HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-12-26, Page 4T1 M
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and if a maority of the.43jeotors �Ote in faivor a$'&Inst�two P
�ilch werfui nations as grit- v ith that ol age cul Lire, The Mass home for the vi he wisses H�Ude
DECENIBER., 1902 of that by4aw it nin c ced ain ai4; German et �lwhen troubles of I �'artfs, agr,c4itura im ilement company, y son, who' have been at, the manse fOr.the AF S STORE.
Not only tha er, - re -
—North Perth.
�e fur the gre AQat in )an idao and a pv.otoge of past few weeks, visiting, their broth
4 ways danger i f
t, but it cannot !be repe4led this hioa start, the is DL t
9 M T iad groi n i resourpes from pric. turned home' on ��� on ay
W T F ie bank, lask—Mr. &n.1
until three years hav elapsed, an qnly ed tel tending muo fu thei �than, wa's at t calty Mrs. John not ling to 00, lital of $10 000,060, reh, of undas, are spend —TiSr F. A.
then by the submission of a repe1allog byAaw, firab bo4tomplated,, as entanglements with V ith not a cent of ebs. Prior to the re. iag the Christ as vacati n with their rel4 cited two ears
2 1 3 4 5 6 Re 11' t
nd its ratifioaio by a. majoiity of Ithe- 1 Other n4tionai� are -aQ' likelT, to ensue. When Clint com, ination of American harveslEer tives in Heneal R d A !nit .—Mrs, Win, -a to'.
5 10 11 12 13 makers, the Mass 6'airia company VOSS Moir is in Toro ate, vid in er daughte electors. 0i - the tj 7o�'ble id Son'th . &W4 was 6 ra b start. the. equal (If any th Unit d 8 taiws. b4r, Mrs. J. S. Cast. — r. Robert G MoCloy,
18 19 d 11 16 16 1', 00 nmunicipi council has t�e powet to I ed, it �'�s n6 ouppos ad li'y any one tb�t it N 7alker its et 'd to recipro, who is, attendii the Fo'reab City BusineE a
not &I r oppose Skation g'' Se
22 23 4 0-6. 27 1 tWyn at s salary C
25 order an
y requirement as to hotel accom* e the me gnitude it afterwards o ty� but is sure th�ti I ero iq no hope for iti, College, is born or the Christmas holidays.
9 would assum 09f H 1
30 31 ......
...... daion that It ma see (i until this United. St es makes the fi at —Our local bul oh ro a, making finei disr -he
it aapn also r4ise - 1 did. T�e newk � thel efoi�, that this Ven- t
. ...... ...... .... rflove. Canada b&o t en the initiative for lays of Chris in 8 in a for inany 3
...... ...... the license fee to any R,, to. —M r. and Mrs!? "Ora
I ezuel4 difflouity has T'
rure, and this ini ad. bee* settled will: be
the last time. If Itbe-United. States were to Yohn Zuefie an , children, of Harriston,'arb joy to� houts of the skatencfor.,q
-The presenti Cold Spell wil bring Lph Walkerto.
dition to the Government license 'fed: of thankf9lly ro�cei ed by 01 -classes in-:tbis tike the in C
atter up" on begin nogotiatjoi�s, bore violting M -. And M is. B. Kaiaer, Mrs� —The Model
$150. The prohibitory fat6ea of Itbe cqun�rk means skath�� for thd Chr'd as holidag. W� are ready for tile 0004 -
doubtless Epmethigg c ild be accompliIibcd, Zuefle's parentE —Was Vera Murdock ha� NEW ADVERTV_iEMENTS hold their
a udertaken at fi 't. returned from Lon!do here she had beeia sion wi existing license law are many -and vari' I net too much W,: th a S"Plendi seleci ion 'of Skat g hn _y Shoes for w; meek
ous. when a la
f remiers. Mr. Walk!r woul ad ise that at first ge i- for a couple of oqk on,a visit. -Miss Alio and gentte - r's wear, as 1 v(11 as for tl��e riSin 01eneration, and olir an ioable 4
Jar The f1gure betwee the pa,�utbesea after each In addition to the famill%r rue! relating to JMeetingr 1 1
fin -to ee trade in 06 limit d Petty, n
- p6r on whioh k aces Prooity be con of Lend ' he i� engaged as a mil� I t e lowest. F r instance W . . . . . . . one, denotes the page of the pa he ihe I several. Provi. 0011 tie 3 which the gr liner, is w a uqual t I aye S
advert1sernent will li� fonnd e hours of olosirig, th 3re are h' Premiers lof, e �lliligg
the following 1111111ber of Comm itter months —Mish f two And a half yt.
Holl#y Oppirtuniies—Greig imill a Quebec and hadi 0
prohibitions, Violation Of any � t conference ast
one of wilich 1 1!
I jority of the peopl ountries wou d MeAula as been ngaged as milline� Mens black pebble skptj ng or hockey 81 75 pair.
Election Card—R, leMordie-5 of both e who shoes; sizes 6 to I f r JI&n been re�Rngaj
week. 1 He suggested for the k rd tI �� 8, sizes 6 to I
a p ay
Notice -11. Eilbcr-5 unishable offence Liquorldealers r# ijAil 6 e PrQv n000 were rtipresented like to have 'free lumb Pic Company, left thi week to his sila
n c )al, cattle and wheat as commodities th t for her home in o thampton.-Our skatin M ens tan hockey shods , vibh ankle a 0, for Sfl), a pair, adda
Music, oot--E-vooitor Offl-" t sell liquor to a p zeept !batoiirio. P -emiler Rose was 1 too Men's black box calf listing or 'The 4-w-
er on una�'r 21 years of shbes, sizes 6 to 9, fot. �$a. 50 a pair. 0 pal
ki shoes, sizes I to 5, for $1. 1 50 a pair. 401tato of the la:
Cu B01-8 age or allow any su raon in la ar-room h a isetit a memorial;aot-
A&�,=Inu Meeting—M. Y. MoLemxi-5
Whant --G. R King --8 I busy to!;atten I d, but rnight be tried. f tl e experiment we a rink reopened f r he first time this wintef Boy's black pebble h
may not Allow an ting forth thli, . of found to be satisfa tor to both Parties;' t6e on Wednesday ve ing 4,' last week. TheAO Boye'tanhookeyaho , ith ankle straps, sizes I toZ.fr.$I�75 &pair. cheI4 containing
Murtoo Stoak Farra-D. Hiii-6 y pore n to become intp'xl. views 4's Cabinet on the scopd of reciprocity ,ould be extended. was A., large bte6danc'.-Mr. J. H. Md ...; I - ntirohasea by MI
I F Ladies' box calf skatirig ihoes, with e. rztension soles, for $1. 60, $1,75 and $2.50 a pair,
Typowfitem—L. G. Van Egmidod-5 cated on their premises ; may not sell,liqitior questions lik ly to ergagt the attention of Personally he would !rreatly like to Bee Donell was in !London .'a week, on busi
Ankle supports, sizes to 5, in boyg' Or girls and to,10 !he sum -of $990 <
4Mrm- W. H. Shaw -6 me such ?,pproa 4 mi d 11 _4 for 25- a pair.
SaF , g. T�eviino e to fair trade�� li�t negs.-We regr!et to statp tbati up to bb i -eavolien
. e—John MeGavin-5 to a person already intoxicated may Aot meetin I pi�l object of the Pre. The t
was I abo it the possibility Of date, writing, Mr. Job' M Arthu
i very ekeptioa c , hard a ux Ohrist�aas Wil be mer�y-one) and that t1le 9-0-ho.ol Presented'
Song S rvice-Ilifethodist Churoh-8 even allow an i mierw tip get tiiore money for the" e trust th t yo
si� nboxiestad seems be
. pers�n to drink Pocket-Boak Loat-Fxpositor Office -S an American initiativ 'ud was opposed to ware t a confined to hi,
on their prbmis( Provi c le a. h y' Year will -be b Aght -an 9ft_o.f -solid silvei
Fann for Sale -A. M-nztes-5 liquor e see th� t the finanoes * I d h4ppy-
8 may� not allow of the Cap �di; Lns makirig knother trial." ness, We are pleased til �3&giioji -of her eevi
Man Wanted -W. Bubo'Z-8
on are bu oyaot and they think lEarn that he is! improi some
t10 tesebiling pro',
-4-W� H. Willt,,-S
Hocke,v Shoes and Rubber; disorderly persons or persons of! bad cha�iac- tl e Domi0i ri�gi although
Skatin' p Se"on-R, )Villis & son -5 ter on their premlses.4� a Referrin to th d .-Mr,'Jam4 W. John�ton ha
The ti at their ubuidies i ihouid be inqi u4nd for increased what slowly C very succe
law ;rcquircs I .. I
the police ti e Prcivine" may ;harti in the notection o the steel! ail industry, as d6- the misfortune rederltly,: while engaged a-, tura-was.given in
inagistrate to notify liquor deal- gen�eral - J .
inande-cT-by Mr Clerg of the Soo worka, LLMI 9N --hmh one evenh,
the* work bench'in his sh;p, o get the tip 1
ers nobto sell liquorto any dr pi ospieri1ty., :When tie res! lutionI 'Rn- W1 IS S Seaforth
ss0 has been brought before him. 'Unkard who and wbi 1 the Hamilton Tim I a a ye Mr. 01' of one of big flngere.out Off. -Mr. and Mrs i3iPle feature of tj
lf the rola. oh are -to be subipitted to the Do. orguEl Rife, of Michigan,bave been visiting
his had great' concesalione. Besides, for tives in our village, du D.
tives of an excessive drinker n6tify liquor minion Government, 9re 11 made ublic, we rilng the past week
ice of very ton of iron t I of December, have be aving a busy, time whereis- he formerly. taugat. She has
Arne very many __Mhe Mitche1l
SRAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 26.-,h, 19��2 dealers not to sell liquor!. to him, will be better -able to judge of the J'usb "out the Dominion after an absence of � ye.aris.-Rev of iti shoeing the hors:611 T. Mallis reports schoof�awaitiin her now. Alias 8inigile
I ! 1 $3 the rovinl( (.Dr.) Medd is sj�ll suffering conRiderabl :his horse shoeing trade for the ptesent, hcme Is in Vortis tofmsbip near jal6e worA last week 0
the deAlars will in th-eir;deinan4s. The repoit fr6m Quebec is Pay" is 81 and when it
our 1?snaltv if is'diade Int, steel,!the iDominion p pain, but is improving. Miss -Mary',Gaet � imouth the -best for many years, whict; is towr. There: �Chine, which was.
is in were 22 applicationg.-JT.ho
as follows aye an- Orillia this weeki vi iting her sistir.-4 !evidence that the longei Tom does' i:
The'Liquor License Act. they do so withi one year. af ter other $3 a on, ow if the man who Cement is made of the marriago of- -sud. for which tubi
Elizabeth A. Kuntz, wijo xe in ;deliberlation till turns ore in to steel is paid $7 a ton -moria glyig. an exoelleal :*neas with the public the greater the w of thel -eral weeks,
Mr. Th6m-as Welsh is M notification. Not onl y wi they, nOur' gar W(
t' meeting of a u ooI I ights being turned way wreck: at Mo
Wo natice that at a recen 5 O'clock day afternoon. The Prime than' electriclight service,the dence of his many suppo ry Kuntz, i
All th� cost o thp, labor employed� rters in him all a Hen of Winnipeg, And Gidtoj
penalty unde the law, but I or Wniaitetis will 're -assemble. in 0 tawa in whatsho' on both early in the evening and a] JThe Young P
temperance workers, L-eld in Toronto, a large wi uld bibs pa tol so in th
the' men w' mechanic,--�-r... Robert Sillie, of the �errie, the welll known athlete, of Br
-a& appointed to morning, which is 'a very'great conve rne ang in Trivit
and influential delegation w their demands- wood into pulp a e
relati of - *e drunkaxt mayl bring civil Fabrdary, to. insist upon e -on road, who, during the past summer 1 And a i iative of this to
I; . . r; milkinto Cheese !Lend waship, The m4rziI.
� crr
action againatthe liquo. dealer� - who have bei nted. particularly at this season of the year. --evening last wee
cattle into.1 a I other producti has been erecting a fine residence for hirr. self age ookurred on' thevening of Dece r
Governmant and de 139 Many will regret to lear of the death
Wait on the Ontario 1. It7 iii eta ted thab the� coml' issiontra 'enterprises of t (1) - mbe 9. Lewis, B. A,, of t
ignored their request, and, if thel� can prove ve la ree unaniml #1 e man, or on 0 count y ? Why I ohould ir.: An extended rpferenc a id his good, wife, has i, well on tov�ard The wl�iddin w is private, only the no�. . . . . . . . .
husly, about �their do- on' -au interesting an�
-heir case, can recover sub3tau ial da MIA. tie holy event will be given nex
m -An4 certain legielation designed to further, t e class 6x other men �simplv Mrs. Robert M�, completion. When f1pi4[Itid it will be loue sary I?gal wi cases being
ando to the Dominion Parliat-hiint. All tqenrich themselves ? of the finest and moRtlu 6to.:date residefices Willis. Inglis, of T North DRalo t%- the Englieh poets�
The special de. fixed b the law. If week. -Miss Dr1ayton, of'. Toronto, is her :considerable lei
c rtail the liquor traftio. I to the melaonc
y an: 7 person com�es to the Kinisteri have insisted on justice being
mainity. a� w days Mr.' and visit
his death as the result o into the 11 '�ective v nd 'brother on thei7.,
da are to abolish the bar and the treat in this vie In is ;r!ng his father ay"I"
Cr I h visiting the ep ing out of the old concesqin, and'lother friends. -A quie wi
Ha McEwen of Tolronio, is 'home visiting he
f do. e the ir rep Pro ineeB. I Misses MoEwen.-Miss Kat
in eystem. tv these apecia reforms are T e oon8tituency'ot orth Grey al ob- Mrs. Smillie will be a Resplutiops :have lifien drafted and maryo, on wedne
with the t une iable reputat 0 0 into their, ew residence, in has boon in Dakota for nerly years An
to b3 accomplished no hint was given. i liquor dealer who supplied him dgued by allIthe Ministe talned a soniewha n parents. -The Misses Bell, daughtprs of Mr landmark 23 a i7th, at -the residi
i represeh ii which thei
ting the r friends will wiah -them many has prospered tillere. He own"
We liquor thati made him drunk i�is liable 'to Llion -of 01103ount Of the tirades James Bell, sr., arwbom for the Chr
Whe resamethe delegation will make thede. fifferent; Prclvinceo of 7hti Dom n the Conservative istmal e.!--Mr� H. 'Cam- adjoiniog Tyner�, and in the past season
P action for damage -be fdrw rde apers abou cation. -The!friends of, Mrs, E. Sheffer, 1happy and p day
s in th3 courtay the 'legal 'Janada, which will a d immIll;idi- P t the oorrix tion practise of -James White I
d iliere va eron, son of Mr, ant, M -a, John Cameron, about 0,000 bushels of crop., wheat, dift
ma6d, leaving the Government to deviee of Toronto, wili be pleased to learn that town. The cere-
tely to -the D sh I I
representative of the deceased. �f a drua-en ominion Government;,1 at the laite general elect� on. It turn' y, who for the I'ast four years has barley 4nd flax 'his wheat ave g-
mc-ans, It 18 often much easier to formulate end[ ed Out, is recoveriny ni6ely'from 'her recent illness lof Stanle
e banq-uet t �e ei 1wever at the eleebion trial, that, lum ia, is now Rev. T. A. -CoagrA
t, Q ho lbeen in British Co home on 22 to 4 bushels per acre Ai to
"At t' d th in, by !th ragin
embere df nel 0 fTrade, not. the Go
-and than to devko effactive nisana for the pers e ess, t� I -
a de man Commits an assaultbr injuri a prop��r�y, b ec ard wi a visit. Mr. CameroA has got much at- dilictivein of e soil, Mr. Ioglib sayi he -
on assaulted or whose 1propertyI is qespra, Tweodia, Li thstanding �the Ion
the carrying of it out. We are Afraid that m9liliy, Pugsley and tend Installing an:
�tached to that countr� d purposes return- knows �f nine slieceFsive crops of we�jbe.
represent:p1tives, may -a spe I I T. Kastner stol
a the case in this instance., 8o long as the tion practise ling in a few inonths. We wish him a Pleas -
i DO rent , ado! iech is, and 1 i and all there had nit been any orru Wfoxeter.
iniared, or his legal talk indulged- ino
th liquor' deal P, M J. eaed without the nee of anything in
ke t ongly i by; the tp A� M15
claim damages from P0 rt fav )r of thle !Qanad'ia DOTS, -Mr. and Thompson� nt time with big friends in Stanley. of fertilizer. He will not.refu
traffic is licensed, we do not see how the at � if
de Is r%re visiting here Ig r a r by this gas, X
er ho ra y Canadian eba 2nels,'anA dtip-oppeed Liberals,J at lea of Trigherne, Manitoba, the n unt e M
supplied the liquor whil home il after� Now Years.
agreed to use the.
he ow: dhee of th i G� n"k Rail. re he, been, Ithe Cone and are the guests of tbili latter's parent'
�h madiii the n th ervative
I -
bar -room is to be abolished or the treating drunk. and 01r,
w iich will reau b iri� the sidditracking di( hot embrace. 60 offered op Them, and Waltcn.�
system Etopped, unless people discontinue Way, portun i Mrs. Sage.-Npil White, who foil P10-111-plany patting -i
iroviaio e of Quebec and the iby' toexpoieit. 1b ail Achain is no strofigler than its weaklest
These are juEt a few of the ns!of )f the �wl ole Proviric I a number of years Conducted a blacksmith Tookersmith. -Mr., John sto
the practias of their own moti3n. So soon me now, howbveri
the existing license jdaritim Pro�inc shop here, eold'out last 'week be Geor o -K., k. Practically, a �ady's kid glove is �no
la W. v ea.' lot 10, tonce
if they wore th it the room for talk !was not all on -9 everal departments in thi Map-
th in er than its most defe.-tve point or its 4Gale. a eighbor,.
as they do this, the vocation of the bar will Spe, king about t4 inter-pi-ovincial Adair, of Mono�on.-Mis4 Annie Muir, of ett The *a
strictly enforced or enerally made use 0 on sit store ar!� n dres� parade- for the conforen e they iid they on at spending a a �011:
be mostly at an end, aud it N. ill then be a 9 f, could hot make n 0 Alt the Liberal conventi Blytb, is f�w holidays at her weakcsb stitch. The nanie "-Trifousse is basinese. We t#ought we bad them it6ek- Present resi
would not eny 13 Owe ud, held last�week, Mr. Mackay,
. the evils of intemIlperance bW tstement, b t -that t I
comparatively' easy mat' .1 u home. -J. Gof ton, of Michigan, is the guest tee that the gloves carrying ilt are ed bunting full *ith everything that faney be has rented f"m
i reduced? L! trj&. very pr�otical conclusions' about 'readjust- date, reported- to. have of G. and Mrs. Town, At the Gofton house. Search as critically as yo will workeralcould polesibly nee&, We
Ser to suppress it. enorrnougly * he beral candi But so long as the traffic is permitted in its )t the Active mf de some startling I; disclosures of the! -Mrs. 1W. . Greer.'of Wiarton, is wer�i% der -stood tlyat 111
perance ref4mers mak aeat'of �he federal suNsidyi o the Orovinoes, nilthods employed by his visiting no flaw neither need you search far wrong. The jerowds of Ratigfied ba' moving to Stratfoi
le use of the we&P008 I t. YOU', n yers
oe I unanimonal adop d ener- ad -Mrs. present form, it is diffieult to see how the use end they had 9 opponents to un. her parents, Mr. aid Mra. James Paulin. to find the gloves. Si��ly ask for ithem go. to pr we that �w -a
at their die a]. If thav Will n OW mong othei I � e meet their warits The
bar -room can be abolihed or the treatinc, getic rosOlutions, wbicq would be f irwarded I things he read a -Owing to ill heallih,the Rev. R. S. G. An- hen in �he B. AlcFaul -CD."8 store,Sea orth. *ntertained. the stl
of these, it i prices throughout the store, and ealecisilly
very doubt ul if they. Uld immedititely to the federallauthorities.� th pastor 18 to their -Aepa
we statutory 6claration by a man who sword derson has sent in his iesigna ton as- on m
At he had been offered $200 for evidence oft -byterian ch a � hovelti
practise stopped.. Any person Who Eo de- make use of those which they he Pros urA.-F. M Thomp. X point to most attracii
are so THE WoRicmEN's B, LL.-- �lstdents prA
th4t would oid the e4ctiorf, after he had son..of Teeswater was in the vil age last walton . dge, buying and temp values. The E. me -
sires can erect a bar -room in his promises i3ciep't Order Uniterl lWorkmeri,-will hold witha very kind
earnestly demanding. Eiditonal �Otes, and Co FAIII-Co-, Saahort,
mments. re and there can be no law to prevent his doing f sed to &e evidence becausip for him, to week, looking after busi
ness n connection hc-ir third annnal ball lunl Eupper in'their 3fts. zRoborts -v
so The t0k nl�w is that 40D. J. I, Tarte, gal he had been bribedi would have beeri with the e%w mill here. -I'The Rev. W. J No .-,Mr, a4d Mrs. Appleton Elcoa% There can be a law againat the sale of all, on Friday eveniu,�, January 2nd. This
plaijury, Bealsoreadt e death -bed of,", the eat E�d, Tuckeramitb, left'ADUL
intoxicating beverages in the bar -room, but The Bve,E1 ction late AlWater of Public Works, is o Eeek a state-' West, of Bluevale, occupied the pulpib in romises to be- the mos D pleasant and suc-
-Edward Hftmi
me it of Rolert (jampboll. in which it wa�i the Presbyterian chrrch Sunday1morning. Tgesdaylto, spendi the holidays with friends
The date �or the bye -E fill the oonstitepoy in the British Houso'bf Com- otai'le esizful-of any yet tel b the Wor -men. Practitioner in MI
d that,"Jampbell had been given drag� --Mies Jennie.MoLeod, a victim to that droid he Exee)siororcbestr�, of Zurich, has been of y frie.0do ja 18'j-9 to --eqnime
where the bar exists and soft drinks are dectiom !'to in'the vioinity of Pietorl,.-The ma
seats in vacant constitu. M
disposed of, it is very doubtful if much will th Oatario L-gislature, recent y nions, as floon as a suit ble:' ge� liquor In the done drvativecommitte� diqease, consumption, passed aw re. James Sp#at, of the 4th conces8lon, -has been vex
ay at the ng%ged to furnish thei -music and an enev- Irep m, had b 3en kept'the all night a $
g Hi
th . one a ound for him.1 On being inter nd all home of hei mother, on,Tuesday last rn thab jibe a recover.
be gained by prohibfting the sale of harder vacated by the courts, for North Per y c u �be f The etic committeFkre doilng all in their power *ill be P,!leased to lea _i -field of work.
North Norfc viewed' lin the subjeot-, Mr. Tarte would I el tion day, and vote for Boyd While un -funeral took place to the new cemetery on to M& in g from ' h er receo t illtesF. -11 !as _m cEwlen, and has plans in by
atuff, if it is permitted to be sold in any part ke the cc s*on Buqcessf I Tb�rje is f Stanle , its to be th
Ik and Nortl Gray, will be heV der the* influence of morphiu:e, and Mr" Thuesday afternoon.-Mis Effie Powell left sure to be a big 'rowd anq a bigger time. which he expects V
nFAdther a rm nor deny the'rumor. 0 e teacher in section
The fiery Mackay stated that �Ir. Campbell 'had for La Pierre, Michigan, 6, for next year. IMUs Hartry, of Seafertli,
e e chman wou spe6ts.
Of the premiaeai, as would ecesiarily be the on Wednesday, January "Itib. The nomio'- ii ttl F, r n Tuesday, where LocAr, ITEws. -0, Among �,hose of our -young
I tO things �p in the never recovered from thq effects of the drug- she will spend a month'with relatives.- aught is school for three yea.ris -dro. Ai
ations will take Place onllecember� 31st. Tv�o who has A farmer V_
case. And, again, how is one man . to be 11 ritish ou4e:.- How er,i'if he sb�ould not gi g he then rec friends who are, attendin college and uni-
e also ebarg with great uccess! nd to her own credit and
p liquor for ano eived ed hi. Peter Robertson, of Manitoba, was the guest vlersity at Toronto, who ave return d to to the tI lately with loaA k
revented purchasing f tLese seat North Perbh and North No- be able, to. make a heavi-er Imark there than timidabioniol Liberal 'vo� re and circumst&n. of his -parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Rober r10 eatid otion of the paten, is,,re-
lak� haii thu�, far made, he had better theregidence 161
a 0 on extra' 'spend their holidays beneWth the par intal
man if he so deeirea, any moie th n a man folk, ware carried in, the general e 16 tia ly aharod that the now son, several days last week. -A number of roofs are, F. 0. Neal, Lp-vfia and Miss. dag- !Is enquireliff tj
c rep a es tires to eittend the Normal School. -It l �Cffi
r main wherehe is., farr[ous St. Vine
May 29, by the Conservative q ent ballq� is ere made by an young said that'Mr. Henry Horton, who basheen
or a woman can be prevented purchasing a andidates, people attended a' party given by McDonald, John A. Gardiner, -R bert families to whom h
-enemy of th(
f yo _W reeve of s town ship for two years, pool- It. Durst suppli
ere in mp Sir Wi�liarriMulock, Postmaster. General, edhe of pr minen't,� ec
Christmas presenti for a, friend? Th ay Mr. J.L C. Monteith having a 1jority Liberal pai ith the knowl- Peter Patrick at'his home on the boundary, Dgi'aBricauson and kober ATS.
D Uo liservatives, fb umphries.- t I d� ines being a candidate agatia. ancl the W-00
be sQr two in North Pertk and - F Sn'lder a mho b �rnlig in the Southern Pu r the Wednesday evening. -Walter Belden ship' y will regret this, as Mr. Horton ash, ivided bt
e way of bringing this about ith pose of I letting � he ti I . French, of Unionville, [a visiting rela Aves atiou,
as hleen� �Oio t deipu y- ref-urning ped a car load of hones from this station on i n :�ny has
er ouble.' The "readers of'. the Wednesday. -Mie. Sanburn, of Turnberry, Ben -of Arcola, N3rthweeb Territory,
majarity of 23 in North Norfolk" s batea for! a f6* wilieks, h a into tr proven him elf an t� xcellent reeve, ne -of the
out infringing on the ri hts of the in- 'Offi n the vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. Cor'elius was 4
9 'the been ounding nott, Xi
previous Legialature both these ea 4e peop Mall willno) see a wo -�-Valentine
dividual in such a wa3� as would not be to were t to doiv;a there on the isubject 'of ril about this in the has moved her household �effecto into her are visiting relatives friends in our very beat of the inany good ones Tuker. <11ed-lut week at t
cc imne of t iat worth .3urnal. amith has ad in 'ast years. Who his one.
toleratqd, but we do not know of it, and we held by supporters Gove a Y residence lately parobasedlfrom J. W. Hup. midab.-Miss Annie Camp'iell, who has been -He was 76 years of
of the thl ra�p
In yi�ocitytreaty letwle0a Uanada and
doubt very much if those' North Grey, which was field by t d I I I - fer. -John Bray spent Thursday In Toronto on an extended trip to Tor )ate; has rett rned cessor w�Il be' c unot be said de_dnitsly� I Conmr�- e e ea. Sit W,illiar found the on bu§ines�.-Jarnes� Alla�, of Markham The namOs of M_ es're. Win. Chapman� Wm.
who are advocat- whenaladf 14
Elgie an4'G All members',of the 23,
who for many years resided in this village,' the house which he -r.ec r in Pffimmer Eeried
Ing it do either. Gover'nment control, such ative ih the last Legislature, a Glovermeab ei�bjecb' ol litti home. -Mr. George Candb 5r has removed to ents, on lot
to, intenst 1to Southerners, I eorge � ack
aff we outlined last on IIOCAL�M��J.- eiitl purchased 0
week, is the only effeo. pporter was returned in Ald!last by Is a though ithey ba�e!bi gun� to notice the We have, this week to chroh- is reneWiDg acqi;taintances! with big many Mt. Charles preaent 6,ouncil, ate mentioned and ibwiil
the e 0 A I -
majority of 5. Both partles h gTowtb of Ca4Nda, ao�rii of �hem ap of Turnbul S me of our 'Val- likely be �no of those, although there is not county council "I
tive remedy, and until we are ready to offlecte one �of 0 Lr oldest and most friends here.-hilas Purser' who has taught tonians attended the cantata, in Bru -Sels life. He le
�d ltgrettl�g the y I ast tide ily. respec Led residents, in the person of in the junior dep rtment of th likely to be a con'test.-The entertainment
emigration. fiorn e, town hall, on Monday eve Ling of this eek.
aiapt that we had better work away -with their candidates in each of the con tituenei0s the Wostern States of e school her -The
Sir William thinks 0 ilistopher Fischer, � wh�) paesed away at' left for her home in Port Hope on Friday. -Mr. Andrew Morrison, 1 W oil&, Mani- by the Children of i BroadfooVe school house, the law we now have. Through it we can and there will be hot work from noW unt I JI ti.e Un�fte 18 1 ta,tes, * ea of �eclproc the�good age of 84 years.- , He dip not seem 8 1 he will be euccorded by Mies Sinclair, of AP on Friday ovenip last, was a gratifying with blount Pleasi
�d ity is to toba, isviaitirig with
uy par Harriston.- 'aviln Muir, 'of Michigan is Ferguson, nd othei ftie ids. -Mr. W 4e house w
accomplish a very great deal more than we January 7tb. If the Govarnment are for- gaIII overything and give n6thing, and that to eb.ffer from a ti ular diaeage, but -his ii8ter, Mrs. R. H. success. �T as crowded by in conductedn Deeci
tunate enough to gra., ually gave way befo 3 the infirmities of visiting hi other and br 1 there near h' ter highly interested audience and an xcellent lowig Tuesday �ev�
h little I Oxpectsidon of
ay.6 0
have yet clone, Canada! deed ere. Turnbull, of Hartney, A anitoba, is also
if we are so 'disposed. Win these three oldpge.. H9 was aati re of Germany and -B, McLeod, of'Pinkerto a ent last week Programocliwas gi[ven bythe little folk#,
which is not at all improbable, th g iii this direction atpresent. it P visiting with Walton frien gusion preached in,
The general complaint is that the present I Came to this Part of the )untry when it was at hiq home here.! The Bank of Hamilton -their
ey will he Mlore's ti is pity. who had been oar�fully repared by MT. 4G-raham, Of A
a lense vilderness, a
perfeetly safe for the preson
law is not rigidly enforced. That this t parIA"amOntary' I did hi' The vutertalument
a share has opened a branch bank in T. B. Sanders teacher, Misis'. Hartry. The proceeds
se ever term. If they are not thus fo !A com towirds making it the &men
is the ca nd until rtuiiate, well, country it now block, next to t, jewelry store. -William
y person knows, a 'piny in the 0 d country recently . Grey. nted to over the metubers of tbi
ljolw�s. -Reeve Turnbu.
thepreaeutlawiamore efficienly enforced we won't predict. -]Efeleaves awifer,, hree gone and five Beckett lef b forbimooe on'Tuesday.- where I and Cound Ilor
pplied tothe i Ontario Government'- for a WIN
dauightere to mourn his 10'se.-The holidays he will *visit at his hom�e.-On Monday I McDonald were entertained at a compliment -
t Heton, On YTiA
it is very doubtful if we would beaefib much block of, lend i�ll Now 0 atado on Which to havii broughtl a lot of ��People here from morning, when coming out of the librity, ag supper at Ethel one night last i - Bf�yfteld�
by any of the changes proposed, short of the ne i ly all part" of the w w e week BLows.-Mr. H4nr YOULg, formerly of MeEvay,'bishop *1
The Venezue ettle & la e number of e ibligrnta. The the John Knutson, mistaking the door, op-ned 11 presitib spent an enjoyable timli.- y goldnchaEce %ol
Ian DiffIculty. g a rld. Amon a a' this pla nd Clinton, ac
actual wipin* nu her are Mire John G.; Schluchter, hria. a cellar door and fell 'to the loot of the istaire. Mire. John Knight is seriously ill with. an companied by 'his servixce and blo#ssed
9: out of the licensing system ffer was somewhat rripting one, but th is top er Hauch and- wife, internal cancer. -Mrs. Robert Machan nds he . . . . .
Albhoug4 a good deal hike been said an� Ouis Backer and Iti is not known at time of --writing whether 7th wife, is visi g fr re. Mr. Young is Rev. Ather Gnat
Concession, has been very ill, and we are now resi in Sbuth Dakota, and speaks
Governrfie at V ty wisely refused to hand wife, D. Hubily and wife All from Cavalier 9 Rathe
and substituting for it Government control. written about the Venezuelan difficulty: any bones are broken,"but we hope to bear r Sweltzer. V
over a block of Ands to a com- Nortli a; H. dan from Pigeon,, of speedy recovery for the old gentleman. Vie- Eywans, 8t. Aga
ng. -Miss Alice highly of, that eauntry.-Mr. Wyn.-Mc-
Bub whose fault is it that the present law it is quite possible that many do, not yet p' conditions. 'But they will Michigan ; S. Holtzman fr; om Elkton, Michi- h as. W Uirtney has returned horn a after a ti xee Dougaill, of Eginoadville, was in Bayfield
i the(�p�bl ic I Dakot' Sol": gad to state Is improvi
i is not more rigidly enforced ? We have Way on -Sage,, of Michigan, is the guest 86hman, of Mactor
understand the raal situat,oai, and as - Gre%,V &e the" land -it oi settlers. on the usual terms gan ; E., Wurm fro Zim. of big parents here. her sister kn Hamiltot
become accustomed to blaming the Govern in the'Soo Mrs. 11months visit with Monday on usinese.-Mrs. John Peak, who -A bad runwal
Britain is involved in the matter, Canadi� aa1hey or6 doing with 4 somewhat � similar merinan'from Cavalier, I)ako-ta. Mrs. W. X McKay, 9th coucessior.,, Will Pat -I hs�s- been via g her daughter, Mrs; Wrn one iday
# -last week.
urnedorae._Mr� tlaat tom, was ar�
oM porn the Vnitdd States, It is not Demuth and her'sigteir, Miles Annie Fisher, -lnew wire fence acroes the I I
an co, pany front of his. 50 Dowson, of I ke, 4m ret
ment and the officials for this. We should, ars are more vitally interested in it th Z Pa
I yet known,whether or n1ot t Kippen. James Me nald z as gone , to visit his
however, look nearer home. The Govern. they would otherwise be Venezuela is a his wili be ao. werc bore att3nding their father's funeral. acre farmAs soon as weath(r- will permit. - horaes when tle bi
epted. We 3hould ba�e the good of the -Mr. Pollock and wife fr" in Manitoba. D. Hay, Comm sisioner and Conveyancer ast week P. Ferguson, 9th conceeron, ( ap daughter, re. Jolin Torrence, near."Clin'
ment gave us the law and the officias to Republic ruled over by A I i 0 are .1 for hole. Alter _V1
a 'kesident, but it settler 'in view; rat, a &if 16,11da are sold to here visiting Mrs fle, Mrs. Pollock's Wills, mortgagee and, feede drawn up. Nomyloaned ured another fox after a g od run. Peter ton, and wi spend part of the winter With woollen M Me, th- 0 i
very little of the freedom generally COMPAnic ett ilntevests should be� mobher'.- his son in Mishin ton. -Mr. John Thom�
enable us ta enforce the law. But neither has s the I lers Mile maVe 11 is home from st the 10 ivest rates of interest. 1740 -if akes great delight in a fox chase. -Mr. 9 with another rig, - i
the Government nor the officials can secure Ily prat t�d., Th will soon be plenty Saginaw, Mic e NOTEs-Mr. John son, on J
supposed to eXist under the Republican fu r ugan, for t ' holidays. -Mr. McKay, lion of M r. atterson and Miss Clora Patterson, h 0 Of -i Mr. James Thomson, has e,
of demand for he Ian e.1 y,'whp is studying medicine in maddened barsecoi
its, effic'ient, enforcement without the aid of form of government. P Josi4 h Geiger, is here from Cavalier, Dakota, G. T. iZ;Ka ave been visiting friends h �re for the p %at turned from tr1ip to the Rainy Riyer die� the -front bob unti17
is ident Castro is Detroit, is homel for the holida�s.
and �Ar. Alf. eiger, who I -Mrs. triet -of Ne 1 -a the people. Itis the same wibh all laws an d as been -attend- inonth, hav6 returned to th�ir home -in Mus. w 0 t ri. e' pe� highly of Nobody was hurt.
despot of the rankest kin and he 'main� Thetru tees of the' achoola in :Ottawa ing CD11ege in- arperville Illinois, is also at James Smillio, 0 the village, is visiting oka. -Miss. Campbell, whd is now tte & the - future Possibilities -df that new
this onelanot exceptional in this- respect. tains big position the I arental ome. -Mr. with her son a d daughter in Lambtou ng the Normal School at country.- - k: Erwin, James Ferguson
by the most barefaced recently0ept home with each Child 4 ticket b. Lahmon has - Lpndon,has been L Marys ha" bou4b
In, order to ensure a rigid enforcement of the corruption and terrorism. I i county. She alsolintends visiting her sons ol� John Ferguson, 4d. Alexander Ferg.0 2
all b a ohildre home 01th him for the holi- ngaged as second teacher i the Cranbri BoyWe'Iblook sn3 pil
The public revot requesting the plarehtctowrt.te on iti-hether in Michigan. Her many friends here wish who have been sailing on the upper
ayo, with, t is excePtioi of one, Mrs. C. chool for'1903 as Miss Cali �er has resign id,� sout of Mainstreet, -Mit
her a-pleasant'visit.-Mr. J. B.. McLeahlo I I
law by the officialr3 alone, there would need enues are being used for the most C or not he desired his Aqd�4' to havo bowe Boasenbe6y, he resides [in Cavalier, D' dris. George Patterson had tb ake are home for the winter. -J. A. Pck,
to be fifty or more inspectors in this count,, i a- Q misfortune Messrs. Larkwortk�
purposes and the people alire ground down' studies. When. the t o4ets were roturne4 kot. It is a happy famil'y" new residence iontaritig Completion. When offallingdowna stairlasti weekand wasi Who is a resident of Cleveland, is home for
i ' gathering and is finiehed Wwill ad Purpose ofopening;
it was found that t! a -he d 1 nto.-There waa ij
great joy to t age par, 8 Considerably shaken up, but we are plew *ness in that to_,�
ut this number is not necessary it the large sums of me a good furnoub at tho well as to the appearance of his fine farm.- to learn no bones were brolhn.-The tr is -i' long �carried on by'
instead of only three, as is now the ca 'e. by this oppressor. While 6is is the case 3e! jJare�ts hall" voted I much to the comfort a' the' bolidays.-Mr. ohn McLeod Is home
con council nomi�- ed for the Christmas season. -The Pi.esbyterian buij
ney are owing to the cap., more than two to one! in flavor oi, home Your correspon4rit wishes all a merry tees of the school In section Premi it,
. i Sabbath school hold � their annual,Christmas -and busin,
work for.the pupils. That is not iiurpria- thing es
people would do their duty. Any person italists of other countries, I and mpre par- nation mell here on Monday and every- Phriatmas and a I Happy New Year. -The No. 8, haive (ri- tree entertai �ment an Christmas ight, an
seei paesed off agreeably. There is to Jbq aged Miss Agnes E. Smi fo next year Mr. Win. Lester.
ing, although some people se'am to think it .11 r
ng the law violatea in any way can have ticularlyto those of Britain and Germany,; a four- handed race this bi' acrament of the Lord's Supper will be die. the Church of Enol d Sabbath school on
me -and may the b a salary of $290. Mis 'An
Edwardk -Anniversary -Be
is. The �,obablk feel that a, bdat inen win. -Mr, 11. Tru;emner has bEeja 'r -
the offender punished by a simple process ;, thel
parents pi, oneed in St. An'drew'schufoh, the first resent teach 306h.
for Government works con�tructed,by them' reasonable amount of 4orhe etnd is of ad- er, will go to he Northweiit,� December Xorth orington.
had without incurring any personal odium and other liabilities have abbath of January. Rev. of
t Pi mon, Mi6higan, seeing his aged father, Neil Shaw, 14th inst., conduct'i
b1l vantage to their child�e4, end they
by! think gmondville, will conduct the preparatory
of Mit-ohelL A tea
they are the best judges as t6. what should -rvices on the previous Friday at eleven 0
risk wh 36 teer, aad at, a cost not exceedirig injuries done to the perso and property of
o, en incurred
residing in V be set. When 'Iteacheral a44 parents co- Hensall! agiving ser- the following eveni
private individual has to do, is to send the en-� Perate,4'ethey�should, deUvered b V,
ezuela, in connection Wit �oina, work will not will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Fletch. Re
name of the per he 4!bused. SIT YO
the price of a two cent stamp. All that any citizens of those countries , 7 Vock, and on Monday, thank i i
h the revolutionary To REN -T. -A first-claEs bkick store to rent, I LE F RGET
-son violating the law to the situate d on bho Main street in th )r, of Thames Roa .-The schoo Witebell ; Baraby
troubles. President Cast e villa- of Hensall Is are now
mapector, together with the names of the rc, relying'
on the, known as store N�o. I of the Bell BloO, which was' �losed for the bolidays.-Miss M. MCXXVre 'verton. The Rev.
i� r. B. Ei Wal
assistance and encouragement of ker,, gliniir�l!oanager of the repently ocoupied by F, G, Arn0d, who Garried -of the church)
on a
6 United en teaching In nui W X IN lux Int re
e of a now home nishad
of Co is a clear the lic t business stands in the place and has a irst
stances attending States, as rendered him oil a for I genjrql store and millinery business. it is on r:
witnesses and the- circum th who has be nber 10, loy
r Occa- CaE adian Bank af ter
i i I r w ic dist c
the offence, and it is title inaPector's business ion, not -oniy refused to p thinker, a abrewd obserV2 r a d a keen man class flar and Is fibbed with dwe)iing ibe returns to the same scho"O'l for another Let us call your affintion to the fact that we k�ep inoving, like the Town urc
roams on the
Y these obliga-
sewn floor. Ibis avery comfortable building mud rear. She has proven Perself a good teacher -ai the alert to �3uppi tomer8 with all
to prosecute. According to, the law the tions, but insolentl ref us of t usiness In an into vie with the re'� lically nevr, having beeal ereated Only four C1 ck above us, and are dw s on J I J
y Q to give %uy Is pract our cla,31
person giving the infor' 3 : . years q� o, it wil be rented for i 6nd the Pupils can� b well afford to lose her. the latest goods.
prei entatIve of a term Of Yeareat'a
Mihne'a olis
mation need not ap. satisfactory acknowledgement. Repeated irecen - reason; lerent. For furtberliaitioulars address the -Master Cliff WMson is spending his holi-
pear or be known in the matter in any way, ly, ie discussed the bommerel a�l relations be� -prnpr4tor, ROBERT BELL, SesfOrth, or apply per- days with Mr. James Dick, Seaforth.- -A� rX! R.ALID
attempts an the part of bon Germi
ally and
t sonally! to G. J. SUTHE 814-tf FAII W-kehil-new), 11 1 Our ape
further than to notify the inspector as -we Britain to get a oettleme twe an Canada and the, Jnibed States and �daster Wilfrid Mollie is visiting at. the cial Black Poau-�e.-Soie Silko lust arrived, woAII181.25, for 89c, is a beautiful t
r any recog- Im - ar a arth oa
. Our a , 1 er bushel_
have indicated. This,, surely, is a very I the robAilities of sllciu�iijp �ocAL BR , s Cola closed f cr �ome of Mr. and Mrs. William ing mas present. See oUr ran.fe of Colored dilke fo Peasper bushel
nition of their Claims having failed, they- I � ecipro th r Waists, at 50c a ard.
ti g another r ti 04ristmas olidays on, onday - evening 4�m Tuckeramith.;-Mr. John Moffat has' easy and safe opera on. Yet, undertook to discipline tj city treatyi, Amofig her things _y per bushal.�
i is de�inquent Mr. laqt---Misg M Coll, of Gi #indly remembe ter, MiEs
how many people, even allgow, Scotland re - his dough IN DRESS GOODS,
I nd Butur. *ub
Walker said "The* Mrs. Jofin Bell and fam'- Lilly, In the way o a Christmas present-, by We have, all the newest makes at very low prices. Out ure, wool Amazon Clotli, ver
B.tua�tion was- bad
of those who are debtor. Atone port the easels of the a visiting Mr
continually shouting ily and other friends, Mis Jean Dick, pro� Plour, -per 190 me -
for more stringent Venezuela na enough prior to bho enactment of the Mc� : �resenting her with a new organ -Our 9c a yard. I a Caabmeres and Serges at
engaged in rain market
temperance legislation and often abusing vy were seize � and t', is was festional nurse, who has b en for t4e pas wee",, wor!th 50c, reduced to 3 Ul th leading sha:des i,�
i Kin ley and Pingley tarif of Am new -
followed t few has 3 0 yard. Twenty-five pielces of Homes un to go at ikearly half price, 50c a yardi. Hides per 100 -be-
laws, buh they� Toron o for sorr e time een ver
the Government and by the bombardme at of t e forti- 1 past$ is home visibing _V brisk owing to the large quantity
gavq-Canixd�an exporp t le to the United" 'heF P ent
officials becauee the fications of another princir al port' a, Mi. and �homas Dick,- o grai -Excellet and appro.
This 8tat�eei a tordble blo*. in coming in. n
law is --not more rigidly enforced, vVill ttake he Canadian ar OTH E
seems to have brought Prea,dent. 6 �f Mr. F F. Baso 3, of 6,Mtc. w R SN�P.
�stro to mero who as in 'the vil- riate Christmas services were conducted PAOC-ft -per butab tme
even this much trouble to have it enforced doperil n Ithe American� lage Iliat week. -Mr. Arn Id Macarthur; i St."Andrew's chu'reh by Rev. Mr. Me Ye have! just received o r Xmas lines
his senses, and -�finding t at is 1 . One line of pure ]Lihen 7!1 1XW'
e mar rets Were in des�air, _eached Table.,
I th Unit d One patron of wfio is attendin In 3h -3od per mordlong). -
Mr: Walkior?s bank Who College at �ondob, is home ennan and in the Methodist Church by the wide, worth 85c, for a yard. W
0 be his ally in vi as In the egg e i
x-! for the ChrJatm W3-od.-perloord fthOsAl
and the violators of it punished ? We leave States had declined t the 8 and New -Year's vacation. iev.lMr. Mallott, on Sabbath last. Peculiar J
por n; business, had made SlIQ0,000 out
(-a0h one to answer this clueation for them- repudiation of his honest del,')ts, he has con- the merican. trade. of -Mrs D. B. M)Lean is spending Ole hoji.' a i1t; may appear, both gentlemen took their Gents' Furnishing.4 and derwear. why
o. d1scourse from the same text. I On Sabbath 'All this Oepartment ffi quickly, Prices out aWay down -35c Ties foi 19a $1.
selves. In t1lbreelyears he lost day ae son wit i friends in Toront MI
seated to an arbitratiol'i of 1 the ol 'ms of it, al tryio o open al mar i hted ftrk, per 100 Z#-_
mek up fbr� the lost Amei icaill market. Alt lin Sabbath evei 19 Mallott will Preach sermons S ir, to Vool Box, two Pairs for 25c. Gents' Under- TAI per Ill -
Britain and Germany again, it him. Eng- to, white and colored 75o : Gxents'
R is not improbable that there are many g iet in England tot Paul's church w is r the first time, n6xt, Rev. Mr'
t, with electricity, fi�tirig for the New iYear. -M lea Mary Me, w ar-a peo
people who,are even yet riot aware of what the i nd of:three years hi Iin`g las ial table of fleec d line
land has agrebd to accept th a mot�y was gione.: and was found % great imp. -o d, wed and union, worth 500 to 753, a pecial out
PspropositiQn, vement.-Mr. on the- PrIce 38caeach.
But he had learned hbw'�tc sell C
th 998 in Eug- and Mrs. Moorehouse and Miss Cook, Live St�
of 1 18 Mary
the present law will accomplish it it were and in so far as he is concerned the !trouble 1 land is h proving. - Miss
T�eviri, wboforsombweeks has been
enfcreed. We ahall, therefore,. refer to some isaupposed to be at an end for the so it had been wi other lines. Saginaw, ichigan, iare vi Ring Mr. and �11 s many friends who will be pleased to LoxDo,�s- Englav
resenti. iThe high American tariffs ba�, openea- #` F le w Suggetions in
P, nd othe, relatives here, h ar of her recovery. -The MisseflAarjery
nPerance reformers Gerany has not yet acceptbd !eyes of the Canadians to S Buying. emu cattle,7d ; 401
of its provisions. Tei the Mrs. 1'. J.D. Cook a
wou Po -
Id do well to study that law. We ven- I this pro! were other t e fact that there -Mr. "'a6orge Joynt, who hi a been in Luck� a d Barbara Me ever, of . Clinton, are Parses. Fancy Handkerchiefs, Cuff Bultons, Breeches a bealitif I lin of fancy Pim-le DPCC
sition, but the probabil ban Ame1rican ma, -eta, e
.itiesi are that she, They now fo a- number of monthil, assist' his 3nding Christmas holidays at the home of anA fancy Glass and Silverware J'usti purchased for the Xmas tkade. S go 0 r lin of
"lot only did,that, but t eyiiaroused op tie. f sheep,' -6d
ture to s3y that most of them would find in will. Most people will b.1 pleased t the brothe iia the evaporator b tsiness, hall e. Miss E. Kettel ton. --Miss Laura Nichol, of no elties. Dec
8 ll'-Mis I
if any municipal council... is
a e o mal�.e a set rket and readi; sted hersolf who has been in Toronto on a visit the village.�Mro. R. B. McLean, on Men- -80ineof Ithem r4-tb
bat ifighUng spirit of �the Can%dia' a. Having turned: to Hen Farquhar, is the guelob of Mrs. D. Hay, of A � A A A know nothing. nt Iound a -food Ina
it sume proviRion of whose, existance they Britain bas been bl t lilemel Ily MoEw zip four -fifth of th
hout r �tb changed condi 1 8
Veveloped from of V they were not in 4C
of her difficultieswit sort to, arms t da I !had rapidly returned �home.--Mr. Isaa 'Buohanan da 'last, disposed of 22 turkeys for Christ. Higheit Prices Pa
Pciud to " banish the bar -room " it can It is so recently sinoe a to a id'for Pr6dulce.
do sly in two y'ean be ha -emerged from ich country. the Gi�'elph Agricultural College, is- iome male. Mrs. McLe6n knows how to raise 10er will not be zoU
fime:when t e 6
First, it can cut down a desperate struggle in Sout 'There was a lus on a vI ;iti-The sacrament of the L rd.'s good. fowl and wel her many customers
the Afric� that gric Itural products of flaw head of choi�e I
licenses to One. Second, it On ariqla amount- Supper was dispensed in Carmel Preabirte - know it. Higgins, of Brucefield but the butchers, `wl
won roh on S bbath morning last. 'The was in the -Agency -.prices for tbi
re inter ommil ai. prepar
to� fs
a h 11 r
I[ y I
Or R
6 cc
lip e6
serv.oes- on the r making his E With the nrim e nil
although the �ees of 81,000,000�apicce or ilgach of two noon prl ng,.,vorq conductedby Rev. Mr. friends. We are always pleased to have a
within the municipal limits repu lic Of 4ustoners ting'aged in th _F !day after. Lanual c1all among his many old GO about 5c per ponril
retail Z11 e of' liquor, whebher in saloon, her welfare. For' oanwl an Da k of'C h� 'O�ydi
to the e'eA)ra a bY-law prohibiting the very unwelcome to all who a ted in ndleda bu
d -to 0111Y""Z5000,000, bit last year the ian Chu iliage & fore part of last week
cau submit another difficulty of the klind Id be ir -Mr B R! 11,
or shop, e , LE 0
1 Venezuela would not likely stand on; long autfactu port trade. Small, 4 Auburic.- r. W .. Pearb ' ho shake of hii hand and see his smiling face
riog de*elopmeat haM�l kept Palo' oat- 31 to 41c, ai
Is hah bee in the N ea for the
past Y'ea is, Our village blacksmiths, during the mo* -L OARDNO 00 SEAFOR H
nth 24' to 31c per Dount
from $3 to $14 eael
8heep �tol�