HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-12-19, Page 5of every in. town. family, 'ketbook ohees sh by although experi- )- and we [mina and • he will ±ly than a.eks..-St, ,r lighted ing made will be a coal and a- village. nerohant, the pt s are glad proved. - Packing dressed here on well at- „hout the tn Wirnai- vieiting -Mr. and here last Mrs. W. -Mrs. R. uglater. pretty yef last ;art Mon - youngest I in mar - f Logan, The ina• - by Rev. by over of them parties_ :10 o'clock eith, sia- aid, and s brother ta Hazei. wer girl. r that of oeremony any were st a moat the re- leasantly !converse, a "light o.'ouris o' he bride a.mbraced Mr. and • Logan followed circle, of kud pro- d Le.ur- ber 29th, 0 btawa. tad it is d. it aerosa . Mamie diade in Vatkinso, [age wee sogari in. : ago. n Sound e piants, ter for -.ere vet,- -the fol. , .t, S76. ihtst 2.4 ; a 12. DECEMBER 19, 1902 -Mr. F. B. .Holtby, manager of he Merchants' Bank, in Politohell, has b en transferred to the Luoan branch. -Miss Carrie Brown, a popular yo ng bay of Shakeapeare, passed away on 8 n - day, 7th in ,from an affection of the iu ge. -While out riding on Friday, Ma ter Sandy Willa, of Stratford, had Ma leg broken below the knee, owing to hie h ree failing on the road. -Wm. Davidaon, of Mitchell, has gon to Kamloopa, British Columbia, where he ill spend the winter in the interestof Mt health. -Nearly all the graduates of the Goer - !oh Model Bohool have secured situations for the coming year as 'allows ; bdelburn c - Dowell. at Benmillet - Miss Annielid. Co rt- ney at Amberley ; Miss Anna Martinat Winchelsea - Miss Mabel Bailie at Pros r- ity ; Miss dare Troy at St. Augustine; d. Soswart, achotd section No. 4, Colbor e ; Miss TenaOhneton, school section N . 8, t Colborne t L. Kne. x, sohool section, N 9, Colborne; iss Mary I. Clark, school ee- tion No. 12, West Wawanosh ; Mies L ara Brydgss, school section No. 13, East Vir wa- noah ; Harry Walker, school section o. 7, Ashfield '- Miss Lillian Robinson, school section No. 16, East Wawanoah; Mies E5ith Taylor, school gelation No. 15, Hay ; lies Mabel Jennison sthool section No. 16, S ep lieu; Miss Pearl Jackson, Bollen, Well ng - ton county; T. J. O'Loughlin, Chesterfield, Waterloo county. . &WORM, Dec. 18 190 Fall Wheat (new), Standard- 20 70 to 0 72. ode per bushel-, _ 0 31 tO 0 31 Pee! per bnehee— _ .... 0 Q3 to 0 65 Barley per bushel:- 0O to 0140 Butter, No. 1, loon- - 0 16 to 01 17 BOW; tut - - • — 0 16 I o 0 17 O 16 to 017 2 00 te. 21 6 60 to 6 (0 6 00 to 525 O 80 to 0 36 0 14 to 0 16 0 40 to 050 1 10 t-. 110 1 00 to 443 2 00 to 240 O 25 to 0 60 4 60 to 550 1 25 to 2O 7 60 to 800 04 to 0 C5 Ewe per doz- _ p.our, per IVO May per ton Hides per 100 YU— , _ Sheep _ _ . . • . WWI - • . a petatoee per bueh (new),_. - sale (retail) pee barrel - Weed per cord (long)_ W30d per cord (short). • Apples per bag- — Clover Seed - Timothy Seed - Pork, per I60 kg • • • Tallow, Per lb -- Dairy Markets. TORONTO, December 17 -Bu t ter -Tratd e continues good, with an active demand for NIB best qualities, which are firm. We quote : Finest one -pound rolls, 18 to choice large rolls, 17to 180; selected dairy tubs, 16 to 17e ; secondary grades, roils-. and tabs 14 to 150; creamery prints, 22 to 3&e; ex:lids, 21 to 22c. Eggs --The mar- ket continues stearly. We quote :—Strictly new laid, 23o; fresh, store gathered, 20o ; e Id storage"19 to 20; limed, 18a; seconds, 1 to 15c. Cheese -Marker is steady. We quote :-Finest, 121 to 121c ; seconde, 12 to 121o. MONTREAL, December 17 -Cheese -The market is dull and featureless., and prices are nominally 124 to 121e. Butter-Leeal buyers are paying 23c for finest creamery, but exporters will not go beyond 22 to 224o. Dairy butter sold at 17o. Eggs -There con- tinues to be a good demand, and, in view of light receipts, prices are very firm. We quote :-Selected, 250; candled. stook, 194 to 20o ; Montreal limed, 18e, in a jobbing way; straight receipts, 184 to 19o; Mon- treal limed, lqic ; cold storage stook, 174c, and i western limed, 164 to 17c per dozen, in round lots. Seeds. TORONTO, December 17 -There is little or 110 businesoi, and prices are nominal. Dealers are able to secure whatever sup- plies they need, but they find no outlet, the foreign demand having almost dieappeared. (The folk:min quotations are for delivery at outside points :-Aleike, prime to choice, per bushel, $6 75 to $7.30; do.'common to medium, $R 25 to $6 50; red clover, prime to choice per bushel, $5.50 to $6 ; timothy, per bushel, $1.50 to $1.70, ac- cording to seraple. Fancy Iota in each ease bring a trifle more. Horse Market. TORONTO, December 17 -About 35 hors were sold at Grand's on Tuesday. Thee Were an assorted lot, and included two heavy Clydes, weighing about 1,400 pounds each. These sold at $160 to $190 respect- ively. Reasonably sound workers and drios- era fetched $125 to $150. Some general pu pose horses, reasonally sound, suitable f r ordinary farm work, sold at $60 to 590 eac Poultry. TORONTO, December 16-0Eferinga of bo ed lona large, and prices steady. Chieke s, old, 50 to 55e ,per pair, and young, 60 to 70o; live, 45 to 50o Ducks, dressed, 65 to spa per pair. Geese, 7 to 8o per pound, and turkeys, 104 to 11c per pound for young. Potatoes. TORONTO, December 16 -Owing to he cool weather, receipts of potatoes have been light, and are worth from $1.10 to $1.15 per bag. Car lots are worth from 90o to $1 OD track at Toronto. The latter price as for fancy samples only. If the weather becomes milder, it is not likely that these prices will hold. Grain, etc. TORONTO, December 16 -Wheat -Red, €a; !white, 70o; spring, 68 to 69b; goose, 54e; peas, 76a; barley, 43 to 4c; oats, 34 ta 344c. Seeda-Alsike, choice No. 1, $6.60 to $7 ; Alsike, good, No. 2, 86 to $6.40; timothy seed, $1.20 to 51 sp ; red elver, 56 to 56 60. Hay-Timothy,513 to $1s ; clover, 57 to 59 atraw, loose, -$5 per t n. Hogs -Dressed hogs are stea y at $7.' 5 to 57.75. Live Stock Markets. LoNeost, England, December 16-L ve cattle steady at 12i to 131.c per pound, or American steers, dressed weight; Canadian steel -us lid. to 121e per pound ; refrigera or beef, 1% to 11c per pound. TORONTO, December 17 -Cattle -Exp rt -The placing in quarantine of a vessel at 'Halifax has disturbed the equillibrium of trade in shipping cattle, but dealers expr ss the opinion that the obstruction will be o ly temporary. It interfered with some ah p- mentaiwhioh were prepared here yeeterd y. One firm was compelled to unload 100 cat le in Montreal, and others had to unload he e. Prices paid to -day, however, were well np to the level of last week's close. Steeirs sold s.S. high as 55.65 per cwt., but th se were a excellent quality. The run of the market was placed below this figure, fil. though everything good brought more than 55. The competition of the local buyefe, wishing cattle for the Christmas trade kept up values and quotations were unehangod. Medium grades, including mixed loads a d lighter weights, sold steady and cows w re steady to firm. Butchers' Cattle -Th re was an active demand for fine stock for t e Chriktmas trade and. trade was brisk. Te offerings were fairly good, and they sold readily at good prices. Quotations for the fancy grades were slightly lower, at 55.25 to 85.75 pr ewt., and several loada of choice stock changed hands at these figures. li a- part butchers' were steady at 54.75 to $5.5; I picked lots sold elightly higher at $4.40 to to 54.80, and good tochoice were unchanged at $3.85 to 54 e5. The rough to rnedim i. grades were only moderately active ad prices were unchanged. Feeders and Stock- ers—The demand was fair, but offerings were light and business was quiet. Only a few teensa.etions were noted, and, priqes were unotianged. Rough stock sold rather 10 cents p To be 'YO cv4ts p 5 cent per r p�uu1 for Tipleys dry picked, nore other taken. r bag for rotatoes. 14. for billed 4pples. EBLe, DRIED We-hitve riev4 carrie as:large, IfOed as we have in. stock for the Christmas trade CraCYT We propose to give 100 off'every dolla before Xmas on ev ry malr's suit, eivery you In short, if yoi do your trading ini Re opportunities if you are not a easterner of We have seetued the services of Mr. J be the best judge of black tea andleoffee in to Gunn's. 0 u NN , i I 1 - , slowly. Mich Cows Offerings were above the average :n tlitalit . Trade was good. Price% were easier at e35 to $57 each. Sheep and Lambs -The exi encies of space1atill impede the movement of export sheep; and trade is quiet. Pric a were nnehang d at l 53 to 53.25 per owt. Other sheep iv ere dun. Lambs were fir er on account o the keen demand for the hristrnas trade, and sold 25c higher, at $3 /5 to 54.50 per cwt. Calves -Steady and changed, at 53 te 510 each. Hoga--Run wa light arid prices were tinclaanged at $6 per $5,75 for lights and fa MONTREAL, Decemb were oat strong, and t mend, with ,fitm pric good, but this °ammo brought Iow prices. at from 5 to 54c per them were better than tie brought from 34 t mon front 2k to no sold at from 53 to 57 per pound. Sheep sol se cwt for selects, and s. r 16 -The batelsers ere was an aotiv s paid tor any and inferinr s Prime beeves !sold ound, but aome of usual, Medium , cat - 41 -o, and the per pcound. Calves ach, or from 4- to 5a at from 3 to no, and the lambs at from 3,7o, to 44o per pound. Good fat hogs sold at 6o per pound, weighed off the, cars. Roma°, ,Decembe 16-0a.ttle---Opened easy to 100 lower, , clo ing slow and lower ; prime ateere, $5.75 to 56 25 ; ahipPing ateers, $4.85 to $5 50, utchers' steers,14.75 to 54.75; heifers,$3.25 to 84.25; canners, $1. to 54.25; fresh cows on good, steady on ot $50 to 560; mediuge,t common, 525 to 530. head ; 25c higher; to Hogs-A,otive; 10 to $6.40 to 56.55; mixe Yorkers and pigs, $6.0 to $6,25 roughs, $5.75 to $5.90 ; stags, 54.75 to 55.50. Steep and Lambs-Sh ep firm; lambs, 5o higher ; top lambs, o5.75 to $5.90 ; culls to good, 54.25 to $5.5; yearlings, 4.25 to 54.75; ewes, 54.25 to 54.50; sheep, !top mixed, $3,75,,to 54; ulls to good, $1.75 to $3.65. , 1 de- hing and well selected stock of Groceries on all Clothing, tip to the night tha' suit, and all Overcoats. fortth, you ars ttot livinglup to your tmn's. 0. Laidlaiv, whora we believe to this county. Oorne wit the crowd • Seaforth. IMPORT OTIORS. TISTRAY BEIFER.-Strayed into the premises of ..1.24 "the underalizned L 18, Concession 2, Tuoker- smith, On December Oil a red, year old heifer. The° owrer oan have the tome on i proving property and pay*. charges. J. MOFFA T, Kippen. 1827-2 ri AT ROBE LOST.-Loatrn Sunday night, De - la"' cember 7, betwee th &Worth church and Eg ondville Pottery,* rey oat robe, The finder will be 'suitably rewar ed n leaving the same at The Pottery, in Egtnond ille. 1827x1 BAY HEIFER. -Strayed from Lot 4, Conerseion 11, Tuokeramith, atout the Brat of October, a hell r about 11 months old. She was mostly red ;vilt soine white,spots. Any information leading to ecovery of this animal will be liberally rewarded. JO WHITEMAN, Chieelhbrat P. O. 1827x4 oo CTUIN SALE or FiRti STOOK. -Mr. H.. k fik t, i . B own has received instructions ta sell by public a etian on 'Lot 32, Co cession 4, Uaborne, OD Tue daY, December 231, 10)2, at 1 o'clock p. m „ , the following p ope her, viz : Herses-One 10 0R8 old, 1 Imaee eieven years old, 1 horse rs Old, 1 road horse years old, 1 one year old ht l filly, 2 'poking colts. °IOUS, 00. -Five s 1 ,ear eld, 1 suoki iie Calf, 9 pigs about eight sursed.to be in all, 5 heifers 1 year old, 4 a old, I truck wagonand other articles. No re- serve as the proprietor Is overateeked. This stook is alli young and in gcod ondition. Terms -All sumo of $1 arid under, cash ; ver that amount 10 months' cred'e will be given on furnishing approved joint noten tet disaeunt of 6 er cent. per annum in lieu WM. ' SOM RVILLE, proprietor ; • II. , BRO VN, auctioneer, ' 1827-1 to $4.50 ; cows, .50 0 to 52;;*btills,$ ,75 , nu springers, st ong ors ; good to oh ice good, 440 to e48 ; ea1s-1eceipts,75 91 58.75 to $9. 5 ; 5o higher; he�.vy, , $6.30 to 5640;, Bin S. HAYS -In Seaforth, on Dee rnber 15th, the wife of Mr. Adam Hays, of a da ghter. , KERR-1n McKillop, on December 7th, the wif of Mr. James Kerr. of a san. BROWNLEE-In Tuokerarrith, on December Oth, the wife of Mr. Robert Brownlee, Of a son. MARSDEN-M Brandon, firriitoba, 'on Noveniber. 26th, the wife of Mr. G. W. Marsden, of a on. MASON -In Gray, on Dece Ler 4th, the wife of Mr. W. L Mason, of a son. MEIKLEJOHN-In Moleaw rthe on December /3rd, the wife of Ur. John Me klejohn, of a Ban. FOILER-In Wingham, ou Deeembor 81h, the wife of Mr. F. Foiler, of a daughter. • HAMILTON -In Winghtim„on Deeeniber 71h, the wife of Mr. James Hamilton, of a daughter. ROTES -In Stephen, on December 2n11, the wife of Mr. Thomas WeBoyee, o a daugnter. , JONES -In Stephen, on De ember 4th, the wife of --,_ Mr. Wesley Jones, of a a n, Marrie4ges. DAVIS-B AIRBOU a -At the reeidence' of the bride's father, in Hibbert, on Ieeember 1.0th, by Rev. r( O Mr. Cranston, Mr. Jamec! Davis, of Harrington, to MisMaud. third aersrliter f Mr. James • Barbour, of Staffa. WRIGHT- HEELER -At the residence of :the bride'sperents'Turnbe re-. on December 3rd, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. William Menry Wri;ritt, cf Mona, to Miss Rosin Whee1,1r.! HOLMES- 1XON-On Dec ember 3rd, at the res!- . donee of the bride's bro her, Itibliert townships by Rel. Mr. Howard, of Miteliell, Mr. win. Holmes,/ ef Turnberry, o Miss Ella Nixon, of Hibbn t Deat SPARLINGe-At Markdale, Francis Claee, youngest Sperling, formerly of Se 3 menthe. TASKER-In Mullett, on D Taaker, jr., aged 28 yea ATTWOOD-In Grey, on daughter of Mr. and Mr 23 yeara. MeNABB-In Grey, On Deco daughter of Mr. Wm. and 20 days. TURNBULL-In Grey, on D Turnbull, aged 63 years. NICHOLSON-In Morris, o Bu rcb ill, wife of Mr. Are 61 years. ALLOWAY-In Centralla. oi Alloway, aged 82 years. JONES -In Carlow, on Dece of Carlow, seed 49 yeara HENDEEtSON-In Whitechu Charles H. Henderson, a McOREGOR-In Exeter, on McGregor. aged 83 years MAIEON-1n Nortbbranoh, 9th, Emma Reiman, wife aged 69 years. JACKSON -In Mullett, on Mary, wife of Mr. Hat years and 4 months. • on December lpth, son of Jai -nes and Alice f:rth, aged 4 years peed cember 13th, Lancelot eeember 16th; 'Annie, Harry Attwood, aged ber 14th,, Jessie, Only eNabb, aged 17 years cember 13th, Margaret December 8th, Agee ibald Nicholson, aged December 5th, Mre T. ber llth, W. 0. Joilese and 3 months. eh, on December -6th, ed 30 yenrs. December 9th, Duncan and 6 months. iohigan, on Decernbev of Mr. James Mahon, ecember 9th, Laure'ta ey Jackson, aged, 26 b.ALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, Daoemb r 23rd, ab I o'clOok p. m,, sharp, on Lot 3l, Connession 4, Us - borne, Farm Stook. Wiliiam Somerville, proprietor; H. Brown, tuctidneer. The Conad!an Bank OF COMMERCE. , HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. Capital (paid up) $ 8.000,000. Reserve Fund • - $ 2,500,000. Aggregate Resources over - - $72,000,000 Hon. G. A. COX fresiaent. B. E. WALKER, en.. Iffanager.1 London, England, Office, 60 LOMBARD STREET, E. SEAFORTH A general Banking seated. Farmers' and Gra counted, and epeeist to the collection of SAV I NGS Interest allowed o and upwards. inter accounts on the 31s 30th of November BRANCH. business trail- ers' Note. dis- attention given Sale Notes, etc. BANK. deposits of $1 st is credited to of May and the each year. 1 The Bank has 81 branches extending throughbut Ontario, QUebee, Manitoba, 1 Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Yukon !strict, Maritime Pro. vinces and the United States G. PARKES, Manage. P. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 1624 ahar mar 9 ye drau cow atee wee Cc41nty Counc 1 lection, 1903. To Gent Coun to se I am vote re3p The Electors of Divie on No. 2, Dirties and omen. Having represented you in:the County oil for the last two elms and having anieavored ye you faithfully I Wouid beg to intimate thet aga n a candidate atel respeothilly solicit your nd influence for rry Inture election. Yours othilly, D. 0ANTE:40N, 1627-2 Beautiful Flowers I What mark of respect e n there be given to a living. or departed friend greate than the presentation of live flow ra. Whit is more refining for the family table? What will make us think and see the great works of the Creator more clearly than the beautiful Rose ar.d Carnation? We supply 1 - . "i7i7- 33 1:3T1\T GS SOCIETIES Fun ral Designs, such as broaees, Anchors, Wreaths, Ht es ts, Pillowe, Gates Ajar, in fact all new and. up. to -d te eMblems that ea no be surpassed by any city establishment, and p a much leas. Full line of I ttering also done. You tan can see eamples be. ordering. Give us a trial for your Christmas Flo eta. i Mae° send order in early so that they imayl be kept for you. Men ordors promptly filled. I 1 THE MITCUErJL tattesanY Co., 1826-13, Mitchell, Ont, lecti▪ ons. T e annual meeting of t e electors of the Town. hip of Tneireramith for 11he nomination of oandi- at 3 for the offices of Re ve end Councillors for the ea 1903 will be held at Imo/vs HALL, Bruce - el , on Mokelav Decemberlthe 29th, 1902 At 1 o'clock p. m., and if p. oll is necessary, such oll shall be opened on t Monday, Janualy the 5th, 1903 t the following places: In Divieion No, 1 -At Th mas Daly' s Hall, Eg• nondville ; William Chersn y, Deputy Returning pffier. II) Divi ion Noe 2 -At V n gmond's vacant store, grnondv Ile ; George .Tacicso, sr., Deputy Return - g MI. 11 MI ion No. 3 -At S ho I House No. 4 ; Charles o tledg , Deputy Returrtbn Officer. I Division No. 4 -At S ho I Rouse No. 3; R. G. pinepsen, Deputy Returni g e fiber. , In Divielon No. 6 -At Seim 1 House No. 1; A. G. Smillie, Deputy Returning 0 cier. In Division No. 6-A 8 rong's Hall; William lueIair, Denby Returning0 cer. Poll open from 9 a. m Olt re. m. 1827-2 A.G. satirm4, Returning:Officer. Th, ImpOrt d Scotch , Oruicksha k Bull Will be kept (for service On Lot 21, Concession 4, R. S., t Tuekeremith, on th Perm of the propria- , A. wed J. Broadfoot. Truntter, Red, ca,lved S ptember 3rd, 1901. red b. A. Watson, Aneh °zee, Aberdeenshire ; lied by Clifton, 74241. Dan, Lady Annie 171h, ” l "Reveller, 71359. ' . " 10the 44 " -Willtiati Micav,-aber, , , 56768. If' 14 65h,, ., " Lord Chlemstord, 1 tt46073. .., .. 3rd, .. '' Ceroctacus, (3F945. .. : 14 1 .. 2nd, " I " Tam O'Shanter, ' 1 80187 " Vampire, 30201 " Asia " Llrd Raglon, 29199. " Sir George Brown, 27472 " Luke of Leinster, 10165 Gordon, 9:43 , Trumpeter is a. li)w do•an, Wide ribbed, deep flesh- ed bull. Cliftonee(71241) an extra good Cruickshank clipper bell that W. D? Fitt tried to buy, but whose owner refused to part with, was got by Prime of Fashion (515$7), (a noted prize winner and Fire) brad at Collyine, end a son of Scottish Archer, (50893) out of Crescent 3rd, by the alias i Ramsden bull Boule- vard, (66966) "also bred by Mr. Duthie. .. Reveller-eGot by Alen (Jayne, (136287) he a son of the greatbull Star of Morning out of Rosette 6th, by Waverly (136406), Rosotta. 2nd by Vice Chancellor (110e92) Roetta by Eleoueon sI (92221). , Wilkin Mieawber (16768) lebongs tie the Wanton Fami y. He was got by the Jruicksh.nk 'Violet bull Verd nt (3779) by Dunblan (47792) out of Violet Girl y Roan Gauntlet (35284) dam, Wanton 19th by Grey Friar (46466). - I Lo d qhlemeford (46072) by Earl of March (33807) dam, Spi- a gra t reputation in Sootland as a prize winner at , 3rd by Grand Puke (28745) . achieved the ighlarid societies'and many other shows. TE MSieeeServIce fee for! registerbd coes, $10 ; grad eons, $5 with prie elegq of ratur ing. A. & J. BRO DF0,0T. 1 ' 1827-2 r r. tor 11 14 11 ' D You W t Money foforChristni rcl 1; If you do, pick, up all your old iron' around your fermi euch as old mowert, cattier% binders, plows, seed drills, old stoves, buggy and Wagon eating, plow points, horse shoes, old axee, in facb any kindof scrap iron, I will pity 45c cash Per 100 lbs. for all of the above. Also l bring your old rags, rubbers, copper, brass, lead, wool pickings, horse hair, geese, turkey and hen feathers, bones, beepskins, and all kinda of fur skins. 1 will pay cash for everything. . e ,1 OHARLE0 SHER, pposite G. T. It Station, M_ELF912.1131=1• 1820 Peri aps yo pet, Ax as inster Draperi s, Etc. quote sp cial pri Unio oarpet, y !serve% in variety of sizes up t sized roo We have 25, to $2. We s which is in all size warm lirai We imitatio ept sta TI urnishingp. want to tone up your home'before Christmas with New 04r- ugs, Art Squares, Lace Ourtains„ Silk Table Covers'Gold0). If se,•we are fully prepared to supply the demand, and to es till after the holidays. • • oarpetreyard wide, good colors, worth 30o, for 25o. Heavy two-ply Unien rd wide, P a variety of patterns, at 35o, 45o and 50o. A special line of Tapestry good petty rna and colors, regular 65o, for 50e. Wool carpets, yard wide, i4 a patterns � 65; 75e and 95o. Art Squares, 4oven in one piece, in differer 4Yi tahroduat w hem inti 0. Art He by q yards long, with, border 11 around, will fit an ordina y roy matching or sewing, and will cos no more than any other earl. ree qualities. Ask to t e them. Lao curtains in all qualities fr m minis and Curtain Screens, at 5o, 8o, 10o and 15e. • !OVERCOATS. ow a lar e stook of swell Overcoats for yoong men in, the new Raglanette stye, ow so po ular, from 56 to 410. Men's blaok and navy blue Beaver overcoats, , from $550 to 510. Men'a heavy Frieze Meters,high storrn. collar; heats, g, at 53. 5, $4 50 and 56. t 1 carry a i 11 range of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. Beware of s which re said to be just- as good as Stanfield's-L-none genuine ex - ped iSta fielda. OrA. p)fficm NON & CO., BLYTH. Geiieral Store 01\TS111..A.. Een,g ir,"g(reetetotgeOrtireeeeeetseijEt 'Ogg le 11t lieg c RISTNIAS GpODS. I Come and sae o icely assorted stock of Fancy Dishes for Xmas Presents and Weil- ing pres nts, all ne « and up.to-date. Our 4ew stock of ine Shoes for boy% and girls, men and women, are up-to-date, goqd 11 ro.tetial, and at rig it prices. We aye alto a ot ye stook of Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, which se will sell alt greatly r d ced prices. ' See .ur speOall va ues in Dress Material for achool`gir s . Our tock of Un a wear is well assorted, and at prices to suit every one. We have alWays a good abook of Fresh Groceries, but our Christmas goods are au4- able for Christmas ti e, and are specially attractive. ' Highest prices paid for butter, eggs, poultry, dried al4de8 and all farm produ1c8e2. 6.3 1 21.13s.CIJATTS ..A.DCZ1T.A...E=1:ZS AoviokwoommAAAAAAnovviviA !FT GOODS For 0119,1 and Young Rich and Poor at FI OF ST PIO X. WIL SON RT.7 C4- C+I °A°I1RD NST ,CtRTH S EAFORTH. 1 MiSHTER GROGAN Scraps. - TH' Ra. (as I'd m Btlly, but this is sion iv th Rinkofu will have t open f ness in a hort toi Dougall r &Ades 'in yforth. He has t ' Weat • er Bure h ve a lar'e an' we t' oughou th' sal p rmittin' unliss w ii.oh ivr mimbe Aklmissio., tin cin, t ruin' av nicissar • tained y apploy nk or a Dick's t ry's not t home. o ye oan •ay bef t' nk that' all. 'Tit' Co v Qms isted to give in w Quisron, lau t say not in' at al a e not in moy loi k ow ab ut Mei ai her fur hat ma o ws bloi d or imb from th' ilkmen dhl prefur me liqui ✓ teed on h' bottle Clancy safe- " A si lit that was hur vn s bloin , all th' +or t at settl s thatr • —Mi4ter William McDougall, te him o strata I'd call him iffer nt) has tuk possis- th winther saison an' r th transection iv bugl- e o eo. Mishter Mo- Eg ondville but lives in mad arrangeminta wid Toronty, an' will ioted shtbek iv oioe on, health an' weather boo es on a thaw, of i 1 have due ,notioe. a Wi ph' privelego iv re- . I s noon tickets can be t ChOst.mas Menui 1:?, -11Z3 -MMS In thi, line we excel—they are nicer tha O ever. bur ' leaders are " Seely's" an "Roger t.nd Gallet," of which we have full stock, bah in bulk and packages. Thee will surprise' you. - EBONY GOODS. Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes,' Mirrors, etc. These were all im' ported especially for Christmas trade. The are the best that money can buy -2501 83.00. ' CASES IN LEATHER. d Toilet, Manicure and Shaving Csfses 11,50 to 53.00. th Sieritary at th' ; Sanitarium av th' Steri Timms, cash in advance,' $2, or hand as ye see fit. I 00. BEAUTIFUL AUSTRIAN WARE. Puffa, Jewels, Card Trays, etc. -50c t9 0 SMOKERS' REQUIREMENTS. Good Pipes, Cigars and Tobaccos. TOILET ARTICLES. Our lotock is complete and of the best. Everything we sell is guaranteed. I If_you are not satisfied, 'bring iti back. iro,-i have bin re. ,op nion iv th' Bloind Pose- med up me moind about it. Bloind cows e. Sure, what do I d ows or bloind pigs the I'm no judge iv Oin I buy Me milk zid' made. I always o t iv a bottle. I was n' I niver got over it. t ' coos had poor oye busitess, an' av she e fur th' cow," an' LAST C LD -As c ance I ill heists o w 11 visit v th' Qua Miss Jigs Maclachl to nity iv lettin' ye la hlan 111 bring t bat she . rought ale 4.' ye wo 'b forgit o ehta that Bar nadian Comedialcn, d I ye fu it all also vahaok d upiiifubre st payp ew tv 1 °mu oy a t pre 41-1tove, a th' weath la Haugh th ate hu t I've rger an ho ooetoim t at me f I1 bit iv eeh r two me ta e it a fr m th' fo ve coo a ' anny ailed al ra son, ra three h ve mad iv thd Rat I You wi 615 Oeg ai dour Store in t a a 111 a he will be th' lasht nounoin th' Fare - iv Scottish Song - 1 take th' oppor- w that Miss Mac- ame voice wid hur on hur furst visit, , will ye ? I may arvey, th' Great ill make ye laugh h' little fifty cints Surve sate. All th' e. Me an" Clancy ent sate near th' firmits. Faugh-a- i 1: P0L00EY.-i ye iver have ble play? iTi a kcincl iv pashtry o relish fu. rather ate Lim. y day. FBU tb's got to be done 15. Some toi e ago I Insinuated ind Major A derson• was in th' uyin' th' g moi that he shot, or in de that h dtdn't shoot all th' he shot, d ye Undershtand? But I back' - o her day he returned 1 oildsi , v c illop wid wan fox, s an' sive orj noine jack rabbits, an know th b Jimmy niver pur- thatlot. it don't shtand to herefore, 1 h nobly apologoise an' all aia' au thy raymarks I may raygardi ' t purchatin' ability Jimmy A d rson. Soigned. GROGAN, I find our wi rubbers iclo does are lo e °minty. jl ten stook of bode, plete inogyery line er than any other 1 rcis i& Winnis O. ABERHART, pRUGGIST CARDNO' - - - BLOO !A. Hi o . GRAND TRUNK TV'El'AY Christina' s and New Yeall Holidays, 1902-3. BETWEEN1 all STATIONS in CANADA] troit and P rt Huroe, Mich., Buffalo, Black All statio;s in Canada to and from De - Reck, Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, N.Y. GENERAL PUBLIC. Going Dates and Limits- At lowest one- way first class fare, December 24th and 25th. Tickets good returning from destination not' later than December 26th, 1902, and also onl December 31st, 1902, and January lat, 1903. Tickets good returning from destination! until January 2nd, 1903. At lowest .one-way first-class fare and! one-third December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and! 25th, and a10 on December 29th, 30tb, 31.sto 1902 and J nuary 1st, 1903, good return-, ing irom de tination not later than January' - 1 5th, 1903. SC OOL VACATIONS. To teach rs and pupils of schocile and c011eges, on surrender of School Vacationl Railway Certificate, signed by Principal. and Limit -At lowest one-vsayl re and one-third from December inclusive. Tickets good return- eatination until January 19th, olders and all information from, Going Date first-class 'f 6th to 31st, Ing from 1903. Tickets Agent. WM. A SOMERVILLE1 ent, - - Seaforth. , Or by addr asing J. D. McDONAI,D, Dia; triet Passenger Agent, Toronto. Coe or Maiirs 'Market Sreets Sea orth, Pi and On rio. 111 S The Largest .I Dry Goods a611 , ta.i. n C000rn In; Clothing Four Coalition) n. be ere. The usual problem confront you. Same old trouble as find things to visit here will find yodr relief. ting on a holi novelties as well as the s did variety. T economically in may come here obtaining what at rnoney-saVing last year. It is hard to ive. If you -rind it so, a elp .1,/ou to tdecide and Our stck is now put - ay air, reenting the aples in splen - t dresser, the gift giver, s,surance of t taste and he elega lined and with th4 is in the be prices. FUR DEPAIIT ENT. Judging by the number of buyeis that daily visit our stor s, our furare undoubtedly recOgned4 to be value in every sense of the word. We have Added to our immense stocks some special values for Christmas.: Three special prides in Grey Lamb Gauntlets at $3.5, $3.9 and $1.20. Astrachan Gauntlets, two special.thes at $3.75 a'nd $4.50. ' Electric Seal Gauntlets sian,Lamb at $7.95 and 8.35. Also Sealette, gre and ladies' and children's. at $4.50 ad $4.85, and. Per - black limitation gauntlets in Misses' Grey LamT Collars froth $0.75 up. Sable 1Vtuffs from $4.50 to $17. Thibet Boas from .65 to $14.05,1, Astrachan Collars, special, trimmed with thibet, Grey Lamb Caperi es, specjal at 87.95. . ' Also all the best vz hies sliown n he trade in Ladies' Fur Coats, all kinds and.1 tngths, and Whether a $20 coat or a 49.00 coat, every coat is fully' guarantet?d. LADIES' Below are given a OIi[istmas week : 7 Co Ladies' Battenburg ars. Real Shanghai and Ba tenburg Pillow Laps, Drapes. New oil finished Lilthogiaph PAlo ful 'varieby Of designs, froi4 35c to 750 ea • Small but importari department. Many of th less than double the mon Ladies' new tab co chi on and applique ties. EPAR MEM% few specialis we are offering for Russian Plaucin Lace and Segiun Japanese Silibrapes,Chair Covers, entre Table Covers and Sideboard. Tops, in a .beatiti- h. t goods fill Ove 7 part of our notion se goods were never before sold at lars, silk tie S in beautiful shades, Pure Irish linen hafridkerchiefs roin 10c to 25o; em- broidered Swiss and linen handkerchiefs ; maltese lace and spider web lace _handkerchiefs, etc., 4 special prices for Christmas week_ only: Don't fail to exami e our Linen, Tfay Cloths-, 5 o'clock coves, Doylies, plain or eiv padded emb oidered designs. New shades in sua e and kidi gloVes, ranging in price from 55c_ to $1,25, 1 Silk B1(')uses in blal k, reseda green tnd pale blue crepe de chine. Clothing Depaftment. In addition to the coats, Suits, Furs of all men's wear will be found. when this department b.a enjoy waiting on the ladie things a man appreciates gift. ir-noe-rEdulineeniet Highest prices a est values iu the trade in Over- inds, all the latest novelties in This is the season of the year ady patrons. We we have just the of a 'Christmas hundreds of and the fact ost in the w EiE21EDMOVEIffig, aid for Butter, d Wools Eggs WM. MICH ' Oppoolte Town Butt:ling, & ilk DIRECT Vs IMP 0 =VS orner Main au4 iorket Ste., Seeforth, 1