HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-11-07, Page 8E
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t itl n When to see the barri laid o.heyl �hsd lamps on when word was to ved that the
'ten days in
ent to thab ioutitry h had to OFFERz. their bioyoles, an th h d �avie h4djA do d fondant should pay $36 21 o; Fashion has
go eon to 64rra 5pon A B-1' coil
A Farmer's ght Nunn &POOR to W
7 p
2rik a,70 the W44 from 8 wooni, not -think the acei it would have ocouired. ja 1. The defendant 6a �he a thy of a
agiv By to D dei
Persons are too apt nowaday to claim dam- g eat many, w k the veFdiob rather
ovet a ho thin
whic took orning
mont but it c
from Dawson Ofty to Vairna..—Mr.
DISTRICT MATTIMRS. back to wa: onithe road nly louqoenda a A TEINPITING OFFER ages from bhe townsi r a cidento caused so, ere.—ReF. Mr. McLean bomplated his
lips Said FUR`%?*
ove. through their own : gii a 0, and I think 37th y6ar as pastor of St. Andr� *'a church,
11y; of the municipalities should d a the railway on Thursday of this week, There are very
D. IRell ?.nd Mrs J. Twitoball and
ry Chiiatli
W. C.- T. U. 1TEms.—Eve
3t' Imi3i
woman who loves her home Hen all, spent unday ibh their, pther, mvanies do, allow the co r j to decide. few pastors preaching now that started at
and longs to Times are good this fall sI money iw -00
�Mrs, C. Goldin of Sei4fortli.—M as' Cluff JOHN 0. MoRnISON. I the name time he did, and still fewer who
ploutif al. We intend taki dvintag
ittiorIest enemy has i hown as a eautiful rose bud which she .1�01; increase have been In the one charge so long. W anb�edo
guard it against its b
bar-room—is invited to joba in prayer lot a of these gi odl times to la'r ith- Our -Qualities iar
The Family Treasure !pickidfrom�a �rnbing rose. bush she was o lit a doubt he still holds the hearts of the
ITOR. We Sbdom-
blessing on the temperance Iriterature n w the cireale ion of THE Exp" tion, which is TH]
tyin ,,up on - W� dnesday." R)sa Ilooins on
a ;: L young and old of his congregaI
being circulated. Prayer meet b want to gi it up to the. Five Thot'isand NOTES.—Willis Carrick, son of Johii Car. so them, eve readeri,
me n D n 11 he' h of No7eInber are atariety even in steady increase, his woo
'We It v a ad the nob3h by 'he lab of Jana rick, while playing at school, had the mis. For our skill cann t portray, 1
fs a combinatiqn coal and wood ut of Mothodiit ohurch,o h clearly shown by the Come and a
Shall we our lubrious c imate. If tha' pre ent,. mild this objec in view, we wil��;'Yjive WTHtF. church ranking fourth in the county. Our
November 12, %t 4 o'clock. 0, jortane.to, fallo brea ing his j *ust above
stove of latest �d eign. sembo-4
cook P h al a, ave I in ied
Wea er contin es, we may, F br to New Subs,3' *bars from the elbbw. ly wish in that he may continue in health Half,the wortilliner,
Exposisor miss I remains
becorrie " a, nation; of women drunkarde,"I an 7 ellsi Bol still In our handsome ardisiplay.
lAdy Henry Somerset says of Engiano th'r rop of. r4apborriei and ill and under the d tor's car .—Mr. Leland and be able to preach for a great many
A roomy fire place for -wood, this ar.—Mr.� John Mi Intosh was In Lou- NOW UNTIL JANUARY PI'IRST, 904, has once ve into Sodom, where lie yearo.—Miss McNaughton, of Stauley"'who
God forbid.—Co.v. more mo Lambe ab play, amid seals i ad al minks STOR
fam � �Iuin
th 6k�' - Miss Annie
don is we' �6ttendinj the Sifton trial. GI Up nee him hsabeen visiting her, friend y
FOR ONE DOLLAR will remain for a titile. Must add richness ore -.t lay via—
Mr. d Mrs. 0. Graf ha Taylor, for the past week, renaered a beau -
special lining for' coal, special a narrow as- 50 ft.
USINns CHA.Ncm.—Mr. W. A, Crich, of , il bao -Colone; Clookeyipaned through
B a on the price of one yea k again. ' Ere they match those farm that gladden
'Cap. from bpingsuffocat es 96bioriptign.: tilul solo in the Presbyterian church San -
6 3' com ga
Bruenle, and a former Seaforth bot has town one day Isaf week.—Mr. Box. or., @,nd
Every heart that comes Ito buy.
the sooner grand -daughter have -left on a visit to his 1.00 ft 14�
MY I reoi:iint. Mr. Send! itlyoOr names at -onceI
lining far wood. Large venti.
archalled. the bakery business of Mr. AkthuO Tue eventag. Be )re it coal- day evening, with grand Offect, ahowing�
Grei fined the 4arnme is usual w tha- better.1 that she has a clear west a.— Mr.
Rlbert and has taken PObOOMIOD. *r.�. son in Soxfortb.
copper reser- a former �emzident, oic
lated steel 0--iI and'olosed oft t4e raug to. , In the nkorn John Young, who is
Crich has also purchased frdw F. L. Wipie. Dy son sen ing us th names of t
..To a
ey fou'ud 6he* house
the stock and fixtures of the Royal Cafe,; han they Own, a, it 'now trayelling for a Didion ex ar house,
n CIL" 0"
Cr% BeIgTave- inf
Prfpnf. 2A Briahtest Tiuts t Aut
C P V�LIOLI gM, n r W . I I i -
135 PRIS, %a
Iva y� 1% V so
and will move Mr. Colbert"s stock across the A PRosruRous - CHURCH. - — he Presb
ill ft om -t to for 0
street to the store racently 1 occupied by Mr. he ade:j me time, but. is of our
baker and heater. ;I 'terian I
For sale b t, at at th ire rate, accompsini�d -by I says Oe' of our t country
y Willis. Mr. Crich is having the oven � th now "cover —Rev. r. i� H&I he Already the forests a -a beib digrobed,
one time of the eaforth Methodist 00,811, vill send a clear r ceipt for �charges is:that of Belgrave ano"East Wa- I
hly renovated store improve tor -w I wanosb. Daring the bibsence ofthe pastor, Beautiful we�thor for taking up of their goril"us An umal cojitamex The
and t4o chu h� died; at. Watford on a OTE&— f
is a ay is bei g pros edl Every tree , was bl, bin
oul fixed up for his businees. He SITOR for one�,��year I Rev. J. J. Hastio, in the old country this nu sh- Tuesday. H THE EX th root .61 top. —A lot of� with the
CHESNEY SMILEY1 Me I jyeair� of age. —M. a, Armatoong, ac- ality.—Gi,�r beauty of t
ing business man and a first-class bakerand wo's last summer, the manne We 0ainted and in this loo a Pearce', 7th li a. he fall. Wild owere were
coin ad by her dauph erAild son Robert, tondil
will undoubtedly do a good business. additional four names t ey h q put fi1p a Dow woc ehed. Mob. M Ina aslep. but golden leI
and for as �h' papered and a new fence erI At Cal. ith mriad
leav W-dayj' Hday), ! r. Poaadena,� Cafi-' a in eIveF done our
SEAFORTH) send us, will give them vin, during the saI time, the churohw"re- h the contrant. —Just a month until he other hues greeb the dirte-
forn � where t a wt I reside in future. T�e vo a on 'prohibition. tion. The infectio ias Bpr�ad to our tons of ze
MEmuc WmoaTs.—Mr. G. F. RoI paired and painted utaide and Inside. We hope thab a ry n
principal of the Collegiate Institute, recen6ly � TI *er4 �io �eted th oughI by Mi. W. ne Dolla. Cash. 11'go out and p It great store. Auro and
to ma who has & vote wi ra
Successors to S. Mullett & Co. largest number t at ever -sat down are 111 -the fei
a- �p received from the Department of Iul I' 'So rv�ill 1. small urn :of money was on ecembeir 4.—The mud hole a giving place to the new Dill in ry crea-
fl foun I On Main treat, on Thursday after- There are, hundreds of- our cribors the Lord's Supper p rt the late sacra- e
Revenue, at Ottawa, a complete Att � - 6 1 . Fl&tVs farm, on the 5th line, in a tions, handsome textiles aind f
Har'dware, Stoves,.Etc. on " ment, at which ova $100 Mae contributed avored
Mrs.-McGonligle. The who, wi L' very l ffo r�' could
metric weights and measures for use in �he I 1100t oll last we4k by to the schernee of the church. Rev. F. H. a to the township, and should have a garments of every ki d. But our talk applying to make MOI y for themselves and do uer
Ingtitute. The set included instruments for i owner ban have jth'e barn b ' leas, 1h four loads of gravel.—Turni 9 drifts to Fare.
7 1 Larkin, of Seaforth, conducted anniversary fhrae or suits. Mr& McGonigl4, North Main street,—Mr. 0. !op in Morrig.—A wedding
good by s�ndi us long lijts�� of new ire n c to I
weighing all kinds of things and for in n i � services last Sabbeit4 at Belgravia. The col. f-0 lis
-thing by the inetric system, d, 9 sore �ind these subscribe oule above terms.I lections on Sabbath and proceeds on Mpnd is woek. Co�he now, what ab Readines for the Demand
very W. R. Smith is pursin ay 2n0ine th o t Our
DOMINION BANK. ju;tgrye dayg.-.4Au adjou'rned meatiag,'of Pile !bowl- We give no cheap chromos ai"�! we I do
complete. As the metric system -of evening put $90 net into the hurch treas- this �st concession.-Mril. Black has been a -
at' Dick"fe hotel on ot club with other papers, butj for bhe. How naturaltbat the rage should turo
Wa�ghte and measures is bei Ing I club will be held It is needlees to say th�t eng1ged to teach in school section No. 3, t
in ng in, troduced, I , , next'al 8- o'clo,4, ;k full accommoi Ation of our subscri4erp, we ury. the welfare to Fare as the season advanced. Wd Evei
d may yet 'become Monday evenin an increase in salary.
CAPITAL (Paid UP), $2 500,000 Nr -0 end comfort of the pastor ai well looked
REST, $2,500,000 the standard in this country, this set be attendance is doeired.-3 fre. Hicks in in Bar- will, On u i ial, receive, subscriptions foV - I
predicted a
lin thin week, si�tending . a w6dding irecep- the usual velakly papers . such! as the after. I in very large fur season
- I - - - i onthe ago. We saw it. c Ing-therLe
a valuable additiod to the equipment if i he , I Gorrie. om In also vioib let daughterI Mrs. Globe� W., noes, Fa�rmers' San, �Londou fore prepared-takeb time you know,
SEAFORTH BRANOH, school, as through it the pupils wi'll obtalia tiOn a I d will I staffa. "died about 5 o'alo4k
Advertiser, arniers' Advocate,! Family Mre. William Carson to L
a thorough knowledge of this system, al J. n, at To onto Miss !Lizzie NOW, we have reaso
We met traps for you whq require Fars. Wednesday morning. . She had been ill for believe that
Kid daughter of the 1 to John Kidd, of Herald, Etesbyterian, Westrnioter,etc.' we have the fi 11
Street, Seaforth, knowledge that may be of much practi 3all nest and broadest izollec-
Main benefit to them in years to come Seaf rbb, was married in Winnipeg, on MyLEAN BROS., PU.BtISH�RS. Once you get among, our Fur$ you are ham- some time. -Mr. Willi�m McKee, Milli tion of telect furs to be fou u�d within a
USIL med in on, all sides with highest qualities, street, is confined to his bed. ----Mr. Jamis
l- : L i . 9
A General Banking B ness trans- oot ek 29,,h, to Mr. Ed;vard B. Stevensons radins of Tany miles. H -ere atJac1 neweeb styles, and lowest prices. We plan- Leech, Mrs. Leech, William Ardell arid
acted. Farmere Sale Notes collected, I of -t at city.---:,N1r. Joseph Shanahan, of eta, Caperines,Rufa,Bows, all the small
west LomL BRiEFs.-Judge D 'I h Id eaning on her father a arm. � The nuptial nsid, colat'ived andIc'ollected the very best George Ardell returned from Manitoba 60
tVj a e r
and advances made on same at lo e a Sagi aw, Michiigan, who died very suddenly piece things, every. beauti.
court here on Friday last for revisio of Mrs.1 John ands were , iied by Rev. J. W.� Silcox,, of Fare that,it:was possible to seonre, so now Friday of last wee.k.-Mr. Riob&Td Rois' thi �g that
rates. the voter's list. The Couserva�ives ad d last 3aturday. �ae a bropher of Eden, assi& I ed by Rev, J, . ylock, of there is no escape for the persons with% some cow weal killed on the track on Friday f- fulandpractical in furs,triade in the
I Richard bix6n, of r oi uner of ek
Drafts sold on all points in Canada, Moh,ann, fir', and Mrs. Ir vil beat in& in -and p6ltries from
er Straffo i la a All have 22 names and the Liberals '9, .1 The for rdville. The hearty o ngrabulations' Far ideas a few dollars and who know bona- ternoon �f last week:. -Some o the bes he United States and Europe. 1 this ;own. lie �,had been enjoying his ursual the hands of
were represented by Mr. Holm -1 of the man Tiands being ova y' fide goodness when �hey see! it. We buy boys are developing muscle and earni g ists betwe-
es�ed, of S r, th Qom,pan
good health up Eo a few days before his ere in the wrld-Leipsic, London, oi
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest forth, and Mr. Dickinson, iof kieter, d deat i, �whicli w 4�9 quite unexpect,ed. 'Court repaired to i 6 spacious d ining room, wh8re "Fare fully _guaranteed, we isell the same. pocket money bel the farmers take �p vill be tini
d I the 4ppe- The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. 1821-1 turnips. -Haroldping wherever the particular fur is known,
allowed on deposits. of One Dollar and the latter by Messrs. R. S. ! 11,ys a large tabl( was sprea , invitin Irwinj eldest son of po t -
of R 3vision for the voter ' list of 'the town- to be best treateed.
Tj oma:nd
Beattie, of Seaforth. 'K 1 125 gu6ats were �prI I The NOTES.—Mra. Ro erts
upwai�ds- -Mr. sh, of Tucker4nitb was held at: Bruefield tits. About on al d daughter, of master Irwin, is with our new tinamitb.--
n-ful accideni p ad a Toronto, are;- visiting Mr. sI Mrs. Bryan, I
R. 8. HAYSS, W. K. PEARCE, met with a pai 0 a day 14kt on Thursday. The iberals d! d 16 bridal party drove to Tilsonbqrg, whet;e the Mr.'T. D. Edgar left ori"S�tarday afterno
Manag wil took the t ' in for � the We Guarantee our !Furs.
week which I lay him up for a while. He newly married couple for Muskoka to eD a two weeks' hun�.
solicitor er. nsmi 8, 'an t a onserva ives 5. Mr.'Cook, in this village. -Hallowr.eq passed away JOY ButiJ
east.. 'Th We wish hi At this point We hav4 occasion, to
was istanding on. a step ladder p Iling app es a numerouS presents of silver, very m succeigs. Bert Doan, ri�iang of - R 310 sall, act for the Conservatives, and weietly around the illage. - Miss
n and money were!� ur some strong wor We want
from a tree when he made a mis step and,i i china,line T. D. Edgar's hardware, business d r, ng t a do I the:
Mr. enry e tie, of Sesiforth, for the valuable 'and Aggi rron'entertained about twenty of Malobin Armstron ink. -it well
believed, therefore wiI th
S falling, tractured some of the one�s in7 neeful. The bride divided her Ilowers be. latter's absencih.;--Dr. Libe I6. -S e6 �servL will be held in St. her Cromarty friends on FriiJay evenin
SEWING MAOHINE leg. -Mr. Jam6a A. Cline, manager, of a tween her wn and the groom�s m6ther. One of M 9. formerly of Biucefield, --h" purchased say here that ever s4tement has been
'-Thor ias' churc next Sunday morning, the r. Elliott's:little boys'llad the mis-
'i a
I I d Ily weighed andl considered. Wp
Owen Sound.Cement Works, as in, town King's irthday Many f rien� 11 wish the young cou Ple a 10,39, for tune to fall-off a v;agon ono day� last week, Spence's stock and pract�ice in Fordw carefu You must
oh this week calling on 9, number Of his did I i �
W. N.-WATSON, North Main Street, happy -and I rosperouis life." s moving to that burghl We eon seek your trade on tho ground of yonr
badly hurting his Ieg.w--Mrs. S. 'Pollen, of gratula a
TH. L Owen reliance on our truth, so now we stat�s
SEAFOR friends. Mr. Olineikes iving in I I the doctor on his Eelection of a location.
Sound and says it handsomest NOI TICE. — tch�a, make from conjungin i Farquhar, pent a few days ast week with
I have on hand, a large and -well assorted is one of thd Lumlev. her parent" Mr. Victor Wiggins, . the' i)opular clerk n We guarantee the Furs -we sell,
Miss k. Roo Me over _iv. X. Watson a office si� Mr. 9nd Mrs,' Bryan.
stock of first clas RaY- and most prosperous towns in: Canada. -Mr, R --Mr. the Glasgow Hodse, is sufferink from a sore wiChout a hesitationi simpily'beeauie
a sewing. machines Main �ain, Street elkforth. NOTES,— uite a number from this vicin- 3arge f 'thei Epworth
j Kennedy will have �h
Chrie.,SparliDg removes with his family to hand: -So far November has been very mildf. one of the very be t manuact r1nK
Mond, White or Goodrich, In Cabinet. Drop A $20 000 std lc� to s9'Iect- from. Butter 1 ity ttended�the funerl of the Is te �amuel League topic on Thursday V6niDg, which
Edmonton next week. He shipped his. far- 'Mrs Charles -Mr. Robert Young, bricklayer, is work- firms on the continen guarantees them.
Head and covered machines, prices ranging 16c, diied'apleg. 6ci� G. E. King, Wingham. Madge on onday last.- is "The Beat Gif 'f our
niture and efrecte this week. Mr. SiDirling 182141 'St' Ing in Fordwich this week. to us. Whei back guarainte
from $925 upwards, also a few good second usirt is 6 . the sick sM r. William
Bk ? Why, you money back �f
ins the staff of Mr. S. Mulle4. in 9d m011n_ eav f or 'Munro, of Fillarton, visited friends in this Uke
hand machines which will be sold cheap for 10 New stock Goo, Slater sho
ton, and with whom he waa'e ployed here etT. courseii You must satisfied ere -6
cash. All machines. fully guaranteed, and men j63t arrivred. i1he nicoet,you ever sAIL-Wi. Saniples vicinity last �veek.-People arbu d heie are BUBEZES.-The farmers ate at their tnr Renskill. &Ie
for many years.-Mre. S. Barton returned in ou�, soxith wind v W H ' Willis, sole agent for fook.upon the a �omplete. just
proper instructions given free, of charge. 01 fini:hing thfir tnrnips and houseelbanillig nips, and an:excellent crop they are too.'
home on Saturday night afte� a pleasackt Gea, 1. shter ehoq� �nd, dra�by rubbeks. 1821-1 G.J., Sutherland, conveyancer for He
.Dealer in needles, oil, sewing machine at- I the a fine d ya. I
w sall, bias had placed in his hanae for sale a very ca n- finmediatel
visit her son,at Niagara Falle, ind ith Ur A 3ompetent irl wa4ed, highest wages Several of -the farmers here I have between 9 iuf):( )t
tachments and parts, Bicycles and Cream forbable and weU planned bridk dwelUng In is go)d
one and tw'o hundred loadi.-
C daughter at Tilsonburg. �Sh� had tie paid. Mro. F. H. sirkin. 1821xl Norman in a 1
_�e 1 - i Iocstli6n, with nice -lawn, walks and garden Go)d
Separators. neral Fire and lAfe Insur- Whitechure.4. Go*dy, of the burg, son of Isaac Gowdy ,
noes. and
ance RL ride of pleasure of attending th makriage of a V. Knechtel 11 kinds of furnace and all modern con'�twe will )e a long coM
Yeat. Risks affected on all ki a furni- Our Jackets in the Foregroun4
grand 11aughter at each place.-Comman! ture. 1821.1 A LIBEML COLLECTION.- a Presby. left for Clifford last Tuesday, where he will soildata very reasonable price. Intend g p Ir- property at loweat rates. Houses for sale n Oh, the joy and comf:)rb obtained fro
terian ofJaeb week says: Th� chasers will be given full partliculars. Also for s le
ervic 0 1 nniversar IN
and to rent. Office next door to Queen's, 11 es were held in the' �resbyter n SH T, OFI� 1111E Lfail`TS.-The Electric y ork in'thexioted ',' bargain house" of LH. or to rent triame stores on oo central location, on a handsom; FurJack(t. Iva the pet.
ices in qonnection with thd 1A b1techurch Echonswell[er'& Co'd.-R. G. Nay had part as .. ayments apply to Qk
Hotel. church on Sabbath last anfwere conduct d Vght Zlompau-.� hav' ng established a niorning servi 10 y teI As to prices an t feet fib f our jacket 3, combined witit
by the pastor, Rev. Mr. I;aqkin. Twenty. wouldi be oi-lijed t6 their patr6ne if they would sbut congregat*o were held on Sunda 7, October of his house veneered labt we k. The work J, Sutherland, conveyancer,,.. sall. 1811-tf
off 11 the 11ghts th" do not ribiquire In ihe Morning, the faultless ]Style LE Did a reasonabI
9th We W. J. it Clark c f London, was done by John Deitz, of lifford.-J. J. T-ORE.".-Afirst-chms'! ickstoretorent,
seven new members joiaed,'bhe church n on tah" prQvlous eyoninz. 1821-1. 0 price, that ruslies thern out so faso
NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. this occasion. -At -a recent meeting of t a, Ste, cd In filing and evening, a A the pas- Montgomery delivered some enty- head of Bit"at, On the Main streetI6 the village" of Henuall,
1630 - war an& G. M., Dunn, in the aftrnoon. flne steers' in FordAc known as storeLN 1 of the Bpfl Block, which from the moment sellin commencea�
a8H ch0c0- t o r, 10, e v. 9
Webb's'high ol ;P kch I a 'week. They who carried o Tote's simple variety to elloose fromo
board of governors of the Toironta Western lates 4nd bon bon� In boxes 1 and bulk, always recently ocoupied0by F. G. Ar#oldt
hospital, Dr. J. Henderson McFaul, son of �r Bsy Ree�taurant. , 1821-11n Thou h guff A-ing from a v cold, were bought by a farmer fro�n oin too-youremot confl ed to :one styleI M
stock �t 11 oyst r v ne of the 3ral store and millinery bu�ineos. , It is one o
Erk. ached with 'a ance southern townships For feedibg purposes. -
Mr. grasittacUp Ne" best business stands in thei plum and his a A
uy your wk idow sliades and -curtain with id*elling rooms on t
Attend the Best—it Pays. T.0 L. McFaul, of this town, was elected io B and effect.. This year 'thel c4ngreg'ation Arrangements are j being made 4o start a claaa collar and Is fitted Whatever's new and1populair is bere�
the staff of attending physician and stir- poles !rcru V. HneOxtel. �821-1, secondflGor. It isavery ooin�ortable building a, and there's nothing h re to press er'1 11 IL � . 1. . - made anew depature in doing iwaI !vrith beef ring on the 14bb, theI and 17th Is-pir"cally new, having been erected only g r
geone. He has also been appointed medi( ELI Nic:eooay8ii?' ers, juliets aiters, laced M ng -and- coneessionp. A meeti d ab years ago. It will be rented, fq .& term of years a a you that iewt,
� i 6tc., for IIA16 Lovely new Vill �ve
examiner and inspector of the Metropolit in the usual iday evening tea -m aeti 29 Mr. get tupplie,
boota in fe e de d 'raise the necessar5 reasonable renL. For further Patticulars dress t
Life Insurance COMLpemy, of ow York: f )r goods niade to keelh the feet �rarni. W. H. Willis, 11 eavorea funds b James Wright's on Friday ii�ghl,-The
ere i prnprietor, ROERT BELL, Soatorth, or The Smaller -ties, P1
ent for Goo. Slaiter �hoes nd Granby rub- eew 11 offe g. In respo 0 a ply 6
r, it on t Furs r beau
the whole city of Toronto, west of Yon Ye nee o )he paitor's Howick council hav Mai he sokially to G. J. SU-THERWD, Hensall. 1814. t I-asts will b
bers. 1821-1 under coi I
jappeal the 1. revious Sunday, orn the ords advisability of constructing a l'br dge acroart. and there's lots of t4em. I
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. street, Lambton Millsand, Weston. r. vy CouRToPREvisioiT.'-The Cona for t'a
am arne vote, L �, list,
Fo single )and to 89, horse 'She bath dDlne what she could the Jree� the lake. Many of the farmers the 16th revipion of Hensall r was held o Women- w
M.cFaul has many friends here who 11 li�o are thi ing of a headl
Recent graduater, have accepted good pool- I blank to, robes. whIps, etc., we Ca EaVO YOU MODOY will offering *mounted to $250 1 and 17th concessions hairdbeen n
unite with us in congratulations on t is nd fur, wil certainly see
tions at $40, 45, $50 and $60 per month. at Br ericks harny.,39 iahop,: opp, site Commercial 't&t'ng for Monday last, before His Honor Judgq Doyle.
8 lipward career. -The C)l- hotel.1 this for some time. 'It will gre I deqreame grand asso tment 'if ey come to
evidence of hi H. J. D. Cook, barrister,:of Hensall, reptle� th
[Chia is the kind of evidence you are lookin the distance to Clifford, bub I L hardly
ve Varna.
9 onial Moving Picture Company, who. 91 Fatmers, whe� you pluck our fowl, don't nented the Conservatives, and J. iG. Stail- departmenp-north a otion of store
logue free. f a away, bringf them to ry, on;
for as to the best school to attbnd. Cata-. AwNivER YSERVI sary obable that it can be built for some time bu barrister, of Exeter, the Liberal TherI there is to b
an entertainment here on FLiday evening, throv�l he eathet Charles pr seen, the
14tb, inst., are spoken of ih the very high- Sher, eaforth, sn&get cash f6r th4m. 1820-2 service's in c i *ction with at lessi.k.-There is a lob of thre hing to be There were in all 52 ppeals bafore t e- varied assortment of �Ieg%jiib 'Furs w
the! Presbyt rian
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. done a
eat terms of praise by the press in all places W on youiget through ith the house. Ohurch will )) held on Sunday'Nove bar round here yet. The B ikley Bros. Court, 30 of which wer:by Conservativ B. have ever bad the pleasure of sho A ta-b!
where they have shown. In a clean let me'kn4w and I NIilfl c nie and take away Nth, when Rev. J. L. Murr have- 3 or 4 weeks' work ahead of them wing+
everal pla es 9 a , of ki� car- ao ' - The Liberals appealed to pub 11 names o I r price *t
41 tly 60
your go, etc. Obhrles Sher,,Sea ortb. 1820-2 Mr. 0. Baikley, or., recentl No d' -his farm AlWayo
they have been invited for a second r- 4ine, will pro koh both morning al A evening. and succeeded with 9. The Conservative$' YOU Might Profft b�, this
f ormance. -Several citiz6ha � complain d BRicK HousE FOR SALE OR �ENT.-SiX On the fol,qw1ug Monday ivening,' Dr. to Mr. P. Milligan, of Clifford, for $6,000.
lar e rooms, hall?jl �-Iotbes appealed'to put 21. on, and they got 11 o 3 If you have yourwn !%interest athes,14
We Xeep Moving. bitter] t ih r (3108 t9, P ntry, cellar Mr. Milligan has moved to,, tha n w home
urray will deliver his well known lecture, The Libbrals appealed to put 10 off, at
y of depredations commit ed on ger whole huuve,� furnac ad and eo16 water you will become famll�'hr with our do�
I un and is at work with bin � ow --The Dixon
promises on 11alloween night. It is al.pi The Yellmrstone P�rk, the Wonderland r. I
Y new cement well, 6 ne'o rn'r lob in good succeeded with 6. The Conservatives 81)� Y04
Our stock is underselling all competitors that on such occasions youths can t lqcati�n: How be on Ing to. W, Prenderguit. A (if America ' SpIlecial music will be furnish- Bros. got a new engine the otbe - day, to re- ings day by day, and realiZo that
pealed to put 9 off, and succeded with 7. can never better our o�ers and prim.
er way th n r of the Seaforth'Trabyterian There were a number of double appeals.
amuse themselves in some oth bamatn can be n tts property. Apply to J. L. id by the cU place the one which went up short time
In Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Br�oohes k Hilfo n, Scafor b. 1820-tf ago. -Turn. Scott has the mono?oly of the
' '�y destroying property and annoyl�g church.
Chains, and other articles of jewelry. Our LOCAL BRiE)Fs. -Mr. G. 0. Patty, one A chopping trade now, and is ikept hustling
reputation for fine, goods, low prices and innocent citizens. If parents would ;look NOTES.- r. WilliamFoote, 9)'n of 'Mr. the wardens of St. Pa0s church, was a
after their children more carefully tbe're Hi: ix!s GREATI� CE--NIE-NT, ILL. -A large Jdbn Foote, 4�ho ban been in the 1 gold6 each Saturday and Wednesday. He charges
honorable dealing, does the business for us, would be fewer complaints of this kind number of oapita�llists expe to and others f the Klon�tke for the pa elds four cents per bag. 'The rot in the potat ngeroolllas't week attending the lay war. The
and we endeavor to live up to our name. ab four years, re- ention of the Church of Englan 1.
The organ recital in St. Thomas church, who aire interested in th' P rtlatiA cement urn has done inoalculable d ound
We carry a well -assorted stock, and every on in ad last week. In speaking i 0 his ex. here. I -Mr,. Robert Bullard has added to thes ?. The
Monday evening, was very m duatry, visited�i�'the city[ o::: 'Hall last !'week erience of the cold weather, haL 8 iya e has n many fields fully the hslf the Uhis dwelling, by having it nowly
article is warranted as represented. uoh enjo i pearance o
dience. The tubers are worthless. i Et IV�F, 4 U4�
Repairing a �peoialty with us. a fairly large an organ sel C_ to view the properties ce tly purchased een the. theinometer register 85 � �greee be- ainted, thework being done by Mr. Jol �n are the best,
there by tbe-ilvtornatiorial P)rtland C�ment
tions by Mr. T. J. Palmer were well . re a. w zero, an( � they have had to, ci �'t through 9teazy.-Mr. John Caae'j who has been ei
I i Blvth.
dared and seemed to be much appreciate 3. Company, Limit4d. Sote of thei visitors even feet of cc to get water. xcept for "gaged in the grocery and seed business for a Dry Good$
Uounter's Jewelry Establishment, were irectors ot bhe great National Port -
Well rendered vocal solos were also given slight cold dontracted on the ho a trip he BRrkm. Miss Lou Proctor,,ivho has been, number of years,. has secured ;a very goc
8EAFORTH, by Mrs.,D.. J. McCallum and Miss Piokar land ement Co., Durhath i)ntari6, and are looking haa and hearty. -Mrs Plolkard, at home for the 'Past few'weiks, left Mon- situation in Toronto, where he intends goft g
C4th's Grea cash
and by Messrs. Walter Pickard and R also i terested ih large- poi ipanion ia the f Holmeavil ), accompanied by. Ur son and day morning for Toronto, whre � she has kst
W. R. COUNTER. Manager in the near futare.-Mosars. Joseph Ellis
Peters and selections by the choir. Rei,'V. UnitfdStates. Muchintereetwas'takenin vl o a 6 Y, 3 92 t
aughter, vi4: ted at Mrs. Chas.- L)gan's last secured a good situation as stenographer.-, -and F. W. ISmallacomb have been shippitig
n MW d quantities Dr Goodsl Store.
Mr. Iff od gins presided. - Mr, MoffathaarO, the P r0P013iti0 , 411 unli of eek. -Mr. � )liver Keyes, travOler 'for a Rev. Mr. Rdmunds entertained the y
,ay. a large quantity of onions during t
young aw
w �ev.dehce e*pe
Renderson's Photo moved to the new residence recently ereotld raw material 'ere in, rt, ondon whOessile house, Is open Ing a' few people of Trinity church last Wednesday past week or two.�Messrs. Duncan &�d
by Mr.- Joseph TyeIrman, on North Ma�n ansly is of the material Oh i�g it to j be of ye sit, the 4ome of hislather.: r. Keyes evening at the rectory. Durin rt Stewart, sons of Mr. . Robert Stew- number of weeks with rela 4 ves and friends. Studio. street. -Mr. R. N. Gilgan, of Hibbert. vv�o the, vfry best. The tranopo tation facilities i a yi�u ng in n of excellent" business quali- ing Miss Flora Watson,.who is saving, was eI of the township of Tuokeramith, return- -Mr. John Willis in 411 a
L)ndon at has disposed of his farm, intends coming to are unsurpassed, as the dub )ut can belship- as afid is fait making his way � to theIront. presented 'with a beautiful pi a. of silver ad ft merson, Manitoba, last week..,- undergoing treatment w,th the, X-raI
Seaforth to reside and � he and r b b both Water and i ail. The east. --Ow n 0 a immense he rector is Mr. N. Pousette, general agent of. tl Wleard b
Full stock, of Mouldings ped o y quantibi of apples and a very touching address. system. We are pleased
a latest
ern p ovinces require an ni it mouli qu�ntib
and Picture Frames Gilgan were in town on Tuesday lookil y ining into the Varna evapo tor, Mr. becoming very popular with the young ()an a Life Assurance Compan , wan in til: a reports that he is reoelvizig omfort thereb
9 of cenlent,'which has to b 7ery largely im- a y y
for a residence. -:-M. W. N. Watson is rb- int, the ge Bral manager, has ad to put people, and 'these social gath rings -draw ill this week. -Mr. W. J. Miller, carri- and it is the sincere wish of his vrry many
Photo Enlarging a Specialty. building and improving the' house on Eal it Porte and the Ottawa Is riob alone! will on four etra hands and get anot ter parer. them closer together. -Mr. h Mae MoBl- V a a friends that the beat results ma., boobtalfi.
Williar street near his own residence and A use ore cement than ea age E. ker, was in Toronto this week o a
on plied byl Ing 0 bar ale of
a Dmpan
be Ile ivdrz* I ap le a day. - roy left Monday morning for oodstocki busit�ess. 7-Mr.%,W. J. Miller is having h
making it a comfortable asant hone HL� h 15, hustling along t � oat office, where
this r eateeme I myor tar 0 a he has'secured a g6od, I a' y job at fine demerit carriage shop nicely partition -
J. P. HENDERSO.NT; Seaforthl nd is h
for some person. -Mr. 1�eztpn a Broai f6ot,,,piu`d W. o accomphnied Ladis' Aliz
1761 Bubolz- h avinj 'it pladiFered t ii eek.-rMr. coopering, and if he likes th( I ce he in- ad ol � for his painters and woodworkers. Gode
r the p 6rty and w )I sed with the L. McC I n- aw A C
dispq8ed of his farm on th Ki ' ell roaI iee: high��,' I 1 09 n -i I of Mr.' *men Arm. tendsmovi hisfamilyinthen a� fature.- 'The', Cases White, ofgxeter, werein the MoNzy By LAws.- iday, the 28th -
pp 70a capen'nes 1-11
south of Egmoudvile, to Mr� Andrew M proap)cts of the' company. the re'tuin abrotig, wVhas been in the t�erch�ntile Miss Floralatflon, one of our most popular villa, �e on Tuesday �isitlng friends. -The the electors will vote on tW m o in by-laws. stock in to,,%
trip t ie party )r(- ]Dined large �num- tusiness in umbo for thi
.THE CANADIAN Lellan, of Hibbert. The farm contains 9 3 past t ree �,eara, younp ladies, leaves on Saturday lor- Win- Miss s Esor's-tt, of London, were in the vil. The first is for the purDpDom of lo ing the
I ber I representa ive cit an
acres and was sold for $3,OW. It is one of 0 iz�i 13 Hull' and t as sold out, and 'is taking &,Ilol�liday prior nipag, where'she will be united'ini the holy lage he first part of this week visiting their
ni of $25,000 to the Godetich an Coin -
Bank of Commerce the most comfortable homes In the town- obta? a, and a vi it'Was ma Of the 4orks t� going weal 0 where� he purpoeo loo:ting. bonds of matrimony to Mr. Rhi eb West, of brob er and their father, Mr. Chas. Eacrett, panyto enable them to rebuildth r fact
ship and will be occupied by Mr. M Lella6 of th( ational. ortland �Ge to Oo.,!Dur- cry,
N e�t obarn, )ntario. !oCool a a level headed, clever busi-' Gleaboro, Manitoba. After i a marriage of H y -Mr James Petit , who has been in which was estroyed by fire
he viiiitoi a 1w ore simply an, fin 1, is just the sort the will pros- they will proceed to 'their �' om'e. Miss tb ago. The second to to enable the mun;bi-
himself and he gets possession on the lab y law weeks
CAPITAL(PAID ULID W coIurliry during the summer and fall
abtoni 3hed at th magnitiddi i df the enter. the Wjelst. Watson, although getting ni riied -away mont is, in expected home very soon, -Mi. pality to take S50,9 1 0
March. Mr. Bubolz thinks oflgoing to Hen- er in' A 0
Eight ME= Dollars $8�QOQ,000. p W wort 5 per cen
sall to reside. -The Elea brio* Light Compi&n� pries, and the 64 mpleten6as of the system William V The Ta(I
from home, received a gre t beautiful anhorn, who W in the employ of preference stock In the Ru ron, Bruce and
Rest, $2-00%000. are now giving a morningL service, which instal'. ad there. pwardai o SICO,'000 stock -,of both will
and useful presents. The eat ishes-of the Me so is. J. C. MoDonell, . had the misfortune Grey. ElectrioP ilway.
n additional convenience to their to her new to in are his hand quite severely during tfie DEATH OF MRS. Si lof w1ce
will be a wan aiibisoribed b membeiva f the:party be- whole community go with her
fore returning ho e. Mi. . G. Nice cogy allippers, , 9 ;ENz -Thai death neafly t
patrons. -Committees have been appointed Courtioe, F ; gliets, gaAers' laced
boots In felt, v4lvel,,etc. j or ladies., ILovely now p has been paish week, while engaied at work. Mrs. Spence,'- .:which ocou --rod o6 Sunday. i3ou. In fai
to canvass the town in the- interests of the of d1iiton, was a so one of t ie party and he
t H. Willis, m is,; suffering Mr. Hannan, of Union� has re -en agO,d evening laeb, --terminsted a I ng and painbil The questim
X general BankiLng business tran- represents the company' Iceep lie feet warm. ; i -
SEAFORTH BRANCH. home.-(-',& tain John'Buie, w
gopds made to home for the past two on I
FZrMsI woollen mill by-law and th6y are meeting 0 this solo agent for GO. A. Slaier shoes and �rsnby rub- from an attack of &tax& l000m(t�, brought with Mr. W. J. Miller, in the rfi-
ustated. Notion discounted, llneafh Her 'aufferings had been intense,
wa hi
atitsintion given to the will be carried by a very large vote if , n t HANDSONE,� STYL10H AND DOENDABLE Although a comparatively yov 11�claim to hal
and special � 1 but -the end was mercifully, quiet sud,pea4e.
with great ou8oess. Io is hoped � the by.la�v western section. 'COM. Vers. 1821-1 on by overwork and anxiety,diel on Friday. nee, t of I his busines'sa.
collection of Sale Notes. ng man, he Mr. Oates, of London, was in the ill ful The deceased loaves three aughtete,
unanimously. -Mr. J. G. Criob, who le t A DouimE W4DD�UXG. r. Samuel Bar- _iURS Oar ��stoek �epreaents just such ban had a hard life, sailing,the flikon since -.,his i reek visising friends here and also 4t Alice, Elizabeth and Hattie, an Ono 130,14i iand see if V
'd-daughtera I St Ma UP .
o this town� had two kinds. Our i Oputation for sellin, good fdro he was a boy. -Mr. S. Gr cc a, Chisi lburst. --:-Mr. R., Bullard has purobasod Harry, who were all wih
SAVINGS BAN K.-Intersixt allow- herea few -weeks ago for New Lisoaiq, ton, t b P� i r m thar an&
ran ry I
sid on deposits of $1 and upwardar. mlarri d last week. One a Miss Barton, yj Jacket or am and Mr. D. Buie, ofChio w rI here at- from Mr. R. Paitersori 'a lot at the rear of tended her assiduously durip,g he t ig Ill-
Terniscaming (Tiqtrict, has returned to town is ba9ked up')y ever aller Fur Special facilities for tranzactFon of ry
for the winter. -wood is still scarce in town of Ni gare, alls, daughte[r f r. William that *vve sell. Youe, Fur neile"Is are here tending the funeral.--ap in Berlin, of -his dwelling. -Mr. J. P. Wells, marcha t ness. Her husband. Uto Henry Spence, -00o 004.
business In the Klondtlis, DIstrIct. andsellers are asking as highas 87 per t the
Barto . Mr. Barton a sides ,son., Concern- waiting for yoti-youi choice from JF&ckets, Detrcdt, has been vigi I g his fir end,Captain tailor, was in London on business died In 1895. Mrs. SpencI6 was! bon in,
Money Ordure, payable A any bank, Issued at the cord for long dr wood, of which th4e t is event the Cat Caperines, I as, Ruffs, Muffe, ifollowing rates -- y ard6ot Jourt&I, of , I W. 1 We Buie, for the past two -weeke,--Mr. Elam the 1, met weisk.-Mr. Contine, of St. Jos pli, Stai township, near
Under kQ .08 820 to NO .1 seems to b-5 very liLtle in 'the country,--� ;igs a Falls, ol October 24�b, aye The bellieve the atcok reprosents just your at les,' e
2 9 Livingstone was in Brantford on business is drawing a large quntity of cement for the daughter of the late PeterI Grant, alarge,
4110 io $20 .10 880 to $60 .14 Small deliveries of anthracite caal �. have jtir!t your ideas of choice Furs' and j - - Nothal
'home f Mr. and Mrs. Barton, A Linwood ust last week. Mr. McWilliams in on a busi- conal ructibn of sidewalks there. -We regret proper ty owner in that se0ion. She b�d
F. BOLUESTD; G. E. PARKES been made by watei at Toronto, Moiitrs�l avenu , was the scene oil a ery pretty wed.: your prices. The E. M cFaul 00, Seaf rth. neastri
ptoTilbury and vicinity this week.- this -week to have to chronicle the death of lived in Goderich since the late of her m4-
1821.1 You tk
souollior. Manager. and some other cities, but none of the ding as t evening, when! thei - daughter,
Hallowe"en was very quiet here Although Mrs. McIntyre, which occurred on Thursday riage, and was well knowniand highly re. -
1624 inland towns have yet received any. -T Elizalieth E., w" units4 arriage
to FA -A-31 901,)). -Mr. James Smith, has the constable was away, there In as very lit- Mort Ing of last week," after a very hort spected. She was -a Pres' yterian in tell' iline, the
apple evaporator, started here this fall,. is Lucie# M PX`0
Galli ger
The't c erriony ww sold his farm, Ion the 9th coricd6sion'L .;o 'about two-tv
I I tie mischief done, in fact, less ian in form-' illnei a. The cause of death was heart fa4l- ion, and until her Illness pfevente'r'
�o 9 1 e� i
In of 'St. neighborh od of Brue- er years, where there have best McIntyre, although tten
k A *'rlble
a large business and is drying a er') three and ure' Mrs. a most constant at dant f xno� i na etfor,med byR v. J.'F, gentleman fricip the only a r i
turning our a lot of fruit. It will be chu
the kme� roh, in the prasie�nc of'relatives ip contains 160 sI and the four ooniabables on the go nearl., r � all ni t. dent of our village for a few -years, w a MRS. SHARMAN"S DEATH.
sela. The far'
I distributing.a larole anin of money and most intimat 6 friends only. After a �ti,,ae paid wal around $5, very highly respected and made ma�
Ar. $mith Quite a number attended the di aloe at y cident, with fatal result, occurred on ThI
In these parts each fall, -M r4.Arthur Forbes, dainty supper t'h�' happy 'Pouple, left for ins 4,ion of thib saw Thomas Tosman's, also the parlds at Mr. frien a, who will miss her genial smile and day evening Us% at the home f Edward
who has been in Montreal , undergoing Chicago, amid t6 congr&614tions 'and good THE OpRomfleZ BRIDGE AcII -In last Charles-Hamiltan's' Mr. S. 6AIeI and kind manner. he remains were interred WI am;
GALT ORNIA POINT, P, . 11 SharmOD, East street. Me the f, fl
second operation on his eye, is considerably wishe.� of their rhi6iny frielAs, They will be Veek's Exposl�oR,,& writer, un the �ead Mr, A. Steinheffer. All report ll�ving had. in th) Bayfield cemetery on Saturday. last. were at the supper table Mrs. Sharm-
Improved since his return home. He hopes 0 hogne about Novembe at Linwood ol! " Correctic P'," tries to explain he cle an enjoyable time. Probabl . yt, I a young peo. The aneral I service at the house here and at rose and went -to the adjoining room for somis.
that it will come all right in time, bit his even The se0ond maril;ge was that of &6oident at Gieve's brid a, on I a nigh of ple were too busy to got into. nisdhief.-A: the rave� ere condubt'ed by Rev. Dr. purpose, and in hu 9 duak fell dwn th�
Round trip tourist tickets, good for nine other eye now giving him trouble aind Miss ach, and �onoorni�g which the Til- 86ptember ls 'and blames the; unoi nd number from here atteinded ti�'I Guy Bros. Mad , of the Methodist church, of which cellar -way. receivin i0juries to hot' Ut
months, on sale to all the popular Winter h g such i t5
e in a even- head as to cause eath wit' a
will have to be perated on In the same soribu g Observer, says very pleasant rn�self for ins Luatiug thatL they re r'idl concert at Winghom, on Thi rs the ceased was a constant 'member. Mri.
Resorts of California. 0 y d ii three hours.
way. On account of this difficulty Mr. event ok place,. on We��eaday, October too fast. Wl I it I claimed was t ab. ing o last week, and repq� 5 it up to Mo tyre and her
0 a an r had resided to- a i nol) reg a consc ousness.
MiezeeUed Service to Chicago, Forbes is desirous of disposing of his livery� 15th� t the honl$' of the� Orida'a parents, ll�ve seen' sh -, iya rode down ahil high standard of for r years.- gether here mince movin i. Sharman, although 72 yet ire of age, wO
g� from the hom,
barn in thin town. It is a good stand and Mr. 'a I Mrs. J. A. Leach, of I, Houghton quickly, rorreof them having th on Rev. Mr. Holmes conducted quartorly meet.
Fast traine, equipped with modern fee
wide far near Varna,'and much sI strong and active, and her death, so AttddoO
only ugl i in
-vestibule coaches, oafe parlor, dining, and 0 ri ere idg in the Methodist churo , 0 Sund a is well fitted up for the- business. -Th: when heir iter,�.hlla, was United t6 heiDdlebarv. I have seen ozie P11 ta %, fd�t for Miss McIntyre in her and and In so distressing a man iier, is a Povere,
P ay
Tuckererni th council will in loot at Dixon's in ma lage to Miii Lewis �S�rattop, ot a a, n once. -
re G. N. Babcock, drug- blow to her husband andl family, M
ball, Bruoefield, on Saturday'next, 8th inst., ham. The bride4as veiy1becomingly ;t,. not make the hin and would to Last Saturday w the Catholic
Pullman sleeping cars. --Prompb connection Bay. going so fast o rer the bridge that they could morning. There wan !& larg d be' earient.-Mr.
with all W estern lines. into the, as holy day gist, sold out as was currently re. Sharman was a native 0 andt and in
at 10 o'clock a. m., and all i terested sholild tired a a rick vihite silk igown, trimmed fence. What �tbe reeve went t' church, in cons here
party with whom as ettle With Mi i very Mi
I ports , th he w tie- to Canada with her hue id in 1-851,, an
Health Giving Mineral Springs, govern themselves aocordiu y. -Mr. Writ. with pplique 4n -� white V�el�et and carried Uri.. Murray, � i� would not state what his large attendance. -A very u asant,oc- otia" ag, not having come to satimfoictory lived in Goderich ever sin, earnin
St. Catharines, Preston, Ontario, and the Foote, who is home from tho' Yukon on bo ([net of btid�il roses Is maiden heir re a A how much his 1 nta d last Saturd 9 esteern of all who knew bat _g
wages we
otor's evening, . termi with'him.-Our local sportsmen have by her quiet
world-renowned Mount Clemens, Mi visit to his parents In Varna, Was in town fern. Her. travelling go wai of -blue w as, and clair ied that his wrifirb spr n- when our constable arrested a of our been Ing considerable shooting of I& goodness and sincerity. She was a membet
to Ana
are situated directly on 1�,ne of the Grand on Wednesday. Mr. Foote hag been In the cloth, trimmed with blac r ioire] silk, with ed' and his bic CIO damaged a Ii but he young Men], Who resisted art but by I repo havi g met with very good success*.-- of North street Methodist d lurch, and gavi
Trunk. Descriptive booklets, tickets, and Yukon for the past four years and is doing bat to match. The brid 'a was assisted as writ that wa Oerved on the o u oil sta ad using force.the constable landed im in the. Mr. J. Miller has arranged for her loyal iupporb and active sympathy
all infor, well. He predicts great things for that bridesmaid b he cousin, an E4id Mabee, that it w" 6 :V=ln worI But Act
mation from Agents, 4r. Murray's ankle that look -up, but the: th4ught the collos in his opera hall on Friday all its interests auldits
sturne of whi sprained, and was rat
great of Gloo Mey4 o wore to illhat the bio Ole W�e lines ied force used her extrem , 4o. laid a Nove bar 14th, and has secured exceptio,
country and says Dawson City has a n, wl; y 911 she was thoroughly,devated to her homo Jot
future before it. He is of th 0 inion, hvw� organi lie over bluis� silk. high poon Miss W hieces. I If 'I ib had gone to court, v ary- complaint before Police M&I1e f3eav -all a tolent.-There is ncit a iracam and family,,and
gor, in returmn greatly b
WM. SOMERVILLE, ever, that the gold supply wil I not last more sh Bate begin pla the� wedding likel- ib wouldihave been his thmat ad whom the case came before Isst i Fridy, at ho more coul loved by al loirelo.
than 25 years unless quartz ni be y y e in all; Hennall and many f the membenre of a home
Agent, - - Seaforth. ng can March, and-thfjbrldegroom� coompanled b been- broken. to their not be able tA) GoderIA. The Oumber of be
y re.were quite 0 re ted if: avoillable.-Ik. ShAw. of Four years ago she and her now bereaved,
found profitable. He says that labor is gat� his b ther' Mr. P;roy $t n, 4f Griffin's see the b&I it seems strange Ighit -witnesses on both aides the village husband selebrated their 501 anniverlarYl but th 'jintrate ton, on Mon
Or by addregsing J. D. McDONALD, Dis. ting more plentiful bhere and' that wages nei a, i a r. loseli follo'wed could see all at a oxid46 16 wanted to consider over some f t a evi� Mr. in.
Cor Nor objects 1#obber has returned hom of their wedding day. Besid A her humb"d
triat Fmaeuger Agent$ Toronto, are getting smaller, although the cost of by the bridesmaid �aad it ride,; thelattr distance lad t until Mani ba she leaves four none and five ditughtem
710 b
t t other wheelzaen wee sibi deuce, so did not g1ve his here he had bom
"a t
,n V,
J�t .0 a' r I
I v , - on
in r, n
:t t
a 'n
r 7
RON 0 rroR
t itl n When to see the barri laid o.heyl �hsd lamps on when word was to ved that the
'ten days in
ent to thab ioutitry h had to OFFERz. their bioyoles, an th h d �avie h4djA do d fondant should pay $36 21 o; Fashion has
go eon to 64rra 5pon A B-1' coil
A Farmer's ght Nunn &POOR to W
7 p
2rik a,70 the W44 from 8 wooni, not -think the acei it would have ocouired. ja 1. The defendant 6a �he a thy of a
agiv By to D dei
Persons are too apt nowaday to claim dam- g eat many, w k the veFdiob rather
ovet a ho thin
whic took orning
mont but it c
from Dawson Ofty to Vairna..—Mr.
DISTRICT MATTIMRS. back to wa: onithe road nly louqoenda a A TEINPITING OFFER ages from bhe townsi r a cidento caused so, ere.—ReF. Mr. McLean bomplated his
lips Said FUR`%?*
ove. through their own : gii a 0, and I think 37th y6ar as pastor of St. Andr� *'a church,
11y; of the municipalities should d a the railway on Thursday of this week, There are very
D. IRell ?.nd Mrs J. Twitoball and
ry Chiiatli
W. C.- T. U. 1TEms.—Eve
3t' Imi3i
woman who loves her home Hen all, spent unday ibh their, pther, mvanies do, allow the co r j to decide. few pastors preaching now that started at
and longs to Times are good this fall sI money iw -00
�Mrs, C. Goldin of Sei4fortli.—M as' Cluff JOHN 0. MoRnISON. I the name time he did, and still fewer who
ploutif al. We intend taki dvintag
ittiorIest enemy has i hown as a eautiful rose bud which she .1�01; increase have been In the one charge so long. W anb�edo
guard it against its b
bar-room—is invited to joba in prayer lot a of these gi odl times to la'r ith- Our -Qualities iar
The Family Treasure !pickidfrom�a �rnbing rose. bush she was o lit a doubt he still holds the hearts of the
ITOR. We Sbdom-
blessing on the temperance Iriterature n w the cireale ion of THE Exp" tion, which is TH]
tyin ,,up on - W� dnesday." R)sa Ilooins on
a ;: L young and old of his congregaI
being circulated. Prayer meet b want to gi it up to the. Five Thot'isand NOTES.—Willis Carrick, son of Johii Car. so them, eve readeri,
me n D n 11 he' h of No7eInber are atariety even in steady increase, his woo
'We It v a ad the nob3h by 'he lab of Jana rick, while playing at school, had the mis. For our skill cann t portray, 1
fs a combinatiqn coal and wood ut of Mothodiit ohurch,o h clearly shown by the Come and a
Shall we our lubrious c imate. If tha' pre ent,. mild this objec in view, we wil��;'Yjive WTHtF. church ranking fourth in the county. Our
November 12, %t 4 o'clock. 0, jortane.to, fallo brea ing his j *ust above
stove of latest �d eign. sembo-4
cook P h al a, ave I in ied
Wea er contin es, we may, F br to New Subs,3' *bars from the elbbw. ly wish in that he may continue in health Half,the wortilliner,
Exposisor miss I remains
becorrie " a, nation; of women drunkarde,"I an 7 ellsi Bol still In our handsome ardisiplay.
lAdy Henry Somerset says of Engiano th'r rop of. r4apborriei and ill and under the d tor's car .—Mr. Leland and be able to preach for a great many
A roomy fire place for -wood, this ar.—Mr.� John Mi Intosh was In Lou- NOW UNTIL JANUARY PI'IRST, 904, has once ve into Sodom, where lie yearo.—Miss McNaughton, of Stauley"'who
God forbid.—Co.v. more mo Lambe ab play, amid seals i ad al minks STOR
fam � �Iuin
th 6k�' - Miss Annie
don is we' �6ttendinj the Sifton trial. GI Up nee him hsabeen visiting her, friend y
FOR ONE DOLLAR will remain for a titile. Must add richness ore -.t lay via—
Mr. d Mrs. 0. Graf ha Taylor, for the past week, renaered a beau -
special lining for' coal, special a narrow as- 50 ft.
USINns CHA.Ncm.—Mr. W. A, Crich, of , il bao -Colone; Clookeyipaned through
B a on the price of one yea k again. ' Ere they match those farm that gladden
'Cap. from bpingsuffocat es 96bioriptign.: tilul solo in the Presbyterian church San -
6 3' com ga
Bruenle, and a former Seaforth bot has town one day Isaf week.—Mr. Box. or., @,nd
Every heart that comes Ito buy.
the sooner grand -daughter have -left on a visit to his 1.00 ft 14�
MY I reoi:iint. Mr. Send! itlyoOr names at -onceI
lining far wood. Large venti.
archalled. the bakery business of Mr. AkthuO Tue eventag. Be )re it coal- day evening, with grand Offect, ahowing�
Grei fined the 4arnme is usual w tha- better.1 that she has a clear west a.— Mr.
Rlbert and has taken PObOOMIOD. *r.�. son in Soxfortb.
copper reser- a former �emzident, oic
lated steel 0--iI and'olosed oft t4e raug to. , In the nkorn John Young, who is
Crich has also purchased frdw F. L. Wipie. Dy son sen ing us th names of t
..To a
ey fou'ud 6he* house
the stock and fixtures of the Royal Cafe,; han they Own, a, it 'now trayelling for a Didion ex ar house,
n CIL" 0"
Cr% BeIgTave- inf
Prfpnf. 2A Briahtest Tiuts t Aut
C P V�LIOLI gM, n r W . I I i -
135 PRIS, %a
Iva y� 1% V so
and will move Mr. Colbert"s stock across the A PRosruRous - CHURCH. - — he Presb
ill ft om -t to for 0
street to the store racently 1 occupied by Mr. he ade:j me time, but. is of our
baker and heater. ;I 'terian I
For sale b t, at at th ire rate, accompsini�d -by I says Oe' of our t country
y Willis. Mr. Crich is having the oven � th now "cover —Rev. r. i� H&I he Already the forests a -a beib digrobed,
one time of the eaforth Methodist 00,811, vill send a clear r ceipt for �charges is:that of Belgrave ano"East Wa- I
hly renovated store improve tor -w I wanosb. Daring the bibsence ofthe pastor, Beautiful we�thor for taking up of their goril"us An umal cojitamex The
and t4o chu h� died; at. Watford on a OTE&— f
is a ay is bei g pros edl Every tree , was bl, bin
oul fixed up for his businees. He SITOR for one�,��year I Rev. J. J. Hastio, in the old country this nu sh- Tuesday. H THE EX th root .61 top. —A lot of� with the
CHESNEY SMILEY1 Me I jyeair� of age. —M. a, Armatoong, ac- ality.—Gi,�r beauty of t
ing business man and a first-class bakerand wo's last summer, the manne We 0ainted and in this loo a Pearce', 7th li a. he fall. Wild owere were
coin ad by her dauph erAild son Robert, tondil
will undoubtedly do a good business. additional four names t ey h q put fi1p a Dow woc ehed. Mob. M Ina aslep. but golden leI
and for as �h' papered and a new fence erI At Cal. ith mriad
leav W-dayj' Hday), ! r. Poaadena,� Cafi-' a in eIveF done our
SEAFORTH) send us, will give them vin, during the saI time, the churohw"re- h the contrant. —Just a month until he other hues greeb the dirte-
forn � where t a wt I reside in future. T�e vo a on 'prohibition. tion. The infectio ias Bpr�ad to our tons of ze
MEmuc WmoaTs.—Mr. G. F. RoI paired and painted utaide and Inside. We hope thab a ry n
principal of the Collegiate Institute, recen6ly � TI *er4 �io �eted th oughI by Mi. W. ne Dolla. Cash. 11'go out and p It great store. Auro and
to ma who has & vote wi ra
Successors to S. Mullett & Co. largest number t at ever -sat down are 111 -the fei
a- �p received from the Department of Iul I' 'So rv�ill 1. small urn :of money was on ecembeir 4.—The mud hole a giving place to the new Dill in ry crea-
fl foun I On Main treat, on Thursday after- There are, hundreds of- our cribors the Lord's Supper p rt the late sacra- e
Revenue, at Ottawa, a complete Att � - 6 1 . Fl&tVs farm, on the 5th line, in a tions, handsome textiles aind f
Har'dware, Stoves,.Etc. on " ment, at which ova $100 Mae contributed avored
Mrs.-McGonligle. The who, wi L' very l ffo r�' could
metric weights and measures for use in �he I 1100t oll last we4k by to the schernee of the church. Rev. F. H. a to the township, and should have a garments of every ki d. But our talk applying to make MOI y for themselves and do uer
Ingtitute. The set included instruments for i owner ban have jth'e barn b ' leas, 1h four loads of gravel.—Turni 9 drifts to Fare.
7 1 Larkin, of Seaforth, conducted anniversary fhrae or suits. Mr& McGonigl4, North Main street,—Mr. 0. !op in Morrig.—A wedding
good by s�ndi us long lijts�� of new ire n c to I
weighing all kinds of things and for in n i � services last Sabbeit4 at Belgravia. The col. f-0 lis
-thing by the inetric system, d, 9 sore �ind these subscribe oule above terms.I lections on Sabbath and proceeds on Mpnd is woek. Co�he now, what ab Readines for the Demand
very W. R. Smith is pursin ay 2n0ine th o t Our
DOMINION BANK. ju;tgrye dayg.-.4Au adjou'rned meatiag,'of Pile !bowl- We give no cheap chromos ai"�! we I do
complete. As the metric system -of evening put $90 net into the hurch treas- this �st concession.-Mril. Black has been a -
at' Dick"fe hotel on ot club with other papers, butj for bhe. How naturaltbat the rage should turo
Wa�ghte and measures is bei Ing I club will be held It is needlees to say th�t eng1ged to teach in school section No. 3, t
in ng in, troduced, I , , next'al 8- o'clo,4, ;k full accommoi Ation of our subscri4erp, we ury. the welfare to Fare as the season advanced. Wd Evei
d may yet 'become Monday evenin an increase in salary.
CAPITAL (Paid UP), $2 500,000 Nr -0 end comfort of the pastor ai well looked
REST, $2,500,000 the standard in this country, this set be attendance is doeired.-3 fre. Hicks in in Bar- will, On u i ial, receive, subscriptions foV - I
predicted a
lin thin week, si�tending . a w6dding irecep- the usual velakly papers . such! as the after. I in very large fur season
- I - - - i onthe ago. We saw it. c Ing-therLe
a valuable additiod to the equipment if i he , I Gorrie. om In also vioib let daughterI Mrs. Globe� W., noes, Fa�rmers' San, �Londou fore prepared-takeb time you know,
SEAFORTH BRANOH, school, as through it the pupils wi'll obtalia tiOn a I d will I staffa. "died about 5 o'alo4k
Advertiser, arniers' Advocate,! Family Mre. William Carson to L
a thorough knowledge of this system, al J. n, at To onto Miss !Lizzie NOW, we have reaso
We met traps for you whq require Fars. Wednesday morning. . She had been ill for believe that
Kid daughter of the 1 to John Kidd, of Herald, Etesbyterian, Westrnioter,etc.' we have the fi 11
Street, Seaforth, knowledge that may be of much practi 3all nest and broadest izollec-
Main benefit to them in years to come Seaf rbb, was married in Winnipeg, on MyLEAN BROS., PU.BtISH�RS. Once you get among, our Fur$ you are ham- some time. -Mr. Willi�m McKee, Milli tion of telect furs to be fou u�d within a
USIL med in on, all sides with highest qualities, street, is confined to his bed. ----Mr. Jamis
l- : L i . 9
A General Banking B ness trans- oot ek 29,,h, to Mr. Ed;vard B. Stevensons radins of Tany miles. H -ere atJac1 neweeb styles, and lowest prices. We plan- Leech, Mrs. Leech, William Ardell arid
acted. Farmere Sale Notes collected, I of -t at city.---:,N1r. Joseph Shanahan, of eta, Caperines,Rufa,Bows, all the small
west LomL BRiEFs.-Judge D 'I h Id eaning on her father a arm. � The nuptial nsid, colat'ived andIc'ollected the very best George Ardell returned from Manitoba 60
tVj a e r
and advances made on same at lo e a Sagi aw, Michiigan, who died very suddenly piece things, every. beauti.
court here on Friday last for revisio of Mrs.1 John ands were , iied by Rev. J. W.� Silcox,, of Fare that,it:was possible to seonre, so now Friday of last wee.k.-Mr. Riob&Td Rois' thi �g that
rates. the voter's list. The Couserva�ives ad d last 3aturday. �ae a bropher of Eden, assi& I ed by Rev, J, . ylock, of there is no escape for the persons with% some cow weal killed on the track on Friday f- fulandpractical in furs,triade in the
I Richard bix6n, of r oi uner of ek
Drafts sold on all points in Canada, Moh,ann, fir', and Mrs. Ir vil beat in& in -and p6ltries from
er Straffo i la a All have 22 names and the Liberals '9, .1 The for rdville. The hearty o ngrabulations' Far ideas a few dollars and who know bona- ternoon �f last week:. -Some o the bes he United States and Europe. 1 this ;own. lie �,had been enjoying his ursual the hands of
were represented by Mr. Holm -1 of the man Tiands being ova y' fide goodness when �hey see! it. We buy boys are developing muscle and earni g ists betwe-
es�ed, of S r, th Qom,pan
good health up Eo a few days before his ere in the wrld-Leipsic, London, oi
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest forth, and Mr. Dickinson, iof kieter, d deat i, �whicli w 4�9 quite unexpect,ed. 'Court repaired to i 6 spacious d ining room, wh8re "Fare fully _guaranteed, we isell the same. pocket money bel the farmers take �p vill be tini
d I the 4ppe- The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. 1821-1 turnips. -Haroldping wherever the particular fur is known,
allowed on deposits. of One Dollar and the latter by Messrs. R. S. ! 11,ys a large tabl( was sprea , invitin Irwinj eldest son of po t -
of R 3vision for the voter ' list of 'the town- to be best treateed.
Tj oma:nd
Beattie, of Seaforth. 'K 1 125 gu6ats were �prI I The NOTES.—Mra. Ro erts
upwai�ds- -Mr. sh, of Tucker4nitb was held at: Bruefield tits. About on al d daughter, of master Irwin, is with our new tinamitb.--
n-ful accideni p ad a Toronto, are;- visiting Mr. sI Mrs. Bryan, I
R. 8. HAYSS, W. K. PEARCE, met with a pai 0 a day 14kt on Thursday. The iberals d! d 16 bridal party drove to Tilsonbqrg, whet;e the Mr.'T. D. Edgar left ori"S�tarday afterno
Manag wil took the t ' in for � the We Guarantee our !Furs.
week which I lay him up for a while. He newly married couple for Muskoka to eD a two weeks' hun�.
solicitor er. nsmi 8, 'an t a onserva ives 5. Mr.'Cook, in this village. -Hallowr.eq passed away JOY ButiJ
east.. 'Th We wish hi At this point We hav4 occasion, to
was istanding on. a step ladder p Iling app es a numerouS presents of silver, very m succeigs. Bert Doan, ri�iang of - R 310 sall, act for the Conservatives, and weietly around the illage. - Miss
n and money were!� ur some strong wor We want
from a tree when he made a mis step and,i i china,line T. D. Edgar's hardware, business d r, ng t a do I the:
Mr. enry e tie, of Sesiforth, for the valuable 'and Aggi rron'entertained about twenty of Malobin Armstron ink. -it well
believed, therefore wiI th
S falling, tractured some of the one�s in7 neeful. The bride divided her Ilowers be. latter's absencih.;--Dr. Libe I6. -S e6 �servL will be held in St. her Cromarty friends on FriiJay evenin
SEWING MAOHINE leg. -Mr. Jam6a A. Cline, manager, of a tween her wn and the groom�s m6ther. One of M 9. formerly of Biucefield, --h" purchased say here that ever s4tement has been
'-Thor ias' churc next Sunday morning, the r. Elliott's:little boys'llad the mis-
'i a
I I d Ily weighed andl considered. Wp
Owen Sound.Cement Works, as in, town King's irthday Many f rien� 11 wish the young cou Ple a 10,39, for tune to fall-off a v;agon ono day� last week, Spence's stock and pract�ice in Fordw carefu You must
oh this week calling on 9, number Of his did I i �
W. N.-WATSON, North Main Street, happy -and I rosperouis life." s moving to that burghl We eon seek your trade on tho ground of yonr
badly hurting his Ieg.w--Mrs. S. 'Pollen, of gratula a
TH. L Owen reliance on our truth, so now we stat�s
SEAFOR friends. Mr. Olineikes iving in I I the doctor on his Eelection of a location.
Sound and says it handsomest NOI TICE. — tch�a, make from conjungin i Farquhar, pent a few days ast week with
I have on hand, a large and -well assorted is one of thd Lumlev. her parent" Mr. Victor Wiggins, . the' i)opular clerk n We guarantee the Furs -we sell,
Miss k. Roo Me over _iv. X. Watson a office si� Mr. 9nd Mrs,' Bryan.
stock of first clas RaY- and most prosperous towns in: Canada. -Mr, R --Mr. the Glasgow Hodse, is sufferink from a sore wiChout a hesitationi simpily'beeauie
a sewing. machines Main �ain, Street elkforth. NOTES,— uite a number from this vicin- 3arge f 'thei Epworth
j Kennedy will have �h
Chrie.,SparliDg removes with his family to hand: -So far November has been very mildf. one of the very be t manuact r1nK
Mond, White or Goodrich, In Cabinet. Drop A $20 000 std lc� to s9'Iect- from. Butter 1 ity ttended�the funerl of the Is te �amuel League topic on Thursday V6niDg, which
Edmonton next week. He shipped his. far- 'Mrs Charles -Mr. Robert Young, bricklayer, is work- firms on the continen guarantees them.
Head and covered machines, prices ranging 16c, diied'apleg. 6ci� G. E. King, Wingham. Madge on onday last.- is "The Beat Gif 'f our
niture and efrecte this week. Mr. SiDirling 182141 'St' Ing in Fordwich this week. to us. Whei back guarainte
from $925 upwards, also a few good second usirt is 6 . the sick sM r. William
Bk ? Why, you money back �f
ins the staff of Mr. S. Mulle4. in 9d m011n_ eav f or 'Munro, of Fillarton, visited friends in this Uke
hand machines which will be sold cheap for 10 New stock Goo, Slater sho
ton, and with whom he waa'e ployed here etT. courseii You must satisfied ere -6
cash. All machines. fully guaranteed, and men j63t arrivred. i1he nicoet,you ever sAIL-Wi. Saniples vicinity last �veek.-People arbu d heie are BUBEZES.-The farmers ate at their tnr Renskill. &Ie
for many years.-Mre. S. Barton returned in ou�, soxith wind v W H ' Willis, sole agent for fook.upon the a �omplete. just
proper instructions given free, of charge. 01 fini:hing thfir tnrnips and houseelbanillig nips, and an:excellent crop they are too.'
home on Saturday night afte� a pleasackt Gea, 1. shter ehoq� �nd, dra�by rubbeks. 1821-1 G.J., Sutherland, conveyancer for He
.Dealer in needles, oil, sewing machine at- I the a fine d ya. I
w sall, bias had placed in his hanae for sale a very ca n- finmediatel
visit her son,at Niagara Falle, ind ith Ur A 3ompetent irl wa4ed, highest wages Several of -the farmers here I have between 9 iuf):( )t
tachments and parts, Bicycles and Cream forbable and weU planned bridk dwelUng In is go)d
one and tw'o hundred loadi.-
C daughter at Tilsonburg. �Sh� had tie paid. Mro. F. H. sirkin. 1821xl Norman in a 1
_�e 1 - i Iocstli6n, with nice -lawn, walks and garden Go)d
Separators. neral Fire and lAfe Insur- Whitechure.4. Go*dy, of the burg, son of Isaac Gowdy ,
noes. and
ance RL ride of pleasure of attending th makriage of a V. Knechtel 11 kinds of furnace and all modern con'�twe will )e a long coM
Yeat. Risks affected on all ki a furni- Our Jackets in the Foregroun4
grand 11aughter at each place.-Comman! ture. 1821.1 A LIBEML COLLECTION.- a Presby. left for Clifford last Tuesday, where he will soildata very reasonable price. Intend g p Ir- property at loweat rates. Houses for sale n Oh, the joy and comf:)rb obtained fro
terian ofJaeb week says: Th� chasers will be given full partliculars. Also for s le
ervic 0 1 nniversar IN
and to rent. Office next door to Queen's, 11 es were held in the' �resbyter n SH T, OFI� 1111E Lfail`TS.-The Electric y ork in'thexioted ',' bargain house" of LH. or to rent triame stores on oo central location, on a handsom; FurJack(t. Iva the pet.
ices in qonnection with thd 1A b1techurch Echonswell[er'& Co'd.-R. G. Nay had part as .. ayments apply to Qk
Hotel. church on Sabbath last anfwere conduct d Vght Zlompau-.� hav' ng established a niorning servi 10 y teI As to prices an t feet fib f our jacket 3, combined witit
by the pastor, Rev. Mr. I;aqkin. Twenty. wouldi be oi-lijed t6 their patr6ne if they would sbut congregat*o were held on Sunda 7, October of his house veneered labt we k. The work J, Sutherland, conveyancer,,.. sall. 1811-tf
off 11 the 11ghts th" do not ribiquire In ihe Morning, the faultless ]Style LE Did a reasonabI
9th We W. J. it Clark c f London, was done by John Deitz, of lifford.-J. J. T-ORE.".-Afirst-chms'! ickstoretorent,
seven new members joiaed,'bhe church n on tah" prQvlous eyoninz. 1821-1. 0 price, that ruslies thern out so faso
NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. this occasion. -At -a recent meeting of t a, Ste, cd In filing and evening, a A the pas- Montgomery delivered some enty- head of Bit"at, On the Main streetI6 the village" of Henuall,
1630 - war an& G. M., Dunn, in the aftrnoon. flne steers' in FordAc known as storeLN 1 of the Bpfl Block, which from the moment sellin commencea�
a8H ch0c0- t o r, 10, e v. 9
Webb's'high ol ;P kch I a 'week. They who carried o Tote's simple variety to elloose fromo
board of governors of the Toironta Western lates 4nd bon bon� In boxes 1 and bulk, always recently ocoupied0by F. G. Ar#oldt
hospital, Dr. J. Henderson McFaul, son of �r Bsy Ree�taurant. , 1821-11n Thou h guff A-ing from a v cold, were bought by a farmer fro�n oin too-youremot confl ed to :one styleI M
stock �t 11 oyst r v ne of the 3ral store and millinery bu�ineos. , It is one o
Erk. ached with 'a ance southern townships For feedibg purposes. -
Mr. grasittacUp Ne" best business stands in thei plum and his a A
uy your wk idow sliades and -curtain with id*elling rooms on t
Attend the Best—it Pays. T.0 L. McFaul, of this town, was elected io B and effect.. This year 'thel c4ngreg'ation Arrangements are j being made 4o start a claaa collar and Is fitted Whatever's new and1populair is bere�
the staff of attending physician and stir- poles !rcru V. HneOxtel. �821-1, secondflGor. It isavery ooin�ortable building a, and there's nothing h re to press er'1 11 IL � . 1. . - made anew depature in doing iwaI !vrith beef ring on the 14bb, theI and 17th Is-pir"cally new, having been erected only g r
geone. He has also been appointed medi( ELI Nic:eooay8ii?' ers, juliets aiters, laced M ng -and- coneessionp. A meeti d ab years ago. It will be rented, fq .& term of years a a you that iewt,
� i 6tc., for IIA16 Lovely new Vill �ve
examiner and inspector of the Metropolit in the usual iday evening tea -m aeti 29 Mr. get tupplie,
boota in fe e de d 'raise the necessar5 reasonable renL. For further Patticulars dress t
Life Insurance COMLpemy, of ow York: f )r goods niade to keelh the feet �rarni. W. H. Willis, 11 eavorea funds b James Wright's on Friday ii�ghl,-The
ere i prnprietor, ROERT BELL, Soatorth, or The Smaller -ties, P1
ent for Goo. Slaiter �hoes nd Granby rub- eew 11 offe g. In respo 0 a ply 6
r, it on t Furs r beau
the whole city of Toronto, west of Yon Ye nee o )he paitor's Howick council hav Mai he sokially to G. J. SU-THERWD, Hensall. 1814. t I-asts will b
bers. 1821-1 under coi I
jappeal the 1. revious Sunday, orn the ords advisability of constructing a l'br dge acroart. and there's lots of t4em. I
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. street, Lambton Millsand, Weston. r. vy CouRToPREvisioiT.'-The Cona for t'a
am arne vote, L �, list,
Fo single )and to 89, horse 'She bath dDlne what she could the Jree� the lake. Many of the farmers the 16th revipion of Hensall r was held o Women- w
M.cFaul has many friends here who 11 li�o are thi ing of a headl
Recent graduater, have accepted good pool- I blank to, robes. whIps, etc., we Ca EaVO YOU MODOY will offering *mounted to $250 1 and 17th concessions hairdbeen n
unite with us in congratulations on t is nd fur, wil certainly see
tions at $40, 45, $50 and $60 per month. at Br ericks harny.,39 iahop,: opp, site Commercial 't&t'ng for Monday last, before His Honor Judgq Doyle.
8 lipward career. -The C)l- hotel.1 this for some time. 'It will gre I deqreame grand asso tment 'if ey come to
evidence of hi H. J. D. Cook, barrister,:of Hensall, reptle� th
[Chia is the kind of evidence you are lookin the distance to Clifford, bub I L hardly
ve Varna.
9 onial Moving Picture Company, who. 91 Fatmers, whe� you pluck our fowl, don't nented the Conservatives, and J. iG. Stail- departmenp-north a otion of store
logue free. f a away, bringf them to ry, on;
for as to the best school to attbnd. Cata-. AwNivER YSERVI sary obable that it can be built for some time bu barrister, of Exeter, the Liberal TherI there is to b
an entertainment here on FLiday evening, throv�l he eathet Charles pr seen, the
14tb, inst., are spoken of ih the very high- Sher, eaforth, sn&get cash f6r th4m. 1820-2 service's in c i *ction with at lessi.k.-There is a lob of thre hing to be There were in all 52 ppeals bafore t e- varied assortment of �Ieg%jiib 'Furs w
the! Presbyt rian
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. done a
eat terms of praise by the press in all places W on youiget through ith the house. Ohurch will )) held on Sunday'Nove bar round here yet. The B ikley Bros. Court, 30 of which wer:by Conservativ B. have ever bad the pleasure of sho A ta-b!
where they have shown. In a clean let me'kn4w and I NIilfl c nie and take away Nth, when Rev. J. L. Murr have- 3 or 4 weeks' work ahead of them wing+
everal pla es 9 a , of ki� car- ao ' - The Liberals appealed to pub 11 names o I r price *t
41 tly 60
your go, etc. Obhrles Sher,,Sea ortb. 1820-2 Mr. 0. Baikley, or., recentl No d' -his farm AlWayo
they have been invited for a second r- 4ine, will pro koh both morning al A evening. and succeeded with 9. The Conservative$' YOU Might Profft b�, this
f ormance. -Several citiz6ha � complain d BRicK HousE FOR SALE OR �ENT.-SiX On the fol,qw1ug Monday ivening,' Dr. to Mr. P. Milligan, of Clifford, for $6,000.
lar e rooms, hall?jl �-Iotbes appealed'to put 21. on, and they got 11 o 3 If you have yourwn !%interest athes,14
We Xeep Moving. bitter] t ih r (3108 t9, P ntry, cellar Mr. Milligan has moved to,, tha n w home
urray will deliver his well known lecture, The Libbrals appealed to put 10 off, at
y of depredations commit ed on ger whole huuve,� furnac ad and eo16 water you will become famll�'hr with our do�
I un and is at work with bin � ow --The Dixon
promises on 11alloween night. It is al.pi The Yellmrstone P�rk, the Wonderland r. I
Y new cement well, 6 ne'o rn'r lob in good succeeded with 6. The Conservatives 81)� Y04
Our stock is underselling all competitors that on such occasions youths can t lqcati�n: How be on Ing to. W, Prenderguit. A (if America ' SpIlecial music will be furnish- Bros. got a new engine the otbe - day, to re- ings day by day, and realiZo that
pealed to put 9 off, and succeded with 7. can never better our o�ers and prim.
er way th n r of the Seaforth'Trabyterian There were a number of double appeals.
amuse themselves in some oth bamatn can be n tts property. Apply to J. L. id by the cU place the one which went up short time
In Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Br�oohes k Hilfo n, Scafor b. 1820-tf ago. -Turn. Scott has the mono?oly of the
' '�y destroying property and annoyl�g church.
Chains, and other articles of jewelry. Our LOCAL BRiE)Fs. -Mr. G. 0. Patty, one A chopping trade now, and is ikept hustling
reputation for fine, goods, low prices and innocent citizens. If parents would ;look NOTES.- r. WilliamFoote, 9)'n of 'Mr. the wardens of St. Pa0s church, was a
after their children more carefully tbe're Hi: ix!s GREATI� CE--NIE-NT, ILL. -A large Jdbn Foote, 4�ho ban been in the 1 gold6 each Saturday and Wednesday. He charges
honorable dealing, does the business for us, would be fewer complaints of this kind number of oapita�llists expe to and others f the Klon�tke for the pa elds four cents per bag. 'The rot in the potat ngeroolllas't week attending the lay war. The
and we endeavor to live up to our name. ab four years, re- ention of the Church of Englan 1.
The organ recital in St. Thomas church, who aire interested in th' P rtlatiA cement urn has done inoalculable d ound
We carry a well -assorted stock, and every on in ad last week. In speaking i 0 his ex. here. I -Mr,. Robert Bullard has added to thes ?. The
Monday evening, was very m duatry, visited�i�'the city[ o::: 'Hall last !'week erience of the cold weather, haL 8 iya e has n many fields fully the hslf the Uhis dwelling, by having it nowly
article is warranted as represented. uoh enjo i pearance o
dience. The tubers are worthless. i Et IV�F, 4 U4�
Repairing a �peoialty with us. a fairly large an organ sel C_ to view the properties ce tly purchased een the. theinometer register 85 � �greee be- ainted, thework being done by Mr. Jol �n are the best,
there by tbe-ilvtornatiorial P)rtland C�ment
tions by Mr. T. J. Palmer were well . re a. w zero, an( � they have had to, ci �'t through 9teazy.-Mr. John Caae'j who has been ei
I i Blvth.
dared and seemed to be much appreciate 3. Company, Limit4d. Sote of thei visitors even feet of cc to get water. xcept for "gaged in the grocery and seed business for a Dry Good$
Uounter's Jewelry Establishment, were irectors ot bhe great National Port -
Well rendered vocal solos were also given slight cold dontracted on the ho a trip he BRrkm. Miss Lou Proctor,,ivho has been, number of years,. has secured ;a very goc
8EAFORTH, by Mrs.,D.. J. McCallum and Miss Piokar land ement Co., Durhath i)ntari6, and are looking haa and hearty. -Mrs Plolkard, at home for the 'Past few'weiks, left Mon- situation in Toronto, where he intends goft g
C4th's Grea cash
and by Messrs. Walter Pickard and R also i terested ih large- poi ipanion ia the f Holmeavil ), accompanied by. Ur son and day morning for Toronto, whre � she has kst
W. R. COUNTER. Manager in the near futare.-Mosars. Joseph Ellis
Peters and selections by the choir. Rei,'V. UnitfdStates. Muchintereetwas'takenin vl o a 6 Y, 3 92 t
aughter, vi4: ted at Mrs. Chas.- L)gan's last secured a good situation as stenographer.-, -and F. W. ISmallacomb have been shippitig
n MW d quantities Dr Goodsl Store.
Mr. Iff od gins presided. - Mr, MoffathaarO, the P r0P013iti0 , 411 unli of eek. -Mr. � )liver Keyes, travOler 'for a Rev. Mr. Rdmunds entertained the y
,ay. a large quantity of onions during t
young aw
w �ev.dehce e*pe
Renderson's Photo moved to the new residence recently ereotld raw material 'ere in, rt, ondon whOessile house, Is open Ing a' few people of Trinity church last Wednesday past week or two.�Messrs. Duncan &�d
by Mr.- Joseph TyeIrman, on North Ma�n ansly is of the material Oh i�g it to j be of ye sit, the 4ome of hislather.: r. Keyes evening at the rectory. Durin rt Stewart, sons of Mr. . Robert Stew- number of weeks with rela 4 ves and friends. Studio. street. -Mr. R. N. Gilgan, of Hibbert. vv�o the, vfry best. The tranopo tation facilities i a yi�u ng in n of excellent" business quali- ing Miss Flora Watson,.who is saving, was eI of the township of Tuokeramith, return- -Mr. John Willis in 411 a
L)ndon at has disposed of his farm, intends coming to are unsurpassed, as the dub )ut can belship- as afid is fait making his way � to theIront. presented 'with a beautiful pi a. of silver ad ft merson, Manitoba, last week..,- undergoing treatment w,th the, X-raI
Seaforth to reside and � he and r b b both Water and i ail. The east. --Ow n 0 a immense he rector is Mr. N. Pousette, general agent of. tl Wleard b
Full stock, of Mouldings ped o y quantibi of apples and a very touching address. system. We are pleased
a latest
ern p ovinces require an ni it mouli qu�ntib
and Picture Frames Gilgan were in town on Tuesday lookil y ining into the Varna evapo tor, Mr. becoming very popular with the young ()an a Life Assurance Compan , wan in til: a reports that he is reoelvizig omfort thereb
9 of cenlent,'which has to b 7ery largely im- a y y
for a residence. -:-M. W. N. Watson is rb- int, the ge Bral manager, has ad to put people, and 'these social gath rings -draw ill this week. -Mr. W. J. Miller, carri- and it is the sincere wish of his vrry many
Photo Enlarging a Specialty. building and improving the' house on Eal it Porte and the Ottawa Is riob alone! will on four etra hands and get anot ter parer. them closer together. -Mr. h Mae MoBl- V a a friends that the beat results ma., boobtalfi.
Williar street near his own residence and A use ore cement than ea age E. ker, was in Toronto this week o a
on plied byl Ing 0 bar ale of
a Dmpan
be Ile ivdrz* I ap le a day. - roy left Monday morning for oodstocki busit�ess. 7-Mr.%,W. J. Miller is having h
making it a comfortable asant hone HL� h 15, hustling along t � oat office, where
this r eateeme I myor tar 0 a he has'secured a g6od, I a' y job at fine demerit carriage shop nicely partition -
J. P. HENDERSO.NT; Seaforthl nd is h
for some person. -Mr. 1�eztpn a Broai f6ot,,,piu`d W. o accomphnied Ladis' Aliz
1761 Bubolz- h avinj 'it pladiFered t ii eek.-rMr. coopering, and if he likes th( I ce he in- ad ol � for his painters and woodworkers. Gode
r the p 6rty and w )I sed with the L. McC I n- aw A C
dispq8ed of his farm on th Ki ' ell roaI iee: high��,' I 1 09 n -i I of Mr.' *men Arm. tendsmovi hisfamilyinthen a� fature.- 'The', Cases White, ofgxeter, werein the MoNzy By LAws.- iday, the 28th -
pp 70a capen'nes 1-11
south of Egmoudvile, to Mr� Andrew M proap)cts of the' company. the re'tuin abrotig, wVhas been in the t�erch�ntile Miss Floralatflon, one of our most popular villa, �e on Tuesday �isitlng friends. -The the electors will vote on tW m o in by-laws. stock in to,,%
trip t ie party )r(- ]Dined large �num- tusiness in umbo for thi
.THE CANADIAN Lellan, of Hibbert. The farm contains 9 3 past t ree �,eara, younp ladies, leaves on Saturday lor- Win- Miss s Esor's-tt, of London, were in the vil. The first is for the purDpDom of lo ing the
I ber I representa ive cit an
acres and was sold for $3,OW. It is one of 0 iz�i 13 Hull' and t as sold out, and 'is taking &,Ilol�liday prior nipag, where'she will be united'ini the holy lage he first part of this week visiting their
ni of $25,000 to the Godetich an Coin -
Bank of Commerce the most comfortable homes In the town- obta? a, and a vi it'Was ma Of the 4orks t� going weal 0 where� he purpoeo loo:ting. bonds of matrimony to Mr. Rhi eb West, of brob er and their father, Mr. Chas. Eacrett, panyto enable them to rebuildth r fact
ship and will be occupied by Mr. M Lella6 of th( ational. ortland �Ge to Oo.,!Dur- cry,
N e�t obarn, )ntario. !oCool a a level headed, clever busi-' Gleaboro, Manitoba. After i a marriage of H y -Mr James Petit , who has been in which was estroyed by fire
he viiiitoi a 1w ore simply an, fin 1, is just the sort the will pros- they will proceed to 'their �' om'e. Miss tb ago. The second to to enable the mun;bi-
himself and he gets possession on the lab y law weeks
CAPITAL(PAID ULID W coIurliry during the summer and fall
abtoni 3hed at th magnitiddi i df the enter. the Wjelst. Watson, although getting ni riied -away mont is, in expected home very soon, -Mi. pality to take S50,9 1 0
March. Mr. Bubolz thinks oflgoing to Hen- er in' A 0
Eight ME= Dollars $8�QOQ,000. p W wort 5 per cen
sall to reside. -The Elea brio* Light Compi&n� pries, and the 64 mpleten6as of the system William V The Ta(I
from home, received a gre t beautiful anhorn, who W in the employ of preference stock In the Ru ron, Bruce and
Rest, $2-00%000. are now giving a morningL service, which instal'. ad there. pwardai o SICO,'000 stock -,of both will
and useful presents. The eat ishes-of the Me so is. J. C. MoDonell, . had the misfortune Grey. ElectrioP ilway.
n additional convenience to their to her new to in are his hand quite severely during tfie DEATH OF MRS. Si lof w1ce
will be a wan aiibisoribed b membeiva f the:party be- whole community go with her
fore returning ho e. Mi. . G. Nice cogy allippers, , 9 ;ENz -Thai death neafly t
patrons. -Committees have been appointed Courtioe, F ; gliets, gaAers' laced
boots In felt, v4lvel,,etc. j or ladies., ILovely now p has been paish week, while engaied at work. Mrs. Spence,'- .:which ocou --rod o6 Sunday. i3ou. In fai
to canvass the town in the- interests of the of d1iiton, was a so one of t ie party and he
t H. Willis, m is,; suffering Mr. Hannan, of Union� has re -en agO,d evening laeb, --terminsted a I ng and painbil The questim
X general BankiLng business tran- represents the company' Iceep lie feet warm. ; i -
SEAFORTH BRANCH. home.-(-',& tain John'Buie, w
gopds made to home for the past two on I
FZrMsI woollen mill by-law and th6y are meeting 0 this solo agent for GO. A. Slaier shoes and �rsnby rub- from an attack of &tax& l000m(t�, brought with Mr. W. J. Miller, in the rfi-
ustated. Notion discounted, llneafh Her 'aufferings had been intense,
wa hi
atitsintion given to the will be carried by a very large vote if , n t HANDSONE,� STYL10H AND DOENDABLE Although a comparatively yov 11�claim to hal
and special � 1 but -the end was mercifully, quiet sud,pea4e.
with great ou8oess. Io is hoped � the by.la�v western section. 'COM. Vers. 1821-1 on by overwork and anxiety,diel on Friday. nee, t of I his busines'sa.
collection of Sale Notes. ng man, he Mr. Oates, of London, was in the ill ful The deceased loaves three aughtete,
unanimously. -Mr. J. G. Criob, who le t A DouimE W4DD�UXG. r. Samuel Bar- _iURS Oar ��stoek �epreaents just such ban had a hard life, sailing,the flikon since -.,his i reek visising friends here and also 4t Alice, Elizabeth and Hattie, an Ono 130,14i iand see if V
'd-daughtera I St Ma UP .
o this town� had two kinds. Our i Oputation for sellin, good fdro he was a boy. -Mr. S. Gr cc a, Chisi lburst. --:-Mr. R., Bullard has purobasod Harry, who were all wih
SAVINGS BAN K.-Intersixt allow- herea few -weeks ago for New Lisoaiq, ton, t b P� i r m thar an&
ran ry I
sid on deposits of $1 and upwardar. mlarri d last week. One a Miss Barton, yj Jacket or am and Mr. D. Buie, ofChio w rI here at- from Mr. R. Paitersori 'a lot at the rear of tended her assiduously durip,g he t ig Ill-
Terniscaming (Tiqtrict, has returned to town is ba9ked up')y ever aller Fur Special facilities for tranzactFon of ry
for the winter. -wood is still scarce in town of Ni gare, alls, daughte[r f r. William that *vve sell. Youe, Fur neile"Is are here tending the funeral.--ap in Berlin, of -his dwelling. -Mr. J. P. Wells, marcha t ness. Her husband. Uto Henry Spence, -00o 004.
business In the Klondtlis, DIstrIct. andsellers are asking as highas 87 per t the
Barto . Mr. Barton a sides ,son., Concern- waiting for yoti-youi choice from JF&ckets, Detrcdt, has been vigi I g his fir end,Captain tailor, was in London on business died In 1895. Mrs. SpencI6 was! bon in,
Money Ordure, payable A any bank, Issued at the cord for long dr wood, of which th4e t is event the Cat Caperines, I as, Ruffs, Muffe, ifollowing rates -- y ard6ot Jourt&I, of , I W. 1 We Buie, for the past two -weeke,--Mr. Elam the 1, met weisk.-Mr. Contine, of St. Jos pli, Stai township, near
Under kQ .08 820 to NO .1 seems to b-5 very liLtle in 'the country,--� ;igs a Falls, ol October 24�b, aye The bellieve the atcok reprosents just your at les,' e
2 9 Livingstone was in Brantford on business is drawing a large quntity of cement for the daughter of the late PeterI Grant, alarge,
4110 io $20 .10 880 to $60 .14 Small deliveries of anthracite caal �. have jtir!t your ideas of choice Furs' and j - - Nothal
'home f Mr. and Mrs. Barton, A Linwood ust last week. Mr. McWilliams in on a busi- conal ructibn of sidewalks there. -We regret proper ty owner in that se0ion. She b�d
F. BOLUESTD; G. E. PARKES been made by watei at Toronto, Moiitrs�l avenu , was the scene oil a ery pretty wed.: your prices. The E. M cFaul 00, Seaf rth. neastri
ptoTilbury and vicinity this week.- this -week to have to chronicle the death of lived in Goderich since the late of her m4-
1821.1 You tk
souollior. Manager. and some other cities, but none of the ding as t evening, when! thei - daughter,
Hallowe"en was very quiet here Although Mrs. McIntyre, which occurred on Thursday riage, and was well knowniand highly re. -
1624 inland towns have yet received any. -T Elizalieth E., w" units4 arriage
to FA -A-31 901,)). -Mr. James Smith, has the constable was away, there In as very lit- Mort Ing of last week," after a very hort spected. She was -a Pres' yterian in tell' iline, the
apple evaporator, started here this fall,. is Lucie# M PX`0
Galli ger
The't c erriony ww sold his farm, Ion the 9th coricd6sion'L .;o 'about two-tv
I I tie mischief done, in fact, less ian in form-' illnei a. The cause of death was heart fa4l- ion, and until her Illness pfevente'r'
�o 9 1 e� i
In of 'St. neighborh od of Brue- er years, where there have best McIntyre, although tten
k A *'rlble
a large business and is drying a er') three and ure' Mrs. a most constant at dant f xno� i na etfor,med byR v. J.'F, gentleman fricip the only a r i
turning our a lot of fruit. It will be chu
the kme� roh, in the prasie�nc of'relatives ip contains 160 sI and the four ooniabables on the go nearl., r � all ni t. dent of our village for a few -years, w a MRS. SHARMAN"S DEATH.
sela. The far'
I distributing.a larole anin of money and most intimat 6 friends only. After a �ti,,ae paid wal around $5, very highly respected and made ma�
Ar. $mith Quite a number attended the di aloe at y cident, with fatal result, occurred on ThI
In these parts each fall, -M r4.Arthur Forbes, dainty supper t'h�' happy 'Pouple, left for ins 4,ion of thib saw Thomas Tosman's, also the parlds at Mr. frien a, who will miss her genial smile and day evening Us% at the home f Edward
who has been in Montreal , undergoing Chicago, amid t6 congr&614tions 'and good THE OpRomfleZ BRIDGE AcII -In last Charles-Hamiltan's' Mr. S. 6AIeI and kind manner. he remains were interred WI am;
GALT ORNIA POINT, P, . 11 SharmOD, East street. Me the f, fl
second operation on his eye, is considerably wishe.� of their rhi6iny frielAs, They will be Veek's Exposl�oR,,& writer, un the �ead Mr, A. Steinheffer. All report ll�ving had. in th) Bayfield cemetery on Saturday. last. were at the supper table Mrs. Sharm-
Improved since his return home. He hopes 0 hogne about Novembe at Linwood ol! " Correctic P'," tries to explain he cle an enjoyable time. Probabl . yt, I a young peo. The aneral I service at the house here and at rose and went -to the adjoining room for somis.
that it will come all right in time, bit his even The se0ond maril;ge was that of &6oident at Gieve's brid a, on I a nigh of ple were too busy to got into. nisdhief.-A: the rave� ere condubt'ed by Rev. Dr. purpose, and in hu 9 duak fell dwn th�
Round trip tourist tickets, good for nine other eye now giving him trouble aind Miss ach, and �onoorni�g which the Til- 86ptember ls 'and blames the; unoi nd number from here atteinded ti�'I Guy Bros. Mad , of the Methodist church, of which cellar -way. receivin i0juries to hot' Ut
months, on sale to all the popular Winter h g such i t5
e in a even- head as to cause eath wit' a
will have to be perated on In the same soribu g Observer, says very pleasant rn�self for ins Luatiug thatL they re r'idl concert at Winghom, on Thi rs the ceased was a constant 'member. Mri.
Resorts of California. 0 y d ii three hours.
way. On account of this difficulty Mr. event ok place,. on We��eaday, October too fast. Wl I it I claimed was t ab. ing o last week, and repq� 5 it up to Mo tyre and her
0 a an r had resided to- a i nol) reg a consc ousness.
MiezeeUed Service to Chicago, Forbes is desirous of disposing of his livery� 15th� t the honl$' of the� Orida'a parents, ll�ve seen' sh -, iya rode down ahil high standard of for r years.- gether here mince movin i. Sharman, although 72 yet ire of age, wO
g� from the hom,
barn in thin town. It is a good stand and Mr. 'a I Mrs. J. A. Leach, of I, Houghton quickly, rorreof them having th on Rev. Mr. Holmes conducted quartorly meet.
Fast traine, equipped with modern fee
wide far near Varna,'and much sI strong and active, and her death, so AttddoO
only ugl i in
-vestibule coaches, oafe parlor, dining, and 0 ri ere idg in the Methodist churo , 0 Sund a is well fitted up for the- business. -Th: when heir iter,�.hlla, was United t6 heiDdlebarv. I have seen ozie P11 ta %, fd�t for Miss McIntyre in her and and In so distressing a man iier, is a Povere,
P ay
Tuckererni th council will in loot at Dixon's in ma lage to Miii Lewis �S�rattop, ot a a, n once. -
re G. N. Babcock, drug- blow to her husband andl family, M
ball, Bruoefield, on Saturday'next, 8th inst., ham. The bride4as veiy1becomingly ;t,. not make the hin and would to Last Saturday w the Catholic
Pullman sleeping cars. --Prompb connection Bay. going so fast o rer the bridge that they could morning. There wan !& larg d be' earient.-Mr.
with all W estern lines. into the, as holy day gist, sold out as was currently re. Sharman was a native 0 andt and in
at 10 o'clock a. m., and all i terested sholild tired a a rick vihite silk igown, trimmed fence. What �tbe reeve went t' church, in cons here
party with whom as ettle With Mi i very Mi
I ports , th he w tie- to Canada with her hue id in 1-851,, an
Health Giving Mineral Springs, govern themselves aocordiu y. -Mr. Writ. with pplique 4n -� white V�el�et and carried Uri.. Murray, � i� would not state what his large attendance. -A very u asant,oc- otia" ag, not having come to satimfoictory lived in Goderich ever sin, earnin
St. Catharines, Preston, Ontario, and the Foote, who is home from tho' Yukon on bo ([net of btid�il roses Is maiden heir re a A how much his 1 nta d last Saturd 9 esteern of all who knew bat _g
wages we
otor's evening, . termi with'him.-Our local sportsmen have by her quiet
world-renowned Mount Clemens, Mi visit to his parents In Varna, Was in town fern. Her. travelling go wai of -blue w as, and clair ied that his wrifirb spr n- when our constable arrested a of our been Ing considerable shooting of I& goodness and sincerity. She was a membet
to Ana
are situated directly on 1�,ne of the Grand on Wednesday. Mr. Foote hag been In the cloth, trimmed with blac r ioire] silk, with ed' and his bic CIO damaged a Ii but he young Men], Who resisted art but by I repo havi g met with very good success*.-- of North street Methodist d lurch, and gavi
Trunk. Descriptive booklets, tickets, and Yukon for the past four years and is doing bat to match. The brid 'a was assisted as writ that wa Oerved on the o u oil sta ad using force.the constable landed im in the. Mr. J. Miller has arranged for her loyal iupporb and active sympathy
all infor, well. He predicts great things for that bridesmaid b he cousin, an E4id Mabee, that it w" 6 :V=ln worI But Act
mation from Agents, 4r. Murray's ankle that look -up, but the: th4ught the collos in his opera hall on Friday all its interests auldits
sturne of whi sprained, and was rat
great of Gloo Mey4 o wore to illhat the bio Ole W�e lines ied force used her extrem , 4o. laid a Nove bar 14th, and has secured exceptio,
country and says Dawson City has a n, wl; y 911 she was thoroughly,devated to her homo Jot
future before it. He is of th 0 inion, hvw� organi lie over bluis� silk. high poon Miss W hieces. I If 'I ib had gone to court, v ary- complaint before Police M&I1e f3eav -all a tolent.-There is ncit a iracam and family,,and
gor, in returmn greatly b
WM. SOMERVILLE, ever, that the gold supply wil I not last more sh Bate begin pla the� wedding likel- ib wouldihave been his thmat ad whom the case came before Isst i Fridy, at ho more coul loved by al loirelo.
than 25 years unless quartz ni be y y e in all; Hennall and many f the membenre of a home
Agent, - - Seaforth. ng can March, and-thfjbrldegroom� coompanled b been- broken. to their not be able tA) GoderIA. The Oumber of be
y re.were quite 0 re ted if: avoillable.-Ik. ShAw. of Four years ago she and her now bereaved,
found profitable. He says that labor is gat� his b ther' Mr. P;roy $t n, 4f Griffin's see the b&I it seems strange Ighit -witnesses on both aides the village husband selebrated their 501 anniverlarYl but th 'jintrate ton, on Mon
Or by addregsing J. D. McDONALD, Dis. ting more plentiful bhere and' that wages nei a, i a r. loseli follo'wed could see all at a oxid46 16 wanted to consider over some f t a evi� Mr. in.
Cor Nor objects 1#obber has returned hom of their wedding day. Besid A her humb"d
triat Fmaeuger Agent$ Toronto, are getting smaller, although the cost of by the bridesmaid �aad it ride,; thelattr distance lad t until Mani ba she leaves four none and five ditughtem
710 b
t t other wheelzaen wee sibi deuce, so did not g1ve his here he had bom
"a t
,n V,
J�t .0 a' r I
I v , - on
in r, n
:t t
a 'n