The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-24, Page 4I Ono-
OCTBR 249 4
XFW ADVETISENUENT8 Mr.Mitchell. Inaletterto the presidtnt amount $144,000 and i at inoli- of them wish when you wish me good )alth. My don�eyancea at a greater speed than eigh
I 'S L�A
SEA:FORTk' DING SHOE �STORE. Mr. Mitchell signified his acceptance of the are press ng ; o.'so that if a pro afte p rby were health, wbioh badpot been lalto i ether wbat inil I an hour, and to carry I hts on ti
aWhe ngn-a between the parentheees aftar each spoaed of it woul I ]lot r al)lzo it might have been last sumn i 3r is 'now iiight and bells':on b1c le to gi, a warning oe
Me proposition and agreed to r6com. I nd its
pap ot the paper on walch the y
one, denotes the to the Cr6ditora: 4 C nte on pretty good -(loud cheer rid at all 7
Ond! not to pass loser' tha tbr 0 feet to an vVis rs2lveig
be found of the
rdvertleementwill acceptanae to the ropreaerit4tives, the dolhir. The Tor'ont Id i1a oi e of eve!titai, I hope in kind ProVide 3 ce th %t it horte. Complaints a�e of passip�, on either
picking Tiwe--Greig & atewart-I
rprising sill be t c4ndi cted. shall be equil to the tasks that may lay "d without notice and tunnir close to 'ale Association. The representatives of- the: the most I ante; L alking 'Shoes
-Learoyd C"
we lot ever
00" ti prigte� and before me as leaderof the Government" hor.lefl so as to frighten tl em. ouncil ad.
more New Go -A-a-McKinnon, & Co -5 coal miners, to the number of abQ! tit papers iE Ontirio. it is neatl
Wost; Equate It.- k1ex- Wllson-6 Wil��ceosbarreer 1 bears every appearanae of p oapqxity, It ufned to Moot at Chrat6phi r White's,
Walktnz Shcei-R� NV 1111s, & Son -4 assembled in convention at appears h6wever, that 61) anc0s, ar de- reo.1dbury, on Wednesday, Novel iber 19th, when every woman a0preciates a
hi Is the sem n, of th year air
-W H. Sha%v-, 5 Pa., on Monday, to receive and DR d
Entt 3�ow HiUs .6reen. ht one o'clock in th6 Ed Li im D -JOHN LI. of shoes wIth good,* thiak h di
Furaitnre-V. eeptive in this instance, 1 we i 0 DO 0 extenion- sol.68 gufficient to withstand t e damp
Che3l� Daols-A. Winter -I the recommendations Of their doubt- bu theit the are t z Ily lomms.-Mr. George P
qu �00 ith Rulsof, Ole�rk. ibat
ringl 9 has am- Mo
N 1 ! uch a Pho
lQuerent -6- -only sErviceab e and fashionable -but is much more comiort-
resident Find ik oME menced the tailoring J�usines3 in our t own.
executive. Mr. Mitoh(.11 very ably' iny Ott er similar concerns, An it i i Fo
Qalt�_P, VSultvmr, jr-5 addres- able for: w 1ki a hoes
that anch shout I �bej In Any person wishing a no But would do 04n ffie thinrer sole�. Our range
surprisinj r the- ase. _1of Ladies- Walking 8 0odZ
Bed the convention. The'of his. remarks' ve him a nd ' I udes. such well ku, own makes as
Co", t.,r .8 Robiqn_6 i no brancl L of it(dur-try bag C Ompeti t irn. bjeen well to gi call. --T anksgiving this s asonlis ffie beat ire' e ever sb Inc aTe r:gl
RuATii ormxss WP.TifT.-Ai old and
n , I
may�esummed.upi t4of011bw-higextraCt more kee Ii th n in the ne, v apt usiness uietl. r. was, too
Big Salc-.1-Learoyd & 00-8 a' Day passed -off very q
per . I -
-Aler. McKay-& . I t of Bsyfield, iiE the per -
Teacher Wanted Iftion Car for as acted residldn A BAD 81'
00 pet roa.Bb goose or turkey. Som, of
both city and' count I I hiE
FArm fc-r Siale-H. Rcblson-6 ry dariou J. T E EM E S THE PEERLESS
n of Miss A P
the boys spent the 'day hunting. --The El�pple 10
oat modern and iartin, departe
Horse f, -r ajo-P. Muloxhy 8 am firm in my conviction �,hat, tha�' has made the use of 4 the i
t )big life on Wednesday �velilli -1 11 ad- are is good thi the tpple aok-
expensive appliances a ne
Fowl %V3nted- oposal will. a THE- QUEEN QUALITY
-G. F. Riag-8 a season, and
prompt acceptance of this pr
Mies Martin ha g of laitl T E GAINSB HOU
Girl Wanted -Mrs. Widder-S him, th�t gdpo to y
rt - �; era are bus .-Mr. .Win. Lu ker, of Dawson
dition to this, while every week, naDaicing-W, MeLeod-g Core to the authracite 'mine' workers land eadth for somp time,
havin'a bee 2 trouble�
the m4ke-up of a paper h Yu;.on Territory, i4 virsiting frier do in this The Um. b -bolt COI;ue
Prize Money T. E Hays -8 those dependert a go ie up�, in price, press 81 oe is m dern! in,every r4spect and i.9 nolted for its fie t upon. them aigreater me4s-. broA 6r which shq . ... . I ��Xne
ripl ra h ve atid ardat "wearin -Y -c ualities- E l' ry pair has the name and ed 0VM mal
lure of taib by Con- had un orgone we opera 6 V, 6
Teaeher Wanted-& Bry4va--5 gradusill) reduced and are t till on be down far Ray towpehip, has at q�ishe his
TeAcher WautpJ-J. W. Tippet -6 the subs �i6ri price of bpt been viv,,niby,-Mr.. Charles Troyor, 1.
0011 actor by an affection' of the
ustice than they couldiat d 4 ni. -Notwith finih ce sia
ri, - pi
'eve that the e d sease con n the soles; �2.50, 83 -ani $3,50 a pai'r. -arAi
tinning the confliet'; I belik
era xcualon-G. T. R._5 Win, Jarrett, hois at res -
Hunt grade. result such as t i t Bhown by, the roudds.-Mr.' btanding these, however, .!th 0 thenimal
-d ult
CorlereMtention-P- &HAY" prompt acceptance of the proposition will matel��lprev'ed VVALS ent attendiog the Model achool in Cli tou, in ad an t ital. Shi The Peerless Shoe is a new make and is fast becom i�g popular as the spear
tWantod-A. Younic-8 a4ure to the mine workers a greater -degree World is irievitabla, and Vi C e it. n'. the vehicle and 0
wal a BeVEria b t patient suf!e er. Mis
Toag a4d China -2-A. Young--& aid %Wvhid man a obt rom has secured a poL.ition as teacher- in 8 aron dat pric�d shoe, on the. marke% �'t 52,
of justice than they :have ei�ioye& in. , the y newsp I,( ra in I Vest 4d, ni90'up-to e inedium. 321N and araek, the ere -A
lie schoul, Go 11)
-4-W� H. Willis -8 Mattin ha carried 6n a ujilline y busines
mtio a ere
Sohool Shoes rich poli tciabs and corpo" pul deiieh townshi at a soilary several years and! a
P06B ry await bar for respects
watche". Bul it. The people of our gount 83 got loose fror4
'325 per annum.! Mr. Ja ob; is a Ive
r o
anxious expectancy the result of your of mid useful citizen. Her The Gainsbor
Staves -Chesney & smileY-s with ould I many more exqi1its simil ry de it a will b )u�h is sin d1ar to the Pee'
- �L 0 f an rg ic young man NIT. wrighri
that shol 9n in the courts b: tl�. a prs el;* and one w ao ill d r1ess antl sell� f $2.50 and
Boy Wanted -Chesney, & Stnflsy�g m. ljogsZ5
Aiiaition Salo -W the Word Piintiog Com;any it, his best to gain the'sesteern and r pa�r. ccentered upon you, and friends 4nd fqes ere iid to reet'! in th 3 Bayfielc' er nor -hc
Horee Blankets, etc -M -
interests f t deeply regretted by I who ei4 her., Th ThelQueen Qaality is tle g ftt American shoe for
action to -day ; the eyes of the us�tion 4re , I kn'
eepe4 1 .83 a
in the Id p� is' OVZ a thi lk t4e people pf . ; ! !louse to J�ant-j. H. Broadtoot-s alike demand the submission of issues In ever, no lio ilia the neighborhood. W1 rerr, sins w r Women and -has be,
a Fr sy le sb. voled in this strike to the tribunal nomin- , in qualiti es.
individu Is or' corporation w lo 63utrbl or Sht6rcu will in no way regrel the choice'they en: etery o I cbme famoqs for its fit Qu�en Quality shoes have the largest
desire td obtain control of pu )he franc ises have made, and his mauyfr end i here 'wish I REEZ.98. e directors , of j t is Stanle3
ated by the President. of the United
n the v old, a �esult possible through' merit. ne
States. ranch Agrical iural Society wi I meet i s9de of any w mah% sh c)e i
e b hini every succes
11, 1 �ayfie d; on �Frida r, Octobe p:
entthrDugh,the mediam of the p blic Of Slabtown, spent Tharksgiviag with
a. -Mr. George .0 rilipbell,
Idl Or That� there are'discordant ele'im' ntEl n this� gbould hkve t a moulding of publ
Ile town ha rice, all st, I 7, $3.7 5 air.
u all iiiness rye lrano(- o
convention,,that there are dis 'fied o 'as
satis n
at home, I am fully awa a df theicountry. This prevIAA8 w-. ft iends -here. to �wind cont ected with May we shoyl you our- I
re, b4b, gentlemen, hel a w for t'� a ye All clii no are f Ladies' Wall -in' Sho wheat (M003
0 0 t(
h I r ger ex�.ent han
uded to M D ailliman,
with all the earnestness of which I 4m pas a s
�ver, to a very Mae 3ttg per bil
many, supposei Wroxeteil,
SpAFO,__RTU, F,RJDAY, Oct. 24th, 1902 sessed, I urge that you give �our 1&pprovKl P40 per fo e that date. Pr ze money �w ill 'be paic'
to the actio
n of your. exec Bitmrs. -James abd M 9. Irelai ove�bsr Smit f calling
ative oflfic.�Isj wl nil.! Of N 0
Hon. Tarte and bi i soup, wh, '07 D a ham, spe t a few dayiwith the Is. ter'a 0 ia Vi4itingy her on, 1br. M ith.-m-Wni.
neaded. aaceptanc4 of the
Mr. Tarte Ratireig a lead n ch I sper sis er, Mrs. F. Dickson.
ition that the strike be declal ontiol Ia Patrie, the 4 1 LLIS N, have recomi
red of and all' -Reubeii Wendt' of er, I r n e io afort
10 8 vVith Mi dmay, was the- guest of'his bmthisr, J R,
The- two disturbing elementa of which we men are then to return to work in �he po a Mon real"'have parclase e I A, arl in, of 'Tor. Von boy tfiis:
ne r.
last week-, viz,, the coal tions. and working places 0 pied bv them' Wendt, of tbi Elides V01- 12u
m%de, mention Sul ay.-Mis I a ',wee 0 att.-nding tht
00 Mercury the leading Englith ibetal paper a onto, was her r to the inaugi t a sl�,r'ike ud Jev n Davidt on has reurned ro a: mopth's funeral of his a or, Miss M. J, Martifi.- market.
I -The friend's of' Mr. Jdfin Wil[14
3 il his V arna.
iration, Of of that city. Mr. Tart t with friends a� Galt an AyrA S., Aripther, old settler passed away peacefull s onfinedt1l, his air LTi
minera, atrike and Hoa. Mr. Tartes protea- PrIO
that all questions at issue be subirl'tted I c r� via.
oil VI . iclay las 0 0 Is. Ouatt. -d able- pain.- Dj)m,� DzATn. -
tionist specalles, havo' both subsided for the P. younger on will have chat F 0 f the 1 41 regret to learn !that he : P1"4008 lijustment to the tribural selected. by the you Sanyers and Mrs. Sanders viai 'ad in DE' t, in the Pere ing cousi �r iiii lr#t* per
and that it will be coutini iec' as a room at d. au
I pape� w h
Iri tol hear of the veryandden a#d unexpected Dd PO
'iners have capitulated Presideub of the United States."' tro.t during the pa t week. -Jai as Ba lef b iflow of the late John R natt. Sills waE Rarus Wa:a i 7'�inp am, IsV: weelt v
present. The co, W30d..
t.0 president Rocsovelt, and Mr. Tarte has d always �.rijoye� Mr Delaney an 'b
It is to be hoped that the 0, in her 83rd lug death of Mrp. James -Laing of Bay City,
r I iut oil Protection at line W hat 1, Mbakoka last eek wher he a A was flecom-
1 for Nory
year and ha d famil
Piact4l"na 'of 1 does thi portend ichigan.
wil I speno a few wet he was i�d er ordina)ry health -pplex per, ag
capitulated to Premier Laurier. Imediately I 11113g.-Owirg to goo&health uniil about six mmths ago panied home by Miss.M. De oovsr Mr. blitchell and his collagues mmy, jbb� aney. -8 veral
i I sind had been wasbing, and w- as hanging out
derialin has gone t ; ill- walth, Rev. R. Si G. An whe'A abe wat ken I and': gradually ppem -of our'OldfalloOs attende I t e Fister lodge
more than realized, and tha6ti the 4rb tr4t'- Wil r, a an I b Foek, per 100 U -
On, his return to Ottawa Sir, Wilfrid Laurier ir frid Lautier an6 Hon. A Fl- Id to CliftouSprings' ortwoweek� His weakor, unti e end cameA' Thb doceasec e clothes on the line, when sbe drooped
of Exeter, on Tueiday Lai -Mre-. Archi-
had an intery t Ilia dead. She was 1 si-iter of Mrs.'George iAu iew wi'hIN The re- oria appointed by President. velt v�ilf� ing r� ii�,nod home 'on 9. virsay., of last pit last Sunday 1r. Tarte, a
wall Occupied by Mr. D M was highly,- esteemed by all! w to. a -ad Mi 3 Louttit, both of
OOFO� %�i ladjl ho, knem baIE1 McA
e ly -on a vary warm shudent of JCnox 061leg(, Tor nitol --Mr. and rs. r left at -a th!B, village last week,
�r this interview Ily 'and- week. Sir Wilfrid was sou, t rn,
suit o was that Sir Wilfrid be able to deal jqa. Mr. John Foote 6fi Bamnock-b!u
uitably with! gn her. John FravE, Wiugham, were' i
brother.. She leav
a a 1 receptio� by his friends at Quqbee land to
W. H. Kerr, of the Brussel' P t tool:'the Wednesday isit friends in Bel rae viFiLing reli6iltiv)i1i, the fo net at the N me of es, besides her ha -
wrote Mr. Tarts demanding the resignation bloth parties, 'and. that Buell arratig me 9 hand, two daughters and a, to mouni T�Ro_N-To.,
ThirikagivingsarviCe on [Acr, ani, the latter a
urs( ay a as is I( We h an ,�O r. �helossofa kind and -er Mrs. J. McAll
of his portfolio. Isir. Tarte replied tender- will be finally, decided upon m! will fe-itilt 11in' koamal and is now at wo k in bi' o 'ce in affedtionate moth Armor f
we ak. -John Thom n, f Guel h, is 'eit4 St. 0atharines !owner of the R.ver hotel a mile W'l It f
Peter Loutties and a devoted wife, eart tailare was the h
Ott'awa.;l hff firab busine a lie sh: -1 un-_ ia� his grandfather '0 hn
ing his resignation aad the resignatiorx was peace and harmony between' �6 p.!arties ofto and �ther "has been making exteasive imunvements t( Ths� adjourned temperani a onventiOi?` was cause'of death.
JO 'Ida opera: b
Accepted. M dertake to bring his ni( curia. U guej. Miller' Ms on Tuesda
r. Laurier's letter will be found the future. rel Ltiven in the age. iss ithe He bas al 30' put an dditiou t( held i
Haz ewood,� of it and made other rerairs, which, pfft it ii af te a Armstrong !hwa, h a
sta 01
Hon. M Tarte,* i&o a at , and E. rnoon Wt TheL att an ance was f ai NbTEs.-Mr, Je
r wo)d, of High, ;!I ,lace.
In this whole diffieulty
now that, I a ..onal
. I I i i -onto, were guests at heir home �,herd !'first �lass shape, with eyery, Cori entence. sres t v manifested in th h
To: Thanksgiving turkey 0 Dr6mbo, wa is
re, 0 settled, and judging from 'I'd. r Wilfrid does ne b 4in 0 hi's week.-Milis M. Matob of orrie;k,�visi and considerab in r to 14c, tud i
"There a
few Liberals in Canada wh rnp]
daughter, M 13. R,. M
-nay Mr. McLean# of
hdalth and he stood the bom'ward j 'Ve &I the proceeding�.- home on FrIdsv.-M;ita--Ro,
will not di��ply regret Mr.. Tarte's retire- there is One figure which seems to atand (iut ed Kies S. Bray f IY6. JIWin. I q-uot+,
or eve &I ebsel. -B'
i son, T. Hpmpbill and 0. Smith
well, although he is said t b a poor sailor Tackersmitb, I As returned from 1he North
V an a i , i tex�, Mr.
W ei�,eut Thanksgiving wit h�r 1rosh made SO
uent from'the Dumiriion (-' tibinet, but under prominentl d in dv n a of 11, oth eirs, 'and the 4oyago was r a YR I west, much im roved by bis trip. -Mrs. A.
i agu ing paseeg over ve Woods, of LieitoQ
'he circumst different result Pould and that is t, e figure of M were visitors to Tor nto last wee c.�A hum. Higgins has b viaitirl,
ances n friend's in Wing- 8�'rned home
ougl. a d tw;,' o n
She ret to 180 ; eb
L r. Shn Mitcholl.,, longer thin usual., Canad *Liu parlidgniand L 9
bet of the young p here. Oluit� number went aw nday.-Mr. Harry Agnew left on Wed- 1:60- moiiii
ople of thelvillagip at ham. -Miss A is C&rlia� e r3turnedt,4 Me
uo�tu ha,,ve been expect6d. thei. president of the United Mine Works 8,1 good airwill tone him up all rig4t before & .9
The greateat �ipitY, a train to various poin a an I a umbei
ten lei the,Epiacop I harv4 int he no festival esday for Pilot Mound
Z on hweeb h
41 8 or-thlwesb, ego
i I to loc.
the next 1i ession of Parliam exit openil. wet driving the past week roin th N Mauitoba� a
r of apples and a qu4ntp-,y;of lipple -butte
tol the neighb ing towns. -I
Is,. however, that he did nqt retire ill x more AsEociation. I e has proven himself to b6 al in or' ca rie last wee -The 4iseei F. Purser
she had been v siting ber,siiityr and friends.
!the,' evening qui e a few,' dro e to Londeor priCeig Ar'.4
and J. Robertson v�sited fo.- Bevel, a I Mig. we wish him every success X'n his venture. ohonorable way daiys in To take advantage of the wonderful man, He had a icst, difficl��lt Profes or Go'ldw* Smik bas a * g, 6nd bad M ra. W. Gr amt :of Ooderich aw
in I I
a a to the Metho i tea imeeti her
Teswater.-W, ranch a a DrED Tovoj�To. On Monday, October at 1]1 1
given an ship ar D. Cook and llild� of ii3ton, were
al me!
e.- Egg
absence, of his political chiaf to promulgate task before him,, and he caeried it out wkh- other praotic' I port hee from'hereo oriday'. last week r. F. 20'vb,� at the residence iof his twin bra�_htr,
proof of h' Chlist an liber- 1�all of ex 3bl enjoya 1 ime. :Then" coning here
isi Ing a
they could a 'o -the ��Iipw 'of the moon I
political hereses calculated to bause dissen marvellous ability and judgm6nt, 1he is &I ality by Aidii g. thosewho are, unfortun. te. and John Hmmilt, a car, A number 'of ur vin4g a spent' oad cf lampe.-
a very ameson Avenue, Toronto, Mr. Jnseph Mor-
J�Fwhich took d. t.- Mrs. Win
1-2 to 130"aad
siona and trouble Ila the party af which he p t that: nig1l plessanb eveni g! at th� one of Mr. R. row, merchant, of Fular on passed iWAV
man wli'o was taken from- the ranks and I anksgivl
ly, unable tol take care o tilemselvea., It F. V. Dickson and family P )�ntj
Sims'spont the Tha�nk,sgivin, ho days witi
113g Day with relatives in Moleaw rth.-4.E. McMiordie, on Friday eve i121Z last.. -Mr. F.. his 700%
at -'would b good thin 'if Mr, Goldwin year. A, few years ago M�.
w - :Iuoted -at
as a, niambEr, was not proper or an. hon� eajayed no special. advantages. y be ffhn'Payllor, wh(
or, f ther in Vlattsvi�le.
Mrs. Biack. left for Elora on Monda�, t'
8 nt hAkpgiving D� �orrovv bought
or to do, and we dare say Lhat no shows a facility pf Rae, of'Denfie! I out the itar� and business
Js 1-�Brning the NV-oo carvin� I
i esr d u StIratford pe y
-in- att6nd the funeral f the fortner'O fahe�, with -bis family (I R1110 carried on a
able thing speech and of pen whi h Smith's example is this ect were P
here.- John Mel'wen, of the late J. B. Secor"
'One now More deeply regrets his course than few Of t ail Ivisiting his brother in town this week
be most gifted can exc:el. He li� a, ulated b' other rich men. Having hea-rd of d h took place the pre�ious Sunday.- - I
eat ee
I ki? of the townsh.01 of Ha I ecently c4rd &I store in Varna for pricas in th
_11iss Clara Alo�ffst was a gudat of Bel
Mr. Tarts, himself. What 'his future will �180 roi�ed him3elf able to cope with, t y Th Mae Gibson left for Mahitou, anitoba, to 1110 p 0 the excellent work done by the Working from bis son, Duncan Yr V 0 IS i3urvey,ng;ln lie sold out t6 Mr. Oatirnsand removed
-M Bailey i
Wit week. -Mies Carrie_� Lowzi6 �pent, grav� friends ovcr Sunday. Bailey i
himself has; any shrewdest, and keenest and be trained in, Boy�'a Home, the Old Fol llome� and the the Yukon. I is We a d preal
er�n, larton where he ear4l
9 1 1 .1 -
be, probably no one but at. Th n Parkda a week, t10 Ful . i
via] ti g at her home ii a thi vo na success-
aday last with fdends:! in Itfli ghi�n.. to Some say he is aspi�ring to the leader- tells aidely.,-The Haivest He 8' ervices h Id in &I business for some Yeas.' He was weR
idea. ets of the nation, whi m Th coopers ip town &lre vei bus a
I is uesti of tives - in S n le his skill as! a Nurting at -Ho' a Mission i Toronto'.� he Mrs. R. Miller ' tiler y St. Paul's Church, on 8 bba h last, were 6d favorably known I th�s v a rieet bsv�
the Conservative paty, hut that is perspasilly visited these pi cef and inquired
ahip Of resent, both abops orking every nigh
manager of men is wonderful.,-. On the o�e Torohto,-The er a Trtact Society well atten no much towships,
ded a njo ad.. Re r.
townships ---c-1
att orning s� �rv!io4t
p -ueb
")r. !Met -
Offe: he mee�ing -9. t 0
-perideat. party of his own. o ng.' Re� )ieter, was visiting fricrids in tow Coderich o
ery of a;x t'�pimense air tb two 64 itu iiaj �s he a d.�Misa Ella S�,ndersen,
v ' improbable. Others say he will try to side he had the control into �their reap6ot ive fields )f I sof uliees. To held their annual in aeting in the Weiibyter ht il late and t4en they are not il ibla to kee J. Doherty preached 8
organize an inde, undisciplined and ignorant. L a at ri.�med inBt J gav�, aJ ian church.Friday eveni the dem u 0 rofessor Walle E London. i �he Y a sp�ei%l 1ankagiving ini, $l,Q00,e*cb, fat, of Toronto, addres -utif ull (le- sea ti roh W �ery,
r past wee. 'H
till others afficin that ft'is, his intarition. Of whom k. -A feW of the mern )era of th A Fi-N-u BAnN-.-
st'elem5nts' of and to thi i. latter he preset, ted to the tius- Yo Ag, butter,'.
t and
evenitig. The Olin bes
corated with flowers, grar wad fruit. Tlh� .4th concessi one� Of the neat pro -
are from the we i 8 H of 1 1he
as, u Qrganiz ubj havc got tbei
g td 14i-00
tasurnethe editorship of La Patric, si foreign countries, and on the othei eide �18 te the a abstantial resideice and gro ade lewl a 111 on, who is
St�'nley.-' riflealand are liraoetiociml daily wh MUSIC was of a specill &V appro riatfa gressive fa
sit ae ted 55 Beverley streEt and1to t, ese' an thE - -Mi. Georg6 uds so rmers of the -t-o*nahip,, has just plieep.;'
-ench-papsx in Montreal, which has been had to contend with msn of �h- Every shelf talks of -newness, v6vy ther is fit. i hey inteudgoiug to Llyndes. of the' best And
great weal Character. )n has d 6'10 -bad completed for hint one! fine brernise the mission vp 11 remoVe some
Inot compact
under the managv�ment of his sns since he %ad influence, and trained in 11 that goles ti0!io'rfXt. menth. This is k epecies! F rac. talks of comfort, ei�eryfold'_t �Of con- borokriday or 8 barns in this secti The
dwe4l on Brocl� street. Messrs J. �nd'
aturday toi obbot against
M cDoell ha. v� n. bing vny it d: ubj hey w edwelling i they
has been a member of the Government. to corstitute shrewdness and Skill in au which M S Mit the omy, every threa,4 f;aIkg of w r h. hab- �hab lab, and *e have i10 e also gold ticPil Ofirb bian is in main building is 64x4.,, with enclosed a
NO. 2 aT, 14 eve your d ress ants ma be, 8�6rcly Ylv good acebunt of themseli7es -There Mr. fiomas shed 5Ox48, and there4s,'
Eat, whatever Mr;. Tartels fature career manoeuvreaL as are usually indulge h0i 1; of p -a c ising, as thee a a 0 Y lany go.048 W recently pure aged fro
d in: i III &I-Ooetadhed. L TJTIOA, X I
io he a' the a
me th. first gifts of tl e kind ;hs UH " can supply it, a it e purl, q Ite a acare&y of fuel here this year, Welah.- B er sperb Thanks. Ing house. The barn ia on stone found. iiDII
tio.dayon the 1
a P&Iiners
may out atich occasione. Yet, amidst it all he held tip-top thing for a, knock bout' suit, or in. iorr e of the speQatora On.- vi�fth 'stone window Bill
_be, he will not be long in findi -objects and for the relief b( giving Day wib reia7tiva i ment floors
g havin *n amongst 9, ice
mao to eservi
3 lots �01
d, 6f handsome silk so i ur throughoa, cement feed box�s, ani
that Mr. Tarts as a member of the Govern The many frie a of Mrs. Join eArth Wfare 8
U, Poo id4ptable for an; ev: ning ha farmers add bought up, all the wood I is Very
his own and a ' ame out victuorio E.L Ile hO le *old iat 11
I will regret to I arn th inue ver, au
tfit, --they could, andare 121W hlding it at a big at e ont to sAid well cqtx'�ipped in' all respoets,
his purpose and.r( -butter -soldutl
ment and the hc ad of a great spend ing de- steadfastly to -mained cciol 1 gown.� Or be it fbr a travell
J YL e,, er sis r. was do
)IJring -,he East Middles, x Jection trial, strce w� give Lou a ill. Mrs. ( a
dress 6r via4ing--go�n, But singe the trike Was itled, it is present in her.-Thanint ing The frame' ne by Mr. D?�%Id
from. ThelE. MeFaul osaible there will be glut at' &� later date the county,
partment, and Me. Tarte as a private mem- and unrufflad pnder'the most t ying cirou xvide range to; selecU it Day Ntterson, warden of
adl the
her of Paliament, and the editor a French held Ilaat -i reek at London," dr' Jus ice Me- g aner LI holiday, all f
atancep and in the face of the' greate�t Co., Seaforth. -1810 1 nd some mone3 may Pe droppe I by the" was obaer b e saa J�seph ��Rtonehoua�, of
r, are two quite different individuals temptation j idgee, a in SVOCESSFUL -T a auo on s�ile busi osed. In the hom billavie, every reason
papp Leuntan, 0 3e of'the preeidin of 4onework by Mr.
3 A. L i pla�ces ess beingi cl
9. He has, undoubtedly, proven S�LE. of oldirig for f&ncy- priors. -Mr. Dickson, of gelgrav�, both of w
I I i mo
I a 41 r;- e 13 Lawyer
in the estimation of the great unwashed." __Ma ref of the eh i -eff, rbat on Mr. Hector Reid', ol the 3rel ootioession, on er%fo ng hi mfternoon, a so vice was held in Cairmel arpnee to some rtb;, 6rk. IrILr. Young hu
Malec lm R 'aaLtly superior in Presbyterian inted the build
himself a great n; v was visiti a tp be proud of their w'
the 9th inst, Was a most successfull, rob add essed by Rev. Mr. -6 9 to '70c re
prw sar. r. omerB
The following is Premier Laur:er'.s letter of aecoflit of the unnecee y verb 31se lan- one. ack�ontbis wepk Pa ing8 red, 1with white Or.
usiv McKerizie, onan,' qb'ina, who spoke -81pring. -67 tO 6
every respect to any who had
There was a big rowd and Iding, was eft for Owen I Sound lasi't i1w iek, wber d they are a credit �o all concern
i4g, an
uagp in -which the charg a 7ere elobbed, P(
9 n )wer on e4alf
tried to play a E What his a r dismissal brisk. Good prices for e ery. 3e has secured a good positlon at hil with gi:?,�t e stneas a 43 to'45c p_ct
lw�ere realize(,
I psibna d �to
Ottawa., Octaber 21st, 1902, -My Dear r. P: D4 Aglas paid I $16 -clov*r 4041
st a ik coilnB i of mi� ry W ewe a listew
future Ma be it is impossible tg say, bu he on el for tl a Petitibners to thir -7. particularly, for horses n& a Oak. rade Of plastering. o.rk.
—After haiving vithlyery. much interest as he rel4ted what Tarte -seen you and h,av he court'i time by iet log fort� in Tht tota!l vale amoQed to� .500. Mr. N Usual trip to Lon z
ion Chind the press' or siborts,
exprQated. to you my well settled opin 0 had been done in' Ing $151
'ng he is a mail of whom thwie who select d $ share go iday evenj - healf,
plain, EOgJ ish the purport of a cr, Rei I -offered his *flne� flock oi shee also�;but ng, --Miss Rolingon and' Aligs Sbewart On Friday, October 04
si -L im-ddle fre,
him as their leader may Weil et, proud the 4 1 eed:of more laborers in bhe Master's vine- - I � I
upon the conErequeacea of your recent atti. and the, r were not sold, Although he a d* 'd peM Thanksgis ilog at th 9 in )ra home i Lot 29, Concession 1,2, KT-ert, on -the ld
a a Zteady for all
tude, roy first duty was to wait upon, His he is deserving of Coca yard, In the evening �a -a was givenin the John Parish f�rni, farm siock
uch higher If fh� leat ned jiIdge's advi a ere fell of 1wenty of-�hem t
o it �gentkman 'rom, xEt(r.-Meserf. W. Aaso wd J. Davi pyl im niente
a car lots Blacks.
Excellency, the Covernor General to in- in referenae to legal docum ut,s. general it Westm� Methodist church, wh pile
riving �rf ichl was very we 11 6t-
o6ition in hie country than he, has yet a inster. - �dr. Thomas Brolyn, Of eftollUondayfor ad ad household furniture. Theron Hodgilono
p p�. Before a
form, him that I was obliged to demand the t A, wielded t e a intiana 1 balling on Mr. tended and much,, enjoyed, the ladies f the
would be A great relief to Okt peopl the for ctioneer's hi 6 mine I and in home, theS ; James JO ea, auctioneer.
d. 9
%ur portfolio. After havin ere
resipation of y. 9 Isays h) W. Daivid, at origr�gatiOn demonstrat ng that they W
ra 9 Int 6 of! Alton. -Mr. b 20h at 'I o'clock
rec' rhere
gene I interests would bt as'well a4ved,
ad. and the e a' excellent Cooke and liber i. providerew seen Ris Excellenev. I had to ant Mr: Reid ! 'Glmrge DeL, On Friday, Octo
naint my Although the striJ has Clog the lbidd4g On a 7en thing offe . . I � TOROs-To, o
and no do'ubt rilarliv exaap r&tinR and ex- iteftia'atprEsentin Gorrf ce ng how he' p. m., on Lot 7, Co' - salov �6, Grey, Pjarm.
wal V
colleaguea of the interview whi had had miners havip returned owork,46, will 11111P. i to programme, the e enic g bei g @Penb liberal and the
ATI1 OF, A_N�o. ikea tL place )e -the
penFive Iswaui would b avoided,. by PI any ikea tL fore closiiiigl t �e deal for Stock, Implement preserved, a*
11 deepi regr it to lear IF the decea e of -he tinspop the e.- Itobugh,it is not 6ix
wi Dh you. wii 11 in social convirvation. nd intercou -Be..-
some time before bu ines6 is running as it sbquld be considered nee esary to,fill p a n proprietor has sold hill farm, Wm.; about steady o
1& 8, which urre on weeks %III the v to on the re M is.' Ch in:- London spead�"ng bull, proprietft ; F. S.' Sao t,� auati
lega1document With circu locutory vei I iage 6 is passing.
strioo thly as it did bef re the strike. 1 rc 3dum takes ln� accepting your resignation it is well Mrs. Mar Weht Turn -
difference between This, i Thanksgivi g holidays w thber sons there. neer.
nd the me of her temlerane a ry
i which in&,, Sunday, the l2b� at., at plac e a p �ple � earn to be iesday, November Sth, ib I p. rm, for deliVe
to emphasize the points of mea'n anythin or nothing
us. During my absence in Europe, without of course, is t10 be ex ected. ;.'It will aleo -Moset T. and,C. MeD nel-I hav6 shipped On Wedn
I dau 41iter, Mrs. I BI Owden whe e she has doii a. L 1)
why such locurn' ents should not be mad a p npt-bing, and i you spea , to any of prime to eboU
L any communication with me, and without be some weelil out a number of I cars of w on Lot.21, Concession; 7t MtKillop, Oarm
a yet before ther�' is anything mac e het home 0 IE te yea T a deceased thei ood to St. Mat L
they veeni to th Inv the in asure will do., 'Common
in plain, e 7ery day book Is, ignage, is Stock, Implements a'
any previous I supply of co a bing we I ave never yet hei lrdsatisfa I at D rily 92 years. be 'a *eatEd anyway.-m-4VIr. Miss M. Oli,rk was it Vill ge for day nd Bousehold Furni-
4ever., understanding with your col- like a libera &I for' use in thi had reached the' ir, arkable age f Har�, James, of ture. Samuel Harris
e- during the W hin her f iends v P
leagues, you began an. active oampeagn in Her death wa;g 4ob nnexpe ted, it a mt eek w" opriatori Js �G.
�e hhd ru h, was �ere la3t wqtk. n' his wy �$6 ; tiMiOtby,
laiined. The judg(s co- ild do mue I
favor of an immediate revision of the tar cohntry. Waigation� Mbldichael, auctione
iff Eed FxP
Lo�don, ere g to man
been'bedfast an I feeble bealth for dome oir from wh h and r 90 Pe leaving tl is eek fo, her aboi
in favo�r of high proection. I regret. having and people will have io deperid, upon the ng, e desirable change. if ey time. Mrs. as ake w vver6 i6ttending a tol-keepers home in 6 F ancibcot.. C fornia.-, On Tuesday, Octubei 28tb$'
s one cwf the W brlm.g tri
ould. h n in on Lot 14, Concession 3,. McKillop, Farm
been obliged, to observe to yon that this c%t- railways Yor transport (Rev.) F. El"Malrotb hwl b xeter,
6tion. :They are a] pior oeir Bettl on S%ub a Lii�!i3, Stanley, mee g. -A number fromi,
eta a
hero attended -�,eter O%ullivan
titade on your part constitutes a self-evident during the past week viating her parents, Stock and Impemeatil. I
rekdy coniderably Congested �,,with freight 1 Dr. Rut [a ge, the ri and her death severe anoth-r li:,k i% the. the anniversary' seri ices in t P.resby. 'ThomasBro,�vn, aiietiou
espon lent in the ast J r., pr prie
v -ty towards the Govern- *hich bin lbb pree nt 1; , th,, -ly eri irl church-, ap Belgi )r. Mo. eer,
iolation of your du cha ar -ave, on also Rev. Dr. lin4 Mr, Cann 0 tor
and will not be able 6 deliver deal as Middlesi Crae, Of We�tmiuster. co liduded service in c 04'.Honday, October 27th, at loxi� O?-clodk
ment- of which. you were a member. I ra� ection case, t)atified tha al- Pa',. She was most eWrabh lad-7"and n Monday evening. --Miisias iMi. a and Lou
-demand and
ps&t toff you here whati I told you on San. ly and prom ptly as w� coul d;, Aesire, even t oug' h pe enally a total at stainer wa deservedly eloved by' 0 in., on dession5'. East Wawa -
h all who Carmel church .;n Ssb'%th morning 'an Lob 12, Con
ont the
knew. ro3ori w a u nosh' Form Stock and Tmple.ments. 1 Thomas
he ' re attendiulgI t'a Londo Car lots on
day. I do not wish to discuss at this me- 3vening last* deli'yering a :cell tserm�ns
were it ready for then�. We, '14 Canada., at as of intoKicating. liquors, he had for the he The femai ere,laiid to Tat in the bus ness college, were visiti�g! t eir mother IA_ per baigz-,:
I Bro;vn, auctioneer. Robert MMOA, proIo er baiz:
ment the economic theory of which you have Bavfield cemete the Mrs. Alex. MaDonall anj Mr . Howle, *of
any rate, may make up our ni�ds that fuel, pisfi week.-Thelocal :uiio of Chris�- Mr
�ast 18 or, 20 y�ara ape from $2 to $4 er I lat-85 o $I e
t made yourself the champion.. The n London, visited at, the* q nes f Mrs. John prietor.
question, tiaE En�eavor and Epworth: LeEwue hold a'
Faburday iber let, at I o'clock
ra ay *eating in hoteIR,.and I �i�g, in the asem 'out f' t Bell nd Mrs. Me On Nown
bq conside bly� scarcer', and dearer 4 ad smoked from
howeer im ortant it! might be, is oubor- w of the townibip of y
a)is �4ethodist a ,
orne last we .-Mr. and p. n
dinate to., one still more- important. If you than usual this winter,L but aveo this will be 0 to 20 cigars a day, �istl MiddlBlax Tul Bda*y 11evening. hich was in
ldc illoo. ri., on Lot4l, Hurou RoadjTuiekersmith,
Chu -0h, on Queen, of �Usb
buying mood (my day Mrs. Win. Hipgin@ E -were recent- too, Fatin, 8 -tock
Ifl you are in a f adjoining the town Of'Cl, a 'ew. weekb 0,90.
had reached the emkolusion that the interest better than was expso,� oweVer, I as long been no for thiq a( 01 fair. i *,bll atten ed. There is tot nearl of
good, you can't ('[a better thi 6n go to Th a E. y ly the inests of Mrs. S. Hum laton, of and Implements. Th as Biowrl ¬ion. quiet on see
of the 6ountry demanded, without delay, an theanthusiasin qispla� meetings sIf we can procure Was wet need it we should ing, Ae the Hamilton imes. rome, cFaul Co.'s store, Seafort I. o fair to
h M 7Dr. Seller aear. John Pickett, poprieto)r. Prices are bi
t place y was r,
increase of the customs dutier, the I K neardin
first, tha 11ave characterized the in the p"
thiaw for you to, have dode as a. member of not com I eat' g in the :493 iself and siee!an Aearn I y polial week spending ThanksgiliDg, 1 On Thursday, October S01h, � at I o'clock 1-,eenernand I
I y
p e have fp pi. more " The evidence I ly and of course, i�'is for ifie eelvas �b find ay with bil
n, even if W about treat you
Mddle8ex election trial rl go �b -e
b., to Min
Government, before addrEssing yor we have been ac�ustom2d' to. out what we i have 6ad seen land ti,m.., on'Thomas J wett's fisrin, Boundry- Chickens are
for it th the cause.-, 4, n6iOn of the paxents.' Mr. A lrliffl, of Byeter,
?D f Uncle Rich rd Tooley, mmense r iig berry, 2 miles wek;b of luevaler,
Wag. in t�o Villa far young and
e. ral tory less, Who on Pocielt gave two gel durin the pmt week re -
There ar also$. seve ona. Pricles are most imoo alit consider- C e I ROB extersive sale of Farin Stock and vie,ws to the public, would have been to ood Id Lys�o �ned-theirl i a of , rei. �Alish Sh4 t ne, Turn
-4 erate, Wohfteu�a Foreign Missi dbesday ne%-io�,a,(,!q neen.- Ir. Grin at 50 -to
Place them before your colleagues, with the ised to. re )reeent tharj� conitituenicy it the splendid kuainta CI
object of obtainin strike and Legi4iatur,'i. He speA ter! ments. Thomas Brown, au bionelar. The -
which the reeerit th events con- ed, and :you have a chan for exce addrfs6es, We af ternoon was home IF a (lay the lh-r:,t
g that unarimous action of to twelve 4011- enb but on ac a Rd at to SO IP
and evening, to the local e4c*et
Japeri y�
the C&binet which is the very foundati,)n of nect� choosing among ety][i'sh Ja ets, I
with it should teach DUr eople. But, ara a� day )uyin' so. a part of the week Visitin: L his father, M Mae Jewett, proprietor. nomival
g bocze for�'the boys riglit J t ei ae a very
. !p z conit,of it being very wet, t
reeponailalle government. �hroqgh the camr Rugs, Boas, Gauntlets, Cap. and Fur Trim- On Tnesday, November Itb, �at I Vclok
Tau had not more of this anon. The st,-ikia as fign iai�gn, bat �Ia he wao, ab lei to Gavin Ross, Of th Lon in. and 9 to M. -I
red I I I small 4ttendancei--Ther6 i 802 ta6lk of
b novei that such hkid been his habiri Fri) 1111J.18its. Thompi-oo, son Ofi r. ruaT i Them sort p. m., at Bornholm, 5 miles north of Wit -
,ten able to colleaguag up by those startibg a bow4ng club . in , own' and the
.1 who know, is Reid !to have re. om o-
taeir assent to the course w!N;-h -- - I I ;i e Imima noiial the iudao refused tc t n- Dr,-PA-6qv.,n _Annfl�ar nj 0- 1 has returned hom f o -+E na subar i,L chell, clearing a e of Far Sto6ik a4d I I
.7 4. 1 1 . . . . 11 , proEp cis are triat a meeting wil �! Cie called I - . I -
I sulted in a direct ICES to the co I cxillr 1), in he pot n Mies oily mrnts. Thomas -Brown, a`Uctioneer. John
inended, yo*would have been obliged thein c4tend I)ar-* eat him." PDineer resideht� of M hi%6�beenlor ' thel ast ear.
10 in the� near future to Isee ab -t igetting a.
t ou
to choope, either to accept their own viewa, I ties- of $14-2,500,000. it hae nearly as of Mr. Thoroas Davidson, aq Moore itt viraiting ends i St. Alarys. Walsh, proprietor.1-
lawn �or the comia'g ohmmer. [t will - re -
de rted i;%Iis
t LN1'ddlbaex an life :on Vuesday last. MrJ Dav son had, I
ThO. EaE I South. 01 d
or t.o aqver Ylour coinnectian, with them, and much as the South African WaI4� 17 American ttei
tb quire 6 lot -of -work p t on 1 'Be �'the sooner
ea f 'r the reached the g�od -age of !87 ars. He dresseci
fic$t titne would you have -,lectillon. pe dtions w.9tre tried1last we4- th-e3 crianize th bett W!i9111
I or.
bep,mn Ze- to place your views before the ; did �uot seem to 1suffer from any particula -per pound -
i Rutledge, a Reformer, is th' respor�deiitlin
Notes and 0
gave w
,�Mmellts diSel6ae, but gra ua4v , 0
herlaqd, Can- Hen miU.
Such was th ast;� Middleiex, and Mr. ut beep, Z
C v(-r.Y simple courea wbich wearing out of a pnes' very rugged constl -a
The Ontario Government h ye diepossed Ibu-
p wai binding upoa you B"g! lat ghter
dbl a EditorW 'ay ander, th
but to remain a jervaLiva, n. South Oxford. Iti ne4her in- tion. He was able �'o be about un the G J. Satherlond, c onveyan!cei for Hen. MOXTiMAL,
member �f the Cover ld jPakiliam6nt buildirge
of the site of the 0 on was a Ball. 3a of butchers" ca
ameat, and Nt the ltaU6 w a strong case made'out aguh at last. day Of bislife.1 Mr. Paxidz- 3 bad placed In his bands for �ffil �a very cora
fortia 1. and well pi nued brick dweillir K in % godd
aameti,md�,to advoca,ea, policy I in Toronto to the Grand TrurA Conripany, native of Jedburg, RoxVoro'shire, Scotl�'nd. for -Aale durizl�g
which has k 0 , ivith nice awn walks and "go xde
he sitting members, an� the evid e9ce I eat n. Good
t -fl
not yet been adepted by the Govertimc The materials in t ildings were f arnE c ar d all 1110 ern cmvenien&s �And will ibe b
he old b A� t I He came to this country with his family 44 : these a
throughoul was of a me t contradi, tor NOW G01ING 0 4
t able' price. fin nding pur
Id a very reaB
year;1ago, and after spending a few mon,ths Sold V ire
Was an imp diment to tl� e proper working disposed of some time! ago to'.a! contractor t in large Tlu
Of our constitutional system, and implies hara�ter.- The South Oxf4d case ag bee in G and Blenheim came to MoKillop, chas(re will be giveg full patticulars.1 lao for sale -;-.n Uer Vill
to rE nt frame atoje8 on good cenqal ocation, an
t- or
disregard for the loyalty which all th and they eire now b6ing torn 'down.' if 1i settl;ing on the farm !where he c nt VA for
0 inkied to Maa
any a strant�q til big deatb. He iwas a stmight- Sutherland, convoyancer Hensiall. 1811-bf the commolul
be again esumed. Inall eleven charges
owe to each other and have a right tD ex. tale they could u forward. honest, up�jght man, Rud was! re al4erable num'
I —A first-class brick! stolre to rent, a,
4djouined until December lit, when it w, 11 asy I emf,. As to prices ai id payinente I pply to G.
are members ot the came. Administration hese old walls could talk, in . i reside un To REN -T, ea
nfold It is Elbout three- I f - - Ba' rin use -0
pect from each other."' 'have been heard, and of the� a two w6rd COE- spected by all who knew him. Ile -was a a Ir"'i -
! : ; to�, Tbe
quarters of a Century since the . main build- tu 0 n bhe Main street 1 a the vill e Jof Henoall,
nte e No. I of th Bell Bl'ok W ed rou
fiv-, dismissed and judgment was man of more than ordina Ili gence amd sator 1 hich was
ings was, erected. F6r soine I �time bcfore Cy
6 , ocouvied by F. G. Arnold,
re used reserved o the rest. There are still, sel-eleal was a p r who arried on ia
as a barracks leasant ark 119 companion.
Confederation they w� ry i akstore and millinery business. ARXIMIXIM were lex a
d ontertai
The Coal IStrike. is one of
for sol ehargias to be he&rd. InAhe East Mi�ddlesqx, He Was a Preabyterlan in �,religion al�d a pretty.good
diers. After th� Provinde,'of Ontario t4e L est business st�nds In ;he place!an 'has a firat
As we intimated last'week would likely was . CaSe, tile taking:Of e
formed they were; fitted tip for parlia- vid6nae has bee� closed Liber�al in polit ics.' He kaves behind a class cellar and Is fitted wit, � dwelliatri n orus on the 'We are bound co, s I the giods'.,And we will cut the price of some liner. this e�mmiou a -
be the case, the great, zoal strike, of which Mentary and other, d& a buildingq, i and the coi irt adjourned to. be resuine I �'t family of five i�oris a 2d one :dauvitter. It is ia�ve nifortable ulli vhi
partment His Eacon d floor. � ding and
10 agodde Hill, Toronto, a ispracticially new, harr4 been erec only four nearly in h iff.
and were no tised until the new� t uild'ings i' predecessed him by years f I years at a ound. A nu
'we hamt been hearing and reaffing so Milan It a W6 to ble fired, aged partner -in life' oleo. It will b� rented or a term f4 p
y o ep6r aIgu ant a I our t �-y 715b 85c an(I $1
Park were occupied t h in f cou five I, rears See spuu� and Freizes, worth,
lately, and which has created so much in Man ag,�:sell The DD�y rDB.603able rent. Fdrfurtherpartioula addrcso the able o he Hom.
the I .—Coll
thing..'to be feared in E lid lesex is RIO BELL, Reaforthi, ai apply per- While they las Oc a ard. ound. baiv,4
stormy scene has taken place within the CC UNTC L ncil met at 01iristophiEr prapi k tor, ROBE P
ND, Heneall
pnornipciao a treating in s',08 I Y:to 0. J. BUT ERL
terest throughout the American continent, legislative chamber of this historic bufl�iii dulg' d u dufing tbe. Whi Ws, Leadbary, c n Wednesday, the 15th' 1814-tt to� good Tealle,
We A ed ou' a special Iot of Silks, and When sold %q canoic t be re-
-ad the -oraz
election by the candidate and othero, il-� inst. Membe a of council all pres(nk Min-' I
and that atone. time. threatened such sari. though the candidate swor BiaF',ris.—Rev. .'IS. Ifferiderson (if Carmel peated..
ous consequences, has been declared at an A peep behind the screen at Toronto cit tidt aftsi. thel utee of former' meet i6g -tea I and adopted. *urah, has for the pasp. -Wo Sab &the been Sheep sold at
ridges, grave., lumber a,*a,, reaching missio, ary norm no at St.
end, and the striking miners w6re to return . urnalism has recently been fur date 6f the dissolution of th Lagivlatu�e 4el Accounts for Cade, p Black 'Wet.,ta,' Blacl-, and Colored Liberty, Baia SxzeeJ6 and )Sura4s, at from 3�
JO now, anc engi ex- r, respec i*ely, but all go ej 'ce. Some of �hese' lines 4re.
age now pending bef I I -
I - iig a ieer2s ' r,
had a4stained 6om treatin and his statp. timbleir, drawit Tleleus and Wes.ti e at th� &1�, pric 39c . yard for yout choi utbogg� ZIA
to work Thursday morning. The proposi- ore the courts. Th1e ment1was not disproved. -bi Dztal ulpit next 4-1, ?7 K _ng
may save Denaks, were i3aased and 'nail am(unti will be home to oiccupy' hiq own
$r% IT VL y ii I:
as. clear -from L8 abi ath. -The Golden .*ission B fid inten
-mitted to Presi t Toronto World, the junior lbouservativ"b him- I It w u e iden;e that _5%131. A i�iotion juthorizing tbB oler0to TORI�.NTID,
tion for settlement sub den, tbS e d
there had eon, no wide-sp in notif� Logan douncill- not to procaed with' givir g'd grand concert and recita in Carmel One ispecial lo of TAlea-s Fleeced Underwear, wool fl, ce rrth 4el
It by the mine owners was -not en- organ. of Ontario, is ead- bribery �Chofee loadfas
Published 'by a aught dr in, on I boundary pad, until Our
eithe conedtilericy and that both electionla Me c liumh' on Tuesday e4ening ne cut prico �196 . each
tirely satisfactory to President Mi�chell, of stool company, of which -Mr. William M October 45, -so meat
ed� th refei se in a ewt.
b ad b aen conducted, -on the 111h,- le, h neatly. line could be OeW th Re services Professor G. W. Gents, pull dov )s, travellers' samples, worth 40c, �fo e,'.ea'h. per ew
as th p- 23 Oa 19 tl
Lean, M. P is president.
it on r a allowande. in dd Mr
Batter, 1$g
the United Mine Workers' Association but lie is also edifo!k peal did not �llow C. I leattie, of Wingham, part 'bulls r
'li in chief of J gs alLd dT ed Apples taken -as cash.
the paper and keneral, manag Sir Wilfrid jusurier, in hi i speec in �e- ed to pay John, !h %ve an secu t6y will 19 assisted buille eold
with certain amendments, suggested by the Of The reeve W�B authorizvu
b V t) i e, best lo I t I
the Company. Mr. Wallael' ply tj Sn address �resented him on behalf Mur ay, of .8 aforth, for loss of fims, doe i
McLea e9t. An e aning. of
President and agreed to by the mine� ow ners a- butcher
a _Mgh ass a," ea
brother of William, and anothe' .0 used by ac.,,
r a tor's bill and other expeloseil e ta-inmsnt in assured.—
it was finally accepted hy Mr. Mitchel. -I an� I member. f !of th citizpa Of Ottawa on Lie return there �ns h4 had thi i front of
t at Griev�e's bridgia, on eptembe r. F. Hcclg test
66Y cluer r Ist. I�Iil he It I 'rice Pa "d for 'Produi Lte
his colleagues. The principal change was the company, have made applic' on Saturda ou have been kind h a 616ok,- occu ied �y Mr. M. Ellwood
flat He h�,d been oifered$,35 sold
but did not ae-cep 60
ation in. th 13 At
courts fcr an injunction to r tbo a a4dkees t y pa�nting.—N re. Daniei U
the addition to the arliftration 'board of a eabrai enough in hi 0 1 is me irepose. If tie does not accep a re enable amount IT uo improved
any from a proposId sale of the, pape' 11 appreciat the wish, but. can to muni. S7�ir ey returned1this week fro)z Toronto
reRresentative of ithe miners, which was COMP no��acoepit the ounoil will le -t i. go to court'so to 1,01551 P0.
giting her
rh: t t p(eir - . I
w. T' mother,— - . I-
cipal.ties will kno �a ey �re )i%ble u hei a she had been vi CVV+
ep Be 83.40
net provided for in, the firstl proposition. to, a Mr. Wood -and Mrs. W.,:'F. McLean' �ib. (Prolonged cheers.) Tit re is n r
for. The clerk w a thor zed to draft a. Alise Stephens, f Clinton, as been en- An
wife of phe aforesaid -president 7of the co Iformo. Icome back to woj L ATIOYD &
The members of the arbi-tr&tion board were (Here her�,) by-law. for next "Meeting, in ap'cordance, aged as assistaJachool tea her, as succes. U, $3.,65 to- $1
y, In'the various affidavitA which hav 'myself o I abors which '&me las U-1 a( r t Miss Steohenson, who isigned on
diloombbao toll.pply with legal advice, the other tolo r 4W.V i i :. I . t2-50to S`2-75
concer re a necesi I y of c- ships have, requiring b cycI6 riders on the ident nt of heii mother's oontit n ers"
so-nel of the boari proved satisfanatory I ; EAP0, X
also named by. the president, and the per- been filed is one from the president whid the posil on whicli- I e illness.— CARD
h1&waysriot to ?&33 Aeams or other Jmaiderable gra ight into.
to alleges thatthe li-ibilitiesof the publi,. i� is being 'br
.1 land, 1.1lank Heaven, I an acce t yo, r exporters as