The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-24, Page 2'I
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4 1 02 T -IM- HUR01 SIT nBER 2 0 I L EArl
con, to inq lubther c1urit the days imaginaziqn-, the de aint rais.- u rce yrears at Jeat. n n - I ood ck, L VA I AVERYTENDEPlu LOYE , 1 i d, looking b eicied aw I move CW1311
I or of vot unv ed himself 4n: tl-L car the lilates 811
fe0ts of this kind than y the boy ho tic er Out, 'Wilo are �,o el, lJCWVV, jL
BORE DISGRAG vi6- "Iyho are you?" 1gb ell']' Then (%X-- )d it E I the hd)l-v iov ofthaNvin hit nottll. xceptifiv the UM8 doe
of llav�i ears V
I 0 . stretching his hanIds upwa d th DIVINE SYM , HY F R HUMANITY I , e 4y� c+i Ilml 1;,d td li�-, a u�ather ha a after of tbne f
a "An who Lgain: BOLIZED. 4ad b en hart Fon t e bA D 41 ing Slaint criecL ou a &in: SEAUTI zULLY i gr ou?" "Jo (And who 4re Is a Ole w6� do not talk m4ch about our goods,, they do that for us, o d as Vino o t ic t o-dti ar 7- Y. lilo, be coirect In c61-011 ne -fiou.,'d A Sad letter from a lady whose he tzre4. Bei
ti to draw yonr attentim to uV 9
, AT M til ffinndttion 3 nn -Gla: en, with a- ch oso a pat�ern wi. i, but W( the tem a on, �vants to e t coin an i in and the You9" dness! t iesit i id and saA% io r.of all seraphic mil. the Christian of �brown, Ric this is 1p� y; Ilusband wans Dissipated. ii� I I ! i (,o he I he stock 4 Oomfo ting f d I f , . I - ied outl "Farewell, Sorrow. FOR 9 I cr pq vailing tonb this to 1, AS MOTHEPS LOV� !(;HILD. 4he os and girls nd t 0 ?,07111 a 1� I I FareOi elli Mortal ing.. s.: As Dlari 't once tur n ali re- ge, y littlo lighter In 11 I'd il, - 1) or -some-
life. Welrolno, Joy. Welcome, Glad- I _t :Yca,. w ei, V "I V'00il blin 1 _C2
who riM to la W NT R PlFilowell, sigh" a U Site Cured Him with' A I 14 Q, N
i lAiked his ds iples, ill :als-o 1) now r (11 awf.y f e you g pe pie from ness. Welcome, Eternig6l. Reaven," If 6ru lh,�n r the Eirrinig'Sons o drow de�,.. 11cd, is used ni' um So 1s God's Lo a ro &acet Remedy his ss i ell a ad a M, uff( r he little an eprilily motoqr- would long -to be f olf S eral sea! -,oils ptt,�t--! %".I In il A rrin 1 ncrQ
XM'en— J25L no WIN "OUX a Vor I � V111 % %W I a I I
(�Jihildr ly. to cciline ulat ine, ilnO for- the comforter of her calyi boy, sure- he 1.--oL�scr% tbLs 0ort
Comfofteth sowlal: Comfort Von$" fid Uiew not; i for f such 'Is the ly J.esus longs to be bes del his be- an�i white stj'.. i oe whXh�� i%kis S�Tli # *-;.4b+ 3hi
Sting child 'en at th6ir Never efore'liliave e carrie Th patterni says the IDD Ine, FAther—Dr. TalmaSAS 11 In of lack ven." O he lieving and tru quite a great deal la9t �e r iN con- such'; a choice selection. e .Th
t -d departtir6, to tell them o: e, hope tirru& in favor. bu the . ril.-(-s a r late Sormxon. I tids tie children com tc hiin,, an are all 0 the" st3 but are i faday. They are just as 'good wear� d ithe Joy and the t mill CCD(!O 1)efol-6� 4.Ln( th'. gk n- latribi t tip into �.his la aid nestle as an �ider than iz v�,hile the prize em, too; �ia tli6i are cy od loo lug, is not b6vond vou�
offtrliatn6atefCan- briump ir heavel y 10 . d 1 P;
Enter dAccordiogto,&04 Vttlo� Iambs aptinst the w �m, lo-,,-'- 71 h which awift. tlij 1-Y ci�lollt 'Iffect is iRore- and th� ada� in the year 1902, by, w1wam-i3any.of To- Call and ha-ve� a look at the It won't coat you a Zig rot that des
o' the tnade ica4,e, withput lieilig Ito-ethev roatio. ar, the Dep't of - Ar cutt9- Wawa. Aig 'tieari o 'ood ,Sliepherd. looki and Z&H
.hrlstj to�day:_ ons tc be the. divine Yes, perhaps you ar "a of tliqse Chicaggq, Oct. 19.---:Ae tender affec- ITicudlof thp b i -1 unates who � never _Jk ml a nio-- - - , he, -bat, D' unfort OWts will n t be .8o shor ruL, last t
S w tion, of &. mther for herchild is used ther's love. Though b r ectiOs Im tilerr nd 6�, the gJi-l- dres-,Wlg, he d 11, as yeEj,, .�and t! e I Ott, O ns Nvh;ch ing a by Rev. Frank De Witt Tal mage as a so intense th� S w e i o nn ia d e are.
Well 4 thr divine friend rff theyoum-gr were.. at y co ssmit al. by I lie they r' the 'liu- her ineat an drlr�k, her 'op bi`�..d4y td of the ,L�)iurd pi d symbol of the divie love fO b ien 4nd woirien , ilL I lie School BR -the toxt �_alidher 'ptayer b -y night, ye, hailiv man race in. this sermon on s I be dlS1 nised. with. In and ccilleg o you r li oh, Oulciers wi GjV i ose 6=6 f0i
'11IS had'you come. into the orl I wl* Isaiah 1xvi, s f a I and 7en I their sa-v
13 "'As one whom ord, the si� it for i roothe�, t t 0, �)d lov ; y ur .1, 1 IV mother corm"forteth, so will I comfbrt �+it EL away,�.!She really gave 6p la a Im. M)re ilitelis tha that A Wiliteir we to fl t th e f1g11 6 f. 1) a lwop- her 11fe for you. Onee in wbi le, with F ; you.' U -al na sell 'bl Iiiahner. hich ifills you: h6&r(.., YO 11 have er, na'tul $1 11RX_&3_H_EB E.IFOR TH Washington Irving has aptly been a longing tat find. out s6l neth Ing cf al pafticu- ther st
I ot in a d your child �cri ur d0s�tand 11017e is Do 4 depth of a and do il
�oqt- It called the father of Anieric,atl. litera- t�is, if yo have never . 60tight to Ila_' abo�it the height' and7 'tanev�'in -the Ir c amon- all the writings of inother's love, yq may g�046 some low, ture, but I * fqll.�wsilli _,IN part to t1cm the Sweet w i li�, remain aout. the % as I ast Ithe wizard f Sunnyside thkre is not' p graSr.haired 'old lr�dy ad saj,�: P &irnd hq6ly. 'oS, 'which can bird � their vear, whcn it w s 1 a n t en0d just a, a chapter more tretichantly powerf L11 omethin about. my -mother. 'VOu me S hlerts�to Win, you have I Qer di� A.) -t of . Bo'okmak- you relict knew her'woll an.d welle 1her brides- e 11in IDUCK'S HAPPY THO� GT words than that on "Thr uty you Ilatve n6t* treality - C Isters and overcoats -111 bave .T� J'of Range i ui. ky t- I . InIn it the nothor pic� =11 VVIIULL � ku; V"% ri ILIU1� V V1. a
ure &6usecrated --t1eiii. eo Chr' t, "r- I'ttle to dislinlevis '4'1 fil time, ,A,'
a y wi 0 er h thL M those o Q Ite number self asleep and the that gray haire I' 1. d . . i I v Tec-yi tP eni hov ten ma,e a :ycar 90. "I h borne the disgrace , j , ce. .1 Gbd th
ad for years. patiently 9 dreaming' I , r past. Shc� � U tell U w "it 5uffering, misery and privation due to my hus- 11 biary Of the'L British , itise4m. i ves then, and they rkwfll I arn all the will tell 'V� be made n the 8�kviir suiting I 0 wl g habits. flear;ng of your war- 11is head 'is* pillowod upon: a Oile a gentle loving i f�we your inotilLer day has! gone 0ast Vem,
ve, horto, wl band"s drinkin trust hii n S h ay 111111torials of orstects, chevlots and one CaW
for the cure of druukenness� which had She will tel,;1--you how her eyes, h Z en a wise wonlan. vellous remedy Of musty. toules. 1,Vhile lae. dreams love. lionor and trust yut . Ms. 1� I L -
my husL -cided to of P I id secretly, I de l4iiied up when 3�ou were fli�st J)l c� could give -it he sces the' d4ferent authors the The, ivi ie D3in- is like a mothqr, No clian-cis of importane are c on- Will t up with; an inferior tryiL 1, procured a package and mixed it in his ed in her arms,- auki she looke at ou prescut da pouring over tht, manu- 'in I erl 1) batcd -ill dinner or eirelli ii g, d ress, COO' diig appal rati�,:s. She has ee, - y D 19 y, .1 and, as the remedy was odorless wtinting to be tt C of' KL,vin But -1
ood and coff hn v' gooe bl �Ply 14Ii -by rfacillV415 continitilig o extend and tasteless w what it %vas that of the ancient libra ��mforter' of . all wbo 0 13 -he did not kno hea �d Of Whe ample notes i of tllc:la�els of the ST)eakim
mtrayo a inan does roil little bab., -d ess my baby"' so qiiickli �;&wd his craving for liquor. He and 'ierb w y ! C o I 0�' tho copies of the Same and, indecd, 'go- I Then tha gray haired. lady will . tell soon began to k up flesh, his appetite for solid wrid persists in Aoing wrnnq, neatIly o4t... Thu, waistcoats wo ith ev-m- guage A
Ou how -your niolther's . rn food returned, Cc stuck to his work reaularly, and ing so far, a_,q--to out entirle leaves y he 1 the Nvorld will turn a:r st lad eni�ig, dress will lie either pl�ftiii white a cr carric back aga[ia after you WRre we now have a happy honie. After he was co.m- front the boo.� of a. Beaumont, 1! a I Ilut though N,%arly all the hum n or [a delicate pearl. a BsWW'
pletely cured I told him what I had done, when born. They took her south, boping Fletclaft, a Pallook and a, lien on- V. will turn 1-ainst a iin lev, as a nii1.qteoa.Ui for di -Ly Voar 1xill show appy it bi
he acknowledged that it had been his savi n q. as I.= -that the sutink sk-ics would make her J i- son. Then, the dreamer sees . t ems e le, there is i[me humar baing, if the 3t�ripq, for, al-. I he had not the resolution to break off of his own 'a I has t .11
a authors pasing toge,�ther the strong again, but only the warni.sun- IL gre ti' sh xvin- of accord. I heartily advise all women afilicted as niod,�r is alivie, whO will never hCqaS_11 Ito th i.,I;li thpi-6 i's ou Oht9p --tocrignam,
Iti- etei-641 city. tc I vert,atini excerpts an:d the st hine of th, whqh I was to give your remedy a trial." rach Wtet the prodi-al. t pl�r- pla[,n; broRns nd, Uitis, ti are nd pamphlet giving full leaves intonew *volumes, and �inting welit QVcr WO ked her cure. As CM!iparativelv few eeck�, spa, as ymi all 'know bef.)re I the stripes ange :the old laxly talks you !look it your FREE SAMPLE Miculars, testimonials The Corrugated Oven portant Ar own names upon the 1 title �cr name, s the s-inner's molbe T lie vF:,cd ill the pattwiis offered f9r and price sent in plain scaled envelope. Corres- her's picture -again and a:g Lin pagus. Thp.-� literary piracies Pon- Nioung man il�lvy Sin lot Only SeV eln thd?Fe!�Nvho cannot bo 0�telltcd Nvith, 11 an er neighbors tell her what, ft will,do. pondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp wid od
I of jaid' try to, iniagine her love �or U fi�.'Ont of one u A ro co until last, tb�6 try -enty;tftnes sever; he el 010r. for reply. Address The Samaxia Remed3 t mes, but So, lit, young inan, you cannot do tlit libi n Thieves I T, hieve.�! " is raisod, 'hien niay be so worthless �n t lie ey es �Ofl 1 hile inore color linsib0criMillroduc-, If by chaned you i now the mrits of The Happy ?.3 Jordan Street Toronto, Canada. __ I - -- more 'than it blilld bat � or a, -hubbub and scurr- ny there is a great the world t e into nd netirly IL11 mater- h:Lt all Ms old -.'rien�,ds undniole caniully, &ppreciiate' the Thought you owe itito your�elf to investigate. See the Range,,, or- -dern atith 9 :be- &BAL &STAI% PUB. SAL.B. ing among, the mo rbay collie to hat' m)th,.r 4nd SPLY. uged by 1he ta �he juade up,
colors of buttei fly's wings or the cause the, a4w-ient writers, whose faces ir L red, a J.�Id habordiusliers Y�c�,ort a. revolt- fiTeboxano 4itleigh the c rs on is not worth I Cr took into the flues, ove tb paented tire at fl
9 "'c I . 1, La, refloctioft of a dev-drop. So n ordei -as ARMSFOR SALE.—Ralre bargains in farms In end ti(>diesa: art, pictured within. Ithe be o t&qe ess th t e vL he 4, aq�l illSt - the l0Ud efjft�cidl in'l shirtin S dampers, the ventilated� illuinin4tea oven, the, corrukated o - ve n ti.
F_ the. Townshtpa of Hullett, Morris, and WawA� to libolize Go�Vs love t10 YOU, a J. uLtillt old fashioneU frames ianging 111a r order � his s n cut I ty of Huron. Inqtfire at onoe. Wb1 - �N the 1111�1 li-ilf hoe which pn�ya`jkd last nosh, coun sjni�yinian, who tever kn!ew what io k this Rangt so different And three W'i
u3fPBELL, Bllib, Oat. 17714-tt.. upoll th6 walls qf the Dritish. u- li ome and fisown and dis In erit hiin, was to have a, ther's 16vc,: I wotlild y�,�r. The forle ()f the bas been and, all the �different features th�t nia MO noUll ISeum are changed into esh - and 6ut the umthet will I inj n docidesi ih.. r S) tt I he iiiailitfacturers So sujpenor� tell you� that it. i;-; gi ea er I ve That W-cl,
FARM FOR B&LE.-In beat wheat belt laevr t inue -to cing, to h6r bo... f she tjja�l tj blo(i,d, reaily to snatch the ap�)Lir to have ial-most `to the tr'ne houseliold' 11011hern Manitoba. Ninety acres roadyf6k le collibilled lov of 'it father, comfort If you don't know i;on don't know montli, 4i
wheat nett year. 60 aeres bay. Good new stable bqoks out of the hands of tlie L, i d- hought that tl.iereby she C4 ve nd it �'s taoted that The " Happy T��ht Range. -
a -v6fe, children, br tb -s .anld sisters ewes I
and granar. Twelve dollars per wre. Seveml nztpl�ers, and to claim them as the I= son ove III ro chance fo t- th. g6ods for the fall !Nvill J)c almost otheri.tproved and prairie farmia for sale. Wrike and friends. It 4 it loyc' so deep offsurings of th(�ir own brain, some dnice, ��,hti would sell the cl( t es o in effect.. Write the Manufcture -S fqr 1114 5h.4ted catArogue. CHAS� E. SUAW, Box V, Boissavain, Manitoba. out 1.4iat no line can fatholi,i -it., so hJgh influence of 17571tf of ihem born centilries up -on ceniur- Af her wardrobe if'n�CeFsa�-Y,� e at no and, t li, bird's call 0 N ly it, so of her fima 11 d n the 110 tes ago �oudd in o v u a wide that 110 an. can ' - trilws i US rintrs is Nade i1�i2nited, -DROPZRTYIN MKONDVILLE FOR ALE.- i I Quiatich ir by; Tile WM. BUC 9 'BRANTFORD 4-0 to worl. slil� wou A eont
al of the imag The obvious mor, ld' se I I er Jew I- ein in the atterns f r'lhtl new half, _L For We, a commodious story and half house, ctili�scribc ito. Ai d all, this lo"re of ing If and ey -n - a vood eta'hle and rig r ng with cement cellar and oletex tive tale is that there is not Z ber weddi e ourearthly inothar is 6nly tin infini- I shown by. the bes1t; dealers, the. for head,
Immediateky north of the N -o man.� woman colors being use �Iuitb L,, great 17 the lw�
neartr two acres ot 1%nd new under the sun. 4�oiild go� 1.0 tl -- extei t - iving u. tosotmal pkirt of tl'Le whim to-( ay iEgalondville nl%nge. The land Is well planted with 0 � 1) 01' child, no matter how intellig.6rit, her life it she could n ave ar de I �in a variety of- Style none of. So�d 9 large and $mail fruits. Apply to Wra. ELLWTr. like.- a divine mother, is redy 1 PHEINE & SMILup beaforth wer lay clainx t(5 truie origi�ial- NVI ch, however,, is at rl� bT 1767-tt call L to 1,�oiir out of his forgIviag eart 'or al I S q or i(y. We are a.11, phvsimlly,&n;d und hite lso mp4t diviiie m,t L, r, God: wants Volf.: Call you lot rasp evert a is -VARBI IN WKILLOP FOR 8kL9Fr snis, thit S well as spir 61)roduc- Ar 111040 Vii'llo Ill. we ite. combination. r t
t i oulft te o al: 1 r1ite A of nly wtis "tb
JU very desi able f%rr4.j tha old homeste id, Lot 27, little,of the ep r t ions u f 'other :1 ives - We axe 'a,11 com- crown McKiHolb� contalntnZ 101) acres, all tenioral Hit I i f o- "As ont, whom la�s ccni�- n bi the'highet appear elearedandlWlagoodstileof cultivatiou. Beautiful biliations of other people's t-hou-ilis to lic ve C'o e '111 ctcr h inbitions have forteth, -o Nvill I inf rt u. -10 for )lose who home, splendid trult orebard, plenty of water and bcat
and desires and actions, even sAhe IS C, lustr te -d and lustr MP1.0tely I CZ w4ar the derbies, whi c thID soft felts everything required, Only one mile noftof Sea- But perli, a forth. A13plyouthe preintsea or to Seaf6r6h Post walls of an ancient palace vre often 1 . on of TABLISHED� 189C PHA11,11"S MAIN 4303 Wrecked as W(jre the[ships �_ii pia 1-01,UV01117 X116 -t-110 's 3we tvas to 11110st an. eact, reProd jed office. SU.319 GGVKNLi00K 1809x4tf A hure mosaics of itiany tlifferent. arbor wlien -torna!klo i*11 year's LY e: oil bf tell u i Li. incident fl xible and any different quar- �rovv tht-Iii up i the r6eks. le wants which in the life LL, VITY of: Iii, lit weight'. FOR. SALE -For sale Lot 27, Con- we 113
containing 100 While many have contributed o bo the coniforter of W dvzl� frivild of Inille. whi-11 I st ar ed 7- awslon 4, 31o=;�. laores, sill . rles�* e will o r' p4ta!' V.
of w -well, fenoed,underdmiaL and are, the� largest hd � t fa�e tE R hichis. cleared, to nlake its what. wt� a bunkr il. te coi�rt oot:' in the Illillistry, I was tlit, �azrllug racts About Loudon. F the in a high stata of, cultivation, There is a good contributon is the maternal one. who have had the dew, t esites anu'of the onok house,large bank barnwith stone. shmblin Rev., Lotit YO Ling III, [T(Irq are a few facts abbut ndon. )16ntyr of water and a good orch-Ard. It is within ITow much of all that is good nd f their lie rts ',tmnihilated. Hellwants 1). D., of Philadelphia. A'V Ueli r. STOCK AN D' BOND BROKEIRS P A cl `ld i b y thre utes, our min own heai
two miles of Bealorth and within a. mite from a Pure in our nature do we owt- to' i rto be i t1lic c Dmf�l�ter of pra 0 icz.dly'the as a yotFqg itian, was bei 119 and dellasth s.rcgisterqd �very five - the peace suh6b]. Apply on the promises or to Seafort1i P- 0. mothers! How Illutdi of all" �liol� hU11_1,Ln Irace, for telopo� 19 e ton St. East, Toronto, conae doi
fal orditined - for the'Christizift �tiinist nii-tau'es. The city r 700 wm. GfaKvK. 1757f o t4ins..ove and comfort we have enjoyed do: we ltv()Jtb�es tLat sooner or I teill co�ne ltov, I)r Loyal Young, on,, of -he ra ilw� y stations, '::ne rl 1300 miles owe, y FOR 8A.M.-Firra'In. Stal2ley for sale, Lot Ito about ever t Main Offize� 47 Boadv ray, N ew York; 60 State Street',, Boston, but Ithev-
29, Canoession 2, oontainine, li to their wise and lovi y.ody. �rn of r4ilWay line and aie�en: railway t is this faet whioll, we re- Thus all the troub 1�d Lr in h[s day, was prea,_,h- brEdges Tha s. I Daily a FARM il sor�ly 1�1()st el"1111111t of West clear bu� 16 acres of h-kid-vtood bwh� Itisinagood coglaize,, that the prophet uses to im- 1saPPointcd (if eart shold -e ing�the ordithittotf, sernion. "rhere he' nnflicia persons trave on the tinder- state of cultivation, walt fenced xi�d underdraluet. press on us the love tid Rin'dne�s of ttittt tolathis for the fi 1, tilne. gmund rallwiELys, an I 61,110 KS, BONDS AND GRAINI, There is,on the Jarm two bkrns, with stablin , and a. reat comfort o it of Qle t lought 2,500,000 iiii 4asted, God. No similo could he have use. God'� love for �,hem is li� e that o a M -�al's ago'," ,*aid P a*l)cl large dwelling house. It Is o( d. I all �r( 5,000 omnibuses, 7,0 , hansoms, 14,- miles from Clint3n and I mile from BalrWeischo'll. Thn o effective as that in MY td-xt, �'As �divili�. motl�er. They ihot 3ought. ao soid f r Oas or on M%rgin. Particular attenti to caaim eaw. Addre3s sill inquiries to JOEIN McGREGOR, on the 14 be able tif4l. young wonlz�n of the bng,,-7e1r--L- 0�0 cabs and .7,000 tram dars. The V bldden t
mforteth," at Aes. 0 Mir o5e'13 o n d e n e nil or X.M. D. -MoGREGOR, 2nd Coneeqsion- 011c whom. his mother co 9 ket let�ere! rn led daily (4 p,. m.), o application. hD k all worldly -things, 'w4e- I was at .,th time er% ng 1 t. tal, -Population ii �etwe - 6,00 _e invited, Ma, ri ade iny la4 co, 0 0, and 7.000,000. 'Four tho . usanii %ith, Senforth, Ont. 1768,tf The words of my text have for; good or ill, as fld the (I I I tio i 0, When I n Itheir disl
er many of us a very. tender and re1vet jchief,ii who, th0ugh born in -a; New on lier, she bade -very one, ,ARMPQRSAL9.-Forsate that very doelrable se le ve pqst�6en deliver 10)000,000 letters or it
farm on the Mill Rr)ad, Tuokersmith, adjoining elat aplication..' The greatest es ! Zealand nid hi �t, could tuFn to tt.he room.. Then. she. lifted I r 'little W(iek y, walki I10
F g a dii;ta�n headachi
was er-- baby b la Ithe c. 'e of -he globe. the, villag.e. of Fgmoadille.. it contains 97 laareiii Sons of a saperilleing artil arf6rKiving uke of I)eVons lire when he ced hilli. in illy tv, i ircuinferetic nearly aill cleared and in a good state of aultiWAIG. love liave been learned by, most: of ing hown Dne )f the mot be.auti rul and wet11 undardrained- There is a CI)Mfortablp rnis as she se,dd: '1)1'. Y01111 am X %V, ousan letters �re written a back cottage and good barns, with roob. cellar and us from the. now silent li�s of :our, alaces of the Ircirld end my, "T)is going to -die. I waiiL: you to kneel uay, thirty to hold consuming llons of outbuildince. The bulldingt are -iiituated near tbI.e Chris-O,an hiothers. Thq�ig.h your i 1palacE, is 110t asi bea-ut, ful I th d. offei niorntng�
1111 n- an a consecration pr�ycr. I in�k. is wall centre of the farm and on the Mill Roal. It mother inqy have been dead. for iten �sioli which iny.' heav ly n,rate thisl boy 1to watered, and plenty- of soft water in the kitahen. or Lth I as want you to cons bring M
or twelity yearsi yet you remeidber' builded for nie. ' Tho igh e il_.011�1- the millistry of the Lord' J�Sus can d Working the Young x4ses. tormptk
U is conventently situated for ohu-rah and school and withia a mile and & half - of Seatortti. W111 be. as though it were. yesterday laow L - - - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - v d. Christians ay be o h -astier. am , �t dd i d rags, to tli*e set -vice of my X thezuri
Bold chealp, and on e%%.r terms of payment. A �fa��y find themselve�'s phoit-of horse PP1y tenderly She cared for you when _Voti et they § ioul feel th iLre giving tip niy life for iny baN, 'ng to ther proprietor, ROBERT FANSGN, Sealorth. Now, po wer and worl�: you fLorses to ich 1748-tf were a little child. You bf?cali -e Kod, e vexi y Sir, wan. 0 give my b1% f 0 e rhI seasoni f�r the look' about or UTe is 0 11 q hard. A young horse is u1su.11y a will-. It is to t
nother, fia P epcered I he the ervice of -niy Christ. learn (f how to w t lich th ARM IN RA TOWNSHr-P FOR SALE—Vor 'how she nursed you throuh that I This' - a irg gne. , He lia-9 not closen't 'matter, bu."t th6! quali y is eveWh:in. We can sell you aity:q Wedding arm�n s vvi fo I i�l . M"t all
11by long fit of sickness when you Were i I th ey Ing- mother's wish. :T do ub W h I . I Feale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of In savei! imself and will unddr the ex- about fifteen, atid. every time sheJefti 0hall. be bed ta the he !laly q-) crati but on13 qne- quality, d tha is the best. friend.
Townshl;. We farra oontoans 100 sareii, 85 sores oueler to tell f,tbis corls,cratii eilten cessgyy or his ient a;n& urging ne cleared, the. rest, good h^rdwo.od bush. R 18 W81L un� the room you would call, -Mother ng mc%lTla unt the day " n#tq do hibre. than J�e Js really able Illet, hatis at he K m little )y I 1, -n& be dordrainea and fenoed. There to a good stone. house And: I I a into a, strong inam -t. d i 4.3 b e- An inspeetion of ur sto k would ual. pleas nefit. mother! Where is moth Thottzli fit y be I 00 , yet tl gro pTpve, a mut ure a with a No� I oellar; largo bank barn; Implemkint I . I. td 'do withoot injuty! to Wins Ithe dark �sho I III the iny li elf. Go hed; she6p house 7046� with first-olms at-Lbliv alas, you WiU reuaembe�� i son I ing rdained to . e Cbristh a in-inis- e4sy,,with he youngstes. A little and root callar underneath -, a good otahard; 00, dav when ou carried ller! out to ng 1i S caxthiy a ren�t, t at vr.�l I horie to-laight, i d -or �Comp
raisl2i acres of fall wheat 0 uch work or t6o'bip, alieffort geatly let her bodv- down into'the 1�1*1 the t6 si r S of hea.1- n l�ali be -Young, "to fifflill m Plod T1 qL wellsandefstern, the t( ge� one t
sowed on a dab fallow, well. =6aurad ; 40 acres titly injurel a thre&-year- hinj
seeded dowh recently, the rest in irood shapo for Ay permane apon grave, when ou. -laill iiier away for.4'er th �irs. .0 t I y hab� who was co, perated t' : he -)i- 'Any7ft
id 4n. - a f crop. This is a No. I ftrm, well situ%ted for 0. our-year-�olh is usually 1i e a divine inothEw, wal VAaster's spivice j8u,61 better fit to leep ulort- the sprizi owers or bd its n, markets, churches, schools, post office, et.a., and young 114. ted f4- liar%d, work be- when you coViered her up iinder ithe, ithei ollif tr Ill. children in inan we are o rd U ing to -nigh t. , Lo This depar�mlent is,. c. lete with a large selection of he besi goods, -aid e weruls", or �,dus, of %ihe chanes in �iis moutl�. It Roft quilt (it spotless snow,i th(�rjyur- their las e Ill. r . 4 will ba sold rea�sonfibly. Apply on th that bo�. Atay �y address, ROBERT X. D0UGLA8,B1ake0at.l6ftx&it C� its well. as al Youn- Grlla'm take apy chances of Dbliging,sttenti6ll give to of the busiess. pay to 0 nable I
ill"-'si, bell. irig ov r lient in t e` v his mother III Ven, who W-ive - her' o. est, gentlest, noblest, itioSt forgii,ing, L ri in a promising b desirable
' ' I Mf C t- life for h f "this I oi��c for the tobrourUndertaker Mr 9 X. Uobni* AT .19 TUCKgRSMITEI FOR SALE -1 and helpful of hunian. painkian .4ons t. ! e witriesa O Night" pro ptly e;�d & I -For �le W;nts to I lla I.. the farm. of the undoesigned In the Town- e th co hSf:�ke pf ,I !ittle extra o r'k Lken from' your sIlde. er 61�t6he invailid w) cn he who -SrIf
utit rs holy' se sb1p of Tckerainithl adjoining the Viltage of Eg. wai forever t, tj Goderic� streek -Seafo h, op osite the Methodiatt church. 1. a I S.ockrnan. Remeni-b tt this love nd Uevo-� 8 ilif U hall ,�c
a a Ili oati, I annot bt nd I ulan sitting me to-- mondvUle. Tha farm, oQatians 29 isores, all cleardd befor oxcept 4 scres of good hardwood bush. It ia all flon we realize the force of the met- this 1�ain my longer,' S W(11 as he day, Are you the !son of a Christian I well ftneed, well We drainedl and, in a firsi.1; c1sis The SIdus t., e 0 he skins �of fruit of all kind shte of cultiation.. Th4re is k good frame hous aphor which Isaiah, the pror)hct, uses conifo� rter of e hild whol is mother? Wbether she Is ai, with kitchen and woodshod, and stone callar luti hen, seek-ing to sliow hoW ittink foi th6 first tit e in her Spn- dead, her love for s or is just BRP T, ox & GOAJ, i ould never be eaten, bi't before size, of houm Th.ere is:a good bank blirn,with God loves and cvtres� f6r his children, -day cl,ass. II "wants to be the ecim- s great as Young raham!s -uit shou atone sbsbllng.L Z1111 good pig &n,d beq honse. There dinovin- the skin the fi A aqd a lot tit orna xitle, ilateenal influ-1 fort.eii of hose wh fve been nuither as for him., Ard � ou. to- 18L a kood yoausr be%iring orchat he tekes the g(. 11 ly 1 e refully washed, td aoid , etrans- mnever faffingivell ar, the i disp'poin ed DtAtrem Therals a ence which has done so nutch to de- in !life a d who when. dy letting her praye f Uffill- Ju %moop-m- 101 house, ona at the, barn., and Anotiier on the, farm. fetence-of bacter�'*& from!skin to pulp. that -Stan
1� is on Velop our physival and- in lital aud: HtbeyL'con e to (lie 'nia be g[aLddened ipent in your life? tO41 eot-themAd convenient and con4ortible LL ay E�cpwiments have show� thit a, bto. ike thi old tt e love f place' in the townehip. sal will be sold icheay. an I' Pirltual life and'says, "Zone whow. by sdeing Iii feeling , Go�'OMZi 'estod in on emy term, App!v on the premten or �ddre is, c r - I 0, i I n iti niftelL whose contei.its cont ined n Z. L M� his niodier comforteth, so. will. I com- 3 t a, m t, , 1-1 n y C1 sacrifi Lord.jJesus Christ 0 rho Egiuondville P 0. 1 70 w -tf REEM&N BUB�)L U89 11 microbes after a breakfast (if steriliz ET foft YOU." last orn its looked u with q� sweet 1 rid a responso in 310ur 11 f e? Will you, JKLUbulu expla!W
ed food, th endiniar *i -graped of which GOOD FARIt FoR The Divine D�Ang- shows lhe� love of, -ane "Mo her, ino Uiev! her 'd now, realizing thab your Ingurmce Company,, i�l"Uul I" do attry_
other irx w .4, our we Is all lived a ino loN,e WE a Syla of Iof God's w1orkin Goncesgion 13. Tackeramith. contatnin to be the com-: Ali, at 9;
. . . . . . . . . . TOW* both- ft
aQrc9, Of which 80' are cleared well uaderd!llafled, er of .111 the folks who are: Itiod i love as much s do irrender youl life to 000 microbes to eadi. fl i'd ou. iFARM AND ISOLATED' a hiph ata,%e ot c4ltivation. the lov, �-011, SL -e �kins a i L
A S&LE.-For eale, Lot 1, t "n ti werie-eateh, co�Ltp, ned 1100 1her' b
fenced. avid in fort for Q. RE D There are Ties3 microbes cau e the uit to de- V acres of spleadid hakrdwood bush, uactilled and In llre-m4ring for t1w real struggle of VIloollboY Nvli rollips i to I the: lmll- the serice ofill who,: hke.p, Uivine PROPERTY ONLY JNSUREV cq,-,- )efore it can iu est d.-Parm f1rat 01ft Qoadilitm. There 'is a c.,,rortabla house Mo. The r.nothor wants to be. thc� in- way 011i g t.6 the epok 'ITdary,' llio�her, yeaxn 0 er� you? 1I member u3t 'N Dr. R and one of the best barns in th& county. Itfs76x46 of afid Bauch. spiring friend -liar boys jilld girls whero is mot r" Ardl 0 S1 3-ile is this, oh, sinful rn,an God' -s -for own=". ftet, with stone shbling UnAMG%th. mment floors The the lonr yetjr �Illlaturity, till tilute?i 4io- your repentance ii�ore- hbu. can Theve ne O' vas such a demand 41 rkad everything flulabed up in drsit L%1,19% style. -9 of il J. B McLean Preddont, Kippen P� O� Ithomoit
farm is well watered .with living SpringaL and is sult. wh(�11 tile worl(I ZLt" e e ther 4 Cli ton� boy, was Frasibr,* vice-pi;ddant, Brueeffeld P.O.'— Thorn X, sne rin hie y I -s to e hy th q�i d e over long to %be cleansed through the 11 Trem Beaforth P.C. I able for grain or g,raiting. n f f? LGAorge Mitchell, a V(; Vn larer is . for ladies ai Zen. lem having Rays, ftcy sconvenient to � 11 thJowi3 from a horse the oth r d Ly and had I 6� I Broad churches, eore, pinat oftlae aild blacksmith shop and t thent and laugehinX at heir ani- ofh cl. ild t Is wl�e that ild is blood of Christ and to be for 1pot" Inspookff filossift, Be%forill 'p, the
hili hip dislocated. thorough lr�owled e of commercliUL graA
,Lilway st%t' U. It is one of bitions, - as though tlit�v Nvere the, (lying odir past sins. It is to the mother concession oqly a few ralles irom a r, John Patkorsou, or the 14th' orthi1nd w k. W.G. Broadfoot, Beaforth; I-ohn the beat and best e%U1LPPL ed farms In the coullty and 011t,growths of t foolh,ll kl a; st! )n I)f love%4in God tlyit I point yot . It and ph G.� Glitieve, Wi When the eldo. r is of rey, ha I _ [I I will be sold cheip mbd on e -IT terills, as the ploprie- L _: d the misfortune bofall one day th 0 ; George Dale 860orth . Jo" Bennewe
. Aply on the premi -ain. . She wnts t ho will clin- to lion af- a I tl 'r -ghum ab
tor is anxions to refir,6_ t5ed. or k isionw,y bi o lie Alexa ndr a wfLs sick '�:u it O (I L�,It h the to Qne W t, q week, and break oie of ris 4rmv. Dub& ; James EvAns, Beechwood John wil: "It' addreas Chiselhurst FL.'O. JAKES, 03NXORq. P,,). tht2 frieriad of thi- young -riten ad tho P ss�of had lit I ly nioth(,�r' affec- 'Brueeffeld jbn -B. kto prttty drvd.9 Lill' (�Vpli Ein , P 7 Harlock; ThomiLp Fraser, Prietor. -ST aru4l� Loan, Hippen James ConnoRy., 1806 -ti YOUTIM woraeu th ur . es (tions shall have cea�sed ond when they PrOvIded
lul ag th se . school f d, most killful. n ARM". ho WOL111 Lamm- cap ARU IN ST"LEY FOR SALE. -For smi ans xvi �d to 11 ve forever faded away. DR. W G dztys when the have no i gjdl.v lica Robt. Smith. Iffarlock; R 0, Lot 0 9 and the west hh1f of Lot 8, on the lah oonces, pacity tind whf-ri tlicy ave_ eatirely 'de 11 fr r W Yeo F - tier call. Dit day lid h limes cantming, zZmandv I 0, J sion.or Bronson rAne-. of Stanley. This farm, colk. A O.; Georgo Mrdie sn� 0. 1)t�ndeat upon otluxrs for financial Sup- ffiree'llorig W the otlit r f he 'Koff", it ONT, taina 150 acres. all of wh1oh to. cte%red, except four acres. It fff 10L & State of aUttiVation, Wdil J)().t7L_ The of Me even un- Dukelof Clu3nee I(At his s J e. MEN'S �ASHIONS. :Paratea doeirmn to eireat InsurAfton-011 3.
fenced, and all underdrained,mostly with tile. There 4 Oher buldnae w -1B be romp*ly oftended a der tht, bp% -t C011didOLIS iS a hard (in(,, : I t wa'§ h,i,i ��Yal htLn-d bat '911�oWthed 10piloagon ioany of fte above ofteri., to a, large ftarne dwrIling hjuse as good as new, with What the Sterner 41 wear Dbring addy *� gus1r, but that stri—le do not col: lit was ba arin th I - _; ; X__W good stone foundation and ,,pp ift beiri rftPWftV6 0001 -offices. flar, large bulk barn Autumn and intertDictum PE YOU Wert
vdth stone stablin underne4th, and numerous other llience, as soute people wben (I tht� ff vereo hed. I w, 3 bler 1.�ips Has i as buildings, including a large pig house. Two good the young mail st&_ arierial Authidrit more stud ents to Y. nds with diplo- that �ga:,-e t1je last k ;, al flie siste pro- orchards of choioa fruit, also, nice ah%de and orna� fitab�e, ons during the past wentga.troes. There are two spring creaks r iva in hand On the gradixtiting day inortal spiritl spr�d r r) ni , the pain- The new patterns ias well as the Posi i -MY d=Q
U . .... K yearithAn. a�y sch.)ol in the West. shiverod'.
through the farm, and plenty of good water ail the whool Ol- college. It conir raekod forna Yes, t , 1110�-h(%�,, the latest waterials for �Llen,s suitin-s year round without pumping., It is well situated for away back in 1 the :'carly true 011171il ' lrr�6thor, lvants!i to he the We 1would, be pleakd t assist you, PUTTIIIG MONEY trembftj
aYS a- y and. over -oats have arrlived, markets, ohurehes,, schools, post office, etc., and good gravel roads leading from it in sit directions. It is tftns." It comlxlenc�ls �witft th�, �astcomfDrter by the side 4f her dy- alithority. The wysterious Part�ctdars 'for a lJostAl, ch 11 within view of Lake Huron, and the. boats oan be YOung. girl's failure who is trying for In -111, as in C rl(,D- �o Satisfy of fashioi have spo an. V12 )m. It com- Inat i1a desir that Pl�incess It- tity, and Was I o be expected that his sea- NE! �h`i seen passing up and down from the houm This i 'the prize in, thi INTO J El 1"i E L R vil
a schoolro( c oneofiltebast equipped farina to the c:).0 JiL NO WAY' P1 I UP mences with tho dis&tppoi tirieuts of A e, the . ; will be sold. on easy terms, -im the proprietor d ughter queeji vic- son would see in*cre color in roduced i wants to 1810-26 OIPA-L. r�etlre on account of ill health.. AWly on the premi- the lylaygroUnd. It c6inixienves with t oria.: disob �ed the, oroers of the into the, patterns for fall and winter, $t ps the irritating e6u Ioos- Of any xeliablei' mak! sach as
sea, or addreds: Blake P. O.' JOHN IU -%TN. 173414f i hose little yout hful sorrows and �)IlysWialls, a d bendit q' over the bed for aftor all is id an'd done' t has n the phle m, soothes in- 9 we keep, is investing it. girl trials which the boy and girl can tell that waq, ree itig witl 'the diPlither- to be QU%t fO1_ s�oiiw r (., as o A ed ti.ssaes of the Ian and" he ell Teleph. ne Com 'hi ARLM FOR SALZ.r�-Fiar-sQe, Lot 1, In the Town pany 4 t bdr idela S,� It i��t like spending it . n Imething to.r one but mother. Yes the mo- tic gerrus, kissed. her t ab gil, ees a 0 so
ship of Tupkers&uh, CO&Oession 3, 100 aojr�es of _�G It fa�tl- or other wt., Continue to g s r nehial tube d n Nadi, 96 acres oleared,ttwell un terdrained. splendid ther a, comfort which is given to the e A t6e -sanic t t� u(I 1) ls!�,-d ber on nion's clothes Irom of Pana a. -Londo just,as A and permaj�e iqu in all w1lich w.ill deprqciate i0i valu�. farm for grain or. stook,, weU watered, a runing young folks is an, L*11 irnportirit C0111-- W11 lips ag inst, th. ho 1* s �of Nve Seek fo� "cr ations spring the whole Year runs through thetar.m. Alea a es, of Coughi Colds, Bron"! some oa the farm Is a ndid bank barn., near new, fort. It is such a ueces,%ary com- with 1 PriaLless Alice 'aid to n 4er for Women Paris.1 A new iseue 6f 6he subscribers' directoryi Take a Rina a rooD- xin(,, say it co* so 0 X1,
1� oh -Itis, Asthma, HQ&rsene,. 9. Sore f or the district Of Veste. On;ario, ini�elud.- ro n- es o Which [a 6OX54, ith stone stabling und6rneath, 'fort that many Of U-2, when we were iife on a_,coullit of that matorn I kiss. I Grif, distinct Change i it� ha g Throat and:th St �st f $10 to S20.' SuOpose YOU NO
Also frame house 24xlS, and kitchen 18XIG, with. i ing Seaforth Exe n9e, W bt ismed earl YOU . youn-, often could not g�o to sleic�p 11 God, like the divint nio0ler spe- oral licaic of yeqr has beeli pro. Poi isimi t .01 y goodstone cellaraud two good wells. Thl ion. i [I Septern 0 , era fo� new connections, get it here. That rifig is wertft tIV3 because of our weeping, 4untit we 0 ally4oves to hover arquil the I hd pic ding under the title :' P Chan Itessi chaugla of i ismes, dupli- i)irty is situated in a very desirable localf with i i
8 I )RIendid grael rouW to, market, only 31 idles, to heard her foot movinp�_tLcrog$; our athl�ed of his dii1dreli, beFatse he o f Shoulders has -bern *r. Norma Swanston.,Xa 14: Ont., ges of ade the same any da�. for �,ears. icate entry of nftm�s, &C.,; lbo4ld be placed .rill. Also a koDd dwelling house in Beaforth, situated on Coleman- street, close to Victoria. Park. bedroom floor an:d fei t her 9M t le ot abEwn-doned bBf I take! great eas a in recom- t1jere prc vc. to us lat) !'it is n. at once to; eniiiiie their ap )ears nee, Thai is raonf� because it is w6rth 'e (n
This house Is composed -of 8, rooms, weR finisbed, hand upon our cheek &ud heard -her- 11 of 'death to dic, nor all �,Of life to Striped cheviotp will lead! in ma- m ag Dr. W4o&s I orwa P a Syrup. We= -Usf
lenty of hard &nd soft water, and kitchen* 2Dxt6, I had. a very 15ad cold cou leep ab V. *EAR)l Local V[6naer. to tart with. that deatl-. can al- terip.1 for s'litiligs. In. f or TT
1� jl
e coo
'0 cift voice sayinz: "Neveri mind, my ive, ar. d i bE sw y with pantry and waah room attached, and a. good - I ht for the cciughin and ni woodshed. A, good stable 24x'18. All of this propdrtv 1>01. It will Conte out all- right.. I jowedi up in victory. call prove it suitis and for that extra. pair or two oilehin pains in Imuetbooddas the underilfga o th-e will to your papa, about .1, ed is t o tlidse who have ac ipted his love -of trous�vs wbiCh are reauired. JPHN R m- etest and lungs, I only u half a to -o-an Ic d h' 3acri r United Statee. All particulars concerning 2t s �e b� %le of Dr. Wood�s Norway e Syrup onpy this matter, nd I know he will I 0 rice for U�pir sins, as stripes to It f , I air �r 0 lig I
propqrty can ba had by applying at Tux EXeOSETOX as 'ail iq is fire atilas perfectly well again.' 44 to 5 p eenL I Ity. Me and reffwt, Ofrl^e. or tQ tha pmprietor, JAMES KB110Qi. NO%. what You want." God pity lan Sitneon, pro-ved J1 to ��isj child- inning, and �11 819 011, arm 111W L11 Insurance w Men in. Oat com )auree, 1, LECKI bit the IA -,an ano lier t o. 1762 -It �Wko 11 -P -Ter. ha.jd t.bLo� =tlQ, jnflxjen�e of #eonvzhen he mU d3ing. In not!: destined tQ �4d. foi er t PrIes 25 0ents n beft eii ruoulk tf