HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-10-10, Page 66 � — , � I — MUIREDGE ROUP. ! . , �­ - I ! . .,." , I . . vff�`E A SCOTCH STOY. � ___==___t_Z __. ABbjm'�'D'LUT - . � . - i 1J1_ ("t, - ,%,,-0I. : - 1%) _ ' _ I . I BY MAGGIR SWA*.,',. ( . . _ , I &%N MRIGME - � . The ' N M I , . crowtiin I I " Confound it all, Landeear, does it not . 9 I - joy ot SEU I T1 look as it Providence bad an. J11 will at us, . woman- MENEINNINGAM , treitting us to such mitemblo weather, just . hoo(I is at the very time we are most- anxious for mot4er- � Cenuine the sun to shine? You will be thinking , I hood and Soa made a big mistake to quit the gaties 11 I ". . - . 1% the I of Aldeishot for such a dreary hule as 9 "I crowning, , _�. I thir.", I I joy 0 1 f Carter s -Don't excite youreelf,.my boy. X was . mother - fully prepared for thiq wretched Scot- � I ..." I - tish ofimata of yours. I ktiow from ex- - i � , bood is 0 . periencethat the sun can't, even VhiAe in i I to have -� I V go," I midsummer, and, such being, the ca0e. what i healthy � Little L. V Ur PMs. game man would evee look for it in Novem- childrep. �ut tlict'e can be no joy in . motherhood: without health, and without I ber? This steady rain is just what migbt health I for'�lie * mother there can be no Must Bear SlIgnature of be expected at the aeatien, aud a's I told you I i health ."or tl child, -,, _* . be!ore, I came prepared for' it ; but , you It is c)f *,at importance for women to 1,��illilll,11"11,����1,1;7 . I don't catch on." know that tl�e health of mother and cliild t0iiiiiiii 1001 11 . I .1 Tk�e r4*ponee was Geoffrey Landseer's, is in -eiierd,l entireYv within wonian's V1,11 I Wee couTanion of the young'lair of Keanat, � &��_�w.9_0�i ; IL The thou$ ids of women -who � who� b" just addreveed him.. as, they §tood coniro ICU' $to par,simne WraMr Ddew. together In the m_%gnificent billiard room of have .used i'Dr. Pit�rce's Favorite Pre- ' - . . - . - - Kennet Hones, looking out on the fast scripti n when' t'X lecting motherhood, F�- . - . I,"' szamti aud as 8"r � � poiaring rain. have testifie4 that I't made thers healthy and liab ti t, e . ya 0 waiting, made I 00 taka as sag=. Three days before the young laird bad I py � , ." brought his friend home %ith him from the ba:)y's 'advent practically painless, � I I I and ga -e them heal h to give their chil- 1 9) FOR KFIGACHL Alder3hot to take p*t in the great gaieties ; � 2 -a& dren. � C a Kfff(S FOR DIZZINESS. shortly to be held at Kennet; Housi3 in A MR SWOUSNE06 celebt at ion of hie co kng oU age, and 'from Mri,. NA". J. Xidder, o I Hill Dale Farm (1�noa- in I I 1A ITTLE . the hour of their arrival the rain had never btirgden ter), 1�.'nosbitrg�l N't., writts, "Ditringthe "' 11k I � r I Past Ye r I fowiq inys.11' expectin maternity, ; FOR TORPM LIVI*- ceased. . , ! I audinripidIvIailing ealt.h. ISI.Wereddread. IVEf ' flIlly, . . . , -FOR CONSTIPATIOIL "Well, what do you propi: s9 we should fully, fr'ni. bf6ating and urinary difficulty. I , . i PILL * * g Perceptilily weaker each dayand __M 4 FOR nuaw SKIN. do ?" asked the young laird, still keeping � ,wRi"ff'er'�er('I'I,N�i�,'k',cli slinrp pain at times. I felt that L 110*1 his blue eyes fixed dolef ally on the. prospecc "n"th, �_ nitist be (lone. I sotight your advice I . "'d r, TooL � FOR THE COMPUMON , �", . I . tt� . � V%W,"AVt WAC. without. He was a splendia young fellow d !a prompt reply. - twelve , " a� trAffil 033J�� 4A _WKA to ook at, strong and powerful of pby0que, bottles, (f Dodtor Pierce's Favorite P.re6cription,'I " a 4� 1 Iss C*Vb1ri=WVe9etAWe. = � I and alS fb116%ved voiir instructions. I began ;11�=_ L�.—i fairandruddyof countenanoe,a,nd v�j6n a we hiknic( i �-� - I to hupr fiat4ly, my health became .. certain high bred air about him whioh�' un- excelten �, and I could do all iny own work (we � '_ CURE SiCK HEADACHZ. live on a good tsized farm). I walked and rode I der any ciretimstances. would have *marked all i coti� (1, an4l ciflovect it. I had a short, easy him " one of gentle birth. � I I confinement aud hdve'a healthy baby boy.�) VETERINARY At his friend's question Geoffrey Landseer The People's Caltmon, Sense Medical I i I turned to respond, a quiet smile lighting up Adviser, coritaining� iooS pages, is given , TOHN GRIBVE, V. &, houor graduate of Ontario his cle3,r cut, intellectual face, and one hand away. Sen(l 3r on6-cent stamps for ex - 0 Veterinary, College. A . Idissasee ofDow" uplifted in a fine gesture -a frequent habit pense of customs arid ruailing only, for *nfmale treated. Calls promptly attended to an of his, which be said be had learned at onarg a moderate. Vtterinary Dentistry a special'by- Oxford, playing the cr.%tor to pleasti the the book in,' paptr covers, or 5o stamps 0 ' Olffice:and residence on.Ooderiob. street. one door : , for thelvolume boui I 0 in cloth. Addreso of Dr ScobVe oTae, Seatorth. 1,112-a other fellows. ? D R A I � r. . �. Pierce, B�ffalo, N. Y. = . "In the pait two days we bave fully ex- I ! - - I - - . - . hausted the interests of the stable, � the ----;-� . r I LEGAL kennels and the billiard room, and what in -You've no o jecdon , have you,. to �oing left us to�day hat to go further iifield ? I up the hill Yonder ith ni-i ; the. thing's came fully equipped to meot titti re4uire- .,90t, tO � stooped, an I mean to do it." JAMES L. KILLORANt ' ) , ii � I .t striate r Solfultor,, Conveyancer and NoUry ments of your -Scottish 'climate, a;nd with � O' Yo . MUSP nor, at' empt anything rash, Public. Money W loan. Mee over Pickard's Store maokiDtosh, leggings, eta.ut boots, and � rain �Gordon,' Y rep�ied Lsin,dseer m i th a glance of Main Street, se.a.'ortb. 1528 proof cap, a,rn ready to go atid. explore � our keen ayuipat�y. " Remember you are rint I I . . country.' Naturally I am all eagerness to 3ret ma6a er (if thEsel lands. and therefore see the wild moorlands, rugged hills" and powerl � Re S,- HAYS, ' : I eta to actin an way." t . Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. lonely crofts about which tho�e is alwa�,% so 1 " Hai] my father roubled to lookt into L . -Solicitor tor the Dominion Bank. Offtw-46 rear of much romancing wheneve� .Scotl&Dd ii Ithe mat�er himself e would never !,have I , �, i Dominion, Bank, Sestortb. Mon to loan. , 1235 named." I i . given Lb 3 old crofte hie leave," eaii% the LK 11� 64 Hang it It This miserabl.6, weather sooils '�nting la -4 I itterly. "It is all. N[Pwds _ � RE I 8 all the romince," interposed the y6ung ,, oings. He I Isis a ot_rj� j Barr's"al, Sol'onor, Cony" . iny of Putting mean ublio . � 'a t..,kt offices pstairs. Yet 0 laird, gloomily. " I did lop'k forward to �riuk. of, unti kiiI4 wl ah leovea iny father in 'bor,. X�tl Street-useat"Ish. at: 717 , a* � Toes is just and jight. � 1a27 showing you round the place' for ev4. i f,he belief that all he � . I I November—though you won'; believe Jt - For my art., skmpl catA't t,olerate bitii for - I I HENRY BE&TTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. I've seen the sun ehiniQg brillisntly,i,nd for a mi utc.!! Now ihat the place has� been Money -to loau. Offioe-O*dy's Block, Sea. I ; there are spote about Kennet well w6ah �recalled 0 In 11 I kuo it pretty wel'i for orth. 1679-11 . i I 0 m I p , Y, t- , � , seeing. Since Lilian and the other gith! say often wl�e,i I was a youngster I utied ti ride I , ARROW & GARROW, Barrisben,, Solicitors, &c. we needn't expect to see them sigain 1 till jap, t hie - I - ay, and the nld woman at t,he,farm � G Gor. Hamidon St. and Square, Goderich, On$. lunch -what they are about, goodness . imly tider ot in the ba it of, !vatohiog for me. J. T. GIRRow, Q. 0. ! , known -we may as well make the beat qf it Mienov Ir she saw me coming she wai out I I 18"16 CHAzi.zs GARRow,L. L. B.' i � and go out ani face the elements." : ��t the d or wi r,h a Ali 80 4f cream. wh'oh I . i . . ( i, -" KOLMESMED, successor to this late fi;m of Acting on thid decision, the - young !men drank a Id relished v.ry much, the reault A ' 11 � ,b�ing i . - .r'. Hoo,aughey & Holmeaked, Barrister, Solicitor proceeded to clothe themselves in rall1prolf h t we got- -q ite ' friendly. But in , C)onveyanoor, and Notaxy Solicitor fox the Can ente, and half an hour later were * ,those lat'er ye'�rs she FLd completely slipped ladlah Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm Farm .alk- . � . for sale, Office in Scott's Block, Main 511rest Ing smerol down the broad beech avenue, rom my mind;, and i, ii strauge, is it not, . y � ; Ualorth. . talking gaily to each other, and in firat rate . ,Andseer, that Fate �as led us in this diiec. a spirits, evid(ritly, despite the'perai4ent bion to-d%y." 1 - I 1 i � downpour of rain. - ! I They were! now approaching the croft [)OtGL & DOIG9 ; � . I � The grounds immediately surrounib houso and buOding'i of bluirti(le, which was Attorneys -at -Law and Solicitors in Oban3ery. All . I I Ing I -kin4s oi Canadian legal buaiuena will recuiyetipecia Kennet House Were magnificently w0000d, situated )nly � few steps' from the 'Toad, I , . attention. -Accounts and. notes oolleoted� Dews, but, after a walk of a couple of miled, tht, y �virjh a wiele! expanse of m(si 6cret hing : - pageed into a bleaker region, where i the I A dreary acle Morwages. Wirli, and all kinds of -Conveyancing exv- way be�ond.., . cuted accurat(.ly and prqoupkly. offices in the Gowan trees were few and far between, and t6e.se �he place� presented in the heavil Itlin Block, Shutt 86e. Karat, Michigan, W. M. Dow, I . � 9 �L. L. B-; A. M. Dow, L. L. B. 18OD-4 poor, stunted things at the bet t. Eaxn�4tly the driinched and! mufl-be tt,ered . - engaged in conversation, the two I �nen of the men who had come to witness I — tramped on, alike regardless of the dist�uce ;,a,9'.`3r,,e,,i, . ily adding to the general -deprep- I . I . , -DENATISTRY. they were traversing and the fast pourlug iiou. Tq the 'majority of these men a � roulp ; t rain. I ; was a forn of Zeapal ion, which they T�l � ould . F, W. TWEDDLE,, 46 What can be going on to -day, I w1or- not have misii�d on iy pontideration,! cer. der, that there am so many cat tj andigigs tain ly rit ; beoguF; ele�neucy of weather, DENTISTI on this roai where one seldom sees a si�gle And having for!tifi d eirselves with ood Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On soul?" exclaimed the young I d, asi 1 the nip of tht whi . a g tario,. post graduata courie in crown and bridge work air . key being so freely diepensed An the barn b pliboring irin,keeper, at, Haskelt'o S,,houl, Chicago. Local snassht4ioi for ninth or tenth vehicle rolled .Past them , � I I painless extraction of teetb. Offica--Over A�YOUI)g'8 through the mud. " Wait I shall Ptak Ithi, 0(y stooi di8custing ,.beir chances of secur- � . grocery store, Seaforth. 1766 old fellow brawking stone's here, and soe if �ng a bargain. I I - he knows." I . As t men Atepved in.to the yard �U Royal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto also to the word, � the . e. ouU sition -in yJIL. F. & SELLERY, Denitst� gradusi-to of the i ' y Suiting the action the salesman all ta I g up his p honor graduate ot Department of. Denistry, F"-10 I ti d te d forward,'and aod 'ted one of the ahedI to -begin the auction of the oun &I - 3 ppe os I the Petty block, lionsalL I I farmimpt men'to whi( University. Office in the 34 at' nebreaker : � . I h had been gathered Will visit Zurich every Monday,, commencing Mon- I I I I � 94 Hallo� my man, can you; tell maitbe ogeriber , inder', cover. I . ! JIM0 lab. 1687 . � I - � cause of all this stir to -day? Where�are: "'Oh. '. any! Landa�er, ,%I have you Tour - TNR. R. It. ROSS, Dentist (successor to F. W. these carts and gigs bound for ?" : obeque I ok iwith 3;nu . exclaimed 1 the JU Tweddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental "' Fat div ye no' kin? Are ye. to o' gaun oupg laird, turning suddenly to his com- , , I � � 0 Surgeons of Onmrio ; first clam honor graduate of - Toronto University ; crown and bndge work. also lip to i?urirside'8 roup yersel' 9" said the! old Oani0u- 'I' If you li:tven't my little game is gold work in all its, forma. AL11 the most modern man. giving a truly Scottish suaw'er to !the 411 up- for, all 1! happen to possess at this d paLlIgyo e��" ques"ion put to him. � miunfe isla few shillinge.11 0"" 'or p "n'esa ""In" Ily p r Orin .. : I " Yes never go withont my c'heque th- 'V 0 ratio it ear t 8 gr r . S'afo " Oh, it's a roup, is it ? Who is the ter- , )7 ' 11 �* �,44dle, ,IdF'=d,"ov,, El�l ant of Muirside, and why '18 he leaving ?" book, answe�ed L%ndseer, 81,pping his I . asked the young laird in a traath. � . I *and into his vest poc�et by way of reae- I " We auld John Garden. Ile's bee4 t' nri" hir"861'. 1 6' One' never knows what I 0 g I MEDIOAL. the place some forty 'ear, if no' . ,we May need !at a moment'ji notics.'but mair, so' I What in tbo wo; : I bear Wip a maist terr'l disapp'intment-to him � , ild do you want with 'it?" an" bldv"14ife baith that they ha�e to leaVe,1' I 49 I wain I � Dr. John McQinnis, . � you to PlAy UP" for me. You ' - know.1 a as safe as lip Bank of England, Ron. Gradusae London Western University, mazuber returned the old man, evidelitly keen i to I I #I Ontarto College of Physicians and Surgeons. impart the news. " Fat wi' bad geasonw'au'. and, anyh w, the tota:1 needed Won't likely effift andResIdenoe--Formerly occupied by -Mr. Wm. peer omps, the place has been gaun back, on - lbe in o r e t an a I quartw'@ allowance, which L . flokard, Victoria Street, next to the Cakhollo. 0huroh them this lang while. HO'd bo' able to pay I falls du th 1'10c�h," answered'the young AWNIght, calls attended promptly. ituxis I - 1 9 his rent, an' the laird winna gi e him credit. 11Y. !"'Don't you see what I am — - _____ I bear the laird's to tak' it in his own hands, , after— � sal� has been alivertised, and � _ DR- H1. H- ROA M. 0. for naebody't offer't for it ; but there's mare must, go in spite of me --but. in every Case, 4 than me thinks he micht ha' ler. auld Jain I' am the hij st biador. I'm goi . ng to,use 1. ghe ,; . Office over Greig & Stewart's Store, - sit rent free in the placie, for a' our name. Nou neOclr, kick now,.for r Sesforth. . to him, that has sae muckle. They sae lit's it would niaver do, yo kn,)w, to give my Night calls attended So at the office. .1 -no) a1e muckle to the laird that.'a to b4me own." I I I . - 1832 for turnin' him cot as it a yon puir, meea6ly � Thns Wore half an bour had passed these - auld body,.his faotar—" I two young men becam4 the conr,re of mpny . &R. F. J.� BURROWS The young laird turned away abrupOy a , mazld atd curious glancer, for so 'one 1, not waiting to hear more, with a hot fluki� article aft ,r ano',tber wa"s put. up for sale the . I MAU tasident Physician. and Surgeon, Toronto- am. oh his cheeks, which, it was well, perhkpt,, highe3t bi der was invariably Mr. Geoffrey am Ifloapital. Honor graduate Trinity University, the old stonebreaker did not see. . I ,- Landseer ' i vassaber 61 the College of Physicians and St2yeonf . , Ontario. Ooroner for the County of 11uron. " Landseer,'I men to see into this ba8i The yout',ig al a been so seldom at Office and Residence--Goderloh street, F.Aaj of She 11088, whether I have a right to or not," he - home. durigg th0i past six or seven years aleinodiat 0hurch. Tolephotte 41&, 1 taid in an undertone, taking q quick step I that he W*s pr�ctically unknown in 1he , � — - IBM forward. "You bear what the, old fipllc�)w neighborhood, 'ad though many guesses - - says ? Thank goodnese, he 'doesn't know were'triade once, ning the personaliby of !his � : DR -8. SCOTT & MacKAY, who I Mtn, but we've - got, the -truth anyhow. friend and 'hims it, and the wberetorl of PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, - MWERIENOMMENNEEMENEs - __ thtir preseF ce a the ropp, needless to say S P-Imrd 9- every guess �i b ide of Ithi T#ark. � ' lWell0h stT90t, OPP001110 Methodist churoh,flastorkh ��, . � The impl .mentle havi4 heon dispoa d of, 9 , 0 , .9. SCOTT, graduate N'tebOrls and AnnLrbet, and , the live sto k was next put up for sale, #,nd member Ontario 00110 . Burgeons. Coroner KO of Phystotams and COT the biddin coat �nue I as before. for County Of Ituron. � I 0. VAcKAT, honor graduate Trinity Univ . Though t e p'ril grees of the sile seemed ersity. = M IN 11 Alow to theqe tW . yeld madAllat Trinity Medical college. Member N U . e �e i , whoFe chi,!f desire was College of Physicians and Burgeons. oulario. ; ,to see it ov r, t; b me to an end at an --un. 1. I I#" usually earl. hotir, most of the bidders � f ESI'ON I ) - grown tired! of w4iting for the chance that : never came li3ivin tal— th i A . I 0 � L epai u."re - "r-13 - G, IJAK brilNu Es. Scott's E-liltilsiorl is fl 0 before ilts cloee. � ' - � An soon as the lea!e The undersigned wisbes to announce W thopublic means ()f life and of - , sm�n announced it - to that having bought a Urgre quantity of the thte. . th e C �11' beended, thosd t6 remained went to the I a beat r brandit of red cedar xhinglo. and 4y petting a IlUral lovillent W life of thoti,<Ilids (!4 barn for efreshijinent. and the oling I I discount for cat-h.is prepared toaell themlo eug. - ' - I y � laird, having noticed that John Garden had I . . $onkers at pr-cea that defy competition. 111CA111 M10111CIA ancl children. I ilipptd quietly in�to the ouse, intim I S. LAM B'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. , F0 the rnkm Scott's, E.111u�_ La'ndseer that the' ated' to ­ . y won d now go and inter. ' S i ("-+q (rj\-,_:�; vie him. ?or this pu poae they croebed Having In stook at the Seafarth Lumber Yard a Z_� . HIC flC-Sll ,-Illk th,w knobked Ic udly at the door, a I yard an� very lar -o quantity of rdl the different lengths and -'41'ungth so nwcussary for tl,:L, summonewlich*asans ere� by the old , %V'ldthaJgpreyaredt*filtany bill that Is presented II-) i � . I crof ter h i mali I f. 1 r Ithe very b,est (tuallty ot Hemlock., CLU12 ()f Coil,S1.111,11)tioll c-culd th'u 1, Will yol � let �1 i intni the house for a few I I minutes, Mr Garden ?" � S. LAM B'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. I_CPz1'1_i11(r Of h0cly lossis froni I said the young laird I C . PINE. - - ; courteously . " Five something 'to say to . 'm � \va,stillp- (1' . i ycti." I . out a , Z -v iscase, : : . Having bought a large quantity of p'ne Ir a If4 lirge firm in hfutikoks, I am gotting lAne dressed 1,1017 Nvoll)cll Scott's. E,nlul- � Ay, fie ty, P�l fairly le� ye iv,)) 're - I � botk sides er one side, for siding, flooring, ceiling; , - spouded Joh:i Garden - 11 ye are the troughs; spruce and bad4am ,�l I v young wideplauk for water . on,does thlS -1.111d 111orb. It IS gentleman ti at have bought althing ar, the for gravel baxes. Fght and durable. Also white . ' fo' - r,,,p, and a na .ake ,.I tdr1l wonderment ib is to us otdar shingles XXXX and XXX and XX of befit rr I 111o.st .,;11,�tailiill.). ,Lll(l Large stock always on hand. __1) Od � . i � In Muskoka. I t I I W to ken fa ye be. But come awa, in P 'in y z toll C fol- thc Si)ccial trli,'ds tha�t auld wife's no' ve6 weel. and t S. LAMI B'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. - � 06 � 177 %V01n6 have to be'll. . I been bedded this day or twa she raise'afbre � . , 0 I — To childmi scott',-i J �- I tbe ro auss she wanted to hae a 1�st Money to Loan - 111 Lll�_ look at a' he . , �i ; )I bea,sties before they were ta�en At 41 to 6 1,er cent. on farin oKurity. (Y . , tawa . � I - I I Life and firs _S1011 1_,Ive�; food and ��tlunortll I I Landseer aid t e young laird o Inburance,wxittonin bestcompaniee. J.LECK ' folloy 111, fo r crro%�th of flu.slj ,-,,,, t> ' .�ed Brilasels. . 1815-15 0 KI ]-)(),,I �7� - him into the itch n, Bud the fleet ojoct I - . and blood. 1-'t)r p0.1 . 6 (, ", ' , 1heir eyes'fel' on was'the henk and jee�le -hall her- , figure.of an o d woman besids the 'low poat --The prize offered by the M ite Orl ' ticultural f 6 r thin and-ockly boys Scott'� fire. She turned withered, careworn face P400iety for the finest 0111dioli I I I at their. enirance, er sad yes fillin : vvj�h shown at the * fall fair was won by R-ra. J. Emulsion is a -reat help. I e . Stoneman. 'Xhe prizes offered by Dr. S'mith I Z-1 porplexity and v�onder. It was in Oe I for the beat colleabion of 'gladioli was taken, I -Send for free sampia. I : yotinglaird her chief interest seem(d* ctu- . - SCOTT & DOWNE. Charnists, . tered4 and he gaze never left his fac While the first by Mr. Alex. Hill, of Mitchell, and 'Foronto. Ontario, the wonder in her es increased. , the a9coad by Mr. h6yers, of Stra.tford. ,50c. ancl s 1.00; 8Lil druggists.' : I I Jin 1 7 1 : " I'M, may matWen, air, but there's . I I , ; � � . � I ­ I I I . . : I ! i � . - ; I . I i � � : I i I ! I I . I I . I . ; � � � � : �I � - ! I I I . ! . � - . � . I � : I - � I � � . - I ; � I . : I . � � I I . - . . � I . : . ! I � . : : I I I i I : ; ­ � � I I i � ! - ; � , , �f I � I . I I . I ; : . : I I I ! I ; I . i � ! � I i � , . I I I I . r t , I i I : I I . : 1 � � � � i � . %, I I � - I i I I I � i . � � i i , I . . I � , I - - - - - I � . I � - . ; , I . i . I -I_- It I—- ­_ - , , , i . - i , '' I - � , ___ , - I . � � I . . I !, I i � I - � i - I � � i ! - I i I i I � � . . I . � - . I I , . F, �� HUR N .—V-, XPOSITOR . � . - a OCTOBER 11 W 1902 1 1 np� , vwm� - i i � - 1 1 1 NVNhsN0N1100VANN@M=W� I I M - I . � - - � : - . - i . I � - I � I . I . vom ething aboot Yer face i -ken weel.' Ye I . i - Johriston,.M. 9 I . Alair. Fourth class, Ida -health maker known.: Re&dachev M,ever- . - are surely -the youn. g Lairf o' Keon6th !" - I . - 1 1 Dinsdale, Jenhie McBeath, A. W. Joh bother ople that takei�Ferftzo I ne after each . she exclaimed eagerly. , . ; : ; . oton. Third class, Edna kyle, Eleanon' I " Yes, you! brvo guesse:d right. I am . �� . r meal. uy a box from your drulzgiet for � - , Hood, E. Gi eminell. Secoiid claFs, Jean 50c, By mail from Polson & Co., Kingeton, � Gordon Lindsay Kenneth," returned the I I I , I Graesiok, Aggi6 Gemmell, 1 Artiltdr Kyl% Ontario. - i . I ) oung laird, and, wheeling round, addresmed I Second' part, Sarah Rath,!ivell, iut� . � I � HaOual- Dr. Hamilton's Pill* cure Liver Compla him"If to old John Gordo 2. "' Purely V 0 � , . Dinsdale, James Gemmell.� Firtit , Part, -_ . 1441 Lola Rathw6ll, Arthur Jones,. Scott Kyle. thii roup, and because coold not stop it,, I I I i I The beet spellers in the monthly spelling HALE AT SEVENTY-FIVE. . acel I and I h�arJ the news of I P ii I , i * dent my frienc I i I R3 , I I I did the next bAt, and boukht up everything I W . I � , matches were � Fifth and fourth, Ida — — — — � . . ; ; store to yoq a Ir a I to re� gain. i is a beastly r% ; Dinedale ,- third, Edna Kyle ; second, Mur. Mr. 11ames Seeme to 11ave ..... ound I : i shame of old bdilnp to try 4nd oust ydu ont � V . .,Uohe $10 ray Fisher ; second part, Oda McBeatb. I '11 � I I I - the Secret of Keeping W , in Iof the place, and �my father would never � I ---! I i 0 — . . Old Age—He Tell . have reed to hitch a tbing had' he� known i i � , Revolution in Newfoundland. la Ho . , ; how �M`ers stood. But I'll make it all � I . . 4 VUHILST e guarantee Since1he introduction into Newfoundland I I iight with him. : You needn't fear, mnd � VV ;o ke a 4 4! Ryrie 1, 2 I of the new Inhaler Remedy, 11 Cittarrh- LoTETT, Ont., October fth.�(Spacial),_ yo;ilr,e not going Lp leave, take my word for I Watch—asi from brcak- I ozone," the treatment of catarrhal diseases Mr. 0. A. Harries, Postmaster here, is now I i I ! it, 11you'rb not." . Bev age—in per ct action I for hau been entirely revolutionized. The old- .enty-five yearn of agge, -and congid. . ., . ., � ' - Sir, I diona got uDderetand," gasped � : I . I two years, lierd' � time snuff and internal medicine has! be erIng his advanced age, is retruirkably well thei old man. 1, ae ye mean we're to bide - is � no I -1 en pieserved and a - strong, healthy old gentle - limit to its ierfe' t ffine- cast aside and everyone is inhaling Catarrh- -_ in Muiraide ? Th6t's ower good news to �be P ) ; keeping qualities oz,)ne ; it cleam the -head and throat in two man - true.:' I � � � minutes, and is very agreeable and pleasant This is all the more striking when it Is re. 11 But it Is tme, all the same," continued We selqct peplal to nee. Catarrhozone is a woulerfu; cure membered that a few ye�ars ago he was at theyounLrlaird. " I'vegiven you my word mention 0�r No. 5506 for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh the point of death, being fearfully ran down for it, kj;o'winj well that my father will not. " Ryrie "' W tch ,at $2 . I Asthma' ' Bron- I . . - r0entlomm'p chibis, Lung Troubles, and Deafness. - 'It T_e. and a complete wreck ,%,Ith Brighes Disease. refuse to grant what I ask. So you can Pay Wftkaxvo, atch.) lieves quickly and oures perni�nently� We He we.; so low that no one ever thought he up all your del to with the money drawn to- i � adviae our readers- to try Catarrhozone. would pull through. Ile sayn himself :— day and make freeh start. You know , Jr In a I 5-Je el hi6vemesit In as . -a 14L Solid G I I Case. I Price $1 00. trial size, 21'e , at druggists, rr I was a complete wireck and ,could not that I come of age on the 15th of the month, We gnw=tes I �s saft dellv6rt and Polsom & Co., Kingston', Ontario. ' even dress myself or turn in my bed, but four daye henoa, and I am going 'to ask my . v411 cheerfaUy m'tnd tht Nit 1wice now I am a well man and I attribute it all father, as a part of.the birthday gift. he hms if on recelpt it 18 tot parift,tly 91is- Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut to; Dodd"E Kidney Pills. I feel quite strong promised me, the farm of Muirside. If he '� factory. � Pills. - : and healthy, and I can Aot say too much for . Write for our N r r Ostalogus. ' . 0 1 , grants it, then you can sit rent free to the L � � � � the remedy that saved my life and pat me . end bf your days, for one of these men out - A,Feast of Reason. � eet again." � - there has toldine that with your own un- : , . . "I was ab luncheon the other day,' I ' -said I on my I —4, . � aided hands on have raclaimed thiny I I a North Side woman, 16 where the hostess . I acres from the moss since you became tAn- R.yriel Bross, was a graduate of Smith College, three of Held in Reserve. I i � I ant forty years ago, and the man who does Jewalers) I I the guests were graduates of Wellesley, two The tbriftineaB of a L;?DdOU shop keeper � I is illustrated in a story told o a dr goods - that degerVOS 8DMe compensation." , ; - � went through Vassar, two had been -Bryn f y � I Youge and A aide StMets, � Before he had fibielied speaking the old dT I Mawr girls, and the other ladies present dealer. The mercha`iI4 in question was wo*man rose solemnly, and, stepping : were graduates of Northwestern, the Uni eseseed of a very exciuble. temperament, , p Tor nto. � 1 1 - Po fa s & hand and shook it, : versity of Chicago and Wells, re3pectively." and on hearing his assis�ant say to .a lady again and agai . . . � : 11 Well," one of her hearets said, " it customer, " 0 No, we bav�e not had any for a 11 God bleans on., gir-God bless ye. Ye've - ; must have been very interesting. How I long time," unable to c� s . done this day deed worthy o' a king," she I wish I could have been there.. What, did admissicn, he Lurne3 to'the lady, fixed his exclaimed, he eyes blinded with tears. I I I , you talk about ?" eyes an his assistant and said : " We have � 11 Ye'll never One.' it ineane to John an' ! __ � -.--.-- I I : i - "Letme see, oh,yes. About howhard plenty in reserve, madain-plcuty upstairs." � me to be let bHe i' the planie, an' ye've - ' I o keep help."�Chicago Berald., I The lady looked thundoratinck', -and then I turned ane o' the blackest days we've 'ever WASTIN C � AW1k x ., I 0 . the assi-itaut informed his waster that his i been through into a day o' brightness and � --."-' I I IT P.A YS TO USE THE K'IND reply was to her remark, " We have not I I I had any rain lately. - peace. Yet we lost three bonnie weans in he Bad Cond tion 6' �! That Has N I � i I I ManN o Mud. � I 0 our youth, an' nor last survivin' son -a braw . � I young man-fEll fechtin' i' the Afghan war. � Young, Girlj3. � I i � I ; I Our Energles and F,ndeavors. � 16 Wad hara been like ruggin' a tree up bv i __ __ ! The immense popularity of Wells, � Rich-. � I . � Are continually dire4ed 'to the comfort the' roots forus to leave the placie. I coulif- Mothers should be 9rdsou & Co's Improved Butter Col r has : very Caipful 'Wheu and advantage of the �ubl � ic. Prom na�face it ava', an' was 'maigt like to dee Their Daughters Coniplain-(f Headache, Induced speculators with little chemical , pt at- wil, fair he'rttr'e4, but, thank God, the Fickle Appetite, Di , ability to put up imitations of the amous tention to the filling of prescriptions and I t . zzimess, or color thab makes prize � butter. These imita- the supplying of -the best and purest drugs dark day's pes an' done wi." She paused a I Heart Palpitatioci I - I I I , . � Zt6ution. '%� mclment then, rae old John, teizing his op tion butter colors cor.t3iin mud and' other I ever, claim our best� a- * wil i . i . Many mothers neglect the I eg��lth of t:ieir impurities that ruin well made butter. WE RE0011MRSD IT, poitunitv, ate pc.d forward likewise and growhig daughters. Not wil'ulily of course, . I Wql)s, Richardson & Co's Improved lutter If you are nervous. 1 weak out.of-wsortu sh�o� the young I �ird's hand. Then, as if but becauee they think the oczaiional head- � 9 I fe�ribg that hi3 fr�erid might feel left out in P;, , , Qokor is noted for iti purit7. There ,is not have symptoms of kidney ,or liver tr aoheifrom which they suffer, golkleness of the slightest trace of any injurious . ; rredi- come oubles. - I � ' . . I 19 to us for a bottle lof paine?s celery the c6ld, be Fole nuly went through the appetite, and pale ob iks, arq' the' natural entin it, and the last drop is as clea� and Compound. This wond6'rful curing medicine � . a&, e-ceremonj w th him. I resu�ts.of the mergin of girlhood in -W - wo- I A " Well L%n3ge r,I ouppose we"d better be pare as the first. Wells, Richardson,& Co's is doing marvello a tbiDgis in out Canadian Y) I manhood. Thin in a erious tz�istake. There off, , said the you g laird, turning to his . I Imoroved-Butter Color gives the'trqe and homes. It will nuot dis,ppo, t you. . , I is no period in, a girl life when she bit eds Vu . ral June tint - conthion colors pF'odlice j S. ROBEp V -_ f1 iend. � I I I na � .Ts� 11 n, and - Drnggiqt,� Ses;forth, Ont. - . more IbRentio I lesel the Uttle tri ul; ' a bricky red that soon fades from t * � � I I' N&, fie ba ; y'3 mauna gang I ill Ye lea are successfully eated, 'more' serous he but. I . ter, leaving it with a lar(L-like color.1 Ask is 1 1 drink a glass o' milk frae me. just as ye ones�­perhaps deolin nd �onls4mption- -are 7 . use'd to do when � yo -4r druggist or dealer for Wells, Ri'ch-.rd. -The National Sto�kmtiti and nriner I . ye were a. lannie," inter- sure to follow, W at girl b011- & CO'd Improved Butter Col6r, the kind says : " Thirty years ago a; Canadian far. - potted the old in n d making her 'way ' needs at this period i a topic i4edicine that th9:ti;1Ir%8 NO MUD. I ' mer invested in a good but 4ot f4shionably - feebly lo an aTJ0oiaaing_;pamrn'tjry she reappear- will .give her a rid, red blood, strong !, � _-_ . - e :With two,g ason Of vream. I I - -W bred shorthorn cow. Ile li�ed bet and her 1, a' foo� i a ye're. mither ?" she asked nervest and bring herli eifi4 through a c"iti- : ! deoendants to goo . d bulis. 1 This year he W, - , -cal period in her life. ,, r thi purpose tl iere : Caution 1 1 gold his hard. all brc d b� himself except the it the you g Mon did their best to show . I . is no other medicine i the orld can e( ual This is not a gentle word -but wh ... eo you berd bull, and all decended 'from the origin- th�tIbey sop eoiat.ed her hospitality.- Dr. Williams' Pink ill#,, Thousands of -think how liable you are not to purch se for I 1 � ; � '!'She is not. very strong just now," re- girls throughout CADS'l . olve 'their prei ent 75c the only remedy universally know and al cow. They numbq'red' 60 head and . ng " The b�st part be%lth and happines] t4is ,riledicinei md a remedy that has had the largest xclusive of th� bull, $10,14-5- JXo turned the yo laird. . a 8 brought, c � i of doubt this herd had mote than �aid -its way of 4 very d�ay� a e has to lie down and. reit, thousands of other@ W A�e uffering would -any medicine in the world since 1868 for I . I and sometime we fear she will be laid 'up @0' . ever since it was fottn�led,� otherwise the altogether. " I on be stronR if they ould ive Dr. %Vil- the 6ure and treatment of Consumptio and breeder would not baVe kept it up. It . liams' Pink Pills a f r iri Ij: 1 Among the Throat and, Lung troubles, without losing I ' 6 Y� , I .� , would be interesting to I know what the old i Mony a t acht I tak' o' her , went On- many young ladies w � eat'popularity all these y I I ha I roved the its gr ears, y U will cow brought this breeder -but certainly she I th� old woma , I I foo lang syne, air, just great worth.of this me id'ine S,Z8. Jennie be thankful we called your attent on- to . afore ye were born, she took a fancy for the Beame I proved a good investmilent. Another ex� , r, of Boyle, Oat, Mis Beamer a j, : Boadbee'a German Syrup. There �re so &,nple of success from � . roa I d ower the bill here, and often drove -*6 Some yeais ago I became very ill, nd many ordinary cough remedies ma�e by a �humble begining. A ) peg � f, in her carriage. Ae day when she cam my friends feared I we a goin into a dec ne. drugghts and others that are h and won does not need to bel w�ilthy to mike a I , � ntar.t in breeding live st9ck., If he boa the up:I was oot a b the door wi' a neebour's I was pale. auffered from te le hesdac esi; good for light colds perhaps, but foreaLvere � -bairn that had betn left in my care, ws � ability and is willing td givie the business my appecite was poor �. and'I r6w very t in. Cougho, Bronchitis, Croup --and eap ially &ttent biddin' the coachman stop, she- jumped I became so weak that I e I ion it requires he 1can!build up a good oul ardly w 61k.- for Consumption, where there is d , � cult herd that -will some 'day', -_ make , 1im inde- atower to speak tome. Sbewas rael Wen I remained . in -thill con4it � forsev)ral expectoration and coughing duric the ndent. . ; . I . 1� - PC I � up wi' the baftu, ase she cam' into the hoose months. during which time, � tWed sev iral nights and mornings, there is nothiu like . - � 7 I RIA 2 eat a gwee while by the - fira wi' me., medicines, but none h4 ]pea. I ii In the le at. Geiman Syrup. 8old by all dru ists in ' Yoiir Neighbors 'ancl Friends I'll ne'er forge the wao took in her bonnie Then my mother got ri. e pom of Dr. Wil- the civilized world. . . eon as she sat �here an' tell't me a' her liams' Pink PiHs, and ftlm�st from the cut- r cust�ml � I . � Who are regula eris at our store' will trouble. She I hooht, puir thing. that either set they helped me. 4,1� I 'o tibued the use G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N, J. msure, you that we are . IN I 1 . � - position to wup- � she was gaun t i.e Aee art' her bairn be left of the Pills, the severe he a hes lefb e; - ply you with the best nd � purest drugs to strangerte, o else that wben her bairn my appetite return�d an f .gaine in A Hard Question Answerod. . medicines, perfumes sua toilet requidt.ea. cam' it wad beineibher wine or warld-like. wei� ho.- In fact I was o q ei Ij ; ing p 3rfect As was invariably the oustom in a I prom. Our prices are the lowes� in f,owh when the Bficause she haR eid thochts she was' sure ' .� lo[ inent Sanday school in the X-iritime Pro. q aalit I y is taken into -iconddetution. Our ! , happen ' kennin' in health, and, have since, . 0 tin lei to do no. . I . something ill "as to . no I I atti-lbute this paire y to : ti e nee of )r. vinces, the superintendent, before cloEipg dispeneing facilities are unstirpained. . I I . . . her I juexperiance, puir thi 3g, that every WilliAms' Pink Pills, and' v -i!t b?llglai I if the classes, gave out k passage cf Scripture . I - A RELIABLE FAMILY 1KP',Dz%NE. *li I -9 ' worpan has like notions, mw r or lets, at sic some I to formulate a question from to be given ont ; ,other weak and i 6 iling i r wi Pf)fib Paine's Celery Compolind is t4e medicine a ti e. I did i' in my poi 7er to comfort by my to bhe scholars, and the first to anew ev was her�� f w;e n experience." i for slereplese, rundown, -despondent, ailing . � an' I can*,t�ll �e rale glad .whe Pale and sallow chi ii ks, di i ess� he kd- to raise the right band and stand up. The end aiiek people. At tbitl timoi a bottle of, I heard by an y o the braw son that had aches' 1pitation of t I boor a d the f, iel- lesson related was Jonah and the Whale. , . 9 pa I the great medivine shoula be found in every come to Keane House. 'I've never wien ber ing of wearinems, that ffliot!" a Tany yo ng The chapter referring to this occurrence home.', Paine's Celery i Coral) . siucle, but io fai ly pleased me when you , Is rill soon disapp r if, r. Williams ) wait read by the superintendent, who told � � i oxind is the c a fi,r ., great, � bAniaher of theuinatism, neuralgia, took to iidin' p this way yersell-ki ink iPille are used. 'hese P 11 also cure how Jonah fell overboard and was swa0owed al _� I , by the whalej afterwards being vomit0d up., nd dyspeW&. Oui it,-)�k is fresh and pure . bonnie, wbiW-h ired loonie as ye W&F) ODY rheumatism, dyspepsi kidiie a Imente, St. . at all times. ; : 1 . I I mither wad ha been proud Lae own. ye. An' Vitui danoe, and th other t oubles t iat The question put to the class was : 11 What ; � riclit sure I am thq�t yer mither will be a I lesson sho, ALrtx. WiLsozi, Druggist, 8e.storth, OatI. come from poor bloo and rt et. uld humanity take frorki the fact � I 1. ' � � t . . prood woman m heri ye gang hame an' tell Sold by all medicine C lalers, r rpailed post of Jonah being thrown up from the �ale's 0 -1.4- t � , her wli%t ye ) Ve lone this da .1' I I w 0 , i ' 11 paid. at 50 cefits a I oil, or six! boxes for belly ?" Much to the amusement of all, a -The Department ,.,f jAgrietilture At Ot- Itwaswitlithe tmostdiffioultythab the 89-50 by writing t( the" ,�r. I Willi& a' little mite of a chap was the first to raise his tawa, 6a decided to ereot at Bdirmanvil I le, two yr,ung men at ength escaped from the Mediaine Co., Brockvl'lle, 0 t, I hand. The answer was not long in Corning. Durbam county ; H�lmeiri,ille, , Huron I I I . - old couple, and Eite.)ping out into the still I I __�� for no sooner was he asked than the I:d county, and Bondville,! Bnomd county, -a fast falling rain bel �an the dreary , fire -mile If You Have i - GQo 1 said that the lesson to be taken from Jon h large poultry housa, at e4Q11 of"which will be tramp back to K . . Thing, ,eniet House. .L I L I * * . * * I I Streit% ltip getting his freedom *&a that it was a: hard wintered one hundred Plymouth Rock and - I I - I . , I job to keep a good man down. ! Wyandotte PULIleta I i I . I . Thp.�e p1miet are being The other day two. es M one todd, ed ---- 0- � . I I Preposterot a d' That w ia th' . , built. to the &T�.aad , I . , e word the up Yonge street, TO nto Ti thepour I � I - I - 4UpplyL ; fo� par's bred z ly"I i : I Laird of Kenneii us' d when iis son laid his raim. I 01 ng Why Not Ch ' ge Your , � . pul eta and cockerelit,which '%hii sessonha* . le They were poo ad but one of an 0 plana and prop#td ne befor him. -He was them I was better -dressed than he other, to Medicine? i en vr.ry arge. - sat; i -ear th� difficulty I . - - I J , ' I -_ . � I � meb wl' th at the ilftustrati�pn stAt . ons,.wherri- an easy-going. indo,ent mar), who hated to the eitent that she bed a CIA I I � I I I I Pe I I I be troubled abou t voything, and for this ed, mid she just Managi d to make it col er � tha eggs were bought� from � the far- reamion left the c n( uot of hit estate entire. the abouldera of the o6k er little one as wall IF YOU HAVE FAILED UP TO THI� mers., wa th t the qu Ii of chickenerear- . 11 a . III t s.priog the pullets � ly in the hands of his factor, asking no sit h PRESENT TO BANISH RHEU ed,was noto uniform. n . ei own, and so, closely folqed togeth, w, MA�ISM I i Wintered at the etartune referred to willbe I i queitione so Ion ai a revenue sufficient t-0 they ioda)ed up Yongt e warn er AND SCIATICA TRY ! I I neeqs as regu I treet Itb � mated with pure bred twckereli ol -the lowa' � meet all his %rly paid over becan6a they were to c )'se hel14 together I I I . . � . , type. and thF4 eggs *ill be sold to him. But Gordon had his mother as pe. I �, i PAINE'S 01flLERY COMPOUN set insirket, ally', and t�e l4d could ake no stand the eiicircling ca I . - I � . D to the fairmer-a ii tbe neigbb)thood at an z(T_ ag&inat th if �jbu have a good ,�hing, atre �oh it, so . i , I - � . oe of &bod% five cents � dozen' ov eir uni�e forces. . van I , er mar - 46! Well, wel . that Zme one else may #� ene t. here is but one true andreliable speeirlo kot prices. In thin way �he Dap�rtms of .. I . I nt 6 ]A 4f he is fool nough to sacri- If yotir-pocket in full? , il al- for the cure ofall forms of rheumatism ; it Agriculture intend!! to 113*Cd-uo0 among -tbe l I � . 0 balvfj tip - your oe I ce �is own interes a it is no concern f bin isItill, pass a .83uh to your in Paine's Celery Compound. This deoidisd local farmers pure�bred 1 1 Y3 , leful over minelf said the IZ�dlfinally. 11 Take Muir- . chicken$ of the side�and see w , -next door neighbor. 'Y our" ow coal vvill- and weighty assertion is fully support4 d �y most profitable breeds '�f faimers, poul- ba � yon can in ke of it, lad. � . warm!you more thor6ughly oilkuse your letters from thousands of cured men suit try A . I I � . . I . I I That means, of cou ise, ,-050 yearly out of heart iill be working in accord *ith it. If women. and prominent physi icians have abl . . -_ _* ! . � � I y I - I I I your p9eket, As for that cheque for X1,000 your table is well loadedt, as 1 1 atobk%sk et and fearlessly supported the � 7 1 I was to give yot as your birthday gift, it round the corner wher I * -1 statement:. I I it i8et Talking T�iat .Counts. L ,, , r 3, . 0 YoU!h , Ow If your efforts up to the presenkjwi�h ;� ; � ­� remains as it is- this business hat, nothing it*i6be-welcome. YC74will , es,s liable other medicines have failed to drlv' 4t in our earnest desire to ma�e 'You -a to do with h. _fs�aw !'ff I can't get'the to liia�o indigesticii if you -d�, : I rible disease from your eye e Plie "r- risgular . and pleased customer. -e do - I'm . � . -1 tern, remai� no W � aot better of it yet, 0 to the smoke If ybn have a good th �np, , slir'tcIh it, and lon ony and peril ; change I believe in long and tiresome- arguments. . room to see wha� a �ood cigar will do! to if you � I I I , f li , I haven't a good tbiM � str tob it a y- medicine at once. Prudence and yo r ,03ur large stock of pure d1rugs, proprietary soothe i es u 7kdo Medici my ee 10 . 11 With these words the way, because.misery lov nip wk. will surelY direct you to use Paine a eje� md i :toilet ipeciAties 1 ,4 y nee, perfnmes a laird strode out ,f �,he roomi and Gordon i le . y . turning to his mr their. stooped down an� I I H. D. C. Compou-nd, the -medicine that has care 7 and our clone prices, will hz,press you more . . ; 1. - _-_9 . kissed her brow I i � many of your1riends and neigr favorably than long newspaper talks, . " Tb . . BULKY PACKA ; The prompt and marvellouW hboro. ,_ - I i 0 auk you awf4lly, mater, for standing ES P G ,ERE AL . care 0�! : Mrp. HATIC YOU USXD IT o up for I E. King, Cedar Hill, Victoria, B C. ; 1�zw�o me to-niglt,'� he said joyfully. BREAKFAST FOOD ARJ�, �UT' GUAR- i - Have you used Paine's Celery Oompound? " God blear, Yo rIy boy." she returned I � endured the tortures and agonies of hep- if not, we strongly re,-ommed its use il�`,vou . . iwn 0 0 " - ANTEES OF .8 ONOAY 0 R matism for almost a life tim-ei,, pointe 11,; i - are nervous, weak, fundo r � suffering !, " � il PvIth raidi:tnt fac, - " I am more than proud I IY , , I P III . 0 � . ALI .1 I , . y a ' , )f myson to-nigtl't." I , QU I i takeably and trul to the f*ot thaV1 a I a from rheumatism. nenralgia or blood die- .- � , Celery Compound is the king of medicin s eases. - , i I 1 T11E END. . Pain -,3'3 0-lery Cbmpound is ths I I � for the cure of rheumatism ,o she says : ! . � I I One Fackag of ' [ moat, reliable and t fficacioli a medicine novr - - -_ . � . 11 I have been iroubled with rheumAbislm before the pablic for !'rebuilding loab I � MALT BREAKF T FOOD nearly all ray life, and about eight year� a I 0 arength. Ouratoek i!, A � lways fresh and . . - : I - . I had a -vary 9ever- 4 ! : � . a attack, almost 16 , � .. ! 'Makes a eal! for : � the use of my right arm.. A friend r' OffiV pure. � I : I I ; � 'L �- 1. V. FEAR, Druggist, $eaforth, Oat. ; I- - mended the use of Paine's Q omp%o��' � I I i � : TwentY-Flv Peo I . Blery 0 un, - 0, i . . and kindly gave me a bottle-. I wan go ' nz -1 I �� � benefitted by that on #I -On F.,idav aftclruoon l4st at terrib7e aa- �, I a- bottle, that I �took ' , - While the mallufact cident, betel Mise Ki.te 1�,svrlqy, of Hamil� a - 5rx pf !�A;a t Brea - three more, and wan quite cured. Since ton. . . . fast Food do not claim .. The young wora:hn had be -on working . to g Vol Ith public then it has been aim.-)st my only medicine M t _q__ the most bulky package )f f oo,, t0ey make at the Upp�r Canada collelp. 10ron 0, AM- .... ILI I � for all the ailments from which I have suffer- . , 11 the poeltive statement that pne pt� kage ,)f ed, and all ii�y' family have fou some tinit" b0iog emriloyed in the, laundry . � 09 I , their celebrated food I'll ' a� Itwice as benefit. from it. I am aixty-fire 'd some thero. While operating a ateam manigle �the I w - years of i is-11lieumatism ofthe face. � many meals for the money7F�y other age,; . I live on' a farm, got up early in the flngerm of one of her han4o goti caught be- I , Vric Acid left in! the blood . food on t,he market. i I I morning, and am now equal to a good day's tween thv rollerfi, and Rio her.. 4nd Was . . In addition to this 001;oniiba�' feature,, work." i gradnallY b0ng dra.w2 throuilft she put by dizorderid - kidneys i �, I . I Malt Breakfast Foad is set1k tjn(r, - 9 I forth her other hand to protect herself sAd n nourial - ' - i � � lodges al 4 the nerve : iug for young and old. 7 rev, , fo A ­Providential Warning. tried to pull hcr irnprisoned'fingers out. In . which brin Ches from the I of users consider it the mos 9 . pousand s the att�mpb her other hanA - : I 4e, iclous and , was drawn be- . � I 'fag Certain thoughtful scientistit have found tween the rolls. Her scre%is attracted the eye over the'forehead, and I . appetizing of all breal ; �I ai� foods. out that the uu�iversal habit of using Oe attention of eame I Physicians and food 6:pe p itay teeth on the left side more those of the other 4anteirtics across the cheek to the 11 � it ,is a than I ' true health -giver. Groc rs evl:, here in t an and the machinery was stopped sod ber -side cf the nose. The Canada find Malt Break e f he right in chewing is slowly bnt surely bands releAsed. Her flugeriS we're in a zt-r- , &at Yr�h a � , . � d at- working tl;Ie h,uman mouth over to the � left ribly m%ngled condition, ani. there as a pre - cause isl the same as in all eat. seller. If you y b given it a side of tbe� face, and that in a few thoupana bability that. she will lose th: her hands. � . Rheu ' trial, ask your Gr � I . ! - � matism- disordered I years it will b I � I ___ I 1 8 c1c 8 I to the left ear. � The ---.-a I I i - - � i I ; � i i � Vilneys. The cure is like- warning may have come in time, providen'� : I . . .! - -nieod by using MIL- IN9TANT REL19F para W e the same- A Right to'J�dge- 1 tially, to slave mankind from such a, hori ible 'EUP , Pt rions who have u"4 Dr- 9 base's oinintint hay fate. ! . I I . -NIS STERLING UY.ADACH$ POWDlZRS. No I I t I I I - I the beet right to judge of 16a n eri and :tbere is I . L - I depressing after-oftoz. i I . - I Preparation on the market to -i [my ich ie backed b ! � i _ 0 0 � I i I : .. � 9 I . I I , 31, �, i'_ , " , I I I ` a i. a , " I �, I � � 6 8 In 0 1 41 81 I I . E � suen a man of uti8olicited ony. It cure Cause, of� Sphtting 11eadache s. -The StrAtford 0,11egiato Institute his Did 's eczma, salt rheum and pies promptly am _4 an attandaticaL aff 245 pupilp. 1 ,,L . I thorcujrh1y%*bpsot4ef,r-el It a &sure bo icaom- P0180110 accumulate in the blood an � -A Me bill ba- been fouind against the mend istoother sufferers. fs&* imon[ais in the spread every moment to all parts of � the I � , . deney newapapem L i bad county Of L-trnbtou for Ina aining'a 121liv- I I - -*. � � . . _y. The brain becomes conjested, nerves &nee daug-orotia t) pu'blic he Ith iIjL the forin _ I irritated, and �he resulb in that awful head-� ; * ! I : of their court'linose arjL3 othet c nty' bufld- I , .. stanle. - I , . ache. : I . I I a 033 _ I . ingi. Chief Jiai-,ice Falcon�lrid*,e -41rected I 'Tf.fT."lu is thq F46."rozone is naturb's own remedy for � - .1. . 1. . i HOOL RF,Pop-T.-Th. . . Pills - & . ... - I I -mL - - - -1 � - I , ; � ___ . L � : - r - 'T I ­ i � . I i L - - � . � L � - ­ . - - . I W . . � � � - I I - I . I . . - I � I . . � . 7 - I i I I z I I I I , - . - , .. I'll __ I ocv le - - , . _. � . . y .� �_ �_� - 'I `_'y � BAS t � . 2 r -1 .1 ,,A, Familv , L � t Allway'a 4 f - F,ab v_'A fir -4t I I . i ,.,oun�ed. lnf 1- . I . I L 1pjtjon preldij � _11 diflon aboulz V I 'I fL - Ponserlie& � �, (;,reger, of � �! .- - TAO . - 1-1 "J' �.­ - -with dixrrhog . , ores@ and reet] - - I ,,e mstterti I vrites W f0do . . .- . BAby'v 0 WA I I VIi"d me to tl -sitergiving 0, . times he begal I 'Well. He is V I I .,Wb9never he I . bif Well I give " I I light A-galn .1 JJ&by's OWT i ,SdArantage ea _griping drugs. , - � - I . � (juier, I the n,E i ileep- They i ; - - L : apiLate, attd' _AA , i I - _ - dr -A , I . youx - -IS5,43t, . 40bb%in a full -d' �1. by ,sending 25- VMedicine 00.11� = 'I. : t&e,y, N. Y. �; , A , . - __ 'Tke . . . , � owil . The foll I , L . ueisat.the f4l 11 _�. V - ,,v,;e.v Branch L ` Brussels ou T - -1 . HoRsp-s. -Ji 1. - - 4 lion# Tnoma,3 I - , I I I I . ,and 2nd Jame I . Colt,$ Jam6e,c( year old fifli - __ j,iiidiag2 J 8 -� ling filly, p R� YI ,drangliz teanl� I Agricultuve . Armstrong I-- , L_- , , � 11 stron& Muri � I year o1a filly. ' I to-sh. Two y-( � I 1, - W 'Prazer,, I 'I : 111 A Me. ^� t I - Y, ; � I One .Year ,old i * I - I z of agriaultuml i ; , . . � : Diekson, J;MJ � .� Roadott0,_ L I � Brood mazdi, 1'� I I it H BlacIt. 1 B � I L . i L Black, W 81T L L L � gelding, Tb I pyr . � , . I ReLaughlio, , i . . Scott Land Wa . EvAns. Bugg � J . 1b 6� ,.� L I � J Beettie. I 'I ; � e � - I 8veire T­w� _--� : I . k Robb, Thodaw : old filly or 4 L I .. . er 151 " -unod :;!,0,an _U Dulmttge� � � . Carriamp, �] . _R�oraia or J31*4 .. f der, J SWir. I - dale, Catrif ai -wick's Apecial - 11 11 . T_ Mc Lau . - . I .8peir. Ye � I I I � - j 0� CATW,E.4I)- � , I _P Robar�u - 11 - - � L . I -, -years, J � 9w, I - - *ow, four - , A � Xihle� 1. 0 al . , " 1 D � . 4- ; � . : , four years, �. L L ; � - 'Two year old � � . ! I Robertson. ! ( . � R Corley, P, I I I., af ter Octobez I ftelr� Mite] I 1901, M H ill . loy. Bull ,-*I 1902, J S stuil . 4414 calved 1 Robertson. D � . of Darhanit, Carley. i, I I J,ersevs.-­1M .1 L . . I W Artnstr6n,18 �cow, under fow -inan. Yearli-n Mau. Heitor I z . Deadman� � I L ; . I Native or � ; 11 . � 1. - Raalveo tinee to, . . . 2�ad ihd 3rd'. . L 11 H Blavk� -9 I , heifer, M H I I z S)n. Twove 'I � - loon, Is �1_aud�2 I - �� IL ,old- steerv-p ; I - , , I _� tee I � Corley r. �Stee �, ­ _�. 3rd. H-eiferl j � I'll, . Thos DavQao � . ' 8cotbiwad Soul ' I ; -ox or steer., Th � 11 � Davidson.: ' . I SHEEP. -LA 1cowAr, R J St - . . I . . . . J Bandrr4ou, L I T-urnbull. -Sv � , - P. -i Suiider,Ao v . - J 8 cowau, ;0 I Pen- R J sx* i I ' I Shropabiro . Tam -and taz I I- ber. Ewe -U&' " 2 shearling evm' I 1at aud 2n -d* � I . - Smith. I I 3 . ; . Oxford Dow . I 4 Burgess. �,S - � .J & W 0w0s: . . ; . - i � raised llamb,o 11 , - �Owens. l3h�a amd 2ad. 1�m . ,� , 10wens. P -en, * . I - 4),wens, . I � L � L � I Pic,$.-Bazl .p I jo ver, and -soL t. A� 'Ur - . . - � � - , 11f - � � ; B ucinto&. '� � TaniwDrth,17 , 'now, vy E[ ZW of bacon-piga,_.. I _cbft)a� I I � � I P-OrLTRY. �, : And 2nd. Li, let and 2nd. and 2nd. Sj 2nd. whiv�a - mar.. Buff 'a , Wbite Legbor 211d_ pbl&od - and 2nd. 4a, ., L- 'Son. CoOh Wyaudot-tej, - � - , Black XiU401 'White Minor( Zon & sou'lot ,Irwin. A -Tit .J-01IMSton. 6, 1 -and. 2nd. 0,,ol 1rWin let and, Ep alleMtyn ' e.: . � . 1MPLF,X-E_V%1 & Co. ist an ' d .ered, Ewen A - Ewen,& co'.1L, ,and neck -Y-7-1,00 x I gate, R Clo4e. GIRAIN.-VIV. A Son, gas 13i fall wheat, ji . ,C, "ItozelL 3:�,� Son & Son" � , I -SOD &,80n,AQa �Oats H-endeks W&Huzn. I .f . rb. . i -1 - I I -1 Aon, . qh. speir J m4c, 1 �v Fkvx%_-,�. a Vainness,, . - 'Tompkins Co men n, is"s S Ld=tx tob -curLq of � cr*u Using Vapo.,-,r - - 14.- . 10�' . -