HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-11-28, Page 8j
-BER 284
THE ox 110SIT-OR
C inadis. Any P
on raighur4, and Elford, Holmes. he ant ish I himself in All ting bual- shock t every person. H was 51 yea jnsttranee� Company of
a- rog es we
them can i;l a
1, besides. his p roon wishes ve
DO NOT FORGET Us furn 45X 0, 1 Tore, vil)le, will be h) Id at Exe 6r on JatlW ontho of agb, an( W, f who
ary 9th, neon' ba for so e years ndentified and 11 b:g 0
-8 on non � , one � of leaves family of elevell children. 'T ood apples byealling on Mr. Robert
and 6 t Brucefidd on Ja uary 10th. The with, fir , of y
aitlandba iGovenlook, Hut Goderich a treet.--�-Mrs.
follo, Ing eupo, ernentary meetings will be the I& at Nseiffi ran to the &I ey. Dar- -funeral took place to the Maitland B169
4 'w a
htld� i' East � uron—F dw1oh, -N4vember Ing hi resi ince in this city Shannon 0einter on Monday afternoon, and'w Harry Stewart will be at home )n Thursday
h, November 29'h Blue. as al*ays en prc Mi nent I river circles, largely ttended. The Canadian Ordel MT
Les t
DISTRICT MA E�8. That our line of stoves is com - ------------- 28th,�' Mole 'h I 'a r c 4f and Friday, December 4th "( 5th.—The
Eti,el, December 2a and hel att d a ri �pt tation or the great- Fargentya a, of which decease1was a memberf, ;Collegiate Institute have snag, id, for' the- Do ands a P
plete- We carry a large assort vale, iDecomb d OW*.
I'l bid dealings. togethe; - with a number al 'Visiting btett
TRAYELLFRs —The folloiving were ticket-- Wal ion, Dece�b)r 3rd. South Huron—' eat honor integ�it, in a iontertainmenti in Cardno's Hall, the.L&Dell
guarantee you satisfac- ed to distant points thi e
Fab' ary 16th Dashwood, Feb- In his ho' fe he wi a an 1 6&1 father'sud ren, att inded in a body to E how their so eeta' IfJ 3noort Company, under them nageniset, of
-nt and -
me k b Win.
tion from any stove we sell you. SomervIlls, railway ticket agent F no andii
in we
11r. and "In 'Ile' Fab It is tt g all the force of bral
Febru%ry: 18th a lovia h a Shipman. To those Woo remember 'Putt
ruarl 17th; 2 urioh, nd, nod he lea Is a wife and for a do patted brother.
9 erg) a modern methods behind
that Mr. Shipman brought the 61 Merchant
Whether you intend to buy at Mrs. Frank Gutterldge and Mir. George
Hen 11, F6 �r nary 19bb Dayfield three child In tis ho ife, in his� —An inquest into the C&I Los of the deX
Murray, to Sarnia Mr. Herb. Box, to Tor- Of Zenda effort. It, meansareful search
present or later, come and, e.x�- Fab ry 20-4 Supplementary, meet- business all in hi� -1 oliticiff) I . Shannon of -Mr. John Twine was ield in the tow 2 'of Venice" and the Prison
bn close parison of qualities and
log# mail's of
onto Mrs. Jaines Grieve and Mrs. Jo
ere holdil w West Huron this week. had ever hel I a prom, 4on. - He hall, on Saturday night, be ore Dr. J.� to Seaforth, his narrie will sufficient
mine 0 - of Wilson And family, to. Sintalut4 Assina- Th nent n ord sift from The
ur stock .9, a eakers fOrEmat Huron meetings are was a man )f the inc at ple min Manner, Sootk - coroner. A numl or of witnessi a �Wuarantee of the excellence of 0 company. tbii_� I in the !market only the kinds
And w-Ellio�O,Wlt, sad Mine Maddock-, naturOy jo-ial, ev�n La adv iit , and re- were examined in referene to the lamen emember the date, Wednesda ' December people want to hu It s a
ght 0 '10th.—Mr. George Baldwin se t a a& y
me it try! Iran ir, and were closel
BUCWS Han Thou Guel r ot Huion, F M Lowis spectful un I or the meta�- able affiL V crone examine binet J
Y POLLIN(. PLACE.% —The polling places in magne, picking up stray shoppe:la
A b b ompson h an unosolly I& F. Holmeatedl
Burford, and ko At. Oath- as@, and 0 umber of by the jury, and by Mr. 0 grand piano to a purchaiier in 8 ratford this
Ruges Seaforth and Tackeramith where the vote 9� and there, and making of them perolia
satiefied CUStguierd. Ib
2."or sait is eat an
on " The Liquor Act of 1909 arim il, and At. �s addo(k, Guelph., Meet- intim%te fr ads In usine I' � h A dealings behalf of the electric light comparly. Abo 'webit.—Miss Edits Sutherland the 'emin-
ices of the 8outil Perth were aIwo reg�rd rly honorable, midnight the jury brought in the followin �:ent e ocutioduct, serited by M1@9 PAlton, ingktioder tht &I ad as attic
more familiarly known, the 11 Referendum STORES
was �Iways h -thel d
aRADIANT ROME Coal this Ire ever in a busy mo
will bmiktaken on Thursday 'of next week, Inetkute, will �e Id StLFullarton 6 Feb- and his we al b onor. In verdict First,—We find that contralto, and Mi. Frank Smith, violinlat present it (the store) is Moat
Seaforth, ruari 12th ; $ti F br y 1311, and 6t, and at ceased, John Twiss, came viining.
W. N. Watson -'a politics he a a atalw %rt Do- Oar t o� his death will be in Seaforth next Tuend sy e wide
Heaters are as follows With iifferings of desirable
the ti e of is dea�h won t
Kirk too, Febt Is, 14tb to be addr6soed by liominee of current of electricity from the electric flibli This in an entertainment deserving of the t
office, Mrs. Cash's store, 0. -C. Willson's prices 1 which quick)Y'
induce b
the AM"me speat eis as wil attend E t ward D in a &to f, rl t e position wire in T. F. Colemans at %ble. Second - - most liberal pttronage.—Mr. an. McFad- 11M ft
I t6 S
ware room, McMaster's store and the town I
reas as ly assured That th i electric light wire was a an inn - %son, attorney at law, of Visall , Californ , TaCtS
MOORK Hotblast Hert is,
he, Ifis I ru
nj : I
baill. TookeraniAb,—Daly's - hall, the old Hur6a meeti a. of old So, and A�out RS,
of elef i on. He has I wice bsf6r i been the perfect and unsafe state Third,—thalt formerly of this county, has jam been elect-
ers for soft and hard harness lihop in Van Egniond's building, When we -tell you that we Egmondville ; BroodfooVs school house, No. Ti E' BY-LANY7CARRIED.I—Thi; by.�&w em' nob, of As party or the oi ition. mad there bi a been neglegence I a not having' t pd District Attorney for the co nty of Ta-
p polar and desirable kinds and AYUs
coal over his
althot gh de �, Noted. he nods niost creditable matter att4nded to before, an it had beet lare, by a oisjority of nearly
I school 4ouno-and Str,ong's hall. owe ng the �qvi n counqil to grane to Mr. rf Fur" Garments, that our prieft,17
runs. i Frat)mally he rag a T e )er of 8 reportei ubeafe.—J. H. RAID, Foreman. )ppoilent. The salary is A yea,
h Dick, of To. -onto, a! loan of $10,000 for r, out
oh governed entirely by th
inight f Co
QUEEN Top Draft Heat- bi t e Bio TUR-Nips.—Laab we -k we made men- 20 y o inter�st, to induce him now council, No. 593, 1 U on be that our stock is proba
)f which the.deputy line to be paid. His
)ppopeDt was the son of a pioneer settler
and Stigina�ll?dge 0 47, B, 0.
-and a to p perate the Van Egmond Tuos WHO TAKE THE 'VOTE. —The 1 for miles aou
ers, for wood tion of some large turnips grown by Mr. to p tollase, sal of select furs
Aa �_, � . y la b both organ 4titionis he ;Was h 13. r �fo '0 George Swale, of Hibbert. They were big woo n Mi a vo e (a on on a kud a member of the society called Native guaran
and a vqxT al embe lowing list of the dep by returning I o,. ion@. Mr. McFadzean is a brother of Mrs. tee no better i alues AnyTt
full Hne of cook stove... , 7 and rrie, nones, but are now left in the shadie and Mr. a& 1, 9, lar� e majority. Means Hoare ap ointed to take t e vote on th Thom. Dodds, of M-,Killop. we are telling the exact an'
James Aitelleeon, of Roxboro, in the king of had ion take tefore land to thoroughly Reforen urn In the- several municipalitie i: ed truth, and offering the bes
I on th o cond one turnip growers. The other day ree tur. edue be the pe itions of the DEATH OF MRS. JA INIES C�ICHAEL,- South H ran: SEAFORTH'.-J6,11161i Wats' ment we know to induce you to p
prop dition and 11 bad a perfect under BIVU2. nips taken train his field were we ghed and - Another of t e old and res cted residome H;.'Beat is, W. Elliott, ]EL J. Punchiur;,: blaimsto, the test. I
is had, no do the
tipped the scales at 82 rounda, ne going stan� Ing of it. abb, consid- of this diatr OA, in the reou of h�rs. James John M Quade. ExETEn.—Thomas Weary, No Oar Rifle Club went tio Landes.
oro tee,,
]&Y, 30 poundd and the others 26 po do each. erhbl linfla,encoli bring eut so large a vote McMichael, asned pea fully t.. he betti ir Thomas Hartwell, H. E. unton, D. 110 Wednesday afternom to shoot 'Money Back'Is our Guaran I tee dozen
0HESNEY SMM as, we believe, the largest home on M aday Ian doMioha)l ard, ST nEw.—Np. 1, E, Jory ; 2, C1 i rims to re
Mr. Aitcheimon says he had Iota m. re in the in its favor. M &a� gainat the crack club of that pl ace, but &I- But 'twould be hardo
ne happy, wl
bough the home club bad word by telegram single instance when jrg:bad field at the time which Wo'uld Weigh as and , oat unan Mous vote ever polled in had reached he good a e of 6 Y ears. 8 e Brown John Hartzell; 4, H. Doyle -' 5
SEAFORTH, much if not more. Come on now, let's favor of a by -141 In this �own. The follow- had been a a vere suffe r fro tiarn ad letter, none of them put in an appear- ferior quality, and no ante -up t. 1,;0te belqwt
r leuma P. MoKe zte ; 6. C. Stide ; 7, Charles V�ii he !Our.
hear who can beat this. Ing is a stateM at of the votes cast for several yi ars, and f r the ast year she son ; 8, 1 Oliver. BAYFIELD.-Dr. Stiin. nee, which was very dinappointing to our chasevlue. With he�highgrade' appreciate,
emise was bury. 8 AXLEY.—No. 1, Thomas Frasiiir
Succeseors to S. Mullett & Co
�or. Against. had been on invalid, I ind h d lub and very unsportsmahlike f the Lon- we sell, complaints Must bevery
O_N-_ The' North War�d 1 132 6 not unexpect d. She �Fap he 2, John Murdoch 3, Alex. Mitchell 4.' eaboro Club. Bu rare indeed. Ycu. w
Hardware, Stoves, Etc. Messrs. Govenlock, of MeKillop, shipped South %Va 'son of wands -ful spirit W buy, s%ve that your good
d lub ent down on eduesday of this Week, o d_j lent
118 1 an ty W a George eanedy 5, Peter Campbell. HA
another good horse to the'Nort west on always hopef i il and 6he rful ever com- ;ut at the time of Writing we hald not heard does the buying. Bat we d
�at Wardii 118 -No. 1, amen Gould ; 2, B. S. Phillips ; 3
Wednesda . This one was also parch6ed plained. He,- maidpn ame the results. We ia�e sure, bo� to see and exam'ine our comple
t-11 .- - - as argar t Fred. He a'; 4, D. Sararnij; 5, B. Sarards le ek
dlaw'-Sl a wan'th t our boys would g1v a good acoo"t of themw of Jackets, Caperinee,
from Mr. T. J. Berry, of Hensall. His 368 10 Lai hird' d'u liter f 6. J. Voe'ker ; 7, Charles V7 oy�r. 8, R. u
aame i3 11 Sir Archey." He is a thorough- Mr. Th6inas %idlaw, c f irk nuell, a Oelves. -The base.b all team, wbi ell IS 4 11 Me CapH, M uffa and Gauntleta.
DOMINION BANK. Tll�, re are 46$ n Mee or the including rand. G61)kwon TowiTsHfpr.-No. 3, Job
eshire, Scaland, w�ere a as no Torranoe.; John Wiggin ton ; 6, WeslO in arrears, has eng ged Mirs Fiannigan,
'bred Clyde, and was imported by �Ir. terry absenees. it rq(uired 2-9 votes in favor of ft' a A Busy Time in Dress Goods
�th 46 yea a Marquis. 'HENSALL.-J. C. Stoneman
last summer. He is eight yearw' old and bhe was man led to Mr. a i'ha ed soprano siap-r, and bliss A. Dell
a b -law to 4�riy it. It will thus be seen a' -h
GAP:iTAL (Paid Up), $2 500,00 weighs 2, 100 pounds. He has t�e appear- that t eye werel:a goodly number to spor ago. Mr. M iMiebael I lad bee Cana a TuCKERSAJT:F1,-No. 1, Wal. Chesney ; 2 anada's leading'elocutionist, both of Toron- Feeple are searching for wort y 0 il�
I at went ti nd the d
Thrce months ifih3t still lapse before the ust I d, a G. E. Jac Kean ; 3, 0. Rutsdge ; 4, R.! G give a cancer i'l Hall on the sREST, a
$2,500,000 ance of being a very superior animal. This before that, 0 a Industry, -We oatisfy the need,
t? meat is -always buoY. o Is the fourth st!Lllion ther Meaqrs. Govenlock leaving An 'vening or Dee Fitt ilia, he visited D or 3rd. Aye hsve no
by-laW becomes'i perativq, but We under- ar d Simpson 5, A. G. Smillie 6, Win. Sin.
hat the boys will ha�e a crowd- the drea geods are pretty, in not d,
ISEAFORT14 BRANCH, have sent to the Northwest during th ek's in �ention to proceed while thtre v an married, brin a bride clair. - UE B6RNE. -No. 11, 1. Job no ;, 2, W Ooubt butt them e Past rtand it is Mr D
year. Mr. Bert Govenlock has gone with 6d house as they deserve it. This is a poor ties. They aric more th
'�e improvements to the
at 0, e With': It' with him:to t lie coun4,tand a tt ling dovi a Monteith Win. Smith 4, A. Dafican.' us
Main Street, Seaforth. ildhinery, so the mill may b pretty. True, the plain shades a'
the horse and will meet Mr. Govenlook in on his farm in Hulli , nea, 0onstanc). 3oncert town and it is ha�rd to P; good tal--
buildi go and in
the greater demand, but -th
the west. The enterprise of these gentle. Twenty y ore i#
A General. Banking Business trans- ear, ago they retir d lot to come here, but the boya this time from th e
put i operatic at the earliest posiible
Sale Notes collected men is commendable and will, we trust, be LOCAL BRIEFS. -If the v)te on the refen, added beauty this year in the,dyeli
acted. Farmere' farm and cam to resid in Seat Dr h, wh6r 3 love secured something eiceptional, at a and;
mom� t. liberally rewarded. sin and Mri i. endum on Thursday next at ould prove to lbo ig-expenee, so the own ought the weaves -catchy and sensible
and advanCes made on same at lowest they have eve ce lived. Mi �o tam out
if You want jti,3 �s full aw I a� ughout th4 that combine style and we -Ar and 4flo.
rates. 'thing Epecial 'for Christ- McMichael aid two visits to' their al I kiid fill the house a show the' boys they
sents kindly note you pria(s n e leaving it ppre
OUR PUBLIC LiBRAr%y.-The Deputy Min- n, call and let us home in S I d Mrs. province i a the vote on the woollen mill b faction nd what More doeo;iapy
Drafts sold on all points in Can Waall"P41111 #U Ply any� 11tiCle YOU wat t, also make the Mt)Mioha &win a or wom
ciate their e orts.�Reeve Sims has
ada, P 1 8 f th on MandS5 last, it oul an want in dress goods than. tyls
4ken the agency for the McCormick Har-
d ister of Education, in a communication to el h ao 411alions in tbii country,
he United States an Europe. priee ;i,irbt. Daly0'ander the 'own clock, have a ve yl�ronounced majoriby.-I and wear and satisfaction ? Pri
the Seaforth Free Public Library. Board, Se"forth' but a brother and three sisters Aill reside I I stab eating machinery. We have no doubt but
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -interest says Ing last ek that Mr. Anient had leased telling th� wise once that thev,
I am directed by the Minister of the old country, Her I irother, bdr. ThomE a "tour popular'Reeve will be able to dio-
AV hart's D4 drug Store in the Cardno the Cole an saw mill, we meant the mil buy now, and th
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and Education to inform you that the superin- ey are buy
Block 10 138 this ling �,ith a 'fall stock Laidlaw, has 'or many.: rears been manager das of a great many machines. -There in to ing The
iday) mori
e;, perfumes, cigaM rapidl decreasing
upwards. tendeat of libraries, who recently insFected of owned by Mr. R. L. lark and which - a webs most
new, rugs, pate�t wedialn of the Cly&sdale I �ank, IS eyvarttown, v4a e a grand final rally of the temperance y are
formerly Down as the 11 Coleman those of Euch clothe on �Viaunav,
R. S. HAYS, W. K_ PEARCE, Seaforth public library, reports as i,follows etc% W are giving a)ecl3d v, I e3 itt toilet soaps of 8-lotland. T e-eitera are : Mi -a. Hunter, orcea next Sunday evening ia the Metho. e.
t church, a
Seafortfi public library ia now fr�e It is Frarich d Amerito n manufactive - Give us a call. Mr. Robe t Aichardson, of Walkerton, wa tains. Amazans, Venetjans, Box C
Solicitoi Manager. Both$ Eni i ; Mrs. Hunter,' aw Cam- IS t 8 o'clock, when it is 'pipect-
C. Abetitharb, Soafo�r%. 1824-1
ill town o Monday last.
nd, and A Barrister Blair and M
situated in two rooms in the town hall ; a Mr. Richardso Broad Clotho and Ripley's
mock, S at, Mrs. Dan- r. W. H. brr, of GI�ffi WANTEDI-�-At once a good general is doing ell in Walkerton, but he hs atil finished fabrieB.
there is a great improvement within a few
te fries, Sootlaid. The deceaseil bad long 3rus,3els, will addrees the meeting. Both of
rvant.,itirl. App!y tg Mrs T. V. Coleman, Godcr*ch a lingeri love for his old home in ea
been a conhis ent member of thi gethodist ;hesc men are well known and e have no Things in Great Demand.
SEWING MACHINES. years. in 1901 they issued over. 12,500 st� I I AH i;xf
reet, e3fort 1824.1
booke. The chairman, Mr. HolmeAed,, aud forth.-w� re. T. W. Duncan. of Guelph, was�
A LcTP,&&RY FqEAT.-The E dn church and as a cheel-ful sna 11 eral sup- loubt there will -be a papked hc use to bear You need a Rain Cost any day iamb iu
Sather. in town Monday. Mrs. Duncan is still ' hem. -Mr. Elam Livingstone, Who hu'lial
ain Street, the other officers, are deserving,of great tand Cc ice t C0111, Irly will be in Carcluo's h311 port(ii, of ever d1wo!rk. Sh was a gen.
W. N. WATSON, North"M on I W
and it's unwise to
praiae for their untiring efforts to make the Tuesd43 evening v t Deeemb ar 2c d. Miss Butber. ial compantop a kin large pro erty owner in Seaforth and sh6 tie sawmill shut do ander too far �foray
d friend, 6n obliging Wit for th past: two
SEAFORTH. for the by -law' -M' �veeks; sta n umbrella at this Beason of the
library A success, and keep pace with the land is (no of -ntioniits In Am- came her tovote ra.; from a
the illo t I el.)s neighbor, and in every walk a life sought rted up a ain Monday. -Mr. W.
She viiii bq I iss M. G. Palton,
I have on hand a large and well a9sorted progrepsiVe advancement of this enterprising pop "" 9
ppor�ed by Wm. Me toob, of McKillop, is the guest year. Have you both� or had you i
to do her dt�ty. She I es no Amily. Her John Moffat have been
ocnbraltD, and Mr.]Nnk Smitt, violinlet, the forwer
v Pampbell and Mr. m&took of first elasa sewing machines Ray- L. Clark this week. -Mr. D. D.
towv.'" Weare-gladto note theiveteran of N removal is &,t � ivere be er aged of Mrs. appointed deputy returning officers for until some forgetful pi,nion saw fit t8) do
ew York and r of 31C),gO. PlAU Of vemenCto h
ond, White or Goodrich, in Cabinet. Drop inspector, Dr. May, flads our up -to- hall at ear' Wilson h Le shipped over ten thousand iome borrolving ? And do -you-, rtk—
in 8 drug a re. Dal �It in so it. 18,24-1. partner. whose joys at d sorro 'a she had lyth fcr the referenclum vote.
Head and covered machines, prices ranging datQ and comparing well with th'e larger rels of ap?les to the old country thiw, fal ingoL t quire warmer underwe]&r ? TheWj Zo
ave a n m. e u
shared �o ma: y years, d bet4een whom 09 ast Sunday even economy in running the chances in 'this
We' r of p. ood second hand t he fir meeting in
from $925 upwards, also a few good second libraries throu&hout the Province. 0093 he ters, t A 'j�i& exchat ge f3r furnaces and the intimacy and devot on of yi uth the interests of Prohibition w aeld in the
M t of t iem were packed i a this county.
Jaand machines which- will be sold. cheap'for jary service
herw.1 e whi w be Bold che%p. Chesney 8; to grow strox mr and er an ithe
diore ter The anni, er a in connection wilhi Methodist church, after the ser% ice. Those climate to save a little money.
snWey, Seat 1823-1
DiED DAKOTA. -Many of our readers r h. he Preelyt rche minutes exposure. to a cold peltin rain,
years rolled 1) who took part were Rev. Mr. Holmes and 9
4mish. All machines. fully guaranteed, and Zan and Methodist chu
. The -emaine ere inter -
proper instuctions qiven free of charge. Thii e of Ami��Jca's leadia entertainers take plac the, Sunday after next, Dee. or to the sharp biting teeth of lack
will regret to learn of the death of Mr. riid iw the Maitlandbank a, metary on Rev. Mr.- McLean ; ex -Reeve Tolin Brig.
�Vlll be in seaforthio�lTuu3day eyen g nexb. 1824*1 ember 7di. The annual tea meeting will be 6&m of Hallett, and Mrs. Myles Young, nd
Deater in needles, oil, Sewing machifib at- Robert M. Dickson, which took place at Front, may send Von to the doctor,
in t4d Presbyterian ho all gave very forcible ressen. On
tachnienta and piarts, Ricycleti and Cream LFngdor.. Dakota, on Wedne3day of last Two good thi�gs are Sherwin-Williams -4- held�i a arch the follo your nice new gown being spoiled to do
Alum! y
� I ��r sIng., on, a evening. -Mrs. Thomas Cov the duty of a " sea n'
Separators. General Fire and Life Insur- week. His death was due to typhoid fever. ain and radiators and eat.
Ral6to MARRIED AT THE oo.-TE following, ell -i Friday evening Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of
0 ess i barue for AO( pipes for sale tect both yourself and your clothes'. by
ance avent. Risks affected on all kinds of Mr. Dickson was 38 years of age. 119 was try, of 8 atford, was in town on Monday. -'I'
by Cho iey & Swil'' 1821-1 which we take from the Timee of Sault Ste. ratford, addressed a very large gaitherin
a Bon of Air. Robert erly of FONVI.:, Mrs, A. Strong, of Toronto,'is here this bu Ing one of our nobby rain
roperty at lowest rates. Houses for sale Dickson for� Marie, Mioh inte et t to the itt y
AN -TO 'L ood turkeys dry picked ig%n, will b of the Presbytetian chnrch.__%�r. Andy
aad to rent. Office next door to Qtieen�s Grey, and a cousin of M week visi in her sister, Mrs. Peters. -Mr. We have them fashioned just like �the- Samuel Dickson, and utid�awn, 10,-., 1. �ied apple many friends A I y your couple in Ballantyne is at preserit happy, being the
�,,6ha p' 9
Ei 5c, butter 16c. We
postmaster, of Soaforth. He was a barrister buy for John Gov mlock, of M Kill op, who is men s, and otherwise, if preferre
ash or tradd,. G. E. King, Wingham. this county Mabel legg and 0 now father of a baby boy. -Mr. Beese. of the d.
"VV -.A r 1823-tf 1: Campbell wer nited in e last Saturday,
company with his Malcolm J I- J� the fNqrthweet, was in Yorkton at the A great Umbrella is here tor a eingle 4 -oil lot
A,N TED. -T 100 0rls of good marriage, t
FORTIL t Doukhobor invasion and aided
by profeuion, and in t gour mill, had the misfortun
brother, Mr. W. B. Dickson, did a large W dining 013 bill, and for a little more money i; we
NORTH MAIN ST., SEA- Wednead ay 6ven'nk, at the line 0 qe 0i have his smoke stack fall dowa, br#iking
30 legal and agency business in that progres eharacter, to worki be Brid- St an old home bf t lie bri3e's parents, r. and Mrs. the atith rities in placing Some of the more. it to pieeeF,. He has fixed up axtemporary give you a better, for I�oa we g' vo
el in" and Rapi 8, eAabli�f ed bot G Wage3 stubborn �neo on the train W ship them to poorer.
eg The ceremony wa erformed town, where they bad resided for, sevoral one, so that he will be able to keep run,
*14 per w i U1 r -oni and ar John'Mrran V� . H
.,,g,. nouth, Aheir lo�es.-Mra. W. McCo - 011, of ning, and will have a ne
ears. The deceased was we In Underweari we have many ex
;11 up in. � his 1823-2 by Rev,' B Steeli, pi it -or W y C. 6 of a Central aw one up p
—it Pays.
oodato in a short.
Attend the Best profession, shrewd in businewz, and 'was do was harmingly Wag,in town this week visiting,, ti�me.-Mr. Newton Campbell, cf Wawan-
CA�i FoRPRC��_C& Il Wil pay you to M. E. �ohitrch The br values. Theockis large.as we W
buildin np a fortune and a p r ILr ng yc r f, Wbite lk
o8ftion I friends.- r� James Dunn formerly of 09h to have what you wa lM
9 such as but er, (gga, dried I attired.,in a g wn a Lille, with while driving through th illage last e-
ful grades �n
Seaforth. et. with a severe accident last, himself when be was cub down in the prime apples, E t'. w,,,, yeb wil. be sure of getting accordion p] iting, Is 6r4er
ce nd sp que, and eek, had i be misfortune t We handle no doubt
9 have his horse
hat we all know '0 �xaet jLval�e c his cash, You wore a beauti al bouqu Of a, but we have HH, lo -
of his manhood and in the midst at a busy' 'F a week. H fellfrom atraip fracturing' hio� to quote littlt, price
et of b &I roseii. rl�an away,, breaking the harness and bo
will then fe*4 indep6h ent, to uy r. -here you wish knee cap. He is now in it he hospital
Following lih cebenon
and prosperous buEiness and pro� for cash.1 Would PrO r butt.. r n r.) I put up from 8 about guests' in ff -Mr. Peter Douglass has been prices, each attached -to a full lopa of
eEsional appointed
career. He was a native of the to nehip of to6poubdo. Icanilhandlei%ri An ount of dressed including a, 4 Stratford. His mother w nt to Stratford value.
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. -at for the Royal Life In-
relative3 and in intimate agent for this distrit
trorn the Is ilintil th MY, of December on av to see him. Mr. 0
Grey, and was well and favorably linown to orkeys frienda'of the cootract ng partie sat down on M d W- J. Hill, Of i ourance Company; and
there is no doubt For Want of Room.
Mu,� be Ary'picked, kx!ing and ailteathers left on to a au mptuo weddin feast. he tables
Recent graduater, have accepted good poai. many of our readers in this county� and all- Brantford, is spending a few days at the but that he will get a good- share of the
Will piky.nia-f1cet p)rl6e. Don'b forp L Old. Stand,
tions at 1,40, $45, $50 and $60 per month. will unite in extending the tincercsb sym- parental home in Egmondv'lle.-Mr. James 1 busines That is the reason we eimpIX m*ke
a, as he is a hustler. -Mr John Me-
OPP03itei, Queen's hot0' A. W. Robe. 1822-3 were decofateil with oil floweris smilax,
u are lookin pathy to his aged father, brother and other
is the kind of eidence yo 9 and,' tojet,he Cummings has removed into his hand� ome 1 Milian shipped a car load of mention of ame tbings w1e Want you
NoiicE. -Al I Pounte CWin me -must be r with ot er decor tions, pre. loultry on think about. Of them wtgive you the sented a br residenue in Eg- Tu
friends. He was never married. The re- oettledti�ithln the re two weeks, or they will be parties comip��g all -the
for as to the be8t school to attend. Cate, and comfo �table new brick
illiant weddi g scene. The wed,� eaday, some of the
logue free. mondville. most and best for y, oney, Hisra
mains were interred in Langdon. put in COUrt for C011OUion, so adl at once and @aye ding gifts we The many frien'da of Mr. and way from Dungannon. -Messrs.
,a beautiful, num rous and Thompson you will find the necessary goods ja
Mrs. Cummings will wi h tb many- happy and George 0ouglaa of 'Lucknow, were do.
costi. '%ouaas Lev4% 3eaforth. 1824-1 costly, and ir eluded a handsom piece of
W. J. ZLLIOTT, Principal. 'a
days in their new home.-Bj'im such variety as assures perfect conforin--
i;by to yo
0411 kinds are the correct embroidery from a fr' tannia hisson. Ing business in Blyth on Tues ay. -Mrs.
"44-62 SAW TuE DoUKHOBORS.-Mis. Sindereon Ebon.� goods end in pan, and
ur individual taete6 We n
inno ptesents. NXI"nine our otocir. oiffil
'a , thing for. Chris' 'hicago, in ic lodge will elect their bei a f�r the cur- James Hucketep, who ban been visitin
and Mr. James Cook, of Constan other presents from nipg, them
U, Daly, tb watchma 7 under the town clock, Segk. rent year t their regula nthly meeting Toronto for the past three inonthi returned
ed home from the Northwest las i Grand Ra ido d othei cities on i oth sides
week. forth. 18241 r
on Monday evening 11, Mr. Thomas home last week.
of the borp ext Household Linens, Flannels and ColtQuo,,
Mrs. SanderBon spent three months ith her Hav Guf s!s from t of the
we Keqr..JF the MaFle Leaf f der ne. m -Blankets and Comforters, Sheetings"d,
w MOVInge you ever tri ruits? I Kidd, who has been laid up for several
city were M
uncle, Mr. J. A. Snell of Yorkrol ri�. Wm. Ckmpbell
n, and if n-A,doaotfQlltAliis 3ear and es %h -it a fine
weeks With a fractured leg, is recovering me and Carpets.
ain ra. E. B.
she was in that plaae during the recent Christwiis cake 0 Ontario -go, Linoleit
Y u get only the moth r of the groo im'e et befo Holmesville.
Our Stock is, underselling all competitord slowlv but it will - be some
Doukhobor invasiGn. She bro beat at the Wiles, of *Chic ago, a co BID of the ride, slid re ught With her Maple Leraf Store. Di 1. Seafortb.
in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Broocheo, 1824-1 he will be iDOTS.-Miso May Harrison retu
Alias Roddy, of Theselon. Thell ide is 'an able to get arou d as iisual.-
a snap Shot photograph taken of the invad. li�me on Sunday after a slicit via t with her The.
Chains, and other articles of jewelry. Our NoT,6."Lswitab�s make fiom. combings Mrs.. J. G Wilson and h r sister, Mrs.
ng army as; they were entering the'village, only and idolized daughter., Sl has -:re- obter, Mrs- George Proctor, W
James Grie
reputation for fin.e goods, low prices and Mi, -s E. aosq. Rocit'cvcr W. N. Watson,d office, bided in the Soo for �%Nut six y ve, left on its0ay for the aand i,,epiire E4b M A
vnd also a photogi aph of a Doukhobor fa I I a, and I pleamed to CF
01' blain Malin Street, Sesifbrbb. Northwest, where Mr. WI son has been for
honorable. dealing, does the busfoess for us, ily The J'Amfly grotip was a mot loved and adm�red beei use of lid: winainj itear that M ck-
her and ard, of the Cut line are both im roving. -
or to -live: up to our name. winter foo 0111- ways, kindl dispositio and '6t I 3r praise
d we eadeav three or four children, and th All kinds of twear, stock *a' y o?, er a year. -Mr. Peter cDougall,� of Mr. Tot Harrison Sold one of
ey present a erydepadiii�nt. 0%,ersho-s, fe-Its, rubbers,
We carry & well�assortcd stook, and every Porter's Hill. Goderieb to nehip, I in: team to
neat aud healthy appearance. During the 111,; niclocasio0p, � (to. ft stock and lowosb worthy charapterist aMr. McEwen, of Stanley, at a g od figure.
P �com " brother of Mr. Win. Moll, ugall, of Eg-
article is warranted as represented. confinement of the women and children at pTioes. � W. H, Willi i sole agent for Qe3rg A. Slater been a Sooite f'il)r neaircl; threeey a 1 3, and ii Dry Goaes, Co
a 'we
a Buits a -i
Repairing a Ppecialty with us. shoes ani Granb �biers, Seaforth. 1824.1 that time bai gained a wide a q aintanci
mondville, w' sin town onEddaylaaf. He
Yorkton by the authorities, Mrs. S
anderson LondesborQ. Rem rrb-.r we ral po ularity. He is a Vloyed a brought down a- horse Which he had sold'to th's, Gveatest Co,
frequently viaited them, and she was very 061'rY a f .1,11 line of stock and gene C4 h
one of our dealers. -Mr. S. Clarke, M. P.
foodgaiv thiaisthe tilue of 3,(ar io feed them to head clerk at ddy & R All kinds of winter footwear, stock com-
Oounter's Jewelry Establishment, favorably impressed with them. qhe" save ynolt grocer
I your hares. cowta, o 5o.; P., of Cobourg, was in town list Frid�y. He p�ete in every department. overshoes, felts, leggin Dry Goods 8 -tore".
Call rdgct package and tote where he has a. reput;tion tc:i busine go,
they were quiet and uncompi
SEAFORTH, ainl]39, al- notlie re ulta. RatrAlton & Keplake, Seafortb. delivered a practical and wi rubbers, moccasions, - etc. Big stock and lowest
- ability and is a favorite with th! - uyl tty address at
though many of them were nearly starv6d -1824-1 b ices. W. H. Wiiiis, sole agent for George A. Slater
W. COUNTER, the by-law iiieeting beli in the town ball oes and Granby �ubbero, Seaf�rth.
public. His splendid and 14oterin 1824-1 move it away this 'winten -Peter Cantemn
Usnager ve only to buy one piano and you P
when they arrilived at Yorktov, and Jhey You �a tir that evening. The deputy, returning offic'ers
were always �extreme kood nature and preval�nt genial mile or SiNOTES.-On Sunday next, Re Mr. Rob- had a bee o Wednesday o is
ly grateful for any can bavei a g--od ehdic6 by callir g at our*otote. Our f th - w4l,
for taking the vote on the Referendum in
stock i4lude3 Mason & Rlsol, �\)rdhejnier, Bell i irresistable friend making quaii iies. Til on,of -Goderich, will deliver, minsioxis drawing bay to Bruisele.-Mr. cU"
favor extended them. After their men left h 4 ry THES-1
Dorniniob. G chard 6901ritzman and Berlin p &nos' mothers �f the brideiam
them W: 're schoo Seafrth an Thursday- nexf sprmons in the Methodist chure the
Henderson's Photo most of the children and ma of the on of Wiugham, had a numbe of men cattiiig
By Bell, Doherty aud D tu)nion organs slwass in stock. Watson, H. Beattie, H. J. Panchard. John
a as in gi lb od, and hatl-� noti jeen, coal Monday evening following there will be a loga in D. Danbar7g bush, on 6% line. -
women ate what was given them and im- Now Williams and 8 machinee. Repair.,
nger 9ewin
a er since McQaade and Win. Elliott. -Mr. William
Studio. ing of all,kinds done pron-1ptly. Gi- ntil lost Wedne�d�'y, whei _.r
proved physically during their confinement. orge M. Baldwin platform meeting. Several ape& ere wilt be Mrs. Goorie Hood is in Fordwia'h and
& Co., Suaiforth. a, of Crediton, R3turn[rig Officer for
She.also says that only a comparativel -41 Mrt-. (Campbe arrived I rom Blyt�h �ito %tten( "wl present from Clinton. -Mr. and ra. Robert Molesworth thia week, attending the Farx#-
South Huron, was in town on- Wednesday
Fowl, dried I her son's wedding.",
Full Sock of Mouldings ap los, butter, eggs and a rawford and son, Wesley, and Mr. Hazel. ere' Institute meetings.
small nuTriber of them were affected by the es [3
fl6t class produce liken at the bi,&b A price at the rl spend tbe'paat
delivering he ballot box the Referen.
and PiCiture Frames. peculiar religious craze, As a class the Maple Leaf store. - EA�ill, Seatorib. --Mr, Jamea ou �ood and family, afte
o1824-1 dam vote. rib r, of Asbfield,
) look
Doukhobors are highly thought by the FATAL ACCIDEINT.,A shockingN, fatal so. m n Manitoba, retu ned home Chisel-hurst.
was�bere thi g
Although in th1cmidat of a general moving a week, the � g Wat of his old
f "tie
Photo Enlarging a. Specialty. bu iness men of Yorkton. They are indus- ou Friday evening last. They report hav- Able
-1 "m I recelve the Yc ry best of at.
this wee� all orderJ %vi cideub occurred at the sable.at friend and fqllow-workman, Mr. William All kinds of winter footwear, imtwk om-
trious, prosperous and hen, St.. They are T*
Ing a good time, and enjoyed -the country pletein every department. Overshoes, its, We hope i � �e Bettl.d in our new prernices Colerhau'a, rew donee, on Goderic stre Copp. -Mi a Allies Copp is away visitin
oo Brae., W-1
avo. B e afoith. 1824 1 clock Satarday moi friends in tilel.-Messrs. Beattie Brothersi College, spent Sunday at Seafortb. d customers of the business men of the in a few j 1 9 1 very much. -Mine L Young, of London ing It rubbprs, riaocamfous, etc. Big sb)ck %#d
J. P. IIENDkRSON -nd are thoroughly trusted land ca The b1ol'alt valuOlive have about eight o' Ing, b3 he e here.- 10W131 price@. � W. ff. Willis. INDIO agaal fO Gear
village a 0 fe her
1761 1 dies' watches which Mr. John Twise lost his M r grocers, an Kennedy Broffiain a er i A� Slater sho4 and GrAuby Tubbets, Seafo iog CBS ", * old 'a f ne Palmer V
get credit, if they want it, when people of Is a 14k Old filled h, ii� anted to wear Twiss had been employed with Mr-j� Co'lemian, have chan d.stores., Thi h nge will of- r. Hoare, of Clinton, W h
other nationalities would be refused. But 25 yeara, 4tted witt tL genLine Walbham movement lan.0 to Mr. George BrO119(den. thi i week. and Of 11110 401
for a long time, and for some moi i h !. past ford both firms better facili for serving number bavei r* -
they seldom ask for credit, but seem to have guaranteod. The p 14 is only �-M 'We give you a I i
i mo Ing to thei r ousto era. Keane ood af ter pendfug. and are
THE CANADIAN went to Mr. Coolemati's every rn I *_ . -
phiah eago, and a till gtiaid, dt i eah watch, Dalv dy -ot.bers always turned to' We neighborh eie�
plenty of money and pay for their purobamis - 1�eAforth. look after the borsee. I i I - L
tinder tho town clod) 1824.1* )a Satuedt y mor '. keel
as they make them. THE EXPOSITOR Is I i Ing a neal, and well filled- a i p of Ne choic. Lumley. the Summer; in the Weet. - Among: sin wre tthe coun,
This Veak re. he had come am ualial, and was atternn� 1 est inleats a nd'i with the imp.-( vemento mad6 Messrs. T. Smale, R. 8tanzoll. J. Hdggarth.
Bank of, Commerce I much indebted to Mrs. Sanderson 1 for her . movingint o larger prem NOTES. -Messrs. Wm. Earle 4ni , Albert
uth Nn'd hope I Laugblin, *f
toes, ore �oGre ; I ing to his duti a therb, when be Imet his in t4eir ne� presen and others, -Th -a Misses c E0j kindly o be Bottled in a fe, v remises they I iope to have I reil are very sick at �t' and their HAx D
visit and the information ahs I death. Shortly before ight o'clock
daye. All orderbw.l I* rrornp aytttended to in the he Was one of the )as -equipped me &I stores in the Parkhill, were the guests of their i fatUr
wita the extra' any frien6 hope -for their ear ly
ave. She speaks of vOhat she knows oul meantl say that ne recovery, Mrs, �J. J. McW?Iliame. the past , weeli.l�'-
CAPITAL(PAtD UP) 9 n* and amommodation we talkibg with ra. Colbulan,but albd6t fif tee coutity. -I 7e re re t Mr. George Kerslake,
what she has seen and heard on the Spot. witl baveVe hope in 1�he future be a�le to gi%,e queated who has had an at -
Right MiWon Dollars $8.000,000. minutes later, when M r--. Coleman went t Sun0ay ev4 111 9, Mr. Wall in, pastor MiS3 Kate Newell. of London, is at Ore94t-
the people better stlention that r. Highest cash of
ack of inflammation, is recove"ring. -Quite �(*Iorea,
p)rico psid ftr hidesi ahtep skins tal !,)w, dtciEed hogs the stable, he found Mr". Twisi lying on hi the Metho( is church will 8] ak on temps visiting at Mr. R. New611"@.-Mr. Wak.
Rest, $2000,000 FARNIERK' INSTITUTES, r- If heavy fall of the beautiful al re,
and poul�q. 1�enxmclY Bros., But(hers, Phone 18 back on the fic or, apparently dead ith a once, and il answer the ' ten reasons"' Meeters Spent lost Sa:bbath in Gode'rjcb.�
-The annu has visited us,
1824-1 electric light d in bA bande� the fiquor me,, give wby th( people should Mr. W. Shil-linglaw, who was hurt by 14- to 50C.
ire graspe
vince for 1902 has just beex� iisued, and from Just' Avice lo i of fancy chiva The stable is li bted with an ine �ndcscen� v for tb liquor ti &Me an the bar -room. ing from s -n apple tree, is able to be �out
H. 'I onling wiater.-Mr. Matthew Miller wears
port of the Farmers' Institutes for the pro- Sealorth. I sminding us of the coid and st�rms of the
teCEived C
it we take the following statistics ia'connec- for Chris�tn%s preg`e�U %nd a fe o't a smile, o7er nother YOUDg
w itnner Ects from --electric light, i a Oaughter.-
A gorteraq Bartki" business tran- $6.75 up A 13FPIC which is attachei a ]Ou rdial i ivitation is given f'o',all pposed agaia.-Mr�. James Davey has been 4itiu
tion with the instibutes in this county, to- th $16. is a pleasure r Master Arthur"Cole is kept 4oin school g
smacted. Farmers' Kates disco nted, toahow goodi St cord, that the. ight mayl be taker, to an to he �o be present. hey Will be re- . with her daughter in Wiogham for the paott
U gether with the regult r and sppli' entar' at e Maple I e ore. P Dill �ith icknep. -Master JElarol Glenn is 111
in y � i
Seafarth. part of the bui ding, and Mr. Twia, was ap, ceivbd in L kindly and tistian way. -
and special attention given to the CE two weeks.: Mr. T. Eyre disposed �fquite
meetings to be held,with the speakers who under the dootor's care.
ca.1tecti*n of Sate Not9s. U
EIH Et,_�T FoNN-r-c parently tikiAg the wire off Ue peg 0 The !first at ow storm of the JE-eison occured I a quantity of roll and tab b tter ancl dried the hes Z sh
have been appointed to attend each meet- Wln FOR SALE,- 4 0 -
WI -IIT -Mr ived th on Wednead'
SAVINGS BAN K. -Interest allow- ing. Copp, God inbe, which it was hung, wh( n li� r t; ay, It anowedifuriously for a I apples last week. -Mr. L. !lad Eviy sbiA
eric�dtreot, Sealorth, has a rin ee 1i go and,
The total membership to June, 1902, fall voltage in his body. He few hours, making mothei e6,rth white, but Morris. wife are, vi-.-itlr)g I Constance, prior W
ol-well br �d coaker ls;of (tie Wh, te Leghorn variety, was paren
Special faclifties for transaction of� plir from his flock took firit
od orn depasiRs of $1 sind upwards. was East Huron, 567 ; South Huron, 205.; 'fdrealefor75ceacb�j TheyarefitforexhibitIOD. A ly knocked down by the all I eck, a head it d'd not ast IOng-----7Mias Annie McKin- PROPEP-TY QuAw(�Es -Two im ant pro. removing from this nei rehmded.
ings ptizeM Setorth thow It
West Huron, 324. Number of meet r. H',
resting in a da p place fevq inch, Port
busiriess In the r and thosa now ciffer6d:for sale ate bebiod of Bar vie has returned from a month's erty change's have taken place T th* t
Uondtke Dist' lot., 11 1
r (JU411Y as gooi. nay,
with the total attendance : East Huron, 12, -1 . . - Pybus has improved this stables by a t t Liow
Ile bough � the rnale �lrd, a 000kerel last�-e%r,foriiit thshoropshees'. Mr. 1 .4 is own- W
hioney vrdero . , payat?lo at any bank, issued at the -01ure to jolenan, 40 seeing _. visit with Woodstock friends' and is at pre- hit) in the past few days. M�. Wifl,iam in cement floors last week. A SU erland, Cent
attendance, 3,221 ; South Huron, 5, attend- go is a pi ld01C at ani the young oDe-4 are him, attiempted to pull I im �way frohl'thei s9titithegueat of Miss re acirson bas sold his farm, lot 18, or o
ija�or 410 .08 $20 to $30 12 Plice, 1,235 West Huron, 14, atteadan . fully as good. Will1arii Copp, sealorth. 1824.1 concession
reet.-T ose boy n
#10 to 11) V30 to, $6,0 2,405. The 7�reo but received a shock. He that, went tol. at a who �are I Morris, containinj i5o seiia, �to Mr. Zurich. or night
ouise and procured a a e habit omas Skel
total receipts were East Engagement r�ng8 are a opeoialty with ug. t4e h orn siAle, with' of ri3ging�t'he door belle of CHI ens and h on, �of the 7th con G. Holtzman, M �1
F. 110LUESTF G. E. PARKES. Haron, $3-j8,35 , South Huron, $271.7i The priceo go from �2�50 to $50, �Daly, under the W �essian, the NoTEs. Wr. aud rs
�ich he out t ie w"ire. fteir rem,'vin the then runnin away, Otis I I .
solicitor. Manager. West Huron, $419 09, of which town cloo.�, Sexforth,, 1824-1 9 9 causing reat an-. ?rice paid being $7,200. 'Tbl� is' a first and Mrs, D. Sara -rue and Mr. 13. Sara a lef-b!
n out of rea0 of horse's noya nee, bad better dedet� -thi� pr ictice, as �lais farm and has good buildings.' "Mr.
1624 from an excursiou. The total expenses, 1 bdels, be crowed the s*eet! for I $150 W le uo ortunate in tb on Tnead mornii.ig to attend he ner4f
r. Mao- some are knov�n, and Chic -Gill(spie will 3kelton gets possession iq March next. Mr. of the Odes daughter of
eluding cost of meatings, advertising, etc,, THE 4ATE JO�FPH -Last week ki him,-diately I ried! to Mr. William'
was $269 27 n East Huron, leaving a bal- iy xpousi"te certainly make it very unph asaut or them. kelton has in turn sold -his R6 acre farm man, a Mddmay.-Rev. J. Morlol
a -ace of $109 88 South Huron, $107 8�, 8aginam) Michig4n, of Mr. Joseph Shannon, sept for, and'Vie body wss U,
a B
madq brief reference to the death' in bi-m. Being ullauccesafti, Dr. S4'ott was In same cams the handles o� the )ells are a Mr. James Kelly, for which he r ceive7d Dashwood, vas calling on friendi i' t e A-
WE HAVE THEM removedi to the broken off, thereby entailh g considerable 6,300. Mr.
balance $163.88 West Huron 9 Jackson intends h ving a loge this 'Week. -Niesers. M. and Ezr r
$32175, bal- a promiqonb resi�lelat of that ofty, but a na- houRe, and lie was yronounced�extioct, expense to ry pleas saying sale of hie effects on Tuesda Dec- cher, Mr." F�'ed Rickbeiland his siste Mrs.`
ance $97.34. The WN eat Huron Iustitu 6 tive of Soa ant
forth and a brother lof Mrs. John I M Twiss' hat do -11
held the largest number I were severe I ly builaed, Ond� everim pent, on We nesday last., in mber 9th. He has not yet dee�de& where J. Gallman, were in Blyth last week ulttead-
BLANKETS J_U'te, Kerczey and of ineetinge, nam )- MeMann sr., at this, �own.l We take th�.re was a lar 7e burn o the booll 1 1,, w a 3 a
A hik the a I of the Oatholle Mal nal Bi nefit As- e -will locate, but will probably'i tak4 pp his Ing the fune� al of Mra. %retlauffer, had the largest' membershi p the follo
Wool, ly 14, an, ing regarding Ithe' djeceased from he!ad where t'he current ll�d pai�ied oilt. soci Lion, where 'a large namber
to JOy, 19092, namely 324, but East Hnrc a a recent of their residence in Bitionels. tive.-Aboui three inches of snow 11 ob%
,Saginaw piaper,: r. Shanii
ROBES -Goat, Galloway, Ion wifle a hole was burned ah tj top.of frienis were gathered. Progressive euchre
Bi811011 bad the largest attendance at its meeting, 01111- NOTES. -Win. Healy, of the 7th lin�j, has Tuesday. This is pretty good for ti e first
was one f the b6at known an( most popu- the oap be wore. As n pe on W a prem. and 16 soola� dance ere e chief features of gona to seek his fortune in the Stat of the season. -Mr. C. Fritz moved it to hiis
and Ruffalo, the best that's made. nftmely 3,,221, at 12 meetings. in Ew t lar reEidiints of this city. 1 H( always had a' ent at the time, it.io not kno n r' at M r. the evenial I t. w near h. He III A-6 ae ul�-
Huron regular meetings, to be addieoned b d,' an� hi's a0ti3ns T *ies vyas doin 9 or what �s th direct stantial Ill ch, which all enjoye,d. The the 6% line, who has been dan
n ra I
ptersed with a most sub. $aginaw, Michigan. -Mr. R. B.' Al ock, of new residen�e fait wee
'k�lncrlu and te-a harness.-t1le 11arg- �o
kindly ord for 4 frien
his rouOy Ill, to -date raddenC3 in S good loca, n. W-13
es" Stock irt the County. T. H. and E. 0. were in keeping With hi wori Is. He was ca as of receiving ell b a terribl, proceedings ended ab a aewonaMe hour, is improving nicely now. Anu;berlof his trust hem4y belong Spared enjoy its
Mason, of Staffordvitle,
AVe guran' Drurey, of Crown Hill, will be held ailb born in 8eaforth'!Otarioli in 1§61" and lived
aesda, comforts.- While 'taking some 1) allao -off.
or man� yea�s. When a oltak e in the e to jure a t the social evening spent. -Mr. le,st, and cut up a good lot of
Truiaks Vallsc% lowest prices. uary 21ot ; Harlock, Hallett, January 22a&; - at -
tee the quality, Wroxeter, on January 20'h ; Brussels, 31 1 as it was genen Ily believ�_' d t�ere as not and all expressed themselves as highly neighbors gathered together on
Ja in his blthplace f su�iaient v wir pleas 3d wi
young manbout 19 yearp old' he wag unit- i pefoon. The theory is dva ced, though, W. berh& t has sold his fam, on the Mill Wood.- h ' f th I store the the day,!
0 bunch in or a era
r n Ing gra uliar an 111:1- t'ng straw and I di In in iquite com- Miss Dora- Hilbert had a
Manle's school house, cKillo ad in matriage to Miss Z
M' MaryVoll, oft'hati th4t as the wire was an a 0 0 an defeat- Ro d peculiar a
J� nuary Tuel eremith, to his neph W, M r. 'thon now. Birl Brothers are doing a good pleasant expierience. A large a
a _03rd Murdie's School place. goon aftet,their marriq a pider E411 oo.
bouse, McKillop, January 24bb, The same Eber- business at the above trade.-- Mrs. Alexan. her hand, an:1d alLhough it was i e� istelk
BRODERIOK'S ge they took iv� in places, ' and havi g becom moisb, � Georl e Ebtrhart, for, $6,000. M
up their tosidened in Saginaw, which place intensified the shock, nd made �it suifi-! hart ill be ve an auction sale -of I is stock � die Ni hol, sr., is very ill this week. -John shaken off, the hand begau toaw 11 and t-ble
Harness Shap speakerd will address Went Huron meeti:o�,e has kno*n and! tepected ihe family for ciently strong t( cause de th. Mr. -T Y
Cady's Block log was and e iattles shortly, and intends i emoving� Ly getting up a dwelling bo use od'the services of r. ampbell bad to a as mred. 'at Oliaton on January 26th, and Dungaa�. about 22 years. 1;r five Jrearis after his re- an jindustrions, 3teady in
non, January 27th. Regular meetings in an, and waJ highly to Si &forth to reside. -Mr. A. Cmens'-of, farm be! bought from James Thtiell.-PUer We are plea ed to learn, howeve , -that the moval to his city be was � foreman of Ros.9, esteemed by all who I
SEAFORTH. kne himl, and ihe sad Wingham, was in town this week, looking Barr, of the 5th line, bought the �old frame hand is now better, and hau call d h r 130
Oil at noes o'hia deat came as 'a Severe I tip business for the Mntu tI Life U&m on Mr. John Kelly's farm, and will more troub
South Huron, to be addressed by G. C. C Gordon R%ndall!S lumber yardo` L;%ter air in t
0 C
BP y 5
" 30 or"
Y a
boo Dal
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