HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-12-26, Page 2- 7
'7 WE
H D. C
e iA ujx'a'n, 'leave.trie coun- r)y we 1 01 t1le pr-E�y,, Just 00
re' th set 0ail from
A 002L
ada, i
W11 lot thee at e�cter -N81 "ING
LYING JN A 139f G borh iii Bethlehem f J udaea, 00. Tn or N, ER t Xing. 0- ario �e che nged whole- LE M
0 un
I eves in I the gest ion wa4§ made th&t our Colin
hellAess U'at the lo liest of. tile 16 %y 0 dt hiptory. When su
You have a
l5r will ni)t have a itor, humble
ver dziomwl 1 t' r&4 his back up- tr pet) pay a little mon
ple should
DIVE Tt OF THE to tile- Nrorld tj
BUKE DISGRACE. y in Go �Ahe xkilght,3�, waves of the Atlantic attention to the apl)cariince Of �hp,4
STORY OF THE A vorld han thou. placed t'you
n a' is face Ao
forth �my $on, not 0 ly to atone for cean, tu ward homes and thdir surroundings: body.
CHRIST CHILD 21000 YEAFt'1,8 AGO. People ard becoming Dre practical n wad" and at th'i your
dge Inglish journal* t
tile � sins of the worlo, but also to I on 144100 a lip bri and F, is reported to hav( bapp case
r -mdh t1l't coul(
until iit last said-, that the wa jotrength and
teach all sinful, MG that .1 am God y. and Pres. o re
A,,Sad letter from a lady whose
-e u
don e I the way o season of d cheer, ar always on the look t for some -
f iwliroi�
dVathor the. God 9f Love,?' Could Oliver Cromwell b me the ruler Of be 1706 -t May
Kin harl s ead fell places they had n tked in: pa
Husban was Dissipated. THE FIRST GHRISTN 3 'SONG. ne' I
th 1 ove have been manifested �Vnglatid and e '* h' ssing, usbs
j - - i - _!�,
ay than b�r i �t 74le istroke 'of t 0� public- execution- or in titig of a gi- t�
in more simple w sta e, the p an thing Useful Is �well as pretty to ve a frieii4'pr relative -to kieep 'a axe. u isli, the u 0
Christ radle beinj � the mangor of the roUlov., n o
The Echoes of TUM Angels' ilabyzave together.
he mang
qhI6m, of Judaea? T er riot: teach that the whitewash-�, bru all j or tile Cl eqBnj
fl#w She Cured Him with a Be W
B- Imany
�hai Ut
Reverberateii Down the Lgeff MoLking In the daTkesi, days,- of an -'earth- i U And what! 61 ulA be or 404, a pretty
0 0 t. 20, 1895, 1 was brought p -of -the f ya�ds, the plantinj MOD useful C
Ii r 01krial an's life I he is, Inever out of
lKen, Xorb ]EEnman, and :18 umane, nd to !face witil 't e true teachings
aet Remedy. illigh,
of a few lowovs, All this
h III otont h I)IiI, thei,e -a pair: of susv6nder i* some w�arm ui 4ereloWfng or many
Bringing Brightness.. and Elapluess to of tile m' Chri -as neve� bo- as no easoi
i t of an O�n er's Pro- come� lat w 'As vel .001cy
01 1 ecting are. 11
forf it' le 0 -the most over- 4why it sh uld: not con710 at once, a -
the World'& Children Ever since.
wh( lmin� �days of* life. . It h 11, eights i tpon wh ch is builded'' the it was s cas'lly 4one, and, if don( fulnk you. im
ap things we -carry In stock. iYou*illbesurprijea how plear,_4
-e of D� tlilehep� and walk
-ing to Act of J?ar I iament of Can- M-4- 0 by every, one the
Entered accord ill , 1 tl vil AL i*egate of plea
rene'd. 1111 Bethleh of Judaea. I need to be
adapin tho year- 1902, by Wffiie i it Baily. of To-, s
the morn
wa denc WOU4
in the mW and Vid Upli
Lti g, ensit plong the deserted� stxect
routo, at the DeWc of� Agrioull i ire, Ouiawa- ting in thro., Greek Ca1holie surb
rgh-t ho ir of ihe frst MristmiLar -day
jchiitch, which is,9 posed to 4ave be great antly and as ly t ahoppi thw
0hria ag an be� dofie at ou-r
and see the little � canale-light . of bounq
r3 j
th There
Chicago, Dec. 21..— ropriate to n. e i&(&t1_ a r a fe* parts of the cou
P ereetW directly upo leataractl
stab�exnan's lant6r.n -flitting about
I i is the fol- -of our En -
the approaching celebrat pot where esus was born. In t dro tam the mill
to which he 4int lish'vis-
Rev.! p in an ee.
on W
might at f -01�k 4
F. De Witt over JrSt little mor(
the� Palo face of Mary the Virgin we
lowing sermon by thaj hallowed place I had read-- i itong does not�aPPIY-
'od Talmage, on the epochal i thinik that the tldineM at out;; th e f arm -b Ouse, in
Ont of thO and': over again the of the
I "ather b o:d day and, nj
d -an left alone 'I tile -9
yards and 61011f, fences wouk
g in a mang the appear C(
world's history, from, tM te-vt Luke nativity �.until it, S 9ts 11 "
�_med though the Divine s 0 u, ut d i lie?
'"Lyin Nvonderf
ii, 12, the:lwalls �of th t ed'fice were MUS, luri4 any itinie Of speed
an aera 0 "1 - , Could c �Iis laur
I1QW large is crib? chalged itito a stab�le andAhOlight of the fa -.The rnst o.f This
inie� and labor would be Iftawin -9 your
1, ather ad forsal�en' him, as h
e oil ce
i d by, T-1 ie satisfaction. every thfif- at nee
feet long and two feet ride. :It is was a candlelight helid in the caxpej- pft and th
d ubbn t
ia dying agoiiy ad e cross'?
an Wera,,ge man- ter J I(oseph's handi a d while I read ty farmer feels in go nea-i have erouih
as large� perhaps as �eoing thin So
;��p e athly I trlil� �ay that the Divihe
ae. suppose," you answer, ibout fcur whWh' was burningl,upen the altar amply re,
r BRjr T� B.,RU
Ch, no, eks or '!perhaps months be-�
t the end -ff
ger a of a 'a stall at the nativity -account SH -it t
over and' over and clea I etinle. �
I fore the ivity Oad had pr6pai�ad
which the four legged wijuials munch I S ddenl heard the -oft whispering, wolild be in almo t every case q tools,
on y9ur
lace by whiih fhe ijifant Christ
�wgrd fot greater tid-ines., to yxjr, body,
their oats and hay after �L long, tire of Qhant,, I listen d and, at firs
iould b a, bscaper! the M b I q tto tangible re day's work." Yes� nly frien sai,4; "It: cannot be. proU.1 of thE
some 1,T 0; am ous swor of I -in an increase in tl e
Ulei bloody!tyrant, Bar -
Another wi
listo ing only, to tb eyesorer.,
31 -farm. Oe of the greateli tie vVill
Your deja ition is so - ----- 4or bus
Woe -s i�onths'.bef you are right t1l echoes of MY old. or perha0 ore
completely right that in his Ohrl owlx� iniag(nation," But the fain
hbout farin b 'ildin , and ard
Jesus wit bol"n the strane st' �,p- 4 aw ar L i
,;�, 1 ad Then I(
to preach weeds, the badge ofj '.he Lai6iriftyl L11
mas sermon I ani goinh chat ting bftau to A
red in the 1 far east.! That stgir tbougbt .910 0
I had f5r years patiently borne the 4isgrace, -41�pooIle ex are not only a j abou 3omin
a. famous manger, which was I saw a niultitude i world �over. They Tho lUng c f lkalpgoe— IDUCWS
misery and prirations duL, to my bus- once used for,a cradle. even theii. had! guided thb three wise 06 'eff
9� am going through the church d+or as'the shop- blemish to the liome and its, -.su
band"s drinking, lliear:ng of your mar- Men over the own-tains Iand thr.ough
to talk about a atone ni,,nger, hewn herds 3nust have I once crowded roundin but they are a mellace t means �Soxneth
-enness, which f I
vellous remedy for the eure of drunk cient thdlillag�s over thp long, hot, f,
out of the solid rock- vhich near- through the entrance j of the an every field in the 11 i1i'liborhood. IV. siven -end, I
I could give my husband secretly, I decided to thirst
I y d(sert that they, should be As iffone, try it. 1. procured a package and mixed it in his ly 2,000 years a(r w Laid. a new- stable. Then the pr cession came destroying them th oI
able to k I -at the matiger. It was
fo�)d and coffe laid at ray t1irough t impro Lenemy Tm"y se womn you are ewr.,
e, and, as the remedy ws odorless born babe. About this nanger the ilearer and nearer an( the home �s 1�fl Wi
v d wid an
ie warnings, of -these three
w wfiat it ws th-It wise men from tile east a rid the sep- feet the body of a lit'le child, As I wise nien that J the whc farm rewoved. -takes -steady
ad tasteless� he did not kno Ile will put up with an inferior
-tvini Of
es;,us wold be able
so quickly relieved his tr. r for liquo'r, He herds gathred, and o-ei it tile an- satthere and lobked qt the face of to e,,.�cap Another unnecess-ary'blemisli is thq 'Yu get Wi
food rt!urned, he stuck to his work regularly.and temples and I
gels sang the first lulla.,y in the. the dead b4by I whoED funeral- was 11 �ss of at Bothle4iem hight. angel heard of
a into Egypt. IJi Ahe daxk- cooking appaiatus. She has
soon beg,;n to pick- up flesh, hi� appetite for solid heap of rubbish -that often I
chant of the Christma ng. This now'taking place i�ny went corner of the -yard or e4cumbeis a
Out N�dngs -vvr- sp�ead'cv: that humble
we now have a happy lionle. After he Nvas corna- r tality- when
Is ipianger o nil
-id done, when
pie ely cured I told him .% hat I �bz stone cradle 'was th in sll,, )atby to 'the p)or mother. I s, able, angel f surrounded the portian- of the garden. Ts Prime You I
he acknoledged that it bad Lcen his saving, as Bethlehem of Judvt:e&. 14 was the seeiued to be carried back to -th The'
virgin mothe :and angel Vices greet- -st r deposit of is made therc
he had not the resolution to break off of hii own imo 'When the Mvine Babe lay in wd most va�
first earthly reatip:g place of the t thaTeit shtill 1,e only Lho ntentioll is
-ed the-' newborlil. Monarch oi 'the ages Lord ever VII -11
accord. I heartily -advise all women afflicted as that stable manger, S ielded by th,-, -,N ith am; h nly s6-iig. tenil'oraryi but thl! heap g110w Divino.0hild, who was the -son of They sango
s ii ap
the nbilify "k
I was to give your remedy a. trial.' -also' the inoth& love, which is always divine upsightliinc�q an there it
Mary the Virgin and was ize )aild. d �Py
loud that the i;helylierds upon the hill -
and pamphlet g full
and tb lo
Ivinj ly begotten Son the Pather love, and, standing by the Bethlehem , ,des fell I w OnubU o'so'illeoii
niains a in
FREE SAMPLE P. ow in. a swoo Ow'Lh Oht
rtioulars, tesiinlonials on n. And so
mantgret, with the dead body of that Ut the dai ke days of our lives, ines�s and 'procrastination.
and pricei sent in plain sealed e. -e. God. Let i�
pondence sacredly confidentil. Enclose stamp But while -we may, try in this village babe at my fe 3t, I could re- we f lcl�qhat we are forsaken by. share the late of the weeds and whftt�
for reply.* Addre.;z The Samaria Remedy GO., Christmas sermon to picture the alize, as you in the same surround- , ge, A
-ill improvement is wrought n thO
God and niqla, Pod's:angela are ie Corrugafeq Oven
23 jord -an Street Toronto, C' manger Ohrist, yet we in,mt be care- ik.-,s could have�realizad, that Qod's,
ils,1GOdIs eyes are seeing of the place. and her neighbors tell her Wat it will do. -story th
ture by re-
fdl not to weaken 0 all his children is a tender!, ul;, aoajs Lar s hearing crazy ence before tb
ur pic love for
us, God's
'false legends and plea�lin-, ling love, a divine ve is �all arowid us. We rattletrap ga_t a sil rl
citing too much the yearn
Protecting 10 e hanging by
REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE. If by chw2ce y erits "Qf the "HaD All gambia
tile fictitious -vtories- thatj have been. love wli� ell. "passeth r understand- af-e no more florsalcen bv God than hinge, ljro �en windo-%N-s in the o�t�
SFOR SALE.-Itare ar Mns in farms n BethldUm kh ing"'! and- which ab [des with u Thought you owe it to yourself to invostigatej. 8ee the Rauje, Some Of It
-ritten about the 1 $ the manger of Bothleheni was colej-' buildinga--all these can I w an be mended
thaTownshipa of Hullebb, orris,snd Wawa -
We must remember that e many thro gh life and beyon .1 death. tially forsLkeli on �the night that Je- without nipch expense, took into the firebox and R ie,1, weigh the, covrs note the p
14- so old as to I
a9b,county of Huron.. Irkaire a,, once. wM but they can- atented
erstitious may Of TA
CAMPBELL, Blytb, Out. _tf iven as a n.
Christmas sup be a, Th� m4ngei� C rist was gi sus was bor not be allowed to remain in their
dampers, the Ventilated, ill- uninated oven, ithe 6rMgjttd -oven
positive hindrance col usion . to hilman exam-Vle for sin I ul man to, f ol- The onir, iprelsolit God will not for diltipidate condition without ijico upiers of
MY FOR 8 ALP,. -In. best 'n
20 ACRE FA wheat belt
trd t4e grave. Ile ca ole instant, Nre o -ff
the gospel stude as P, wrong low this; side of me n. 111'n the dareat bf veni�,enco id 16ss t and all the di nt feat s that make th'o Range s di rent teresting set
in Southern Manitoba. Ninety, mores remily for and
use of books can someti: s weaken to pro that by �ihe f -race of God it days, turn a d�i�af or in unheeding ear their unsil tliness, ' d their, d crior. tions, of teir.
wheat next year; 60 acre% Uy. Good- new stable ail roo sup
Twelve dollars per acre. Seveiral the inleUect of a modern' !profession-! i,3 po.Aqsi tau an bein
and granary. t� to tho weakest 1110 -St liell)less 6f ing effect pon the f arm' er and his:1 You don't know trne hotiathold coltifort If doult k#ow
le for a h
other'improved and prairle Urms for sale. Write is Christ- eutimly UUL
CHAS. E_ SH&W, B3x.17, Bolasevain, Manitoba. al man So to -d overeoin sin; he caine to prove it, all 111�,, childrell. One, daN-the, bal?y family. sands of vis'
..9 TO follo the advi e of ou
or Christ The Happ Thought" Rsmgo.
67-tf mas serulon u hecail,,e Christ as born Just k,s we bo,,%,, of 7 (list pon the m ed father andmoth- r
%gee, in tho
ver up all tie fictitious are, I)onp of our bone, and flesh er v, little lish visitors would not be a great�j M. Ated cautogue. The mo
we would co of vas very Mck. When, their
st I
-FIA K IN MoKILWP FOR SALE. -For sale, th%t descriptions which the am0us1 art- our 'flesh. He was tempted justa NI -L's abo to be put to bed oil undertaking- for if each fdrlUer Nvouldr
very desirable tym, the oil homesteid, Lot 27
-lit e crisis of the disea�e devote each year only a few hours to Made story of the 1)
efore we mu
Goncessicii .3, McKillop, containing 100 aores, ali ists have painted. We ould close we, are --empted., Thei st tile Ilh, )f STOA4, ouplers bell
olleared and in a good state of cultivation. Beautiful the lid of every hook w ich 'in le- continilti' ie o li�r father. Then, in li�r good housek eping about his ho Tir T1_10 AWA. butH er
by� the I 11oly 14pirit's she can t
e me
home, splendid f rutb orobard, plenty of water and gend would try to tall t�s th. c him or else fway, she said: "Papa, the tidi whole country do that the h
ing require lies of tile
to -night that tem" that ev4
at on power, strive t6'� be lil�_ God the Fa- would be wonderfully increased.
everythi d. On1v one mile north of Sea -
0 _18es or to Seaturih Post the can e none of Ills 0'
forth. Aplyontb in night Jesus was borll� thosheep wy 1) r ii t
c*ttle and tj r E;a vi, 111hr
ful men the lit get well? I am
Is one day, a
the horse bended tile knee, !as did t0a exalnple of t.110 oil a woe Saforthu
Office. sqS11 GOVENLOCK 1809x4tf and the goats and th6 0 to sill human sold CHESNEY M I L EY
Ina Ur� little bit of a girl, and
r or a p
FOR SALE. -For sale Lok P7, Con- year on i0fel
Crime In London.
cession t, b1cKillop, cont%lnin.- 100 acres, all od pradtically comes to ou t o hear
ARM wise men to worship God Alight not be� willing
F pose.! at Alonte Car
A, well fenced, underdraifivd and and says - ave
of which is clear, And! in the sim- Rarely does- any official report con -
kind me (Y-Sitifil, n, ill e pry, 1, ut god would always'li
L in & high aUte of cultivation. There is a good ood PrIday.
tile newborn Child. L tain such epres in matter as -that�
ple nativity account written the Your -61-vation was no wroug"h-C out I
by titilato li-tellito voll for yoll
d on the
oriok house, targe bank barn with stone sbablinF,
ould find th
water and a, good orchird. It to with her St. Luk great big, strong man." IVJ .1solls just issued from the home
plenty of in biograpi e we Oil pi opent
for you by an act: of itonement, per- L
p tUat the s)bbi at -first pers,
two mUee of Seatorth and ithin a mile froca a four underlying gos el pi� nciples, or foriii�:,d' in heave Ti > redeem y ng ather took his lit- oftlice. It f Drinally records th dur- Me
I hist y3ar the -ntiraber of people
school. Apply on the. promises or to Sestorth P. 0.
reasons why Jesus should have open- frohi. sini han sa tle, girl in,! o his arms as - lie said
J11, m ('arlin. God will have time -
in prisoa increased by between 17, -
ed. his earthly eyes firstln a olable rifice. Iwasr n�eessaw to qet be- of venerable
000 and 13,000, as compaed with time; but,
fore vou. an ideal lif -C it pi- and not in a, palace e to hear 3 ay for yo,'Lik babj
&FX FOR SALE, -Farm in StAtiley for sale. Lot t_�heref Ore my 0-
-he whole rendering of -ths' verse of S E.Ak- �6f the tables,
29, Concession 2, containing 1100 acres. All T only 'bQott en. tlicr. If ou Fill pray, darlin- - -In London crim-
F ;Son to�k upon bint
%rdwood bush. It is '�Alid this or our 1. ttle. brother, th' largelY increased that
c.ear but 15 acres of h in a good inality -has s
my tet reads thus: a 1; Ill. for 0 u 11 YOU -A A A A A"A A 14 A A A A 'A A A
state of oultivatiort, well fenced wad underdrainel. in dnd lNed among you bring flogers
shall be f or a sign un yqu; ye tl)at y0ji, inight see w4at hunian a little- bit of God, if betwq.en 3.000 and 4,000
Therelsonthe farra two b)6ras, with stabling, and a rva- liprisollers
ece of ifiom
Ing house. it. is oonveniently situated, Shall find the babe pped in ture c -,an becom
8 �wheti'God dwells'in tQs!sary,,w,ll turn to the , ancrels and of both sexces ha-ve to be transferred
The Wheel is
mil and j mile, from Bord!s sahool. , swaddling stop that slijig in,ifial jails for lack. of dg:- rhe season for �he lo'king about for Furniture is,4thand, The4uanti� clothes, in d man- it. I ilowed Ohrist �to lie in
4: Address 0 inquiries to JOHN.McGREGOR, on th sal cry falls 1
e 8top that singing ri
ger." The manger is r. simplita-ed' rr it awii.3 Foj* quate ai=hinlodation in �the metrop_� dosen% matter, but iIhe ty is every W, tall y u anv Q th
premises, or MRS. D. WGREGOP,, 2nd Conoeasion, 0 that you, 0 Ohildren, raight ell 0 uaU,
: nianger. , 0 - quali thing
Tuckeremith, Seaforth, Oat. L768-tt and tenoer manifestatio4 of tile di- wy down WC%e Olis. Nor;us this terrible' gro 4 e Ulm
copy his,life whell i -tlo earth. tbeie i§ wth of
es s was a lit
ni y n4 that i's the best. man has *on
rl NxjjO 1,, for lawlessness of an abnormal charac'-'
vine love'. It is not difficqlt for the I ilid this so that you, 0 man littje. bit ofoll but o y one qualit a
matlon 1
AM FORS -ALE. -For sale, Lot 19, Byffeld average uninspired man to, -think. -of nd woman, eou14 cop: his matured broiller, -,jnd I �%*tjrlt to 1j,,j- ter; . it app o. havo acquired nor-
-lity, i ging from W
FRoad Nortb, 8mley, oontal 1 45 e it tcn!' 'Pnd �ts Oait Christia�i fatil- ma the fact that' An inspection of Lr: stock w)uld prolve a _mu�ual Pleasure and benefit.
in a' " Jeho-V-ah as a. God of m1icstY,, Of life wh. you are n ug
cleared, underdrained and well fonC2 j1d. stl - I
4 er ST) h
who ailyj livell hurrits groin
Ingo are all good, the raBidence boing heatf-b a power, of fiery pssion, a *16od oke ty Ili-, little -.gi!l I s e numbeff of L
o of earni a'd hood. I
furnace.' There la &good bearing orchard -and two can hold the seas in the 6alm las sci-111011, 110 .111 1 12Q!_ Mam
did this so you uiighP forever have 111 this Chr:tu creased from 38,373 in� 1891 t one knows V
pf his -11;
Zoodwellk There -are eight acres in fAft wheat. 0
n or wonian, ]low hu-. 58,591 in L901. .'Duz;mg the
this plaaO adjoina the Village of Varna, and is one ]land and a God who CaIL! unsheathe before eyes tj whole I He Is the I
ie Power of a hu -
0 NV 'Pittnly 1101pleSs �-ou� mav be: no. niat- of this per� before, ou lose
of thi toost comfortable homes in the county. Ap- the fiery swords of light, Why, nian exaniple' wil i � od, and long r A he can
a tempted* as ply on tho premises or address Varna P. a. THOS ter how: d rk da-�,s highly improved: and extremely cost-�
WABD, 1 1826 U leathen in the d��Lst days you iare )tempted, and yet who by may seem
even the I C j � I must �Covnftuul
of barbaric superstition w4re able to fT10 -s ready to li,�ten ly educatioaal ma-chifiery-waB in full: TMs departmen is -complete �ith arge
I lie, Got is -ilwaN
pwer of the Uol,) 9-pirit sinnea se wti6n 6f the beot goodis 114 Sid
IC vollr� C1 �y if �-011 wili only call Ur- operation. a s a, corrective of Cr the
ARMS FOR S&LE ALSO RRTOK RE31DENCE think of such gods as-tl*t! 'When liot. it i� -not S' us to obliging attention g0en to this branch of the business. Of Alont
4fric ient for
IN �EAFORTlf, ONTAWO.-The the ri-uroelydons wLre bor-'n in tlie him for-, God is always rea(ly instincts, b t, so far 'be seen,
5; can
has for sale a number of choice tums In this vlolnity, . a3l a;axe as good a- average men., Protect you:witli e -en t appeaxs -Night calls promptly at
Atediferrallean arcldpelagol-� and in- i his love,.' v as i o have rat ten; ed to by TU thIS legel,
all first chim lands with: varying Improvements. Oue We ate n t i truly gOO4 tuitil, by the her acted as a Un&rtaker, tr
a good 226 no-rie graea farm. Plefity of money can be stalitly sprang 'up as ;full grown gt-aC(:! Of, tiar Rin ang 8 n. e s ar of stimu ant. "th, opposite the Metho
G -9d NY becc me like Jesus,� One - thing is quite clear erich street, Se dis church,
n. ade ontof this and with little trouble, simply bay- the Cast hover0d M"er'the manger on at all even,& --the exisiting system of suaded _tbat
giants and with their swiftly moving the �101; of 1
ing eattle In'the sprinir. grazinir them for the vunl� od.
ho ni ng
-%-,e toi) to wave t ht_that Jeslis was born. puni ent does not produce that *tra
and selling in tha fa.11. In fact - tbLis place has feet leaped from wa is Tha ma i-�r� 0hrist emphasipes Ahe �eoudenaned b
1z 0 ill� dea peop
Made money in this way, ever year for the P1st top and drenched their .this det ent nfluence
y I'long locks a4n
fla wit12
hwve tried to predisposed, to crim Which was hop -
thirty yeaiv.� Alsoc ZM.JLJ '0 ic
fact that infloite results which m -BRO A TIFi OT. :b -OX &V 0 a ffne raiidence In Seafir and aY 'livistnias a earth a.c h t 0 about 4 acres of orchard, gardens and plessur wide flowing robes!! with the affac ":all thel heavens and the derings ne
u �a m
Termg reaso 8. p,ger of hope and ed for"
nabl white foam and out 'f a; 'mere Satan- �jtS
es I Startlo the ut-
rounda to be had at a bargain, wh�ltai wil rooi.clW6, and f gosp,
el tr
of ,
For partichIrra apply to W. GOVENLOCK, Seafarth. ic desire to ddstroy hurled the hi iumph.,
Verse r.,i, d t o this Idild of' 3
IP- most' cir(; u mfPrences 0� the uni r a.
1826. ping upon the jagged rocks and co1- as 'w I Sold,& Shot at the Due".
7i. 4; th gr t, C E n tr�e ca
a. n this -Christ- A istory tol,
ered the surronding coasts wit tinie� be dire tly -VARS1 FOR SALE. -For sale In the township of f us Rich- joian is Abou
"Col to seemingly jil'Is 0 y is told* o the famo
tr, 1�est and thd hap -
s S. Tim, wbo -det
au When a prince, anti lie inerjlel�st of all your, sley Sheridan that- one aWreckage, it was a very eaV mattor r ri A--ator
_U Tuokeroulth, Lot 1, Concession 8. contain ng Wini ar Brin
ly all cleared and in a good afate of Neptune a
10.0 acre3,1nearl for the ancients to p ctur'
)rin thc child of a great: I j- -cs. And n when coniii4g b'adk from sho- in Iowa. MU
cultivatlog, newly underdrained, well fenced, two ow I alit t:o sum up 9ting, 11
trikin right and I ft with his tr;�- to b:u bor
M111'r IS aZ all. 4.1'. I)ZLI-ti ad with an erq�ty b
good. wells� Thereja on the plaae a good comfortable, n, Q%SPO"iallY. U9 fce be or ag, he did not like Ing �uutblnl
frame house, larga, new bank barn witli briak b283- dent and to call him! god 61 the sea lie pro�
S. if t 1) O'd 1v- e infant is to be heir W-11-te for tile holid y fostivities of th -to go home comple sa-
of telY emPty, and. PAIM and lit
ment, driv�aK house, hog pen and large hen housej When the mightk conquerors tile to till thrond -L memb ar of the - c6ming I W lit You to. arry number of ducks In a pond %All I vath
1 t seeing a
about an alare of young orchar just beginning to cast made tri plial entry after eii- net a aiL
L uni Cabi T S th ar -iyal in, -o your homes two rimbitions. rrljL1, a-riner -leaning 4of hoW Mnlej
beari� The farmis cearly all1teeded to grags, and Is om of one of tile; i In" - Lind m man -or f'
�e this Christmas the ra
ndition for either grain growing or
in excellent co try. into the. city,of With de- ant Qn a
er the royal palace, The t is t o 111 fl watching him, Sherian sald: ILI
E -tock raising; 16 aeres. of tall wheat In, and f ill riork throned kings chained to their char- 14M
artill. 'vinexi axe fttailed to immedi- d in a t "What will 'you "tl<e for a shot f the foK Th
lives. --Lift high
your c I E,
p gaping our elirlAimis t, talte half a, s neariv completed. Thi exoeVent farm Is well altuated cm1boral sense,
iot *Iieelq and th tUcir legioijs atel5 1 thu'pder he said, I will
being two miles from a sabLool. post offl Ie,_store and C�I orih� t iie news of the o tile duoks?"
blacksmith shop and six mile from Sesforth Good loaded down* with (aptur oil princ(` the over ign.11 one!
roads in all diriFction3. Apply on the promises or after whole regions lixd beer brotiglit out. is o and li
doubt but Wt
U14 gr lack cannori. C�Itldles- said Sheridan, and he fte;d into the'
address Seliforth port offleo. S.AXU&f, bfUFF, or ri O�ny pros ts as to HENEtY. BEATTIE, Barrister, Seatorbli. 18114f under the shadow of the scepter held d- -:Ai can afford t r loved ones as 'middle-bf the flock, killing a � dozen. and I'm glad
a N
in Caesar's hand, it was not 4 led dial bridled, re -lit Ahe gold
y to smeid- t1i NViSe Men biroll. "I'm afraid you maide a ba -bar- b
very difficult matter for the, Uomaiis t lin jesl1s. gain
IM IN ITAY TOWNSHIP rIoR SALE. -For a3f te Val to the nkinvon3e_ �Ud 1�lyrrh to kn id e0l:
F sale, Lot 22, -oil tlio north Boundary of Elay to build a great tem le to Uars, the ffiffer�ait
c officials. The tele- tke the the man
publi ; -,they Q&qA,t miiZe,�.',' -see, Jim, one
Towush!p. This fkrm contains loo acre.3 10 lite, Me
-god of war. It was not a -tiery diffl- gi�aplj: thrill 1'ry with frolic and vy
eleared, the rest good hardwood bueb. It is well un. joy aa oon And, if it inulst be so, lt your Good News byl'n holesale. WOOL
0 expectant -L.', illany: good things as
S! gly SSLff1_- is Sent to
-id stone houes a
dardralned and fenced. There Is sk go. cult matter to rear thi
cat L
I tho4 to of the roval it till fc just on�e a year, B-ut A postal card. sent. from Dill -villa to
withs, No, I collar; large bank barn; impleint at tvinple, even ill( ugl sa s ali�l Lho ftrtherinoSt pa C
shed - rb Vh e 70x -M, with f1rat-ola a Fihb3v r t�G 1
d i"'t cc,�� V1 a ruu'a'ddernoath; a limidreds of thousalift of ill' (11 oinains D ch joyful and iia-: -cond advive is of -far greater One of the absent brethren reads: WATED
good oobard; oo all
wells and cistern. There Is 121 acres of faD wbeat ivoin(,n had to be a -a its �ioiiaf exl)bCtvqicy �Teefed the earth- "Dear J ini, N
EI t 1111 tile -venng hour of Uthin' but good ne
sowed on a rich tallow, well martured; 40 aercs Ilrille Lind thoucr ter than med
11 the wall of' tile 1;V 11 oif th, Soll:OVGOd. No TRADE MARK TRADE MAf X
seeded dawn receatky, the rest in, goo -i shape for to mes-. Ut riqt night I ell the tired to t-011 You. Your crap paid oft the story� A we]
lit C�x I d the nwauj) inortgage.; youk brother broke out of.
crop. This is a No. I farra, wall sibwAcd for inple had to be co �,ercd it 11 the. �jell.qcr tlil.�L.419 ths ilni hL-avy Os are about,'
markets, ohurches, schools, pmt offica, tured trophic.i4. F� N e 1-10 tile J irilshleill fi) a,; "'Ldy fo�, bed tell .1ail, an' i?oiir daddy has
I e ce of Bloody rillll T3 as a sunbear,
etc., and CLIP i. the 0 e little ones as es'-' got
will be sold reasonab!v- Apply on the weizilazq, or l.trews were and aro to Worship Hei-00 the: Great. 0 tinue of for- w I I ig c 11 of the fa �,1,000 out the railr6ad fer runi) , in, keep your <
ddress ROBERT X. DOUGLAS, Utake.Ont.1668x8tt such a tempi ral king, Chily th e otli- el-rn ahibassaqors, stoo near to offer cilrele tho, -reat iin' e,lying prine Ovel, ll�s le-. Ain't Providence pro- 'The world U
RM FORISALF,.-Cholca farm in flullett tawn lie el i(If rubU of the� west do- t [ieir Oongratulla Ll Itrt,1% VILLin 4.
er day t tions t' an' earthly of the 'id , ross as 1 sorro
i't the
J Lis s' irth fr
shlpL for sali-, being Lot 4. in the 18th Coaceq n i hicago lewslyaper that Kit1g. Om. a worldly can.. ell thorn wily j Learn to s
sion, Containing T5 acres. The farm is all seeded tc his People w4re -still xpecting a Ales- s!,tandpoint'. was all; _W�en a wom%n
insignificant calls Qn another vpo.
st4s was born alld :.v Jesus had to not see anyq
ras, except 16 serei- There 18 a good frame brcx shth who woWd conle as a tonil)()rti dvent. - Ile w4s bor i4 an.ou I ch i. I man anq finds a� man there and 10'oks angry
-and 13irge frame at%ble, and thore are fair buildings,' thouse. diie. Tht�hn the .� C-11 stinas fty : will I bad to yout
There is a never -falling spriag well at the h3use, ano conqueror to lead te Jews back #0 was born in a statle. Ly and also she has ither got a aecrEt to tell, P A U nv
Ile was I 11ld- a 111oly or else woe
a spiingereek that neve-, be! a, happir di pains ttnd a<
runs dry ; there Is orn in a Bethle n -se mod -
d atrain to Palestine.
Then thc Mary the d so, one ji -d. all, I bid you she like's the poor man, THUADIANIMBULK
%vasta 13-nd ; there is an acre of orchard of VY,
-rit ITO-wow crusader would in ia in. tho', most, solemn hour Of a fa
fruit; 1& is fir -A -clap lazil; tio"a ii a achaol Vii 9 No one car.
ewall1or tile mas sa.cred ana the
the eara-che.
1-thekswith shop, st3reand posh offloo in 11arlock ee J k1rU.S.11len;i restore in 'a] bbd up�011 wilicill 1)(�,s b we�k of t 11 e� v ar. 1 -wish you. in
its st had no
within a lot from the place; ftratelass road
al grandeur,. and there Jes is wt 1,41 tb lie, 110 Pillow, that pillow atrue, Puze, spiritt al sense a Kidne umsease
1direetione,; tho farni is suitabla for grain grawinx oi merry,
reign with gretiter power t all pic �Iasthe rough coat !of her 11 T -.h,4
Owl, raising. For p%rticulars apply to the oVISSEE ble merry Christivasl
JANE and MARGARET 1109190-N, West Goderici faillous Soloillo.ti of ol Oioitgh hunible hust anil or a pileo of Wei
street, Seaforth P. 0. te drea
)6wer slyinpathetic stableman; no feLinale at- TIDIN :-SS A T THE.FARM. smORIE
But though it was not 0iWcjjlt �jo 0traw pushed 'under her head by a
GOOD FAItU FOR S&LE.-For sale, Lot I think of God its a ('40d'of nd and Backache TmUE G R EA CAS;jul -S "'You bet'
A Coficeagion 13, Tuok-eremith, co
tem1wral conquest, �t was diffid lit Indant, unless th t �Vonian attend- Mr. John Guheen, vho is in the Fish m, an,
room ail En sh Journal
acrea, of which 80v. ara cleared, well uader4rained in the time that Jeslis was 'born 'to L�nt was the kind hearted hostler's 's' 'You Businese at Port Hope, states:—"In my is lost betwde
fenced, and 1nRhiah 8tateotcultivation. TbLerean n
thi k- of the Father ha co id to aid May Blake IdUable.
17 acres of splendid bardwood bush, uncultod and ir a Gqd of love d her I business I do a great deal of d
riviog over
I I Africans, ani
'is a camfortablo hous( Vt G,od W 10 -oubled ister,. S 01LIM second birth -'sh journalists r -the rig
Brat clam eondition, There. and sympathy and UU; 0
rr �ad roads and the constant jar of
A party of Di n 11
and one of the best b&rns In the coun.by. . arranged thl,
1b is 76x4( would deign to care! for ail- iiidivi(l- lilay llave A year of succes6, beyond our expectations h !made wonderful growth iu
feet, with stone au.buag undornoath. oement fl been in 1halestiniation 'of ce tly traveled thro Canada, "See- Aloug with e:L�posure to all sorts of weather
iijl-lj� insilgnifi Irish potato
0'r iial humaii being; C o d wh walited t1le- wc!vlfl a calit brought on kidney disease. -in 1 basiness eaelt month better than t e last.
Bad everything finished up in first 011811 avle. Th much of the coiLitry and taking 0 as �Everyj,Wort has been put forth. t
n a u ar. with the
Mit if we t n miserable he Ith and s 'ffered a great deal secure liargains for D'ecember to m ke it the, ba�i�et montli of the closinye
iving sprinp ana is tj to creep in to the hu� qart's af-
farm ia wellaterad with I e of all they s They were all
able for'graiu or grasing. It is convenient fections, even as the unbea,�is woIv1d uwe 0 oiu- lives their in n of wido exper ei with sharp pains in my back Aments v�ill convince the closest buyer,
clxurohe3, store. post office and blackstuith sho leg trained A walk through the different lepa
P aud
fevV miles from a railway station. steal into the heart and g VIS to I)r Chase's Kidney -Liver and de.
I _;; � �� Merl
iff one ol oljker�e'elosely and t criticise frank- -d' I skritual inflence 4111 i affect all tinle that they have come to the light 81 Dre.for value
tha best and beat equipped farms in the County and life to tile I-Aalit. It was diffioult� ill ci ed to try them.. Before I had used all
will be sold che-ip and on exsy tornis, as the pzoprie. one sense, for God' Wid eternity. The neX4 of our spirit- 13' 1 and fairly. In '_'lanada they saw of the first box I felt better and three Prop
tor lei anx�oua to retim Apply on the promises, or to teadl. sinhil much, that aroused tl eir wonder. arid
dal birth wbo hqL*alded, all rond Handkerchiefs, remarked th
address Chiselhurst r o. Y&ijEs cL)NN men that he did not waht! 'boxes have entirely -cured me. L'gim- ver; Goo�s, Silks,
_70H% pro. to r�`:Ish Millinery, Dress
the heavenly ldgig�km called forth. t s6. De-'� glad of an opportunity to recommend Dr., I
1 Xt will set hair waimest prai
theni, but to ave thein of eir own I tatious twis,
--angel$ t djan�,ting a new a they ,-,Line they- kaew the ex -tent, Chase's Kidrie Liver Pills for I hava 44we%ly Tel
antry Do liesTrayOloths., Pill, Table Uoth-s
c gai ii the foiJ
0-ARld IN STANTXr SALE. -For sale, Lot Our second �i_lcth will iiot only. Of' Our CO as �xprPssed in g- Prov6n their wonderful control overkid- owSams,
frea will. It wits difficult or ilim ng y -
to tech till inen, both J. w _4nd -the other ew
�U 9 &Ad the west half of Lot %. on the 12th conces- teheiialded around lie but in ures. now they real:. h t th se. fig- ney. disease," Inerous to Amd other things too nu ention.
slon, or Elronson Vine, or Stsway. This farm con- gentilt-, that ('Mst did 110ti; come as ures Mean for, the to do my pal
e z� h
t1he veat judgment d Nivhen all na- umeyed Tt.
xcept four a Hebrew Nit as tb worl d's If e,,s unwise to waste money al taina 150 4er a, an of whioh is aleired, e .1 , Me jo
la state of firstmelass ou-tivation, w.)Il t1ions shall be ga he'r6d:-before the ac�oss the land whfnithe harvest a' 'our. ";0, if we U-iay w --risk 6i experimenting 'With new
fenced and all underdrainedmoshly witil t1le. Mere 11V1 u, e an : m-1 t ron6 the g4theredo�nd: *ith their o run the fa halt second birth lie W. they aro beauties.
Is & larg eyt:�g 1.1 1 1 Our Christmas Ties for men are in now, aw
e frame dwelling houRe as good as ne%v, with agirwtivo descriIption,: God -t�'e Father s! faugled, untriied remedies when you know
aw seen, evid eAces of the coun-
odstomfoundation and collar, large b-4nk barn W11111011 forth eslis. I - It will pay you to see, our Pur partm6nt before you buy .1
that Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will and 016t'hing
with gton;E� stabling. underneath, and numerous obher might have apokien to i Inthe world'$ hi tory�has it i.ot try's greaxness an� �ertility. Having —M. ves.
esuls Christ cure, you. . Ohf, pill a dose, 2.51C. a.box,
this: !t.I buildings� InaludLaf 91sr90 pig hou9e. Two good in a waY Something -like f ten been r led th�i lthe mort in- returned home they jare, n9w telling dmanson, Bates Co., coat or huit for tho
Orrchrde_�i choic-3 ruit, alaq nice shgide and al: dealers, 6.r E U ADne TO
,,rii cant of caus( Try a pair of our heavy'Rubbers or 0 iei h4s. Th
ment?kltmes. There are two spring creeks runofov'_ will not allow thee, 111Y only Son, �to �s dail brin-forth sh pubitc about the f6restp Toronto.
ning 0 th Driti
throulth he farm, and plOntY of good water all the be born in a palace. I ` c4ling t h ther.
W not ial- os t tl�eineijdo s a�kd faxrea th Meadw 1cold wea
year rou. d x� ithout primping. It Is, I V,
well aitu%ted'for low resuil;S? :it SeeMad td. be an insig- an Ahe orcha !the farms the We -have just receive'd a choice lot of Curra
mavkotq, chucc-heF� thee to enter* the worb L as �an rds, Risms and Mince Ateat,
is.,hWs, post office, etc., and good
*164 is Wading from it in nifirat matt& w an Many years" fold TA I -
earthly prince. Sinful me 3L a`nada. Dr. 'hase7s ur Baking -Powder,
all directions. it is mikht villa!�" and the towns of 0
Try a can of o
wl%lo V1 -Of [Ako 11uron.. and the boats oa be. ago, a humble uritan, With Ills fam_ Ain
41DID11 P%-"�, then honor thee andl feai- t iee, But gled. ;w ith their descriptions and
i1nic up aniX down from -the houso. This is soaks One of thb beat equiPped farina i they might not thell tak-e, of fri
the county and tliee into i y and a partyl jaas wanted to th6ir pr�,ip is some criticism and AA AAMI�
v -tire on account of ill health, at least, thp
'will beao�d on ea their hearts and of their o wn ac- migr:ate and �et sa I for ]kmerica, d)��ce w, h ich7 is wo
RY term$, a% the proprietor wa�ta to a Kidney-Liv`er Pills
sea, y on the r But xx�hen the )4nglish !oMcer
co le.
Appi ro' d love -thee and give theinselve to at the attention. of our pe ET
lot fi the course ip��tj�view 'ven
or94,droqaBj%k0r,oe JOHNDUNN. 1734-tn' little �SqaDQrt �9:�Ynj re Used
-Wi-11 send the fort to H
U Pb
P e