HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-11-14, Page 27 f 4 t H M13ER 14t.1902 RTT NOVE T --mass 1 1111 -e hu aftir Ime or�u 110N� 13 it tt.a,� sl All of. 11U lityip stat,,,nnents of th;0 rising tier ab Id height i Eb'"ABLISHEXY, 1990, tier, custom,,sr p ay Ils PHONE MAIN 4303 RE PATIENTI V n KING OF THE JEWS, Bible *111. -e d dap bectil ulot ab )ve heig it, Yonder sit$ tb sts it a ey e O'l 11, 1 W4UrU lilarmo��i44ed? As int nil i� L On, tO ellijen', Perol surrounded by his ch But V M111'ror, Itakes i 11) his I B 0 R D I kno jhl tliough tal -y office .. ar A by t )rs f mep, do you la`m( mb goes 0 e x I ilo bj, -Senate. Thl t I 11bf I 11 s uin t Idy I o AN HISTOR(C GREEK LATIN Al E n the famous ilo, thd Selle USts �6 for c4ntu�`ies been W, F R co Y, 0 Therel i i are gro,- place reserv(d for the vest x.1 -fir n . i HEBREW SUPERSCRIPTION. et,bbling, t4QS diffei�lenees riecadl B d or I Ell In orddi, that action I Ly sln� that sel- Aere' are the rooms of tb!l.� OND BROKE �S -ter from a lad' whose I du I %�ray and P s R� A Sad let e and revL -iing into an, i the i dle classes. Al the si he has j ut Pot irtil from' ,I waist a! 11a, on. arO con 9 was Digsipated. seers axe-Aushod and exci, 0. Hgeband ser lat Ir OM ar o4ibus relations. TIL01 b -East, Torlont ter f4er"i E oses. in. th 3 yc ung girls' --he c innele f iiarry- NEMIES ADMIT HIS ROYALTY' r in, kega, _�o I an t�i'hks' whereoh 0 Lee� s b 1w h In addltion to 'quired ain Offi-es: erly ev(m to a de, -par red dr. r —471 Broadway, lfpw:l stlite -tre Boston. greed rt is only than -,he I ;York PO n] c- V en a 'faces o4 the Lr Cured Hini with a I w Lhin, -few e'ks that Professor flush on tli, dfr�-,,­ clot,�bira. 913 comes f display of The Three Languages Use proclahu cated lords, jLq the d to Issyce ink (n the ilatest arl eub irtainmleir t, their, 14 ov-elies", S_qdd-. "I every- 901 Retnedy jesus 0 �s on the l5c dies of the. §1 in STOOKS, So DS AN And Christ on the Cresit if 05LIV 10- 1 isc n JIL . D QRAIN 1. paper m 4, th�. I, it -Lroiif of t te. A cw;o re IN! can _�es t the 131blia gin. tjo acc Intl tter, d nts, no v elve the U�ivervso seTestify In TUems stk r b;y con�empor4ueous monu- vul ih ia aiii:L drag the. bleevdi 4'g ZOTIPS11 s B)aghb and fil for Cash or 6n Margin. Par�ieular attention given to 01madian securi uest *U4, diate adyal2ta�ej :witll reEpondene invi e of Uis Reign-lIntellect, Con� alq, tTE) authlaiticity;: o� vilt hich is Out of the ai ena. Then I blo6 il 00 arplie&Uon. Col mc f( tios. MArk6 t febtere�mAilod daily (4 P. m.) which he is yl ar It Pot it soaked sand is sprinklz V1i rr.l �L Pardoning Love Signiftilrd bY! the 7l do tbtei y n on� 6; 6ne, Nil �finril der 6trong pr 8 ptf ve Q-1 i he o I oln l proof, eum idollee 1 fi�j aied nd 16Alainedi eve# in thia ous pow S t a lay t No, Tongues. tile ing 'awn over the' P riiaj�entof 01 ml illtest �points. Do 34ou ni6t lmow, a ITl ssemb-1 that be is a lan�leq ropi Entored ccordibir to At of PA nJud bespat-tcrs mole., A that lY to Pvote 3t "tie nobilit�y fr6 tj: ei county ,by William �aily, of'! Eus'� int0librilit, nien and whose ado. in dil year bell ip P Eha1)sp'C of AgriOULLurcr ouaws� �rn 1, In No,, opiptoi's. be 6f the f le,y easte routo. &U many reden disoverie of the nxcb- �,tic And Ell loll Irove, that f val;t estieM reda Lint wji7 nt am <1 �olve 1D. -The supreacy of ]p pile lea* 0 Ilk o d, Chicagq. Nov. fui: aes. Thi s is 6. national holida.) . -nm th:1 Bible, s-orue of thel *k,itten 3,- creditorsi The nifti) (!,III obulill lig so 3 of govel Mt, CaDsar is celft rathif tile victories rist, in� the realm tel in ac- ol) 000 years ago �110-'Mbs lu be likes iit any gion is asserted by JLr �b Romail aie. Now t ae arei ndeak tg and reli One w(?nddrs whotlipr quell !r er- cord with scient�fidjfacts which e oud -Ave Rev. Frank De Uitt Talmage i], this is ooded w t1l. water. 'The shi I Ing vegl �d? fins � any bt!ljw1Vek I WO11.1 ontillumily boil) � re ful tale: I fAt 11 n a the text Luke xxiii, 38. C qhat the bil3eanii Modern scien-;- flopLt in. The re is nar t battle, The ei�Gn for The -looking ab6at f6t Furniture is at hand. The quantity -scription also *as wrl -who read it.-Umdou ve $too'k- -A Idiators cut .4 id slas i 110t 4411 In a, offulplex N.(Jw flie glt those ti, �Statl mt, arel being iiiore and - d wrestle t -at thO qu'ality is everythin,4,. We can you gn quanfity, telill, l him in letter of reek aul 14 die. Journal, dosen't ma tei b more harm'ontted 1*r,feeexit investi-w- y wolre V CD but offly one quality, and. ithat. is th el ged! Latin and Hebrew, l is he Xi49 ter Nil a even this port b tio r is and, discoi�Orics is illustrated by, what are 'Ll le GEEF of the Jews." CID, t r, or the I JUMPMG THE an, incident which. happened sonij w "But. Capital punishuxent h" �een 'in ting? Th are saving tile besb! -ins iction- of our sto ul ve a mutual pli6asure anellbenefit. f Philadelphia Ali pro -3 ag Vogue amang till nations, b-tl yl o! in �tliq cl y 0 il the lus A Styte* I Unittl ag Thg Utany wo They Etre ow Oil yo t 'Sort xvhile I Was prdhehipg- Qiol zed, and barb loosq.th wild beas Till V u Try to let aric. Rut' 0 tslu�o�ti Jtjh a de ;" Is a LkvW moil il Ln. -11jumo ttrAc ng a de you �Pow t ink on. om r U1 ap 0.111"I t of �mpitlrd punish t, whoilier b h d any alftigs [with med* thib l The twil'i 0 vel a stu ents, ol i4ngMlia'SL noose. or by 4ecapita: E ie it� tin - Of tile Chris -ins ar tive phr so, t t -a. class- than amon prtPortioilately =01I�, infideli slow strangulation, or by bo und and f t ned to pol s a gling in,, e, bit air -of the t,nderfiioi TTI I hd for years patiently b-jrne the dis tioa, ot am _ng� t hem as L ndco urning at the stake, the ui st'hor- l with r,,it h and set a I, to mak i misery and priNatil due to fay hus- who bealts It- fl the ffirst tU le. it is body�,of young men. Mos 0 e also Intebsely sa to t of _Your rn any, othet humam torch h with which to ligli' This Oiartment is comple e with larga- selec on of the kA 'band's, drinking haNas. Hearing ar- Able way for any l � inal 0 (tie is ith chap i ti f his I believe, is caus vellous roinedy. for the cure of drunk-enness,whi4h by tho crucifixion niode-thati form of thn dusk., N He these flam ng t6rt "Ad I to iys has b sliave, betor by the evu ia6ii1ce 0 the dissect�, ho ahr woo-' obliging attention given to this b -ranch of the business, I could give MYL husband secretly, -1 decided 0.3 leap and s utter irk -04 public execution which was practised i li I Illy room. One. Way, jen inedic . Ing nati��e. Ypu may', iniql0il, et a calls pron�ptly attended to by ourUnderta try it. I procured a pckage and mixed it in 4is 0 Celiltrc of i ker Mr 8 am. ang tho J oWs. Yet we so Christ tile relia are haddl.ed to,* W IL the pro essor I 'I t rir good'sbot In tl�s way, and -it Der' God 0 e't, Seaforth, oppo Re the ]Wethodistt church, n Criminal, hang41g uPoll go her $Cori inen and VVC inen who ftiod and coffee, and. ds the remedy Nyas cdol ec u upon ri sir t as LOM1110 and tasteless, he did not know what it was tha, bod Cluo ed tho,well k,ribwn passage, ally the NVA to-, see the !jg-r ud"t e the cross and dying by th.6 most in- bout to (tie. AVhilo;the mercl esLI! I M S15 quicklyrelieved his cravingfor liqitor. K ZD 61 am!� 6scaped ith the ski s0ortbeganto pick up flesh his appetite for solid tense.and agonizing form suffer- Ititudes, 1)..)k oil, the- [dOO21le of all tbo sigpts Of ibe wll ii�er. on r -sv�nl T see p. trirch wjtPL ong" -of fur curilover.the have a- happy hbnie. After he %vas com- s� dying whie beardi curves re n glol od returned,. he st . to his work -regularly. and hisr. m I 'istift118 U1 kileel, except One el runniul-, throukb a fo _enttjt and physica. 1. 1 The co OADF00 BOX & arO nd thi cla�§ vloom. C 0 form of y tee�h, titter oj� derisi litit; though Jesu.-S'Christ althe pletely cured I told him what I had done, %vhen pro lessor i­aisedliis h for silencei- will stands in �thejr fAjid$t. t adi t1lat'lielpilell eb other Toll ow t le upon tho cross 4s 9, ComniO lofty to, on ei, . I and �s&id: !,"Tut,, tut, t gentleg haacknoN�ledged that it had. been bi sav ng, as I there is one Vivid -,'distinctic w ich INT o %V Ithe* iron g -i tes at in bound ess confutdon is Well orth he had nQt the resolution to break off of his� own h the] 0, is no need for latt hing. 1 au� siN u ng back With one mig ity leap, singles.his. death out from among all trip to the woods, while for bin i Who -acc4rd. ;: I heartity advise all women, affliated as I-Ot �a liiiister,- �Ior a o of a. n�inis� I lit a huge 'l thl crucifixions. That dxcepti6a is lion lids- upon the ��nds. At"" I to give your remedy a trial." loves the rifle as'.1 do,. more 'or- w.b at P� aia;l ge, ter; or xin, a,'Professifig ChrisUanl firit, the flamiftig. torches b itid. hi�. W� e lth?lt than wbat Or BEE SA, M I prticula al)o%o tile cross.. It, was customary I L' , I iia stylo of the suPer - but 1 heril and �; now i.0 state -d conipilli him to blink The and. pamphlet giving full t' scription nailed icannot b done" F 1 E e n tha, t he moire 10. �tudy t!jiat Dible tb.6� Ile lOOj�,,3�Etr()uIj(j t1pon can, there is no such target a -din mia and price, sent in plain seall eavelope. Corres- the 20( :1660 h the Jews to Pla:ce above the t. �l dying t et Pon 9 s, man' ey6 him.. T I V h Kin f Raniges-_' "BUCK'S HAIFY THOU dence sacredly confidentil. Enclose-, sta�mp mol 6 It apj)eals�t'my Ui telligance a U But for the tyl-o who lis of the dying a written steLte- in as firmly,." -thr inty brut �'sltddenlll r, ' "Jump'lli Teer" gen- for reply. Address an �ed ft 1)ax meat descriptive of -for Ln-�pirecl g a c The Samaria, Rameedy C the, crimes. the, that firq dee 23 jol Street Toronto, Canada. that ithe Dib4:0 is inspired. itin-a in the I ntre Ot erally nleaus out ­of si f017 vv�hil they Nvere being -execiitl gkt Ind ut or Lxs,v�as centUrian loj,vi�ced of the till arl Ile S(JU6A lboth. t6 a�- S. M31 claws, bearin- �Vdr tbe; debr that goes But Instead of dectarin,,g that Jesus- One Htindred aU4! Fifty Tliousand Canadian Wome* 0 lea to i 116 off to He dol after feeding do not bg divihitv w� at. the oot, WMAL 8 M. jF03' 8ALIK. -,l ding au ignollminious z I &TAT Christ 'have debided for elk d I eth for the sin of murdeti, In IN �,iid neaver to his prey, go to s1l , but to ru inate �Lijd take p 20 ACRE FLSU FM S&LE.-In bnt whest b 6is Inan wai; the son oll- Ile makes c tie E leap, There's a wo-� or of ri'd 18', while 0 f insurrectionlagainst, lif le eas�. Once III a r e� t th. In Sol M-mitobs. Ninety anrea rexdy for blasphomy, or o God1j.)' Th''Xs pas_sa�le just (judt- iii:in's screr m, Then with nivav -fftlI into4a dq'�e! but almost� always wheat noxt year: 61) &.ues bay. -Gl mw s' bio thill throne of Caesar, he boxd Several over d isplays -,dgq, wlii4;11 could; title Ail [t.,ill nl(),,,L;tL ag off� s ? Md granil Tw!ve dollars per alare. I - � a nqwl4. Al Ile s the head of Christ 'had writte�ri'upvn al sanses cther i up,oved and prairls'farwa for sile. NTrtta t � is weII4 erdct and er el, have been ki.equirl the ma n t'.je body id beins to inuftch hei The,"'H ThougfIllil 14. E, $11AW, B)x 17, Bate this ot aPpy CRA, savain, hlaalf^h it, In throo different lan-unes hol wroteJ it� i4 any Ot �r way than . .danger. And ven if ne is in (.III- strikil.ig sentelice: "'Ihis � is t4e a doze it way slip a y witbput your by tevelatiort. cen �kuries scil i �1�galn the sl 4)r�t- grows Of tho Jews." Evea in. !this de- t�� FPR I I its existe for sl(,ep,ldad- -T-111,20l INN EGVq1Nj)VXfsfX � I . SALE.- i:�t31rldic1Ilt!d Jpb's simiLe zthout the 11 9 rjr an , It housa, gladLion, humilition ndi death - I kipple ai­L� )"Wi-Iling to disol the� F-UsPectil)` skin of tho teir-Ah, 13at la, few yl ens little 4f tte seu�cos f this yar an - For asle, a commoz-1100%.il h-tanan torl otill with cement cellar il cistern and (zoij bb�ims to have so ordered events. Common Ranges Were no- good enongh-why shouldthe-ybe�oryon? Hivented with I,. 'is man Nvho "Nvouldil't 3hoot niulr two!al G( I sud : iwmedj ja-) f the bll ill'* 011it CVL' C, - -A nho, coaldetuned aI_XO a imal. SUVI iliat the very man. .1 P tUrn to go rn the such an in ure asia Egintondville my. -age. Thelaodl I til with tiucti poweil ul Ithis that, Iffilicli to tile 1,0ded arlus j 1�0 ent crea large and SM111 fruits. Applyt,) L TOTr. him o death should htve ap:knowl- of Q -,e svionl1ists, it was, sa y ill inw1f as 90, "Is� shouldbyla tealissiaqonegc�tin.-Qut Ae: 17674f el his royalty, and t4us piloclaim- the . j I. Ilot awf til 0,1at all of a hea�y!'Nvindfall, wbile. le Don't be *osed on by joliil)d that Jab, was right. l tions of all Luan ARU IN MaKILLOP POP. to-j�lll th,.,re is it, thin skin, lh�- inlin-I 1 be -211 ain for I s -should 4.kt�ve F gvta'� "purposil for vhich Cluil %�"a -who loyl g�me that get a a caa just as good ", talk- The very destrable tom, the, old hoti�viilltl Lot 27, part, of,an inch in thic�,ness. "Ll, thilig; that a Very i -all this blooa should here- find, Le attract of tl -oods Convew-ton S.. 31cKillo.p. contaluinz 1 i0a ne ei, � all bt)rn as a babe in Bothleh-m! of i -Nob, dy was able I to. ec� this IQ construction of The " Happy and 04 V - nia l eared arid I a good et%.I-e of cultivation. Beau' iful at its cIhbax'.-'1HuutiP- the it i C4, for which he lived as a boy'in Thought home, svle7tl fruit orchavd, p1l waer alld with tha�n,iknd el' , yet Job eld 1 9 a N-011,119 g0l touclies! is 0atentibid, its 16d �T Deer" in ave*-tlucg required. 0aly one mile no,th of sea- vn for which fie dilt upon 0 (Itin saw it in arlu. I t 0-11 and 104 at lil design registered, it is totally fill Applvoati-e pratal-s or ta Seatn-hh P-b - t� I I foi- th�- sttivation of men. --fore th�� Was nud sent tII_ os. 1*11!Zitis be in-- le 8W face. lite sa l SUSIE GOVENLOCK 1809xttf diffexent iu ev-e� respect to any time, to L�t- me descl-ibe, how the three nt The Ant's Tpiret. Thus l Mid yo (10 not know ilie!" A. na t ralist has beon ma 'I b- other- Ther'a is none Rke it. ".11 F01% SALID.-For sle Lot 27, Can- tlhu� scicril and revelaidon. are bt- h%'e Been olil be- party v ceas!Qn 4., XcK,Ill contl 109 al all united in t, cowling more nd morol harmonized. fi I.e." servatioris on the follet� of cer 1� lints, �There can be none so good. If ed f of whtahlo elearLd, welt fenced, undarrtl a Ill sitp 114,Xiptitan upon' tbl cross at in a high sWe of oultivatIon. There is & il %v,, so-� thtxt �Jesus in t tov wbvil %-oil S red t4at ea(, i 6ect III and. ha discove' you only knew the time, the orick houel bank bamwlth atone S.-viliholic of tll,� uuiverzlill-tty or is �Ippetlling to .111it,aph thi., Lnoillill.). 'in the c a t al ! goes thrQugh most elabrate ablu.il Plenty of water ands,good orahird. It !I within reiga. .. I trouble, the labo� it would save (III,- brain. or tij th- int-41lectual part combs. 141y ft.Wi.�r Z111d. iijut hl w(!I- (S.1 leara- .-They ar4 not only pdr�ormed b ber- apple pit' two infles,of Seaforth. and w1thn a inile fram R a, t, y9u, how litUe fu61 it uses, you "hoot, 4ply on tho premises or So geafort%� P 0 (if nian as well"as, to hi� foelin-s, 6 r ton. in this bUt t i L 0 hey. self,'but,by another, w -b a tie!) 0 c tSS 6tant Wo otte.3single day withot one. pie iordej im.4 in -.1 In that -rcalul. our Div[!rie Sav- g1d. not be qm to the senthaeuts of h $I' heart. .1 L dead. CO 11.13, let me SI)OW Y(-)4 jour Is kin —Iord of thil intellect, bz�- tilue as lady's wald. The Tho supereript ion on cross wl6is Coliseum iat 'thM f! right. I tarts by Avashh*� the e -a dt. Lt.; t le, ywin Del r1ell .IARM- rDR SALEFarni in Stanley for il Lot id,�,-; being ruler of the hoz u i i des rtL.jj." Dulu 14ce of per com x" The WM. DUCK STOVE�CO.,,X-Wted, r4 10, C*ncesiion 2, riontminini; 100 aerai. All is to be the dominating in our wri t-1 en ltio in'i Llrttin. This lmplii6s pahiou, and thd� goes ver il�ie hole by ,-,earbutl6moreaofh-trdw--iodbm;h. ltisinpgoad tlia� Christ williona Uy be the sti- girl spe'lics ,,It Ol a stral ire ligh t.aiversities antl istit iil i Otis of T body, - The attitude,of state of eoltivation, welt fenced and undardra�nl der of;j�e world as well as lie of the Co ol� t t at -nin- as well a llImi 111ristiau , pie4nc lill to oil alg' The 0. S in our s being.w6sbed Is one te se satis- There Is on the farm two b wns, with stah'll aLnd a. C2 is l She lies down 'wit L a I her 13r%e divell ncr houil It 5niontly, shAnted. qoCjLqieS. aud 1111,11k.le, m t It lie 1 ki ng of the, 'nit,ollect and tho rjIL]Cr f actiou. tit bliet I it lLiove th mile% froxin -Clint)[IL and I mtle from 8:kl &*,o -4. little -4 in the backwl he is leSirt. mil conquest, o wide that they limbs stilletched loosely;. out -7 he rolls '-CHESNEY:& SMILE T Addreas all, inquiries to JOHN Xc;jFLP_GnR, on the it 61tt one Wfir of four letters we cwuds,;'the� solid Seafo�th I by ll�_Ljjo th &IIij tot the iarttiling le.- -on her side, even back a per- mlsies� or, MRS. IX MoGREGOR, 2aa Coarlv8ioa, to be the companil of the �Cientist, i.e. t res, VZoAkersudth,. Seixforbh, Oat. e ti, la two hei, isplie. over Ileary Drummond, who goes like giol Plien this '111 o I isel 11 i Tre ple su�e the Is of 41 Cpsa�r t'rhimphing t forth into th gru­at touiple (4 natre fill Ang-els archar 0 8 an bus little insect evinces in * bet: to find the br of the Augustan ig IM FOR 13ALE.-Fgrgale that very dastra 'A Natural Law In �he spir- all tho of hel mith, al l aiiaexin,*� t1ho kin ]Ili th combed an IE really e Ing to thq F W0111011 "Inpift, Or We a.11 n farm on the Hill Rdal TwIll jdom of a J�. the v3lae of EgmoadvillK It conkAing 07 acre), r ble to he observer sUbject 1 t Iv - e and wgU underldrilined. Thare, is a 2.)mlortable ambition wa-, to �-ell thel w dnd crowd into the flyin , brick cattaga and gond barns, wit' rnot callair arill over' the STORE Ueal cleared and in% roaditatoof cultivil ion of David Livingstone,' whose lle� glitaulilig iie and blck' ivid lie it I sPoiLra of Lt Scipio'dri ithe s 'at ing, ttie ujigliLy' THE GRE IAL JL fill till - outbuildings. Thebuildiags are 31tu%til al the imple story of the nativity to the A I ps wid litirlittAiiii. tittek across the e Way of 'the World. a _ --rioratit black uir among 13Y the Centre of the farm %al on the 1611 Rl Tt ia wall, il m livino I or We Ill the hitge battering -We :at the peop A'A ' baham i h � African swa-aips or 111310n, the, to th procia im a iin 'je going (in ay 011111111�1111 LA watered, and plenty ot soft water in the k in 1b is wiavenienbly situated for'ohurch wid ul rat of Titull the gates LL11 4nner, with th arras, loaded with be utiful batiks of the T<011go: he is 6) be the o n a i i d oil , fo I See our range o�t� beau tif ul Pars, and withla 4 mile and a halt of Saatorta. Witt b Ladiea' a 8, Cqpea, Cap iines, Raff. 1* of 1the As Enghmd sold cheap and on awtv tarm� of pVme A ply I , said, flowers. nspiration of 11tigh Uillt�r's geologi- As osv� V f her grent, ns�_ Muff 3, Gauntlets and Ca ieure is it, , PH. al crowbar Acgasiz's laboratOlFly ifted up tic e ba, the proprietor. RaBERT PN,780.1u, Saantort I 0 c, and I ii s0rpent in thej .1 rift? w 'a edL -tf- d nutill ruerealitile flects, is and 1748 vy iq_� -to adorn Alisses' Slor Ruffs, Aluffl Caps. nd Isavc Newton's scientifle ingltru- in.0.9t, the Son 01, ;an bile "We go," they exclaimed, in C -a inents, and William IlerscheVs tl callk of �thl sc .4, so. lifted .`4o Itil I lift, h gh th�e the gtavos of our dead eroes." I CARM F.%T HAY TOWNSW FOR SMfor lZoillil. 04 accoUnt, of h6v great arm- ul vfs+iption of Ole crl Later bn we mU t m with th Men's Coats and C�ps in great variety. as well s the hope of the' _U smle,Lol on the lforth Boundary of Hay SC'O;Pc, eir Tovmahlp� TbIllil contains IQ* sol 86 sorm ics; and n4vies, ck)ul. 1-oor young girt: dying in th!(-- sprinj-, 1. 1 d ChWli to be rul- cry out. in I lie words of Ile elation arms ful�*l of bricks - e of thole-ts a! cleared, She, rest good hardwood bwh. � It I& well lm- we they are 11 til list� -The he Dridr! Bed our Fur Rl derdroAned and tenoed, There, is a good stone house t -1111c, of olith who acirtRA's i� 11411 tl of. tl __�ft it In( t COITIq. 'And now w4ere?" we askEd gain. excellent v)ue. �out with a No. I cellar; large bank barn.; implement otL �e wol ." A�i rot.,is nwere i "the evid&ice of things n ILtIld 10t, bitu thlt is ohirst, -bot e n on ohed; i3beep - house M75, with first-olais stiliblir e sUpP,,0sed j� lead to Rome an "To throw these at bur livir K he- aud di t xke of the N� a Un- 'of I i fe f rel� I y, Tho uperscription must bo iin Cercok- + I and Ixt t It they agaln �xplajjned, -W itl L Oity- rolot e4lar underneath,- a good orobard; 00 t lie,fo6t, of to ]I roes, covers n -i -day, Migh the ato nien t wells and ci There ls. 14 Incause Christ hs a mi;sionl. to. tht' r e Ing smues at 04r dumbness. Elavin -9, 8- -letei this fange otfine ft's from the beat manufa aorea of M wheat so cn�poi, wer shall ome day uf twi a at the el, proclaim d n the Ifebl, W uper- I aawed o %, rich fallow, well, - manured ; 40 &l loarned, the cultured, the ref4ied. The I T y fore enler all to th� throne of 1$1,liplioll, NVM closest cash price as aced us in a position to Save yo� m Seeded l rel M4 reat tq jrwd shape for nudi w b It The Thlat is vi No. I farm, situ for has al ays 4mell tile orship oney. Now is the W Crop. well %ted t,,�oll Come The Sinall Br6tker. f the n oney- markets, oburchesi a syllitol ()f� Culture nd Ile Cbrist of intellecj--;t�e Christ ,ohools, post ofts, etl and time to take advantageo sal prices. fq brane is will ba sold reaeonl kt sotlid years:ago, after a o, and I �ly on the p-emisles, or is t -ho laiiguaqe of the poet. ajW Qne night univ,isal bealid him caft you:ed an- Ad,Blake.0nt.1668x8tt day, speat aiiiol�g the ruitied palaces 4 address ROBERT N� DOUG �xnd mii-,icll aa aad U16. Christ wl o dr%d that t7e nil tiounced �e small brother. tor and architevt , , I d lia(l two, Aol *f of 'home, ' 1.011 �demanil is Nil all litiLve ti. in his ruler-' "Well, w at of 11 .,� ELn S:, his 4rquglit, bpfal'lc 411 111=9�na tion in vi. 811lip'? a big job in all-wdol Blankets, gooO large ize, tile vest 'D,ARK FOR S41LE.-Choll farm in Hullett town. 11:tIIL1VU&gl intellectuality, bolattse in sister de, antly. I . I . I I I and U& U 91 answere vid,', coqtr.Lst. t0e bvigililling nd trio Would thlit inight one- and all 11 lot Min , I lre the price -V - ship for being Lot 4, in the 13th Conal till jilno Of it Was ex'Ousivel Oh, answe slan. itiontalning 76 sores. The farm Is all seal to cons UIUULI�tio 11 of (2hrist's kin-dom. 1) a a 1) 1 e t o in t !.t the thITEI, supair- small bAlther. i"I wag: only thinkin! grass. except. 15 w, rm There is a good Invine b � ra th � tongue of the literati, 1as the M eiTri, i : In one I saw t1je of tile e cross in -,he wair 3ee our Men!s Fi avid Ill traime atable, and there are fair buildin La. I -ren h lngtiagc during thal a L ati- �h e it's because of.:the -1 'you ni� Overco , they'are tbe correct tyle, a ara Christ�iatlqla that great city dur mayb There la a n'.ver4il adag we'l at the bouEll l teetith: century was the cotirt, lan 1. f oxv hat the dy pg tr i8d to in- well. walk, but It ain't very nice of hJ m.11 a opting cr ek that nall runs dry; there to o lig th:6 pq,riod followinjl the cril e watefiel b th wasta lan there is wx al of orchar of choice va-P of all U url So in WO U rctlk ed I released 10n; in the' othim I sa�k in iniagina- s Per er large'cosign7-1�nt frult ; it U flr4.clasx. L- n J;- there ii a, l houal uper-scriptiun written, over trie elloos i ust received anot� of Rubbersi at rock b?ttom prices. t icksmit'a shop. st)re tion the tiiiiie 61' the rilillicriniiiiii, wben Bqiu-!" I'he da' L and post'nfrilo In Us0ock, (IiAsll scenis to ughter- sai* ace; f 0 The.Real B 1-y. ulthil % lot from tha pt tr ril %as roaild.4 in all gospel of th l I peoples'" shall 'acqlain� Christ Lot "MOULl 3ee our illineTy Departm-f-nt, for the litest noveltids i d(re(tions; the farra is allitabl for gra,in gri-inzor Lp,-d l airist f all. -d o t lv,� dyir 9 W110 illti,ck xalcl For p Lrt;aulara apply to the, UMIC13 !L "Vrhati does Freddy like to sliall itireessfully to title iiitel- answered thii *,When aud'kARG.Al ROBISON,, West Gnderieh 8cl thi Nil standin-' ill ing woman. "Bring! BriDg! 'I, T�ejj asked th� caller A A A A A A� A -A A A A A 111"In V4,; well as to �.lje Ignox- t4you agin ut mo� �­llkmitll r S -rel 8ealldl-th P. 0. r1% to ('111-1 CiLIM. cold, tarefully a l Hoinan dungeon xcavated ufi- t�o daughter Isked "Freddy," replied pa Qay PR EVOR your fal another go ll I �rjng?" I Nhy,'ll a m es� his niotl!ier 8 d; 1, 0 ct-ied the ing, moman, 1'brffig� fort BLOCK -strong a dei d4li on. It is C.1111 ed de- C AGOOV TARM FOR SLK -For ea'e, Toll 1. WL'il'hillg SCIC411LUIO.mind as Nivall as Concje6alonla'. Tuakeremith. containiu Lh i love- of t1te little d ingeah is dy 0 M. M BEATH T, H 97 0 111pul. Thet Cide ai!e too ropgh for him B alereal,otwhich 80 are clearod,-wetl util alict Cr obi hole in.' t& rdolf aboi,it two feet t�e royal di-WIPRA; Dw hi fielaced, and In a high state of cultivatiou. Thete ara j;l O_( But aiti all� 17 acres of splendid h-ilrdwood bush,. unculle-1 arid. In though the suj*rscriPUon over first, elms condition. Thera -Is a 0onifortallte house tli-� ross hd the sentence-, �19'his Ali' the prisonin- to bc lowerod. by t lie b1ol of Jl which and one of t4o best bsrns in. the. cl rtisTdxto If n ton of conta Dl 160 Xin of the *rjitteh il 'ated into the tone . wall. il 8116d 107 sin, crown Christ� King -the wafflon Im it, I Cl 'h fo:rj -on 1 '301 0 C I (IS, f ek N ith stime stabling tit fi a wag n D i 1) r". to w �ii-.h the bil poll (Is olp el I reo -11. Poll lld� S underneath, cente oor the li-aat,- Ein� of the hil and Insurance ja and everythIng finished up in Ilrst elisii il The arp. farm ia loss victilxi. el be. The 1ting l the tNTo hemispheres, May. we 24�i s of U111 and li;2 11) of S well wal with living springs 4nd, is Fult, t1in s nd.tens of Wit, I wall of tjl,�t du�ilr(-011, e that own him -.L Xi ng 'of heaven il of r grA41t1g, It 18 convenient to oil. FARM -AND ISOLATE6 churctle3ll,'s' ftz!e an I black�?Uilthalnp a -d scoffers who contir cor -,t hot stuwllj�l- and' even fliesuperseripti.6 l El er thihg oily xfew om a rxilway the, word Y name nd 6 -EX Reeve Arbogash, of iel W'I PROPERTY ONLY IN�Mfv . I cold. As I sto0i'd there wiint6d � to tj�o rross decijred 'in three Al th thq best and be3k equippled. fairma in the ric"it-y and God. �'rhl prct.clid' to think th(l. - Ferent his wife -and ill b ve been "Ititing in 'How. v and Int C.0 jj�ySl 'IS k-tr _e will be sold che-.p and- DO e *y. teruti, as the ptop-,le- ly as possible - ill 'langliages t:lqt !irlst,was tile King -- Or 6 anxiou�g to retire. Apply ou, the pululs". 0 the rt�4gion of the Lord es , nevo ard CA Michigan, r Paul's positi6n.' I bade my guide o'f the Jews. �y address Chis-lhun�t P1. 0. J_A.�1133 C)NN.70 to the brain. They a. -ort tWt J. B. UcLev FrejA391A, x1prc-b P. G. Thoniat R% Pro. 1 ARM aw islyour 'time to Oick t 11 your F reendil Bruectla. 0. ; Thll jg. ;apeYll T, priator. Ill me &lid tilke away, t1w light� I P Ill vire bootIg thf) gospel is 'only j,olic of the s'�il- in ll T We as Old Fluvllt ol reba. Heafalth P� r;. i, W. 0. Broad. old i, wallued to �alolle- A4 tilt, gruide Torquay And Co z are the arm- your farm, Inispel of Lill Salliiorjh p. 0. l%Lj,t1ar1Ic LLcre.q fit o mowe 11, reapers, p!ows, .2tolves., C-60, drills f0t, '"ll MSTAXLRY FoTx SATZ.-Fo.- i3pte, Lot for 11� left the loneli bectinie kippallijig. oslf in he United Xi Nom;� 2 .. shallow. efln men, sent' 111, S - 9 1 vl ajadj buggy gearis, pfowpGiat�­ horse Q And thewest halt of Lcit8, cattle 11th cone lilitiate" ' Fva the the dopartin foot- iri r mean I em OratUre 1 52 7 W.G. xroadfoos, aeafrrl Jobno. orlave';W (Is' hildren. bold it s!on, or Broila= L Ina, of Stinlev t-�l women and sivk shoea indes inf - Tdia Ill c aot any'kinsi of old iron. li�ror; Geotge Dr -le, lileil tains, 160 aerp, all ni a ke those prison John Bannail of whieh Is i3le-tred, exeept fou� They Iltssert that. the '�Bread of Life "Palm acres. It is in a state l iftirst-alass cwtivall w-11 Nil tho Illore awful I), uld hottoloss- forwhich W pay 45-, per 100 lb-,.: bin; Jowee'Evrwall, BIesbwol IT -011112 WA - moth Pit l and all unde-rdrained,mostil Is onlY fit. for Uiv One rpose of be, -with wa. Tnere t Ty �As* th disap- io bring our rags.,j rubbers, copper is a, large f rame dwelllnj� howe rinles j - y I.Ppen James C.)jnt_jn. q g iod a3 now, ill rolled up. into ha i Is boilere lead, wool piokiO borse hair, ite Is 10 io (fizlrkness rush�,d in. nd - > H G �U E. THE SF LAS N H Ut1h)d a' one f0unl and vollar large b-ilkik birn I) be fed to invalids ;to calm and tu .-key feath�rp, shetp,Ekins, bones, etc. 'Bob*. BMIth. BArlok; F. Mill seatl ,abling underaoxli, a I d a to like liv- stone s* pellots t 11 umeransathar Is U *C C James cultriming Egtictidy fj, butildlitige, inal"djag a, I pig h.)Uqe. Omit- nvrves Nil thek are ory sick A idi the. blood' ng p Two good hi- (-oals of, f14, into my t1irobbi, t Writ ij Min i ed tllii Gi od p6cleg paid for is 1168. vt�lll 0.; George )iliurdia d ;,ohp scoffiti fLIthy ki neys orcharl of e1joil tru; , i nice chide %:I.d orria. il Unhe' are the 81� Thera ard twa swiag creek% ruaninz brain. Thell 1 in in inatio Ridletle rill glishull ment%t tree' ri caus bhrou#kthetarm andplouty of �jbla to .41tudy every SCL- of 'the acid b I �Iaril" desire= to evel jn^uy&n= r, yea good water all the thought I crot C'hin-, by th4 lone of th( 11105t, le ftraordiu tales there If the Lidneyi5a'M HARLEES SHER -0other bovineo viiii be prom7ey %Mndod. to) j b, I msvk0s, DhlxmW� schra-'s. Poat offi 3e, etc , and good d V round utt�o,ut f r '-.o and law, almly.and tel i ( au -ted ,x, U c -ento 11 gl is 11i uil n by as- th y should- they would PPlIftfil tO bUT Of the Above wttie.M *ddr4p"i -V Puml It Is weil sitaill for iro-aring rivl into,t] 0 Wall EL lit- ly and int.elligmtly, and e fi�er im a bouj E boly t a re not reign-,rs ma,, thli 'splashi4 4ouse" S rair the Ujic' Acid out Oppirsibe- G. T. R.'Station, and ban gravettl leading tromit In all direatiawL lb Is able to ilitelli to the 'he withloview of Lake, Hil an gelitly inve-qtiga U boatale.-An be ivell to tile Ill by I'lie'flarig f the system land rheum&- seen Paselog', up and down from the house. This ill raligion of t�ie Loll(i :0� -A. :W l r -r :0: Qllecofthobkt equipped farms i , and Jcurnal 11atile IL 18 An ,ri t sm i �,ouldtll occur. Rbeu-. :and w4D t3 If thi, Bible does liotil satisfy tht, ll IOUs will besold ft e3sy terms, as the propriellor r latism is a "aive suo-Ur al to weak eyes wero I no idney Dis- rdreonacaountollIthl Applyorlthnpren�j. tt-llect. how CE1,11 yoll LICOunt for tIlt. them- writer in the L)cr 1 gravely nt-Irmed e ase. Dodd's! idney Pills sea, or adrotis. Bla SUIVILl's to Catch 0. So t-, fitet thot it. bas the d- of thel 'his readers t1aa hr t e suburb- ot Lo n- :Er± rx 0 RENEW cutiollor, Who t, ave made a reat part of ED. C4 Lllij� A iniration of th- gvealt',st ihinkej-.,3 L)f and near- dou were hcll�cs where I Oc...;iten It eir reputati "ring Or Lu; tjjj,� �kmi my guide '0 r el, 01 RU FOR SALE 1, in th Tow t h i If bol which ac� up into mul;is retftiled." 1! 10 Wese Rheu atism. 1 So get at 1! ship Gt Tupkerswit 1. a 3. 100 acr,,s l l LLi ,Is Christ.' dous ni:)t bear tile in with tho lanterit W)PTOnc! 0 No neofsalty of ied tile hole. kil rem FprlrL7tl0thes if you oncegaim 3. 100 toi� D E t 0 IV, E land, red, w uses men Ill accusto ned �to ftourt t1le Cause 6f hose fearful thetlic iu� Tbeij in jjjjtgjlj,�jti0 Will send yourlast yenyle suit to he a ell, un -,q. alned. ion of the mit�d, 'how was it LL U-11 Uiv I)Osei*oj farm for gral or atoc all re �Plendld t jg&t guide it) buntilm 1: t for th Shoot �nLr gal. and stiff, to a lcwj a, ru7n-n p ur being F spring the whole r-ju t rou t "hat ,-�ir lvilllmn Tnnes, the greate,.�,t: t.0 execation- There is ar . Albo splashed Nvith wdd. it) g7 Jotntsr . KS brary. Ink %ra, iuexr y ne, on the flarm 19 a upleal I"* Cal a litimill, cl-kit IIIIIIIELU tjt�ijjk W110 Vie, -hich is 6Ox64, with etme 9 lin re way - "These cu,iotlE, -,tablislim t$ are. 0 le su Old elothes made to lih aCaesar says undnaeath. c0litil e rewl. Also frame house 2 and ki a's chad 1846 'with differ ut -e!la. Thii pr). thoit I art provided. with nal if�ls of And eatlefactlen gulrait-teed. All wool goods gnar- celhr,aad two good ;A -to die. l lip: Como Pert�Y i'll situated In a very del i I'll! (1lu. little! tim, bilt priielpally of, Oae undred young men �an'ied to qualify antill dw gh e good satisfaj�rjon on shrrt..Sli b&lce Do" �it ocality with old Jew,al those co a cijAU is, i "I JDAL A for 06 LIOng at stonograpleirs at the ev'rFAIDIl At moderuW pril Flesse 8FkeRuVA VIVO' tOlds bo market, only 31 m1ted to 1 " %x0t; Me Q1011PIL11rusTand am o swered in a w best. T �e I zzl 2 of I I I I , dIl Issil tj give me a c i . owk thougH III -Ill voice, Where tlue 111 111.111 . is -,A Saaforllh� Also a good dw.l house ia S�afl Ovillion that this book, independen "And iioNi MLJVU fill. Butter Al eggs taken q WIL-Xel Lr work. ? n th TH UANADA 7BUSINSSS COLLEGE, situated On Mleman street, oiode 1140 ready to be offered." tLe mild fis to,aucted il st SI6- ft .0 2 victl Park. of its divine oricrin, tains WorO Thevisiult I),[ lie conquest r1oUS -HENRY NICHO ThIs Ixeliss Ill composed of a I -d, is i mantit, - imftg1i able; th al.-teiid- CHATHl NT. I -ln&ke rooms well finisha 1110, "Ity, more iti, plenty of hard and awt water and k sublimity, purer r l I %tchen: 20x16, 7 of wrong byer �-Ight. 11"11 P Iti I vision was rl31kt 150anl dh are to olng 1792 1) vut, strains 4 1 co ut.r, sir, aut i,,,,ui,,e with gsntry�and wAalx 0041'athohed, and a g i �§,j Irtrom what Asy g _Ppotlta'th LaundrT� Xor!:4- Main Strott. 01ile bogging cr y ung inen tolei mthog _qod porlant history and R er 01 ha.t of woods ed.-A'good stab*e 21.x _-j Lt t W e ha�e now. IM9 time, It U time, hirelings do yoll �v to be sup' osed Lave 19. All of tilts ropertY collected froni t Kidne enogra ore one, triumphin6 ove 1� U, Od's- iii �sseugcrs. rnuall be sold as the uarlar4.fued 6: tulwinKn eloquence thall call bei e iven U M10. callA n:td E0 tile United Stitql All partloulars coneerumi-, this all other books, 120 Mixtter in svha4 Scene just returne( ?' 'From the C ur ty of: ,e,,d nh.0 umber keeps inciteasicip ol tr the best t1lb Selpolid.—It lis midnoon. fleld we rif to-o.sy for. b, CA 6 a y0at MONEY tO LOAN 1� ; -SIA JIM It lai1guage they may h4ve been writl' i r teadea I I . : property can be had by aoplyin- [DOW g at TuR F_yP;)sATi) lient! l ram standing 1 upon. - tbe top of the sports in there- r4A ten�, s Well. Uti- for pa. tl�culars ALd c4i;alog e. 401aey 110 loan at 44 per nerst On-mixi farm 01c" tole Mee az to the prep(Ittor, J,111Ej KEFjou givixt orth C�iisvuhk, D e, upon. takes a eat o woolon harse &re a, D. Me CHLAIN -& CO.# fir 17524f i P]. : I rib A13ply 0 JAB. L, XILLoa" Sarl Ertl -OrOwded t6-(. liv hinse le S, t r )w sel ed ir ud J th(,4 r 100,')'�'L d If this :Qt4lg 0 ' up 40es �ot appeal t Al �A C2 inq tf Chatham,; 0 t. T A t Jl­, j