HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-10-10, Page 4T-1 - Es -V HURO ALPO 0CTVU_1_,JR 10 IU02 $ff commiasionto thoroughly invLBUKato thei piroce !a aatiafaotor� in 41 respects will t Aher ifteans of uAnspoltation, and �ven T oyer, daughter of M i I ?,?�T2mud Troyer, of SEAFORTHgS LEAPING SHOE STORE. go uld workmen be t to cut it at present, t a Part line, ip vid I in bei.irivented and* t4ovg4 it nyoy take so e ]a r" 14tives in the gr4evanoev and secure just sees to it woulA, be v Ilage.-Miss Jessie of Ashland, to:adjuab oqr;stove�a and furnades to Nnd the railways to hau' it, Aff, The tore be-tween the parentheses attar each tione leoided] whie ing before it eould'be gob to tiaak� isconsiu, formerly (f Heuk4ll, who has f -&1 7 h tte them. The strikers, however, have i One,- dentes fte.-Pge of the paper on now fuel, it will slipp)yiao altoria%tive which !iext spri ftert"ant whi found to continue the a rike untft.tlfeir demands will place our epp)e be ro d all fe of a obsi. et. . But when workan are as scarce 9.9 been spending the ps .0w. 1kanthe with evert this' -8 villa e in. p sessom Uere--Broadfook, Bcx & CO -5 are acceeded to bv the mint) owners. The: famine, Bat will be cold comfort �uel and the railways arre overburdened with Olativea and friends in th Leaders.tn F1 e //i oto. e 9? Drm Q f re tonds re 00da-Le%royd & C" Ping P?Qog-Alex. W49on-6 eatire military force of Pensylvauia haffl for th6ae whose b n3 f re now empty and ndinag freight, it would be an absolute turning home is week, wb can not got fuel fo r a oomink Winter. MpDaaibi.ity to geta sup �ly in time to be The friendi of Mr. Norma,11 k wilt regret take Indian itemedy-1. V. Fear -6 The fine she e department of our tore is one in which We p-%rdoular pride, for )f any use. If we do :iot get, relief unt Under xrear-MoKinnon & Co -6 been called out by the Governor to protect it it to learn that he is and: hos b very Berl & Ste-vart-1 I 1 .4 - ' the reason that we give our cust0riers choice of the latest styles of Ane shoot xiad tal�ion is is w y, s?nne of us will be o lily ill during; the post tw- �weeko. We Hard Tknes--Gr those who desire to work, from molea �nd gentlem Loat-X. Wutoial Notes _1q Comments. furnished in this w t at the date in Canada and United States. The newest fa -11 creations -in ladiew en�a Notice To Credttor,-F, llolweited-5 by the atrikeis, and as a risAt, it is mid lighty cold before t a apring'winds thaw are glad to hear, howg-13 ei, fiae shoee are vow here awaiting your inspectioni and yon are nob i doing yourself us out. 0 writing, he is sdmev hatl i Aucticn�Sxte-Johit St-tcey-5 narvelloils proar er ty which 0an4da The t roved. -Mr. t tice if you fail to see them. AuctioniSaIn .-T- Vodgden-5 larger number of men are retutning to work, in ]Us J mea Smillie returned haine. "t week fro is nowienjoyihig' is well a own in the Iin- the Nor N eat erehe ba -Chepney & StnHey-S. with an increased out put of a.)al. d tove The judges on Saturday jlaa.� fixed Saturi, anitoba and r Sale cf Live 1%tock-S. lkavnic-5 reased cus, o �f the Damini�n. IN LADIES' FINE SHOES ouratock includes such well Own makes as Ong tou b en for Born- nigathe :n a p, �oppme r Tcither,%N.inted-J. R Hooper -5 %S't year the ous orine reyeaue d -ty,. Oot-ober 25, at 10:30, in �the court of Tbe� Peerless at, $2, $2.50, $3 and $3 50 a p4it - 11 The Empress 'I !at $2 5043.00 Auction! Salv-R. XtcDole-5 a nds.-Mi. J of Guoph, appeal,'Os Tor nto, for and $3.0 3� 50 a pair, and the Onova mericar. Deg MaINtann, 3r-6 What Premier Ross Will Do. _aoode�711%11, the tria 0 a pair; The Gainabor6ugh " at 6 -villatye dur ngy t ; ' the largest 1copd. Emylildy ays in the ny e� past week, Court cIAppi�nLL-J.$ Cartwrlght-6 nhoe, 11 The Queen Quality," at $3.75 a pair. Tnese shoes come in�, extension soles Rev. J an ti The L-ber-als of Ncr.h York gave a grand friends" S, ii t - ;Abhe following election tioris againet ond(irson *11 Envtres� ter Sule�-R. 1141-6 looked for a de re4sa rather t Preebyteria and light flexible solts, patent tips and kid tips. With such an ar of standard A rweat Hamilton e change . pu pit� wit k :the n MoKitin�y's Ninstrelsg polLical demonstrabion at ee on Conservatives East at Newmar� car. kes, it is no onder this 4tore oes* the flue shoo trade of Seaforth. increave during I' tte current y! I Ae4 on Sabbath. Ina W Baldwin -8 0 urch minister at St. I 11-ewing is and Pkanas--G. M. Manito�lin, South. arda and Algoma. Auctl6n Sate -P_ McGrath -5 . 11 it, it remained staiiona y hat would be Ire. Saturday, in lomvr of their representative af Centennial, Against Libetals oatA Norfolk, South --�Dr. J. E. Blackal f the follow CtAckens F(ir Sale--S-t Dill --8 IN GFENTLEMEWS FINF-SHOES we give You a choic in the Ontario Legislature, - Mon. E. ving th a e Kter of his hoiel Granby Rubbers -S -W. 11. Willis--4� �arded, as very gatisfaclorT. But.instea& of We h a been impro ipecialbranck: "ThaLKiagLEdward" 9t $3 and $4 a pair The Peerless utworbk,-South B uce,' West Huron and Ing f 16 and cherry Notice -Dr. Bethunc-5 Davia, Comminsioner of Crown Lam& this it- has h�a putting in a fine new me p s i on 4ucFeasing. For h, at $3,50, and the famous Slater shoe at $3.50 and $5.00 a pair. la �e 3.- ntonth, of September it'went, over the Center Simooe, The a ar5 still five trials floor in the bar, and a " ads and costly Gond CDneerl, Monday, Octoger 13-B Premier Rose was present and delivered o� to be set. d has been These shoes are all Goodyear welted, and come in box calf, Dongola kid,.!patent kid and �00,000 mark for the 1firob time, and *cis bar side board. -&v. (D. Dancln4 --W. McLeod -8 Lessons most comprehensive Bind eloquent address'. $$82 000 greater than for September 19%. 1 Essex county thie 4eel�,-Ibeing called. enamel. The Peerlese and the King Edward ore now lines, but cara, fast becoming Thanksgivittg-Dinner-Ladies! Aid -8 a the Premier has! had Gonstan This is the first tim �Iia Monteith, shoe isi too well. known to need special so in'snent. i Pp r the three W tbs PIE the current y�ar ttere to marry 4 cou �le. -1 very popular. The Slater aim of ever ke ping abreast of o'� Clinton, and ie in thevil- p:iir aind be convi �they a�ra all we claim for them. the opportunity of spea y I - king to the public o incream wav M5 021 or nearl '81,000,- Our cl Mrs. I as need that 0 vogue, in Bbowing bhe always desirable 1�ge -this week. on provincial politics abooe. the general elcc,,- 4 iL , dro-as fabrics, is freely all wed by all who tion, and there was, naturally, considerable tor ell Recorder 11as make juAt compariaom'i of styles and quali- - - - - - - Tke edi of �be M'tcb Port .11)ert_ ty he ould; take'' ited severa oat favored to e !I curioat ti a. Already we are repe sting orders tbat felt as to the line I NOTES' teaeb or, t. rao RIEDAY, Oct. 106h, 1902 There was no uncertain sound in Mr. Ras we may keep pace with The great demand .�Mr. R. Aod Ont,aris this fall, 11 's the capacity of a for the new and staple fabrics in rough and t!ended his sister's wed in' Conftanoe,' '6dgeo:f frui he f ill e io a smooth effeots, 'whioli are t prices that can., on Wednesday of last wee Mies Eliza speech. He is gcingto fight it out to a.6 R. -WILLIS SON, Seafofth t at t shows. H Cold, Colder, Coldest. end and he believes he will win, and, that Bu M Ch, on Monday U not fail to make thein,quiak sellers. cMil6n retur ed to o der kocli observer, anaft(r.�Wng pthewh1ole f the ume er s I'll, will rem t h t' d .901legi&tO ID - The Goal feMiDe is DOW the subject above the Liberals 111 in power or an. here yop'll not be ditiappointed. The� o res situation he returna to; hii own homlo rn�ore cF&ul Co., 8 1819-:1 Pe Da bar returned sufferings at ti-nes were.very severe, YEt! 'she wlich faip.-E very one is complaining tile other four years to CIZ�ry out and develop M eaforth. itute.-Mrs. all others which is engrossing publio atten fully convinced than Over that ther� is Brucefield on Tu day list,.where she bore them without murmur or complain rot in the potatoes. There will be fully one crop left in the field, as (,h&.y �aodm b iaitj'ng r de u bter, Mrs. About a month ago she became, iq the beneficial policy of progress and exparl. NOTES. -Mr. P 1, h had anew wind- f sea aod the pum very much third oi the tion, and, a the season progree lace like horri6." !He says It has mill ere3ted and a ney ro put 'In. no p P weather daily becomes. co r the subject sion inaugurabed sinc� the accession of M r. Thomas Baird Mr. 11 Gmy, of Wood- wome and gradually sank until death re- are unfit for anything.-Th4 dva members Ide bew the w le This 103af.IDV will soon rivol Holland for iitm he4, and gave her that free 'om of the Howick township council, namely - ritdr's priv� �.e, during P's a t to relatives. -Mr. lieved stock, is groWa. in, interest, and more thari ever en- Ross to the !Premiar�hip. The follow' hereon a vi�'ib Ing few weeks, to Visit a f, iw a favor �nd number of flapping W nddille.-The found. :L f th r IT paid an offi- wbich wa denied her here. Her patiance J.� J. Gregg, reeve and J. H. S,1',)ng! W. are a few extra the lPremiei's ad- pfQtureeque sections o! this hig ationa for the now shf is wie "laid, and i'the-e , om, public school ins!pe Aor, gages the indsof those who have no coal, bly favoted 6ol on I isOday of last and resignation during her long and wmry MqKee, J. Gowdy ani J. S' I qial Visit to our Bob Ootw th�tanding tb a frt)it- are b giu iiog��' the frame work I of any kind, to ward off the attacka dress and they the attiaide of the Kovirioe. And contractots e or f ue tries a, r en, '"ok �-Mr. Ja Miss Lottie' illneim wa an' inspirstion,.to all who had Lorg, met on -the bi: hill emst of here, lait ftil and soenic s1ttrac -.ionh of �Bome of he this week. -Mr. -1 ot fro and 4ra. Jewibb and Miss indica Goveinment in the pr sent c4iis: if such ib tennOtt and John Let, j%, are visiting intercourse with her, and especially to the week with a view of cutting �t down. We of Jack Froatwhen they are aimed at us, d1litriats he has �!Vlsltqd, 'Ire returrra to the Kate M oRorie sppnt 3und ay with f i ia* da f family who were so constant --hear tlaey purpope suending - one hund ad Mae C I community such as our owrx,,* may be vallel r161 ati V -es in Lfr.pbell, music memberp of her Even ia a ru�a count! of �Perth lore Ifirmly than e er im- near Ethel. -Prayer meeting was held at 'ea&h)r, will hold nInua; (rgan recital in th6e to ing ministrations t�) her. dollars on it. -Mr. Hugh HaIRA&y Bold ton the superior richness f this, 1dr a se with McIntosh's on! Scndqy evei d he Foresters ad although the eupply of wood is not After pointing out that th, g6od al the t her bead of niee steers to a bu3 er the other day p e oil anksigiving evening, in to n P vial Ing for 000. He delivered thon at James. yet nearly exhamsted, so great has. our de- )an all who Eus. province, its develop "ant a il'building, qer all oth r aedtions tliat he h" iseeni as Marctaisi of St. Th 'is' b, at Mr. i ball aere.-Miss Jean had uilways been the pararno nt idea with ah agricultural a.. =r. D McLachlan, o f no r�flect�ou R. Anderson Zaaway ace -e on coal been that many are not a '(1iained painful a . I town—Miss B. Ritchie, of the 17-th, visited the Premie4 referred to upon any otlicr, �brtio cKitlo�, a of,, wo days in bur I -;4-There's a rig tithe a ogri a'sing favorably-' penAeRL ther Government lit way ai�d a I Two Wx' S. of Cwada,to say dent some go, ls� pr hee friends at Lakelet last weeir.-The little concerned as to how- t4ey are going to some of tht, allegations made 1by the Con- t6at the Haron ot, compritng the burg IaEt,Week with his niece, Mrs. 1R. wrong way to �hu'v Furs. Tue wron� w y is h` b a -treatment go t� ClLiffOrd ties of Perth':, and Huron and I crowd from hese w a recovery undei Bervatives in regard to electi�n irregulari- r to !buy eheap Furs it cheap pricei Thursday. Should the weather be favora . ble 40ward aIr" -Rev.. Mr. get through the wiater. When the inter- ar�a 6? Armstrong. -Willie Paril had the i. at f Dr Case, �f Do i a ties. He said ra and Middlesex, can fortune to have the end of'pne of h18 fingers o nu fale'e oconomy.� The ri ht way is to buy �Xllfol pasoed 9 tl�er will doubtless be a very large crow eat and concern are: so keen here,�! we may Ruth kor' thel �, Piesbyterian -orford, pa Oar opponents allegoL that some irregu- on the continent Jor gripultural p.��PoOeo. taken off one day last I week. -Rich d , '10.1 p 13 good Furs t a fair price -that's tke true iniends ormi op ea. iWattendanee. I i" U49 imagine in some measure how the people in 0 0,hurch, Z a- P9 larities have occurred ift the conduct f Prootor has returned from ort Arthur nd ther� portii �Tor is any 0 n of the. Domiaian so The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth, fa Society in 00111184tion V i h th; 6hurch work' economy. the large cities feel about it. dinthol'cultivation ELnd i�nprolve- J en teaching this for niany yearl and In fact, in clootions which, reflect upon the Liberal advance intends spending the wiatEr, with his fa er have be )arty. This I moBt empifatically deDy. 1� ment of the farIms, or in � the �coinfo�rti �nrl and mother. -Mr. Ed ard Britton has skti�faction of knowing th�t a StePhnw many of tl-ese placee,such as Montrea4 I �ttractivenesv of the farm euri rge percentage is to be remembered that in the coudaot of to Idaho to spEnd a few weeks. fie of buyers took to thein for and Taroato, there is- a real panicy feeling, TifF. AwARD BAD. -No littl' interest has i' dependable geodi. Their Fur. departmeab elections sbveral thousand persoas are �ern- with George Coates, who inns an extensive sj 11� -IF boew' taken here for some months TrGi For, inst nection wi0i Sir Wilfrid L (Irier 3 no wayl te. Ed.'a friends all _enna: 'E' W as and it is even worse in the Uoited StOea- ployed. knee, in con to sheep ranch in that Sta OT13% -M F t nded. tbe� is cro ded W�ith most tetppbiDg newness. an bial issl Mt� �t in a line fence case, which -has been the the returning, officer!s dutici, there is, b,,.- wish him a tafe jouTn(Y a d an enjoy bl convention in d in h' Whait the end ma be no man can tell. tjhi8 couiatry" a a � e- taelakslc city! n io expocted� to Vol s�bject ofa contention betweeb. two farmers er hims9f, a poll. a 0 egor, near this astweek.-Mia�a Lax .-Tilea&le of farm stock aide the returning offic timc-Mr. Daniel 14cG ei'l of amilton, h 'et is A GOOD SALE of Stephen township since Mgy last. Isaac o his son and, n lome to t i --Mi 'Wi and impIA3�rents ib i About the bert consolation we can 9 clerk and constable. . A general election in. Montreal on the, inst. The L ale of place, has leased his farm Mi -Rio -spent at' Mr. Win. Ait8heaorN, tNat given by a coal dealer in one of our i -, Ril and Robirt Sweet aire the owners of volvea the appointment of about 21-0 per6ons �.hat city are! pr�paringg a gratd de ons�ra- tends going to Seafort to reside. He in- 3aturday and Bandw'- at her home 3rd concession on Tuesday, was m;oBt Bud- adjoi6ng lots, on the 9th c10 cession, the large cities a few dayff ago, when being im- for this dutyl(;r the province, or i a 8 elec- tion in big hqnoi.,on his arrival. T� a tends purchasing a iekidenee there. -Mr. Kitchell. -Mrs.i Peth'. gi: vi ited firiende In there was a big crowd present and back portion of the farms being still Uri. Mr. ynn recently cold a two- good prices were realized cleaved and unfenced. Mr, Will wanted W ortuned by a customer whose order he was -tions, iucludig bye -elections, at_learst 2,000 W ti�. R year-old. Sbratford last week.- Stapleton, all round, U7 " , many Gliequi 9 heavy,draught filly to Mr. Hart, of Hibbert, St. Colu p etin rumors concerniin the -divigiian ii� the of Mrs, Eva conducted the sale. 9 Est enclose his portion of the pereons ; each polling sub minsiD, was tihe 4cMiebael uflable to fill. He said The strike must emier a heEdth'. i Some say that his healt'i IiJ insisted uires a deputy raturhing offi for the handsome sum of $175. Mr. Ryon, 'during the coum of like eek., prON-4ace rEq cer, This is M�. MeMichaeFs firat slale,andif he that�Mr. 8weet shouli build. half of the come tD an end Boma tinie, and every day 1� not'at all satiafmto y, while oth .arm. a poll elerk and a constable, or thr,-e per- a affirim alwave raies the best in h ria fleah. Larnor will shortly he s4ttle on his f eesfdl with his other sales he line tenee. - To this the latte.r objected, Islas suce tha passes. brings that end one day nearer." Bons, This for3.500 polling places means t at he is quite r6bost, There is Z doubt Cc�_PiD'S- PRANKS. -Oa tober Ist, one of Mr. Cbugblan, inspector of eights, was i mak a with this -one, he will mate his a �e contended' that' ir, was utoccupied and Cr 10,000 persor�t- each election, and for ei.ht t t4e c"ronati6h feeivities and the labor at whi h all week� -Mr. P w"' Recognizing the extreme gravity -or the Be lisippy ev:enta forget their town last 6ods went t auctioneer. Mr. Aitcheson will fhoVe to then called in an _inused by him. Mi. Hi L general elections, including b�.e-electivno, and worry conn4l..ed .;herewith war' a� number o 6 a coil* troublba and are bentb)n he deepest enjoy- London last 'v�eek.-,Quite See forth, where he'bas,bo nce. three fence -viewers, who made an 'award situation,, the President of the United about 85,000 persona. Sin(, -e the' Liberal 60erable drain 46 the Premier's h bbut ment, was celebrated in e home of Mr. eachers took the east;! ound train on Thura of the prices real - n en The follo*ing are some Mr. HiPs contention. Mr. Sweet States, a few days ago, invited the- repre- party came into cffico there have ee con. ha be re(liupera)ing since ings, $37 oa'('l and Richard Anderson, mbtn is oldest daugh- ay morning laot to a tand the couventio ized 8 riv t tbien�appealed tbrough I Spriv calves, $18 yearl nected with %be elections probtibly 90,00,Q his friends hope to li� d 6.�Miller have a ilia return 8 eatatives, of the coal operators and the rep. 0iag ter, Miss Nettie, was uni ed in the holy ia St 'Mr. two-year-blds, $59. * A pair of four -year -o officers, many of whom were fequired to bf re in good sha Stanbury, of Exeter, to Ju4ke Doyl�, who se rear -old heard' the appeal on Tuesdayi His Honor, 1bonds of matrimony to M% Joseph Brown, gone to Seafort wh 811Z 7 �Vill' horses brought $290, and a two -5 resentatives of the Workmen's Union to a prosperous and exemplary young f to settle disputes as to bhe'eligibility -of voters armer of futuria.-The 8 a ho was clo ed the' sale a'mountel I filly $127.. The whole lit. on the e i i conference with him at the White House, in if ter reviewing the evi&n�e, jave judgment.. on the spot, and had, moreover, to dikcharg!Le A s, nilleant part of I& with 'costs, and -set 9 k' oi i ng to. the ab gect'� of thiiineikhborhood. t fite o'clock in' the la�ter ttatfori a fa�7or of Mr. Sweet, Washington. This was done with the hope the delicate dut y of deciding w4ethkr but- pFoteotion is th Wn by. Mr.:W. Algie, of evevIing' the bride, obarmi gly attired in a Banco of Misi c en I in- 0. -Mri aside the award. lots were properly marked and s on. No bridal Jo�n.Gormley )iqaor chLb he might be able to medi%te between T�touto, in tier to the press. Mr. Algie gown . of organdie' and weariog the t'7 of Mitchell�. that, a led, Wioxeter. doubt maxW of these nien had �heir P�rty i veil', caine forward leaving gracefully on the ppent 8unday With friends ft Own. -Mr. MI them, And that terms could be made whi6h w' NOTM.-.M�rs. Conrad eese n I a. mAL-iiiaoturlt of ladies' under gar, 4n feelings, and thelmarwl is that 1so ew, ir- 'of her father an t3ok her p ace under Coyne, of Do ding his rm, are visitiqg the forme a parents, in ver - would tesultia the spe9dy resumption of regularities oocui rod, and that ie round though he enjo�a x p a,canopy of flowers, whil the meladious olidays.-Mr. and rs. 1'. 1& y wtilts g roteotibn of 3 er F, ton- OtO h'Cowan--ia ha�ing an auction '0 Tue-iday, October ltth' at I 0�,Clock n wgrk i the miiries.. - T conference was, ac- for complaint is as trifling as it a. In, all C�at., �cornplains bitterly that the hi h dt AAinj march was t played by Miss ;own ov r ay.�- r ty leing isiting in t urd Wbext 1J sale of hi 'household effects on Sat -H the election tri4lo that have taken. place in p. in, on Lot 21, Concession I oordingly, held on Friday last. When the 64 hii raw materliala b ings bin ne proqec- Allitton, of St. Thomae. During the -cere- Mulligan has- teturve to' 0 Mrs. W.� S.i McKercher and Mr ea from a. ;Ohn miles west of Cromarty MA far the last 30 years, it was not shown4 aB moriy, the bride was su[ported by 'Miss n his medioal a udies, Rev. Father aunanucement of -the conference was made, 0on down to fod: per ant. This i howl.he me, u Hamilton1have returned from a week' visit lia station, and % miles I lom� Ippon Ex - as I can remember, in inore than -five or, sil r tquis, of Mitctiell, while Mr. Alfred garty is in S6ratfbr this' wee a tending 4 - On cotton yarns. th aad 4ud e fo yth.- M'sPion tensive 84ile `of ThoroughVied Durham- the� hopes o( ther.rople were revived, as it cases, that ar. d iLh tna fi u'res it out Bro"J of Seaforth, %saiated the gr�om. �ho' rt y hours evoti, n. at B) The Women's Foreign y officer connEcce was believed that the persuaEiveness of the elections was open to'suspi'cion. I ed� tb�e kpiLtiDg machineiy thi'- duty is 25 pe Socieby of. the Prerbyterian church will hold Cattle. Alex, Campbell, prop�'ietor J r, cent. ; The nu�tial knot was ecur ly 'tied by Rev. I their annual tea on Thursday afternoon, Jones, auctioner. so-called offences connected with e eled- 6! Bowing maehin'es and needles it, iq 30 er P -of about 80 in - President would have a mollifying izift Muai!rove, in the p eanc 3 uence when Mrs. Aaafis,, of W �'Mount Forest, witl On, Monday, October 13,th� 1,902, at I tion laws are numericallv. lef s in the aggre, 01 t. on buttons, bra da, laces, ribbons nd Ate'd g�eats from Ex ter, Blyth, Sea6rth, n. :1 on both parties to the dispute. On account I address the eetin A cordidl invitation . O'clock p. m., on Lot 9, Conceigiou 1, Stan - gate than th6 offences connected. with �aniy �i� 35 r cent. Th w0heft, Ste in9' a ored tapes it �,ver ge m W 4' Thoma an other diStlnt NEw DRESS GOODS.— o ' that win r is t ther g 10 r, many ininds are al chairches �n the� villalge.�Mise Emma implements and hou sehdld frniture. this b' d ty on these 6rticl es e t he pointi. The sqrvice and congratulations around V bapb-.en extendei to the ladies. of the 9' ley, one mile south of Brdoefield., fa; ni of this hope, therefore, the announcement of other law in plit, land. I do not say� eiin helcorne ider Big a failure was all the more disappointing. At Y Of apology for anything thi InLaIlUfacture of;'Underwe�� is 31 pe ce.. t., being over, the happy company repaired to Ong hec(e ary gown. Rt has hap ��ue*as'dy 0 wa Br, of Toromo, is the guest of her a ater, Alex J. Ross, proprietor. T�bmasj Brown, pened, but as a vindication of What I belis�e Raug, in Mr. Algie'a view, but four Per 'dining room, where the spacious t86bles you would kn)w wE in 'Dreag the oi the conference the President pointed t to a a ew Mri This ig one of the worl 3. Rf)b4rt ;E[amilton, near the villa ge. auctiolueer. to be the polttical morality of the provia- Omt. for bim. difficul�iea GooJa come her). �hV and i.yli 0- On' Friday. October 10tbI. at I n"Clock an groaned under the rep %at of good things and bot darties the disastrous results flowing Owiag t �ep�its in'the electri"ight I lant, ciil electorate." i bich beset a 'olecti vo policy. The taw it is ne dleag, to say that jqatice was done -in attractive showing of a weaves, aiW Lol- 9, Concessio. McKillop n the 3arlY farm stock. from the long continuance of the struggle, Oiaterial of on p� we will have Lo eleotcie light till n 10, e is the finished prodilet every sense 17he remain y 'OT RESILN. of the wor d. d6r of ia emphasis upon the heav jabiios� suit Mrs. 1hornas Walsh, P�op -s - Thomas WILL NZ we -W. C. - Hazelffood Pat t of nex� ek. *my to benefit the the was spent i -n ade Buits or y�alkiDg skirts and the immense misery and suffering that another. and the only a %A*nbing, song !aDd 4ble for tailor Mr. Roes, referring to the absurd' cry f I t 1 I visited im Clifford last week. -Mrs. Mait- BrowZ auctioneer '=erteis to enormously and unn turallv garneglibil thelama'll houl a of morning' The Millinery, 141 will certainly be entailed upon the people the CoUservat!ivcs he should resign be- the ar and Jacket departments ber e ch' re%gonabi I land, of Elots, and Mrs. Atchison, of gar- On� Friday-, Oeto' at 11 0'cloc)p, -on prices to �he final user were en the company broke uA never had I L.�� bert, oa ' the -old of his small majority, poi6ted out that or oon- r a stoo r 0 if the struggle is not, immediately riston, were g�qata of Mrs. J. E. Blackl over Lot 29, -Concession 12 - - - - - general ause ly !Ptner. So that if all were treated justly and all raturned to tLeir mspective homes. prices. The eaforth. L both British And Canadian usaps are again Sunday. -,T. B. Sanders returned last week Johu'!Parish farni, farm abock, implement* 1817-1 stoppe4. The President's statement. of the morie would be b6nefit ad.. The numerous and 3ostl7 presents 13aar h a aourso. am e a ag pent and household furniture. heron 319dgdon, ve so ple, testimony of, the est earn in which; the from Sault Ste. Make, wber h b case seemed to ha me effect upon Mr. sue We have," said he amidst'cheers, tib MR. McDo 8 SALE. r� Robert. Me. the, last three months and is now the Iluest prop6etor Jaimes Jones, auctioneer. Canada for thie Canadiana,�` is a opillar ug couple are hold and with them Mitchell, the leader of the Miners' Union, instance in Britain or in Oa i3ada, that I calu you ole, of the 14th conce 3sti on allot t, W Om Wednesday, October 1,5th, at I clock re wish for a lougaidhappy future.- foods clearieg ot his ntire sto' k by aue of his son �in Wellesley. -A box social 01 and hits colleagues, nizithepresenta ieceived wast% hand- held in th� town hall Friday evening, uder on L 6A 1,' Concession 14, 4-ulilett, farm stock but it did not fizz on the recall, of a g9vernment reeigning when it phrase just no'tvith those wb'o d sire' to a since tion on Wedn sdlv, the th ins 4 few! by Arn� t. Mri had a majori4y in the house, even if th t the many f eriofit of the lbek from Dr. and Mra. Campbelli of the auspice Coal Barons. Mr. Mitchell put in a state- Po of Heref majority is small (Cheers.' . So that I arn 'McDole has a V ry fine her ord raising the tarid:againit foreigni plrooucto so Presbyterian church. -Wm. and D. aake ment tO the effect that he. was willing to not called upiin by usage in Eagland or in cattle and several goo� shorbhorns, and at prietor ThomaR Brown.. uctibneer. Nair -ork. have lef t �or Paris, where, they have Be ured On, Monday, October 20 , jab 1 o'elock on h gh that all wAl.be amp6lled to se Cku - I - I i submit'the case of the men, to a board of Canada to rekign, and I may tell you in con'- ',Will be sold, so ihat,pa rties desiring to ge 1 0 1 a few mo aAhaf work at their trade. - ise, cesaion 14, McKill6p.,farm stock - 4 'Lan products heth r they want to or i4ot. good stock should'aitend t�his sale. ' Mr M Lot 1,8, Con fidence that I have no intention of reaig�o Jean Fowler, of Orillia, is the 4 and implem arbitrators -appointed by the President, and . I I Hensa giieSt of ent3. Mrs. WilWe,, pro-piiat- ornmenting ori . n I 'McDole has got to Mr. 0; t an -Tnomas Brown, auc�lone6r. to abide by their , decision and their ar. Ing- his !I a eorg tbi o the Monteeal 11 llett,' he frienda i� thp villsge.-J,. Wend r Canad J G. tanbury, B. A., arriater,Solioitor, . ress 0ontinuing, lie said : 1 atupfs')D, of !fari�a wam sold E(earld puts it 'fhi� W Y - is 'for Not y Conveyancer, money Ito loan, Exeter, On t ng Sandc7son spent Sunday in Walkerton-- On, Wednesday, Octobe� 15,1 at I oelock, ranger4ent to hold good for from -on& to five Pat it; autithetcally, I am reeigned to anadians ; but A ot, o�s we and it %`gsil every Tdesday. for $6,500. It ontain 3 125 er a ndiso is n, At 1792 Rev D Wai drops, of Teeswater, 0 d Sion 1 Ribbert. -farm years. And, in the event of this propoition 'my small majority. I am going to put u of the best farm� in t ' town hip. Mr. Mol on Lot 27, Concee I ban ful of Canad Sutherland, con4yancer for Hen. the `pulpi� in the Presbyterian cl .. ; anief MCNAugh- P oyer, for the first-, ns who iur h, in Et3ck and implements. privilege of ].'LyiDg tribute sail,'has had placed In his hanle for sale a very coin- W t next si with it until it swells a little larger, I tbink rr�ay plaim the Dole'thinks of 'oing aut W mmer�l ton, pro being accepted by the mine wn�r,, the the absence of Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, who :a r it will grow, as a friend has said. I b6liev fortable and welI pl�anned brio dwelling In good NOTES. —Mr. � Willial n , Tc �ubull has diR es 'i-ionea i prietor; James J no a up,)n all the rest,: This is the who a quea. is in Tor strike'WoUld be called off, and wo would �nto.-Burna Walker, of Niagsr ocation, with nice lawn, walk i and garden Good on in a aentenca.� I osed of his faiin, lot '27 concession 16, FillB, viafted relativei ia the village laRt2' it the elections were fought over again. �t t�' I )n;Friday. October 17� a I . im, at I 111faaco and.all modern onvpieuceq and �,111 be'� I I be resallned at once. The statement of the f 11 1 Wilson's hotel, Buoe6eld� 40 stock steer.5 would be very much larger than it; ii. Sonfe rey, containing 1001 �es, vi Ito Mr. Da sold at a very reasonable pri,,e. .1otend!nZ pur- week. Barons was to the effect that they vibald - men have iepented of their bad votes in� th'p unningham, the pri(e pa.& was 86 250� andheifera. Hll&'Wheitley,pe.opri6ters; An illustration of de curious an4 unex. chafl�ra will be given tau y artle alarp. Also for 831c Thins: Brown, sue i I tioneer. or to rent frame stores on go& central . locatl6n, o6 r L last election ; and are onlv, waiting their his is one of i�the c4oiceal 1 �farms in thi' have no negotiations with Mr. Mitchell or chance to bring forth fruits meet for repen ppeted directions in wtich!the effect of the easy term@. As to prices m nd a,�rnenta apply to 0. 8, at I p. m., at ocali ty and is in A I condi Ji6n. We con. Lakelet. 0 Saturday, Octoberl IL wick' I is being Ili; his PurchaBeJ NOTES. -Last Saturday was Ho N11 Dr. E. BlgckalPs hotel �tock yards Hen - the Wqrkmen's Union, and tli%t they would ance, and such fruits -will be to change thel'r Present scarcity' of fu� �o , ivas J. Sutherland, couve3,ancer, H kratulate Mr. Cunnin� ham c 4 only d 'al with the men, of the respective vote, and I hopa we will give some of the6i afforded last we�k in �Oro�nt TO RhNT.—A first -c aes :)rick store to re,t, it as ai Ball. o. Th? brow- situate o Th is Al r. Turab: We i� ientio i to remove toi. fai�, holdat Ford wich, and as usual estern-horsea coltaland pogies. C. ntheMain atreetiitlievillaze of Hensaii, t 't an i ense;T J. Wallis, proprietor T�om. aue- ers and Un lo. 1 of tie B 11 Plock, which was I malster of that city, beingi Ql)!e known as store N Brussels to retire frQ4 more mines dividually, and that all questions the opportunity. s6ctiv� great su6cess. There was t,o d cn a I1ilLtieEl Of lifO,hanad 6joy coa recently 6coupied by F. G. Ar old,,who carde competit n in tioneer. betweea Speaking o� the suggesion of a li well earn,'. crowd i.n iatelldance and the b iness. It is one of d e v The ab mi the companies and their men, if 6) get the authracite qoalthey had ?rde the Premier said 11 al store and milliner rest, whic ife o frugal in&94� th ario s classes was keen. a-' On NVednesday, October 22, at I p. M." -on they cc aid not be settled amicably, to be re i g ery the best business stands in the place and has a Brat Lot 7, Conceseion 17, Gfey., Farm ou. to understand -that I have and the supply in, the! r Nos rUDDI want cellar and Is fitted wi:h divelling rooms -on the �ry lirs enabled him �,q do. 1 We trust he able aide hows appeared to predominate,� ferred to the Supreme Court of the State. confidence that the Liberal party has wit,4- saort, held & coogialta0on Meeting, at wi. ich . See vill be spared many years yet to enjoy t6 and -they ev'r add much to the succes of a, Implinents, HouGehold Fffect4 and Wood. ond floor. it is a very com Cortable building and 0 R. H.� Fergusoti show. -Q itei a lot of threshing is eing Everthing V They also denounce the Union as anarchiats in its own ranks the capacity and the.powor it was deoided to cable across 1 the Is piaoti�ally' new, havingr bean erected only four ruita of his lalpors.- Ir. vill be Pold sh the proprietor is' 41tiantic to carry on the government of this country fpr a 8hip-load of Weigh coal, say two t�ou_ yearo ap It will be rentd fc r a term of years, at a 'as returned from a vieft w re ves SUA done in t4in neighborhood at prekgnt. Ben. going to Washington st�te. Daniel Me- reason"li" furffier articulars a and as dieturbers of the public peace, aad tor some tim� 1�nger. ,�Oheets). I thinic o�nd tons. Replies to rep4ated cables a a rent. Fot ddr!!so the riends in SmiW8 Falls. - -.Farmers bav� nett; Reldt,� Binkler, Strong" and #eis- Milln, proprietor ; F. S.1 Scott, :4lictioneer. b�w- prnprictor, ROBERT BELL. Seaforth, or a:pply per. deman ed that increased military protection we have the men ; I think we will have'the elver, Bhowetl that to rdq the coal and to sonally to G. X. SUTHERLAND, Hemalt. 1814-tf bout completed fillin their silos. The ki�s are ail i� this vicinity at presenti and 0 Thursday, October 16., at 1: p. m., at lie, givea to protect lite and property in the votes ; I think we will have a majo0ty suf- tly orn crop. v r �7-et it were two- different biner. So. reab LOCAL BRiErs.-Mr. T. J. Berry recen vhich wagl not very promising qoing good work. -Mr. Blown ha's sol4- his the re3idence of Dr. Arm 1 1 1 s distarbed centre. The conference! thus ficient when ibe house meets, an,4 Is am� n6t had been the demandifor Welbli coal that gold a good three-year-old entire Clydesdale the former: part* Of t sea Ion, 'has turnei chopper to Scott Bias., and now the tatter the whole of his house going to admit for one moment 'hat;, we' a�,e clollieries 4ould no ano hp U t fill: ut far beyond the farAriers eNpectatlons. have all, the ! chopping in'their own h' nde Armstrong, proprietor; he- rwn, auc- ended without arty I.,ractical results,, unless :silo r order for six horse to Mr. Church, f Arthur, for a hand - not capable of governing the country our- weeks. The city of No Y k ]one had 9acramen't will be diapansedlin Duffs Preij They are �oi�g excalent work at four�aeats tioneer. � 1 1 some sum. -Grain is coming freely into I I I i., be t � Pat the parties further apart than selves. . Tha.� is my position." ordered 35,000 8, W�itr �oa`arer or"ders from market, and meeta'wibh mady demand and )yteii-An churzp neA Sa�bath mornili per bag.-�Mv,. John Dtett -lost a I very Om Saturday, Octbbe� 11, at'l P4 in., t on 9 av 'le ztablo Seaforth, they �vere before, They left Washin Some had 6id If you are not going Various seaboar citi;. isturbed at the good prices. -Miss Barbet, of Longwoo-d, i ory services will be conducted thi valuable piar6 the other In tryixig to ATchibald & Cudmore a?reparat ton, owing that the struggle- at are you prospect, the alstera did nrt�feej village --Miss" Friday) afternoori, byRevIMr. Sbaw,o get away fro another cranky horge i'i slip, 20 road and general se horses. buying barley, and the result is that !the ��gmondviller. -A, Harvest, me service wa, oed and brok ita lep. lIt . was onel of a McLean, proprietor - T. rawn, auctioneer. M. Clirk, of San Fra cis o, California, who In U to resign or form a coalition,'what like visiting Mrs. F. Rae, of t iis" p"ar in Q todo 1" coutinile. The fact is, the coal oper- 901. In, reply�tc% that, said Mr. RoE, IV barley market is aiffected prices b6ing 'been spending th L mer month ield in St. George's churel i last Sabha , team for yvhi h, he refused, WO some short 0 a Tuesday, October 14, -at I p, in., at n- has a with tors 4re bouixcl to solagh I the Union, Id say we are just going to fight ; that o' accoumb. Oloer el time ago.1 They intended to show th �in at Mason's hotel, Blyth, 20 western borses, wou iiderably easier on I' he weather w4a very: un 0iable and p cost W her 18istor. Mrs. M. W �ite� of )�'xeter, was -in f1a�t it may. Th,3 men, on the other is all we are'goiqg to do. (Cheers). 1 sa�y iwerestB will also feel'the effoot. the:villaee part of last we0k and this, visit - t i ivented many fr4?'m coming t! -waao Wo Olifford on Thursday. -Mr. Archibald. of col te � and saddle ponies, 0. J. Wali 8, pro - again I fight, and I want you �o spell , th �t i I Mrs. J. Sutherland--Mra. Wells, of ptherwise have ttended. hand, �re struggling to pre3erve their Union in Seaforth,�wag n judge of horses it the Ford- prietor Thos. Brown, a*ctionter. 9 1000 London, is here at pmee word over d�liberately, so that you wilt A judgmenit 'of considerable import ti� on'a visit. -Oh significance. Eve understand iits full ry was given by Ohancellor 'Boyd, at! Opod Thursday afternoon of I t k 'thp re w It seems that the Uvited States Govern letter of the 1word suggests the intensity of mains of the late Miss J nnie ;�olhok were I Hay. 0 ment have no power to interfere in the mat- our earnesta . p8s. day. The ju bouru6' to the Methc dietl church,, where a HA1PTLY WE;)). -A- Very We believe 'we still td ding and shall continue to hold am�jority of the was on an action to unseat the alderEne4 of ednesday )t last week at: ter. service was held, conduct d by the pastor,. ionk place on W 7DRES S G OT)s ho Hall, Toronto, on Satur danient p�retty wed orthe Barona have Role conLrol, and no i I seats. in parliament, and with a little more �he city of St. Thomag. The action, w�Iiich Rey. D rl. Med, and in whth all the resident �'Lanceden Farm," the resi( e of that de�erminatiQn an -d energy with an Troyer, 41th ceasion, whbri pers , high or low, cau Bay them nay. of Mr. and a taken by the TraLles �'nd LaborI,Cou�ncii I minlisters took part. -Dr. annan and wife, Mrs. Stepho �n They 4are not for public opinion, no matter wbich-the jo of battle inspires every advo_ ly 'was i 4 �f St. Thomaej !to un�eat ithe' aldermeq on Of HK8tey, were in the vil age the first part ,their daughter 8mi in marril cate of�a good cauB pe to carry of tbis Air, Wd' D.. D gnat, a pronperou how irrate or how forcibly exprescedbecause !week, visiting and ege to the government of the country cog"Iruption, as v�e the ground of 'consp�raoy an'd lar. -The lecture given by. Rev. Dr. young farmer -of this lown, hipi The cere they a�e independent of the pubho. e, *a stdl ho dau ht the'r son in-law S on They have (lone fo.F the past 30 has been in the, courts, siace the firBt of the ed� in thr. Methodist a ur-.h, on Thurs- Imony was perforined b 7 R(v, Dr. Medd,-o _yeais." I . I I own ai d c,)n.trol all the mines and all the year. The gr�und on which thel Trade3 ing of last 'Rensall, and 'was Wii -y a goodl day even rgely at- �7 neae( d I was la catis leading fro Th scarcity of co�l h t o hours on ailr m the mines, and no e prese0f, as revived and Labor Council cNmedil to void the elee- tended,I He lectured for qver w umber of guests, the! relat N'ea avd friendl -person has power to interfere. with t tion was That a'nutftbqr of 4itizens, i olu�ing the very interesting subjret of- Wooed of the coutraAiDg parties, The blushin hem. popular interest in the efforts that are Big "e d'uctidns inj 0' ess Goods nd Silks -ed and looke one of the St.!, Thom4s judges, ha v�ted' and Wed. " The leett xe* M'as vary in P ch en. 'bride was very taetefu� ly at ti. Ard e�en did this power exist., they' are a being made� to utilize the immense peat t in differeur, wari.& contrary to the sta�ute joyed and contained a greet deal charming, while little! Amy `rc ye�, as ring power Oven greater than the legialativea of deposits of Oatario for fue% Near Stratford, recently pas3edt allowing only one votO to of valued advice and i n8truction. The lec. bearer and flower gir , wa im etl the cc ntry. They practically control the in the county of Perth, large Bums of mono pach man, no matter in how many 7ardo he; ture was vezy pleasantly interspersed with 'The ceremony and coidgratu aions over, thl, W� have', ekared out-solue lin�es in Dress Goods that are �eally woildev� at owned propert�,_ The vot"09 was I wit, humor and paxhok he church -choir company pa�rt8ok of a m6sb� sumptuou the price. Lerrial�tures, both St%te and National, and. have been. Oxpended. during the last few Too com- i Itica,tod by thvj� fact that the I syt �m Ihad I also added much ito the pleasure of � the wedding dinner, prepired �y�the worth7 3.50 yar(Is of heavy frieze and hoinespuns, in all the' leadtig 'heavy the iticiana dare not interfere -They years by several com endeavor 0 teen altered frbm ward voting to 5 bt�llot' a TrIlLsical selections. hostess, and the remai ier f1l, he time w p panies ia.the evening by rendering Ila 31 as can be� and plead, as President Roosevelt to perfect machinery :that ould produceia for the whole city. The Chancellor, in " i enough to raAe up Without lining worth $1.00, onr cut prico 091, a yad, Mi s' Lilly McEwen, daughter of -kr converse, mc vo�lv- is : , - . � lemantly spent in social p :0 lt� 0 56 ffiche'e wide. did th4 other day, but they dare not com- fuel from pe�t to compete with'coal. There ing judgment, Baid that t double ing Williarn McEwen, f he ondon road,,is in nd such lik I I . I a2 a. The I resex a to the brirl Mat a humiliatir was an honest iiiistake, that th6l plaint-: Toronto visiting her i istet, Miss Kate,! and 'Were numerous and v rere 'h n Isome, Val ul -0 a yar 3. niand. g position it is are al8o large' peat beds in - W Fifteen pieces Zibeline Cloth,! all the..1atest sbade, to be Od at 1 0 ellani county, Me had failed to f ut n4h proof -of oonspir�cy. other fr44nds.-Misa ElarNey was in Biuco_ able and ueeful� and testi& o the ful and a good deal has been done'there as well pl Black Venetian Cloth, ivorth $1.50, for $1.10 a yard. that 0e people of the great 'Republic occu. alde esteem- in' go, therefore, 'confir ed the imeni, in field this week rendi ring� acquaintana�s.- the which th) Joung peo eir chief executive going on hia knees to develop t yards Bla(,k, Peau-de-Soie Silk warranted n t orth py- T� �em and to make t�e product �b heir seats. will y th!eir friends. and MrPJ to' ut w, Rev. Mir. Mallot, B. A., A D. prpsch �kre held b for -use. Peiat has iath5 Ontario etreet ignan.start life toge �hee u1nder the mos ;Nxid,iolthename of theRepublic,b however, always been ta, I educational vermons Y, $1.25, while it last8 85c a yard. egg"" disap intnient to those who have, t6qd to incial Leiialature circumstances, o PIP Methodist church, lirk Clinton, on Sabbath, auspicious for 50b a yArd. a few !haughty millionaire The niembera�of the Pro na 1ho wil Fif akda of wide Black �affetta Silk, worth 75c, nopoliats to explib Canada'B enormously rich deposits Of' v morning- and evening .-Xlr. Geonze Trott bave the good wishea,)f a &�Oe circle o �yy ard -rm tor Toronto waitto the Premior� a Ifew One hiindrecl vard-s of 56 inq� howe8pun, warth 85c, for 60c a pe it, the people to buy sufficient ooal from it and the 111[oat satisfactory re4ults'have not returned bome laab wee from the 'Old fri2ndafortheir unitedatic3ess':and-hap)i! aya ago, urgin,6 -the propriety of Ithe[On- uhity to buy Dress Gools and I Silk at the miaes of the coutr to protect them yet been obtained. The nearest. a 1 0 Do ind M, iss, t h is golden opp�rt y pproaah country, where be he] bei n spending the )ness- to an appar�tua for extracting ario Governm4nt fu ni�'liing a aUppl RTED.—Mi,98 JIEUD!e F011ick, daughJ, these pr" from free7ing during the winter. And the the �noiature of -PA surnmer. and has re-o?ened his photo 1 gal- D E fron the crude peat and prem-ing it for Zel for the Prp''vince. They argue thatithe lery.-kra. Joseph Smillie of Bluevale,'and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Follick, of Hay i f r monopolists, they turn from him with an ill market is s4d to be in the machine invented ' o the better life o baving tho d of acres �')f w�ood her sister, Miss Cairn, of ontreal, were in ear Fansville, �passei! t coriceal�d contempt, and, by action$ if not' by Mr. 1) i obon, and now in use at � thelpeat the village during th p t k Tuesday of Jas� week.. T e deceased w" Highe$t Prices Paid for Produl e. �'I,',fflwee She b bywor B,tel hinito works near Beaverton, on Lake Si I nds in the newer sec, ions of the Provipce, mu ad mind his own buai- al Mr. aud Mrs. Sa is and other 36 years o Be men should be� set to work to out it t sufferer -for 14 years her u3se 1 How have the mighty fallen I ii described as a most ingenious contriv#noe, relatives in this , vi init7.-Mr. J. !Me. Patten &�4 sincere which cuts,dries and tume out the cubes cordwood and1then �ave it dolivlere& in Arthur,! hardware mlere'hant, receiv�d, on Christian char;cter wis isO�yed in her he Presideab has made a second appeal ready for consumption. There are' in Can-' Toronto and ot er central points thr'opgbDut ac. every day life,'�nd in l 6 a en.3e, resigna- Saturday aftetnoon last, a telegram Wb to President Mitchell and the in- t 'bogs ttie Proviuci' ritilj, quai ic a bore up ine iffork- ada almost inexhaustible areak, of pea 3. 'The idoa is not a V uting him of the very severe illnes,� of bion and fortit0de wit EAR !YD C� 00, -e and I of montbs o tin ers, ask Ing them to- abandon the stril which, if th�y could be made economically I ant one. It i� true the. Province ias �im- his Wife, who, a cou r so ago derher affli'tion. About! 14yeara ago! available for�supplying fuel, would rna,4-� the �er enough to'serve the whole Province! for went to St. Thomaalp a I gon, reeeivio r a a, whero she has he was run over by eturn, o work and guaranteeing them that a Opless and sh GARDWO B 3 6 010� S E 01 country independent of the co I miners' and r�any winters, 6vt much of that tim )er at a brother. Mr. M6A r1left on the e, on- inch injury as to reaK her h 3-Ai- 1THn A �bl elv' 0 U 'lei Congreea will, a& soon as possible, apeoint a,' add enormously to its wealth.' No doubt a pireoEnt inaccessIble; fariroin railways�nd itig express for Da ot MiEs Chrietens has been confined to he: bed ep since, Her 0 Align! *VAG to Ttrue by Ib6 -At the reel bowling jzree*,)� Metsr posea of W-,= 9--st I ree pwrz W'Dep't tnew)" 01f Per ton r or loc. t_,4, &GOP W"d VOw Cold Vo W3 per - .1 urdbity 'per -100 ba�i T-DW--uo, 1,Oc blut �4 o bew no impro U,5re are,�qu0f-Q-1 4at of store eel ToRe To, I- comin-1 Zinal at, 65 t e a, I And 9a fbr:014L Are -steady ot �51 DA Q is ateady, and er_v prints,�are are abo MoVil I'M piry. in dair- areact Ve aud], 'llialt bX ".iii. forka-rd iA 9 -Creame-rY V 450IL19, IS U 1 Zboice dairy t lin to 14c ; i -r-olliss 15 'to che6'se-piticer" �,-for large lots. -Egge-j 01 gathertri is a reaAily -at 1.70. more is �Gceaaio not quo�-a ia bl count or the at Uzets� AAvipef: �effect tb&t Ulan -,steady. - seear aria aschanged Live L 0 N-1 D 0 N_'� H T 6P �_P_ C abeep, 5 to 5tU NNT wanting inuith weather is �un mesi. There i best caWe, . �W to,sell amilipon Mr. G. AIartel: tte -on the inurl 1)retty good a] -and the e9mmo pou.n& - per Pound. A .covnrn� 'k gn ztot �Girard rai4l 1,'51' about 51c -per i a b f ro in IS 2 50 t pelt, poilmd. of per pound. X Iambs at S&W. good lambe -svii Fat Ilogatola 0 -steera. 87 to V 0 �w . . I . I heifeis, ',k.3 to ,canuers, :V 50 feeders, 5 $4,25 -9 81100'4 -b- -cow -8 and:sprilli at 1, ,-> to,,Q3 -per, o co, t VeaU-R­ece1,9. ,R8. Hbge­wRl and -5 -to 1:00 bi mixed, $7.40 �$7.40 -, light, i to M -Jo -1 rou �$5 25 to $6 ies, $7 to lanibe firm ,culla tip goA -1 to UZO ; -ewe Mixed; S31 -7b Tono,_qTo.- choice leads _4 $5-ZO ; medii per twt- EX] Port bulls o bulls sold 4 Butchers? C's butcheri? eal best eiTorteri sold xat 1 lots of butch to 11055 pow, por�ewL loa to $3.90 1.09 $3.85 to $2.75 to,33� P_ -erl? , IXe4�, exporters sqV 1, 1-00 and light fe Aold at -quality. aro off-tolors U11 weights are 1 Wilch COW* �sold at -to 61t f rom S3 -$5 per twt.- are worth $ Prices 63,125 bueks -at $Z bacort -bogv, rnore -than 9J at $6.77 � pej fats at Z6.w per cwt.1 U11C ktt in atea& �eaxt and mil aud. white o 06a vms bid I i aide. - -Goose �.2 Van% -und no Atanitoba w hara and 784�' transit. Oal white,e- t' 18 stesdy *t for bran in. Manitoba imi of oborteiist 70ronto libil it -good, but �11 tivaotby pi