The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-31, Page 3Soomagma lur us, `e our (1. wear- royou. r the 4-303 On. seeuri cl. ;,11-13 aritity uatity, s• aed almes Itroat s. the of say : hr tit( tioee: .hest 11 te-e• eve who iree- not horn a t :aa E. I 'att, forth ; Ohui rrieon 'mane t d ts ft a OCTOBER 31, 1902 SnOw ails Brought Water. 6sSpea1dn of drinking water," said One ot a roup of men waiting for shower ti pass over, "the best I ever drank was on my uncle's farm. "We live on top of a clay hill and bad a wel very deep, sixty feet, I mckon, bu it never had any water in It until ten years ago. A. heavy snow, fell •that 1•Ninter, aud uncle filled the well with now. He rolled up nails until they 'Were large enough to go into the well cleverly and then dumped them in until it was packed to the top. They were packed SG closely that they did not melt until late the fol- lowing 'summer, but when they did they prodt ced a supply of water I never saw surpassed for purity, soft- ness or coo ness It was delicious. "Strange to say, this well, always dry before, has ptyduced a plentiful supply since. The *ater, while not as good as th,at from the snowballs, is still excellent and celebrated through- out the neighborhood."—Chicaga Inter Ocean. Gall, Not Heart, In china. The Chinese, says the Shanghai Mel, tary, lay stress on the amount of gall a man has and not on the amount of heaft. Thus we read of Hou King, who was governor of Henan in the sixth century. that he once captured a rebel named Li Cheh, brought him into the market, chopped oft his hands and his feet, ripped up his heart and cut out his vitals. The Victim, however, continued to jest, with his features un- distorted and his countenance un- changed. His gall bladder was then seen, to haee the capacity of a pint measure, -which completely accounted for his stoeism. In 1145, when the ar- mies of the Mantehoos were gradually overrunning China, one Wu Han Chao made head against them in Anhui, but he finally fell into their hands. The hiatorian records that his gall :was three inches long. Thr Corl‘ezer- and the Bottle. The following little scene at an in- quest upon the body of a murdered man is reported by a correspondent of the Anglo-laussian from Astrakhan: The coroner dictating to his clerk: "On the table was found a bottle— No; stop for a moment We must ascertain Its conteuts." The coroner, tasting the liquid, dictates: "The bottle contained English gin, Perhaps not; I am not sure; taste it yourself." The clerk, baying done so, replies, "I think it is simply strong vodka." The coroner, tossing off another glass: "No, really. It tastes like gin." The Clerk-, tasting the Liquor again, "I still think itis only vodka." The bottle having gradually become em.pty. the Coroner proceeded to dictate in a decisive tone: "Writes An empty bottle was found on the table, and all measures taken to ascertain what it contained were of no use." A Ruskin Thought. To be content in utter darkness and ignorance is indeed unmanly, and there- fore we think that to leve and find knowledge must be always right. Yet wherever pride has any share in the work even knowledge and light may be ill pursued. Knowledge is good, and light is good. yet man perished in seek- ing knowledge, and the moths perish in seeking light, and if we who are crushed before the moth will not accept such mystery as is needful to us we shall perish in like manner. None but the proud will mourn over this, for we may always know more if we choose by working on, but the pleasure is, I think, to humble people, in knowing that the journey is endless the treasure inexhaustible.—Ruskin. Lambert's' Oaks. - From Lambert's Oaks, formerly an imi, in the parish of Woodmansterne, England, the famous Oaks stakes ac- quires its name. The house was built by a society called the "Hunter'club," under a lease from the Lambert family It afterward became the residence of the unfortunate General Burgoyne, froth whom it passed to the eleventh Earl of Derby, whose grandson, the twelfth earl, greatly improved it. Elbows and Knees. If the elbows of men's coats and the knees of trousers are out of shape, lily a dame cloth on them and fold up for a couple of hours. Lay on the ironing board, smooth and pull gently until they lie flat and'take their original lines, then press, under cloth, with a hot iron. Dry thoroughly with the iron. Spong- ing with borax water will remove the shiny appearance of much worn coats and dress skirts. If One Could DeaCh the Rainbow. Many iMprobable and impossible things would happen if you could only get in reach of "the rainbow?' The little Turk is told that if he would have a silver head, with gold teeth and. ruby eyes, he has hut to touch the orange stripe. In Greece they say that the person so unfortunate as to stumble over the end ot' the bow will have his or her sex immediately changed. Notion Earthquake. Mrs. Houser (hearing tremendous noise in the kitchen)—Great goodness, Bridget, what was that, an earthquake shock? Bridget (calmly picking up the pieces of glass)—No mune only a little jar. Her Unintended Satire. "Charley, dear," exclaimed young Mrs Torkins, "the paper has a sketch of you as a rising young reformer." "Yes. I thuught that would sur- prise and please you. What did. you think of the biography?" "Oh, Charley, dear, it is too good to be true:"—Washington Star. The palmlike nipa tree of tropical Asia has a sap exceedingly rich in sug- ar, but so salty that its utilization has not been found urotitable. —The palatial leeic'ence of Mr. George Gooderham in Teronto, was entei ed by ver- andah thieves awl s. necklace ix lorging to Miss Gooderhsm end vr.lued at $8,000 was stolen. Air. and Mrs. Gooderham were away at the time. The thieves have eoaped,I and wore, no doubt, members of the same gang Oat t.t (Az jewelry valued at $1,000 from the Drynan residence the same evening. Aro a combination of the active principles of the most valuable egetable remedies for dis- eases and disorders a the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. f Sick Headache, Jaundice, *cartbun, Catarrh of the Stomachs; Disesi- noss, Blotches and PiMpleta6 Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, NV'ater Brash, Liver Complaint, Ballow al. Muddy Cordpberion. Sweeten the bath and clear away all waste and poison us matter from the Ettstoro. Price 25c a bottle or 5 fori1.00, All dealers or Tint T. Alu.avari Ve.,IA:united, Toronto, Ont. mosoloomminerip. -.Inslec!emix%-tr-om-ytserp., IMPORTANT NOTIORS. , NEW FEED STORE AT BLAKE -We jwill keep on hand a eupply .of Flour and Mill reed. Flour exchanged for wheat. Give ne a trial. JONN THIRSK. 1785--tf TO RENT. -The house la Seaforth owned by Mrs. Robert Coleman, a n1 now occupied by Mr. John Hays, containiog ten roonie beide e oloeete, pantries and all eonvenienecs, ahe 4ible. Would be bold on reasonable terms. Appy on the premises or to Mr. T. E. HAYS', opposite. 1814-tf FOR SALE. MILtrOrtecol:88 fFoOrltriSeALLifv000gdoodd;iwryelle-boiw'esd and both in calf. Apply to MISS ROBISON, liar- purhey. 181941 (TIMBER FOR SALE. -1 -Having dispeeed of saw mill rziaehinerv, we are now offering for sale the timber cf same. The building is 60x36 feet: there ate 18 pieces 9x12 1nhe, 313 fset long, independent of frame; would sell this separate if desired ; r ear- ly ell timber is rock elm. GOVENLOCE B S., Winthrop. ' 1782 tf BDULLS AND PIGS FO SALE.—The undersi has fetr sale one thor ughbred Durhambul months, ro/an ; 1 eight mantha and ono five r -o Also a number cf heifers ope year and under. a number Of thoroughbred Yorkehire pip and s littered in !Aurnist. Sire and dam both from ned , 16 the. leo wa, im- ported stobk. from E1att4s herd. For partic tars addreaa S. fOUDMORE, Hitrondale P. 0. 1816 tf 1 IDRIVATk SALE OF LIVESTOCK.—On Lot 36, Conebesion 15, Hay, eonsisting of horse, thor- oughbred tandlgrade cattle and swine Two draught mares 7 years OIS, 3 draught 61Res 3 years old, one roadster mare 4 year old, I gelding 3 years old, 3 thoroughbred cows, 2 thoroughbred haters 2 yeara old, 1 bun calf, 1 heifer calf. 6 young grade milch cows, 10 steel* and heifers L to 3 years old, ! 4 brood Bowel with litter at foot, 8 Young sows 5 months old, 20 young piee all of York and Cheater White breeds. 'Apply to S. RANNIE, Zuri h. 181744 '1ARM FOR SALE.—For sate that very desirsible r farm on the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, adjain ng• the valage of Egmondvill . It contains 07 aorje, yearly all cleared and in a good state of oultivati n, and wall underdrained. There is a comforts le brick cottage and good b rns, with rook cellar abd outbuildinze. The buildin are altuated near ihe centre of the farm and on the Mill Road. It is Well watered, andlanty of set watein the Icitoln. is conveniently situated for church and seh ol pr It and within a mile and a half of Seaforth. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply to the proprietor, ROBERT ?ANSON, Seaforth. 1748-tif -UNARM FOR SALE.—For sale in the township of I! Tuckersmith, Lot I, Concession 8, containing 100 acre;, nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, newly underdtained. well fenced, two - gond wells. There is on the place a good oornforta le frame houve, large new bank barn with brick base- ment, cliivieg house, hog pen and large hen hottse, about an acre, of young or bard Just beginning ' to bear. The farm is rearly alllseeded to grass, and is in excellent condition for leither grain growing or It, ttook raising; 16 acres of kW wheat in. and fall w rk nearly completed. Thia excellent farm is well situa ed being two milks from a schoel, pest ()Mae, store and blacksmith shop and six a ilea from Seakela. God roads in ali-directions. Apply on the premises or address Seaferth pot office. SAMUEL CLIIFF, or to HENRY BEATTIE, Barriser, Seatortb. 1811 -if FARM FOR SALE.—Clacice farm in Hullett ship for-ealei being Lo 4, in the 13th Conces- sion. containing 75 acres. The farm is all seeded to grass, except 16 a*res. There is a good frame barn and large frame stable, and there are fair buildings. There is a never -failing spring well at the house, and a sluing creek that never runs dry ; there is no waste land ; there is an acre of orchard of ohosce fruit • it is firat-clasa land • there ia school hone, blacksmith shop, store and i postoffice in Harlo k, within a lot from the place ; Brat clam made in all directions; the farm is suitable for grain growing or etcok raising. For particulars apply to the MISS S JANF, and MARGARk,T ROBISON, West Goderieh street, Seaforth P. 0. 1819-4 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS MAKES PERMANENT CURES Of such severe .1i.seases as scrofula!, running sores, salt rheum or eck zema, shingles, erysipelas and canl- cer, as well as boas, blotches, pim- ples, constipation siek headache, dyspepsia, and all, disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, and blo6c1. Burdyck Blood Bkters always does its work thoroughly and com- pletely, so people know that when B.B.B. cures thei-4 they're cured to stay cured. AUCTION SALES. riLEARING SALE OF SLAllS. CEDAR PO TS X / AND Li.:MBER.—James JOnes ba a ;•eceiVcI in- structions from Mr. Charle Queirengeeser, to eel by publh auction at his mills in the townehip of G ey. on Friday. November 7th, 1902 the following : 70 1. cords c 1 ..tlabs. 2,000 cedar oats different lengths nd sizes 20 000 feet of Herniae and Pine. Sale at wo o'clock. Terms—All sums of $1C and under, ea h ; over that amount 12 month is credit will be given on furnishicg approved joint ootes. Six per cent off l•r cash on credit amounts Positively no reserve as the proprietor ie moving to Parry Sound this fall. 0. QUERENGESSER, :Proprietor ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1819 3 a CTION SALE OF A.RM STOCK, IMPLE- .LX. MENTS AND /IOUS HOLD PCRNITUR Mr Samuel Harris hao ins rooted Mr. James G. e - Michael to Bell by public a etion on Lot 21, Conees- elon 7, McKillop, on WedIneeday, November 6tb at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following property, viz.: Ho es Ore workfng team. Cattle, malt s posed to be in calf, '2 heifers coining 2 years old, ne steer 2 years old, t epring dalveS and about 40 hos. Implements -One Wagon, 1 pair bobsleighe, 1 top buggy, 1 railer, 1 pair harrows, 1 plow nearly new, 1 gang plow', 1 fanning' mill, 1 hem rake, 1 hay rack, 1 Judder, 1 bay knife, ohalbs, forks, Scoop shovels, indstone, quantity of tiarnips, about 5 tons of hay in the barn, 1 set single htOmest1, 1 set double $ar- nese. 25 good grain bags. Ho-usehold Furniture - One cook stove, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 table and a lo of other articles. The whole :will he sold without re- serve, as the proprietor is leavieg the farm. Te me -All sums alf and under', mash : over that amo nt 12 menthe' Credit will be giVen on furnishing appr v - eel joint notes. A dieeount of 5 per cent. will be allowed fo- mph on credit amounts. SAMUEL HAE.RIS, proprietor ; *TIMES G. MoMIC1/181A9.2EL, auctioneer. i P. It the and a ch into the HOATE'S a Choleric Pa th44 of 4'.ei1s n1Wfl: ower ef tb ADVICE. Client into th Peace. 'S t have lein withi thigu isl et/ lawy r iuMorist, itteeflis Choate, to lea d,rc client froni ways! of anger he, paths -of pet:t.ce J st before var a southedu gentl man was P. dining -eith a fraend in one f the best hote4 or Bostoe. He was f French creoh1 e -tractioe, aind his ante was Dela otn, says # waiter in L ppincott's Magazine. The waiter was a colored man, and the sputherner ga -e his or- ders in i very doleineerin fashion, finding fault freely jwlth wh t was put before him and the way inj which it was ented.Finally the wait r became incen edi and t Ir. Dela our to -go to a la4e war an remote. The lat- ter sprang furous1fr to his feet and woul have sh t t e offend( r dead ' he hid not ben restraiue wiser friend, w0 1341d: - "You can't do tha1 sort of t You Will have to re ember are." 1 : "Do yeti supPose that I a put up With such insolence he revenged?" aid the eerag "Certainly no But do it of law." • The hud1ordl wa first in and the waiteri disc arged. eot &efficient tlo satisfy the feelings of Mr De acour. who waS the best awyer i and waS told It as Milli Making his way -to is office, "Mr. Clhoate, I w Lnt to e In a cede. What ill your fee be ?"_ "Abatif fF50." The elit,eck was ma over. "Nalcv,'' said the factof th He was to thoughtfully: "I knOw the Uni. the stibjact wel of the eommo setts, and I ca 1 I by hi ing here. 'here you going to and not d man. - y process erviewed hat was wounded e asked the city Choate. te said: gage you retaining de out a d handed be awyer, "what are cas T, d. aid M Choate ed Statel law on , aijd 1 kno the law weelth of assachn- 1 assure .you, sir, that there is no pewerl on earth strong enough Ito forcie yhu to go to .that place if You doti't Want to go And if I were you I w uld 't." "Wei1,7, said he outherne , accept- ing the situatio , "1 'hink I'll ake your advice:" And th y rted goo friends. POULTIlY OINTE S.. Supply plenty of avel to f•wls that are being fatte ed i confines. ent Chickens sho Id never be a lowed to go on the roos s u til ten .1. twelve weeks old. Lime is a purifier and shoul be used as a wash on the coops, per hes and nest boxes. If a hen lays soft shelled e her plenty of crushed bone. Duch's shoul liberty as possi tial to cotafinera ave] ,: oyster s be alldwed le. They are nt. Flat ,eggs, eggs within egg yolked,' eggs and other unnat mationa are due to the hens be fat. Gees, May be fattened on of grain if fed. ail that they wi about ten days' before sending market: !Corn, peas and ba best. Young chickof fancy should not be ,permitted to perchea Until after they ai months okI as t often causes breast holies. s, give ells and s nan!ch not ptitr- doutbe ral for - ng ov r- ny kitd 1 at f r them to ley a e reedl g oost cn e. eight crook d Accumuiating filth is a prolifi sour e of disease, especially gapes. fter the poultry', yard is cleaned up sp inkle It well withdilut d carbolic aciji and 'a little copperas. 1 4.d4ing lifinit to njury. She had just hand d hlm the frosty mitt, lant he was ganie to the last hue- dle. 1 I "If yen are ever in tronhie," he said, -"do not hesitate to 1 ft Up yo t TOiC and yell will find me `Jphnn on th spot?" "I'm pi trouble now," answ red the human' refrigerator, with a slgh long drawn put. "And, behold," exc. aimed the ensue. pecting youth, "I am here." she said, "t at'e the ouble."' No, Not Tone "Marnma, shat was that fu dle you! took &at of japa s' Ves and thr!evi in the fireplace just "Tha was an accumulation if house- hold reppes your father cut ot t of the') papers downtown a d put a vay for my benefit. I have o clean t em out of his pocket 'bout once a enth." zy bun - pocket now?" ; - Faultel• Ap raisieme Ur. Spriggins prid s hiensel derstaeading the valu of money "And that's whete Mr: S makes a mist ke," said . th man. 'He expe ts a dollar to or three times 1 s m ch as it right to and is con nually b noyedernd disappoin ed."1 t. . on un - )7 rigginS liberal uy two as any >nig an - 11 Fatal to Hie Candida "Y011 have jut a ranch r' ht and theoretically just as good a c ance as anybody else to e p esident," says the patriotic ,citizen to his neighb r. "I cannot agree w'th you," ighs the neighbor. "We hav chil en, and that fact alone woul3l lose me he pho- tographers' vote "— edge. A Cor er In Eggs. "That Old hen just seems to e burst - '.ng with Pride," rem rked the armer's dog. ' ! "Pride? Noth'ng of the rt. It's eggs," replied the Leghorn rooster. "She thinks she's a pander, &nd she's trying et� stop ayii g until ere'a rise in price" c b nge. IVIARRIAG is THE H011011 BBLiFOR WITNESS NO LiOENSEt UED AT EX ' 'SITOR I OFFIC, ONT JO. REQ !RED, THE 0 CENT Hardwart Complete Roller B and Strap prices. A 2,00011 form Scales • thern ; fully Eavetrou specialty. Si4 took of Buil aring Barn inges, and s. Standard for $28. guaranteed. hing and EX.POSITOR. ATIJ , , qtare, ere' Hardware. oor Hinges, ,Tee etches` el bottom •1 bed 1earing Plat - all a d exarnine I flTurna6 Werk trdie ARDWAR AUOTIONE ERS. ITIHOMAS BROWN, Liceosed Auct oneer for the 1 Counties of Huron and Berth. - 'rders left at A. M. CarupbelPe implement wareroo et Seaforth, or rue Expostroa Office, will teceive pr mpt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or noIeharge. • 1708-tf , TAMES G. MOMIOUAEL, licensed uationree for t) the count/ cf Huron. Saties attended to irt any • part of the county at model rates, d eatiefactIon guarabteed. Orders left t Seat° th post &flee or at Lot 2, 'Concession g, Hullett will receive prompt attenti n. 1814i3 A UCTIONR 11 Auction Perth. Being understandin merits, places prices. Char or no pay. A at Lot 5'3,C ttended to. RING. -B. I. Phil Ips, LI ensed er for the cohntlee f Huron and a predicts] fa mer ad thoroughly. the value Of farm stick and iniple- e in a beat* p sition to realize good es moderate.' S tisfaotien guaranteed I orders left alt Ilelisall 'post ofdOe or neeeeloia 2, in , w1I be promptly • 1700,-tt ILEKONE Opinion of Leading Physician. 1 y, I have exam ned Strong's ) ilpkone and have pre- scribed it in m practice iith satisfactory nieults. J. M. PIPPES M. D., SON, M. D., Ci.lai er, Loodon, Price, $1.00. For sale by drUggists, or by mail, on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, Lcndon, 1796e52 Ontaa io. SIGN OF TH two - I • • - t.-;'41:.} Weil LAIII E SAW e+• CD • ea ee4 0▪ ' s:14 go oa o O 01 1-4 CD , ct- ' o O ; 5 5 CD cia an, • - rn , err - • co a) 0-1 0.1 CD CD I.e. eee et- eq. o Po P.+ k-1 CD er. C°• •01. dC1P - 0 o' 1=$ 0 rri 0 %<-1. 4P 0 111 Imt 110 PIG B I. on Lot thoroughb bred Yo be admitted of Gervice, or K PORI, SILRVI E. EDERS.- •e ndersig ed will keep Conoeseion 6, J4. R. S., Triokerem!th, TAMWORT IG, GIGO 11 thorough. Pa. A lIndt4d manlier of 90W8 will each. Term $1, payable at the time .60 if ohargd. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608,-62 DIG FOR El L on Lot 2 bred Yorkshi limited numb service. JOH RVICE.-Th undersigned will keep , Concession 11, Hibbert, a Thorough - e boar to wiioh he will adroit a r of sows, erms.-91 at the time of ELGIE, C islelhurst, Ont. 1771.-tf PPIG FOR ERVICE.-The underetigned has on Lot 28, •nceesion 11, McKillop, a thorough). bred Yorkshir Boar, to which he will admit a limit- ed number f sows. Term 750, Payable at the time of genic , with the pn ilege or returning if necessary. H 011 T. GRIEV 1782-tf Have you IRENE Clothes ED. No necessity of getting n will send your last year's mil SEAFO TH Old clothea oleanin of lad and sat sfactio anteed to give Shawls, curtal do not fail to In exchange fo 1792 Op ade to look es' and gentle guaranteed. good aatisfac s, etc., at ve me a call. work. HEN th Latin vcr Spring [•lothes if the you E WORKS I ke new. Dyeing and n's elotaes a specialty. 11 wool goods nar- i$I on s ortest n 'oe. era.te 'rices. se Butter nd eggs eri NIC OL, North Main Street. hicKill p Dir MICHEAL M JOHN S. BRO CHARLES L JAMES 010 ARCHIBALD JOHN 0. MO DAVID M. R SOLOMON .J. Winthrop r. 0. RDIE, Reeve N, Gamin LE, Coun GHLLN, Co McGREGOR, ISON, Cler SE, Treasure HANNON, .1 fc!ia 1902. inthroP P. 0. r, Seaforth P. 0. lel, Winthrop P. O." iqUlor, Beachwood P. 0 nolllor, Seaforth P.0 inthrdp P. 0, inthrep P. 0. ., Sanitary Inspector, The First Meerschaum. The . first meerschautn pipe was smoked at Pest in 1723. It is still in the museum of that town. Strawberry Sauce. If you want a strawberry sauce, ores alf cupful strawberry jam through [ leve; Whip cupful cream to stiff Crotty dd it. Carefully to the jam; pile ligh - y in a ifancy glass dish. i A lifindoo on London.. A Hindoo nobleman after visitin London: declared that "the English live in layees like grapes packed for tran port. Their ouly thought is cotannerc They have not learned the language f nature.; The sky and the trees kno that and are sad." t' Illustrated Novel's. "Robinson ;Crusoe" was the first no el with illustrations ever published n Etiglan.d. This was in August, 171 The illustration was a map .of t e world. your Umbrella. When corning in out of the rai shake your umbrella well, then clo e It and stand it, handle down, whe e the water Nirill run off. Never sta id away en u brella or • parasol tightly T folded. The silk will soon split. P re mit the fold to lie loosely. French Marriage Laws. In France a than on entering -t e bonds Of matrimony renders hims lf legally responsible not only for t e support of his wife, but for that if . her parents, in case they should b !come destitUte, and the same oblig 'tion is incurred by the wife in re,ga d to the father and mother of her hu , band. It Tea and Coffee. Keep tea or coffee in glass or chi a jars instead of tin canisters. By doing the flavor will be greatly i proved.1 Deep Water Fish. In the lower depths of the oce some or the fishes go blind while o ers develop huge, eyes: Some are constructed that they can swallo v fishes Much larger than therneelves. 111 An Earry Astronomical Teacher. Thales born 640,years B. C.,' Was t le first to Mite the four distinct dtvisio s due to the position of the sun-hviz, t le solsticeand the equinoxes. He al o taught that moonlight was simply r fleeted sunlight and was the man w o first Made a prediction of a sal r eclipse. tNo ay Fieliermen. NorwegianS do not favor whale bun Ing bedanse they believe that whal s ldrive the fisld shoreward. ''orpid Livers. I - A prominent physician says that ha f the caseof nervous prostration, dy pepsia and insomnia that come to hi for treatment are to be directly trac d to an inactive liver. Wri+n by a Woman. The one poem most often translat d into every anguage of the rid uneivill ed world was written •y a woman—t e "Ode to Aphrodite," ly Sappho. Shakespeare's works hasfe borne the teat of but three centurie Sappho'si have stoodthrough twent five centnrieS. Horse Breeding. In England and France horse bree Ing pays farmers better than anythi else. Otters. The sent of an otter Is conveyed the pursuing hound while under wat by the "chain" of bubbles which ma its devions course. g_ Changeable Hair. In a Berlin insane asylum is a pa- tient, it is said, whose hair changes color with her temperature. Wheu she Is cool fled quite, her bair is a light yellow, but when sae is restless and excited it becomes auburn. The fianana. In the Canaria% the banana is never cut withl a knife, because the fruit when cut through exhibits what is ite- , gelded as a representation of the cri- cifixlon. Napkins. Napkins became popular in Fran sooner than in England. At one ti It was customary at great French di ners to change the napkins at eve course, to perfume them with rose ter and to have them folded a differe .way for each guest An Acre of Paint. The panorama of London, painted 1829 by Mr. Horner, covered over acre of canvas. 11 11 a- 1 1 1 Police Dogs. The city of Ghent has a nember if police dogs, which the officers use t night and which are intelligently trai ed. They cannot only leap high wan but swim with ease in light or dar ness. Tea Seeds. Tea seeds resemble small hazel nut They are sown in beds to grow thickl together like cabbages. quinine Capsnlee. The labor tivolved In putting qu-lnlr e into capsules is skilled and costs cents a dozen capsules, according to New York druggist. 1 The Arabic Language. The ,Arabic used in the Koran fers as much from the Arabic used n ordinary conversation and intercour e in the east as the Latn differs fro the Italian. The Koran Arabic is th t of the , hterary classes; the crolloqui 1 Arabic115,1 that of the 'common 'Reollie. Keep Young. Why not? It makes everythipg ab.nb the house !Kora cheerful. ,Father fe Is better, mother looks better, the children re happier. Nothing makes you lo,k old m re quicklythan gray hair- Just ' rPm.m that Ayer's Hair Vigor always resto, es color to gray hair, always. All good dr g- ists Bell it, At The Seatorth Tea Store You can get all sizes -of fruit. gems at just a shade o ver oost OslI aud get my prices before you buy. Also all kinds of sugar from the darkest right up to Redpath's best granulated; syrups and baking 'molasses, aled all kinds of vin- egar, white Wine cider and /nal& vinegars for pickling ; pickling spices and flavor- ings; pork, long clear snioked hams, shoulders and rolls; best lard, fresh butter and eggs, all kindle of- canned goods, salt by the barrel, herrings in boxes, flour, cornmeal, all kinds of oat - meals, graham flour, rolled Wheat, cream of wheat, and all the cliffe!rent kinds of breakfast foods; fi ur, rice and rice flour, cooking figs 8 lbs. for 2.5o, 4 lbs. best raisins for 25; toneless fish 5 lbe. for 25c; green Rio coffeelOo a lb., or 11 lbs. for $1 ; all kinds of china and crockery and glassware very cheap. I have a lot of good soaps, which I will sell 12 bars for 25c. A- cordial invita- tion to all to call and get orne of the cheap goods. Wanted, god fresh but- ter and eggs, for Which 1 the highest market price will be pai!cl, either in cash or trade. I also keep a first-class article of coal oil. G. AULT SEAFO Backaches of Wo CIL Not!one woman in tweOty has a strong back. Backache Is the cry of Welk kidneys ,for help. Backache isthe warn ngnete of meals more serious trouble t oom p If not at- tended to Immeoietely. Backache can be eu cd weekly and permanently by using DOAN'S KIBN Y I1LLS, The great and we I _known Kid- ney remedy. The have cured thousands' of wome . They will cure you. Mrs. R. L. Lane, 1‘ pleton, N. B., writes: "1 was greatl troUbled with Backache and pain in my side._ I Saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised, SO thought I would give thein a trial. After I the first box I began to -feel better and I took two more to make a complete cure. I consider Don's Kidney Pills a geed, honest, reliable medicine for all kid- ney troubles and can highly recommend thre.. per box or 3 for $1.2. .A.I1 dealers or TRI4 DOAN KIONIAY PILL CO, Toronto, Out GET. READY. anom 'Therc never was uch a demand for ladies and gent emen having a thorough knowledg ef ;commercial and shorthand wo k. , • f0fr 11-• Has assisted more students to pro- fitable positions dnring the past year than any school in the West. We would be pleasled to assist you. Particulars for a postal. 1810.26 tervelt, PRINCIPAL. Are a True Heart Tonic, Nerve Food and Blood Enricher, They build up and renew nil the worn out and wasted tisues ot the body, and restore perfect health Glad vigor to the entire systems. Nervousness, .Sieeplessness, Nervous Pros. tratIon, Brain Fag, Lack 'of Vitality, Atter Effects of Lai Grippe, Amends, Weak end Dizzy HSpealls,Los of flemory, Palpitation of : the Heart, 1011 of Enorgy. Shortness of Bteath, etc., can 11 be cured by Honig Milburn's Heart a.nd Nerve Pins. Prir-e 50c. a box Or 3 -for $1.25. All dealers or VIE T. MILBURN CO, Limrrsp, Toronto, Ont. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. 11•11•••......OMM 1 A new issue of the subscribers' directory, for the district of Westeirn Ontario, includ- ing Seaforth Exehange, will be issued early in September. Orders fofr new names, ac onense, cdt iupotri changes of address, chaoes oate entry of naines. e., should be placed 10 onoe to ensure their a pearanoe. I. V. FEAR, _Local Manager. Baptism la Bung-ary. In Hungary the legal age of an indi- vidual dates only from baptism. (oKee Fitnibrs. If coffee steins (h) not yield to the treatment of hn'..ing-, boiling water poured on ',hem, tsy usihe the yolk of an egg in the same way as soap when washing them. Marvelous Groavar. It has been found by experiment that a turnip seed will ereler favora- ble conditions increase its own weight fifteen times in A minute. Turnips growing in peat ground have been found to increase more than 15,000 times the weight of their seeds in a day. Making Pastry. Make pastry with clean, cold bands. Wash the hands in hoewater in which there is a little liquid ammonia, care- fully removing every stain, then plunge the hands bath cold water. Core Rows. The reason why corn (maize) never rows unevenly is supposed to be be- cause of its having- opposite radials of growth from the cola center. The Sorrowful Tree. In India and South America there is said to be a mall tree known as the "sorrowful tree" which bears -sweet scented flowers that "bloom only in the nighttime and fall off at the break of day." Friday Ra.ppeniugis.• On Friday Shakespeare, Wnshington and Napoleon were born, Queen Victo- ria was married, the battles of Bunker Hill and New Orleans were fought, America was discovered, Moscow was burned, Richmond: was evacuated, the Bastille was desttroyed, the Mayflower arrived and the Declaration of Inde- pendence was eigned. Earle Gums. In early firearms guns were made by hand and with great care from one strip bent round a mandril and edges welded. Belle Sizes. A royal folio has a page 10 by 12 inches; a royal (inert°, 121/2 by 10; a royal octavo, 10y. by GIA; a 12 rao., 7 by 4; a 24 mo., 5 by 2%; a32 ma, 4 by 2; a 48 mo., 3% by 234, Dextrin Comes From -Starch. Dextrin is nothing but roasted starch, and any one with a stove that has an oven attacht2aeet can make his owe dextrin whenever he needs it by roast- ing starch to a light brown. Its best known use is to make the famous mu- cilage used on -the back of the postage stamp. The Hdgherit Barometer. The barometer rises higher at Ir- kutsk, in Siberia, than anywhere else In the world. Sure Cure For Mee. To get rid of mice blow Mao their taunts with a bellows a generous mix- ture of red pepper and finely powdered lime. Then paint the entrance to each hole with liquid tar and add to the household a eat that knows her busi- MSS. Warriors Shaven niad Shorn. The Normans who conquered Eng- land shaved the face and the back of the head, so that Harold's spies de- clared they were an army of priests. Toreh1larIttaInCh•Ina. When Chinese boys iaaye a torch- light procession, they carry fisliskins for lanterns. The skins are dried and beautifully -painted. Inside of them there is placed a candle or a. small oil lamp. These Lanterns are prettier than ours. Spanish Field Laborers. Field laborers in Spain rarely get more than 10 cents a day. Their sole food is a soup made of oil, water, gar- lic and bread. lany cannot endure twelve to fourteen hours of bard work in the broiling sun on such. fare And faint in the fields. About 5 per cent of them die annually. Allan VArovuen. The women of Ainu, north Japan, admire bearded feces, and they tattoo their own faces to make them seem sprouting with whiskers. Rice Water. In Persia no one thinks of throwing away the water in which rice is cooked. It is used in the preparation of tomato sauce, in stewing prunes, apricots and other fruits and for vari- ous culinary purposes. flangIng Pictures. In banging pictures remember -that the flat appearance of walls always should be preserved. Do not let the pictures tilt forward at the top, and if the wires by which they are bung show they should be in straight lines from two hangers and not from a cen- tral one, making oblique lines. Boiled Water. Cold boiled water tastes flat because it has been deprived of air. To re- store the air pour the water quickly from one jug to another. Two Remarkable Evhoes. In a cave in the Pantheoff the guide by striking the flaps of his coat makes a noiese equal to that produced by firing a twelve pound cannon. In the cave of Smellin. near Viborg, Finland, a stone thrown down a certain abyss makes a reverberating echo which sounds like the dying wail of some wild animal. Our coffee MIL More than $1,000.0e0 is sent out of the 'United Statee every week in pay- ment for coffee. NO SPAVINS The worst possible spavin can be ouredin 45 minutes. Rini -boners, Cork &ode Splints just as quick. lkock painful and over hes failed. Detailed information about tbie new method sort fres to horse owners. Write today. Ask Ver pamphlet No, 202 Fleming Bros.,Cheatsti,dfl ?rota St.,Ifeet,Tiova10,014.