HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-11-07, Page 7THE HURON _�POS'ITORQ V 41V i EMBER 7P 1110% ------------ mAi73ONABIA ADVICE. decided i norease in thv -demand _Hlitorfe CUr of *j�dlek, spirit., with fro the .�X litter. I i I I ome, barefoo A JapalLese !X,mp -FraukHodge, of Fit wbile east and from EuropN co Apled ,W tb the 0 here Vei ir a W dals ei rut 1),q 13 ots, Deini Is the wo s ' city In all I. `ngba'10, who wa BY-LAMF n!a to )o recall to mind a s ry d an' officei, in- uted by a fall from Jan elevator and was NO. 8 high price prevailing hur �corn, has been We are I, 16 a ig for new light! w ei are India. It may n t e q'ofdes� ab. In the Sapanse eTperor's army which mght tothe_Victor�% Hospit(il, Toronto, if � her eyee,, o- Weather Disastrous steadily forcing fj,)� 11 o b bi -OF T E- up the price of gooi beef X1 Ist i - he' fo. 4 6eatment, df�d Monday morning from kin&1or _% answer lexi by tfiough it lays claim to- a! re�pec table was besieking a fortress, Its number. i f -tha to Many People. for years. While the inaJ or TOWN OF EA, ORTH rkeb f M Melva IN nTchcrziAkov,_,vibo:is one f he: lead. middle age, dating 1 and a 1 r6lieving army was oo icu'smion of the brai -a 0 a. The roiname wer 3; it. Thos cattle has been exceptioball from .4000 B. Q. At was smal y high the bat �4d, Who shows tbalight Of Wsanitv in Be, it �to Wingham for- little rn*n�s wpioa Makes Yon Li4ble to Cold -A few months on account of the high price oik a' es, , 13 is feet are and w that t1me the master of i Deihl 4 alled C.0ming U.P. It was of immense m6-. -Mr. W. Paschal I borg Mlom 1:90 A the pr6m- -earn, there will probably Iiiii some re 4en. in -h ad himself emperor of all the world and ment that they should know h has old out his cold -action is I 6&ti 'were ibe vnly� ans wers ow long �ge ipial store tinkiaess �t I gen, to Mr. Makes You LiOle to Twenty e U years go by By.Law to raise by way loan *e'oum of t1o.- Di4easea-How to Protect Yourself. when cheier feed is obtainable ; yed it is Jep I emperors, at least iDf Indi�,.�ave ruliId the fortress could hold out. I must Ai Ar.:,ew Eckmire, theil latter to take poo- Cc) for tbe -purpoEe hereinaf it r mentioned. it affects the health hub natura to expeob that -the price of 'beef vellearl golovd. t a sraiall of there* alm9st ever slnce.� Old I )ielh capitulate for want of supplies'witlAn Puschel- And wberesa it wIll re4uire the mmu of 4285.82 to the little, oblitiges of the EeSii t!um. sei sion on the' 29th iusb. Mi. The effect of the will confilue on a Comparatively high level is a prAdy good mi n I a ci i)f pct, r Win the be r%Wd annually by specill rata fo -,the p3y.men,# orlem perceptibly. i liagation, WithoUt the WgIlSt: 0 U - a week they could stay and; doio ness 9 me '010 until more cattle are bred a have ge, W toucli ty bu rg has been of the debt as bere*fiafter N ad. weatber on the blood leaves ib d matured. It U, at ig the� numt Br which will Ling 6j, several years at B�odhagen he i-13- A-3 wherem it will require -t L-3 sum of S400 0 be suramer would look as if the stock feeding e9que ��rulns; Imperial Dejhl� the, mod. campa�.gn for the emperor. A yoi t-_ ia 0 . intl waery, and no -v that thelmeather ba2inets Urre in Ve Metal tei kda to retire f or a k4w years. talks of raisel arin by f e_-Ja[ r*�i 0 for I 0 payment tg -A - of J01#1 Cauley lern cityj as created by Shah e, anp X JapanOse noblem n volunteered to go P gg�geablo thiq makes itself dissig had prosperous days shesid: of it fo.r some 6 inat Chi UI i0ky Ash ey both belongin to ng to Detroit for th winter. interpstas1:111107bereicafter n.Inflone reeably for tbJ ti I 9 contemporary of Queen -1.111i e into the fortress and asq-ertain how go kner to come.!' On S. And whereas the amr u t )t the 101 3 r 0 men and you feet bilious, dyspeptic and tired 9 0 4,thi% -A �Ouoks purabas d P rom the date of tue ftst M hani, Ion- it could hold out. He disguised Property of the town at Seato th piaetivz of Any *M niey b* pimples or eruptions of the' - -% iliewing mi 6o !no fr 5ohn 0 uley ai d TH� OST UTRIT us increase in Meant re LBURYS STERLING HKADACH P Inedan. incur -Sion, . D 7 L15; Oe etual himself, and n pnssin- learnied thnt'it" of lutt -*, dividends. g ve in par ayment, , bilance of $100 on a rents or fee from the said property. and alEo irres the damp weather brings little oure the worst headache in from five t"AW00141=111RIN! pective of zny Inerea�e to be Ocrived trom the tew- of rheumatism or usur&lgi.a tho..t 'Uteol ond leaveno bad after-effecti. Ono pow r so, ik to or 36( igued b.r 3haunoey Aahle . warfare raged rolind Delhi u at h a d food and watar for only two days Investment of the sink Lor fuld or any part OY- t C balande of t !yew -- g of the winter that is comiq. , 8 powders 1O.o, 10 powders 25o� Q Ul sue shley oin b a Epps's,� a Ftb0e!eroyf accordio; to tabe list reviged! ameasmenji f e length she yielded to, the Irreal tib king, a 01"s, to bei brisk and strong for the n tej but t a efendaub won the esiae. Tb -In power of the M6 Is. Thel cl I Was he was going out with this pre-.' the said town being ior the year 390,z �v the Bum of 0a want gu What God GieE a Boy. fiki tco t is, ease t 3 the -coun jud ge An admirable food� with all its mg. $620,075. it is now that you should build UP., ty alternately Moliammedap and H Ludod cious information Lie was detected, and And whereas the -exhtyng deben 6f -the d gives, the nerves a little Abody to keep clean, and health as a, in d �hade a lication ri lato whi: Ill tutal qualities intad t Aebt the new tr t, fl4ed to ir blood. &L dwellin for his mind an To, im refuse Ite carr Ad the si furth during a great many year '�nd ily, the enomy said tol him.? "NS e are going fiswn of seaforth la as foi la Williams? Pink Pille are the isl build up and rhaintain robust $5,500borrowed under the autho;t Dr. -4 a temple' r his sir t . I . T fShould t of all blood -making, nerve-resto." his soul. in d appeal o; the i lvi ional a urt, P e- in'1803, was ma7de Bri �by Ge crucifyyou, but we will let you o-9 aX. !No 2 nf the hown of Sea:forth'Ifer ISS& %it to 1saaQ p I air of hands- to ute for himself .1ces; ralembtidge a -that you go to the health,and bo re is.5 win+ ftto3ics.,�iiind will make yon strong and A -and (1: Itly TUB Lake. Delhi has the fines; .and lagest on one condition treme cold, Sold n quarte, -pound ,6.000 borrowed under the autho_#V I - d Sbree No_ 3 of the t�)wn of Se!Lforth i OfF the atheit and-_ pains of winter if JudgM In psett Ing d 000 me ift- wall 14, Uke hQi' others, but never &gains thq' t i6ther� for bim. 5 v0 cision of mosque in India. It took and tell your peo P�le that we have in labelled JAII - 8 Eppa& Co. $2,500boirow-Fd %ndTr the of ny-Law h cio I i . I I ' lty and gt4uting a qew trial. supplies for a week." d there tp- tiike, them now. Mr. james Adams, I . jeais to,build it The n(�Ibhle tomb of I -self. Jgel, argrAbe, Iffoinceop thia.'Chpinkta, o- 8 cf the t:)wn of Smforth I or ISM.; A pai of feet to do eirra aide of love and ious t( all this, howeydr, i - Cynbb im -well," and went to London, England,, $14i= borrowed under the auth3rity of BY -Law ;flgraindov, Manitoba, is one or the thout. the Emp t Ile said, OVery NO. 8 of the t eror - Humayap piak he is vrhom c4o had i WA Aebb own of SeaL)rth I Ir 3893.1 among the kizidneffe and charity and I usiness, ba not �y �n the notei bit $3,600 borzewed undex-tbe authoilty at By-AL-aw - Dr. Williams? Pink. Pills have of creed hich f i4lowed he thewall. Iffis wife and children in the. 'hia hand. to loiter in places of miscikIie or i iititkile( iheactionw�e shel.tiansfer- No. 25B of ibe town pf $ei cl. to health &-Ad strength. Re says temptaiti n Moslem invasion, hiie & obsierva- b sieg rs' camp saw him, his wInct Vestore n e e friends MCI so t It is. with. deep gratiLde, that I icknow- lain, IV 4 to;'Cloi Ll ay. That de foOr courts Epps S '0 OW $17-,000 borro%ed tinder the autbority nf By -Law tory of al Singh and th ',e erted hall A -ere 4ere also, and he held up both No. 5 of the town of BeAwdyth ?1or Im..; the benefit I have derived f rom the (lapelhad )een he d in, and I -the last o wed made authoVy Of B-V-L%W -and said to them: )ileful yo -ung Poinled Paragraphs. g�ent as, r ies it to* fi f the seventy columns - I� "There q,COO bory Of Dr. WillUms' Pink Pills. Before Obb, court' rec the hort his hafids CLIVING-STRENG1111 AND GOR, No. 26 of the cown of Be f 6 r I&*,' aforth health was much shet- Peemonition i what people thi triumph f Brahmanism. are su p1lea for t ut two days. Con- $8,.000 borrowed under the autbo ik they pills m P 1819ig6 13Y -Law have when they"ie 1 Deat and. thb 1�hlloxol�hler. tinuo t you will. take the -Xo� 20 (Local Improvement) ol the ta of Seafoth rheumatism,; nervous depreseion ay 11 I told you 80. Al cert he siege an for 190 1. )rains� bruise& s. For fully twelve man An. elastic currency s the kind tht a n philos)pber wasi in tl e 'Mxy He, Didntt place.", 1�zd sleepleE SALE 8 vloi�e, A Terriblo Cough. ,700 borrowed under the autho of By -TAW, $mBlygotagbod nighVs sleep. When I h ibit o He died No. 2.(Looal Improvement) of the to n -of Seiforth ing, stinks Ot enables a man to make both audit meet, f sl�ylng wheqe�er he he d thi I 'An Alabamian tells this �tbrl by. a hundred spe i homas Carter, North Porb, 0 it., says: I P40e, r Ws cau for 1902., it was with a, -deter- Whether life is worth liVing depezi do a i hd had w7y.' "A] I, o' coachman, who Invol -ettlei r iy th -,is I A pld f r! 19 �n the use of pills pa Ised a negr �bfVoted; but be had,,done 'his duty to his gen-, t a severe cold, ivhIch k roat and V,889.20 borrowed under theutho ity-of By -Law tion to give them a fair trial. I dil 99od deal on your wiseiftesli or ot6rr.ise- �v'ell,deatlJeomestousall. Itisnonew lu s, &ad my friends thou it wouli Fiend me to of Scafortli, toi 1902. tugs Qii one particular h . re. eral my rave. Wl:en other ro dies failed, Dr. Wood's No. 24 A, cf the Town �bq -ully Bay thit I could not ners- And tberi is nothing in arm are bit ier for -rilio- *,jaa can trut-lif It s whal xpec - turned home in . Me at ay'Piae Syrup�'compje ly cured me. in ive must, tert for better hies, 0 Me employee who drops o9n. Wi I a; pal or ttrest. *i8h lEh thtvalI n W enjoy. his tools ai the Pasa me the butter, my dehr. nance that eez buv first strake of the ; yes, � , Out ok And whereas It is made ne 9 the C I -werd f r Dr, clock wil �ne counte T is Epaak ar 9 .0 a! I &I child eats raveuo ly, irrinds the teeb at time and place for taking of, votes o qu. I- 0,11 di ath coWes to all nd my-'fiiends Many years ago before the days of I 02 an emplo-yer.-Ohicago New beeil taki g some fa.m Ih a: ni itaudpickeitanomse,yo may almoit be awe sin' fled electorB, and for a polu I g D I as eye rn g u imiams Pink Pillsi. illar s, l, F -i blood � �L Dr. Low's asant Worm 8 rup, this remedy con- meeting. 4 ; r Pti h ad c me:" railroads a nobleman. and his wife, it bits *ornis of th 's a IJd a At the ii the ca,11FIG of Alost dise"P. Wozzsaw. and should a minister without d Officera to Uke the vot. I of them- iGoad- �Jooameans health amd strengtl�. Dr. Manitoba Notes. Now, D�.g h ove heard these phlb I"What's, the mdtter, Zacl�7 I e Nvitb their infailt, were traveling tailli its own cathartic. i - .1 Be it therefore enacted by I o Mani Coned ondent o the s phical Pemarks A �iliffereiit time with some solicitude. 7 I 4y else. Wisi Pink Pills do not prge-they (From the. Winnipeg corre;p aeposs Salisbur pfpLi. A' the story is of the Town cf Sealcrtb. 1. ThatitEhallbe lawful 'or Ili Mayor of the A Druggist's Opinion. a d� one dAy he sb if to the told -Iii Mr. A_P. Russell' "Character-' obut they simply maike pure, rich blood. ThaOs wby "'It's this way, boss: I up tilere emid. corporation to rafsa by 'y rAy ID can from any WE 11hey eure, so ma�uy diseases. Bub you. niust 6.i p lbsopbeF. istieg,..they were o-vertak 4 by a se-, Mr. W. J. Mason,, Austin, Man., wii "I Pur person -or petsous, body or bodiefel, rporate, wbo A glance -at t6e map Of All 611itoba ; I I to the votin' place, and there Wuz the LIii tD h JAWaya get the genalue with the full cuslorarra spes'k- so highly.of'Milbutn's Sterling be willing to advance the same oa 'the credit country which, for its agewhas been won. III, am D;eath," said he sImply. 'county underta)cah, sah 0 In, iritli vere storm and took refu e in a lone; -ree atio ad, a sum of never #me said the man, in a panir. adi the sum of ra I I Hea I aohe Powders that It - i� a pimsme to of the debentures, beTintifteir me Dr Williamr3' Piak Pilh "for Pale derfully opened Up by ya. Including "Oo a big book open 'foah him, shepherd's but. merdthern to others. The sappom, N monsyotexoti In the % reop a a the wrapper around every themainh 'of the 0. P. R.'there are, !four am ea f Dr you." The child'had ta�,eri slwiliyo cure.": Price 100 ten thousand dollars. I no he a t?fj , roUl before they -11 di. uggiets, or sent. by parallel linEs -crogRine t �axj t3old by a Mai) to me right sharplike, IV it most are no dy d he Box cold the mo4t," i I — - 11. That ltsh-dl be lawful f the or to cause t Of t it. Is one W your iavoril e' job paid, at 50 cente a box, or sb-, boxes the pr .6vince, and tb�s_e 'are thro out ame?ii, Amack Taylor' I si�z, bunble. could find shelter qnd the urse began Ragyaidla Yellow Oil can be applied externally any nuwber of debentures t3i 1 ie mide for such slime br tZ50. by &Adre�sinig The Dr. Wil- br 4 uisms t4i Death com(�s to all, and I undre$s it by the warm fortheum-itism7 atiff jInt chapped hands, chil- of moncy as maybe required not lose ihan :one bun- ari;,�hes' in.. -all d Let's See,' says the undertikah.- a o dred dollars each vad not exci eding It L the irections a that rail- : EL313 bq prOving yo cottlage fire. she ul, ed off one blains, sprains, etc. it caa ,III, talian internally Jor gamsi Xedicine, Co.,, Brockville, 014. ways of the west may e tuned over the leaves the b )ok; As croup, qufnsy- bmunchlitia, p no in the -stomach, kid- The sum often thousand doll,. n and 'that the �eaiid be desoribie4 aa a silken garment after lanother the, ney coniplaini, etc. Price c. loves- com. go dw y. debenture3iihalibeseiledsil.3tliese,,a f the--sAd riding arte'rial syatem.� And You, re' dreadful 'All of a sudden heittoppediirni ' n(A ft,Nq 'Alo'c dreadful I th 1W 11 oked on in!: ration and signed by the liftyor and -the Trei Schoolilepatts. yet no one travelling tbrougli any part of i V he ia oul begin to run his finger dow th. Suffered 1 Yearej. U00rWrthereDf. ftu I � al) a � �ItLt e t shepherd and his wife lo �port. of f.be mark by have �iou changeq sc 7 silence. i I -L., do V- Thefollawin is the re Manitob would regard it as overstocked am. But muttrin' to himself, 'Taylor, Taylor rii,, Thateai debrntur-s ahall b r Interest At a NO. with At'last the process r ssing -ontop and after the rate of four. per (ent. pez anum 1om �btainod by the pupils. of school sectio railwayfi. They. are all tared to the YD11 hal�ye,�In wer fezixed the d ath of un e was hits. Win. Iii U an East, Tor �that Taylot, Taytor-Zack.' And. putty 600n, the day mentioned for this � �ylaw , a take Usbarna, tion - utmost, and are making herculean 160orts to wife of the well-known shce aker, suffered from in- ittle a -ed baby interest shall be payalik aunua 1youtelifth &', the Oatober examiva h�,19 come -.o your fiunds. I fiev(f lie hollered out: 'Heah It is. You black .completed and the I 'and eonstipatio o�h- which i provide an outlet for the str iame 'of v; heat digestion nf rover 1.6 year@. X rth class -Total 610.�Martin S, Cr icarriedl off yot r was being warmed by the fire. There ing did her any good till s a tried Lax�-Llver Pills, -the oi Wouior, fo� ' heard you. h whea I day tf Match in each andver� r ye&r a i Junior fourth clasa-Total; which are pouring daily into the elevators coundrel, I dun buried, yqu ten year whloh cured her. theTref surer., of the said Itai i1el sidge, 491. h i mt, with all its splendid outer husks .0 old 4. s. you ave IW. 0ai(l,, -iagol What yoti mean by fxylnl, to IV. That the said debentu shall be -made pay- Stewat, 458 ; Edgar at- every point along the lines. . The for pa ilm a f Seafertb. Mon rys� - ppphe taith, 44, Gordon Madgei 43; Vera cars is aa incessant one, andthe news of a It Is the I Pay of till fle h. Shall I yote?p Ju!3t theii a pass( peeled off, its little body beginning,to If you wa,nt'to q b have a - ble at the expiration of tw.ent r years 'from the dato of whte Uit bain a weathe a 'vou rheumatism by Milburn's Rheumatic Is by-law 0'take effeet and hall Xany a. block of empty wheab care being low In the but by the fird, The shep- mentioned for th Camoell, 3S7 ; E:ahv-ud Kay, 367 Gordon left at, a b e can xceptiou 19i favor of yo r men tuk ,and threw me ou4 and den I llill�, a guaranteed reniely tc r Rhe.nm%ti�m herd drew a long bn claimed, �y ohn MaNicol 20-1. Seni given point spreads like a F) fire -and S1 71' 1 11 .. I , ciatica, haveattached to them coupon i fer ti a payment of wi, 242 - J i daft come home Uoah dey licould bury) aath aO ex Ne 1gla and Lumsbago. Pi [ce 60c. at ill deAieM. Interest. -Total, '400. -Wesley 9 intensifies the rush of. wheat to theJelevat. es,! for I am not ready." "Why, it's just like one of purs!" V. That for the purpowal arming�tLtlnldug fund Szbne, -97 me again!" r rd "But: Me as CDMe.' Do _u ie Westlake, 230.'. JdUiGr third -Total, ore. These are intereatin days for the i- for the a1upayment of the said debetures an eq. al m, annual tbreebundred ad tbfily-five dollars '%Vliy '%Ve 410 -Jennie Montefth, 3V2 ; Linni3� Gar. railway azid elevator m r �ns w! R go on . I i iens& is too not replO,-. Your. I Sixe, Strove to Plei toe. S111tue Hatudig. !I - � and eighty-two cents. tball In additi to all oh#iner, Almer: Stewart., 3-24 ; --Tommy rates be raised, levied end col eLted b I I Mg tl eir toa.st They i III tali e The alter girl at our table was 1m, To shake bands ith ft person is vill preserve Rodgerb, 312 Flossie Coward. 261 ; Wal- From Morris, on the Emerson line, the 11 =all the rateable - rYOPErt r In Oo said corper- "hildiah Me �er a I t a p v, e a sincere desire t� give satis. rightly regarded 8 I'$ tgh �, �Il000pblcally� ad you ha taken bued with a a token of amity, 2&I ; Oscar Snell, 226 ; Flossie Canadian Northe u -b duringheaurrenly cif t ie said -debentures or Ove de but vevy few know bow is custom any of them, and for the purr(se of 'paying the latiir- �ht is baby'a 6. Second cllasa-Total, 370 - rragnificent stretch of couat!y,to the, ci�y of faction. She did her best o! get from .assmore, 15 � 1* ; . - - e8t of The eald debenturval the sumt, four hAdred nowledge of I e plillosopherl and Death de- arose. the tidq, at Willie Monteitb, 314 - Ann -D. AlliECia, all Br%ndon. On every side are the evidences the kitchen precisely what allch boDrd. dollars shall In. addition to all her be or, and she "'c( ded ery, TIME TABLE. rvied Land collected from all t pro a. 101]Ig_jOur`�ey tCgetbe er asked.f Aceorcling to a rri 'Otbriollogisti- aohanle Turnbull, 2 J . t le ra of a country that has'been Hchly bileEseo in p i L r t e d7n Ier th te I'D cssand :oi Rose- s in 1�ra* r asid corporation dun material things. Tali Rol Caa�lea lUttell- Loomi n pell indeed. two men in Ormer times' eta -debentures or any of them, bank as a view point the acme that The'other evening at dini she -i mid they accustomed to Grand Trun-k Railway. a Ma azine'..; pe every in be curr4 y tj th The follow s inp, is the Oalober examination the ?ye is one never to be fbi-gotten. a 'v a rign and ClInto @tAtIons a& of the Town of S 000 th to lend a sum of te i, I Interrogatively to each man' in turn, e as B. Bickt pport of Dhe Zurich public school From hnds, in front of th �ralns leave Seaforth n �11 glorious Oowber day, and t[ Lore is a some. We thouW34. dollars to be raised under o by-law pleasure senior thir-d to Ju ior foarth-Pass mark, Aul-Onglish 'Sanctuark. of attack- o"a J20 ", in, thing in the air which makes existence a "Chicken or tomato soupl" and one Owt they bad no hitentiol 4orge wnirr- 811i John Dick or such Oomi at i be m form, rl factoty to the town council, f r tha ote%cfaidln 55-2 ; Gertrude Hart- joy. The splendid gree : of summer I had ng each other.' This mart, f confl- Tablets, as 405.-Olava Prang, BE ve ey ininster, 190 miles north of mado answer, "Tomayto," 'and the see- Passepgar_ 12.io P. K. 12.66 r. k a I - him or them to extend his or t ielr bue uses as wod - ind- reliable �sib, 531; Irene Lippliardt, 518 -, Luella, given place to the ruaeott and browil of Undon, io the- sbr' ne of St John Of bnd said "Tomawto soup, please," and dence, however, Vid not sufficient Passenger.... 1.0,18 P. X. 10.27 P� A L', 0 b _ '�V-sseloh, 5C5 ; Fri-ida Haberer, 499 ; Olieva, 0.20 A. X. A. I len manufacturers In the Towt of 8 th "d with idn- B a rorley, -" bo wed in the 5ear�72 ra10.15 1. iuterest, to be ecured by a m( dt-gzagire the Wosel6h,. 482. From iunior thixd to senior autumn, and over the Pembina range, i the the third added "I'll take- tomatto.11 io ll cses, for a Luauniaj,, hold, up his afted Train...... 6.15 P. X. 7.05 P. d buildings and plant of thesald John knoWD was crow he p1reh-!ADria 11, 03S k' f old aouth�western shore of t 0 1,,,on the ut. maiden Ntrlit hand d Tet, if �e keeps it Mania, RAW - mark, intelEgE the Van Egniond Woollen Mill %nd to f urther 09 a Own Taba 49-Z; Alvado Weselola, 453 JoBep Fuse. -cral� privil 's to th ruon 'delivered the several orders Into the :Iosad, may bnve a weapon conceab Passenger.. 7.68 A. 1K. 7.880 1 R Lake Agassiz, the lovely blt a hai of Indian gAvo sex ad cured by a 3:ersonal bond for fl ve. the dollro and I h sumer hangs. As far as t iq eye:can veaoh : L Passenger.. 8.11 P. M4 16b ­ 1 be eyeaby bloc for ton years, al AM --bein- tbo V the said John tery� obe. of sail� -in this wise, 110ae tomaytgk la It, and therof Ine the cus- ;idtxed Train_ C40 P. M 4.16 P� to b) twenty innual mants DM senior kitchen ore it bec� er Alms Fis' -ur, 413. Fe loa b epaid. there is an apparently unbroken arrsiy� of three hundred and thirty-five d ollars and- elgrkty4w secondw junior third,-Paes mark, 315.- tv., !Tbis iias uot 'merely for, in -n for the: two right hswds to crrasp afterw stacks upon which the eedy threibin , I I a: f soup, -one tomawto soup... an:d ne. Wk toi I I ti� -he .1 9 It as open t6"all wrongdaors Palmerston aiid Kincardiue. i cents sufficient to provide for t ,;p�yment of thi4 Elmore-NVA-ido, 376 ; Arno Brenner, 3-27 ; S I as- ripe and tor- but matto soup." each other, as only thus c�uld- ful] sivIdog fund. mills have as yet made small inroads. ilt; GomG NoFtTir. Passi- Mixed.. Joxe V1- That the votes of the;d illy quililled -electors soothing Laura. Sippel, .1.18 Arnold Warifi, 317- eN epi tfiose who lad been e celvecl preclselyl be given that Do )veapon was The work Qf threshing ia*golng bravel�, on Palmerston ........ 7 so p.m. 12.20 p.m 8.45 a.4.: 8hll be taken on Monday, the Uth day''Of Novenibeak I poisonous. fava, Williams, 316 Kate Hoald, 315 trn§on. 'Vcr ordiniry; offenses, U' li�'. iiat he had asked forand as ha:0p)J couccaledineitberofthen�. Formerly,' and on. all hands gainge of swarthy � mea are Ethel.-. 8:07, 1.67 9.40 A. D. 19092 between the h ours f �9 a. m�, and s n 'ih�on. cil 9 until the� neit order was taken. therefore, this ire, Relvin Smith,'31,5.. From secd6d to senior busily engk(yed around these' moder dr in g, cti ttle ste. Brussels.... 8.17 Reco.iiss mark, -31 P I J huston, gesture, no�v the token 1-10 10-00 at the f - ]lowing places! ilessi Seria Bluevale ...... .... 8.27 1.30 10.20 P-011ag aub,divielon No. 1 -at him E' CaWs sto 0 boy o -0 d L),, c I d t i I ac. 9 OW coullt� or bein" In re- I stera that pat the machines of our boy Of the b But that is another coursr. udge, of loyalty and friendship, -*as one h enry Fuss, Wingbam.. 8.88 1.36 10.80 QUIli ROD i Polling subdivision no. 2 �41 Dr. Wil to blush. The grain is beiu hauled di My ecipt bf godds, a inan eaniell ! I A to -362 Harold A FIT, 362 Victor Ddohert, reciproedl distrust. G=G SOUTH, Pass. hflxed. Pass,' Politaftub-divisio No. 3 tat 0. 11e,_ ont.t if PP from the machine to the elevator meden anctmiry abut a nille from the. That Robert Lu Into s, he be Der ty Re urnio6r n. Z9. From itfrijoir second to senior second- there is room, or at red in haatily StLe Followed Instru tioux. WiIii 6 fig a.m. 9 a.. m. 3.05 P pro� i . Bluevale ...... .. .. 7.92 9.17- 3.18 0fricar foi Polling Sub-DIvIslot , Va. I ' In Elliott be Pan mark, Gr6b, 425'; Rgy VJ8L 0 o I church. There used to bir, A Story of 4ark'Twaln. Deputy Retiming Offlorr ft Pol&j Siib-DIvIsio0, ed granaries when the elevators' are A lady once employed a, girl to a slat Br!ussels., ... .... .. 7.18 10.00 1 325 No. 2, and Ir. J. Puucbard be Do Rtturnin Faust,, 351 ; Lea Whoffm nn, 323 ; -F ward four cro.qsc-s on the roads. ead14- was, beginning' Ethel .............. 7 a D I . , her in -her housework. 0 ae; day the When .28 10.16 3.86 -G'I&yLton Zimmerman blockaded. Thesceneat niglit is wierdly 13 cr 170 11.80 i 4.20 Officer for Polling Sub-Divislon Xo.Z. eylerICy marld the liwit! Palmerston ......... 8.2 beautifal. Inall directions reat �oqfires or taL mistresi.wanted t W=s creer as a.huinorous lecturer, he IX' Tbat the Mayor of the m d unlow to Jr- ation shallttend at the Cour dl Mac m on Fri sy, lai -216 George Hess, 31,5. 'From jnnior Bee ar,2a 11 I cl of 111auslaughtdr aid s-3cu like so many beacoii fights. I , (Jay. arran,ge are and, having bou-bt some plums, I 0 onc d with a oman ac qadtot second-Pasamark,, 200, -Theodore at tj eell the 21st,doy of November, hour ofAwa Vel Eturog and BXuc I t* Tw_ 94 oba farmees Thert, and sp edy, i ravl� it is 110t -su cient to 4e Wit explained to the gIrl'ho to sions' quintance that she' Loudon, e. - 1 1 in First,, theo' Weseloh, 2 _r ; Ttiexdore Haberer, 257, the Manit sbo-uld..sit in a box I _Wfterribon, for a p.. Al Pon Ing a ir we NouTa- P"senger. s,� no 04 att213d at th ?a places 4 o method of disposing of his bundant: straw, In onel of 11 ese Before tie lid London, depart., 8.16 km. 4.60 p.m Clayton Bossenberry, 254 ; Clideou Koehler, them, Sheplckedupapl.uin'andfooys zina start the appla'use when be shov said,.and finally umming up c vates respeo iy and the eiglit h one to grie e the li�aT t of S�nctuary he tnu§t I n1 55 ly On behalf Of , k1was iW06 a.ad prorm %0 Alvia Warta, 247 - Lulinda Randell, o'�t the stone; thenj thinliduk the I girl t 1, ke li's ustach.q. The lecturer, 9.18 the Ontario farmer. Theres' Is an Imn ense lru�elf in a Exeter. 6 or opposing the By-lAw r imple oper­ 231 Gertrude N1.-xgeI,L 225 Henry Price, V ter t6a)cliurch an I .�eat h 61urvi sta�rted off so well that he did riot need 9-80 G7 Im! -1 111- 9.44 .118 X. That the Clark ot waste in this direction, but until so knew how to do them., She liut the 1 6' 0 ell) 2-16; Alma Brerner, 207 Wilbar Rum- a r � nown s, if ive genius discov6Ls & L ehod. ofJ trans ;t)ne ob is the "frid stool", uy sueb help, bo,%kever, 6r he caught J -the hour of twel Oami, an Tu .r ormed a vent I J I I I in her mouth and left the k tchen. IThe Kippen ...... ........ i 9.60 ball, at 10y, I to Ban lt� D1. . 0. it f the dri wing 400i* the audience r m the 26th Jay of ovembe. At 'my is Fel,�02. rrorn i c air." 110 Ithis plade m,,,-, I y t By and ...... 9.58 6.33 Jay a any I forming the straw into. flue or Iumb(r i from all pa f the Servant came Into f o 1 the firs clintoi io.n (1,56 _.roV;LnH)Jl,1nthssatd`To . : -up. 0 ior part secand-Pass mark, 187, -Lillie ....... . It is well, kndwa, of 1co irae, e rts o Londesboro 10.80. i 7.12 votes given for and must go on. halt an hour later and SaA, ."Plelaseo by, hen not saying anything worthy t Weber, 313 - EAheir Zattel, 298 Peter an U L Or a esih- cculltr�. in that the atraW fuzim t -ha I mum, I've finished.11 The hostess de-- of particular - noti'ce, "he iia� ppened t a rtqw e oe it re, t Randell, 278 ; &ton. Schnell, 275 Harry Belgrave--.. 10.60 7.83 res the nail ing engines and has gtsat hf i The Kw I cai7rled by thd vote aA the ratepai ating qtvditien. i I Fisher, 269 ; beonard Heist, 264 Lilly pAited for the kitchen ardl beheld 9: pull his mustache,'and his anxious ally Wiugham 21.00 7.65 ers.' all ke effect on and ni the Vth ay -,Of ;id catting. The work of R -e farroie-a3 w:1ves and �daugh- L ki w1up. to im-pi and Johriaton, 23S ; John Thiel, 2n Jacob ea ?f stones only. "WherEI are in the box at onca broke i furious� 4ante SOUTH- MArh A. D. 1,908. rba. lecturer tere in provilirg f )ad for th 3 hungry tb edh- I ded with t4e cro.. d Delchert. 244 ; Milton Dietz, 219 Alex. e asked. flesh at the,. era IlooJ,- �-p., I In impassioned tones. - a In �11110 8 af5plause. - Mark -was all but broken 11P Wingham, depart.. 6.50 8--2 NOT E is no, easy me, aid the th eshing's.'eason to the plu im. 8.10 P. en4 Fostet,. IS7.-Teahero, R. F. S.ei Miss d ell' dire, and ever after- He"Ve ........ .. .... 7.01 3 in the west is one t as -no attractions I tis I helps �ha mv eaten lem, raum, as you snowe m by the misadven 7.14 a 36 cl led: a wl Tte above is a tru4 sud eo lot viopi -4 �y Never look down conalft X. Doan and Misa L. Andrews. sex avoided employing Londeebow ........ 8,46 I ar ClintAin 7.22 which has been taken into Atloi fit loi P! 7.47 4.15 begin b a kf4 �o �vard carefully - for the idler of aith %was the mald!s reply. �sucb help to suec SS. Municipal Council of the Town of feaforth BZai ....... 8.-05 4.40- water. 7t f endst tun do nop wttste too mu(h T I 5-oi Rcland is a bright and )roa. which will be finally pasi by th Id. I A- Mikado of Japan. The town of A 4 extionalble Pedljrree.� Kippon 8.15 A 50 lis pl&ya in. tl ia� look 0�g sidewkys. u P, a d the event of the assobtat the A leo0ii *i I Exeter ........ 10 ener has made rapid and substantial � pop ress Temortal Stone, 8.22 Z56 -ru . rJ "on I The Mikado of Japan is. %, of much perous btirg, which, in the past few ya-ars, An AnIii Komi thereto, afterus nionth frieW elfir" & 1U f Three Ili tle school children were seld. il never knew a ealeeted. A 1, o� looking upl I' d 1� rit-= -gy and endurance, - and is constantly the center of a field t� Waverhill, 20 nid By -Law in the newspalteir CAUL ti ExposmoR, the -date of Which publibatl W". �her pretty I - smoking cigarettes. ; He is fond of ontdoor It is surrounded by a truly maguf cent a au, to foil It he looked up. , Is the e busly disc issing the social conditions 0 atralia .... ... 8.46 5. t9ndon, (ai S.46 13.W I tOctabor &ports., and haa warmly encouraged the in- country. and IS aud�en ce who can say tin I I d and -places therein Axed I jr UUn is aufficiently far from At rden ta ml n� ln�� d -positi eir res ective par- Suffolk, BnAgland, IS a large flat stone the Slat, day of the gra a -of a i m hour Ldh the -y, el LCh On evi- co�Jering are that I polle - N11 troduction of football into Japan. He is a and Carman to be a town Of coubide able tl at be a1w yo looks up? etits andl I heir ancesti votes of he elpton, tke lbe: el huk,r has, better died In I antabion importance, There are bi good a tly d2termined to go one than i_18crlbed as follows: hunter and fisherman of no rnsan repu Seedi stranger aro&o in theiback Aen Watch theit. W-41 C I .and N 0, goA shot with a riae. His devo a good school, prosperouh 'business ho ises, the o "Poka. She �ev made W false- step. rcw to'sa "I caut S�y that I always 1820-3 ed in the tiou to lakwn tennia is marked, and he is good array of elevators, and. the people "Mothe I r says I am des< ended fr6m �9.11 A. �rbfereuce to 05- up. I have Steadily looked, p Fifteen, min- of t. um will ke, T er as. a wielder of the racket. one meets are cheery and optimildi., as cbL)ter and verse shows th, follo-p-I &P Me,. 0 ar. en bf Scots i tlev ter hirty, Y, pliantly, they might well &fford to be with litti �h a are,. and. am no better. which befalleth the 9"Ons, of- n V, qu4 1.9,For that U: reserved nif begerted. L'ttle Eva. harvest around them. � A argaker 6r; I assi- fu L(o y business." n at ! 10 you d4, men be We have it. Ib is of the well-known Me ailing with Umbrellas and Manners. falleth,behsts, evq1t one thing miatisagomewhat rare specimen n the 'Wh for a livIng, Y am I then,"' reto.ted C� uSIn Of Thoroughbred Catttle, rade i 1 . Impl. nun with a Bub- The, true inwardness of a man's. character vicinity of Roland. ro t I befalleth them; g's the a dletb, so Wal6ham. make; has 15 jewels, aud*il Pigs, Bts, and Farm 4 od. man, i I - f I ail can, be �,h infallible accur- "Don't be silly, 1P7111le," nterp(�J&ted dieth-tbe other, PIL Vhls is probablythe moderit improvements, each! as balance has received Inittruotionelfrom ssaid, to be revealed wit to eell hy pub"IQ uction an 4 ng laecordtor." h Notes. the Sdrlp- wheal which adjusts itself f-DIr heat find township of L-gan, on 'Tue t ien be acy by the way he holds Find carries an Um- News the third. re it"boy.14 only instance of a text 410us applause tba� gree I cold, patent no' 1902, th� followiug: apej while hairspring which will brella. One enthusiast, who hawmade C -D&vid Hyatt, of Bsldoor� while' 911rry a Y. y9u, tures appearing oh. a m fr, til stone'to : I I sia r loke itho Weeti0g. em Thoroughbred Caffle-Six* UrIMI)i their surface tl is UP catch and gain time, etc. The works tudy, of the publies umbrella mannerw, has, ing a basket past the offieeT-bf the C.tatha n animal. no: ID.iirbaw-cowsl;w.itheal-iei3bv ew are solid nickel and wil rust, and t, 4 Dr.h.-. announced that he would wan� no, better yo old, 2 Durham bul raftes. I I We4ne 3da h Jf h if Loan and Savi go Compan as cowl. I aluable Prediction. )ict as possible to kee 5 out dust. guida in choosing his. wife than to watch her afternoon, fell and struck his head se v rel Y Smith 01 Ito IV -lending U xbrellas. eryday old bred b n In facD, a goo& iiervicesibli eV �dd and, darry her umbrella. carb stQoe. arried L, I In that begins 1 �Wa 41ver screw, iaae�.- ported bull. A1111be aboive,4 UAW th& The manwho oi the k He- was 0 th Doct do you remember 'three ceii you. in the ribs w 'Do! or Sometimes an umbr tch in nickel si ei mof th& h his umbrella, for company's office's and physicisum su in e nal Iiionnsi, a a Her Voice. monith�,s q �o that 1you predlete4posir and are all Iudlv%ually Nc.� PlIce, u it a tjm� there was a h �ripi as is, -ibunces- by such an sat that he later4 to show tiny and- nholes may day of sale. 01t, inatanpe, aw but. he expired some 15 minutes tively thi t I would be a �1iead OLD 4n fornished on u. prInia donna!,who made a, con., - 0 6n the um T13 price is $10.00, and the wat oar. to be a efeers 061a th, W it remain. e% be mended at home. g is both rude and careles of what iniiiry be -Engineer Peter Morrison dropOed i -T&- - t a Idi, 6 belfe" t dry got witli a noted flmlp�re4arlo to sin F f3ix week� -It'up t Mend ant d. rising two yzlirs c --and 1�a inflict. The man.or woman who car- o th( I 11a'A - at Bothwell Wodnesday at - midnight.. h 10 be-fers-zising 21-ei ild. 6, "Why,.yesj I"- n, ries an umbr6lia with the poiat backwards was aligVEng from his ca to oil'bi ling, inj concert� for hJul' at', a "price whici Ck silk ware fouryeare cld qJVVaJ9d_ i�b the holes on the inside the . next brella and old 'tg� "Well, '' ve got a f rien d �I n W-1. t b It; 10 years Jold, I driving-horta.. t`b isilk 4 off On the other . tu�die each f her no a of about the cr do",mards is unasserttve. and was sudaetly taken ut hil elf. courtplister' cut slightly I�r,g-er thn yems old, I brood 10rae- plaJAing 0, 1114 votlue or & 6 room wb is depondent a Ins hand, persona who, in walking, carry their Mr. Morrison bad been com of $. the holes. Sun umbrellas aind parasols 7b bene. Impl-em sei r t tr.-agts. at ri nk� Id 'dj d the kith ra m ;b n, `9 OaU FN p co u 0, 0 `I -lay necessary, with the had no id a 0� ust tell im therd is -no h 5pe for han, ,umbrellas by the handles, point ness during the night, but en� well Unt' me, ded-An this SEAFOhTIL cog ine in good wpilung vrd �r clMAS"y 1�1 i he prima donrl a. re more �ffectivel the- hsiii toutinual1v extendino, or Mins were re y manufaptuie, I threelief's U11:11 �j 1 fou'� - horae V0 k anty pointing forivard, giving up his train, The rem r ind a dMoIng room.assign6d to bEr Will you? wbi so�inetlmes aselin 110rospu 1`�6 ikllbei self 'ersive way than umbrellas, 096 M and energetic- �ioved to deceasecFa home in London, t 6 00) jpoundja� 1w*JfNftA Ith a ts"a �ca ty meet the UW The vedestri&n who grabs an uml�rella in -Because Robert Brouse,of Marlborougbi! tb7af did !po 1 her approval. LrISt rectilire �repetltlon of he mending of %0001 01h Ifl le - AstronomiLy Before cands, and o%Oer t she was en but 40. Tbea she olplalne'. th t niou w on 1rucks" I Bawing M I th middle, and goes forging wildly a.head spoke contemptuously of adherents of thd ; axa as of loni fter beiiio' thoroughly Inch plat I I fA ey-Farrig, d I d About fi 00 B. 0. An, titel too li�arse to! 816g, and th.e in - W - i wig-, one season 1,AV ds er U12 it closely Vith it im this position, is lik�ly to be found Anglican church, his wife threw the fo. - 9 twas born, When he "gr up URK igh As. you 12lert, but of avery selfish and self -conceited contents of a. teopot, at him 'when they, era p: e3arlo hqd to malt -16 i)oiite remarks to if RNI hoee,om_RRk;d 9 1-1 1: hot a Mks 0 feet, II - - 'IN -- he finger. firsi; 1 Te R imp k. V ilivosition. seated at breakfast. The man was dly this audieijeo and d[ismiss it after re- dom he as the todderr" Ang C Do -you Wileve in pal istrn Bob?" 119 thic, e of bo, i r�ola, and W9 P scalded, and his wife, for this display of ourse alid caus w.a`d' n4ing tt e d2oney 'paid for admisslon. cc r palm- F r your comfort aring the wintbr flows "I do. A] sweet littl;a flia ten la$isl rate T ra of the nar ect"nses -and to CiTE his f Alow:- �Piood Outloa-k for Stock Feeding. zeal was fined , 20 and costs by A 1"he rem, ir is that he 'Made out of 'the lu ict beld my hand for half n hour the m nths. A large �4nge -of Lbunges, turniptes-dei, I on 1nvariably th, of Ottawa. The magistrate imp Daed IT of Smii I wagons, 2 p% J. Ogden Armour, interviewed by the fidaring of -he aud' er.; whereby they could', listin- other evening and told in that I w�is 0 C S, Morris Oh rs, �aj� Cha,ira, Taeke, I stook rack t. The the higheab fine allowed by the statute. He. ! ience were not so ets fro Lu fixed Stars He Cr 4 enii i love in 3 out tweutv _F ! 4 -P.vi A. heelbirrow. I ba �.;T ;ft, _�f, Ohie,%g3Record,Herald last Friday, said : i 4.: . polite. - I g u In, n 11 1W 1N., PA Ift'"a W salct law as I far-reaching in proited n6 . i U I I I.., V I� I Increased papulaition in the cat e prD; oral. was p 'shed for declarl thl Lt the r� at% eN n resariO wish that the injutes nd sk the lady!to be inhie S .1 man wives, and it should be the same f6t hus- es Po chGose frol waducing sections means more home de havp :Ioarselets prima donnas.- Sun wa-1 701 bands. Which4will be the most saverely In Lot a g Ir ber atil 16 and be ccepted, and the *bole thi -;a4equate increae' formeatq. This, with b a Ln Lounges nf .1; - aura and i ei� bed bv this penalty, the husband or out 9f the chair Iola o4ches 'a Chai�s 111 thi� number of breeding cattle and with a punlo Ca aie true bef ore I -got Cf c4ta, b .og-children A Bee Line, the wife ? ca �y 'repaired a0. reeove ed. on Lax hFuns In!:! 11JILdigi. The els fflight Is I -Twenty years ago. on the 29bh -d� of October last, the residence of Mrs. Cora M. _;*a Jectness of the I ne� x S. r-wenty-edght langmages are- sippok proverb o rtest., 11arlier-1 see Iiiijoinwit;i-is going to !Three special 1i of Sanita y mat day Of I L The sho distanpe be. 64ree. S Elliott, in Oidensbu!g., was robbed of 't tresses 'kept in,stocki en. tween an r two given poin-,'s Is cdlled a ruari-y NT 'ergie Sbrewst 1, doll jeele worth $1,000. No trace of the r nss- India an I none Df'theoe is spok months! 11 four- I - - bee Mae. � &any observqrs tin t1 Ink t at the 3'uppose ney tallized, �,y b Cro jewels was found, and a few years 136ter, by fewer t] an 400,000 persons, w1it eiivy. h1m.- but I i S i joint n a _K, # InZ A " hipment of fin Pictures lately aolumn r* lire. Elliott moved to RochesUr. - �aat the most #e i*ral Is the mother fmm�ense eyeg with which - the in 3ect Is ,uflley-7He'll find thaf matrimony eons: tonp a'. It's a terrible thin st, if they Jo not can talk too. rec ei h icareful 9,� isn t week the postman delivered to Mrs. Elliott of 85,r)60,(O(. Besides''these'therg a,6� furnished -greatly ass4 yed. Come in and see' f em. Intending IYI. - it? Somehow, that awful ox-, -made up of cardbi oar : .-he i) rrowy, ibat aiin�ony the country entirely ! acco ke Ia little oblong b d' u t f or, r-7And I fa n ey t, 1 in the rej ac test pai �ts of �.Ispaoe be. cough, that bard struggle patched together roughly, and when ib- waw sag� throu wh. the biii lon(r dialects s )a Ken by nd 1 more. than 50 0 Stralghtn4ss of its pas WEI haN-e soinethim-, to PE, sons N�ilich . MUG Other than tkeM- ftir. hievem,ea The box ore' 'UNDERTAKING ee yards for air, can never be for- epanedabefouAd, carefully rolled U. in r gotten. 13e 'a little fore. cotton, the missing jowels. Ong has nim a K Q ct that the postmark of Premitt, Ontario. A selves ca# Interpre;. ludia where Iffe Dre, i rit F1 0 N-�, well I remomber, Said �Dnm- handed and � prevent it. t A Strikinir similh 'd e special -a .r., exceada, the jewels retarned was a unique,' �ongi g-ijea eels numberling their followas T -Th rtaking wiII receiv t-' 4 111 like, time 9 Keep.. heavy gold -chain, made by Mrs. Elliptvs fr� Xei ).08,001%00�. EtIndoos down to Dacbl�� -Why Is a wom, s lie proudl bra,ridished the In th� aid that % Vapo-Cresolene in the house, - in -Because she never f.ails to tentibri by Mr. Wm. L.Ieatherdale,, HU her an In the drid. I Benedti t -st tinic tllftt a -dre es- faster and when the children take cold let husband, who took the gold from a, thine' Z50, Am and tfie lit- the fli eve i tue 9i ImIstics w io 6 ds a diploma from the Cham- 0 get t1lit C)-tice shining blade!" himself.' Eaeh'liak has a gold dollari ab leets InOuded iu the 43,OC theni breattle-in the vapor during the nomerabb is ou uch tached. D&qhle!: -Nd,; b6cause a reve� Wlicire did you draw I t, Dumle` pum 10ollege of Embalming, All pers 0ai Ntbers.lk - IC goes right to the -A despatch from Winnipeg 81 a evening. throat,. Wilita the Count lovers. of tbidga.-I :kchiugi�., tile?" -IL ei ore av tha M,. -n wered at iust whete the droup lies. All "Two thousand of the Dukohobors 'Wolnelft.- NigAt and Sunday calls a Is hs laul c YD11thpill UDielitraint Dc t)A lot 4a ht, of the' irritation -subsides, the couggh quiets gone ineane, or lif it is not! insanity, 0 "If you want to g in rearl of the Minion. women79 m residence t oftha ---- closely allied toi it. fl I sometimes long fQr yot z siigued thi Thirteei hundre 0 flmnit In Finland. et on *1th down ancl serious trouble is prevented. T f th says Max 01ReI4 "never criticise Bi wk. i 03 I i exi'of Finland er them them have now! arrived at Yorkton ter c4lldhoo y. dayg'?11 said the sen- he wp; 10:ff. ffidavit, fu ow 12 t1i; 9-4 sL dke, or *1 ee D� Attw a t. gon 130 lti�; 2 ir with ter., r�pti;. -1 He pu f ers� coup ii),40velsi 4 -so arpos ,li5w" feet of RJQT, rIIuuWX0Uv SO mc ere are alic, to be sol iiiii L500, buthe acrt 7_ � rao A,pf man 1i; f m_ golds-sn turnios, f bout' 60 tons f b2olfts the In b eoacresioflam4 It 0 4 - 0 arraagrements C48 n - 10, a I*- ffed a, alp ixt 1.0 o'clock T*rp*—AJI 4M ad un er c"b r th# amount It __ iven c urnic-bing oprov ge. 61 , pc r cent. a for 012 relff ReIrt ente will - servXat 1,24'Wock Je at the Hicks Han mite, active purchasers coming ,froprietor JAM: r10E TO G EDTORS. 3urrogate lCourt the coutti 0 -on, "in the E_ of William Ift ons having any clilm'Against the estv* of COLD, latef Zhevii e of Z5 I oondvi lo, in v of Huron. retireditiarmeii 4ied on AVY V1 S L0 cure whoop n6 cour, . n Vapo-Cresolene their long mar& and 4,09 more are an- titlaqutal classes girform arduquis 1�bor in and never olier 'Enem Ruvice. AL.LIU that ceed to Oiatribute the asimto ,entitled to the is sold� by druggists everywhere. A Vapo-cresol ene outfit, including the Vapon zer and camped at PollOoka. bridgei seven miles I the at Out* own I 0,p tL 113 Ai lkrg ff-Lfted h7enne, here _�Ujoy other cot tries is u6ilaU assigited to hando0ts bar- never iorget tba't this is a rule one way. 0i _V 4- H KRY parties name, t3 the claims sent to 4he ui Lamp. which should last a life -dine, and a bottle of' VCresolene, There is a owe Mig Sky, and glass ar� g males. Wley-wheel aAd works only suchdistribution the Ricecuto co, extra supplies of Creso. ng.leter 8z so lenc5centsan 5acents. lilustrated bookletcontaln� 14 b. There':are menp women, degrees of fr a ' thv 0� t1AF fer ce and m. king faces at! P60- rows of various descripti6ng edhtain- 'an TO Jo" L&WDSBOROUG any creditors of - whoseclaim notice for any put of �khe AN me wheu Ing PhYsicians'testirnonials free u equest. VApo- C-RESOLF_N.F P�ii and children an babes in 06 rms among fanatics-. One bab bom on Monda pl� I don t like instea d of havi�-k 1:0 Ing heav r �u dens. They also sweep What a struggle - a sick :nl , makea 'there SEAVOIRTH. hotiee Ugiven ursuani to t D. Co., go Fulton St., York, U.S.A. 'Recommended and sold by L V. Fear a was y, bub the mother mai In the procession! Saj� you do1 dearl ad Y:: W M the stree s, a t as boatmOn. and veift for life consideApg that� Is littlo, '1807 Iz I . half. UO "KESTE S( SoikfOrtli, OctObOi 19M o Boon# Aruggiet, Seaforth. on Tuesday, 8,,ome'ire sick, some a re born tQ1 so & Lik it but ii or before ;o the under. and f Aa ver1fied by in Vill pro- is among the 'kironoo, only %me And iii be liable to Act Xe0eived 03t),te.. This In t"t be- Exe3utoft.