The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-17, Page 47' CT 4 LX1E HU EXPOSTTOR OCTOBER 17,11902 .01 NEW ADVEST19EMENTS consequence, hen the elevators :become be. followe4 by seribilis consequences. How- Z14%000,000 �er m. The scheme on chines word scarce and norrie �f the, �hreshers STO! SEAFORTHYS LEADING' SHOE RE. tc mThere Vils I 0�agovercrowded, as is now the case, the4arm- ever, we h pe at a�reu' Mr. Tat �e may yet templates the lent% 11 11imens of old a , a got quite saucy and in ep� n ent.i A good, vooiber 9th -this S31' The fttire between *be pu-,nibeses aft 3fr coch war(housee the �pr eipal English parts in healthy compatit on ha h , ver, medied era or stuck,;and have no place i4 which become re oncied. and that his words qre Me, d4notes the Dag* of tibe paper on whioh the n a ...... ru ad di )ion -to d wholesale houses ud these things.- , ra. il a laii, of -3 rey, I advertleemeut will be found to store their grain even when it ib ready more boisterous thaul his intentions. I tie reste urants 11 cities, The Ill in- vilbiting her sister, . �Rphs.-Jaok ileeid6d to Fur 0outs—Grelz & Stiewarb-1 for market, -and, consequently, it Must lie V is that v. 'cludiiii s the import�ticn of wheat, live Barwick, a queerl charla[Iter, who has not wear Growing Time-fteKtpnontr hat a rprioes 8 er person p Reliable Fooi MAY —D. KaSeath-15 fruit, oheelsoi utter, eggs, finh'p6ul. been seen oun Fall le Uore Ag4a out,'Bubject to weather exposures 'And al. of h rtele ability experiouce stoo and ar her f or a on � fifteen ,ft birt] all gentleman r. T Reliable Foot',4er-11. Willis 8* ­4 try, Should thisl a eme prove puccesaf Ill years and = as rer ted as e ng dead, Two Yeat's a, most certain loss. Some advocate the e- and perspi cuitl if h 5 1& sincere the cout0e 000�00( it will be a good thing for Canada. And is on the rounds gain. usu 611y car- 2, I C�_nle ln-W. Pickard 00-5 -about V 'gdes;a large Attend The Rlst—W. J. Elliott -8 eirshility of the farmers acnatructink grain- tie is pursuing. ind is not playi� g a don'ble while it helps Oa�ada it will be beneficial ries the fiddle w e he es,,A num- Got R%dy-J. IV. Weat-?�rvelb-5 reve girls froiIii herlc air In; eaforth. Anothe. Of The Hany-N. UoFaul 0" ari(s of their owa in which to stote their part, does not comprehend the inutilitye,of to the mother.counry an well. ber of ATD WHERE �TO GETIT. Wante i At Once -B. B Gunn -5 Some of them aria doing hous we k, gains grahni so tbat, iostead of having it 411 rush. his courso.1 W are sure there is no Lib- Dlr,p,tw0i1,o,.1 Salo -James Suell-6 sunl Co Atl the last 6asian of the Ontario Leiiala. lqarning the dress ma g a ut Revision -A. G. d others at i;artipg from ho; ed into the elevators at once, and c:ftusing a eral who Iliesires to gag Mr. Tarto or 1to to the as. Huntees ExenroLion-W. Somerville -6 ture� an ameiiidmen was mad tending the Collegiate Inititate.-Mr. Ed - T e Auction &ile-Thomas MoOaughey-2 railwa and elevator blockade, it c a peakin freely, ow any public ward Drager is prepar.ir g ro build a new 'Uarei, reed Sal, ­Stephen Hicks -5 BOB law'know, as the 11 scrap iron iftl-v enou-b of course - it's a peculiarity of money, VA 1 ket $I Your money goes sw Iriar red more gradually throughout the question. � He; has, ilea, a pe rn i)exb summer. JC seph Bell, of rfE at right,� if ent t Estmy Heiter-W. J., Heattle-15 arntment." Th4 object wa to give "Muskoka, is r. James but while it is going for shos 'Amo m Fjr sale-Thomar Ward -6 eat�e- season. In oppoaition t he so desi�es, t4 try to edilleat the:pubiic visiting his b at you can at least make sur' that it is a this eon- the ,her Wanted -Robert Rogg-6 to 'the'po wer, to assess a, natil e to the' north of ax behind TeaL n io municipalities; bringh by comin her i U, it is urged that this would nly be up �reet rail. Bell. Some of the ig its equ. valent in GOOD SHOE V.&LUR -e. We 0�re .0 to his' tandard of tariff refor' Bub he who is -said tri bo way L telephone and other such Plants at hbre say they saw a d e - )ne day recently, ready to serve you with the largest #nd best selected Fall stiick of Bo6ts, deferr old remem�ar that he in ing the difficulty, and that, 1111'Oreover, she re. than! a aiId now the * k a t x : make it appear their actual working value instead�of at the as a jo or Shoes and Rubbers we have ievet. s own. it is in the interests of the farmer tqt get, his mere public In n. e is a ro amber of I a - t1i at it 6 erse cal orFerhaps a two. y value of sorapJron, as has been th�' ease un- logged Hear which was e 3n. -Wh t *a th nowief what to buy and what not to biiy, has mad it possbl� f us o I l� A peculiar d it: a al d that ZD Is K or grain disposed of before the close of nav a- GovernmIa A, a ways s pose 19 der'the law an it f�rrnerly stood- Two years niatter'with the apple T;e winte'r place b6ford the. public ail assortment of footw-bar that for di' borop On I irability. nd tiori, as after 4 hat time there is a c6usider- !:the several me bers of a Gov I I - I i or ent'are, a appl a Fe plentiful an id quality in T -e rit w a passed for, ago an amendme a similar comfort. cannot be surpassed.. Nat only can we fit your feet—vr do A Y Bellieville K Ii bu SKAFORT-R, FRIDAY. Oct. 17th, 1902 able drop in pwrices, so that if the farkner �unit in thOir v ewa pon all blio ques- the E olth part of McK t th� buyers purpos( perifectly—but we can al That means we Wsw bar brAte 4 )lbut the Oburts declared it ineffgot� so 1t your pocketbook. stored his own rain, as is reoommea'ded, he Itions. A� a emb r of the oVernment e as learce as hen's tie �ickr o' a county court judge sell you shoes at almost an price you want' to pay, and gui, ive. Some time ag can y would not only lose the use of his Money in 'therefore, lie gaino a6 imports (e which ie __ner pressure bet M6 Beginrimg of the End. gave a, similaIr deoision in rdspeot to the you good value for your money. Cd e and see for yourself.i� In them: can timp,and ru-n the risks of :keeping 'woolld, not pass as asl a priva Usbo:m to m)mber or a last amendmert. 'TEis gave theQonserva7 UZ *nd zutwAtA� It would novir seem, as if the beginning of, To rNsmp MATTBIRMLS. n ithe I 'fit meet - his grain, but would have to.take smaller !an in4iviO aal a tiz6r�. Now, wh i -t Liberals tive papers , in ortuoity to abuse the may. I PF AiAAAAAAA� . fgbt -of the. end of the gceat; coal strike had been iiig of the Usborne cou ail -the -- see rities of. - - - - - - - Lprice for it than if he had marketedi it ear. �cotnplaila �4f, an .1 ivb�t they ha' Government, ind were not Blow t6 take y3 a right 0 reached.' The coal Barons have dismounted advantage of it. 'hey alleged: that the, f red by the collector v�ere apoept, d an sat. the tar a0uM -nal lier and avoided _411 the expense and, risks of loompl! of in, ;hat Mr. :While ocog- amendment, il f actory. After pass log am n lo the from their highetilft and have become hie. was prepared by the At - storage. There is much truth in thin eon- �pying! nt of $32 the cou cil a jourr ed until FAis V ILLIS SON'Seaforth tive posi�iou in the torney Gener w 'a made deTectiv6 purpose- SL '013 P. es drp:Am.. amenable to reason. The have submitted to Now labor 18t, at I o'cl ch. t th 3 close of iss Rase tention. The Manitoba farmer st�kes his iLiberll $6 ilience which that ly so as to favor t a corporations and fool Pfesidear, Roosevelt a proposition which p rty, uses the infl the people, a all upon his grain crop, 0 that )be Government were tie meeting the mem ers f the council 13. a V alk ad down to nape t the new cement 81 and it is Beareelly �positi ii gives him to work into the hand increased 8100 and thOt of Miss sc;ott revival meeting and the mother att di U1 farmer. iUy result in an amicable settlement of the playing into the hauds of the corporations in log was fair that, for the Want 6t cone sei on, about balf a of railway: accom- ;of the�political ppoqents of th by n for f unds 6on ributed by them to an- W-idge on the h $59.-W. A. Tripp, who h ;ere'd no 'o' difficulty. This proposition is pretty much f�re been teller in s0k friend, The fire was discoi aile north of Elimville. T is Iridge is boro-- Me., ThaN sa d a great de modation, be should be, required to au:Tar �promqlgatin rinelples whi4 have not sist in the eldction�' I more to n the Standard Bank here the past nine lat�e for any assistance to be r�udtred, along the same lines as that made by Prod- 9 unnecessary lo.Es and run risks ich the game built entirely of cemeq Nelit iroh frame. �beeiri bIl Governrne#t and wh! - The matter wp. howevbr, u aeq 16d which whi,bh go to i b, offalt. R' n posAion, and moriths, was r�moved to cah last week. Bides their bereavement Mr. and �rfi- dent Mitchell a few days ago, and -we Y-iss clievelan:� I me m'bT' referred to a boa� a] jLidges, add I this tri . rk to keep'the demont, i He made rnan� frieiids While in Brussels. Parkes have lost theii home with -all s\- , cut down his profits in addition to the direct re rbpugnaut to Phe of that 61 iron railings on each Bide of the briOge. This i ISTge I ithey so disdainfully rejectel. One of the hi bUllal has declared the scrap iron" Mr. Egglestoo,,of Parkdalo succeeds him.- c(,L tents. sus, n m r 8; ve, bridge of t ever, I :is requir- �i e gar4e loss. f, 'I, ednea- amendment of �ecti and all that Thomas Bone returned �last week from principal diff6rences between the two propo- 1party or, as lie * pdta it is the first� kind built in Thin is, however, no doubt one of:the di3- �ting p6blie opinion in direct position to ed to make th-, large corporations pay their tile t wriship. The co no.Ilor,s conoidered it his pleasant trip to the old courII priz!) Poll sitions is,that tha first came from the repre- Ory gatisfacitory and it In ex Dected to last Perth Notes4 ernment of proper proportion.of municipal taxation.The Onto, insljlEos prime Oaii the cost a apt v4'ry m I J Hl'.-ks, who has been h-erselfi it! sentative of the miners, &ad that the sa6 nd advantages. to wil'Ich he will be a6bjected 'the sv'bwe, E�ilncip]6 of the Gol, for all tim6 and uch Mrs. T. E. Maddock and! son, of Tor' Mr. I ar.ry earn tr- come, if not for aIl tir hst-�ver6 fo merly so lou are making a visit with rel�tives and friends for many v joarMilis t d in their �rican Constabulary., e, lellike is a memb r. This i m structure 4 me* from themselves-. President i4/! what Mx*- abuse of the- ore than for a wooden away in the South' A overnni.ent are now discreetly rind it 10 It is true the railway companies shou;ld f ur - �,Tarte.�Is doing. He �nay try an glass over silent, and ref" possible that this will be ;heibiid�e of the in town.-Charle',s Jackson, who- has been returned home on Tuesday of lapt week ;, -force -of men chelPs proposition also left Mr. Roosev 4Fe to make the amexids honor- 'aiting his parents here, lbf t this week for �on this i-glab Or one word of apiilogy -for M. MeRober ts, of the Mitchell nish the necessary accommodation, but the his cooduct as hie likes, but, th� results are able, or even f1tur his home ia Salti Lake C�ty, Utah. -Dan Mr. J. r free to select such arbibratora as he pleased the wrong the -have done and the false im. elected reblideu In order �he same Of (ourae, Mr. Tartd1has a right McDonald wife 'and children, of Wiarton, P of Th the propmition of the mine owners limits difficulty is to make them do so Model School, has been pression they ried to create in the country. Dubim A0ociation. w -o;1 opirl have been visitin� friends i in town during intreal. bave t to avoid the rqsh complained of, and carry �o bin 'a ions 'and i Vo him ia his selection to certain, classes, The he h �s-aa equal 'Twas ever thus. Bmrws.-Mias Downel of! Se8 forth -Harold Maxwell, a seten year --Did s 10 the past meek. pidtilreifor away the product promptly,as is de'ired,the 'ight.to ai� the n in the public 1�iew aq he t4.is week th go Stratford boy, was struck by. a train th proposition in effect is that the President of t e e iss W e Alone companiva would have to keq� an 4mmense is now� doi6g, bit be, should do i.'t as a pr�k Since 1897 i some four or- five horses, M�ast r John Web r, of,Se fo other day, and seriously but not fmally ila- the United States shall aelect'from these e rth, if a visitor Or6marii. �be beautiful, Am`il jured. bal deal of expensive rolling stock for this par- Vate merAer and no Clydbadales; ve cattle, S4ortheins, bI Dominiori.-�Mra. T. Downe 7 spent a gDecified classes an arbibration! board, to as a repre4entative 9f owebty toffoays of last week with M. -r. John SALE op TiroRoLtTwiBR6s -The auction --Mr.- R" JBabb� of Mitchelli felt -from: an ogered 41-th t pose, and which would not be employed a -member f Herefords an�ld Ayr3hirios ; one bond red d und Weel whom shall b.a submitted the differences be- party or of a Govel�nment, 010onnell, -Misis Maloney visited iiende in sale of Mr. Alex.� Campbell, near �this vil- apple tree 'the other day and was So j L ba#IY -&in -their prood after the grain rush was over, and ��auld be he desirIls to advocate a policy i opposition 6heel?, Shrop4bires I 4d Soublidowrio, and NJ om Tuead y was most successful. shaken up as to confine him toi bed t tween, the mine owners and their meni, and �itchell lastweek. George Simons, of lage, for a lew �OM8 Circle. best and A required, to remain idle until the ru�h came �o the po4y of his about one-half Cl into", spent Sunda in* he nd t e Govern- dozen pigs, Berkshirebi and There w4s a -good attendance and buying days, tural. paper Vrit that bcth parties, shall be bound by the I Mr. and Mrs. . Borman! vAit6d ftiends, in was quit4 brisk.' lThirbben head of thorough- -Mr. W. M. Leigh ham dip"Posed of Mis again the follo Tamwortbs, have:be sent to theWest Ia- -big dollar's wort] �wing year. This the: railway meat of whiih he i a member be should firkding of the: arbitrators for a period of five SEbringville on Saturday ast.-Mrs. Win. brede wOre sold, realiz;n� 81,0M The farm in Logan, for $7,300, to 11r. talfour years, and that the'. miners proce compAnies,,have fought against. moot strenu- ithdraw trom the overnment so he will dies by the N va Scotia Government. These G�ven spent Saturday lag� with Mitdhell following. geritlemen wer VoluLable tha& evi ed to work a the purchasers : of Mount Pleasant, and intends going put -We in Potario have bad tol'conterld at c:)mpt' wore, all pure re4 Stock, but a considerable friends.-Mim Ryan e guele of Miss John MrNevin,: Kippen, !cow and calf, West in the spring l043 soon. as the arbitrators. are appointed by ously. n omi-S, the . whom he', is supposed 3t y mount of ordinary stock has been' shipped. Woods.-Mis ew off, wlith the �Pre$ldent. Alao that each mi L us be with the same difficulty for thirt yeare, in to repree t, a d he should not' wait until a O'Rour:e lis it �n M ise $109 Andrew I Bau�er-ma�, cow, $100 -The other day a hawk For the first eleven nionths of 1901, accord- K�inkhammer.-Mrs. �g Mit- Frank Upshfl�il, L "W, Wm.. White, half a dozen decoy ducks that Mrij - Ea. fac�t, ever sincei the railways we' fi' ater� re est built, he is turne I on and then per, a as a mart r ing to the reports of the steamboa;t agen", ohell, spent Iasi ing.� that Unian and - �i t , calf, $33, also cow and cal�, $115 ; Silas Fraleigb. of St. Marys, had is� treated separately, and b week wit . � a at Lin the not much irapro�ement':yet, &I- tohis prijaciplei. A f there wen es, 30 cattle, 1,200 sheep, Mr.- L. Looby spent Sariid bull sun to allow the paint to dry. non -Union men in the reepective mines be a private member y 17�t atford.- Oolquhoun, cow, $99- ; Isa4c Moore, though,i Ia our wise, the difficulty is�: not in Parliament orb a a private a' 9 swine, and 125 400118 of - poulty:' shipped Mp. C. MoDaid ift r in th Classic calf $70 Thomas Mahaffy, cow � and calf, -Albert BLair, on Tueed all considered %like. The proposition aoE!ms itizen, he a n is Ay morning of 1yer buahto� from so aggravated a form, as we have a; 'Halifax �o tfie Wet Indies. Thery is cj�y.-Qnite a tumbeivr at end' �d t e Staffa $100 ; Campbell Dow, bulli two years old, 'last week, was sent per bVAINA: 0 much advocate anything he likes and no Vera a enced to months , in -to be reasonably fair and just. The w. eak I now fairly good tea mmodation faIr on Wednesday last $65 ; Silas Colqu oun, heife*,-$6,3, also two. the Central prison for stealing be" from a less stg to move than the people! at. the will have I %tive fining twice �a month ear -old heifer, 8 0; Wm. White, year-old G., T. R. car at Stretford. point in, it is! that. there is no represent, eaI to complain. But an frOM;Halifax boat ri5- y regularly, and, al hough th -West have. In discussing this rn�,Iter, the mei�iber of the wairking men provided for. Up to the of the � Govbrnment it' is quite Ia is trade is you I heifer, $41 Camp,�ell Dow,Iyear-old heifer, . -The Stratford Board of Trade 'Per iTerent rf atl y in its infan it to be cap- L ro. $14 a ton present wrlI.Ing the terms have not been ac- Deloraine Times has a very sensible' article. di 4. onl would seern ondps� $45 James Scot year-old heifer, $38, found that Welsh coal would cost i e [ 4 Accord ITEATS -The Methodist That -per Aft Mevv­ The dility of the tranap 2- " 8 abl considpra levelopmen church �-eld their laid down in Ftratfod. puts an -elad ortation comilanies is a Ru"'per 100 Z*- - cepted. by President Mitchell and his men, ing toifthe nev; )eri I, a f ast li net* of ateam- anniversary services IL on 'Sunday last. to0eproposed experiment o g a Slileep here very plainly and very correctly stated. E , I Territbriat Ram Sah)� f orderin ing, ntofi, pr ched in but the probabilities, are that -they will &a- :,nTn 6ra between Cgna( a and Jamaica �; is likely 0 'wool tor* oteE and Co ents. 136v. H. Mann sh' loadfrom Wales. Th-eMoose Jaw li"res says: TI:e flist, - iP es per btIsh -1 Bat the difficulty has always been a;nd still to be subsidizEd iii the near futur,,;e, whicli the morning, and Rev. I J. Kenne y, the �.Mr. J. 11. Stuart, who lids been man- qai sce.j end the strike. e f they do, this wilt auction sale of rains ever held in the Terri- 1#41) bi The God)ric Star says "!A resident would no doul t -g ea otor, at night. Oa T arsday In L18tow is,to make them do their duty. Tfie Times ly increase trade be- PI ight the ager of the Bank *of Hamilton 17: r v �o A47, so,ya tha . . '01, w3o tories, took placelat Medicine Hat under If theyr,efuse., theirrefusal will place them t t le pi esen'l is the only, season in tween the twop(ioliuids. laOica gave a tea, afte hich a'g od pro- for the past pine years, waB] tendered; a concludesits tirticle as follows the auspices of th6 Territoilial Sheep Breed - d will cause '30 years tb it hi3 I w kept perft etly green 09-1�. b, in an ua4uviable posiqon, aa- gr.06mme was rendered the Blyth choir, complimentary banquet the otber eveding, �Aipp The farmer is here to do business as we, dresses w ire era Artsociation, on October 2ad. Every �Jmover seed--,. t -the occatsion of his removal to Niagara, - said several ad deliv4 ted. A on 4. them th4 loss of much of the public sym- all are, that it'is the du' y of t6 trans- without v7a ring, and I e wonders 'Th P neial Protests., convenience was ic&red both buy-ers and Timothy go"od time was spent a pathy which they now have, and portation companies to make. themselves why, with inch exec lent The �;Iovc.lo a of Tuesday says y lli.-i L union adop�ed. Falls. Toront1 sellers under the rules of th Ball' �pork,.Per 100 Ak pasturp he should T 0 ex. they cafi hardly afford . to run that ready to do business with him, and to e to pay me e for his meat tb�w SOMblittle Confusim 3eems to have ariser in �anksgiving service A held i 1 Knox by the association. -Mr. and M rs. il Vacey, of St. malow,� per lb,,�- in an� I th, ire - m to meet 'the require bav the minds of ch rbh on Thursday af III einooA collec. On the whole.'the bale was a decid�d sue. Marys, celebrated their silve� wedding just themselve npente of risk. Btit even should the strike be ended of the past 30 y ears. It's goOd gover4 r4n, people as to the ex36et ti�n this year is to be Ovate to he Tor* cently, and among the preaentA received was their trade. The fact is that the farmin 'position of thq' v rious election petiti 0. ess, and it is sincerely to be now and operations in the niiaea be a merit, lily I oy. The 'Grits are in powe1r on�o Sick Children's i ospital.- Among hoped that the ailver tea s4 from friendp i6d a silver casee halve been definitely fixed' for enti-rprking promoters of this convenient am' industry has 04t3tripped the trans don't youI now, AIII a cousequprice ever�, those who v ited frien s et meaced,at once, it. will be some time before p9rLation triaelri South !Oxfordl, her's this week method of buyingIand selling that class 'of water set from the mill hands at Johnston x0her uctive:! u ch are not keeping pace with Octiber 15 - Elat companies, whi, person is prost) Ousdand the meat raise were Mr. -and Mrs. B len'! of itchell Campany's. p live stockwill feel encouraged to coutinpe Rqual to ther delix ta developm�nts, and ahesex, 0,, ober 15 ; North Perth, Qc- M.ss Kiz%�, of Clinton J. 0. Hay� of Listowbl, h 4 sold to the .70 tG thera cail'be a general distribution of coal i we quiesti'n very clocnes in fJ his' sharl with the obbers. Mid I Mis's e an in this country. Unibed States points most much if the new cars and new locomotive� tober'; 28 ; Xol�lt� N)rfolk, November 4; je3eio Coupland, An u'n Mrs Robert their efforts in this.direction in order that 75a er,bm I P Elias ktogers Coal Company, of Toronto' North Wentworth, November 4 ; Gleogarr the Territorial rain sale may become an es- 1600 convenie"It to the mines, will, natura Ily, be which we ae told are on the road this sei- ,nto Star boasts tha that cit1v Ts Haggitt, of Michigan.. ra. Allen,'who has tons of anthracite coil whic he be n 0a fuel e for any �ears, has re. March. The price was Sl� O'er ton on- 'Ifew Ot'le� 11. in two calg6es, On credit is -due Auctlionee r� PaiiIsley,of 'Lacombe, son, are more than enough to meet the new bau'reser ve a UPI lies f that Nove�iber 11, 'nd North Gr Y, I Xovem er been a resident here tablished event ofIannual occurrence.: Great last light the first to be supplied, so that it will be a2reage put under crop this year. We need intre Bruce eInd L Wyoming! h re le au Dal m ved to jghter made in the enjoy. It a good 'Vos 17 d sto r he always wield's -the hanimer for the Live Mo--%-TRF.AL, &I more railwayp, more cars, more locodiotives nox, motionsake pending to set 4' 1 - much co ide the iti( well on td the New Year before iL'f sin the Do'niniZ Isays' tha the cars at Listowel. Mr. H#i h e. as neighborhood of $4,000 on the � transaction. Brigham has returned 4h me., f ter visiting I ! - will be ol�tainable­ in Canada. But even more terminal e�evators, more grain 'e co a to! the worst, iihe street 3 motions will have to be e� market is qquie sselka if the worst petitions, and thes' I Stock Aseociation on such occasions for th A bad accident occurred J'o Wm,, Con - The farmer hae'shown hima�lf ther bent man; P diaposed of befbre i the dates for't�eir trial success. of the sal .. 11 . I � - �Ontarlo.. 3 that will riot be so bad. are dotted ith�' big, tat telephone and tel relatives in Brantford, 4rd P�ris,'Jbe P"b I ton' of Mitchell, early Fridayjrporning last, he hag bcea pr4gresive, and tak6u advant- can be fixOd. , 4 The biggest av rage at the sale was ob. ips, 11 to I month.�Tvlr. M. Brait r4ph poleis o ��waite 1a under the Whil6 unloading some heavy !baggage from The secret of this chango of heart on the age of all in'farming, m 9 f %olid cedar, while ia moe� There ara stndi g for trial, with dates tained for ires eon ri uted bj M e eheeble,- 110J- t aebin-� pre e weather at a int, lon� we lope we will theHicks House at the GraaA Trunk� Oft- much chap acry as fast as his means have enabled him other cities the 'vires are ran on or groun EtIll unfixed, Fronfenac, Sault Sto. Ma John A. Turner, f Calgary 0 37 part of the coal barons uray be judgei fr Eel soon see his f aro, ind , again. - tiou, he slipped and a large trunk fell across oor bi T Lilmiling a and now, when with the aid of improved �re stro g on nea - iron posts t woulo N orth Waterloo, North Ontario o bh at an averagd of $17.07. Twenty Oxford are, ffer-6d at -1�01 the follo*iag facts - Secretary Root, Presi- M so Allio Bell returned home: Monday his leg, breaking the two bones between the 3 Eame a townshiji, P.T-dai separatore, - large grain boxes and�- dump add materially !;a tire appearance at tho Yorklo Haliton,.Kir geton, and Easti elli 9- ev ming, fter s the past three Down rams by th ontributor aver- knee and ankle. - dent Roas3velVs right hand man, -paid a scales, be can run into arket t1wice as Queen city if t lose unEightly 'oles 'were ton. These proteE ts have not b6en a a pending ships, creametyl: I n 011- wo eks with friends : irl Detroit. --Miss- L. aged $16.65 each. D.; MoKerracher'o Ox- -Mrs. StrablIdee, -who lived -on lot 4"', �4:11311 quidt visj� to J. Pie pout Morgan, the great much Wheat in' aday as he did form . Orly, ir I I a averiged $16.75, 6 .1, - r m ved to the voad arde. ed, but in each'of ihelie case ford Down James Me 20 to re ! 1 0 3 lnveJtIg*t10ns W bi bley is home: on her hfid�ye, from cession 3, Downie, with her ado -in-law,, 31f. rl financial Imagriate, and after a long int is poor policy and poorer buFineas for the have been in progr Be in order to ascert in Caig, of Lethbridge, sold 21, Shrops lires at io Ic er- Lc ndon Business eZe.-4-issl Rachel James Peake -died on Mondi pf Ia9t.eek if the statement' iad 3 after the election, on an average of $12 86. The Cotal ay view with him, a conference of the Barons transportation companies and -their appolo- The Hon, Md Borden, leader f the Con yo ung road, I her olidAys, with nu ler of at about 82 years of age. Sbe i leaves f6ar ter, 151 -to 1-6'. I which -the sales was 108, wh: ch averaged $15.62, While Eggs-TiWe was held nd the proposition for settlement n'the Dominion parliame Whi lo E 311% :!Whitley 88. MiqL Alexaad:r-, gists to tell hirn'that be is getting iLp too d, �re ell s in fast a gait fcr them. What they ought to i, rare th re in 8 Z To3t of the ram i were bought to be de. sery 161 to are base fri has retu ativ party prblt children to moum her Ia le- or ment, and e, there is always a P 1 08- in:B1 th, the past week. I� S ift excl e- re -uwd hon ter vi of Downie,.MrB. Gourlay, of, Pebri e, at 11 addressi4l, raetings in I; founded, a It of election le Sunyday, siting friends wse lu, above m&ntioned was the result. do is to get a m9ve on themselves and keep nd, Of c ur livered between Medicine Hat 'arI4 w ri Mrs. Moses and Mrs. J. PeakN of D�wnjq. with the propession. West. The Mail 0ayi he has een righ sibility that t16-1awyers will And that Current; purckases were made to', be de- istriaight, r-ecei proposition watia conveyed to the President up nable chance of success, e .-�-A quiet but pretty w6ddirig took plal�aq royally:rec ived it everypoint a d is mak there is not a realio livered an far ri as Strathcona, 1W at as 14 to 14je in -ton by Morgan himself., It is thus evident that 0 mbia, and east far 'as on Wednesday evening, October Ist, at -the Trono-NTo. -Oct Morgan isr Two Dis�uibing Elementli. ing lots of � converts or the Cp servativ( nd that the cabe may not go to trial, owing Staffa. far as Bzitiih C I home of Mrs. John D. H' 4derson, St. Gainsbcrough in outh eastern As iniboia. ra more powerful and influential to the' enormous nee of t6it a keen deman Were it not for the speeches -of Hon. J. I lJarty. Atone oint where th� e was NEW FuRs ikT -TRE AS§GRTkENT� Marys, when her youngest daughter, Miss man than even the President of the The principal buyers were The 0 nadi a vound aed lar e ito ge �!coal miners' strike,'�people large ga I the,ing c f Fr nch people Mr. I Ilh� N( I Mae the Our dep0tmont sho,we Land & Ranch Co., J. Wilson. For es marri Mr. Luke United new. Ella B., was united in Tarte and the Bar ises thav lit,, �, been, set4own. lor aol�eufirely fro States, and that he has influence to accomp- ell lot jda reaay �o go, On . would have little to talk about*nd � ews- den surpris id his friends and de ighted hif disposal at Ogg:od, Hall,e that is to say in thbir errands of mercy. 'i ew Jacl J. McIntosh. W. B. Dixon, J. Kimb,r, L. J. Spearin. The ceremony was O�rformed by demand, Crebim lish whatthe Presid6ut and all the political n :eta. new Rev. W. J. Taylor, rector of! St. James' a�u-dieuoe b3 deliN Bring at' short I ut fluent' which no vid b submitted, are Ctii�pei lees, new Ruffe, ne Be Beattie, G. W. Qu'ick, all of Maple ICreek - a good imquiry fo paper men woulq have Icss to write about. Muffe, church, St. Marys, in the preseice of bn�y W I gnP nol stylef., -chang e adington,Ceritre� Eirricoe, Stormont, Soith rices -an aggregati n nd, C. M. Smith, of L combs. in the top grAde ii also shown that there is a "Or Saturda - �AuntletE, ne si Kincarith, Peter McLean, Nirr:I Bosses ulin, A d. n ed, but tile combine4 were unable to do. It a4d6es in I he Fronch language The Maill East and �WesoHcelmwil on, Manito W. Kerr, i lemeas t th t 0 the immediate relatives. power in the They are both disturbing e ye y Mr. R. Borden of ewr ess. We S. W.Taialey a 06 western i I - day morming,.24d, ates which overpowers the great Wentworth, S Ine- The lr�cord as prints, 191 td 2 Unfitel St present time and, both seem to be approach. and a large! party of Bastern at, oM Norfolk, South Bruce, F something about f rs -, !kno, so �1� of the day was that of the Early Thura inst.-, fire w broke out in the basement 61 � Aaderso�'s Conservative lealers m 0 about the tastes of the PI30PI ;-know I l� k th it ing the acute sta e. In an address rde8ntly ads a t( r of that Lincoln, Bout ran, West Huro h;;ng Championship Shropshire rain for $13 a American Vagle. However, with the coal 9 paru of the hardware store Atwood' but #,r fortunate- t# 19a earlier.. delivered in Ch�tham, before the B titu 3ney of OVEnchat Of the cases-. for; wh'dh dates have been our st oak will give , sat.i f ct�ioq anc please. John A. Turner, IA Calgary, and j. 4airy tubs arill strike o%rd of robgh, whiahcol art brn runs, ly noticed'befoe it had mad16 much bes�d- I 04, settled and the coal famine eaded, Car adian N fixed,four are against CGnservat` es and The E. McFaul Co., Se 8181 Peterson, Daputy Commissioner of Ag�i- -14c. cormui Traae there, Mr, Tar-te went a good deal I-V rth. I I way and -was prom tly! exti6ouished. At the peoplei of as far as Emers§t. 9 he teur W s in' the three against Li erals, Of the 17 culture. James Morran, of Walsh,! secur- p to .160 mealu this free and enlightened for which IIANKSGIVING R iith�ut fir� I pratectid,"u, era ni�ature Of orle Iob-g eve tion to i e leaders, dates, have n et been fixed ten fire th d four excellent Shrop8hires at ,, �,,riige ate*d� furth' nd spoi4e more,plainly on the cm.--�The harvest I Atwood in entirely w, Wsrket ifs trade e country can affGrd to look - on and allow nksgiving services, n question and hiq; own position� thail �'-e has a's i 6very-stali connec2n with the results would have been li�ore rserio�o 3n cr wde wore theriad tq agains on at�ivev and seven I of $25 a headl nd two sbeep of high meqt 4 for twilas in -1 their American cousin& to settle t, agaillst Grace church will be he d on San IT. At hadthefiregob any headway� before belog heve aud� ch or Mr. 'Borden an bin eel-,' Libera a t a 24 coses r Lord Aberdeen's ranch �t Inquiry for strit, that are 'a ock in the morn n Reiv. ere bought f yet done. He ed have �said- O'c th fii i� report to. rincipal -Vernoin, Britis Columbia. C. M. 1suli —,A pheasant flew t ugh -aI windo iab humiliating difficulties in which they are leagues still st di re against Contarvatives Waller, M. A., of the at noticed. ey axe They am getting myself into errill U verai I Inv and 10 aga orals. !obtained one of the be� olved in their own way.-. 8 a i6 A Lacombe, t ceiptearAo not �Iar but I'&m Lc on, will an n th the Baptiist church, Stratfordi the oth A!cou'tempo rks 'Q hn "g, at )xford Down rams iri the building, secon do Al much trouble by talking tariff, raI re�a day, putting a big round hole rill public man, and'have a iighb 7 ock. the pulpit W�I; a 000 pi by the to 8peak:freely and the sple T cbeil� Oould ma e some m ne Mter the i I nd d Manael ghropabir( ran�, -and ap'lits sell Ch selhurst. pa tar, Rev. W. J. Dphe ty, B A.; on one of the most important questions of These bird was found early the n�xit morning Not all Sunshine. Lipping the sea es fit 375 pounds, and r r 1 E CES. —The, 'annirer. having evidently in the, the day. If a minister is to be A ike i� over by going on a I�ot, r� ng tor. ANNIVERSA.111 sei vie Ds will be of partiqu ar in oreh t and as Mean'time madej a prevented I ently imported from gogland, Will heald It il be 1, 4 thorough exploration of I all I arts of 4�e Welesir arid read so much about the im ne tion with th Chise cethere sh' C �C. from endeavoring to eduaate public op� bon, on fret, John blitchel 8 6 rare ex- sary services in colil. -I- a (0118"quen rge. congre- inion, . i I the flock of 8. W. Paisley, Lacombe. A r p mens9, then I don't want I hurst'- Presbyte' rif lir ice. TonoxTo$ 0 at wbjeat, crops, of Manitoba and the to be a'Ministar 0 11 n hurch were held :)n gd-'� 011H at e velation to onl?okers was the keen ccmpetl- sacred edifice. In its journeys it -had ip- �67 't -o B&Jo ; -red, :muo 6eptionito his kin I if be is n t 9w maltin longer. I deny to any 01213 9 Sand!iy and Mduday, on(ett Jured itself, and the care ker, after a bV41c a, U e-breI4 Northwesit Territories., and the rapid wealth except t, th and were most suc- Noq!Es.­The ripiniateriall 0 held in tion and decided- pref erence for ho vats, 321 to 33 deal 6om money out of the str than he ce3aful. L I ellent 'sermons I more, and' afterivr#e Prime Minister, the right to L dictate to me in On 86 d Ly two exe �h! Mathodisb chbroh M.'anda veding was ;rams. J. A.'Turner's cont�iibution, -1 sist- chase, injured it some gathered iz by the farm were preached ni y era of these favored this matt6r. Ttie Prime Minister has never CriuI4. rr�eioke� on tie ledturing le tforol L or in the afternoon,by Rev. a deciled success.—There will inot b-3 any made a mealof ib. iming of seven. fine, upatandi g fellows ave distri,ats,"that we in the older sections of intimated tome 1 that I must refrain! from elsevOiore. Beeii on tNis, bf� Is a an of very E. A. Sawars, I rue -field, and one in t �e serivice in th-3 Sbafts, MethAist 6huifl h next Spite I —Mr. George Knder, of ratfo t e d h t o I agei above 6181 per head f he *on. Mulferea-4 Canada are sometimes apt to become onvi- this course, and If he does so I shall have to great impor ance, and Xe being cou t ted, and evening by RevI XL 0. McLennan, f Kip- Su da , owing to the harv68t h6me t ' with a painful accident on 8 't�­ af t, services act that eofne ere lambs, a class am" choose my courFte pen. There wa a lar a attendance r U6.50, ind brala. aus Now, I don't know,wht hob-nobbe with by tie biggest ngs of the at each in �ho English church. gr6at I number ot favorably tritertaineil by the eater noon, 4th inst.,. short before -Aix o�'Jc I a c of our�brethrcn in the West, and are in cars east or -1 AV vening 1 er, a my future is to �e. Some of my political andi uture aervic bheOp was a oi Our people attende He is emplood with as is ever now spoken of as a f 0. On M d t�f min'ste hl eon. ockmasters. ow large turnout tal it e supper, and ev4 almon, tempted to sell oat or give away our friends want to ; e me out. Well, governor of'one o: the States. If an i6de- r- cer�te at the differen churches d Inillfeed st"d� Be I have ny p t of 'he eir- tractor, at the round house in�thab city for bran, mwU i belongingsrhere and emigrate to the golden son did am was in the act of dumpin a a al'� bucket a - been out in the past, and I think I �could pbndeu� tri unal or th a isettleme it of tb e,3e ple j�st.ce to the feast which t. e cui ditring the past week and� al report .9 onto reights. land, wher live, and live happily, if I were out. � And disputeo we e eat ladies of the eongr gation ad —A very sad th occur in C-han(lor e we ara told wealth is gathered -blishad, it wou,d kill' the a- ha 'ing enjoyed the conceits very rhuch.— to a tender, hen one of h fingeris got a oca,ioi;i a bosses �� o ifully'pro idek rboro, !ast week. Vhreie y ly a u i for,and all wore Mr� A.-chie Miller and d caught between the the iron so quickly and so easily, what is more, if the forbid me to continue V, f the Mitchell nd be ut 4ghter, izzie, (J ownship, ne r Ne bucket;- z n There are, how- ahildren of r. slod Mrs. Joseph Piark es bail the bucket, an I � i�cut i to advocate what I balieve is in tho int' stamp'oln th one side, and muzzA the offen- a unit in oongratulating the ladiee on th r St tford, visited last wqek in the illage. which lifts atever, always two sides to a atory, and, as a terests of a atiocra y of imill �o culinary skit I ere burned to d6ath at their how ilve 4 e c nclAision of t _Bpi e white naire ul, th und necessary! �o our country, I amprepared '0 go poliste, at th he on Mr. and Mrs. Gill, of F I arton e finger off. It was f 19 per. A good e �steady and there:' le, we bear and read mostly of the golden Out." 6chias�Preiident Baei and'bili aulloagues, peogiamme of music and a day with Mr. �and Mrs. Hart! their parents weria abs, at, the father at amputate it higher upi y eo and -situation, price side of- farmin' he ther aide. Th�, " bosses Mr. Henry He er frieuds.—The f4in re That Mr. Tarte said a good deal more td th4 t and tile ed. It busy 9 in the Northwest 0 dresses wag- provid ers a Willibn6res would be the onI3 ton,.reeve of TuckOrsir. lowing quotation I I ! Pic d ve I man, and excell.9 it mai Farming same effect, but �he above will gi uffetera, ��apples, there is a6ther aidt, is too true, ith, acted as chai tak: ng up the roots an( ari idea Mauil4oba whiI4 the public an the wor pe Iple io was furnished y wh� ch are. very plentift 1. — Harry 0 b shpl to $6.: is not all sunshine by any of the real-jist of his remarks. It will be wpulo bp vastly berieffued. the choir of Ck,dn a lurch, Templema ridi 5 largely nExeter. T n�s sale on F q last wa a'ODS to pose an total proceeds ab idunt d to $101. atti lided, and cattle br6ug ht a g Dod mearia.. the farmers there have their trials noticed that Mr. Tarte is inclined DRESS' GO arn.15 $6 pri and tribu-1ations as well. aa we Th� ftept�bl -5 75 have here, martyr to his honest convictions. WO. do icaii lea. lerB of the The Independent Order of Fores ers bushel. S1.40 to 8�at 8 Eire de p water just w. Or, aad bury. a on ri. and we do not know but the trials and wo,r- not think there are any good'arounds pon hot I a big concert in th:e taffa b close brin -more, Un�ted to S day evening, October 17W—Mr. 'Rob rt ries are as in e railbb r, they are fic unde ring in th' mire of i Amountin to 25" uch greater �haa ours, as their which he can found such a claim or th�t h Heap comfe i -, in I. suit of our unde r. Webb s at very sick, 1 JVe soon 9 the' wear. Ve'aps of! Underwear in our stock. I crops exceed ours in profit. They are much will get any sympathy by playing the roll of ir iown c eatiol. Tiey have anddred hoo to hear of his speedy'[ recovery. Both fall and. vvir, 3r weights. Goo d more subject than we are to climatic martyr. There is tol an I rep ered t ie eel 61 barrens a d no person in the Liberal PPL rqualities, reasoriable TrIces. .Otherthin a OcLti Way moi0polists until row changes, 'and even when the dangers of party who these; ave'be, of comfort and clobvenience too—Blanketb I I I Brussel very light to-� defdren to see Mr. Tarte oab of, ood crop is Furs of all kindsi cloth jackets, Milliner, these are past and a g co�their MaSters. They know t1h t if the y 1TT E LOCLS.—A fairly urn-oub w onself and act gqd MMUS qnfiattty I It sue nd the stocks are justil -atepayers of Bru& a88e bled at ensu, -ed, the party, if he : ill behave bi soon!t e death and Dress Goods,la 0 -in O SS Goords h as this year, the worst- of their troub rationally. He is a gentleman of, good like i� not eettled very y ig Reduction and proud of their rich showing. - We ill lie -corned knell'of Rsp�bl the 1 to w1a ball, on Mondayl evening, to hear but heav les are no�, ended. Their seasons are short ; ability a I ican pait1y ban been sound. y U reisch the ad of vqry great energyand: his glad to do for a �, Mrs. Stranger, what m e whiit"%V�as to be said in reference there is �blin immense rush of work to ber defection would, ertainly, be a ver dl. & giving e strikers have offered sue reason- do for regular pua�torners—our -utmost �chickens iand dul co4,sid. le to Lockriq'ge Bran., of thia W bIlen mil I , a loan We have cl4aretl out some lines hil Dress 'Goods that are reallvi nder at got throq'gb with in a short time, a a erable loss to the 1 Liberal party. 4-ut his able terms for a settlem, nt that t 4931 cannot I please., The KiilcFa I Co,, Seaforth. 01 5,QOO for ten yef�rs thou IV Pmr, and it res . t ic price. Sc3rcity ol labor for the accomplishment of continua ask a � expect them to', dc any me e , They Reele o'es took the 'ohs i , an cilled on rdiekeno and nce in it Is 110b essential to its exist- haive permitted the coal Barons to jgE TE X THANNiv 1,�ARN .—Mr. and 3,50 yards of heavy frieze -and, ho all the leading sliadps, heav Vurkeya-ae in -1 this work,18'0' that thersis, of nieces n such Mrs. J. Mr. m. Lockri go a xp a pro- 4sity, im. ence. I Every Lib�ral in Canada would re- pavvers that they arep y inde- MeGavin celebra ed the tenth anniversary posE Ia, which he did ve.-y h to make up itho 0 j2 ,n w practi , 11 31e'rl ut 1* rth $1'.00 our cut price 61 9c a yard mense waE tb and loss of which we in the grab should M.r. Tarte find it nEce pendontf them, sad m, L their wedding )n Sa �.urday sct as ssary or I )ral 811asi has r no Of evening I . Lockri, ge proposes to p I' Chao it 'e rnill, 53 inches wide. E'ast have no Proper conception. Rub, after to hi m the Govern. irldue6dei with theni, whi ail, id umber of thei? � friends were invited to and fit'!it, up with $&,400 worph 4 new advanitags Is they r �fra A the grain ii�� harvested a' retire fro to jua6 itronger means to bring the 0 time. celebrate the opce �;t'�on, and a most enjoyable mao-iinery yvith his own oney, a asks Fifteen-piec�s Zibeline Clotlill, all ilie latest shade, to be -sold at.40c. a *ar-31 nd threshed, per. ment or sever his - y rinection with the party, InithO mean time tie Ile et. evening Black Venet1lan Cloth, �co tri a spent �by all. Before parting, for the loan for running ca i 1vortil ��1.56 for $1.10 a yard. TbRozTo, Oev r, � qui tal dnly.' After hapa the greatest trouble of all is to get it but the party we t1a . I �ld still live and re0ain I )y �watehlng t'he ga no at O.Vill the company ex1t inded congratuIat ions io a so� e hat lengthy disc a sion � a Seventy-six-yard.s Black Peafi-de-Soie Silk, warranted not to: ett, worth Was crowdeid.4'afril id enj )he fun. vote 6f 'terestedin the oi shipped awja�. At the preserit time the grain in power f�nd p Osper, even aboul-i it be What� the upshot n ay� be it is if icul� to Mr. and Al rs. (Gavins and expre6aed thp the �,neetirig was taken, w] ich- ei Ited in 1.25, while it labts 85c a ya r elevatora i4the Northwest are filled to over- deprived of Mr. Tarte's services mhgine. Were it [lot, lat the'gen ej al p" wish that they na- 'These ub- y be spared to �elebrato favoIr of giving the loau, pro: id pig the and influ.., liclar6 the rood suff 3re Fifty yards of wide, Black- Taketta 13ilk,. wo"All 75c, for 50,- a yard., eolu to gix- fgrr, Ihis u iseemly many more anniv rsarWs, even unto their alicuirity ig- satisfactory. com it �6e, eon. ear it, I he fitr�aggle, ordi�'nary we sisti�g of the Reeve. and Mees 9. 'Leckie, ya Tun ut.rs s mig� flowing, ca,6 can not be gob to relieve them, Once. And he is; deceiving' himself )n- ) 't diamond ' dding One hundred rd� of 56 inch bome8pun' worth 85c y And the farl Bay in d- Do ars, after gettng their grain, runs away with apl other notion. A great the of 4 Pro inq Stat Bman, lot U. I NGS.— iss Mamie McEwen ba6 Scott, Blair an Sinclair was; a kiointIad uy words lEl PEOMM' not miss tbi.;�' opp6,rtunity to 'b Dress Goods a nA Silks twelve threshed, "ve no place in which I politi al bosses and I I 'Th' to store political party is not depend he monopolls �* mil. gone to Toronto , a attend the college -of to Id k into the matter of iiec ey -were breJ. eat u -poq,the lo b rit es, ke., U. e8e iprices. f Alf6erent blel lionaires stew r I it. Millioia of bushels. are lying un.protect- fealty of -any one man any thl own juice. I music, and will p,, obably be away until F6b. report at a public meet�in be breeding while'l more than'the and 1 to -0 of I ruary. MamleiElla bright andelever girl held some evening nex� eek. 7 - ed at tihe present moment from this cause, and country is. His departure might occasion a project is afooi and a favorite wit� th( people here., panoptico e amment Prcher-on. A in Lend 0�ii, A nglald fi� A concert and the farmero arethreatened with heavy losses the town 1 Hi�hes't Priclm:s Paid far Prod.Uce. passing inconvenionce, but that will be very much r mis d would ia capitaii.zed, to the exten; of -t550J10D0, and sad daiing her ab- will )e bel in ail on onda;V roken; but qui. on thin account. all. TIlie defeoti* a of a eat pol tipal h even ing. —On Tuesday nex at- 1130 o clock, I bad J Me run a] 0 gr n, Bence. We ope he will have an enjo abi 4eade by the Earl of A:)erde4 Y. L rd Bal- -and It is the common practise of Manitoba leader like 8 l i jL t rivention a East n' will vVere almoll ir Wilfiid Laurier 'time in the Queen rCity. —Going to thresh wouid f6hr' ci,Burleighi and Sir Wm!, Pu Ahiowik in i allowed the and the Nokthwegb farmers to convey.th serious, I - die Tre. ings, picking appl-,s and lifting potiltoes'i be hold in the'town hall,3 russe I , eir althoughl, perhaps, not entirely loati, t6: impo'rb Can Ldi�n prod�ce on' a Ia I all the go.—Unless th3re is a prolon by a it * reported grain diree ly from the thr I r ' . I I rge ge( , nass meeting at nigh . —It I Ubroken "in eabing mil s to disastrous, but tb autumn, the farmers w1l be sadly � iieloini t�a.0 Pf the LEAR, YD & Co .i [,R. C. Struthers, has dispo d to be nwily - I � defection of a subor, It is u-ged that canadbil is ble-Ito t eva. I ing u 11 the. railway el tors,and hence few cf them dinate like Mr. Tarte, while it would ail with their plouihi"' this sessou�."Thi -Garfi'eld block to a gentle n in -pecii , pply- one-tbi rd, h i pla e of sev�en r cent.,, people are well on )plied with threshitig out, At the school board =e Ing ti. Frid apassing rip atedly, caute SEA His' have stora�e ruoms of their own. As, a daub, on ay CARDNO B360qKp Pie, w Ia not of Ore at Brita n's total f ash food i port�of fits in this'aeotion' A low years a'g!' alary of P F04T D m%. even ilog, the e j, Icip ofr $75 - amerou T 0 �k go t t ia . h 0 M, i�y 4 ji �7 t A, '0 7' CT 4 LX1E HU EXPOSTTOR OCTOBER 17,11902 .01 NEW ADVEST19EMENTS consequence, hen the elevators :become be. followe4 by seribilis consequences. How- Z14%000,000 �er m. The scheme on chines word scarce and norrie �f the, �hreshers STO! SEAFORTHYS LEADING' SHOE RE. tc mThere Vils I 0�agovercrowded, as is now the case, the4arm- ever, we h pe at a�reu' Mr. Tat �e may yet templates the lent% 11 11imens of old a , a got quite saucy and in ep� n ent.i A good, vooiber 9th -this S31' The fttire between *be pu-,nibeses aft 3fr coch war(housee the �pr eipal English parts in healthy compatit on ha h , ver, medied era or stuck,;and have no place i4 which become re oncied. and that his words qre Me, d4notes the Dag* of tibe paper on whioh the n a ...... ru ad di )ion -to d wholesale houses ud these things.- , ra. il a laii, of -3 rey, I advertleemeut will be found to store their grain even when it ib ready more boisterous thaul his intentions. I tie reste urants 11 cities, The Ill in- vilbiting her sister, . �Rphs.-Jaok ileeid6d to Fur 0outs—Grelz & Stiewarb-1 for market, -and, consequently, it Must lie V is that v. 'cludiiii s the import�ticn of wheat, live Barwick, a queerl charla[Iter, who has not wear Growing Time-fteKtpnontr hat a rprioes 8 er person p Reliable Fooi MAY —D. KaSeath-15 fruit, oheelsoi utter, eggs, finh'p6ul. been seen oun Fall le Uore Ag4a out,'Bubject to weather exposures 'And al. of h rtele ability experiouce stoo and ar her f or a on � fifteen ,ft birt] all gentleman r. T Reliable Foot',4er-11. Willis 8* ­4 try, Should thisl a eme prove puccesaf Ill years and = as rer ted as e ng dead, Two Yeat's a, most certain loss. Some advocate the e- and perspi cuitl if h 5 1& sincere the cout0e 000�00( it will be a good thing for Canada. And is on the rounds gain. usu 611y car- 2, I C�_nle ln-W. Pickard 00-5 -about V 'gdes;a large Attend The Rlst—W. J. Elliott -8 eirshility of the farmers acnatructink grain- tie is pursuing. ind is not playi� g a don'ble while it helps Oa�ada it will be beneficial ries the fiddle w e he es,,A num- Got R%dy-J. IV. Weat-?�rvelb-5 reve girls froiIii herlc air In; eaforth. Anothe. Of The Hany-N. UoFaul 0" ari(s of their owa in which to stote their part, does not comprehend the inutilitye,of to the mother.counry an well. ber of ATD WHERE �TO GETIT. Wante i At Once -B. B Gunn -5 Some of them aria doing hous we k, gains grahni so tbat, iostead of having it 411 rush. his courso.1 W are sure there is no Lib- Dlr,p,tw0i1,o,.1 Salo -James Suell-6 sunl Co Atl the last 6asian of the Ontario Leiiala. lqarning the dress ma g a ut Revision -A. G. d others at i;artipg from ho; ed into the elevators at once, and c:ftusing a eral who Iliesires to gag Mr. Tarto or 1to to the as. Huntees ExenroLion-W. Somerville -6 ture� an ameiiidmen was mad tending the Collegiate Inititate.-Mr. Ed - T e Auction &ile-Thomas MoOaughey-2 railwa and elevator blockade, it c a peakin freely, ow any public ward Drager is prepar.ir g ro build a new 'Uarei, reed Sal, ­Stephen Hicks -5 BOB law'know, as the 11 scrap iron iftl-v enou-b of course - it's a peculiarity of money, VA 1 ket $I Your money goes sw Iriar red more gradually throughout the question. � He; has, ilea, a pe rn i)exb summer. JC seph Bell, of rfE at right,� if ent t Estmy Heiter-W. J., Heattle-15 arntment." Th4 object wa to give "Muskoka, is r. James but while it is going for shos 'Amo m Fjr sale-Thomar Ward -6 eat�e- season. In oppoaition t he so desi�es, t4 try to edilleat the:pubiic visiting his b at you can at least make sur' that it is a this eon- the ,her Wanted -Robert Rogg-6 to 'the'po wer, to assess a, natil e to the' north of ax behind TeaL n io municipalities; bringh by comin her i U, it is urged that this would nly be up �reet rail. Bell. Some of the ig its equ. valent in GOOD SHOE V.&LUR -e. We 0�re .0 to his' tandard of tariff refor' Bub he who is -said tri bo way L telephone and other such Plants at hbre say they saw a d e - )ne day recently, ready to serve you with the largest #nd best selected Fall stiick of Bo6ts, deferr old remem�ar that he in ing the difficulty, and that, 1111'Oreover, she re. than! a aiId now the * k a t x : make it appear their actual working value instead�of at the as a jo or Shoes and Rubbers we have ievet. s own. it is in the interests of the farmer tqt get, his mere public In n. e is a ro amber of I a - t1i at it 6 erse cal orFerhaps a two. y value of sorapJron, as has been th�' ease un- logged Hear which was e 3n. -Wh t *a th nowief what to buy and what not to biiy, has mad it possbl� f us o I l� A peculiar d it: a al d that ZD Is K or grain disposed of before the close of nav a- GovernmIa A, a ways s pose 19 der'the law an it f�rrnerly stood- Two years niatter'with the apple T;e winte'r place b6ford the. public ail assortment of footw-bar that for di' borop On I irability. nd tiori, as after 4 hat time there is a c6usider- !:the several me bers of a Gov I I - I i or ent'are, a appl a Fe plentiful an id quality in T -e rit w a passed for, ago an amendme a similar comfort. cannot be surpassed.. Nat only can we fit your feet—vr do A Y Bellieville K Ii bu SKAFORT-R, FRIDAY. Oct. 17th, 1902 able drop in pwrices, so that if the farkner �unit in thOir v ewa pon all blio ques- the E olth part of McK t th� buyers purpos( perifectly—but we can al That means we Wsw bar brAte 4 )lbut the Oburts declared it ineffgot� so 1t your pocketbook. stored his own rain, as is reoommea'ded, he Itions. A� a emb r of the oVernment e as learce as hen's tie �ickr o' a county court judge sell you shoes at almost an price you want' to pay, and gui, ive. Some time ag can y would not only lose the use of his Money in 'therefore, lie gaino a6 imports (e which ie __ner pressure bet M6 Beginrimg of the End. gave a, similaIr deoision in rdspeot to the you good value for your money. Cd e and see for yourself.i� In them: can timp,and ru-n the risks of :keeping 'woolld, not pass as asl a priva Usbo:m to m)mber or a last amendmert. 'TEis gave theQonserva7 UZ *nd zutwAtA� It would novir seem, as if the beginning of, To rNsmp MATTBIRMLS. n ithe I 'fit meet - his grain, but would have to.take smaller !an in4iviO aal a tiz6r�. Now, wh i -t Liberals tive papers , in ortuoity to abuse the may. I PF AiAAAAAAA� . fgbt -of the. end of the gceat; coal strike had been iiig of the Usborne cou ail -the -- see rities of. - - - - - - - Lprice for it than if he had marketedi it ear. �cotnplaila �4f, an .1 ivb�t they ha' Government, ind were not Blow t6 take y3 a right 0 reached.' The coal Barons have dismounted advantage of it. 'hey alleged: that the, f red by the collector v�ere apoept, d an sat. the tar a0uM -nal lier and avoided _411 the expense and, risks of loompl! of in, ;hat Mr. :While ocog- amendment, il f actory. After pass log am n lo the from their highetilft and have become hie. was prepared by the At - storage. There is much truth in thin eon- �pying! nt of $32 the cou cil a jourr ed until FAis V ILLIS SON'Seaforth tive posi�iou in the torney Gener w 'a made deTectiv6 purpose- SL '013 P. es drp:Am.. amenable to reason. The have submitted to Now labor 18t, at I o'cl ch. t th 3 close of iss Rase tention. The Manitoba farmer st�kes his iLiberll $6 ilience which that ly so as to favor t a corporations and fool Pfesidear, Roosevelt a proposition which p rty, uses the infl the people, a all upon his grain crop, 0 that )be Government were tie meeting the mem ers f the council 13. a V alk ad down to nape t the new cement 81 and it is Beareelly �positi ii gives him to work into the hand increased 8100 and thOt of Miss sc;ott revival meeting and the mother att di U1 farmer. iUy result in an amicable settlement of the playing into the hauds of the corporations in log was fair that, for the Want 6t cone sei on, about balf a of railway: accom- ;of the�political ppoqents of th by n for f unds 6on ributed by them to an- W-idge on the h $59.-W. A. Tripp, who h ;ere'd no 'o' difficulty. This proposition is pretty much f�re been teller in s0k friend, The fire was discoi aile north of Elimville. T is Iridge is boro-- Me., ThaN sa d a great de modation, be should be, required to au:Tar �promqlgatin rinelples whi4 have not sist in the eldction�' I more to n the Standard Bank here the past nine lat�e for any assistance to be r�udtred, along the same lines as that made by Prod- 9 unnecessary lo.Es and run risks ich the game built entirely of cemeq Nelit iroh frame. �beeiri bIl Governrne#t and wh! - The matter wp. howevbr, u aeq 16d which whi,bh go to i b, offalt. R' n posAion, and moriths, was r�moved to cah last week. Bides their bereavement Mr. and �rfi- dent Mitchell a few days ago, and -we Y-iss clievelan:� I me m'bT' referred to a boa� a] jLidges, add I this tri . rk to keep'the demont, i He made rnan� frieiids While in Brussels. Parkes have lost theii home with -all s\- , cut down his profits in addition to the direct re rbpugnaut to Phe of that 61 iron railings on each Bide of the briOge. This i ISTge I ithey so disdainfully rejectel. One of the hi bUllal has declared the scrap iron" Mr. Egglestoo,,of Parkdalo succeeds him.- c(,L tents. sus, n m r 8; ve, bridge of t ever, I :is requir- �i e gar4e loss. f, 'I, ednea- amendment of �ecti and all that Thomas Bone returned �last week from principal diff6rences between the two propo- 1party or, as lie * pdta it is the first� kind built in Thin is, however, no doubt one of:the di3- �ting p6blie opinion in direct position to ed to make th-, large corporations pay their tile t wriship. The co no.Ilor,s conoidered it his pleasant trip to the old courII priz!) Poll sitions is,that tha first came from the repre- Ory gatisfacitory and it In ex Dected to last Perth Notes4 ernment of proper proportion.of municipal taxation.The Onto, insljlEos prime Oaii the cost a apt v4'ry m I J Hl'.-ks, who has been h-erselfi it! sentative of the miners, &ad that the sa6 nd advantages. to wil'Ich he will be a6bjected 'the sv'bwe, E�ilncip]6 of the Gol, for all tim6 and uch Mrs. T. E. Maddock and! son, of Tor' Mr. I ar.ry earn tr- come, if not for aIl tir hst-�ver6 fo merly so lou are making a visit with rel�tives and friends for many v joarMilis t d in their �rican Constabulary., e, lellike is a memb r. This i m structure 4 me* from themselves-. President i4/! what Mx*- abuse of the- ore than for a wooden away in the South' A overnni.ent are now discreetly rind it 10 It is true the railway companies shou;ld f ur - �,Tarte.�Is doing. He �nay try an glass over silent, and ref" possible that this will be ;heibiid�e of the in town.-Charle',s Jackson, who- has been returned home on Tuesday of lapt week ;, -force -of men chelPs proposition also left Mr. Roosev 4Fe to make the amexids honor- 'aiting his parents here, lbf t this week for �on this i-glab Or one word of apiilogy -for M. MeRober ts, of the Mitchell nish the necessary accommodation, but the his cooduct as hie likes, but, th� results are able, or even f1tur his home ia Salti Lake C�ty, Utah. -Dan Mr. J. r free to select such arbibratora as he pleased the wrong the -have done and the false im. elected reblideu In order �he same Of (ourae, Mr. Tartd1has a right McDonald wife 'and children, of Wiarton, P of Th the propmition of the mine owners limits difficulty is to make them do so Model School, has been pression they ried to create in the country. Dubim A0ociation. w -o;1 opirl have been visitin� friends i in town during intreal. bave t to avoid the rqsh complained of, and carry �o bin 'a ions 'and i Vo him ia his selection to certain, classes, The he h �s-aa equal 'Twas ever thus. Bmrws.-Mias Downel of! Se8 forth -Harold Maxwell, a seten year --Did s 10 the past meek. pidtilreifor away the product promptly,as is de'ired,the 'ight.to ai� the n in the public 1�iew aq he t4.is week th go Stratford boy, was struck by. a train th proposition in effect is that the President of t e e iss W e Alone companiva would have to keq� an 4mmense is now� doi6g, bit be, should do i.'t as a pr�k Since 1897 i some four or- five horses, M�ast r John Web r, of,Se fo other day, and seriously but not fmally ila- the United States shall aelect'from these e rth, if a visitor Or6marii. �be beautiful, Am`il jured. bal deal of expensive rolling stock for this par- Vate merAer and no Clydbadales; ve cattle, S4ortheins, bI Dominiori.-�Mra. T. Downe 7 spent a gDecified classes an arbibration! board, to as a repre4entative 9f owebty toffoays of last week with M. -r. John SALE op TiroRoLtTwiBR6s -The auction --Mr.- R" JBabb� of Mitchelli felt -from: an ogered 41-th t pose, and which would not be employed a -member f Herefords an�ld Ayr3hirios ; one bond red d und Weel whom shall b.a submitted the differences be- party or of a Govel�nment, 010onnell, -Misis Maloney visited iiende in sale of Mr. Alex.� Campbell, near �this vil- apple tree 'the other day and was So j L ba#IY -&in -their prood after the grain rush was over, and ��auld be he desirIls to advocate a policy i opposition 6heel?, Shrop4bires I 4d Soublidowrio, and NJ om Tuead y was most successful. shaken up as to confine him toi bed t tween, the mine owners and their meni, and �itchell lastweek. George Simons, of lage, for a lew �OM8 Circle. best and A required, to remain idle until the ru�h came �o the po4y of his about one-half Cl into", spent Sunda in* he nd t e Govern- dozen pigs, Berkshirebi and There w4s a -good attendance and buying days, tural. paper Vrit that bcth parties, shall be bound by the I Mr. and Mrs. . Borman! vAit6d ftiends, in was quit4 brisk.' lThirbben head of thorough- -Mr. W. M. Leigh ham dip"Posed of Mis again the follo Tamwortbs, have:be sent to theWest Ia- -big dollar's wort] �wing year. This the: railway meat of whiih he i a member be should firkding of the: arbitrators for a period of five SEbringville on Saturday ast.-Mrs. Win. brede wOre sold, realiz;n� 81,0M The farm in Logan, for $7,300, to 11r. talfour years, and that the'. miners proce compAnies,,have fought against. moot strenu- ithdraw trom the overnment so he will dies by the N va Scotia Government. These G�ven spent Saturday lag� with Mitdhell following. geritlemen wer VoluLable tha& evi ed to work a the purchasers : of Mount Pleasant, and intends going put -We in Potario have bad tol'conterld at c:)mpt' wore, all pure re4 Stock, but a considerable friends.-Mim Ryan e guele of Miss John MrNevin,: Kippen, !cow and calf, West in the spring l043 soon. as the arbitrators. are appointed by ously. n omi-S, the . whom he', is supposed 3t y mount of ordinary stock has been' shipped. Woods.-Mis ew off, wlith the �Pre$ldent. Alao that each mi L us be with the same difficulty for thirt yeare, in to repree t, a d he should not' wait until a O'Rour:e lis it �n M ise $109 Andrew I Bau�er-ma�, cow, $100 -The other day a hawk For the first eleven nionths of 1901, accord- K�inkhammer.-Mrs. �g Mit- Frank Upshfl�il, L "W, Wm.. White, half a dozen decoy ducks that Mrij - Ea. fac�t, ever sincei the railways we' fi' ater� re est built, he is turne I on and then per, a as a mart r ing to the reports of the steamboa;t agen", ohell, spent Iasi ing.� that Unian and - �i t , calf, $33, also cow and cal�, $115 ; Silas Fraleigb. of St. Marys, had is� treated separately, and b week wit . � a at Lin the not much irapro�ement':yet, &I- tohis prijaciplei. A f there wen es, 30 cattle, 1,200 sheep, Mr.- L. Looby spent Sariid bull sun to allow the paint to dry. non -Union men in the reepective mines be a private member y 17�t atford.- Oolquhoun, cow, $99- ; Isa4c Moore, though,i Ia our wise, the difficulty is�: not in Parliament orb a a private a' 9 swine, and 125 400118 of - poulty:' shipped Mp. C. MoDaid ift r in th Classic calf $70 Thomas Mahaffy, cow � and calf, -Albert BLair, on Tueed all considered %like. The proposition aoE!ms itizen, he a n is Ay morning of 1yer buahto� from so aggravated a form, as we have a; 'Halifax �o tfie Wet Indies. Thery is cj�y.-Qnite a tumbeivr at end' �d t e Staffa $100 ; Campbell Dow, bulli two years old, 'last week, was sent per bVAINA: 0 much advocate anything he likes and no Vera a enced to months , in -to be reasonably fair and just. The w. eak I now fairly good tea mmodation faIr on Wednesday last $65 ; Silas Colqu oun, heife*,-$6,3, also two. the Central prison for stealing be" from a less stg to move than the people! at. the will have I %tive fining twice �a month ear -old heifer, 8 0; Wm. White, year-old G., T. R. car at Stretford. point in, it is! that. there is no represent, eaI to complain. But an frOM;Halifax boat ri5- y regularly, and, al hough th -West have. In discussing this rn�,Iter, the mei�iber of the wairking men provided for. Up to the of the � Govbrnment it' is quite Ia is trade is you I heifer, $41 Camp,�ell Dow,Iyear-old heifer, . -The Stratford Board of Trade 'Per iTerent rf atl y in its infan it to be cap- L ro. $14 a ton present wrlI.Ing the terms have not been ac- Deloraine Times has a very sensible' article. di 4. onl would seern ondps� $45 James Scot year-old heifer, $38, found that Welsh coal would cost i e [ 4 Accord ITEATS -The Methodist That -per Aft Mevv­ The dility of the tranap 2- " 8 abl considpra levelopmen church �-eld their laid down in Ftratfod. puts an -elad ortation comilanies is a Ru"'per 100 Z*- - cepted. by President Mitchell and his men, ing toifthe nev; )eri I, a f ast li net* of ateam- anniversary services IL on 'Sunday last. to0eproposed experiment o g a Slileep here very plainly and very correctly stated. E , I Territbriat Ram Sah)� f orderin ing, ntofi, pr ched in but the probabilities, are that -they will &a- :,nTn 6ra between Cgna( a and Jamaica �; is likely 0 'wool tor* oteE and Co ents. 136v. H. Mann sh' loadfrom Wales. Th-eMoose Jaw li"res says: TI:e flist, - iP es per btIsh -1 Bat the difficulty has always been a;nd still to be subsidizEd iii the near futur,,;e, whicli the morning, and Rev. I J. Kenne y, the �.Mr. J. 11. Stuart, who lids been man- qai sce.j end the strike. e f they do, this wilt auction sale of rains ever held in the Terri- 1#41) bi The God)ric Star says "!A resident would no doul t -g ea otor, at night. Oa T arsday In L18tow is,to make them do their duty. Tfie Times ly increase trade be- PI ight the ager of the Bank *of Hamilton 17: r v �o A47, so,ya tha . . '01, w3o tories, took placelat Medicine Hat under If theyr,efuse., theirrefusal will place them t t le pi esen'l is the only, season in tween the twop(ioliuids. laOica gave a tea, afte hich a'g od pro- for the past pine years, waB] tendered; a concludesits tirticle as follows the auspices of th6 Territoilial Sheep Breed - d will cause '30 years tb it hi3 I w kept perft etly green 09-1�. b, in an ua4uviable posiqon, aa- gr.06mme was rendered the Blyth choir, complimentary banquet the otber eveding, �Aipp The farmer is here to do business as we, dresses w ire era Artsociation, on October 2ad. Every �Jmover seed--,. t -the occatsion of his removal to Niagara, - said several ad deliv4 ted. A on 4. them th4 loss of much of the public sym- all are, that it'is the du' y of t6 trans- without v7a ring, and I e wonders 'Th P neial Protests., convenience was ic&red both buy-ers and Timothy go"od time was spent a pathy which they now have, and portation companies to make. themselves why, with inch exec lent The �;Iovc.lo a of Tuesday says y lli.-i L union adop�ed. Falls. Toront1 sellers under the rules of th Ball' �pork,.Per 100 Ak pasturp he should T 0 ex. they cafi hardly afford . to run that ready to do business with him, and to e to pay me e for his meat tb�w SOMblittle Confusim 3eems to have ariser in �anksgiving service A held i 1 Knox by the association. -Mr. and M rs. il Vacey, of St. malow,� per lb,,�- in an� I th, ire - m to meet 'the require bav the minds of ch rbh on Thursday af III einooA collec. On the whole.'the bale was a decid�d sue. Marys, celebrated their silve� wedding just themselve npente of risk. Btit even should the strike be ended of the past 30 y ears. It's goOd gover4 r4n, people as to the ex36et ti�n this year is to be Ovate to he Tor* cently, and among the preaentA received was their trade. The fact is that the farmin 'position of thq' v rious election petiti 0. ess, and it is sincerely to be now and operations in the niiaea be a merit, lily I oy. The 'Grits are in powe1r on�o Sick Children's i ospital.- Among hoped that the ailver tea s4 from friendp i6d a silver casee halve been definitely fixed' for enti-rprking promoters of this convenient am' industry has 04t3tripped the trans don't youI now, AIII a cousequprice ever�, those who v ited frien s et meaced,at once, it. will be some time before p9rLation triaelri South !Oxfordl, her's this week method of buyingIand selling that class 'of water set from the mill hands at Johnston x0her uctive:! u ch are not keeping pace with Octiber 15 - Elat companies, whi, person is prost) Ousdand the meat raise were Mr. -and Mrs. B len'! of itchell Campany's. p live stockwill feel encouraged to coutinpe Rqual to ther delix ta developm�nts, and ahesex, 0,, ober 15 ; North Perth, Qc- M.ss Kiz%�, of Clinton J. 0. Hay� of Listowbl, h 4 sold to the .70 tG thera cail'be a general distribution of coal i we quiesti'n very clocnes in fJ his' sharl with the obbers. Mid I Mis's e an in this country. Unibed States points most much if the new cars and new locomotive� tober'; 28 ; Xol�lt� N)rfolk, November 4; je3eio Coupland, An u'n Mrs Robert their efforts in this.direction in order that 75a er,bm I P Elias ktogers Coal Company, of Toronto' North Wentworth, November 4 ; Gleogarr the Territorial rain sale may become an es- 1600 convenie"It to the mines, will, natura Ily, be which we ae told are on the road this sei- ,nto Star boasts tha that cit1v Ts Haggitt, of Michigan.. ra. Allen,'who has tons of anthracite coil whic he be n 0a fuel e for any �ears, has re. March. The price was Sl� O'er ton on- 'Ifew Ot'le� 11. in two calg6es, On credit is -due Auctlionee r� PaiiIsley,of 'Lacombe, son, are more than enough to meet the new bau'reser ve a UPI lies f that Nove�iber 11, 'nd North Gr Y, I Xovem er been a resident here tablished event ofIannual occurrence.: Great last light the first to be supplied, so that it will be a2reage put under crop this year. We need intre Bruce eInd L Wyoming! h re le au Dal m ved to jghter made in the enjoy. It a good 'Vos 17 d sto r he always wield's -the hanimer for the Live Mo--%-TRF.AL, &I more railwayp, more cars, more locodiotives nox, motionsake pending to set 4' 1 - much co ide the iti( well on td the New Year before iL'f sin the Do'niniZ Isays' tha the cars at Listowel. Mr. H#i h e. as neighborhood of $4,000 on the � transaction. Brigham has returned 4h me., f ter visiting I ! - will be ol�tainable­ in Canada. But even more terminal e�evators, more grain 'e co a to! the worst, iihe street 3 motions will have to be e� market is qquie sselka if the worst petitions, and thes' I Stock Aseociation on such occasions for th A bad accident occurred J'o Wm,, Con - The farmer hae'shown hima�lf ther bent man; P diaposed of befbre i the dates for't�eir trial success. of the sal .. 11 . I � - �Ontarlo.. 3 that will riot be so bad. are dotted ith�' big, tat telephone and tel relatives in Brantford, 4rd P�ris,'Jbe P"b I ton' of Mitchell, early Fridayjrporning last, he hag bcea pr4gresive, and tak6u advant- can be fixOd. , 4 The biggest av rage at the sale was ob. ips, 11 to I month.�Tvlr. M. Brait r4ph poleis o ��waite 1a under the Whil6 unloading some heavy !baggage from The secret of this chango of heart on the age of all in'farming, m 9 f %olid cedar, while ia moe� There ara stndi g for trial, with dates tained for ires eon ri uted bj M e eheeble,- 110J- t aebin-� pre e weather at a int, lon� we lope we will theHicks House at the GraaA Trunk� Oft- much chap acry as fast as his means have enabled him other cities the 'vires are ran on or groun EtIll unfixed, Fronfenac, Sault Sto. Ma John A. Turner, f Calgary 0 37 part of the coal barons uray be judgei fr Eel soon see his f aro, ind , again. - tiou, he slipped and a large trunk fell across oor bi T Lilmiling a and now, when with the aid of improved �re stro g on nea - iron posts t woulo N orth Waterloo, North Ontario o bh at an averagd of $17.07. Twenty Oxford are, ffer-6d at -1�01 the follo*iag facts - Secretary Root, Presi- M so Allio Bell returned home: Monday his leg, breaking the two bones between the 3 Eame a townshiji, P.T-dai separatore, - large grain boxes and�- dump add materially !;a tire appearance at tho Yorklo Haliton,.Kir geton, and Easti elli 9- ev ming, fter s the past three Down rams by th ontributor aver- knee and ankle. - dent Roas3velVs right hand man, -paid a scales, be can run into arket t1wice as Queen city if t lose unEightly 'oles 'were ton. These proteE ts have not b6en a a pending ships, creametyl: I n 011- wo eks with friends : irl Detroit. --Miss- L. aged $16.65 each. D.; MoKerracher'o Ox- -Mrs. StrablIdee, -who lived -on lot 4"', �4:11311 quidt visj� to J. Pie pout Morgan, the great much Wheat in' aday as he did form . Orly, ir I I a averiged $16.75, 6 .1, - r m ved to the voad arde. ed, but in each'of ihelie case ford Down James Me 20 to re ! 1 0 3 lnveJtIg*t10ns W bi bley is home: on her hfid�ye, from cession 3, Downie, with her ado -in-law,, 31f. rl financial Imagriate, and after a long int is poor policy and poorer buFineas for the have been in progr Be in order to ascert in Caig, of Lethbridge, sold 21, Shrops lires at io Ic er- Lc ndon Business eZe.-4-issl Rachel James Peake -died on Mondi pf Ia9t.eek if the statement' iad 3 after the election, on an average of $12 86. The Cotal ay view with him, a conference of the Barons transportation companies and -their appolo- The Hon, Md Borden, leader f the Con yo ung road, I her olidAys, with nu ler of at about 82 years of age. Sbe i leaves f6ar ter, 151 -to 1-6'. I which -the sales was 108, wh: ch averaged $15.62, While Eggs-TiWe was held nd the proposition for settlement n'the Dominion parliame Whi lo E 311% :!Whitley 88. MiqL Alexaad:r-, gists to tell hirn'that be is getting iLp too d, �re ell s in fast a gait fcr them. What they ought to i, rare th re in 8 Z To3t of the ram i were bought to be de. sery 161 to are base fri has retu ativ party prblt children to moum her Ia le- or ment, and e, there is always a P 1 08- in:B1 th, the past week. I� S ift excl e- re -uwd hon ter vi of Downie,.MrB. Gourlay, of, Pebri e, at 11 addressi4l, raetings in I; founded, a It of election le Sunyday, siting friends wse lu, above m&ntioned was the result. do is to get a m9ve on themselves and keep nd, Of c ur livered between Medicine Hat 'arI4 w ri Mrs. Moses and Mrs. J. PeakN of D�wnjq. with the propession. West. The Mail 0ayi he has een righ sibility that t16-1awyers will And that Current; purckases were made to', be de- istriaight, r-ecei proposition watia conveyed to the President up nable chance of success, e .-�-A quiet but pretty w6ddirig took plal�aq royally:rec ived it everypoint a d is mak there is not a realio livered an far ri as Strathcona, 1W at as 14 to 14je in -ton by Morgan himself., It is thus evident that 0 mbia, and east far 'as on Wednesday evening, October Ist, at -the Trono-NTo. -Oct Morgan isr Two Dis�uibing Elementli. ing lots of � converts or the Cp servativ( nd that the cabe may not go to trial, owing Staffa. far as Bzitiih C I home of Mrs. John D. H' 4derson, St. Gainsbcrough in outh eastern As iniboia. ra more powerful and influential to the' enormous nee of t6it a keen deman Were it not for the speeches -of Hon. J. I lJarty. Atone oint where th� e was NEW FuRs ikT -TRE AS§GRTkENT� Marys, when her youngest daughter, Miss man than even the President of the The principal buyers were The 0 nadi a vound aed lar e ito ge �!coal miners' strike,'�people large ga I the,ing c f Fr nch people Mr. I Ilh� N( I Mae the Our dep0tmont sho,we Land & Ranch Co., J. Wilson. For es marri Mr. Luke United new. Ella B., was united in Tarte and the Bar ises thav lit,, �, been, set4own. lor aol�eufirely fro States, and that he has influence to accomp- ell lot jda reaay �o go, On . would have little to talk about*nd � ews- den surpris id his friends and de ighted hif disposal at Ogg:od, Hall,e that is to say in thbir errands of mercy. 'i ew Jacl J. McIntosh. W. B. Dixon, J. Kimb,r, L. J. Spearin. The ceremony was O�rformed by demand, Crebim lish whatthe Presid6ut and all the political n :eta. new Rev. W. J. Taylor, rector of! St. James' a�u-dieuoe b3 deliN Bring at' short I ut fluent' which no vid b submitted, are Ctii�pei lees, new Ruffe, ne Be Beattie, G. W. Qu'ick, all of Maple ICreek - a good imquiry fo paper men woulq have Icss to write about. Muffe, church, St. Marys, in the preseice of bn�y W I gnP nol stylef., -chang e adington,Ceritre� Eirricoe, Stormont, Soith rices -an aggregati n nd, C. M. Smith, of L combs. in the top grAde ii also shown that there is a "Or Saturda - �AuntletE, ne si Kincarith, Peter McLean, Nirr:I Bosses ulin, A d. n ed, but tile combine4 were unable to do. It a4d6es in I he Fronch language The Maill East and �WesoHcelmwil on, Manito W. Kerr, i lemeas t th t 0 the immediate relatives. power in the They are both disturbing e ye y Mr. R. Borden of ewr ess. We S. W.Taialey a 06 western i I - day morming,.24d, ates which overpowers the great Wentworth, S Ine- The lr�cord as prints, 191 td 2 Unfitel St present time and, both seem to be approach. and a large! party of Bastern at, oM Norfolk, South Bruce, F something about f rs -, !kno, so �1� of the day was that of the Early Thura inst.-, fire w broke out in the basement 61 � Aaderso�'s Conservative lealers m 0 about the tastes of the PI30PI ;-know I l� k th it ing the acute sta e. In an address rde8ntly ads a t( r of that Lincoln, Bout ran, West Huro h;;ng Championship Shropshire rain for $13 a American Vagle. However, with the coal 9 paru of the hardware store Atwood' but #,r fortunate- t# 19a earlier.. delivered in Ch�tham, before the B titu 3ney of OVEnchat Of the cases-. for; wh'dh dates have been our st oak will give , sat.i f ct�ioq anc please. John A. Turner, IA Calgary, and j. 4airy tubs arill strike o%rd of robgh, whiahcol art brn runs, ly noticed'befoe it had mad16 much bes�d- I 04, settled and the coal famine eaded, Car adian N fixed,four are against CGnservat` es and The E. McFaul Co., Se 8181 Peterson, Daputy Commissioner of Ag�i- -14c. cormui Traae there, Mr, Tar-te went a good deal I-V rth. I I way and -was prom tly! exti6ouished. At the peoplei of as far as Emers§t. 9 he teur W s in' the three against Li erals, Of the 17 culture. James Morran, of Walsh,! secur- p to .160 mealu this free and enlightened for which IIANKSGIVING R iith�ut fir� I pratectid,"u, era ni�ature Of orle Iob-g eve tion to i e leaders, dates, have n et been fixed ten fire th d four excellent Shrop8hires at ,, �,,riige ate*d� furth' nd spoi4e more,plainly on the cm.--�The harvest I Atwood in entirely w, Wsrket ifs trade e country can affGrd to look - on and allow nksgiving services, n question and hiq; own position� thail �'-e has a's i 6very-stali connec2n with the results would have been li�ore rserio�o 3n cr wde wore theriad tq agains on at�ivev and seven I of $25 a headl nd two sbeep of high meqt 4 for twilas in -1 their American cousin& to settle t, agaillst Grace church will be he d on San IT. At hadthefiregob any headway� before belog heve aud� ch or Mr. 'Borden an bin eel-,' Libera a t a 24 coses r Lord Aberdeen's ranch �t Inquiry for strit, that are 'a ock in the morn n Reiv. ere bought f yet done. He ed have �said- O'c th fii i� report to. rincipal -Vernoin, Britis Columbia. C. M. 1suli —,A pheasant flew t ugh -aI windo iab humiliating difficulties in which they are leagues still st di re against Contarvatives Waller, M. A., of the at noticed. ey axe They am getting myself into errill U verai I Inv and 10 aga orals. !obtained one of the be� olved in their own way.-. 8 a i6 A Lacombe, t ceiptearAo not �Iar but I'&m Lc on, will an n th the Baptiist church, Stratfordi the oth A!cou'tempo rks 'Q hn "g, at )xford Down rams iri the building, secon do Al much trouble by talking tariff, raI re�a day, putting a big round hole rill public man, and'have a iighb 7 ock. the pulpit W�I; a 000 pi by the to 8peak:freely and the sple T cbeil� Oould ma e some m ne Mter the i I nd d Manael ghropabir( ran�, -and ap'lits sell Ch selhurst. pa tar, Rev. W. J. Dphe ty, B A.; on one of the most important questions of These bird was found early the n�xit morning Not all Sunshine. Lipping the sea es fit 375 pounds, and r r 1 E CES. —The, 'annirer. having evidently in the, the day. If a minister is to be A ike i� over by going on a I�ot, r� ng tor. ANNIVERSA.111 sei vie Ds will be of partiqu ar in oreh t and as Mean'time madej a prevented I ently imported from gogland, Will heald It il be 1, 4 thorough exploration of I all I arts of 4�e Welesir arid read so much about the im ne tion with th Chise cethere sh' C �C. from endeavoring to eduaate public op� bon, on fret, John blitchel 8 6 rare ex- sary services in colil. -I- a (0118"quen rge. congre- inion, . i I the flock of 8. W. Paisley, Lacombe. A r p mens9, then I don't want I hurst'- Presbyte' rif lir ice. TonoxTo$ 0 at wbjeat, crops, of Manitoba and the to be a'Ministar 0 11 n hurch were held :)n gd-'� 011H at e velation to onl?okers was the keen ccmpetl- sacred edifice. In its journeys it -had ip- �67 't -o B&Jo ; -red, :muo 6eptionito his kin I if be is n t 9w maltin longer. I deny to any 01213 9 Sand!iy and Mduday, on(ett Jured itself, and the care ker, after a bV41c a, U e-breI4 Northwesit Territories., and the rapid wealth except t, th and were most suc- Noq!Es.­The ripiniateriall 0 held in tion and decided- pref erence for ho vats, 321 to 33 deal 6om money out of the str than he ce3aful. L I ellent 'sermons I more, and' afterivr#e Prime Minister, the right to L dictate to me in On 86 d Ly two exe �h! Mathodisb chbroh M.'anda veding was ;rams. J. A.'Turner's cont�iibution, -1 sist- chase, injured it some gathered iz by the farm were preached ni y era of these favored this matt6r. Ttie Prime Minister has never CriuI4. rr�eioke� on tie ledturing le tforol L or in the afternoon,by Rev. a deciled success.—There will inot b-3 any made a mealof ib. iming of seven. fine, upatandi g fellows ave distri,ats,"that we in the older sections of intimated tome 1 that I must refrain! from elsevOiore. Beeii on tNis, bf� Is a an of very E. A. Sawars, I rue -field, and one in t �e serivice in th-3 Sbafts, MethAist 6huifl h next Spite I —Mr. George Knder, of ratfo t e d h t o I agei above 6181 per head f he *on. Mulferea-4 Canada are sometimes apt to become onvi- this course, and If he does so I shall have to great impor ance, and Xe being cou t ted, and evening by RevI XL 0. McLennan, f Kip- Su da , owing to the harv68t h6me t ' with a painful accident on 8 't�­ af t, services act that eofne ere lambs, a class am" choose my courFte pen. There wa a lar a attendance r U6.50, ind brala. aus Now, I don't know,wht hob-nobbe with by tie biggest ngs of the at each in �ho English church. gr6at I number ot favorably tritertaineil by the eater noon, 4th inst.,. short before -Aix o�'Jc I a c of our�brethrcn in the West, and are in cars east or -1 AV vening 1 er, a my future is to �e. Some of my political andi uture aervic bheOp was a oi Our people attende He is emplood with as is ever now spoken of as a f 0. On M d t�f min'ste hl eon. ockmasters. ow large turnout tal it e supper, and ev4 almon, tempted to sell oat or give away our friends want to ; e me out. Well, governor of'one o: the States. If an i6de- r- cer�te at the differen churches d Inillfeed st"d� Be I have ny p t of 'he eir- tractor, at the round house in�thab city for bran, mwU i belongingsrhere and emigrate to the golden son did am was in the act of dumpin a a al'� bucket a - been out in the past, and I think I �could pbndeu� tri unal or th a isettleme it of tb e,3e ple j�st.ce to the feast which t. e cui ditring the past week and� al report .9 onto reights. land, wher live, and live happily, if I were out. � And disputeo we e eat ladies of the eongr gation ad —A very sad th occur in C-han(lor e we ara told wealth is gathered -blishad, it wou,d kill' the a- ha 'ing enjoyed the conceits very rhuch.— to a tender, hen one of h fingeris got a oca,ioi;i a bosses �� o ifully'pro idek rboro, !ast week. Vhreie y ly a u i for,and all wore Mr� A.-chie Miller and d caught between the the iron so quickly and so easily, what is more, if the forbid me to continue V, f the Mitchell nd be ut 4ghter, izzie, (J ownship, ne r Ne bucket;- z n There are, how- ahildren of r. slod Mrs. Joseph Piark es bail the bucket, an I � i�cut i to advocate what I balieve is in tho int' stamp'oln th one side, and muzzA the offen- a unit in oongratulating the ladiee on th r St tford, visited last wqek in the illage. which lifts atever, always two sides to a atory, and, as a terests of a atiocra y of imill �o culinary skit I ere burned to d6ath at their how ilve 4 e c nclAision of t _Bpi e white naire ul, th und necessary! �o our country, I amprepared '0 go poliste, at th he on Mr. and Mrs. Gill, of F I arton e finger off. It was f 19 per. A good e �steady and there:' le, we bear and read mostly of the golden Out." 6chias�Preiident Baei and'bili aulloagues, peogiamme of music and a day with Mr. �and Mrs. Hart! their parents weria abs, at, the father at amputate it higher upi y eo and -situation, price side of- farmin' he ther aide. Th�, " bosses Mr. Henry He er frieuds.—The f4in re That Mr. Tarte said a good deal more td th4 t and tile ed. It busy 9 in the Northwest 0 dresses wag- provid ers a Willibn6res would be the onI3 ton,.reeve of TuckOrsir. lowing quotation I I ! Pic d ve I man, and excell.9 it mai Farming same effect, but �he above will gi uffetera, ��apples, there is a6ther aidt, is too true, ith, acted as chai tak: ng up the roots an( ari idea Mauil4oba whiI4 the public an the wor pe Iple io was furnished y wh� ch are. very plentift 1. — Harry 0 b shpl to $6.: is not all sunshine by any of the real-jist of his remarks. It will be wpulo bp vastly berieffued. the choir of Ck,dn a lurch, Templema ridi 5 largely nExeter. T n�s sale on F q last wa a'ODS to pose an total proceeds ab idunt d to $101. atti lided, and cattle br6ug ht a g Dod mearia.. the farmers there have their trials noticed that Mr. Tarte is inclined DRESS' GO arn.15 $6 pri and tribu-1ations as well. aa we Th� ftept�bl -5 75 have here, martyr to his honest convictions. WO. do icaii lea. lerB of the The Independent Order of Fores ers bushel. S1.40 to 8�at 8 Eire de p water just w. Or, aad bury. a on ri. and we do not know but the trials and wo,r- not think there are any good'arounds pon hot I a big concert in th:e taffa b close brin -more, Un�ted to S day evening, October 17W—Mr. 'Rob rt ries are as in e railbb r, they are fic unde ring in th' mire of i Amountin to 25" uch greater �haa ours, as their which he can found such a claim or th�t h Heap comfe i -, in I. suit of our unde r. Webb s at very sick, 1 JVe soon 9 the' wear. Ve'aps of! Underwear in our stock. I crops exceed ours in profit. They are much will get any sympathy by playing the roll of ir iown c eatiol. Tiey have anddred hoo to hear of his speedy'[ recovery. Both fall and. vvir, 3r weights. Goo d more subject than we are to climatic martyr. There is tol an I rep ered t ie eel 61 barrens a d no person in the Liberal PPL rqualities, reasoriable TrIces. .Otherthin a OcLti Way moi0polists until row changes, 'and even when the dangers of party who these; ave'be, of comfort and clobvenience too—Blanketb I I I Brussel very light to-� defdren to see Mr. Tarte oab of, ood crop is Furs of all kindsi cloth jackets, Milliner, these are past and a g co�their MaSters. They know t1h t if the y 1TT E LOCLS.—A fairly urn-oub w onself and act gqd MMUS qnfiattty I It sue nd the stocks are justil -atepayers of Bru& a88e bled at ensu, -ed, the party, if he : ill behave bi soon!t e death and Dress Goods,la 0 -in O SS Goords h as this year, the worst- of their troub rationally. He is a gentleman of, good like i� not eettled very y ig Reduction and proud of their rich showing. - We ill lie -corned knell'of Rsp�bl the 1 to w1a ball, on Mondayl evening, to hear but heav les are no�, ended. Their seasons are short ; ability a I ican pait1y ban been sound. y U reisch the ad of vqry great energyand: his glad to do for a �, Mrs. Stranger, what m e whiit"%V�as to be said in reference there is �blin immense rush of work to ber defection would, ertainly, be a ver dl. & giving e strikers have offered sue reason- do for regular pua�torners—our -utmost �chickens iand dul co4,sid. le to Lockriq'ge Bran., of thia W bIlen mil I , a loan We have cl4aretl out some lines hil Dress 'Goods that are reallvi nder at got throq'gb with in a short time, a a erable loss to the 1 Liberal party. 4-ut his able terms for a settlem, nt that t 4931 cannot I please., The KiilcFa I Co,, Seaforth. 01 5,QOO for ten yef�rs thou IV Pmr, and it res . t ic price. Sc3rcity ol labor for the accomplishment of continua ask a � expect them to', dc any me e , They Reele o'es took the 'ohs i , an cilled on rdiekeno and nce in it Is 110b essential to its exist- haive permitted the coal Barons to jgE TE X THANNiv 1,�ARN .—Mr. and 3,50 yards of heavy frieze -and, ho all the leading sliadps, heav Vurkeya-ae in -1 this work,18'0' that thersis, of nieces n such Mrs. J. Mr. m. Lockri go a xp a pro- 4sity, im. ence. I Every Lib�ral in Canada would re- pavvers that they arep y inde- MeGavin celebra ed the tenth anniversary posE Ia, which he did ve.-y h to make up itho 0 j2 ,n w practi , 11 31e'rl ut 1* rth $1'.00 our cut price 61 9c a yard mense waE tb and loss of which we in the grab should M.r. Tarte find it nEce pendontf them, sad m, L their wedding )n Sa �.urday sct as ssary or I )ral 811asi has r no Of evening I . Lockri, ge proposes to p I' Chao it 'e rnill, 53 inches wide. E'ast have no Proper conception. Rub, after to hi m the Govern. irldue6dei with theni, whi ail, id umber of thei? � friends were invited to and fit'!it, up with $&,400 worph 4 new advanitags Is they r �fra A the grain ii�� harvested a' retire fro to jua6 itronger means to bring the 0 time. celebrate the opce �;t'�on, and a most enjoyable mao-iinery yvith his own oney, a asks Fifteen-piec�s Zibeline Clotlill, all ilie latest shade, to be -sold at.40c. a *ar-31 nd threshed, per. ment or sever his - y rinection with the party, InithO mean time tie Ile et. evening Black Venet1lan Cloth, �co tri a spent �by all. Before parting, for the loan for running ca i 1vortil ��1.56 for $1.10 a yard. TbRozTo, Oev r, � qui tal dnly.' After hapa the greatest trouble of all is to get it but the party we t1a . I �ld still live and re0ain I )y �watehlng t'he ga no at O.Vill the company ex1t inded congratuIat ions io a so� e hat lengthy disc a sion � a Seventy-six-yard.s Black Peafi-de-Soie Silk, warranted not to: ett, worth Was crowdeid.4'afril id enj )he fun. vote 6f 'terestedin the oi shipped awja�. At the preserit time the grain in power f�nd p Osper, even aboul-i it be What� the upshot n ay� be it is if icul� to Mr. and Al rs. (Gavins and expre6aed thp the �,neetirig was taken, w] ich- ei Ited in 1.25, while it labts 85c a ya r elevatora i4the Northwest are filled to over- deprived of Mr. Tarte's services mhgine. Were it [lot, lat the'gen ej al p" wish that they na- 'These ub- y be spared to �elebrato favoIr of giving the loau, pro: id pig the and influ.., liclar6 the rood suff 3re Fifty yards of wide, Black- Taketta 13ilk,. wo"All 75c, for 50,- a yard., eolu to gix- fgrr, Ihis u iseemly many more anniv rsarWs, even unto their alicuirity ig- satisfactory. com it �6e, eon. ear it, I he fitr�aggle, ordi�'nary we sisti�g of the Reeve. and Mees 9. 'Leckie, ya Tun ut.rs s mig� flowing, ca,6 can not be gob to relieve them, Once. And he is; deceiving' himself )n- ) 't diamond ' dding One hundred rd� of 56 inch bome8pun' worth 85c y And the farl Bay in d- Do ars, after gettng their grain, runs away with apl other notion. A great the of 4 Pro inq Stat Bman, lot U. I NGS.— iss Mamie McEwen ba6 Scott, Blair an Sinclair was; a kiointIad uy words lEl PEOMM' not miss tbi.;�' opp6,rtunity to 'b Dress Goods a nA Silks twelve threshed, "ve no place in which I politi al bosses and I I 'Th' to store political party is not depend he monopolls �* mil. gone to Toronto , a attend the college -of to Id k into the matter of iiec ey -were breJ. eat u -poq,the lo b rit es, ke., U. e8e iprices. f Alf6erent blel lionaires stew r I it. Millioia of bushels. are lying un.protect- fealty of -any one man any thl own juice. I music, and will p,, obably be away until F6b. report at a public meet�in be breeding while'l more than'the and 1 to -0 of I ruary. MamleiElla bright andelever girl held some evening nex� eek. 7 - ed at tihe present moment from this cause, and country is. His departure might occasion a project is afooi and a favorite wit� th( people here., panoptico e amment Prcher-on. A in Lend 0�ii, A nglald fi� A concert and the farmero arethreatened with heavy losses the town 1 Hi�hes't Priclm:s Paid far Prod.Uce. passing inconvenionce, but that will be very much r mis d would ia capitaii.zed, to the exten; of -t550J10D0, and sad daiing her ab- will )e bel in ail on onda;V roken; but qui. on thin account. all. TIlie defeoti* a of a eat pol tipal h even ing. —On Tuesday nex at- 1130 o clock, I bad J Me run a] 0 gr n, Bence. We ope he will have an enjo abi 4eade by the Earl of A:)erde4 Y. L rd Bal- -and It is the common practise of Manitoba leader like 8 l i jL t rivention a East n' will vVere almoll ir Wilfiid Laurier 'time in the Queen rCity. —Going to thresh wouid f6hr' ci,Burleighi and Sir Wm!, Pu Ahiowik in i allowed the and the Nokthwegb farmers to convey.th serious, I - die Tre. ings, picking appl-,s and lifting potiltoes'i be hold in the'town hall,3 russe I , eir althoughl, perhaps, not entirely loati, t6: impo'rb Can Ldi�n prod�ce on' a Ia I all the go.—Unless th3re is a prolon by a it * reported grain diree ly from the thr I r ' . I I rge ge( , nass meeting at nigh . —It I Ubroken "in eabing mil s to disastrous, but tb autumn, the farmers w1l be sadly � iieloini t�a.0 Pf the LEAR, YD & Co .i [,R. C. Struthers, has dispo d to be nwily - I � defection of a subor, It is u-ged that canadbil is ble-Ito t eva. I ing u 11 the. railway el tors,and hence few cf them dinate like Mr. Tarte, while it would ail with their plouihi"' this sessou�."Thi -Garfi'eld block to a gentle n in -pecii , pply- one-tbi rd, h i pla e of sev�en r cent.,, people are well on )plied with threshitig out, At the school board =e Ing ti. Frid apassing rip atedly, caute SEA His' have stora�e ruoms of their own. As, a daub, on ay CARDNO B360qKp Pie, w Ia not of Ore at Brita n's total f ash food i port�of fits in this'aeotion' A low years a'g!' alary of P F04T D m%. even ilog, the e j, Icip ofr $75 - amerou T 0 �k go t t ia . h 0 M, i�y