The Huron Expositor, 1902-12-12, Page 88
ne of stoves is corr
That our i li
plete. e carry a large a8sorl
nient and gkiarantee you satisfai
tion from any stove we sell yox
Whether you intend to buy f
resent Dr later,
P comep and e,,
ainine our:stook of
BUOKS appy Thought.,
an 8
X 1001. thlast Hert-
RE'lls IR0
-eT soft and hard
ers f
f _4
QUEEN �,op Draft Heat-
ers, ftlol wood and a
full lazlee of cook stom
SuccessoraL S. Mullett & Co.
-e, Stoves, Etc.
CAPITAL (Paid- Up), $2500,00
REST, $2150oloo
Main Street, Seaorth.
A General B nking Business tram
acted. Farmer I Sale Notes collecte(
and advantes made on same at lowei
Drafts sold on all points in Canad.
he United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of One Dollar an
q 14
Solicitor Manager.,
�N, North Main Street,
on ha
j- I have nd a large and well assorte
stookof first clais sowing machines Ra]
mond, White or doodrich, In Cabinet. Dro
Hesd and oovered� machines, prices rangin
from $25 up;arde�'also a few secon
band machines which will be sold cheap fc
cash. All maothinies fully guaranteed, an
proper iustructio�s given free of obargt
ealerin needles, oil sewing maohiife &I
taohments and P�rts,' Bioycleb and Crest
Separators'. G , ral ro and Lifa Insul
since avent. Riske affected on all kinds c
property at lowes', rates. Houses for sal
and to rent. Office next door to Queen'
Winter Ter Opens Jan. 5th.
-at commercial schools on thij
One of the be
continent. A stro'pg statement, but a true
one, nevertheless. I Our school enjoys a large
patronage, becauO it is a wide-awake,
hustling, working,1 result -producing school,
New catalogue fr4.
W. J� ELLIOTT, Principal.
Change �'f Business
change in the i9vs elry �usincs:s now- man d by Mr.
R. Counter, Soarorth., at an early date. In order
to rednee the stock, w ich includes all new goods
b ht last morith for the Chsistn2a% trade, we halve
decided to, out regulir 3rices on all line s from j to
This is not a money nu king sile but a genuine clear.
ing out sale, for cash., Parties tequiring watches
a, sterling and o1h or plate
clooke,jewelry of all k
gobde, fancy articles, e;04, cannot well aff'-rd to nliEs
We opportunity of see riDg t!2eir Christmas presents
at coat and in rjuany ins ance-3, IC84 than cost. sale
coatmencea Saturday, ecember G;h, and continues
until @book is disposed o Store open every week
day from 8 a. m. to 9 p�: �4 m.
Coituter's JeweIr Establishment,,
H6nd.ers6n's Photo
Fail stcick� of Mouldings
and Pictjure Frames.
Photo Enlarging a Specialty.
J. P, HFQND�"'1180N, Seafortb.
Bank of ommerce I
Eight Mi 1 onars $8 .000 000.
Rest, $2,000,000.
A, gonwra3 Ban ing businean tran-
sacted. Farmer " Notes discounted,
end special att ntion given to the
collection of Sal Noun..
SAVI:NGS BA K_ -Interest allow.
od on depo-Xits o $1 and upwards.
Special fliallitl a for transaction of
buSiness ir�the [on Ike District.
Money Orderai paystil atany b&nk,issued aithe
following rate
Under �1(0 820 to $30 .12
910 to $20 130 to F50 .14
Reliable Harms;&
We strive to, �-iv-e
I- Ihe best values to' be
had. Our own make
elare neat and Btylisb,
and for wcar unequa led.
HorEe Blankets 1�i shapes, � all
ftl sizes, all
prices. See our Burlington Stay -on Blauk.
Rohm -Galloway obes, Saskatchewan
Buffalo Robes and tb Bishop Robe, stylish
and comfortable, and the price right,
lnaPbQt our croods liefore buying. I
Harness shop Cady's Block
711 tr 7
nn ]&X
H R A POSITOR. _11� BER'12,,19102,
The names of Mr. Stewirbll, a, former rep eT afty, m e r for a much larger an Instructor, and we hope she will be liber. returned.—Mr. VVm! Riley, of
I e .2 U11k
seniative, and Mr. Curri, of East Wawi n- Zwd, so ?h t� e was an abundance for ally patronized.—We again remind ur Marie, is visibink ci�d friends in t1a,,ul`vilS.1e LoOk evern,*,e
'05 mentioned alai robable oandidaiijes &V and to a re, III th& qualitLy was such read6ra, both and country,that they ity, His friends e all I d I see him. i
a r e
ih 4. 1;1-1 4� 9 '14— .11 �4._ 4'. 41 A L. as
V " IUD a One. v v e should near W And the evening of on Ayj -Mr. anu re. 0 0 8 1"o one
home of
ple"be one of the present efresentatives 4ut thii�appol ea hou, the chair was taken in December 22, and not make any other en- were r V's'
-10T M ERS. k [ting f b 7the r. Peter
DISTR a I � - 11[ win MY I V
which one we V17ould ni to say, jIn thb audi ce room b who set gagtment for that date, That is the e �en- Grant durin % b week.- ar griab
g pas
Division No. 8.� Messrs. O:ilfqr and Farg the ball r ing by 6, tit the pastor, Lag
Oult NEW STORY.- commence this U D at little introductory ing on which Miss Jessie Nevin Maclac an, mill seems to be in intain' its W 11 earned X
are likely, to � come to � the front and - 11 speech. ome disap�ointmeat Nvas felt on the world-renowned Scottish vocalist, i to reputation for g d *ork and iving the
week a new continued tory, , entitled I When 1 you go shoppin
Herb of Grace." Itis the c�lebrated most likely be re-eleoW 0 :Itbough it is ki0iid no lount . Rev, ]Mr. McPherson not being aing in Seaforth. This will likely be her verk best satiafaotibn to its many patrons, _g, look everywit-wi,
th4t Mr. Doig, of Gorrie, former candidl lite pr isent, I at th� c hai�inan explained that last appearianoe here, and those who fail, to as r MoNevia, the genial. pr6pr otor, was id get the bist. We none too
i Ito
6t and popular authoress, Roi Carey.1 It will
and a good man,will agNia be in the field. hii arraui emepts a t 4ome -were such tliat it hear bar on the 22ad- may never . have rush d with orders in at the f! �0', y 0 U.
be found to grow in interef t as it proceeds. It I be persuadd by plausible
over at other opportunity. She is worth coaling, pres t time. ood work, hoiies i dealiDg
intending subscribers should send in their terling- silver novelt �11 of all kinds, some this tim . Hi' er, was well miles to bear. -Mr. ,and Mrs.' Th as and ial Me, nor will always ;ell, and
. , , 0 wl a imp sible for h, , Don
It will continue for about I �bree montho,'and I to
�l e, ho=vnin m�nts. Don1 buy for
8 Road, s- this the itreat ent which the I atrone of
ire useful nowe are oil o,parneintal however, we ti en bv elv. W *oLannan, of -Xippl6n, Richardson were at. the Thanse sake. Dort`b pay out a penny ulatil
names at once so as to &t 0he whole of I e them at all prices. VTh 'i�y make nice Chrl i a w o deli red an eloquent and.' practical borne, on Wednesday, attending the iniar- the Ippen mill always receive. Judging
story, aawsmay notbe �able*to furnish prehents. Daly, under the totwn clock, Seafort,[h.,j �rp sure�coinvineed.
address o the IP Thris Main Elements for It's far better to spend a little titn�e
back papers when 1826- riage of. Mrs. Richardabnle brother, Mr. froth the numbe of weddin en of as
they i 4 wanted. 1 Re -
N i OW R"6st price� aa coess i Life." Excellent, addresses were Andrew Campbell, of Logan' to Miss Mon- like take pl see in this v the best, than to spend dayA.
SITOR frbin i:g ry!d(N butter and so during
until the first January- 1 19049 f r :One the Post Offig"" 9 3 so deliN t sly
member, we give THra Expih�l . . Andrews. 18 th6 Zoliday season, our olergyni n lik im
&I erd by Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, tietb, of Usboi ne. -M essre. Reid - Wi son n thatyoubadn't boughtat,tM__,_
Don't forget that Co titer, the jeweler is bf! St. Th )max ohu Fob, and Rev. Mr. , Wal. have had a new combination hot air and hot to have turkey and plum puddi g
D y Goods store in Seaforth,,
Dollar, the pr e -of one ye�,'�'a subscription. stbre for 'act is to sell. yo the best, ai
gl Z from one quarter one half off regt lar 'w n, ot i he'Motho ist, church. The �selec- water furnace erected fortbe heating of Christmas. Our 0 11
prl!es on waliches,
clocks, ingo, silver land silver fl )ns by ihel choir 1 veto beautifully rendered their store. Ib wam put in by' M, irfl, add at a saving for younelf.
CoLLX0lLiTF,Ho0-KEy1ST_R1,1`_At a, meeting, pla;edare� fancy goods, on Tuesday afternoon, for o purpose of re. Is disoosed Of, et from now until oti)ol� ai d appr )priato, at d elighted the audience, Chesney & Smillie. -The Winthrop ore 6m- The rices are low enough to lotv�
1820-1 Tucke
w 3ile a is lo, was oh r in ly rendered by ery paid out this last season over $7,00( in 8 ething for something else,
organiA notitute hockey XOTIC&, bi 9 The straight oad to a 0 Mi's hearb
og the Cc -Switches njake from oombi.98 M rs. D J . . M1
club, thii following officers 1 !were elected for uni. - The services! cash tol'their patrons for cream manufaila ur- lies through thi store round a tt Chrbt- FACt About Furs.
Woo& Ros�. Rooms overjW. N. Wateouls,office) tb
this season : President, 6- F. Rogres, B. MaIn Main Street, 0�laforth. rougho t *erevery successful. and were, ed there.�-Mr. David Wren, who has bee mas I titne. The phuents alwayw plesaig
A.; mamager, G. J. Ra secretary- China I only 'a side 11 $a tisfaet ry finanoi fkll� and otherwise. staying with his daughter., MrP. C, to the feminine ind,-,and, thos4 ey really And i4 our collection yotilli find fine it,
ton 1ne with us but e us
treasurer, E. W. Murr captain, V. make an ex ra taoit ti) P cure only the choic eat Byer, Harpurhey, for some t.ime,,, is selrio op" to gEt are iere in gi6isteat undancie every description, of the most Ap,
managing commit A. Waugh, J. 1 1 you wallk something artistic ex5m ne ��THF, COLLEGIATE (16NOERT.-the I &Dell ill. He is well advanced in years an his s4les, at lowetTrIcem.
Sills allud in the qua, ities and !,styles t �ey know
Roberts, A. J. D. MoMano F Wr* ht R. our wck. baly, under the town clock, Seaforth. 0 lincort Oompany poared in Cardno'j � hall, condition causes his friends considerable to be the beat. Thb quality of th gift will In every line la the ur tment tteft,
a ke Our oust"omers will favor us areably of the (,,10 a in not be questior ed if it c9men f in bars. y J. McLaughlin. The secret' ;; won j1i o4 Wednesdayeev 1 1 under the a ipiose uneasiness. -The anniversary servicleal I anch a representation of Bt
to hear from other clubs- i�! town with ref. Ilegiate 0 9�Ti tt Methodist church will he conduoed qtialities as must win, the u-ned lt1d
Bottling up 4ecounts thin ni)nth. KluaI3 favor us Would not sorn�thlug In fhe line Of Fare be a,
erence to formilog a town 10,49ne. in this request. W. H Willis, sol rl Y -14a e attend nap, the reser seats next Sunday by Rev. *r. Howell. Toere pioval of every customer,
a agent for Geo acce table ? TOe E. M oFaul Co., Somforth.
A. Slater shOes and Gr�uby rubbers. 1826 �Ing w filled. Toe entertain en was will.also be special music by the �exoel�ent The ralnge is large enough to give_u's ihr
THio No. olie of in irit and, ir We are to judge the church choir. Mr. Howell was always a
ATINGOFFIC �ts.-Tbe fol' business j6A&
low. -Do you:know that a ice piece of silv ir- - w of in ense Fur
are the, nominatipg offi me appointed in ways Is abo� a liberal 'i pplause, the different eel ions favorite in Seaforth, au& he Will, nO do t, NuNcm &.-The nex Meeting e roon wit an
as neat and a inexpensive ChpreE, ;nt thought,4f
the several divisions ��n this county for the " you can buy, either for a, wedding or rlst, as were thovuphlyr enjoTed. Miss L&D:11. in a be greeted by large congregations.- lee of the TuokiiiTti� eouncil will bp held at Form, it is_well to inow, the earIj 1 or� . . . . . . . . . .
Purpose o preaent. 00 s,00k Is veryl complete, with %it' es clever eb outionist, excelling in her ': child Eva Ache -ton ot Goderich is visiting her is.- Daly a hall, ER ondville, on Mon ay next,
receiving the nominations for running in price from 6oa tolsio. bitter In the matter of selection.
county ca ricillors : 1 Divi lion No. 1,-W. town clock, Seaforth. DAY, under the pieces. . Ai0s Vlanag�n has a 'strong, full ter, Mrs. J. 6. Groig.-The many'friendo of December 15th, at 10 o'clock. . Pa ties who Thersis and6ubtedly a di
have accounts against the corporation 'it
Stothers, afeking ;'No. �,-ja soprano voics, of good compass, and siags. Mrs. Josiah Tyerman will regret to 4ear the most select Furej :and the a4l[j�t*
mes Cam - NOT10F. To DEIBTOR�- -Having- returned would oblige. the council- by p
bell, Lon esboro No. 13, P :with feeling and exprOssion, MiesRe6thwell. thatshehas been seriouslyill for a me resenti 9
-Fred � Hess, from the west. I will be � at Knechtel's furniture have d, chance of culliD
Zurich 0. 4.-G. 11. Biesett, Exeter - stote to receive all accounts out3tanding. Per. i acted as accompanist, and give two. piano weeks. We trust she will soon be res red them before the abcove date, hol that tDhe =t, if thee is an
JP sono Indebted to me will ass tiko . notice �nd 80108. to her usual health. -Mr. Wm. Tr cey fins, ce statements may be made as com- y laoticeabl i-,dif
No. 5, -Al G.� Smillie, Heneall ; No. 6,- fekence.
a-6ttlelh-6'eame at once. Landsborougb, Sea. plet
F. S. Soot I Prussel No. 7,-P. Porter. fortb. and family, who hava resided for a nun bar as possible, We prutect you by guaanteeingou
.r Case?18 farm, east of
field, Marnodk 0. 8,"Jamea Cowau, 18264 DuAT OF ER RESIDENT.--iChere of years on Mr. E. T END NoTm.-On Taesd# of last ald nalder a sale complete otill
Watebes of all kinds �t special prices for died in Clinton, 0 Sunday,November Pbh, Weeks a large number of the resiO�nte gath- co
Wroxeter.� The noninatlons take place at Chrts%mas. j. Buigey, jewe0er, geaforth. ' 18264 �,Mr Fol'and, wid of.the late town, and for the past two- years on Ar. cred at Turner's church and re-abin led the they have beentested and you are iw_
Johnj Fol- Luke Fortune's farm, have moved into f,ea'- 19
Seaforth, xeter, Zurich, Clinton, Goderieb, isfied.
Wingham, Wroxetet and Brussels, for the NoT.10E.-All parties ndebted to me re land. Tie deoesse was a former resident fortb, and now reside on High street. - dr :had and made a number of improvements
, but h round the hr�
hereby notiffiled that all acco nis must be settled Ion of Seafor -h been living in Clinton Frank Habkirk was at Statfa 'Nednes h:nd cemetery. On Mon.
respective divisions A which these �Placea or before the 13th day of -Pecember next, or t ey g Jae Household Linens, Lo I
tre. The nom ;A.
zor some years, w re she was highly es- '\attending' the marriage of his cousin, ise
are the ce will b6ifteed In a lawyer's liands for c Aecblon. Y, day ovenin es meeting will be held
N. Colbert, Seaforth, 'teemed. She was 2 years of age,and loaves With Xmas just around
inations take place
on Monda Decemb r231 -2nd, and theoting 1825. . M-aude Barbour. -Mr. J. Bulger, Jaw or, in T1 ruer's chu�rh. T a will be s0ved from the Zo rA SPE101AL X'Nf.ks ly 6 to S. after which addresses are expected
D on the sam day as the other election 6FFER.-$1.25 black !a )f three s6ne, Fred and JOh I n, Of has had his show window artistically ill m- mUst give thought - to Linens.
D reati-de-Sole silk, b6st Ffeudh make,-*arranted not Clkn't'aon and WilAam, of Saginaw and from Rev. Mr. Sawers, of Bruoe6ld, Rev. it6 Linens are -here.
IL inated by colored inoandesocrit lights, iv -
to out, for 86c a yard. Lear§yd & Co., Seafort 'four dau ghters, M a. Fred Lockwood, of W. jGiffV Your aim t4e -di
HunoN-, TANDS SECOND.-AccordingL to ing it quite a city appearance. -We I are asl !t..tR. Holmes, M. F., and on that day is to make
1826-1 Clinton; - Mrs. R, Hammett, and Mrs. oth rp. - lar teach- ing room as attractive as possi-blo, is it
the Out * Bureau of Industries, Middlesex pleased to learn that Miss Janet Scott 1has el ryI our popu
still ranks a3 the Young's for fancy ch�na. in% Callaghai k of 8 f ths and Mrs. E. Camp- sufficiently recovered from her recent sej'ere is making elab ate preparations for an en. not 9
county. The buy my Xmas presents in fancy chii t t 0 bell, of iichigisena.o illness to be -'able to 'sib up. -Mr. tertiinmenb tobe held in the school house, Oar present Aimis to help you by isup
remier ,! nd. go
Al Xoung'd. Odd piec Is in Linioze chins
farmlandin Midd sex is valued at over at ' Jame� G.
r- beAut1ful. -4e evening )f Friday, December 19th.
$30,00.0,0D), Hu �on emiDg next at a valu. 1826-1. McMichael shipped a duoble-deck ca of on snowy white Linens, smooth and
:CoUXC L MHET11 .4 --The regular meeting hogs to Mr. Daviep, of Toronto, on Moal
1, ation of tuenty-eigh and one half millions. Wedding rings in 10k, 14k and l8k. V 7e n ay. Mr. D. B. Gunn, of Seaforth, will occupy� as satin, heavy and firm of texture,,st.
;t I sell them byweigbt, if yoxi need one kindlyreme[ii- 'of the town cou 0 was held on Mond& The 190 ho a averaged 190 pounds e �rices extremely re'asonable.
a buildings, Middle ex is also ahead with a y 9 the chair. An. xcellent programr.6is is being
ber us. Daly, undtr the to,�n clock, Sealorth % prep W. McLeod. comedian -,and The Linen stock comptiees -beauty in T
total of $JO,902,000, Huron again Coming, evenin . A by -1 I fi Ing the polling places Special services �will be held in St. 9 r1ler I If rd; in MS ra
secdoid. wi;h $10,901),000. In implements for the municipal e dionm was paesed. ' The church during Advent. The annual tea Ror othei - orth, have kindly consented Cover@, Tablings. Doylies, N&DW.*V_-
Any quantity of poultry wanted at t e ' to help make t e entertainment a succeEs. Five O'clocks, Tray :Cloths, Sid�%o
Grey takee first position with a total valu- ot Wee grocery. Highe it price, cuh or tra C. followinj - are the p c 3s : North W�rd, Mrs. the Sunday school will be given on Friday A amlall admisRi n fee will be charged to Covers, Towels, Etc. ar, d -Z
;t ation of $2.709,000, Huron coming second �5- And,re 1826.1 jE�l Cash's store', R. u maden, deputy ; South evening, the 19th inst.-M�s.;-rk Wm. Luck -
with. V22,690,000, Sirr cos third with $20, 1 IW&rd, 0 C. Wills( 'i i ware rooms, H. J. hart,, Joseph Dorrance, M cKillop ; Ro':)ert meet expenses.
d 672,- MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. -Some idea Punobarl, depu Y�; E%at ad Thomas McMillan, Hullett Ax ImPoRTTE Burff--Messrs. & J. Inve-ed of an Xmas Dress?
000, and Middlesex ranking fourth, wi�h a of the populuity of Miss e, 10 ac ac ]an on Ward, at town a D. D. Wil-
er �ball, Wi liain Ell
valuation f $2,636 (00. In live stock Mid- present tour may be gained f ram the fact on the 60. 0-11;,�deputy. A communi- son, John Daly and Peter.- Dill, �Seaf`DFth, Broa0foot, of t 'a township, have Purch med 'If so, now for the goods ! We give Von dlesex is f rot at $6,764,000, Huron: ones casioll, of hor rocenil visit Torarto, M5860Y all fr:)m Mr. Holmested, agent for attended the winter fair' at Guelph his from! Mr. Jame Cowan the impo�ted thor- chance of the season before the I i rnoretakiEg secondplaceWith $6,716,000. was filled and st-2ndln , roon wa premtum. Of Mrs. A. Strong, askitig for a rebate of taxes week. -Mr. John Dodds is taking in the ough�,bred Short orn buII, "Trumppter." He
bee, succe3t the Soo tish rriieari�ctaarl says: 0 is 15i months ol qf red color,-ah4 is of the Rio broen, thus; you get ample tf MLMD;eC1,;t9
r a Ated large audiences hove the, gown ready, r a suit t in&
Lumping all four classes of property to- gfestScottloh sing'c d 1i I in one 0' her store i on Main street, on so. shooting tournament at Brahtford.-Mesers. t
8tratfor on the 20th ul b., -a d at Ido 0 ant Of it strai; ht Cruic shank strain, the beat in
gether gives Middlei9ex a valuation of $50 - unt For8b not hav,ng been rented. The W. G. Patterson, and Dr. Cooper are att(nd- 9
t on be, for the holiday and YEt t th . . . . . . .
the Vat and!22nd 'alt. i The double concert at Mot 11b, cc mmun cation wai received, but the coun- ing the Lodge of Inat�uetion, A.� A. Scotland. He was*imported by�lj..George
367,000 an�' Rufon A total of $48,640,:000. Forest was dnly dealdiel on 1when it was found th( re could not see th)ir way clearto aaceed to M., at Stratford. -Mr. John McDermi(' Isaac, in August -last, and is a 14 by com- -sqods for as little money asyou JW4d
for about qouble expect to pay a month hence.
were applioalti,", for tl k ibe i of
LAZ, te%b iig capicity of the hall. T t 3
A B AT THE STATION.-A�out half concerts in b(th tEe requ)st, as to i o so would be setting a Lucknow, was in town on'Thursday, cal �ing petel a gee who have examined him to be Riple a " pirle finished clothe are oelling
el ani &I, an,
past one Monday aftDrvoon, emoke'was dis- places were beld unldt Ir the 4uspices of the Son8 of : dangerous preced at, Accounts' to the on old friends here. -The St. Marys - [lax d one calculate -4 to be of fr ely. We have specials at 660, 704
8 otland. The Theatre bert very i
covered isi nin In Stiatford. as "aTount i 1 $483 wei is pasged and ordered to mill was de visluableservice in the neighborhood g from the station house'. . An fil"lod to Its �utmost. The "Standing 6(m owyll stroyed by fire Wed-nals :lay ho h * k 713c, 85o, $1 and S-1.295 per yard- ends alarm wa i rung in and was prom sign being displayed over 1, e box C be d. Tenders were instructed to be ni ht. -The announcement has been offii ial- The �ssrs. Broadfoot
ptly re. 'I Mee f Ily halt n 1,, pa' 9 e Is e - 5 best of all, these goods are guar4tee
BpDnded tc by the fire brigade who hour before the time adver load for the u t C%IZ fo _- the working of the @now ow for ly made that Judge Masion h alth eug� youap�rnlen, have shown that: they
p located com concert to P1 as been on per. not- to shrink, cockle or spot,* "t
f the ladleal have 12 weiEn the ce menoe. i Miss blaclaottl n was down for th ce the session. The fire and water committee annuated on account of ill health. Ju:kior rule ra �n.
the fire be� ilig 10 this equib eede?s ii stinct an4 the en -
9 or four songe at each conce 6, but from neorea e I ter ise r� i t_ for success, and, we are
waiting rqDm and the floor of the room had 0 twore authorizsd to have a temporary cov- Judge Doyle has been promoted to the PF
d to apf6ir about three times th%t numbe ." Our ra ]Rge of pure wool Cheviots at Opp
above. I�rom Miss Vaclachlan will uppea! ering erected over the street watering cart. Judgeship of this county, and. Mr. P1 ilip sure that their
r pt action on the part;of'the forth, on Me in Cardno's Hall, S!R- be v &at purchase will! not only yaFd, in the popular colors, ij extra
brigade,ex�inguished what might have b iday, Deoemb(r 22od. 1826-: Thecounciladjqurt cl torneet on Monday Holt, of Goderich, h"' been made Ju iior aluable in I heir own splendid , �herd, but
een 1 - a md fj11 of wear. ]Light!
Stirlingi silver Plata ware. We ha ve night next. Judge. will e of equa I service to outailers ;who som e
a serious fir�e, without much damage having a
been done futb6r than that caused byw bqught, ratheir heaylly in these goods, because t I he atr bise him. They paid a big': ice for e WeiRtus lry . 1'e' Y_ ater I
ripe is very low. )f you i re needing anything lin Pr
and mmokei' The f re in suppose p LocAL BRiEF9.-lVe are pleased to earn Hohn e�sville- their4ine youn): bull, and their enterprise JaCk' —A ou W
13A d to have this If . he call in and see ui. D31y, under the to �ts d as Y ouId lave
been caused by an accumulation of gas from hat Mr. Win. krean6D, who has been laid deserves succes andpublic appre
clook,'Seforth. i 1826-� NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint, of mation.
f the stove in the a' waithig room'6 It is bette up with an attack f typhoid fever, is re* Then
Our 28a tea: r than ever, try Belfasi, were the guests of George Proc �or,
BeAttie Bro3', Seaforth.
ome ignited and was
3 had in. some way bec covering nicely., r.1 David Chesney, v�ho the put week, returning bome-ou Wed ies- Hensall. Don'b 'hink that the seasou is alre�)dy toQ*'
rapidly makirlig'itS VaV has been in Manito a all summer, returned
up the outer�, wall Brioadfoot, Box & Co., bavd in their show day. -Mr. Herbert and Miss Tracie (ken first -clava brick stoke to rent, fal wdvan,,ced for satisfactory oosing,
home 110t week.! -Mrs. R. McCartney on Frida, situated on the Me In street in the vill of Hensall, in Jackets. when . discovered. Fortunately- the noon room the mw complete line of Xmas furniture ever toba Chesney likes Mani- called on train was late, and as a consequence there offeTedf or si�e. 1820-1 will pr6b ly return in the spring. Mrs. John Young and daughter, Jep� leg, known as store No. I of the Bell Blook,� hieh was If it's I& stylish you il I or at
were a numb5r of people around at the time. All books must be re urned, under pen�l- -Mr. CA&rles Ao ettson, son , of the late paid a fl ing -visit to some of their old frie do ed y F.' G. Arnold, who �rrlod on a Of good wearing a"Mn a
y e t' coull" Wine busi I -, m 79
Had it oc��rr!d at i time when no trains V at 41 fine, Tto the Library by Tuesday, December Aoberteou, is here just now from on the Out Line last week. --john To ,and nese it is one of i lderatia in price, our $toe Van tt r& to
f b irk while Ire ng made. Tn 9 i in ib e!t6ob 4 a ands in the plao; an a first
were due 1 23, and Is ports are bei e Biiti lhibi�, -N isilting his mother, ond of Ebenezer, was in the village on Fri& Y. claw cellar and's Red with dwelling r Fu pply your need.
P mig b eft ily have made eeduuR Lfbrar',� will be read� for diAribution again by T T6 I On the
headway Visfore bei, ig discovered. ;As' it d ues- other friends. -We arD sorry to bear 'of ihe -Dr. Ball, of Clinton, was in the neight or wond floor. It is a very comfortable mind There as ye� &good representati
-1 as-, Jp"nuary,,Oth, 1903. 1826-1 in this
was, it w�L%I-only by I ood work on the part serious il Itiess of Mr. L. Tasker, 6f Hullett,son hood on Wednesday,, is praotioally, new having. been crec four di Ferent sizes of the seato
of the fire litrigade tb it it w Sensible 'Christm�spjeqentls, hoe ey ootg, of *r.,Lwoelot Tasker,of Harpurhiii3L-Mr. years ago it win be rented, for a term
as extinguished feltaboev, overgaiters, mowasions, Pggings, ovEr. James Cowan was at Chicago lost week' at- re"odabl; rent. For further partle lei 8, but �to put off, buying -for no
with so lit0o dsmagi bein done.. Big stock and low pric �s. 17. prnprl�tor. ROBERT B ealorthi or a Me f0ure date in to do . , . in - 9
shocs,'rubters, etc. I Port Albert. yourself an in3lagt-
H. WHEN, able agent�lor Gec rge A. Sister shoes and 1! tend in he fat �stoo k i ho w there. -Mrsi W. 11: to G. J. SU rHE
DOTS. -We are pleased to note that Miss 80DR
Grauby rubbo.-s.
H.i Boyd and f.F4`miI* le t here on Fri �/oi�cERT-.--The ourlers'concert �h6 Come *bile the coat that would pleoe you.
-'The election for Nothi i day""t Joan Dtmbar in quite better and is 'now able 1.
ng.�nicer or will give more plemett e 1 fori Sacro mento';�... 0% fo.niaj where Mr. Byd Miller's'opera 11, on Tuesday ev. ninj be
county councillors takes place in to visit among her 'friends. -Walter Haw- � I a sit 4t is here ; c:)m.-,, without f�xther
January than iii,nice gold watch, either for lidyorgentlems . his been qmploy6d in se he left Heaforih.- was very largel r attended, the 1411 beiu 9 delay.
next, the same time as the electione. We are showing a few extra special on& in ladi(of Dr Ross, . 0 00 .. T, kins, teacher at Mafeking, a
lother wakhe*. Chi a W, N. W-. _M _penb Sunday at filledand tnani hav 9 We have good offe
There are likely to be severa Just a sauqple-A 14k gold f1figed huntir g h his home here. r. Thos. Richardson E n ing to stand. The� pro- rings for Ja e4 anif
I changes in the case, warranted for 2 years fitted with a Walthvii th, week, visit al his brother, Dr; , H. d gramme for the evisning was childreva" coate 'in
composition' of the co noil tor the next �wo movement for $12 ana you get a plujh cue and a ;�zll! son, Allan, left on Monday to resume w k' a long and suitable -old-be In
-we and at and that Mr. David- varied one, com isting of solos qtiartIttes, Bekvedr, -Venetian, .� Zibeline, Xeraley.
yeare. In Division No. 1, Mr. Philip H61t. silk;guaid wi�h It f Daly, under the town cloa c, M Naught, of Rapi City, intends at their lumber mill in Parry Sound . Is.
�seab for � 12 Seaforth. rc 1826.1 paying tr ict. -A Ohriatmaa tree, under -the auspi ,ea Highland fling, amd step danci d wn, Bearskin, Astr*chup
who has held i6t %forth a visit sh tly, Mr. cNaught eluding with a I&V. entitled % 'coni er 0
. n thel council SO M
years, has determinee to re�iro and will not A� lot of new diLer sets and- toilet so A I bit old f#end of the Ladivel Aid, of the -English churh, nh n t e d Hopeopun, Golf Oath, Etc.
again be a cari� idate. ' Hi I. coIleagne, Mr opeoed cut &� A. Young's this week- See them bo. 0 man. h re who will 6 pleas- will be held on Monday evening hou'se'�" The in isiciii part of t og . mine
fore buying, I ad �o see bia�;giinial u tenance once more. the M ad s v�pry good e Dd much enjoyed Me'' are. Blankets, etc----�The Ver
Chamberp, of Ashfieldi, willilikely be a a �bwlllplyyo A.Youag,Sciforth.1 Inst. Every one is cordially invited t . wal _8
c� n* i o co e _y Be�.
38261 -Much -egret was I on Friday.last on it George Trott, Samuel Sts
didate again b t ther 3 is list of vx' I I and spend & social evening. -Mr. an coy, Ambrose Opport��itieg for economy are - ji ancy
09. d b iumlaj knolwn th alster Willie Ada' d M Smith and Wal;er L%neaster, aicc I oknp�nied
I me,
pective candid tei and it io-,impossible ey' f ao Box & Co., are giving bpecial so Hamlin visit -e& in Ripley and Kincardi pro�ounced, and you require the thing*
en prZofoolir the lXiiia6s t�ade. 1826-1 k� of M!.- Win. Ad in -, north, M�ain street, by Miss Luie M ir is pianist, formed to make a reas I nable gues . as to who' the 'on laqt week. -Mr. and Mrs. George Hawk U13 or- now. had pass �d from *thi Ii 'e. He w" a. bright chf s'ra that ouW be hard
successful ones Iwill be. In Division No,' i�41 hind, of f tiruitt re iven away at spent several days in Goderiob last week. to, '�Rutt pass, These are the days that m&ke the nee'd for
Xmas prices ot Broadfoot, B Dx & Co.1d. nd pron tising d a d iis sudden' denfiie is ently 'f Sault
I h
Messrs. Connolly and, -j'ante 19n, the prosiiiint 1826.1 11 while�.Mr. David McGill, rec eavier bed CL Inthiug more impe
representativesiare likely a 'ain to be in he 4ristma,o presents f jewelr) ' are a severe bereave,me t �o his parents and Sts. �Jarie, 'and formerly of Heosaa 1, -de-. ThereU a stock I appropriate,'A do not wear out quickl e;ning here d to iieetA
most friends. -.Me W. 0 Reid has be Stanley. 'i ligbt6d the audi)nce by rende
field, but i b is icarcel',7 pro 'able they will t I ring a, Mber great demaud. A ip
g e*.:them good. ou .4. The priceii are a 9w days in" Toron:o, with his colaiin, Cap- Oar customers will'favor us gr eu pe
�ed. 'T you eatly y of ' los, for eaeb nd.-the high atai dard
both be re-elect hey ate both good high coqaiderIng quali y, J. Bulger, beaforth. of which he had to ire pond quality, e8taL 1
tain McG[ffial. and cth�r fdendq.�Thd first elwng up aocounle his month. Kindly lay so blishod lbere, is to bei seen
or us to encores. The Qaartette Jubile
men, but they both o e a I b, of
*al gianue to the Ca It !early and 9ecare . 7our presents to be skating for thi intbi@r(quest. W.H.WD119,solsagentforGeollge Hami even in the most inexpensive lines of
p I 'eas),n �ras iudulged in on A. Slater shoea ani'Granbi ra4bere. iton, also added lar ely to th Ism- Blat, ets, Comforters and Cnnter..,
h h k
sune political 'arty d it ias become al- dcllvere� Xn;4s evening out of the largest futnitare Saturday last 11WL ell t youngsters dehport- are cf, the evoul y g of
b eir rand rih
most an understood le th 0 each di vision stocit'lev1prearried In1Seaf.)r1h. Bro4dfaot;B:)x,� d t1hemet lves'on a I at of ice on the south PAL -DEAR' EXPOSITOR, -I a�m fi Panes. Then, as a -Conseqi�nce you
1.826- 1 . -8 'out re t- no- quartettes. he -individual en1bere the chance ode
irom each aide of the Co' certai r14 title of, ape ven
send a rapreseniative. n that t�e !many if for securin
a is
ideI of th 3 railway. The first al of tW;club s.%ng iolos in -good form,
Political feDee. It this ru e shoi d be carried out OJr stoA of �! I imily groceries is largq, eighs also are r
eared 3 Sun: a the snow that has ad and efficient'pouney councillor, Mr.W' ad did of g re service, than any ain some 4tep dancing between im a that
comp�etfi, fras and up-to-dat , Gtt our prices Lamont, are desirous 6f ha*iug his 0 ices.
this divikior, an� it a on fnatural that, it fqv Ilen sin(T as in 1 n� tj similar_pr
should be, either Mr. onno ly or Mr. gan- oanueld Ora, i peas, t6matce , salmons, lemon an',d a . a b d7t,6 eleighing from fair great] pleased t e orangb, PC 0 t" rsi wnq abd curl nts. Our 25c uncolot- o widdlillg.4-Mr. Sclater purchased for another term in, the county council. dience. The
disco roed, throt,"
tellon must fall by the way sufferingl for ed Japan te.% to pronotiloced b - LhoEc who hive tried n old l I e o 6 G I f the ancient I d. am in a position� to st'ite that Mr. Lamont gh t the eveni it uch
their party's sake. it, to be'the bp36 on the inar et. lively and excell( at us ly
n , save yo
has consented t run ind is'in the field as a
it h Hullett's turn I - I O� in that greS
marks in Tu' ckers lbb,l and in having the sistediall taking piart'i
mor`r on every dollar YOU MV133b wlth us. Can 0 a the prngran lall as The
to have the new repretentat ve, the amea and ei c for 3 ourseilf. J. L. Smith, the c!ty groce material trausforme' in'to fire wood. It candidate. With his 'long and valued e
I well - �,3 delightf
of several in that township Seaforth, perience his election lin assured, 0 the audience.
�_a mentioned$ T 1826-1 should be, weil so son1'ed.-DIvisioxi court I also ul" if the�, a was one art of the co
the more promincrit ones bei�g Masai a, �"as. Ou Chii.Atmai goods are- nearly all in. iivas held here on derstand Mr. Wm. Consit, of Hay to ' noort
Leech and Thomas McMillan 1 Tbeyja ad, y, befoie Deputy wl 1-. seemed to please- ore than auother� "t -at
The altillge watinued
re both Collielaad look around. J. Bulger, jewdler, Be%- Judge Hot'. w hip, who has given I excellent services as 'the Highland Aic
No. 1 men and the polo le 6f the divi4ion f0rtb-1 1826-l' 11 0 1 11 councillor for a � number of yearls, is also a and sword dancing given Eq, 31cFA �ULI
would not p ito- the vening. re James Scott., of by- M r,. Robert B th ron-, the father of �,; the
maks any mistilke no matter Wanted� ' dried appL and potatoe��. 'arpurhey, met w 'Ith a nasty accide t on candidate. With Win. Lam('
which one th )nti in Stanley, curlin club, w 0 ppeared in ocaturne.
ey selected. In Division Nq� 3, Highiist�prlce8 at the poitcffloe grocery. C. and Wm. Consit, in Ila , the division wii Dru Gooe. is co.
AndrOws. n y
riday. She had ae down town an Whilej considerably past middle I'
the retirementi of Mr. John Torrance, wb on
0 18204 �r way h 3me tri A on a looss no doubt, be both abli and well represe teq. he danced w
)lank in the
has removed from th� division, makos a Cobluter'si ona, q'uarteF to one - half di�- 1 1. 1 1 The eneralunbiasedjopinionof ithethe graceand elast.1bity
vacancy there. We di ! 8 dewalk, alling vily and somewhat in- thogreatir
be�ber count s-gle for cash has been great success so fai. h 1� S of a young profo a or. and the deafen ini ap-
Mr. William Lamont will ag in be a catidi- ore We doto we &d. e k. a' be elected by acclarnation.-RATEPAYER. I rc a he received gave ev idjnce
lo, not now w �cad tomakeit rn e numcr of ratepayere� is that they will bo* th's Greatest
we in I wa;, assiated* home � by plaus6 and enco E C4
vertiq. -1826.1 a"Ar. by ud'is nil We see it a �ounced, how i � getting all right 'gain. date or not. Splepdid assortme me at Mine B kia, of Dindon, of theinterqlat an I pi a;aure he added to the Goods Store,
ut f cur era' broo , 0
ever, that Mr. John MoNaug 'ton, the : eveninj's eiftertainment.. Theconcerbwas ry
pre- Beattie gros.,iseaforth. coutin arrows. -The brought to a clos3 by the Hamilton Quar-
lit Mis (Dr,) B Wroxe'ter:
is here v
slaut Reeve of Stanley, is in t [e field to stay. 1826-1 1;oW
Pe&aps you are thin i g of * * plow was nought I to use for the first ]�OTES.-Joa. Cowan spent Friday in Go tette Club giving the play 11 The H unted is bein e 00 use 0
If that is the case, there is ni)',t likely. to be giving som t is seaioi , on' Mon timp
one &.nice pair, of gold . f p 0 aeles for a Christma a ith Mr. Si 'in eele" erich.-Miss Minnie Miller, of Howickl, w 9
an election by acclamittioh t any rate if preseat. Wewil fib the 9138sto suit at anytime freD a captain y y and the 9 of the N tional er, man er of,the R. Pickard .'a neore,
Mr. Lamon Sim � d t ie plow are most the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. F. Miller, f Anther'n-'. The on Bin are to be con tulat- in this vi age, was in 0entralia on Sab ath
t also runs, Jae H y iv likely to of charge:. DA1y, Graduate 0 tican, under the town eloo 9 8 w tn t' a few days this week. -A -number of I r1eit
.6 te snow in do. .
demand a band in theftEaly. clock, Oaforth me v I itor w 'n 0;
oba bh ed on the success of heir coniaert a
ve he�srd 1826-1 it nd as Ian
the. namas of Mr. Peter Lamc it, the Don' misgtbis (Rev ) Neil Pheson, of Aam� Iton friends and members of* the Methodist they intend in king i I tatte ing I the funeral of Me mo her,
present glasq an fancy opport nity. All crockery me here on Satur ay with M church gathered at . the home of Tho : tan annual aff�ir,' it who ha btained a ripe old -age, and �wb&
Reeve of'Hay, and th't of Mr. Consit, a ware must b hold by lot Janus r. Mellher- in& will be lookedafo ward to each fear, with was vo verV highly rempec
councillor, apoken of. Who � will b -buy cheap goods suit a home f her turdai vening and ted in that qora-
next. Now is %ur chance t son and sp nt few Aa�sl at th Appleby on Sa y preseatel interest.,
t e, time able for 41Kmas prf
will tell. In Division No. 4, We understand' parents, ev Barr, Harpw -hey. LOCAL BR1EFS,-L-Qdite a number
city gracery. -sents;�nd or general uso at the . and re.' Mr. end Mrs. Appleby with two arm chairs' munity, where she bad resided o long. -
J. L. Sm! I th, 8 . e forth. 1826-1 She retur el homi on -The niversary o Of blas- Mr.. R. T-witchell, proprietor of the �Ien-
that Mr. Spackman intends Wednesday. itbeing the fiftieth 'an tbe4 rqve over to Seaforib; on sall laundry, , had the misfortune last �eek
again beirl' f ove from here d
g a Seei our electric wi dow display. j. I annivereai services in the Methodist ohhrch, wedding day.-Xies Alice Hami
candidate, but his colleague, Mr. Hicks,� is Buiger, 8eaforth. 18261 which we a to have been held la:t Sab�atb, It6n has re- Wednesday, to t4ke the morning train for to accide�tally� cut his hand, inflictink
turned from a we3ks.visit with friends it Stratford, t6 atteod the grand lodge in
anxious to retire.' � In ithe o dinary routine a from a die�tancf wishing to Procure were post o Brussels. es very painful ijury.-Mrs. Wells is'in ]�,on-
Paritie nod until next Sun'dayj, on ac, -John Gibson has gone' to Tees sion there. -Mr. WM_. Buchanan land
it is Usborne's turn to: -have i a represe�ta- reserved': Aeats,for the Jessie Maclaeblin concert, can count of t e illLaiser of Rev. Mr. Howell, water for a few weeks', where he will assist on, don viaiti 4g her parants.,-piis H.stto of
tive this time and no doubt 1at towns4i have th
p a Fanie reserved. for Hugh,And Mr. G aorge Dick were �in Gu I h
ei was thi �linton, was in the village - on Tuesday I re -
hem by leaving th W 0 was o conduct the services.- in the saw miM -Miss Lizzie Nookes, 0 9 week, attend ng the fAt at . o
will be putting up for one. money1with Al Thomas Rich rdson. Rev. F.
In that event ck elbow ;oild n swing acq
in thA city.-Sk tiDg and curling'will �oon Auburn, vka here this week vialiting Mr,
al- pelataclels to f4 ev(ryone, Lsrkinconductea St. aul's Gorrie. pent Sunday with her sisters berej -Mr. John Kuo.*, of'
we have heard the nami6i of Mr. James B hege6icesin naintances.
tested free, a erfect fit I guari nteed, he latest past r of renewe be th- der of th day here and is Idoied G. F. Yur�gbl t and family.
lartine mentioned'. Hr is a nember of 14e an church, H%milton'laot SundaS,the -David Sanderson, of Harristan, 0 0111;
ments used for your benefit a hicPher I acquaintances in theillage 'bfi Thursday. forwar to with eat intercab by lovery of
time, 6 oan, Se%forth. t e anniversary Bervices in the Presbyterian Mrs. Walter Beldiat and her two Fiona
township c,)uncii at the pries 3nt inistru ; t�atchurcb,Re an,condut iting
. Terience �nd 1826-1 vq these Pastimcs.- dr. John Willis -him
had considerable munici�pal e C�uich, SE
would make an ad WAiMD. Choic roll butter 2 e6forth.-.1.1 full-siatsr of "Ele �trio returned to Toronto runction.-The regialari turned home fr in
county councillor. e Oc,turkoyo I Lohdoh until 1 ter Zurich.
Mr. John Delbridge, o Uslorrie, is a�' undray�,n'loo. Ve buy for caah or trade. A B�11 the YC UDg St&lli 311 0 tied by Mri I Vm. monthly meeting of the Women's Fore194 Christina@, when he intentla NOTES.- -A pretty butquiet wedding fook
so stock to 4alect from. G, 9. K rig, Wlugham. r ve
epoken'of. Dr. Ross,
Nrry, of B Missionary Society was held at the ho re-;
Air. Delbri ge is an old con of me of, turning t r treatme 4re place at ti a residence of Mr. W. B
y Sea Wj
is nowj pri, d y lier owne Bat�ler,.
councillor and although efeated at t at -8. mo,; pleaaed to learn at! he is at th rit on Wedn�sday evening, whon his Only
p t 1826-1 Mrs. T. F. Sanders last Thursday. at
hel Mali '�g
ew atyles in ri ga this year and 00. She is ow'2 d Urbans, Ohio r
make a r1ces
electiori,, would u 6 Clure,,of Arthur, gene al agent for thel?rost�- time c'ntiderabl i
ood run. On �h e p 20"n, 75a to $60. J. B r. ,ge daughter - was united in marriage to Mt. J.
Seaforth. and she is: four 1 years old and & Wood Company, as in the vill ge last a qoderich this week t nder, of near' Ralobwood. The core I ony
Stephen side, the n%meal of Mr. Jacob Keil. 1826-1 has itrotted a mile in C.'Pett1Y.was-f d. Be
lerman,of Dash -181� �bq could iave week. -An auction sale of 10 cow: and 20 iing as a
wood,an( Mr. . SweitZer.lof XmAis B00xS.-Just oranfd the best as- grand jurymam-hir Charlps Z P_
sortmeot' and cheapest bookii been -bought. a year igo for 400. -Mr head of two-�ear ee was performed ;at six o'clock, by Be VWV.
Shipka, are mentioned, )ut hetber iiither .6�er shown in t110 Beattie went to ter ' n k -olds,� was held at the Gof. man. rdeently en ged as pa . -ger, We'u"nite with the many fri nda
county At Ale:K. Wilson's, Sea rth. 1826-1 0 Saturday nd j of W. J. Miller, car iage maker, is now ](ea n. of the yoting couple in wit-hing
of them have intentions: n that directi,)n w Exe ton House, onWednesday. F. S. Scott,' iinter W1 r. J. Yi
V i i I Bruesels, w them All
are not definitely informed. M r. A. Q. i i - took with him the ballot boxes contal ing as auctioneer, and J. Williamgp Ing ra0-roading ab the station.-Wiio4 is possible happiness -and prompel I
Bobier, of Exeter, is a th6i Referendum vow in Z'Seaforth. Mr. proprietor. rity In i the
let likely to be a can- ANY, IV-ERS4RYSERV10E1. - Thean iverear T�o I a.Fowleri of1le I Huron Roa &.4very scarce article in our vi�114ge future. - )Iay. W. J. Yager' condu4ted
didate. M� r. Bobier is a bustl r and if b.-)th y d, eat, and - w at , ooej on Sun I day-
servicc a, in connection v; ith the F rat Preis- had'the misfortune et two of bi ay & in so far has i been quarterly lfiervioeel at Dashwood' I
Mr. Spackman and he run t 9 a ribs Kippen. I shipped a fancy prices. -Mim*- Me. ast. 4 protiding eld of
0 he will make, 'a byterian chu�oh, S6aforqh. were hel on,Sun- brii ken la it week. He an attending D.Hay, Commissiotiier and Conveyancer Gregor,! e at teacher of schooll sec- Berlin, conducted the quarwrly-v me ng
eff I Rev S. Kneohlel
eter, and VV 10i
h t time. They are both fro Ex day 1w t.� Rev. Neil M.ol"bersOD o Hamil- the 'battle and orie of t'e auim Is kicked
it is acarcelypossible they can 3th be ele'e. t l d I a wills, mortgages and deeds drawn up. money loa
on, oq6 u the abrvices, fore con and hiW.-Mr. Louis Krise lie, est rates of interest. d tion Nol, 10i Hay! bad her pupils 0hoto. here. Theseivice was largely attende.
-1 at the lo v f-
ed. In Division No. of Egmond 174012te graphed a t wee
5, the, situation Z, evening.! PT'Ve weather, was .-Mrs. M. EIIWG(d is Mr. Henry, Walpor, of the Bonson net
me a i we gave it at otio Thompson has return- vieiting�rolatjves '0111d friends in Exeter.'- had the mi0fortune to lose a horse., the a er
ja la� atormy! 4nd the roads not very -� cod, but bu iness of Mr. Charle's Bartlilf, in Bra's els. ad from a trip through Dakota, Manitoba, Mr. D. ,-McGill se ng a solo with muoh 4c- day, for which he - had paid a goo -t! figure A
medus about ther r winewhat has �urcha ied the f �u t and confectio ary NoTEs.--Mr. Win.,'
week. In Division -No. 6 we understand notwit4itandiog this drawback thwe were W under4and it is Mr. Bartliffle int . on ion and the Northwest.
bhat Mepsrs Kerr and Bowrn'an,' the present large cottigregations on bo;h aoca'sio 39. Mr. to o Ile went- throuRb to ceptauC46' in Carmel church on Salob&th isgo.-Our merchants Are making
Will ne to Cl,titon, alt (if h we hope -bel I nay the coast also. He looks. an th great preps rations for the Christmas tr4de
representatives short time
- ye change hill m Anc come to Seafpg-th, people out theie used' him wel rriage makers, this week, 'supplied A�r, -The telel hone office bas been moved from
I -ain be in the field, McPheis."4 f9fly-reall.,zed the high expecta nd Ough the eTening� last. -Masers. Brown and Clar�,,
),nd if so, the probabilities are: they will be tion e'60'rtalhed of him. He pread'hed . two vF rh is a inu& bette - p.ace.--Thb c Id ind 1, and the ca
)1ectedbyacal mation. InD country agreed � with � him. -Mr. Charles Wilson arlislewith shandsomenew c9t.
ivision No. 7, power u4 int6resting and helpful 'sermons, a olw ofthii week have put astopo E. Zeller's. �oi Mr. D. S. Faust's store. MX.
. to the awrence, who many �ears ago was an ea. ter and set of al i 'h
%e position is yery mu2h the same as in No and ill *h'o had the privil ge eig a. -Mr. Joseph Hudson found his other b
I a of list� 1 dr�inage works 1 in S( af, orth, alth6ugh. r. teemed resident of this vicinity, is visiting f . UFIneag too
Messrs. I'll1iiterson and- Lockhart are the -him seamed tot be more than pleased. I his -got nicely set�led - in our village d much of his time.-Mesers. F. Hise and
?reeent representatives of.this divNion and is the Orst time a Sealloth audience' has en- 'i thlei 'elements Aurin? tie w s Jacob DeiAert have purchased 20 acres of:
This I Gu�terldge has made a b -ave i gh, a , st with his bid friends, Mr. ancl rs. John while he will be in seed by his many fr
Pre understand4hey botli� intenibeina 1016 a s�n Jones, of Stanley.-Mr.'W. W. Cqppu was 'a
joyed thoLopportunity, of bearing him, -and i first the rain and the i th a anoi r and at in Goderich this week acting t. Hills Green, wl iere he ban lived so on bush from the Hohner boys, on the Brono'on
;be field again., Mr. I'aterson has be�n we are su!re IM-1man. we welcome him Lt) our village. -The im line, 30venloc
we but soak the minAls of all Mil� el �nsie 13 a tanley� Xr. W. H. Bender ban en
Narden for the pa I has 0 ined Y.
et yeai, � -But bot6"he and when we isay that should lie favor :; �rb -Winter has set in in good shap6,And cut- rament Of the Loi dI8 supper will be di - the co ug it into logo and oOrd-
us ur- ntraa� of cuttij
9r. Lockhart profess with a stnill I o in the rooms ver Mr. IV. 11. Rii lia ten and sleighs are now all the P.-Oal pened iii Carmel 9hurch-ou Sabbath or men at work. We
-the Conservative fait4 ' visit on: some future 6ccas ion hie congrega. ahoe: will wood aud-"b a a gang of
Lions will be �even in ive instru Sunday last, Rev. Air, McLohn&n completed ing,-- De6er6er 21ab.-Mr. A. mom, hope theywill make money. -Mr. O.H:
n politics and it is scarcely likely the divi store, and ctioni In sirt-
il, water colors and o ina . his first year as pastor of St. Andrew's left herellast week to visit relatives leib has thf contract for pu.tt4ng a furnice,
uch larger than they drawing an I in V 10
lion Will elect two Conservatives for two' were lastiSundsy. The ting pai�t �in
a nual tea -Mee
;erms in succession, not even to the cotin ia 3he will Iso execute orders for , ohurob.-Mr. Thomas Sturgeon, of . the vii. linois.-Mr. Thomas -Hudso-n,,of Ma
*uncil, where it is Buppl was held on the foljo�lving Monday evening. ny� � esiriol � work is kind, Rio let into the Evangelical parsonage.-Xlessrs.!J.
of� t) - x Gov. - lage, is visiting Mr. James Smillie, of Lamb- Michigan, has been here for the East wee A. and 4oWrt Williams have gone down , to
Oed by some fnn�-�' The attendance was goo,], considering the jen)Qok is very profi6i nb th )me lines, sad tfon county. -Mr. Thomas Workman, who a
*nv people I politics aro act thought; of weathe'.
Z The ladies with their usual gen. �ihaa:' Or 0 iisiting his sister, Mrs. james the. neighborhood iof Montreal to attend the
beeu su jeensful b t� 1W an artist and as has been in Manitoba for some moat
has bell Troyer. SleighiDg is pretty good hero
funeral of thbir m4ther.
A ia�X
F1 Z
JOYOUS timesj
pations Df ex�]
-coming, days
sweet home.
Glet f
Our stor.",
-expended in I(,
may lead to -,sl-
there is
father, or brol
Then if
Multitude of
Mufflers, Full
Qowiis, Bath.
-we study thei
their fads an4
you touch -hin
�apend which I
and give then
overcoat, reef
Pair kxlklrer_4)
Are surp!
sfto,ckin g-8
and all siz-