The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-17, Page 3.ININNINDNak A for us, to; our ,•i.t..te ries I wear - 1(1 Tor the 4303 Gronto .1a11-13 quantity ;tv' large a 1 itiOra gds are 'lie I the 1 eller. ite. self, Ise you. r.. tt clese Fall and -seed se - 1,55Z OCTOBER 17, 19M 111110N EXPOSITO , Hard on the Parson. Just after the battle of Perryville, In October, 1862, says a Georgia ex- change, Dr. Savage, a stroug Union man, was at one of his appointmente to baptize some children. There was -a large crowd, and a sturdy southern matron brought her four children to the altar. "Name this eland," said the Union preacher, laying his hand on the boy's head. "Simon Bolivar Buck- ner," was the reply, which, caused a smile to come over the congregation, but the brave preacher went on with his duty. "Name this child," taking the next lii order. "Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard." And the smile grew into s..nieker, while Dr. Savage became red in the face. He baptized the young namesake of the soldier and went on with the cercetnony. 'Name this one," he gasped, reaching for the third. "Albert Sidney Johnson," came the answer. ,iThe smile became audi- ble and the preacher apoplectic. Heav- ing a sigh of relief, he took the fourth child, a little girl, whose gender he fondly supposed would preclude a con- tinuation of heroic reproduction and said, "Name this child." "Mary, Stone- wall Jackson Lee," came the response that set the congregation in a roar, while the rnion parson thought he had held in his arms the whole Southern Confederacy. Herrmann and. Kellar. The late Professor Herrmann, the magician, was :possessed not only of great strength in his hands, but of such skill as would enable him to per- form apparent feats of strength which WOUld be impossible to a far stronger man. Ills greatest feat along this line was to place two packs of cards together and tear them across. A. friend of his, going into a cafe with Herrmann, met another friend who was accompanied by a quiet look- ing nun with a big mustache. The four sat down together, and Herrmann was at length induced to tear two packs of cards in halt "That." said his admiring friend, "is something no other man alive can do." The quiet man with the Mustache coolly picked up the torn packs and tore the halved sections into quarter sections._ Thou, as the rest glared amazedly at him, he remarked: . "I forgot to mention my name is Kellar." It was Herrmann's foremost rival in the sleight of hand business. In every town and vill*ge may be had, Both Come In Bottles. The father was testing his little boy's knowledge of the story of Noah, which he had carefully rehearsed. The boy had bk.seu thinking hard, and his an- - SWer to the first question showed that he had at least the virtue of original- ity. "Now," said papa, "can you tell me how Noah knew that the waters had gone down?" The boy hesitated a minute, as if seeking for proper words to express himself; then he said: -Noah knew the waters had. gone down because the dove came back bringing him a pickle." Olives and pickles were synonyr ous. terms in the small boy's mind, for things which come in bottles and which he did not like. Jackson's Self Control. On the morning of the first battle of Winchester Dr. Hunter McGuire, Stonewall Jackson's medical director, said to him: "General, I have sonde very fine brandy. Will you take a drink?" Jackson replied, "No; I thank you." McGuire answered, "Don't you like it?" "Yes," replied Jackson; "I like it too well. That is the reason I do net drink it." An impressive exhibition of his self control that was Puritan in. its self abnegation. Vaccinated Before Wedded. In Brazil parents and. guardians be- fore consenting to the marriage Of their charges require a medical cer- tifieate from the bride or bridegroom certifying that he or she has been. vac - In Norway and. Sweden before any couple can be legally married. certifi- cates must be produced showing that both bride and bridegroom have been duly vaccinated. Find Pro -lit In His Good Deed. Greene -After all, Slimset is good at heart. He prevailed upon the boys to give up smoking for a week and to giveehe money they would have spent for cigars and tobacco to old Derby to get him a suit of clothes. Gray - Yes; when Derby has any, clothes, he always buys them at Slim - set's store. Two of a. Kind. "Pra a plain, everyday business man," said Meritt -and I am nothing if not Practical. Miss Wisely, will you be my wife?" "I admire your frankness, Mr. lhter• !th" relied the fair object of his af- fections, "because I am inclined to be rather matter of fact myself. II° much are you worth?" On the Surface. It is true that a sneering face ofte hides a smiling heart, but it is equall true that a smiling face often cover a sneering heart. Which of these me Is the most fit to live, judged by th happiness he diffuses? It is the sur face of things with which we come i contact, after all. No Return.. "Yes," said the cynical codger, "it i ,mighty easy to trade your reputatio • ;for !honey, eut you're up against i , When you try to trade back."-Balti more Herald. -A very sad teieg occurred in Char.dc township, nee,. l'ett.thg,ro. last week. The children of Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Parke were burned Llea.th at their home whi Their parents ;tea c absent, the father at a revival meeting and the mother attending a sick friend. The fire was d,scovered LOD la.te for any ass:i-sa ue to be rendered. Be.. sides their br--.0,vernerit Mr. and Mrs. Parkes have lost their home with all its COD tents, An iOdd Nriggit of Gold. There have been many large oddly shaped gold the I_ tilted States a the o ides: of them covert(' al l the Midlu gullyj near Melbour 1887. The nugget we the exacticounterpar colossal linman han the e -ception, of the tinge and uggets founa_ In d elsewhere, but 11 was that disT s mine, on S lky e, rhustralia in, s fiat and al eost in contour if held open, ith thumb and ore - r in St ma v Made by Imperial on co. Grease that makes horses glad. your , I 1., For sale by M. Broderick, Seaforth.. IMPORTANT NOTIOElfi. NEW FEED STORE AT BLAKT.-We on hand a supply et F1013i teed. Flour exchanged for wheat. Give JOHN TT:31RM. ' : will Ireep and MP1 us a trial, 1786 tf of DOG LOST., -.Les, a sable Scotch el has a white rinsdround its heck an' ita breast. Answers to the name of Jac'. reward is offered ter informatien at T Office, or T. McMann, jr., Seaforth. ored collie, white down A liberal 13 FXPOSITSS 1817-3 TISTRAY HEWER -Strayed t;rom the Ilse the aid r-igned, Lot 22, Crincessi op. about September 1st, a white heifer up horns. Any information toadies,: to 1 will be rewarded. ROBERT SC.A.RLET . . . premises n 9. hicKil- with turned er recovery , Winthrop. 1816-3 0 A.TCHEL LOST -Lost either: in. Sea a-'•,, teen Seatorth and Beechwood, a satchel a ith a real chain attached to tained a lacly's gold pin and 501/16 rt The Ander will be liberally rewarded on same at Tun EXPOSITOR office, F.ea.forth. rrth or small hand it. It con- er aatieles. leaving 181()x3 be- the on Mr. 7, of Lot of the or on or the and by the re- Ad- of at MO RENT. -The honed in Seni,orth owhed 1 Robert Coleman, and now cieeupied Hass, containing ten rooms, besides closets, and all conveniences. al ,o stable. Wculd reasonable terms. App'y on the prennees T. E. HAYS, opposite. by Mrs. by Mr. John pantries be sold or to l 814stf 'LIAM TO RENT -To rent that villueble U oeing the north half of Lot 21,g: MeKillop. There are on the premfse barn and comfortable frame house a water There are 12 acres seeded to possession given on April 1st with privilege fall plowing and acdommodation for a Warn For further particulars aptly to ;JOHN 21, Cencession 8, McKillep. . : - - --t TN•THE qURROGATE COURT OF TUE 1 OF HURON. -In the estate of Anes late of ne village of Egniondyilla, in the -Huron, widow, deceased. .Nctize is eursuant to The Revised Statutes of Orltarie, ter 129 that all persons having any claire eetate of the said Agnes Cheeney, who about the 20th day of August 1902, gavel or before the 1st day of November, 112 deliver to the undersigned, sollditor for mell of the township of Tuckeremitis Adminietrator, full particulars ;of theij• the eezurity held by them, if any, dul affidavit. After the said-Pst day of November the Administrator will proceed toelistribiite estate amocg the parties entitled th reference onty to such claims as he slia ceived notice, and after euch distribution miuistrator will not be responsible for any which he shall not have rineived noti BEATTIE, Solicitor for Administrat Seaforth this 27th day c f September, 10p2 farm oncession 4 good bank id plenty crass. Full of doing of horses. 1LITTLE, 1816x4 COUNTY Chesney County hereby Riven • Chap- pgainet died en rcquired, to send John Gem- firmer elsims, ye sided 1,02. reko, having I have the claims e. HENRY "Dated -1816- l'OR SALE. TIMBER FOR SALE. -Having diepoeed ..1, mill machinery, we are now offerieg Wilber of sane. The building is 60706 aie 18 pieces 9x12 lichee, 36 feet 'Ong, of frame; would eel this separate if ly all timber is rails elm. GOVENLOCK Wiathrop. . of saw. for Bale the feet; there independent desired; near- BROS., 1782-tf DCLLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. -The 13 has for sale one theroughbred Durham months, roan; 1 eight months and one Mao a numbs ref heifers one year and a number cf thoroughbred Yorkehire pg littered in August. Sire and i dam b Forted stock, from Flatt's herd. For addr vas F. CUUMORE, Hurondale P. undersigned bull, 16 five reonths. under. Also and cows, th from in - particulars 0. 18I6-tf PRIV eTE SALE OF LIVESTOCK. Concession 16, Hay, consisting of oughbred and grade cattle and swipe. meress 7 3 ears oil, 3 draught fillies 3 years roadster mare 4 years old, '1 gelding thoroughbrFd cows, 2 therrughbred Veiters cid, 1 boll calf, 1 heifer calf. 6 young cows, 10 steers and heifers 1 too years sows with lit-er at foot, 8 young Sows 20 young pies all of York and Chester Apply to S. RANNIE, Zurich. . -On Lot 18, horses, thor- Two draught old, one 3 years old, 3 2: years grade, Leitch old, 4 brood months aid, White breeds. 1817-4 TEACHERS WANTED. MEACHER WANTED. -Wanted female teacher for 1., School Section No. 2, Turnberrja Must hold seocnd class certificate. Duties to conimence the 5th day ef January, 1903. Apply to the undereigned up to November 5, 1902, staking salary and giving testi- monials, JAMES F. HOOPER, Wm. eter. 1817x4 . . rT1EACHER WANTED. -Wanted for School Section ..ls No. 5, Morris, for the year 1003, school teach- er. Applicants should state standiiig and salary expected. Personal applications preferred, Ad- dress HENRY JOHNSON, Secretary, Beigraae P. 0. . ! 1815)14 MEACHER WANTED. -For :school; section: No. 4, 1, McKellop, a male teachet holding second or third clam certifioate. Applicetions, [ stating balary to be sent in before October 80th, 1902. Hurtles to commence January, 1903. 0BERT HASKIRK, Secretary, Sea'orth. - 1$16x4 , • Grand 'trains 'we ollows l 4111,90 WEST^ Rassengor Passenger.- Mixed Train efixed Train 'eons° &ter Passenger Passenger.. aIxed Trein.... Palmerston o9l50 Noun. Palmerston Ethel Bruesele.... Him vale Wingharri- GeSse SOUTH. Winghans.. Biuevale ...... Bresee:s. Ethel ealmeraton London, %NG NORTH- London, Centralia Exeter. Fleneall... Kippen Brucefiold Clinton., Londeeboro Blyth... Belgrave....... Witignam iOING SOUTH- VI/Ingham, Belgrave Blyth. Londesboro Clinton Brneefield Kippen_ Heneall- Exeter I, Centralia.. t London, TIME TABLE. stations at MINTON, 12.66 P. Is 10.27 P. M. 10.16 A. M. 7,06 P. III 7.88 2.55 P. 4,16 P. Mixed pm 8.46 a.ne 9.40 Id 00 10.20 10.30 PAM 3.06 p. n 11.13 3 25 3.35 4.20 Bruce. Passenger. A.m. 4.50 sad 6.66 , 6.07 6.18 6.25 . 6.33 : 6.55 ! 7.12 ' 7.20 7.88 : 7.66 PaSeenger. A.33. -8.10 a. 3 8.23 ' 3.85. 3.46 4,16 4.40 , 4.60 4.66 , 6.1 6.20 A. 11. see , . Trunk Railway. Seatorth and Clinton , , SIIAEORTIT. 12.40 P. M. .. ... 10.18 P. M. _ 9.20A. M. 646 P. M. - - .. .... 7.53 A. M. .. .. - 8.11 P. M. - .. 4.40 P. Id and Kincardine. Pass. Mixed. 7.30 p.m. 12.20 8.07 1.07 .. 8.17 1.10 F.27 1.30 .. .. 8.38 1.35 Pass. Mixed. .. 6 53 a.m : 9 a.m. .. 7.92 9.17 ... .... 7.18 10.09 7.28 10.15 8.20 11.30 Huron and depart.. - ...... : 8.15 . 9.18 -....... _ .. 9.80 ........... 0.44 9:10 .. 4 9.68 10.15 - - - - - : 10.30 _ - -.............. 10.38 ,... ....... 10.60 arrive....... . 4 • 11.00 depart.. - 4 6.50 7.01 . *1 7.14 ..... ...- -.: 7.22 ', 7.47 s 8.05 ........-.... .. 8.16 ... - ....... .._. 8.22 8.35 s . I. - .... - a. 8.46 (arrive) ---,a. 9.45 Robert r e • : , t . Devereu] Special Attention co Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. 121h which were elosed togeth ner So as to make it appear hat the t umb was holding the fing r in Voce Its greetest length was inche and its gr atest breadtt 8 ache It as a the very purest gold, ith ut little of forei n substance ad- hering, naostlY between the "fing rs," and weig ed 617 ounces. It was f und in t e rthwest •r4aln drive. of the gidh s mine, 120 t below the sur- face of the earth a d at a spot only fifty eet from wher the famous, ady Bras ey ingget wi4s discovered the year hef re. It eighed fi -one pOWkS a pure gold. 3'rell inary to the Baptism When Bishap oe if Melbourne was a cmjat, a. famoias jugiI1st in the par- ish, -ho'vent by' th name of Ji i the Slog er and who h d never darl ened a cht rc loor, called at the pars nage .aklijg hijn to baptilte the baby. Ac- corthingly the bishoilrepaired to ina's , ! hous , bu was seirp,ised on bein ad - mitt d to see Ji lbck the door and peck t tb key. "Be you the eh rson f eome to prinkle that kid?" he a ked. On the bishop a seHting he conti tied, "Y can't spri kle that kid til you 1 .,and ie has had fichit, parson." 1 ' Th uelfor un te parson protested, but finding rirot st seless "stoo up" to Jipi. The,batele ent for the bish- op, aind Jim, pull -In himself frois the floor, muttered, 1"11 's ithe parso for me." Te baptis was pro c seded with anc, as the st ry goes, Jim took to c urcij going trim that day. A egnate P ovOcation. An old Scotswoman bad imbib d so muci of ethe dotrlIne that mmec in chur h whs sinful tat when she came to this (lountry , sh refused to sule- scribe to the gener 1 sentiment n f Tor f chOir Singing, etc. She sc wl one ay in her own church whe t e cong ega ion took u an anthe thtit was sco ed rathei elaborately and corn lain d t her pew neighbor f the foot Old the devil isles getting e en in the erviee f Gad, says the Ph ladel- phia Tim6. 1 1 "B t," ro ested her neighbor, "that stnth m 's very old and. very s cred. :Wh , Da id sang it before Saul? , reel, w el," commented tli old WO an,i'I oo for the first ti e u.n- ders an' Why Saul brew a jay lin a' Dav d when the lad sang for hi e, Settied the Wing Questio4t. Two little Philade phia girls t e oth- er d y sill -eyed into the realms cf the- olog1 a d anthiroPology, thou h of eour e they didn't know it. y," aid the first, 'we's Do's 'it - tie angel*, isn't We?' "Ieth," lisped the second, "b t we has 't dot ally feathers on. uth, li -e the 'ittl4 angels, my ma-nama show d me In a pictUre 'book." : 'Well, we had one, don't oo now," retuned the first, "hut Dodpull d 'em all cut before him sent us down ere." That for did hire do that?" i o that we couldn't fly up in the wIten our 'mammas want us to in end, be washed!" BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE MAKERYrtveel Goderloh street, • it • - • Sesiorth LI tree COM The Calnnibal. «411d a ked the c nnibal chl ftain in his ki dest tones H"what wa yo` r husines before yo were cap ure by my men?" "I was a iae-wspaper man," an the eaptive: - '4n editor?" o; i4erely a su editor.' heerj up, young man! Shor ly aft - y cihet. has finished his perusal of cookbook you will be editor in 4I1 41 er the can wered ENTRAL Hardware Store. Complete Stook of Builders' Hardware. Roller Bearing Barn Door Hinges, Tee and Strap Hinges, and Latehea at bottom prices. A 2,000 lbs. Standard Steel Beating Plat- form cales for $28. Call and examine them; fully guaranteed. Eavetroughing and 'tirnace Work a specialty. r ugh ng heartily- at his,bonenot, the ibali chief 'wanted. to 'know if the cap ive isad a funny bone. SHIS &. Murdie HARDWINRE, S.A.PPCD1R,T1-1 ADITIONEERS. THOMAS BROWN, Lleensl Auctioneer for the Coupties of Huron and P rth. Orders left at A. M. Campbe 's implement w rerooms, Seaforth, or Tna Exeost `ii. Office, will revive prompt attention. Satiefaction aranteed or no charge. ' 1708-tf 1 TAMES G. MeMICHAEL, licensed a:lotions or for t.) the minty of Huron. Sales attended to in any longs of the county at moderate rate?, and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at thSeaforth past *Moe or at Lot 2. !Conciession 2, ullett, will receive proulptattentilm. 1814x13 IA,IICTIONEERING.-B. S Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the goo [Wee of Huron and Perth. Being; a practical fa mer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stock and imple- ments, placesline in a better position to realize good prices. char es moderate. S tisfaetion guaranteed or no pay. A 1 orders left at 1Iensall post office or at Lot '1?3, Gioncession 2, II y, will be promptly ttended to. 170941 oAeon an4 His Mother. SOon after Napol on's assumption of the Imp del purple he chanced to meet otl erin the gardens of St. Cloud. was stirrounded by courtiersand playtelly beltout his bend for to eisS. "No so, my sop," She rely replied, at the same tine re - ng er hand in return; "itis your to -ids the hand of her who gave ife. his ' He hal her gra sen dut you Opirtio s of Leading Ph sicians. 1 I I have used Strong% Pilekone in internal and ex- ternal piles, 4nd find th g m more setisfacto.y than any other su pueitory on themarket. G. II. WI], SON, M. D., iondon. - I . 1 , Price 1.00 For sale by druggists; or by mail, on rcceipt of:pri . I W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario. 1 1796-52 r - SIGN . - , CIRCULAR 1 , . J OF THE . *'''' " SAW' The ries. "I su pose you lave thoroughly in- ves gat d.the conditions of which you are treating in yotir book," remarked the frie "No," t replied the literary woman wit had. undertaken a great work. "Y�u see, I'm afraid an Investigation might interfere with some of the beau- tiful theories I have evolved." • ' What Mol tky- Can Do. Sltruckoyle (staiWileg his art collec- t° ) - Ain't that bullfight picture a be ut? I paid an artist $2,000 -Le paint th t for me to ord .r. utting-Well, -ell! It's surprising wl4at some men wi1l do for money, 1st it?1 0 co o Cons derate. Sandy-Yer say at lady was consid- eri.te dat threw de boilin' water on ye? inders-Cert! In dese days of germs anI microbes she was considerate to bo 1 it before she threw it. he first fount' a shaved their alt best re a heart, but it a n Roman emperors .ces clean. There- is renting Nero with not believed to be RRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THIE ILIRON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SIOAFORTIfl, ONTARIO. Na WITNq8E8 REQUIRED, 'rise J1t1anat A prominen said to be C questions as go. This co rate of -8.00 kept up year by countless "I never I question," sa body in the find that the I years, yet if and ash hot their watche say they ha ee o ind .of the- Alcateli. tch manufaCturer ually de.lueelel with vbere all the watches t y makes them at the 1day, and thie rate is uid year out, added to pertatiOns. si able to ansiver the t e manufacturer.' "No- t a eeer tries to. We eaif a Iteatch is but five on will stop fifty men lone they have carried 1e fo ey-ntee of them will ly had one watch in their entire I eh!, "We corm eplaini the 'disappear- ance of watls. They do not go into the ash bin. Oreinember when the New Jersey I vE4ch factories closed that in ten yehrs wec uld not find one of their watches inywhere. They had disappeared off tie fiace of the earth, yet millions had peen imade. Look at the key watc es. I ito some twenty years ago w made hthing else. In that twenty ears these millions and millions of krwinding watches have disappeared, ndi the! question asked unremittingly, 'What become$ Of the watches?' rein un nswered to this day." Fine lour arid Teeth. Why do colored people as a rule have such splendidl teeth? Mostly because coarse foo1, which the teeth. People not want t(1) do any emand meat which tt will melt in al as IITOOK FOR SER.ICE. they have lived o made demondIs di .v as a rule nov4 chewing. Thy . Is so tender t* the mouth, etc. 'I Nature, prodi she is, never bes owh anything it is not used, aahd it e result i 1 the civilized I rases i re losing their teeth., If the 'sty e continues Ito forbid ; our teeth to db ally ; inding, out. proge• eny of, say, 2904 A. D. will be born toothless or !wit o ly rudimentary! teethe' As 1n -vi uals we cannot grow r , heads by eating good teeth i coarse food. INV are beginning to get bad teeth byl h edity. But there is II) almost no tocithl r le ne forming ma- terial in fine Whi'te flo r, and he avoid- ance of coarse f ods ndoubt ly has- tens the decayiI; of our te th. Per- haps the 'millersand the dentists are in a Secret 1 gue te Work for mutual interests. W io nowS? Balsam mild Ii14ck Co ee. Balzac was addicted to t e use of strong black ioffee 4nd depe ded upon It as a nervus stimulant d ring the . hours which! hef devoted to composi- tion. Its effect he has himself de• scribed in th4se words: i . "The coffee fa Is into your shomach. Immediately ve. ything starts into ac- tion. Your ide2s begin to move like Grand Army I battalioes on the battle- field, and the battle opens. Memories arrive at a rimestandards flying; the light covair olr cerriparisons breaks into a magn1ceit gallep; the artillery of logic da he up and Unlimbers; thoughts co4e ushing, up as sharp- shooters; ch ra terseapring up en all sides; the paexj becoMes covered with ink, for the' st uggle has begun and ends in torrente of hie& water like the battle in I blaIck. powder." 1 1 That Number 13. So prevalert $ the Drejudice against the number 1.3 'pat car companies in many cities have been obliged to omit lt, as the car blearing it did not "earn 4s living." pi (St Joseph, Mo., No. 13 happened to i be the car oftenest run over a certafl line in a locality chiefly inhabited Of DJ Trees. It was discov- ered after 4 time that these would walk blocks oiit of their way to take the cars of r eal line, but as soon as No. 14 wee se4t down in their district the company's receipts resumed their previous gni. Thirteen as a house number ale° 14 looked upon with sus- picion, and hth i expedient of 11, 11ee and then 15' i ;often employed. here that At--44010°11ft--'' The S aforth Tea Store 110 PIG 13ItEEDER5.-The undersigned will keep .1, on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S. Tuckersailth, e thoroughbred TAxwocrn also, a thorough- bred Yoastimus PIG. A limited number at sows will be admitted to each. Terms, 81, payable at the time a soil/ice, or $1.50 if oharged. JAMES G MMILL. 1608-62 1 , 10 FOR SERVICE. -The Undersigned vil1 keep on Lcit 29, Concession 11, Hibbert, a hor ugh - bred Yor shire boar to which he will ad 't a limiteti nu4mber of sows. Terms. -41 at the ti eat scrvicn. JOHN ELGIE, Chieelhuret, Out. 17 1-tf DIG FOR SERVICE. -The undereignect h I4ot 23, Concession 11, McKillop, a hor bred Yorkshire Boar, to which he will admit a ed number of Bowe. Terme-75c, payable time of seraice. with the privilege of return necessary. HUGH T. GRIEVE. 17 s on ugh- 'mit - t the ng if 2.M Have your RENEWED. I You can get a1l. sizes of fruit gems at just a shade oser cost. Call and get my prices before you buy. AlSo all kinds of sugar from the darkest right up to Bee path's best granulated; syrups and baking molasses, also all kinds of vin- egar, white wine eider and malt vinegars for pickling ; pickling spices and flavor- ings ;i pork, bong clear smoked hams, shoulders and rolls;: best lard, fresh butter and eggs, all kinds of canned goods, salt bY the barrel, herrings in , boxes, flour, pornmeal, all kinds of oat - meals, graham flour, rolled wheat, cream of wheat,an all the different kinds of breakfast fo ds ; flour, rice and rice flour, eookin figs 8 lbs. for25o, 4 lbs. best raisins fur 25e, boneleis fish 5 lbs. for 256 ; green Rio coffee 10a a lb„ or 11 lbs. for $11; all kinds of china and c crockery an glassware very cheap. I have a lot 4 f good soaps, which I will sell 12 bars for 25c. A cordial invita- tion to all toicall and get some of the cheap goods.Wanted, good fresh but- ter and eggs, for Which the highest market price will be paid, either in cash or trade. I also keep a first-class article of coal oil. A. G. AULT SEAFORTa No necessity of getting new Spring clothes if you will send your last year's suit to the clEAFORTH DYE VIID Old elates made to look like new. DYein cleaning o ladies' and 'gentlemen's clothes s B.: and satisfaction guaranteed. All wool goods anteed to iriTC good satisfaction on short4st Shawls, curtains, etc., at moderate prices. do not fail, to give me a call. Butter and egg In exchange for work. HENRY NICHOL, 1792 Oppoeite th Lauodry, North Mai Street. KS and alty. goer- otice. ee en t_ Mc op Directory for 1902. MICHEA MI7RDIE, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. JOHNS. :ROWS, Councillor, Seaferth P. O. CHA.RL LITTLE, Couocillor, Winthrop P. 0. JAMES e'LOUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P.O AftCHIBe LD MoGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.O JOHN C;MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P.O. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P.O. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, J. P.,I8anitary Inspeelinr, Wit:Oro') P. 0. One of the Crient Dinners of Venice. Perhaps the Most rxpensive banquet ever given'il Venice was tinit to Henry Ill. of France. Ile 'was feasted in the great hall f the 4oges' palace, and there werej 4ilver plates fer 3,000 guests. At rnothdr time the same nionnrch w'lis entertained- at a sugar banquete-th Inapkias, plates, knives, forks anda the} bread (so called) were all o qr. l'he Venetians were mightily pl napkiu, in prise fouu At this fe were serve were distil. Cultured ter Clara is Is an amate an amateur amateur at seem to be a Pretty D I am an a first engag. 'VP as iis that it broke t pieces. st 1,260 different dishes I, ' end 300 sugar effigies uted among the ladies. ed when Henry hands -and to took his his sur - Augustus Well, there' forty a maIJ sician. Angellna ( -And are y Augustus 1 Amateurs. ther-t-My dear sis- ta amateur pianist, Dora r photoerapheriEdna Is aintee. and Elv ra is an •onomer, ' but y u don't ything. ghtert0h, yes, mamma, teur fiancee. ere's my eet ring,„ His Class. (ne longer the young)- ope can:deft-they say at IS either a fool or a phy- I early sWallowing a yawn) u 4 physician, then? N. Angelina Ohl at Jar Mother soothing mind what he:says cooking, tn. dear. Married Iaughter mamma; it s the th my cookin thet an FOR DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOMACH, AND ALL SUMMER COMPIAINTS. ITS EFFECTS ARE OA IT ACTS LIKE A G ICELIEF ALMOST INSTA ed Her. y) -- You mustn't bout his mother's 1.1 men do that (warmly) -I don't, ngs he says about oy me. Some me cause they their frien In some are more never acquire enemies 1e - hare no money o lend to s. VELLOUS. ARM. TAREOUIL Plcaliant, Rapid, RoliAble Effoctual. New .,Zealand to ns than omen voters than men. • Good Health for Capital. Maintaining ood health i to the majority of peo- ple the most jital question in the world, and nature affords no moe efficient s+ rzngtnener or the system and restbrativ for the ne-ves that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. aturelly, gtadually and certainly It forma new red corpuscles in the blood, creates new, healthy nerve cells:snd puts into the system the snap, energy iind vitality that defies disealle. EVERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE IT. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR /T. TAkE NO OT14611.. PRICE, - 30o. The Mural's Otuer notion. The earth. In addlition to its diurnal and aiiii11:11 1*(Al 0:11tions. has a slow; mi:)1:Iiigg of its ax;;;, inOli013 seldom it)1.1t,t1 g.Vvil in the textbooks a 1- .1.,,norny .rdis euri,,Lis motion. may he properly 1,..) Ill:at imparted to st top by a touch of thu . finger on its when it is in rapid movement, the touch causing the upper end of the toles stem to describe a small circle. So, too, the mighty Sun lays held of the rim of the great terrestrial top, and it begins to oscillate in the long period of 21,000 years -that le to say, on Dec. 21, 1248, the earth made its nearest approach to the sun, and it will approach equally' near in 10,500 years from that tittle, or on the 21st day of June In the year 11,748. This has all to do with cliinate both north and south of the equatorial lino. In the period cOmprising the first our northern winters are avert and mild and our sump:kers are long and sunny. But during the period of which the year 11,148 will be the mid- - die our winters will be awful in their severity and our summers short and cooL Even now the northern hen -1r sphere is slowly but surely losing its long, sunny summers, and if you should live 'anti the winter of the year 11,748- 49 you could toil a story of colt and snows that would pale to inalgatificance the stories of the cold winter of 1833- 34, for the whole northern hemisphere will then be in the midst et Its great and terrible winter. Engines for Sale. One Sawyer -Massey compound traction, 17 horse power, only used about! 100 days. One Sawyer -Massey 16 horse power port- able, used two seasons. One Sawyer -Massey 13 horse power port- adle in good order. One John Abell 14 horse power portable, rbrebuilt,eailt. One Waterous 12 horse power portable, One White 14 horse power portable, in fair order. - One Leonard 14 horse power portable, re- buThese will be Bold cheap as they have been replaced by our own make of engines. For full particulars apply. to ROBT. Seaforth Engine Wo 18r17k.us • HAVE you been smok- inie a good deal laiely and feel an occasional twinge of pain round your heart? Are you short of breath, nerves unhinged, sensa- tion of pins and needles going through I your arms a.nd fingers? Better take a box or two of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and get cured before things become too serious. Asa specific for all The Kingfisher. Koskomettos, the kingfieher, still bur- rows in the earth like his reptile an- cestors. Therefore the other birds call him outcast and have nothing to do with him. But he cares !little for that, being a clattering, rattle headed, self satisfied felloye, who seems to do nothing all day long but fish and eat As you follow Lir% however, you note with amazement that he does some things marvelously well -better, in- deed, than any other of the wood folk. To locate a fish accurately in still wa- ter is difficult enough when one thinke of light refraction, but when the fish is moving and the sun glares down into the pool and the wiud wrinkles its face into a thousand flashing, ehangiug, fur- rows and ridges, then the bird that eau point a bill straight to his fish and hit him fair just behind the gills must have more in his head than the usual chattering gossip that one hears from him on the trout otreams. heart and 'nerve troubles they can- not be excelled. A true heart tonic, blood enricher and nerve re- Two queer Diseases. Astesia is a nervous affection the peculiar feature of which is the fact that a person suffering from it cannot' stand upright. If 'be tries, he will be obliged to hop and jump whenever his feet touch the groUnd. in a word, bis actions are precisely those of a person who might be required to stand up- right on a floor eumposed ,of redhot coals. Fortunatelet there are not many eases of this malady on record. Aka- thisia is the exach opposite of asta.sla, since a person suffering, from it cannot remain seated. The moment he seats himself in a chair he Is obliged to start up again. A. person afflicted with akathisia can -walk easily, but cannot sit, whereas a persoa suffering from astasia canna stand upright mad cannot walk in the ordinary manner owing to the contraction of his lower limbs. newer, they cure nervousness, sleepless- ness, nervous prostration, smoker's heart, Pricepe, etc.5oc. per lpitation of the heart, after effects of la v box or 3 boxes for $1.25 a all druggists i or will be sent on receipt o PriCebhe TT. Nahum Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. Had Seen One. Dan Leno, the English comedian, told of appearing before a swell Lon- don audience at the house of a lord. The languor of hit listetwrs made him feel not too happy, and- he was glad to retire to the dressing room allotted him. While he was removing the grease paint a vee7 young peer, W110, had strolled after him, stood watching the process. He told Leno In the most approved drawl that -sortie of his say- ings had really been rather funny, -"es- pecially that one, you keow, where your wife made pancake on a grid- iron and the pm:101;e slipped through and put the fire Ott That made me laugh awfully, because I know what a gridiron is. I have seen one." A new issue of the subscribers' directory, for the district of Western:Ontario, includ- ing Seaforth Exchange, wil1 be issued early in September. Orders for new connections, changes of address, changes of narnet, dupli- cate entry of names. &c., should be placed at Once to ensure their appearance. I. V. FEAR, tocal Manager. NOTICE. All parties Indebted to Dr. Bethune, are requested to pay their emanates to Dr. H. H. ROM of Seaforth, who is authorized to give receipts for the same. All accounts must be Settled before the let cf November. 1817x2 ALEX. BETHUNE, M. D. Beliefs Abont the searth. Newton, the grea surmised., although be coulp !give no reason -ter the conclusions be had rile -shed, that in the course of time tin- earth would become perfectly {heel's, mostly De Verne, Profeesor A le. Hamilton and the younger r. all believed that eventually the ver.li would be- come as .dry as tbe pi.. erblai chip. Even in this day nod a's the theory has many adherents. Sweet izrxrue.e t';e„ never saw ail!. .'eg like this tide. Here I've been , i1Ing steadily for ten minutes, and xi eni't seem to have moved a fole.. She (after a pause-!- -Oe Mr. Stroke'', I've lust thou-ght :thingl The anchor fell overlheed "ort time ago„ and I forgot to t:en yf,- Jo you supe pose it could nu\ e t on some- thing? Then She S - He -You always m.; -e me of some- thing very disagree; -"e She -Sir! I -el 1 He -Yes, you re tape meof the time I hate to -spend ere 3. can't see you. And the eloudse Precocious Chhe Is humbug? Parent (with a ie Is, my dear, woe. inaniena pre- tends to be very tete. e we and putS no buttons on me side; •., •••••••• cell me what A itif • "I am told tire leech. Is that tfrth• •' "No, woniel tomb, you knoW ethreselfetheiew s. Inmseemeemoess . is a regglar say that Lt ,e,ts sihelt ott _ PO nrill EVIL* irg' N. Fleming's Fis:t! stulaeaa a 'ere Cured is a new, scientic iy. NO COST 3 3. In 15 to -51 30 Days Write today for FLEKING RR": 36 Front St., V,: '