Wroxeter for the county council can- didates: Doig, 139 ; Miller, 89 ; Ferguson, 21 Mr. Miner and Mr. Fergcteon, however, ere re-tleoted. Bluth. Bis, -New Ye was one of the most ideal win- ter holidays that we have had for a number of years. The weather was not cold, the sleuthing good and the skating an the river, after the boys bad cleaned it off. was enjoyed anon' the largest crowds that has ever been seen Ere, -Maud Froetor and Mr. A. West spent afew da er of last week visiting friends at Ripley.-Mre r=. Do pe was visiting friends et Pine Point last week. -ti . W. Billows, of Florida,r. tu` n= ed to his home here quite unexpected on Tuesday, for a short visit Will has a responsible pcsittou iu the south sir. John Shkrritt, of London, is spend- ing a few days wit friends here. -Mr. McWilliam left on Tuesday mortar for Walkerville, where he has secured a reepo sibpoe_tion as manager in a large handle and v neer faotory.-There was great excitementhere on onduy during the municipal elections, these bei g three votes to ba taken, for council, trustees an county council. The cld coun- cil was elected as,fe lows : Stothers, McNelly, Sloan, Dr. Milne: for trust es, Bradwin, Cowan and Plum. mer: -What might here been a emriaus ere occurred at the Blyth woolleh mills on. Tuesday after000.o. The front of the buil iu,; and roof caught from a de- fective chimney, but as it happened in the afternoon it wait seen before , ctting = rr uoh of a start and, al- theug'h it looked serious, bor. prompt work it was soon put out bt for much damage was done - Mise Maggie Forsyth;, who built the only brick house that was put up this year, moved into it this wesk.- Mr. Robert McKay gutted !Meads in Shelburne and Mitchell the paweek-Mr. J. A. Taylor and bride, of Dutton, vist etted relations here on New Year's - Miss Etelka Hamiltan visited friends in Clinton the past week, -Mrs. A.;M. Babb, of Teeewater, is visit- ing her parents bereithie week. 'Zurich. DEATHS. -We regret this week to have to chronicle the deaIth of two well known - resi- dents of this neighborhood. Mr. F. A. Zimmerman dep,rted this life= on Sunday iaat, and the rengains were interred in the Lutheran oeinetey on Tuesday. The de- ceased was over 90 years of age and had been a Ieeident Of our village for about 46 years, oomieg het e when this neighborhood was an almost unbroken forest. He was a native of (lerma y and was a tailor by trade. He was - good and quiet citizen and was eateeme by all. His wife died many Searsago, at he leaves one son. - Oa the same day, Mr. Wm. Schroeder, of the Bronson Line, departed this life, at the age of 46 yearn. I The deceased had been bed fast for ten j'reeke. The remains were interred in the tutheran cemetery on. Tues- day. The deceased leaves a wife, three children and sen aged father, who will have the sympathy ofi the entire neighborhood in this their hour df sad affliction. NorEs. -Mr. J. J. Trueener, Ia former well known resident of . this vioinity,,: died last week at the home of his- daughter, Mrs. Sehwalm, at Pigeon, Michigan. Mr. Trum- ner was for yeas one of the prosperous fanners of this viicinity, but last year re- moved to Michigan to spend his deoliuing. years with hisdaughter.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wurtz, Of Pigeon, Michigan, have been visiting their uncle, Mr. D. S. Faust, and ether friand .-Jlrs. J. G. Sehluohter and Miss Anna Miller kit last week for Bad Axe, Michi an, to visit their mother, Mrs. Ellenbau r Mr. Edward Miller has gone to Bad A e, Michigan, to spend the winter: -Mr.. JItob Geiger has returned to Pigeon, Michi an,, after a visib to his mother and other friends. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Fisher have returned to their home in Pigeon. -Mr.. and Mrs. B. Holtzman have returned home 1te Elkton, Michigan. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Ritby, of Cavalier,, Dakots, have been visiting Mr. F. Witmer and other friends. --11r. A. Pfaff was visiting Mende : in Bad Axe and Pigeon, Michigan. Mr. Walter Fee is home from Manitoba on a visit to his mother. -Mr. and Mrs. John Witmer, of NeW Hamburg; have been vis- iting friends dere.-Mies Riokbeil has returned from ai visit to Blyth. -Rev. W. J. Yaeger will ;Ptaart revival services next week. -Mr. 3. A.. Williams has a contract E to put elec`trio 1Ight in the Lutheran church. -Mr. Valentine was in London last week on a visit to hili ecn, Rev. Father Valen- 1 tine, who is i11.. --The annual meeting of the +'evangelical {Sunday school was held on. Sunday last, When the following officers were elected el Superineendent, D. S. Fount ,• assiatart superintendent, G. Holtz• rnan ; treasurerM. Geiger ;1 secretary, D. Steinbach ; libr runs, E. Holtzman and 0. Mier. The 4nnual 'report showed the school had had: prosperous year. We ave just rturned free, No some of the est coffee andteaen in the city, same Coffee, olong and Ceylon i eas that are restaurants ' New York. Ripe To atoet3, SPE rooms, ry, , Lehi York, and cottsul.te' you can buy at Gunn's; th Iced it the beat hotels an' p Cloth/tag Entire • We are bowing Hast Shirts, Ties a di LC1o11 dressed your men in Ne y York. We v sited t you the very newest things. 1 you are not a c linin„ Up to your opportuitiee • B. GN,144,eInoimomor 171. There was no - election for council, Mesers. Cobbledick, Manning, Hats kins and Gillespie being elected by acctamatipn. SLA.Fof' Jan. Fall Wheat (new), Standard...-. - $0 .rate ger bnshel...�..,...a ,...,... ,.. 0 Peal per bu ,bol --_s ee s, ,.. .. 0 Bar typer bushel --..e, .. ...gay 0 But le i, Nee 1, loo o m _ _..t. • 0 But .: r, tab.— � ..sees..._ ...,. 9 ,. 0. It4g-a per dos e. Fewer, per 100Re flky per Eon new Flies per 100 0;s Sheep Skins ... Wool Petateeo� per bus Salt (retail) pe.r W ad per cord(' Waedpar cord (s kneed per hag-. CIo7er Seed-.. Timothy Seed... pork, per €00 Tisa. Taiiow, per Ib....., Bxeter. BRIEFS.-Jarties Grieve was home for a few days this week. -Mrs. Heiman and child, and Miss Alward returned home from a visit to Lon stn, on Monday. -Richard Snell has severe his connection with J. A. Stewart's store. W. M. Martin, B. A., has returned to hi studies at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. -Mise Kate Bonthron is at present iaid up a ith pneumonia, but her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. --Alex. Matitin, B. A., cif the Cycle and Motor Co., of Toronto, anent New Year's at his home hare -.-Rev. Dt. Bat isby, of Chatham, de - !leered an eine. ent address, full of instruc- tion and interest, on "The. Holy Land," at Cavan ohurch4 en Monday ev-enieg.-Mr. Hannon, of Toren to, has been visiting his father, Rev. D,i1. Hannon, at the parsonage, -Daniel Wilcox, of Missouri, has been visiting his .fatter here. Tho latter has reached the great age of'87 years, and is still a smart! man. -While George Kellerman, of Dashwood, was in town on,Monday, his span of drivers of beyond hicontrol and ran south on M in: street. At Wm. Kuntz'. shop they ran i to a post, which freed them of the cutter an driver. From there they clashes- across tk,e s greet and into a large maple tree, which 'effectually stopped their progress. One ppf the horaes, valued at $125, was killed almost instantly, but the other escaped as d d also Mr. Kellerman. - Robert R. Rog rs has sold out his intereat in the Lovett reduce Company, to W. H: Levett,.-and ha acoepted a position with Swift & Co., o Chicago.: He may move shortly to the t ate of New York. ELECTION.- the municipal elections were of the quietest poseible kind. No one seemed to card, except the candidates, who should be elected. At the nomination meeting, Mepare.. Levett, theformer,reeve, and. Armatrenirl Bobier, Bieaett and Car- ling were nominated.- The two last named there stated that they were not in the field, and the three atilt named resigned next day, this learing,ashe public thought, no Candi• date for the ree'veship. But the men who withdrew them names on nomination night now saw an ' cagy thing' for them and each supposing that he was the only nominee to the office, they both decided to slip into the reeveship, but unfortunately it couldn't hold both. A borough canvas was mads and- conveyer( ee were running all 'day,. but the total v, to polled was only 377 ; - for Thos. B. Carlin , 206, for Wm, G. Bissett,. ,1908 to fel 68 tO 0 29 to 0 88 to to 6 to O t6to 2 t 6 .0 to 6'3 to 0'i3`o O 4 to O :0 to 1 Oto 4 e1 to 2 0 to O 76to 4 ' 0 to 1 ' 6 to 7e 0 to 4 to O 48 01.. O 17 0 17 2 16 8 60 626 0 35 0 16 0 60 1. 10 4 43 2 40 0 60 5 50 8 00 lZ 06 D Markets. MONTItnelL, anuary 6—Butter There le a good jobbing demand fOr oh ice. fresh creamery, ab 2A• to 23o, . btItib dai y moves *slowly at 20 t 22c. 1 TORONTO, January 6-tiButte -Prices generally have an easier ten env. Cream - and old 'solids re down to 1 to 2a). Other prices are stea y. Crearne prints, 23 to 240 • new soli a, 22 to 23c 1 old solids, 20 to 21.0 ; °hole dairy tubs and pe.ils, 16 14o ; pound ro s, 17 to 19a 1„ large rolls, 16 to 18e. ' Cho en-Lerge axle quoted un- changed at 13a, and twins at 13io. Egge- Trade is fair. We quote : Cold storage, seconds, 14 to 15c per dozen. Poultry. / this line. Re deem are as I ght as the de. mama ie small, and latices are unchanged tat 10 to 12o per p und for turkeys, 110 to llo for geese, 90e o $1 per pair for duCks; 40 to 60o perpair fo old ohiokens, and 150 to 75o ter young bird . Livei Stock Mai eta i• LONDON, E land, JaralOi 6 Live (At- tie steady a 12i to 13i -e per ound for MONTREAL, January 6 +-The butchers were out stron , and there sees a good de - Eland, with sli htly higher meg paid all round. Prim cattle sold tt from' 5 to 5io per pound ; edium beasts at fr m 31 to no per pound Calves sold ab 'om $3 to $7 eaeh, or f mu 4i to 54c pe pound. Sheep sold at from 3 to 3ici and iambs at from 4o to 4ie per pound. Fat ogs sold at trom n to ,ft little over Oio Or pound, weighed off the care. 1 BUFFALO, Jenuary 6-Cattle-teady to slow with hat week's peered market ; prime steers, $5.50 to $6 ; e ippnig steers, good to chme fresh cowa and epringers ttsteady ;' other $2 to $3 pp head lower ; Steep and La bee -10 to 20e hi her ; top the wife cfl Mre Thomas ontgotnery, of a Mr. Theme's nits, ot a son. SIMMONS-In Ingham, on oembe 29th, the HART -In Wing am, on Deoembeir 29th the wife of SIMS -In Credit n, on December 24th, the wile of BROADFOOT-I Lumley. on Deeembe 20th, the wife Of Mr. J roes Broadfooki of eon. , HILL -BAKE On December 14 te et I he Londe!) West parson ge, by Rev. S. eltot4 Mr. Isaac Hill, to Miss Dora Baker, bet of Cr diton. ROGERS-GANZ ON -At the reel enee the bride's mother, Mrs. E. Cennou, 448 Duff 'et avenue, London, Mit Mabel Cannon ' Dr.: James Rog- BARL• OW-WE 11 -At the hot of the bride, Lon - dot West, o December 24t , by ev. George Bishop, Mr. mos Barlow, f Lon& , formerly, of leaborne, o Mies Alice, el est den liter of Mr. Thomas Wel h, of Exeter, parents. on eeember 20bh, t Rev. r. 'Hannon, Mr. James tkinaon, pro perouS farmer of Wm. Oke, of Hurondale. COLLYER-GA DNER-In Olin on, December Slat, by Rev Dr. SheWAIN 83 lizabeth T. Gardner. to r. Wilfred J. Co lyer. Slat, by Rev Dr. Steware, tee Jcs le Gardce to Mr. Robert J. Miller, of Snienerhi 1. BLAIR-MASON-In East Wawareoste c' December both el East Wawanosh. Winghatn, to Beget e, Nixon, of bUGALL-In Dallas, Oregon, on 1 Stewart, of ha Oregon Railroad ortlandj Oregon and 24th, by Rev Patterson, o Whitechure Charles Att and Navigat on COmpany, Jes• sie. youn est daeghter Deegan, of mondeille, 0 roe Mae"' te, Ribbed, fa haw, Mr. John aleE-At the Frederick J.G by Rete N. parents, on of Myth, Mr Mr. Wire reeid Oran mmill n. me cArt of Mr. Char es Soele, of Sea th, BEATTIE-GRI VE e0n Dec her bath D. Grieve, ail of Molt( lop. eeent g Berri alghter bride's par kota, to Mi ts, Ethel, ells, Mr. Geo Ernestine, nerd. r noe of And - bride, on on, aesisted of Tucker - the bride' r, barrister danghtee let, at th4 Miss Eliza noe of th th, of Dal of Mr. and Fruit,, Pine, eparate. - that are worn b c leading stores, an Winer of Gunn's, Apples, the best can show ou are not eaforth'. HUN iI;' 3 yea Ile o r. Wilsoat Er., aged 69 ;years ouths Near Make, in the township of Stanley ember 30th, JOlan hiansen, aged 76 years elis and 16 days. Soottish Amerioan, an MAN 1 Seafoith, on January nd, Elizabeth unter, aged 62,. years. second daughter . Of L ke and Jane aged 28 yeare. beeer, wife of Mr. Arthur fl albraith,aged a Clinton, on Dtemnber 27th, Meryl, 16, he late Wm. Butler, aged 75 years. I rOlinton, on December 27th, 'Mary Elizal engham, on December 26th, Mary Oaki he late John Bone, of East Wawanoehp ,eare and 15 days. 'terawayosh, on December 25th d 8 ON De 1130 athn En papers please copy. HEU 'IlEettedn Listowel, on January 2nd, Maggie Meta aged 65 yeare and 10 moi4hs. • o'cloCk 0.1m., at the Rattenbury house, Clintin, 07 sere fame, Lot 38 aad 39, Mait- land Oonoietision, Coderioh township. Thos. Brown, ematsoneer. Oe Thursday, January 15, at 1 o'clock, on Far Steek and Im,plements. J.' Holland, Furrlittusand other articles. hos. Bro aunt meet.' WIL The lanadianf Bank 0 ,COMMERCE. Ag regiate Resources ovir - $72,000,0 0 B, . NY lker, General Manager. ndon, England, Office, 810 MBARD STREET, E. C. FORTH BRiTICH. sacited Fsirm counts to the and u acclou Onta Ba vinale an rs' and Graziers' Notes dis- end special- attention glv oilection of Sale Notes, ards. Interest is credited to on the 31st of May and t e November in eadh year. has 81 hranehes extending throug ou ebec, Manitoba, Northwest Territo les umbia, Yukon District, Maritime ro he United States. . G. E. PARIES, Manage MESTED, Solicitor. Ili 4 fifty Seat ith. RS WANTED. -Wanted to out forty o ooras of wood, Apply to' 11. Govenl k 1880 1 RS FOR SALE. -For sale, te good dri soun and reliable. Apply to F. GUTTERI On` SALE -The undersigned offers net word ush, maple, tock and soft elm and woo w it let of gooe barn timber. The bal is w 11 ti leered with pine, white and blaek ath, look End maraok, alao the cedar on 26 sores. abo o wil be acid together or in parcels to Emit °has rewood sold by the cord or in store App y on t e premises. Lot 4, Concession 7, Sta 1880 tl -2 100 em he ur ote iey 4 10, Jant to b cow ye year old in 11 tar, To res. - atm nit approve This s'oe is all in good condition and there wi 1 b no r sere e as the proprietor is short of feed. M 18 1 CTI ee 11)11 ODO ary in N SALE OF CATTLE AND HOGS. rtl Regers, to rell by pub:ie auction on Lot ton 2, towr ship of Logan, on Tue! ay, old due to calve about date of Bele, one! d, 2 heifets tieing 2 years rid, 2 brood owei tore hogs 4 'months old, Sale at 1 Wel eke 1 sums of Sig and under, cash ; over hat, onths' eredtit will be given on fund Ing ' joint notes. S'ix per cent per an um FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTIO F MI Th re will be offered br Ealci by public, aue on the th ereession of the township of MoKileop, COD tain ng 0 ecres.• This tette is in excellent °oriel Lion ha ingbeen all seeded:to grass for some ,year gas . !here is on the property a large brick haus con aini e 11 roome, besides kitchen, pantry, wish hen e, s unneir kitchen and woodshed. There ip also a la ge frame barn E4x18 and a frame stable 20 wat red Otero being hard and sott water at th hou e at d ' A never letting well at the barn wit bush h farm is w41 fenced and underdraine and is e tweed two miles from the town of Seated and one m eha 13 11 q ey on day of sale, balance to mit pu eha er 91 per cent. per annum if satiated ra T nnual general meeting of the Shareholders f the on estioro Creamery Co. will be held in Hil 's hall Lo eeeboro, on Friday, January 23rd, 190 t 1 o' loo p. Meeting of the Petrone will be he d of ghee ulders and Patron is erequested. .10 isaaa Notio Sem ort By ord JOH eaforth fief Public School. hereby given thatpnpile entering hp ter the E star and mid -summer holt ia e. Board. 'KIN, airman. 1830 - o IglailPRIPTS1 AND GINGHAM It may seem like forcing the seaso to show New Spring:Po ts and Ging- hams at this season of the year. But onr easton*s e to get them early and have them made up daring the slack,se son `when, the e is very little other work to cle, We have been very careful in selecting our Prints as to quality of cloth nd fast colore. We have them i different qu 'ties. at 54; 802, 10c and 12ic, 'ncluding the celebrated Crum's rints, which a guaranteed fast colora. have done a large trade in Fu a this season. We had tO repeat several lines to keep our stock complete. Our stock is in geo shape noW, and as the sEason is pretty well advanced we rnake big redu tions in prices to clear, bOt the coldest weather has yet to come, and now is t e time to prepare for it. FU$ colas AND CAPERINES m'en's Fur Coats,' in Siber'n Dog, si n Lamb Caps, fine curl, from $3,50 ink, Black; Oppoesum Coney, Etc., in e with heads and tails and chain faste t- echo. Coats, nice ,close curl, at $22.0 Cub .Bear an d all the new s ornate, in adfo hiToKI !NON - ec ay .4 DULL FOR SERVICE:I-Homestead Rex. 49797t tbe pure bred Angus bull, will stand for service tee Lot 19,4 Coneestion 2, Tuokersmith, fo: the year loss --Teetns,-$1.26 for each eoweto -be paid Jam uary otter service. If not so paid 26e per eow Bulgarian. Lamb, from Ruffs in Ohio Sable, 0 to $15i, Ladies' As - pay the highest price for d Apples. South In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In, the Fstate of Laceebt Tasker the younger, late of the Township of 'Mullett,' in tlae County of The oreditore of the above named Lancelot Taskee, the yoenger. are requirei te send to the undersigned Solicit* tor the Execute a, on or before the 10th day February, 1903, full rartiouiare cf their claims, and seeurities (if OA held by :them, duly verified by ceed to distribute the eitate of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, hsving reference only to the chime of which notieehas been given as above, and atter snail distribution ths Executors will not be accountable to any orecliter, of whoee claim notice has not been given, for any part of the aesets of the estate, Tii's notice i3 give purl:meat to the statute in that behalf. 1'. HOLMESTED, Seaforth, P. 0„ Srlieitor , for Executors. Sea,forth, January 7th, 1908. 1880 4 East Huro Farmer's Meetings of the East Huron Farmers' Institute for the discussion of Aerieu tural and other kindred subjects will be held in - Wroxeter, Tueeday, Braude Wedn,esday, Matlock, Thureday, January 20th. et Murclues school. Saturday, " 24th. Each day at 1.30 -and 7.30 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend these meetlegs and take an in- tellieent peat in the disouseions on the varied sub- jects Introduced by the (meeker& GEORGE HOOD, Seeretary. 1829-2 Re -Opening of the foo Ty. ON JANUARY 5th. The school is the acknowledged leader in Business and.Shorthand in. Western Ontario. It's meth- ods are superi r. Its facilities are onapproache and its • courses are the most c mplete. Are you teach the celebr ted Gregg system. 1810-26 PRINCIPAL. The Se forth Tea St re Is pew having great clearing sale be/ 1.1 foretstecktaking For 15 days a great discount sale for cash ; $3,500 worth cif all kinds of good is now to be slaught tered. Now is the time to geb great bargains in eh' a, ()rookery and &Isar ware, also all ki ds of groceries ; I have a very heavy 4ok, and all new and fresh, 'Which mtiet te cleared out ; come one, come all, add get a good bargain', 121bars Judd's soap for 25o, .10 lbs. of Epsom salts for 25c, 10 lbs. sulphur fo 25o, 10'lles. glober salts for 25o, 5 lbs boneless fish for pso, 5 lbs.' dates for 25o 5 lbs. nice ourraeste for 25o, 3 lbs. ne seleoted raisino Or 25c, 4 lbs. new prune for 25o • 7 lbs. cooking figs for 25o, 6 lb rice for'25o, 6 lb„ tapioca fer 25c, Labra trout by the hal barrel, also fresh her ring -by the dczeP, fresh pork . sausage, head cheese, dO ealted pork, barreled hatns, smoked j5roll meat, firsteslas claeese, best pur lard, potatoes, turnip and (Joel oil. Weeton's Toronto brea fresh every day. A cordial invitatio exteided to all to call and get ems) of the igood bargaias. Wanted, fresh eggs and butter, poultry and dried apples for which the highest prices will b paid. G. SEA uron Farmers' ' second meet' g I f its winter eeries at DIXON'S , January 10bh, 1903. 1.8) o'clock sharp. Order of die - ns address. lAdstress -by G. Ce of Fruit Griowers' Association. I Frulte and how to grove theme ! Eoonomiese Address by Paul ad. Subjeet-eltepOrting the sue- t) laid before the Institute in 1902, ethods. of th tithing and cutting ees by F. 0. Bard, Hohnesville. ng. t 7.80, will be held, be delivered by the ts interesting to a The meeting mill be ktghtened and eelivened by taste, vocal veld instruffiental. A co• me is extended to all. Ladiep are cordially in- vited to both the Efternoon and evoning meetings. ch Mrs. Campbell is pleasiag sp aker, don't fail to heat her. A Ezna 1 admission f e will be charged gentlemee at the evening eneeti g. Members of In. N. B. -The re ular meeting ter the Exeter dis- trict will bei hel . in the Towle Hall, Exeter, on Fridey, January th, at 1 &Meek p. tn., and the evening meeting t 7.30. A good programme will be D. MeINNES, President. TE,Beeretary. 1830-1 Winter Resorts. ti California, Mexico, Florida and the Ciarolin.as. MALL, Bruerel Ca• sten, Prr side Addeees by ears. th• a strew. Add Silbert -Caromed senee hog foe An evening me ting, to open whe instructive addresees will inixe audience, UEL SKI MIS TER GROGAN Th' uld Rail Fince. Pinked up me fur a Ate comnitIne shpell Soon I lift th shtru Where th' ag Bab I soots got down Fur I ain't sht Novimber I pub on ma boots, tick an' bad.e th' town fare- ange town beheind me, an' I out fur th' fields, oulth'ral leh'rer takes _his toired welkin' an' I sat me Het nd much exertion now -a So I lib nse pe an' mogaloized on this t'ing on that, On Parlianaint nominee am' rid tape, scarce iv fuel An' before I k owed it I wee sound &shine. An' I thought n mild rail nee eame up an' Sari th' finee, " They say k'm crooked, an' homel , too they „flay, But Pm not ji guile so °poked as luk, An ye can't y that Pv'ss Ivry common crook 'Tis an ill win that will %ow nobody good, " Now I'm V'rth more t4 th' farmer than his IS rb-woire an'Ihis page, No wonder t at Pin feeliiid Pat immense, An' I move in good s000iety, I'm welcomed I'm no longer jist a common mild fince." duce from this, I, An' a good-soi ed healthy moral oft does good, That th' comt not t An' we're pay oneet iv =temple t'inge are he dispoise too muo motley fur our Including New eleene and tlie famous - hot spOnge of Ar ansas. One way an I. round' trip tourist t ekets are on sale, dail , giving choice of rotttes and stop over prig - leges t principal pdints. EXCELLENT SERVIdE. Pro pt connectionr, hat time, luxurioue- Mete " la carte", served in the dining and o fe.oars are not turpassed in the beet hote Tio ets, folders and. all information from s. Agen M. S9MERVILLE, Agent, Seaforth. Or ia3t addressing J. D. McDONALD, Dia - Welt Passenger Agent, Toronto. 1 Any person'desiring to encore a good pay- ing boot and e ce hueinees Iwould do well to communicate ibis the &beige firm as we are Richar son & ill Innis Tell T Was t He mi two ab Dioubt, e Truth." e witty advice of Mark at a dinner in London. ut Aberhart but he didn't. When n doubt alloat what to get for tha cough, tell Aberhart and he will help yoO. His Chlorociyne Cure is excel- ' lent and is guaranteed to cure. ApERHART, RUGGST C°rner Main and Market Sreets Pickard' 1 The Largest Dry Goods sad Ciothing Concern In Fleur Countleal nnual Stock Clearing Sale. -frfonday, January 5th„ 1903, we start a sale that will put all our past! efforts in the shade. This is the season we give all the profit and part of the cost to our customers—cut prices all over the store. We Imre determined. that all Winter weatables must go. Customers whd trade tete are never afraid of trickery. They linovr it is 13.8Vt3X4•Lee tolerated in this store in any form ; they know if we I advertise ones qua#ter off, it means ooe quarter off. Our goods are marked in plaib. figures. Below is a partial list of the bargains loffered—many of tile best are not mentioned. .]:s=i\i""s FUR ...)DEPARTMENT. Twenty-five Canadian Coon Coats to be cleared at special priees. Twenty-five Black Calf Coats, made specially to oor order, pricee. iAiso special prices on wallaby, wombat, black dog, etc. Fite only Black Oalf.Coats to clear at $16 each. Sisd only Black Bear Coats to dear at $14 each. Thilee only Wallaby Coats to clear at $13.50 each. Special prices on all Sleigh Robes. Fif[een per cent off Fur Caps, boilers, Gauntlets, ete. Special prices on fur lined Overcoats. a bars= o Lap! Es' FUR DEPARTMENT Special clearing prices on all ladies' fur goods. Below are a few specials: Twio only Astrachan Capes, regular $9 for $5. Galantleas in Astrachan, Electric Seal, Grey Lamb and Perei n Lamb at 15 per cent.'discount. SpScial cleying prices on all Fur Jackets. Fonr Sable Muffs, regular price $9.65, sale pike $7,25. Thlree Alaska Sable RufEs, re -oleo ptice111, sale price 88.25. Black Coney Collarette, ret Aar price $3, sale price $2.25. Bltf.ck Astrachan Collarette :egular price $4,60, sale price $3.45. Black Astrachan Collar, tr .nmed with thibet, fregular price $ 2 , sale price 475. . Thibeb Muff, regular price $7, sale price $5.25. Aetraehan Ruff, regular price $8.50, sale price $6.40. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Onis dozen only Ladies' Black Sateen Waists, regular $1, to clear at 50o. A line of Black Roman Satin Waists, reguls„it price $1.45, to clear at 75e. All othir Roman Satin Waists lined and unlined, at 20 per cent. off. A lob lot of Flannelette Waists, regular 68e and 78e, to clear at 35c. Colored. Roman Satin, Velvet and Flannel Waists, regulat $2,10, 4 0 A line of 131ack Serve Waists, regular $2.50, to Clear at $1, AO other Colored Viaists at 25 per eent. off. 04 dozen black gloria Silk Waists, regular $1 35, to clear at $1.50. Heavy Worsted Hose in all sizes at 25 per cent. off. A job lot of children's wool hose to clear up at 10c a pair, ot three pair for 25c. i All, ladies', misses' and childien's Underwear at 15 per cent. off. Flannelette Wrappers at 20 per cent. off. Press Goods Department Se en pieces Suiting Cloth, regular price 37c, sale price 270. Nine piec all-wooll homespun, 56 inch vide, regular 650 to $1, for 50e. Two pieces only homesptin, 56 inch wide, sale price 35c. Fifteen pieees Opera Mamie], re r price 50c, sale prize 38c. Two pieces blaek dress goods, email figure, regular price 25,e, sale price 19o, A pile of black and colored dress goods, regular price 50c to $1, sale price 35a One piece black goods, figured, regular 38e, sale 4 price 2 c. Three pieces Zibilene, regular price 400„ sale price 30e. 25 per cent o the already reduced price of dress remnant& Ten pieces eilk, all colors, regular 65o to $1, sale price 40e a yari. 25 per cent. off all plaid golf ehavils ; 15 per ent. off all wool shawls. Mantle Departments A few ladies' tailor-made suits to clear at $5 each ; all other tailor-made suits at!25 per cent off. A bargain table of ladies' coats, also a quantity of Ulstersi at half price ; 15 per cent. off our Overcoats and shirts ; 25 per cent. off fur ireid Oapes and Mantle Cloths. Clothing epartment. Wye hundred men's suits of all kinds, sizes and -pattern's, to be sold at from ;to half regular price. Also clearing prices youtla, boys' and childreis's euits ; special prices on men's odd coats, pants and vests. MEN'S OVERCOATS. T is whole stock must be cleared regardless of cost. Many special lines of Overc#ts' you know will be sold at half the resoles price. Special priees on boys' sind children' Overcoats ; 15 per cent offball Men's underwear, everything included ; 15 per cent off lined gloves, mitts, etc. Staple Department .A111 Flannelettes, wrapperettes, &c., 15 per cent. off regnlar price ; 15 per t cent dff grey and white Flannelette Blankets ; 20 per cent, off all Prints; 50 pieces nint, special at 8c, for 6i -c ; 20 per cent. off Fancy Flannels ; 15 per cent. off all Blue Flannels ; 20 per cent. off winter skirtings ; 12i per cent. off wool sbeetings, grey and white ;especial prices on all wool blankets. CARPET DEPARTMENT. 1!2iiper cent. of all Tapestry and Brussela Carpets ; 10 per cent. off al wool and union carpets. -Six pieces only Axminister Carpet, regular $1, for 85c. Two yards wide Linoleum, regular price $1, fer 75e. 1114hest prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wools itin. PICKARD & CO D'EcT * IMPORTERS Oppoatte Town Wiling Corner Main and Market Ste, Seaforth.