HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-12-05, Page 3.21 1.2a I 50 50 lkdi for ind the tea titat antety tolmee le that r kind Id you .10 all f you y the We make othei Let LAR 0004 DE CEMIOIR 5 1902 A Mire/tole Ti China. ctors in China are very well paid, aut are much despised. No actor or son of an actor, says the Chicago:News, e'en compete at the public examina- tions for the literary degree which is the doorway to public office, and con- sequently the actor's profession, when once adopted, is vital to those who fol- low it. An English doctor was called to at- tend a young actor whose leg- was in a bad condition from careless treatment. The foot had been amputated as a re- sult of compound fracture caused by a fall on the stage. Filth and neglect bad done the rest, and there was very little chance of the man's recovery. Still the doctor felt justified in taking that chaPee and therefore amputated the man's leg. To the surprise of the doctor, the leg healed by first inten- elm and in a few. weeks the -actor was ready to resume work. The _doctor fitted 4int with an artificial leg, and bis good fortune began. Ile at once undertook a part where hie leg was knocked off, to the horror of the audience. After the apparent accident he was carried off the stage and presently reappeared, walleing as wen as before. The Chinese are unfamiliar with ar- tificial legs, and each time the dramat- ic ineideat occurred they regarded it as a 'miracle. Aro-eased His Curiosity. The agitated young man began: "air. Brockman, you may have no- ticed that 1 nave beeu a frequent caller at your houSe for the last year or more." "Yes," replied the busy merchant, have seeu you there now and then, 1 remember." "You wilt not be surprised therefore when I tell you that 1 want to marry your daughter." "Let me anticipate any objections yatt might have, Mr. Brockman. I am of .good family, I am not dissipated, 1 have a good business and am abundantly able to support a wife. All I ask is"— But, young luau"— "I eau bring testimonials to Drove ali I say. I have never wanted any other girl, and"— “tend never shall want any other girl. From the first it has been a case . "Look here, youug man, let me get in a ward. Which one of my four daughters is it you want?"—Chicago Tribuu e. Duties of the “Pet” Sheep. Out at the abattoir the "pets" arnOng the sheep may be distinguished by their -superior height and shapeliness and by the intelligence of their expres- sion. _The pets are murderers. In the other pens sheep collie and go by thou- sands to the slaughter, but the pets re- main. They are trained to lead their fellows to de`ath, and they do this work well, for they have by reason of their strength, intelligence and beauta a great influence. When butchers of the abattoir wish to slaughter a flock of sheep word is passed to the pets, and. they indifferently, calmly, saunter in among the flock, gain. their confi- dence and esteem and then take their places at their head and lead ahem to the slaughter house. The Dwarf Pqm of Algeria. The dwarf palm, which furnishes considerable quantities of fiber, grows in great profusion in Algeria and is one of the principal obstacles to the clear- ing of the land, so thickly does it grow and so difficult to pull up. Its roots, in shape resembling carrots, penetrate into the ground to the depth of a yard or more, and when its stem only is cut it sprouts out again almost immediate- ly. As its name indicates, this palm is very small and can only attain a cer- tain height when protected, as in the Arab cemeteries, for example. D. PINE, SY Fi R _ A Mama Prompt sue netieet Cure tar COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, SOlIkE THROAT, • ASTHMA, • BRONCHITIS, CROUP, arid e..11 Throat tend Land Troubles. Obstinate Coughs yield;bo its grateful, soothing action, and in the racking, per- sistent cough often -present in consump- tive cases it gives prompt and sure re- lief. Mrs. S. Boyd, Pittston,Ont., :Ont. writes "1 had a severe cold in My throat and head and was greatlyitr, oubled with hoarseness. Two bottles it)f Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conipletely cured me." Ptah). 25 cents per bottle. IMPORTANT NOTICES. ATEW FEED STORE AT BL 11E—We will keen IA on land a eupply cif Flour and Mi I Feed. Flour exchanged lor wheat. Give us a trial. JOHN THIR1311. 1786 ti STORE TO RENT.—To rent id Seaforth one of the best busiress stands in the town. Hes been wed for a number of years 'for. Millinery for which there is a first ohms opening. Ala° ro-ms to rent over store, newly fitted up and in first class con- dition. Apply to MRS. JAMES QILLE.SPIE. 18234f Palmist ry. "I see financial troubles ahead of you." said the gypsy as she scrutinized the lines in Softleigh's -What is the cause thereof?" asked the innocent youth. see a dark woman," continued the dealer in futures, "who is destined to cause you trouble in money matters." "As 1 expected," groaned the callow youth. -That waSherWOMari is going to lend my laundry for ransom again. Oh, \ voe is mer OG LOST. --Strayed frem Dot 22, Concession 4, Tuekersmith, about a month ago, a collie dog, pine black with a short tail, itilEIWeliag to the IIMICe of Darkey. Information that Will lead to the re- covery ot this animal will be liberelly rewarded. JOHN MURRAY, Seaforth P. 0 1828-3 AJITTON —My wife, Sarah hCaartis Sredi tb. having left my bed and board without any test clause or excuse, I do hereby caution the public againtt giving ber, Of any other person, credit in nty name, without my written older or consent, as 1 will not hereafter be responsible far any debts contracted without my express authority. WM. SMITH. Sea- ferth, November 14th, 1902. 1823-8 wool) CUTTERS WANTED.e-eThirleptive acr 8 of haidwomi bush, on Lot 16, Concession 8, Stanley, one and a quarter mi es from Varna, to be -out into cordwood and short wood. Jobs will be let by cord or acre. Two good shanties in the bush Apply to ALEX. MoBEATH, Let 6, Concession 4, Stanley, or Kipper) P. O. 182.3x3 Tommy won. TWO brothers went to the same school. Thee- were absent about a fortnight, and then one returned alone. -Where is your brother Thomas?" netted the master. -Please, sir, he's laid up with a sprained anal. We were trying to see wha.Ni could lean out of the window farthest, and TOMmy won." TISTRAYED CATTLE.—Strayed from Lot 20, Con - _114 ceetion 4, Hibbert, about the middle of Sep- tember last, two yearEng heifers, one all red and the othtr spotted ml and es hite. Any infotmetion leading to their recovery wig te liber aly rewatded. PATRICK ROACBE, Dublin P. 0. 1824x4 She Made Him, Mes. Tower—Frankly, John Tower, 1 think you are the meanest man 1 ever saw. - Mr. Tower—I wouldn't say • that, Gusty; you know you've said bun- dreas af times that you haye been the making of inc. FOR SALE. 'DULL FOR SALE.—For sale a there ughbred Dur - _13 ham bull calf -14 months qld, dark red in color. Apply on Lot 22, Concession 9, McKillop, or to R. SCARLETT, Winthrop. - 18204f flARDWARE BUSINESS FOR SALE.—For sate, in the Village of Hes field. the headwani busi- ness of R. Rouatt. Good hoedown), up-to-date stock. For partioulare, apply to R. ROUATT, Hayfield. 1823 4 Escaped With His Life. "Dia Biggs have any luck bunting lions in Africa?" "Yes. Great luck." "How?" "Didn't meet any lions."—Washing- ton Star. Ht Fanslon. en Von' ine died, he left his friend Biblapurne as a legacy to titose who had cared fit him. Bibi was inoffen- sive; there vas a tradition that years agd be had. othed, but the man lived not who h d seen Win with pen in ha d. Yet ibi was looked after for th dead po t's sake. „Painters, Kulp- tor , jourea sts, gave him_house roona in turn, fe him and clothed him, and Bibi was iateful. But Mae little -vice of his wa. incurable—he invariably ;walked off with' his host's umbrella. T141S pei tent absefitmindedness at la t produ ed a coolness, and his nds dr pped off, .and Bibi expe- ri nced the cold - shoulder of neglect. ne day het- was discovered almost ing in an empty house, and Ver- e s friends reproached themselves heir unkindness to the poor old m n. A subscription was raised for benefit, and the money handed to at a banquet at which the twenty - nen subscribers were present. Bibi's h lth Wag drunk with enthusiasm; h rose to reply, but emotion so over - • him that he sought permission_to ✓ tire. In his retirement he was ac- panied by twenty-seven umbrellas. TIVERY STABLE FOR SALE.—Fr sale, cheap, 4 I the livery stalls premises on Main Sheet Sea - forth, the property of the undersigned. The build- ing in 28x'30 feet. pert of it brick veneered. It is wed fitted up with stalls, effioes, eta., sack is one of the beet etands in the county. There ie t ne lot 60 feet frontage. Must be sold by January let. For huller particulars apply to A. FORBES, Seaforth. 182141 They Cost money. She — Certainly you have some friends. He—Yes, ;but it takes every cent I can rake and scrape.—Town Topics. DULL FOR SALE.—The undersigned has fer sale, 0 on Lot 16, Concession 2, Hay, i thoroughbrei Durham bull, 19 naonths old, roan in color. and an extra animal; the sire, and dam, ani pedigrea on hand to be iespected. Will keep a pure-bred- Berk- shire Hog for eerviae. JoHN ELDER, Hens 11 P. 0. 18234f The lessons of life are lost if they do not impress us with the necessity of making ample allowances for the im- mature conclusions of others. rpniBER FOR SALE.—Having disposed of saw mill machinery, we are now offering/ ar sale the timber cf same. The building is 430x3eteet ; there a. e 18 pieces 9x12' inches, 66 feet long.!iodependent of frame ; would tell this separste if desired; near- ly all timber is rock elm. O0VENLOK BROS , Winthrop. 178241 'DULLS AND PIGS FOR SALE.—Th undereigned 1,34 has for sale one thorcuzhbred Durban bull, 16 months, roan • 1 eight menthe and one five r-onthe. Also a number ef heifers one year and rider. AlE0 a number of thoroughbred Yorkehire pigs and son, littcrei in August. Sire and dam beth from MT- rbrted stook, tram flatt's herd. Fer particulars address 8. CUDMORE, Hurondale P. 0 181434f It is sal tes of t eetetral At f og. In._ pm beingi broken by the lightning they O provided with wire "droppers" 1 ading ro ind them at a little distance t condue on, to the pole in case of ted. Th frogs climb the poles and tli- 4 ad the i sudators cool and pleasant to :eir bodi s, and fancy that the "dropPer" is put there to fiumish them with back seat. After a nap they yaw bd stret h out a leg until it touches e poleresult, sudden death to the Tog, and a s the body continues to con - bet the lcurrent to earth we bave a paragrapn in the papers to the effect that "In censequence of an interruption to the liues probably caused be a cy-; 10n1c dietuebanee in the interior, we it1e unabl to present our readers with e Usual cables from England!" Sensi le Treatment of Corns. I Light s oes, short shoes and clumsy Shoes pr, duce corns by compressing, !cramping and rubbing • against the 'joints. 4 great many of these pedal blemishe are hereditary. In any case it is a ood plan to suppress them. Every m dicine merchant has a varie- ty of "ci res," and nearly all give tem- porary r lief. A. poultice made of vin- egar soa ted breadcrueabs will cure a 'little co in one night. It is not ad- nisable tO let a corn grow. Either rub down th formation with pumice stone or remot e it with a knife. A little op- position will discourage it provided pensible shoes are worn. In pedicur- ing, as 1 i manicuring, the feet should - be soakedi in hot water and as much of the waote material. brushed and tubbed eff as possible. I ; 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LIAREIS FOR SALE.—Itare bargains in farms in • the Townships of Hullett, Morris, and Wa eea- nosh, County of Huron. Inquire at once. WM CAMPBELL, Blytb, Ont. 177441 EIARM FOR SALE.—For sale that very desirable L farm on the Mill Road, Tuakersmith, adj eining the village of Egmondrille. It contains 97 nom, mealy all cleared arid in a goad state of cultivatiern and wall underdrained. There is a comfortable briok cottage and good barns, with root cellar and outbnildinge. The buildings are eituated near the centre of the farm and ou the Mill Road. It le well watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitohen. it is conveniently situated for ohureh and school and ithin a mile and a half of Seatorth. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payroent. Apply to thr proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth. 174841 SPLENDID FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY FOR SALE.—Censisting of the North Half.of Lot 14, and the South Half of Lot 16, Concea-1 Bien 8, and 10 seree, a part of Lot 14, [Coneeesion 7,1 In all 110 acres. On the farm there axe two learned sheds, eto_, -frame house and good orchard, weltl fenced and oenveniently sitnatect, beteg about twee mile a from Varna and ore quarter at a mile from schciol. There is abundance of gocd Water, an over- time ng well at the rear of the farm making it suit- ablelfor either grain or grazing. There are about 10 serer; of bush. The farm will be sold °heap and on eaey term. If not sold will rent for I year or a term of ytars. For further particulars apply to B. R., HIGIGINS, Brucefield P. 0., orb MISS SARAH Mai INTYRE, Hensall. 18244f A Familiar Name. th the homes of Canada and the United States there are few pewee more familiar and none more reverently spoken than that of Dr. A. W. Chase, the sleet physie ian and receipt 'book author. He le bleeeed for the suffering he has relieved and the dirt - ewe tas'eurcd ; his retredies are used atd en- dorsed by the best people. in the land; they are popu- lar beeause they cure when others fail. rims and Wires. that one of the great ene- e overland telegraph line in stralia is the common green, order to save the ansulators Onion Soup. Onion eonp is often liked by people I, rho disa1,n the savory herb- in any lather fo i,SVholeso iwho ha recomm necipe Money to Loari At la to 5 t er cent. on farm secu• rity. Life and fire insdranee written in best conapanies .1. LECKIE1 BruSsels. 1815-15 Prince Edward gaud Fanner compelled t stop! clearing up his f4m. Mr. Job Costain, Mininegash, 1'.E.1.. writes t ",141 the Spring of 1900 started to clear Piece of land, but had not worked raany day* before I was taken with a very lame back, and was compelled to stop work. The trouble seem; c I tbLo down in the centre- of iny back ani4yd rig-bt side and I could not stoop oyer. I, got It). box of Doan's Kidney Pills and befor I. had taken the whole box I WOAS complete cured and abler to proceed with my work. t ko great pleasure in recommending them te farmers who are troubled as I was." 150e. a box, or 3 for,1.25. All dealers or The Doan Kidney'rlil CO3, Toronto, Ont, There is no doubt of the epees of the onion, and those ,e never tried the soup are nded to use this celebrated the elder Dumas: Take, for ithree pints of soup, fdur Bermuda ,onions er leight common white ones, mince them and fry to a golden brown In two tablespoonfuls of butter. Pour in two quarts :Of water, season with pepper aid salt and boil •until the on- ions are quite soft. Beat the yolks of three egge, mix with the soup and pour the mixture over finger slices of toasted ibread. Milk may be used in- stead ot water in this soup. 41115 he Kin etes Ile 10,fliketett ere— FtW' Th 1.40-11i" Cradles Hundreds of Years Ago. In ma uscripts of the ninth and tenth t enturizs we have pictures of cradles formed 1 part of a tree trunk dug out, with he es bored through the sides for the pa ge of straps intended to tie the balm down in his bed. These dug- out cra les are still common in modern Greece. When we come to consult the manusc ipts and bas-reliefs of the fif- teenth entury, we notice that tae cra- dles alle no longer mere baskets or oi rockers, but little swinging beds s spended between two pillars, the prototype of the ruodern berceloto nette. From thc korst IsvLo rrY t+ the higiu4'st sati�fac talon. One stepping fikone ; The riaPPY Thought Ikange. The Ventilate Illuminated Oven. The Harm of Damp Houses. , It is dangerous to health and even to life in a damp, moldy house, or one , built over a moldy cellar. Many years , ago the London Lancet in an article onl diphtheria traced the disease in certain I cases to the presence of certain molds and fungoid graidths which seemed to1 be breathed into the throat. Remem- ber, -o4re of the Iest dieinfectants is; • lime. loldy cloth, such as shoes and; other articles tha1 are unfit for use, should be destroye1 at once. )ler holee. Fred—Yes, 1 lik him well enough; Minnie, but how did you happen to marry a man a head shorter than yot are? Minale—I had to choose, Fred, be- tween a little man with a big salary and a‘big man with a little salary. Leave your culinary tioubile :,itorries and expense behi d ylou; enjoy the econotay, ti e :dionvenience, the absoill oi the " nap y ught. " The best friend ear ful hous wife cati have. 3 st a tonah to ithe patent d a pers and I it i ready fora y 1 o Is efficieney tiiot to you i Yo 'eo mon kin 14 this strati w tit) ? send for ill be 4 revel - arettsing the rth hivestign.- booklet to Iri E WM.1 BUICK STOV1E/ Dslasstfor or call antl ee the aertto. leold by - ; Chesnq SEAFORTH , AUCTIONEER& AS BROWN nties of Hu mpbelPs imp KAMA Moe Lie need Auctioneer ton and Perth.Orders leme t warercome, Seel will receive prompt at on guaranteed or no charge. Ouriosilties eiiiti Gil' . tape of the great advan ges of gly IT rin in its chemical empl yment is t e act that it neither free,es nor eva rates under an.y ordinary temperature. o perceptible loss by ev tperation has een detected at a tem erature lee's than 200 degrees V., but if heated 14i- tensIy it decomposes wit a smell thot few persohs find themselv e able to eh- durs. It burns with a pa e flame, s liar to that f om alcohol, ,if heated o abot t 300 de recs , and hen ign1te1. Its onevapor tide qualit es make the com ound a much- use i s a vehirile Lor (Ming pigments and colors, as tn all ping and typetvriter ribbons, coil. - bon papers arid the, like. If the pure glycerin be exposed fbr a lo I g time ti a freezling temperat te, it c ystallizes with ebe a pearance be sugr andy, but thee crystals beihg onc neelted it is almost ten-bilmossibil- ity o get them again itro the c n- geal d state. If a I ttle w ter be add d to te Iglycerip, no crysta lization willl a take place, though under a sufficient de ee Of colcf the water -111 separ te and fOrm crystal, omit which the glye rin will remal in its natural st4te of uidity. If suddenly teate se cold, a g mmy m tirel barden get er it is q ele apr I WIS Wit co tha for on ; ove say in dip lai is 11 fio 11 pis to nes not pet ajti , out eve are the pure, glycer ss Which c d or cryeta te a pecull subjected to n will fottn nnot be in- lized. r substage. OSei the Carpe e Londop Cbronicle criticising a potena pos of tne e?xpression ' which no uked th n the carpet" ag in. to charge so b Ilia the offenseS of ier pelled to Obserye, absurd carpet he discussion of which things la in Freneh liter not a carpet, act, the green onaatic cenvoc the papers, th carpet only Iwilen It covers he . Paper han, ngs ere called ta- erie, but even • the ionglish h ate ye to quaint - stranger has speak of dor- Would- t at "it goes w th- ppreesed or- ny rate, t whereas set fir sa the fer eta cio Weha an D.o ga Cr Di for the; left , at with,' or ter. 70 tf TAME pj the p .rt of t gua ant or pt G. kteMICIIAEL, licensed anode e r for county c f H ron. Sales attended to i any, e county at moderate ratei, and eatefoton ed. Orders left at the Se forth pt &floe 2, Concession. 12, Hull tt, wUl 17rxele3ive ttention. Ai ITC fAle. andere mIts, pri ee. Olt, 00 at 1Lot „Itende IONEERING.—B uotioneer for th Being a practic nding the vain lacea me in a bet °barges moderat y. All orders lef ill, Goatees ion to. S. Phillips, Li need counties of Pero and I fanner and it.. ro lghly of farni stock al d Impica et' position to r O, 7.e socst . Baths! otion guer nteed ill be -o pill 117 ti _Hay, 1 peat 11 Ce oi - at Hen 70% s Oen Occle The Polite Tramp. Jogging Jake—Pard? yer laokin' rath- - er gay for a man that's juSt been bit by a bulldog. ; . , Tired Tim—Well, the critter was a female. I'm always satisfied to gine ma seat up to a lady. - Attractive. "HOW ean you love him/ Why, his father butchered 4attle for 4 living!" "I now. But his fathetts son has $3,0 ,000!"—San rancisco! Bulletin. Barb- Indastri. IleWitt—How did you come to start in business as a floorwalket? ial Attenti n CARRIAGE 0.!t D Verp ILA KSMIT rseshoeing and1 ral Jobb! g. MAKER eh street, . OPP. Wen Rotel. forth Se STOCK FO SERVICE, I • id BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep o lot 26, colleen' n 6, L. . S., Tuo tomtit', ghbrsdi Talmo 113 Pi islet, a orough- °RUMS* rin. A limited umber of sitws wil tted to. each. Terms, Si, nasibthoptstlui.e at e time los, or 61.50 11 charged. • 1 ' I 1160842 I 1 FOR SEitVICE. Tie un ersigned will keep lo n Lot 29,.Conceesi - n 11, ibbert„ a Thorough- Yorkshini hoar rl whie he will admit a numbe, of .sowe. Term .--411 at tile titre of . JOIlb ELGIE .Chteelh iret, Ont. 1771 -ti FOR SERVICE...211in undersigned has on 1 28, Conottesionljl, Me_iillop'* thorough. orkehire Boer, to Ilieh he willachnit a limit - umber of semi. erms— 5c, payable at the 1 genies; with the ivil ge of returning I if ary. HU3H T. GRIEVE. 178241 i 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES I SSU ED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE 4143.A.FOATO, 014TiRIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. h jell from M. D. Pri recei W. Oats .1 pinlonp Of Leading Phyerirtns ve peed W. . Strong's Pilekone for ei erne as- inttrnal p les, nd get better mu Ur t1an ny othet re iedy 1 have Used. A. GRAH id, London', 0 t. I 1. , 81.00.1 F r sal iby druggiats, or by mail, on b cf pried. . STRONG, Man ,iC.ttllifig Chemist,ILonen, lo. 1 1796-52 I I and pric A,2,0001biStandard Steel Bear for Scales f $28pan and the ; fully Oaf -eh -teed. E vetrougbing and , Furnace Wor s'pei alty. S I M u BMA. OXR,i± ; p NTRAL raware St?ro, replete stook elf, Builders' Hard/ware. ller Bearing iBern Door Hinges, Tee trap Hinges, and Latehee at bottom s. in an a book sa, "on the cir book: Without atey t an author Imes, We 4re in t e same boOk, re: d once mine ffairs. "Le taps," ave been tal ed tur is, need we but a table cover— baize able coveri of tion. On that tre prot cols. A t 10 uriesque, with an , the idioms ef the led our authars to g French Walla • ps to the eye" and saying" migh be s t, at in Eng! sh; It correct -translations, carpet" is net.1 mike .beinkho or1 :s. lth he Douobore, that queer Ruseian in Canada, are veg tarians of ithe t water. A writer la the Outlook s: "One of the few English w4rds know is 'grease,' and upon mei of - ng themany food—bread, for in- ce—they would look at it s spi- sly and i inqaire, 'grease?' Tilley e afraid that lard o tallow nalght e been sed n making the bread, , if so, ee ould n t eat it. Sbme he Indians do not caee to have! the ukboborl visit them, as they are re- ded as ' ueer ' and I have se4n a e India wi ve an approaclilng ukhobor awa by holding u a ce of ba nockl. in front of his tent, th a del recating gesture andil the rd 'Grease'" ey 'on If A y of Birds. he wife bf a Methodist minist r in W st Virginia has -been married hree es, says an eichange. Her m Iden me was Partridge, her first bus- nd was named Robin, her se ond arrow, and the present one's ame Quayle. , There are now two y lung bins, on Sparrow and three ittle ayles in the family. One grandfa- ✓ was a Swann, and another as a y, but he is dead and now a bi d of radise. hey live in Hawl av nue, gle-ville, Jaflaiy islands. an4I th fel- • who writes this article is al lyre d and a int rested relative- of the mily. ng at- exa me ti 1.1 3 1 . • ,MOVI••••••••••..1•••••••MI.T., No! Nol Nei Nal This word is used four times by 'Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, in reporting the result of his analyses of Sunlight' Soap. "No =saponified fat"; that tnean.s no waste. "No free alkali "; that means no damage to clothes or hands. "No loading mixture "; that means every atom is pure soap. "No adulteration whatever "; that Means pure ingredients. Sunlight Soap—Octagon ar— anJ you will see Prof. Ellis is right. should know. 202 Ile 11 Not the Shupe Privilege. tank imposes obligation, but It also Inge a certaiu ifreedom from reOtrie- us that bind tile humble. A' u4n of erary aspirations who had hi sl way t to make in tne world wrote a poem, hich he submi4ed to his wife before tiding it out far publication'. "Why, aleuryd" she said, on lobkin over, , "You have Made alu dred yule wtta 'onward.' "I ; I "That's all right." he replied. 'T'en yson did 1t." rejoined his Wife. • "Tenny n could ,;;;do -Itch a thing, but yo I an't, Henry." [ Getting Down to Buielnesat Mistrees (to new servant)—Thete ar wo things, May, about which I a ery particular. They are truthfulne I nd obedleace. MaryTYes'm, and when you tall m o say you're no in when a person, call hat you don't ish to, see whicijr is o be, Mum—tr thfulness or obedence GET. . READY. 11 1:C1r...9.4.:1.F247P1744-217i: There never was such a demand for ladies and gentlemen, having a thorough knowledge cf con:aneroid and shorthand work. Has assisted more students to pro- fitable positions during the past year than any school in, the West. We would be pleased to assist you. Particulars for a postal. 7 J. W. Tf estervat, I81V6 PruNouAL. willing to Be Tempted. I Willie (who has eaten his a ple) abel, letrS play Adam and Evel. Yolu e Eve, and I'll be Adam. Mabel—All right. Well? Willie—Now you tempt me to e t our apple, and I'll -give way to tem ation. I A Careful Woman. Mrs. Gaussip—I suppose you'r car ul .to make your husband tell elou e rything that happens to him. • Mrs. Strongnaind—Better thall th t; careful to see that nothing hap - ens to him. PILLS Have Restored Thousands of Cana.dian Women to Health and Strength. There is no need for so many women to suffer pain and weakness, nervousness, sleeplessness, anemia, faint and dizzy . spells and the numerous troubles which render the life of woman a roSincl of sick- ness and suffering. Young girls budding into womanhood, who suffer with pains and headaches, and whose face is pale and the blood watery, will find Hilburn's Heart 'and Nerve rills help them greatly during this period. Women at the changeiff life: who are nervous, subject to hot flushes, feeling of pins and needles, palpitation Of the heart, etc., are tided over the trying time of their life by the use of this wonderful rseynIsiem edh3:,s maakes pains and saes vanish, wonderful effect on a woman's brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle to the eye. They build up the system, renew losb vitali' ty improve the appetite, make rich, red blood and dispel that weak, tired, listless, no -ambition feeling. 600. PER BOX, OR 3 FOR 61.26 Art. Dim_ras. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Life at Scheveningen. A recent writer on Hollandfamout; watering place says: "At SchevenInR en, if you wish to keep eatay from tht grand swim]) anti eat among the olde lashionkd folk of the fishing vMage, thei People of diet Li.i;Testing `deltit' w.111: give yau a delicious breakfast, tlee staple or which will be sweet re bread,. fresh butter of the fineet quality and, incomparable herring. If yott want real Dlitch lunch, it will eonsiet of rye; bread 4nd cbeeee, with a glasa of _rick milk. jrhe milk has some curloes and, picture 'que associations. In the early! mornin —again if you keep tO the 04 quarters—you will see the dolts, Whieti are tmiversal beasts of burden in the Netber*mds, dragging the little mIik carts. The barrels are brightly warted: and are mounted -with g brass, And, While the milk carts e going round, the maids—generally plt nip and swaddled in manifold skirtwbich give them the aspect of abnormal lati- tude—are bustling about With the pail and mOp and that ‘glazen which is one of the most cherished f Dutch domestic„institutions. It is a great brass equirt with which win ows and sbuttets are energetically sluiced.” • tThe Conductor's Baton. According to the investigations of a Frenchman the credit of inyenting the conductor's baton belongs to Lully, the compoeer, evliti eventually had ause to regret his invention. Before he adopted the baton condtctors were in the habit of pounding on the floor With their feet oe clapping their bands: to mark the time. Luny found it wearisome to keep bis foot constantly in mo 1011 and so used 4 stick to strike the floor and beat timd. He used a pole six feet long. , One day be brought down the pole with such force that it struck his foot aud made a deep Wound.' He paid no attention to the matter. The wound grew Worse and ultimately Reused his death. After his time conductors tried more and more to Improve the baton, and it was eltimately brought to its present form. Cash for Everything. Now is your time to piolt up all your old iron around your faun, sot& as old mowers, reapers, plows, stoves, seed drills, wagon and buggy gears, plow points, horse shoes and axes, in fact any Mad of old iron. for which I will pay 45e per IGO lbs. Also bring your rags, rubbers, copper boilers, lead, wool pickings, horse hair, geese and turkey feathers, sheep skinsbones, etc. Good prices paid for skips. CHARLES OHER, Opposite G. T. R. Station, S M El CO T 1820 Theshortest eople in Europe are t e Laplanders. be height of the m n averages 4 f et 11 inches a' d te eight of the Women two ineheyess. Nearly all the silk of Spain is p uced in the Province of Murcia. . t 7 When Life is not Lif0. " Without heelth life is not life ; it is onlievas aten f lancrour and euffeeing—an imege of 'deo.nm se of Dr.Cbasete Nerve Food gives the weakslan id il nd discouraged a new hold on life. It .n %Sett the lood pure arulerioh, creates new nerve °recs. and n stlle new eilergy end vitellity into the w ole ng. t makes weak and sickly people strong arid we by uilding up the system. f . i er 4 —The price of anthracite coal in W mi• eg last week was $13.50 per ton, afld it ; was hard to get even at that. : i BURD Blood Bitters hu the most natural action on the stomach, liver, bowels and blood of any medicine known, hence itd effects us prompt and lasting. It cures, without fail, all such diseases asnyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Bad BLO D Sick Headache, Boils, Piniple.s, Tumors, Scrofula, Kidney Complaint:, Jaundice, Coati Tongue? Lou ofil Appetite and General Defray. The fackt that it is guar- anteed to curt if used ar.r.orciing to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair -trial to Burdock Blood BITTERS The Tricky Fox. A gentleman while hunting near a river;one winter day saw S. fox run out oz the ice and make ;at full speed for an opening in the ice where the ruehing ivater of the river could be plainle seen from the bank ,I says the .t ScotsMan. At the edge he topped„ turned, followed his tracks bac to the bank and then ran scene dietenae doAvn the stream and sat there. Soon a dog came crashing out of the woods, bay- ing fiuely, hot on the fox's trail. Now, dogs 'when •on a chase of this kind trust almost entirely to their noses. This one was no exception. He ran along the Ice, head down, and when he reached the bole he coul4 not stop, but plunged into the water iend disap- peardd forever. Then the fox trotted away with every sign otaatisfaction. Stu id Husband of a Noted Singer. , Catalands husband,, a handsome Frenehman, was even more onintellec- tual than blea wife—he; was stupid. Once. having 'found the pitch of the piano too bigh, she said after the re- hearsal to her husbaiad: "Tim piano is too higla. Will you see tbatl it is made lower before the concert?"' When the evening came, Catalan!, was annoyed to find that the piano had not been altered. Her busb nel out for the Carpenter, who deciard that he had Owed off two inches from each . leg, as be bad been orde ed to do. "Surly it can't be too b1gi now, nay deari" said the stupid hut3 and sooth- ingly. The Cause of His Grief. The danger of explaining all one's troubles is illustrated by an incident from Chums. A kind hearted old gen- tleman lattd found a small boy -crying ahd eitopped to see what w s the mat - tea eare you crying, mei little lad?" he a kyed. "Boohoo!" said the boy. "Billy Wells hit ie, an' fatber hit me because I let Bill hit me, an' Billy Wells hit roe agal i because 1 told, father, an' now. fatl er '11 hit me again because Billy _e Wel s hit me the seeped bine." - A Sailors' Fisk Tent. Sailors have a very, simpie and what Is said to be a very, effective way Of determining the edinle or nonediblo qualities of any new varieties of 'fish thee may happen to run across. In the water in wit-1dr the, fish is boiled IS platted a bright silver, no1n.1 It the coin retains its natural color, during the boil- ing process, the Esh is good to eat, belt if -4 turns dark the food, is rejected. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada A new issue of the subscribers' directory, for the district . Western Ontario, includ• ing Seaforth Exchange, will be issued early in September. Orders for new connections, changes of address, changes of names, dupli- este entry of names, ice., ishould be placed at once to ensure theiraPpearance. L V. FEAR, Local Manager. 100 Cause For HIM to omoieria. "See here'!" remarked the guest to the new waiter. "There doesn't seem to he any soup on this menu card!' "Oh, no, sir," replied tb.e waiter nervously. "I didn't -soli it at this table; it was the oneon t e other side of theetona." A Long Wait Physician (looking Into liis anteroom, where a number of patie ts are wait- ing)—Who has been waiting the Ion- ge°Tato?ilor (who has called t present bis billt—I have, doctor. 1 - Lelivered the clothes to you three year ago. When We Really Cann fhuue Them. Sometimes in our more tolerant and fo4giv1ng moods we don't blame people for what they do. At the same time w cannot help but feel that they (might have had more Boise: Extra lAnkit ed. Patron—When was this chi en killed? Waiter—We don't furnielt dates with chickens, sir. Only bread and butter.— Pittsburg Press. Easile and hammed:fly oared. 0.8 eo on:atonal, mailed. not 3xPeas ye. lie e.re,tee pr.. frELE ,A. practice "11- 4 pare t 'se on theanfeee tete ,ar.en Dane ;Jaw/ fret es ae-e for amnblet 1,0% 5. F).'f.ring Bree., onemista. 1-cwi.61.IFett, Toronto. Oci- Aircr.6..