HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-11-28, Page 4V EMBER 28,1902 _4 THE, 'HURON �XPO$ITOIR, iness. or Ir Kru &d 25,000 men in'his h Wall P1 - hii�, belovcd S�AFORTHIS- L DIN � Ll. I ISHOE STORr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS w It not entirely stop, the drinking habits of' iiidding alrol 5�ead by M .0 J. of last week, by the eide G U IF— p sp 4 a tho SI had no personal Hartley, siiter oE the gr m. T y�?rig partner a funer� employ, he ii life. Th was largely the people of this.province. It is also sai V_r The fture between the parentheses after e"h nt of Belmore, one, denotei the p4go ot the paper an wtach the that ib will cause an to logo the revenu6. from acqui 4111,Zth of them,610 was couple,weike' unattended st?d drily thi irf im- attended,,- R4v. Mr. Stewarlb, offioiaticg. He w f )iong Reformer advertisement will be fouud good to -bit �;rk fu -,xiiishing them modiite relatiVes were pirpsent. The bride )NhgLt A L nd i upplying them, reac useful ' went,r. I and for years sub THE EXPOSIT. licenses. That is rue, but if the law As ew with comfirialble ho ivO vany pi atty andl Fruft"_P. Dill --8 forced, the indireob' gain will manytimes ex. with lilir r no and 6ther The younk 00upt I wil own a i �once 'ou. Ho leilv�s behind alafmily of three W w
les, re: g rooi I so tle d liber POT Sala --Wm. Gopp-s nliter F lear ? Winter Feet% ear -3-W. H. Willi" means fb� he �develo ment cf their mental to the e iti the sons, Robert, William and Thomae, all mar- coed the direct lots. A grave. responsibility, Lr al es o their ew life, 391 rm here. We join their imany ried and in omfortable quarters ; also a 99 DR A-1 �_j R, N �9:_ DR Stool-, Foods-Rawitton & Kerslake -8 attainme.Va a�s well providing for their- groon "Yo fa One Piano -G. M. Bal win & C e, rests upon every, voter. V trien ' daughter, M a therefor have phybicaVoomfort. d in extbaffing. goo wishes f i 1 their MeGann, of Chealey.—Mr. New D -uzs-G. Aberharz-8 -Thi store is filled to over4wing with winter footWearL of all scome to the turning of the ways. The Act, Chlis. Klein, whb lives east of here will Farm ForSle-B. R, aiggins-6 he�ppinesa and succees. i The 3e&forth Tea Store -A. G. Ault -5 19very good thing pertaining tb foo� comfort is here, and we are'ready to
have -an auctim sale on Tuesday, 25th inst. serve parhaps, is nit all that�� temparan" PODPle E ditorW1 Xote I and Comments. Dr. Corni d a
We Have Theni-M, Broderick -8 could desire —R-tv. sh, of Tor -onto, addresse your interests with the best d goois at the lowest of prices. The followlim Bi Lo bat it is the beat the prcl?vince hange in the I There -4s 1, been other c meating here in the inte)re8to -of Lakelet A jVreat-2-Fdna Suthat land Co -8 St will g ve you an idea of the- gr at range of winter footwear We are sho Advice To Mea -Greig & Stowart-1 cin give. The decision reats with th6 P British ColumbW Premier Two WAYs To MAKE.ImONEY.- Ork for ble Society, last Sunday ni g t. ib or,get a job at the mint We i1work. seaso, iovernmout. tranch Bi t Christmas Goods -McKlnnon & Co --5 ple. They now -have an opportunity rj�ob as It was poorly I attended, as is nearly -always Now Books -Alex. Wilaon-5 Dansmuir l�is ret4ed and Colonel,prior has LWork hard for our littio mo�ey, a that: may not recur during the. preb t g nerts- the case here�IMr. 14. Ruttan delivered 11 Winter rootwear-R. Willis & Son -4 on For Me Fo Women. been chosen so bb successor. new little soon goes. One w y of Haviii money', hogs in Cliff n. . I � I I o d, the other day, that weighed Furnituro-V. Knechttl-4 tion. If they desire that the liquor raffie istab-dy your"'ttibleLuenp, Tow I , Cob- Biblc3 Alex. Win'e-s-i Premier h s �re- con� tj acted b is Cabinet, and 2,190 pourr They were of the Ta.mworth —Fleeced Lined Rubbers Wood Cutters Wanted-Alcx. MoRcath-6 shall be at least curtailed, it not e tirely tons, Sheetillugs, riokiDgg, Flailvelsilitc., i breed and were fine 'grunters. -John Dar. t Fleece ined Rubbers 1 it is expec A the �� overnment will hereafter I -Cardigans &tmy Qattle--P. Roache -6 Somforth, and at The E., McFaul Co. a Store 0 versh bs-1, 2 3 buckle Retraction-' discontinued, they have it within thi� pow- be � run on a yj party lines. C roch has been appointed. deputy returniti --r- Wm. ReHy-6 olonel 9 I The Staple � deparrment is at floo I tid Girl Wanted-Mro. T. F. Caleman-3 Pribr is 1; Conse slid represented officer to tak6 the vote an the- referendum _-"Oil Ta ned Mo.-casins --Over,-boes
er to seoure this boon. No elector call free with money�savingspiti %lain thesefincs. I Presents --John Buig r ---S i -Felt Shppers Victoria 0itY for e eral yea'rO in the Dc- here', on December 4th. Shoes Do Not f.orget--Chesney & Swiley-8 himself from responsibility by not voting. I .12411 Felt ned minion Ptqli�AmenO. Collectoes Notice -Charles Troyer -9 _4_Leggin�s-leather and cordfuro,3 -Rubber Boots NoTEs.-Mr. Id. Givl,n is home a I a visit Two Good Thing-2�Chesuey & Smil y---8 Brucefield. I _LGum 1�ubbers -Felt Boots Notice --Thomas Uwy--S Their Hopes Blast d The ConervatiiIs tandida. ea at the -last from Chicigo. a-repoi ts good timi a; in the E -J. F� Daly -:-S D.)n'b tl i --ii of passing through anothei bony Good" ec' f 1H �u hey, . I _Overst6ckings
The hopes of those who have been look. Windy City.- is. Shade, o -4-Lupbermans Notice --Beattie Bro" Provincial eleotiov� iliust he ve had a soft �-P; r eck without making Your winter pur., i i spent a few day with h 3r siste; 4 Spar- W teTS We AieMoviug,-Kernedy Bros -8 ing forward with some degree of der(ce snap,if ohaaes:of Ude wear for y6' rself and entire --�-Felt B�ots _Overgai
con u 9 th Y, were III I treatei the same as t fine weather i much r liDg. -The 'prose to the time, in the near futore, whenlGreat Dr. Snide i )h Nor. 61k, and Id r. needed and will Je appreciated by t doe pre. familyo for the'change of Oeawn necessitates -JkRubbe� Boots heavier weight Underwear, and a little pr(-- i Britain will agree to give the prod lets of Cars X. Tlooe geritlenicn paring for winter. -G. I- Holland ii' ship- callant in 1.10 Fo says future klocitor a bills and Vor Children, ping, a carload ol turke�i next 8 rday.m.- caution now her colonies, and especially those of C4� n i 1 1 �1
ada, have both -oath that they each t, Satisfactoriy se- We are glad to I nowthatthe cou I are! bottles of patented drugs. a preference in her markeu, must -b Badly' received 00 fro,' !he General Conserva- a lections of new Underwear can be made at -0ardigans iandi vershoes e I eeing W-Wside line 101and 11; no re Overstockingal bound The E, MoFiW o.'s Store, Seaforth, who nd Felt L" ed Sh Es
disappointed by the declarations of' Han. tive Aseoc ati6n orontoi to defray the SEAFORTH, rAIDAY, Nov. �8tb, 1902 daily mail route, will hot be Itino w pr expeusee-of their leiions. � Mr. 0 -Leggings, !,Rub er BOOt3 and Rubbers. noeis e Mr. Chamberlain at the Colonial Covferen�i3 this winter, as fir as ff ot ho road,i you'll find clever assortments. and In idea. 0 ffi 0 ,. 8;,-, also receiv )d $ 00 owl from the members of as they are e wes� fendel to bel 18241 recently held in England, and the AAAAA�AA V�� - I- - 7 - - - - - Th the Domiu ��on' iament Lennox and C:d"J1';valr'e )r thz:�Wli low or 0 Referendum Vqte. ari either rQplac n f FOR THE REFERENDUM -A ron3ing tem- report of which has now been iasued,� What' Addirigton. If 01' the other Conservative theinte -]Slios Neilil)EvaO is �isiting perance meeting was held in the Presbyter- Bef6re Euxother is -sue ot THE EXPOSITOR is liberally el r biaj�r�i's
81M anine9f our sanguine Canadians hoped for candidates Were tteated i from at h. a. Owe i Fly 's,Hullett- ian church here last week.' It was addresa- . I .. I I IRS WILLIS SON' Seaft reaches its readers., the great question in- head. uart rq it is �uo sulpribing ed b3 Dr. M oDonald, M. P., of Wingliam. was, that Great Britain, while admittin 9 w re valved' in the vote to be taken on Taursday Ji er&V in �he r expendibules. The -een The church was packed, many coming from Hthe products of her colonies to her market,, L oral carii idates. hE d to pay their own long d�staneeq. The address was generally been free &ash !will `,'U at 9r. Win. ylels son, who died in the. West, Menarey, jr., iof Qiey, who has been vinting of next week, DecF-mber 4th, 'will hav'e e does now, would decide'to levy ej[penseo,!-�viia or lose It must have been COLLECTOR*'S NOTIcl.-I d i d to b of the very best ever de- 14 r--. Win, oreig 6 Conserva tive " n Lachine w' Zurloh on the lot (f Decom er, and � the i�# time a mtt�e e one ng the I 1week friends in M lop for a fortnight, has To- deeide'p. We give in another column a ountries, th r�ached th a station duri )&�at I a duty on the products of f 4 4 " that as do- the o9unell meets after th let ta rece,vell timeo. livered on that subject in this place. . The nt by I The Messrs. M.unn are run- summary of the Act. Ib is well that people ing the I greasing " at the last election. 1� response to u telegram se his �t er, turned home. more particularly on food atu" s. Great I I ?,) Afte0bo nekt Mo --t1tig th-rh will be exF eu�es for el�quent doctor spoke for 'about two hours But who provided the " greas Will the collecting added. rplesse 'take iyaralog. !Charle abd were interred in the Mmtlan�lbank ning their I giinding mill full iast should have -a thorough understanding -of and ko-pt the oldie attention of his audi- Britain being the great. consumiri country Troyer, Colleetcr, lay. 1821.1 cpmbtery rear Seaforth. Very r inch I sym- and turning out feed in Godeiioh Star or its big brot!lielr, the Tor ence for the whole time. Every person en- .4 great NQTE8.-Mr. Harry - Bagl is going tc athy,is felt for Mr. Kyle in bit soa ' her- quantities. -Mr.� Daniel Regky its provisions and ib is also very desirable a� 3lad a of the world, this preference woul l� ri83 and explain? e r( joyed it and it is hoped that nothing willde. F1 as'l e h t -e polled. 9 m v) hat there should be a very full vot leave our little i illage an d near Bruce, "vement and all the more tio 'not, good bee ditefiing on Saturday las
colonies a decided advantage over the poo. tain those who listened to the ddress from 3 )r Mr. aftdate of writing, learned any ?arti ulars cEwen, of 4he postoffice atore, has got in Thora is no excuse for any person who is in A very,�tpportant Anpouncement has been field this we-ek to work I H all. W coming out and voting inlavor of the law le of o",her countries. This is ,the policy name p gardirig his son's death.- The a nice lot of goods for the - winter trwde.- the F-iijoyinent of health, not voting, as the de b -Mr. Has, the manager of the !vi8o,bim good I ick. -Mrs. Ferdin d8telc onthe4th of Decemb rp that some of our Conservative frt" in y is not muoh bet er yet,'bat 'our co reIspon er. A uniou choir of Mr. Peter Ferguson occurred through Mr. Henry S.tiore has bouybt a flue ne from the Presbyterian , and Mdthodi�.b w polling places arenow so conveniently situ- Grand Trarik Railway. This is to the ef- , �ititake in, last week a correspondence con- wind mill frg'm 'Mr. Welab, of Se been urging on Great Britain for some time, : I I entand neighlora joir wishir g her a churches, under the leadership of Mrs. Ta3F- aforth. ated to alnioat every person in. the province, feet that the Grand Trunk Company have speedy reciovery.-Mr. Sa uel Clud a� not the first and which they professed to beiieve W1113 ndl lori,gave Several musical' aelections which ected with, the large amount f onions Here we are near winter and that only the most-callouq indifference can decided tleitend tbeir railway system to dKu�hter, Miss'Violet, , verei the guests o �,aised off a� small strip of land.' I�Tbe name sod turned f?r the proposed electric rail. i!
obtainabl were much appreciated by the large audi Trig e if an effort were made la that di. ersov.
ba urged as an excuse for any persons fail- I the Paciqclooatit. The new road will start Mr.�,4nd Mrs. Branois )ole an 116� Sunl once. ould have appeared as Peter. ways. Dovqn through Waterlk oxford, recticii by our Government. i It �has, been day,�-The many frien(s o Mr. W The curlers intend giving a fi e )ncert incoln, etc. they are going right ahead ,ebatei NOTES. -Mr. James Dunbar, of ABhfield, 7�- i ing to record their votes. And, tiny person at, North 8tiy or Gravenhurst., pass through Tur4er will be pleased Lo I arn 4ere in t q e nEar future and a ong here they are- gbtting five pointed out from time to time thab, after, i- visiting Mr. Thomas Baird, of the 2od of 6�at to do who is so indifferent as to fail in tho per Ne oil t 18 q0enb have secured Mr. David cGil I, who citieso and iW' Huron ad Bruce there is w a�rio to Pert Arthur and from uff6ring for the past ltwo�weeks with a thi3 would be a departure by Stauley,and ottigr1riends. -Miss M. Sulli-
.r ain frcm, rt and Edmonton, Was precei�or in Carmel church erel therce �o'Prince AN and severe attack of append tis4 he is ckoW in a nothing but �maill towns. What on earth is formance df this duty, m.%y fairly be ut van,of Toronto, is visiting'her grandmother pz�lnplpl Ithe matter ? her well known Free Trade es, and then to tb� North Pa,,ific coast., by way (if fair way tb recc very. -Es 'M inDle i Web Mrs. John McCowaD. 'Mr. William Marl down as opposed to the Act and taking this mith. method cf showing hie opposition, that there was no probability thatl she would the Peace �,,iver or P ne River Pass, stiik- ster spent last Sunday v�ith her sis Le Mrs. dock has returned from Manitoba. There Tuckers
consent to make such a d ing its teriiijus at ?ort Simpeon, British J a mes Reid, of the B ay Q eld �oad. - -T e was E no w there when he - left, -M r. W ill- eter. eparturo'! and, that b fine. all Didn'b� N ou get caught in 'somf I e late In order to have a propar uaderat@inding Columbia, 4bout 600 niles north of Vancou. weather bf the past w�ek _Ie�l 9 vc eiam Graham, of Toronto, is visiting' old moreover, Buch a policy' would also increase 11amented ovember �ours ? Di� n't y)u get NOTES,-MrS. Ed. J. SWATtz, of Gode. nd ere 'bance t' of the la, there are three main. points to be ver. It js.[nn intend �d to run lo Winnipeg, farmers arou a 9 9 90 friends in this vicinity.-Mry William For- qoaked ? Now, candid, didn't Y DU W� sh for rich, is the gfiest of her sister, MrW. W. but that city will be )nnected with the main hr u plowing. est is at present very ill with erysiptlao.- the price of her food, products t�l her own considered: Fint,-What the Act will do if, i i2ew rain coat or a better 6nq i t4ln you Huaton.-Mr. Gimour, of the Sovereign W dnesdi people. Bat those on this side', i who put I ine by a� b anoh. New country will be EDDR�,GBRLLs _O� Mrs. McColl, of Scotland, ia at present the $iad? W3 Bell the better. kindsandlIguar- Bank, Crediton,,! spent Sunday in town.- carried'and enforced ; Second, -What the broken pre t' mueh wer the whole rouLe. wee a large nu mber of relatives an friendt forth this plea were laughed, to. scorn and guest of Mrs. John Keteben.-Rev. Mr. intee you'll not get rain soaked or Imoney Miss R--itz, of Parkbill, spent' a few days Act wlnot do; Third, -The vote requir- The chariie� will be pplied for at the ap- assembled attle hone of Mr. a d M rs, Musgrave, of McKillop, and Rev. Mr, Sa aked. Oars is the porous train coab, I wear- hkat week vihiting the Misses Huston. e w- 0 ed to make the law operative and who are were dabbed disloyal to their own country proaching esaion of he Do -minion Parlia Joseph Hudson, Parr line, i to wit eps th( era exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. -Mi qble in web or dry weathen, cloth i is like an J. G. StaDbury -visited friends in 01inton Ott by the Preferentialists and Itriperialis's, ment. The road is ex ected to be completed arriage of the ouugest daught r� Mi'16 Kate iHart, who is attending the Modoes dvery day coat in looks, very iffer0int in Tuesday. -The cemetei� concert, on this qu They said that Mr. Chambeirlain had all but within five years andmill entail an expendi- Eva Alice, to I Beriamin Wihoh , Car. schooll in Clinton, has been engaged as teach- l.baks, -br rather the lack [of t iem. 1 This (Friday) evening, promises to be a big sue- alified voters. First., then the Act,if eD ir
forced, will put a stop to the traffic in in- ture in its bonstructi4n of from. seventy-five lisle, of Hay. The bride was atti - in I y or Faul cess. Ib is for i worthy object; and all who offered a policy of that kind anO., that Sir mine( er in the Zurich public school for next year. a f U' brellas, too. The -Me toxicating liqtiors within the province, ex- �to a hundrqd milliom This will handsome dress of crea albateoss, br� --Mrs. Peter McGregor, who has been sick o,,,Seafo Wilfrid Lurier had repulsed his� 1 t Seafo Cb. 1824 1 overtures, can should eitronize it.-Thename of A. make the, "1ird transcontinental raitway with cream silk ribbqu,'! The flower prl wa p capt for medicinal, mechanical and sacra- for a long tiMO, is at present ver thus causing Canada to less the 'golden op. CAnada �in' have. I is a big scheme and it Miss Anna Hudcon, of Marlette, h i0higan low.- . i, DEATH DF A FomTER RESIDWT Mrs. Bobier, of the Jersey Creamery, is bein f the prominently mentioned in conn6otion 1 with ineatal purp3ses. It will do away with the Dr. Alexander Murdoch in practising medi- Zvi portunity. The official report of, the speech means as much to tO country as the oon- Heidress was a or ere r�mme , &trick McGrath, a cine i Muskoka. He is not much in love 1. (
barroom and the treating practices in so struction of the Canaflian Pacific did, only �owriship of Tuckersmith, died neat ng contest for county 1,coul- J with lace and ribbon and carried alb uque e roads of that die'trict.-Air. John missioner. Mr� Bobier is n energetic' 7�1 far as intoxicating liquoTs are concerned. of Mr. Caamberlain at the Coloui4 CODfer, ibis to be h�ped ib wil not costus as.deirly. of white chrysatithe;�U' fl, eraT o with �h bury, Ioma, on November- Ist. M M ference, which is now to hand, u8b have Ratte bury," of Wingham, spent Sunday at the bride were wbitr,- Tle he Orath was born in Prince Edwar I Islri�- d, ion business man, a man well acquainted with It will wipe out the licen3ing system e. 1 caria"aiin, the parentalbome here.---�Dr. James Baird % 25 the and interested in the beat interests of the and deatrey the caused the cold chills to creep own the groom's pr6sent:to the, ftwe� gir was a gol has purchased a medical practice near Mont. 48 , and was married iii 184' partnership between Oarly fifti s she and her husband sett,l d on farming community, and should ma�-e an backs of tho2e who were, a shott time ago, bra�elet. Miss Eva is,� one of Hills %reen' real.; 'Wednesday of last he 5th i3o cesEon of Tackeremitfi, iWhere the people and the -saloons. 'Those TR1401NTAL.-Or most cultured- you 'I dies and i4 Mo Acc[DENTS.-Oa Monday of last week excellent reptieeentative. He was a candl� who the law can be en'forced so sanguine Gf his good offices in cur behalf. week, a ve�.y h ippy event took place at 0e highly '3peCt61 I i igroos tthey resid d until 1867. In that yeazi they date two yeats ago, and came within 41 few believe 69 re 9 .� W�ile th while Mr. Alexander Thompson, of the Bay. The present time is especially�opportune home of � Mre. J. Ramsay C�dardale sold out o Mr.Jacob McGee a d renkoved votes bf being elb--ted,-The LaDell Concert. and, desira to bring a�boul- the objects named for the introduction of a Colonial is one of Hay's most pr�,Ispokous yo ir)'g far, field rDadL, was engaged in sharpening the preference Earm, c9iloession 1' the ocoaBion being mere. Mr. -and Mrs. C*lialq will i eside on 110 Wincon in, After a few year; resii�ence Company are I bo 6ked to appear Lin the Qpera knivei of a straw , cutter With an emery j�l sh6tild, therefore, plae their croas in the the mar0a�ge of he estimable -daug-ht(r, thb House on the. 4tb of December. -The on the parb of '-Treat Britain. ently pur� 4asO by b. r. Ca -r-- that at to they followed the trenlid of 11 farm ree Nair, a Main "Yes"' column of the ballot oa Thursday Miss Maryj , wheel, driven by the engine, be had'the mis Street - -etl�lodist to Mr. James 1). M c liale� THE E.N Fosnopoi' joi, th migration to the prairie, and se;tled'io� the worth LesgLt�e of ns wit h raisq revenue to meet the' enormou 13 expend- iV fortune to get his fi:igers caught in'the gear- church paid a visit to Hensall eaguo on- a laud higblv respected farmer, of I I friends in wirhin Ah fejourney f Iowa, 'here the I ili I have next.. Those who desire to have micers re proEparou em a sa ing. eatern part o W am iture occasioned by the South ;1&h, By the socident'he lost the little fivg. was al- Monday eveni'nig.-J. G. Stanbur. ivis in the coincessior. At ican, war, The bride looked ghlife. ved evez: since. Mrs. M. -Grath maina,s.theyare now, should place' tbieir eranthelefthandand part -of the third Great Britain has handsome attired in i 7hite, and wore white xong, active woman, and Was a Goderich on Tuesday, on legal siness. recently decid d to levy ways a s cross ia bhe "No" columa on the ballot. chrysaiith!einduls in h ar hair; Rev', A. Me-. finger, The hand is progressing favorably, I i slendid type -of that class of wife, who by Cooper Whit4, of Windsor, who has been and Is now collecting a small tax upon grain Nab, Al. 1, A'.1 of Walton, performed the W n. but he will be, off work for som. 3 time. -On i �dustry and domectio virtues, ha Te don not bere visiting his grand mother,Mrff'. J. Wbite, BoreaF ,Now, as to what the Act wilt not do. It coming into thab country. She could, marria-e c�remony a� 4 o'clock P. in., in The ruddy lipR of old Thurs�ay, Mr. James Gray, otation master, 'returned home last week. -J. P., Clw, -k of n dite ogininj IV-! than the men to build up a new oun- I wit s, tx, exclude to piieker, so we may I 4 xpect 1, ley; &q t( hila knee cap dipplaced. He was split- 'innipeg, a ilarmer merchant her pw d 'his I notetop the manufacture of alcoholic therefoie, while levying thi, the preeence of the telatt,7es of the bride out had t y. Ago and the hardships of pione life VV It will not the products of her colonies fro ence whis ling lip i winter tun M. ,4 ting Zod and in throwing a stick aside, entuall� told on her ; she was a grea suf- liquorivviffiin the --province. andgroom,�i' a very tastefully decorated comin d friends ii-fiying visit last week the tax. a t 41 made false step and -fell. Dr.Rogera'attended I prevent the brewers ad distillers, aout. mak-* drawing room. Aft(r hearty congratula. thoLight of the old 4311and1his Wachie f rer durivig the last few months ofhe life. or any This she could do witl ing any d6. utyo I? Ar to the injured limb, placirig it in 4 plaster. I er husbarid died about seven ]years ago. 1 you prepated fol other7,person, selling the m%nufaeta red ar- parture from her Free Tr�de poli Taking. pair, the c�m�pany pairtook of a well pre- the fri id w6ither e al tions were be towed qn the newly wedded makE s him merr r, but i ow ab� . Ne -of patio mould. It will be'some ,�time br-- e leaves to mourn her Kippen. tiole to people in other provinces and coun* pared wedding dinne'. The wedding gifts othing ? W fore a good Underwear 2 & lber of A Hay, Collmmissio-ner and Conveyancer he is able to resume bi du�ies.-O advantage of these cirGamptances, �therefore, e and'us full and bespo a t a equ ams, four aughtera and 06 rge nun v 4t the lovest Moo of interest. 17ibott pp rorn their the Canadian representatives at the Confer bl to buy Fars ire mon Blan 0,0 c,�ort 5
tries, and shi-' ing it to them f were valua MLigel Frida3, as Mr. Peter Cameron was cutting p rand-chil I ren. She elijoyed _wlle, mortgages And deeds drawn up. Meneylloaned
Ofthe do xacting parties. The atrawatthebarnof Mr. Augh McGregor, warehouses in this province., It h, popularity kets I If so, it a at The E. McFaul Co.' I ig ex -the lot of fe will not ence, suggested the propriety of t Colonies he got the first finger of his right hand s6 peri nee that falls to k I W NOT138. - evening was, enjoyaDly 'spent in various Sliore, Seafortb, you'll get the rigb?,. mobbers in these days and in thi3 land' all prevent the people of this province buying being so tavored. It. was this 8�sug estion, as kinds of amusements after which all re- 1824-1 baidly hurt it iE fe'ared it viill have to be '. re. 4r childre�u, except two, who died iri -in_ N. W. T., pa er that Mr. Robert2Pw'feo'r1de, liquors. from manufacturers or dealets in turned tor Ibeir homes, wisbing Mr. and moved at the first joint. e was removing an old K . e boy, had purchased the
we understand it, that brought r Mr. LoCtL JrTnms.- -Mr. �)au M�Callum ha n i fincy, real ed In the neighborhood of her other provinces-, and bringing them into this Mrs. McN�ir many ypro of happineps and leasedthe�_-200 a6re form of I Mri ober 3 some straw from the chai vhFn hi4 fingers nd stati ner business 6f Dr. 0. E. ciarrut Chamberlain the very positive lara, h�me and ere at her bedside urina her a Province for consumption, providing, ib is ght.-Miss M I P1 tion prosperity. Douglas' for a term Vt- years. � Mi., got ca .-J. Mccullft 6 i IF the 3rd bew, in that I ace,and has taken possession. which he made. In reply to the u0st of of 8ta ley, -met with a bad mitlap a few, If push and 'energy count for . anything, Ong as will have an i on sale c f farn t Ithe Canadian delegates days ago She was driving I some Robert will make a success of it. Thegood i
not sold here. For- instance, any person D I ;� tfii Mr. Ch'mberlaiu Wro eter. stock and implements lin the near fature n- can purchase liquor in the Province of Que- to th e Istable when she slipped and Jefoe'lls, in people of that Etirring village 'will find r him said NOTES. -Mrs. W S McKercher and and will go to Dakota in the spring, -Mr, History op record at wb t tim6 of bac, imporb it into this 6 h the farin of ' r. R juring ber arm, which she kill carries in o eagn - Washington toyed with a good citizen. All old friends here will ail. _province,use it in his The very valuable xperieno ich we children have gone t�liowa for a few weeks' Win. Clark has lease shng, 1-Itbough she is gettin along 11 right. little eo e ways look for fa;vorable accounts ot-,him.- own house &ad give it to other persons, so e i9tory of!:the Car- t. M' Laurbl McLaughlin, 6f Brown Pollard and son, comp i ing P0 sion a, for i ply adiaa t arifflahowo, whil v01i`ty',-Mic1h8;g%n, is t�e guest of relativEs term of years. [t is- Pollard's ft tentio tv, e din his have derived from th 11 his destructive batchet at his fath 3r's c errY The larg st'crowd that has gathers long as his house does not WCome a nuis. a we may in at readily and I
and gracefully accept from you qy prefer. here.�Miss Ella San erson left for Toronto to go west in the sprin .-Mr. Will I JbriBtc� pub it out of busines but I this neighborhood for. some time, attended Mr- 1. anca by virtue of the consumption of I I Hensall. le ad - speaks up and says tha; DOVO " is William C. Kylels sale on Tuesday- High on sh pher hasigone to Stra I ord, w ence which you may be willing voluntarily ilere bie has Friday,!wbore will visib for some th�' proper time to -buy Furs and it 4ill liquors in iL But, liquors may not be kept to accord us, we can time.-John-MoKelvi has returned from secured � positi'an in lie car shops. Mn To RENM-A first-olat s brick atorp to rent I prices were the rule, particularly for cattle, not bargain �irith yo;d I situated! on the Main street in the villag' pf Hensaii', lilt us a notch higher in what represents and Mr. Kyle was well pleased with this re- or given away. in this way in any- but pr i- for it ; we cannot pay for it unle� Owen Sound-4here I e has been i 'Bert Cummings has lef for Strstfor� I.;, He, you go 3mpl?yed keown 4s store No. 1 of tte Bell Block, �vhich wag otlir volume of business. - Nowhere el6e can sull; of the sale. Mr. E. BOESeu-ber'ry wiel& vate residences. Ina bakeshop for the past �t*o weeks. - also, has' taken a sittiek on in Classic recently, ocoupled b F. G. Arnold, who eirried op a 't b I ter values th It will be an infraction of much further and enable us to '60ter your 80 9C r i to Y ukge e an we Offi r in select ed- ihe -hammer and did his woik it id home market on terms of greater luality." Mi3a Annie' Martin 13ft for Toronto last City. -A meeting in Ne interest f the n, a 8 nd millinery business. it is one of oplend I 19" ese stands In the place and has a fIrt -the law t.) keep it in a boarding the bcsb buV1 jo ets, P-sperines, Boas, Ruffs, Muffs, style, � Ur. Bosienberry is a good action-. But this " greatsr equality 11 is 11tat what week, whero she wil.1 continue treatment for East Huron Farmers' fr stitute, for tlie die. class collar ard's fitted with dwelftuir roonis on the. ego. The E. McFaul Co., Seafort i. I- 11 rs. Jopn 1�ray has returned cussion of agricultural a id kind�,red bjects � oecoul Aoor. It is a very comfortable building ard i at dollar house or in any other public place of her hearihg,---�M eer, and succeeded in getting the'la egbr, f 3 penalties, also, for the -a in this from �Miogilgan, whert she' has been the will be held in the public hall, in is practl�ally - inew, having been erected only four 5 th%b n%tare. Th.- the advocates of prefe.-ential trad,, i82 I for everything. -Mr. Duncan McGr ht two months.- eduesday, ecem�w3rd ,NOTims.-�There. is very little intereat sing the 10th concession, of Tuckersmith, sue- country do not want, and w uld fig guept of rdlaives f The On W i Tq,�,after years sgo. It A,ill be rented for a term of,years at a i
infractions of the la,w, are ve.ry severe and or W1 t n a Valu- reasonable rent. For further particulars address the taiken in thle coming vo e o p. ohibi�ion. tained a heavy lam last week., when against to the bitter end. TZ want a rruLny frienAa of Rdv. R. S. G. Anderson noon session will cominence at t prnpriet.9r, ROBERT BELL, Seaforth. or apply per- The entire vote polled in McKillo p is lsarw able mare, one of -a matchiad teamo died. convicbions are made as easy as it is con. will regret to learn th t he is not recoering the chEdrman's Iddrostil after *life' n ad sonally lo G. J. SUTHERLAND, Hensall. 1814-tf sidered safe in the interests of j astice to dress will, be gi ren. byl Mr. A' El i tt tollbe lgh. ne.-MiseViolet IzvMe,l -200 for her. great favor from Britain, but are !unwilling his good beih Blaokall� of who Mr.McGregor had refused g h as rap dly an was looked for oCA� BRIEFS. -Dr. J. -I the is arn roessmaking in Seafo7th a ent Inflammation of the bowels was the caume. to -give her anything in return. Mr. ChEhm. and will �ot on as was ex- " Corii and ions lag to a ntah� Qaeen'g hotel, has this week put,'up a very lal S
make them, be home is so e, &Ad how* . t una� at hom t thL �Iate -Mr. R. P. Bell, who has been in the a to be used, berlain see's this, and at once starn peoted. Rdv. Dr. Tdlliug, of Toronto, who 1110istre,and ferbility i� the soil f ]low- handsome gold lettered sign. It -w" erect- a e. -Even a in TLie voters' lists of 1901 ar' pA out any ] d4te, we _ ey oar sympathy to i he widow Rainey River Di trict for some time,erect g hope that Great Britain will do an7thing of h" arge of Mr. Anderson's ked by Miss Maddqck on axnestia
t ed by r. John Steacy, and reflects credit oflthe late hilip Murray. As Miss Ruth a mill, has returlsed home� locking hale and anl every person who voted st the last pro- will remain : anothe Saience," and an addrom -Mrs. V. el ot upon hi Im.-Mr. Teddle Clauson left here on w 5 Sand ay. b u ite wi h roe' arly he �r. at country hioh we Lines she as a great laverite wi arty. M Bell says it is a gre
the kind. The only gr Jol viacial election and who hag been a resident Dickson spent. a fe aye of� last week in Seaforth, on "Feeding! Tuesda? morning for Moos:ejaw, to join the 6 rybody, and'her many friends now mourn up there, but will never make a fa of Wood- w I "I .-Mrs. Wm. can &et trade favors from the mother coun- Toronito. Rev. E. E., Mars Sk rest o 1 the fami y I wibh her in her sorrow. -Mrs. of the province continuously since, has a ing session will (ommen e at T30 ti: hidh pougall ,
try is in return for equal or equivalent stock, assieted by Wi 0. Ker , oif Brusgels, Mr. Elliott wi addr6oa the mee i S. J.i Bell country, The great industries at the present tion, but he mijb g on sr., wad in Belgrave duiiag the, past week, marketed acme geese which, wber weVhed time are lumbering and mining. There is right to vote in this elee favors extended to her by us. and Rev. A. McKulvey, of Wroxeter Making the most Of P r f 11owed visitit:4 relatives and 1 friends.��Mrs. without the feathers, tipped In fact th e �Iolwllrenrpj thciri evo- B[olme�4 of Ipgersoll, who was here on a aet, vate in. the municipality and diviw3ion in ill be at ublic meelting in the town hall' by"Miss Maddoci on the ac 15 u e at present, and a whole trend of -Mr. Chamberlain's remarks pounds or thereab oats. -M r. J. J. I ivine l3rge number of settlers -and prospectors are- which his name appears on Wedne�da t 7:30 o2clock' lution and cult i, mt ion."! A mueiiaa an&, - -
oa the liab . y evening, a I I v lieturnea this week -The friends of
was in the direction of absoluts ?rary programme viilli aleo be giv(n� M I ' ; I spent three )r four days of Isar, we, ik in Sea. coming in. -Mr. Gilbert Dick is busy these
e -,on thouoh he may have removed from free trade Appropriate'rausic will be firnislidd, by a lit' , I the _;-rioderic.� G. Bonthron, y 0 un . to evening. Mr. omas c i an wl . Q I ou" fogth. While in town he wa the gue t of days buying up a large q between Britain and her colonic?. This wals ion choir, �and a � P��lection taken up euPY f Mr. R. Bonthron, of -this villaRefwill re- M Wm- tr!6- muuicip_xlity� ry defray expe4ses.-�Vo#d has u6t been re. the --hair at the bove Im' Johnston and his estimE ble fam- -Mr. R. B. McLean was in Stratford- Is the beat and only hope he could hold on b ent ioned ry eWrig�, gret to learn thab be is very seriously ill, in il- -Wear sorry to hear that MiEs God- week attending the session of the Cattle -The Ladies' G iild of t. George's ',' iurch I Vie Aab there must ba a majority of the If Canada will agree to admit the 'p veived by Ws frierids,' that Mr. C. Carter, Salt Lake Ciby, Utah, and wi I hope for hiR ki*, who hai been ill for a great Lone, h.of Guard Commisoian.-Mr. Thomas Oak Of
vates cast in its favor, and there must also roducts *hoanumbor:ofyearsiago had � jewelry willgZv(�a musi.-alan literary et te -tain- recovery. -The Epworth League'of 'the tirie, i3 vot -ecovering, * Mr. Otto Bat eld, London township, was the guest of U -T. 9 and of Great Britain into her market3 free of. bui-einess herd, died in outh Africa. Charlie ment, iu� tl1e Anj' ent 0 er of United N'Vor'k- Main st�reet h t church, Exeter, paid ba as many votes cast for it as half the duty, then, and only then, will Britain con.. wss conduc�ivg, very succea fully, a men's ball on Thured4, evening, D 3q( mber the local Lea et n f rey, haf engaged to work for Mr. ohn Mrs. Elam Butt daring the past weell.- -large Ee he�]Xe a friendly visit on 0 naraber cast at the Proviii.cial election. of Cr zier for one year. Otto is a good: man Messrs, Ephriam, and Joseph Dayond, who e 11th. Toa. will serviod and arog �mme Monday, even ng last, supplying an excel- J welry busit wiis in!', C pe T wn, and bad �e Sider the propriety of giving her -a prefer. 04 of _ I at arm worg.-Mr. R. A. Ball intlend go- went west on the� Manitoba excursion, have ISM.. la ather wurds, in order bo carry the completed arta�ngements to come home o' a coneiti ogueo, recitation 139139 lent pro amoe, which was very much ea- in n a iw
ence in the British markets. Oin%da, of visit. His biother,�i,:Frauk Carter, had just etc., wit. be On red. � 9 to &ratlord for a spell. We ho.le be returned home. While in the west each Af,t, there must be at lcas� 212�72 e se x - joyed. ��Iefroahments were served at the votes e pres. itake �hal on a social evening.- close 6f Ithe pkogramrne.-We are pleased to wi arrived to pected. r 4e, 1 hAV6 a ood time down here. -Mr. R. took up 160 acre of land.
clat in its favor. It willthus be Seen that course, cannot afford t:) do this at th ge of the businees, Conl�,: d j63 t when Charli6 was ai�ridken down wibh ty- e eat time, and ni-.y not be able to do' so for Mrs. Georg iltoli j visiting with rela- learn th'ht Dr. Medd is improviDg, and be, evary vote that is not polled., pmotiemll i)boid fever, '�rom bid i he n aver rallied.- tions and friend in Lub n this hopes to be able to return, home from Clin- Y many yearp, and hence thera is no prospect r afternoort, a and Mrg. Armat ong a counts one against the Act., If the requis- hile out shooting n 1 qonda t2 lie vithing -t is !week ton towards the end of tbi3 week. It will of a British preference. But, even were very painfuliaociden J appenf'd to Jos9ph in Howick, ab he pa� ntal home of, Mrs. it3 aumber of votes are poled in favor of ; be someiwee�s before he will be able to take Canada in a positiod finianoially to admi� the Heyworth. 1 n on a log Armstrong. i While es;;; ing hi i gu up his regul�r work again. -r -Mrs.' George,
th3 Act, it comes into operation on the first �t discharged, and too off as � �ar as the fiest produats of Great Britain into her markets ThompsoD, of near Londeabote, accompanieeBig Sal in Underwlear diy of May, 1904, by proolaiii%tion ot the )int, three fin gc, e r a 66 is right hand. Dr. Lak let.' lav�, Mies, Thompson, of o are now clamo by her! istor-ir free, would those wh Ir �g L� eu tenant- Governor, and without any far- in Tuck-, of Goirte, &686'd the wound, which- --Public meetings Clinton,i*vi8ited relatives� in Hensall last for a preference be willing to ace ePt anv is doing as v�.ell as can,, e exp a e d n Several places in Rdwick e �al)ell Co thw legislation or proceedings. h'ave been hel w&k.-Th, Company will We ag%ln n We readay, one n i 'the interests of the eferendum ve' an entlertainix preference on uch terms-? We ver WEDDL,I�G �BELLS.� y much lent e�e' on Monday repeat that those who are in favor of the of those pleasant eVIents, and which we the pas( . few we ka. T1 ey have bec n fairly eveninginext -Miss Nally , orby,' doubt it. :bsolute free trade, even be- of Sea- A�!t or of the measure of Prohibition which trust will underwear for the Ladies, Boys and a I ppen oruy Price in the life time well attended, and th( addresses �j the forth, f�rmej ly of Rensall', as in � the vil- tween England and Canada, is the very last it will afford, must, in marking their ballot, of the parties concet iett, took 1place, when several speakers have been good. Aev'r Mr. lage thiawe3k, renewing arquaintances. is pla,:ce adistiaat cross on the column und.. � i14 elde�b � daughter of Oliver,'ofListowel, Bpoie In Clifford on' We have this week, to chroniple the death of or thing they desire. But until they are ready M 3 Minnie: Infemp � 4 0 x, Girls. r. Thomas Hempbill� was 1 nited in mar. Thursday night last an I hi whib the word " Yes, and those who do not de. to accept this, they may just as well cease a addrpes, was Mrs. Charles Sutberly h occurred on their clamoring for a triffpreferen r - - - - - - iage -to M�. :C. 09'ok, of 'llensall. The pronounped, byalkwho1heard it,tcl 0 t e Friday-�eveuing last. Mrs' Sutherly had oe Irom - - - - 1W sire the Act to. come into force, but who de- ceremony w68 perfu:emlad by Rev. L A. Mc- mcsb masterful ever deli�ered in th only ba6n ill for a couple d&yF,,. so that Great Britain. In facb Mr. 0ham. I �6own. aira the -present licensing law to continue, ber ain'a Kelvey, at V.30 p. m dn the presance of a The rev6rend ge atleman Its a famed 0 per- her death was quite a shock to her family T -i SMS -A-MTT-) statement hE.9 - given the British preference larggiuumbe�qfre'ait'iVea and friends. The ( must place their cross in, the, column under ince spe�ker.�] dr. Bro , of the si mill, and friends. She was in her'54th year. The idea its quietus and we will not hear nucla bride, who wa1a U13at e0ded, w�s handsome. has his' men at work in Mr. Wolf buah funeral 'Service was held in Carmel church Men's fleeced -lined wool eec d, for 75c a suit. i the word " No." We again, also repeat more about it. ly attired im ajgOwn� of: White silk and look. cutting lo& for- the winter's wor o�- he On Sabbath afternoon last, conducts by the Alen's striped wool, for 50c a suit. T ihe re- A, . ed very pre!t� irde4d ' Mrs. families of Jame i Mausot and Charl 9 Hub. pastor, and was largely abten Men's fine unshridable nderwear, extra heavy, a�t $1.00 each. that it is. most desirable that a large vote ook will be T ded. worth 75c
be polled. Indeed, it is the: duty of every I much miased from the Method �Lat church, in bard . mo�ed out of tbe� burg recently, the mains Were, at the, close the !service, The death is announced of Herr Boys' Undery ear from 25, up, both in fleeced, union and plain wool. Kr�pp, which she took an act' e part, I aleato,r to pD11'his vote either on the o and was for a former to Mildmay an the latter to :near taken td, the Union ecinetery at Rodger. ne the great gun -maker, of Essen, G( ny. number of ya'ars orgl'n�zc -,Ih � young cou- Ford wicb. -Au (tione ville. hav See our table of Ohildren' Underwear-al.1 the leading makes. orrance, of Clifford, The family e much sympathy in i
side or on the ' other. It is in the interests Ho died very suddenly'! of apop!exy. He,. P le left on Oe� four O' i for Chicago, has been'iadisposed gr rg the pa-' eavement.-Mr. H1 B, Ingrain h Ladies' Vests -Our price h nder tl
ai Athree their ber as i ladies' are wonders. Ladies' fleeced u pf the tempqrance cause and it is In the in. where a. few weeks, before we' was but 47 years of age, and succ eke.' He is r0coveriig slowly. --About .Tr.ovedihtoMr. Holme's dN�elling,�on Ox- wear, light colors , Ladieb" natural color, heavy quality� worth tereaks of the 1'rovince; that such Should be settling do�l h, r hom, two months ago we wr6t i in a bmited'form f- rd stfeet.-Mr. John Swan, of U borne, 40�,, to sell at 25 �Jji , in' Hensall. 0 a
the business of his father. 1310 wa ir C. Ladies' u rl able vests
v in t done. 8 reP The bride�s:� ti aO d a was a of the death of Mrs. Mm, Wallace of the has put 'a fine furnace in his dwellin'g.-Mr. i and drawers, at 50c e�ch, are ariTted lack and V tweed, 17theoncession. Her husband then �and for: Peter Melville has addc( 6 all u -re wool Underwear, at 15c each, are go�ng fast. world. He with hat to ch t. -A very wee'lis after, w �arentIy goo&h�alth. and 'co' fortof his fine dwelling :hi ie The Act is not a prohibitory law by ay largest employer of labor in the aere by Fiie dozen lad a pure white 001 Underwear, extra quality, fof $1.0h ea_,�h. to be the richest man in Germany the b -bit� snow -Fake I to tbe*apl� at value. Ladies' fin
all III ap I in dding w*,,,,_,oe1ebr,a,ied on Wed- A week the ereotion of a kit a., Henry. In. -at reabrictive law, 200,000,000 and had an we at meaus ; it is SimPlY at, extension of the pre. Was worth S pretty we Monday night he was c A idriv chen.-]Vlr' tants' white wool Overalls f 5 �a each. Infants' pure wool W111
Be 'n0me nesday of last ihe home ' Cook and daughter, Miss Layina, an 1b is said the present of ing, and�,":03'it wis a very cold night, 0�took d Mr. onjy, open in front, area bea tiful quality, 50c -each. Come to our big Un- of $10,000,000 a year. And yet, whe his Mrs. A. McMlichael,' FIBelmore road, when a chill, ,which leveloped into pneuinonia, Normaul Cooli left here on Wednead law is not rigidly euf6rced and that conge. death was announced, it was suapecte I be her daughter,: Annie, a mairied to Mr. and last Mond&% bout I o'clock, he mornin �'for. W ter to attend the wed- was a roxe be. - All., or near. had committed suicide, as it was knowp' he queatly this one will not, David Weir, son of r. a Wm.'Weir, in' ay denwear Sale. the corpse.' Ar. Widlace as 68 years of aLze. i ding, of r. Cornelius Cook to Miss Minnie all, I%dmlb the benefits this act would had been nervous and tioubled in Miuq for pro'sence' of a'fe, Paid for Produce. ly w 16 Highest Price. Imate riends. Con- and for'many ye3iri res d d on his extoll�vt' A. Hemphill, daugbt,3r of Mr. T�homae Confer upon society and 'the. couy-try, if it some time. But his medical attend�nts, gratulatioul. Prod at 6 3 clock p. -m., farm, on the 17 tb concessio. He as a Hempbill.-Mr. Albert Whitesides has affirm this is not the case and that he di�ed a the wedding party e ed th � parlor, the sociable, iflue old g ntle could be enforced. And, there is no reason, in, and be will be moved into the dwelling which he recentl y natural death. He leaves a widow i d �two bride leaning,, on the of her brother misse it- a n?t only by his i imediato rel ives purdbas6d from Mr. Hank -.Mr. John daugbters, one 17 and the other 15 years of Thomas, a-nf took thi i ces i a3r a horee. but by'& large i3 rc.a of neighbor ani� ac- Gaetz has returned home from Manitoba, that we can see, why it should not be en. an forced as well aa the present law, and if it age. His widow is an invalid and auffers Shoe and do le is r4 areh.� i bride was attired quaintan es. e vas for years an 1i 4ored where he bad been working during t 11 SUM. EBB of white, lk and Jooked very trieftiberolIMP to�h Presbyterian hOrch, mer and fall months. -Mr. Win. Torrance, that money, even in such over-abundan e as charming indeed cerem)DY was per- and in t e burying grohi ids there his re-, of Egmondville, was in the village thi itwill be"prodnotivef inestimable beas from some nervous trouble. )'rm LEAIR D, CO �Phlea
SO it E erne in a dr
ft, as It will very materially curtail, if it this, does not ensure health or se s week dARDN0 BL00' .SMA am �L
cure iap. formed by, ]Re'vi. McKe.vie, and the mains w re lai 6 n ednEsday afteMoon renewing acquaintances. -The re ains of U
he p 'p
t 'e ko Big a ad ng
'10 men
8Jh irie
'Jh L
d D r y
e ate&IV
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eq 77ro�, t
U e 1,11
G Lake
v sevel
e el
S01VE, _M4,
W11 known. And
Bound. T
in the interest tof pr
in the town hall,
.Arowd by Revv B. A -i Weduk
the speakel,
P., aw
%Wt riding -r-f Hun.
I -ste -rishel
iht.—P . r I
,od poe.maxter., is ir
covery frm an iopel
ohad the
��Ugere -off bit, 4ett
6f tirnb�r o,-
IC06 -Companill are now 1
their pol
oday and eamnot All 1.
No . Tys.—A numbi
dro over to uigh% -and hear -A a r. ]Kennedy, In t -
F. Britton bale ret
Idshas and I D A a h i
and life in general- Zanderson returned�
West last week. T1,
And give favorable 8
DdaMn Tudor, vbt
truckersmith Of I W,
burg — Peter Robt
gummer in. Manito
additional j
g!hi6 Anniversary
Methodist eburah V
and Monday, Deef
Fev. T)r. ,on Suriday1nomink
snaqn Monday zig
be givvn and A _Next Sunday 4 -tern
f aodericb, will pr.,
S. Ran& au(
-their! house lately �w
Pllard is movi
badtly on-,& tin teR-J
the -tin enetrated t,
ftitch",had to be p
Dir -D !N� IYAX-0T
Flaeo ,wiere -shocked.
message W&A Teceivz
M. Dickson, f:
ik-ota, bad passed pboicl tever being tl
-Diek-eon was a fo mit,
D Brussels, going t
ight years -ago. TJ
Saturday from the T
W� B. Dickson, sed ba 'Many around Brusels wl
early -demise. He v
oTss.,-:-Tbe -by-1
45POO -to- Lackridgi
wll. be vdted o
zeqicdres� tic have tbri
�ownorsin its fa-var I
-oboAld anyratepay"t
the difference it wol
F. and W. F. Scott.,
week Attending the We expect they wiV
-of extra fine breeA,
indow in Yox�z I
broken on Hollowel
zew a ue this week.�
window knowa _,Eno
He vill remove hii bankwhere he wi
tory.—T-be vate ag.!
-Xim, 10if Walton, fOi
licehae, was heard h
witnesses were exav
they bad received disinissed.—JObn making A Visit -wit]
Brusse]12.—Dr. A. Tuesday f this wl�
ItwaAa, wberej3 11
practiceon bit- own W*5
a town on goodzijzed Iona t)f Interests of the texnl
-in the town hall he
and was well attend
sball, �of wooasto,
apeCker �of the ever
Lo' d
It. exi, was �aamv�
Bardlay, I
a former resident joif
toba, In visiting
-1 W.A
FATJ W-hett (no,w), Zts*
onts per hushiel—,
Bu rlub�______ I
zoz-- r4ovrl: r .190 ft — — — Sheep wSal ("tar) 4,
W P"er �
Wmdpereord fshort�
Apple@ per bag— 'Timothy ed
poik. per DO
quiet, With pr14Ce
are unchanged at And 50 to 700 for t :ter At 91 o 11je anged to
are easier at 5 to 8
TOIWI�To,Novve -at so to 85c per - Usti -Out :of store
Orin In b th Tath4ta . 'obub and the mailiet u
Prites ar.e Ztosdy
the higher gradee,:
vinti., 20;. to 2le �
to 200ic ; egoice AaA
17,o -1 medium, 14�
markmet is steadya
red and "W
Goose X'A nominal'a
,Spring is stead) a.
AUntiobawheat is
XV. -1 hard, and 84.
fra gr.,mdin Ii tra'
'it V4o for.
white easti, and
'32a low. -freights to
middle fre-
for -can of shoritp, al
e0t -or middle 1 -mil
is teady at $24) fio
for bran. -Aa6ka 11111"I
Baled Hay—Quota
to '89.50 -per ton
�on track h, Eel
aYiesteady at 0
lots on track bere.-
TOIWI�To,Novve -at so to 85c per - Usti -Out :of store
Orin In b th Tath4ta . 'obub and the mailiet u
Prites ar.e Ztosdy
the higher gradee,:
vinti., 20;. to 2le �
to 200ic ; egoice AaA
17,o -1 medium, 14�