HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-12-26, Page 8TUE .14 tr ON �XPOSITOR 8 out, and thiii satisfactory I of appr re. I Teal Brown, of th r fortunes for Iff"e. Both coupi 59 have bi bvial and in the , r, i. and M 91 by-t�e aqdimce� during Waning must:1 Egmo dv' le. Mrs. McDou rall of Sourislo friends who ;�fll unite wi;h us in t4 DO NOT FORDET f9kc,0008 &P0,00m No I er, Mrs. D orery gr o. horl, , thus Manit ba is visiting her a them long' ho beea atifyi avid w1a ing ife and much h1ppiness. t] i -o shov ring that bar; work I loon appreci. Moor OF' E Ondville,- train, consist- Mr. Thomas Jarrett is here from Court right. Mr. Jarrott has beed a B�ccessful b ted., She wao ably i ssi� led by Mine ing of! 0 a re siden with so coal, passed DISTRICT MW �ITERS. -es 19 Bert ie Stephena,j who hal arge of the u on -]Rev.! and Mrs. Me.' mud popular sobool teacher there fol a good ii That our line of stov com unlai last. nn� I �h r time and ?a I)Iete, We carry a large hasort- tableauk, and wl�xo gave ppen, apd bv. mud Mrs. many years, but h has resigned hie position Dal as, Oi Egmend, c A CURIOSITY.—Mi8el 1 isx rienoo very i)he)erfklll iR rder to assist David no of arns, attiendc d the r3cottish there with the e of going West to seek Bji' b ment and guArantee you s�tisfac- villa, left with us, the other clay, a ouriositt� 9 in rryin heo to a stioces ul Conclusion what conce a Monday eve iing.-Mr. an& his fortune in that great country. revious b addin lae, I i tion. from any Stove i,�o sel;,' you.: in the form of a piece of 9 W 8 consideked t D be o a (of th 3 beat Christ-, Mrs. 0 odds are spe vding the holi.' to leaving Courtwr ght he was tendered a b the bride's cake of Miss Si PROD, n It. re goi Whether you intend to Ifty at yearsoldlaeb November. It was art of man tree an�ert riments of t4e season. days 1 in IFIi -The -Misses farewell banquet nd presented with a ff Martijill.bli kiarsM ighT no to To. handsome gold Wat h and a compli nentary ir esent or later, come "d ex- J99111ondvi In. A r her ling Ohri tmai a pr John Kyle, of ATRIXONIAL.1—The V, r. Arthur Forbes, address, in r ion of hi faith ul ear- at, amine our tock- o'L marriage, Mrs. Kyle put mvi my the t story oil, tt Wes �am Advance' rontofor Ohri hi h steam in whicl 'he was 4 ma as the fcllow�ng reference, j r., is 1 home fr in Di Bell Wat- vices and the I I of the cake and has kept it all th years, in rloo' is b f that place. "hat his KiR to t in marriage f Dr. Ro of Moose Jaw, son, who is to chinK [Ome -held by the peopfe 0 this town:* for Christmas, as is also M a Belle Bsllau.- shadow may never grow less and thmb he ha BUCKS Happy Thoug4t bringing it out now on the occasiti of the and brother,of D . H. Rot 8, 0 return to the old home of tfie differ t main- " The resaideoucts �f Mr. at dl Mrs Benin. -Mis I e a 18 4cellaint, Clarke wis the s3ene of Sa is stte ding t ke )t C ej 4., tyne f onh') Ranges bare of the family. The son c ear, - ;t isie YounR, who will prosper wher or his future lot may be Boston )ol of Elocuti6nj cast, will be the sinaere wintrof his numerous -we can testify, and we hope all 'ho are at 11 )on ou of the bap.. is ho to to�. ep nd Chris Dr. F. Ewing iriende. R ADIAT HOME Co all, privileged to taste it will hmve the 1:113k that Thursday; on, acc all ther i istrimoluial ovenb that oe then eon. is heri) to a a d Ohdst! n Prith his mo is supposed to be anoolsted wi'h such -Py Heaters suntruated, Rev.:R. Hobb bit rforming the' mud sister.� ilia May a Londesboro. P p has returned i things. r P &II -i uportant oe�emony. 4e parties to the from Montreal for the -Mr. and Your Christmas a hopping money ramy be for the ol aye, life-,ong contract were Mi so 9 lith Beatrice, Mrs. It'll h R bi dM allip, of IN od.,'. - u YA00RE'S Hotbla-St He ST. THomAs' 611URcH.-Si. Thornslo" San- 0 a o lit to a few cat to, or you may be 'fav g n13 daulghtler of. Mr. and M�re. Clarke, and stock, are her' thins wee v iting friends.- pr�d and have several dollars with iihicli, to e day school hold their anon I treat . for t6 s for soft and h Dr. Rossio'of'Mobse Jaw, Thi bride look6d, Mr. m: id MTs. 3, B. Guz n I ve on Thursday mtka youreelf and ther! bakppy-b t that' er children on Friday night, ban over 80 sat d llretty,, otyl�iohly and btoogmingly dress- for Ni i ori where tin my , 'It end severil your business. Th business of the E. Me. Coal i down to supper, after whic an h6ur was- van I i _V - I i ed] creamicrsp�-de-cherio., The wadding i�biZq busirse3sal w1s9 Vasure. al Oo,, Beaferch, is to see that you ospent in play by the little7 a nee. CAidy:and F ce ony,was witnessed b� !the intimate We h pe thej will hive an' rou orators were distributed before golrjig home. njoysb a time. your money's worbi, no matter what a 0 0 ij a an girl t Thorrisal church Will bold' a usual QUEEN Top Draft Heat- frn Af ter the -Mr rodGoleohasrebur� d from Chibegoi ON Buy your Xc iian presents, fancy nov cue 6ongialtulatio d i t d- -Mr.� Wm. Stewart, of Minneapolis, in. el etc., from thl m. customary &I am we D ers, for wood and services on Christmas day at 8:30 and 11 a. y ding luncheon woe The bridelowho here i poending Christm 7th bis'parliinte, in. The church han.been astefull# dec f 0 or- �08TES.-Mrs. D. W. Boyd, Battle ull line of cook st 'ves. ated with ever rtens and owers hird the now goes to� adorn a westf Iral home, is held Mr. id Mrs. Alex. a Stew -b.-The Misses Creek, Michigan, in visit her parents, 01 rge bhoir, assistaid V some out ide talent, will . 1. Ir. and Mrs. R. E. Gra n- b igh e6telern by a la ci6cle of friends,� Thoml')son, Blain street, have gone to. hl Idiams.-Ur y Pi render special muaio. As I i the custom in and the gm in in a popular ditizan of Moose,, attem! thw funeral of th ir sister, Mrs. who in at -tending the medical college at Jam who��'. prao- J James Moir, Of Oil Spring of Eng an he enjoys a rge dental -the vacation at his I all the churches the offeitory on Ann Arbor, is open ing t tice Tha Presents receivaq by the bride' that day is presented to r. The o- h0me.-Mr. and M s. A. Quinney, London, t offertory solo, The first 0 riatinals! morn," a 3 realIk.';beaut Morth hutch- are visiting the tter's parents here.- CHESNEY, SMILEY iful. Tho W happy couple CH �ISTMAS VEATS,—on Be' ront6and otb er �eitiao before go- ore a up to the mark this year as usual, will be sung by Miss Bestri a Scott' wil visib'N Misses Young and hitely are home from lip Ing west. a eat� for the Christ� ho d0l. with oho of London. -Masters SEAFORTH, Mae t bles ofteheir-cantomoij 9, while bot u TRAYELLmis.-In dditibir to t te usuall ha�vejbeen laid upith pneumonia, are im- I B Bet rubbers in the I a. 'In fact, 0.0 them ad the r O'hope I ei r decorated and, proving. -Quite a t umber from thin village tie local holiday travel, the were afollowi g It* f & cheapes I to �he be§t. Don't to, 0 visib i forg b M in n Successors to S. Mullett& Co. ant lace for legj �inks.j All kinds from their isrolm a 6oranged to ODk their bee L at,'vended the Chrial mas tree at Connitance on at ticketed to more diet r. W.: attie h their friends this week, by lrm..Sol ery Ile, $1 p r pair lbr� ill. Williel, I ol, ent for Goo. A. M ai � th, i following: A v It Tuesday,night.- Hardware, Stoves, EtcJ Slat r shoes or ladies and gen JAIJIn! 1828-L two your old eifer, fe I John Reinkielo railway ticket agent Mrs. R. B. Me d il: 3T. I Lost on tlie Huron road old heifer, Lean, Kippen Messrs. J, Collin , D. D. A usic Lm, of T41cerslmi b ; a th-eal ear fed Rober Beattie, )f Kil) a two Bi umelis. P3 between toonae kowler'h and Seaf 3rth, on Satur- Wilson and. Mayor Brom ot, �eaForth to ail 20t�, a parcei containing a Music -Last Monday wa3- count council day, OTES. Toronto; Miss Kirkwo to 1$rsompton yeariz Wen'dersan,: �hq finder, lesvi j3ld heifer, fed by I oh� i B. Ch b nd some sheoit m nomination day, and division NO. , which uslo. irom4ti ; %heifer d 'y Williain Hogg, I ludes Grey, Morin and Brussel will be no �4 Miss Lachance, to Cba Mt.� Rogers.- 9,aom X110 1TOR office, Soaforth, will a re- Ast Tq% 1828xl Me llop ; two two yel r to Aultsville ; William Jame's i Martin, wa ed. I heifers, fed by DOMINIO BA1%. a r presented for the coming term b the old to Riohmondville, Michi hims if, also several I& nbsj the same ;, five to V NT91D.' Choice roll butter 20c, fresh u tree CAPITAL (Paid UP), $2 506,00 1 e 8 20c, turkeys, �ndrawn 12jo hogs ed by William 8 �-otb, members, Messrs. Kerr and Bowm n, there a! 0 Wyevale; John McDermid, Sta ley, to I fio 1 mink or fox, MoKillop, and R EST $2,50 1199 Von away weekly with a 1 beling n 6 other nominations mad N ri A Li adsi e V. Out 86 -prize gi P_ pur- two I ogs fed byW. Tucker- xt I; e Ottawa ; Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart, t Sarnia; oba,-., was won by; MiEs Moi "al ur�. G. E. h Monday will be municipal. nominso' I da M a. Wm. Winj %alm. timith. "TheMeitirs. K muedy Brothers had '101 Y' Miss Foy, to London , Mi and 1828, so and from what we earn there will be me 9 i- hader fed by j. Kelly, Beachwood ; 5 SEAFORTH BRANPH, Stewart, of Hibbert,- to Pittsburg?Pennsyl-' Catier._'Porp�and outte' changesinthecouncil of 1903. James T. r forsale, cheap' heifei fed by Pi O'Sulli ran, McKillop ; four vaniao. Rob4 xt �Bell, 8eaf oi�h found 1828.1 ry Main Street'L E;'Baforth-� 0 hogs ed by I%Iile§ Moh, 'illan, Hibbert four Rose will withdraw from the reavei �hip, and i Meth odiat ch rch, Sun ai Dac TnE TowNELEcTio-xs. Mnnicipalpolitics even�v t the names of R. Henderson, N. F. Gerry hogs 'ad by Heary N artin, Egmondville. Banking Business �rans emb ir 28th.4 Christ nas song i ierVice by the choir A General msinled-by Miss Beatrice Scctt,� st�opmno,ianil Mis's On enu,merat d there was d 8 Wilton are mentioned as pi obable u have been very quiet in b iwn s6 far this Basil )a th In each a J acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, -To'ndiLte�. ohn Donsoldsoa will also re. a 9dui Picksordi violmist. Ev)rybo0y coidially in- estabLiabmexi a lot I am rind advances made on same at-l�west year. The nominations for mayor andi aller stuff, the t- at t -d.-The councillors take place. in t ie town I hall, cu I vita(. a Off �iring In id of Choi - F nP. 1828.1 makin sign his sea a council boai whoh a very nice and tempting dis- e j rates. next monthly horse fair will be he on New. Monday evening next. Th re shoVIA be- a CKET."Ouil- iLoST.-I o8b n Ma street play. Drafts sold on all points in C*nada' 8 af rth, or in son� to�.ee es Year's Day.-Invititions came to t own this large turn out of ratepayer That Mayor, o of the i on T lay, -a he United States and Europe. Pill black leather.purisla cont lkia�n , two $2 bills and CH: USTA87TREE TAININIENT. -The welek for the marri 6 of Ephraim lowning, Broadfoot will be re-elec e by acclamation, 048 L bill besides some change a. d two small photo- ut Saying. Chrismas trots entertainment by thii teach- aformer well kno n Brusselite, b ) now of EPARTMENT.-In�erest goes witho be r SAVINGS D Hehms proved him� ay o. Thefluderwill ewar0ed on leaving it a 9 allowed on deposits of One Dollar and self one of the beat mayors Seedcrth ha T iR ExrosiTott offioc, 1828x, ere ai d schol�rs Of the. Presbyterian Sabbath Maple Creek, Aaiinaboia, to Mi, a Viola me, a y of G was held 4n. t a basement of the Jane MeCr ear h has d N N WAN-TFD' schoo young lad adstone, 7a upwards. ever bad. Daring the past y a- A. Wanted ner, d e chure h, on r idding Will take place at iing, and wairs 0 W1 k R. S. HAYS, W. K.'PEAHOE, voted moist of his time to I own affairs and an to f�ed cmitlt. Apply to 1 Wiu. Bubolz 1E Manitoba. the latter town, New Year's Da,r.,-Wm. his practi,3al knowledge has been of very i in n Iville. 1828xl j greltifyink su aess in eve respect. - The - Solicitor Mariaiger. great service yl Ve have thelbeab hockely! shoes made,, little!folks w re out ini fu I force and the Mooney is back fr in Dakota, where- he has to the town. There will likel are oxactly the ssme a a those worn'by bhe' largel ones th name, or ti ai the basement b en.during th p summer. b( bu in view )sorne ohsngev in the cou noil, "real hookey team, (charn ions of the world) of th( church was a. roi rded there was a oft Is spendin holidays in'town, He iding t of the un6nished public works a d other H I N 9S. M�d me bad them ipade espe lia y for our tra SEWING MAC de. important enterprises in P ogress, would 3 a ew, a ra e u - we iav 3 a I sizes. t W. H. scarcely 'any standing room unoccupied. h a been employed in Buffalo latel �.-Rus- f r be in the beat interests of the to"yo if as W I a. ole aput for Geo. A. Slaw hoes Ur Mies Two] irettily dee6rated trees, each heavily 11, son of R. L. aylor, arrived home from a t W. X1. WATSON, North Main Stroet, I '4 Keidle ea. t) t co noillors 18291 laden with a treasure of good things, were many as possible of the pre sea #innipeg this we k. He � holds a position H. SEAFORT could be retained. IL iv E EESE NNTED _�00 live geese consp cuoutily in 'evidence, while thi walls 11� One of the banke of that cit) , .-Alex, j in I have on band a large and well asoorted I win- ied, w0l rl�3- frgtn 60P up. Ung them in any and illare W a -tastefully decorated with MicKelvey, who has been -attending the 83h r timc between now and Now �ea o, Charles Sher, ever remily ait- r�niversity in Toronto arrived home,lasb gi ink the pla( rmc- ties Ray- THE COU_ TY Be forth. 1827-2 tive popeara ce.;, The P week for his vacaticiln. mond, White or Goodrich, in Cabinet. Drop The nomination proceedingE for cou4ty coun- t a Mr. &(or stookof first class sewing machi ComwiL. N everg' Three good w rk' h ing oi for sale che aP- Larki d, land a lei gthy programme Head and covered machines, prices ranging cill -division No 5, were held in - 06 town presi A&y to Charles Sher, Seafort 1827-2 V from $25 upwards, also a few good E ecod of musioll re itations and dialogues was StAnIey. hall, Seafortb, on Monday, Mr. X 1G. Smil- iven by tl hand machines which will be sold che4 9 p for ie little fOlks,1 every numb Iiej nominating officer, prbsidirig. The at- er of Best rubbers in the buoiness. In fact, cash. All machines fully guaranteed� and tendance was not large and proceedings' 11 a rom the, 3heapest to the it )CAL BRirms �-Mr6 Jc hn J3ell and Miss which wels re dared 1 manner highly all. qualities f best. Don't ell� of Glas ptoper instructions given free of 4arge. BPIj f Hay, and Miss 90w, aredibible to t lose who tool: part, alsmell -as f irget this Is the place for leggings. All k mds from r were of the tame order. In fact there is so 0 Salo, land, spent Friday ni LliV with Mr. and to their instru r, 'IT 111!per pair up. W. H. Willis, sole agent f Dr Goo. A. t e Dealer in needles, oil, sewing macbi at- little for the county council now to ido that ot a. a event of the even Slater shoes for ladies And gentlemen. 1828-1 Robert Bell, of this'� t;wn. Thin is Mis 0 ing, however, wal tachments and parts,. Bicyoleb and Oream it is not easy to enthuse over thab � little. M'& Bell's first yisit to 0 inada, and she i whe a real live Santa A veritable fairyland-thst's what our Separators. General Fire and Life nsur was unuar�hed, n in a in But for the house of refuge, the ere tion of Is Claus 1 1 8 0 Fancy Goods Department in. Y Du need deli hted with the countrk.-Mr. Lloyd much jxnerrime it siace apeat. Risks affected on all ki 3 Of a couple of bridges, which v ere not erected, :and nxi no- ex f or pectation, not wonder that ol Santa Claus, haste was H6 gins, of Trinity 'Univerility, Toronto. prooe0ded to a iri property at lowest rates. Houses fo sale and a few unimportant mattiera� our p the trees and' distribute to raid this store. He did no, and- now for is fi me for the holidays. W6 are pleased their treasures atriong t w I leaned and eager and to rent. Office next door to een's county council would have been witLout a to'n.�tice that Was Janet So�tblo who under- hundreds of hearts ire. made glad by the h 01 Hotel, vocation this year. Mr. Thomas R. Hays, recipi6nts, un D �j 01 wei a at tiefied. It wan CM we t a serious �surgical oppration, a few. a pleasant even for botl old and young, met. Do -you kno Pv someone he forgot ? -VT_ IT_ -VV-_A_r V, who, in company with Mr. McLean, ban rep we s ago, is -nolr sufficie iffly recovered to would you like to b a Santo, Claue to him or ii r. VS011 and soll,eeemed resented the division for th past six years t enjoy themselves alike. NORTH MAIN T., SEAFORTH. be, round: again.� She we a able! to attend her ? If no, onme t 3 thi b t a store, whc re in a declined being again a candidate and, �1030 Well C ch ch last Sunday, -We ar� also pleased SCOTCH CONCER .-The Jessie Mac- to 14 THE jiffy 11 you can ( ecide the I things consequently, not nominat& 1. Mr. John B. of M to I &rn that Miss Teenie Grey, cKil- plemse." The E. McFmul Co., �emforth. 0 lachlap entertaintrpent era u Monday Oven - McLean, Tackeremith, wai nomin tod by n m Opens J be able to ing, 4nder the muspipea f Lady Nairn Win, er Ter ail. 5ih. lop, Is sufficientlii;r recover Eld to 1828. Henry Horton, reeve of T ickerami bh nd is com to town. -Mitis Jennie Ewing spen6 pamp Sons of Bootl n TEMS.-The littl) sleighing that a had M osh, of McKil- a w airly success. seconded by William Sun my last in Toronto. Mr� J6hu Bell, of ful. he hall Giilo cotpfor ably filled, b is gone , in fact t ierej was*no ale bing of to lop ; Mr. B. B. Gunn, Seal rth, wai nomln* Ha delivered to Mr. J)hn� McMann, of was n ated by John C. Morrison, MoKill)p., and so uowdiiid as �n tb 3 occasion ol hear� an� account west (of the G�tahen li a, but id this town, on Friday, a 9ne, 6 year-old forme �visits. No don�t th 3 lack . of slei w�eeling was good. -Miinicipal pol ics are seconded by Peter McKay, Tucks remith gh- 'n gelding, for which ho,readved the sum of ing an the cold revented some ve�r quiet in this township. Th re is a Pin evewrig y STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Mr. John G. Grieve, McI�il op, was nomin $17tp.'-Mr. W. 0. Reid, who" -had been from rn�or that the pr sent reeve is retiring a a I , Seafort il, and or ding a week or no wi bh friends in To.. atei by James Wato istancc fe.om attend g. The enter - One of tho bEst commercial schools oil this with the intention of running for county onp t�iam t h w6ver d seconded by John M. we up to expecta- UOyenlock, XcKiI-. ap was I ronti, returned home on M nday. feeling t councillor. Jack " will make a good.one continent. A strong statement, but ai true long. �isao tlaolmohl4n w 9 in good voice A e lop. The several candi OV- muc 2' better after his pl' liday.- but a good many r tepsyeis would'like to pflt ona, nevertheless. Oar school enjoys � large �e and their in Bag t he and rc dared znan� of he grand old sonip era and oacouders havin briefly' addressed Mr.! Walte patrona'e,! because it is a wide-awake, i r Turnbull, of 1jau erj Manhota, with al Bxpressi n and clearness 6f sea him stay at the head of our cou oil till A48 9 the meeting, the proa a inga' ter inated. town on 1 Monday jMr. Turnbull ou Waal som hustling, working, reault-producing school. artiou Her a e of the b tied up. Mr. Griev?: stated that a not his desire lections were well usiness is strightc orly resided I for near N-Vahon. Her has New catal6gas free. b chose �tiu?dntvery numb r was n to a a calldidate and t ith the consent enthusiastical.;. T4ere are two men, old councillors, spoke resi- ad in Manitoba for about 16, year of a a east aide, er o, vn well but it he would with- P W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. of his mover and seconder 89 ly encored. Ske held s.reeve, J. McDlairmid on th and thin is his first visit U his i old home, is evi and W. Stinson or the went side. Mr. f 64 1442 draw 4ent the I ard wol k is ie has had for But at the request (of his friends he Mr. Turnbull has a farm of 640:7 acres near the lao year . �iuee Stinson is very popular on the went side of r coining to Canada is allowed his nomination, to eitsone in the Lau ler, and he has never hadl al� crop fail - meantime, but sabsequen05 carried out.bis telling. dverse�y to bot voi 3e and manner. t.h� township, besid so having the'"co fidelida wiel Chan:'gve of Business are 40 it goes without sa3 ing he ha proo- Mr. t Harvey was ini mic %ble in bia oomio of the ratepayers o the emstside'as the vote d, the nominat- original intention and notifi r I e selacti Ps and �, ey mado a nice variety in at the last election owe, he hav pere . He says there are tieveralis obh r h to d b kt 0 ing officer of his retirement and Mef arm. Me- Hur�anitem located in his � i8t ict, and the tn�b a so I o a a Lea highest of any of th councillors a TRE REVILL7 BE A 11 and Gunn were accordingly declared Y the p-�ogramme. The entartainmont wan fi 0 are &11 doing well. His 3ai other still resides opened 1 by the J Highlari of the poll. Mr. cDairmid is also a fi'rst- charge in the ja-Aelry busineEs now I)y Mr. elected by acclamation. d Fling, d ed y d after spen ling a while with foa�� little girls; pupils of Mr. Will McLeod, a 131russels an class men. There ems tobe some kicking d,,a W. R. Countor, Seaforth,at an early date 1 0 der he' ther friends, he will return home and they did it� very nic6ly, Ireflecting credit . d 611d 0 on account of the L gan drain, but ob be - to reduce lbo stock, which includes all new I goods boughtlaat WatAlt fQr the Chsistroas tra e,wo have d DEATROFF.&THEr, Fo6ARTY. �.Much re. abbittliefirst of Fabruary.t'---Mr. Robert post -3d on the atter, I can't Ive an on themselv on and their! teacher. The dance Ing at r a decided to ot# rogulAr prices on all lines from�j to J. greb was felt 6n ondayl on it bacoming Mr. Win. Moffatt and Mrs. was gi von -to the Music �f a ba'pipea, by. opinion, but expect to hear it diac ased ThI5 is net a money making eale bat a genuine known that Father. Flarty, f Dab. J h LNI ff tt from the llootlej�w Aietricb, R3v. 9 outeale,,for cash. Parties requiring w tcheo, Mr. Joilin McDonald. i Th entertainment, nomination. -RATE AYER. I tte -er plated —0 ry on Moniely and will spend the on th wbole,4as an, ex ellent one, and clooks, jewel' of all kinds, sterling and Bih lini had -departed this life� t was known arori�el Ohe-re ) " goods, fancy articles, etc., cannot well affcrd I a illiss during the week that he %s seriously ill, win er with-frien'do in Sbinley and Bruce- f curing their Christulais pi esents such as !we are liot of ten pri ileged to liaten Hibbert. 'r thia opport6pity of ve but it was hoped by all that he would our- field. They were followed 1by �Mr. Hugh t d at cost and iii many Instances leas than cost. Sale o in so.place like Seaforth�, and we hope Best rubbers in the business Ia fact Me vivo the severe attack of disease that had Tho son �nd B1, re. James M' that th6se to w I hoEe enterpriels- we are in. all qualities from the chespest to the si. Don, t Ia commences Saturday, December 6%, and car tinues �cOartney and be t Y eVE, ing. Ano forget this is the place until stock 19 disposed of. Store open every! Nvcek prostrated him. This hope, bowe ler, was wo childreu on Mond.a ther debted ior it , will find �b as profitnble as For leggings. Al inds froin hi day from 6 a.:_ri. to 9 p. m.' not to be realimd. He passed a a on delegation from the Mooe6jaw 1 district *113 the auo�ence found it enjtert�ining. 81 or pol W. H. , Willis, sole agent for Geo. A. 7 r up. Ile was about CIO years- expected on Friday. This is 6brnposed of Sunday afternoon. Slater shoes for lidies %6d gentlemen.,� I ! 7 'Tewelry Est b4eiltio of age. Father Fogarty's death wasthe re. Mr. Hugh, Simp3on an ohn d ride, i Mr. J Me Counter"� Old Owntrb in dulug viumothing extraordin. sult of 9, severe -cold, Eustalined wl ile par- Gilmour aInd Mr. Peter IB94rd.�-Mr. and Usbo�ne. ary, something, specially fine this rnexry BEAFOk-TH, i tr�114 ticipatingin the Messirig of'ja 'new bell on Mrs' James Lockhart, of­­lcXilIcp, left on Ax UsBaRN0 Bo-ir �N DAKOT&.—Many Xmaetimeif his assortments hav' h a own Is st W. R, COMITT-11, m4nager his church on the IOUs abb%t-h. Tucoday for Mooretown,.' whore! they wil will be pleased'Lo read Of bbe success of 'a any choicer presents than those he saw fit Pneumonia followed, and h-(' was n t suffi- sperid the holidays with their daughter Hur c) all on boy, Allen G. 3 ackefl. Mr. Jeckell, 'to secure. at the E. b1cFaul Co.'s oto a, Sea who has been teaching in 41berts the -last forth. Remember your friend will prize a; t ciently strong to resist its weakening at-, Mrs� Roberito A. Burton, Dr. ;Young, Olf 'y ars, left for tacks. Father Fo arty was born in Ire- Killpaney, Manitoba, w in town this two Dawson -last October, gift. MoFaul'a have 04� kind. SFYtOIAL RATE c(u laDd, but early in Igife came to this country, wee4.,,jhe doctor prelo ced. in' Conststim- haviul; neoured'the position of first aAsIst- SCHOOL EINMRTAINME?q�. -on Friday par and rraceived his education at the Grand aboot - years ago. -Mr. R. A. Jackson, of %ut te0her in be Dawson Citj schools at t of $2,400 a B Seminary, Montreal.. It was onl7 seven Grand Rapids, Michigan,! is spending the year. His trip was wag held in school No. 1, Hibbert, under are giving special rates on all Chri� ma' afternoon a very successful entertainment Pho�toa, ete. a d Tb y 9 ar he h P 0 t �1 as vi� ard F a d W Aln [jemd dg T t r dt 'jrh t t t I od tha' k4 an in 0 P h u h r fr P V r, 19ed in all eit all re—ra 1, years since he was ordaine 'but previous' holidays at his home in 'gaiQndville.-Mr. rathei a tedious one, as he did not reach the direction of the popular teacher, Miss c ldings to going to Dublin he acto as curate at Fre4 Broadfoot, of the 8 hool of Practical Dawson until the 12bh of I ovember. T he Kathlene Gilmurry. A Christmas tree was a and Picture Frames, Stratford, Parkhill and St. Columbin. - He Spidnee, Toronto, is ho e fon the holidays. last 3 mi �s ;rom White Horse to prepared for the occasion and tastefully r n was carate at the latter pl4ce at the time -Tbe young people enjoy a social son It d to be taken by stage, av navigm ion decorated and adorned with a variety of of the death Of Rev. -Dea' losed. This stage ride of 9 days was Photo Enlarging a Speciafty. a Mur hy and dance in the town hall on Friday evening.- Was c presents. At two o'clock In the afternoon We was in charge of that parish for a time Mis� Fergus Campbell, of Windsor, is spend- over a Government road pened this year. I Ith the people of the section assembled in the d iku ards, before going to The alat 20 miles theiroad oes down the J. P. ILIENDERSON, Seafor af terw Dabli His iug �he Christmas vacat. on I at her home .6 school room and spent a very enjoyable Cu work-in Dublin was purely a la�or or Love, her -Xiiss; Francis Gray in home from To- It Ous orado an . Bon I za Creeks. lyjLr. time. Choruses, duets, solos and r6cita- at and the entire credit of the! psorish organiz.' ronto for Christmas. -M . 1koy Aitzel is JeokejI writes that tbeil school in Dawson ti I OD$ were skilfully rendered by the child- for ation is due to him alone I it Nyas also, home front Toronto on a, visit. -Mr. R.' V. is fitt d throughout with electric lights and ren concluding with the chorus 11 Welcome Wil through his efforts that tho beautillf ul new Clleo�eu, of Hancock, Miebigan, was last week all the latest conveniences. Ib surpaisee ; a I X Santa Claus," when' Santa Claus appeared ble Har oume were t iri Kelia ne�s. church and comfortable sQhbol h he est of'. his uncle, ' Ar. Thomas BAO.. many of -the schools in fastern cities and the in the same old familiar style, and gracious-. l4st erected there. The pariab,� one of the most Q d Miss Beatrice 8(ott,� of the Toron - city itself is modern in every way. ly distributed hils presents to the. many No e. L al� vatory of Music, is home prosperous and, efficient. in� the whole dio- to, - onser for the happy children. This being done, four dial We strive to give the best values be cese, will stand a lasting monument to the holidays.-MiEsPheinie ovenlock, daugh- Hills G'reeh. little girls, on behalf of the pupils, present- I's, flad. Our �own make, are neat and st�jisb, departed priest. Fa r lof Mr. Robert Gov ulook, and Miss The displays at the E. McFaul Co.'s ed their 'teacher with a beautiful black Bo [0 ther, Togarty� was a to anTA fox wet,r unequalled. genial, kind hearted gentle an who� enjoyed Cla a Sclater, daughter of Mr. Win. store, Seafortb, interest ev ryone list. toilet case, and a neatly worded address, Horse Blankets all sizes, all sbap�s, all the esteem of all who kne him, and was' Solater, have'sudeessfully ooynpleted their mas shoppors h , Ave an a dleas array nf to which presentation she feelingly replied t� or pxicea- Se'e our Burlingtan Stay on �lank. beloved by his own people. His death is, terni at the'Blitobell Mo el School.' Miss pretty, thinge to cho:)se from and get out in terms of gratitude. After this 'a few A a distinct loss to his church and the corn- Oo-venlock has secured a chopl at, McIvor, and a t values emery time, It ma as, them brief remarks were madelby several the lj� Ro­bes-(:a1lo-D.y Robes,, Saskatcliewan munity. nea� Wiarton, and Miss 'clater will teach wish '�hristmas came more often. The E. gentlemen of the section to express their r k of Buffido Robes. and tha Bishop Robe, stylish re't nex � year in the Auburn schdol.-A young McFa4l Co., Seaforth. 1828-1 apIireciatiou of the good work th as 8 t t Oo beei of Winth lot and comfort0Ae. aaO, the price right. CHRISTMAs TREE ENTERTAIN-211ENT. -The a an named Herbert Co rop, being done amongst them by the, s4liolin jor i Doill�,_os,-=Mr. and Mrs. blaurice Rife and Inapect 9,)Ods before buying. pupils of the separate school in this town, in e with a painful accident Monday. He young��t son are here from North Dakota, the past two Years under the gu dance of _4 was-drivivg down Grieve'j bill with a load visit@g friends. It is twenty-one years since Miss Gilmurry. By the singing � of the far hold their annual Christ*ias tree enter i tainment in the hall above! the -school on of baled straw, When the orighe broke and Mr. Rife was herd and six Years since Mrs National Antheirn, a very pleasant afternoon Friday evoning st, a very large fh is BRODER10KY$ la befor� 0 load � Upset. In . t e mix-up young for both children and peoplelowas brought to s n Cc !wa's audience, every chair being; taken, and be to en and rece Rife here. She is a sister of Mr. Harness �5horp Cady's 'Dlock aides a number of boa got his-foo.t' b ived Charles Troyer, postmaster of this place.- a close. Ott jDJL benchea had to bo'brought Oth r aev�rli injories. ��� H was fixed u r. a.hd Mrs. G. N. Hill a, away taking a Tor p by M SEAFORTH. in to accommodate the oro7d. The enter'. I)r. Burrows and no serious results are ex- well iBarned holiday, visi-irig Mr. Hill's Belgrave. I tainment consisted of a drama, interspersed p!30 ed. The horses did riot get away and brothe'r.-Mr. John Parson3l, of Michigan, ENTBRTAINMENT.-On.. the afternoon of last with a number of beautiful tableaux, and no c ther serious damage Tho the young folks acquibted themsel. was done. -The is here visiting Mr. Robert Parsonsand Friday, December 19,.-.h, a large n bar of ves most hea y raiiii and thaw of ISunday labt has famil . It is twenty -'nine years since Mr. in htl! -Thormia Till-, of Cloderich, has pur, admirably, to the delight y: [a of sch I section the parents and friend 0 of all ipresent. spoiled the sleighing for Chrintmas, Lub the- Parsons a . �l chased the -�mria ftrm, on the Huron 11road, The chair.waB ably filled by Mr,l J. L. wh6elingis excellent.- r adrew Beat- was here and he says that he sees No. 5, Morrip, assembled i n th " h 01 house Pay $2 great change, to enjoy an " At Hom`4 t" ina therefcr .700. The propert� - Killoran, who carried out his part !as only eo�a, g by the olk , be more part cularly in the f estate. juab now, the people. -Mr. WilliamGram ban 1,)Djzed to tho, S!cn a man experienced in uoh '08i tie, of Pond Mills-, is here - pupila and teacher. At t one the A�O tioria:1can do I -purchased i7lieft of h1s brother, Mr. John Beattie.- a fine driving horse from Mr. David Nicholl, teacher, Mr. Passmore, called the audience pie I -PremiOr Roblin, of Manitoba, h0 an- with tact and good inedgme t.- After this kis Lim Chance, principa of !:the Seaforth t order, and in a neat speech ca ad Rev. relpi nounced that his Government will estfiblish part of the programme had Jeen die of Herleall. He paid 4 bigy price for him and ag posed of, �elparate school, left here atutday morning he says he won'b take lth�C(i iiet from the beat Hastie to the chair. A r gramme, a t a 1�11eyge o. I.,riculture, in Manitoba. '! Oa- the event of the evening -so far as the on a two weeks' vacation. 8,he will vfait of thein now. -We are plea led to learn that consisting of recitations, , ongs! dialogues a d ta. c e 'Per 'ed tho util. tence has choroughly demon �ltrat- little folke were concerned -took place, Chatham, Detroit and Sazin�w before re. Mrs. Qreenslade, ot Bayfiel 1, "is improving, and choruses, was rendere ty of thm institution. namely, the Christmas tree d[istribution, turring.�Alr. Jan�ob McKir�ley, d most fficiently W'i Sir Wi Iliam Muloal" who arrived �Iorne whi3h created. plenty of merriffient among let hi Of the although slowly, and her numerous friends �y the children; who,without any c xception, se'ry last week from Hat S or( gh school, iti,tipendi ' the Christ- ! i wishing her a performed their part in a manner prings, Arkansas,, 9 here �will join with u' which is li'd left them, the tree being stripped before their Mae holidays at the paren.al t4ome in Eg- speedy recovery. ; She is 4 years of age. 5his kind �;, a ,1�ir Wilftid Laurier enjoying good h4alth. wants were appeaged, while� the- older ones morij-7ille, Mr. B. Clark of Beameville, is seldom equalled on an Occasion of The Prern;er has gained considera le in were equally wall',pleaee -Mrs, William Ste is here from and reflected great credit, not,only to them- has ng- here spending the holidays Wi�h his sister, near A larlette, ighig no an is visiting her salves, hub also showed the abilit and, fact in I er ones enjoying thernselvea so much. Too Mrs A. Si McLean. weight, is stronger and better in every Iway, see the you and enjoys; B long daily walk. Rec4n tly, much credit cannot be give - to Miss Foy -Rei W- McMil- mothe -, Mrs. yl ie, I Stauley, -and other possessed byltheir teacher, who halgiven 5ach hEre acaompaui6�d by Lady L%urler-, he we*t to for the successful carryi g out of this 4n,'of Lindsay, whoM we mentioned last friendi.-Mr. E. J gan, who is attend�' child that part to perform, beat iuited to St., Augustine, Florida, where he no wee ashaving recei�ed a call from Van- ing in( di al coltegg, i holy a spending W develop the natural, tale and wh is, entertainment, for upon hor devolved all 0 nto Poe seed by tre Ore the weather is more agrepable, the har 0011 er, British Columbia i; them. At the close of the childre s part of is b has Acc8Pted a holida a. -There or two weddings in th a d work In training the pupils for Coll bo St. Andrew's church, Winnipeg, on vioin on Wedne than at 116t Springs, Virginia, at this! time their various parts, and tha she succeeded c6nil! ition that hi P esby ery, will consent Hensafl, wa& ma�rie Mr. G. Manna, of latform and presented with a %in. and of the yea�. lie expects i ity on Wedne da' . the programme, the teacher was cal d to the libe to return Of- so well was evidenced b4 the faultless h a reri�oval.,us D to Miss Jones, of pt c rioly, Of Portage Exeter, and Mr, V�Illi in Dignan and Miss locket, accompanied by an..addr a. Mr. so �e P -airielp': hdanitobalolis vIsitI& her father .19 Ellie I dohelrd�sonol �ot of Hay, also united Pasismore was entirely taken by, surprise, dii ta-'Nsi 0 -bout the beginniriff of January, ti manner in which everyth was carried itinafew well chosen w9rde returnod anks, assuring all that he vO�ould treasure he Merry Christ� e gift irery dearly, in loviin 'reme - rance W, i the pleasant associations . oh had been a to share in the section an nfade touch- Time, g references to the ties which bound ,her �aud pupils together, Ray. Mr. wn, of Belgrave, in a few Ongratulatory t appropriate words,. referred to the es, il' the.great many how very , and tc x ierry. A tit antiful decorations. The tiusteas made a no full of joy and good w rdmirks expreastng their 1xisgret at 109- c hear. A time when- true hearts ex, g Mr, 'Ptiossmore, and it is xi�ot to much to pand to their f4liest and purse strj�ga. y that the election has founa in him, one Imsen, when our greatest happineet is hose services are not too bo estimated in 12 making otheirs happy. oney, � and one whose poitian will be �t no other time in the round year se op. rd to fill. 2d having thlIBta -accept with all pro - 'I n' Blvth. �rlety o wi effelked gifb. '?OTFS.—The entertsinment held In the Methodist A fe more days, thatlet all, then Chr-At. urob 4st Friday evening, was - a ! success in every mas. Every Winged hourwill throb 1 1. T4ere was a go)02n&Wnd_' and all the th activity iia this vant Ile �ul wnec' ore, where plen Irl y es were rendered a dtlily, s�iowing that there 6 have been a lot of pains takeirg in bri ;me, money And brains have done ' "'g"' !_ their beat in collecting abeautiful ar. to th6,,hfgh standard.—Blytit 0" weltrepresent- at the,Jesele Maolachlan concert', in WIngh3m last j ray of Chrisma# merchandise, day evening. They all rep3rt It oving h&J a splen- Fall 'reparations have -been "made to meet time enjoying the concert ery inuch.—Mis! tgjLVjdg e We here y Eld;r, Who is attending the Pesbyterian ladies # Ypur n ode ,ego, is at present spending bei holidays at heir ou'll nd rent, 'a Via I �Iety of attractive things. a lbonie here.—Menris. Gel r e Stewart and ard to resist. ve Smith, of the Detroit Medi I College, ore at sent y1siting their parents e, Mr. George well is at present buellyongaze getting Out loge Haiifterchiefs suld Gloves. d wood on the farm he reccalfly ught from Mrs. Qowati.—Mro. John Hendersoo, While Walking How About your handkerchief case? and the ice around her hou ie last w ek, bad 'the nolo- our glove case ? Do they need -any- rtune to fall a4d fracture some f her ribs.—The bile school closed last Friday for a couple of thing to i make them complete ? eks'bOlId4yo. Principal Bailey ond wife are visit - their patents at Parkdale. j fter they return lffandkerchtefs.,� ey intend taking lip housekeepin g over D. Milne!# g litake.—Mles Lockhart Is vis ding her paren St. Halens.—Mleig A. M. And W ,We wish that by cold type we could convey e n is at present ffering from a severe cold.— e piscopalian sun- t� you h6vVreally attractive our Christ-. y 8 hopl held their annual h twas Tree in In- hatifterchiefel RL re, especially the qtrTl It 1, on Monday eveningl The hall wa§ veltie'so,' the handkerchiefs., now to us 0 wdedland all seemcd� to enjoy themselves. All d most; assuredly new to you. As. selec�tons were well rendered, and ths calatata d drills ehowed great preparati a f tho�e a tmentsinelu#e them from one -cent on a ;uesday Tr otirave 0�u r ht on up tho Scale 'of p)rice to the o took part also took part at Be ening..�Mr. Art. Sims spent th, Christmam hall - 9 with his grand fath t Platt flle.--The young :oat dainty �nd attractive handker- I ra opler7r 3njoylitogskatelgoa th 'river at present, ch efs, d 3 e oping that Jt may co tinue bill aft" tie - -------- -- Gloi,es. Bluevale. A mopt acceptable Xmas gift Is a pair of Joart Douglas No. 27 Canadian Order 10 "' or better, two or three Paire, 'a !""' — " Fo7r6s irs.'baos b:en gathering In now members on itZhReveral heondkero-hiefs thrown in. , Ij y her a I rge scale 1%tely. DurIV I t k organ - X we:,ded in rJohW Torrance, of Ustowel, jassucc Ou ike to be mure of the quality ofglloves iou give " a Preis horIngj In twenty-five members, our not Initiated. out. Tucsd*y evening, after a number were initiated, Oars !,is a rt:)ck to make satisfactory Belec. lea weire laid and an oyster supp2r was much an- i t1ions , from. 19,very style is eorrect. ed by the members, their wivesland sweethearts, or whi* shor,,t addresses were giten by Mr. A. IEL very make ii good. Every ocession. ogrove,1 of Winghani ; Rev.- W.1 J. West, John Every Socita-I demand intho glove line, rrauce, - orginizer - Barrister 11�lmes, of Wing- Our stock -w -ill most likely meet. W, and �r. Joseph leech. ughalu,j gave a couple of rezdtn�. "'.0 ruegim"u, ch oyed. Altogether a very enjoyattit'. ForiChristma M le evening wits s Ti e Shoi)pers. nt.—hIfs3 Lillie Oliver, of Torontio, Is visiting her I ndpare ts, r. and Mrs. John B4igess.—On Jan- ThaVo everybody. I* you, so for-youthie r 110,,special. services will bo'hoIJ in the Pres- tore showing _Pf the small, yet te an oburch, and on Monday e%fenlrig following 1i -old fashioned tes- meeting will I be hold _Wrei. �ttractivethin�e that always rivet -ones u, Messor is in poor health at Pesent.—James slittention. Tfie different things are ,,nne is still threshing. He to "Way over the hun - I I iard to resist and the prices most per - d day Work now.—Mr. Edward Malt has gone on extendiao visit to his daughter in �Washlngton, D. suasive. Xia this partial list we name -Mr,,a,n,0 Mrs. Rolert Duncan- re"celved the sad Fascinatorg, Patties, Satcheiv, Buckles, ejII Ig of the death, at Redna, Northwest 1�elts, Hosiery, Corseto,- Underwear, rritury, of their daughter, AnnO Jane, wife - of Ties, Collars, Ribbons, Laces, Trim - Maim M Intoah, which happened bn the 26th day ljoyemb or last. It appears she w6s being treated nings, Fancy 8ilks and Embroideries. some at mont at the hospital and wan improvl�ug isf�qtiorl ;or, Rben she took bronchitie, and owing t And About The Fun. hdr��ou itilon'wasurabIbilowlthsiand he atta6k. wfll� be u derstood thit Mrs. Mo ln�:ooh taught the ior,dep rtMODt of -our school. he also taught You� gre been thin*iDg - about Farn, have ool'in H rriet:)n and one of her jpupils in Ham- �ou ? If the ownclusion is that they ton was he doctor who -attended 'rber in her last isve to be' bo�ught, you might as wel ies., Tb news of Mris. jMcIntosh'o:, death was re- ved here with profound sorrjw, 43 she was be- ii i ecure them so that they can be wornI ed by all who luiew her. She los,O,es, besides her nd enjoyed on, Christmas day. sband, one daughter, aged twentDr years, Mrs. We ave many fine things to show you for Intosh w so 45 yeari of age. Mr. and Mrs. Dun - resent buying,, -good things, too, be- ,whoarewall strickenin years,�lavethe sym- by of the community, especially 0 they were ex-, ause popularity for handsome Furs tiDg to have a family re-unlim to. com emoraCe ever krea�er than this�aeason, and �1 el�,,Imnlversary of their Vedding.—The 11opartment, thus far in amply meet-' r oion�l al t tu m ate will ineet st the r 491denve of Rev. Swann, c n Thursday 6g the dernand Don't, put Off buying. afittritoon, nuary 8th. A 0 t I attendance Is requested as officers will be elected %oh my meani fewer to choose fromo Ilhe yea .—Clayton Daff, who has [been undergo. e . . I treatrat int for seven moutbe in Mitowel, is battle A Very Mid Hint Chrlotionis.—Mlos Alice Duff ishome for her iday. Snehasbeen teachlrogat Elsinore Bruce nty,but after the New Year Alie-will' teach On Christmas day (and onNew Yearis dely No. a school house in Ea3t j Wawanosh.— too) the dinner! will not be subject to V�a dro a, of Teeswater, preached in the Pres- any sharvor criticism than the t eri,in chirch lasb Sunday.—Percyl. rate*son and able ter Pu are'home from Strattoi , d bu3ineso col- I Men. We, are all made that way. for the holidayel.—Mt. Henry CcOan, a resident How would a 4ozen Napkins or a new uevale 8 years ago, but who no . lives in Michi- t able cover'be fpr the home ? As a gi ft is rene Ing old oloeqi1aintances h the vIIl%ge,— I OW would thej please a friend 9 Minnie wann Is home from Go terich for the idays.— . and Mr;,. Fred Davy i nd family, of Then, besides theae,', our stock has man OW0, ar spending a few days in the village and �aw Towels," Side -board Coi�rers, Tray nit — a annual meeting ot the I Uuev&Ie cheess lot ths) Fivio oicloeks And- other Linen butter mpany was hqld list Frilay. Theeea- 0 'a busine 9, as ra' r.ted by the�offic are of the com- 'Dodo, gifts for Which the house keeper y, appeared to be satisfactory,* as he 8harebold- ij&s a special lik"ing. etected I he old board of directors Vlz :. J:olinA. Dur g the holiday time yo.u?fl see the lowly or, W. J. Johnston, George Tury , Jas. EI&tt T. K. P:owell.—Two of the Turnb ry counoi.116roi 'Wray we price all Linonalo; how gently - leaving Turnberry, so an election will be held. they touch �the pocket book er Scott, Alexander Kelly and Jo n Rutherford open for election. Cramped For Room. Exeter. i The itimall space slotted to us in thi I . is paper, AREWML.—Rev. J. W. Te 1�yokoo who by using small type given us a chance no - arly' four years has be- n rector of foor telling'a wonderful story but it Vitt Memorial church, preac ad his fa couldn't tell all of it. For the' best of te- I sermon to a large congrega Aort on Sab- everything, kep"t in a Dry Goods store, h evening. Not only was there -a large and the th�ings not mentioned abovve, endance of his own peoph, but many come to our place of business. m the other denominations 1 town went So, ri�w tid good friends, we wish'you one A take a farewell of the man i vho has an. a very merry Christmas, full Of red himself to his -own parishioners �hrietmas joys. d an won the higheat regard an profoundest pact o ev ry member - of t ie. commun- His watchful care of the aick and dis- The stied ; his active and practict I hympathy those in trouble or in mine -y- or want, his ardent zaal for the eter�al welfare of A V L - fiock� I have been no lean I conspicuous _-E. CF to his Igenial, kindly word I and smile, ch made -him a favorite wib$ the people. Dry Goo&s L'/U-. the.retiioVal of Mr. Ten yak, Trivitt mori,il 'church has cartainly%sBn a great r, bat good citiz-3nship ha also lost a C4th s Greatest Cash, -ILDA oonxiataont week, Mr. Ten Eyok goes t St. Thomas rob, Hamilton, where be do' not expect DrY Goods Store. remain lonper than six mmiths. After b be will irobably take u� a further roe of! study before acceppiug &not or here. In the departure of Mr. Stewart and his amiable wife, Exeter loses one of its RfEFS.�—M r. and Mrs. W. J J. Hearrillin most enterprising citizens and one 'of its son and Miss Alward are 6 an 1 ng t e brigh- �ost and most � charming hostesses.— istm" holidays at the 'ho a of W . Mr. nd Mrs. Aqadla Snell. of Winnipeg, hma6i, London.—Mi3a Bennett, of to. are t;e - guests of, the to, is the guest of her-Blater' Mrs J. A. and : a. John Suell.�Mrs. J. G. tanbury wart. Mrs. George Sarni ell ieft vn is spe iding the � Chriotintis holidays with ]her duesday for a two weeks' viilt with her paren *, Dr. and Mrs. Eastwood, of Whit -by. ghter, Mrs. 8eldon, of ln&rsoll.—Mis. —Hai Ty Browning, who is attending Trinity -n6y and child are. upending "the holidays Medical College, is, borne for his holld"s, keton and will be joined by Mr. Gurney Christmas doy.—Rev. J. V. Ten Eyck —the Fullatton Plowman's Association I preach at 11 a. m. on Chrii itmas day in held i very successfull concert in the School Vitt Memoriell 3hurch. Th -a will be his houae� in Motherwell, Friday night -of laeb sermon as reotor of t ie pariab.— week� Rev. Mr. Stewart occupied the inatione for county Con acil for the chair land fulfilled the dute2l of such a po- riot includirig 9xiater, Stephen and sition in his usual humoroua sty)e. Songs Jlorne were held at the town hall here on were rendered by MiiisesWoodley, Ray and nday.: Mes3rs. Richard 'Hicks and Mite ell, and by Mei re. D. Niel, of Avon- gh-Spackman were electedi by acclama- tdro, and Rev. Mr. Stewart. The instru� , there be no other nambs mentioned; mental part was Qi:,�e;2 by Misses Bain an& iss J. M. iwobertson, who I has resigned Bolton, and Messrs. Parker, Murray, Me— posi tion * in the public -school hore� Keizie and Markey Brothers, of St. Marye, urned to her home in �'xoderieh on whnile the literary part was rovided by arday. —'Miss Farmer.has rkuined from Messrs. Baird,.�Russe.11 and Mepintyre. etta Abbey, Toronto, for her holidays. din -bet giveri by Poseve -James Don- ermau Kelly has returned i form Strat- aldgo jr., of Elma, at the end of his year - I with his wife . ano fmirnily.— of offi by.his fellow council members and is F. M. 811-anb - ury, of Blyfield, spent the o cials of the township, took place on day with Mr, and Mrs. J.,�G. Htanbury, Mond night,'December 15�h, in the Elm& her way home from theNor al School, at house Atwood, and was heartily enjoyed onto.�—Mios Amy Johns returned home by thi I guests. Mrs., Donaldson and Mrs. wee k from Alma L%dies, College, St. (Cler ) Fallartlon assfal-,ed in ieceivinu the Mae.—Wm. Martin, B. -, of Osgood guest . There were present, Counl3illors 1, Toronto, is hom L e for . t e - Christmas Corr Coates, 7 Wherry and Boyle ; County ds�ys.'—Mi"o Russell, W1 o has been Counlrillor Merrifield, Clerk Full arton,'Treall- 3hing�near Guelph,retumed to her homej urer Sweetom, Collector Duncan, Auditors the Thames' Road, on Eaturday.—Oa Red6liffia and Orowley, Solicitors Morphy,& nday kevening, the teachers in Caven Carthow, Bankers - Arkell - and Torsayotho, sbyterian Sabbath school met at the Engineer Rogers and Townshi-v Printer! dance of Mrs. George Samwell and pre. Anaere 'On' ad her with a beautifully eneroseed hile returning, from Mitchell -some rees, expressive of the appreciation evenings ago Mr. John Hintz. Of Logan, had A i1itly felt for her four years of valuable an exl it tim'e and narrowly, escaped being ice at teacher, and of sorrow that she killed 19couple of Man drove up along - decided to retire from the work.— side of him, and refused. either to go ahead understand that Mr. J. A. Stewart, who or re 11 ain behind, which excited his horso conducted one of the b t geners stores so that it became unmanageable, In som. e xeter, has decided to give up busialess unscomritable way Mr. Hinz was thrown and remove to Stratford, It is Mr. over the dashboard, and becoming tanglecl wart's intention to become secretary-,, in the gearing of the buggy, � was dragged surer of the new biscuit coinpany which for fully 40 rods. Tbla parties inhumanly X eing formed there,and whic1h is- receiving drove away and left the man on thezoad in r� aid from the city, �Ib is not his an unSonsoious" istate� He was assisted, pse, we Wieve, to leav�_ Exeter for however, by two other men, and after rest- ral months as it will take that time �� *in hile at Mr. lames Stinson% was 6of his business and beau�iful residence 0 g cee& home ble pro e� 0 r#o Th JE rill .4