HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-12-05, Page 1filml
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-ad every
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i . .. . : ; .1 MoLHAN BROS., PubUshe
I 1 i
THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. . SEAF01R,T1t,9 FRI DEC INIBER 159.190201 .- .i 1 A Year in Advance, -
t . i $
- I
. I . ! 9 - I .. I -_ - - -
WHOLE NUMBER, 1,825, 1 . I I : . . - . I I- I _. -
- - __ ___ - . i. - . .I _
- . . . -i 1. . I I . - I
- I I I I I
- - i I i t :
- ' i . . " The physical feast I tko basement was one of the beat known Ifarmers in Weeb I
. I I I d ore. .
k .. ever *ke good citi eus, . an t e Gov I afterw .
. PR ,OpE ALBERT. . I .
. :
ie,r - B1 L l E S - a enjoyed to the full, and arde an Darhaa I from early boyho6d taking an ae-
i : __ - ment Ohou A have m do more 0 altural !affkirs and has . I
1 I telleetual feast was given.in the church, tive part in agrici t I .
2STORES I t 2FILOORS The!' F , from letter written their 4abi a, etc., b ore brin i g them 0 i I I . I I
I i . follow xtraob ,ery i )?)I k was abso thoroughly appreciated and held several municipal d other pablie i
,50 It. wide Ground Floor by M -. Fre "on, a former Hurotifte, this oolant -Y and giv g them b V P AYER. A D I w , j'oeyhe d. . The total procee I of the Sunday offices. lie. was a zoalous to mperanoo I
I . I from I Irinele IbOt, Saakatobewan, i of'the and. No dou t the Gov rumentidi ' I I
given an q mber a*d official of the . .
-REETAIL I Be vices and Monday's e0ertainaient worker, an aotive me I
- hat t4ey thought '&a fortho .b"tii %lid ' i I Methodist church, a pro i Bnt Liberal, and , A
I . I interestintr a 'ripbion of the country in w - min .
i0o ft. long I .. 1 5 er. ahould1not be blame for so &i' but I ted to $189. "
I up ar noor that v inity how the people proop q - 491 H'4Y'M N B OKS . a7aorge Twamley, sr., - the 8th con- in every sense a useful and g'oodcitizon. I
- - " spite o thee - shou'l&j fo eigners b given the prefermbe , . I I
MANUINLOTuR He says : a I xcelleat eleva . . I cession of Asbfield, died oil Ban' X —Nelson Wagg, of Clareknou% Ontario, I
: . 11 . a y ovemi
i I I tor a tem an 4rge p vate granariee the over eir sms of Oat rio or set tl re from am I iman of Arierica,has sold'
Mo. y I , ' he V neers of champion plougl , I
__ . - __ - i I bar 23rd. He was one of t I .15
0 orage r the grain a I
. lack prope ,a, . is b iug of the th r eastern rovirices 9 ' . For all Den m nation's - r I and Rally, for A
I , You sTruly. I . - ; the township, a man held in the yery high himplough teem.Charmej I
b'' t I I ' ,
keenl felt ! ie farm ra and the shortsge : . - eati respect, a prominent Metiodieb and $1,200., Weight of Obarmqr 1.7,50 pounds,
. . . , -
. i
r I I . , - of car for sh F1 Ing is &us I ; i JOIRIN , 1 MoKillop. all 13,indi g and qt , Co ' hoervative, and he lea ve -i .1
OVENLOCI ,, 3all bw are -a
N ,ing a great deal 1111 November ,th, 1905. - . i 11 I is , wife and and of Nellie 1,825 p do 1l, T .--..
of Qompla On account of the heavy 'Virden' M a itoba, , - in. choice pBir of mares, of CIfdosdale bree3,
int. . ij . - I Pric 1, grown up family., The. rerlisino, were I .
4 sh i3g ra, ' 8'r the f irmers here have to i - - 1 1 1 to 'I ' Dunganion cem ' ry o4 Tuesday I
I I The' Q tttle Gu?iird Co r issiol I- i f rrendo n e o Both are registered and imported, inent,
omp t' oly Io w prices for their . 1 -
In deciding what you shall give the favored ones,- for Xma;s, if you will t . kipep 1 2 ' a _ ol m
i I i - n, a v r large atmber showing —Mr. Tho as Howartb, a Prom
; .. ;
- tbrough our immense stock, full, of the most an grain. r Curne orices I i Prince Albert are-: POSITOR. —I atten e , the meet I ,. icide on
only, lool acceptable articles t ' - - JjEAI I V t 'Bic . . _
a y 9 A th irrespecb od sued. lie wa 77 years residentbf Oakville, committsil so
omen appre " 48 ( nta per ,. . t ing of. tbe a ioilartaiinio appoint d by tbwDo A .. X, W119T Ift 1P il . I
, I
1 One could think of. The girls and w ciate nothing so muc _ . Wahel fo, No. I hard whea , . .. . I . ' : Monday, by shooting-himnelf. Mr. 'Hovmrth ,. I
0 1 , &lid 1q, cent4l 0 Oats. These are practi. mi make inquiries and , . t eie Alpena, Michigan, vate - banker, and is sup med to - i
[]lion Oc v rument to ' , ' ' ()'- 'T I ionOr reports was a pt' t
- Piece of Fur. The riche,st and best at moderate prices are to be found here. 16 to: thl, on 8 ORTUS the following, which refers o ona i who was have become despondent ever financial af- .
i- cally t1ne oul ' V ins grown here, biib barley to olleot orm tioa with -re lone '' I - 7
. I .
- ,
And as to the man or boy, why you cannot turn around in our store I but you __ ____.
. . . . . . . -
, do Ian 5 Is'rahed in small quantitids .most appr i d f Im of. catt 0 guard tha .1 , we 1 -known in the vloini y of *ingham, : fairs. Before going to Oakville, Mr. How. I
e, . — __
- !);_t, _ : ' - I w
will ede dozens of the gaod practical kind, any one of which would make gome for Ro' t and vegetables seem to de- could be pte in connectvi with thl hich is In( Candlish, of Saujoze,qalifornia, arth resided in Wingbam, I
, peat f ael, w 1w be ng produ
L " I '
1, -'selected Christmas box. light in the rl'bh black loom and mature in railw%7, a 4 f ur coum try. Tli e commissio soonorr ioally in Cana , and f a qual lt Y has word that her husband, - Th - —Alt Dauphin, Manitoba, Thursdav night, i
- one happy, iyere he the chosen re4ient of such a well . I I
. I
! ' . ' highly 3a,tiefaotory for meet c - purposo. i. Cair (Ilish, bad been d n ay, i
wo dqr u y On t time. The farmers depend Nove`be illiam, ' Murr .
't 11
I mae Me,
Note below the innumerable articles you have to choose from, and which will - _ met,at, t atford,on the 25t r d i . Mexico, the large block owned by Wi 1 Stolck
i bertson,anj He writes that manuf A riag a where be h ad a contract fg: r railway co I
I entirely on t e' wild grain in the marshes for and wa4l c mpo 64 01 Messrs.: . perationall ri. and occupied by Sutherland and A
. I enamEdgentle a _
be appreciated by any man or women, boy or girl, : . their ilupply of hay add as ilougb8 and river H a tter being 59 a oommercial se&16 have 'een r ported ttp,, struction.' He was oberiff f Alpefia county hardware merchants, MoKilanoin'k imple- -
I i 101.11 e There . were I . 9? phorfogiaph 9
- I vallcy1a iare *6u'ndant, the price is low-.-- stigin . aboilt twenty-fivO by emineers of high. a andin I I for 4 yearn, and went to Califor ia after moat Warehouse, and Maithl&' I I -
. , and 1 . ' A
I cc .- I .
Hay a,!elle her6l' 6ow at $4.00 per load, am presen rr any ofthi m being I linty 06uu-" agree in the, opinion that meth o ani a - reei Ing hiis office." i 1 I gallery, was entirely destroyed. T'he loop,
M ! .11 I J . . I A.
a they o no t oWe to- i Feigh it. It doesn't cillore 8 d Also two nember pf he .Domin.., pliance i arer. now availw e. w. iereby PW. t Among the militi notces lss ed -from will he between $7,000 and.$000. 4
Parlia eat. Ev was . - 11
fference who ou h ement, P.? I his office cbair, hat
a 5 ; . I
! t6uch d ,n this iou'Parlia ory eno I - wa, appears the fol o, wbioh has — Sittinj placidly in L
Be 0 maK briquets ma be produce , rea( y for" a t - 011 a - i
- , This year the farmer a gi - ion to thbo ,present- to . _ 'vano, a local -1
I .
; .f Fi ne , F u re. naetTrE grass , a I . . iron b t iliB cornknie a I I . ment, for a Insx1mu anufa0burirg co t loo interest. 11 Thirty-tbird Huron Regi- and overcoat ol , Stephen T. h 4
. t 10,,Uti Ju y I 3 th and coatin u- give @ ul, 4n'opiniDn On the uestiou oia I . I r of Burk's Falls, was found dead -on , ,I
. I I . a I Of $1. 60 & ton. and probably for conoide - me t—Tio be medical offic , withi rank of barribte I
. -
. -
i I e ent guards, I 11 alled at the law- i
'Bdgtsii , '3 nstrtil3eo land w on the grain was he , c -a
. . I : poisibm II might Bay t ably IeQ3 in plants of la -go capacity. M - ur eon -captain, J. W. haw, M. D., of Fridayby a client, who . -
- i . L I a
. t eprf i 'ent bac at the hay, &lid rftd by ill, as bei g quite use- yer's office to do business. Iia fo*nily re-
I ,sents s%ck 2 1 were ca ido for Ganosu Ins finds that -a u imber of buaine a , li toio- orar n lijoutenant n
I I Our assortment in this departmen the 4 . e . , vice honorary our ,
: I Bout ere a Tlllll cutting ben the first snow less !O! he urpos which t ae le side in Toronto. Heart diallase 'was the
. - nien an, gelveriamenti o ,, isla conour in t e ol4uel W. R.- J. Hol e retir d ; to'b
I . , . . --
) % I - the newest and most desirable styles in'all grades cam n, the sob hd of la tmoublit. It seemed to ,Jhe old pit guard wa( oneidered e4 lusion l and at a Isr 'e mo icat officer, au ern rary, ith the cause of death.. .
- I i 'a ' z
I T .4 Chang from baying to the th'. .e.7. - -'s pail last - 7
, q
I , kin" of a sadiO t Ouard, but -thie guai the rail majority of ' ar much pleasei Jh ran of Surgeon -Liettlten n , Ai 0. Hunter, Dark 1.9 .-
. customers I wit —Mrs. D. Day died at '
- I
- - way coTpE a refuse to'us lay,: the fuel, which, if burned wit i proper r4- M. `D., of Go4erich. . . . years, 11 ..
I I of Furs. We beg, to make special mention of hea of wintieq;,' We ave had adelight I 0, la they : . I week at, thegreat age of 103
1 - I -
I I . -
. muffs of ful f 11, much lj e what might he expected if a car eav the track it is likOy to , rop 1p ce8liar I Twen, months and 4 days. The deceaF;ed 1retained .
l Our -range of fine Sable Ruffs and $ . - I gard to the few simple' recautii ins no by -five years ago Mr. ,And Mrs. . .
. .
. of Q tario, wolat I not, Albert ala. int6.onO Of hese gu rds and; tb e - resul b iq to - esults of comb Aio , joh re mairied. and all her faculties until the last, and h&4 al, _.
i It which we have just received a new supply, con- er. The Pei ) enau e the beat r b Bar ea, of Exeter, - yF I 11 . 7
1 . . . -
R . . trieit is more Ill Western Ontario thhn &'n'y great la a M d damaj e to the Ontany 3 cabnot :,ail to 'meet th' t xacLiAg r4- thati. tl ey .are more than. c n et ca t h their ways been of a remarkably bright a#d e heer- I
I . . It I t
siatinu -of about ohe dozen of -the prettiest de- othe part I bi perty. , The engineer a a -pos . 7
. a e seen, 9 it has an abund- a 9 3roz e eoaed of anthracitle Cionoibion is evident fro i i 8,ott hab they ful di tion. * She was born ', Irf
lays he .lea i in oland,
quirernif nto heretofore ex In ,
0 .
I . I I r a sent I'm fo, r hii' I -
a ant apply of; il U ber an I good water. The many kinds ,of guar I coal. This last statemeat means a grelit cel lbratbd the event, on j - o
N . dnd: ,01 last on December 211st, 1799, and thus' lived in I
11 si-ns shown this season. We can show you a to i an op '
0 me" n is Wlasid rably Ic tbr here than there, approv I a a I he pri iposes t telii6 then: in deal, b(came it impli s a ory couoent at- welk, iii a. most fitting- j pr Kiate three centuries. She came to Canada In the I
I I 1.
complete range of , the 16ot of tbe, .,I* 11 ut a numb r of of tt rly forties, and rived in' the tow,uship of I
. . rveatir g having been done this a . He wi 19 ed fuel indeed. The rep:)rt a-uggests a Ve t manner. A large number invit d guests ea I
- . ly a couple: t f looks 6go. ' t Cavan, Durham, for many yeare. ;
I a a I - Consequently into a plan d toist a number of ose gu krdi many unanswered questions- E69 to' hoT wex e pros mt both fro _ f town and at a - %
- — . : eshing still to be done. and putt'. f t e o )on, Uel and how m . - - —It is Paid that thirteen miles of tho,new I
i " " there is some'th by ng 1 hem.do a in front much of the weight is f muctl is diatance,and the affair wt`ft, most enjoyable v
W . ;
th6 #acks ario, ow being dug out of -the ing in i he Ion, t6o, ea tle 1'ar( .1 'locir the Temaikaming Railway, the road being con-
I Ladies' Collars Caperines', Ruffs, Muffs and . ash, as to what 'Uses tl e peat has been I 9'.r - one, Dinner Was, Hpreall,a 8 'o I
U n 813 . I
oi intry u filoiate s
. I 0 The ,0, rth of this place is very bungi 3 or dry, J1nfe:r it W ill b a lovv can be economically pat, and so fortq. spread being most 161a e. 'he many structed by the Ontario Government, have .
- I and 9 drive them
:na to be one b the moat pictureequs dia- process' t W u noi b' But tbf re is this certainly to be -said, t"t beautiful presents received;by M and Mrs. already been graded, and 700 men are at .
I . I n
I .
I , Gauntlets, Persian Lamb, Seal . Bear, tri -9 in the . ld, beit ed with small a fair trial I- I I at is % well-nigh uniie real -product, and if Barnes were a marked feat re of ,he -event. work. It it expected that, by the! system- :
I .
9 1 1 I%k and otrva' a. Vo: I e of it is our. ation 4iBked by oome of 60131 o I 1 -4 ii and pushing nature of the work, the
. . I y = But heqae' ipteauleturned into a uel cheaper tha --On Wedusaday afternoon of 1 wt week, at 0 a
. 1 .
. vey ' andfcilt e moApart, the Indians present is: "Hav .the Government no coal net ouly U4 revol tion wrought intb contractors will be able to build consider-
I Sable Oppossum, Astrachan. etc 1 1 1i I . the I aized by 1 ev. Di, Stewart, -
I 8 9 1 i, oommis. 'e we' so em .1 ) esixty miles their con.
s . : I are dthl in PC i0dasion. East of the t wn, made amistakein &)pointing it a industr.es he rel dence'df the bri e a fa iller, Mr. ably morethan th
i . I , Qla ft . . of to -day- by 4boliBb ing any poi - at t I , I .
107 -
, - 4 i 0 it 0 ri",
f- - I . . 0 '%, 1 XP i
1 t
the Gov I d i
eP 4 . ,
I I 10 b _tl '
st i
b 0 91 i I
RgURII 4! % I 0
1 t", :
0 T E
I I Creek sion " Previous to .888, raIIVl%v companie i sibleCionbination-againei fre3 competitior, Jam Fe C the ml
- )yi ab I 80 Millis'. i's the fa mous Stoney i es liaton, wriage of tract calls for by the end of nextyloar. -
All of which are. v use!ul Xmas gifts, while -for children and girls' the'!Gro i I i I .. gunout .
(Iry seti, 6menb. T his is cox aidered by many- to were liabel 4ge to. 'too' er, Miss Lillian, to M gowned by Mr. FTed Murphy cf I
-torm collar, capL . - Ing , or ,all d ams 8 k Etl` Y', butthe future is provid d for against an Y his eldeat daught I r. —A dol . I I .
Lamb in s 4, ruffs and gauntlets, are substantial and useful. b e ohoioe4 district of the whole Cana on the p:oper y. Duri!ng tho session possibli exhaustion of t e coal measures. Wra. Carter, firernaff of the stiv6 block, Edville PLince Edward county who lott Be -
I — I I I I ,
. i I
I Z2 :West, b4ilv ing the naturil advantageo of that lieve 31f that lia;- _I `1 -,
. yes hey w(re re , - as: eavily by the burning of his barn by .
I I Li ' . I I I Stapleton. The coremonyl w witnessed It
A^ A^ of & dh oi doo water and con Von iont tim - bility. Ni theGo ornmentst)psl,'i'u 'and I ' - I
. I ; t 9 gQ,.o I Huron Note . by a few intimate friends o ly. After con- lightning latelyt showed -a good deal Aof it
, . I I Il, proopeat of a direct route I 9 ,
4J iind also t6 0 we MITI seleeb a olttle guar I , for 'You, - I ll. gratulations they adjourned to the dining I I I -
I ! - I IlLff MI. 'V lt, . telligeuce. Thaireweretwelve fat Qgs in a
i F an . I
i t -as the Canadian Aorthera relievi g the railwy com le 01, all — to. OME63 ABU 5 as Park; no 90 ken pen in the basement of the barn at 'the time I
I ,
no3 S viou ing i to t le marke bun I : a FI i'la t 0 ro , n, where a ]light lunche6n was parta
" is , , 1' ibilipy. Had - xesiden,,e of Mr. Wm. 'Mennell, h e
cl lv being built through that t law 1 b,'en enacted I I 1
1 Rat reapprils . , . L I of fore, leaving for the st tion t take the of the fire, and it was a masevi 0moie
. i7 way is '. I . i ,
r ilway com-
. . I set .6me other day I had the plea i , paying $700 for it. I I
I !f nb. I J4e a- an it was previous t ' 1888 th ' . .
i inteetini 1 an old B usselite in the per' an woUld soon ave iaid! wn caftle —Th - 'tepayers of I Wingho m will proo- 4:15 train for Londou,wherlii they ill spend when the firat person got there .and knock-
. are Ja ra .3 :4 L. . & f 41, 1-1a. A 4V 1% A f"nVV% tb,Q h on ! and the -
4 . . r a low ays W a 0 0 .L W . - V V - - - 5 r 3, I
mas so il A 'Jonatl a Jewi from the Shell gua that4oaldb effective But now, ably be called upon toy6te on a by-law, - Walter Coats, of Clinton, wb as been dog rushed in and drove them out.
Is a strong department with up, and the X y eleodons, I f r a do nestic watel! — I
I River couutrnt5 miles eat of here. Mr. tho, w ca i revived l6a the com- the Jar uat t I
. 1_1 a I a never e 0 1 em lOY64 on a goveramen dredg at Col- -
asy to choose here. We 'ould J e', itt has ha' I 1conside. ble experi nee in panjes 3an reasonabl say it is you,- cattle wr,rks and sewerage SiOletn. lin woodl all summer, retu ned orne last —As Mr. Hugh Gallagher, of hilog town -
presents are e * r: I I ma ai Western Canada - erefuse'to, forloo : —Mr. A. Cox, a forrn r resi( ent of Gbd . ship, .near Becton, was descending back-
. i , 11go , urda5. Heh or swayed
1_ ' - Ney' ,'Ontario 10 guard riot Cluirs, and pay, Sa ad a narri es ape from ward from a straw stuck, the laid
I bu%4hinks the' t o othe iBt e inourre by stoc d traying on rich, and low a resident of Liacoln, North I r
suggest a nice Pea Jacket for your boys. 1 This L ,, -riot, either easu that. m y . I , de th thi -ee weeks ago by :being hit with outward, throwing him with tremendous -
or ,eab, cau 1 dompare ith that around our' ty. The railway panies have Dakota, w is elected a ei mmioi ioner for t46 -
I . I pr(pei . I 'bhe latei State elections. vi -,-' thi end of a tow line that h6d br7 ken while force to the ground. When picked up ib
_ Prin0a Albert' gE.neral, and the Shell Riv- been ri cei ng privi eges in t )aab beside fifth dietri3t, at I . -
is what the boys want. Our range in thi'1s de- I . M. Fralick, EAst V awaul a ou I In ro igh weather. A 14ded 0 ow,which was found the n:fortunaterrian had sustain-
, The Shell River mi%ay i iill us of do lara,from ti e people of —Al Ian Dah, h4 I
I er 6untry in aiticular - oil outdof harbor u
- I . . I he was on, was being towed. I ed injurieR to the spine, from which it was
. leme i eotly 01 i be line to B%btle- this:colnt-y. thiqkitsurel 4me to call ispoic d o hia farm ' t6 Thomas Lovell, Of ; an
at is I
partnient will please you. The prices are 1 from '04 I I I `urnbErry, for the o'u w of $5,Q5. M by a tug, when the line e the end deemed impoesibleto recover,all the ribs ' -
I e the new '
forC And Edr ton, wh railway a halt. I: appepre to me that ft will r t e Bide.of
I ed to; g from e, so t at district diffi wl iel her Veart Lovell tak )a possession March Ist. .. t-_ 'reloundfid, Ettiking Walte on I on one side being broken and three on the
in qxpeet bul b ri. a Asir! to 'know - '
r er. .
$1,50 to $4.00. 1. Whil wa or by 0 managers —Ode in ght recently ' , tb( face d bodyLiknoicking him: own in- other side, besides other internal injuries. '
wi probably! bene e governed rom 6tta . some p 3raon o 0 in ui6 .4 _ 0 tting his
r , . . JP4 sez eible, besides dg and 6 —Tbe schooner Celtic, in tow of the :coal
I 5.00 to $8.00 per ,of the. rail w 3.y companies. b Jeeems that , b,ok into the milk house of Mr a -
all son Bayfield line, Goderich - barge,H. B. Runuell, from
landis sellink,;here for "On' I town. fle h, laying him up for 4 few d Buffalo, in cam,
acr!e, homeste he ay ooni- Tho
1 . If so, call and i -a's of 160 area ia the same theire as 5 )s 9fte law for t I I —It again bec mes ou SaT'sd;"ty to mand of Captain George McLeod parted *
Does your boy requira a suit 9* . p a, h d arr , I
t I localitiee MaYi'bo' had for a fee of $12 00 and parlies angther for th r ilw 31 ied off about for5y pounds pf P Most' re' her tow in -en If rourt
I .
I . the egular h , qm1esteading duties. The land , 0 i&`e - a i , h oniole the death of o Lake Huron, t miles out
so c
ore - a!
. throug,6 negligence my mig b RON b'u 1 2 5 . i ia th person of
see our new styles for boys. ft would be a present valu liabol for ail - It& attending a thres,hing at me spi oped cibimns of Credito Datour, Michigan, on Saturday night, and
. . I . wift probably!double I e by is inju ed he law holds me I . ife of Mr. Ca rad I ,uhn, who
hir'ee years, here settlers com- 8, bat rail y compeni is can kill Thom ,9 .Baird'.s, How,ick, the other d Bigabeth, w Captaia McLeod reporta her having 10=41
sensible Xmas present, and don't cost very much- " ' I.- 1 F` d%rna In agt,, de )arted this life on Mond y, 24b. ult., at
. Ing = 4ow W 11 iget fall - 308611388i011 of their and di#sb stock A th6re Is to redress Mr.'C oil Day had thelf misfcrLune to . I a 8 days. ered with 8611 hands. The Runuell temainA
claiine. If so of th ' follows who the nose witb an iron iod a d the age of 49 years, 9 months an . in the vicinity for two d#ys, but 'failed to
. I if they g, on their pr potty, and the law struc on I - I find any trace. The Cdtic was in oommaud
Priecs, from $1.25 to $5.00. . .. i . i v ng ia o . am U. , 01 M. s. Kuhn had been ill but a short time.
are *orking f itheir Id Ontario, does n t quirl the' to keep u effeelient have .is nose broke : J Although always in delicate h alth, her
couiaonly re ize the iopportunities they oltble Out rd. . r I -Tae Methodist Clongregatioril, in Wing- of Capt ain Henry Jeffere, of I - Detroit, and,
, ,I tb The idi, dr.age A farm lands ac aso the rail . . death came very unexpectedly to her large carried a crew of seven.
4 1- 1 ! +-!+- -+i I might have b Drp I thin! r ey.f7ould not be . - barn, nave decided to extend a call ta Re,V. circle offriends. She leavts to mourn her - -John Scott. who is employed by A. 8.
long in coming West, s nd i some of the wayg is aa(:therl im:pertant 41111313tion with Dr. G.indy, of Strathr6y, to become thqir- demise a husband, three eons, two daugh- '
as I young ladies k4ew ho* many respectable many,faimers. I Wh re th ere has .osen ,a pastog at the expiration of the present 004- Smith, liquor dealer of St Thomas, was -Sat-
I . - be ra, brothers and sisters and a. large nam" eAly injured on Friday while assisting to
Ask to sum soular 650ftys, Rose young bachel)rs there ?* e here, they would natur I r ar of the wa er, railwa con) panies fareace year. 1,
- I I Samuel Pea - i her of friends and acquaintances, who have take a barrel of whiskey down the. cellar
. probabl dol k wiae. A great deal is spokw shoull-be cblig d to ive an 1 outlet across -Mr. rb, of Guelph, has AW
.. y I t Uajo hardships of the he tmols,lbutiltbe I we does 1 not , blige posed of his 150 acre fa mrj on the .8Lh con- the sympathy.od the vicinity in, Ithis their stairs at the Grand Union hotel. So6tt wag -
en and writte!n labou , i V sal bereavement. ; i going backwards down the stairs, when the
_W 0 (D M. i ere do not I to t no. cession of U8b , A m. Earl, ' f I -
_A._r .T -i west but tho p ople b see them 6 loilso. 1 Whe Mr. Cowan ia*rod orne, to .. , ?19 elmed him, -and
I - ed his , I . . -&- 1 I - weightof thebarrel overwh ,_
i: wish for pity by any means, and I bell ve, il ast seasion to have: this griev- the 7 h concession of the so me townsb p- ,
. I
I . -1 I . if The price paid was 89,P00 1 Canada. he fell to the floor. The barrel crashed
that as a rule, tbey are more contented t an. aace aN,..bo is edp L the rliilwaly commit, ,e 0 , . -able to
0% - itis their usual 1,reoticze, -V. Taylor, who hai for some time, be n -Mr. Wm. Mackey, the millionaire lum- down on top of Scott before he was
; the people in the east. Of course the cl'm- 'the 11K4buae as . I I .
" I : then is any eaou -- re I 1
25c pair I . Gr nd TImink Railw4y birman, of Ottawa, died Monda* morning air, his feet, striking him ,an the head
ate is more E(6vore and t4e absence of frailt is re broagbb L -p un- operatoi- at the r' ! I g ce.
I - ' . stati(n, Wingharn, hasi been promoted ito aced 83 yea 19. I I
I very notice0lel , especial y to one f _' f favorsbI t) railway oqmpanies, reportedun C ' ' an fa
res ,when d
I . I the fruit con try, but if one has e favorably (f it.' But! I am, as a ,)ri vate in- the position of station 'ant at Park Heald, I-Laat month was the warmest November -The Dorniniov anthorities at Ottaws, are
: uita I I 11 u esis of the outbreak of
i - a 6 I 19 ", record since 1830, according' to the auth- alive to the.serio on
.The best value in 1he trade overcot and I aft last week for his new home, i o#, - -
clothing bhefirst.objec on is well 1lividual, i there I a ttur:l tin of tlia wa-
. L i I blig ;ir I eorological office, Toronto. the -foot and mouth disease in the New Bug
L and if he has friends in Ontario, with I 'go 8 MY far 11 I to give MY I special despatch from hioago, to t!he or itieg at the Met
. I i -ter a oi I -'A - Orders have been issued by
, a neigh ot ah o blot oroi Ved N vember 28th, sayo : _Mr, D
; orch rde-and lalrg -hearts, the fruit q 28 . u - at we 'can, scarcelly T ito Mail, david Kennedy, of Chippewa Hill, land States
9,0" . . 1 h e' rill, a wealtz I Dr. Rutherford, chief veterinary imperiltor
Una , Is not such a na . Besides, . expeo, ]us Ice in the4 matters' so long lag " E. 0. Att , y ma a, of Go4erldh, n Air 1p e , rallied a turnip that weighed
M * Clothing I is alore plcnb d the our r prosentatives go to Parll ament w6h Ont. i while visiting at, the home of a'frie d, 2 ounds, ind could not be put in an or- of the Department of Agriculture thAt all I
m nqy ful here,. . I v'
. , u's anyone :to has their silway passee initbe:r poketis. This in this city, suddenly M - sk ant ef%rt dinary bag. ing from Che Eastern States
ople raom 1sociable w Cle a ,7io'l stock care com '
. s the business we are in, made -ta-order -and rea y-to- P I j est vvUl testify. Sociabil is noti a 'ior,,but I in which to jump through a win4ow. He is insau4.11 - he -oodstock Times, an old Conserv- shall be thoroughly clearlsso and disinfet3ted
I . . I li el .ion, tho, , I political ques one , anaaa.
- I
ou' leaders. special prices in- particula this itV f - Ar. Patriok Keating has disposed of ative paper in Woodstock has been 'pur- before croming the frondei! int;4 C
Three . e th howe er, that the English Consq rvivtives and Reformers re alike in- I n of 9 rictly
, r . . , 11 I neve show to foreigners, terse i xp esa of that The officers of the department are at
0 ad and one which I thi6ki.it would The his M0 acre farm, on the l2ba concessio chaced and merged into.tho E I I
L wh will no 1 pt Ca: 4dian customs. The well or U e public to I d. I Howick, to Messrs.' George and Robert city. -_ clirrying out the new regulation. :
___ I 508 bear la loin of the 'Robinson -
. I I ' W 'Macdonald and Mrs. -Mr. John McKechnie, .
$7ZO $10800 Do khobors for exan Ple,, will make no at- I I Bakir, for $4,000. 7 e U11derstand that -Hon. Hugh John
0 - I Yours Truly,! I . settlement, in Conger township, Parry
to t to len a, bur lanj ,tuage or kive up their : RoBERT McMORDiE, Kippen, Mr. Keating intends moving to Wingha*, Macdonald passed through O' tario this
.1 ' = sea-
, I I . - L vi look, on their way to their ho Te in Winni- Sound district, shot his first doer tV
.1 0 fi- and cousequintly are very - I where he will reeide in the future. . It
e gn I I . , - ' er 9 ending 1 -in England
. Oa Tuesday ,, four months! son audit is a ouriesit.j. it was% Ace wri, -h
d -Overcoats. .. ' : ; a p pular. 1pablic feel s ially - ' i I Peat as Fuel-, eveninw., November 25, h, P 3g, aft I #
. L i. . i !
; an I ! bittlor ace those from the i I at We residence of Mr. Paul Reed, Ashfield, aid on the 8ontinent., ! ; horns, the first reported. One horn is a
. . Y , again0il,thernsi Footy years ago Imoat enterPriaiing' eff?Fts -The Wallaceburg beet su ` f tory spike, and the !other a batton aboiatuninch __
E FINE GOODS. C)rikto t1riict have gone crazy. The ; , his aughter, Miss Lily, was married to .Ir. C nr ac
- . : - 8 . n di 1-'. . I . i were mi Ids, with bl is aid of the i beet engi e- Thomas J. Anderson. Rev. F. J. Oatlon 8 lipped a train load of sugar, sisting of long, and another peculiarity Is !that the
des and, .N; rwegiano are mdretntelligent I I
; . ering1knO Vn, to d(vel , peat: depolits . "in the vel*`et," an hor*e first sp.
I . a d are 4 Uer liked, as they soorr to- , I M. A., officiated, in the I resence 'of the 2 5 cars, to the Northwest.on Friday. This horns are:"
. . of Cana Is into 'a pi oduot of i nd,,,,,,tr' I I 'ar- i' the first large shipment from the new fac- pear on deer. Usually the horialls OUIYA,p.
Cana( ` nized. B 'a' Va R: I I
0 rr e . This ii surely the rt of sort ; immediate relatives of the contracting I .
h, I ' ,pear on wale
t Wappy thatl -he erally disappears about the
I 1 - i I onaI4 ; ntinggr1ound" for the pilikh4pq t le hoble4) effo It ties. I t ry. dear, and the velvet;xtAge gen-
INGS— ,aditi m a e at Bulatrode, I firsti week in
I the Eag4ra
I . 'or I d o,ther kinds of -The farm of R. M. Douglas, of the Oth -Arrangements are being W4 de for t I .
all - present for a gentlemen friend , todian, 1487 oose, 6lk an Towit abip oto m e,,l to I I e after which time they harden
,',come in and ap Z t All , howev d he ' - re tto of beet sugar factqries.at Poterboro Septerab jr,
a sm . . ! found mly a short distance . r B 'a concession of Gre has been leased to Dbn
,dee - are to d he c= out tli rc Ujh . . yo hitby. Both factories 4re expected and take on the usual app 'ace
I -where yottr eyes rest, you will see a most service- f r'p , I I e plentiful a little failu, ., ald'.MoCallum, of the same I ne, for a t4rm U Fh . . eara . The
. : f the to, W,'# and i t and M unused apparatus I F rerhaim head of this horned doe ikbeing s0ffad.
1 -
. I
. . 14 b Idea, wolves', lynx, mink, ,
,hht you are looking for. . a fier north be, mem onl oes of welli meant e rA to ado to - of y Bar#, he to ge't possessio next Ma ch. o be ready for next season's crop. weak Mr.. George Be&.
___ er "" . - move Park Ri'ver -The exports of cheese and 'bu,tter from -One day last
lox6a al an nals and birds .The -1 as Mr. Douglas will re 0 '
.. . . I pill " , i Iike as the 7ei Ith of Can4da. - Sh I ' 0 look ou all ota, where he willitry Fjanada tt is . year have been larger than cook, a merchant of Wiarton, made & saraw
14 ,e ,a ' il- . e roof of
fishing if, also . xcellent, and to see a District, North Dak
. I
.1 the Tho lY !pent it en and, 01 he half T 1i n all y of the country, what startling find on going to t `,
I *1 big aim an Olit (to ho Iled oat of the Sao- , - his f ortune. y year in the histor
dal y, . I 9 lion i pi a , in Canada with le I I Ily bad iuo .
ar store ; the new Xmas novelties are coming, katohewan I ai revelation to one an wasied, On Friday last, V . C. hompson, c rk hile the prices received for! cheese were his store to examine the -chimney. The
. oeas;du ring the pa4t seven y )are , - he
ch are American. goods, whose big fl l fit rise ell about th ee poun a' in Smith & Pethiok's, Wingham, ran bout -two cents a pound big 'er than last xoof is a flat one, and near the a imney, .
ti and patterns, part of whi I or 8651 We not ra her regar I it as the i r . b nd lylbi two large n : over six
t e jh ' good f glass tha was projecting ear. i fou I ____ .
nd such as will not be found elsewhere in this part bass hooke4' i the Maitland. There jh tvr aga nab a sheet 6 I ' ir
crease in the price of . lo A Ithat ha to be Bov n belore a n the East Middlesex else- feet in length and the other ove I five feet. .
I been a won ,c f al in caulle would trh mph ? C wl ain it is that f rot i the ledge, with the re.s It that it in- . -Argument I , - arendy
25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. I ! ere si a last y mr, a great deal of it I r roic and flict d a deep gash in tile ri lit legi nect asi- ton trial in fixed for Oagoode 11all on Satur- They were both dead and bad '
I and It . the I mo'ifl!oes evidence has 1 been 'trans. been so for sonle weekg. In col o e . were
- . I ha ' doubi in vi Ins. When one has deal erste . An ol I g lem a reoent'y died 'tati:g several otitche,o to c ose the galing ay next. The , and we evident-
country, the litical . . wound. I ribed by the court reporter, nd makes a yellow with brown spots
S a... someth i rt whoptt a are r une in o the ,a p6r snakes. - How the ca e there is
I * in p wc rt I volume of 550 typewritten pagls, or 150,000 ly cop] . . I
r milli le lu 'western , .owever, W iew i'lle past, it - --Lorne. Hill .Caln&ll, - 7oungest son, of I ' , .n a foreign
ity-silk, hemstitched handkerchiefs, plain white d am of te I efforti. ,a Sy . I a mystery. They are ce
qual . ' White I - I A year does not seem such .. Mr. and'Mrs. Peter CampbeII, of Wiagh m, words. . -
initial. Prices range from 20C to $1.50. On i,ada in 6i 6w Population is the in aven-ei'that successful r suits have now die( . .
i an ossi4il after all, I at the family r(siden3e, on Mon0ay -Miss Jennie Kelly, 11 rars of age, reptile,'which makes the matter I more nqn-
p i en- living on alarm three miles south of Glea- tifying. I
c by been at ta ned. T hia eat isfa 3tory ,clin6lq'sion
chiefs, with or without initial - prices- range from 5 thi'm oat now, but capital ! eve king of last week. Lorne had not 1,
) . : ag- that is ,eeded reatle, ve are assured, not 01 A0,60ratory ex- meb-with a f , on Saturday. , J. Davis, u0muflostoner of _.
I 4; ))6in F ed to cod advantage. For of prac bloo,l joy, d good health for many years, and was one, atal - accident --Hon. E
iriment , but on the produc(, . I
. . ! : WtL I has no oney this is the coun. pe . ilk 0 'm aefciq.l tak in ill a -short time ago with iuflamma- She - went to the well to draw 96 pail of Crown Lands, stated that there 11 bad been
thi rt i a 1 irnitig cut fuel lC f shoes, and sent outfrom the department by mail on
I P at I ich w as the cause of water, having -on a new pair,
I where h lited at paying. --thousand
- I I I t 2 ma4e it, and ,for the man atitie i which can be mark , . tiou of the bowels, q r y of last week over *it
Indid chances are hera for qua . his S Oth.year. when about to draw the pail Op she slipped Thursda
. - t t' has it, 1;&Ie 4 riqesi.t These remulti have be _n reached -by his death. He was- Lrowned. certificates to veterans entitle to land
, colored : AVO Of ! I 11 , . leworth, o I 'd --Mr.' A. f W)stfield, sold to andf011 iDtOthe well and wan' .
I . _
up two shipments af fine shirts from 't getting moie f i I 0. Jo Be' rantfor and ' B. Carr'. -Mine Verona Sutherland,', is young lady grants under the act pa"el for that Pur -
z #I i . Mr, A. Jacobs, of BI tb, two thoroughl lred
Canada, and have opened out Most SatiSf 9' CtOrily- I i Mr1t,Alexin e,r 6 9 n o' 8, wor 11 old, and the other a of Woodstock, died suddenly' Sunday morn- pose in the session of 1900. A,ccompany. . I
fully guaranteed - and if , O., ing in 11911 ciapion wit the 'at Mach nory : heifers, one a two ye . i Misr viag full, in, -
y , Ie Doukh bors. I laudarturri. s each cerfificate is a circular gi
rnl the colois of which are I i C iing calf, for whi he received the burw ing, from an overdose of
D I of Ton nbo, and, the, Peal De- suc of procedure for
shirt, or money ! JEAipt Ex . SITOR aving notic'ed in the y l. ; I #- t th
back and replace it with a -new I of 12-20 ; they were b th at perior cattle: for Sutherland woke up in the i' ight with a formahon as, 0 e mode I
' '
.0 it . . p ! r as of 00 6rio - reports of rough usage of vell)pn ,en t ate' bimit di of Brant 'ord, I I- selection of lots, an well as a 1 statement
I ' th( Cport of tb ntario Bi reau thex age. Mr. Jaoo a h ke now a c*ice severe toothache, and took t4 laudanum to , : , .
h 7Doukhoucre in . syrt 11 . I iqked 'ease the pain. She took t o much and showing the townships in whicU locations
a d around Yorkton, and In clyroo r I at her I of nine thofo ghbieds, all .p . I
Ve suggest for Xmas gifts : Umbrellas or ' braces, th - I ' ml opeiatio . never regained co-ne i can be made) with the name of the Crown
I . b ug ther"I Is 11 the time that they were be-, of Ail es thd 6chintery ciousness., I
?8, gloves or mitts, top shirts oE un(lerwflar b Arobes I I 1. tea to 1 standing! the oat le. - . t under whose direction each ,of
. I IR1 in b Ack and sent out to their Rev, Boi vot toi is iepo I I Clinton Modelitee hav Ee- -The coroneeo jury invostigating the lands agen
i rought' --fwo mote shipa is. Appricatio4o are still
: that, considerin tew of steaO ufag , pro acing- suffi ient. k, at ' Brantford, on those town
! er 1 village I wish to say I 14isal Dunlop, daughte., of -death of James Qair i
3-cr smoking jackets. i 1: to,wn,,wilthoo eover for pfiip . cured schools. ! i . in. I I
; th , coldness c f the ,weather and other die. fue. for the the following ver- pouring
. - i . . Req,.- Mr. Dunlop, Ian been .engaged for March 23rd, brought in
. ! i . his -Tbe most disastrous conflagration that
I circumstances, I consider the mept, im, coinlolu es that 11 wi . 8 ant
. ad , .i .. t t1a section No.:' 5, Goderiob townihip, diet'.- "The late James Qairk! cime to .
- - - 0 0-1-0- - - - - P-0-0-0 ! Governmen 6fficerep Messre. Pedley, Spears in 13111(ceiofu oferati6n, *eliy- SU sob 01 r , 8 Ail , at a i alart of M5, for next death by receiving several '161ows on his has ever visited the Rat Portage district
. I . d Seal evid6n3e f arnia bed of the la , vance of the (P( to . r I 3rhing in the
. 1
u4 Crearei, ,6e latteu'being an ol . 8 ' . Miss ljohno J as oen eDgagedt.' for head at the hands of some per on or -persons ato. te& about 3.30 Friday ral
. f,D ,-th boy I ed thez a vory well. Whits -in list ry 6 a' Cori merolal i . at fuel ye "rth, at a sal ; ry of 5275. This m4kes unknown to the jurors." ` Rat Portage Lumber Company's lumber ..
f4ce had'to be used o this extent of taking hai ab o )eeq. made at the r! pertV of ihe H a d so far' out -Mr. John M. Jonese, I a prominent yard. No.,4, Norman. Thefire*t-artedfrom. -
J Eggs taken as Oash. them individuall I y ythe armaud some Pe .t I ldilstr ea, Li mited, in a, - ella, lid, and tw Ive of the Mod6li5cs on gage i farmer and dairyman, near Bowmanille, . a spark being blown into a pile f cedar -
. a,' of 26.
ua' y I 't ihe Br nnor B)g, by the .8tr tfor I Peat of. he class . ' ad bein fa ed by
. i OeB ha4ing th m ong to got them start nt --Hackett's Meth(dist arch, on colholoof hearing that the windmill at!the -barn wax hind the planing mill, a .the
#" i l , 04****I ll , i l ! l i , i l 04-#04JI" . ( ,out of th crowd, ;here was no rough us. t"a npany, but in both case4 the, per none I . th-east wind, soon : ot i .
nol 13 1were -a 3used or ill treated ir equipillent o the d nion 10, Asbfield, w he formally dedic ited running arose about midnight Saturday, a strong sou
. f as Ben e eferre I nt out lumber piles, and beyond the loo trol lofthe
4 8 and , I ed on San lay, November 2 Ind. without disturbing hie family, and we I I ;
41 y way. , With the assistance of some - tin il by atifficie ! sage g I otio and open
g the se P.M. ap liwoea Tb e building is a ba idoorne brick stille are, to the barn to shat it off when by some fire appliances. Twenty-five mi ion feet of
I be m de oirno -ally up in smoke, On well at --
twenty -five, ,luounted 1police and a number of ca I I I wibh basement, and was 0 ned. praoti, means his arm was oaught%hrthe machinery lumber have gone -
' I 11ila ble, I - I J Junds: r 'services, orn- and be was u 66- ,b X
tl e citizeir E 'of YorktoD, and after some av free of debb. - The. nable to fr imself. Being Lemay'sehipyard and si- steanihoots. two
. 6 1 rs of w ( k, the officials succeeded in get- ' Rej oriiingto a I overn . ei . 17 Gun. rom the house he was unable to bargeg, eleven dw8ffiugs, and no stable.
, the Dc hobors 1 started out of York- iaolw, the Uni ed State el Vat I in Tor. ing, afternoon and ,e eninj , were cond 3ted so farf troyed, is .
Stewart, . ' been ' xeter, who waken any rone, and for abont seven hours Ndmber four yard, which was d . -ow -
. ti o their respective v1 - On . o, 8 ouvincqd hat thi end- by Rev. James Ha, non, of B ' I y
. ; t and on I e way I 11 . . V.S. he was subjected to the moat excruciating I one of the largest belonging to t e c
; I I rformed the dedi ation services) ; .
. I TI 3 men we e sent out first and in serve( b the 0 er tions f he p&70 few tion of the wheel Co, cial Union Insurance Cornp*n
la, ges. .. V kaley, St. Hol3ne ; ev. Mr. Hqwns, agony, for every revolu he ma"er i !amounts to
. he cc lag spring will - Wb I T 'he insurance,
two days 4 ere also Monti a, nd t Lucknow, and the Ii %stor, Rev. Mr. 0 ten, gave him a violent shock and aggravated his placed all It which '
i I a( - -n, is a town,6
TO GREIG & MACDO.NALD) . ie [it forwa I wi'bnei s, le 7, en ra c,ivily i 0eab manu 3pt in this $210,000, Norms , f -about $W
ORS 11 , ,. I rl d were most sucof sof ul and inspiring rom terrible suffering. He wait kf d between Kee*wtlin and Bat
who could speak Eng- fa4turi 1 in an da. Mr. Guinsaulull was orn ouls, situate
I Iinterv4, d som . .1 ge audiences being res- position until about 7 o'clock Sunday m 0 .
' - I z 6 say th y will again o on t e I to m ke his I quiries and report b wause fi at to last, very lar I - about two miles from the littor
I I I e tea-meeii g announced for ow. ' g, when he was found by his non who ha Portage . V
Brosm' Old Stan i I ized that a goodl a'ad ch6413 sub- e t. . its chief industry is lum
In It nex,t 0 ring, " they are vegetarians reco ,, 01 b &me to feed the. stock. He died -a few town. .
com I sirryl
. a of! " IOU Nlt tea Of 0 a I
I I : want to, o to some place where the at but a or anthr wit e a d y evening was more onocesafal, in Portage Lumber Comp rig on
41L bitendance, than the moat sanguine )On d hours afterwards from the effects of the Rat MAY a
2-1 out grow fit 4 and vegetables, especially ap- #eat boon to the pi lople , i nany bi ob. The ohurc wall crowded to tile shook and exposure to cold. Mr. Joness an extensive business. i
I i
ii; :FO]RrX . p es and grBlpeo, I o not think, they will the Union, nd I a f udo such a on I ute n expe I ; ; .
I . i
I I i - . : ; . .
I I I i I I I , I-
I I -1 i i I , . I i . I I I i .1
I I . I - I I I i I i i !
. i I I ! 1 I . - .
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