HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-01-02, Page 32t 1903 xleen buying a ice. The price my a -ears, and heap Range is of fuel. The r arige e most perfect etas. 1••=11••••••••1*.• Limited, BRANTVORD 4tfl. NG id at this forcc- relative. L a pretty 4- or fanny :kw peas- e at our SL Li ea. Va 1 2. / Jo_ P 141 aand. The quantity you any, quantity are and benefit. the best goods, ahel Mr. S. L Hoimee e"ke.,e, et --ed-TeD t 1:117tS, a S, TH al Store -.3 Presents and Wed - are up -to date, good ivershoes, which we ry one. nuts goods aro suit - farm produce. - - JANITART 25 1903 r• Our Egg Product. - The 850 000,000 eggs produced yearly In Amer i a would, if laid end to end, girdle th earth twelve times at the equator. . An Object Lesson. A Freneh reformer delivered a lee - tam at Lyons against corsets and lac- ing. In, ceurse of the lecture a woman fainted. It proved to be the lecturer's wife, who wore a corset and Was too tightly laced. Crust Coffee. An old fashioned invalid drink is called crust coffee. Over the equiva- leut of two slices of bread toasted a golden brpwn in the oven pour one pint of boiling water. Steep gently for fifteen minutes, strain and serve, adding sugar and cream to taste. Great 000,000 w eat Britain's Beer. ritain brews annually $345,- rth of beer. A C,/f rent Iron Mountain. , Near th city of Durango, Mexico, is an iron mountain 640 feet high, and the iron is from GO to 70 per cent pure. The meta rections f T to supply world for -lie mass spreads in. all dl -- ✓ a radius of three cir four e entire deposit is &deficient all the iron required in the ,000 years. a . - = • Acid Fruit Juice. The juiee of any acid fruit can be made intosirup by adding a pound of ik, white sug to every pint of juice and ' boiling teni minutes. Seal in pint cans. Alcohol In Russia. The Russian ministry of finance Mo- nopolizes the alcohol industry, and some idea of the value of the output may be g 000S/00 co third of w meet work ined by the fact that 6,000,- ks are used annually, one - itch are produced in govern- s, lint Tax. In the re gn of George III. hats were taxed. Tie last -tax was 6 cents. Those abo -e 4;3 in value paid a tax of 50 cents. Bark Shirts. Sl&irt and hats that are never hi need of ir aing are worn by the In, diens of U. e interior of Bolivia. They are made alit the bark of a tree, which is soaked n water until the fiber is softened a4id then beaten with stones to make it pliable. E -ptian Specialists. The anci nt Egyptians had dentists as well as, specialists for diseases of the eyes and ears. En ropean Marriages. The avellage duration of .marriages in England is twenty-eight years. Rus- sia, with thirty years, is the only coun- try to beef her. In France and Ger- many twenty-six years is the average duration. The one into every and uncivi SnPubo. oem naost often translated language of the civilized ized world was written by a woman -"The Ode to Aphrodite," by Sappho. Shakespeare's works have borne thetest of but three centuries. t Sappho's h ive stood through twenty- five centuries. i 1 Berlin Bridges. After Venice, Berlin has more bridges than any other town in Europe. I A Monster Laundry. The biggest laundry in London has seven miles of drying lines, all under cover. Eighty thousand pieces can be dried at °rice in the space of half an hour. A. Minces Hoard. Four thoesand.pounds in gold, silver and. bronze l has been found in the hut of an old 4eggar woman at Chabet-el- Amem, Algeria. Work For Prisoners. Prisoners in England awaiting trial can elect to work during the period and receive pas ment accordingly. ldionest Chinamen. Honesty is a prevailing virtue among most China,men. Some of them, in their native toWns and cities, often leave their places of business unguarded while they go off for half an hour or more. Should customers arrive in the meantime tluey find the prices of goods Plainly marked, select what they want. and leave the money for them. - The Cradle of the Race. Dr. Moritz Alsberg in his work on the desceut ofl man accepts as plausible Schotensack's idea that Australia was the cradle ef the human race. An i Early Astronomer. Thales, born 640 13. C., was the first to note th four distinct divisions due to the posi ion of the sun -namely, tho solstices aitid the equinoxes. He also taught tha moonlight was simply re- flected sunlight and was the man who first -made a prediction of a solar eclipse. A COrlescrew Substitute. A convenient substitute for a cork- screw -whee the latter is not at hand may be found in -the use of a common screw with an attached string to pull out the cc le n € The Earth. If the earth were equally divided among its present inhabitants, each of us, man, woman and child, would get twenty-three and a half acres. School Gardens. In naany Of the continental cities and in some few American cities gardens are laid out in the neighborliotel of public schools, and the children are taught to c I fixate them. ' A Burd'n to Self' and Others. Take care oil your health; you have no right to reglect it, and thus become a burden to yourself and perhaps to others." When the liver gets sluggish, the kidneys inaetive, and the bowels constipated. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will promptly set 3 our filtering and excretory ystem in perfect order, and insure good digeetion and good health. There ie no medicine se generally used, and none so sue- teetful. One pill a dote, 26 aerate box. DB WoOeS PINE R P A Pleasaat, Prsenet see Perfiat Caro Or coudit,s, COLDS, MOOSE SORE THROAT, 4STOIA,1 BRO119iITIS, MVP, sit Throat Oland; Land Troubles. &finale Cettgha yi�Id to its grateful, *thing action, and In the racking, per. si tent cough often prelent in consump- • t ve ;easel it give e proeopt and aura re- f. Mrs. S. Boyd', Pittston, Ont., writes: • I liad a severe Oold in my throat and h I and was geeatly troabled with 'scatheless. Two bottles of Dr. Wood's matt Norway Pine Syrup completely cured Poles 25 seats itsv. bottle. ' ImPORTANT NOTIOES. , 114'E* FEED STORE 'AT BLAKE. -We will keep 6n bind a enpply of Flour and Mt I '4d. Flour exchanged. for wheat. Give us a trial. JO N "THIRSK. 1786 if ORE TO RENT. -To rent in Seaforth ohe of the best butnneett elands in the town. Hes been UP d fora mituber of years for millinery for which there ls.a finer class opening. Also ro-nas to tent over store, newly fitted up and in firat clan con- dition. Apply to MR9. JAMES GILLESPIE. 10'0 3f 0 TRAY HEIFER. --Strayed from Lot 4, Caner ssion 0 11,, Tuelreremith about tlie fink of October, a heifer about 11 months :old: , She was mostly red with so,me white spot*. :Any information leading to the reobvery of this airinial will be liberally rewarded. JOHN WHITEMAN,IChiselhurst P. O. 1827x4 I 0 TR YED.1-There strayed Irons Lot 15, Canoes- : 0 sl n 14, Hibbert, on or about the 1st day of Noreen .er, a, light red steer, coming three years bld, a ring n the right or, and ieng white bores A liberal eward will be given for any lsfozrn&tiou as to ,the animal's whereabzuts, Addrees WILL Aid TuWE 3, Farquhar 1). O. [ ' 1826x4 FUR SALE. BUL FOR SALE.: -For sal° a thorcughbred r - ham brill calf 14.11110Dfhtt !old, dark red in cellar. Appiy cn r.ot 22, Con6eition 0, MaRillop, or to, R. SCARLETT, Winthrop. ' r 1 ) 1820-tf t IVElei. Y STABLE FOR SALE. --For sale, °heap, JJ e livery stable premises on Main Wed Sea - for , t e property of the undereigned. The build- ing ia 28x 30 feet. prrt of it brick veneered. It is wail fitted up with stalltM' ess eta., and is one of the bee stands' in the; °allay. ' There ie ens lett 60 feet frontage. Must be Bold by January 1st. tor further particulars apply to A. FtAIBITS, Seafo th. , . , 1811-tf : ULL FOR SAL'. -The underaigned hes kr eale, on Lct 16, Concesslon 2, Hay, a thoroughbred Durham bull, 19 months', old, roan in action, and an extra animal ; the sire, ,and am, and pedigree on hand to be lespected. Will keep a pure-bred Berk- shire Hog for service. JOIN ELDER, Hone 11 P. O. , 182341 t TUBER FOR SALE. -Hating disposed of DAW mill naaobinerv, we are n w offering for sale the tin ber isf saute. The building le 601(86 feet; there ar 18 pieces 9x12 inehtio, Eti feet long, lardependent ly all timber le rock e m. CIOVENLOCK BROS., of ham; Weuld sell iffils separate if desired; near - Winthrop. 1 € 1782 -it DOLLS AND PM FOR 8A].-Theuederilghed has for sale one thorouglibred Durham bull, 16 months, roan ; 1 eight *oaths and one five reonthe. Also a ntunber cf heifereeene Year and under. Also a number of thoronghbroiel Yorkehire pigs and sews, littered ia August. Site an dant ,both from im- ported atoek, frem Platt's bird. For particulars 'Wrens S.,(JUDMORE, Hurondale P. 0. 18.6•4 'DULLS FOR SALE. -For sale two thoroughbred Durham bulls, 15- months old, red in colo; ,)ot3 bull 2 yeers old red. Also ttiro 8 year old heifer. with calf at foot. Celves got by New Year'e Gift. Ali the right low down blocky, kind. Apply on Lot 24, Conbese on 3, L. R. Ft., Tuekerentlth. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, BruceEleid.. , 1826-4f I- OCO1T fl SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. -For Bala, a 0 number of young Scotch, Shorthorn bull, also cows and heifers of the moat faehionable straight Sootch and Scatch topped breeding. Don't wait for any auction stale, as yowl:ran buy here mueh eboapor and en your own term, and you have 70 head to Seleott trona. Special bargains to early buy re. DAVID MILNE a SON, (EtheL, . 1828 if REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. , t flARM FOR SALE.n-il'or wife, west half of Lo 12 U ant seat half of Let 13, on the Ilth concen on of McKillop, ' containing 76 acres, in good state of cultivation, ' well fenced and underdrajned. There is a log )30118Q, first °lase hanl barn with etone st h- bliag, a good bearing orchard and a never fa ng spring. It is within 9 I oiles p1 Seaforth and con- venient to school and , other convenienore. This farm wi 1 be sold eheap in order to wind up the. mate. Apply to AROL1ZE MENZIES, Winthrop cr HUGH GORDON, Seaforth. 1828-tf i - , GIARM FOR SALE. -For slabs that very desirable farm 1101 the Mill Read, Tuoirerareith, adjoining the village of Egmoadville.it contains 97 wet, nearly all *leered and in a gcti state of enItivatioo, and wall unelerdrairied Th re is a comfortable gs she bride cottage and good barna, with root cellar air outbuildinge. The hniklinare ituated near centre Of the fano and on the kill Road. It ie well watered, and plenty 'of soft Water in the kitchen. sold chap and On eas4 terms of payment. Apply to the Proprietor, ROBE T FANSON, Seaforth. within It is nveniently situated for church and school and a mile and, a half 'of &Worth. Will be 1748-tf OPLEHDID FARM tc THE TOWNSHIP OF 0 STANLEY FOR SA .- nsirtiog of the Math Reif of Lot 1, and the South gait ot Lot 16, Comes- - elm 8, and 1 scree, n part of Lot 14, Concession 7, In all 110 acres. On tke.tfarm there are two berm, sheds, etc., frame house and good orchard, well lanced and convenientlysituaten, being about two miles from Varna and Cne quarter Of a mile from school. There le abOadance of goed water, an ()Ver. flowing.gell at the rear of the terra making it suit- able for either grain ar griming. There are about 10 acres of bush. The farm will lie sOld cheap and on easy terms. 'If not so d:Will rent for 1 year or a term of years. Fin further ''particulare apply to B. R. HIGGINS, liruceileldi.P.,, 0„ or to MISS SARAH Mo. INTYRE liensall 1 ' 1824.t1 € r Blood Bitters has the naost natural action oi the stomach, liver, bOwels and blood of any medicine knositn, hence its effects ars prompt and lasting It 4ures, without fail, all such diseases as Dyspepsia, Constipation, Eiliotisness, Bad i Sick Headache, Boils, Pimples, Tumors, Scrofela, Kidney CoMplaintt Jaundices Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite and General Debility. The fact that it is vat - ante 'ed to cure if used according to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to Bwdo4 Blood Megiliop Direotr for 1902. mmEnzAIL 113ITRDIE, Reeve, "lnthrop P. 0. JOHN S. BR WN, Councillor, Seafcrth P. 0. CHARLES LITTLE, Councellore Winthrop P. O.' JA'MES O'LOUGH , :CouniUor, Beeehwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD IdeGR GOR, Oqunolllor, Seaforth P.0 JOIIN G. MORRIS() lark, Winthrop DAVID M. 1OSS, TMathrer, Wlnjhron P. 0. SOWMON SHANNO , 3. lisniUry Impeder Winthro F. O. TEX HURON 4 X.PO,SITO R. 11 , .. i'QuEEN OF SKCE,t.S 1 1 ONNA,M,ON, DELICIOUS AND SUGARY, AROMATIC AND PUNGENT.' ) . , : Te tEteovery of Its Valuable Prop- . , rti s Antedates Recerded History. orlitthing -of Its Uses and he Way lin Which -It Is Produ ed. -1 I innamon is in itself rnqueaitioni ahlY e most delicious of al spice% beihil• OngarY 4 well as aro talc 'and; pun- ente Many thousands jf pounds are nstuned annually in Very civllized matey, and it is also Ij1ghIy apPrecl- ted by even semicivil ed and bar- aroui nations where culinaryart and nedcine have as yet made little pro& epee /te iisea in sweet cookery are innu- erab e. There are very few fruits hich are not improved in preserves, pickles and pastries bye addition of in re or less of this delic te bark. It Is essential flavoring in 11 spice cakes d in manyvarieties of pies and pud- iii di gs. t In chocolate, 1confeetionery, esOadiei,-cordials and liqti urs cinnamon Itontributes an incompai ble flavor. i tits medicinal value I well known ti an antispasmodic an car illative rld tonic. Its nee is.re tem nded as preVentive and remed for cholera, d in seasons when stoijiacb troubles evall cinnamon drop .are recora- ended as the most whlesoino form f candy for children.1 .1 - 1 he discovery of the luahle prop - r es of cinnamon ant latee ecorded !Story, as it is ment1onei in the Bible, nIthe book of Exodus, es on of the ngred)ents of the Sacred oil --with which ,the priests were anointed. So ; ighly wasthe sweet bark esteemed y the ancients that everila sm, 11 piece . ;was considered a fit gift for ,a , bag: It A always mentioned as an e pecially hoice isubstance by Greek writers pre- ieus to the Christian era. It is said 'het the Arab traders, who first !Ought it to Egypt and Western Asia, urroutided its history add production ystery and with epecial tales of ' 1 71 flgice . The eln.nnamon tree is member of he laurel family, which 1 the tropics _ . ie 1represented by a largr number of erOmatic and medieenaitrees , and Shrubs'. . There are several closely allied clia amon trees, but the finest bark. is pro. uted from a. species native to the !s- and of Ceylon, distingadshed by bota- lets es Cinnamonium zeylanium. In &tate of nature this grows to be a tree from twenty to taiirty feet le height, with rather large, oval, entire ergined leaves and yellowish flowere isucceeded by small, broWn drupes re-', embling acorns in shape; The grayish ihrOwn bark is internally , of an orange 010r, which changes upon drying to e -characteristic browat which is the ecognized name of,a particular shade.' Imost every part of the tree yields; onae choice substance and Is especial - etrIch in oil. The roots yield camphor nd the leaves an oil resembling the il of cloves and often snbStituted for While from the fruil te, substance Oiled cinnamon suet is ianufactured, Which ' is highly fragra t and from which in former times candles for the exclusive use of the king, were made. In the 1 ttee part of the eighteenth eentury, w Ile England stas for a time in possess' n of the spic islands, cin- , eamon pia ts were arno g the choice , produets that were lrnpoltted into Teri- , theWest Indies, where in Cuba dnd ; Os other itropical regiorns, ineluding ,1 if evtirai other islands it has become a , conelderable article of coif:merge. Tin - tiler 1 celtivation it is not allowed to groW into a tree, as the richest bark is ! taken from shoots of iron] two to four 1 eeatte growth. The young tree is, thetefore, cut and shoots from the root tre reneouraded to grow. The majority of these are cut when about ten feet in , elOt'and the bark is detached lia ten ' r twelve inch lengths. After lying in undlee for a few days the berk is crapeei by hand, both outside and in, ntill reduced to a thin Sheet. 'These beets are then made up into compos - A e "quills" by, placing the narrower nd shorter pieces inside and rolling ig Hy,' fornaing firmrods, Iwbich after her drm ying are ade Into ;bundles Zr hing about eighty Pounds and --Wr pped for shipping. Grocers divide, 'assrt ; and very neatly combine por- t) etio is of these quills into small packets or the coneenience of their customers. T e oil Of cinnamon is made by is ding the coarser piece e of the bark ne soaking them for two dr three a s in sea water, followed by the ro ess of , distilling. Two !oils, one eavier and the other lighter Ithan w- eal are the product, both possessing imilae properties. The color varies rom , herrfr red to pale yellow, the 1 ter bein preferred by rook ;pier - h iser e The woriJ of distilling is light, .and n oil equ 1 to the best Ceylonese is OW peoduc d•in Trinidad and various ther lkali les in Cuba and other West India 'elan s. A iat &Dna on commands a gooi price and it use are continually m ltiply- ling, there is every inducement ror ex- ten41ine the area of its cultivatio , both intheastern and _ western helni- phoA Crisis Met Bali Way. There were strict orders in the Phil- ippine* regtrding looting, and one day a lieueenan 's suspicions were aroused be 4 private whom he saw peering ea- terly ender the piazza of a house on he oetskirts of Manila, writes Dixie v olizott in Harper's Magazine. 4t r•a• hat are you doing there?" he de- dekl in his gruffest tones. ' Thy, sire' said the soldier, saluting, anly trying to catch a chicken hi h I've just bought." LI uienape K. stooped and caught sight Of a fi`pe pair of fowla. 'There dre two chickens weder here,' he exclaimed excitedly. 1 "I oneb the ether ene, Catch 'en] both." .. RR1AGE LI ENSES I ISSUED AT HURON EXPOSIT II iFFICE, EA111/43RTH, ON ARIO. QUI ED. IVO!WIltNESSES R - reeIrr write U nderwood ros., type- ompany. e s AU visible Iv itin to rent by the' ode other Makes of typ for sale. Apply to L. G. -firA.N SEAFORD! I pire, and Blickertr. machines, for eale or , ribbons, eto., and all writere, second band, GMOND, .111,pnt. ONTARIO. 1828 Atertoi S ock Farm Lot 27 oncession ,E1, ib ert. Herd establish d in 1882. D. Hill, Stara. 1 'Breeder cf choto Barham cattle and Clydesdale horses. Five regis red Clydesdale fillies for sale, prices right. Inept tion invited. Visitors, on appli. cat n, will be Obee fully met at Hensel or Sestforth stagone. € i i , 1 ; * 1828-tf SIGNLIA:4,4.-- OIRCU .OF THE SA 3 i I ' i . Can ado. I Ottnada represents ;lel per cent- of the, entire British empireland one -fifteenth of the land area of t4e world. I lnsect Paper, Makers. The nest of the tree -Nvaip- or hornet is made o1 a true paker, wood beiug groend t pulp by theljaws of the wasp and tre ted With' an adhesive matter secreted in the _creature's mouth. I I 1 Siamese Ceremony. The re oval of the itopknot of a Sia- mese pr Lice, which ndicates that he hasl reached manhoof, is accempanied by imposing ceremohies which last several eays. The gofreruors of all the provinces are expected to be present with gifts. i i Brasn's Coast Line. Brazil has a coest likee of nearly 5,000 miles, With 52 seaports. 1 1 iLongfellow. , Long4l1ow turned ,ut about one vol- atile of poems a yeari for many years; I nearly four years were required for his transla on of "Dante.' • — 1 CITIO rpHOMAS BROWN' Lice I_ Counties of 11 niron BM A. M. Campbell's im amen TITS Exeostron Offie , will Satisfaction gusran dbd or tied Atietioneer for the Perth. Ord.. rG left at wareroonts, Sea'orth, or °calve promp; attention. o charge. 170841 A UCTIONEERIN .-B. 21. Auctioneer f4 the Perth. Being a pr tics' understanding the , value mente, places me in a betti pricee. Charges moderate, or no pay. All ordinn left at Lot 28, Concessien 2, ttended t6. S. Phillips, Licensed counties of Huron and • fernier and eroughly of farm stock and irople- r position to reelize good Satisfaction guaranteed t Hensall post Lffice or Hay, will be promptly 1709-itt Speoial Attent‘n Horseshoeing li,811111/11.1C diee General Jtobbhigt MAKER 2:::1! Roberti Devereux BLACKSMITH And Goderieh street, - • Seaforth STOOK TAMWORTH 2-1_ Lot 29, comes bred Tamworth Pig, OR SERVICE. .-Te undersigned has, on ion 10, MoKillop, a thorough - td which a litnited number of [tows will be WI:mitt() . Terme-One dollar, payable at the time of earvice, ;with th il privilege of rekrrning if neceseary. JOHN DODDS. 1828t • 110 PIG BREED .-The undersigned will eep 1 on Lot 96, Con ion 6, L. R. El., Tuchersnf.th, a thoroughbred Tag OILTEI Pio, ileo a 1111011DIgh• bred Youggituti Pie. ' limited namber of sows WW be admitted tit eaok Terme, $1, payable at the time 3f 10E14044 or sus if .%arged. JAMES GEMMILL. ' 1008-62 Or HI FOR SERVIO .-Tbe undersigned will keep on Lot 29, Cent talon 11, Hibbert, a Thorongh- bred Yorkshire boa to which be will admit a limited number of 'sows. Terme.-$1 at the time of service. JOHN ELG1E, Chiselhuret, Ont. 177141 PHI FOR SERVICE. -The undenigned has on Lot 28, Cement n 11, MeKillop, a thorough- bred Yorkehire Boar, to which he will admit a limit- ed number of strafe. Terme-75e, payable at the time of seraice, with he privilege of returning if nesessary. HUGH T. GRIEVE. 178241 13 IL F KO E ms D it rrI Opinions of ,Leading Physicians. 1 have used W. T. Strong's Pule Remedy in my practice with most , sat:8tack-1-y results, and can cheerfully recommend it. JAMES SUTTON, M. D. Price, $1.00. For elle by druggists, or by mail, on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG, Manufecturing Chemist, London, Ontario. 1796-52 Money 'to Loan At 4i to 5 per cent. on film security. Life Lind Ste ins -ameba written in beet companies'. J. LECKIE, Brueeels. 1 1815-15 , Stuffed Potatoes. Choi* moderately! large potatoes, pare th m and scoop le& a moderately large hOle in the middle. Fill these with sausage meat or a mince. of any. meat or poultry with la little thickened .gravy. Lay the potatoes in a deep baking an, with a little nice dripping, and bale for upward !of an hour. Height and Weightt oi Londoners. The pppulation of lionden is an inch and e a ,half •taller epid eight pounds heavier on an average than the people of Efert ordshire, hut lin Seotland farm hands are found to e ceI in height by More thin that amou VD* population Of Glasizow. ' I 7 t ' L mbardy Poular Wood. Upon the basis of a cerd, of shell - bark hi kory Wood being worth -$6 as fuel,, th wood of the Lombardy pop,- tlar fs velarth only $2.40. t The Basialsk. : The ancients described the 'basilisk as a se pent which culd kill by its very glace. It live4 in a desert, be- cause it breath destroyed all vegeta- tion, thu making a desert of any place It inhab te.d. A basilisk was said to have caUsed a deadly pestilence in Rorae during the time of Pope Leo IV. I i Geire4an Medical! Congresses. li Medicaj congresse ha Germany sualy na eetcin Sept ber because in l thatjnoiith the vacations of the uni- Versales are in peogrOs. I 1 1 ! il lliards In Pra ce. Billiar s do not irank in France ca ' among the games of ehan e, as in the Pren,ch iourt of appeal t1ie following decesion ; as been given: "As the game Of billiar s depends mainl on the skill and abil ty of .the playe s any bets Made on the player'sga e will stand as bena fide financial ;trap actions." 1 1 - 1 furtive Breti Lions. 1 Lions b rn in captielity are less trust - 4 - IVOrtP.Y rom the ainee's point of iiiew thath those cap ured in the des- erts. I I 1 i Siontk Sea Inlanders. Many of the south i sea islanders be- lieve that paradise Can be inherited only by Persons of i perfect physical forme. Where this pellet prevails a Man will die rather1 than submit to imputatiOn.• ' 1 Cupid In Tuirkestan. In Turkestan everylwedding engage - Ment begins with tile payment of a Substantial consideration to the girl's Parents. If the girl Wts her lover, the engagement gift has to be returned un- , less the parents .have anotlfler daughter ith give as a substitute!. , I ' .A gelo's Lst4 Werds. "M'0 l I eesigu ta God, my body to the earth and my warldly possessions to my re atives," are said to be the last word S of eiicbaeliAngelo. I : A Quick Cake. For a quick .cake !beat until thick our eggs4 add four ;tableepoonfuls of ugae, half a cupful! of flour, a little cinnamon and lemoul rine; beat well and spread on a bald g pan. Bake in cluia' ovep and cut a mac Moths and Blau ets. To prevent moths el blankets sprin- le shavings of yellow soap among t eir foldS before stOring them away. be soap; can easily be shaken out hen the blankets arp to be used, and Th the meantime it wdl save you much Worry and anxiety, ler moths will not go near it. 1 The Pearl. I The pearl is the only precious stone that can he skinned. : To skin it is of- ten the °lily way to ;restore its milky. color. Stony Mucilage. It IS said that th il gum found on Peach, plum and cherry trees if dis- solved in vinegar will- make a mucilage that will keep indefinitely and mend anything ler whicb glue is used. Ship and Coast Guns. a: The mountings for ship guns and- 'uns in coast fortifications are so de- ed and constructed as to throw ' ipto the power of one1 in so far as pos- alble,. the , whole control of directing ehe gun at the desirecj target and firing it when ready. A Strong Man. An Englishman in Ryburg, Norfolk, ngiand, recently carried a sack of ats weighing 16S pounds a mile in thirteen and one-half minutes. 11 They Fear Ruin. - 1The Chinese fear rain, believing that the raindrops breed vermin. ' • Every 'Wornan Knovi). That Prof. W. Ho °Digital Analyst -to the 13 ernitient, !tee recently in of analyses of soaps, and "Sunlight Soap contai "pepentage of oils or ".to• a good:laundry sea. What every woman d is that in common sea queistly pays for adulter price of oils and fats. 11g4 Soap—Octagon Bar day,: and you will see Eine is right. He should Should gson Bins, minion G077 - de a number reports that s that high ts necessary es not know s she fre- tons at the Try Sun - next wash that Prof. know. 206 GET . READY. 21.71C"rfl.: There .never was such a demand for ladies and gentle en having a horough knowledge of commercial and shorthand work. I • rofr Has assisted more students to pro - table positions during the past year than any school in the West. We would be pleased to assist you. Particulars for a postal. J. W. 'Westervelt, PRINCIPAL. 1810 26 LLS Ilaye Restored Thousands of ,Canadian Women to Health and Strength. There is no need for so many women to suffer pain and, weakness, nervousness, sleeplessness,anamia, faint and dizzy spells and the numerous trOubles which render the life of woman a round of sick- ness ;and suffering. Young girls budding into womanhood, who puffer with pains and headaches, and .whoSe face is pale and the blood watery, will !find Milburn's Heart and Nerve i1ls help them greatly during this period. Women at the change of life, who are nervus, subject to hot Hushes, feeling of pins itnd needles, palpitation of the heart, etc., are tided over the trying time of thei4life by the use of this wonderful Terniy. It has a wonderful effect on a woman's syst4m, makes pains and aches vanish, brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle to We eye. Tl ey heild up the system, renew lost vita. ty, improve the appetite, make rich, red lood and dispel that weak, tired, listl s, no -ambition feeling. toe. PER DOE, OFt 3 FOR 51.26 ALL DEALERS. The 1°. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. GEORGE- STEWART FLORIST GObERICH, ONT. Tani Rose, Carnations, Valley Violets, etc. Wedding Bunches and Floral Designs a Specialty. Letk e your orders with Mr. Charles Aber - hart, Ilruggise Seaforth, or send direct to G. Stewart, Goderieh. All! orders will receive the heat of attea- tion. Order funeral work early. f - 1825-13 NOTICE. Notiis is hereby given that the 28th Annual Meet- ing of the members of the Hay Township Emmen' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will te held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on January 13th, 19108, at one 0'01130 p. tn. Busiress-Reoeivieg the Direetore' and Sel.retary-Treasurer's annual reports, election of directers, and the discussion of other business for the geed and welfare of the Company. All mem- bers are requested to attend. PETER DOUGLAS, ESQ., President; HENRY EILBER, Secretary. 18287.3 Pfince Edward Island Farmer compelled to stop clearing up his farm. We Job Costain; Xining:gash, P.E,I., writes: "In the Spring of 15901 started to clear up a piece. of land, but had not worked mane days before I was taken with a very lama back, and was compelled to stopwork. The trouble seem- ed to be down in the centre of my back and any dght side and 1 could nob stoop over. I got a box of Doa.n's Sidney Pills and before 1 had taken the whole box / was completely cured and able to proceed. with my work. 1 take reat pleasure in recommending them to all *mere who are troubled as I was." 50e.ga box, or 3 for $1.25, Jill dealers or The 'Oda Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Oat. ANDEDNInt10115AMIt 5 • Bird Plight, Eln-l'1:1 1)11'0s par to fly more rapidly than tile laree Itml deceive many ebeervers. The ineeming bird does not ey as feel is 2.1a;;; awkward appear - mesa RIONV flapping biree. Bee:, in rep .1 tight must over- come an atmospherie pressure of frem 112 to no pounds to the square foot of flying surface. Olive Trees'. An olive tree yields six pound of olives when it is three years old. At the age of fifty it yields from twenty- two to twenty-six pounds. A_ Wonderful ,lferaory. liortensius, the Roman orator, had a. memory so wonderful that on p wager he spent a whole day at =Castellon and at night repeated nil the sales, the prices and the naraes of the buyers. Sleep. Six hours' sleep is necessary for -ev- ery one, but it is not sufficient to meet the physical needs of all, some requir- ing eight hours and others even longer. When possible, at least one how's sleep should be obtained before! mid- night 1 Cleonatret5re Needle*. I Cleopatra's needles were not e1 .ected by that queen; neit ier do they com- memorate any event in her "tory. They were set up by RaMesethe i Great. , t Log Line KIIIDED. The knots on a log, ilue are the 011e hundred and twentieth part of a nate. tical mile apart. A Leeson From Swallows. - A colony of bank swallows some years ago taught a yowls; hut ohserv.• ing engineer how to build a tunnel which his more learned. superiors had refused to undertake. Saseery Cut lets. Mix a teacupful of fine breaderumbi, two teaspoonfuls of chopped parley, a teaspoonful of chopped onion and half a teaspoonful of chopped herbs togeth- er., Season with pepper and salt. Roll the cutlets in beaten eggs, thdn in the above mixture as quickly as Possible. Put by for an hour. Fry in boiling fat. Museums In Russia. Museums are in meth fa.vor in Rus- sia. Even in Siberia nearly every town of 10,000 inhabitants has one. The Se11311 of, Irkutsk is nearly a century, old. Verbenas. It is seed that if one eaves and BOWS his own verbena seed it will run out in a 'couple of seasons and the majority of the flowers become a dull purple, the original color in the -wild state of the plant. Ecuador's Volcanoes. Ecuador has a record in volcanoes, three active, five dormant, twelve ex- tinct - Eleven of these peaks have never been climbed. Newfoundland Game tante. In Newfoundland the game laws are franaed to give the natives great liber- ty, the open season extending from July 15 to Oct 1 and from Oct. 20 until Feb. 1. Gletellolus Bulbs. All gladiolus bulbs should be taken up in the fall and saved from frost un- til planting time In the spring, and the little bulbs that *arm at the Toot of the old bulb are more certain to grow lf kept over a whole season before plimt- ing out. Ground Glass imitation. To Imitate ground glass dissolve ep- EOM salts in beer and apply it with a brush to the glass. As it dries it trys- tallizes. Hard Tongue Twister. One ce the longest words on record occurs in a United States patent for a certain chem1c4 coMpound. The pat- ent reads thus:, "It is an amidobenzo- flavine produced by transforming the nitrotetraamideditolylphenylmethan of amididitolyphenylinethan into pentaa- midoditoiyphenylanethan." Cucumber ti; Certain cucumber lovers say that the only way in which to preserve perfect- ly their crispiness and Barer is to pare the-ni, cut theifn Into lengthwise sec- tions and servo them with salt, like celery. Tbe First M. D. The first "doctor of medicine" was Guglielmo Gerdenie, who received the , honor from the college of Aosti, in It- aly, in 1220. A. Itlanin.e's Delusion. One of the delusions of a lunatic re- cently sent to an asylum at Ararat. Victoria, was that he was being pur- sued by a ghoet which had come all the way from the Geltee mountains, in Ireland, to haunt him. CoIns For Cholera. All kinds of remedies are used by the Chinese to curecholera, but the stran- gest which hoe come under notice so far is this: The patient attaeked with cholera chews up a number of large "cash," the old ones of better deys, when they were made large and oreop- per. WI. en Iron Melts. The heat of a common coal Bre is 1,140 degrees, but it takes 3,479 degrees to melt iron. Coal Consumption. It is calculated by an engineer that 630,000,000 tons of eoal are used an- nually throughout the world. Of this amount 148,000,000 are burnt in the United States. Great Britain comes in second, with an, annual coneumption at 140.990.00o., Flemine'eFisentaanclronEell Core lea new,melentleo A zertain. remedy, I40 COST fir IT FAILS. weatadry for Itspectits$ eintelarNi. FLEMING BIRO6fg Cheintinght 36 Frost $t.. Wed, Tomato, ent.