HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-10-10, Page 11902 W"NW""0M"ftW"� Z �� - _Alk� �!E - _. I �_ '4'. � 'M the whirl Of ke, emphatic, the many do - )res is justly Ving of new rig . qualities, - prices. ; stock. Well, w Us and pre- 3� latitude. � I Ly Our prices I Mee of low- -- SR. iverything of le garmeab or �n . danger our Ug but =. . � � . � � I . Drees Goods i favorite fa,b- . busy days of I I styles., large values are the I- vringera-and I . if You -V�Ould I serviceable. - l; from. such � TtLib,ktainest � 6clille, Broad, I - A. � because We le, iota. It is. I 1 down hard 'far the otit�Gf ruist do some iese ,,code a, 0 M. I Ly,the great- �me Furs that beat and most 'a -and hera'a . v ri &I in, quan- i - I aveness, mark �Lion of all fur I small, su* as lilt'lets, Caps, a,ud . short . is, buy them � kkers that will I us. We atand iers- --loth :J ackets. ;41 r,eady for I I � Comprise" the I . it among them i . due consider- mirig given to I : I i worthy gar- ip, good ma- uesa they are ' ,-oossibla to get; ad their pric- - apd1sales. I ; . I � Art. . I I Hats is the I ,our Millinery Lto rl �ing headgear � � ae nicely fitted � kalesladies, are I !w you all the I find that the Pwer than such . . story, we are a -%vhat we al - apartment and [a brand new �r street and wift. selling. - 11 eed a,Way oil � Burns, in his I aken, ill the . Treen of the ne� He leaves amil- fro '� 'x'j Er: r - �m - �ed0 c " some bolt far the - �ha. t a'�'Y_cut le a�ccul:iants . . � received a I ho taoght. in thope, in ther ain dia:1,ing- Z'ubert Cars- befft ho,nor of � of Manitoba, � place in. his I � Colonel aild 1. �istow- el, was I I weddiu- on, I I week, when � Minnie, wag . of the Fab- . . oronto. The. - . v. Dr. Ntur- - cutting carn -r, lot 4, con- . I met with an , , for several de, when the �,jf it tore his great pain . . � ratford, has - I � , trip to the rritr, & De%- � he is presi- liall, agencies I �rity, envelope counts at all � a. the Terri- � � I I _; I - I '"ftN1MNW001'- _. I I i 1 "O�4 , - � i , .1 I I � " , , . I I I � I I I I , I W ... W - I I i I � I - __ I - - - — – - - � ; 1. � ___ - _____ - - � . '. , . . I- 0 . , I i I I . ; ishers - THIRTY-THIRD YEAR.. I — . � i McLEAN BROS., PiibU � I . I . � % . . I .10 19024 i I WAGLE NUXI� 11817 . I ; Sf;�kFORTH, F1 'AY, OCTO.BE#, 9 1 � I I $1 a Year:in Advance. .OR, - . : . r - - I I : . . . I i I - . � . . - - - I , �___ -- - . . . . I . � . - . - 11 . . � ­ .- � - - . . - . � i ' � --- I , . . . �- - � I � . � ' . . � Im . I . . 11 THE HIBBERT SHOW; Table dr%pi, ,w Jaffrey, No � I eighton. to the farmers, awording to quality and was due to despondency over the failure of Footstool �diss Creighton. Befsb� piece of w F RNI�HINGS kind. The dealers who'bought by the orch- certain farm crops Oue to the wet weather. I ; . . �FLOORS, i I . HOUS9 i i� 9 1! � i . - . I i . � I . I I : i . 1 2 S, T 0 R MS I The Hibbert people b'd a blight, eVE ar, fancy work, not on, list, 'Nci�pis, Mir's ard have no reason to complain, a:s the erop, Tucker was only 25 years of age. � I I . I I*ound Floor . I : : � �Zv,tlj, - pleasant day, for their 9;ow at Staffia., on Creighton. PillovV ehams, . i�s Qrle!gkton, I ' exaeods the early estimate. On the other 16 I 50 ft. wide I I . � WALLP PERS hand, tkose who are buying by Oe b%"el ! � � I Tuesday, although we ll�ve no doubt sons@ winHodge. Fancy pathiel, � Norris, Miss � I � Perih Notes. 100 ft. long I T . Uippeir Moor got wet before they re�cheol home. The Crei6ton. Three patches pu e;d pants, WINDOW SHADES bave no etills to handle and ,Ao risk to run . ; � � � ; from bea winds. , Mr. Alex. Hill, .of Mitchell, received .. $ANUFACTUR. show, on t4he whole, was hardly up to John A Norris, Joe Hamilto�. Suit ladies' I * I � - � - . I I , I * - ' the pecial. prize giVen by Dr. Smith for the . t �XNG. � former years, There wa a neat, but small' u �df.rwear, Miss Creighton� Darning on� 8 -The I tter part of Aug�st the remains 2 , i 9 14 I OURIWIN POLE ,AND .;- : urke, who d' finest gladiolus at the fall tair,apd the bulbs � I I ! . I I colle�tion of ladies, work, an oxcellent Bbow otbokiu;,s, Miss Creighton. !Batton -holep, of Thoma O'Ro led in Manitoba, - ­ — I ��. �L­ . . P10TURrE M 00M DINGS were brought to . Parkhill for' interment. were Liot received tbroagh the Horticultural i I i � . of fruit and roots, but v9ry little grain, aud Miss Ferg son, J Norris. Emb�oidery in I � . I , I . I I I society. The second prize went to Mr. T. I *vw:!I��!!:�,l��;ll�ill��l:��l'Illi��111111 ill 111111 I111 11 ******* � � . thd dairy department w v 4- light, which silk or eati ,Miss Creightonj win Jeffrey. Thera appears to have been 6xtr6ng auspic. I I ; MI 1 � I 1, - _115M! 1 i � I � – 9! 6 I I I � . I . . I . � � would seem to Ind ate7tha3the ladies of E'mbroider3 in wt,ol, Miss fighton. Ro. ion that the man was poisoned. 'On Taes- Sayers, Straitford. -- � . - C, i � I ic Or ' I I I I i I . i � . I AILEX., "T TINTE'D day the remains were 'exhumed. A post -On Wednesday, September20th, a very , . . I the vicinity have gone out of the butter man embro Aery, Miss Creig ton. , kenei6g. J I ! � . xft.9 I � I . The above is a quot tion from ancient hi�tory. In:days go7a.s by a great making business, or that it Is too dear to ton embroidery, Miss b ,o . Java can- 1 ! I mortern was held by Dr. .4. J.1 Johnston, pleasant and happy event took place at the , . Creigb i of Toronto. on beh6lf of Ahe! Pr � ovincial .residence of Mr. George Stoack, postmaster, M. many people u,eed thesewo, ds either th-rouoh necessity or be.;ause it was fash- make for show 1purposen ' Stak4 used to be vaas work, Miss Creighton I Crochet i in _81EXFORTHe . q _� ' 0 ,. . * �. I I ., I I i I , - -in - stRampatead when bia eldefit daughter, - Is . noted for the number an excellence of its wool, Mies Ortighton. Croch b iii cotton, I � ionable, or, perhaps, for motives which did not Pippear upon the vuface,- and . � . , but the ques,� w"' adjourned 0 - , - , - " Fa cy �in ' for two weeks ' I Miss.11-aggie, became Ahe happy bride of . I ' horses, but it werit back'' on its record this Mliai' Creighton, wm 'Hy the, exAmi tation of [ I I , pending - , � when angaged in shopping fhey used this expression as the weapon,with which 4 last week t a long lost treasure was un- , , ,ear. Competition was very light, alth ith, e8 Opeightorl. Profeasor F,Ilis, of Toronto. , , - . Mr. Conrad Smith, of�ttle same.place. ; � Pugh cuishion, Jo Ia S MoIlra eartfied. T, e son, Seth, who works the , thlo y . ; ' ,I , % to carve e price of an art�ole, for the man behind the counter is u ually of: a I . -A L�ndedown, Leeds coupIty, farmer, - -A pleasant At, H�me was given in the I � ' . . there were some very good � vouniz animals P.�Iinting O:t silk I or plush ve vet,i John A farin, had OP113810" to move a fence on the .� Stratford Collegiate 11natitute in honor of . .very sympathetic and flexiblo nature, consequently cannot resist . he appeals shOWD. There'! was an exc!e�tiot�ally 'good Narve, Mi3s Creighton '� Pehoil;drawin I � , named Watson, procared a ideqse tillers a I , I - 9, premises and wbila plowing the land o1a I . Lindsay Malcolm, only so � of Mr. George, . ' � � lu o -day the usefulness of the old expression has dimini:hed, and its show of cattle, Ilowever, both,in Shorthorns Joseph Nor -10. Pdintin * in 6ater colors, w few days,ego, and with t o � 1,4dy of his ; � 14 - I . ad e. Bu t t � 9 ; � which it s,.6(kd this f sir eized b ndle of bank al eb , - I I � ay�' for the . fact is now we have �, . , and grades. rndeed the eXhibits in this Jeffrey. 8 )eeimen of wriGiqp, Joe Norris, bills, so Iona hidden, canoe to his view and ehoice'proceeded to the re AC, -1 wbolw*,a' tm Ipa � I [I -_ ,�, of Rev. L. , mi"Je0m, B. � . � o Beholartill I ., V I fashionableness faded aw ;� department wo . J. Man.3ell t) be married. a' at the recentl exami"tiops, of $100 am -d - - r uld have done credit to a very Robert Hc garth. Crocheting in � silk, won I . eing inter - it I , l� with the eAeption of a few on the .outside ar n had $150 resveot*ely. Lindsay will attend,' . i I I much larger show. The sheep and pig- Jeffrey, -wri Hyde. Potte plauts from rogated ib was , 7 , � . . . . . I I were in alai- state of preservation. There- . Queen,h i 6 gstoll. , ,. . prizes were mostly taken by one exhibitor in green hous(, -Ny Harbourn, H Deal% 1 : I been married before, but he'thoU'ght he was Univ mity., kin , I i � i waina were (arefullj kathered and taken to . . � I I � . � .� . . -Apr(Aty wedding *as celebrated at , I I ­ . I , IR"11 . , each ulass, The following is? a list. of the . i I 0 justified I n' taking another v�ife,'as his first George Cbok, Philipsburg , � . ;1 I I -'on of last week, when 1 et, I head office at Morlitr ml for valuation. Af ter � . , � . ; itors, , � Horses -.W. Berry. Bruc(f I ' � I I (3—op :ID rTl[ 81, I JUMES. the bank an( were u abseqaeLtl 7 sent t the spouse eloped about seventeen � years ago the home of ,Mr. � . I � suedessful com I eld. 9 Wed.nesday afterno . I . I � �r On �' . �, ROME& Dritight.-Brood mare, having moarefulocrutinyunder magnifyinggla.4ses andhadnobbeen heard frum since. Mr. I . I .And sensible people will M ke ood use of the opport,unit� and get'. what they foal in 1902� Jc ha McGrath, let and 2od, Qatle,-rhomais Heals, N i 1�che' .1� . Mansell refused to perform the 6eremony. , his daughter, Miss -Mlary,l was united in- —1 9 I In. and othtrwi 0 the bank- decided to allow I � . I :Sheep and- Pigs, -W. Dt I )ridge, W -Thom-as Brabyu: a former employee of marriage to M.r. M. lfia&l, a prosperous - , . 14 want, while they may specially so when everything is 6en.. lower in! price than wm,Kerslake. �Foal of 190Q,,.;J McGrath, c6lsea. � !! Mr� Brown 70 in li� u for the remains of the ' I young iarmer - of North I Eastbope. - The �. . . I � I I . .. . , � let oni 2nd. Three year old Oily or geldin the Sentine Review Woods ock, and a well I I I : I � 9t A . . I ,I_ . ;-when hard 'Ldme3 prevaited. . 0 � , 1nn"Plemei it j, -John Miller ' eneall. , once good bi Ia. - know n cycle xidbr, who is at YOung Couple will ive,'on Mr. Habelm farm-, . I � � . . I i . : . . icis � Norris. ' Two year old fll)31 or jeldiDg. lPoultry, Grain and VegeL �Ies, R. M ut- -An eate ma re Ue of Hullett has n lo g -distance bi on the 7th Concession. I . I . . . presen - ; � � . . I I ,� I I � � - . I � R, A Switzer, McConnell& Son., One year ton, Mit6hell ; J. Gardiner, arquhar. passed over 0 the filent majurity, in Ahe t touring on his wheel *4 England, -On Re ternber, . th 4ames Bhn I : � I I - . old filly or -gel4irig, wm Keislakej Thomas i . recently flaished third in the Corquation 100 P I i � I I Yruit.-IV. Deveraux, Seafcrth. 1 person of M ris. E Jim and Sly, a � the tige of ' . of the 16th conces6on . ; � � I . _! mile road �sca from.London to Brighton, and , Elma, fAI ciff a lead This Week"s Selling Men's Suits. � Geary. I I 1 6 years. a ,n b f 'se Sly _. � I 'Dairy, Horticulture, and H(imeMa-jluf&c_ 4 ar 5 e re Mrw. � 7 - i I �l ' 11" (I return. There were 25 starters of whom 12 of manure, head -first. Along handled fork . I . General Parpose.-Brood ;ir�:are, having an I i i i 4 y a nervous dl' , � � ; I . . 1� a ublt . sease, followed him and the prongs rax through . . : �� . tures,-Mr, and Mri. J., .' Walker, of I L . foal in 1902, ,A�m Kerslake,' wm Machan. . � I "dueed b -the ab finished, � The first man did the distance in . � . � � � ' 'gieff'. � . pro ,tt,.,ion of ure%, from the thickest tartor t� 30 111steip, going be- . . .*wow : � -won, K . L OJ five hours 'and twenty. five in inute.s. Brabyn : : Foal of 1902, win Machan, eralake. f ep _,�,y � � . Ladies' Work, -Mrs. S. U l'ar, and M ra. Which a for arose, and which � . . � - I : . � I tween the larger bones, out, through the I � . i f � . Three year old Ally or gelding, wrn Kers- ' I was five minutes and a balf )ehind him. . . � , I . ; A. McLaughlin, Oromarty. I was the ult imate cause of bar death on Aic�n- hollow of the foot.' U toluk a strong pull for . : � � . � lake. One year old filly or ge�ding, Richard I i ' -Mr. James Flemming, e r. -M. P. inspeic- . I � - t day of last leek, from, ureamic convalsons. ? .. . . i . � . - I tor of legal offices for Oat irio, , died last his father to take out Dbe fork. � _. i I . Birch. ;. � . . . I . I : I i I I t I Shewasthl nlyremainingdaughterbLMr. . -Mr. Cecil Irville, formerly Clerk in the I . I . I I arriagi-.-Span in harne�s; A wright. Huron NoteS14� I I Sunday morning athis home.- in Toronto. . . I . I I i W. SmithBo i , of 01 ut:on,'and was married dt - - e N . I Pr Foal of 1902, J4 Old -Mr. s,nd Mrs. W. J. Morrow, of Gode- I I Mr. Flemming had been foi--& number of cffice Of SUPOri"ten.dt t Tiffirif of I'll � orth- 11 I _� . � aeph Norris. ' Two year I - some 20 yei I a ago to her hueba ad, to ' -whom -G. T. R.' at Allandale � I . a rich, celebrated their silver wedding last years a sufferer from Bright�'s disea!fse. Ile ern- division of the iG. . � ­' . � . i 1! filly' or geldiDg,::Aud wright, 4y Yeo, Tho I - she bore tw a childr ni a son and daughter. - : � � q � � 1 1 . I experienced, no very serious attacks I bow. and at one time a ime her of the Beaco' -1 i, "iJ.. week. A � T They resided' on a xm on t,be corner of the I � .. i . I staff in Stratford, has been on a visit to- his , I The quality of the materialE, as well Roadster&. -Brood mare, having foal in �-Nlr. Tiornsialiandford,oF Exetar, re- ever, until the end of last -week. On'Friday .. . I - � I 1 3050 1 let concession and be Saafort road, but -vin � - $ i� 190�*, Jos Norris, Robeit Hogarth. Foal of ce�ntly sold 3is handsome gray. teara to G. I. morning he coaWlained of feeling unwell, mother, Mrs. Ir el, Hd goes to Havre, - - . I � I . - Jave years a � o sold ,heir place, and moved Montana, where he has secured the position ' �. as the cut and finish of our Euits make i ; 1902, -\,vm Olive;r, R Hogarth. . Two year'old Byxton, of 'odorioh township, for the spin to t ' and on returning home froin his offilm at I . : 3 1 � I 'heir pre i mt abo le,1 at the top of the: hill I of private r,ecretary to Superintendent Scott, . I : I of 1 $490. 1 Osgoode ball at. noon he di not go back. �� - � filly, or gelding, -%vm� Jeffrey� Thos -Annis. ! � . . ; near Staple ion. Mrs. -Sly had been enj of the Great,Wortbern Railway. I I thern fast sellers and bia trade winilers. 4950,- �. Mr. and Mts. John Govie of Rullett,. � oy' That evening he took to his )ed and rapidly , . I , One. year old filly or gelding, Joseph �Iorris, ,_ . ing her usaa. health, and had just returned �. - I 0 1 1 � � win Oliver, R Itogarth. . I . lebrated their silver wedd-Ing- recently, sink until his death. -Mr. Shore, a Stratford man, was stop. . I . I ce� 1�!, from a visit ;O friandF.! ... I ; . ­` I When once examined and tried onf the � I i Saddle and Buggy. -Single driver, wm when a large number of thFir. frien a assem- -Three years ago little Willie,Chase, of ped within a few Mil f tha city one ,; ., � � I ­ -A quie but pretty wedding took place Win ip . morning late] betwe a 12 aiad I o'clock, � � . 1 5800 Hodge. I bled at the r home and fittingly celebrated at 11 Eudy ," Cranbrook, the resided' p of n g, while playing with a companion, I Yfle - __ n- - a cr I I 11 .0 receivede a bullet near his cc Ilar bone. The and his money � eman ed at the point of a i ­ � , _ ... . customer finds no difficulty in, gettii g CATrLF,.-Milch cows, having calved Finne tb : Me Tuesday, September I , �.T . < .111, �� 0 �� I I . Alex. k, on Yv r. A buggy d ove up, lowever, and , - i��Z last. fall show, Alex Miller,-- Hugh Norris, A -Win. Gallagher has disposed of his RL wound was a very serious �ne, sad young revo _e 1_ . I ; 0 � � , . 30th, at 11 clock a. m., when ,his da gh- I , � . ­ waymen drov off. It is supposed . . ,_,�� .1 I just exactly what he wants, and in the Miller. Two year old heifer,John Hog l store business in Gorrie to J�e7adel of to Chase's life was despaired of' for acme time. tbe high I I. . I - . I Mial J )in, wai mkrrield to Dr. J 1 L they are the iarr. I— % . ' The surgeons were unab'j ie mO who robbed :Mr. . . I C50 Jos Norris. One year old heifer, A Miller. Fordwicb, and J. McEweri, of eawailer. Tlirnbul . a'well-kn)wn physic: an of de- � . I If, to locatie the bul- I . l l - I . � 1 4 ! I � . U OV . - . � el -ors have ta posqes- let, and although the b artial 1 . wafter of price he ca n* get the &Ame Heifer calf, calved since last fall show, H The new 1 rop4l keni . 7 recov- Auney the pro vious w0ek,of over $100, and . � I . rich. The 63remorly was perfo.-med ia4f*�ont � . - 3 � I No�ris. Bull ,calf, calved since lastfall sion. i -i I Rev. D� B. ered, he has suffered from a severe haAing at the same ti Ile usin him roughly, . 4 � . I , of a bank of 36sters a ad ferns, V 7 ' -Mr. Rieb�rd She pard, of Harmony, - - . I . satisfaction cut and fit in the lower 1 50 show, A Miller, H Norris. Herd, four I -Ab interestit g exbibit at the $[oderich McRae, in tloe pres( nee of the . r latives land codghand�vain in theleft. side ever since.. I .. ! . J . . 7a females and male, one year and over, Alex fair )ast wi�ek wis a display o I Re&enbly, -fter a long pen d of coughing, had a valuable worklu mare badly out on . . , 8 . I .. - I r f r6m � few intimiWte friends of thf 3ontracting a I a barbcd wife � one r1i. lit lately. She evl� . ; I the bullet was emitted, nd ' Miller. ' I I , . I I I . priced as well as in the higher. � - I ! the Yukon.1 There wBs also a fuli, line' of - a a 7the boy is now . _. � I parties. T6 bride looked cl arming 1 . . dently had pawed int the wire which wan i . . . re lwere � as 'i a free of pain. � . � 9 - I .1 - . 1 50 07ersey.-Cow, with certificate, calved. vegetables -in th3 exhibit.- �he Ownof w 'to Duchess r%* been ! . . ,� I I i a f5ince last fall show, Thos Annie, many varieties as are grown 9 sat[n, en t in, A couple of months ago i an oil wtll was attacbed to t a fence, and ail�ght hava a - � ! I laround here, - . � .1 � I � a over taffetta, trimme& with ex luisite B rua- completed'about two miles east of Wheat- Cut much wor so, only 1at -the wire became I . � - I \ , Glale Cattle.-Ot,w. having calved birioe and they m6re just as pimpl�. i I � I 1. . � I r � . eels lace and flated chiffon. khLe wore the wedged betwf en the I e and the -foot. Mr, � �, I . lamt fall show,!Thos Vivian, Jos Norris, J !-Au interestijig wedding. tpok place I at � I I � . . .1 I I customary h idal vei, ith orar gel blossIms, � � -1 � � Hogarth. Two year old heifer, J Hogartb, the home of Mrs, George Caut3lon, ibf Ulin- I.� shooting it, another well was begun on the Sheppard., in �rying t loosen the wire from I I , . - r 7 '00 I . - a lace lid ly, which showed up well, �ut instead of i . � � 1109 .� - caught with �a buttet �, Of BrUEBel 14 I i I . - ., . t i A Kerslake, wrfl Oliver. Yearling heifer, J tov, on Wei lies lay of last I weak, when her . adjoining farm, which has since baen -shot the mare's foot, had h s thumb dialocaited. . Lae . r I I carried cream roses. The bridesmaid, ,Zs I I i � i I � . . I ; i Hogarth, Jos $Orris, Tbos Vivian. Heifer only daughl err w s united � in marriage . I with 65 quarts of nitro-glyebrine, with the -One day in St. Marys, at moon, several . i , bride, ' ce . I ,; Ito Aggie McNair, Slat of the *0 result thitseveral acres oflandarouridthe children, oil their way to school, were play- - i ; � 7 1 ; calved since la6"i fall show, A Miller, let arid Mr. John Mulholand, a proapproue young I r � r I I I cream crepe de chene, trimmed with ecru- . � - , j le - I � f i � 2nd, w Oliver. man of RcImeoville. The earemony was well are completely cover d with oil. ing at th 0 arlo, and Elgin � - I I ,I. �� All Classes. ' Held of four steers, two pOrforafed by Rev. H.'M� MMining.l quipure and green velvet ribbDn, and 'ear' There is cdosiderable excitement, and sev- streetv, welie,ftru"'oidoe' ectrilte light pole fell . �e I , I ! - neIC0 I I . I I years old and over, J Hogarbh, let and 2nd. - -AtPerjysbu�g, Ohi ,Ion ctober lot., riecipinkroEes. LiftleJeseie �'-Teilson, * eralotherfirme arehastilv completing ar- withecrashjustbeei othem. Someof the � � � 1� 0 � I Of the roo ., acted as' fluwer girl, and was - "**4***#*********A***.� 11 Bekt two year; old steer, Hugh Norris, J Alex. Ritchie, a ous young business . rangemente'to begin operati�ns at once and little tobs, (there wer ten or a dozen aimall � ese.froo T � . I . . ! ] I dr in a ,. re ttle gown oU white silk land is being, largely leased W thati vicinity. boys and girls) narrwo ly �e.scapod. The -old I � I I Notris. Beat one year Old. steer, J Norris, man of'Wingharr, was unitad in marri ge trimmed with valericienne No% and c%riied - at . . ' ' Z w0i Oliver at steer calf, calved Fince' 'to Mies Francis IV. MaKell. The cerem av -A natural eas excitem red pole had ror-ted Clean 3ff. One of the boys; ' ' � I . I Be, I - ' - ' - I !! I r z last fall show, J Hogarth, H Npirie, Fat was performed b- r Rev. G. A., Adams, s.nd of pink carammions. The groom Port Robinson by the di4obvery of gas leaned against it arAd 1 lo*u it came, falling - , , . was attended by his � brother Dr. Frank - ... . . cow or heifer, J.McConnell & Son, Alex after the ce emoiiy Mr. and: Mrs.. Rit 11 southwest of that village -- ll�tw an the 'Wel: along the crossing. Senanible Ur 6 � � i 1 '9 Turnbull, ol Auburn. � After the ceremony land canal and the Welland kiver. "It is -Mr. Fred6rick inkler, one of the , I , I Miller, Fat ox or steer, : John Hogarbh, lat left for Wirighani. I a dejeuner was served, after which the � . I . . - . q I and 2nd. I I _-WhU miRht hisve been a F r ous accident escaping through the earth aq�nd burns freely, oldest residen�s of St � ford, died Thursday, I I ; I ­ happy couple left OW the 3:.30 train from but at present it is im I §si e to t . , SiiEF,P.-Downs.-M. Watson, of Kirk- happened 0 Della McDowell, econd daufh- I � . � September 25th, at his home on 0 ington � - i,� � I , Bruessla to ew York,and Boeton. . 1, The most sensible womei Are anxious I ton I took all prizes in this class, tei of Mr. 1�obeqt McDowell, of Wastfilld - whether there is a large qu at ty of gas in street. The 1�te Mr. Wi-Aler was . io t, . I . _* - I I .took all prizes on Friday morni� . . the rock, which is some h i I I � rythin,g-,!and there is 1 i� " pd�eds of feet Canterburn, $witzerl knd, on March 17th, -tl I I for comfort 't'above ete I Y. firkall ire. -Richard Birch � .'g of last wee I hile on I � _, � I nothinc, that ! -in Yorkshires. . I � the wagon *ith ber father, W60 was going I Cana,cla. down, or whether this is mo tlyl surface gas. 1832. He ca a to OB nada in 1854, takirig - ,insures comfort 1�o much asl� . - ' I � h I POULTRY. -Minorcas, A a ,3i. i 0 1 1 Wright, Thos to Balgravelfor aload of lumber, she --Martin,,F. Dar n,� of London, was bad- The natural gas belt throng th6t district is up his first I ome in Hawilton, where he 170 , furs. I � i � i I I I . ir � he hind wbeol pasling o er 0 1 1 ' I I Vivian. Plymouth Rocks, T Vivian, H dentally aliA off, ,t ly crushed by a � faling wall on Monday about eight miles south of P' rt Robinson, lived for a litle over a. year. From Haup.1- I Our idea is to supply you I 1 with reall ' I veins at Port ton Mr. Win] -ler came to Stratford, where 1 � Y, Yeo. Wyandottes, Win Oliver. I Turkeys, her head, but, w1th the exception Of a few aft8rnOO I , but there maybe valuabl ' .r , - � I . : - CL ! G Smale. Geese, G SmAle one 01 0 al were sold on the Robinson. � : I he has resided ever f ince, Tas deceased ,00 " furs at the lowes't possiblo prices. ),6 �, . -d ' T 0 i i ,H Yeol Ducks, bruises, shelia not much the worse. I _10( . I . ive that the . n ro � We have reasoo to beilie� I W Sadler, H )teo. I -Mr. John Wise, of, the � Hurol ,ad Newcastle c %I exc i2ge on Monday, for' -Miss Jessie Chtbpman as burned to Was a Skilled � 3ainter in&deeorator. - . � - ni e tates. Ouse night lately socident I � QRAns.-Bpans, A 'Wright, !Mips ,- E mct with Ia na4ty accident on Monrirky Of, Canada andthe U * d S death on Saturday night last, I er -One 4&pperled __- - � : is, 6, . 1 .. .. people appreciate our efforts i -n' the matter' Ferguson. Timothy need, T ,Annie. Indian laar, week, while i going to Clintonj , if,h a -T. G. D tv of age, a well atcalgary. The tragedy wa' a' horrible to the late fre ight at - -Bruioner. which de. . l nee . of maintaining qua4ty in our furs'. We corn, Jos Hamilton, G Smale, I load of apples. His horse became fri?_ ,ton. known baohelor,, o yk,rp,3, , was found one. Thewoman was comple-elr burned layed the tralh fora rouple, of hours. As . I 'ETABLES.-Early potatoes, rn Sadler. t -ed at a bicycle, a1bd shied into the d�it.-,. and dead in his room M nday morning. a. the train -was V -do at never.had a season equal to the present for VEG NNi , up. She was 62 years of age andi li�ed alon � . j , ulling � ip the heavy gra I I : . from work on the C. She went home shortly befo�e eight o'clock, th I I the draw bar oo Hamilton. �Iover against the'fenoe. The team ,- ntin. - -While r �turnhag at point, with a hew-vy loui , . � large selling of the very best 06ds, and so L%to potatoes, w Sadler, 4 , I I .. i - � early. People who knowus or1ka:ow of our collection potatoes, W. Sadler. I Swede ued some distarlep. but, not much, o a, na,g.e P. R. elevawr, Win�ipeg, W. Mclntomney and it is suppose was pr paring for bed, of one of two� Com , ation passenger and . I . % . . � .tur I ipot A wright, w Oliver'. Other was done. JMr. Wise was aor0wbat 4adly was run dovin by' a ard engine and killed. when in some W the lam was upset and baggage coaches attac ulted out. The A - � . I P � I � -Autbrac t �g at $20 a ay I*V I establishment, never Ahink of! buying furs tur2ips, T Annie. In me Ia a, wurtzel, shake b t Was not otherwise ii)j-irel. e Coa s now sellin the unfortunate woman wasidead before any train went oulto the �es,t Compan'Y"s �idinjz � I I I a up ! : I I * � , - ; � . I ,without seeing our immense istock, -which T AllUiS, W Sadler. Lox g mangel wurtzel, -The aiuUpi Wr f th E at Wa%, �nosh ton in Wilimpeg, and i the regular dealers alarm had been given. Twp boys who saw and the engiub returriod for the passengers. I . � I _nJ Coal the fl mas broke into the house, put out the who� i . I comprises most every.thing in 'I the wa� of w - 0 %pl Bef,,Lrave, have none tc i -were crowded intp Qne car and arsived I , adler, Jno Mccullo Ch.. Field carrots, Agrictultur I Sooiety wa's at wll evi at that price. . . I � - % � . Y win Oliver, A -wright; Garden' oarrots, on Wednes lay ci� last week. 10wing -, o the will soon be Ile valu "a as dia do. ,fire by pouring wa:er on it and informei the in Stratford about twO hours late. � shoalder and neck and hand!' pieces,� and . � , on _. 11 . I Chas Griffin, ,A wright.. .Pars ps, Goo proximity Of other faire, this !cine has not -Joseph I erc�ie�, inapeebor of mutual Police Mrs. Chapman wal at one time a -The Mitchell A64ucate of last week - � I. c� I I I . al,l .. I � - � I t. - long, range of Astrachan, Lan4'b and 1 Seal 110 io 3 for tb e provibee ,of I " An %inuoing ine I I - - - 0 t I i Sm,le, Chas Griffin. Bood beet , wun. M been as suc 3essf ul of recenb ye�rs an, its pro- insurance ase I nuree - . I k of Scar. says': idrnt occurred in Jackete, Men's Coo,n OeatF, Black Calf with lamb coll4r, Dog, Woi�nbat, Beaver Ha bourn, Ch�s ,Griffir. Turnip beeta, m6ters could desire, and it is'possible that Qaebeo, arld a brother of the late Honors -An old and honored landmar town Thursday even t g of last week. A I � . � � C (rrffin, wm -McLean. Red oni one, won thia will be the 1�'at one held tinder the pres- Mercier, the noted remier of Quebec, died boro was r�emnvedby death; early Monday gentleman from Strati Ord bad beou visiting � I I � ! I I ' and Wallaby. � Sunday mOrming,when Mrb Jerr� Annis p&ssed a friend in the north ward, and he put his . . . 11 7 i Oliver, Robt H�g�rth. Yell w Onions, wm ent auspice 3, as an effort will � be made to at, his residence in that city on I I 4 I A . I � hemorrnage, after a a ed was a horse in the stables of the Royal ho�el. It - -V i �_+ 9 0 9 9-9- 9- 9 9- 0 1 � i Oliver, wm Hy4e., Whi�t,e o ions, Jno Car- arnalgamate with some other isociciy. The night, from iateraa i way in his Slat year. eceas -1 . -V 6 * . a 6-4 i I .1 ++ 19-11-++ i +++ I . � J A 11 I I I i michael. Cabb6g�, J Carmi hael, wm Sad- attendance wasj�ot large, nor, were the ex. brief illness. � � I I nativi of Searboro,l where his father settled wan late when he star Jed Igor home, and the : .� . I i i I : i � . L I ' . . d in 17 3. :,During Ais long leareer he wit- hostler hayin� rctired. he undertook t I ler.l ... Cauliflow ',N,m S�dler Wat r melorle, hibits specially 111111 - -A cable fr in Sy ney, Australia, to 0 get, i , ' is i ; I merous. I - i I I � SL i nes9e, I the devel merit o is native aee out hill owu . � I G �male. Mus melon 3110 Norris. -The hc me c1l' Mr. Wm. M r. W. G. I le j; Deputy Minister of PI , horse, The place being dark, A ; : I I I S S r ID9, 0 e I L 01DID OrT - i I : . Outawa., announces trorn kstiugglingbackwoods settlement to a I . . i Pumpkin, C riffin, w Hyde. Table 4th concession DI *Goderich I owns IP9 was Tradeand 1 o me co, he mistook & grey co�, for his animal � nd i - � , I � . I I . , L ' � I . I . I � i 11(jumbes, J A orrip, L M Mmilt)a. Marn- the scene �c I a veiry prett t dressed hogs i cold storage, which are one o the finest to, nshi in Ontario. Mrb threw the harness over her back, but when -_ I I . I y welding n Wed- tha � I - .. � I I . I - � selling at 1�4 to 16 en'ta per p und in Aue- Annih aeryed on the towns3ip, council for he came Do put on tho bridle the horns :ex- . I r' named .moth eqnaab, N* Oliver, L�M amilton. nesday, 80 )terq�er, 24th, it bo Ing , the mar- - . , Men and boys' Fall and Winter needs 0 be cleared u at lees . I 1. i . - I I : p �i : .'Citrons ,for preaierving, T Vivian. Collee- riage o eir jolughter,MiSA �Sdra,41 M., to tralia, ade fre 'of duty. IT, is thought several terms and ifor many years acted as � posed bi3 mistake, �and be was scarcely able i I , i I . I re in 11 . I � � Ontario b 'ustic 3 of it 7 � I I . � ,ktion table veget bles, win Sadler. Celery, Mr. John ,H. 10rawford, Of Sault Ste. that, ata' 4 9 J I '�eacZ He was a Liberal and I below : I a these fig re , Western 0 ,he I to contain himself with laughing.. He soon - � i Iiv e r, w m. Marie, Michiga�% Rev. �, r t'm ted to mal e Some Ship- a pror. iineat supporter of the Methodist got assistanceand was quickly on his way .1 . . Joh McNeil, of raisers ma as e . - Men's heavy weight trousers i I 11 1. �5 W URY - ments. I yl � I er � . I a pair . , 9 � , P ,ucE.-Butter,.rollhi or prints, Bayfield,'was & offi6iating iniater, aril I i � I churei. Deceasedlissurvived by a ven - home. " I . . ROD I r � . . � L e: : - -Mr. J . 11 M I Ewan -I,c fell from a able i id6w1and a amily of sons and daugh- -The asmi-annu leonference of Roman Men's worsted trousers a pair i 1.50 GIr mal I : he couple was Lattended, I e eremonk &I,, ! - - . �1 , L M Vamilbon, Joa eing witnessed; by only imm iate relatives roof in .G0 lies e Des -1 .of tlid Counties of Perth, a I ; P_U _Plu � d y Of last. week, ters, ell of whom are settled� near the old C*tboli I - . I F -urr,-Plu a P c pries a I ; I � I . . � . n I . I I I - � I I : . rr I i i' � okem, di I . t this year at Strat- I . . ; eo, Jno of the contracti4g parties. . 1 and bad hi� :)ac Men's heavy gloves and mitts a pair i 1 3,5 Ha ilton, No tbern Spies, � R X I i ,k b I ed in tht, hospit� h6meE tead. Oxford and HlIron.mo I I i . . ti wa's- per- ,- I I � i . , ' A very sad accident occurred at the fo . � I Carinich�el. Rhode Island ' Greaniugs, H -What might I in that to Wn *on Sa irday.. He rd. Themeetingwas presided over by I I Alen's heavy top shirts each I � 50 1 1 . have been, P serious ' ac- a - T . . I I . Yeol, Jos Norris. '�Baldwins,';Robt flo-gartil, , fectly conscious an �emaine so to the last, home of Mr. Alex. Card, _* Woodbridge, one Right Rev. F Sucis P, MoUvay, Bishop of , � cident occurred 1� at Mr; D. Ocatreicher's, I I I I . I . ''I an T . Men's Fall I . list Friday.:, Messrs. John � I � j 6, with Rev. jArc-y and Father and Winter Caps I C a4d 50 H )�ieo. Golden ruasets,1. H Yeo, R'E Switi- near Credilon, ,. . moment. Lebease was in his 5lat year, eveni g last week. Mine Amy� Card, his Londo I all 'known carpen �er in Galt for youngeet daughter,, had lit the tantern and 0,Neil.,Of Kii kors, a exarr�liriers. Besides - - ) - . , to 1.50 Zer. � King Tompkin, J N Orris, i H Yeo. Wind and Willi m Brown *�Ore in the act and was a w , .1 I i Men s lVall and Winter Vests � 7 C Snow. Joe Hamilton, Thba.Apnis. 1 Talmau. of placing i hea y sleeper on 4hoi I 6 - of the 20 years. I I I I I wag going outilde when sh tripped -on these there wi we prea at Uf,v. Fathers Con- � '� I I W. 11 ! : . . . I - � � Men's inedium and -heavy undershirts odd ' - �, 50 -A fatal accident occurred at Deloro, something and the lantern exploded, setting. n )- Bre an Cor - I ) 1� . S webts, T An nis, H Yeo. il, Maiden's blush, -stable whei the platform' gate way under I . I . . 611y, Ingerso , , i t. Marys ; - / : Jo.%'Hamilton, L M. Hain on. Faillawater, . Hastings 0 unty, by which Wort. Young fire to her, clothing. - She rlin�! odtFide and coran, Seafoi �� ; nan, Logan; Cook) - - . their feet ad hey were throv�'n to the ; - ; . . 'f timber on I i - I I 1 $ Men's medium and heavy odd drawers - 1 50 1 bbr !to try t3 put Woodstock -, 1 Noon lucan ; Fogarty, ! I T 'Vivian. Colverts, R A 8witiar, Thos ground with th heavy piece i o' lost his lifel. He mail driving with a young her sister�Aggie followed I n � . . . .. M­� 's heavy smocks, lined and waterproof ; 01.2 0 61.50 Annie. Spitzenburg, C Gl.iffin. Dy other top of the . d a severe lady when � ( as of th lines broke, and the out the flames, and in doing so she also Dublin ; MoQormick� A-abfieldl ; Scatilon, � I _U � tp tp ,r;Brown receive ha�rplylto one E ide, throwing caught fire. The flames ha� . d 08 ured au,,h a Mount Carmel, and Tobino Stratford. Ques- ., ` I I I variety. R Hogartb, H 00. Grimes' gash acroeE the1wrist and I It. ' ind was horse turned a t � I � I ' I g th� - . ; Collection of a pples, R Istruck on the log above th 3 � kn e, 9 )a. , i . theol4i an i � Alen's reefers, blue and grey � $3.50i bD $4.50, GoI4,3n, H Yeo. I q which. Mr. Youn ' ck' in � �the bui gy with his , start on Amy's clothin 't it was impos tions on d! the � church'is hiistory - , ed frieze overcoats . - Ouse a cane ve since. It companion (In to The injuries tible to extiognish them sna ell � was liter- and otheris ps itaining -to t6e affairs of the . . , � Men's double breast ... $4.6 ' to $5.50 Hogarth, T Anui@* Crab apples, R, Hogarth, bas caubed him t .., i � ' ,I L . ! . Won '[Sadler. Winter pears, C Griffin, Thos is indeed vDry fOrtunate th�t tney were not produced Fbritoni.inj from he effects of ally burned toa crisp. Aggie,vias seriously Ch-.Urch at large -were i0cussed, J . I � . . J - Boys' Fall suits, two piece , 1 $1.50 Annie. Fall pears, JnoSMollraitb. Peaches, more se I i - ured. -_ I which he died after ffe log. burned about the legs, and's e will re- -One CA the saddB t arcideatmof the year _�__�, � _ "Y Jr1c. � ' L I . I r'o :'b -The alurriin� o g' " au oil �ge and their cover, but there ar no hopes fo Amy. d in Detroit Boys' heavy suits, sizes 26 to 33, 1.1 ' ' 2.25 won 0liver, Jno 8 McIlraith. t I -A chating ut quiet �eddjtng � graced . was that whi h b `0 I �, . (lox 0 0 "O ' : . j! HORTICULTURE AND f10?qE - I�ANUFXC- the home ('f MrTan Mrs. Ja riendsgenerallyna5d in wgualizing the _A fatal so-4dent occurr4d O the Don- cently, kv ' ward MeCa � �: 11 d mes uffield, of f . � Nihich Zip"'E'd ffrey. �! � q Boys' all wool heavy ribbed stockings ! 1! - 25 - , 0: Rev. Principal Cav-' road, near the"'Thorneeliff farm, on Tuee- -etipected resident of L I ­ 1! - TURES.—Maple sugar, J A.Norria.1 H Ye'o. Wingham, on �Wednesday, :A set week, fiftieth anniverrar� , an old and un�veroall r 1: . 61ministry by a banquet day after iiidle,i a respected thia coun eath: He had on �, 11 a when their d,,u 'hle as an's entran into -h � � - , .g - 0 � Boys' caps -25c, 40c and 50c caps for 25c H,,nej, extrikcte& G Smale. Honey 1 r, Miss eitnie lair, w 1 - I - % - " 1 L � M Hamilton. united in marrilge to Mr. Geor e oe, the i I resident of Todmorden I -at to Detroit'r,'n Saturday morniing to visit bit I I I cc I b, Jobeph Hamilton, of the i on Monday a ght i the hall j` the college. !or five iears,fell o I I Boys' odd coats for school L $1A�,, to V1.50 P in ries, John 8 McIlraith, L popular bcst Queen'f" lhot6l, in that There wefe coupe Of -hrind red or more of a buggy. and broke his ineek. He Was daughter, Mrs. Wm'� Skelten. Between I- II reserved rasp�er I - ' a' - M Hamilton. Preserved tomatoes, T town. Promptlly at 12:30, a the wedding present and the cc sai-on was c f an extreme- turning ar, the foot of the ri. Hill and lost seven end 8 o'clock h wad ridfbg on La -street I . , Boys' knee, pLaUtS - .25c) 5% and 750 ly pleasing ature. i I his balance. The fall was ithessed by aev- step -while tbe ear � I', Vivian, wm Jeffrey. Jelly, � 8 Mellraith, march was beinj played by Miss Hoogbton, i - I . ,car, and slipped off a � , 0 ! � bread , Huntsville, a retired eral of tho neighbors, who r n to his assist- was ar� full speed, p�oba�bly '>O nifics an. , Boys'7 heavy cotton and wool stoekinors, 2 pair for 11 25C L M Hamilton. Rome madoi bread, 9 the cont cting parties prosented Ghem- - Mr. H. S. M a of I 2 a . 9� . - I � � I .: � . A Norrig.Miss E Ferguson. Acme selves bef re Rev. Win. Lowe who,with the hardware m8rchan , about 65 years of age, s,nee, but, he -was dead when 'they reached hour. Hz fell On the p�ivemlent at the i . ; Boys' reefers—blue, grey arld brown I 1 $2.50 Juo ir I ppressiv( ritual of the EngliE h c I hureb tied while attempting t� b�ald a ripidly moving him. County-, Constable Saud ersov, of Wex- corner of 14th and -15th str"ts, striking his I 0 ade soap, H Yeo, J A Norris. ' Peaches - 1. I . . � Roys' lonrf double breasted frieze overcoats $3.00 to $3. 50 in d and peal 8, J A Norris, J S Moll- the nuptia I knot� The briae was pr'ttily f reight trair ,:on T ealay af te -roon, fell bb. ford, took charge of the body 'until the ar- head. H-3 was tak,en:at once to the boa. - preserve . . . : - - _. :1 - L> raith. Plume, preserved, 14 M Hamilton. g I owned aid wasiattended y 6 her little tween the � M neels o the van End the plat. rival of the coroner, Dr. Bond, of Eglinton, piral, where be passed a -way about mid- - Boys* underclothing, fleece and wW, suit . 75� to $1.00 � I � I His after which it was removed �to the deceased's night, Mr..MeCaffrey had been on & farm � I . . Cherries, preser-vod, J A No�rrip, J S Me- 0: 4 1 � I � - . I . 14 i hy He , as flower form, and *as v ry badly injured. .. � I ; "ba were bro-ken .and home . i I , Ilraitb. Strawberries, preeerved, J S Me- g�rl. I . _,�, - . shoulder bone and ri . ,. ab Todmorden Mr. 1, Windle was in-E,-Iice for many years and came to Strat- . I . MaDy other line's not lmell�ioned hero will i; be Itraitb, J A Norrip. Gooseberries R A i -Oa NV edne 'ay of last week, Wilfrcd crushed, andbis he d !struck a - known locally as a naturalist 'an d botanist. ford six years 40. -- had been county i I L i . � is thought I e- cannot live. y an xle. It He was si� native of Glo yearli. � I . I Switzer, J 8 McItraith. .Collection' out $af tel, yc unge:� son of M r.� 9'. C Naf tel of I . lacestershire, Eng- coafs-Lable for over , cleared out at sale [Price. � I i I 7 I -Dr. W. B. Co an, an lold practitioner, land, and him age was 62ye��x#_� 'He had no -The 34iL co_r4c,r of last, -week . . � flowers, J S McIlraith. Collec�ion of potted Goderic , met with an accident that will tchell I I - I ' fferer relatives in this country. I I -Mr. R. Bab. retwrme on Saturday - . I lanti, J S MoUralth, L M Hami ton. lay him u ) for stme time. threshing was of Guelph,' isdead. He ha,d,been a an I I says : . .1 I 11 I � in progree 3 on th ir ' 11i - ;v - 99-29: M les,JMeltlaith, C Robins. Tomato , farm nj tl�e Bayfield for the past four ye ro'from internal troub- -On Tueiday morning of last week Mr. ff(-,m hir, visit to ma toba and the Matho 7 . � 9 U :� U F"A I � � 0a p, J A Norr;s, win Jeffrey. I p r' ad, commonly inown as BNck's point, and les,and tinlerweh atiort abouta W. H. Tucker, a young fat'rmer who lived dist conference. He vitited a -number -of . I W le P � I I i iiia ho at old friends ait variQus pr:ints, among them . ; I III Pr&c- on what is known as the McY*ay farm, abo syr p, J A Norris, G Smale. tie separt ,tor wals being moved from one year ago in 0 tal. He was* . . I ,idney, and fo d - I I �, - NuyAcTunm.' Miss Nellie Crei bton b %ru t e othell. As the in"bine was be. tice in Guel 3h for 3 ,years Wid was born in I one mile 6outh of Ingersoll committed. sui- Mr. Thx)rn-si Babb, of b un uo tl . � � Butter and Eggs, taken as Oa Sh. ' I i ij Ig t k�n North Dam �ries in 8�0. Tht doctor waa� a I Cide. T oker w ttle ihem all well, but some of -them advianced -- I . I took all prizes, I , I up the� incline to phe barsu, one of , the h ad of the Ii Mr. Babb is very much taken "' a I " ImPLzimams.-Top Buggy, wrn Babb, let t is chain holdi6g the fron�, wheels in poBi- strong Refo -mer inj politics. He leaves a I family, hich consisted of his widowed in Yeats. N I I � . I country an � - - - - - - - and 12nd. Critter, win � Babb, let � and: 2ad. t.on snap : ol, svp both thelmachine and the widow. and hree c9dien. I mother, one brother and! sev�rsl sisters. with the tb- -.:hanees for ad- __ V�w - %11W1WW1W1W1W1W. ement there. if be were 45 instead of � � 1. a plow, Johni McCulloch, let and 'oung in a werelprecipita(ed ov�'er the en- -TorontA i apple buyers say that the crop Tucker r so early in the mornin and started vane . . � he monlif cilt loose Irdin 2nd. Rootcutter or . ulpet, John MpOul- ankmen , fallin� a distance of, about six throughout the P1 ovince is turning out i t do the'Ordinary chores arouni the farm. 65 years of age I Tb unfortunsti ;f6IIOW it I ' d earlier in . Af cow h4 abandoned big � . i I i bore and Litrike for there at ne% He did 9 loch. � � feet. 3 Y6UDg GUS- much better than I promme th. I , ter milking one : . e ut there and .. � . . Notonlyi i6large, ut-tne qua] - i %little spe-Atatirig w'il I I season'. I- ' � LA-Dms' WORK.— Je pne shirt, home t1lained a double firacture ia� the left thigh, . tauk, we4t into the barn' and 'locked the ­ 1, rl �� . I - . made, win Hodge, Mis E Ferguson. Pair thou - gh j c a t what caused t �e break age is D ot ity of the f I nit has mproved. The fungus ' door. - Taking a tie -strap, he put one end brougbt home with him .a cl ar $600 made Greig S ewart I " . deal. He bought a stletion of land, . I nown. � ,noticeable i a the early autumn baa pretty : around big neck, and climbing fiato a wagon, 111,611e 1 5 woollen stockiings, Mis N Creighton. Wool- 'i i I ... � � . 540 acres, when he fiii,at went out &ad sold ; . en oacks, N Creighton Woollen mitts, N I -Over eighte�n years go Mr. Iared generally d, aappeared�i and th 3 apples have : he ttachcd the other end ;to a thick wire . � &I it, agai,a befiw-a leavin wij.h the above re- (S-130CESSORS, TO GREIG & MAODONALD) � - Creighton. Home s�un woollen double rown, o! the L%ke road, Hiy, while work- 'filled out well, wi ious, blemi�ah. i runnirig between two beatas of the barn. I I . . slowly bult. He 'UnIals stilt... oth-,r spetion which I . I on. ingle Mine N i g on hi farm � had the isfortue to lose The cro I He t1len * . � . yarn. N Crefght , yarn, 1i p is pretty.we I istri' utf-d. S%us- I I Jumped off thel rig 'and i I - Creighton. Vatchwor .quilt, win Hodge. pocket ook co6taining ne-hundred dol- factory reports are to be ha( from almost . choked to death. His absence was noted by he can turn over Ut a Pilear profit of $1,000, 1 4 1 a en- Thie is one vf the thii igs tlia-� helps any man Crochet or kn'tted ui t. Miss E Fergu on's 4, ti )n, and t)id dealei a say that it � his yo �er brother, who oo gaining a . -1 - ! i auk bills. Dilige I at search every sec 4 L u � , I , I ; 'taR I , I 11 _ I �Ai I M I I . �� � D I I HkR T ES Yly la : , 1, a - I - ,-I _n k�' 'at week t is . T , s I: 7rt d7 � , �, A - I : I I I . 'ff. � , Ii i .�J , I �_ i�l ; 6 �' � , J, , �, , 'rl 'I 1�1i, I . I . W... I i , � Johnson ' Bros." Old Stand, Crazy work, -Win Je ro y, Uisp E Ferguson. at the ti was inade in a I likely quartera now looks as if tbre' f1moss' &I Many &PPICS trance as horrified at seeing to thin]- -17I Of a coutktry, bat no one will - I I . � . - - . . - . Sofa cushion, Miss N . Creighton, Jos Norris. for the lo it money but without ivail. The win be pacl led this ytar - as were barreled - the bod banging there. Re out ib down grudys -Nlr� Babb bis piur. He well de.- . � es I . SMI A JT01RrT I Arrozene, work. N d�eighton, J NorriB. search wi a finall� abandoned and all hopes last year. The priee� however, is not so and sum oned medical aid, bU641ife was ex. sery all Che good fo �Iuue th.0 falls to Us -- I . I �_ I . Drawn worki J Norris, Miss ,Ferguson. ita relvery wtre at an end until one diky high, ranging from,501cents. to $1 a barrel , tinot. lit in Eupposed that'Ta4er'A suicide , lot." I � I . I I :_tok : 1� . � .t � I .I- I I � I I . I I . I : . I � � i i i I I I ! � I � j I ! �_ � : . . � ­­ - . I � I I � I I I I . I . z � I � I � � I I I � . - ­ , i I __1