HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-10-31, Page 8b 7V f _4 N , V XT� - 1 7 A J f V U; f J `4 L 4 1, lit 71 4, J7 _0 Ni I; it A 4 t f :T E :7 T i t _;j i I All T, 4 J, P+ -7-17 W somew between 'the posting ZZ OFft.,�2 i �' 14 � commit ' BIq clearly �h�wed t' t an offenc4 had � b!en A AFarmer's 1119furou 10 of the lett�r in qaostion at Seaforth and its d . elivery �o Rev. �Albert MoXeon sit St. O.OFFER Columbi i the ev once produced at; not DISTRICT !�*Wlsllf 5. in ; w A TERIPTIT Stove. sufficient �o ilwa ut a conviction of the atioused,i MrB� ary: Carlin, of the, said THF; WooLLBtz Mim meetr i I e I the said Mrs. offenne. : �1, t�h r fDre� find mes. are good this faill: and money is ingof all interested in t4e p asin� of rh i P, :, Carlin npt, guilty af the offence, and die- pfautiful. We inbenA� taking -advantage woollen Mill by-law willi be Told I in th miss the! charge.. ' THOMAS H. RACE, Police oftheee good times �o largely i I norease fly Treasure councilehamber this (i�idsky) evening, at i I The Fa:m the circulation of Tim! EXPOSITOR. We eight o'clock. Every p00ion, is invited t� want to get ib up to �be'Five Thousand Ts a combinaidon, coal and wood attend, and it is partioul4rly de6lfed tha� A GOOD!Cola. In the 2:18: pace 'for a not.,h by the list ol f Xanuary. With there be a large turnout 04 those w o wish purge of 0 tofflo, the great harnese; race this object in vtew, el will give -THE I pro to see the 'Mill a livb and' ope a induls. cook stove of latest design. meeting,�� t �4 I PctO- ExposrSOR to New S#bsaribers from 6 his,, Tennessee, 01 try, bier 23r4-, he gre eat! Meeting. on the � Am- -FIRST, 1904 A roomy fire place for wood, ericall tlir th�s a on,, Harry 1),, Owned by NOW UNTIL J.�NU f ORGAN. RherrAL, -Kr.. IT. J jil er, who 1?. Cartifi, of Centralial, in this county� won FOR ONE DOLLA gives a recital in St.JT4om c uroh, on A P special lining for coal, special Mondayieviening,comos highly redo mended alecond pa oe, �n O'� 6eld of 11, -le race being as. ArinD., i4 2�-.09�,. Several df the the price of one i 'a subscription. an accomplished musl�ian. He is an *on by lining for wood. Large venti- sociate of the � Royal Coll of �est hor4a i inj A moricl.a took part in � this Send in your riames %ir, neei the sooner I being ace. �a.,ry D. 191byTarentlim, owned by t Organists, of England, i his fiesth r he better'. lated Steel oven copper reser- A. 0 larlies With f Egincyndvilleil. - in a well known ckrg�nist and compo er. He 1 0 To* any p rson,'sendi a the names of has a aboaf of press notices from ermaii, hil first it irt �ace# �Iatiry D. was third, vok,. nicely nickled, a perfect 0 2:14j,i end n thin, 'his second raceo was FOUR N W 'SU 13 S' RIBERS French and English pa ra. The tratford �16 eiconk 6 :09J. Two thousand five 1hun- Herald says of him His recittl in St. baker and heater. For sale by I'dred della was refw6d for him one.month at the a ve rate, ad �npanied by the James' church 4am the. beat ever Igiven in I 1� fey., ,A learo 1tb t�pr�oduces colts of this cash, we ill Bond is, lear, rece�pb for the cityl and was liaDericil to by an. udience 4 ( I as I lio I . I I that completely filled every ar of the 10 often a ailable in this country, t THE EX D SITOR for one yeAr land Mr. C blarIqlawd'rith-1 is justly proud this 01—MISNEY SMILRY2 sacred edifice." The recital W under the auspices of �the Ladies' Guild, andl all ar 1he In the�� c wrier (if 'i such a horse. Amore and for elk h'&Aditio %I four names they : 1 11 lextended notice ?f him' event. may be iven SE FORTH, ited. . I f A cordially in* Bond up, will give them I next w4 One Dollar Cash. Successors to S. Mullett & Co. HOUGH 6&P Losm�--Thle Clinton Collegi- ate football'team seouredI poesessid of the HoxoUBLE ME-14TjON-T.-The God'rich 18ignal of thiaweek make's the fol There are hun reds f subscribers, y t Hardware, Stoves, Etc. Hough c4l, which �fiaa Ibeen, h'Id, h th� wing 1:,,,,e --- Seaforth. Qp1legiate Inet I itut toyst for I reference to -Seaforthites On Su, day who, with very I i t ffort, coUld p interestifig servicemwete held St. Pe ke rno r the a�lvea and Acy us- e er's. M& iiey for the number of.'yeare, wi�th the exco Ion of DOMINshort sojourn in Go.daricb, by v�in ing, th �_ib being the'anniversaik of the, opening and good by s`iBuding us ilctgt lists of new ION BANK. game on Sliturday last by a &dor of two dedication of he church. ;At 8 a. ni.,L'the subactibers on the b6, arms. goals to one', The Clinton boys� h ve tried pastor, Re ' v. athe r West, celebrated early We give no cheap h �omos and we do CAPITAL (Paid ULP), - $2 500,000 time and again for the cap; an ertainl mass,. land a I rgo oum)'er of the par's ion- not club with �other ps l:iers, but, for the , 0 - - $2,500,000 ers received ihply c(mmunion. At 10:30 accornin(datiork of iii -I subseriberei, we REST their perseVerence deserves some. cc a a tion and tb&y have got- it, but we t a 0 high masaiwals Sung by Rev. Geor will, asugual, ieceiv,� ubleorip1tions for I - )0k SEAFORTH BRANCH, for long, as we expect our boysi t i va e Nortligrikves, of Seek(orth. 4t 4 6' lock the usual weekly .1 , )ars such as the Clinton and , bring it back with the . The Pl, M, . Veopers was held, and the chur was Global itness, Fa -0�rs' Sun, London y Main Street, Seaforth.. game, on Saturday was a close and intereat� -filled jv'i6l a c9rg6ga'ion ino u ing em- Advertiser, Farmer I i'Advocate, Famil A General Banking Business trans- ingy one, but the superior weight Ian age of bore of.. &I the bthOr enomin,ations. ) F the Herald, presby.teri84. Westminater,etc. acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, tb� Clinton boys gave them a dec ded adL town. F ther N`4thizraves who. is the aLEAN I AbS., PUBLISHERS. a F I chol- a players, an( ed Z and advances made on same at lowest vantage ov 'r the home to- this itor of :ie C+olic Repord', gave rates. w" due their victory.; Our bol S have' erly addr aes he Apostolic Edcces* n."' 0� 6 the view t ably pre cn a held by contac ith one of ti &Ia;rryi.-Mr. and nothing to be asbamed of and, it a little. sto Drafts sold on all points in, Canada, he atliblic ch re on this subject, The Mrs. Har. -y Stewart V turned from an ex. more practice and experienice they gill fully t 11 he United States and Europe. demonstrate that skill is superiorl to weightI. i choir, under thel le de rehip of Mrs. D. tended trip to the priii ' cipal cities of the T SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest Q1. Conoell,i rendeire Bne musical service, Eastern Stites, on Saturday night, and ist, M 'P. have taken up house.... d cot - allowed on deposits of One Dollar and j in whioh they w'r as ed by esa�e . Ithe Fitzgeral upwards. WORD FPIO.-tl A'N OLD FRIE-_M­�-In renew. 1 L ; orknoriand J. . bit of Seaforth both tage on West street. -C oil -11odgins, son of, ing his subscription to Tur,_E\FdSI9'OR,'Mr, Rev. J� Hqdgim, I ad his right, ar � F oseess sp el9l 'i'� voices. M of wholin, ndi R. S,. RAYS, W. K. PEARCE, . John FairloV, a former Seaf6rth � merobant, i i I . I badly spra ned in the �ootball match on[ Solicitor Manager. writing from Ponoka, Alberta, w: lic rehe is! Saturdia afternoon.-11iii. Daniel McGre r,! now locatea, says- I note a giea t many -.-A meabinga; L tb8 y :BoNv .-PR0' AT EN CIOI of Hullott, has leeks& the residence of Vr. changes in Seafokth since I left�� W. The member oftheSealor Bbw1iog0lub will*1:rheld %SEWING MACHINES. at 1?iCU'l Ho;el, oil Tul sd� evenhiz, Novenil 4th, Robert Willis, now (cc ed by Mr. Smil-� old settl6re are being remov( d gr d 11yo I . i 11:ers for the 10. p of, In(ingl.up, the iffairs of t. club I Ing a coming, )80 1 e. lie and,1will Qceupy' il Jiuprt th "d few are now left of the old� on 1; 1 i for the spai ion. 'A oil attondauce is roq ested. winter. r. 8a�iillie r moves- to the Bur., W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, I note also the busineS3 firm$ are Ziot the' james & aili �hael, �ree do 1E � 11-1 Maid street. -The, SEAFORTH. same as they used to be. This i's aestine I nett reside ce oii No - I I i Our late in to be a great country. The olim.-�-te is fine 6 f &III stoc Is comp very furniture f ctory here r, iceived an order thei� I have on hand a large and well assorted I dopartm Ot. Big 8too , aiid very reasonable prices. we have not had any cold weather y 3t. The �anly, ub ers, 0,,or e #. Slater, shoes, �eggings, other day for a- largE 3( nsiiznrnen� of office! i c -P 'r a %D� stock of first class sewing machines Ray I desks from a firm in v, Sco�land, and ., are lin 38 ni bts and mornings area, little chilly, but e C., are leading can't licat us mond, White or, Goodrich, in Cabinet. Drop ing forgood fpotwear. W H. Willis, Boots and Shoes the cash 151.1110orry anied 61 e order. This will . 7 d 11 1 Head and covered machines the middle of the day it is warm and you Scallorth cion b of ni, prices ranging be the me (If ke f0r abed this� good second can go about in your shirt . sleeves. Store upwar ei� y u 1 -1 don't rat lot g'av good from $25 a, also a few Farm�Ors, wh :)luck your fow dooris are open all day. and you can do busilt firm, showing t attb hand machines i rhich will be sold cheap for tb�row p feathers away, bring them to,,�Jbarles a fac�ick , hq re &tie -Dr. Ar ron �w cently All-mach.nes fully guaranteed, and her, Oelafprtll� and Iget cash for them. -1�32 -2 f g' I cash. name quite comfortably without a fire axcept 8 0 - sold hilig�prllikctice. in Bi leldJ has purchas. a little in the morning an'd eve People' Manj6ldls and T rnips for Sale.-Fbi, sale. proper instruct one Riven free of charge. . I ed the praotico'of Dr. once, at Vordwich. (if ye%ra quaintity of who have been here for ek'numbe Dealeg in needl is, oil, sewing machine at. i%boul of mangolde and a turni. olds aid all pulled, &PPIV t) D -Mr. Joh Finch k this , year a most say that we are likely to have' t, is fin tsohmente and )arts, Biayolea and Cream McLeno n, �eafort4 Gl ee6 Houbc. 1 20-1 beautiful eleetion ofle hryms�nbhomums of Sepamtors- Geikeral Fire and Life Insur- weather up to Christma I hopem. Th A�eav hi own gr wing. Mr� inch has made a coal question does not 2act us her i as i See dr large Oia lay of harnes y h ly used one month, a , arga since aive,�tj JOR, ke affected on all kinds of sket. Alth uga so faT set of tell in arness, on E in study of'o ryeanthe oul�ure and has po 1 at Brod r1oks Harn, Irty P w does you folks in the a pro t rates. Housee for Bale from I oce4sionally tut sea Shop, Seaforth. 1$20xl many rare and beau4f I specimens. He! and to rent. ffice next door to Queen's old Seaforth, acroled� some former re*idents of that bu�g, as i WA' E�.-Ab; A.� Young's, Seaforth, has a num er of them 10 exhibitionand for� 9 for: Hotel. t 31 ! 1 butter, 11�lgel, ktatoei, dried apples and 0res3ed sale in �lr Alex. Wi te a stoie, �an'd they: instance W. S. Robert8dri, of Edmon, on. ; ry,lijormbi0A ithel highest- pi ice will be Oald In have. be�n reatly adi.�',ir d and are in good or clash. �819-2 NORTH XAIN ST., SEAFORTH. I I . ; I demeknd�b fl weir lover . Although only TRIi,v=-Er,s.-Ths f0lowing worE tickeb. I 'house - 1630 4 Whe 4 u get t rough: with the working on a limited Is ale, many, of Mr. ed to distant pointsthi4 week by jW. Somer'� claisuliq let me. know rid! I will coins and ta�e away 2 Finch a blooms surpai a beauty ind rarity ville, railway and stoam�hip agen6, E eafortb� 3-burraj%cic. 0harl(siSher,Scaforth. 1820-2 1 the product' fth 'Is rgest grovrers in the Attend t�e Best -it Pays. Mrs. J. H. Broadfocit, !to St. Joseph, MiaL! Prot, ot your ior 9 wi th one of Brod �rick's "'" " I mouri, where she inte'n"', g a visit to � blariket&i The largest esorti I ent,ithe beatIvaluee. province. I lAberhart has pur-i Btoderic �'o �Rtrnus S o r. Chp in Tionsall Mr. her brother, Mr. Robert mitlaw ; Master. t�s So Drth.. - 1920X1 chased a blkilsi.e Edward Collie, to Bil'eevyArizonei to join -give a lay your fowl alive � See �Lberhart is a clever i4zisb and � ek� oblig-, V% hat we r 16c ; Ing young business In n I and the pbople willi his father ; Mrs. J. A. ae and family, of -, ,, . reiPR3,ing ied a plea i5c, butt�' a 920 0001stook, G E. iug, ingliam. 1.819-tt find in him ark ent rfksing� and reliable! Franc sco, California, ani "20ioco� Brussels, to San 'goo STRATFORD, ONTARIO. her brother, Mr. Jarrl�es Sh t Great We Wave ttiei t pin 3,11. and now we are oibiz9o.-The 33rd re�,ir iont hand, has en., � 400 a V sw satisfied fbai A. Yo "a blended coffee, And gaged the.Coloni 1 4 6g P.10'ture Company Falls, Montana ;' Mr. I and 3 aker to black tea, is the bem a 1819.2 Reoent graduates have accepted good posi- r�r; i to give an entert in nAll in Cardno's hall on, their home at Rotter�am Junoti n, Ne W a in tions at $40, $45, $50, and $60� per month. I Mr. Pallneo, aasociate of' the'Royal Friday evening, Nove Mr 14th. This com- York ; Mr. J. H. BroaAfoot, to Ot ' 'wal "' CAlege �f organisti, Lp don, agland, will give an tb This is the kind of evidence you are looking a busineas trip ; Mrs. Taylor, who as been organ rebiW in St. Tht Eta Church, on Mondwy even- pany.has one of e t. movirkg I ture for as to the best school to attend, Cata- r! rr�achines manllfaotur�U,t and, the lile(lit Of spending the Bummer ivith her to sin, Mr. i6gnexb"atsp.m. M�,- ill be assisted by several logue free� Walsh, of Beechwood, to her homlej in Pro- vOcRii"t-91�0f the tawli, 4 otirlll present a good pro- views sho n includes �tl eru�tion of kount gram. WorybodyAslcp e; silver collection 18�Oxl Pelee and any other 1 0 equal interest. It W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. vidence, Rhode Islandi' The� follo Ing are t 4444-52 taking advantage of the hunters oursion Dancinj Soho I Scotcb, Irish and social is an entertlainmen �orlh seeing and, W. i datioing �aug�ht, W11 I Loud, instructor. Call tit 0. the boys. should b ! a big houEe.- to Maskoka points : blel;sra. ID Bright, G. M. Baldwin, Mis. R�ybert U. B,ldyi, a CO.'s iup*o abore. 182021 Mr. and Mrs. H. G a6d little danghter� We Keay, Moving. memi Ian, jr.:, ones iol Ren .4 n eight roomed I %dii H �phouqe are all con 'ned to th , idenoo through Edward e r real Mrs. Wm. Ireland, Mir. and Mrs. to rent,toloie to t e urniture factory. A, pl�, to illness. -The Messrs., bksdn, of Egmond., Hinobley, Mr. and MrO. John Hino[Iley and John Bro If bot, SeAfo t 8192 Our stock is underselling all competitors ville, are making imp 6vements in their Mr. James Hart, McKolop ; Miss Wallace fancy ina just o at A. tannery b ilding.-Tha 11 Ca 01 Pened in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Brooches, Tuckeramith to Rodbe-ster, New Yorki young$ S aforth. 1 0 wthing nice.; 1 181,-2 Eigniondville people. 0haina, and other articles of. jewelry. Our are havi Ig a good str t h of cement pave- I where she will visit her', two brotherb. od drivlug mare, 5 year reputation for fine goods, low prices and FOP. I�Akl g a meni coltabructed or -1 qain street. -The -The foflowing wer� ticketed by Messrs. old, %ound ad reliabli. P. Mulcishy, Seafortb. honorable dealing, does the business for us, first one* of the season ' fell on Tueeday Greig & Stev�art, C. P.! R. sgieidGo, IL� eaforth,: C3 t .4820.1 &]Qd we endeavor to live up to our name. John Worden, Cro idglib and on Wedineedli t ground wap I ml�srty, and. Willia. lom I F R SALE OR REIZT1.-SiX - ; We carry a well-as8orted stock, and every i 1 41, white. Wei, should hav6 In Ian summe article is warranted as represented. Warden, Staffa, to Garden, River, and ]sr V006 halls,� �A thea closets, pantry,,i cqllar -The bV.Iaw to V I r vide )an ti nace, hard and scift water, John and-Ceorge Galbr4kith, McKillop, 9 unger ivhoPhuuse,i f yet. for a Iii Repairing a Ppecialty with us. i new ciiiien.t'well, st n cistern, corner lot 1�a good ten thousand dollars to I an to Mr. Dick Vauconver, British Col,ximbia. il location, House be n iug to W. Prendergisat.1 A aid in the I re-mbartina 1 of the Van Egmon —0 bargain ic&4:be had 1 Is property. Apply to J L Countees Jewelry Establishment, woollen 11iill is publIghed in this - issue. ri, XT M.xssi-.,-(,,Boys.-T.ne;clin,Lon, Ne Era, of Hilloran, SWortb. 1820 if Peter's Mistake " w1l. be the liubject of SEAFORTH, last week isays Inifo mation isl wanted by the mother of the ypubgest of. �wcy boys Tim:CORMERS To TRE ��AONT.-The ;�an_ Rev, F. H. Larkin's s6rmon in' the Presbyl- W. R. COUNTER,, Manager terian church on Sabha h evening next.---r- who left the town a w0ek ago last onday, nual niee�jng of th members of the Sea - V I t forth Oul-Illng C13 as held in the C61m. Thetreasut'erofthe So 6eHuron agricul- forunkowri parts. Th'eyj were (rpseed in t ,rcial liotel o I Tuesday evening last. tural socie y paid but nearly six hundred Henderson's PhOtO dark clothes, and are,ftth of dagk com. There We e� � larg a tendance �and the 'en- dollars at xeter on Tueaday. Aet for prizes anifes elil augurs well for a mile. awarded t the recerib fall iow in that plexion., The little feli�cyv�, who is sk�out 13,, thusialim t bQt 75 poun; 9, 1 and , wear a cap Studio. weighs a ceB8ful sEaton. 43 following: officerl were town. -Th re a ems W be !;i ry keen com- e' and sh4t ants, while1he' ta oy is 17 ointed!.­ Pal r0n, James McMichael ; pe ition in the banking busibi so just now. Full stock of MovIdings years o ag weighs 1'�._ 5 pounds an carrie's app presidon , A. W I. n ; vice. president, F. Whether t:is is due td E pletb ra cas we and- icture Frames. a rifle. T air names are Morgan Agnew VV. T*e dle ; eacretary,treasurer, Ark'agew f - I and Lible J ndmore, iretpectively. It is iA S do not kno * . y of, ne charter - Photo Ent rging a Specialty. though�,the are on t . heir way noi th for it Hays c)Tmittee pf m6nagement, essrs. ed bank w i is opened � i Ex tep I recently, W. K. Psarce, Dr.� urrows, W. D. right, another in Clinton, 'ari� onday two shoot, eslthough other teports say ffie y are W. Ament f. F4 Coleman ; representa. -re opened Ti " l wr. in the ism livii e of Credi headin' fo Any inf(rinatioli 1� - J. P., HENDERSONN, Seaforth. )r Michigau. , tives, G. Williskiiison and: M. Morris ; ton, in the township ][of Ste gheii. Bank 1761 1 np in the � finding '111 1 that wil -out' of the skips, A. Young D. Bright, W. Pick- agencies will soon be 0 numerous as news- wbereapou�s of these ly�yg. will -be th' nkfulli ard Aimen�t, A Wilbun, R. S. Hays, papers. -I he claim of r. aoL Murrav, of receiveo at this office., town, for � amages must ined i,thro THE iCANADIAN _01111 Friday last'; C'blasts;ble illespie W. M'Dp' 11 - 1W. Twaddle, T - F C le- I Lrh an ac- .rga ii r man: W 40. W. K. Pearce, b. �T. cident at Grieve's bri e the i -Dight of received wo d from Ociderich to bl�i on the 'i�ichsrdson and DAutchinsciiii. September let, has bee a tlbd b. ' cy Hepiiiu;n&. R et v the Mo. Bank of Sommerce I look out for two yodrig! boyte fr4m that The fojlo�viag wor� selected as skips for 'the Killop council, Mr. Muraay receiving $50. town who had left !home witholut con� Ontari - ankard co I petition, A. Young and -Mr. W. H. �IcCrlek#qn, of BruFsels, the CAPITAL (PAID UP) ulting their parentsl� hey are i Otwell, W. A e and 3y are to select their well known prize win r abAl whose name the 11 year old son. of MeL A. M. �odd, of Eight KiMon Dollars $8,000,000. pl yerO efore the I 15th of December. A must be very familiar to all readers of show the Star, and the 13 year !old son of Mr. 0. a !I wn � reaolq-io I expressil e of regret at the death prize lists, was in to I n 'Weanesday. Mr. Rest, $2;000,000, F, Carey. The boys 1qef b their h1omea on Of the lal e Mr. in I b! i Weir, one of the old- MoOracken has ecoo in Aout. UOO in Wednesday morning ot last week, a6d were eat. and oat efficifilat members of the club prizes this year, mostl3ifor roots, Vegetables rise and seen driving away that'daky with a b SEAFORTH BRANCH. buggy. Latestreporti saythat t e boys and o4o who had 4ways taken a deep In.- and flowers. He culto! ten only about two I A getterall Banking business tran- tereeti�lrk;its welfaO and in the game, am acreti of land and doe' most i of the work were last seen by farmers irr the neighbor- Pat I I . I I I Jae himself, b oldes runna g a grocery business. sacted. Farmiers' Notos discountod, hood of London, wherie they abandoned the F .1 ! The hand (if the deligi int shall' prosper and end special attention given to the horse and - ,rig,, LocSt. George Patermon'fell Mr. MoUrecken certai ily does promper as a catlection of Sate Notes. PRIEFS. Mr i from a, 64ep ladder on which be was j stand- gardener and prize wix 01,er. Wbilein.town SAVINGS BAN K.-Inteoest allow - THE ST, COLU-NBAN PO�T ()FFrCF, CASE.— ing, in� the furnit rr, factory, on Friday Mr. McCracken paid b a' thirt! -sixth annual ad an d;eypositz of $1 and upwards. ? I I y SPectat factlitles for transaction of Th6-Mitohell Recordev; of last wee has the forano 11! last, fr' turing bis right arm oubscriptio'n to THE , -,KPOSITOR.—Mr. and business in the Klondike District. following: "Theinf6rmiation laid, by Mr, above bl� wrist c will be given an , en- Mrs. E, Hinebley 'If t on, ' Thu� day fo Hobkirk, of Lirindon, o me weeks as I y, 'Muskoki where I Money Orders, payable pit any bank,19aued aithe aga, f; St. Columb in P. 0., the accident. Wm.. McNaughton,'' f spend three weeks v iting friends. Mr. sit Office I;speotor, forced h4liday fo I a result'of Fort Sidn p w1irl following rates inat Mrs. Carlin, o M �118 Uader $10 .08 $20 to $30 .12 accused. her of openirig a letter add eased to Tackeismith, eh( ed at the Seaforth Hinchley will also tak I a ciao at a deer, if 810, to $20 .10 V30 to 050 .14 Rev. Father McKeon'il of St. 0 lumban, show, al roadiste mare and foal and he gets a 0 chance. - _3 Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. F. HOLMESTET G.! E. PARKES. while passing through the mails. Solicitor. r izg r the foal and third aturday for i he pro- got firirs� prize Hinchley leave on f, a few Manager. seoution occupied all Wednesday afternoon. for thO mare. T �e prizes were inadver- weeks' visit with friew' in Gravenhurst. 1624 1 - John Idirigton, K. C.,!, County Cr'wn At" tently �credited to w !George Nott and George Tha old reliable Guy fitos., Minstrels, will torney, of Stratford, �yrOsecuting, ild Mr. y6on in �e published prize list.- make their annual appf'arancO in Cardno's E. A. Darkbar, defendirig, The �itnesaes Mklr�;"�'e'd Gregg, 66n of Mr. George Gregg, hallnext Tuesday overing. The company for the proaecutionw'ereMr, Hob�irkarid of MOullop, near:', Walton, i8now located this year if all new, an, . is b ' er and bette igg r Rev. Father McKeon, both of -tvho6 gave a about te-6 miles fr M Moose Jaw. He has I than ever. Mr. Thcyu�P�A Brown, formerly lengthy testimony, and were sharp)[y oross- been thef'Itwo -a and this year had 200 bandinaste., here, is no" with the Guy Broa. Hunters' Excursion s 'o examined by Mr. Dun ar, In the1evening acres of �1 eat, ach will yield about j' 40 -Mr. W . Weatcott left last week for - the latter asked an adjournment t� enable bushels tb the a e4. He had 1,500 bushels Wingbam, wherehe wtll be employed until The Grand Trunk announce Single First- him to summon witnes4ea� for the defenoe. of wh6atilast year t from 60 acres. That is Christmas.-Mias Deav'&s, of John treet, Class Fare from stations in Cianada, Brock - Au adjournment was niad.9 to SatIrday at the w8j"oung nl�4 get alopg in the North- met with ei painful -aodident oif Tu"eisday ville and West,to that sportanasn"a imradise, one o'clock. At that h! oui tfie hea�ing was west. -4-Measrs. I eriff Reynolds, Go'de- evening. �She was toin home . from a the " Highlandsl, of Ontario," which include remmed, Mra. Carlin "being the fi�,st wit. rich ; 1 in. Lew , Crediton, and J. � N. meeting in'the Method, at c urch, when she bhe Muskoka L kes dist , riot, Lake of Bays, ness. Her testimony �cci:ipiecl oVerlark hour Ca pbel , Aubur" have been appointed sidewalk an� I br ke her -left arm and 9, half. and she as i followed by her Lake Nipisaing, Argyle to Coboconk, Seven fell on the re urning officers or the referendum vote near the wrist. ---�Mr. ai d Mrs, JobD Ingram, te North Bay, Lindsay to Haliburton, On daughter Evelyn, and, her '6rothe. Henry for th6 e at, South and west ridings, I re-. �of Michigan, were.gue4,t,s of I Mr. and Mrs. 44 oduty. i line of Canada Atlantic Railroad; Rainy Dcwney� who corroborated her a ry, and specti0ely, of this' --�-Mrs., Ge6rge H. Hugh Stepbenson thi I eBk.-Mi . (L)r.) w rs Leklike to Parry Sound, and on C. P. R. Mat- by the mail carrier, �J4mts Neigh. At the French,:: f Vanc6dver, British Columbia, Burrows and children 6tur 2ed on 'Monday 61'ek tawa, to Nepigon. Tickets are good going conclusion of the evidence, Mr. Dunbar was in, t wn this v Mrs.'French 'was from a two -weeks' visi �wit I frienda'in Lou - October 24th to November let inclusive, and made an able and forceful address in behalf visitini ims Gr4 of McKillop, and other don. -Miss Ruth Va gmond is visiting v.alidratuminglintil DecomberMt.h. of the defence, and 'was followed by ark friend4in this *ieiniby. Mr. and 14re. her aunts in Bay Ci.. Michigan.-Misio Reportafrom, his district promise a, re- equally, vigorous addr�sa by Mr. Idington. French Were resid6ts of Seaforth at one AddiE, Carr ocbau, of t ce, Hospital, Tor - card year, and the deer are much more for the prosecution. The case � was then ad- time b.6tl have re ded in Vancouver 'for onto, in in town this eel., attending the numerous. The fact that there is an open journed till Wednesda!y �ekib 4 o'ciock, for about twelve ye ri. Mrs. French inte'de wedding of her cousin, . as May Carnoohan. season for moose. this year -November Ist consideration and for fival judgmerk�. Dur- returnin" home fo 'Christmas. She thinks -The farm 'of Mr. Wry, Hogg, near Win - 9 to 15th: --will induce many"huntera to take in the d f Doe the POLE) Ma i U to bad there io. no place is a good as Vancouver. - bbrop, was sold by -no n on'Wednesday, ntage of t ese low rates, and enjoy adva asted Dre Ceull, J. P., to'lait wigt'hB �Irn, and Mayor' Br'oadfoot 1v ras in i Ottawa this we�k. Mr.. Wats)n, of Hit pit, being the pur, this exhilarating sport.. Illustrated book- on, Wednesday after�od,n they aref ully We do; not know M� ether or not the Mayor chaser. TI e price wai 3,050.' The farm lets. entitled " 1 [aunts of Fish and Game., went over the evidenewtogether, af I _ r which bee an ei� 0 on the position -of Minister of contain& 50 acres, and a, nice property. nisy be obtained from the Police Magistrate,! who alone was re- Publio� Works re,ently vacated bY Mr. The stock a id chattels rel.alao disposed of RR Q sponsible in - the. case ces.- re., I n WVMO 8 MERVILLE gave the. Rowing Tarte, Jbit Sir Wil id might go a deal fur- for good pr, M J �,mos Bdnthro died l judgment Having n told with gro�t atte9- therayid not fareil tter. He is all right' in in Toro'to on Saturda r. �-Miis. Bouthron Agent Seaforth. tion the argument of 4o0nsel t4is. ase, tici a a e fire 'alarm call�d oub had, been at. invalid forl sweral years. She T c lyway.-! he ir ly r re e, nd reviewed carefully all t videnoe, tphoeli fiveo"olo M Hought fi trigade 0 t ok Saiturday was a daughter of the la.6 - on, or by a4dressing J. D. MoDONALD, Dis. �a.ken, I am led to �hs conolunon that afte=. It waaft false alarm fortunately,- of Seaforth, and will 0 iem ered by trict lVasee 29er Agent, Toronto. though the chain Of circu�matant4ekl Pvidenoe oaused'bl an ele4 io light wire ooming -in many of ou: roRders. Lon ; 4e ; s�qyr Watch the peon Iles, Olays,ithe frugal ler- .son ; the dollars are . ctbditcd with taking care of themselves.' Tili4 certainly do at 'The E. McFaUl Ocit's Sfore, Seaforth, where !,their purchasing power is so�gfeat. You dark �hitoh your dollar to as heavy a load as you 'Would have it car Vnde�wear, Blankets, ry, Flan n els , Dress Goods.' Furs, Jackets i 4n d the like, are the interesting �hings now. 1820-1 NOTES.—MrS. John Melv�ille is very low at present.—Mra. Epirneab Seeger and Mrs. Webb are on the aiak list this week.—ldr. Combs was around this week purchasing "a couple. of carloads"of f owl fo' Mr.:'G. Pow e of Blybh.—Miss Ada h m a"ent, a e a t Bin g E pfriend in days this week a the gueE of p t, Auburnii—Mies J.� MoLau. hlin Sunda with Mrs. Young.', Wroxeter. NOTES.—Mr. Stewart, of 14 oleswo t has been threshing in, t6in vicinity wit h a vl�6w style of selparator, which I saves the labor of from six to nine men. Xt cuts the straw almost as fin� als.-if done b� the reg- ular cutter. The out I tr w is blown up a long tube, and by ttMa' earill one mairl' alone can handle lhe_� stravi. With some 1 im�rovement, -which Mr. Stewart will have perfected next sesklaon,,the machine becomes at once the farmer's favorite. We do not anticipate that any of the fa"mers will g) on strike on accountlof the i7ovement in cutting the straw and at the same 'time doing with from six to nifid, men less. We do not think any 'of Ithe rmers in this vicinity belong to thei I b ... urkion.— ev. Dr. Talling, of Toron�o,eoco pied the pi apit in the Presbyterian churchl(,)�On Sunday. —8. B. MeKelvie spent several days of this week in Toronto.—;A � meetibg of thos) in. terested in prohibition wx�o held iii the Presbyterian courch �asem6nt on Tuesday eveniniD.g,—A. HemphillZano W. McNeil,'of Walkertoryl--'vi8ited at the former's home on Sunda�.—The young men of the village in- tend 1�oldirig an. assembly in; the town hall, on We I nesday ev�ening.—Rev. E. P. VV611% B. A., 111. D., of lEiliel, preached a mis don- ary sermon in the� Methodist church Su day evening.—Robert I Black att.�nded t e funer- al of a brother 'in Eire, V t wee French shipped a carloeid o7selamba on Fri- d,ay, and:& car of hogs fromi this station on i Monday.'—Rev. W. Mahood, of Dakols, is visiting r1elatives in this vicinity. Ohiselhurst. WE STOOP.�Yei% many times a day, but never to bring qiiality dowo to the c eap level. Worth is a standa, d with u i to stay, bat our px�ogressivenops has p illed down the prices, nillring ?ur dependable. merchandise conitinuous bargains. And speaking of ' Fare, I ur utdck, comprising many specials and an extra' large assortment will win your - 'favor, iq I ure. I C.ome if it's only to enjoy the richries!s the display aff)rds. The E. McFaul C?��', St%forth. 1820-1 A GOOD COLT.--�- At' the dale of Mr. D. McNaughton, near this vWage, recently, there was a good attoodancq�and cod I rices were realized all �long` the line. ',. A foui � and a half months'; old' colt, 9,red by IV. J. Berry's horse, br�ugh�b the andsome )rice of $95, It certainly I pays Ito i raise rood stock. M ELA-NOHOLY SHOOTING I AbCIDIENT. —A most melarkoholy'shociiiing a6cidbnb occurred near here on Fri lay )Ast. i It - seems that several boys wer out'shootiiig squirrels in a bush near here. Among the -number were John Boa, son 'of M r'. Wil)ia-xn Boa, and Paul Boa, son. of Mr. Paul Soils, both boys being about 15 years of age. � They had shot a black squirrel �and, youn Paul Boa was holdingit-up lo'ki I at it ud his cousin, Q in William Boa, wa�s standin near him. , In some way or other, bi it ho the boys could not explain, Willie, !,a gu went off, the full charge lodging in Paul's leg, abattering .the bone from t 0 e downwards. The lad was got home am (uickly� am possible but the lose of blood in t e meantime was very great and when inedi. al aid: wasl procur cl i it was found he w" 99 'Pvelak that nothing could be done foi hi and he died the same night. Much eyinpa)hy is, ielt for the par- ents and friends! on ocount of their bar- eavement. The Muinber of accidents that occur through the country,, of this na,u,7e,, is simply appallin ad paienw would 60 wisely by not allow!'n; yo rig an;d the ght- less boy's to go linintiV wiuth fire rms. Heni all. G. J. Sutherland, iclinveyancer for en. eall, has bad placed in his' I ends for sale a very om. fortable and well platknedl )riok dwellink in is ood location, with nice lawn,q vi alks and garden. es and �11 ood furnace and all modern nveniences and wil be sold at a very reasonatil price� Intending pur. chasers will be given,full rticul4rs. Also for sale or to rent frame stores on good central .1ocati , on easy terms. As to prices *ad a ments apply t G. J. Sutherland, conlreyvancIr Hens 11. 1811 tf �.11' To RENT.—A fiist-clus bri ck store to rent, situate on the Main street in the 111age of Hen iall, known as store No. I of 0 Bell Block, which was recently occupied by 'F * G.z Arno , who carried )n a gen,,ral stora and milliperi busin as. , t a one of the best business sta,Cda in, e ce and has a Irat class collar and s fitted wi dwe � ing roogis on the second floor. It is a ery Yery inforiable building 96nd ispractically new, having been erected only �our yearsego. Itwillbe'rento foraterm of yearexta reaRotiable rent. For-furth r particulars address the proprietor, ROBERT,'BEL. Seaforth, or apply )er- sonally to G. J. SUTHERL D, 4ensall. 1814. 1 LocAL BRIEFS. Mri George Joynt, who, I has been in Luck�ow �c r the! past mouth or no, assisting his broth 1, was in the vill ige the first part of this � week.—Mr. W_ . J. Miller has arranged to, 3ave�a good concert u —On' Saturday af I er- here in the near f iture moon last, Mr. Robert McArthur, of . 1e township of Hay while euga I , ged in pull ng Japples, fell from the tr,(e, receiving pai ul ji"11juries which required medical seivicee.— �Mr. D. Cantelork was ip Clin'ton on businass !this week.—Rev. J. H.- Dyke, of iTara, was here this week attendi g his sister -in -la ) a funeral.—A large quap ity of apples have ,been shipped from this eta ion durhk3g 1e past week or so.—Mr.'Fred rick A. ey es, of Uaborne, has sold hP0 far to Mr� Fre nk Ryo4man, of the same owpohip,—Mr. A. Dent4 of Nlitchell, and ��r. M. H. Dent, of Renfrew, were in the village the first p tirt of the week, visiting their sister, Mrs. James Sutherland.—Wo regret this week to have,tochroniolothe Jeat� of Mrs. blo- Arth"Ur, wife of Mr. John McArthur, ha. -d. iware merchant, of this villege, whic mad - !event occurred home on Sabbath !evening last, Mrs. Me krthu�r had been in I failing healtb, for some! :iime � past, and al- �though all that medical skill could do was Idone and all that a loving husband could Je- ivise (including a trip during the past sum. mer and fall inontbis to St. Thomas, Minas - sots, in the hope that t io change of climate would prove benafiCiaL), MIrs. McArthur ;continued to grow weaker and weaker ui til it was only with great dlffi f ulty that i he ,was enabled to make1le tri home. Since herretarn she had teen sinking slowly until' death came on- Sal bat eveniDgtO (all her to a brighter and,b( tter 6me. The e. ceased was Well and favorably known in ur village, having first been engaged 'here in themillinery business --together with ier sister Mary, now Mrs. I Rev.) Dyke. Ab)ut 115 years ago -she was �app ' ily married to :Mr. McArthur, their unio b:ing leF ad f A rviv� (with three young Bone, who e er. The deceased was the eldeab daughter of Mr. Stephen Ball, who resided for m ny years in Goderich bdt i now in Minnes ta. Mrs. McArthur was a kind and - faitt ful wife and an affectionate mother and their .home life was a happy and ideal one. Be. ing possessed. of so many kind and excell 3 -at ,qua itieb, w io me er a genera av or. ]its, she will be greatlyi mled by a I&rge i circle of relatives and fr end, The f uh( ral iserviee 'was held in Carpel church on Wed. ,nesday afternoon last, at 2 o 3 clock, the mer- �viee being conducted by the pastor, amsiawd �Ioy the resident ministers. :The service was �Iiigely attended as' was also the funer3l to �the Union cemetery, at Rodgerville. The p 11 1 1. � I �11 bearers w re members of the Home cle. of whio� i Mrs. c th ar was a mem- ber, and ek-servl,�6 at heg'rave was held by order. M Ithur and family have that order. Mr 4 c the sympathy 13' the ommu,nity in their sad bereavement.-Thel enter� . ainment given under the ausp�ces of �he G Iden Mission Band,of Carme ohuroh� on T=day evening last, was not as largely attended as was hoped for, but the programme throughour, was an excellent one, ie'nd t e church was beautifully dec i�ated �or the occasion. In addition to ho;O talent, MrJ George Cline and Mrs. Beal'i, of Wingh�am, delighted the audiance. !Their solecuidne were- well ,3h omen and rendered. , G. 4. Sutherland, age nt for George Joynt, has �old his dwel- ling on the Lonion road, formerly occupied by Mr. R. Pate�rmon, jr-, to Mr. Joseph Up. shaH, of Kippep, who,: we are pleased to learn, intends I eO i resident of our omln village. -Rev.`$. 13&11!16if Mcquoy, was here this week atte ing the.funer of his sister, Mrs. John Me rthur. Woriz 'a The beat a"signers �of.t world have surpassed them lielv'es in:their endeavors to createfashion Jpee th�blv 0 ild charin the feminine fancy r, I gu,e it a Jackets we're talking about., Any my we h&ve some swell cloth Jacfets thatlare moving quickly because of tl�e Otyle� th� fit and the price. - Or if it,is F urn we are alluding to, why then oursigave cer�ainl, irciii the fem- inine mind. They have h mth, a beautv and a goodness' that wi 6. d 'the test of the coldest cold The F. Me aul Co... Sea. f orth. 189-0-1 NOTES—Ca4.,,hy weather for lifting roots. 0 Mi h ` e tif Hespeler, spent Thanks- giving �`a"y in ,Pa local.ty.— Service is be- itig held eve . . ng in the church at Sunshine. —Pot to rot i is v ry common.— Mr. A. Buttou,I of the 7th ine, and Miss Lizzile Alcodk i6th' lin , were married on Tuesday evennig of lastl'week. A wedding took place on the 11 5bh line, the following evening. Seems to b . cat(hing.—Auction sales are boom�lng, so ara the prices of live stock. —Th real iirgs are about wound up.— The a I not so g3od this year pple cro .too many sm-T.i i1r1ash. I At $1 a barrel it hardly pays 6o pick 6ern Farmers are away behind *ith the �:fallFiOwirllg, owing to so much thTi'dihin a d a bending to the g roots, apples,! �,etc. — Rev. Larkin, of Seafortb, res hed ini Kn)x church, Bel� grave, Sunda before last morning evening, to I ge congregat ons, and deliv- ered a fine address the fol owing Monday evening at the tells me t, 8 Inty Rev. Mr, Hastie was atl8eafortb. ` WEDDIING BELLs. —At Jvoe o'clock o Wednesday, c1tober 29 -1a very pretty wedding tookIl plac-3 at - �pruce Avenue Farm,',' Morri9, tb residenge of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hatlid y, When their- daughter, Miss 0hri llidai , vi�as -married" to Mr. Thomas- Wal-1mr, of russels. . Tb`e cer�mony wa . ;perfcyr�ed y -Rtv. J. J. Hastie, of Begiave, in�the resence of about lativ! 75 re es nd intin �ste friends oi the young people.,, , The bride �'as - given way by her father nd looked very sweet I and charming in a I exquisite own of hite organdie, trim ed with inkertion and, fine ruchings of'cb. ffon in bow -knot Jesign. She also -wore a '.Aal veil �of Brussels net with the usual orang§ blossoms, and carried a beautif ul bou(I det of bridal rosessind aspiar. ague fern. Mids Florence Young made a pretty little A�ywer girl in a. dainty white muslin dress ��A carry,�!ng - ink carnations. The wedd' srch *as layed by Mile a Ing Tessie Elailid . After the usual congrata- lations followilik the cerem excellent supper was ae�v6d in the dining room, the decorations b!�ng pink an I white. The bride's travelling dress�' wa a tailor-made suit Of navy bi'e cheiiot, With a blouge of pale green sil�� and he,r. hat was of black velvet with to�kches oUburnt orange. Among the guests froT a diet : ce W6rB Miss Walk- er, Mr. and. M John! Walker, Mr. Alex. Walker, Dr. �,,Zlnd Mrs, IcKelvie, Miss Sarah McL Pin and Mr. John B. M -c - Laughlin, a�rgl �!aLsols ' '� the Misses Living- stone, Blyth ; . r. and Mrs. Rev. Young and Miss Flor Y ace Yc�upg, Mr. and Mrs. John Young, 1�e Misses I Me deand Mattie iSallows and r. W. � . we, Colborne.; I Sall Mies E. Hayd n, Mi. H den, Mina C. Hyndman an Mr. 'J.:1 , yndman, New - 'b id e ; Mr. a 'd Mrs.' Robe tsov, Toronto 21889 M. Clu , �Cli "on ; r. Alan Me - Lean, Harris ri ; �� ri.� a4d Mrs. John Fraser, Bayfiel Maloney's linch room, Bank of Com- merce Block, 3eaftIrth. D, Inner 11 cen 9, 1820-1 D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer wills, mortgages at i4 deeds drawn ip. Money loaned at the lo Aro8t rates of interest. 1740-tt Every purche e you make of us must be hatisfactory. I :not th it's your fault, I itf is i we, g, adly exchange don't blame us, ri g� p goods or refun I the )ur3hi emoney with every just demAnd. Could on buy Furs on a better basis ? We if ully uarantee what we sell. You r"",no r,isk, d the qualities are exceptiona� i because o price. Assort- ments of what's, the la�teeit in Jackets, Cap. erines. Boas, luffs, and the other smaller Furs are mostT complete.' "he E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. - 1 1820.1 . NOTES.—: A ery pretty wedding -took place at the re idenc! of, ra. Workman, .Tuckeramith, villen her ' da ghter Maggie was united in n iarriaie t6 X . J. - Reid, of London. Only he most lutifnate friends of the bridle were resenli.' Re Mr. McLen. man performed he ce'remon, The pre I a. ents were, num cum land �ost Iv. This bride looked charmiry in her wecaing dress of pearl grey popl � Al�ter� th( se present had offered their co gratqlations to the bride and groom a v ry sump a repast was served and pi e offer Mr. and Mrs. Reid our livery i wlarm(st congratula. tions as they arp . begInning their married 4fe.—Anniveraory services will be held in Me Methodist qhurob'on Sabbath and Men- -day, 9th and 10th of Nov mber. There will be three s4v�ices on Su ay, at 10.30, 2,SO and 7. The morning and afternoon services will be conducted by Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensall, and the evening service by Rev. 'Mr. 1 MillyaA, of Exeter. n on y eve Ing la, fowl i upper will be held. The ladi a of ' e coi gregation are well noted for t�o excellent suppers they provide, and co�sequently thi t part of the evening's entert$inmeub is an assured suc- cess. Arid judgi�g by the arn y of excellent speakers who will take part i the evening's programme, both sides of oi r nature will be fully upplieo, The choi - of Seafortb Methodi:t chur6h wilt sapplyl the music of the evening.—Mrs, R. MoMokdie, the past week, was visit.1bg wil'th her daughter, � Mrs. Thompson, of Loudesboro.—Mr. and Mrs. George E. The ' son,� on Mon'Aay last, at- tended the funeiral of:a friend� at Bayfiold.— Snow made its first appearance on Tuesday which is only areminder of w4at will follow. —Mr. John McP4 urtrie, of Po�tr Huron, dur- ing the week, Was visitinkwith his brother, Mr. Alex. Mcgo rtrie". Thir y -seven year,% have jammed since OoMurtrie em- brace the arme'l of tnoi,6 Sam, andJohn sees many ebanjois in this part, during these years.—Mr. Ro�`Qrt Kettal and Miss Moore, of London, whq� were vim with friends here, have rel6lu�ned hoLtien�-r-Mr. Joseph Hood is ohippu al car loal of -apples to Luinaden, Man' o a. Mr. R.� Melliojp mak- ing an additib , to is resi14ezf6i_­ in the wa of anew k V of a new k tahen —Mr. ohn McNevin Is this week shipping umber to Ingersoll,to- the Noxon Manufact ing cy pany. JobrA is a busy man,"d doe his sh re to keep the world moving. -! Mr. 0. M, an, the, at d!' 09 week disposed �6f V_ �d of steers, to, Z. McEweu, of Si' , bley,for winter feedirig.— Mr. Elam Batt 'of whose i on we ade mention a few, leek" L o, an who a me time in a I cionfition, a are p1lased note, has tak, 'a change for tLe better.— Fash ion has S, Said FU K, Our Qualities Guaranteed. Dome and see them, every r"der, For our skill oiagnot portray, THIR E[Alf the -worthiness embodiod In our handsome far display, WHO", Lambe at play,and seals and sly min-ke, Must add richness ere they vie— Ere they match those furs that 'gladden .2 8TORFRi. Every heart that comes to bliv. 50 _fM Wid ptmm 100 It. Ion q BHghtest -Tints of Auturnin. Already the forests -are being disrobad of3heir gorgeous autumnal costumes, Every tree was h1cishin with th beauty of the fall. Wild flowers were asleep, but golden leav-0a with myrimid other h-ues greet the,eyo in every direc. tion. The inf ection has' spre - to oUr. great store. Aurora and foliage Arne the ma_tt� giving place -to -the new.. millinery cres- -you +0 iU4 tions, bandsome textil0- :and favored 0 - garmentsof everykind. Butourtalk OU -991"t, yal , I . drifts to Fare. Ing your ot jug -fo-r -talc] Dar Readiness for the Demand. should apo], How natural that the rige should turn your time �s to Fun as the season advanced. 'We what via 86 predicted a very 11a fur season montheago. Weslawitizonitnig—there- fore prepared—taker, titne you know. in, 501 Now, we have realson to believe, that we have the finest and �rosdest collec- 3nents in Oi LiOn of select fun to be' found within zises go -Ithi TaOius of many miles. 11ore are Jatkw eke aud We It eta, Caparizies, Ruffs, Boas, all thesmall piece things, everythingthat in heauti� ar-eds of Dtl ful and practical in fur*, made in the - best manner of skins -a-0peltries from the hands of the best4yers and finish. ere in the world—Leipsic, London.) or wherever the particular fur I a kII0 to be beat tteateed. N We Guarantee our- FUrs. A string At this point we have occasion to ilse, some strong words. We want �theln_ bust oizes h believed, therefore we *ink it we 11 2A to 36,'W may here that every statement hasbeen oollars auct carefully weighed and clansidered. We awlay -down seek your trade on the. ound of your 'ber-we J reliance on our w we a give 541t Vburchoic( 'that we guarantee Furs, we i4l, without a hesitation, i im�l *4 � y beasuit Come early one of the ver beat, manufaetu * ring for firms on the continent &arantees ther-a to us. What's back of !our guarantee, you ask ? Why, your � poney back vf .course. You must be 0�tisfied ere we I look upon the sale as c - plate. VIM J_ XA A Ruffift-M 15 Our Jacketig' in the Poregroutd. 'Of thech_01' Oh, the joy and comf0t obtained froni atim, -or all a handsome Fur Jack4t4 We the per - feet fit of our j4cketm,� combined with thoulder-aA the faultless style auld a reasckn�abla 4 -WeRTI-119 price, that rushes them ou-b no famat Your chdice from the moment selling commenom There's ampl t 0 choose from, too you're not con to one stylo. 'Whatever's now and �,opular la herN and there's nothing hero to presil -upon you that isn't, The Smaller Furs real beauties', and there's lots of thom. Women who are thinking of a head-,. uEck or hand fur, will i certainly see _01 i 30 I grand assortment if they oome to thb department—north vedtion -of itor.a. Of the doul There, there is to ba"seev the "raomb -Collar Aass, varied assortment of. e�egunt Furs we sizes 39 bD bave ever had the plelastire of -showing. fine'coat fol You Mght Profit by thij Alwayll, the fur coat If you have your own: interest at hearts fit YOU; and you will become familiar with our -40, ings day by day', and � rasklize that yvu can never better our ciO�rs and prim�. 14++4 i-4. 14 Th Fine talilor flane V C UL and. �-y � Eo FA_ �coats; 83msh Price of thel Dry Gfojo4s 06. *ur pretenti t,14th s Greatiost Coh - Dry �oods- Store. Mr. Campbell Me Acyrdle vV-ho holds a good. Fine twee(b position in the Molsonsll�k, London, VW - F brown aud A at the parental home here �yver ThankogiVA in'V —The work cin St. :Azdrew�s churah f 'y fi�i and on the 1�ew ac�hool room is being � push- Pti?�:DOSP, allt ed along in ood a &-p-e, in er to -have -the 'less Vlan -rq w,prk com I ted * P;01Djd t1iM lOr the e,*11" p a 'a D 1191 W 110 p isee -and li Sabbath �onday, th, 16th �eknd 17thl of Noveniber, Rov. J, 0. olml of Wi#daor, will -0611, duct the ser ices 0 the Sabbwth, -find the gr laoies of thei rigir, ga�tion porpose -holding A fowl 8 on Mondai evening.—Tihe annual eating the Kippan Branch 131b1b Society will be held on Thiarsday ewmil1g, November 6,h. The meeting will be sid- A dreamed by Rev.! 0. E. �Bolton, -of 8L Catherines. PuAit-y" -and Alone." -Ire the itles of t W7.o most dellot- so Albz� The above sire the ful pictures yvhIch a bemig,Jsent tozubso-ii-lb- WAD04 bieAV_Y, Bra of the Family -erald sqd WeeklyStm, 1 per pahr. A Montreal, I this eeason. �'t is difficult to at which will pro e moist pi� lopular. [if is a beautiful piece of jacylour work It [a a copy of a paintmg that'has attrSOW''Jis great deal ofatten-tioninEnticype. "Mon6"r ippeallo perhaps to's differ=t tastef and is slacy sure to be popular. T�e two plettrat ire immenso vahio with tliekt.great family weekly at on dcylla� per year, and when tbsY 6-5 1 3egin to scatter ar " nd the )oouutry and 60" GU i.een there illaure to he a gre . ater rush tb0a In thi., Wer for tha paper, Years of agi i Haunts of alld Game Es the title of a haludicime, illustrated foldsr issued by the Gra-hd Trunk pamm- ,rer department, and which �fill be found to )e of great value to, those who are -desirous I if obtaining any information about t1tat; iplendid hunting district cyn'�the lineof t1le " nJ Trunk. Hiinteris'e*cursionris 113� m*ra tag ,ffect October 24h,to Novem;ber Ut. SiV9141 oul irst-class fare lor round tr&vslid rstuM ng until Decembeg 13th, , 2 Copies of- ,bove folder, and- information to exotirsiort- ate, on appliestion 'to Wtm. Somervilk4l, own agent, Seafojrth, or to J. D. MOD0111- kid, dialiriet passenger :agent, Toronto. I T —Mr. Wm. Preeter, of Dashwood, MO� vith a serious accident a -few day -A &go- Vhile assisting -at a threshing he in some aannor got his leg criiihed so badly, th ,mputation may be necessekri to B&ve ife. -Mrs. Albert Stone, of the 8th W0,11000 - ion of East Wawariomb, departed this -11-10 n the 12th inst., after an illness of lfiv"O reeks. Deceased*ss only, iJa her9Ath yearp nd, besides her husband., she leaves tw* 3ttle daughters. J, -7-17 W somew between 'the posting ZZ OFft.,�2 i �' 14 � commit ' BIq clearly �h�wed t' t an offenc4 had � b!en A AFarmer's 1119furou 10 of the lett�r in qaostion at Seaforth and its d . elivery �o Rev. �Albert MoXeon sit St. O.OFFER Columbi i the ev once produced at; not DISTRICT !�*Wlsllf 5. in ; w A TERIPTIT Stove. sufficient �o ilwa ut a conviction of the atioused,i MrB� ary: Carlin, of the, said THF; WooLLBtz Mim meetr i I e I the said Mrs. offenne. : �1, t�h r fDre� find mes. are good this faill: and money is ingof all interested in t4e p asin� of rh i P, :, Carlin npt, guilty af the offence, and die- pfautiful. We inbenA� taking -advantage woollen Mill by-law willi be Told I in th miss the! charge.. ' THOMAS H. RACE, Police oftheee good times �o largely i I norease fly Treasure councilehamber this (i�idsky) evening, at i I The Fa:m the circulation of Tim! EXPOSITOR. We eight o'clock. Every p00ion, is invited t� want to get ib up to �be'Five Thousand Ts a combinaidon, coal and wood attend, and it is partioul4rly de6lfed tha� A GOOD!Cola. In the 2:18: pace 'for a not.,h by the list ol f Xanuary. With there be a large turnout 04 those w o wish purge of 0 tofflo, the great harnese; race this object in vtew, el will give -THE I pro to see the 'Mill a livb and' ope a induls. cook stove of latest design. meeting,�� t �4 I PctO- ExposrSOR to New S#bsaribers from 6 his,, Tennessee, 01 try, bier 23r4-, he gre eat! Meeting. on the � Am- -FIRST, 1904 A roomy fire place for wood, ericall tlir th�s a on,, Harry 1),, Owned by NOW UNTIL J.�NU f ORGAN. RherrAL, -Kr.. IT. J jil er, who 1?. Cartifi, of Centralial, in this county� won FOR ONE DOLLA gives a recital in St.JT4om c uroh, on A P special lining for coal, special Mondayieviening,comos highly redo mended alecond pa oe, �n O'� 6eld of 11, -le race being as. ArinD., i4 2�-.09�,. Several df the the price of one i 'a subscription. an accomplished musl�ian. He is an *on by lining for wood. Large venti- sociate of the � Royal Coll of �est hor4a i inj A moricl.a took part in � this Send in your riames %ir, neei the sooner I being ace. �a.,ry D. 191byTarentlim, owned by t Organists, of England, i his fiesth r he better'. lated Steel oven copper reser- A. 0 larlies With f Egincyndvilleil. - in a well known ckrg�nist and compo er. He 1 0 To* any p rson,'sendi a the names of has a aboaf of press notices from ermaii, hil first it irt �ace# �Iatiry D. was third, vok,. nicely nickled, a perfect 0 2:14j,i end n thin, 'his second raceo was FOUR N W 'SU 13 S' RIBERS French and English pa ra. The tratford �16 eiconk 6 :09J. Two thousand five 1hun- Herald says of him His recittl in St. baker and heater. For sale by I'dred della was refw6d for him one.month at the a ve rate, ad �npanied by the James' church 4am the. beat ever Igiven in I 1� fey., ,A learo 1tb t�pr�oduces colts of this cash, we ill Bond is, lear, rece�pb for the cityl and was liaDericil to by an. udience 4 ( I as I lio I . I I that completely filled every ar of the 10 often a ailable in this country, t THE EX D SITOR for one yeAr land Mr. C blarIqlawd'rith-1 is justly proud this 01—MISNEY SMILRY2 sacred edifice." The recital W under the auspices of �the Ladies' Guild, andl all ar 1he In the�� c wrier (if 'i such a horse. Amore and for elk h'&Aditio %I four names they : 1 11 lextended notice ?f him' event. may be iven SE FORTH, ited. . I f A cordially in* Bond up, will give them I next w4 One Dollar Cash. Successors to S. Mullett & Co. HOUGH 6&P Losm�--Thle Clinton Collegi- ate football'team seouredI poesessid of the HoxoUBLE ME-14TjON-T.-The God'rich 18ignal of thiaweek make's the fol There are hun reds f subscribers, y t Hardware, Stoves, Etc. Hough c4l, which �fiaa Ibeen, h'Id, h th� wing 1:,,,,e --- Seaforth. Qp1legiate Inet I itut toyst for I reference to -Seaforthites On Su, day who, with very I i t ffort, coUld p interestifig servicemwete held St. Pe ke rno r the a�lvea and Acy us- e er's. M& iiey for the number of.'yeare, wi�th the exco Ion of DOMINshort sojourn in Go.daricb, by v�in ing, th �_ib being the'anniversaik of the, opening and good by s`iBuding us ilctgt lists of new ION BANK. game on Sliturday last by a &dor of two dedication of he church. ;At 8 a. ni.,L'the subactibers on the b6, arms. goals to one', The Clinton boys� h ve tried pastor, Re ' v. athe r West, celebrated early We give no cheap h �omos and we do CAPITAL (Paid ULP), - $2 500,000 time and again for the cap; an ertainl mass,. land a I rgo oum)'er of the par's ion- not club with �other ps l:iers, but, for the , 0 - - $2,500,000 ers received ihply c(mmunion. At 10:30 accornin(datiork of iii -I subseriberei, we REST their perseVerence deserves some. cc a a tion and tb&y have got- it, but we t a 0 high masaiwals Sung by Rev. Geor will, asugual, ieceiv,� ubleorip1tions for I - )0k SEAFORTH BRANCH, for long, as we expect our boysi t i va e Nortligrikves, of Seek(orth. 4t 4 6' lock the usual weekly .1 , )ars such as the Clinton and , bring it back with the . The Pl, M, . Veopers was held, and the chur was Global itness, Fa -0�rs' Sun, London y Main Street, Seaforth.. game, on Saturday was a close and intereat� -filled jv'i6l a c9rg6ga'ion ino u ing em- Advertiser, Farmer I i'Advocate, Famil A General Banking Business trans- ingy one, but the superior weight Ian age of bore of.. &I the bthOr enomin,ations. ) F the Herald, presby.teri84. Westminater,etc. acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, tb� Clinton boys gave them a dec ded adL town. F ther N`4thizraves who. is the aLEAN I AbS., PUBLISHERS. a F I chol- a players, an( ed Z and advances made on same at lowest vantage ov 'r the home to- this itor of :ie C+olic Repord', gave rates. w" due their victory.; Our bol S have' erly addr aes he Apostolic Edcces* n."' 0� 6 the view t ably pre cn a held by contac ith one of ti &Ia;rryi.-Mr. and nothing to be asbamed of and, it a little. sto Drafts sold on all points in, Canada, he atliblic ch re on this subject, The Mrs. Har. -y Stewart V turned from an ex. more practice and experienice they gill fully t 11 he United States and Europe. demonstrate that skill is superiorl to weightI. i choir, under thel le de rehip of Mrs. D. tended trip to the priii ' cipal cities of the T SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest Q1. Conoell,i rendeire Bne musical service, Eastern Stites, on Saturday night, and ist, M 'P. have taken up house.... d cot - allowed on deposits of One Dollar and j in whioh they w'r as ed by esa�e . Ithe Fitzgeral upwards. WORD FPIO.-tl A'N OLD FRIE-_M­�-In renew. 1 L ; orknoriand J. . bit of Seaforth both tage on West street. -C oil -11odgins, son of, ing his subscription to Tur,_E\FdSI9'OR,'Mr, Rev. J� Hqdgim, I ad his right, ar � F oseess sp el9l 'i'� voices. M of wholin, ndi R. S,. RAYS, W. K. PEARCE, . John FairloV, a former Seaf6rth � merobant, i i I . I badly spra ned in the �ootball match on[ Solicitor Manager. writing from Ponoka, Alberta, w: lic rehe is! Saturdia afternoon.-11iii. Daniel McGre r,! now locatea, says- I note a giea t many -.-A meabinga; L tb8 y :BoNv .-PR0' AT EN CIOI of Hullott, has leeks& the residence of Vr. changes in Seafokth since I left�� W. The member oftheSealor Bbw1iog0lub will*1:rheld %SEWING MACHINES. at 1?iCU'l Ho;el, oil Tul sd� evenhiz, Novenil 4th, Robert Willis, now (cc ed by Mr. Smil-� old settl6re are being remov( d gr d 11yo I . i 11:ers for the 10. p of, In(ingl.up, the iffairs of t. club I Ing a coming, )80 1 e. lie and,1will Qceupy' il Jiuprt th "d few are now left of the old� on 1; 1 i for the spai ion. 'A oil attondauce is roq ested. winter. r. 8a�iillie r moves- to the Bur., W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, I note also the busineS3 firm$ are Ziot the' james & aili �hael, �ree do 1E � 11-1 Maid street. -The, SEAFORTH. same as they used to be. This i's aestine I nett reside ce oii No - I I i Our late in to be a great country. The olim.-�-te is fine 6 f &III stoc Is comp very furniture f ctory here r, iceived an order thei� I have on hand a large and well assorted I dopartm Ot. Big 8too , aiid very reasonable prices. we have not had any cold weather y 3t. The �anly, ub ers, 0,,or e #. Slater, shoes, �eggings, other day for a- largE 3( nsiiznrnen� of office! i c -P 'r a %D� stock of first class sewing machines Ray I desks from a firm in v, Sco�land, and ., are lin 38 ni bts and mornings area, little chilly, but e C., are leading can't licat us mond, White or, Goodrich, in Cabinet. Drop ing forgood fpotwear. W H. Willis, Boots and Shoes the cash 151.1110orry anied 61 e order. This will . 7 d 11 1 Head and covered machines the middle of the day it is warm and you Scallorth cion b of ni, prices ranging be the me (If ke f0r abed this� good second can go about in your shirt . sleeves. Store upwar ei� y u 1 -1 don't rat lot g'av good from $25 a, also a few Farm�Ors, wh :)luck your fow dooris are open all day. and you can do busilt firm, showing t attb hand machines i rhich will be sold cheap for tb�row p feathers away, bring them to,,�Jbarles a fac�ick , hq re &tie -Dr. Ar ron �w cently All-mach.nes fully guaranteed, and her, Oelafprtll� and Iget cash for them. -1�32 -2 f g' I cash. name quite comfortably without a fire axcept 8 0 - sold hilig�prllikctice. in Bi leldJ has purchas. a little in the morning an'd eve People' Manj6ldls and T rnips for Sale.-Fbi, sale. proper instruct one Riven free of charge. . I ed the praotico'of Dr. once, at Vordwich. (if ye%ra quaintity of who have been here for ek'numbe Dealeg in needl is, oil, sewing machine at. i%boul of mangolde and a turni. olds aid all pulled, &PPIV t) D -Mr. Joh Finch k this , year a most say that we are likely to have' t, is fin tsohmente and )arts, Biayolea and Cream McLeno n, �eafort4 Gl ee6 Houbc. 1 20-1 beautiful eleetion ofle hryms�nbhomums of Sepamtors- Geikeral Fire and Life Insur- weather up to Christma I hopem. Th A�eav hi own gr wing. Mr� inch has made a coal question does not 2act us her i as i See dr large Oia lay of harnes y h ly used one month, a , arga since aive,�tj JOR, ke affected on all kinds of sket. Alth uga so faT set of tell in arness, on E in study of'o ryeanthe oul�ure and has po 1 at Brod r1oks Harn, Irty P w does you folks in the a pro t rates. Housee for Bale from I oce4sionally tut sea Shop, Seaforth. 1$20xl many rare and beau4f I specimens. He! and to rent. ffice next door to Queen's old Seaforth, acroled� some former re*idents of that bu�g, as i WA' E�.-Ab; A.� Young's, Seaforth, has a num er of them 10 exhibitionand for� 9 for: Hotel. t 31 ! 1 butter, 11�lgel, ktatoei, dried apples and 0res3ed sale in �lr Alex. Wi te a stoie, �an'd they: instance W. S. Robert8dri, of Edmon, on. ; ry,lijormbi0A ithel highest- pi ice will be Oald In have. be�n reatly adi.�',ir d and are in good or clash. �819-2 NORTH XAIN ST., SEAFORTH. I I . ; I demeknd�b fl weir lover . Although only TRIi,v=-Er,s.-Ths f0lowing worE tickeb. I 'house - 1630 4 Whe 4 u get t rough: with the working on a limited Is ale, many, of Mr. ed to distant pointsthi4 week by jW. Somer'� claisuliq let me. know rid! I will coins and ta�e away 2 Finch a blooms surpai a beauty ind rarity ville, railway and stoam�hip agen6, E eafortb� 3-burraj%cic. 0harl(siSher,Scaforth. 1820-2 1 the product' fth 'Is rgest grovrers in the Attend t�e Best -it Pays. Mrs. J. H. Broadfocit, !to St. Joseph, MiaL! Prot, ot your ior 9 wi th one of Brod �rick's "'" " I mouri, where she inte'n"', g a visit to � blariket&i The largest esorti I ent,ithe beatIvaluee. province. I lAberhart has pur-i Btoderic �'o �Rtrnus S o r. Chp in Tionsall Mr. her brother, Mr. Robert mitlaw ; Master. t�s So Drth.. - 1920X1 chased a blkilsi.e Edward Collie, to Bil'eevyArizonei to join -give a lay your fowl alive � See �Lberhart is a clever i4zisb and � ek� oblig-, V% hat we r 16c ; Ing young business In n I and the pbople willi his father ; Mrs. J. A. ae and family, of -, ,, . reiPR3,ing ied a plea i5c, butt�' a 920 0001stook, G E. iug, ingliam. 1.819-tt find in him ark ent rfksing� and reliable! Franc sco, California, ani "20ioco� Brussels, to San 'goo STRATFORD, ONTARIO. her brother, Mr. Jarrl�es Sh t Great We Wave ttiei t pin 3,11. and now we are oibiz9o.-The 33rd re�,ir iont hand, has en., � 400 a V sw satisfied fbai A. Yo "a blended coffee, And gaged the.Coloni 1 4 6g P.10'ture Company Falls, Montana ;' Mr. I and 3 aker to black tea, is the bem a 1819.2 Reoent graduates have accepted good posi- r�r; i to give an entert in nAll in Cardno's hall on, their home at Rotter�am Junoti n, Ne W a in tions at $40, $45, $50, and $60� per month. I Mr. Pallneo, aasociate of' the'Royal Friday evening, Nove Mr 14th. This com- York ; Mr. J. H. BroaAfoot, to Ot ' 'wal "' CAlege �f organisti, Lp don, agland, will give an tb This is the kind of evidence you are looking a busineas trip ; Mrs. Taylor, who as been organ rebiW in St. Tht Eta Church, on Mondwy even- pany.has one of e t. movirkg I ture for as to the best school to attend, Cata- r! rr�achines manllfaotur�U,t and, the lile(lit Of spending the Bummer ivith her to sin, Mr. i6gnexb"atsp.m. M�,- ill be assisted by several logue free� Walsh, of Beechwood, to her homlej in Pro- vOcRii"t-91�0f the tawli, 4 otirlll present a good pro- views sho n includes �tl eru�tion of kount gram. WorybodyAslcp e; silver collection 18�Oxl Pelee and any other 1 0 equal interest. It W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. vidence, Rhode Islandi' The� follo Ing are t 4444-52 taking advantage of the hunters oursion Dancinj Soho I Scotcb, Irish and social is an entertlainmen �orlh seeing and, W. i datioing �aug�ht, W11 I Loud, instructor. Call tit 0. the boys. should b ! a big houEe.- to Maskoka points : blel;sra. ID Bright, G. M. Baldwin, Mis. R�ybert U. B,ldyi, a CO.'s iup*o abore. 182021 Mr. and Mrs. H. G a6d little danghter� We Keay, Moving. memi Ian, jr.:, ones iol Ren .4 n eight roomed I %dii H �phouqe are all con 'ned to th , idenoo through Edward e r real Mrs. Wm. Ireland, Mir. and Mrs. to rent,toloie to t e urniture factory. A, pl�, to illness. -The Messrs., bksdn, of Egmond., Hinobley, Mr. and MrO. John Hino[Iley and John Bro If bot, SeAfo t 8192 Our stock is underselling all competitors ville, are making imp 6vements in their Mr. James Hart, McKolop ; Miss Wallace fancy ina just o at A. tannery b ilding.-Tha 11 Ca 01 Pened in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Brooches, Tuckeramith to Rodbe-ster, New Yorki young$ S aforth. 1 0 wthing nice.; 1 181,-2 Eigniondville people. 0haina, and other articles of. jewelry. Our are havi Ig a good str t h of cement pave- I where she will visit her', two brotherb. od drivlug mare, 5 year reputation for fine goods, low prices and FOP. I�Akl g a meni coltabructed or -1 qain street. -The -The foflowing wer� ticketed by Messrs. old, %ound ad reliabli. P. Mulcishy, Seafortb. honorable dealing, does the business for us, first one* of the season ' fell on Tueeday Greig & Stev�art, C. P.! R. sgieidGo, IL� eaforth,: C3 t .4820.1 &]Qd we endeavor to live up to our name. John Worden, Cro idglib and on Wedineedli t ground wap I ml�srty, and. Willia. lom I F R SALE OR REIZT1.-SiX - ; We carry a well-as8orted stock, and every i 1 41, white. Wei, should hav6 In Ian summe article is warranted as represented. Warden, Staffa, to Garden, River, and ]sr V006 halls,� �A thea closets, pantry,,i cqllar -The bV.Iaw to V I r vide )an ti nace, hard and scift water, John and-Ceorge Galbr4kith, McKillop, 9 unger ivhoPhuuse,i f yet. for a Iii Repairing a Ppecialty with us. i new ciiiien.t'well, st n cistern, corner lot 1�a good ten thousand dollars to I an to Mr. Dick Vauconver, British Col,ximbia. il location, House be n iug to W. Prendergisat.1 A aid in the I re-mbartina 1 of the Van Egmon —0 bargain ic&4:be had 1 Is property. Apply to J L Countees Jewelry Establishment, woollen 11iill is publIghed in this - issue. ri, XT M.xssi-.,-(,,Boys.-T.ne;clin,Lon, Ne Era, of Hilloran, SWortb. 1820 if Peter's Mistake " w1l. be the liubject of SEAFORTH, last week isays Inifo mation isl wanted by the mother of the ypubgest of. �wcy boys Tim:CORMERS To TRE ��AONT.-The ;�an_ Rev, F. H. Larkin's s6rmon in' the Presbyl- W. R. COUNTER,, Manager terian church on Sabha h evening next.---r- who left the town a w0ek ago last onday, nual niee�jng of th members of the Sea - V I t forth Oul-Illng C13 as held in the C61m. Thetreasut'erofthe So 6eHuron agricul- forunkowri parts. Th'eyj were (rpseed in t ,rcial liotel o I Tuesday evening last. tural socie y paid but nearly six hundred Henderson's PhOtO dark clothes, and are,ftth of dagk com. There We e� � larg a tendance �and the 'en- dollars at xeter on Tueaday. Aet for prizes anifes elil augurs well for a mile. awarded t the recerib fall iow in that plexion., The little feli�cyv�, who is sk�out 13,, thusialim t bQt 75 poun; 9, 1 and , wear a cap Studio. weighs a ceB8ful sEaton. 43 following: officerl were town. -Th re a ems W be !;i ry keen com- e' and sh4t ants, while1he' ta oy is 17 ointed!.­ Pal r0n, James McMichael ; pe ition in the banking busibi so just now. Full stock of MovIdings years o ag weighs 1'�._ 5 pounds an carrie's app presidon , A. W I. n ; vice. president, F. Whether t:is is due td E pletb ra cas we and- icture Frames. a rifle. T air names are Morgan Agnew VV. T*e dle ; eacretary,treasurer, Ark'agew f - I and Lible J ndmore, iretpectively. It is iA S do not kno * . y of, ne charter - Photo Ent rging a Specialty. though�,the are on t . heir way noi th for it Hays c)Tmittee pf m6nagement, essrs. ed bank w i is opened � i Ex tep I recently, W. K. Psarce, Dr.� urrows, W. D. right, another in Clinton, 'ari� onday two shoot, eslthough other teports say ffie y are W. Ament f. F4 Coleman ; representa. -re opened Ti " l wr. in the ism livii e of Credi headin' fo Any inf(rinatioli 1� - J. P., HENDERSONN, Seaforth. )r Michigau. , tives, G. Williskiiison and: M. Morris ; ton, in the township ][of Ste gheii. Bank 1761 1 np in the � finding '111 1 that wil -out' of the skips, A. Young D. Bright, W. Pick- agencies will soon be 0 numerous as news- wbereapou�s of these ly�yg. will -be th' nkfulli ard Aimen�t, A Wilbun, R. S. Hays, papers. -I he claim of r. aoL Murrav, of receiveo at this office., town, for � amages must ined i,thro THE iCANADIAN _01111 Friday last'; C'blasts;ble illespie W. M'Dp' 11 - 1W. Twaddle, T - F C le- I Lrh an ac- .rga ii r man: W 40. W. K. Pearce, b. �T. cident at Grieve's bri e the i -Dight of received wo d from Ociderich to bl�i on the 'i�ichsrdson and DAutchinsciiii. September let, has bee a tlbd b. ' cy Hepiiiu;n&. R et v the Mo. Bank of Sommerce I look out for two yodrig! boyte fr4m that The fojlo�viag wor� selected as skips for 'the Killop council, Mr. Muraay receiving $50. town who had left !home witholut con� Ontari - ankard co I petition, A. Young and -Mr. W. H. �IcCrlek#qn, of BruFsels, the CAPITAL (PAID UP) ulting their parentsl� hey are i Otwell, W. A e and 3y are to select their well known prize win r abAl whose name the 11 year old son. of MeL A. M. �odd, of Eight KiMon Dollars $8,000,000. pl yerO efore the I 15th of December. A must be very familiar to all readers of show the Star, and the 13 year !old son of Mr. 0. a !I wn � reaolq-io I expressil e of regret at the death prize lists, was in to I n 'Weanesday. Mr. Rest, $2;000,000, F, Carey. The boys 1qef b their h1omea on Of the lal e Mr. in I b! i Weir, one of the old- MoOracken has ecoo in Aout. UOO in Wednesday morning ot last week, a6d were eat. and oat efficifilat members of the club prizes this year, mostl3ifor roots, Vegetables rise and seen driving away that'daky with a b SEAFORTH BRANCH. buggy. Latestreporti saythat t e boys and o4o who had 4ways taken a deep In.- and flowers. He culto! ten only about two I A getterall Banking business tran- tereeti�lrk;its welfaO and in the game, am acreti of land and doe' most i of the work were last seen by farmers irr the neighbor- Pat I I . I I I Jae himself, b oldes runna g a grocery business. sacted. Farmiers' Notos discountod, hood of London, wherie they abandoned the F .1 ! The hand (if the deligi int shall' prosper and end special attention given to the horse and - ,rig,, LocSt. George Patermon'fell Mr. MoUrecken certai ily does promper as a catlection of Sate Notes. PRIEFS. Mr i from a, 64ep ladder on which be was j stand- gardener and prize wix 01,er. Wbilein.town SAVINGS BAN K.-Inteoest allow - THE ST, COLU-NBAN PO�T ()FFrCF, CASE.— ing, in� the furnit rr, factory, on Friday Mr. McCracken paid b a' thirt! -sixth annual ad an d;eypositz of $1 and upwards. ? I I y SPectat factlitles for transaction of Th6-Mitohell Recordev; of last wee has the forano 11! last, fr' turing bis right arm oubscriptio'n to THE , -,KPOSITOR.—Mr. and business in the Klondike District. following: "Theinf6rmiation laid, by Mr, above bl� wrist c will be given an , en- Mrs. E, Hinebley 'If t on, ' Thu� day fo Hobkirk, of Lirindon, o me weeks as I y, 'Muskoki where I Money Orders, payable pit any bank,19aued aithe aga, f; St. Columb in P. 0., the accident. Wm.. McNaughton,'' f spend three weeks v iting friends. Mr. sit Office I;speotor, forced h4liday fo I a result'of Fort Sidn p w1irl following rates inat Mrs. Carlin, o M �118 Uader $10 .08 $20 to $30 .12 accused. her of openirig a letter add eased to Tackeismith, eh( ed at the Seaforth Hinchley will also tak I a ciao at a deer, if 810, to $20 .10 V30 to 050 .14 Rev. Father McKeon'il of St. 0 lumban, show, al roadiste mare and foal and he gets a 0 chance. - _3 Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. F. HOLMESTET G.! E. PARKES. while passing through the mails. Solicitor. r izg r the foal and third aturday for i he pro- got firirs� prize Hinchley leave on f, a few Manager. seoution occupied all Wednesday afternoon. for thO mare. T �e prizes were inadver- weeks' visit with friew' in Gravenhurst. 1624 1 - John Idirigton, K. C.,!, County Cr'wn At" tently �credited to w !George Nott and George Tha old reliable Guy fitos., Minstrels, will torney, of Stratford, �yrOsecuting, ild Mr. y6on in �e published prize list.- make their annual appf'arancO in Cardno's E. A. Darkbar, defendirig, The �itnesaes Mklr�;"�'e'd Gregg, 66n of Mr. George Gregg, hallnext Tuesday overing. The company for the proaecutionw'ereMr, Hob�irkarid of MOullop, near:', Walton, i8now located this year if all new, an, . is b ' er and bette igg r Rev. Father McKeon, both of -tvho6 gave a about te-6 miles fr M Moose Jaw. He has I than ever. Mr. Thcyu�P�A Brown, formerly lengthy testimony, and were sharp)[y oross- been thef'Itwo -a and this year had 200 bandinaste., here, is no" with the Guy Broa. Hunters' Excursion s 'o examined by Mr. Dun ar, In the1evening acres of �1 eat, ach will yield about j' 40 -Mr. W . Weatcott left last week for - the latter asked an adjournment t� enable bushels tb the a e4. He had 1,500 bushels Wingbam, wherehe wtll be employed until The Grand Trunk announce Single First- him to summon witnes4ea� for the defenoe. of wh6atilast year t from 60 acres. That is Christmas.-Mias Deav'&s, of John treet, Class Fare from stations in Cianada, Brock - Au adjournment was niad.9 to SatIrday at the w8j"oung nl�4 get alopg in the North- met with ei painful -aodident oif Tu"eisday ville and West,to that sportanasn"a imradise, one o'clock. At that h! oui tfie hea�ing was west. -4-Measrs. I eriff Reynolds, Go'de- evening. �She was toin home . from a the " Highlandsl, of Ontario," which include remmed, Mra. Carlin "being the fi�,st wit. rich ; 1 in. Lew , Crediton, and J. � N. meeting in'the Method, at c urch, when she bhe Muskoka L kes dist , riot, Lake of Bays, ness. Her testimony �cci:ipiecl oVerlark hour Ca pbel , Aubur" have been appointed sidewalk an� I br ke her -left arm and 9, half. and she as i followed by her Lake Nipisaing, Argyle to Coboconk, Seven fell on the re urning officers or the referendum vote near the wrist. ---�Mr. ai d Mrs, JobD Ingram, te North Bay, Lindsay to Haliburton, On daughter Evelyn, and, her '6rothe. Henry for th6 e at, South and west ridings, I re-. �of Michigan, were.gue4,t,s of I Mr. and Mrs. 44 oduty. i line of Canada Atlantic Railroad; Rainy Dcwney� who corroborated her a ry, and specti0ely, of this' --�-Mrs., Ge6rge H. Hugh Stepbenson thi I eBk.-Mi . (L)r.) w rs Leklike to Parry Sound, and on C. P. R. Mat- by the mail carrier, �J4mts Neigh. At the French,:: f Vanc6dver, British Columbia, Burrows and children 6tur 2ed on 'Monday 61'ek tawa, to Nepigon. Tickets are good going conclusion of the evidence, Mr. Dunbar was in, t wn this v Mrs.'French 'was from a two -weeks' visi �wit I frienda'in Lou - October 24th to November let inclusive, and made an able and forceful address in behalf visitini ims Gr4 of McKillop, and other don. -Miss Ruth Va gmond is visiting v.alidratuminglintil DecomberMt.h. of the defence, and 'was followed by ark friend4in this *ieiniby. Mr. and 14re. her aunts in Bay Ci.. Michigan.-Misio Reportafrom, his district promise a, re- equally, vigorous addr�sa by Mr. Idington. French Were resid6ts of Seaforth at one AddiE, Carr ocbau, of t ce, Hospital, Tor - card year, and the deer are much more for the prosecution. The case � was then ad- time b.6tl have re ded in Vancouver 'for onto, in in town this eel., attending the numerous. The fact that there is an open journed till Wednesda!y �ekib 4 o'ciock, for about twelve ye ri. Mrs. French inte'de wedding of her cousin, . as May Carnoohan. season for moose. this year -November Ist consideration and for fival judgmerk�. Dur- returnin" home fo 'Christmas. She thinks -The farm 'of Mr. Wry, Hogg, near Win - 9 to 15th: --will induce many"huntera to take in the d f Doe the POLE) Ma i U to bad there io. no place is a good as Vancouver. - bbrop, was sold by -no n on'Wednesday, ntage of t ese low rates, and enjoy adva asted Dre Ceull, J. P., to'lait wigt'hB �Irn, and Mayor' Br'oadfoot 1v ras in i Ottawa this we�k. Mr.. Wats)n, of Hit pit, being the pur, this exhilarating sport.. Illustrated book- on, Wednesday after�od,n they aref ully We do; not know M� ether or not the Mayor chaser. TI e price wai 3,050.' The farm lets. entitled " 1 [aunts of Fish and Game., went over the evidenewtogether, af I _ r which bee an ei� 0 on the position -of Minister of contain& 50 acres, and a, nice property. nisy be obtained from the Police Magistrate,! who alone was re- Publio� Works re,ently vacated bY Mr. The stock a id chattels rel.alao disposed of RR Q sponsible in - the. case ces.- re., I n WVMO 8 MERVILLE gave the. Rowing Tarte, Jbit Sir Wil id might go a deal fur- for good pr, M J �,mos Bdnthro died l judgment Having n told with gro�t atte9- therayid not fareil tter. He is all right' in in Toro'to on Saturda r. �-Miis. Bouthron Agent Seaforth. tion the argument of 4o0nsel t4is. ase, tici a a e fire 'alarm call�d oub had, been at. invalid forl sweral years. She T c lyway.-! he ir ly r re e, nd reviewed carefully all t videnoe, tphoeli fiveo"olo M Hought fi trigade 0 t ok Saiturday was a daughter of the la.6 - on, or by a4dressing J. D. MoDONALD, Dis. �a.ken, I am led to �hs conolunon that afte=. It waaft false alarm fortunately,- of Seaforth, and will 0 iem ered by trict lVasee 29er Agent, Toronto. though the chain Of circu�matant4ekl Pvidenoe oaused'bl an ele4 io light wire ooming -in many of ou: roRders. Lon ; 4e ; s�qyr Watch the peon Iles, Olays,ithe frugal ler- .son ; the dollars are . ctbditcd with taking care of themselves.' Tili4 certainly do at 'The E. McFaUl Ocit's Sfore, Seaforth, where !,their purchasing power is so�gfeat. You dark �hitoh your dollar to as heavy a load as you 'Would have it car Vnde�wear, Blankets, ry, Flan n els , Dress Goods.' Furs, Jackets i 4n d the like, are the interesting �hings now. 1820-1 NOTES.—MrS. John Melv�ille is very low at present.—Mra. Epirneab Seeger and Mrs. Webb are on the aiak list this week.—ldr. Combs was around this week purchasing "a couple. of carloads"of f owl fo' Mr.:'G. Pow e of Blybh.—Miss Ada h m a"ent, a e a t Bin g E pfriend in days this week a the gueE of p t, Auburnii—Mies J.� MoLau. hlin Sunda with Mrs. Young.', Wroxeter. NOTES.—Mr. Stewart, of 14 oleswo t has been threshing in, t6in vicinity wit h a vl�6w style of selparator, which I saves the labor of from six to nine men. Xt cuts the straw almost as fin� als.-if done b� the reg- ular cutter. The out I tr w is blown up a long tube, and by ttMa' earill one mairl' alone can handle lhe_� stravi. With some 1 im�rovement, -which Mr. Stewart will have perfected next sesklaon,,the machine becomes at once the farmer's favorite. We do not anticipate that any of the fa"mers will g) on strike on accountlof the i7ovement in cutting the straw and at the same 'time doing with from six to nifid, men less. We do not think any 'of Ithe rmers in this vicinity belong to thei I b ... urkion.— ev. Dr. Talling, of Toron�o,eoco pied the pi apit in the Presbyterian churchl(,)�On Sunday. —8. B. MeKelvie spent several days of this week in Toronto.—;A � meetibg of thos) in. terested in prohibition wx�o held iii the Presbyterian courch �asem6nt on Tuesday eveniniD.g,—A. HemphillZano W. McNeil,'of Walkertoryl--'vi8ited at the former's home on Sunda�.—The young men of the village in- tend 1�oldirig an. assembly in; the town hall, on We I nesday ev�ening.—Rev. E. P. VV611% B. A., 111. D., of lEiliel, preached a mis don- ary sermon in the� Methodist church Su day evening.—Robert I Black att.�nded t e funer- al of a brother 'in Eire, V t wee French shipped a carloeid o7selamba on Fri- d,ay, and:& car of hogs fromi this station on i Monday.'—Rev. W. Mahood, of Dakols, is visiting r1elatives in this vicinity. Ohiselhurst. WE STOOP.�Yei% many times a day, but never to bring qiiality dowo to the c eap level. Worth is a standa, d with u i to stay, bat our px�ogressivenops has p illed down the prices, nillring ?ur dependable. merchandise conitinuous bargains. And speaking of ' Fare, I ur utdck, comprising many specials and an extra' large assortment will win your - 'favor, iq I ure. I C.ome if it's only to enjoy the richries!s the display aff)rds. The E. McFaul C?��', St%forth. 1820-1 A GOOD COLT.--�- At' the dale of Mr. D. McNaughton, near this vWage, recently, there was a good attoodancq�and cod I rices were realized all �long` the line. ',. A foui � and a half months'; old' colt, 9,red by IV. J. Berry's horse, br�ugh�b the andsome )rice of $95, It certainly I pays Ito i raise rood stock. M ELA-NOHOLY SHOOTING I AbCIDIENT. —A most melarkoholy'shociiiing a6cidbnb occurred near here on Fri lay )Ast. i It - seems that several boys wer out'shootiiig squirrels in a bush near here. Among the -number were John Boa, son 'of M r'. Wil)ia-xn Boa, and Paul Boa, son. of Mr. Paul Soils, both boys being about 15 years of age. � They had shot a black squirrel �and, youn Paul Boa was holdingit-up lo'ki I at it ud his cousin, Q in William Boa, wa�s standin near him. , In some way or other, bi it ho the boys could not explain, Willie, !,a gu went off, the full charge lodging in Paul's leg, abattering .the bone from t 0 e downwards. The lad was got home am (uickly� am possible but the lose of blood in t e meantime was very great and when inedi. al aid: wasl procur cl i it was found he w" 99 'Pvelak that nothing could be done foi hi and he died the same night. Much eyinpa)hy is, ielt for the par- ents and friends! on ocount of their bar- eavement. The Muinber of accidents that occur through the country,, of this na,u,7e,, is simply appallin ad paienw would 60 wisely by not allow!'n; yo rig an;d the ght- less boy's to go linintiV wiuth fire rms. Heni all. G. J. Sutherland, iclinveyancer for en. eall, has bad placed in his' I ends for sale a very om. fortable and well platknedl )riok dwellink in is ood location, with nice lawn,q vi alks and garden. es and �11 ood furnace and all modern nveniences and wil be sold at a very reasonatil price� Intending pur. chasers will be given,full rticul4rs. Also for sale or to rent frame stores on good central .1ocati , on easy terms. As to prices *ad a ments apply t G. J. Sutherland, conlreyvancIr Hens 11. 1811 tf �.11' To RENT.—A fiist-clus bri ck store to rent, situate on the Main street in the 111age of Hen iall, known as store No. I of 0 Bell Block, which was recently occupied by 'F * G.z Arno , who carried )n a gen,,ral stora and milliperi busin as. , t a one of the best business sta,Cda in, e ce and has a Irat class collar and s fitted wi dwe � ing roogis on the second floor. It is a ery Yery inforiable building 96nd ispractically new, having been erected only �our yearsego. Itwillbe'rento foraterm of yearexta reaRotiable rent. For-furth r particulars address the proprietor, ROBERT,'BEL. Seaforth, or apply )er- sonally to G. J. SUTHERL D, 4ensall. 1814. 1 LocAL BRIEFS. Mri George Joynt, who, I has been in Luck�ow �c r the! past mouth or no, assisting his broth 1, was in the vill ige the first part of this � week.—Mr. W_ . J. Miller has arranged to, 3ave�a good concert u —On' Saturday af I er- here in the near f iture moon last, Mr. Robert McArthur, of . 1e township of Hay while euga I , ged in pull ng Japples, fell from the tr,(e, receiving pai ul ji"11juries which required medical seivicee.— �Mr. D. Cantelork was ip Clin'ton on businass !this week.—Rev. J. H.- Dyke, of iTara, was here this week attendi g his sister -in -la ) a funeral.—A large quap ity of apples have ,been shipped from this eta ion durhk3g 1e past week or so.—Mr.'Fred rick A. ey es, of Uaborne, has sold hP0 far to Mr� Fre nk Ryo4man, of the same owpohip,—Mr. A. Dent4 of Nlitchell, and ��r. M. H. Dent, of Renfrew, were in the village the first p tirt of the week, visiting their sister, Mrs. James Sutherland.—Wo regret this week to have,tochroniolothe Jeat� of Mrs. blo- Arth"Ur, wife of Mr. John McArthur, ha. -d. iware merchant, of this villege, whic mad - !event occurred home on Sabbath !evening last, Mrs. Me krthu�r had been in I failing healtb, for some! :iime � past, and al- �though all that medical skill could do was Idone and all that a loving husband could Je- ivise (including a trip during the past sum. mer and fall inontbis to St. Thomas, Minas - sots, in the hope that t io change of climate would prove benafiCiaL), MIrs. McArthur ;continued to grow weaker and weaker ui til it was only with great dlffi f ulty that i he ,was enabled to make1le tri home. Since herretarn she had teen sinking slowly until' death came on- Sal bat eveniDgtO (all her to a brighter and,b( tter 6me. The e. ceased was Well and favorably known in ur village, having first been engaged 'here in themillinery business --together with ier sister Mary, now Mrs. I Rev.) Dyke. Ab)ut 115 years ago -she was �app ' ily married to :Mr. McArthur, their unio b:ing leF ad f A rviv� (with three young Bone, who e er. The deceased was the eldeab daughter of Mr. Stephen Ball, who resided for m ny years in Goderich bdt i now in Minnes ta. Mrs. McArthur was a kind and - faitt ful wife and an affectionate mother and their .home life was a happy and ideal one. Be. ing possessed. of so many kind and excell 3 -at ,qua itieb, w io me er a genera av or. ]its, she will be greatlyi mled by a I&rge i circle of relatives and fr end, The f uh( ral iserviee 'was held in Carpel church on Wed. ,nesday afternoon last, at 2 o 3 clock, the mer- �viee being conducted by the pastor, amsiawd �Ioy the resident ministers. :The service was �Iiigely attended as' was also the funer3l to �the Union cemetery, at Rodgerville. The p 11 1 1. � I �11 bearers w re members of the Home cle. of whio� i Mrs. c th ar was a mem- ber, and ek-servl,�6 at heg'rave was held by order. M Ithur and family have that order. Mr 4 c the sympathy 13' the ommu,nity in their sad bereavement.-Thel enter� . ainment given under the ausp�ces of �he G Iden Mission Band,of Carme ohuroh� on T=day evening last, was not as largely attended as was hoped for, but the programme throughour, was an excellent one, ie'nd t e church was beautifully dec i�ated �or the occasion. In addition to ho;O talent, MrJ George Cline and Mrs. Beal'i, of Wingh�am, delighted the audiance. !Their solecuidne were- well ,3h omen and rendered. , G. 4. Sutherland, age nt for George Joynt, has �old his dwel- ling on the Lonion road, formerly occupied by Mr. R. Pate�rmon, jr-, to Mr. Joseph Up. shaH, of Kippep, who,: we are pleased to learn, intends I eO i resident of our omln village. -Rev.`$. 13&11!16if Mcquoy, was here this week atte ing the.funer of his sister, Mrs. John Me rthur. Woriz 'a The beat a"signers �of.t world have surpassed them lielv'es in:their endeavors to createfashion Jpee th�blv 0 ild charin the feminine fancy r, I gu,e it a Jackets we're talking about., Any my we h&ve some swell cloth Jacfets thatlare moving quickly because of tl�e Otyle� th� fit and the price. - Or if it,is F urn we are alluding to, why then oursigave cer�ainl, irciii the fem- inine mind. They have h mth, a beautv and a goodness' that wi 6. d 'the test of the coldest cold The F. Me aul Co... Sea. f orth. 189-0-1 NOTES—Ca4.,,hy weather for lifting roots. 0 Mi h ` e tif Hespeler, spent Thanks- giving �`a"y in ,Pa local.ty.— Service is be- itig held eve . . ng in the church at Sunshine. —Pot to rot i is v ry common.— Mr. A. Buttou,I of the 7th ine, and Miss Lizzile Alcodk i6th' lin , were married on Tuesday evennig of lastl'week. A wedding took place on the 11 5bh line, the following evening. Seems to b . cat(hing.—Auction sales are boom�lng, so ara the prices of live stock. —Th real iirgs are about wound up.— The a I not so g3od this year pple cro .too many sm-T.i i1r1ash. I At $1 a barrel it hardly pays 6o pick 6ern Farmers are away behind *ith the �:fallFiOwirllg, owing to so much thTi'dihin a d a bending to the g roots, apples,! �,etc. — Rev. Larkin, of Seafortb, res hed ini Kn)x church, Bel� grave, Sunda before last morning evening, to I ge congregat ons, and deliv- ered a fine address the fol owing Monday evening at the tells me t, 8 Inty Rev. Mr, Hastie was atl8eafortb. ` WEDDIING BELLs. —At Jvoe o'clock o Wednesday, c1tober 29 -1a very pretty wedding tookIl plac-3 at - �pruce Avenue Farm,',' Morri9, tb residenge of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hatlid y, When their- daughter, Miss 0hri llidai , vi�as -married" to Mr. Thomas- Wal-1mr, of russels. . Tb`e cer�mony wa . ;perfcyr�ed y -Rtv. J. J. Hastie, of Begiave, in�the resence of about lativ! 75 re es nd intin �ste friends oi the young people.,, , The bride �'as - given way by her father nd looked very sweet I and charming in a I exquisite own of hite organdie, trim ed with inkertion and, fine ruchings of'cb. ffon in bow -knot Jesign. She also -wore a '.Aal veil �of Brussels net with the usual orang§ blossoms, and carried a beautif ul bou(I det of bridal rosessind aspiar. ague fern. Mids Florence Young made a pretty little A�ywer girl in a. dainty white muslin dress ��A carry,�!ng - ink carnations. The wedd' srch *as layed by Mile a Ing Tessie Elailid . After the usual congrata- lations followilik the cerem excellent supper was ae�v6d in the dining room, the decorations b!�ng pink an I white. The bride's travelling dress�' wa a tailor-made suit Of navy bi'e cheiiot, With a blouge of pale green sil�� and he,r. hat was of black velvet with to�kches oUburnt orange. Among the guests froT a diet : ce W6rB Miss Walk- er, Mr. and. M John! Walker, Mr. Alex. Walker, Dr. �,,Zlnd Mrs, IcKelvie, Miss Sarah McL Pin and Mr. John B. M -c - Laughlin, a�rgl �!aLsols ' '� the Misses Living- stone, Blyth ; . r. and Mrs. Rev. Young and Miss Flor Y ace Yc�upg, Mr. and Mrs. John Young, 1�e Misses I Me deand Mattie iSallows and r. W. � . we, Colborne.; I Sall Mies E. Hayd n, Mi. H den, Mina C. Hyndman an Mr. 'J.:1 , yndman, New - 'b id e ; Mr. a 'd Mrs.' Robe tsov, Toronto 21889 M. Clu , �Cli "on ; r. Alan Me - Lean, Harris ri ; �� ri.� a4d Mrs. John Fraser, Bayfiel Maloney's linch room, Bank of Com- merce Block, 3eaftIrth. D, Inner 11 cen 9, 1820-1 D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer wills, mortgages at i4 deeds drawn ip. Money loaned at the lo Aro8t rates of interest. 1740-tt Every purche e you make of us must be hatisfactory. I :not th it's your fault, I itf is i we, g, adly exchange don't blame us, ri g� p goods or refun I the )ur3hi emoney with every just demAnd. Could on buy Furs on a better basis ? We if ully uarantee what we sell. You r"",no r,isk, d the qualities are exceptiona� i because o price. Assort- ments of what's, the la�teeit in Jackets, Cap. erines. Boas, luffs, and the other smaller Furs are mostT complete.' "he E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. - 1 1820.1 . NOTES.—: A ery pretty wedding -took place at the re idenc! of, ra. Workman, .Tuckeramith, villen her ' da ghter Maggie was united in n iarriaie t6 X . J. - Reid, of London. Only he most lutifnate friends of the bridle were resenli.' Re Mr. McLen. man performed he ce'remon, The pre I a. ents were, num cum land �ost Iv. This bride looked charmiry in her wecaing dress of pearl grey popl � Al�ter� th( se present had offered their co gratqlations to the bride and groom a v ry sump a repast was served and pi e offer Mr. and Mrs. Reid our livery i wlarm(st congratula. tions as they arp . begInning their married 4fe.—Anniveraory services will be held in Me Methodist qhurob'on Sabbath and Men- -day, 9th and 10th of Nov mber. There will be three s4v�ices on Su ay, at 10.30, 2,SO and 7. The morning and afternoon services will be conducted by Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensall, and the evening service by Rev. 'Mr. 1 MillyaA, of Exeter. n on y eve Ing la, fowl i upper will be held. The ladi a of ' e coi gregation are well noted for t�o excellent suppers they provide, and co�sequently thi t part of the evening's entert$inmeub is an assured suc- cess. Arid judgi�g by the arn y of excellent speakers who will take part i the evening's programme, both sides of oi r nature will be fully upplieo, The choi - of Seafortb Methodi:t chur6h wilt sapplyl the music of the evening.—Mrs, R. MoMokdie, the past week, was visit.1bg wil'th her daughter, � Mrs. Thompson, of Loudesboro.—Mr. and Mrs. George E. The ' son,� on Mon'Aay last, at- tended the funeiral of:a friend� at Bayfiold.— Snow made its first appearance on Tuesday which is only areminder of w4at will follow. —Mr. John McP4 urtrie, of Po�tr Huron, dur- ing the week, Was visitinkwith his brother, Mr. Alex. Mcgo rtrie". Thir y -seven year,% have jammed since OoMurtrie em- brace the arme'l of tnoi,6 Sam, andJohn sees many ebanjois in this part, during these years.—Mr. Ro�`Qrt Kettal and Miss Moore, of London, whq� were vim with friends here, have rel6lu�ned hoLtien�-r-Mr. Joseph Hood is ohippu al car loal of -apples to Luinaden, Man' o a. Mr. R.� Melliojp mak- ing an additib , to is resi14ezf6i_­ in the wa of anew k V of a new k tahen —Mr. ohn McNevin Is this week shipping umber to Ingersoll,to- the Noxon Manufact ing cy pany. JobrA is a busy man,"d doe his sh re to keep the world moving. -! Mr. 0. M, an, the, at d!' 09 week disposed �6f V_ �d of steers, to, Z. McEweu, of Si' , bley,for winter feedirig.— Mr. Elam Batt 'of whose i on we ade mention a few, leek" L o, an who a me time in a I cionfition, a are p1lased note, has tak, 'a change for tLe better.— Fash ion has S, Said FU K, Our Qualities Guaranteed. Dome and see them, every r"der, For our skill oiagnot portray, THIR E[Alf the -worthiness embodiod In our handsome far display, WHO", Lambe at play,and seals and sly min-ke, Must add richness ere they vie— Ere they match those furs that 'gladden .2 8TORFRi. Every heart that comes to bliv. 50 _fM Wid ptmm 100 It. Ion q BHghtest -Tints of Auturnin. Already the forests -are being disrobad of3heir gorgeous autumnal costumes, Every tree was h1cishin with th beauty of the fall. Wild flowers were asleep, but golden leav-0a with myrimid other h-ues greet the,eyo in every direc. tion. The inf ection has' spre - to oUr. great store. Aurora and foliage Arne the ma_tt� giving place -to -the new.. millinery cres- -you +0 iU4 tions, bandsome textil0- :and favored 0 - garmentsof everykind. Butourtalk OU -991"t, yal , I . drifts to Fare. Ing your ot jug -fo-r -talc] Dar Readiness for the Demand. should apo], How natural that the rige should turn your time �s to Fun as the season advanced. 'We what via 86 predicted a very 11a fur season montheago. Weslawitizonitnig—there- fore prepared—taker, titne you know. in, 501 Now, we have realson to believe, that we have the finest and �rosdest collec- 3nents in Oi LiOn of select fun to be' found within zises go -Ithi TaOius of many miles. 11ore are Jatkw eke aud We It eta, Caparizies, Ruffs, Boas, all thesmall piece things, everythingthat in heauti� ar-eds of Dtl ful and practical in fur*, made in the - best manner of skins -a-0peltries from the hands of the best4yers and finish. ere in the world—Leipsic, London.) or wherever the particular fur I a kII0 to be beat tteateed. N We Guarantee our- FUrs. A string At this point we have occasion to ilse, some strong words. We want �theln_ bust oizes h believed, therefore we *ink it we 11 2A to 36,'W may here that every statement hasbeen oollars auct carefully weighed and clansidered. We awlay -down seek your trade on the. ound of your 'ber-we J reliance on our w we a give 541t Vburchoic( 'that we guarantee Furs, we i4l, without a hesitation, i im�l *4 � y beasuit Come early one of the ver beat, manufaetu * ring for firms on the continent &arantees ther-a to us. What's back of !our guarantee, you ask ? Why, your � poney back vf .course. You must be 0�tisfied ere we I look upon the sale as c - plate. VIM J_ XA A Ruffift-M 15 Our Jacketig' in the Poregroutd. 'Of thech_01' Oh, the joy and comf0t obtained froni atim, -or all a handsome Fur Jack4t4 We the per - feet fit of our j4cketm,� combined with thoulder-aA the faultless style auld a reasckn�abla 4 -WeRTI-119 price, that rushes them ou-b no famat Your chdice from the moment selling commenom There's ampl t 0 choose from, too you're not con to one stylo. 'Whatever's now and �,opular la herN and there's nothing hero to presil -upon you that isn't, The Smaller Furs real beauties', and there's lots of thom. Women who are thinking of a head-,. uEck or hand fur, will i certainly see _01 i 30 I grand assortment if they oome to thb department—north vedtion -of itor.a. Of the doul There, there is to ba"seev the "raomb -Collar Aass, varied assortment of. e�egunt Furs we sizes 39 bD bave ever had the plelastire of -showing. fine'coat fol You Mght Profit by thij Alwayll, the fur coat If you have your own: interest at hearts fit YOU; and you will become familiar with our -40, ings day by day', and � rasklize that yvu can never better our ciO�rs and prim�. 14++4 i-4. 14 Th Fine talilor flane V C UL and. �-y � Eo FA_ �coats; 83msh Price of thel Dry Gfojo4s 06. *ur pretenti t,14th s Greatiost Coh - Dry �oods- Store. Mr. Campbell Me Acyrdle vV-ho holds a good. Fine twee(b position in the Molsonsll�k, London, VW - F brown aud A at the parental home here �yver ThankogiVA in'V —The work cin St. :Azdrew�s churah f 'y fi�i and on the 1�ew ac�hool room is being � push- Pti?�:DOSP, allt ed along in ood a &-p-e, in er to -have -the 'less Vlan -rq w,prk com I ted * P;01Djd t1iM lOr the e,*11" p a 'a D 1191 W 110 p isee -and li Sabbath �onday, th, 16th �eknd 17thl of Noveniber, Rov. J, 0. olml of Wi#daor, will -0611, duct the ser ices 0 the Sabbwth, -find the gr laoies of thei rigir, ga�tion porpose -holding A fowl 8 on Mondai evening.—Tihe annual eating the Kippan Branch 131b1b Society will be held on Thiarsday ewmil1g, November 6,h. The meeting will be sid- A dreamed by Rev.! 0. E. �Bolton, -of 8L Catherines. PuAit-y" -and Alone." -Ire the itles of t W7.o most dellot- so Albz� The above sire the ful pictures yvhIch a bemig,Jsent tozubso-ii-lb- WAD04 bieAV_Y, Bra of the Family -erald sqd WeeklyStm, 1 per pahr. A Montreal, I this eeason. �'t is difficult to at which will pro e moist pi� lopular. [if is a beautiful piece of jacylour work It [a a copy of a paintmg that'has attrSOW''Jis great deal ofatten-tioninEnticype. "Mon6"r ippeallo perhaps to's differ=t tastef and is slacy sure to be popular. T�e two plettrat ire immenso vahio with tliekt.great family weekly at on dcylla� per year, and when tbsY 6-5 1 3egin to scatter ar " nd the )oouutry and 60" GU i.een there illaure to he a gre . ater rush tb0a In thi., Wer for tha paper, Years of agi i Haunts of alld Game Es the title of a haludicime, illustrated foldsr issued by the Gra-hd Trunk pamm- ,rer department, and which �fill be found to )e of great value to, those who are -desirous I if obtaining any information about t1tat; iplendid hunting district cyn'�the lineof t1le " nJ Trunk. Hiinteris'e*cursionris 113� m*ra tag ,ffect October 24h,to Novem;ber Ut. SiV9141 oul irst-class fare lor round tr&vslid rstuM ng until Decembeg 13th, , 2 Copies of- ,bove folder, and- information to exotirsiort- ate, on appliestion 'to Wtm. Somervilk4l, own agent, Seafojrth, or to J. D. MOD0111- kid, dialiriet passenger :agent, Toronto. I T —Mr. Wm. Preeter, of Dashwood, MO� vith a serious accident a -few day -A &go- Vhile assisting -at a threshing he in some aannor got his leg criiihed so badly, th ,mputation may be necessekri to B&ve ife. -Mrs. Albert Stone, of the 8th W0,11000 - ion of East Wawariomb, departed this -11-10 n the 12th inst., after an illness of lfiv"O reeks. Deceased*ss only, iJa her9Ath yearp nd, besides her husband., she leaves tw* 3ttle daughters.