HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-10-31, Page 6-0c TOT H U, ON suTo R OCTOBER 31,, 190 THE TWINS POMPROMI a. It, is inten sting to note that wher- a nb me bo tr I m at, A I �ko ivell enough �i idN-ht, 4' Island it Se 0 Maw a 'herell was ry f r E) child WS so led ever the sword goes the Bible eith afipe i r 3' ion?. follow a quiel ly in i trail w ait'a the L RFD LETTER DAY H coul 'it wa I with it or THE STORY OF 1A And the b14 �z ledest tile when sh 4d placed th ABSU,L�UIE IN THE.LIVES 0� ANN MA B�,er morld � man fipssess ed. again. d3ruall faft is day the society's Bibl -a are -being -i old in lips almobt hS 1.0-rala the. -ogber the marketplael a of mdurnim, an(. Col- AND MATIW.A A�N. 17 Rei -'s farmer is the very qart at Th of Mr Pic ure of �a- "Take 0 he at "Yoa James Treneman, th 6 hard at wo, -k in the "I flip -p- e.s it! por ura ar 'th"the atta- vanced in yarvret in t 11 36fore. W h b shall -fire' vn in spite of the i evasts bing an� ini �ie enjoy. did so we wel wn butcher Of 53p Ad0laide Street I imne f perfect h at Ajo d appe- When ti song ssLond Ont., is another ptoof that Dri The British pris4 in6re i t rretor I hil a bad cougli for six leib- 0blished Chasi tit4� g a digestim and s, )%in eep, aye r c( Kidney -Liver Pills are effective in erally supplied pvibh t le social ond could firid -no reli S�"L"CURITY, :Weather; J?oked at Impal. ion in bl the chi f ct rs i our ;jo you knol, in what k tha I b the a o1st severe and'CO plicated diseases ef lu f , -cd Ayer's Cherry Pe.c ilooners' read tl am the Lr' priae. Mra. Murray W ro�tu rned to bar V of a- is written khe asked. A the kidneys and, the Boer pr to. voyage an& ; -w I 0 a Fer looking over old ooits and trousers, with Mr. TreneLan state! "Two years [on. Th Li e u e Il Gospels and Tistaments, bound in hhaki cured pne �gc kidney disease and Cenuine view to making them t he � ri�. by But oar you sing I)w as hot i I was laid up wi�h it is. accampanieq�, _We; troops to South Africa. gh, �rinai y troubles. Bes marked to herself and, to Zip th, � do$, pro e digested, Oh, yes idas the.pain and that it warnt M44er of, use to waste ice caused by these t Mob me dt vi ncon emei assimilated The other stood in a aze ith the roubles, I A BREAKFAS RELISH P IEPA RED came dropsical, and my leks would 'he .ope. in herb do the iit un- her breath callin' vilon! Young onea didnit Wh n 4igestionij sheet of m " Nul_cted colds always at ic tile Cdl:rter s want to hear."' derstand it she eat I well up so that I could scarcely go ACCORDING TO THE ID2US OF 6 sufferer. fails therel is a loss he girl aze She was tearin at all. Hearing 'DICAL FOOD str p fropi. an old coqb pleadinglyat, her, but il roun of Dr. Chase's GREAT ME Iof ;Lt!ritiio� which a e6t In a ?,XPH RTS. lead to'sometblogsed ears. when the door o on'ed, q ickly and a zirl of i cala y -Liver Pills I procured a box and blind way tie I -sm soon �hows itself acoompa it nent - was bOgun from r1lieumat about sixteen tri pod in quite out of breath in physic I I_ but when an untutore onti ued the use oi ibis valuable medicine, hey run int �Chronic wea. d tit riah cohtralto, a, long time U4 ULM Liver PHIS MALT [BREAKFAST FO D from running. me oed the soing there was a sud- sness, voice cf0m ntil ow I can say for a certainty that I Wed VVIA ness, iie=u bronchltis,, pneumonia rasny Here at Isist,imoth r I" she said. Whq't m a 1 irely cured. ' I 4never too� any' sleel essness, etc. den discord among the! h ys of thb� piano, Contains Tho True Ele e of do you want edl a that, did mel so much good, b -V PatInt med Must Selvir Signature o an& 'I S t., doctor, eeled aboi P.3a or 7consumption. e -b D)ctor iFierce's and Miaa Weatberell at and M urray 9 dl up. i'Twa' aly convinced that if it had not Health for! Young and, 01d� Mrs. Mq- stared at the girl besid )led FM fi. Gold'en 'Medical her, who t eml beat bs aid; ti Ida, Ann that I w" she a I DOL -IN Viraft but take so that the could hardl aband. peen f(r this niedicine I would not bel varti"d in the orking to -day. tro e. Why, I'm Ma Ann. 0h, m ther, What doe's it mea The ideas and Cherry Pectoral Discov7ety c u r e s di of such iseases f the ycr S 4 T, -7 oried' the rtist,. Will you ever know al. The uirl thre* looking about in wonderment. - "It kctly on the �idneys brated food experts as Dr. Fobh pillsct din rof. )retty aubu has sto*ch'ai id other canJ bougbt I wels and ensure 21 possible it this ohil bag Wo (ist-inct; nd liv regulate the bo. W. M. Williams, and Sir Henrlr homson of them wen back her I d and la,�gheo be F, , i z or 8.1115 of igestion ilist I.Issoon as yourcough merrily. Mrs. Murr e t action of the'ligestive and fil- See Fac-S111alle wrapper Below. dropped the' ooa� singing voio... �bi t a pe regarding the use of M &It in conn wtion with vor the 116tter. one very gh axid 'the other et7, I n s. gazed a moment, and t on- laughed, to M tritn. It Or A few doses will i vetainIy a phenomenon day, to bu�' streiqthe s t h e low 8 ing s ste;ns. One' 1pilli a dose; 25 cents grain foods, have been practical]' and sue. E'dmanson, Bates cessfully carried out by the manufaict with a vexed air. to chuch ir To" 5=&U ana ew . I t * ton, begin 16. box.! y arers cure you, then. . body in e only J d a r &�dibly. all eaters or the Pills That comes of twins, to cc t4no of Malt Break Mine ;L as a ha a a ha 10 take als in gam.� %_01 on 0. rem I thought ly thb ar eq. Three sizes- 25 hf ;y t*n,,r - or an o�tdlnarr vauble. A way yon eve P1110 Malt in fOrn1 just nchitis, boarse. enab] the as way possiple,—by a slight, gu steall cut and fast ood. with," she k en ret r and now h tToughb he: ' der- Users of Malt Breakfast Food obtai' all Ii -I FORVABACHEs broke int� #h room 1twas Anii the virtues of n a r g r at who ry one was: I I tood. The 'il I simiTt7go r C4a eys that� con- ha�d colds, ete.; $1, ;aost -eeono m n of the L ape 'k beforl6ha:oould neo. Ib for A�den. to benel ftl LRS FOR DIZZINESL Matild a. She's U4 as -n�b to come tbroug� looking, tried;twice to duceB to health, strength andob t le hL"d�nioa, eA ses and W ireep �on a door's if she'd be'li �opped,out of a gun, nutrition eitracted �ay a !yord.- Then she burst out - P should be remem�efed t J. C. AYZQ'W-, Lowell, Mass. publicil habone ack of T= FOR BILIGUSKESS. from food,' I hey' -Liv' r . .... wo 0� You please, I am thd, J vierits of this Where've both of you a 0 Oh, if �ther! Malt Breakfamt, F od contain$, mo a n uirien- Down to the cree 'Ti tsed Wn bottles FOR TORPID LIVER. �k: iThe wind bl)w eq Jwin." I ment than can be, found in 02 cof Dr., Pierce -4s Golden a d en bc�ttlee IVER IPATIOig.. & and not only does ft well we didn-b bear yov wiie� you first called; me an, an ;eurabltedisease t ext street-Cleanin dcal D4covery. That's what! thoa� lit eat the t lyir which of liquid mal racta costing v,agily, inor You are --mal YOR CONST a� the ear judge, a 0 but makes a profit ou �*PILLS. Did yon want anythinj to partioular and *,everall vials of and he beg%n to lanyli" T wi I ult ach ]its btain. It will be inoDey. All Grocers sell Malt t of it, Mayor Hugo, we tird and j. -.d FOR SALLOW SUN. h ormal proposal to the last b a in libre," his cc JoPany re am ered that the lgmperoi�� father, Food. 'Pleasant pellets' ined an ier. t sta d in Miss Britton's 0 in a the 'lot of Duluth, made a a year ago th�s spring, -tau 11FOR THECOMPLIXION Murray announced.! 3deri k, sucoum ------ Army that it should undertake the whole 4MUM ULM= -MUST PAE WATURC. - I , bei and have�ihad no trouble with in stionsince,11 the midst, I)Iabhing,a dtnall� lau"hing, Fr Hame Pink Pills, 9 5 Mr. � W. T. T1 too, city No hae she? Oat'i a Ann claspE d he� write loliapson, iotte Townsend' Alto 13� of Spain 18 a ted to be strick- work of keeping that clean, using the- Tegetable. Iftfighte Afraid of 1, nwrtb I -1 I Bul for all, bloo& bands as she put thb' q estion. Rez fao* Broadwater! Co,, Montana. %tUords f4il to tell 44 firan with scrofula, and �t is enfidently assert- OW- unemployed tr, ido tha work-, and taking its bow, thaiiItul I an You are ot the on6 N o s1n It will probablj surprise mi L for the relie� as I had suf- be sure You V ilashed and her eyes apa kled with -interest, fered Io �Much and it Ecemed that th�le doctors ,ch has fre nently of the sale of rage, papernd persons -t she wag a6kei. ad that 08 youthful onar o PrOfit out -name - Dr. -fuu CVRE St K HEADACHE. Her mother ripped -a al�ave from the couldtdo ex ibiti idi signs of insanity hear that most 8 3anish bull gh a objgot e The proposal will pro. garr no good. I got doiVit in weight to I "No ma'a �: le 15 r. That pale a !my istel People i A25 un S,: an was r ot able t� work t all, a ment before she continlaea : . — to fighting c str 'W"ep In Chicago w( it was �;y tu infre. rteman e ob ec-' wov�lo ig nearly i6) ind cau. do a d4y% work *n with my 9 " the Amy bo. 861d by al far'n X have'-ecommet r.medi-. Matilda 4V n stammered then lent, in nt, vells of freedom from melancholia, I tion to persecsti#g a female ani Ab 101 the Da ne !ows.!': A a ing She's made up her 4iind to bavc has only has no-� a aoceptc� 'Ann. I ab y that on th q has been collecting the city.s rags,, w4st6 w a a VRT�RINARY he fact is paper and iunk� for 'some time IMM6 paid at 50 ohing whatever tc ;do with it. music part—1,musikarl,' she, 6alla it— vqral, and AM alwa��bay,,'i'eu good, -ed aul ha owing pen, !pictures have been I - - Last year cine to s a thanleve .1 She that the: average t, ead ncer I afraid of jar 50* by Gt ma wordito ,.ty1for Dr. Pic me and h s medicines growing morepainfully ot, is at ohe wa�giona of the Chicago branch g*bered ine OHN GRIEVE, next Wednesday eve�i*. That ir ad waited actoas drowu f the abject con it onto which the V. honor graduate of Ontario the wa3 atMij - Ake?s Mdid, up Veterinary Coll.�ge. A,Jdioaaes of DomesU professorays he cau c�me thq. She cam The Com'mon SE r se Me, lical. Ad kiugl , malad' " reduce Turke'y's despotic a cow andhe has g Dod reiion. The o a f tb 780 tons of paper, 50,Wo.pounds of porty age vi r her sister �o slip aw Ly from �111th y half wild breed ui ad forAhe ar ind 5;000 po re, it pap!]. covers is mo ena are much I salmals treated. Ca is promptly attended to %a to invite both you g1rIs1, She sa.lid it woul 1; 1008 pag, sent free then the two had obar �ed froc6- sbJ that. unds, of strin1g, and sold the on 4arges moderate. V iterinar ythin' you'd! ever heard. Mire . P I ore, cent S -amps to pay both -The lato King Milan of Servis was the Man -i homeless waife Dentstry & speowty. be finer 'n an, recei t 0 3 quicker in their 1 i6vements than are the ot for a ood price, 'Weatherell n't a goin, to all g. n( is, ng ject of t,recurrir expense are more p of Dr scows oface, safortb. a le pl t. I th ih� f and, while Conn. n a i r.ry o 0 Mee &ad Itesidence on GodeRch street, on I a door ve a share of bh - a mug c 116 ing under the good in 11 migbt hi� !!This U ir horne ed and a -r employed ip this wok ,:(rom.Bqsto F custon a I 'I � 011-1Y. hiad been AnnO libt ig fits of madness, audl bulls. The a �noiw right offil" P eme, Buffal�, N. Y. 11 do not I wer their fluenvoe of -the Army, - thouht you�d like to Address: r r. R.i v. t Ki Of Wartem to d Matildalt4t she changing she ba(I not iburg does not eiijoy� more formidable.� They had been o a a Matilda Ann wall nity. Bavaria -1 adthus got a 'chance to ar.1i'their food a ntire a i!& 4at �uler termin-� heads to the 01owly to the win4 bli�edto sing nd, shut their eyes 917 aoil 14 recalled tie reno No, matter about th 3 said own !LEGAL Y SM ness. Sh a t i(I a retched exiatepoe frenzied suicide, dow. From there he! s4ked : charge like a, (:motive pon the raile, I but lodging." ves j�at ade rtowp. DISTRI -6 the It t1o. :cha or bu. the r I �,ont- w every move- sheinviteduaborh? i . on, th h-� suffers are alert and read7v io f ii t ecolleotion: Ulm Weatb rell. "I et us finis the f present monaro mb ry I'm afr4id I'll ood� To be sure., have did not d bar much JAME L.. K She S ILLORAN I As a Last -Rbsort, ng meat of their pe secut knew she song." ri�m so� of the brain. Their warlike t a p tyh"�'r' anaw'dre was yviel ilig to ev. 1. She felt er eves Afterwardei, sitting y OnAldt; she Bourbons and da IThe follo W -lug, hard time decidin," the, mc, ape tactics have bee d not to blind. . 'I r )urgs Romanots., a t to the trategy.of There has beenConsid0al Wre G alpha, ave been sc6uiged by 'Ahe dread bovine froll eks, b week� PqbHo. Moneytoloap. office over piWwd-6 a burnr and siiap. AnI hersister new 'All heard why th� twins wei a blig i t6 take the per cent of hare the duct thinks irdite-T 801101tor, Conveyiwoor and NoUrY somewhat anxi tal att e said �Wbout for last eon or 1528 There's nothing: at a I to &cid.e* eat& that she, a4 feeling. Ann hi A dii easee hich, have, active and ounnin i a is a of prey, of W1111 K�la Street, Sestorth. a oment's turns at everything nic as Oo a peculiar and on belongs to himv-sr sind sibove his salary it at) the hurnam bull ghter is oul giee, mark 4y for -very witty thingA have been 'laid Matilda Ann. " IVa not my , turn, i t's" fight with b�erself than she Fiat expressed it. _l':But92" ai I th d out royal y a feeble -and some lAnWs. I went to the Jad table las b m )n,tb,i You 411 take i n 7 turn and Pli take di e thi ir 01", and :the ii 01 of th 0 Spani -these heap mimic. If d seem as if' we coul clso, ad blood which ah n'i hot[ up p about it. Even the BroadWay. back plat.. R. S. HAYS) he I Rowell ro their Verde ha population oul nd active you know. But how I sh -we had more the next low turns a )ur frock. hat'll be hearing you. It was n who t a cutsed a aceDro ng a B471ster, Sollottor, 00. 3veyancer and Notary PublIc. up form philosopher hasi his di a at them ;2taid, adjournment on 11 Sollettor for the Domin ion Bank. she i exclal ined, tv wild cc* h.L d eon obbed of - a hie dn a Th case �O than one bett frock; 11 right, w n't; it?" the plan.11 do an d� 7 9 tea. OMoe-in rear of a Cleveland professional jn�n the oth- us to 10". 12M Matilda hAd spoke er day aU resent, the rl Dominion Bank, Seafoi th. money passionately, as sh ed -toward i he alvee, they A' a. P : The -next morning isl We ther 11 re- Jh m tiuly when' she said their e mig rbapi i forestall w to a " Plain Daalee'xaportisr. of lant meeting 0 It does a t better .16Y 0 the bucher�'but they w ul at a iy rate, do I fil mother. ee ometimes al if I that Ann than she wag'. Down turned to Bof ton. As - e f - I I 3 h( left the t M' s Not Pasto " I once heard of a fello*, much under n 0 In on X. BEST, Barrister, Solidtor. Conveyancer couldn't bear it. deep art sh a knew the h i0h Misq B rton had r: ren �r To ro:ito 's 0 ter ." v6sbigated fluende of liquor, wo� got on the -train instruetea to havi tar In 't wish so Eut more 'n I do," Ve bookstore, Mabk Street, SwOorth, Ontario. -kell adv&ntiLee (f the self -a crificiog titation, she sE�w I ham r. 'eorgel rner, and found 0 t� go home after yng 'himself at a pie. J. Notary Publio. Offloes up sWre, over 0. W' You don t -A p in e ad of ten wh a the ilk her somethi g t earr. their 11% els. the in two gir a 2 plaiin ki th case a ray. u. now ja t ho.7 spirit,. and alie had n iny a fit of remorse gowns and g B U T TEE01 R It TERP said Mrs. Mur -enjo --ooncesEicu 8 1627 broad hats ul �yln d6V the th t After thirteen a almost total me. He sh ed into -a sea�4;aud fall asleep. The Con,' �)dior'a bills o 0 because s2eLhad doas Lo. Now she 'Jof ipp epair. We keep b�vW;d , �3__ d as road. Thav were the: ti tba de fues he ha heii Are Parti &A h : . I iximl A ff.v- th- + if .4 ving And Lj ENRY RE4TTIZ Barrister, solicit", &o. r, tor's bills to pay for mn a i ok sells, nojw tempted a ga CUP the Coductor of is Don ne. JLJL L Money to loan.' Offiee—o"I's Bloo, n %nad IT cat r ad -to yield. brou ht two laivish bunches rosels, hiaL I 9 11. � TiCkete f --cepked -by !he �co, k.. Sm I ' 9 oil' came into the car:&U& it don't look 'a if we. w ix) d ever a i I for She shrug ge her ab u ders v ollently. t 0 ered. It a 4 wl� Where Catarrhozone weiary to re"ona, of Of hi C arrh T cob. as Y. 4tilda; Ann' p -oves 'that The Picknicker was too you each to have'a best frock. I sp o wef # 4 N6.)) sb id In tb (1i large, ma, ority of home 1, consum- mou il h am basis, that .who spo 'both bu b a tha a C;Iould tr atinegit is enhplovied,i i� hearing cI butter�ol and so the conductor poked"bim up -a little, usel _ipaired d and yoting—ar particular -The follow ro aA�ROW a ought to be thankful yon! �heve one,' 01' *ouldh't !)a rat era accounts or GARROW, B4rrlsters. Solicitors, &c. 9' n' place b e ir. Y u know 4 wel�l as I do my was ano deafn as caa be 6re . CatarrhozOln' about the color of but er plai ad before I up, f unibled in #u nil My ave in 'an sh or i;mp . ectly ci her, till finally he ulled 00 h Mies Weatherell, ald In6b elp r ngs qviiek relief, �ud is It pooket,_ then anot HAmIlton 8.1i. and Square, Goderich, out. h all in G can swap 'round 'bout' 9 as i's" that this phapoeiew rth all how you're j Z9 , like 'a 'two peae a year," Sh�e made grear, orbland ad- you: off—a n dared but - J. T. GARROW, B. eat of a ai* a warr them. Whitt passe. . 00 CuARYza GARRow, L. L. to ter does not attract t out a very ragged bill and 1(andi, d- it to the �OOUUCII then ad' M a pod, anyhow. I Via 'twas diffs,-ent, ded nd I won t i ake your tuin again, Jas w ' O' tia.nk o u."' g ,a' " JaSt'i6g fr he eye or, tempt the 3o h y iun f ce a from Imp& 'November 17 -bb. ed eac a he ired Hearxng� Deafness, He& conductor. After,examinink it Car but to se'ai 9 a tast4i. It, is the well ma� a au 3r er -1 can't help it. P,:r nrL ha a sot ere!" The at colored encoemor to khe late 'Arm of took the fowe. latter said 11 Say, my friondt am here. I A mis �me 11fole. her isea and Ringing i ! the Ears, are ad with Wells. Richardadn 4 Co. aImproved ar In ked for and o hey& Holmested, IDarrister, Soliollbor :"d give you her chan a she fina ly aug� She', ke el to hat!' resolv ail -ey letison am vi dd to inhale Ca can't use We. g- brav a, es. " Ishalmot forget rhozone and derive th gr at ban afit - it is capa�le of affording, The passenger pushed himself up on his te. Money to lend. Farm It to i !��gnz is U�uveysncer, and Nqiaiy Sollollor forlbeo*n gested, nbre to sed --Vr t th a liter throu h tie three d ya which followed. give you,).$ i he said. Butter Color, that is ap- would may uhad for any licate J aiie shade 10j.L "1�0. - I Dt er reason. 4as Agna P . preoiated. The lovely, Z;OGe 1�; Scott's Blook, NA -in afteet the fortunate one, -who went THE ENI), They -are e as eq $1, 00 W -V to Uke & Co2s Im- small size 2:'P' at druggists, ri lbow Eind rems�rked I shouldn't wonder i rag the response. t about her duties UL a kr produced by Wells, Rich�rdson (hie) that perbu bed state of C. PD110ii & Co."iEngston, Ontario. I you Shay -92, proved Batter'Color is w6l�l kno She's twiCA3 as good as�, 'I Mao b t is ub she, THE M:)DERN* IMOTHIR�.­ Dr. Han Jlton�a Pills Care Constipation. easy todete can't use this th* conductor re- I � It wafis ly 0 ot the buter6oloted with crude wants to hear that mug c.. a much as 6. ' n the morning of t e Wed.* �DOJLG & D.011 I u t go,and I ust 1 r�esday th and Common color�. 'Suolh butter is u.sually. plied. 8CHOOL Rupout Attorn' s-st-taw and 'Solicitors in Chawery. All No, We her turn. She" t she appt an id to C. 3,'eer I 11 ' Well, gie it fbio) �o the onip7ny. ey P some Has Ways )f Carin f rBabyt bricky in color sometime minot ad, nd standing of the pi, kinds stay at home. It's hort d'horrid, to so *hat. 8 a' had a private con , ultation iings Worth Knowin of Canadian legal business wffl receive special hat 9 often strong sui �&ue zen,' rem*ked the we&FJ but with bar 'initerrupt. Our GrindMOthefs N� Som of the insurane companies ol id. paja bu er- generous ation. Accounts And notei collected. Deeds, poor othe�, !vh mustan .9 MeRillop, for t WrtMes, WHIa. and ill kinds of Conveyancing exa. eq re al a,, dropingbac into -the entp air by xelaimin� m hearted ma ,class; 4abel The girl tried t& kee back t4ars. d's' e t4 insure people who dye their elb, Rte iardson & Ov p; it The n sake Knaiw. akere to u eutea accurately and promptt. offices in the Gows Improved *B tt it -his destins 6 I Iyll confident be would be pub ow -J, She saw her mother's 1, pi tremble. iVueVer 40 ! Its idea h&r. I color. I When used Edith Oray. Fo' i at a az a IV I a Alaggie Smith Block. Sault $to. Mari, idichigan. W. M. Down, I ation." Th �A'tfl ofSouth America hive been bubtermakers, it a extra value of I B.; A. X. Dow, L. iL. B. 1809-4 be good &boat it af ter a'; little,, I M she lai ghed as a e uttere a inte- Many almost sacred Itr ditibms O he kni 1wn t o; natruct a tunnel 2 to 4 can r4 L I : , OnI Rd - a jection �i d finally d 08 P three miles in ts I er PC d Do b be de-. Stu& Ann raid in quivering t y give sal Well " p -raps 'I Cast id by th( i by any de er ; Mal Wanted.' Daniel Kueehtel nursery have been -to- Ian gth. + as* van t a that ma m pr.ze b Ater. All rug- Weis NMI me time to think it 6vei - 01d gob. the u )per there's no I armin il, hub (Ion'b Lk me to di to tnothef. E once as ntlal -More a a of the kind that ma 9 We would like to ask, through the �col- Zvmd It"up a havin hand of myself." help y6fif ! if YOU I at into any "trouble, is used in this mautifacture d 4AFS.., on D DENTISTRY. or idle is now seld fou ad in the on Pei a than 1 all the sword; and gun faccori -and dealeis.- your paper, if thero is p ,Lov-e. Part 11 cam stairs: rom erson In ten minutes s�.e a lown 't blam no ody but yourselves." bl )ssod by baby'smprests ce, The* d er"n in he worl who has used Green'sAuguat Flower for t6e Hulley. Mary Bul don't blam b an 9'st6' umne of this little room she shar' d with ber sit ter, Th6r,' 49" trouble to geb-into," re' bi by is. not fed every �iu h6 pf but Prim Old Times, 01: I Fria ipsis and Liver F W. TWEDIDILE, and oponded A n %atil I a when arr cure of- lmdigastion, DySIX tried to speak with brave'cheerfuln8a confidently., No. gated in Mo�oceo are d Love a that has not been cured­�and -we bpdy'll Ove woen the clock announces th) pro#e ime. required the policeman for his There areo dayslik Trouble om in a -1 b DENTIST, All right, m ate i 11 not going to be know yt hing __ bout 'it aDY- The doctor approves of th a and bab it. et- trouble ii t pay, ah -o mean their reaulte,auch sour atom- IT$ to pliessaut ( the!good d days- - �,l -top speed tthtough the d day y ink The days when we i ere outl I but No Aeath to war . mean this time." a to&, th village now, and ter for it, bati despite regi I& bours� f rleed- --�J apa ckepe florists have ucceed- A in cul. When humankind weia pore of Ind Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of on. l, w III O,up ib itFak tlthemto�jhil. ach, fermentationf food, habitual vatii tano, poatgractuat� oourge in crow She ran at call at Mls.: Bakek' . I knJ 1w she'll be a ski Haskell'a 8:3ho& in and bridge work ng, nearly all 'he d ordf rs of infaotO are tivitiDg A rose which And speech and dee is wbre tr, ness, nervous dyspepia I is, headow to. WORM SYRUP. _PA Chicago. Loold anasthetios for strewn meadow to the c sek, where her I 10 red '10 the sun- thful bes, d painless extraotion'of teeth. Office -Over A.Young's 4 . caused by derangementi o 1e bor 1,g&t I Before a love for so bi Id sister was trying the 08 wl qwIng. Bat a. 'Bak streeb t and: vr�hite ip the shade man,@ r pondent feelings, rulT 7i M11 in i ee� lived j a acroE s the Becamit. in pa 810D, .groc . ary store, Seaforth. 1764 tilds Ann had not ye 11 al a sBritton's and bowels. Alothers' gr at it -pr'oblelm' is ��Eacb year %bou F, trouble connected WiCh the stomachr live0 Y� thousand dollarm And before esch dame an Mai( became the Of 00 do It Lle but bove a streets of I ; on ! - r!E b f6 got the i home'l and she re-. a treatment foi those ills h will to gen- is iended in th 8hyes to the tyrant fashi ears hand of heri if. When "Ish told Ann a ceived An n This medicine ha§ been soldifor many in all civilived coantries, a6d we wish to have pumbaseed "a. F., A.-SPA&MRY, Dentist, graftalse of ow w sal!6� Mrs. Lonoon with sand to pi venA horses from Ve kn tat '4s, but y we ome Jupt the effeabivi, and, a YOU io�e of via. College of Denul Surgeons Toronto, also tilds of the invitation! it d added There are no girls like the�good old gh Is- - I J. W. Bailey, Head LA�, Oat. yites slipping. correspond with youRfid se4d a -re -at work ia Sul honor graduale of Depar ment of DentMry, Totonio same," she leplared. i your turn, you know," she f. It rather bi it.. Against the world r4 atike' Univerelty. Office in the Potty block, Heniall. al- , " Just a willing's 381ift b from the fullness of experiq0ce w am jahe U one of the privileges of Chinese As buxom and smart a iour books freef cost. If It seemed to her that ber: plister's turn J�' sai'd Mrs. I I nd clean heart, ou never tried, Guest. visited at EL Will vWt inflob every, Monday, oommencing Mon- L 13 ' I have used Baby'p Ow0t a0leta cc anc ing officers that 1 they ma, As the Lord knew now t I August Flower., try -one b4t Ways CaMeL for: the best thi ':%ker, aft4. Ann- x)lain-ed her viait. y only be 0 -ma em I --diaya last week agreat t again on A19nda3 "IThere'll ab a be t n b3 the hand of theii generals. 'felling., If so, uths- old baby, * I i rich In spirit sini cc ion Sense, -have never known of Inne lot for an 3 at t a Brittons' six mo They were There was silence in �n A piety all-oupponin, fo trtblZ with indigeatiow, Tht-_.., something more serious is tl a iatter -with who has been* ion tL "IL M R. ROSS, D�ntist (Inooessor to F. W Ann said; as if speaking po �erself to -night. 'T�6ry seleo , too. 'Lily musical he i a Ras 'an family moves it is the They could bakp and brew,! and had sc MI. "u were beyond mi expectation 0 you. Ask your oldest druggist. people W a I a - ust0m,.t carry the fire from the hearth of' JL4F Twpddle� graduate of Royal Colleg6 of DentalL "Only to t th goix g.1 I a p ?)oae too, hink of hear as Weath- rell on ro. Britton not convey to those wh4 have not tried the old h And they, mad! e the lik Rest co rt!n Hazel Prouty a fo anneons, of Ontario; fitat claw honor graduate of. sing 11, t Yo, . and Matt d' use in a closed �, �es el to the new 4 Ann are musical, G. G. Grsw, Woc dbury, N. J. gh b Toronto Univixeity ; orown and bridge work, Wso tnd so them th4 worbl of thee IT* lets,." I i will residknce. neft She felt ery you i ire.." ifornis Thargal Sdd work In all its form. All the most modem did not"Speft There are no boys 11ke the' od id boys--jr never again :r Mparatim :for �Viwu quarelis the larg OW eat squaira in When we were boyefo s�er Will Sweet. tf E -k mabhods for painlesa JiMngL and p9niessextraction of hard and diaagreeable. bf morning un- " !When An a Matilda, n nk organdie -the baby, as I a convince 1ere 'is Q'th. London. I a area is 607,000 Equarefeet. When the gLrass! was ow, e to th Wown Time WM Come Jwth. All nperationa carefully performed. 3 fBoo shineseemed to have In. Talf its' bri ht- that belonged to her a d be P a - e �are feet home hera.- - on A her. a star jointly, in so good as shy's Own Ti hl is �s n a Th 6 dimph d the I gh ng,-hel% er; WAS ia Irwe4dia's old sUad, over Dill'o grooery,-SesforLh- eta. 'Th r y one-sixth greater. -than Lin- When a man knows that he is talking too Bo;ea vats iti idly *ent up the tth lei Aing! to the hese ' a laxati a s�nd coilnlai ben the pewes San t_e iumw�r daw i, minob. 1640 Tablets I I gr at Britton �ho Ian FO leds. Or the bee in the �ill clov brought good prip er, W use t a b, evez ing, she felt comforting mod cine for in a its eh d- —Progi ee ive Canada eatiMatea th th 1P_ or- Ill r down b�. the miffth wh hen a woman longs for the love ,of A rented by Mr. tv -y small, but still rely i %ger. Miss ran.' T I I Echoed his night scu 1 6 Ler. true Tan. Mr. Gardiner. —3 MBDICAL. 1B Itton hey are� pleasant t6 take are popul tio capacity of Canada can ot b: her ielf, a � tal lady a beautifnl gu qur less t an 1: Wn isife would be less ornif o opntair, no 4P ate. I 0 '000,000. " There ate 1 300 000 ere ti no I i �shimmering silk, was )min te e 1i e tb k; Ud V1 I 1 re- man wishes h on Monday rn 9 gist does not keep B O� Tan- equar mie �f arable land-,. Me love 6 ot er a e us take a course in ibs�ll when tj a bute 1 in he twin. F krin She letab sand 25 o i t TIO Tn e are old,. o Dr. John McGinnis, !sn�iled on ti a shriu Willi'5016' — Mv, tYpo1 of Storage babteryi oar, an, e pinc n -When a woman can't help 1 wishing to His niother ccori a )okville, 0 or ch 0 In in owe of your own. will '19' I w glish tests has run -one hundred i 0 we dream -London Wedern University. member ilda at one collected h r,wits. rearn of t e g Id ti mes, Elan. Qrsdtmte (bild, and Ann Ma- MQdi0i" Co., B�'s 6n hi For that pr is r -,4od g h of - Onkaria Co Df PbYG10i%Z1f and B=Weons. tady, N.; Y., a�d a full siz box miles n 4 single -greab Which is it?" a ked M wl w 61iderer foi der, When a woman shows' how Charge, has motors that, And our hearta gro I is her oftel &Formerly ocioupied by Mr. Wm. so Britton. mailed, post pa�d% to your drees.i� 1 i when raive1jing down hill, are reversed and As those de Id drea brans, 806thin gleams love of admiration. Borrov ]Mnkard, Vlotoris Street, next to the blatholia Church Everybody made that inquiry when the ar 0. y MrNight asillsi skitended promptly. becom geerators, for restoring the bati cry Of heaven a When a man caet hep in 1458x12 twins were, separated. all sorry you b 1113, off dor. Half 'Of the ills Mona charg -Huge say nice things of hims,elf. couldn't both come. ohs' Mal es. ne Field- 4 trouble. When a wonians vanity becomes appar- an lea M ental a havel in. 'A troub! Ann was placed in a air near the door, ent; in the Moat e� trUbItS V-14 H. H.. Rossi M, B. peculiar In aAl W9 TO FARK TOILERS. The Most Fri -al Cou&rh. rdineiry act less than half fm easur ravaged ro alty, th khtf where she c ould see bb c gian6 and every oentage of afflicted crowne p r When a man feels that lif� is a dreary It's the cronp. _ Isn't Office over Greig & Stewart's Store,, one, who plave*d or heads 1 bBir g that so ? You hear �,�ste so far as he is concern 4. saug. Ile looked at the I Seaforth. ',opbn,door ;ad breathe a sigh- of relief. much greater th in that of an other 1; -PAI VS, CELERY COMPOUND it just about midnig t, when everything is 0�_Weljor pal -V .0130 W -hen a man of middle age likes to talle a ttl T4en she gave heraW.. 1p to en g 0 still—that dry, b rki ' h ki ngh. retrospective view of life. Thenow isan NIght, oalls vittonded Jo atL the offioe. of individuals. Excluding iNliesses 6: CO tude. Friend of the Farn ever can f nature of King Edward's and ren'tH ting Hopa org t the first Ime you Rhe thought h F ou at joyment The 18D2 imoob of - M I a We, erell. It aer When a womau'a influense guides a man's 1W ourselves to chrInio and inodiable 4186868, blard iti. Don't for 1let thi y -ftin expe as only in dreams t mit Ann had ver alid His Family in the ou�aei A or's it is found that olmoist every 4rowned � ruler' Ciierry Pectoral qui oc�oup. ourise despite big efforts &t resistance.— sot - heard such 6nev,!but 84 had dreamed of t�e i worry is forev DR. F. J. BURROWS, �utumn Season. Philadelphia Bulletin. is a sufferer froM some dange4ous rn�Ud tj Ww �or '8�y ia the MIP found Bly Ore 'Army: Street C14aning er �h often, and ib hi 6d all � come true. The Czar of R�saia has T o&U 70-3ident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen. 13h6 had'unoonsciou seed her hande to been affilobed with Salvation, us lHosplial. Honor graduate Trinity U%dvEr,1jy, melancholia sinc§ hia earliest da After tb.e &bore -,and toile of the summer A new service has been found 4� th laghtning Remedy for Cramps- I raind. It lines th . yes and e -Sal* samber of the College of Physicianit and Surgwng- her' boeom, and as the 14 J high notes soared malady has incr§ased in inten iby and in h a time, andharvesting of cr dims the eyes pax Ontsrl[0. Coroner for the �n pure' owe atnesa t4e �Ps in the early v tion Army. t 0oun4y of Ewan. Anni still n6b. knowing informo no that Some �eople have cramps pre,tty often g'a # ducesindistian, i Me and Residence-Goderich Street, East, of the �Ohat alib di& er seat and.kaned frequency of itq manifestat, us Wince 1 -big autumb, n�any of our farmers, their wives, Olt in the Western 8�atea it is others only now and again. But when you stathodist Ohuzqh. Telephone 46. rose from accession to forward, the hrone of t a Ro daughtoa la and stultifies foul O Olean ng the ni indnoffs. d sons, find themselves in a atf eet-cleaning. Besides do have them A is a niigh�y quick rel; f Not all the ski)l of the ren wned � mental oonditi' n If health demanding careful at- �e -dxte t, th a Arm You want. Poison a Narvili, Ian Miss We lierell saw�tbe' child's figu the family happi re oe in as sure ms ndis as &45-� specialists of Germany, Brita" and: F&� 13Ce tentioM if sulferin-a is to be avoided later on. in, several Western cities as taken plaily ond met th vivid gls ace' of the eyes. has succeeded in removing up death to relieve cramps in five aecondB—it's as -war itself. If�A DRS -SCOTT & rAacKAY, obi ing the akplausi,'ahe turned th ever-present many Bxppirience-kidney trouble of some instantaneous, just a fbw drops in sweeten, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, blighting malad 0 e mpepor of all 'the form ; with 'some the liver is torpid ; there for S WOMan to. to her -houtoos and said� " That child can ed water and thipain is gone. Buy a bot- 11 Rumiane. it will not be'forgotten, m is bilid wrinkles her 1' godsTiola streal, opposit4) Moibodist ohureb,8onfoe oing ore - snoss, nausea and vomiting, with h tle of Nerviline to -day, and keep It hady, itea Britt over, that the present ruler c I the , Mu0co- IOUs df PpBt4e aad depresaion of spirits. Nerviline is a common houso6la neceni , tyj, � M on looked ab Ann, who was vita Empire owes hie aocessio� to the, men'- Thu Ise nds who have been qxpos d to cold, , Y$ The women wM .G� SCOTT, graduate Viatorls and Ann Arbor, and shrinking back. Indeed she can. �10 a and only costs 25 cents.. member Oniarlo College of physiolang ind Don't forget the old m4n 'low 0tu �l damp *inds and rains, now f heights Of self -Mal i I tal incapacity of big brother,J. the n Surgvona. Coroner for county of Iffuron Y ear her. love` 8; music r eel the twinges C heir. 0 "ble rheumatism ; ot um with the fish on his k- well that I think she ao f terp hers rundow suffeed. Trinity Univergiy, be aid Germany's strenuous Kaiser leads a em- by w6rlr , overwork and irregular dieting, co_nBtipatioln. through which th 0. MACKAX, honor graduate wil I not evc'; afr gold medslir For nearlv t i ears,he to sing now." n y it Trinity Medloal Oonep. Merabaz bec use ty bitterei life of his pralyzed arm are tortnented with the pangs of dyspeWia. passe 11 tbey..bav i U01lege Of PtLysloiane and Surgeona, onlario. The next m6ment Arn Matilda Doestic Economy. and decay, has been travelini z. wid the band on her To the thousands of rundown, sickly Elind ;shoulder. She looked up ad-, miring half dead men and women in farm homes thiough. i n,,,r ly into Miss Weltherell's face, and Ititakeaalmosta, lifetime o thoraugWay 'Wbrld, and iS still traveli master the intricacies of domestic economy that lady felt that sh had never given we recqmmepd with all honeetv and confid laws. RED CEDAR -SHINGLES. bringing health anO conifart wor oker's friend, Vita YOUrSeR re pleasure. Paine's Geler I Will yon, sing for me Compoiind, �he only medicine that can is y without being mean and stingy. Iti ia any �Of heredit The un where,ver he goes she sked. enough to do without things and to cat 10 dersigned wishes to announce 0. tho publio Now ?" �hispered j in. quickly and fully reatore strength to the 110 filAe that YOU Must go W-itho that having boght r. large quantity of the thice best nj weak dy . d v igor to th at. But to braOdsof red cedar shingles, and by getting a liberal Y. You sb4l close by e muscle. Paine's have everything you need, to buy it in the y Com, ound tones the stomach i.b d1swunt for Oash, is prepared to sell them to cus. brinc;s the strenath� and fte roe�l and I will play it. Yo4_shall sing beat market t the lowest rate and use lb I liat c To the consu ptive stanO Caler Flo' tow ere at Prl eB that defy -competiblon. what you ple"e. A 0 remove poi�.onous acids from the blood, CL re you willina?" all, is a tliumph of management continually h e s'-' 44 1 t $Pot. - ye which Oause �heutyjatism ; it feeds the weak yearned after, but seldom attAined. 0 Much needs. S, LAMBS L Ob —fo no' ered the of Dodd's Kidney Pill'Is' umber Yard, Seaforth. I oq� r you!" a w are! gir; RRMLOCK LUMBLPR. To dl weak- al'id -sick] and dismsed P, erves, and banialies neuralgic Managing money to like pla*-Ing golf. The- 119-ving in stook at the Soaforth Lumber Yard a y S' it h tied that A 11 1) legion. The box !,is imitat d,� tortures; it purifies the blood and gi Pins i Did you eve Te �rich and *oi a, a fresh soprano true vi Ives best, player will sometimes fina bimself land- children he a the outside coating and I ality ?,nd life. The use of Paine's larke quantIty of ml a different lengths amd fu]Mf suggestior a of lower, was t a� ed in a bunker -and it is only his experience little tickling W1 th9, is prepared to fill any bill that is presented hea* d at, Miss ill Celery Qoinpound in autul Ithe very bes stren Brittor'i musioal. iss Pills are imitated an name—Pod rJUR NE illustra d which enables him to getoutof it without s t -quaHtY Of Hemlock. h6rell, vOho had lit t med in genuin I e Kidney Pills is imitated, 1g; f feet Physical vigor to u which e i bad logo, throat ? Feii per aid 'ration, 86id, so. thal every one could dangerous. The original s s4fe. D address, offes an Wssort- CLLOW In prompt to ralleve -Our finger,, dic S. LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seafort To thin and person s Il�itations"' re withats 3( rigos Of a seveie winter. send free o c rge ito any could almost t pal d the ran means the (ythenincr food'. I h. � b . . i bear - odd's establimin cataloilu, HAGYA"18 Y]CLLOW Y PINE. Ile gives new firm esh an ment 4 icles sort throat. pain in. ha. -rd yoa tried 'Navingbought a large quantity I could not do nearly Kidne Pills have a reputation. Dibles For the _V�orld. the chest, boareeness.,qutinsy, ate. jPeoeZe. as well as that y 4&ii, gi&� art" and sure to �.cure coughs, colds, almost unlimi'ted. but I firm in Muskoka, I am of Pine from rich red -blood. i i *11on I was the age 10 It tors have none or they woull 0. I in't imlta. eouldn't I aides or one side, for sid ng, flooring, epi,ling; ould be a shame it such I � The riti-4 and Foreign Bible Society are bort Tettlng Pine dressed F this ohild. w1doplank for water troughs Children Wh6 first s talent rbould be So they trade on the reputati' - spruce and L aw the w 2) The P A, Cresolene,Jor, ,alsam con of Dodd's whe gre test distributors of the Bible in th' St DepeWs New Story� glea XXXX and XXX and XX of beat make Midney Pills. Do not be dec shown a ov notiling in thi for I boxes.light and durable. !Igo wh1t0 old man with tll,� ick Pin oedairt'vine are Tiow nly an hour later that - 41ved. There world. , The iociety, which wait founded in e� has the Chauncey Depew's laitefit stolry­w-or is ib InNusk0ka. LArge skock�jlwayaoahLnd. Mis Weeiblierell again rem 3mberei s only one DODD'S 1804, m:Right' well have shrank from a task so natural color Oects'hard 0-rown up and 1h i the girl. D:)dd's is the StopDing these avel children stupendous W elled on 114k. g Marshall P. Wildees—is that during the S. LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. Th a she wasin her corner, eating an ice. original. Dodd's is the nam to be ciro- that of pplying Bibles to enam old. parade at the coronation of King Edwar& S so pleasai The centre s6tting is a 1 of their own. Tb lady,wen to her. the whole wo 71d ; but s@ou bravely and nue- VII., the following dialogue, crourt, bron�c. 177 64111 wan U to� sin ful about— I perfect diamor, d. took place be y 9 xvh He "Stands fo� Sco�t's E Ui. ( nce more," she cessfully has I the duty been forced that tween two IriBbrnen 00PIng-4C "I av siplan i ess th�n a Century It � as scattered Will, will $1 Court of Revision. In my mind. You within h 5'(W said one 91 who would ever TO 9S o less than 16 d 11N-1 h vo a : ce :all over'the 4rth u have thought there were im many wople in, Si6n of pure co' 1 We guarant�', the safe remed Jer oi —4 with t I I .000 - � y. e a iing, you could deliver .NoUce is hereb given that a couri uger Perhaps I 3an give you a I copies of thel Scriptures, or t4o equivalent y 0 $t�isoto!l any England I Most everybody in the VaPo-Cresolene is' will be held deligbtful food and � naturil & a' address for world pursuant to the CGQI Is of hi ri D -0-D- of 44 c pterl of th Vaio-Cresolene on Honor, the judge 00 lartO VOW$' Lists Act, by hi3l a week f r the next few 0 Bible for every man, matt be here to -day wbich should, the county S 1W m nu 0. of the -county court of tonic for children, fori old- fb' ff 0 h woman d cl�ild now livin of Hurov,. at DLvoWs H", Brucefield, o Ik , j. The society's Nonsense, man F) replied the other,. resolene, ep ete;l Bibles a ear in more lauguages than lene 25vewi., 56 November 6th. at lo Woloo n Thursday, Ir 2e 61 W.Ded her ha n a and began to Bibles there there ain't even wan, belf the p ;'u'r. k a. m. to bear and de. and for all whe need'fles:h land Fl� eople of the I are day Ina year�or more I Ing physiciane testirr termine the iseveral oomplainta of errors and omfo. tremble. 81 a seemed be i ered, exatly'in 373 orld here. Why, there are so many people tZis 1.4wh Jewel er otms co., 186 alone In the Voterst list of the murtiripality of Strength. different tongues. At -the plies ant nt in this world that two-thirds of thim niver Tuakeremlih for 1902. are not af i d this time, are 'y at, KIDN mome Rvrie 13 :A11 persons h business u ? v §COTT & It was i -eally. a,, translations or revisions 'are proceeding 'Recommendea at the court are hereby required to y� tre to hear you. be. in 7 7 kn W hat the other half are doW at all, ab rtt,gnd at the BOWNE, Cf��ernlsts. Italge and AdeklfS� 0) W Id Rain@ time and place. Iferic of re or I would not a over 100 different Ian Ong Toriontoo 17 -11991st, Seafor A. MILLIE, 0 Toronto, Ontario. X� ky , whe� so many . $Uages, am which all. A a presenti are Ulawa, for the Solomau Islands ; Lena- 1818.3 50c. and $1.00; all lr�iajwlst Yost I I kei, foe the New Rebribe ; and Nyoro for INSTANT RELIEF gttamnteed by using Effir id th.e girl, hub PILLS BURNS STERLING HEADACHR POWDFM. No- the country lying to the northwest of Upn. deproWng af Jej.01100